D < F Ff! Doctor Says News Stories Misquote

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D < F Ff! Doctor Says News Stories Misquote 20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Feb. 22. 1989 INVITATION TO BID The Elohth Utilities District, I CONDOMINIUMS VACATION CARS 32 Main Street, Manchester, FOR SALE RENTALS FOR SALE Connecticut seeks bids for Smells The story Salute two (2) 4.5 Air Paks. N Bid soeclflcations mav be ob­ MALLARD View. Dis­ CAPE COD. Yarmouth. 3 FOR Sale. 1986 Suzuki tained during normal busi­ tinctive duplexes and ^ Specioli» D < f ff! bedrooms, 1 block to Q uad Sport 230. $1200 or ness hours (9:00 A.M. to 5:00 townhouses. Located 1II ocean. Excellent loca­ best otter. 871-0014. Nose study offers Talk about Boggfe article P.M .) Monday thru Saturdov ............................ *1 I The Thin Blue Line: from the Dispatcher at the on a private protective tion. Available June- 1980 P O N T IA C Sunbird. cul-de-soc, this new November. 647-7234. Automatic, power EIGHTH UTILITIES DIS­ f --------------------— wider knowledge /7 TRICT FIREHOUSE, 32 Main subdivision of auallty 3 I c H CARPENTRY/ I NEVER PLACED o wont steering, power dominates Red Sox camp /II \ ^ special supplement Street, Manchester, Connec­ bedroom townhouses d O CHH-D c a r e I 2 2 J REMODELING | ad? There’s nothing to It brakes, air condi­ ticut. 06040. and duplexes await ^ F L O O R IN G [ M l flo o ring Sealed bids will be received ... lust dial 643-2711 and tioner, Am/Fm at the obove address until your Inspection. Kit­ E X P E R IE N C E D 14 y ea r we'll help you word and cassette stereo. High 7:00 P.M., on Monday, chens haye oak ca­ old girl looking for RENOVATIONS place vour ad. mileage, needs some M arch 6, 1989, at which time binets, range, oyen, babvsitling work. Por­ PLUS Simon Simon work. $500 or best otter. they wli: be publicly opened, dishwasher, refrigera­ ter Street area. $2.50 647-9004, after 6pm. read aloud and recorded. tor and bullt-ln mlcro- Complete Home TILEMASTERS INDUSTRIAL Bids shall remain valid for per haur. Call Jennv, I 1982 TOYOTA Tercel. thirty (30) dovs from the bid waye oyens. Fire- 643-8579. Maintenance PROPERTY 83K, Am/Fm. Asking opening dote. The District placed living rooms, R e p a ir / R en e w Tl](^ S dibb dM(J InbtdlldllU ll $1800. Call Linda, 647- reserves the right to relect I'/J baths with full vani­ CLEANING Ceilings, Walls. Painting, MANCHFSTEP MANCHESTER. 14,000 8691 or 647-1419.________ any and all bids for any rea­ ties, separate full base­ square feet. Industrial son deemed to be In the best m ents, 2 zoned base­ SERVICES Papering, Carpentry Interest of the District. ■ T1LEMASTERS, INC 6 a S - 0 3 5 B space, available Imme- board heating systems, Intured Senior Discount dlately, offices In ­ {AUTO EIGHTH UTILITIES Andersen permashleld CLEANING cluded. Howland Real SERVICES DISTRICT Strviclnp th# Manch9»t«r 1 Wil- 646-2253 Joseph Tripp thermopane windows, We are bath remodel and ceramic tile specialists. Estote, 643-1108. luxurious wall to wall Hmontic orto. Hon«if and rallo* Fire Commissioner bit coupit to clton vour homt, ★ CARROUSEL HOME Let us win your confidence! Call us today for a LAREWS CAR carpeting and attached manrhfalfr IrralJi Dated at Manchester, CT offict or windows, f vtors tx* IMPROVEMENTS free estimate, commercial or residential. I WANTED DETAIUNG. 06040 this 15th day of garage. Come see the ptritnct ond rtftrtnct*. Coll TO RENT Thorough cleaning February, 1989. mode for tomorrow. Laurit for o frtt ottlmott. •ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS Member Chamber of Commerce You own your own lot inside-out. Wash, wax, 035-02 742-0267 GARAGE Needed tor au­ shampoo rugs, etc. Call and house. No associa­ •REMODELING now and make your tion fees. Competi­ •STORM DOORS - tomobile. Vicinity ot I HOMES I BOOKKEEPING/ Highland Street. Call appointment for March I Thursday, Feb. 23, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City ot Village Charm 3 0 C e n ts tively priced from WINDOWS I MISCELLANEOUS 645-8441. FOR SALE $149,900. Blanchard & INCOME TAX ELECTRICAL after 5, 649-7071. Rossetto Realtors," •PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BOLTON. Owner financ­ We’re Selling Houses" {AUTOS FOR PAINTING ELECTRICAL & GSL Building Mainte­ ing available. Almost 646- 2482.D 1988 INCOME TAXES Merchandise RENT/LEASE new 3 bedroom Ranch, •SENIOR CITIZEN SECURITY WORK nance Co. Commercl- MANCHESTER. We have Consultation / Preparation al/ResIdentlal building Bush hunts garage. $158,000 Flano tw o! Spacious 2 bed­ DISCOUNT Fire, Burglar and FREE Mileage on low Realty, 646-5200.a Individuals ! Freeze Alarms. repairs and home Im­ room light and bright provements. Inferior cost auto rental. Vil­ Doctor says Sole Proprietors FREE ESTIMATES BOLTON. Five room units featuring new 643-6053 and exterior painting, FURNITURE lage Auto Rental, 643- Ranch on almost 5 contemporary kitchen, F A R A D A Y D RYW ALL 561-2020 light carpentry. Com­ 2979or 646204A__^_^ «■> for peace wooded acres. $170,000. 2 parking spaces, con­ Dan Mosler 649-3329 SIX Hardwood Chairs, Interior Construction plete lanitorlal ser­ Flano Realty, 646- venient to highway and vice. Experienced, rel­ comb back, wlndsor- {MISCELLANEOUS AIK Complete accounting services Fully Insured/Free Estimates DUMAS ELECTRIC style. $45 a piece. 649- 5200.g__________________ busline. Call for de­ Service changes, addi­ iable, tree estimates. AUTOMOTIVE tails. Low $100's. Cen­ Including A/R, A/P. P/R. G/L. Wllllim Firidiy 8412.___________________ in Mideast BOLTON. Spectacular P&L Statement and quarterly tional wiring and repairs on 643-0304. four bedroom Contem­ tury 21 Epstein Realty, 120^643-8880 existing homes. Quality QUEEN size sleeper sofa, FOR Sale. Car tor parts. news stories tax returns. Can design p o r a r y . l '/2 a c re s . 647- 8895.n Quality Guaranteed At work at affordble prices. h a w k e s TREE Ser v ic e antique blue with tiny $100 best o tter. 649-9233. additional applications Affordable Prices Relate(d stories, Birch Mountain area. MANCHESTER. Desira­ Entirely owner operated. 27 Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump Ivory pattern. Excel­ Wet bar, hardwood ble Ansaldl built Condo tailored for your business years exp. Call Joseph lent condition. $400. picture on page 5 needs Call 644-6191. removal. Free estimates. » New Pricing Policy s floors, more. Moye In with Atrium doors to I PAINTING/ Dumas 648-52S3. Special consideration for 646-5115._______________ fo r Spring. $315,000. F l­ patio. Full basement PAPERING elderly and handicapped. ano Realty, 646-5200. □ and unfinished upstairs I CARPENTRY/ raTV/STEREO/ I VOLUME I By Terence Hunt with rought plumbing. io n c h e a t in g / misquote him The Associated Press BOLTON. Cedar sided REMODELING 6 4 7 - 7 5 5 3 APPLIANCES seven room Contem­ Fully eauipped kitchen PAINTING & ID U I p l u m b in g I PRICING I porary, whirlpool, cen­ and raised hearth fire­ ELECTRIC Stove. Sears, TOKYO — President Bush tral vac. $327,900. place. Excellent loca­ FARRAND REMODELING WALLPAPERING DISTRIBUTION 20", 4 burner. White £ BARGAINS 2 By the Manchester Herald tion. $132,900. D.W. Room additions, decks, roof­ PJ's Plumbing, Heating S arrived in Japan today and Choose colors today. Free Estimates LABELS Nutone Coppertone « s ’ Flano Realty, 646-5200. Fish R ealty, 643-1591 .□ ing, siding, windows and gutt­ Air Conditioning Range hood with vent immediately plunged into a ser­ ers. All types of remodeling and Boilers, pumps, hot water Tired ot manually addressinp * New Pricing Policy ' Dr. Ali Imran Hashmi, a □ CONDO. $66,900-$89,900. Call John to outside. Very good ies of mini-summits with world repairs. Call Bob Farrand. Jr. tanks, new and distribution mall ~ we can medical director at Manchester leaders. Against the backdrop of MANCHESTER. Moye In 8% CHFA Approyed. 649-3331 replacements. automate this process providinp condition. Ideal tor •B202A Ranch and townhouses Bus. 647-8509 Quality service for a reasonable apartment or summer Memorial Hospital, said in a condition. Three bed­ FREE ESTIMATES an imperial Japanese funeral, he In cosmopolitan down­ price Call 644-6191. cam p. Both to r $75. 1987 Buick Park Avenue report published today that he room dormered cape. Res. 645-6849 4 Door Sedan began his search for an elusive 1'/? baths, finished fa m ­ town location near li­ I ROOFING/ 643-9649/228-9616 Manchester, 646-0271. had been misquoted by two peace settlement in the Middle ily room. $137,900. Fl­ brary, shopping, bus. CARPENTRY WORK SIDING Now > 1 2 ,8 8 0 ^ ” newspapers in stories saying that East. ano Realty, 646-5200. a Brick and charming All Phases Household vinegar Is an Angelic Home I^CAMERAS/PHOTO •Q11BA he endorsed the execution of After a 16-hour flight from with priyate entrances, Framing, Roofs. Siding. Trim. effective and Inexpensive British novelist Salman Rushdie open floor plan and LEAKY ROOF? Care Registry 1 ^ EQUIPMENT Washington, Bush went directly MUST SELL Regisisred & Fully Insured Mott roofa can bt rtpalrtd. fabric softner when added for writing ‘‘The Satanic Manchester, great some with decks In Vary Raaaonabla Prices to the final laundry rinse. Local registry offers quality MINOLTA XG-1, 35mm to the U.S. ambassador's resi­ rear, handy also to in plact of total rtrooflng tiptnael Verses.” 'if: Quality Work / Free Eatlm alas Compittt rtrooflng of all typta. Classified Is the effective care... lower cost to patients... Camera with 45mm dence for lunch with French family home, 6 Room Route 384. Anne M iller Cape, 3 large bed­ and Inexpensive way to companions, home makers, lens, zoom lens, auto The Hartford Courant reported President Francois Mitterrand Real Estate, 647-8000.O 742-1579 FREE ESTIMATES fa064A today that Hashmi said he had rooms 1'/4 baths.
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