Rademacher Dream Ended, Hr Vjwhwl
CLASSIFIED ADS, Pages C-6-14 C IMMHMMHHH W)t fining sHaf SPORTS WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1957 kk . Y^k Rademacher Dream Ended, Hr VjwHwl , . ¦ ¦ |f But He Gave It a Good Try , */ Patterson Wins by KO in 6 - LoughranSays • / . a- '•* %>¦ ' Injury ' •%* ,%¦ :&# :? .. V\fefit#%. ;; *• Musial'* ; .: *., : *£>• ':-:->\ :, ', ¦ k- ..::s. .. -.<• tl> Sg| **&(<.¦¦¦¦• ¦m& ?:sWW*fc WMW•-•••- W'?r***Y:J;'*•':. :*.V« t:s' : . :t: ', • >,- . *.£;* ' ?• . •;'-^ Being r ’v. x ; c.s-\ .*¦ Loser Should After Down Himself SEATTLE, Aug. 23 TP).—Floyd Patterson, the cool de- IgF Cripples Cards Up Ring stroyer who holds the world heavyweight championship, cut Give down powerful Pete Rademacher last night and ended A — SEATTLE, Aug. 23 (A*). the big ex-football player’s dream of stepping from the SB • Bp SsE . K» Referee Loughran, Tommy one amateur peak to the pinnacle of the pros. For 10 Days of the great light-heavyweight away pounds—the champion weighed champions of yesteryear, today Giving 15 187 to By the Associated Press advised Pete Rademacher to Rademacher’s 202 Floyd " The pennant hopes of the quit the ring. decked the courageous chal- . and hurt, and the few blows he St. Louis Cardinals were hand- At the same time he said lenger seven times at Sick’s ] landed in the sixth lacked sting. ed a devastating blow today Floyd Patterson could become Stadium before Pete took the ; He clinched and, as Loughran when Stan Musial learned that as great a heavyweight cham- full count at 2:57 of the sixth i moved in to separate them Pat- he will be out of action for 10 pion as Jack Dempsey.
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