
R I D I A N T O NIM: 19318

Submitted to Fulfill One of the Requirements to Get Master Degree in Education



Ridianto. 2012. Kontribusi Strategi Belajar Berbicara dan Motivasi Mahasiswa terhadap Keterampilan Berbicara di STAIN Batusangkar. Tesis. Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Negeri Padang.

Penelitian ini berawal dari minimnya aplikasi strategi belajar berbicara mahasiswa yang telah mereka pelajari dan rendahnya motivasi dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris. Hal ini terlihat dalam berbicara, sebahagian dari mahasiswa masih ada yang yang tidak mau berbicara bahasa Inggris. Mereka hanya berbicara jika ditanya saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sumbangan strategi belajar berbicara dan motivasi terhadap keterampilan berbicara pada mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris STAIN Batusangkar.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester VI Jurusan Tarbiyah, Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI) STAIN Batusangkar tahun akademik 2011/2012, yang berjumlah 80 orang. Sampel penelitian diambil sebanyak 62 orang mahasiswa dengan menggunakan teknik Stratified Proportional Random Sampling berdasarkan pendapat Isaac and Michael dalam buku Sugiyono. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket untuk variabel strategi belajar berbicara dan motivasi, dan tes untuk variabel keterampilan berbicara. Seluruh data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 16.

Temuan menunjukkan bahwa:1) strategi belajar berbicara memberikan sumbagan sebesar 41.6 % terhadap keterampilan berbicara dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 45.66%, 2) motivasi berbicara memberikan sumbangan sebesar 19.9 % terhadap keterampilan berbicara dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 21.84%, dan 3) sumbangan strategi belajar berbicara dan motivasi secara bersama-sama memberikan sumbangan terhadap keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris sebesar 45.6% dan sumbangan efektif sebesar 67.5%. Ini berarti bahwa 54.4% keterampilan berbicara mereka dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain seperti sikap, percaya diri, IQ dan lain sebagainya

Berdasarkan temuan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi belajar berbicara dan motivasi mahasiswa memberikan sumbangan terhadap keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris pada mahasiswa semester VI STAIN Batusangkar.

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Ridianto, 2012. The Contribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill at STAIN Batusangkar. Thesis. Graduated Program. State University of Padang.

The research problem was lack of the application of students‘ speaking learning strategies that have learned and low of their motivation in speaking English. It can be shown in speaking, most of the students are unwilling to speak English, and they will speak up when they are asked to. This research was aimed to find and describe the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill of English Department of STAIN Batusangkar.

This research was a correlational design. The populations of this research were 80 students at Semester VI of the English Department of STAIN Batusangkar registered in 2011/2012 academic year. The sample of this research was 62 students who were taken by using Stratified Proportional Random Sampling Technique based on the Isaac and Michael opinions in Sugiyono. The data were collected by using questionnaires for students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation, and test for their speaking skill. All data were analyzed by using SPSS version 16.0 for windows.

Research finding showed (1) the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies was 41.6% toward their speaking skill and effective contribution was 45.66%, (2) the contribution of students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill was 19.9% and effective contribution was 21.84%, and (3) the contribution of both students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation altogether toward their speaking skill were 45.6% and effective contribution were 67.5%. It means that 54.4% of students‘ speaking skills were affected by other factors such as attitude, self-confidence, IQ and many others

Based on the finding of the research, it can be concluded that students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation contributed significantly toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar.

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I would like to thank all of those who have contributed in different ways to my thesis. Therefore, in this occasion, I would like to sincerely thank my advisors,

Prof. Drs. Zainil, M.A, Ph.D. and. Dr. Hamzah, M.A, M.M, who have given a great deal of continuous guidance, valuable advice, meaningful contributions, time and help in completing this thesis. I would also like to thank my contributors and examiners, Prof. Dr. Anas Yasin, Dr. Hj. Desmawati Radjab, M. Pd. and Dr.

Ridwan, M.Sc, Ed, who provided comments, contribution, and constructive feedback for the betterment of this thesis.

Then, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Hasan Zaini, M.A, as the Rector of

STAIN Batusangkar and all staffs who have permitted and facilitated me in conducting the research. I would also like to thank to the lecturers of Speaking V who kept in touch and contributed helpful effort in doing the research in their classrooms. Also, I would like to thank to all of the VI semester students of the

English Department of STAIN Batusangkar.

Finally, to all my friends, thank you for your understanding and encouragement in my many, many moments of crisis. Your friendship makes my life a wonderful experience. I cannot list all the names here, but you are always on my mind.

Padang, Januari 2013

The Researcher

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This thesis is dedicated to my dearly beloved mother (Marnis) and father

(Syamsuli), who have always helped me with their precious time, big effort and uncounted, continuous prayers for me success in my study, my father-in-law

(Adjis. R), my mother in law (Zahadar. S), all my brother and sister, all my brothers-and sisters-in-law who have sent their uncounted, continuous for my success in completing my study.

Furthermore, to my dearly beloved wife (Leni Ayu Pebrian, SE) and daughter (Aqila Mufida Ramadhani) who have patiently supported, motivated and prayed, and sacrificed their time and effort for me so that I always have spirit, motivation, and energy to face any handicaps that can hinder me from the completion of the thesis.

Finally, this thesis is dedicated to all those who believe in the richness of learning.

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ABSTRAK ...... ii ABSTARCT …………………………………….. iii PERSETUJUAN AKHIR TESIS …………………………………….. iv PERSETUJUAN KOMISI …………………………………….. v SURAT PERNYATAAN …………………………………….. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………. vii DEDICATION ……………………………………. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………. ix LIST OF TABLE ……………………………………. xiii LIST OF FIGURE ……………………………………. xv LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………. xvi CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem …………………… 1 B. Identification of the Problem …………………… 6 C. Limitation of the Problem …………………… 7 D. Formulation of the Problem …………………… 7 E. Purpose of the Research …………………… 8 F. Significance of the Research …………………… 8 G. Definition of the Key Terms …………………… 9 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of the Related Theories ……….. 11 1. Students‘ Learning Strategies ……….. 11 a. Definition ……….. 11 b. Learning Strategies for Speaking ……….. 14 c. Indicators of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies ……….. 20 2. Students‘ Speaking Motivation ……….. 22 a. Definition ……….. 22 b. Types of Motivation ……….. 24

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c. The Importance of Motivation in Learning English ……….. 27 d. Indicators of Students‘ Speaking Motivation ……….. 28 3. Students‘ Speaking Skill ……….. 30 a. Definition ……….. 30 b. Factors Affecting EFL Learners‘ Speaking Skill ……….. 32 c. Types of Speaking at English Department of STAIN Batusangkar ……….. 33 d. Indicators of Speaking Skill ……….. 34 e. Testing Speaking ……….. 36 1. Techniques of Testing Speaking ……….. 36 2. Scoring Criteria of Speaking Test ……….. 37 B. Review of the Related Findings ……….. 42 C. Conceptual Framework ……….. 44 D. Hypothesis ……….. 46 CHAPTER III : METHOD OF THE RESEARCH A. Design of the Research ……...... 48 B. Population and Sample ……….. 49 C. Procedure of the Research ……….. 50 D. Instrumentation ……….. 51 1. Types of Instrument ……….. 51 2. Indicators, Arrangement of Instruments, and Scoring ……….. 53 E. Trying Out Instruments ……….. 61 F. Technique of Collecting Data ……….. 64 G. Technique of Analyzing Data ……….. 65 CHAPTER IV : FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Data Description ……...... 68

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1. The Description of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies ……….. 69 2. The Description of Students‘ Speaking Motivation ……….. 71 3. The Description of Students‘ Speaking Skill ……….. 72 B. Testing of Requirement of Data Analysis ……….. 74 1. Inferential Statistic ……….. 74 a. Testing Normality ……….. 74 b. Testing Homogeneity ……….. 75 c. Testing Linearity ……….. 75 d. Testing Independency Variables ……….. 78 e. Testing Multicolinearity ……….. 78 f. Testing ANOVA ……….. 78 2. Calculating Coefficient Correlation ……….. 79 C. Hypothesis Testing ……….. 83 1. The Contribution of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies toward Their Speaking Skill ……….. 84 2. The Contribution of Students‘ Speaking Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill ……….. 87 3. The Contribution of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill ………. 91 4. Relative Contribution and Effective Contribution ………. 94 D. Discussion ……….. 95 1. There is Contribution of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies toward

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Their Speaking Skill ……….. 95 2. There is Contribution of Students‘ Speaking Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill ……….. 97 3. There is Contribution of Both Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill ……….. 99 E. Limitations of the Research ……….. 99 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ……….. 101 B. Implications ……….. 102 C. Suggestions ……….. 102


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Table 1. Indicators of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies …………………. 21 Table 2. Indicators of Students‘ Speaking Motivation …………………. 29 Table 3. Proficiency Description …………………. 38 Table 4. Scoring Criteria for Assessing Oral presentation …………………. 41 Table 5. Distribution of Population and Sample of Research …………………. 50 Table 6. List of Trying Out Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies Indicators …………………. 53 Table 7. List of Trying Out Students‘ Speaking Motivation Indicators …………………. 54 Table 8. List of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies Indicators …………………. 55 Table 9. List of Students‘ Speaking Motivation Indicators …………………. 56 Table 10. Intensity of Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation …………………. 57 Table 11. List of Students‘ Speaking Skill Indicators …………………. 58 Table 12. Rubric of Assessing Speaking Skill …………………. 59 Table 13. Score Students‘ Speaking Skill …………………. 61 Table 14. Category of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill …………………. 65 Table 15. Statistical Result of Variables of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill …………………. 69 Table 16. Frequency Distribution Data of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies …………………. 70 Table 17. Frequency Distribution Data of Students‘ Speaking Motivation …………………. 71 Table 18. Frequency Data Distribution of Students‘ Speaking Skill Table 19. Result of Testing Normality …………………. 73 Table 20. Result of Analysis ANOVA Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies toward Their Speaking Skill …………………. 75

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Table 21. Result of Analysis ANOVA Students‘ Speaking Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill …………………. 76 Table 22. Result of Analysis ANOVA Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation …………………. 77 Table 23. Analysis of Correlation Value of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill …………………. 79 CorrelationTable 24. Correlation Coefficient Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill …………………. 81 Table 25. Level of Significance Pearson Product Moment …………………. 82 Table 26. Table of Coefficient …………………. 83 Table 27. Regression Coefficient between Speaking Learning Strategies and Speaking Skill …………………. 84 Table 28. Calculation for F Testing Speaking Learning Strategies and Speaking Skill …………………. 85 Table 29. Model Summary of Correlation Analysis between Speaking Learning Strategies and Speaking Skill …………………. 86 Table 30. Regression Coefficient between Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill …………………. 87 Table 31. Calculation for F Testing Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill …………………. 88 Table 32. Model Summary of Correlation Analysis between Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill …………………. 89 Table 33. Regression Coefficient between Speaking LS, Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill …………………. 91 Table 34. Calculation for F Testing Speaking Learning Strategies, Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill …………………. 92 Table 35. Model Summary of Correlation Analysis between Speaking Learning Strategies, Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill …………………. 93 Table 36. Resume of RC and EC Variable X1 and X2 toward Y …………………. 95

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Figure 1. Conceptual Framework …………………… 45 Figure 2. Research Design …………………… 48 Figure 3. Histogram of the Frequency Distribution Data of Students‘ Speaking LS …………………… 71 Figure 4. Histogram of the Frequency Distribution of Students‘ Motivation …………………… 72 Figure 5. Histogram of the Frequency Distribution of Students‘ Speaking Skill …………………… 73 Figure 6. Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual …………………… 77 Figure 7. Linier Regression Equation Line Y= a+bX1 …………………… 87 Figure 8. Linier Regression Equation Line Y= a+bX2 …………………… 90 Figure 9. Linier Regression Equation Line Y= a+bX1+cX2 …………………… 94

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Appendix I. Instruments ……………… 108 Appendix II. Trying Out of Analysis ……………… 143 Appendix III. Data of Description ……………… 163 Appendix IV. Testing Requirement of Analysis and Analyzing of Data ……………… 299 Appendix V. Letter of Recommendation ……………… 323





A. Background of the Problem

In mastering English as foreign language, there are four language skills

that have to be mastered by the English language learners. The four

interrelated language skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those

language skills are supported by English components such as language

components and non-linguistic components. Language components consist of

five components: vocabulary, fluency, grammar, pronunciation, and

comprehension. Then, non-linguistic components include body language,

intelligent, talent, self confidence, and motivation. It is expected that by

having both language and non-linguistic components, the students can perform

communication well and in turn the goals of teaching can be obtained.

Teaching English as foreign language, especially in speaking skill, is

one of the teacher roles to mediate the students to be active and comprehend

when they communicate with other people. It means that delivering ideas or

message, the listeners can catch the meaning indirectly. Furthermore, they can

also give reaction on the argumentation at the same time. Related to the goal

of learning, they are demanded to communicate naturally and fluently.

Observing the result of English teaching in , the researcher

thinks that it is not as expected yet. Even though English has been formally

introduced into schools from lower secondary level, unfortunately, there are

not many students who are able to use English actively either in spoken or in

written communication. Especially to do speaking communication, a more

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serious problem is found. At the university level, there are many students, whose major in English, still face the same problem: they do not want to and cannot speak English. What causes the problem?.

These all might be caused by several factors: intrinsic and extrinsic factors. They, for example, include the English teachers, the foreign language learners themselves, the teaching facilities, and the environment. Among these problems, in a higher education context, the researcher is interested in focusing on the language learners strategies since the aim of teaching learning process in this educational institution is self-direction or independent learning.

To realize this, language learners should play their roles very well, since the foreign language learners are the most important factor in the language learning process. Their successes or failures, in the end, will be determined by their contribution in a learning process. It means if they want to be able to speak English fluently and accurately, they need to contribute or invest their time as much as possible to reach it.

Related to the language learners, there are several factors inherent to them which influence their successes in learning. They are age, positive traits and effective strategies. The traits include intellectual predispositions (aptitude or the intellectual capacity to learn a foreign language or a kind of foreign language IQ), psychological predispositions (motivation, attitude, extroversion, inhibition, tolerance of ambiguity, learning styles, eye-ear learning), socio cultural predispositions (stereotypes, and ethnocentrism), and past experiences.


The success of learning speaking can be guaranteed with an appropriate method or material and some other factors that are related to it.

Other factors that should be considered are attitude, learning strategy, and high motivation to speaking skill. Via attitude, motivation and self- discipline/learning strategy teachings variable can play its role in gaining the ability in speaking. Teaching variable only gave some contribution to speaking ability from academic purposes. Learners are ordered to train speaking and obey their task for their academic needs. In short, if the learners want to be able to speak English well, other factors attitude, motivation, self-discipline/ learning strategy should be grown up or developed in environment.

Among the intrinsic factors that they have, in a higher education context, language learning strategies are thought to be importantly needed by the foreign language learners to attain the purpose of the education at this level, i.e, independent learners. Moreover, language learning strategy is good indicator of how learners approach task problem and encounter during the process of language learning in speaking. Language learning strategies give language teacher valuable clues about how their students assess the situation, plan, select appropriate skill so as understand, learn, or remember new input presented in the language classroom. It can be applied by the students to improve their speaking ability.

Furthermore, motivation is one of the factors that influences in speaking skill. Motivation is to inspire people to work, individually or in groups in the ways such as to produce best results. In learning English, the 4

students must have motivation. It is very important to make the students active and creative so that they will get the spirit to rich goal and objective learning.

To know whether the students have high motivation or not it can be seen from the situation of learning teaching process and the result of evaluation.

Among the previous research, the psychological variables of students, especially students‘ speaking motivation toward second language learning, was the popular subject for researcher to discover. Second language learners‘ motivations have been claimed in research and theories to be a crucial factor in influencing the achievement or the proficiency level of the second language learning. Except for motivation, second language learners‘ learning strategies are also critical toward second language learning. It was claimed that motivation may have strong impact on language learners‘ use of learning strategies. Also, it was stated that learners‘ appropriate use of language learning strategies made great contribution to the success of second language learning. So that, learners may be able to complete long-term goals if there is sufficient motivation.

Realizing the importance of speaking, English Department of STAIN

Batusangkar as one of the Islamic Institutions that provides qualified English teachers offers several subjects dealing with speaking. They are Speaking I up to Speaking V. The aims of these subjects are to prepare the students to be able to speak English naturally and communicatively. Then, language learning strategies subject only will study in the first semester. It aims that how the students use the strategies in the four language skills, especially in speaking skill. In short, the students are expected to be able to use English in a real life situation both inside and outside the classroom. 5

Ideally, the students of this English Department should use English to speak in college environment. In fact, the students in this English Department do not use in their daily communication, which give a bad influence on the students‘ speaking motivation. Then, a great number of students still ignore about their learning strategies, especially in learning speaking. If learners want to learn speaking, they have to have good strategies; those strategies are direct strategies and indirect strategies. Without those strategies they will have difficulties in improving their speaking ability. In the real life, it can be seen that many learners have strategies but unfortunately they do not know how to keep those strategies exist in their learning process. As well, they do not have environment to stimulate themselves to develop their language learning strategies.

Based on researcher‘s observation toward English Department

Students of State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Batusangkar, it found that some students are willing to speak English voluntarily. Those who are willing to speak English voluntarily seem to be better speakers of English. To speak English, they do not rely too much on their teachers or lecturers. They seek ever opportunity that can promote their speaking skills. The dependent learners, on the other hand, are often unwilling to speak English. They will speak up when they are asked to. Therefore, to help unsuccessful language learners to speak English, it hypothesized that they may need to be provided with foreign language learning tools, i.e. language learning strategies. 6

Furthermore, based on the researcher's interviewed with some students,

researcher found that there are some factors that make the students failure in

learning speaking. First, they are very afraid of making mistakes. It may be

one of effect of their previous learning experience. Second, students were

reluctant to speak English; the students do not have enough opportunities to

practice speaking English in classroom. Besides that, the students are seldom

to speak English because of the lack of vocabulary that they have and to

express their ideas in English. Third, they are afraid of failure, laughter and

ridicule. And fourth, the students have low motivation and low speaking skill

to learn English. And it is also assumed that another source of the students

speaking problems faced by English Education Department students of

STAIN Batusangkar can take place in learning strategies in speaking used by

students that is regarded as a crucial factor in the process of students‘ English


Considering the result of researcher‘s observation, interviewing and the

real problem of the students in speaking above, so the researcher would like to

look further and conduct a research about the contribution of students‘

speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill at

semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar.

B. Identification of the Problem

There are many factors that might affect or contribute to students‘

achievement in English learning. First, students‘ speaking skill is affected by

several factors, which are internal factor and external factor. The external 7

factors come from outside of the students such as learning sources, lecturer,

and method of teaching. On the other hand, the internal factors which come

from inside of the students selves such as motivation, IQ, learning strategy.

Second, the students have low affective factors in learning English,

especially learning speaking class, such as self-esteem, attitude, empathy, and

motivation. Third, students have low speaking skill to learn English for

instances pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification above, the researcher would like to limit the

problem on the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies and

motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar.

D. Formulation of the Problems

Due to the limitation of the problem above, the researcher can

formulate the problem in question form as follows:

1. Is there any the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies

toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar?

2. Is there any contribution of students‘ speaking motivation toward their

speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar?

3. Are there any contribution of both students‘ speaking learning strategies

and motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN



E. Purpose of the Research

In general, the purpose of this research is aimed at finding the

contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward

their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. In particular, the

purposes of the research were to identify and find out:

1. The contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their

speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar

2. The contribution of students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking

skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar

3. The contribution of both students‘ speaking learning strategies and

motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN


F. Significance of the Research

There are two benefits of the research, namely:

1. Practical benefit

After knowing the English speaking language learning strategies and

speaking motivation that are used by students in learning English

speaking, the finding of this research are expected to be beneficial for the

English Department of STAIN Batusangkar as information in developing

students‘ quality in learning English especially in speaking subject.

Moreover, by knowing the speaking strategies and speaking motivation

used by students‘ in speaking, English teachers/lectures can use those

speaking strategies in teaching speaking process and this finding can help 9

them to improve the students‘ speaking skill in giving material and give

motivation to them. To the learners, they can improve their speaking skill

and motivation through having some strategies that have been identified,

and also they can analyze their speaking strategies and they will be able to

know whether their speaking strategies have contribution with their

speaking ability. Besides, after knowing the English speaking language

learning strategies and motivation used by the students in speaking skill, it

will be useful for the researcher himself to teach those strategies and give

motivation to the students in learning speaking subject when he is to be a

teacher/lecturer in the future. Then, this research is as one of the

requirements master degree at UNP Padang.

2. Theoretical benefit

The research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a

research in English learning strategies, especially in English speaking

language learning strategies.

G. Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid ambiguous understanding on the problem above, the

following definitions are considered useful:

a. Students‘ speaking learning strategy is applied by language learners as a

means to acquire and to use information that learners have acquired,

recalled, and can also promote autonomous learning in speaking skill or a

set of steps, actions, ways, technique or procedures taken or followed by 10

students‘ English in order to improve their language skills in speaking

English. b. Students‘ speaking motivation is students‘ attitudes and affective states

that influence the degree of effort that learners make to learn an L2 or

the desire, the interest, the satisfaction, the persistence and the effort that

learners have to achieve tasks or reach goals satisfactorily in a language

classroom c. Students‘ speaking skill is the ability of students to express his/her own

idea in natural way, systematic way or activity that is done by the

students to communicate with others by using target language namely





A. Review of the Related Theories

1. Students’ Learning Strategies

a. Definition

Oxford (1990:7) states that ―the word of strategy comes from the

ancient Greek term ―strategia” meaning generalship or the art of war or steps

and action taken for the purpose of winning a war‖. The warlike meaning of

strategia has fortunately fallen away, but the control and goal directness remain

the modern version of the word. Some experts have defined learning strategies.

Some of them define it broadly namely by relating it to the process of getting

information, while others define it specifically, focusing on the techniques

applied in learning.

The broad definition is proposed by several experts. Wenden and Rubin

in Hismanoglu (2000:2) defines learning strategies as ―….any sets of

operations, steps, routines used by the leaner to facilitate the obtaining, storage,

retrieval, and use of information‘‘. Next, Richards and Platt in Hismanoglu

(2000: 2) defines language learning strategies ―as intentional behavior and

thought used by learners during learning so as to better help them understand,

learn, or remember new information‖. Besides, Faerch and Casper in

Hismanoglu (2000: 2) defines learning strategies are ―an attempt to develop

linguistics and sociolinguistics competence in the target language‖.

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Then, the specifically definition is proposed by several experts.

O‘Malley and Chamot (1990: 9) state ―learning strategies that focusing on selected aspects of new information, analyzing and monitoring information during the encoding process, evaluating the learning when it is completed, or assuring oneself that the learning will succeed as a way to ally anxiety‖. Thus, the strategies have to be learned in the same way. In learning English, the students have various strategies. They will apply their own strategies as to master it. For example, they pay attention to their teacher‘s explanation. The other strategy can be memorized. They will memorize the material that has been given by the teacher. The students in this level have a good memorization.

Then, Oxford (1990:8) states that ―learning strategies are specific actions taken by the students to enhance their own learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situation‖. Therefore, when language learners encounter language learning tasks such as reading or writing, they can apply the several different strategies to complete the tasks. Language learners will be successful in the tasks due to use of an appropriate language learning strategy. In short, language learning strategies are applied by language learners as a means to acquire and to use information that learners have acquired, recalled, and can also promote autonomous learning.

Meanwhile, Chamot, et al (1999:2) states ―learning strategies are procedures or techniques that learners can use to facilitate a learning task‖.

While, some learning strategies, such as taking notes or making graphic organizer, are observable, most strategies are mental process that are not 13

directly observable. They seem to emphasize about the learner strategy as the learner‘s technique in understanding a subject matter and his or her technique will influence to the mental process to comprehend that subject matter.

Nunan (2000:19) says learning strategies is ―mental process which employ to lean and use the target language‖. These ideas also supported by

Wenden (in Thansoulas in Mira, 2004:21) who state that ―learning strategies are mental steps of operation that learner use to learn a new language and to regulate their effort to do so‖. Moreover, Zainil (2005) states that ―learning strategies are the ways used by the learners to acquire the language successfully‖.

From the experts‘ opinion above, it can be summarized that all language learners used language learning strategies either consciously or unconsciously when processing new information and performing tasks in the language classroom. In addition, the language learners attempt to find the quickest and the easiest way to do what is required, that is using language is necessary. Besides, the learning strategies can be as a tool for the language learners to obtain certain goal in the learning process and speaking activities.

In conclusion, it can be inferred that students‘ speaking learning strategies are any set of operations, attempts, steps, behavior or thought and also mental process that are used by the learner to help them comprehend, learn, retain new information and used the target language so the learning process felt easier, enjoyable by the learners, especially in speaking skill.


b. Language Learning Strategies for Speaking

There are many experts that tell about language learning strategies.

Language learning strategies can be used all language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. There have, however, been relatively few studies investigating the benefits of providing second language learners with formal training in the applications of strategies for speaking. In one study, O'Malley and

Chamot in Cohen et al (1996:4) explain that:

The improvement on certain language tasks for three groups of learners, and related the learners' performance to the strategy training they had received. On the speaking task, the groups are given explicit training in metacognitive, cognitive, and social-affective strategies improved significantly more than the control group. Dörnyei in Cohen et al (1996:5) trains ―high school students in Hungary who were learning English as a foreign language to employ three communication strategies: topic avoidance and replacement, circumlocution, and fillers and hesitation devices.‖ Alcaya et all in Cohen (1996:23-26) explain that speaking learning strategies involve as follows:

1) Before You Speak (Lower your anxiety and prepare and plan) 2) While You Are Speaking (Feeling in control, be involved in the conversation, and monitor your performance) 3) After You Speak (Evaluate your performance and plan for future tasks)

From the experts‘ opinion above, it can be summarized that all speaking learning strategies are discussed it about how the students‘ can perform their speaking in naturally and communicatively by using some activities (before, while and after), and using of some strategies such as metocognitive, cognitive, and social-affective strategies. 15

Next, Dave (2012) explains that language leaning strategies for speaking are divided into six points as follows:

First, being creative with word uses the strategy of direct memory, applying images and sounds by using key words. It aims to help learners easily remember what they hear or read in the new language. Second, moving it around uses the strategy of direct cognitive, practicing by recombining. It aims to help learners put together already known elements in new ways. Third, speaking with your body uses the strategy of direct compensation, overcoming limitations in speaking by the use of mime or gesture. It aims to learn to use physical motion in place of oral expression to indicate meaning in a conversation. Fourth, listen and learn uses the strategy of indirect metacognitive, centering your learning by delaying speech. It aims to help learners focus on listening before oral production. Fifth, go for it uses the strategy of indirect affective, encouraging yourself by taking risks wisely. It aims to help learners take reasonable risks regardless of the possibilities of making mistakes. Finally, why did not you just ask uses the strategy of indirect social, cooperating with proficient users of the new language. It aims to enhance communication with proficient users of the new language.

Moreover, in line with Dave‘s opinion, Oxford (1990:58-97and 152-173) explains about ―the applying of speaking language learning strategies. She divided the strategies into two groups; they are direct and indirect strategies.”

1. Direct Strategies

Oxford (1990: 37) explains that ―direct strategies are specific language learning strategies which directly involve the target language. Direct strategies are further classified into three groups: memory strategies, cognitive strategies and compensation strategies”. The main feature of all direct strategies is that they require mental processing of the language while each of the three subgroups of direct strategies does this process in its own way.


a) Memory strategies

Memory Strategies are the ones that are used for entering information into memory and retrieving it. Memory-related strategies help learners to link one

L2 item or concept with another but do not necessarily involve deep understanding. Oxford (1990:324) classifies ―speaking memory strategies in another set of three: creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, and reviewing well.‖

In creating mental linkages consist of three points, they are: grouping, associating elaborating and placing new words in to a context. Applying images sounds are including here: using imagery, keywords, semantic mapping, and representing sounds in memory. Reviewing well is structured reviewing. Looking at new target language information once is enough. It must be reviewed in order to be remembered.

b) Cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies are one of the important things in learning a new language. Cognitive strategies are typically found to be the most popular strategies with language learner. For example in applying of the strategies a varied lot, ranging from repeating to analyzing expressions to summarizing. With all their variety, cognitive strategies are unified by a common function: manipulation or transformation of the target language by the learner. Oxford (1990: 324-325) states that speaking cognitive strategies consist of three points as follows:

First, practicing, strategies for practicing are among the most important cognitive strategies. The speaking cognitive strategies including: repeating, formally practicing with sounds and writing system, recognizing and using formulas and pattern, recombining, and practicing naturalistically. Of the five practicing strategies, probably the most significant one is practicing 17

naturalistically. Second, receiving and sending messages, one strategy for receiving and sending messages is using resources for receiving and sending messages. The former uses the latter involves using a variety of resources for understanding or producing meaning. Third, analyzing and reasoning: this strategy consists of: reasoning deductively, translating and transferring. This set of three strategies concerns logical analysis and reasoning applied to various target language skills. Often learners can use these strategies to understand the meaning of a new expression or to create a new expression.

c) Compensation Strategies

Compensation strategies mean that how the students can use the new language for their understanding in speaking. In other words, they can understand the vocabulary in which do not know and also the lack of the grammatical knowledge. This strategy consists of one set overcoming limitations in speaking and writing.

Oxford (1990: 50 and 325) divides overcoming limitations in speaking and writing into eight points as follows:

They are switching the mother tongue, getting help, using mime or gesture, avoiding communication partially or totally, selecting the topic, adjusting or approximating the message, coining words, and using a circumlocution or synonym. Eight strategies are used for overcoming limitations in speaking and writing. Some of these are dedicated solely to speaking, but some can be used for writing.

2. Indirect Strategies

The second major strategy is indirect strategies. Oxford (1990:135) defines that ―indirect learning strategies are language learning strategies that support and manage language learning without directly involving the target language‖. This strategy is for general management of learning and can be likened to the director of the play. This strategy consists of metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies.


a. Metacognitive strategies

Oxford (1990: 136) explains that metacognitve means beyond, beside, or with the cognitive. Therefore, metacognitive strategies are actions which go beyond purely cognitive devices, and which provide a way for learners to coordinate their own learning process. Furthermore, Oxford (1990:326) states that in speaking metacognitive strategies include three strategy sets as follows:

First, centering your learning, this strategy include: ―over viewing and linking with already known material, paying attention, and delaying speech production to focus on listening‖. This set of three strategies help learners to converge their attention and energies on certain language task, activities, language skills, or materials. Second, arranging and planning your learning, this set contains six strategies, all of which help learners to organize and plan so as to get the most out of language learning. These strategies touch many areas ―finding out about language learning, organizing, setting goals and objectives, identifying the purpose of a language task, planning for a language task, and the last one seeking practice opportunities‖. And, third, evaluating your learning, in this set are two related strategies, both aiding learners in checking their language performance: ―self-monitoring and self- evaluating.

b) Affective strategies

Oxford (1990:140) argues that ―the term affective refers to emotions, attitudes, motivations, and values. It is possible to overstate the importance of the affective factors influencing language learning. Language learners can gain control over these factors through affective strategies‖. Furthermore, Oxford

(1990:326) mentions that there are three main sets of speaking affective strategies exist as follows:

First, lowering your anxiety, this strategy consists of three points. They are: using progressive (relaxation, deep breathing, or mediation), using music, and using laughter. Each of strategies has a physical component and mental component. Second, encouraging yourself, there are three set of strategies in this strategies. It strategies include: making positive statements, taking risk wisely, and rewarding yourself. This set of three strategies is often forgotten 19

by language learners, especially those who expect encouragement mainly from other people and do not realize they can provide their own. However, the most potent encouragement-and the only available encouragement in many independent language learning situations-may come from inside the learner. Self-encouragement includes saying supportive things, prodding oneself to take risk wisely, and providing rewards. And third, taking your emotional temperature, the four strategies in this set help learners to assess their feelings, motivations, and attitudes and to relate them to language tasks. It strategies consist of: listening to your body, using a checklist, writing a language learning diary, and the last one discussing your feelings with someone else.

c) Social Strategies

Oxford (1990: 144) states ―language is a form of social behavior; it is communication occurs with others. Learning a language this involves other people, and appropriate social strategies are very important in this process‖.

Furthermore, Oxford (1990:327) mentions that there are three sets of speaking social strategies, each set comprising two specific strategies as follows:

First, asking question, this set of strategies involves asking someone, possibly a teacher or native speaker or even a more proficient fellow learner, for clarification, verification, or correction. It strategies include asking for correction. Second, cooperating with others, these strategies are the basis of cooperative language learning, which not only increases learners‘ language performance but also enhances self-worth and social acceptance. The set of strategies are: cooperating with peers and cooperating with proficient users of the new language. And third, empathizing with others, there are two points of these strategies, developing cultural understanding and becoming aware of others‘ thoughts and feelings. Empathy can be developed more easily when language learners use these two strategies.

In this research, the researcher will use Oxford‘s concepts to determine and find the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies. The reason the researcher choose Oxford‘s concepts is because this concepts have more complex strategies than others experts above. Oxford‘s concepts are useful in virtually all language learning situations and are applicable to all four language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. 20

c. Indicators of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies

Oxford (1990:56-9, 151-173, 326-327) mentions that strategies useful

for speaking, namely, direct and direct strategies as follows:

First, direct strategies, the indicators and sub indicators of students‘ speaking learning strategies are memory strategies (creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, reviewing well), cognitive strategies (practicing, receiving and sending messages, analyzing and reasoning), and compensation strategies (overcoming and limitations in speaking). Second, indirect strategies involve metacognitive strategies (centering your learning, arranging and planning your learning, evaluating your learning), affective strategies (lowering your anxiety, encouraging yourself, taking your emotional temperature), and social strategies (asking questions, cooperating with others, empathizing with others).

Furthermore, Alcaya et all in Cohen (1996:23-26) mention that ―the indicator of speaking learning strategies involve lower your anxiety, prepare and plan, feeling in control, be involved in the conversation, monitor your performance, evaluate your performance and plan for future tasks‖. Finally, it can be concluded that the indicators of learning strategies in speaking skill involve direct and indirect strategies that relates to the before, while and after speak.

Relates to the students, they can speak and perform their speaking skill in naturally and systematic way in order to the listener or audience can caught the information what are they talking about.

Finally, it can be concluded that the indicators of speaking learning strategies based on the Oxford concepts are as table below:


Table1: Indicators of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies

VARIABLES INDICATORS SUB-INDICATORS - Creating mental linkages: placing new words into a context Memory Strategies - Applying images and sounds: representing sounds in memory - Reviewing well: structure reviewing - Practicing: repeating, formally practicing with sounds and writing system, recognizing and using formulas and patterns, recombining, practicing naturalistically Direct Cognitive Strategies - Receiving and sending messages: using resources for receiving and Strategies sending messages - Analyzing and reasoning: reasoning deductively, translating, transferring - Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing: switching to the mother tongue, getting help, using mime or Compensation gesture, avoiding communication Strategies partially or totally, selecting the topic, adjusting or approximating the message, coining words, using circumlocution or synonym - Centering your learning: over viewing and linking with already known material, paying attention, delaying speech production to focus on listening Indirect - Arranging and planning your learning: Metacognitive finding out about language learning, Strategies Strategies organizing, setting goals and objectives, identifying the purpose of a language task , planning for a language task, seeking practice opportunities - Evaluating your learning: self monitoring, self evaluating - Lowering your anxiety: using progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation, using music, using Affective Strategies laugher - Encouraging yourself: making positive statements, taking risks wisely, rewarding yourself - Taking your emotional temperature: 22

listening to your body, using a checklist, writing a language learning diary, discussing your feelings with someone else - Asking questions: asking for correction Social Strategies - Cooperating with others: cooperating with peers, cooperating with proficient users of the new language - Empathizing with others: developing cultural understanding, becoming aware of others‘ thoughts and feelings (Adapted from: Oxford, 1990:56-97 and 151-173 )

From the opinions‘ experts above, it can be concluded that the indicators of speaking learning strategies are divided into two main points genereally, namely, direct and indirect strategies. Then, each of the points are divided into three strategies. Direct strategies involve memory, cognitive, and compensation strategies. While, indirect strategies involve metocognitive, affective, and social strategies. The indicators of speaking learning strategies are used to depend on the type of speaking.

2. Students’ Speaking Motivation

a. Definition

Motivation is one of the most important factors in successful in

learning English. Motivation means having a real purpose in learning English,

or really wanting to learn English for a reason. Some people are very strongly

motivated to learn a language. Others are not, and others are in between. Yasin

in Syafrin (2005:9) states that ―attitudinal and motivational factors have more

to do with the successful attainment of communication language skills in

second language‖. Via attitude, motivation and self-discipline/learning

strategy teachings variable can play its role in gaining the ability in speaking. 23

Teaching variable only gave some contribution to speaking ability from academic purposes. Learners are ordered to train speaking and obey their task for their academic needs. In short, if the learners want to be able to speak

English well, other factors attitude, motivation, self discipline/learning strategy should be group up or develop in environment.

Harmer (2000:51) states that ―motivation is some kind of internal which drive pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something‖. In addition,

Brown (2000:72) argues that ―motivation is the extent to which you make choices about goals to pursue and the effort you will devote to that pursuit‖.

Motivation is the reason behind character‘s actions which cause them to react or act in the way they do. What makes a character do what he or she does, whether those influences are goals, incentives, or the nature of the character?

Motivation is the reason an author establishes for a character action. Tendency is to expand to achieve a goal. Desire is to accomplish a goal or participate in an endeavor.

Griffiths (2008:19) explains that ―motivation concerns what moves a person to make certain choices, to engage in action, and to persist in action.‖ In other words, motivation is that which can be construed to have determined a person‘s behavior. Feeling that drive someone toward a particular objective.

The reason behind a specific character behavior the inner drive that causes a character to act in a certain way. The character reason for doing something: the character‘s need or want or goal for a scene or entire play. Thus, motivation is the need or desire that determines an individual‘s effort, behaviors and actions. 24

Motivation consists of a desire to learn the language and attitudes toward the learning situation, researchers usually attempt to identify the influence of factors such as gender, age, home background and teacher competence in the motivational process. In psychology, motivation is the deriving desire behind all action of an organism. The desire or push to perform a certain behavior based on the potential external rewards that may be received as a result. William and Burder (in Harmer, 2000:51) say that ―motivation is a state of cognitive arousal which provokes a decision to act as a result of which there is a sustained intellectual and or physical effort so that the person can achieve some previously set goal.‖

The word motivation is often used to describe certain sorts of behavior.

A student who studies hard and tries for top grades may be described as being highly motivated. Motivation can be defined as a concept used to describe the factors within an individual which arouse, maintain and channel behavior towards a goal. So, students‘ speaking motivation is eager to speak and they will have such competition to measure their ability in speaking performance, and they desire to get the goal of speaking performance.

b. Types of Motivation

Generally speaking, the optimal kind of motivation from within is identified as intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Harmer (2000:51) states that there are two motivations as following:

Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of outside factors, for example, the need to pass an exam, the hope of financial reward, or the possibility of future travel. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from within the individual. Thus a person might be motivated by the enjoyment of the learning process itself or by a desire to make themselves feel better. 25

Moreover, Brown (2002:19) argues that there are two kind‘s motivations as follows:

Internal motivation means that you are doing something because you want to do it or because you have made your own choice to do it; you do not need a reward from someone else to do well. In other hand, external motivation is when other influences, such as teachers or school requirements, push you to do something. In this case, we often need to receive rewards, such as good grades, high scores and praise.

In line with this, Griffith (2008:21) explains that:

Intrinsic motivation-that is, doing something as an end in itself, for its own self –sustaining pleasurable rewards of enjoyment, interest, challenge, or skill and knowledge development, while extrinsic motivation –that is, doing something as a means to some separable outcome, such as gaining a qualification, getting a job, pleasing the teacher, or avoiding punishment.

Then, Edward Deci in Brown (2007:172) defines about intrinsic

motivation and extrinsic motivation as follows:

Intrinsically motivated activities are ones for which there is no apparent reward except the activity itself. ….intrinsically motivated behaviors are aimed at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences, namely, feelings of competence and self-determination. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is fueled by the anticipation of a reward from outside and beyond the self. Typically extrinsic rewards are money, prizes, grades, and even certain types of positive feedback.

Brown (2007:174) states that ―intrinsic motivation affected by several

factors namely developing a relationship with learners, building learners‘ self-

confidence and autonomy, personalizing the learning process, and increasing

learners‘ goal orientation.‖. Then, Harmer (2000:52) states that ―several factors

that really influence to external motivation in studying English include society

we live in (learning environment), significant others, the teacher, and the

method‖. 26

In learning environment, although we may not be able to choose our actual classroom, we can still do a lot about their physical appearance and the emotional atmosphere of our lessons. Both of these can have a powerful effect on the initial and continuing motivation of students. We can decorate even the most unattractive classroom with all kinds of visual material to make them more agreeable as learning environments. Then, the school system, as the formal institution, school is where the teaching and learning process take place, students meet teacher and the interaction processes occurred. Besides providing place for learning, it establishes and arranges teaching and learning process.

The quality of the result of learning that the learner is performing is more less determined by curriculum designed, the school‘s role, the administration of the instructional process and the relationship between the students, the teacher, the administrator and all the school staff exist. Thereby, the school administrator, the lecturer, all together the school staff should cooperate in conducting educational program well.

Furthermore, teachers teaching strategy, a teacher as a personal has his/her way of teaching. The learner does not always accept the teacher who has most of the criteria of the effective teachers. And a particular desirable way of teaching in one place does not always fix with other learners and other classrooms climate. Hence, lots of researchers conducted a research to investigate about characteristic of ideal teacher‘s behavior. And finally, significant others, the attitude of parents and older siblings will be crucial. Do they approve of language learning, for example, of do they think that math and reading are what count and clearly show that they are more concerned with those subjects success in English? 27

In short, motivation can be divided into two main parts, namely, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the generalized desire to invest effort in the learning for its own sake is largely rooted in the previous attitudes, political and ethic association. In addition, there are four factors affecting intrinsic motivation namely physical condition, method, the teacher and success. And extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the influence of some kind of external incentive, as distinct from the wish to learn for its own sake or interest in task. Extrinsic motivation involves two parts which integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. Instrumental motivation refers to the learner‘s desire to learn a language for utilitarian purposes in the context of language learning. On the other hand, integrative motivation refers to the desire to learn a language to integrate successfully into the target language community.

c. The Importance of Motivation in Learning English

Various study found that motivation is very strongly related to achievement in language learning because motivation is some kind of internal drive that encourage someone to do something. Ur (1991:275) mentions that the ―characteristics of motivated learners: positive task orientation, ego involvement, and need for achievement, high aspiration, goal orientation, perseverance, and tolerance of ambiguity.‖

Positive task means that the learner is willing to tackle tasks and challenges and has confidence in his or her success. Ego involvement defines as the learner finds it important to succeed in learning in order to maintain and promote his or her own positive self-image. Need for achievement is the 28

learner has a need to achieve, to overcome difficulties and succeed in what he or she sets out to do. High aspiration is the learner is ambitious, goes for demanding challenges, high proficiency, and top grades. Goal orientation means the learner is very aware of the goals of learning or of specific learning activities, and directs his or her efforts toward achieving them.

Furthermore, perseverance is the learner consistently invests a high level of effort in learning activities and is not discourage by setbacks or apparent lack of progress. And finally, tolerance of ambiguity means that the learner is not disturbed frustrated by situations involving a temporary lack of understanding or confusion; he or she can live with these patiently, in the confidence that understanding will come later.

d. Indicators of Students’ Speaking Motivation

Lestari in Endrian (2011:19) mentions that there are six indicators as generally to see students‘ speaking motivation in learning English:

They are students‘ attention when the teacher explained, students‘ activeness in doing exercises, students‘ attendance, students‘ activeness in asking question, students‘ courage in answering teacher‘s question and students‘ activeness in doing homework.

Besides, Hamzah (2011:23) explains that the indicators of students‘ speaking motivation in learning English come from the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

They are students‘ desire and want to be successful person, students‘ encouragement and requirement in learning, students‘ expectation and ambition for the future, students‘ reward in learning process, students‘ interesting in learning, and have the conducive environment.

Furthermore, Clement et al in Dornyei (2010:112) state that the specific content areas in speaking motivation as follows: 29

(a) criterion measures (related to intended effort); (b) ideal L2 self; (c) ought-to L2 self; (d) parental encouragement; (e) instrumentality- promotion; (f) instrumentality-prevention; (g) linguistic self-confidence; (h) attitudes toward learning English; (i) travel orientation; (j) fear of assimilation; (k) ethnocentrism; (l) interest in the English language; (m) English anxiety; (n) integrativeness; (o) cultural interest; and (p) attitudes toward L2 community.

In conclusion, the indicator of students‘ speaking motivation will be

divided that into some variables (extrinsic and intrinsic motivation). It can be

seen in the table below:

Table 2: Indicators of Speaking Motivation

VARIABLE INDICATORS SUB-INDICATORS Students‘ A. Intrinsic a. Criterion measures (related to Speaking Motivation intended effort) Motivation b. Ideal L2 self c. Linguistic self-confidence d. Attitude toward learning English e. Interest in the English language f. English anxiety g. Attitudes toward L2 community. h. High aspiration

a. Ought-to L2 self B. Extrinsic b. Parental encouragement Motivation c. Instrumentality-promotion d. Instrumentality-prevention e. Travel orientation f. Fear of assimilation g. Ethnocentrism h. Integrativeness i. Cultural interest j. Failure and penalties k. Success and rewards (Adapted from: Clement et al in Dornyei, 2010: 112; Lestari in Edrian, 2011:19, and Hamzah, 2011:23)

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded the indicators of students‘ speaking motivation are students‘ intrinsic motivation will be motivated by liking studying English, needing to the English lesson, having the spirit to study and 30

believing to English lesson can get good point. Students‘ extrinsic motivation, then, will be motivated by giving reward, having regulation from the school, parents, teachers or lecturers and environment.

3. Students’ Speaking Skill

a. Definition

Generally, speaking can be described as the ability of a person to express his/her ideas, feelings, or something in his/her mind to others by spoken language.

Speaking is the ability to report act or situation in precise words or the ability to converse or to express the sequence of ideas fluently. So, speaking skills are students will develop, apply, and refine speaking skills to communicate key ideas in a variety of situations.

Mastering speaking skill is essential to connect to the audience.

Widdowson (in Asrida, 2005:14) explains that ―speaking is the active or productive skill and makes use of the oral medium. He further says that communication through speaking commonly performed face to face and occurs as part of dialogue or other forms of verbal exchange.‖ In addition, Wilkins

(1988:24) states that ―speaking is the ability to compose sentences is needed but it is not only ability needed because oral communication takes place when someone makes use of sentences to perform a variety of different social nature.‖

From the above opinions, the researcher can be concluded that speaking is conveying message orally to others and, of course, he/she has to consider the structure and spoken production. Speaking is not only the ability to pronounce sounds or words but also the ability to communicate some ideas which are set and 31

develop confirming with a speaker or hearer whether the speaker understands or not either the materials of the hearer: whether he is able to adjust calmly to a situation while he is communicating his ideas.

The development of oral ability is a good source or motivation for learners who normally much concerned with the ability to speak and understand a foreign language. Speaking ability can be described as the ability of a person to express his/her ideas and feeling by spoken language.

Speaking ability is the ability of the listeners to speak a language fluently.

Speaking a language is especially difficult for foreign language learners because effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language not only in verbal communication but also paralinguistic elements such as gesture and body language. Furthermore, speaking ability brings the learners to be able to speak communicatively with verbal communication, paralinguistic elements and also non linguistic elements.

It can be concluded that, someone who is speaking in front of the audience deals with two key words confidence and involving audience when she is speaking. Speaking ability is an ability that is taken for granted, learner as it is through a process of socialization through communication. Harmer (2001: 269) states ―the ability to speak fluently presuppose not only a knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language on the spot.‖

While, Littlewood in Mira (2004:34) explains that ―speaking ability is combination of structural aspect in one-side focuses on the grammatical system, it describes wage in which linguistic items can be combined. The functional aspects, in another side, concentrate on the ability to use the language in certain situation.‖ 32

In order to have ability to speak, the students have to know the characteristic of successful speaking activity. Ur (1991: 120) explains there are four characteristics of successful speaking activity, they are:

First, learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the activity is in fact occupied by learner talk. Second, participation is even. Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk active participant: all get a chance to speak, and contributions are fairly evenly distributed. Third, motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak: because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want to contribute to achieving a task objective. Fourth, language is of an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level of language accuracy.

Based on the experts above, it can be synthesized that speaking ability is the ability of someone in the process of sharing with another person, or with other persons, one‘s knowledge, interests, attitudes, opinions or ideas. Delivery of ideas, opinions, or feelings is some important aspects of the process of speaking which a speaker‘s idea become real to him and his listeners.

b. Factors Affecting EFL Learners Speaking Skill

Shumin in Richard and Renandya (2002:205-2006) states that there are four factors that affect students‘ oral communication ability (speaking skill) as follows:

First, age or maturational constraints, age are one of the most commonly cited determinant factors of success or failure in foreign language learning. Second, aural medium, the central role of listening comprehension in foreign language acquisition process in now largely accepted. It means that listening plays an extremely important role in the development of speaking abilities. Third, socio-cultural factors, many cultural characteristics of a language also affect foreign language learning. From a pragmatic perspective, language is a form of social action because linguistic communication occurs in the context of structured interpersonal exchange and meaning is thus socially regulated. Fourth, affective factors, affective factors influence the success or failure of language learning significantly. 33

The affective factors related to foreign language learning emotions, self- esteem, empathy, anxiety, attitude and motivation. Foreign language learning is a complex task that is susceptible to human anxiety which is associated with feeling of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt and apprehension. Speaking a foreign language in public, especially in front of native speakers, is often anxiety provoking.

These four factors play an important role in determining the success and the failure of student in learning speaking. Learning to speak a foreign language requires more that knowing its grammatical and semantic rules. Factors affecting adult EFL learners‘ oral communication are the things that need to be considered by EFL teacher in order to provide guidance in developing competent speaker of

English. Once the EFL teachers are aware of these things, he will teach in more appropriate way and it will help them to develop student speaking skill.

c. Types of Speaking at English Department of STAIN Batusangkar

At STAIN Batusangkar, there are several subjects offered, including religion based subjects, education based subjects, linguistic related subjects, four language skills subject (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), language component subjects and several others. Among the subjects offered, speaking as a productive skill is offered in several subjects, starting from speaking I up to speaking V.

Speaking I up to speaking V are offered to the students. Hughes (2003:115) explains that the types of speaking activities are presentation (monologue), discussion, conversation, service encounter, and interview. At STAIN

Batusangkar, types of speaking activities in speaking I up to speaking V are conversations, discussions, role plays, debates, presentations (speeches), and any others. Based on the syllabus of speaking V of English Department of STAIN 34

Batusangkar (Zulhermindra, 2011:1-3) states that the purposes of speaking V

(speech) subject are to make the students able to explain, and apply principles of many kinds of speech as follows:

The purposes of speaking V are to: 1) explain the principles related to ―Speech Preparation‖; 2) explain the principles related ―Speech Delivery‖; 3) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Inform in Personal Experience Speech‖; 4) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Inform in a Brief or a Friday Islamic Speech‖; 5) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Inform in a Speech Description‖; 6) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Inform in Explaining a Process‖; 7) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Persuade in a Speech to Convince‖; 8) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Persuade in a Speech to Stimulate‖; 9) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Persuade in a Speech to Get Action‖; 10) apply the principles related to ―Speech to Entertain in a Humorous Speech‖; 11) apply the principles related to ―Speech in Business and Professional Settings‖; 12) apply the principles related to ―Report‖; 13) apply the principles related to ―Special Occasion in a Farewell Speech‖; and 14) apply the principles related to ―Special Occasion Speeches in Introducing a Speaker Speech‖.

Based on the explanation above, it can be stated that English is taught not only as a subject matter but also as a field of study at the university level. As a subject matter, English is taught as a general compulsory subject needed to be learned by every university students. As a field of study, English is taught to prepare the students to be English teachers at schools. One of the subject matters or courses that the students should master in speaking skills learned through speaking subject.

d. Indicators of Speaking Skill

To be a good English speaker is not easy because there are many factors or components that support speaking skill. Shumin in Zainil (2006) the factors or components that support speaking skills as following: 35

First, language component consists of five components which are vocabulary, fluency, grammar, pronunciation, comprehension. Second, non linguistic component includes body language, intelligent, talent, motivation and self confidence.

Then, Brown (2009:213-214) and Hughes (2003:131-132) states that ―the indicators of oral proficiency consists of five components which are vocabulary, fluency, grammar, pronunciation, comprehension‖. It is expected that by having those skills and components, the students can perform communication well and in turn the goals of teaching can be obtained Furthermore, Brown and

Abeywickrama (2009:219) mention that ―the criteria or indicator of speaking skill

(oral presentation) involve content (introduction, body, and conclusion) and delivery (gestures, body language, eye contact, voice quality and others)‖. Thus, based on the experts above, it can be concluded that the indicators of speaking skill relate to pronunciation, grammar, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, delivery (gestures and body language), content (introduction and conclusion).

By learning English, students are expected to be familiar in the foreign language and they are able to communicate in English especially speaking. Harris

(1974:111-113) explains ―speaking is complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of different rates ….He points out five components generally in analysis of the speech process; they are pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension‖.

Based on the explanation above, there are ten components or indicators in speech process; they are pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, introduction, content, voice quality, non verbal, eye contact, and conclusion that have to be mastered by the students in speaking. Dealing with the components in 36

which should be considered in testing students speaking performance, the indicator of pronunciation refers to how well the students pronoun English word.

The indicator of structure refers to the form of English sentences that used by students when they have spoken English. The indicator of vocabulary refers to whether the students can use the suitable vocabulary or diction in speaking. The indicator of fluency refers to how fluent the students speak. And the indicator of content refers to how far the students can explain the content or information of their speech in detail. The indicator of introduction refers to how the students to develop and consider the speaking situation. The indicator of voice quality refers to how the students to control their voice. The indicator of non verbal communication (gestures and eye contact) refers to how the students can control and manage their non verbal communication effectively. Finally, the indicator of conclusion refers to how the students make the conclusion in order to the audience understanding about their talking about.

e. Testing Speaking

1. Techniques of Testing Speaking

Before deciding the types of speaking test to be used, the first thing that needs consider is the types of speaking task to be performed by the test takers.

After the tasks, the test can be administered. As mentioned previously, several types of speaking activities, namely: conversations, discussions, role plays, debates, speeches, and any others.

Based on the activities above, several testing techniques can be used.

Brown and Abeywickrama (2009:184-185) states that there are some tasks can be used for testing speaking as follows: 37

First, for imitative tasks, the test techniques to use include word repetition task and phone pass; second, for intensive speaking, the test techniques to use include Phone Pass, directed response, read-aloud stimulus paragraph length, sentence/dialogue completion task and oral questionnaires, picture cued tasks; third, for responsive speaking, the test techniques to use include question and answer; fourth, for interactive speaking, the test techniques to use include oral interview; and fifth, for extensive speaking (monologue), the test techniques to use include speeches, oral presentations, picture-cued, storytelling, retelling a story, news event, and translation.

Based on the theories above, there are many types of speaking can be used for speaking testing such as; conversation, debate, asking and answering, presentation, speeches, storytelling and any others. Furthermore, Weir (1990:24) says that‖ to test speaking ability, there are some more useful and potentially valid formats to use, include: verbal essay, oral presentation, the free interview, the controlled interview, information transfer, and role play.‖ Thus, it can be concluded that the test techniques to be used by an English teacher should be determined by speaking tasks implemented previously. It means that test will be done if the material which have learned by students before.

2. Scoring Criteria of Speaking Test

To score the speaking performance of a test taker, especially oral presentation, the criteria to use must be in line with the speaking tasks he or she needs to perform. In other word, in order to achieve at a given level and to explain the students speaking ability, of course, the students must be tested. There are some kinds of rubric for English speaking test. Weir (1990:177) states that ―there are five components in scoring speaking test‖. They are accuracy, appropriacy, range, flexibility, and size. Each of components has for levels or rating. The levels show the performance expected is relatively simple at the low level and progressively more sophisticated at higher levels. 38

Furthermore, Brown in Brown and Abeywickrama (2009:213-214) argues that ―the oral proficiency scoring categories consists of fluency, pronunciation, task, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.‖ In line with Hughes (2003:131-

132) argues ―the same criteria to rate a candidate‘s speaking proficiency. They are accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Based on each criterion, a candidate‘s speaking proficiency is rated using six-point scale‖. The scale is as shown below:

Table 3 Proficiency Description

Components Scores Description 1 Pronunciation frequently unintelligible. 2 Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition. 3 ―Foreign accent‖ requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or Accent vocabulary. 4 Marked ―foreign accent‖ and occasional mispronunciations which do not interfere with understanding 5 No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be taken for a native speaker. 6 Native pronunciation, with no trace of ―foreign accent‖. 1 Grammar is almost entirely inaccurate phrases. 2 Constant errors showing control of very few major patters and frequently preventing communication. 3 Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and Grammar misunderstanding. 4 Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that causes misunderstanding. 5 Few errors with no patterns of failure. 6 No more than two errors during the interview. 1 Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest Vocabulary conversation. 2 Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival 39

areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc) 3 Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics. 4 Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interests; general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumlocutions. 5 Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situations. 6 Vocabulary apparently as accurate and as extensive as that of an educated native speaker. 1 Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible. 2 Speech is very slow and uneven except for short or routine sentences. 3 Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky, sentences may be left uncompleted. Fluency 4 Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and groping for words. 5 Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non native in speech and evenness. 6 Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker‘s. 1 Understands too little for simplest type of conversation. 2 Understands only slow, very simple speech on common social and tourist topics; requires constants repetition and rephrasing. 3 Understands careful, somewhat simplified speech when engaged in a dialogue, but may require considerable repetition and rephrasing. Comprehension 4 Understands quite well normal educated speech when engaged in a dialogue, but requires occasional repetition and rephrasing. 5 Understands everything in normal educated conversation except for very colloquial or low frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech. 6 Understands everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker. (Adapted from Hughes, 2003:131-132) 40

This research adapted speaking skill rubric from Hughes (2003) in calculating students‘ scores on speaking test. Before using that rubric, the researcher did a little revision on description of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension at point 6. In original rubric, it was stated that ―use of grammar, vocabulary, speed of speech, and students‘ understanding were as native speakers‖. It was impossible when applied it in the researcher‘s classroom because it was rather hard for students to be alike a native speaker. Then, the ―comprehension‖ of the Hughes‘ s speaking categories was substituted with ―content‖.

Due to the instrument of this test was oral presentation test in form of presentation-monolog; the ―comprehension‖ was not appropriate to measure their speaking skill. The student just spoke by him/herself without interaction or dialog with their partners, therefore the category ―comprehension‖ was not needed.

Furthermore, Brown and Abeywickrama (2009:219) explain that the criteria of oral presentation can be divided into two parts as follows:

First, content includes: the purpose or objective of the presentation (was accomplished), the introduction (was lively and got attention), the main idea (was clearly stated toward the beginning), the supporting points (were clearly expressed, and supported by facts and argument), and the conclusion (restated the main idea or purpose). Second, delivery includes: gestures and body language (well used), eye contact with audience (maintained), natural and fluent language, volume of speech (appropriate), rate of speech (appropriate), pronunciation (clear and comprehensible), grammar (correct and did not prevent understanding), speaker‘s using visual aids, handouts, etc, effectively, speaker‘s enthusiasm and interest, and the speaker‘s responding to audience question well.

Then, Knight (1992:295) states that ―the criteria of assessing speaking skills are grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, conversational skill, sociolinguistic skill, non verbal, and content.‖ Louisiana voices web explains that 41

the criteria for assessing oral presentation, namely, awareness of audience, strength of material/organization, and delivery. Moreover, information technology evaluation services argues that about evaluating students presentation in speaking skill that are organization, subject knowledge, graphics, mechanics, eye contact, and elocution.

Based on the experts above, it is clear that learners need to know the ability to comprehend the speech as well as speak. It involves many different components that related each other to improve speaking ability of learners.

Besides, learners should also know the characteristic of successful speaking activity. Finally, it can be concluded that speaking skill can be seen in a process of socialization through communication and it has many aspects of language such as pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, sociolinguistic skill, conversation skill, and others.

Based on the criteria proposed above, the researcher used several criteria using 6 point scale, as presented in the following table:

Table 4 Scoring Criteria for Assessing Oral Presentation (A Speech)

No Aspect/Components 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Accent/Pronunciation 2 Grammar 3 Vocabulary 4 Fluency (Rate) 5 Introduction (how effective?) 6 Content (well organized?) 7 Voice quality 8 Non –verbal communication (gestures) 9 Eye Contact 10 Conclusion (effective and interesting?)


Based on the idea above, it can be concluded that there are several criteria that can be used in testing speaking. The criteria used should be used to decide the students; speaking skill or ability.

B. Review of the Related Findings

The learning strategies on the cases of learner have been researched by a

number of researchers. Khairul (2004) in his research, perception of language

learning strategies used by Indonesian secondary school learners according to

gender and field of study and their relationships with English language

achievement, he found that the use of overall language learning strategies as

well as five categories were correlated positively and significantly with

foreign language achievement. This means that, the use of a variety of

language learning strategies affected the level of students‘ achievement in

target language.

Then, a research that had been conducted by Idrus (2005),

communication and social strategies of successful learner at PT semen Padang

concluded that the social communication strategies and communication

strategies applied by the 20 subjects provide them with what can be called a

mini English speaking community. The interaction in the community and

teacher teaching strategies gave them sufficient input and to develop and

maintain their English proficiency than enable those to successful

communicate with the native speakers expatiates from other countries.


Baştürkmen in Celebi (2009:11) found that learners were extremely

motivated, but holding more ―instrumental motivation‖. Also, she recognized

that learners‘ ―attitudes‖ related to their purpose for studying English held

greater value than their feelings for English as a subject. Next, Apriliza (2010)

in her research, students‘ speaking learning strategies in improving speaking

skill, she found that first speaking learning strategy that is most frequently used

by high achievement students was memory strategy with mean score (3,9),

second, speaking learning strategy that was most frequently used by average

achievement students were memory and social strategies that have the same

score (3,5), third, speaking learning strategy that was most frequently used by

low achievement students was social strategies with mean score (3,3). It can

conclude that the strategies which have been found to be most frequently used

by high achievement students in speaking might be considered as effective

strategies for particular group of English Foreign Language learner to improve

the students speaking skill.

C. Conceptual Framework

1. Contribution of Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies toward their

speaking skill.

Learning strategies is the way or the techniques or devices which a learner

may use to acquire knowledge. It is very important to have by students,

because if they do not have any strategies, they will get fail in understanding

what the information from someone. Students must know about these 44

strategies that are direct and indirect strategies. And they also can use in

their learning teaching process and daily activities.

2. Contribution of students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill.

Motivation is important factor to bring student successful in mastering any

lesson. Motivation, which is related to a learner‘s attitude towards the

language learning process, the choices a person makes about learning a

language and how much of an effort he or she is willing to make towards

achieving that goal. Even more, it is a determinant in motivating someone to

begin speaking. That is why someone will not speak something if there is no

motivation in his heart. It is also caused by other factor, like mood, goal,

topic and so forth. However, motivation is a key factor to get success in

growing students‘ speaking ability.

The students who want to be skillful in speaking must have motivation.

They will not be able to speak if they do not have motivation to understand

speaking component. Even though they have understood all aspect of

speaking, but they will not be able to speak something if they are not

motivated to learn how to speak effectively. In short, speaking ability will

not be constructed without having motivation.

Students‘ speaking motivation not only comes from the inner side but also

from outer side, mainly from their lecturers. The lecturers have to motivate

their students in order to be diligent to study and master speaking lesson.

Especially in speaking, the lecturers have to motivate their students in order

to productive speaker. 45

3. Contribution of both Students‘ Speaking Learning Strategies and motivation

toward their speaking skill.

In learning strategies and motivation can improve students‘ speaking skill. It

means that if students have learning strategies and high motivation, they

will get good mark and can communicate each other. On the other hand, if

students do not have their learning strategies and high motivation, they will

not get good mark and cannot communicate each other in English. In other

word, researcher can say that students can speak English very well, if they

have the learning strategies and high motivation to learn English language.

It means that it can give the positive contribution for teacher, student and

school. It can be shown in diagram conceptual framework below:

Students‘ Speaking LS Students‘ Speaking Motivation

Indicators: Indicators: 1. Direct Strategies 1. Intrinsic Motivation 2. Indirect Strategies 2. Extrinsic Motivation

Students‘ Speaking Skill

Indicators: 1. Pronunciation/Accent 6. Content 2. Vocabulary 7. Voice Quality 3. Structure/Grammar 8. Non Verbal Communication 4. Fluency 9. Eye Contact 5. Introduction 10. Concluding

Figure 1: Conceptual Frame Work 46

D. Hypothesis

Based on the conceptual framework above, the researcher proposes

hypothesis as follows:

1. There is contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their

speaking skill.

Ho = Students‘ speaking learning strategies does not contribute

significantly and positively with their speaking skill.

Ha = Students‘ speaking learning strategies contributes significantly

and positively with their speaking skill.

Ho is accepted if t-calculated < t-table, Ho is rejected if t-calculated > t-

table. Ha is accepted if t-calculated > t-table, Ha is rejected if t-calculated <


2. There is contribution of students‘ speaking motivation toward their

speaking skill.

Ho = Students‘ speaking motivation does not contribute significantly

and positively with their speaking skill.

Ha = Students‘ speaking motivation contributes significantly and

positively with their speaking skill.

Ho is accepted if t-calculated < t-table, Ho is rejected if t-calculated > t-

table. Ha is accepted if t-calculated > t-table, Ha is rejected if t-calculated <


3. There are contribution of both students‘ speaking learning strategies and

motivation toward their speaking skill. 47

Ho = Students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation do not

contribute significantly and positively with their speaking skill.

Ha = Students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation

contribute significantly and positively with their speaking skill.

Ho is accepted if t-calculated < t-table, Ho is rejected if t-calculated > t- table. Ha is accepted if t-calculated > t-table, Ha is rejected if t-calculated < t-table.




A. Design of the Research

This research is a correlational design. Correlation analysis correlated

with regression analysis. Gay (2009: 196) states that the ―correlational research

involves collecting data to determine whether, and to what degree, a

relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables‖. Then, Setiyadi

(2006: 180) states that ―regression is used to the function of correlation

between variable, namely, how much the contribution of independent variable

toward dependent variable and the score is used to predict other scores through

coefficient regression equation.‖ There were three variables studied. They were

two independent variables namely speaking learning strategies and motivation

with the symbols and one dependent variable namely speaking skill

with the symbol . It was carried out to obtain the information about current

condition or phenomena which were experienced by the students‘ speaking

learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill in order to know

how much the contribution students‘ speaking learning strategies and

motivation toward their speaking skill.

The design of the research could be seen as follow:

Speaking Learning Strategies

Speaking Skills

Speaking Motivation Figure 2: Research design

48 49

This research was conducted for the students of English Department at

semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. Then, data was analyzed in order to show

the contribution of each independent variable to dependent variable. In the

context, the research was concerned with correlation and regression. It was

used with SPSS program.

B. Population and Sample

Gay (2009: 124) states that ―the population is the group of interest to

the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the result of the study

to be generalized.‖ The population of this research was the third year students

of English Department at STAIN Batusangkar who were registered in

2011/2012 academic years. The third year students were chosen because they

had been studying speaking I-V and language learning strategies. Sampling is

the process of selecting a number of individual for a study in such a way that

they represent the larger group from which they are selected. A good sample is

one that is representation of the population from which it is selected. Because

there were three classes of the third year of English department, the researcher

used in selecting sample was stratified proportional random sampling


Gay (2009:127) explains that ―stratified proportional random sampling

is the process of selecting sample in such a way that identified subgroups in the

population are presented in the sample in the same proportion in which they

exist in the population‖.


The total number of the population was 80 students which were divided

into three classes; they were class A, class B and class C. The researcher took

the sample based on the Isaac and Michael opinions in Sugiyono (2010:87)

state that ―to determine the sample can be used the table of sample of

population which 10% significance level. 10 % of population was as sample. It

was 62 students.‖ The description of distributing population and sample of this

research could be seen in the following table:

Table 5 Distribution of Population and Sample of Research

Number of Total Sample 10%of Sampling Class Students Population Population Technique Class A 27 Stratified

Class B 27 Proportional 80 62 Class C 26 Random

Total 80 Sampling

C. Procedure of the Research

This research was conducted with several steps. They were preparation,

operation, and post operation. Firstly, preparation, before doing the research,

the researcher asked the research permission letter to director of Graduate

Program State University of Padang. Then, the researcher gave the research

permission letter to chairman of Sate College for Islamic Studies (STAIN)

Batusangkar, and last but not least, the researcher gave the information

research of letter to Director Assistant I of Graduate Program State University

of Padang. 51

Secondly, operation, the collecting of the data was done on 14th of

May-14th of July 2012. The data pre test were collected and distributed by

researcher. Then, the data were analyzed by researcher. After that, data

questionnaires were distributed and data post test were taken by researcher and

two lectures of English speaking.

Finally, post operation, after collecting and taking the data. The data

were analyzed by researcher using of SPSS program version 16 and manually.

The editing, coding, tabulating, accounting, percentage, and interpreting were

done by researcher. After finding the manual result, SPSS program was used to

cross check the finding that was the same. Last but not least, report thesis was

written by researcher.

D. Instrumentation

Instrumentation is the tool for gathering the data. In this research, the

researcher collected three kinds of data; they were students‘ speaking learning

strategies, students‘ speaking motivation and students‘ speaking skill. The data

of students‘ speaking learning strategies and students‘ speaking motivation

were collected by using questionnaires. While, students‘ speaking skill data

was collected by using test.

1. Types of instrument a. Questionnaire

Brown in Dornyei (2010:3) argues that ―questionnaires are any

written instruments that present respondents with a series of questions or

statements to which they are to react either by writing out their answers or 52

selecting from among existing answer.‖ Questionnaire consisted of some statements that were given to the students. The materials of the questionnaire were taken from the materials stated in the review of related literature. It was used to know the students‘ speaking learning strategies and students‘ speaking motivation. The questionnaires were constructed by the researcher in bahasa Indonesia. It was done, in order not to make the students confuse in understanding the items. The questionnaires were constructed by closed items. The questionnaires were arranged by using

Likert Scale model consisting of the students‘ speaking learning strategies and their motivation in speaking skill. Sugiyono (2010:93) states that

―Likert Scale is used to measure attitude, opinion, and someone or group perception about the education and social phenomena.‖ b. Test

Gay (2009:154) defines that ―test is designed to provide information about how well the test takers have learned what they have been taught‖.

Test was used for knowing students‘ speaking skill. Here, researcher focused on only one competence in order to get the more reliable score. The instruments were arranged in reference with validity, reliability and comprehensibility in order to get accurate data. Test was used to explore students‘ speaking skill in learning English. The material was taken from material which is appropriate with syllabus of speaking V (speech). The topics for speaking skill testing were farewell speech, convince speech, report speech, and introducing a speaker speech. The test was given in oral production (speech). 53

The students‘ speaking skills especially those related to speaking

test were rated by using the criteria used related to having test. The criteria

were used based on those proposed by experts that are stated in review of

related literature, namely, fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary,

content, introduction, non verbal communication (eye contact, gestures),

voice quality, and conclusion of speech.

2. Indicators, Arrangement of Instruments, and Scoring

Based on the review of the related literature, there were some

indicators used to arrange the instruments. It can be seen in the table below:

Table 6 List of Trying Out Students’ Speaking LS Questionnaire Indicators Variables Indicators Sub Indicators Number Creating mental linkages 1 (+) Memory Applying images and sounds 46 (+) Reviewing well 3 (+) Practicing 9 (+), 5 (+), 6 (+), 7 (+), 8 (+) Direct Cognitive Receiving and sending Message 4 (-) Strategies Analyzing and reasoning 10 (+), 11 (-), 19 (-) Overcoming limitations in 13 (+), 34 (+), 14 (+), 15 (-), Compensation speaking and writing 16 (-), 17 (+), 18 (+), 12 (+) Centering your learning 37 (+), 21 (+), 22 (-) Arranging and Planning your 23 (+), 38 (+), Metacognitive learning 25 (+), 27 (-), 26 (+), 28 (+) Evaluating your learning 29 (+), 30 (+) Indirect Lowering your anxiety 31 (+), 43 (+), 33 (-) Strategies Affective Encouraging your self 24 (+), 36 (+), 35 (+) Taking emotional temperature 20 (-), 39 (+), 40 (+), 41(+) Asking question 42 (+) Social Cooperating with others 32 (+), 44 (+) Empathizing with others 45 (+), 2 (+) 54

Table 7 List of Trying Out Students’ Speaking Motivation Questionnaire Indicators

Variables Indicators Number Criterion measures (related to intended 2 (+), 17 (+), 33 effort) (+), 38 (+), 45 (+) Ideal L2 self 1 (+), 3 (+), 18 (+), 34 (+), 39 (+) Linguistic self-confidence 7 (+), 23 (+) 43 (+), 24 (+), 8 Intrinsic Attitude toward learning English Motivation (+) Interest in the English language 44 (+), 28 (+), 12 (+) English anxiety 13(-), 29 (-), 36 (-) Attitudes toward L2 community 16 (+), 32 (+) High aspiration 46 (+), 48 (+) Ought-to L2 self 19 (+), 40 (-) Parental encouragement 4 (+), 20 (+), 35 (+), 41 Instrumentality-promotion 5 (+), 21 (+), 42 (+) Instrumentality-prevention 6 (+), 22 (+) Travel orientation 9 (+), 25 (+)

Extrinsic Fear of assimilation 51 (-), 52 (-), 10 (- Motivation ) Ethnocentrism 27 (+), 11 (-) Integrativeness 30 (+), 14 (+) Cultural interest 15 (+), 31 (+), 37 (+) Failure and penalties 53 (+), 49 (-) Success and rewards 47 (+), 50 (+), 26 (+), 54 (+), 55(+) 55

Table 8 List of Students’ Speaking LS Questionnaire Indicators

Variables Indicators Sub Indicators Number Creating mental linkages 1 (+)

Memory Applying images and sounds 34 (+)

Reviewing well 7 (+)

Practicing 2 (+), 33 (+), Direct 8 (+), 24 (+)

Strategies Cognitive Receiving and sending Message 21 (-)

Analyzing and reasoning 14 (+), 17 (-), 19 (-) Overcoming limitations in 3 (+), 32 (+), Compensation 9 (+), 25 speaking and writing

Centering your learning 4 (+), 31 (-)

Arranging and Planning your 10 (+), 26 (+), Metacognitive 22 (+), 20 (-), learning 13 (+), 18 (+) Evaluating your learning 15 (+), 16 (+)

Lowering your anxiety 5 (+) Indirect Strategies Encouraging your self 30 (+) Affective Taking emotional temperature 11 (+), 27 (+), 23 (+) Asking question 6 (+)

Social Cooperating with others 29 (+)

Empathizing with others 12 (+), 28 (+) 56

Table 9 List of Students’ Speaking Motivation Questionnaire Indicators

Variables Indicators Number Criterion measures (related to intended 1 (+), 42 (+), 20 effort) (+), 27 (+), 25 (+) Ideal L2 self 2 (+), 41 (+), 21 (+), 26 (+) Linguistic self-confidence 3 (+), 40 (+) Intrinsic Attitude toward learning English 4 (+), 39 (+), 22 Motivation (+) Interest in the English language 5 (+), 38 (+), 23 (+) English anxiety 6 (-), 37 (-) Attitudes toward L2 community 7 (+), 36 (+) High aspiration 8 (+), 35 (+) Ought-to L2 self 9 (+) Parental encouragement 10 (+), 34 (+) Instrumentality-promotion 11 (+), 33 (+), 24 (+) Instrumentality-prevention 12 (+), 32 (+) Travel orientation 13 (+), 31 (+) Extrinsic Motivation Fear of assimilation 14 (-), 30 (-) Ethnocentrism 15 (+) Integrativeness 16 (+), 29 (+) Cultural interest 17 (+), 28 (+) Failure and penalties 18 (+) Success and rewards 19 (+), 43 (+)


Based on variable and indicators of speaking learning strategies and motivation above, researcher proposed the scoring system for questionnaires, namely, the scoring system for students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation were given as follows: score 4 was given to the student who chooses always/strongly agree, 3 for often/agree, 2 for rarely/disagree and 1 for never/strongly disagree which were for positive statement. While, the scoring system for negative statement of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation were given as follows: score 1 was given to the student who chooses always/strongly agree, 2 for often/agree, 3 for rarely/disagree and 4 for never/strongly disagree.

The intensity level of scoring speaking learning strategies and speaking motivation could be seen as in the table follows:

Table 10 The Intensity of English Speaking Learning Strategies and Speaking Motivation Used by Students

Criteria Frequency Score Very high Always/strongly agree 3.00 – 4.00 High Often/agree 2.00 – 2.99 Low Rarely/disagree 1.00 – 1.99 Very low Never/strongly disagree 0.00 – 0.99

Instrument items consisted of 34 statements for students‘ speaking learning strategies as seen on the indicators above. They consisted of 15 statements for direct strategies and 19 statements for indirect strategies. While, instrument items consisted of 43 statements for students‘ speaking motivation as seen on the indicators above. They consisted of 23 intrinsic motivation and 20 statements for extrinsic motivation. 58

Furthermore, test was used to measure students‘ speaking skill in oral production (speech). It was arranged based on the indicators of speaking for convince, report, farewell, and introducing a speaker speech as follow:

Table 11 List of Students’ Speaking Skill Indicators

Variables Indicators Pronunciation refers to how well the students

pronoun English word

Structure refers to the form of English sentences that

used by students when they have spoken English

Vocabulary refers to whether the students can use the

suitable vocabulary or diction in speaking

Fluency refers to how fluent the students speak Speaking Skill Content refers to how far the students can explain the (Speech: report, farewell, content or information of their speech in detail

convince, and Introduction refers to how the students to develop and introducing a consider the speaking situation speaker) Voice quality refers to how the students to control their

voice Non verbal communication (gestures and eye contact)

refers to how the students can control and manage their

non verbal communication effectively

Conclusion refers to how the students make the

conclusion in order to the audience understanding about

their talking about. 59

Based on variable and indicators above, researcher proposed rubric for

assessing speaking especially oral production (speech) as follows:

Table 12 Rubric of Assessing Speaking Skill

Focus/Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 Student's Student's pronunciation Student's pronunciation Student's was understandable but was Student's pronunciation was Student's pronunciation Accent or pronunciation pronunciation mostly made mostly understandable understandable with some was understandable with Pronunciation made understanding was incomprehensible very difficult understanding with acceptable error almost no error Difficult some error

Student was difficult to Student was able to Constant errors understand and had a express showing Frequent errors showing Student was able to express hard time their ideas and responses Student was able to express control of very few some major patterns their ideas and responses fairly communicating adequately but often their ideas and responses Grammar major patters and uncontrolled and causing well but makes mistakes with their ideas and displayed with ease in proper sentence frequently occasional irritation and their tenses, however is able responses inconsistencies with structure and tenses preventing Misunderstanding to correct themselves because of grammar their sentence structure communication mistakes and tenses

Student had inadequate Choice of words Student was able to use vocabulary words to sometimes broad Vocabulary limited Student utilized the words express inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary words but Rich, precise and impressive to basic vocabulary prevent learned in class, in an Vocabulary his/her ideas properly, was usage of vocabulary words personal and survival accurate manner for the which hindered the discussion lacking, making him/her learned in and beyond of class areas situation given students of some common repetitive and cannot in responding professional and social expand on his/her ideas topics

Student took a long Students were able to Students were able to Students were able to Student was able to Student was unable to Fluency time communicate with communicate with some communicate clearly with communicate clearly with speak to speak difficulty difficulty little difficulty almost no difficulty

students are very students are poor to students are fair to students are average to students are good to develop students are very good to poor to develop and Introduction develop and consider develop and consider the develop and consider the and consider the speaking develop and consider the consider thespeaking the speaking situation speaking situation speaking situation Situation speaking situation situation students are very students cannot students are mostly difficult students have some explain difficult students have a little to explain the content difficulty to explain the students can explain clearly clearly the content or to explain the content or difficulty to explain the Content or content or information the content or information information of their information of their content or information of information of their of of their speech in detail speech speech their speech in detail speech their speech in detail in detail in detail in detail students are very students are poor students are average students are fair students are good students are very good poor to control and to control and to control and Voice quality to control and to control and to control and manage their voice manage their voice manage their voice manage their voice quality manage their voice quality manage their voice quality quality quality quality students are very students are poor students are fair students are average students are good students are very good Non Verbal poor to control and to control and to control and to control and to control and to control and Com manage gestures manage their gestures manage their gestures manage their gestures manage their gestures manage their gestures Student occasionally Student occasionally Student maintains eye Student reads all of uses Student occasionally uses uses Student maintains eye contact most of the Eye Contact report eye contact, but eye contact, but eye contact, but contact with audience, time but frequently with no eye contact still reads most of still reads some of report still reads a little of seldom returning to notes returns to notes report report Audience cannot Audience has very Audience has mostly Audience has some understand Student presents information difficulty difficulty difficulty Student presents information presentation because in logical, interesting Concluding following following presentation following presentation in logical sequence which there sequence which audience presentation because because because audience can follow is no sequence of can follow student jumps around student jumps around student jumps around information

(Adapted from Brown, Hughes, and Knight)


Each student was tested in aspects for speaking skill, especially in oral test. The test was constructed in oral test with 10 options. They were constructed based on the rubric scoring. The scoring was done as follows: score one (1) was given for very poor, two (2) for poor, three (3) for fair, four

(4) for average, five (5) for good and six (6) for very good. It means that the lowest score was one and the highest score six. To make easy in next processing the score was conversed to the scale of 1 to 100 based on the percentage system. It means that if a student had 6 point, his/her mark would be 10 and if a student had 60 point, his/her mark would be 100. This was done by using the following formula:

Score = P+G+V+F+I+Cont+VQ+NVC+EC+Conc Where: P = students‘ score in pronunciation G = students‘ score in grammar V = students‘ score in vocabulary F = students‘ score in fluency I = students‘ score in introduction Cont = students‘ score in content VQ = students‘ score in voice quality NVC = students‘ score in non-verbal communication EC = students‘ score in eye contact Conc = students‘ score in conclusion

To know the real score of the students, the writer used the following formula:

x 100%


RS = real score of each student TS = total score of the indicator of speaking (sum P+…….+ Conc) 60 = the maximum score (10 indicators of speaking x 6 kinds of score)


After that the researcher categorized the students based on score with

the three achievements categorize which were supported by Sudijono

(2005:176), namely: high, average, and low. It could be seen in the table


Table 13 Score Students’ Speaking Skill

Range of the Real Scores Categories Levels 51-60 Very good High Ability 41-50 Good

31-40 Average Average Ability 21-30 Fair 11-20 Poor Low Ability 0-10 Very Poor

The amount of the students involve in this research were obtained after

grouping all students from three classes into high, average, and low

achievement based on the speaking test. Then, the students‘ speaking learning

strategies, motivation, and speaking skill of the three groups of students were


E. Trying Out Instruments

In trying out the instrument did some steps. The steps were:

1. Trying out respondents

Trying out respondent was done to the students who did not include in the

sample of the research. There were 30 students. They were chosen since

they had English ability at the same category with the sample.


2. Trying out implementation

The instrument of the research was tried out on the 24th of May 2012. The

respondents had been in their class. They were given some explanation by

the researcher himself about how to answer the test and questionnaire.

Then, the instruments were given to them directly. Specifically for

students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation, the researcher

distributed the questionnaire to the students and tested their speaking skill.

In implementing this trying out, the researcher was helped by two lecturers

from English Department of STAIN Batusangkar.

3. Trying out instrument analysis

Trying out instrument analysis consisted of:

a. Testing validity

Validity is the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to

measure. In this research, instrument validity included content validity,

construct validity, and item analysis.

Content validity is the degree to which a test measures an intended

content area. It requires both item validity and sampling validity. Item

validity is concerned with whether the test items are relevant to the

intended content area, and sampling validity is concerned with how

well the test samples represent the total content area. While construct

validity seeks to determine whether the construct underlying a variable

is actually being measured (Gay, 2009: 155-157).

Trying out instrument was analyzed by correlating scores of the

instrument and using correlation technique ―Product Moment‖.

(Arikunto, 2009:171) 63

N XY ( X )( Y ) rxy 2 2 2 2 { N X ( X ) }{ N Y ( Y ) }

Where: r = Pearson r X = the sum of scores in X-distribution Y = the sum of scores in Y-distribution XY = the sum of the products of parried X and Y scores X² = the sum of the squared scores in X-distribution Y² = the sum of the squared scores in Y-distribution N = the sum of parried X and Y scores

b. Testing reliability

Gay (2009: 158) says ―reliability is the degree to which a test

consistently measures whatever it is measuring‖. It provides

information about measurement error, such as the inevitable

fluctuations in scores due to person and test factors. No test is perfectly

reliable, but the smaller the measurement error, the more reliable the

test. Instrument reliability was analyzed using the Cronbach Alpha for

students‘ speaking learning strategies, motivation and their speaking

skill (Arikunto, 2010: 239) as follows:

Where: : Reliabilities of questionnaire : Total variants : Sum of variants item k : Sum of item

Based on the result of trying out analysis each item variables, it was found that the students‘ speaking learning strategies questionnaire consisted of 46 items, 12 items was deleted and 34 items was valid. While, students‘ speaking motivation questionnaire consisted of 55 items, 12 items was deleted and 43 items was valid. (See appendix 1) 64

F. Technique of Collecting the Data

There were some instruments that were used in collecting data of this

research. Collecting data were given two questionnaires and a test to sample of

research. Procedure for collecting data were given to student sample namely; a

test of English was for speaking ability and questionnaire for knowing

students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation.

Questionnaire was used to obtain the data of students‘ speaking

learning strategies and their motivation in speaking. Researcher used some

procedures. First, they were gathered in a room; second, they were asked to

respond to the questionnaire; third, they were asked to give honest answer as

they experienced; and questionnaires were collected after the respondents filled


While, to get data of speaking skill, it stood to reason by giving the

students oral production test. In testing speaking, it is also necessary to record

the students‘ short talk. That is why a tape recorder or mobile phone was used

in this case. It was hard to give students‘ short talk besides keeping the data

whenever the students complain their scores. Hughes (2003) states that ―it is

necessary to have a recording of a session, if the candidate is not satisfied or

trauma about his/her mark, so it can be called back the session by hearing

his/her presentation on recording.‖ To take the data, researcher was helped by

two English lecturers.


G. Technique of Analyzing the Data

Analyzing data was important way after doing the collection data,

because the researcher was given explanation and meaning toward the

collected data. Analyzing data was the process of seeking, planning, arranging

data in systematic way that was obtained from the questionnaire and speaking


The collecting data were analyzed by aid of descriptive and inferential

statistic. Descriptive statistic was applied to students‘ speaking learning

strategies , motivation and their speaking skill in order to see the

tendency of those data. Descriptive analysis was arranged based on mean score

(M) and standard deviation (SD) score. There, researcher used categorizing

table that proposed by Sudijono (2005:175). The category of students learning

strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill could be seen in the table


Table 14 The Category of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill

Category of Students’ Speaking Learning Average Score Strategies and Motivation >Mean + 1.5 SD Very High Mean + 0.5 SD High Mean - 0.5 SD Sufficient Mean - 1.5 SD Low

Inferential statistic of correlation analysis was conducted in order to see

the correlation between students learning strategies and motivation toward their

speaking skill. Inferential statistic was used to make inference about

parameters, based on the statistic from sample. They were some tests: 66

normality, homogeneity, linearity, testing independency variable, multi co - linearity, and testing ANOVA were applied before preceding the correlation analysis. Testing normality was used to test the assumption that the distribution from which the sample was in normal. It was calculated with SPSS program.

The criterion of this testing was if significance score for analysis was bigger than standard significance score (.05), the distribution was normal. Then, testing homogeneity was used to see whether the sample was taken from population had the same characteristic. The criterion on this research testing was homogeneity. Next, testing linearity was used to see whether the average of each variable was in linear. Testing independency variable was used to know the variable had the correlation. Multicolinearity testing is used to know the coefficient correlation and variance inflation factors of each independent variable. Last but not least, testing ANOVA was used to know the average score of each variable.

The collected data were analyzed to know the truth of hypothesis which was proposed. These analyses were used to know the correlation between students‘ speaking learning strategies and students‘ speaking skill , and speaking motivation ( and students‘ speaking skill Then, analysis of effective contribution to dependent variable which were used to know partial contribution of each independent variable to dependent variable. Data were analyzed by using correlation technique ―Product Moment‖ or single regression technique for hypotheses 1 and 2, and multiple regression technique for hypothesis 3. In analyzing the data, the researcher used correlation 67

technique and multiple linier regressions by using of SPSS program. In this way, it was used to see the influence of independent variables toward dependent variable . Data analysis was expected to draw conclusion whether hypothesis that had been formulated was received or rejected.




A. Data Description

As stated on page 8, the researcher is expected to identify and find out the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar, the contribution of students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar, and the contribution of both students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. Based on these purposes, the sixth semester students of English Department of STAIN

Batusangkar have been tested by administrating speaking test to explain the students‘ speaking ability. Meanwhile, the questionnaires were administrated to explain the students‘ speaking learning strategies and speaking motivation toward their speaking skill.

Besides, before computing the data, it was important to make the necessary description of the data. It was used to find the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their speaking skill, students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill, and both of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill. The description was done to administrate and showed the brief information of the data that the substance of the data can be clear and understandable. In data description, the researcher calculated mean scores, standard deviation, minimum score, and maximum score (see appendix 4). Based on statistical analysis, the general description was shown in the table below: 68 69

Table 15 Statistical Result of Variables of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill Statistics Students' Students' Students' Speaking Speaking Speaking LS Motivation Skill N Valid 62 62 62 Missing 0 0 0 Mean 92.48 133.02 70.63 Median 90.50 133.00 70.00 Mode 88 120a 63a Std. Deviation 8.590 12.467 13.310 Variance 73.795 155.426 177.155 Minimum 77 96 47 Maximum 108 157 96 Sum 5734 8247 4379 Percenti 25 87.00 124.00 59.00 les 50 90.50 133.00 70.00 75 100.00 142.00 81.50

The clear description of students‘ speaking learning strategies, students‘ speaking motivation, and students‘ speaking skill could be shown in the discussion below:

1. The Description of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies

The data of students‘ speaking learning strategies was obtained from questionnaire scores. The score was obtained from students who filled the questionnaire. Mean of the score was 92.48, standard deviation of the score was

8.590 and median of the score was 90.50. The highest score was 108, and the lowest one was 77. 70

The score of students‘ speaking learning strategies were arranged in the following table:

Table 16 The Frequency Distribution Data of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies

No Class Interval Frequency Percentage Categories 1 77-80 6 9.68 Very Low 2 81-84 4 6.45 Low 3 85-88 15 24.19 4 89-92 14 22.58 Sufficient 5 93-96 1 1.61 6 97-100 10 16.13 High 7 101-104 4 6.45 8 105-108 8 12.90 Very High 62 100.00

From the table above, it could be concluded that there were 62 students

(12.90%) in very high of language learning strategies, 62 students (22.58%) in high of language learning strategies. Then, there were 62 students‘ (48.39%) in sufficient of learning strategies. Furthermore, there were 62 students (6.45%) in low level of language learning strategies and 62 students (9.68%) in very low of language learning strategies. In conclusion, most of students‘ speaking learning strategies were 48.39%. It means that students‘ speaking learning strategies were sufficient significant.

The graph of the frequency distribution data was presented in following figure:


Figure 3 The Histogram of the Frequency Distribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies

2. The description of students’ speaking motivation The data of students‘ speaking motivation was obtained from their raw score of questionnaire. The score was obtained from students who filled the questionnaire. Mean of the score was133.02, standard deviation of the score was

12.467, and median of the score was133.00. The highest score was 157, and the lowest one was 96. The score of students‘ speaking motivation were arranged in the following table:

Table 17 The Frequency Distribution Data of Students’ Speaking Motivation

No Class interval Frequency Percentage Categories 1 96-104 1 1.61 Very Low 2 105-113 3 4.84 3 114-122 7 11.29 Low 4 123-131 19 30.65 Sufficient 5 132-140 15 24.19 High 6 141-149 9 14.52 7 150-158 8 12.90 Very High 62 100 72

From the table above, it could be concluded that there were 62 students

(12.90%) in very high of motivation, 62 students (38.71%) in high level of motivation. Then, there were 62 students‘ (30.65%) in sufficient of motivation.

Furthermore, there were 62 students (11.29%) in low level of motivation, and 62 students (6.45%) in very low level of motivation. In conclusion, most of students‘ speaking motivation was 38.71%. It means that students‘ speaking motivation was high significant.

The graph of the frequency distribution data was presented in following figure:

Figure 4 The Histogram of the Frequency Distribution of Students’ speaking Motivation

3. The description of students’ speaking skill The data of students‘ speaking skill was obtained from their raw score of speaking test. The score was gotten from students who followed the speaking test.

Mean of the score was 70.63; standard deviation of the score was 13.310, and median of the score was7 . 0. The highest score was 96, and the lowest one was

47. The score of students‘ speaking skill were arranged in the following table:


Table 18 The Frequency Distribution Data of Students’ Speaking Skill

No Class interval Frequency Percentage Categories 1 47-53 4 6.45 Low 2 54-60 13 20.97 3 61-67 10 16.13 Average 4 68-74 11 17.74 5 75-81 9 14.52 6 82-88 9 14.52 High 7 89-96 6 9.68 62 100

From the table above, it could be concluded that there were 62 students

(24.19%) in high ability of speaking skill, and 62 students (69.35%) in average ability of speaking skill. Furthermore, there were 62 students (6.45%) in low ability of speaking skill. In conclusion, most of students‘ speaking skill was

69.35%. It means that students‘ speaking skill was average significant.

The graph of the frequency distribution data was presented in following figure:

Figure 5 The Histogram of the Frequency Distribution of Students’ Speaking Skill


B. Testing of Requirement Data Analysis There were some steps that have been followed in requirement analyzing the data. They were inferential statistic, calculating coefficient correlation, regression and multiple regression analysis. In analyzing the data, the researcher used aid of computer program called SPSS version 16. Besides that, to find the coefficient correlation, the researcher also used Pearson Product moment formula and regression equation.

1. Inferential Statistic

The process of inferential statistic included testing normality, homogeneity, testing ANOVA, independency variable, and ANOVA. Testing normality was done to see whether data was normal or not. Next, testing homogeneity was done to know whether the data was homogeneous or not. Testing ANOVA was done to see whether data was linear or not. Testing independency variable was done to see whether the data was correlation or not. Last but not least, ANOVA was used to know average score each of the variables.

a. Testing Normality

The normality of the data was analyzed through One-Sample Kolmogorov-

Smirnov Test. The result of testing normality showed that the data of distribution of the three variables were normal. Where, values of asymptotic significant .116,

.829 and .516 were higher than significance table .05. The summary for the result of testing normality of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill could be seen in the table below and for detailed information (see appendix 4). 75

Table 19 The Result of Testing Normality

Kolmogrov Smirnov Variable Asymp. Sig. N Absolute Sig Students‘ Speaking LS .116 62 .151 Students‘ Speaking Motivation .829 62 .079 .05 Students‘ Speaking Skill .516 62 .104

b. Testing Homogeneity The homogeneity of the data was analyzed through Bartlett testing. The result of testing homogeneity showed that ²computed (4.12) was smaller than table

(5.99) at the level of significance .05. It means that Ho which states the population variance is homogeneous accepted. It can be concluded that the data derived from homogeneous population. For detailed information (see appendix 4).

c. Testing Linearity To see the effectiveness of the students‘ speaking learning strategies and students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill were applied by the respondents, One–way ANOVA was applied. Based on the data analysis by using

SPSS program was gotten the result of analysis as table below and for detailed information (see appendix 4)

Table 20 The Result of Analysis ANOVA Students’ Speaking LS toward Their Speaking Skill

Sum of df Mean F Sig. Squares Square Students' Speaking Between (Combined) 7159.884 25 286.395 2.827 .002 Skill * Students' Groups Speaking LS Linearity 4496.77 4496.775 1 44.393 .000 5 Deviation from 2663.109 24 110.963 1.095 .394 Linearity Within Groups 3646.583 36 101.294

Total 10806.468 61 76

From the table above, it could be concluded that F-calculated was gained the linearity about 1.095. If it was compared with F-table .394, it saw that F- calculated was greater than F-table. Thus, the simple regression (Ỳ= -21.806+

0.999X₁) could be used as taking the conclusion of the independent variables

(students‘ speaking learning strategies) with the dependent variable (students‘ speaking skill).

Table 21 The Result of Analysis ANOVA Students’ Speaking Motivation toward Speaking Skill

Sum of Df Mean F Sig. Squares Square Students' Speaking Between (Combined) 6418.051 33 194.486 1.241 .282 Skill * Students' Groups Linearity 2153.329 1 2153.329 13.739 .001 Speaking Deviation from Motivation 4264.722 32 133.273 .850 .673 Linearity

Within Groups 4388.417 28 156.729

Total 10806.468 61

From the table above, it could be concluded that F-calculated was gained the linearity about .850. If it was compared with F-table .673, it saw that F- calculated was greater than F-table. Thus, the simple regression (Ỳ= 7.237 +

0.477X₂) could be used as taking the conclusion of the independent variables

(students‘ speaking motivation) with the dependent variable (students‘ speaking skill).


Table 22 The Result of Analysis Testing ANOVA Students’ Speaking LS and Motivation

Sum of Mean Model Df F Sig. Squares Square 1 Regression 4924.608 2 2462.304 24.699 .000a Residual 5881.860 59 99.693 Total 10806.468 61

From the table above, it could be concluded that F-calculated was gained the linearity about 24.699 If it was compared with F-table on σ =.00 (4.98), it saw that F-calculated was greater than F-table. Ho was rejected. Thus, the multiple regression (Ỳ= -39.952 + 0.861X₁ + 0.233X₂) could be used as taking the conclusion of the independent variables ( students‘ speaking learning strategies and speaking motivation) with the dependent variable (students‘ speaking skill). It could be shown on the figure below:

Figure 6: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual 78

d. Testing Independency Variables Before correlation analysis and multiple regression is done we have to know double to be speaking learning strategies (X₁) and speaking motivation (X₂) correlated significantly .166 with correlation = .180. Thus, it said that both of variables are not correlated significantly, or independent. For detailed information

(see appendix 4).

e. Testing Multicolinearity

Multicolinearity can be used by using of correlation coefficient partial and be compared it between coefficient correlation each of independent variables (X₁

X₂). Multicolinearity testing is used by using SPSS program that was done a regression testing with VIF (variance inflation factor) mark and correlation coefficient. The criteria are used: if mark of VIF is around 1 or tolerance is near 1, so it can be said that there is no problem in multicolinearity for regression model, while, if the correlation coefficient independent variables are lower than .05, so there is no problem in multicolinearity. Based on the data, it was shown that the marks of VIF (1.203) are near to one for all independent variables and also tolerance (.831).It can be concluded that in regression on independent variables toward dependent variable do not have the multicolinearity to independent variables. For detailed information (see appendix 4).

f. Testing ANOVA

Testing ANOVA was one of the analysis techniques that were used to know the average score of each variable. Researcher should do the testing

ANOVA, if the ANOVA comes from the normal population and homogeneous 79

each of variables. The result of testing ANOVA showed that F calculated had lower than F- table (F distribution table) at the level of significance .05.In students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation, F calculated was .28 with df

3 and df 58 lower than F table at standard significant .05 was 2.77 (Fc


2. Calculating coefficient correlation

In order to find out the correlation between students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill, the researcher analyzed it by applying the formula of Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient.

Furthermore, to find the coefficient determination between variables of students‘ speaking learning strategies (X₁) and students‘ speaking motivation (X₂) toward their speaking skill (Y), researcher has been done as follow:

Table 23 Analysis of Correlation Value of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill

N X₁ X₂ Y X₁ X₂ X₁Y X₂Y X₁² X₂² Y² O 1 80 112 55 8960 4400 6160 6400 12544 3025 2 83 135 68 11205 5644 9180 6889 18225 4624 3 88 143 70 12584 6160 10010 7744 20449 4900 4 80 120 48 9600 3840 5760 6400 14400 2304 5 108 124 78 13392 8424 9672 11664 15376 6084 6 79 138 58 10902 4582 8004 6241 19044 3364 7 100 120 79 12000 7900 9480 10000 14400 6241 8 106 139 81 14734 8586 11259 11236 19321 6561 9 83 123 58 10209 4814 7134 6889 15129 3364 80

10 91 122 47 11102 4277 5734 8281 14884 2209 11 87 126 54 10962 4698 6804 7569 15876 2916 12 80 112 48 8960 3840 5376 6400 12544 2304 13 98 153 70 14994 6860 10710 9604 23409 4900 14 100 133 81 13300 8100 10773 10000 17689 6561 15 96 120 83 11520 7968 9960 9216 14400 6889 16 88 116 55 10208 4840 6380 7744 13456 3025 17 108 129 78 13932 8424 10062 11664 16641 6084 18 89 128 59 11392 5251 7552 7921 16384 3481 19 89 139 61 12371 5429 8479 7921 19321 3721 20 102 150 92 15300 9384 13800 10404 22500 8464 21 86 124 76 10664 6536 9424 7396 15376 5776 22 101 142 74 14342 7474 10508 10201 20164 5476 23 90 112 55 10080 4950 6160 8100 12544 3025 24 91 128 62 11648 5642 7936 8281 16384 3844 25 99 127 64 12573 6336 8128 9801 16129 4096 26 88 130 67 11440 5896 8710 7744 16900 4489 27 82 124 59 10168 4838 7316 6724 15376 3481 28 100 135 96 13500 9600 12960 10000 18225 9216 29 92 120 63 11040 5796 7560 8464 14400 3969 30 91 127 68 11557 6188 8636 8281 16129 4624 31 87 124 56 10788 4872 6944 7569 15376 3136 32 108 154 93 16632 10044 14322 11664 23716 8649 33 99 145 84 14355 8316 12180 9801 21025 7056 34 103 140 87 14420 8961 12180 10609 19600 7569 35 100 142 93 14200 9300 13206 10000 20164 8649 36 88 134 74 11792 6512 9916 7744 17956 5476 37 107 146 95 15622 10165 13870 11449 21316 9025 38 92 134 76 12328 6992 10184 8464 17956 5776 39 87 133 60 11571 5220 7980 7569 17689 3600 40 100 154 80 15400 8000 12320 10000 23716 6400 41 92 128 63 11776 5796 8064 8464 16384 3969 42 77 96 65 7392 5005 6240 5929 9216 4225 43 90 143 77 12870 6930 11011 8100 20449 5929 44 88 156 83 13728 7304 12948 7744 24336 6889 45 90 152 63 13680 5670 9576 8100 23104 3969 46 82 143 63 11726 5166 9009 6724 20449 3969 47 86 151 56 12986 4816 8456 7396 22801 3136 48 92 157 73 14444 6716 11461 8464 24649 5329 49 104 139 85 14456 8840 11815 10816 19321 7225 50 88 130 62 11440 5456 8060 7744 16900 3844 51 79 136 70 10744 5530 9520 6241 18496 4900 52 92 139 58 12788 5336 8062 8464 19321 3364 53 85 130 56 11050 4760 7280 7225 16900 3136 81

54 97 129 48 12513 4656 6192 9409 16641 2304 55 97 125 73 12125 7081 9125 9409 15625 5329 56 105 142 73 14910 7665 10366 11025 20164 5329 57 88 135 83 11880 7304 11205 7744 18225 6889 58 90 126 93 11340 8370 11718 8100 15876 8649 59 85 119 73 10115 6205 8687 7225 14161 5329 60 105 148 85 15540 8925 12580 11025 21904 7225 61 108 137 88 14796 9504 12056 11664 18769 7744 62 88 129 84 11352 7392 10836 7744 16641 7056 Σ 5734 8247 4379 765398 409486 586996 534804 1106465 320091

From the table 23 above, it could be concluded that N= 62, ∑X₁=5734,


4, ∑X₂²=1106465, and ∑Y²=320091. In order to find out correlation between students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill, see the calculation process of index correlation and for detailed information (see appendix 4).

If r-calculated was bigger than r-table, it means that the correlation of the test was significant or valid. Sugiyono (2008: 184) states that the calculation was interpreted to the correlation coefficient as the following table:

Table 24 Correlation Coefficient Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill

Correlation Coefficient .800 – 1.000 Very High

.600 – .799 High

.400 – .599 Sufficient

.200 – .399 Low

.000 – .199 Very Low


Based on the table above, it could be stated that the category of r product moment interpretation included to .600 – .799. It means that there was correlation between students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill. In other word, there was significant contribution between students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill.

The calculation of coefficient correlation also had been done by statistical analysis by using SPSS version 16 (see appendix 4). The result of two ways coefficient was the same. Based on the calculation above, It was found that r- calculated was .675.While, r-table in the degree of freedom at (df)= N-2= 62-2=

60 was .254 at the level significance 5 % (see appendix 4). In other words, the coefficient correlation (rX₁X₂Y) between three variables was higher than r table. It means that there was high positive correlation between students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill. Thus, hypothesis alternative (Ha) was accepted. For more explanation about it, look at the table below:

Table 25 The Level of Significance Pearson Product Moment Correlation

Df Correlation Sig. 5% Remark 62 .675 .254 Ha was accepted

After comparing between r-calculated (rX₁X₂Y) with r-table (rt) at the level of significance 5 %, the researcher had been done the coefficient correlation significant or not. It was calculated by using the following formula; see the calculation (see appendix 4). From the calculation of testing coefficient correlation, the value of t-calculated was 5.272 and 2.072 while t-table was 1.671. 83

It means that the coefficient calculation is significant because t-calculated higher than t-table. Thus, Ha was accepted. To find the distribution of t-table (see appendix 4). On the other hand, to know whether students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation contribute to their speaking skill or not, it could be done by comparing t-calculated and t-table. It also had been done by using statically analysis called SPSS version 16. The value of t-calculated could be seen in the table below:

Table 26 Table of Coefficient

Correlations Model T-c T-tbl Zero-order Partial Part (constant) 1.671 -2.442 Students‘ Speaking LS 1.671 .645 .566 .506 5.272 Students‘ Speaking Motivation 1.671 .446 .260 .199 2.072

From the table above could be seen that the value of constant t-calculated was -2.442, while t-table was 1.671. The result showed that t-calculated was smaller than t-table. It means that students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation contributed toward their speaking skill. Thus, Ha was accepted.

C. Hypothesis Testing

Based on the result of requirement testing data analysis above, it showed that each of the research variables have required to do the continue testing statically. In line with this, there were three hypotheses which should be tested.

First, there was contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their 84

speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. Second, there was

contribution of students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill at

semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. Third, there was contribution of both

students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill

at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. The following explanation describes the

testing result of the three research hypotheses above:

1. The Contribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies toward

Their Speaking Skill

The result of analysis of single regression linear towards the couple of

research data between speaking language learning strategies and speaking skill

indicated that coefficient regression B .999 and constant -21.806 so that the

correlation between the two variables can be stated by regression Y = -21.806

+.999 X1. The coefficient regression can be seen in the table below:

Table 27 Regression Coefficients between Speaking LS and Speaking Skill

Unstandardized Standardized Model Coefficients Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) -21.806 14.196 -1.536 .130

Students' Speaking LS .999 .153 .645 6.539 .000

Table above shows that simple linear regression equation is Y = -21.806

+.999 X1 the sig score is .00 < α = .05 and sig for F .000 <α = .05. It can be

concluded that this equation is significant and can be used as a prediction factor. It 85

means that if students‘ speaking learning strategies score increases one point, it can increase their speaking skill score. The calculation is Y = -21.806 +.999 X1,

Y = -20.807.

To know the degree of linearity and meaningful equation of the regression are needed F test. The result can be seen in the table below:

Table 28 Calculation for F Testing Speaking LS and Speaking Skill

Sum of Mean Model Df F Sig. Squares Square 1 Regression 4496.775 1 4496.775 42.761 .000a Residual 6309.692 60 105.162 Total 10806.468 61

Analysis of variance result was shown on the above table, it can be concluded that the correlation between speaking LS and speaking skill are meaningful and linear, so that this regression equation can be used for prediction.

This regression equation model means that if speaking LS increase one score, speaking skill will increase as much as .999 score on the constant -21.806.

Simple regression is used to prove hypothesis testing whether there is contribution students‘ speaking LS toward their speaking skill or not.

Ho = Students‘ speaking learning strategies variable does not

contribute significantly and positively with their speaking skill.

Ha = Students‘ speaking learning strategies variable contributes

significantly and positively with their speaking skill. 86

Ho is accepted if significant probability greater than α = .05 or (sig. F. change >

.05). Ha is rejected if significant probability lower than α = .05 or (sig. F. change

< .05). The result of the first hypothesis testing can be seen in the table below:

Table 29 Model Summary of Correlation Analysis between Speaking LS and Speaking Skill

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared Students' Speaking Skill * .645a .416 .406 10.255 Students' Speaking LS

From this table, the correlation score (rx1y) is .645, determination coefficient (r²) is .416 and sig. F. change is .000 .It means that sig. F. change is lower than α = .05. It can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

So, it can be said that there is contribution students‘ speaking LS toward speaking skill.

From this analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significance correlation and contribution between speaking LS and speaking skill for third year students of STAIN Batusangkar. The contribution is 41.6 % while the other is

58.4 % from other factors.

Linear regression equation Y= a + bX1 is used to know whether the form of correlation between speaking LS and speaking skill have predictive correlation.

The figure of linear regression line can be seen below: 87

Linear regression equation line Y = a + b X1 Figure 7

It is concluded that if speaking LS of the third year students of STAIN

Batusangkar increase, the speaking skill will increase as well. The statistic calculation of speaking LS can be seen in appendix 4.

2. The Contribution of Students’ Speaking Motivation toward Their

Speaking Skill

The result of analysis of single regression linear towards the couple of research data between speaking motivation and speaking skill indicated that coefficient regression B .477 and constant 7.237 so that the correlation between the two variables can be stated by regression Y = 7.237 +.477 X2. The coefficient regression can be seen in the table below:


Table 30 Regression Coefficients between Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill

Unstandardized Standardized Model Coefficients Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 7.237 16.476 .439 .662

Students' Speaking .477 .123 .446 3.864 .000 Motivation

Table above shows that simple linear regression equation is Y = 7.237

+.477 X2 the sig score is .00 < α = .05 and sig for F .000 <α = .05. It can be

concluded that this equation is significant and can be used as a prediction factor. It

means that if students‘ speaking motivation score increases one point, it can

increase their speaking skill score. The calculation is Y = 7.237 +.477 X2, Y =

7.714. To know the degree of linearity and meaningful equation of the regression

are needed F test. The result can be seen in the table below:

Table 31 Calculation for F Testing Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill

Sum of Mean Model Df F Sig. Squares Square 1 Regression 2153.329 1 2153.329 14.931 .000a Residual 8653.139 60 144.219 Total 10806.468 61

Analysis of variance result was shown on the above table, it can be

concluded that the correlation between speaking motivation and speaking skill are

meaningful and linear, so that this regression equation can be used for prediction. 89

This regression equation model means that if speaking motivation increase one score, speaking skill will increase as much as .477 score on the constant 7.237.

Simple regression is used to prove hypothesis testing whether there is contribution students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill or not.

Ho = Students‘ speaking motivation variable does not contribute

significantly and positively with their speaking skill.

Ha = Students‘ speaking motivation variable contributes

significantly and positively with their speaking skill.

Ho is accepted if significant probability greater than α = .05 or (sig. F. change >

.05). Ha is rejected if significant probability lower than α = .05 or (sig. F. change

< .05). The result of the first hypothesis testing can be seen in the table below:

Table 32 Model Summary of Correlation Analysis between Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill

Adjusted R Std. Error of R R Square Square the Estimate .446a .199 .186 12.009

From this table, the correlation score (rx2y) is .446, determination coefficient (r²) is .199 and sig. F. change is .000 .It means that sig. F. change is lower than α = .05. It can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

So, it can be said that there is contribution students‘ speaking motivation toward speaking skill.


From this analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significance correlation and contribution between speaking motivation and speaking skill for third year students of STAIN Batusangkar. The contribution is 19.9 % while the other is 80.1 % from other factors.

Linear regression equation Y= a+bX2 is used to know whether the form of correlation between speaking motivation and speaking skill have predictive correlation. The figure of linear regression line can be seen below:

Linear regression equation line Y = a + b X2 Figure 8

It is concluded that if speaking motivation of the third year students of

STAIN Batusangkar increase, the speaking skill will increase as well. The statistic calculation of speaking motivation can be seen in appendix 4.


3. The Contribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies and

Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill.

The result of analysis of multiple regression linear towards the couple of research data between students speaking LS, speaking motivation and speaking skill indicated that coefficient regression Y = -39.952 + .861 X1 + .233 X2 so that the correlation between the two variables can be stated by regression Y = -39.952

+ .861 X1 + .233 X2. The coefficient regression can be seen in the table below:

Table 33 Regression Coefficients between Students’ Speaking LS, Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill

Unstandardized Standardized Model Coefficients Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -39.952 16.363 -2.442 .018

Students' Speaking LS .861 .163 .555 5.272 .000 Students' Speaking .233 .112 .218 2.072 .043 Motivation

Table above shows that simple linear regression equation is Y = -39.952 +

.861 X1 + .233 X2 the sig score is .00 < α = .05 and sig for F .000 <α = .05. It can be concluded that this equation is significant and can be used as a prediction factor. It means that if students‘ speaking LS and speaking motivation score increase one point, it can increase their speaking skill score. The calculation is Y

= -39.952 + .861 X1 + .233 X2. Y = -38.858.

To know the degree of linearity and meaningful equation of the regression are needed F test. The result can be seen in the table below: 92

Table 34 Calculation for F Testing Speaking LS, Speaking Motivation and Speaking Skill

Sum of Mean Model df F Sig. Squares Square 1 Regression 4924.608 2 2462.304 24.699 .000a Residual 5881.860 59 99.693 Total 10806.468 61

Analysis of variance result was shown on the above table, it can be concluded that the correlation between speaking LS, speaking motivation and speaking skill are meaningful and linear, so that this regression equation can be used for prediction. This regression equation model means that if speaking LS, speaking motivation increase one score, speaking skill will increase as well.

Multiple regression is used to prove the third hypothesis testing whether there are contribution of both students‘ speaking LS and motivation toward their speaking skill or not.

Ho = both students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation

variables do not contribute significantly and positively with

their speaking skill.

Ha = both students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation

variables contribute significantly and positively with their

speaking skill.

Ho is accepted if significant probability greater than α = .05 or (sig. F. change >

.05). Ha is rejected if significant probability lower than α = .05 or (sig. F. change

< .05). The result of the first hypothesis testing can be seen in the table below: 93

Table 35 Model Summary of Correlation Analysis between Speaking LS, Motivation and Speaking Skill

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared Students' Speaking Skill * Students' Speaking LS .675a .456 .437 9.985 and Students‘ Speaking Motivation

From this table, the correlation score (ry 1.2) is .675, determination coefficient (r²) is .456 and sig. F. change is .000. It means that sig. F. change is lower than α = .05. It can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

So, it can be said that there is contribution of both Students‘ Speaking LS and speaking motivation toward speaking skill.

From this analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significance correlation and contribution between speaking LS, speaking motivation and speaking skill for third year students of STAIN Batusangkar. The contribution is

45.6 % while the other is 54.4 % from other factors.

Linear regression equation Y= a + bX1+ cX2 is used to know whether the form of correlation between students‘ speaking LS, speaking motivation and speaking skill have predictive correlation. The figure of linear regression line can be seen below: 94

Linear regression equation line Y = a + b X1+ c X2 Figure 9

It is concluded that if speaking LS and motivation of the third year students of STAIN Batusangkar increase, the speaking skill will increase as well.

The statistic calculation of speaking skill can be seen in appendix 4.

4. Relative Contribution and Effective Contribution

Relative Contribution (RC) was taken from square of contribution score

(ry1/ry2), then it was divided by square of correlation score (ry1/ry2) and plus square of correlation score (ry2/ry1). The last, it timed 100%. While Effective

Contribution (EC) was taken from Relative Contribution and timed (ry1,2). The calculation of relative and effective contribution could be seen clearly on appendix 4.

The score of RC and EC from both students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill could be seen in the table:


Table 36 Resume of RC and EC Variable X1 and X2 toward Y

Variable Relative Contribution Effective Contribution X1 toward Y 67.65% 45.66% X2 toward Y 32.35% 21.84% 100% 67.5%

From this table could be explained that students‘ speaking learning strategies variable contributed 45.66% effectively toward their speaking skill, while students‘ speaking motivation variable contributed 21.84% effectively toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. Thus, both of the variables gave the effective contribution 67.5% toward speaking skill.

D. Discussion

This research revealed that there was any significant contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill at semester

VI of STAIN Batusangkar. It was found out from the three hypotheses testing.

The following explanation was the discussion of all three hypotheses:

1. There Is Contribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies toward

Their Speaking Skill.

Generally, from the data analysis the description of students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their speaking skill was in sufficient categories. Then, students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their speaking skill were rarely used by students when they were speaking. In other words, most of students had low speaking learning strategies when they were speaking. It means that speaking skill was not only influenced by speaking language learning strategies but in other factors such self independence, IQ and any others. 96

Students‘ speaking learning strategy was the way or the techniques or devices which a learner may use to acquire knowledge in speaking activity. It was very important for the students because if they do not have any strategies, they will get fail to understand the information from someone. The research finding showed that there were positive and significant contribution students‘ speaking learning strategies toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN

Batusangkar. It means that if students have good speaking language learning strategies, they can improve their speaking skill. On the other hand, students cannot improve their speaking skill if they do not have any good speaking language learning strategies. In line with Oxford (1990:1) states that learning strategies are especially important for language learning because they are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which is essential for developing communicative competence. Appropriate language learning strategies result in improved proficiency or speaking skill and greater self-confidence. It can be concluded that speaking learning strategy is important for students to improve their speaking skill. They can speak English very well when they have good speaking strategy. On the other hand, they cannot speak English well if they do not have good speaking strategy.

In English student university level, they are expected to be able to speak

English naturally and communicatively. Communicative competence is competence or ability to communicate. It concerns both spoken or written language and all four language skills. Communicative competence refers to communication strategies. It could be defined as grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. 97

2. There is contribution of students’ speaking motivation toward their

speaking skill.

From the data analysis, it was found that the description of students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill was in high category. Then, students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill was rarely influenced to students when they were speaking.

Research finding showed that there was positive and significant contribution students‘ speaking motivation toward their speaking skill at semester

VI of STAIN Batusangkar. It means that the students who want to be skillful in speaking, they must have motivation. They will not be able to speak if they do not have motivation to understand speaking component. Even though they have understood all aspect of speaking, but they will not be able to speak something if they are not motivated to learn how to speak effectively. In short, speaking ability will not be constructed without having motivation.

Yasin in Syafrin (2005:9) states that ―attitudinal and motivational factors have more to do with the successful attainment of communication language skills in second language.‖ Via attitude, motivation and self-discipline/learning strategy teachings variable can play its role in gaining the ability in speaking. Furthermore,

Shumin in Richard and Renandya (2002:205) states that ―there are four factors that affect students‘ oral communication ability (speaking skill) that are age or maturational constraints, aural medium, socio-cultural factors and affective factors.‖ The affective factors related to foreign language learning emotions, self- esteem, empathy, anxiety, attitude and motivation. 98

Motivation was important factor to bring student successful in mastering any lesson. Motivation, which is related to a learner‘s attitude towards the language learning process, was the choices a person makes about learning a language and how much of an effort he or she is willing to make towards achieving that goal. Even more, it was a determinant in motivating someone to begin speaking. That is why someone will not speak something if there is no motivation in his heart. It was also caused by other factors, like mood, goal, topic and so forth. However, motivation was a key factor to get success in developing students‘ speaking ability.

Students‘ speaking motivation not only comes from the inner side but also from outer side, mainly from their lecturers. The lecturers have to motivate their students in order to make them diligent to study and to master speaking lesson. In students‘ university level, they are expected to have the independent learning because they are demanded to reach the goal teaching and learning process. Then, they can improve their speaking skill. Furthermore, the teachers or lecturers have to motivate their students because they want their students become productive speaker especially in speaking skill.

It can be concluded that student can improve their speaking skill if they have high motivation and good independent learning. On the other hand, they cannot improve their speaking skill when they do not have high motivation and good independent learning.


3. There Is Contribution of Both Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies

and Motivation toward Their Speaking Skill.

These result showed that there was positive and significant contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar. Generally, it is line with the theoretical that mentioned before, there are many factors that might affect or contribute to students‘ achievement in English learning. Students‘ speaking skill is affected by several factors, which are internal factor and external factor. The external factors come from outside of the students such as learning sources, lecturer, and method of teaching. Meanwhile, the internal factors which come from inside of the students selves such as motivation, IQ, learning strategy, and etcetera.

In speaking, language learning strategies and motivation can improve students‘ speaking skill. It means that if students have good language learning strategies and high motivation, they will get good mark and can communicate each other. On the other hand, if students do not have any good language learning strategies and high motivation, they will not get good mark and cannot communicate each other in English. In other word, researcher can say that students can speak English very well if they have good language learning strategies and high motivation to learn English language. It means that language learning strategies and motivation can give the positive contribution for teacher, student and school.


E. Limitations of the Research

There were many aspects that influence the quality of the research in conducting this research. In this research there were some limitations and weaknesses found from this study.

1. This research only described two factors affecting speaking skill that is

motivation and language learning strategies, while there are many factors

that affecting speaking skill such as students‘ self-confidence, students‘

attitude, students‘ IQ and any others factors.

2. The trying out of the instrument was only done once, therefore, the result

of validity and reliability testing was not totally reliable and valid.

3. Getting the data from a set of questionnaire depends on the students‘

honesty in answering the questions. It means that the quality of the

research based on the students‘ honesty. The more objective the students

answer the questions, the more valid the research will be.

4. It is better to interview some of the students to know deeper about their

speaking learning strategies and their motivation, but the researcher did

not do.




Based on the research result and discussion in the previous chapter, conclusions, implications, and suggestions will be described as follows:

A. Conclusions

From the data analysis in chapter IV, the analysis of the contribution of students‘ speaking learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill have eventually come to conclusions, and the finding shows that from the three hypotheses. The conclusion is as follows:

1. There is positive and significant contribution of students‘ speaking learning

strategies toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar.

It could be concluded that if students‘ speaking learning strategies improve,

their speaking skill will also improve. The contribution is 41.6%.

2. There is positive and significant contribution of students‘ speaking

motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar.

It could be concluded that if students‘ motivation improve, their speaking

skill will improve as well. The contribution is 19.9%.

3. There is positive and significant contribution of both students‘ speaking

learning strategies and motivation toward their speaking skill at semester VI

of STAIN Batusangkar. It could be concluded that if students of English

Department of STAIN Batusangkar improve their speaking language learning

strategies and motivation, their speaking skill will also improve. The

contribution is 45.6%.

101 102

B. Implication

Based on the conclusions of the research, there are some implications that could be drawn. The implications are as follow:

1. The result of this research has proved that speaking language learning

strategies and speaking motivation can enrich speaking skill of the third year

students of STAIN Batusangkar in the academic year 2011/2012. So that

many speaking strategies and motivation relate with speaking skill can be

implied in speaking activities.

2. There are many factors that influence of students‘ speaking skill, besides

speaking learning strategies and speaking motivation to enrich speaking skill.

It is also assumed that students‘ attitude, IQ, self-confidence and any others

can increase students‘ speaking skill.

3. The lecturers can guide and motivate the students to have responsibility to

explore other strategies which are suitable for them in order they can improve

their speaking skill.

C. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions and implications previously stated, several suggestions are proposed:

1. Students should learn and use their understanding of speaking strategies and

have motivation in speaking activities to improve their speaking skill.

2. Students are suggested to seek more speaking learning strategies and

improving motivation in the books, journals, internet, and so on to add more 103

information about the latest speaking learning strategies and motivation that

could be applied in their speaking activity.

3. It is suggested to other researchers to investigate other factors that can affect

speaking skill in order to have brief description about the factors that

contribute speaking skill both internal and external factors.



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STRATEGIES USEFUL FOR SPEAKING (Indicators of Speaking Learning Strategies)

NO Strategy Group Strategy Set Strategy Explanations 1 Memory Creating mental linkages Placing new words into This strategy involves a form of associating or the context elaborating, in which the new information is linked with a context. Placing a word or phrase in a meaningful sentence, conversation, or story in order to remember it. 2 Memory Applying images and Representing sounds in This strategy helps learners remember what they sounds memory hear by making auditory rather than visual representations of sounds 3 Memory Reviewing well Structured reviewing This strategy is especially useful for remembering new material in the target language 4 Cognitive Practicing Repeating Speaking, saying or doing something over and ever: listening to something several times; rehearsing; imitating a native speaker. 5 Cognitive Practicing Formally practicing This strategy is often focused on perception of with sounds and writing sounds (pronunciation and intonation). Tapes or system records assist this strategy well 6 Cognitive Practicing Recognizing and using Recognizing and using routine formulas and the formulas and patterns in the target language greatly enhance patterns the learner‘s comprehension and production 7 Cognitive Practicing Recombining The strategy recombining involves constructing a meaningful sentence or longer expression by putting together known elements in new ways 8 Cognitive Practicing Practicing This strategy involves practice in speaking the Naturalistically language for realistic communication 9 Cognitive Receiving and sending Using resources for This strategy involves using resources to find out Message receiving and Sending the meaning of what is heard or read in the new Message language, or to produce messages in the new language 110

10 Cognitive Analyzing and reasoning Reasoning deductively This strategy involves deriving hypotheses about the meaning of what is heard by means of general rules the learner already knows 11 Cognitive Analyzing and reasoning Translating It is converting a target language expression into the native language. 12 Cognitive Analyzing and reasoning Transferring It is directly applying knowledge of words, concepts, or structures from one language to another in order to understand or produce an expression in the new language. 13 Compensation Overcoming limitations Switching to the mother This strategy called ―code switching‖. It involves in speaking and writing tongue using the mother tongue for an expression without translating it. 14 Compensation Overcoming limitations Getting help It involves asking someone for help in a in speaking and writing conversation by hesitating or explicitly asking for the missing expression 15 Compensation Overcoming limitations Using mime or gesture In this strategy, the learner uses physical motion in speaking and writing in place of an expression during a conversation to indicate the meaning 16 Compensation Overcoming limitations Avoiding It involves avoiding communication when in speaking and writing communication difficulties are anticipated or encountered partially or totally 17 Compensation Overcoming limitations Selecting the topic In this strategy, the learner chooses the topic of in speaking and writing conversation 18 Compensation Overcoming limitations Adjusting or It is used to alter the message by omitting some in speaking and writing approximating the items of information, make the ideas simpler or message less precise, or say something slightly different that has similar meaning 19 Compensation Overcoming limitations Coining words It means making up new words to communicate in speaking and writing a concept for which the learner does not have the right vocabulary 20 Compensation Overcoming limitations Using a circumlocution In this strategy, the learner uses a circumlocution in speaking and writing or synonym or synonym to convey the intended meaning 111

21 Metacognitive Centering your learning Over viewing and This strategy involves previewing the basic Linking with already principle and or material (including new know material. vocabulary, grammar) for an upcoming language activity and linking these with what the learners already know. 22 Metacognitive Centering your learning Paying attention It involves two modes directed attention (generally or globally to pay attention to the task and avoid irrelevant distracters) and selective attention (deciding in advance to notice particulars details) 23 Metacognitive Centering your learning Delaying speech It is often viewed as a way of focusing on production to focus on listening comprehension before students feel listening comfortable enough to speak 24 Metacognitive Arranging and Planning Finding out about This strategy means uncovering what is involved your learning language learning in language learning 25 Metacognitive Arranging and Planning Organizing This strategy includes a variety of tools such as your learning creating the best possible physical environment, scheduling well and keeping a language learning notebook. 26 Metacognitive Arranging and Planning Setting goals and Speaking goals might be to develop sufficient your learning objectives speaking skill to survive in a second language environment, to communicate occasionally with acquaintances who speak the target language 27 Metacognitive Arranging and Planning Identifying the purpose This strategy involves determining the task your learning of language task purpose an act useful for all language skill. By knowing the purpose for doing something enables learners to channel their energy in the right direction. 28 Metacognitive Arranging and Planning Planning for a language This strategy always involves identifying the your learning task general nature of the task, the specific requirements of the task, the resources available within learner, and the need for further aids. 112

29 Metacognitive Arranging and Planning Seeking practice Language learner must seek or create your learning opportunities opportunities to practice any and all of the forth skills. This strategy underscores students, responsibility to generate their own opportunities to practice. 30 Metacognitive Evaluating your learning Self-monitoring This strategy does not center as much as on using language as it does on students‘ conscious decision to monitor that is, notice and correct their own error in any of the language skills. Encourage students to write down their difficulties in their notebook and try to eliminate them. 31 Metacognitive Evaluating your learning Self-evaluating This strategy involves gauging either general language progress or progress in any of the four languages. In speaking, learners may record their own speech on a tape recorder and then listen to the recording to find out how they sound compared with native speaker 32 Affective Lowering your anxiety Using progressive Using the technique of alternately, tensing and relation, deep breathing relaxing all of the major muscle group in the or mediation body as well as the muscles in the neck and face, in order to relax or the technique of breathing deeply from the diaphragm or the technique of mediating by focusing on a mental image or sound. 33 Affective Lowering your anxiety Using music This strategy is useful before any stressful language task. Listening to soothing music, such as a classical concert as way to relax. 34 Affective Lowering your anxiety Using laughter It is potentially able to cause important biochemical changes to enhance the immune system. Using laughter to relax by watching the funny movie, reading a humorous book and 113

listening to jokes. 35 Affective Encouraging your self Making positive The strategy of making positive statements can statements improve each of the four language skills. Saying or writing positive statement to oneself in order to feel more confident in learning new language. 36 Affective Encouraging your self Taking risk wisely This strategy involves a conscious decision to take reasonable risk regardless of the possibility (or probability) of making mistakes or encountering difficulties. Risk must be tempered with good judgment. 37 Affective Encouraging your self Rewarding yourself Learner need to discover how to reward themselves for good work in language learning. Naturally, self-reward relates to all four language skills. Rewards differ from one person to another and must be personally meaningful to the individual. 38 Affective Taking emotional Listening to your body Paying attention to the signals given by the body. temperature These signals may be negative, reflecting stress, tension, worry, fear, and anger or they may be positive, indicating happiness, interest, calmness, and pleasure. 39 Affective Taking emotional Using checklist Using checklist to discover feelings, attitudes, temperature and motivations concerning language learning in general, as well as concerning specific language task. 40 Affective Taking emotional Writing language Languages learning diaries or journals are temperature learning diary narratives describing the learners‘ feelings, attitudes, and perceptions about the language learning process. 41 Affective Taking emotional Discussing felling with Language learning is difficult, and learners often temperature someone else need to discuss this process with other people such as teacher, friend and parent to discover and 114

express feelings about the language learning. 42 Social Asking question Asking for correction This strategy related to the strategy of self- monitoring, in which the students notice and correct their own difficulties. 43 Social Cooperating with others Cooperating with peers This strategy involves a concerted effort to work together with other learners on activity with a common goal or reward. And also this strategy can involve regular learning partner or temporary pair or small group. This strategy frequently involves controlling impulses toward competitiveness and rivalry. 44 Social Cooperating with others Cooperating with This strategy applies to all four skills. In reading proficient users of the students often need to cooperate with proficient new language language users. This frequently happens when language learners encounter proficient language users on the job, in the classroom, or on a trip. 45 Social Empathizing with others Developing cultural Background knowledge of the new culture often understanding helps learner understand better what is heard or read in the new language. 46 Social Empathizing with others Becoming aware of Learners can purposefully become aware of others‘ thought and fluctuations in the thoughts and feelings of feelings particular people who use the new language.



NO VARIABLE INDICATORS SUB-INDICATORS 1 Students‘ A. Intrinsic Motivation a. Criterion measures (related to intended effort) Speaking b. Ideal L2 self Motivation c. Linguistic self-confidence

d. Attitude toward learning English

e. Interest in the English language

f. English anxiety

g. Attitudes toward L2 community.

h. High aspiration

a. Ought-to L2 self

b. Parental encouragement B. Extrinsic Motivation c. Instrumentality-promotion

d. Instrumentality-prevention

e. Travel orientation

f. Fear of assimilation

g. Ethnocentrism

h. Integrativeness

i. Cultural interest

j. Failure and penalties

k. Success and rewards


The Grid of Questionnaire (Try out Speaking Learning Strategies)

(+) SPEAKING STRATEGIES NO PERNYATAAN SL SR JR TP (-) Dalam mempelajari percakapan berbahasa Creating mental Placing new words Inggris, apakah Anda menghubungkan Memory 1 (+) linkages into the context kosa kata baru dengan pelajaran speaking dikelas Dalam mempelajari percakapan berbahasa Applying images Representing sounds Inggris, apakah Anda menggunakan kata Memory 2 (+) and sounds in memory atau ungkapan yang didengar dalam speaking Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, Apakah Memory Reviewing well Structured reviewing 3 anda memperhatikan susunan kata atau (+) ungkapan selama speaking

Dalam meniru berbicara bahasa Inggris seperti orang asing, Apakah anda menggunakan bahasa (kata atau Cognitive Practicing Repeating 4 (+) ungkapan) berulang-ulang dalam speaking atau langsung praktek dengan native speaker Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan Formally practicing berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda Cognitive Practicing with sounds and 5 sangat memperhatikan bagaimana (+) writing system pengucapan yang benar

Recognizing and using Dalam meningkatkan speaking, apakah Cognitive Practicing 6 Anda sangat memperhatikan rumus atau (+) the formulas and 117

patterns pola bahasa

Dalam meningkatkan speaking, apakah Cognitive Practicing Recombining 7 Anda cenderung menggunakan kata atau (+) istilah baru Dalam meningkatkan speaking, apakah Practicing Cognitive Practicing 8 Anda berbicara apa adanya atau secara (+) Naturalistically alami saja

Dalam memahami pesan yang diterima Using resources for atau yang disampaikan, apakah Anda Receiving and Cognitive receiving and Sending 9 cenderung menggunakan kamus, buku (-) sending Message Message percakapan atau buku lain

Analyzing and Dalam memahami speaking, apakah Anda Cognitive Reasoning deductively 10 memahami secara umum (+) reasoning Analyzing and Dalam memahami speaking, apakah anda Cognitive Translating 11 cenderung menterjemahkan (-) reasoning Dalam speaking, apakah Anda Analyzing and menggunakan bahasa separo ular separo Cognitive Transferring 12 (-) reasoning belut (bila tidak tahu kata bahasa Inggrisnya) Overcoming Dalam menganalisa speaking, apakah limitations in Switching to the Anda cenderung menangkap atau Compensation 13 (+) speaking and mother tongue menggunakan poin-poin pembicaraannya writing 118

Apabila saya kurang paham terhadap Overcoming ucapan lawan bicara saya, saya limitations in Compensation Getting help 14 memintanya untuk memelankan (+) speaking and ucapannya seperti: please speak more writing slowly or be slowly please

Overcoming Dalam speaking, apakah Anda limitations in menggunakan bahasa isyarat atau gerak- Compensation Using mime or gesture 15 (+) speaking and gerik (bila tidak tahu kata bahasa writing Inggrisnya) Overcoming Dalam speaking, bila ada hal yang tidak Avoiding limitations in dikuasai atau topik yang tak tahu apakah Compensation communication 16 (-) speaking and anda cenderung beralih topic partially or totally writing Overcoming Dalam speaking, apakah Anda suka limitations in memilih-milih topik yang hanya Anda Compensation Selecting the topic 17 (-) speaking and suka writing Overcoming Dalam speaking, bila idenya agak sulit Adjusting or limitations in apakah Anda cenderung Compensation approximating the 18 (+) speaking and menyederhanakannya message writing Overcoming Dalam speaking, bila anda tidak tahu kata limitations in Inggrisnya apakah Anda gunakan Compensation Coining words 19 (+) speaking and padanannya writing Overcoming Bila teman bicara tidak paham dengan Using a limitations in speaking Anda, apakah Anda Compensation circumlocution or 20 (+) speaking and menggunakan beberapa kata lain agar ia synonym writing paham 119

Dalam memfokuskan kemampuan Over viewing and Centering your speaking, apakah Anda menghubungkan Metacognitive Linking with already 21 (+) learning dengan pengalaman atau kegiatan yang know material. telah berlalu

Dalam memfokuskan kemampuan Centering your Metacognitive Paying attention 22 speaking, apakah Anda memperhatikan (+) learning aspek berbicara yang khusus

Delaying speech Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Centering your Metacognitive production to focus on 23 Anda suka memperhatikan dulu dari pada (-) learning banyak bicara listening Arranging and Apakah Anda suka mencari hal-hal baru Finding out about Metacognitive Planning your 24 untuk speaking lewat membaca buku atau (+) language learning lewat nyanyi learning Arranging and Agar meningkat kemampuan speaking Metacognitive Planning your Organizing 25 Anda, Apakah Anda mengatur waktu atau (+) suasana untuk melakukan speaking learning Arranging and Dalam speaking, apakah anda Setting goals and Metacognitive Planning your 26 menentukan tujuan atau target speaking (+) objectives learning Arranging and Identifying the Untuk meningkatkan speaking anda Metacognitive Planning your purpose of language 27 mengandalkan pada aktifitas yang (-) learning task ditugaskan Arranging and Untuk meningkatkan speaking anda Planning for a Metacognitive Planning your 28 lakukan teknik deskripsi atau bercerita (+) language task learning Arranging and Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan Seeking practice Metacognitive Planning your 29 speaking, apakah Anda suka melakukan (+) opportunities kesempatan speaking yang banyak learning 120

Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Evaluating your Anda suka memperhatikan kesalahan Metacognitive Self-monitoring 30 (+) learning dalam speaking dan mencoba menguranginya Dalam melihat kemampuan bahasa Evaluating your Metacognitive Self-evaluating 31 Inggris, apakah Anda suka menilai sendiri (+) learning kemajuan speaking anda

Untuk menghindari ketegangan dan Using progressive kegelisahan dalam kelas speaking apakah Lowering your Affective relation, deep 32 Anda suka melakukan penyegaran dengan (+) anxiety breathing or mediation menarik nafas dalam-dalam satu kali atau lebih Untuk mengurangi rasa gugup dalam Lowering your Affective Using music 33 speaking, apakah Anda melakukannya (+) anxiety dengan mendengarkan music klasik

Untuk mengurangi rasa gugup dalam Lowering your Affective Using laughter 34 speaking, apakah Anda melakukannya (-) anxiety dengan tertawa

Untuk mendorong kemampuan berbicara Encouraging your Making positive Affective 35 bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda menulis (+) self statements sesuatu yang positif mengenai diri sendiri

Encouraging your Untuk mendorong kemampuan speaking Affective Taking risk wisely 36 Anda memaksakan diri (+) self Untuk mendorong kemampuan berbicara Encouraging your bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda menghargai Affective Rewarding yourself 37 (+) self kemampuaan diri sendiri dan mengangumi diri sendiri


Taking emotional Dalam speaking anda dipengaruhi oleh Affective Listening to your body 38 suasana emosi atau perasaan Anda (-) temperature Untuk mengukur kemajuan speaking Taking emotional Affective Using checklist 39 Anda, Anda menggunakan checklist atau (+) temperature target Apakah Anda suka menuliskan Taking emotional Writing language Affective 40 pengalaman speaking Anda pada buku (+) temperature learning diary agenda, diary, dan lain-lain

Apakah Anda suka mendiskusikan Taking emotional Discussing felling Affective 41 perasaan Anda dalam bahasa Inggris (+) temperature with someone else dengan teman anda

Dalam speaking, apakah Anda suka Social Asking question Asking for correction 42 bertanya dan ingin dikoreksi (+)

Cooperating with Cooperating with Dalam speaking, apakah Anda melakukan Social 43 speaking bersama teman (+) others peers Cooperating with Untuk mempraktekan bahasa Inggris Cooperating with Social proficient users of the 44 saya, saya mencari orang yang bisa (+) others berbicara dalam bahasa tersebut new language Empathizing with Developing cultural Dalam speaking, apakah Anda membahas Social 45 tentang budaya Negara lain (+) others understanding Becoming aware of Dalam speaking, apakah anda Empathizing with Social others‘ thought and 46 memperhatikan fikiran dan perasaan (+) others orang lain feelings


The Grid of Questionnaire (Speaking Learning Strategies)

(+) SPEAKING STRATEGIES NO PERNYATAAN SL SR JR TP (-) Dalam mempelajari percakapan berbahasa Creating mental Placing new words into Memory 1 Inggris, apakah Anda menghubungkan kosa (+) linkages the context kata baru dengan pelajaran speaking dikelas Dalam mempelajari percakapan berbahasa Applying images Representing sounds in Inggris, apakah Anda menggunakan kata Memory 2 (+) and sounds memory atau ungkapan yang didengar dalam speaking Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, Apakah Memory Reviewing well Structured reviewing 3 anda memperhatikan susunan kata atau (+) ungkapan selama speaking Dalam meniru berbicara bahasa Inggris seperti orang asing, Apakah anda Cognitive Practicing Repeating 4 menggunakan bahasa (kata atau ungkapan) (+) berulang-ulang dalam speaking atau langsung praktek dengan native speaker Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara Formally practicing bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda sangat Cognitive Practicing with sounds and 5 memperhatikan bagaimana pengucapan (+) writing system yang benar Recognizing and using Dalam meningkatkan speaking, apakah Cognitive Practicing the formulas and 6 Anda sangat memperhatikan rumus atau (+) patterns pola bahasa 123

Dalam meningkatkan speaking, apakah Cognitive Practicing Recombining 7 Anda cenderung menggunakan kata atau (+) istilah baru Dalam memahami pesan yang diterima atau Using resources for Receiving and yang disampaikan, apakah Anda cenderung Cognitive receiving and Sending 8 (-) sending Message menggunakan kamus, buku percakapan atau Message buku lain Analyzing and Dalam memahami speaking, apakah Anda Cognitive Reasoning deductively 9 memahami secara umum (+) reasoning Analyzing and Dalam memahami speaking, apakah anda Cognitive Translating 10 cenderung menterjemahkan (-) reasoning Dalam speaking, apakah Anda Analyzing and menggunakan bahasa separo ular separo Cognitive Transferring 11 (-) reasoning belut (bila tidak tahu kata bahasa Inggrisnya) Overcoming Dalam speaking, apakah Anda limitations in menggunakan bahasa isyarat atau gerak- Compensation Using mime or gesture 12 (+) speaking and gerik (bila tidak tahu kata bahasa writing Inggrisnya) Overcoming Dalam speaking, bila idenya agak sulit Adjusting or limitations in apakah Anda cenderung Compensation approximating the 13 (+) speaking and menyederhanakannya message writing Overcoming Dalam speaking, bila anda tidak tahu kata limitations in Inggrisnya apakah Anda gunakan Compensation Coining words 14 (+) speaking and padanannya writing Overcoming Bila teman bicara tidak paham dengan limitations in Using a circumlocution speaking Anda, apakah Anda menggunakan Compensation 15 (+) speaking and or synonym beberapa kata lain agar ia paham writing 124

Dalam memfokuskan kemampuan Centering your Metacognitive Paying attention 16 speaking, apakah Anda memperhatikan (+) learning aspek berbicara yang khusus

Delaying speech Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Centering your Metacognitive production to focus on 17 Anda suka memperhatikan dulu dari pada (-) learning banyak bicara listening Arranging and Apakah Anda suka mencari hal-hal baru Finding out about Metacognitive Planning your 18 untuk speaking lewat membaca buku atau (+) language learning lewat nyanyi learning Agar meningkat kemampuan speaking Arranging and Anda, Apakah Anda mengatur waktu atau Metacognitive Planning your Organizing 19 (+) suasana untuk melakukan speaking dengan learning native speaker Arranging and Dalam speaking, apakah anda menentukan Setting goals and Metacognitive Planning your 20 tujuan atau target speaking (+) objectives learning Arranging and Untuk meningkatkan speaking anda Identifying the purpose Metacognitive Planning your 21 mengandalkan pada aktifitas yang (-) of language task ditugaskan saja learning Arranging and Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking, Planning for a language Metacognitive Planning your 22 anda melakukannya dengan teknik deskripsi (+) task atau bercerita learning Arranging and Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan Seeking practice Metacognitive Planning your 23 speaking, apakah Anda suka melakukan (+) opportunities kesempatan speaking yang banyak learning Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Evaluating your Metacognitive Self-monitoring 24 Anda suka memperhatikan kesalahan dalam (+) learning speaking dan mencoba menguranginya 125

Dalam melihat kemampuan bahasa Inggris, Evaluating your Metacognitive Self-evaluating 25 apakah Anda suka menilai sendiri kemajuan (+) learning speaking anda

Untuk menghindari ketegangan dan Using progressive kegelisahan dalam kelas speaking apakah Lowering your Affective relation, deep breathing 26 Anda suka melakukan penyegaran dengan (+) anxiety or mediation menarik nafas dalam-dalam satu kali atau lebih Untuk mendorong kemampuan berbicara Encouraging your Making positive Affective 27 bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda menulis (+) self statements sesuatu yang positif mengenai diri sendiri Taking emotional Untuk mengukur kemajuan speaking Anda, Affective Using checklist 28 Anda menggunakan checklist atau target (+) temperature Apakah Anda suka menuliskan pengalaman Taking emotional Writing language Affective 29 speaking Anda pada buku agenda, diary, (+) temperature learning diary dan lain-lain

Apakah Anda suka mendiskusikan perasaan Taking emotional Discussing felling with Affective 30 Anda dalam bahasa Inggris dengan teman (+) temperature someone else anda Dalam speaking, apakah Anda suka Social Asking question Asking for correction 31 bertanya dan ingin dikoreksi (+)

Cooperating with Untuk mempraktekan bahasa Inggris saya, Cooperating with Social proficient users of the 32 saya mencari orang yang bisa berbicara (+) others dalam bahasa tersebut new language Empathizing with Developing cultural Dalam speaking, apakah Anda membahas Social 33 tentang budaya Negara lain (+) others understanding Becoming aware of Dalam speaking, apakah anda cenderung Empathizing with Social others‘ thought and 34 memperhatikan fikiran dan perasaan orang (+) others lain feelings 126

The Grid of Questionnaire (Try Out of Speaking Motivation)

SPEAKING MOTIVATION NO PERNYATAAN SS S TS STS (+), (-) Criterion measures Saya senang menghabiskan banyak waktu (related to intended 1 (+) dalam belajar bahasa Inggris effort) Criterion measures Saya lebih senang berkonsentrasi belajar (related to intended 2 bahasa Inggris dari pada belajar yang (+) effort) lainnya Criterion measures Dibandingkan dengan teman kelas saya,

(related to intended 3 saya pikir bahwa saya belajar bahasa (+)

effort) Inggris dengan giat

Jika dosen saya memberikan tugas Criterion measures speaking dalam kelas, saya dengan senang (related to intended 4 (+) hati menjadi sukarelawan untuk effort) melaksanakannya. Motivation Criterion measures Saya pikir bahwa saya sedang melakukan

Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic (related to intended 5 hal yang terbaik dalam belajar berbicara (+) effort) bahasa Inggris Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah hal yang penting bagi saya karena seorang Ideal L2 self 6 (+) pendidik mengharapkan saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris Saya bisa membayangkan sebuah situasi Ideal L2 self 7 dimana saya sedang berbicara bahasa (+) Inggris dengan orang asing 127

Saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan Ideal L2 self 8 teman-teman atau kolega yang tingkat (+) internasional

Saya bisa membayangkan diri saya sendiri berbicara bahasa Inggris andaikan Ideal L2 self 9 (+) saya seorang native speaker bahasa Inggris Saya membayangkan diri saya sendiri Ideal L2 self 10 sebagai seorang yang bisa berbicara (+) bahasa Inggris Jika saya berbuat banyak, saya yakin dan Linguistic self- 11 percaya akan bisa menjadi master dalam (+) confidence berbicara bahasa Inggris Saya yakin bahwa saya mempunyai Linguistic self- 12 kemampuan yang bagus dalam belajar (+) confidence

bicara bahasa Inggris

Saya menemukan bahwa belajar bahasa Attitude toward learning 13 Inggris itu merupakan sesuatu hal yang (+) English sungguh menarik

Motivation Attitude toward learning Saya sungguh merasa senang belajar 14 (+) English bahasa Inggris Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Attitude toward learning Saya suka suasana dari kelas bahasa 15 (+) English Inggris saya Interest in the English Saya suka irama dan variasi belajar dalam 16 (+) language bahasa Inggris Interest in the English Saya tertarik cara bahasa Inggris dalam 17 (+) language menggunakan percakapan Interest in the English Saya merasa gairah ketika mendengar 18 (+) language orang berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris 128

Saya merasa gugup dan bingung ketika English anxiety 19 saya sedang tampil berbicara didalam (-) kelas bahasa Inggris Saya merasa kuatir berbicara bahasa English anxiety 20 Inggris dengan seorang native speaker (-)

Saya merasa tegang ketika orang asing English anxiety 21 bertanya kepada saya tentang sesuatu hal (-) dalam bahasa Inggris Saya suka dengan orang yang tinggal Attitudes toward L2 22 dinegara-negara yang menggunakan (+) community bahasa Inggris Saya suka bertemu dengan orang yang Attitudes toward L2 23 berasal dari Negara-negara yang (+) community menggunakan bahasa Inggris Saya membuat jadwal belajar bahasa Intrinsic High aspiration 24 Inggris sendiri untuk mencapai cita-cita (+) Motivation yang saya inginkan Saya membeli buku-buku penunjang High aspiration 25 untuk belajar bahasa Inggris setiap (+) bulannya

Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal

yang penting bagi saya karena orang lain

Ought-to L2 self 26 akan lebih respek kepada saya jika saya (+) punya banyak pengetahuan dalam bahasa Inggris Saya belajar bahasa Inggris karena Ought-to L2 self 27 teman dekat saya memikirkan bahwa hal (-) itu penting

trinsic Motivation trinsic Orang tua saya mendorong saya untuk Ex Parental encouragement 28 mengambil setiap kesempatan dalam (+) berbicara bahasa Inggris 129

Orang tua saya mendukung saya untuk Parental encouragement 29 mempraktekan bahasa Inggris sebanyak (+) dan sesering mungkin

Orang tua saya mendukung saya untuk Parental encouragement 30 hadir pada kelas tambahan bahasa (+) Inggris (percakapan bahasa Inggris)

Orang tua /keluarga saya percaya bahwa Parental encouragement 31 saya pasti belajar bahasa Inggris untuk (+) menjadi tenaga pendidik Belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi penting bagi saya karena saya berpikir bahwa Instrumentality- 32 suatu saat akan berguna untuk (+) promotion mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan atau memperoleh uang Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah penting Instrumentality- bagi saya karena saya senang 33 (+) promotion menghabiskan waktu tinggal diluar negeri (dalam hal belajar dan bekerja)

Saya belajar bahasa Inggris karena saya Instrumentality- 34 mau melanjutkan pendidikan saya ke luar (+) promotion negeri Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting bagi saya karena saya tidak Instrumentality- 35 ingin mendapatkan nilai rendah atau gagal (+) Motivation prevention dalam memperoleh tes bahasa Inggris

Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic (TOEFL,IELTS) Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal Instrumentality- penting bagi saya, karena saya merasa 36 (+) prevention malu jika saya mendapatkan tingkat yang jelek dalam bahasa Inggris 130

Saya suka belajar bahasa Inggris karena Travel orientation 37 dengan bahasa Inggris saya bisa (+) menikmati perjalanan keluar negeri

Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting bagi saya, karena tanpa Travel orientation 38 (+) bahasa Inggris saya tidak bisa banyak mengadakan acara jalan-jalan Saya pikir bahwa kemajuan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional Fear of assimilation 39 (-) mengakibatkan hilangnya identitas orang Indonesia Saya pikir nilai budaya dan seni orang Fear of assimilation 40 Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh nilai budaya (-) asing Karena pengaruh Negara menggunakan Fear of assimilation 41 bahasa Inggris, saya pikir moral orang (-) Indonesia menjadi bertambah buruk Ethnocentrism 42 Saya bangga menjadi orang Indonesia (+) Saya menemukan kesulitan dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan orang Ethnocentrism 43 (-) yang mempunyai nilai-nilai dan budaya

berbeda Saya senang menjadi orang yang bisa Integrativeness 44 (+) sama dalam hal berbicara bahasa Inggris Saya suka memikirkan hal mengenai

Motivation Integrativeness 45 belajar bahasa Inggris agar bisa belajar (+) tentang budaya dan seni dalam berbicara

Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Saya suka menonton film yang berbahasa Cultural interest 46 (+) Inggris 131

Saya suka mendengarkan musik dari Cultural interest 47 (+) Negara-negara yang berbahasa Inggris Saya suka membaca majalah, Koran atau Cultural interest 48 (+) buku dalam bahasa Inggris Jika saya salah dalam berbicara bahasa failure and penalties 49 Inggris maka dosen saya memberikan (+) arahan-arahan dan dorongan kepada saya Kesempatan bertanya hanya diberikan oleh dosen saya kepada orang-orang failure and penalties 50 (-) tertentu saja sehingga saya menjadi malas untuk mengikuti pelajaran Saya belajar bahasa Inggris karena saya success and rewards 51 ingin dosen saya memberikan nilai yang (+) bagus Dosen saya selalu mengatakan good atau success and rewards 52 sejenisnya kalau saya berbicara atau (+) berpartisipasi didalam kelas Dosen saya selalu memotivasi kami dengan memberikan nilai yang baik kalau success and rewards 53 (+) kami berbicara bahasa Inggris dalam kelas Saya selalu senang dan bangga, jika success and rewards 54 dosen saya melihat kami belajar dengan (+) aktif Kalau kami aktif dalam berbicara, maka Extrinsic dosen kami bersemangat dalam mengajar motivation success and rewards 55 (+) Motivation dan memberikan penghargaan kepada kami


The Grid of Questionnaire Speaking Motivation


Criterion measures Saya senang menghabiskan banyak 1 (+) (related to intended effort) waktu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris Saya lebih senang berkonsentrasi belajar Criterion measures 2 bahasa Inggris dari pada belajar yang (+) (related to intended effort) lainnya Dibandingkan dengan teman kelas saya, Criterion measures 3 saya pikir bahwa saya belajar bahasa (+)

(related to intended effort) Inggris dengan giat

Jika dosen saya memberikan tugas Criterion measures speaking dalam kelas, saya dengan 4 (+)

Motivation (related to intended effort) senang hati menjadi sukarelawan untuk melaksanakannya.

Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Saya pikir bahwa saya sedang Criterion measures 5 melakukan hal yang terbaik dalam (+) (related to intended effort) belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris

Saya bisa membayangkan sebuah situasi Ideal L2 self 6 dimana saya sedang berbicara bahasa (+) Inggris dengan orang asing


Saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris Ideal L2 self 7 dengan teman-teman atau kolega yang (+) tingkat internasional Saya bisa membayangkan diri saya sendiri berbicara bahasa Inggris Ideal L2 self 8 (+) andaikan saya seorang native speaker bahasa Inggris Saya membayangkan diri saya sendiri Ideal L2 self 9 sebagai seorang yang bisa berbicara (+) bahasa Inggris Jika saya berbuat banyak, saya yakin dan Linguistic self-confidence 10 percaya akan bisa menjadi master dalam (+) berbicara bahasa Inggris

Saya yakin bahwa saya mempunyai Linguistic self-confidence 11 kemampuan yang bagus dalam belajar (+) bicara bahasa Inggris

Saya menemukan bahwa belajar bahasa Attitude toward learning 12 Inggris itu merupakan sesuatu hal yang (+)

English sungguh menarik Attitude toward learning Saya sungguh merasa senang belajar 13 bahasa Inggris (+) English

Motivation Attitude toward learning Saya suka suasana dari kelas bahasa 14 Inggris saya (+) Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic English Interest in the English Saya suka gaya dan variasi belajar dalam 15 (+) language bahasa Inggris Interest in the English Saya tertarik cara bahasa Inggris dalam 16 (+) language menggunakan percakapan Interest in the English Saya merasa senang ketika mendengar 17 (+) language orang berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris 134

Saya merasa gugup dan bingung ketika English anxiety 18 saya sedang tampil berbicara didalam (-) kelas bahasa Inggris

Saya merasa kuatir berbicara bahasa English anxiety 19 (-) Inggris dengan seorang native speaker Saya suka dengan orang yang tinggal Attitudes toward L2 20 dinegara-negara yang menggunakan (+) community bahasa Inggris Saya suka bertemu dengan orang yang Attitudes toward L2 21 berasal dari Negara-negara yang (+) community menggunakan bahasa Inggris Saya membuat jadwal belajar bahasa High aspiration 22 Inggris sendiri untuk mencapai cita-cita (+) yang saya inginkan Saya membeli buku-buku penunjang Intrinsic Motivation High aspiration 23 untuk belajar bahasa Inggris setiap (+) bulannya Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal

yang penting bagi saya karena orang lain

Ought-to L2 self 24 akan lebih respek kepada saya jika saya (+) punya banyak pengetahuan dalam bahasa Inggris Orang tua saya mendukung saya untuk Motivation Parental encouragement 25 mempraktekan bahasa Inggris sebanyak (+) dan sesering mungkin

Orang tua /keluarga saya percaya bahwa Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Parental encouragement 26 saya pasti belajar bahasa Inggris untuk (+) menjadi tenaga pendidik 135

Belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi penting bagi saya karena saya berpikir bahwa Instrumentality- 27 suatu saat akan berguna untuk (+) promotion mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan atau memperoleh uang Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah penting Instrumentality- bagi saya karena saya senang 28 (+) promotion menghabiskan waktu tinggal diluar negeri (dalam hal belajar dan bekerja) Saya belajar bahasa Inggris karena saya Instrumentality- 29 mau melanjutkan pendidikan saya ke (+) promotion luar negeri Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting bagi saya karena saya tidak Instrumentality- 30 ingin mendapatkan nilai rendah atau (+) prevention gagal dalam memperoleh tes bahasa Inggris (TOEFL,IELTS) Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal Instrumentality- penting bagi saya, karena saya merasa 31 (+) prevention malu jika saya mendapatkan tingkat yang jelek dalam bahasa Inggris

Saya suka belajar bahasa Inggris karena Travel orientation 32 dengan bahasa Inggris saya bisa (+)

menikmati perjalanan keluar negeri

Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting bagi saya, karena tanpa Travel orientation 33 (+)

bahasa Inggris saya tidak bisa banyak

Extrinsic Extrinsic Motivation Motivation mengadakan acara jalan-jalan 136

Saya pikir bahwa kemajuan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional Fear of assimilation 34 (-) mengakibatkan hilangnya identitas orang Indonesia Saya pikir nilai budaya dan seni orang Fear of assimilation 35 Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh nilai budaya (-) asing Ethnocentrism 36 Saya bangga menjadi orang Indonesia (+) Saya senang menjadi orang yang bisa Integrativeness 37 (+) sama dalam hal berbicara bahasa Inggris Saya suka memikirkan hal mengenai Integrativeness 38 belajar bahasa Inggris agar bisa belajar (+) tentang budaya dan seni dalam berbicara Saya suka mendengarkan musik dari Cultural interest 39 (+) Negara-negara yang berbahasa Inggris Saya suka membaca majalah, Koran atau Cultural interest 40 buku dalam bahasa Inggris (+)

Jika saya salah dalam berbicara bahasa failure and penalties 41 Inggris maka dosen saya memberikan (+) arahan-arahan dan dorongan kepada saya Saya belajar bahasa Inggris karena saya success and rewards 42 ingin dosen saya memberikan nilai yang (+) bagus Dosen saya selalu mengatakan good atau success and rewards 43 sejenisnya kalau saya berbicara atau (+) berpartisipasi didalam kelas


A. Pengantar

Berikut ini sejumlah pernyataan yang berkaitan dengan Learning Strategies yang diterapkan mahasiswa dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris (Speaking). Bacalah pernyataan- pernyataan tersebut dengan teliti dan berikan jawaban Anda apa adanya, bukan apa yang seharusnya sesuai dengan apa yang anda lakukan dan Anda rasakan. Angket ini semata-mata digunakan untuk kepentingan ilmiah. Jawaban Anda akan dijamin kerahasiaannya dan tidak ada pengaruhnya terhadap nilai Speaking atau hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan akademik lainnya. Jawaban Anda sangat berpengaruh untuk kesuksesan penelitian ini, atas partisipasi yang baik dari Anda saya ucapkan terima kasih.

B. Petunjuk

Untuk menjawab pernyataan-pernyataan pada angket ini, Anda cukup memberikan tanda checklist (√) pada salah satu jawaban yang Anda anggap benar dan sesuai dengan fakta yang Anda lakukan dan rasakan. Alternatif jawaban terdiri dari: 1. SL = Selalu 2. SR = Sering 3. JR = Jarang 4. TP = Tidak Pernah

C. Contoh Pernyataan

Pilihan Jawaban No Pernyataan SL SR JR TP 1 Dalam mempelajari percakapan berbahasa Inggris, √ apakah Anda menghubungkan kosa kata baru dengan pelajaran speaking dikelas

Dari contoh di atas berarti Anda sering menghubungkan kosa kata baru dalam

percakapan berbahasa Inggris dikelas dan hal ini memang sesuai dengan apa yang Anda

alami dan Anda rasakan.


D. Angket Strategi Belajar Berbicara Bahasa Inggris

Pilihan Jawaban No Pernyataan SL SR JR TP 1 Dalam mempelajari percakapan berbahasa Inggris, apakah Anda menghubungkan kosa kata baru dengan pelajaran speaking dikelas 2 Dalam meniru berbicara bahasa Inggris seperti orang asing, Apakah anda menggunakan bahasa (kata atau ungkapan) berulang-ulang dalam speaking atau langsung praktek dengan native speaker 3 Dalam speaking, apakah Anda menggunakan bahasa isyarat atau gerak-gerik (bila tidak tahu kata bahasa Inggrisnya) 4 Dalam memfokuskan kemampuan speaking, apakah Anda memperhatikan aspek berbicara dengan baik dan benar 5 Untuk menghindari ketegangan dan kegelisahan dalam kelas speaking apakah Anda suka melakukan penyegaran dengan menarik nafas dalam-dalam satu kali atau lebih 6 Dalam speaking, apakah Anda suka bertanya dan ingin dikoreksi 7 Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, Apakah anda memperhatikan susunan kata atau ungkapan selama speaking 8 Dalam meningkatkan speaking, apakah Anda sangat memperhatikan rumus atau pola bahasa 9 Dalam speaking, bila anda tidak tahu kata Inggrisnya apakah Anda gunakan padanannya 10 Apakah Anda suka mencari hal-hal baru untuk speaking lewat membaca buku atau lewat nyanyi 11 Untuk mengukur kemajuan speaking Anda, Anda menggunakan checklist atau target 12 Dalam speaking, apakah Anda membahas tentang budaya Negara lain 13 Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking, Anda melakukannya dengan teknik deskripsi atau bercerita 14 Dalam memahami speaking, apakah Anda memahami secara umum 15 Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda suka memperhatikan kesalahan dalam speaking dan mencoba menguranginya 16 Dalam melihat kemampuan bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda suka menilai sendiri kemajuan speaking anda 139

17 Dalam memahami speaking, apakah anda cenderung menterjemahkan 18 Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan speaking, apakah Anda suka melakukan kesempatan speaking yang banyak 19 Dalam speaking, apakah Anda menggunakan bahasa separo ular separo belut (bila tidak tahu kata bahasa Inggrisnya) 20 Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking, anda mengandalkan pada aktifitas yang ditugaskan saja 21 Dalam memahami pesan yang diterima atau yang disampaikan, apakah Anda cenderung menggunakan kamus, buku percakapan atau buku lain 22 Dalam speaking, apakah Anda menentukan tujuan atau target speaking yang ingin Anda sampaikan 23 Apakah Anda suka mendiskusikan perasaan Anda dalam bahasa Inggris dengan teman anda 24 Dalam meningkatkan speaking, apakah Anda cenderung menggunakan kata atau istilah baru 25 Bila teman bicara tidak paham dengan speaking Anda, apakah Anda menggunakan beberapa kata lain agar ia paham 26 Agar meningkat kemampuan speaking Anda, Apakah Anda mengatur waktu untuk melakukan speaking dengan native speaker 27 Apakah Anda suka menuliskan pengalaman speaking Anda pada buku agenda, diary, dan lain- lain 28 Dalam speaking, apakah anda cenderung memperhatikan fikiran dan perasaan orang lain 29 Untuk mempraktekan bahasa Inggris saya, saya mencari orang yang bisa berbicara dalam bahasa tersebut 30 Untuk mendorong kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda selalu menulis sesuatu yang positif mengenai diri Anda sendiri 31 Dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda sering memperhatikan dulu dari pada banyak bicara 32 Dalam speaking, bila idenya agak sulit apakah Anda cenderung menyederhanakannya 33 Dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda sangat memperhatikan bagaimana pengucapan yang benar 34 Dalam mempelajari percakapan berbahasa Inggris, apakah Anda menggunakan kata atau ungkapan yang didengar dalam speaking


A. Pengantar

Berikut ini sejumlah pernyataan yang berkaitan dengan Motivasi yang diterapkan mahasiswa dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris (Speaking). Bacalah pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut dengan teliti dan berikan jawaban Anda apa adanya, bukan apa yang seharusnya sesuai dengan apa yang anda lakukan dan Anda rasakan. Angket ini semata-mata digunakan untuk kepentingan ilmiah. Jawaban Anda akan dijamin kerahasiaannya dan tidak ada pengaruhnya terhadap nilai Speaking atau hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan akademik lainnya. Jawaban Anda sangat berpengaruh untuk kesuksesan penelitian ini, atas partisipasi yang baik dari Anda saya ucapkan terima kasih.

B. Petunjuk

Untuk menjawab pernyataan-pernyataan pada angket ini, Anda cukup memberikan tanda (√) pada salah satu jawaban yang Anda anggap benar dan sesuai dengan fakta yang Anda lakukan dan rasakan. Alternatif jawaban terdiri dari: 1. SS = Sangat setuju 2. S = Setuju 3. TS = Tidak setuju 4. STS = Sangat tidak setuju

C. Contoh Pernyataan

PilihanJawaban No Pernyataan SS S TS STS 1 Saya ingin belajar bahasa Inggris karena saya mau √ melanjutkan pendidikan saya ke luar negeri

Dari contoh di atas berarti Anda setuju dengan pernyataan diatas dan hal ini memang sesuai dengan apa yang Anda inginkan dan Anda cita-citakan.


D. Angket Motivasi Belajar Berbicara Bahasa Inggris

PilihanJawaban No Pernyataan SS S TS STS 1 Saya senang menghabiskan banyak waktu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris 2 Saya bisa membayangkan sebuah situasi dimana saya sedang berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan orang asing 3 Jika saya berbuat banyak, saya yakin dan percaya akan bisa menjadi master dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris 4 Saya menemukan bahwa belajar bahasa Inggris itu merupakan sesuatu hal yang sungguh menarik 5 Saya suka gaya dan variasi belajar dalam bahasa Inggris 6 Saya merasa gugup dan bingung ketika saya sedang tampil berbicara didalam kelas bahasa Inggris 7 Saya suka dengan orang yang tinggal dinegara- negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris 8 Saya membuat jadwal belajar bahasa Inggris sendiri untuk mencapai cita-cita yang saya inginkan 9 Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting bagi saya karena orang lain akan lebih respek kepada saya jika saya punya banyak pengetahuan dalam bahasa Inggris 10 Orang tua saya mendukung saya untuk mempraktekan bahasa Inggris sebanyak dan sesering mungkin 11 Belajar bahasa Inggris menjadi penting bagi saya karena saya berpikir bahwa suatu saat akan berguna untuk mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan atau memperoleh uang 12 Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting bagi saya karena saya tidak ingin mendapatkan nilai rendah atau gagal dalam memperoleh tes bahasa Inggris (TOEFL,IELTS) 13 Saya suka belajar bahasa Inggris karena dengan bahasa Inggris saya bisa menikmati perjalanan keluar negeri 14 Saya pikir bahwa kemajuan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional mengakibatkan hilangnya identitas orang Indonesia 15 Saya bangga menjadi orang Indonesia 16 Saya senang menjadi orang yang bisa sama dalam hal berbicara bahasa Inggris 142

17 Saya suka mendengarkan musik dari Negara- negara yang berbahasa Inggris 18 Jika saya salah dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris maka dosen saya memberikan arahan-arahan dan dorongan kepada saya 19 Saya belajar bahasa Inggris karena saya ingin dosen saya memberikan nilai yang bagus 20 Dibandingkan dengan teman kelas saya, saya pikir bahwa saya belajar bahasa Inggris dengan giat 21 Saya bisa membayangkan diri saya sendiri berbicara bahasa Inggris andaikan saya seorang native speaker bahasa Inggris 22 Saya suka suasana dari kelas bahasa Inggris saya 23 Saya merasa senang ketika mendengar orang berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris 24 Saya belajar bahasa Inggris karena saya mau melanjutkan pendidikan saya ke luar negeri 25 Saya pikir bahwa saya sedang melakukan hal yang terbaik dalam belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris 26 Saya membayangkan diri saya sendiri sebagai seorang yang bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris 27 Jika dosen saya memberikan tugas speaking dalam kelas, saya dengan senang hati menjadi sukarelawan untuk melaksanakannya. 28 Saya suka membaca majalah, Koran atau buku dalam bahasa Inggris 29 Saya suka memikirkan hal mengenai belajar bahasa Inggris agar bisa belajar tentang budaya dan seni dalam berbicara 30 Saya pikir nilai budaya dan seni orang Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh nilai budaya asing 31 Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting bagi saya, karena tanpa bahasa Inggris saya tidak bisa banyak mengadakan acara jalan- jalan 32 Belajar bahasa Inggris merupakan hal penting bagi saya, karena saya merasa malu jika saya mendapatkan nilai yang jelek dalam bahasa Inggris 33 Belajar bahasa Inggris adalah penting bagi saya karena saya senang menghabiskan waktu tinggal diluar negeri (dalam hal belajar dan bekerja) 34 Orang tua /keluarga saya percaya bahwa saya pasti belajar bahasa Inggris untuk menjadi tenaga pendidik 35 Saya membeli buku-buku penunjang untuk belajar bahasa Inggris setiap bulannya 36 Saya suka bertemu dengan orang yang berasal dari Negara-negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris 143

37 Saya merasa kuatir berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan seorang native speaker 38 Saya tertarik cara bahasa Inggris dalam menggunakan percakapan 39 Saya sungguh merasa senang belajar bahasa Inggris 40 Saya yakin bahwa saya mempunyai kemampuan yang bagus dalam belajar bicara bahasa Inggris 41 Saya bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan teman- teman atau kolega yang tingkat internasional 42 Saya lebih senang berkonsentrasi belajar bahasa Inggris dari pada belajar yang lainnya 43 Dosen saya selalu mengatakan good atau sejenisnya kalau saya berbicara atau berpartisipasi didalam kelas





Reliability and Validity of Tryout Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies Questionnaire English Department of Semester VI of STAIN Batusangkar

MEMORY STR COGNITIVE STRATEGIES COMPENSATION STRATEGIES STO 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 4 4

2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 4 4

3 4 3 3 2 4 4 2 4 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 4 4

4 2 3 3 1 2 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 4 4

5 4 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 4

6 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 3

7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3

8 3 3 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 4 3 2 3 3

9 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 2 3 4

10 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 3 4

11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3

12 3 3 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 4 3 2 3 3

13 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 2 3 4

14 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 3 4

15 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3

16 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4

17 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2

18 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3

19 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4

20 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2

21 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 1 3 4 4

22 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 3 3 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 4

23 2 3 4 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 146

24 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 4

25 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 2

26 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3

27 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 3 3

28 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 1 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 3 4

29 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 3

30 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4

91 98 92 69 94 89 75 85 93 80 69 77 96 69 57 61 68 62 94 102 ∑X X 3.033 3.27 3.067 2.30 3.133 2.97 2.5 2.83 3.1 2.67 2.3 2.57 3.2 2.30 1.9 2.03 2.267 2.07 3.133 3.40 Avr

∑X² 293 326 298 173 310 279 197 261 299 224 177 219 318 181 127 145 168 136 300 362

11287 11995 11333 8467 11573 10899 9271 10387 11393 9805 8498 9513 11732 8336 7021 7409 8251 7597 11496 12544 ∑XY

R. 0.84 0.46 0.56 0.30 0.55 0.29 0.76 0.15 0.37 0.34 0.38 0.50 0.24 -0.21 0.32 -0.05 -0.11 0.30 0.39 0.55 HITUNG Valid valid Valid valid valid valid valid Deleted valid Valid valid valid Deleted deleted valid deleted deleted valid valid Valid

R. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 TABEL V. 0.57 0.20 0.53 0.48 0.52 0.50 0.32 0.67 0.36 0.36 0.61 0.71 0.36 0.74 0.62 0.70 0.46 0.26 0.18 0.51 BUTIR C. 0.82 ALPHA


METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES AFECTIVE STRATEGIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 3 3 4 2 3 4 3 2 3 1 4 2 3 4 2 4 4

2 3 2 4 2 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 3

1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 1 3 3 2 2 3

2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2

3 2 2 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 2 3 1 4 3 4 1 3

2 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 4 3 1 4 4 3 2 2

2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 2 2 3

2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 1 1 2

3 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 1 1

1 2 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 2

2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 2 2 3

2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 3 4 2 4 3 3 1 1 2

3 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 1 1

1 2 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 2

2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 3

3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 1 4 3 4 2 3 2 3

2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 3

3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 1 4 3 4 2 3 2 3

2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 1 1 4 3 4 3 1 1 2

2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3

2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 2

1 2 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 3

2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2

2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 148

1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 2

3 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 2 3

2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 4 2 1 1 2

2 4 3 3 2 4 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4

60 78 76 93 73 91 75 84 83 93 89 88 57 69 87 65 93 85 58 52 77

2 2.60 2.533 3.10 2.433 3.03 2.5 2.80 2.767 3.10 2.967 2.93 1.9 2.30 2.9 2.17 3.1 2.83 1.933 1.73 2.567

132 216 204 307 187 289 209 250 243 309 279 282 131 191 271 171 303 255 136 110 213

7327 9618 9303 11436 8978 11224 9223 10372 10263 11425 11005 10789 7004 8334 10748 7893 11001 10357 7237 6416 9500

0.12 0.56 0.26 0.44 0.50 0.68 0.34 0.63 0.72 0.38 0.73 0.26 0.23 -0.18 0.60 -0.05 -1.35 0.05 0.59 0.32 0.54 deleted Valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid Valid valid valid deleted deleted valid deleted deleted deleted valid valid Valid

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.40 0.44 0.38 0.62 0.31 0.43 0.72 0.49 0.45 0.69 0.50 0.80 0.76 1.08 0.62 1.01 0.49 0.47 0.80 0.66 0.51



4 2 3 3 3 137 18769

2 1 3 4 3 128 16384

3 2 3 3 3 126 15876

2 2 3 2 3 108 11664

4 1 3 2 2 139 19321

4 2 4 2 4 130 16900

4 2 3 2 3 123 15129

4 2 4 2 2 116 13456

3 3 2 2 2 113 12769

2 3 2 3 3 113 12769

4 2 3 2 3 123 15129

4 2 4 2 2 116 13456

3 3 2 2 2 113 12769

2 3 2 3 3 113 12769

3 3 3 1 2 119 14161

3 2 3 2 3 129 16641

2 2 3 2 3 110 12100

3 3 3 1 2 119 14161

3 2 3 2 3 129 16641

2 2 3 2 3 110 12100

4 2 4 2 4 146 21316

4 1 3 3 4 118 13924

2 2 2 2 3 102 10404

4 1 4 3 3 137 18769

2 3 2 3 2 111 12321

3 2 3 3 3 128 16384 150

3 2 3 3 3 110 12100

3 1 4 4 4 138 19044

3 3 2 2 3 110 12100

4 1 4 4 3 137 18769

93 62 90 73 86 3651

3.10 2.067 3.00 2.433 2.87

307 142 284 195 258 448095 11480 7416 11098 8963 10539

0.61 -0.57 0.63 0.31 0.35

valid deleted valid valid valid

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.62 0.46 0.47 0.58 0.38 24.78


Reliability and Validity of Tryout Students’ Speaking Motivation Questionnaire English Department of Semester IV of STAIN Batusangkar

CM I L2 Self LSC ATLE IEL EA STO 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 4 2 3 4 3 2 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4

2 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 2

3 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 3

4 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 4 2 3 3

5 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3

6 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 1 2

7 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3

8 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2

9 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 3 2

10 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 1 3 2

11 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

12 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

13 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

14 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

15 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

16 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

17 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

18 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 3

19 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

20 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

21 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2

22 4 1 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 3

23 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 1 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 152

24 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3

25 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

26 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

27 4 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 2 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 2

28 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

29 3 3 3 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3

30 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 2 2

108 89 84 89 106 115 104 78 100 106 104 103 111 111 90 107 106 100 70 79 74 ∑X

X Avr 3.6 2.97 2.8 2.97 3.533 3.83 3.467 2.60 3.333 3.53 3.467 3.43 3.7 3.70 3 3.57 3.533 3.33 2.333 2.63 2.467

∑X² 396 281 244 277 384 447 370 216 352 386 368 363 417 417 280 389 382 348 176 221 198

19075 15738 14861 15786 18793 20197 18398 13830 17808 18822 18337 18239 19614 19620 15893 18945 18786 17658 12431 14015 13030 ∑XY R. 0.51 0.33 0.47 0.55 0.74 0.00 0.55 0.46 0.73 0.78 0.34 0.63 0.61 0.64 0.35 0.72 0.80 0.32 0.50 0.50 0.11 HITUNG valid valid Valid valid valid deleted Valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid deleted

R.TABEL 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

V. Butir 0.24 0.57 0.29 0.43 0.32 0.21 0.32 0.44 0.62 0.38 0.25 0.31 0.21 0.21 0.33 0.25 0.25 0.49 0.42 0.43 0.52

C. alpha 0.91


ATL2C HA O L2 self PE I-Pro I-Pre TO FA E

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

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4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 154

3 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 4 2 4 4 2

4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 1 4 1 4 4 3

3 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 4 3 4 3 2 4 2 4 4 2

3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 2

96 98 89 80 93 91 76 90 88 97 112 95 101 109 102 96 71 111 71 105 114 77

3.20 3.267 2.97 2.667 3.10 3.033 2.53 3 2.93 3.233 3.73 3.167 3.37 3.633 3.40 3.2 2.37 3.7 2.37 3.5 3.80 2.567

316 334 277 222 299 293 214 286 274 335 424 319 353 405 362 318 183 417 183 377 438 209

16928 17351 15740 14174 16407 16017 13255 15902 15526 17146 19738 16926 17865 19283 18108 16993 12569 19614 12569 17925 20074 13517

0.29 0.48 0.39 0.54 0.29 0.11 -0.26 0.31 0.23 0.31 0.36 0.73 0.45 0.60 0.64 0.52 0.33 0.61 0.33 -2.16 0.30 -0.03

valid valid valid valid valid deleted deleted valid deleted valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid deleted valid deleted

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.29 0.46 0.43 0.29 0.36 0.57 0.72 0.53 0.53 0.71 0.20 0.61 0.43 0.30 0.51 0.36 0.50 0.21 0.50 0.32 0.16 0.38


I CI FP SR 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 Y ∑Y²

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 3 176 30976

3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 177 31329

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 165 27225

3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 154 23716

3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 194 37636

3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 175 30625

4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 187 34969

3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 2 4 157 24649

3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 3 183 33489

3 3 4 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 161 25921

3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 185 34225

3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 185 34225

3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 185 34225

3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 185 34225

3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 185 34225

3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 185 34225

3 4 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 185 34225

3 3 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 171 29241

3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 171 29241

3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 156 24336

4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 195 38025

3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 166 27556

3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 161 25921

4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 191 36481

3 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 147 21609

4 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 175 30625 156

3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 3 161 25921

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 200 40000

3 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 156 24336

4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 3 195 38025

96 99 104 108 103 103 85 112 103 75 91 94

3.20 3.3 3.47 3.6 3.43 3.43 2.833 3.73 3.43 2.50 3.033 3.13 5269

312 337 368 398 367 367 259 424 367 205 289 300 931427 16950 17505 18315 19096 18336 18336 14985 19738 18336 13212 15538 16545

0.52 0.47 0.23 0.54 0.87 0.87 0.17 0.36 0.87 0.12 -1.59 0.20 valid valid deleted valid Valid Valid deleted valid Valid deleted deleted deleted

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.16 0.34 0.25 0.31 0.45 0.45 0.61 0.20 0.45 0.58 0.43 0.18 21.23


Reliability of Try Out of Speaking Learning Strategies Questionnaire

= 24.78



448095 - (3651)2 30 = 30

448095 - 444326,7 = 30

3768,3 = 30

= 125,61

46 1 – 24.78 = (46-1) 125,61

= 46 1 –0.1972861 (45) = (1.02222222) (0.8027139) = 0. 82 (Vey High Level)


Validity of tryout of language learning strategies questionnaire N XY ( X )( Y) rxy {N X 2 ( X ) 2 }{N Y 2 ( Y) 2 }

30x11287 (91)(3651) rxy1 {30x293 (91)2}{30x448095 (3651)2} 338610 332241 rxy {8790 8281}{13442850 13329801} 6369 rxy {509}{113049} 6369 rxy 57541941 6369 r xy 7585640448 r 0.840 xy1


Reliability of Try Out of Speaking Motivation Questionnaire

= 21.23



931427 - (5269)2 30 = 30

931427 - 925412,03 = 30

6014.97 = 30

= 200,499

55 1 – 21,23 = (55-1) 200,499

= 55 1 –0.10586 (54) = (1.018518519) (0.89414) = 0. 91 (Very High Level)


Validity of try out speaking motivation questionnaire N XY ( X )( Y) rxy {N X 2 ( X ) 2 }{N Y 2 ( Y) 2 }

30x19075 (108)(5269) rxy {30x396 (108)2}{30x931427 (5269)2} 572250 569052 rxy {11880 11664}{27942810 27762361} 3198 rxy {216}{180449} 3198 rxy 38976984 3198 r xy 6243.154972 r 0.51 xy





Data Distribution of Students’ Speaking Learning Strategies (X₁), Students’ Speaking Motivation (X₂) and Students’ Speaking Skill (Y)

NO X₁ X₂ Y X₁ X₂ X₁Y X₂Y X₁² X₂² Y² 1 80 112 55 8960 4400 6160 6400 12544 3025 2 83 135 68 11205 5644 9180 6889 18225 4624 3 88 143 70 12584 6160 10010 7744 20449 4900 4 80 120 48 9600 3840 5760 6400 14400 2304 5 108 124 78 13392 8424 9672 11664 15376 6084 6 79 138 58 10902 4582 8004 6241 19044 3364 7 100 120 79 12000 7900 9480 10000 14400 6241 8 106 139 81 14734 8586 11259 11236 19321 6561 9 83 123 58 10209 4814 7134 6889 15129 3364 10 91 122 47 11102 4277 5734 8281 14884 2209 11 87 126 54 10962 4698 6804 7569 15876 2916 12 80 112 48 8960 3840 5376 6400 12544 2304 13 98 153 70 14994 6860 10710 9604 23409 4900 14 100 133 81 13300 8100 10773 10000 17689 6561 15 96 120 83 11520 7968 9960 9216 14400 6889 16 88 116 55 10208 4840 6380 7744 13456 3025 17 108 129 78 13932 8424 10062 11664 16641 6084 18 89 128 59 11392 5251 7552 7921 16384 3481 19 89 139 61 12371 5429 8479 7921 19321 3721 20 102 150 92 15300 9384 13800 10404 22500 8464 21 86 124 76 10664 6536 9424 7396 15376 5776 22 101 142 74 14342 7474 10508 10201 20164 5476 23 90 112 55 10080 4950 6160 8100 12544 3025 24 91 128 62 11648 5642 7936 8281 16384 3844 25 99 127 64 12573 6336 8128 9801 16129 4096 26 88 130 67 11440 5896 8710 7744 16900 4489 27 82 124 59 10168 4838 7316 6724 15376 3481 28 100 135 96 13500 9600 12960 10000 18225 9216 29 92 120 63 11040 5796 7560 8464 14400 3969 30 91 127 68 11557 6188 8636 8281 16129 4624 31 87 124 56 10788 4872 6944 7569 15376 3136 32 108 154 93 16632 10044 14322 11664 23716 8649 33 99 145 84 14355 8316 12180 9801 21025 7056 34 103 140 87 14420 8961 12180 10609 19600 7569 35 100 142 93 14200 9300 13206 10000 20164 8649 36 88 134 74 11792 6512 9916 7744 17956 5476 37 107 146 95 15622 10165 13870 11449 21316 9025 38 92 134 76 12328 6992 10184 8464 17956 5776 39 87 133 60 11571 5220 7980 7569 17689 3600 165

40 100 154 80 15400 8000 12320 10000 23716 6400 41 92 128 63 11776 5796 8064 8464 16384 3969 42 77 96 65 7392 5005 6240 5929 9216 4225 43 90 143 77 12870 6930 11011 8100 20449 5929 44 88 156 83 13728 7304 12948 7744 24336 6889 45 90 152 63 13680 5670 9576 8100 23104 3969 46 82 143 63 11726 5166 9009 6724 20449 3969 47 86 151 56 12986 4816 8456 7396 22801 3136 48 92 157 73 14444 6716 11461 8464 24649 5329 49 104 139 85 14456 8840 11815 10816 19321 7225 50 88 130 62 11440 5456 8060 7744 16900 3844 51 79 136 70 10744 5530 9520 6241 18496 4900 52 92 139 58 12788 5336 8062 8464 19321 3364 53 85 130 56 11050 4760 7280 7225 16900 3136 54 97 129 48 12513 4656 6192 9409 16641 2304 55 97 125 73 12125 7081 9125 9409 15625 5329 56 105 142 73 14910 7665 10366 11025 20164 5329 57 88 135 83 11880 7304 11205 7744 18225 6889 58 90 126 93 11340 8370 11718 8100 15876 8649 59 85 119 73 10115 6205 8687 7225 14161 5329 60 105 148 85 15540 8925 12580 11025 21904 7225 61 108 137 88 14796 9504 12056 11664 18769 7744 62 88 129 84 11352 7392 10836 7744 16641 7056 Σ 5734 8247 4379 765398 409486 586996 534804 1106465 320091


Speaking test

The test is a speech. The lecturer asked students to describe about some topic that related to their syllabus of speaking V. The students prepared the topic and then presented them in front of the class. Each student is given five minutes to present.


APPENDIX: The Detailed Post Test Score Data of Speaking Skill (SCORER 1)

STD P G V F I CONT VQ NVC EC CONC TOTAL SCORE S1 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 32 53 S2 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 68 S3 5 5 5 5 4 3 5 5 5 4 46 77 S4 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 26 43 S5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 3 44 73 S6 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 35 58 S7 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 46 77 S8 5 6 5 6 4 5 5 4 4 5 49 82 S9 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 35 58 S10 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 25 42 S11 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 2 27 45 S12 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 28 47 S13 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 2 4 42 70 S14 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 46 77 S15 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 48 80 S16 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 27 45 S17 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 47 78 S18 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 33 55 S19 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 31 52 S20 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 56 93 S21 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 42 70 S22 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 42 70 S23 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 26 43 S24 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 32 53 S25 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 32 53 S26 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 38 63 S27 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 33 55 S28 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 57 95 S29 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 38 63 S30 5 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 4 3 39 65 S31 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 33 55 S32 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 5 57 95 S33 6 5 6 6 4 5 6 5 5 4 52 87 S34 5 6 6 6 3 6 6 5 5 4 52 87 S35 6 5 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 56 93 S36 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 42 70 S37 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 56 93 S38 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 39 65 S39 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 29 48 168

S40 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 3 46 77 S41 3 3 3 4 2 3 4 2 2 3 29 48 S42 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 2 3 37 62 S43 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 3 42 70 S44 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 49 82 S45 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 32 53 S46 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 32 53 S47 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 31 52 S48 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 38 63 S49 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 4 49 82 S50 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 32 53 S51 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 36 60 S52 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 32 53 S53 3 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 31 52 S54 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 26 43 S55 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 56 93 S56 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 38 63 S57 5 6 5 6 4 5 5 4 4 5 49 82 S58 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 56 93 S59 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 73 S60 6 5 5 6 4 5 6 5 5 4 51 85 S61 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 50 83 S62 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 47 78



The Detailed Post Test Score Data of Speaking Skill (SCORER 2)

STD P G V F I CONT VQ NVC EC CONC TOTAL SCORE S1 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 34 57 S2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 5 40 67 S3 4 3 5 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 37 62 S4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 32 53 S5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 83 S6 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 35 58 S7 5 4 6 5 5 5 6 4 4 4 48 80 S8 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 5 3 5 48 80 S9 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 34 57 S10 3 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 31 52 S11 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 38 63 S12 3 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 29 48 S13 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 2 4 42 70 S14 5 5 6 4 5 6 6 5 4 5 51 85 S15 4 4 6 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 51 85 S16 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 39 65 S17 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 46 77 S18 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 38 63 S19 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 42 70 S20 6 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 6 54 90 S21 4 5 6 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 49 82 S22 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 47 78 S23 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 4 40 67 S24 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 42 70 S25 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 3 5 45 75 S26 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 42 70 S27 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 37 62 S28 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 58 97 S29 4 3 5 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 37 62 S30 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 42 70 S31 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 34 57 S32 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 6 5 54 90 S33 6 5 5 6 4 4 5 5 4 4 48 80 S34 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 4 6 52 87 S35 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 55 92 S36 4 5 5 4 4 5 6 5 5 4 47 78 S37 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 58 97 170

S38 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 4 6 52 87 S39 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 43 72 S40 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 49 82 S41 4 4 6 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 47 78 S42 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 3 3 40 67 S43 4 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 50 83 S44 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 50 83 S45 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 43 72 S46 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 44 73 S47 3 3 3 3 5 4 5 4 2 4 36 60 S48 4 5 6 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 50 83 S49 4 5 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 52 87 S50 4 3 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 42 70 S51 4 5 6 4 4 6 5 5 4 5 48 80 S52 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 2 4 37 62 S53 3 3 3 3 5 4 5 4 2 4 36 60 S54 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 32 53 S55 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 32 53 S56 4 5 6 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 50 83 S57 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 50 83 S58 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 55 92 S59 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 73 S60 6 4 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 51 85 S61 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 56 93 S62 5 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 5 54 90


Appendix Mark of Speaking Skill STD SCORER 1 SCORER 2 MARK S1 53 57 55 S2 68 67 68 S3 77 62 70 S4 43 53 48 S5 73 83 78 S6 58 58 58 S7 77 80 79 S8 82 80 81 S9 58 57 58 S10 42 52 47 S11 45 63 54 S12 47 48 48 S13 70 70 70 S14 77 85 81 S15 80 85 83 S16 45 65 55 S17 78 77 78 S18 55 63 59 S19 52 70 61 S20 93 90 92 S21 70 82 76 S22 70 78 74 S23 43 67 55 S24 53 70 62 S25 53 75 64 S26 63 70 67 S27 55 62 59 S28 95 97 96 S29 63 62 63 S30 65 70 68 S31 55 57 56 S32 95 90 93 S33 87 80 84 S34 87 87 87 S35 93 92 93 S36 70 78 74 S37 93 97 95 S38 65 87 76 S39 48 72 60 S40 77 82 80 S41 48 78 63 S42 62 67 65 S43 70 83 77 S44 82 83 83 S45 53 72 63 172

S46 53 73 63 S47 52 60 56 S48 63 83 73 S49 82 87 85 S50 53 70 62 S51 60 80 70 S52 53 62 58 S53 52 60 56 S54 43 53 48 S55 93 53 73 S56 63 83 73 S57 82 83 83 S58 93 92 93 S59 73 73 73 S60 85 85 85 S61 83 93 88 S62 78 90 84



A. Farewell Speech Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 1. Student 34 87 87 87

Ass.mkm, Wr.Wb. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for coming and followed in this activity. In this occasion, we are conducting a farewell party for Mrs. Hafni Harun, one of English Teacher in Our school Senior High School 1 Baso. As wised person say if there is a meeting, there is also time for separating. Even thought we have been together with Mrs. Hafni Harun for a long time, Today we should let good bye her leave us. Mrs. Hafni Harun as our collogue will leave us because she get retired period. Along 25 years, since 1985 until 2010 Mrs. Hafni Harun has shared her life, time, thought in improving Senior High School 1 Baso to reach better quality. Along this time, Mrs. Hafni Harun has given much contribution to our school in academic and organization, especially in English side.

The first is about academic, Mrs. Hafni Harun together with other English Teachers in this school contributed in improving output students of senior High School 1 Baso to be students who have good ability especially in English It is proven by since ten years ago until now Senior High School 1 Baso graduations always have best rate in English subject if we compare with others school in this regency. I believe without good team work among those English teachers, we can‘t reach this achievement as good as they have done. The second is about organization, along 5 year Mrs. Hafni Harun has been advisor of English organization of our school named Smart with English. In this organization, Mrs. Hafni Harun together with other teacher has guided students to have extra ability in English, like public speaking, debate, and master of ceremony. This organization has contributed to increase reputation of Senior High Scholl 1 Baso among others school in this regency. I believe we still remember along 3 years Senior High School 1 Baso always win debating programs conducted by . Without contribution from her and other teachers, we believe that it is just like dream never come truth for us.

In the end, I, as principal of Senior High School 1 Baso would say thank very much for sincere dedication for this school. Your dedication as teacher is not stopped until this time but it will be continued until forever. Thank you very much. Ass.mkm, wr. Wb 174

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 67 43 55 2. Student 23

Assalam mualaikum Wr. W b,

Alhamdulillah-alhamdulillah hirobbil‘alamin wassolatu wassalamu‘ala asrofil ambiya iwal mursalin waala alihi waashabihi rosulillahi ajmain....., First of all, thanks to Allah who has give us condition and health, then salawat and salam to prophet Muhammad SAW who have give us from the darkness to the lightness.

Friends of friends, we have any experience, we realize that time can not be played back. How wonderful waiting for new stuff that work more fun that the things here are very boring. In here we are friendship a sweet and bitter. Let us remember and apply the advice of the parent and teacher the best of us. Acknowledgements should we convoy to our teachers. They have been educating us with tireless.

Friend of friends, actually my heart so weight to ask that to you all but I must ask to you. Insya Allah next semester I will farewell with you all because my parent move to Jakarta for their business. So, I must follow their. Many day we are together, like crying together, happy together. Every semester we always travelling together for reflecting and study together in basketball field. Then, I‘m still remember when we I sick all of you came to my house for see me, it‘s make me more spirit. I hope even though I far for you but don‘t forget communication like usually. I promise I don‘t forget you all my friends.

Lastly, don‘t forget keep our experienced during school here. Always keep memories in our heart. I hope we will see latter. I will blessing you my friends. Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 3. Student 50 70 53 62 Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,,,,,, Welcome, everyone, to this very special occasion and gathering. And a bitter sweet occasion it is to us. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for gathering here. 175

It was two years ago since I was here to get study. I was nervous at first, but there was just this huge abundance of fine people who helped me to get my grounding. I would never have realized how connected I would be to such warm community of people. After follow the examination this week, we will back to our village. Each of us will back home, we will separating for one month. I can‘t tell you how difficult to describe how sad I‘m to be leaving. I would say thank very much for all of members TBI-B members. Thanks for being my friends along more than two years. We will miss your sense of humor, your ability, your open-hearted personality, your good nature. Although we may separated by time and distance. It do not make us to forget each other. You always play in our live. We wish you happy adventure, fantastic new friendship, amazing experience and the journey of lifetime. I will remind you about this statement that says if there is a meeting, there is a time for separating. As we say good bye, we remind ourselves that farewell not forever. I will miss you all so much. All of you will gonna in my heart wherever I‘m in later. Happy holyday !!!! Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 62 63 63 4. Student 29

Ass.mkm, wr. Wb. Alhamdulillah…..salawat and salam….. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. First of all I want to say thanks so much for all of my friends that be able to come to this class for conducting farewell in fifth semester. For past to years we have been together. You should know that I was very happy join with you in this class. An experience that never I got before. Especially in this semester. Today, I to say thanks so much for happiness that you have given for me. I know that I am not a perfect person, I have many mistakes that I realize or not. For this semester may be sometimes I make you sad and then you hate me because of my attitude. I want to say sorry for you all. Please forgive my friends. In order side, sometimes some of you advice me when I do something false. Thank for your advising. Your advising make me realize my mistake and change my attitude for the next time. My friends, We know that in this semester we seldom to do sharing about what we feel in this class. Not like four semesters before. That is because many assignment that we should do in this semester. We were busy in doing the assignment that given by our lecturer. We are together to talk about our assignment that does not we understand yet. Not for sharing our problem in this class. I think this semester is more difficult for us than other semester. In this 176 semester we spent our time for doing many assignments. I think you still remember when we staying up for doing our assignment about qualitative research and writing subject together. Do you still remember some of us cry because of CMD subject? Do you still remember some of our data could not burning? Those are our experiences in this semester. We are in the last week of fifth semester. May Allah give us best result for this semester. Next week we will spend our vacation for refreshing our mind. I hope in the next semester we can get better than before. In the end of my speech, I say thanks for you all and sorry for my mistake during this semester. And I hope we will be success person. Happy holiday for you all.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 5. Student 2 67 68 68

Ass.mkm, Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillah….thanks to Allah……ladies and gentlemen....The road of our life never runs smooth.. Ladies and gentlemen ... Gathering, leave taking, and wealth is Allah‘s right. We just follow what Allah want. And we do not know what Allah give for us to the next time. As a Muslim we just accept what Allah‘s give for us. So that ladies and gentlemen..Now I‘m standing in front of you want to say I will leave you all. Because I want to go to Jakarta. Why I do that because my husbands get a good job in there so I must follow him and leave you all guys. May be our togetherness just till right now. But in this time I will remember you and make sure you that I will not forget you all guys, because we always together in laugh, happy, sad and cry together. I just get friends love only from you all guys. You always give me fight when I could not stand, you always give me way when I lose my way, you always give light when all of my life I fell dark. So that ladies and gentlemen. Do not forget me when I do not beside you because I never want to forget you too. May be just all that can I say to you right now. Thanks‘ for your attention and time. Ass.mkm, wr.wb Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 90 95 93 6. Student 32

Assalamu‘alaikum wr. Wb 177

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahilladzi arsala rasulahu bil huda wa dinil haq. Liyuzhirohu ‗aladdini kullihi wa kafa billahi syahida. Asyhadu anal ilaa ha illallah, wa asyhadu anna muhammadan ‗abduhu wa rasuluh. La nabiya ba‘dah, amma ba‘du. Firstly, I want to say that it is an amazing thing to be representative of this class and speak in front of you all. Then, I want to say thanks to all of the people that make any effort to conduct this farewell party.

Well, ladies and gentlemen During almost three years we have been gathered in this class together. We spent many time together. We did many things together and we feel anything as well. Maybe, we never imagine and think that all of the togetherness should be ended. As we know that one of us, Anggerno Perawito, will move to Malaya University next semester. He got the scholarship from Malaya University. So, from all of the time that we have been shared during last three years, I want to say that there are two things that we may not forget from him. First is his strength. As we know that Anggerno is the person that really strong to face every problem not only in the class but also outside of the class. He face any difficulties that disturb him. Because of that, I‘m sure that we can learn about it from him.

Then is his cheer-up habit. Anggerno never want to show his sadness in front of us. He always cheer-up and happy anywhere although his feeling is not good at that time. So, we can imitate this habit class. Always cheer-up in every situation.

Ladies and gentlemen, In this special occasion I want to say that we can try to imitate those habit from Anggerno. Beside of that, hopefully that Anggerno will get the better future in Malaya University. Although we are in different place, but we can fight in togetherness. Thank you.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 70 53 62 7. Student 24

Bismillahirrahmanirrahiiim, Ass.mkm, wr.wb. Alhamdulillah salawat and salam 178

Thank you very much for the time. Today, I want to tell you all of my family. For the next semester, maybe I will move from STAIN Batusangkar. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, before semester, we are altogether in the activity and learning experience together and then, especially from my friend, ― Taufik Hidayat‖ you are many support for academic and organization and anything that you are helped me. Not only Taufik, but all my friends. Thank you so much. I know, the next semester, I am not join with you and then I am not. I continue my study in Malay University. Alhamdulillah.

After studying in Malay .. I will .. for you all. I will thank to some teachers in my new university and then I will send of some thing about Malay. And the last one, for our campus, thank you very much for your support me and then for anything, I am in Malay in this semester because I study in Malay and I hope you support me, pray me. So that, I will see you again. Thank you very much, that‘s all for my farewell speech, although I do not study in Malaysia. Wassalammu‘alaikum, Wr.Wb

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 8. Student 59 73 73 73

Ass,Mkm, Wr.Wb. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, honorable the head master of Senior High School 1 Salimpaung, honorable the staff of SMAN Salimpaung, and honorable all of my students‘ in SMAN 1 Salimpaung.

Today I am very sad because this the last time I stand up in front of you, because I will move to the other school. And I hope you can get many thing with the new English teacher. Along I am be teacher in this school get many experience, and can not forget al of you kindness. All teacher and all my student I will miss you so much because I can teach you everyday and I can not see you every morning. and can believed that so short I am in here. You are my lovely and you are my inspiration to do the best. Thanks for all of…. At the end I want to say to teacher, staff and student I am sorry for my mistake

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 9. Student 9 57 58 58

Ass.mkm, Wr.Wb, first of all, let‘s thank to Allah SWT who give us the time to attend in this moment. And Salawat and salam for our prophet Muhammad SAW. The honorable the head 179 master of Islamic Senior High School Solok City. Honorable all of staffs and teachers in Islamic Senior High School Solok City. And the honorable all of the students and my friends. Ladies and gentlemen,. Last two months ago, I come here and I feel it. Because it is the first time for as English teacher and also as practice teacher. During two months, I feel I got many experience, I got many knowledge, I got many different with my life. Ladies and gentlemen. The first, I want to say thank for headmaster because aaaaa permit me to attend and to do practice teacher and thank for Allah that the members of the school. Then, I want to say thank for all of students that I was taught in the class, especially for students the first grade of Islamic Senior High School in Solok City, and then I want to thank ..please apologize me for my mistake with my attitude. And then, I want to say to my students study hard, keep your study hard, and try to be the best. Thank. Assalammu‘alaikum, Wr.Wb.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 10. Student 33 80 87 84

Assalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb. Good afternoon.Ladies and gentlemen..! I never imagine that I will get great reception like this. I really want to say thanks for all of that. Times feel like too short. I know it is not easy job for me, but I really feel better and got many meaningful experiences as long as I am head master in this school. Do you still remember last three years I come here to be head master, do you still remember last three years we were planned to build big library and english lab. for the library, we were succeed to build last year. it really helpful for students, they are easier to find books. but for english lab, it is still need to be continued, it does not finish yet. Ladies and gentlemen...!Along three years I have been here, I learn many things. I know how to be patient to solve some problems. I learn how to be sincere about somethings. and I plan to appreciate it in my new position. I really grateful for all of your help and kindness. thanks for all of that. although I will not here with you anymore, I will memories that for all of mylife time. Thank you. Wassalammu‘alaikum, Wr.wb.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 11. Student 52 62 53 58


First of all, let us tanks to Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to come here, to attend Graduation and Student Farewell STAIN Batusangkar academic year 2009/2010, don‘t forget shalawat and salam to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness. Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters… In this good opportunity, I stand here to represent all of English students department STAIN Batusangkar to give a farewell speech. On the behalf of all students TBI especially TBI A First, we would like to say thank you very much for all of the lectures in the STAIN Batusangkar. We finally managed to pass .. O Praise God .. Day full days were very stressful exams now expired already .. We graduated! We are not student anymore! We will leave this college . and parted. Every meeting there must be separation. Most of us must meet new and familiar friends while in school here. Or maybe there had been friends since junior high school, since elementary school, or even since I was a toddler. It would have been happy if the friendship that we intertwine over the past three years this could last forever. As if not swayed by anything. Second, I want ask you make many memories in your brain and I really say tanks to all lectures in the STAIN Batusangkar especially to Mr. Zulhermindra, MP.d and to Mrs. Suswati Hendriani, MP.d as a guided me get the success in the STAIN Batusangkar. Finally, my friend your are a the best, you are a success now,don‘t forget Allah his always in your side I have a song for you :Every time never you forgot you are friend because I am always remember you are,,, My friends never you are forgot with you are friends in this STAIN BATUSANGKAR…..Oh my friend never….never …and never with you are friends…………………………….never !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 12. Student 22 78 70 74 Assalammu‘alaikum, wr. wb.

Bersyukur dan ikhlas…. Bahagia HMI In this occasion… I still remember when we followed training leadership in Padang Panjang. At the time, when we having lunch together, the time when we laughing together, the time when we busy together. I‘ll never forget it. 181

I would like to thank this organization, but particularly my chairman, Akmal, M.Pd, for giving me the space to grow, for allowing me to make my own decisions, and then learning from my own mistakes, and for honing my personality to a point where I have developed a strong faith in my own abilities. Your guidance and faith in me has carved a special place in my life, and you will always be remembered. Moreover, I want to say I‘m very sorry for all of my mistakes that I ever done a long join with this organization. Maybe, a long this time I often did not do my job maximally. Maybe I often make all of you are hurt and painful because of my attitude and my speak. After I move from this organization. Thank you. Wassalammu‘alaikum, wr. Wb

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 13. Student 39 72 48 60

Good morning Ladiest and Gentlement. First of all, let‘s say thank to Allah Swt, because His blessing we can gather in this meeting this sunny morning. And don‘t forgot to thanks to our prophet Muhammad Saw, His family, His friends and his follower. Amien, Amien ya Rabbal‘alamin. Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for the warm reception. For the past eight years I have been the head doctor in this hospital, now I must move to the Jakarta because transfer of government. Although it has not been an easy job, it has been a very rewarding experience. I am very pleased with the success we had reaching our goal. First, we ready reach profesional doctor. Those are high integrity and able gave promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative servicing. Then have care to the human that poor. After that, we result activity used by human. And create cooperative team in the work. Beside that, we ready in reach our vision and mission. That vision is be superior academic and professional in national and international level with give priority to moral and entice. About our mission, one of them, we ready develop character and our professionalism. Ladies and gentlemen, none of this goals we got without team and hard work. During I worked in this hospital, I got reminded happiness and sadness. Over the last eight years, I have gotten to know most of you very well. I am trully grateful for all of your help and kindness. Thank you for making my Head Doctor in this hospital. I wish the new head doctor that replace my position can be better than me. I will nevetr forgot all and all my sweet memories in this hospital. The last, let me say thank you very much you all.


14. Student 40 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 82 77 80 Assalamu‘alaikum wr. wb Inna walhamdulillah…. Praise is to Allah, the Merciful Lord who has created human and has made them tribes which own different color of skin and language that, they may know each other. Peace is upon Prophet Muhammad, his companions and the ones who have been defending their faith and love doing good deeds. The honorable the headmaster of SMA N 1 Padang, the honorable all of the staff and teachers of SMA N 1 Padang and then my lovely students. For the past five years I have been an English teacher in this school SMA N 1 Padang. Along that time I have many experiences in this school. In the first few months of my job, I‘m still nervous to teach the students. Because teaching in this school is my first experience. I got many trouble and struggle to achieve my dream. After a few months later I tried to enjoy with my job. I tried to be a good teacher for my students, I tried to change my attitude, and how I teach the students and technique to teach the material. All of that because I want to enjoy and comfort to be a teacher in this school. Now, I have been five years stay in this school. Many experience that I got from the first time until now. Thanks for the headmaster who give me a chance to be a teacher in this school and thanks for you all that give me a support, motivation and how to be a good teacher. In this occasion I would like to say ―Good Bye‖. I have a new job in other school. I‘m so sorry for my mistake. I hope all of you give me apologize. I wish all the best for you all. I think that‘s all for my farewell speech. Thank you

15. Student 41 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 78 48 63 Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Peace for all us. First of all, let‘s say thank to Allah SWT, because His blessing we can all come together in perfect health without one any less at the event farewell Mrs. Ana who has entered a period of full duties. After so many years Mrs. Ana along with us through thick and thin together with us, then finally we should let Mrs. Ana to retire. I personally as a boss of Mrs. Ana say thanks for all the outstanding performance, loyalty and dedication to be proud of the high for the company. Many things has been Mrs. Ana gave to this company. 183

I hope, anyone who would replace Mrs. Ana that have the performance, loyalty, and dedication that is not inferior to Mrs. Ana, so that what has been going well for you served in this company will still be able to run well in the future. I do not think there will be endless when I talk about all the services and dedication of Mrs. Ana for this company. However, one thing that should be underlined is a leadership role models that has been shown during Mrs. Ana can hopefully be an example for all of us who still slimming the task at this company. I as a representative of the company say thanks for all that Mrs. Ana do for the company and apologize if it never happened difference of opinion between all us. We hope Mrs. Ana can live full time job with a calm and happy. Similarly farewell speech that I can say, thanks for your attention. Wassalamu‘alakum Wr. Wb.

16. Student 45 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 72 53 63 Assalammu‘alaikum, Wr.wb Alhamdulilahi robbil 'alamin, assolatu wassala mu'ala asrofil ambiya I wa a la wal Mursalin alihi wasohbihi rosulillahi ajma'in First and most importantly of all let us offer our praise and thanks to Allah SWT has given us physical and spiritual health so that we can all gather in the village hall is in the framework of a farewell speech for KKN students in Sangir villages, it's easy I hope our presence here always get the blessings of God flowed SWT. Sholawat greetings let us convey to our master Muhammad the prophet of the takes us from age to age a full ignorance of lighting as we are currently facing. Honorable of chairman Sangir village Honorable of chairman and chief RT and RW Sangir village Honorable of all official employee and honorable of all Mr. and Mrs. for the community leaders, young and young men Sangir village and lovely our friends KKN. ladies and gentleman, on this happy occasion that morning let me represent to service and convey a few words of farewell KKN students at State College For Islamic Studies (STAIN) in Sangir village we love it. Thanks to our headman and entire villages that have received the device, guiding, and supporting us in this village to study Sangir village to support all program service learning program that is easy, we hope our benefit. 184

Thanks also to all the citizens of our village Sangir village, fathers, mothers, young and young men who has supported the smooth running of our activities, because without the support of village residents Sangir village our activities will not run properly. Ladies and Gentlemen, during the two months of our KKN activities in Sangir village this is dated September 7 April until 7 June 2010, we realized that our presence here has not been able to contribute greatly to this village, but it's easy I hope KKN this time we can give a little color change and if the appeal year earlier. We say sorry if during the two months we were here there is behavior that is disrespectful to us or our activities that are less pleasing. Ladies and Gentlemen, Sangir village as the location of KKN gives a good impression and fun for us, warm-hearted people, in harmony and peace with each other working together. Livestock and salted egg making industry as the livelihoods of the majority of the population is a hallmark feature of the community who work hard, diligently and persistently for the prosperity and welfare of village residents Sangir village. Our message from me as KKN students at State College For Islamic Studies (STAIN) to Sangir to the community to continue to improve the situation and conditions in a better direction to sub Sangir village the more glorious future. Our message to young men and women Sangir village more relationship and keep the compactness, we see the spirit of hard work that the youngsters have Sangir village continue to maintain and improve. Our message is also for brother and sister dear, pursue goals the highest ideal, and continue to attend school up to higher levels because the brother and sister of all is our successor, the successor generation of this nation. Thus Graduation Greetings from us apologize for any shortcomings and oversight. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 17. Student 7 80 77 79 Assalamu 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Thank God we pray that Allah SWT has given us grace, guidance and taufik him so that we can be present in this place, in order to carry out a farewell gathering for Academic Year 2011 / 2012 Our prayers and greetings always haturkan to our master Muhammad, who has saved us from time to time zakariyah ignorance. Thanks to the committee for allowing me to stand here this bid farewell in front of the audience as well. 185

Congratulations to us all! We managed to get a bachelor degree (S1) finally .. O Praise God .. Day full days were very stressful exams now expired already .. We graduated! We are not a student anymore! We will leave this STAIN .. and parted .. ladies and gentlemen This is the last day for us as a student here. However, all that we have been through together is the most beautiful memories will not be forgotten. someday we will surely miss the good times like these There are many things we have not had time to do here. But for us, here and lecture and friends of our class, is something beautiful that we could not possibly be forgotten just like that . Mother / Father of the teacher who always gave us advice and guidance in learning. Not forgetting we are also very grateful to teach us the meaning of a struggle, until we deliver the gates to lead to real life. Without him, we are nothing, a lot of things taught to us, although sometimes we feel tired, bored, bored, but they patiently guided us. Right now our hearts are weeping sore knife cut. Is there anything more precious than togetherness here that we will be able to meet again?. Togetherness that makes us strong, smart, and strong in building our good name here Farewell .. Every meeting there must be separation. Maybe some of us who feel passionate about experiencing separation because he was waiting for this is new stuff that looks more fun than the things here are very boring. But it may be on different sides, there is a feeling very sad because it has undergone a lot of fun things here and how many memories that have been created ..

Make friends and gentlemen, we have been always together, of course, there is often a sense of joy and sorrow we feel. All this would certainly not be forgotten just like that and it will be memorable forever. Although it's heart felt heavy, but at this farewell there's no other word can we say other than word "Congratulations Separated" Hopefully this separation can increase our solidarity closely and hopefully this separation is not the end of everything.


Maybe enough so that I can convey more or less I apologize, because the error is mine and the excess comes from Allah SWT. So much from me.

18. Student 5 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 83 73 78

Good morning everyone! I am sure that all of us know Ms. Yuliana Kusuma as a lecturer in English Department. She has been teaching English Grammar and it is impossible for anyone not to have heard about her yet. Fortunately for her and unfortunately for us. Ms. Ena has chosen to move out of this college because she wants to continue her study. And I, as a leader of HMPS TBI would like to say a few things about her, to her and all of you here, before she leaves. Ms. Ena joined our college at 2003, and she had teaching Grammar start from first semester until forth semester. She also active in LDK organization and in UPB. Ms. Ena, we are going to miss you deeply, for the suggestion that you gave to us, for the advise that you gave to us, for the motivation that you gave to us, and many others. I, on behalf of everyone here, wish you all the luck with your life ahead. We hope to see you again in the other moment. And we hope to see you shining brighter and achieve what you truly deserve. Thank you. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 19. Student 59 73 73 73

Ass.mkm, Wr.Wb. Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, honorable head master of SMAN 1 Salimpaung. Honorable all of staffs in SMAN Salimpaung, honorable all of my students in SMAN Salimpaung, Today I am very sad because I will not teach in this school and continue my job after English teacher. Thank for head master because you can reach me to be a good teacher in this school and you can give motivation to do the best in my life. And the next, thank for all of teachers in this school because we are can work together, and share together and we can make a new group for this school and the others. The next for my students, thank for your support because without you I am nothing. In this school I got many motivation, I got many experience because you are my inspiration to do the best in my life. At the end of my speech, I just say 187 sorry if I have a mistake for all of you. And I hope this school will be better than right now. I think enough. Assalammu‘alaikum, wr. Wb.

B. Introducing the Speaker Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 20. Student 17 77 78 78 Good afternoon. Now, I would like to welcome you to our Grammar Seminar. Our speaker for this afternoon is Mrs. Yuliana Kusuma, M.Pd. She will speak us about ―How the Way to Learn Grammar Easily‖. Why it is the important topic for us? Because, as English Department students, we should have Grammar skill. Because Grammar..Grammar is a basic of from all of subject English. Even it in speaking, we need Grammar. Because If you speak fluent without using grammar correctly, so you are speaking is not qualified. And how does Mrs. Yuliana qualify to speak on this topic? Because Mrs. Yuliana is one of grammar lecturers in STAIN Batusangkar that very competent in her field. Mrs. Yuliana was born in…Mrs. Yuliana is origin from Batusangkar. and then she was born on July, 5, 1976. Her studies start from Islamic Junior High School and continued to Senior High School Batusangkar. After that, she goes to Andalas University. Exactly on 2000, she finished her Under Graduate degree. Then, she continued to Universitas Negri Jambi (UNJ), and finished it at 2004 by Master degree. And now, here to speak on the way how to learn grammar easily, Mrs. Yuliana Kusuma welcome….Thank you. Wassalammu‘alaikum, Wr. Wb

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 21. Student 18 63 55 59

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, well, I would like to welcome you to our public figure. Our speaker for this afternoon is Choky Sitohang will be speak to us about speaking strategy. Ladies and gentlemen, Choky Sitohang sure you often see him on local television Indonesia, because he often became the host, Chocky Sitohang, he is very handsome person and a good voice can also bring atmosphere in guiding an event, so it is very nice once in a host. 188

Ladies and gentlemen, Choky Sitohang was born in Bandung on July 10, 1982. Her occupation is master of ceremonies and actor. He also have a wife, her name is Mellissa Aryani. Choky Sitohang is not only a host, but he also played the movie, in 2007 he be fruitful movie with the title of the Goddess and in 2009 he started in the film as they liked, in addition to starting in a movie advertisement Choki also become a star, Gillette advertisement , Decolgen, and Fatigon Hydro. very much at all which he started, was indeed very talented. As well as several awards such as the Indonesian Movie Awards 2008 and Miss Indonesia 2008. In 2009 he guided the show Happy Song, Take Me Out Indonesia, Take Him Out Indonesia (Indosiar) and "Super Mario" Golden Ways (Metro TV). I think enough Ass.mkm, wr.wb.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 22. Student 15 85 80 83

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to one day meeting in State College for Islamic Studies Batusangkar. Ladies and gentlemen, Talking about high dreams: Have you ever imagined a about some high dreams? and have you ever imagined that you will reach those dreams? Well, ladies and gentlemen, as human, we often get afraid to set many high dream, many high dream. It just because this three words ―it is impossible…..‖ even though we can reach that dreams with hard work and pray to Allah. It means that we have to try seriously to reach it. Ladies and gentlemen, what makes us different than the people who were successfully in reached their dreams? I think there is no difference. Because we are both human being and we have our own dream. Ladies and gentlemen, we have to throw away our bad ascription because in order to reach our dream, we have to figure out the people who were successfully in reach their dreams. Like our guess today Ahmad Fuadi. He had successfully in reach their dreams. He had many many a awards experience in working, many carriers, and many and he had studied abroad. Ladies and gentlemen, Ahmad Fuadi is same with us but he did not afraid to set many high dreams. And now he can reach his dreams because his hard worked. Eventhough, he said that what he had got more than what he dream of. And his experiences in reached his dreams had been written in his great novels such as Negeri 5 Menara and Ranah 3 Warna. 189

And now, we asked our special guess to motivate us to be brave to set a high dream. And how to reach that dreams, and now please welcome AHMAD FUADI.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 23. Student 28 97 95 96 Ass.mkm, Ok, ladies and gentlemen. Today, before we become to our speaker. I will ask to you. What do you think about love? And what do you ever hear about the mystery of love? Are you agree? Of course. Ok, ladies and gentlemen. During the time, we do not know about love, we are need to know about love. Someone think . another people about love, but he did not know or he/she did not know about love. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome our speaker today is Mr. Wawan Susetya. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Wawan Susetya will speak to us about ―the mystery of love‖. He was born at 1 December 1969 in Tanggung, Distric Campur Darat East Java. Speaker finished his study in one college in Malang, and his major is English Department on 1994. After he finish his study, he joint with JPPN biro Malang 1994-1998. And he is also a lecturer in UMM and STMIK International Malang, and so on. He also active in student‘s activity, such as moderator, speaker, and journalistic Diklat and so on. He also a politicos, speaker in seminar, motivator, and writer. In 1999, he join with KH. Abdurrahman Wahid in PKB, as activist development of opinion public. And, also he joint with pengajian padang bulan in Jombang, and Keduri cinta in Jakarta team. L & J, he will explain about what the meaning of love, and he will explain about what the view of religion about love, because during the time we only know about love is to another people, we do not know, what is really love.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 62 55 59 24. Student 27

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, welcome to our seminar today about, and our speaker for today is Dra. Riana Dewi M.Pd. Dra. Riana Dewi M.Pd was born in the town Padang on 19 September 1970. Large and grown family in the educational environment. Her father and mother of a teaching staff also work in educator. In everyday life, she interact with the life world, especially biology‘s teacher. She is teacher in Senior High School in Pariaman. 190

People who are smart and genius does not exist, there are only men who trained and untrained people is the motto of life is always used as a guide for him in life and life to find sustenance and bounty of Allah SWT. Principles of discipline, sincere and patient based on the koran and the sunnah, she brought the apostles always navigate this mortal world. Piety and faith as a boat captain is a handle that will not be released until the end of life. Teacher in addition to the staff of the senior high school in Pariaman on Biology, she is also active in the world of information technology related premises. He also work as a consultant for several agencies and companies the exist in west Sumatra. Please welcome Mis. Riana Dewi ....time is yours....

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 25. Student 62 90 78 84

Morning everybody, how are you this morning? Are you ready to follow our program today? Our topic is about English and IT. By the theme ―By using English and IT we can communicate with people in the world‖ We are studying English now, right! and we are in the modern era, right! We are in modern era. We are so closed to IT, To success using IT in abroad and to communicate to people in abroad we must use English. With English, we can go abroad and communicate with others people in the world, such as HP, Computer, especially internet. But now we need to more know about IT and communicative from our speaker today. Do you know our speaker today? Our speaker today is Mr. Ir. Tifatul Sembiring. Who knows about him? Yes, he is a minister of communication and information of Indonesian. He is same with us, he is , and one of success from Padang specific in . And now is his vacation to go to his hometown in Bukittinggi. And the committee use this chance to get more information from him. Mr. Tifatul Sembiring was born in Bukittinggi on September, 28, 1961. He is Graduate from STI&K Jakarta, then International Politic Center for Asian Studies Strategic Islamabad, Pakistan. His wife is Sri Rahayu and have seven children, they are: Sabriana Sembiring, Fathan Sembiring, Ibrahim Sembiring, Yusuf Sembiring, Fatimah Sembiring, Muhammad Sembiring, and Abdurrahman Sembiring. He lives in Jakarta. His job now is a minister, and he ever been the president of Justice and Prosperous Party (PKS).


He is a ―penghulu‖ or ―datuk‖ in Bukittinggi. He is peaceful person and can relate to teenager and adults. It is show from his tweeter. Mr. Tifatul Sembiring has tweeter and share his tweet like teenager, not like a minister that so busy. Because of that the committee can share tweet to him to give knowledge here when he go home to Bukittinggi, and he retweet it and say yes. So that now we can get more information and knowledge from Mr. Tifatul about Englis and IT. Please welcome Mr. Tifatul Sembiring. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 92 93 93 26. Student 35

Good morning everybody. I would like to welcome you to our seminar today with theme how to be an active speaker, and Title: ―DON‘T BE SHY BUT TRY‖. Our speaker for this morning is famous person. She is broadcaster in famous station radio for English department students and for the people who love English very much, KangGuru Indonesia. KGI is broadcast on 180 RRI and private radio stations across the archipelago. She is Sue Rodger ELT Materials and Training Co-coordinator of KangGuru Broadcast. Sue Rodger was born in Liverpool and grew up surrounded by the sounds of the Mersey Beat. She once went to scream at the Beatles! (Her older sister made her go!) Despite attending a city center school for 'Young Ladies' she was very active in the school netball, tennis and lacrosse teams. She also cycled and played for the North West Junior Lacrosse team traveling all over England to play this barbaric game! After leaving school, she went to Nene College and studied English and Art. After 3 years with her qualifications in her pocket she went to work as a trainee manager with a hotel group in England. This financed her trips to the Far East and eventually in 1983 she moved to Hong Kong. She had several jobs in this exciting city before finally spending almost 5 years with U.N.H.C.R. and Save the Children Fund teaching at a Vietnamese refugee camp. In 1988 it was time for a change of scene and she moved to Brunei. She spent a happy time there riding polo ponies, jungle trekking, visiting Mulu National Park and staying in longhouses! And teaching at the Government Schools. Next came Jakarta and she lasted 5 years there, teaching English before moving to Bali in June 1998. She doesn't see herself moving anywhere else now until she retires. So please welcome, Sue Rodger…

192 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 27. Student 56 73 73 73

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Good morning Ladies and gentlemen ! How are you this morning ? Thank you very much for your coming in this seminar, I think this seminar will give you contribution for yourselves. I would like to introduce you about our speaker today. His name is Mr. Riadi Saputra. He is going to explains about ―How to Balance Academic and Organization‖. Mr Riadi Saputra was born in Batusangkar in 1981. He was ever went to Java and Bali to work. In 2007 he register in this college specially in English Department. Mr. Riadi Saputra is one student success in academic and organization. In 2010, he choose as a chairman of English Department Student Association. But before he ever give contribution for students speaking by making Smart With English program, so this program is idea of Mr. Riadi Saputra. In 2011 Mr. Riadi Saputra is one of member of SEMA STAIN Batusangkar. It prove that he is student organization. Beside, he has potential to speaking English. So, he often become as a guest star in English Practice in Luhak Nan Tuo FM radio. Let‘s listen to the presentation of mr. Riadi Saputra! Please welcome to mr. Riadi Saputra !

28. Student 61 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 93 83 88

Okay, I‘m Samifta Putri Hurahmi as a moderator of our program today. Now, I would like to say‖ Welcome to the National Seminar from English Department Association‖, by theme ‖man jadda wajada‖, who is seriously will be success and science and foreign language is the key of windows of world‖. He found these words when he studied in the modern Islamic boarding school Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo in 1988. In this occasion, we will invite the speaker from the journalistic world. Seriously, he can open the windows of world from Gontor until London and America. My great audience, do you know?? Who is our speaker today…???? Our speaker for this morning is journalist and novelist. Who is he? Absolutely, Mr. Ahmad Fuadi. 193

First, let‘s see his personality, Mr. Ahmad Fuadi, who was born in Nagari Bayur, a small village on the edge of Lake Maninjau December 30, 1972, is a novelist, conservation practitioners, and journalists. Mrs. Fuadi migrated to Java, obeying his mother's request to enter a religious school. He entered in the modern Islamic boarding school Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo in 1988.

Gontor also opened his heart to a simple but powerful word, ―manjadda wajada ", who is seriously will be success.

Also a new law: the science and foreign languages is a key window of the world. Capitalize prayer and manjadda wajada, he speculates on UMPTN. A new window open. He was received in the department of International Relations, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung and graduated 1997.

During his lecture, Fuadi once represented Indonesia when the program Youth Exchange Program in Quebec, Canada (1995-1996). At the end of the school in Bandung, Mrs. Fuadi gets a chance lectures one semester at the National University of Singapore in the SIF program Fellowship (1997).

Graduated from college, he accepts in TEMPO as a journalist (1998). His first journalism class lived in the reporting duties under the veteran Indonesian journalist.

Furthermore, the windows of another world like an open race. A year later, he got a Fulbright scholarship for the S-2 at the School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University (2001). He migrated to Washington DC along with Yayi, his wife, who also is a Tempo journalist-his childhood dream come true.

While in college, they became correspondent for TEMPO and VOA journalists. News such historic events of 11 September reported them both directly from the Pentagon, the White House and Capitol Hill.

In 2004, another world opens the window again when he got the Chevening scholarship to study at Royal Holloway, University of London for the field of documentary film. Now, an enthusiast of photography has become director of communications in conservation NGO: The Nature Conservancy (2007-present). 194

Mr. Fuadi mastered English, French, and Arabic and had received awards (award), among others: Indonesian Cultural Foundation Inc. Award (2000-2001), Columbus School of Arts and Sciences Award, The George Washington University (2000-2001), and The Ford Foundation Award (1999-2000).

"Negeri Lima Menara" is the first book of the trilogy plan. These books are intended to celebrate the experience of enjoying an educational atmosphere that is very inspiring. It is hoped this book could open the eyes, heart and inspiration spread in all directions. This book within 9 months has sold 100,000 copies. This is a new record for all local book published by Scholastic Press all 36 this year.

Here, Mr. Ahmad Fuadi will speak to us about how to open the windows of word by science and foreign language, Mr. Ahmad Fuadi, please welcome...times is yours....!!! Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 83 70 77 29. Student 43

Assmkm, Wr.Wb, Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How are you today? Fine. Welcome to our seminar and I would like welcome to our teacher Mr. Prof. Nelson Tansu, Ph. D. Before I tell you more about Mr. Nelson, I have some question for you about Mr. Nelson. Do you want to continue your study overseas? And do you know how to be successful students overseas? Well…Mr. Nelson is one of the Indonesian students who successful as overseas students in USA and become the youngest student in USA. Ok..now Mr. Nelson will speak us about how to be successful overseas students. Mr. Nelson has been speaker at various seminars, conferences, and meetings intellectuals, both in USA and outside USA such as Canada, Europe and Asia. Mr. Nelson was born in Medan, North Sumatera, and October 20, 1977. After graduating from high school, Mr. Nelson obtained a scholarship from Bhon‘s Scholarship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in less than three years summa cum laude. After completing the S-1 in 1998, he received many scholarships from many major Universities in the USA. However, he chose to keep tuition at the University of Wisconsin and earned his doctorate in electrical engineering in May 2003. 195

After obtaining his doctorate, Mr. Nelson got an offer to be assistant professor from top universities in USA. When he was aged 25 years old, he became assistant professor in electrical and computer engineering, Leigh university. Currently, Mr. Nelson became a professor at prestigious American University, Lehigh University. Now please welcome Prof. Nelson Tansu, Ph. D.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 70 65 68 30. Student 30

Assalamualaikum, wr. wb. Okay ladies and gentlemen as we know, now English is an international language to be mastered. Especially in facing globalization era because some activities and some work use English. By using English, people can communicate with other in the world. They can share their ideas, knowledge and exchange information. As Indonesian people English is a foreign language for us, although English is difficult but we must learn it. Today, all of us here is as English students. Absolutely we must master English well. Ideally English students can speak English well, especially for fifth semester students at STAIN Batusangkar because they are have learned English for a half two years. Meanwhile, if we see the fact most of fifth semester English students here cannot speak well or cannot become a good public speaker. It happens because they have low motivation, low effort and low care. So, now I want improve your motivation in order that you are the best. In this occasion, I will invite a good public speaker, she will give you some trips how you can speak English well and be a good public speaker She is Fifi Aleyda Yahya. She is a famous public speaker, smart and beautiful woman. She was born in Jakarta on April 1, 1973. She studied in Kuwait and continues her study in SMPN 155 Jakarta. After that, she continues her study in Ismabad, Pakistan. In 1990 came back to Indonesia and continue her study in economic faculty of Trisakti Jakarta University. You know, although she did not come from English department but she can speak English well. Do you know why? Because she usual speak English since she was still young. She always practices her speaking ability. Her father often taught her about public speaking knowledge. In fact, when she was still in University she is one of participants who won in English debate and she ever as a representative of her University in International Student 196

Conference in Nagoya, Jepang. Besides, she followed Press Liaison at APEC in Bogor. When she followed this program, she interested in journalistic world. After finishing her study in University, she focused on journalistic world. In 1995/ 1996 she was selected as None Jakarta because her smart and her ability in speaking well. Moreover in 1996 she also joined with English Program in TVRI and followed training and education program for two months to get the first formal journalistic. In 1997, she has double profession at the same time. In the morning, she worked in Australia Telecommunication Company as Corporate Communications Manager. However, in the night she continued her job in TVRI in Siaran Pagi Pas Akhir Pekan program. Meanwhile, now she is a famous presenter in Metro TV in Suara Anda program. Okay ladies and gentlemen, from the story about Fifi‘s life that I have tell you just now so many knowledge and lesson that we can get from it. Is it right? Okay, in this occasion to solve our problem I will invite our speaker today. Before I invite our speaker today, I want to ask you one question. Do you want to speak English well and be a good public speaker? Of course yes, now, to Fifi Aleyda Yahya please welcome……Thank you....Assalamualaikum, wr. wb. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 70 63 67 31. Student 26

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thanks you you‘re come in this seminar today, what you fell today? Today, we are luckily, because we have a good speaker, did you ever meet him before?? Oke I will introduce mr irzen for you, he is a famous writer in west sumatera, especially in padang panjang, many novel have ever been he wrote, like prosa cinta di kota serambi, gerhana di kota serambi, cinta di kota serambi,,, oke but we in this room do not tell about his novel but it about how to manage the time with effectively, because many people always waste their time without make something, especially in this room, many students make a task or final assignment in the limited time, when have much time their wasting in something necessary, as the result the task will not maximal. Do you know mr irzen hazer make 2 novels in one year, and that is not only his job but also he is a teacher in SMAN 1 Batipuh, and his novels have 200- 300 pages,, it‘s the problem must we reduce and mr irzen hazer have capability in this occasion, 197

Irzen Hazer was born in padang panjang, and he is school padang panjang, he was school elementary in padang panjang, junior high school in padang panjang, and senior high school in padang panjang, and he continued to fpbs ikip university in padang, faculty art and language Indonesian, while he still study he is active in sanggar prakasa fpbs, and make short story, like lenggang, it was the first cerpen in 2010 that rumah puisi aie angek do the competition, and it was written in the Anatology writers cerpen west sumatera book in 2011. To day he is a teacher Indonesian language in SMA N1 Batipuh, and he is live on kampuang manggis no 47 RT 8, Padang panjang, and that are a few introduction about mr irzen education and jobs, an please welcome to mr irzen hazer, time is yours, Assalami‘alaikum Wb,Wr. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 32. Student 44 83 82 83

Well ladies and gentleman, welcome to the seminar with the title‘‘ you want to success but you led yourself to fail. Before we begin this seminar, I want to know your opinion about the title of this seminar. what comes to your mind when you read the title? Well, in this seminar, actually we will discuss about a recent phenomenon where here are so many students wants to success, but what their effort is led them to a failure. I am sure that in your deepest heart, you want to be a successful person, got a bright future. But how about your effort,? what you have done so far?? Mostly do nothing, do the useless things. You want to be success in your life, but you did not do anything to make it real. You just wait a gift from god and let your life flow like the water. Some person realized that they didn‘t give more effort to reach their dream, but they still enjoy it. They didn‘t want to change. Well, the purpose of the seminar is to give a motivation to all of you to reach your dream. Here , we have keynote speaker who is experience in many motivation seminar. he is Mr Rahmat Saleh Nasution . Now, allow me to tell the short biography of Mr. Rahmat Saleh nasution. Mr. rahmat Saleh Nasution is high experience trainer who has give so many motivation‘s trainings. He is also a member of some trainer organization such as TRUSTCO, BTC, CONSIST; QUALITAN, INTAN TC, UNIJAN TC. He often join with some seminar such as AMT Unand, Leadership BEM FK Unand, TFT Remas Kab Bungo Jambi, Trainers Bumi PKS Sumbar, LKMM BEM se-Sumbar, Teenager Motiv Training Padang, Motivasi Tembus UAN SMP Padang. 198

Now, besides as the motivation trainer, Mr Rahmat also work as the deputy of UNAND‘s Dormitory and deputy of training and education program for gvt. In PKS party Mr. Rahmat live in Unand‘s Dormatory, Roesma-M. Syaaf‘s building in UNAND

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 33. Student 46 73 53 63

Ass.mkm, Wr.Wb. Good morning guys,,, how is your life today?? fine. And you? Ok, I am fine too. Well, today, I would like to welcome to you in our seminar today. Ok guys, as English students, sorry,… As English students, language is important for us, right? Ok, by language we can successful we can…do anything we can do anything what we want. Do you think, by language you can go everywhere? Ok. today, our topic today is improving language comprehending for English Students , so for more information I will invite our speaker today,, , our speaker today is Ismet Fanany. do you know our speaker today? Yeah. Let me introduce to you. Mr. Ismet fanany was born in Batusangkar. Now, he is lecture Indonesian language and culture in Australia. And also he is coordinate Deakin‘s in country intensive Indonesian language and cultural program. But, every summer he held program semester in Padang, West Sumatera. Now, because of summer he comeback here and will give us some important point. Before coming to Deakin, he was Head of Department of Asian Language and Studies at Univesity of Tasmania. In addition, he is also a writer fiction and translate from English into Indonesian. Three of his stories are ―Batu Menangis‖ in jejak tanah (2002), ― Hadiah dari Rantau in Anjing-Anjing Menyerbu Kuburan (1997), and Separoh Jalan in Pistol Perdamaian (1996).This is about Mr. Ismet Fanany, let me invite our speaker,, Mr. Ismet Fanany.. Please welcome

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 34. Student 39 72 48 60

Most of us want to get something with low cost and good quality, even if we can get it freely we will effort it right? But everything that we want to reach is not as easy as we imagine. It needs effort, hard work and pray to get it. 199

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the program talk show, in this occasion we are going to talk about the motivation to make our dream comes true. Now we have been with our special guest, she is from state college for Islamic studies Batusangkar, sister Reni Sartika. Reni Sartika is one of college students has approved to us the believing, hard work and diligent can make our dreams comes true, so she can achieve what people said impossible became possible for her. Although she is not from rich family but she can go abroad with her effort and her diligent. In this occasion Ms. Reni Sartika will share to us about her struggle to get scholarship and her experience as long as in the United State. Please welcome Ms Reni Sartika.

35. Student 36 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score Ass.mkm, Wr.Wb. 78 70 74 Alhamdulillah….. Ladies and gentlemen….!!!

Okay, I‘mTeguh Prihatin as a moderator of our seminar today. Ooooo I say‖ Welcome to our seminar today‖. And for My great audience. Our speaker for today morning is the power of women in Indonesia. Who is she? Absolutely, Mrs. Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Sri Mulyani Indrawati born in Bandar Lampung, Lampung, and August 26, 1962. Mrs. Sri Mulyani is the first Indonesian woman who has served as Managing Director of the World Bank. She has been recently appointed the Managing Director of the World Bank and resigned as Finance Minister of Indonesia. She received her doctorate in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992. Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Sri Mulyani is the executive director of the International Monetary Fund representing 12 economies in Southeast Asia. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, in 2001, Sri Mulyani left for Atlanta, United States, to serve as a consultant with the U.S. Aid Agency USAID for programs to strengthen Indonesia‘s autonomy. Then, she lectured on the Indonesian economy at Georgia University. She also has many achievements in her working, like: She was crowned as the best Finance Minister of Asia for the year 2006 by Emerging Markets on 18 September 2006 at the Annual Meeting between the World Bank and IMF in Singapore and She also successfully tackled corruption in Indonesia‘s tax and customs office. Ok ladies and gentlemen. And now, here to speak on the power of woman in our seminar for this morning, Mrs. Sri Mulyani Indrawati. Times is yours. Thank you. 200

36. Student 16 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 65 45 55 Ass.mkm, wr. Wb. Good afternoon friend.

Thank you for coming in this seminar with this by computer program for good teacher. Based on the scene, we invite some one expert in by computer program. He lives in Andalas Perumahan Makmur in Padang City and now he director in STAIN Batusangkar, STKIP PGRI Padang, and Bung Hatta University. And he under graduated in university bung Hatta Padang and Post graduate in University of Malang and he started of Madya. We invite her because he expert by in computer program. And I call expert that can make we a good teacher program. Let me invite Mr. Adzanil. Thank you. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 60 52 56 37. Student 47

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I would like to welcome you to our National Seminar. Our speaker for this afternoon is Mr. Gamawan Fauzi will speak to us about ―Rebuild Indonesia Character‖. Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever do cheating? In fact, it will be the opportunity to be a corruptor. That is why we have to rebuilt Indonesian Character. Because big problems will be caused by the small mistakes. Ladies and gentlemen, build good character is not an easy way, there are many challenge that should we pass., but when we can keep our good character there are many ways to get the achievement. Well, Mr. Gamawan Fauzi who has born on November 9th 1959 is a figure that can we be the model. He was a person who consistent in build the roles and the noticed as a person who is clear of corruption. Mr. Gamawan Fauzi has born of the simple family. He always thought to have a good attitude. His mother always remain him to do the pray and thank to Allah for anything that he got. He is known by his society as a simple person, care to others and he is not arrogant. Among all of this attitude, commitment and consistent are himself. Although many challenge that he pass as a leader, but he state on himself. Because of his consistent, his honesty, people believe that he has responsibility. So he got the opportunity to be a Solok regent 2 periods. Before he got West Sumatera Governorship, he got Bung Hatta Award 2004 as a achievement on his leadership transparency. And the last until right now he is Indonesian Minister. 201

Why Mr. Gamawan Fauzi looks like easy to get level position? Because he has smart sharacter. I am sure Mr. Gamawan Fauzi will invited us to be honest and back to civil society. And now, here to speak on rebuild Indonesian character, Mr. Gamawan Fauzi.

C. Report Speech Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 82 70 76 38. Student 21

Bismillahirrahmanirahim, Ass.mkm, wr.wb, good morning ladies and gentlemen ….good morning. Ok. This morning, I will tell you about report speech. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, as students, we know that if we get high education, we will get many knowledge. And do you know, there is other a benefit of high education. If you get high education, you will … you will get other benefit like longvity. And the.. and, if you have a little education, you will experience to more rapid aging. Ok, there is a research about that. And this research was conducted by researchers from Britain and by the United States. Ok, participant of this research is 4.050 people and this people divided into four groups. The first group is the people who does not have the qualifications or education. The second group is the people who have education up to age 16. The third group is the people who have education up to age 18 and the last is the group that received a degree from the university. Researcher found that those who succed in shool have shorter telomeres and aging faster. Telomeres are section of DNA into the ends of cromosomes, and protect this part of the aging-related damage. In conclusion, the researcher said that if we have high education, we will get benefit longevity. Ok I think that all from me. Sorry for my mistake. wassalam

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 39. Student 51 80 60 70

Ass.mkm, Wr.Wb. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Do you know Pare? Pare is kind of vegetables that have in tropic climate. Especially in Indonesia. We know Pare _Momodica charantia L._ have bitter taste, but many people like it. Pare have many benefit for our body. Pare can salve many diseases like cancer, dengue, hypertension, etc. Today I will inform you the advantages of Pare. The result of test in laboratorium, Pare have many chemicals that useful for our body like; lesichin, insulin, calium, caroten, vitamin C and 202 so on. Some experts doing this experiment by using mouse. mouse given some injection of cancer cells. And then, the experts try to salve the mouse with give some injuction from pare‘s Liquid. The result, experts did not find cenrer cells in Mouse body. Lesichin can prevents for growing the cancer cells. Insulin, for diabet, pare have function to decrease of Sugar contents in blood. Calium can prevent hypertency. Caroten for keeping our eyes from damaged. Vitamin C for keeping our skin from Ultra violet ray. And also, seed of Pare have alkaloid, saponin and triterpenoid for prevents of dengue. The conclusion, Pare have many chemicals that useful for our body especially for our health.

40. Student 13 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 70 70 70 Assalammu‘alaikum wr. wb Good morning everybody. Ladies and gentleman, this time a lot of adult women and adolescents who use chemicals to beautify the face also to still look beautiful and ageless. But can you beauty products made entirely from chemicals that sometimes we do not know the side effects. As to cause cancer, damage to the face, employment hormone and can cause a frightening phenomenon. But you do not need to worry, what can be done in order to stay young and beautiful. One of them is eating chocolate. But a lot of rumors that chocolate can cause obesity, can cause acne, and sometimes can cause headaches. Some think like that. How about you? Ladies and gentleman. The fact is that chocolate is a fruit that has many benefits. So far found research on the emergence of chocolate can, could not it resulted in obesity. The experts believe that acne is more affected by stress and hormones that cause the skin condition experienced excess oil network activity. So also with obesity Nutritionists argue that there is any food that can cause obesity. Increases a person's weight when the calories into the body is greater than the calories are disposed / removed through physical activity. Ladies and gentleman Stearic acid (35%), palmitic acid (25%), Oleic Acid (35%), linoleic acid (3%). Sugar (Sucrose), Theobromine, Phenyletylamine, and catechins, alkaloids, Teobromida ataudimethylxanthine, phenol antioxidants, fats, Carbohydrates in chocolate about 14%. Protein9%. And Polyphenols. Brown fruit seeds contain teobromida or dimethylxanthine; so a nut shell, fruit peel, and leaves his youth. Both compounds are believed to muscle 203 contraction. Phenol antioxidants contained in chocolate is the cause why people chocolate can outlive. Chocolate has the ability to inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase function, thus preventing the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Chocolate contains alkaloids such as theobromine, fenetilamina, and anandamida, which have physiological effects to the body. The contents are much levels of serotonin in the brain. According to scientists, chocolate is eaten in normal amounts regularly can reduce the pressure blood . Chocolate contains 31% fat. A third of the fat contained in chocolate is oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. An epidemiological study concluded acid positive effects for health. high in fat, but chocolate does not easily become rancid relatively. Which serve as antioxidants and prevention? So ladies and gentleman, chocolate can be one safe way to stay young. Not cause such a large risk of cancer and even death Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 67 62 65 41. Student 42

Ass.mkm, Wr. Wb. Good afternoon class. Do you like frying noodle? Noodle populate food that have enough…. Many people like noodle because noodle its practice and pressing. Nowadays, there are many…like sarimi, supermi, indomie and so on. It can cause that society can feel the noodle like and it is also make by producer. The producer makes exchange the strategy. The high level competitive in market make the producer have known the attitude noodle and costumers……. To get the data, the researcher was done by interviewing. I think that all. Thank you.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 42. Student 55 53 93 73

Ass.mkm, Wr. Wb. Do you want to spend your money in much amount to buy disease? Let me tell youTechnology has eased human‘s life. Mini computer such as notebook also has been common things in society, especially for us, as college students. But, the research said that the position of the instrument like notebook will endanger our healthy. Researcher : Professor Joseph Sweere From : Northwestern Health Science University 204

Respondent : 76 notebook user during at least 6 month last. Ways : Interviewing the user‘s common way in using notebook and examines their health. Result : Wrong position in using notebook ( the screen is lower than head, and hands should be higher to type), may caused pain in three point of our body, in hand articulating link, back bone and neck bone The good ways in using notebook is : The angle of view between notebook, eyes and hand should be in 90 degree. It is better to use adaptor on keyboard to be connected to the bigger keyboard insist of notebook keyboard itself

Notebook position also should be raised in order to make it balance with the user‘s eyes. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score

60 52 56 43. Student 53

Ass.mkm... Good afternoon my friend, have you ever felt lonely in this world? And what are you gonna do? Do you enjoy it? And for your information loneliness is not good for human life because loneliness make short life of someone. My great audience… now I want to report you about loneliness make short life for human and it is not good for you. As we know, the human is a social creature. It means the human need help someone in our life, so the human can not to live lonely in this world. One of new research from Republic California on 2008 about loneliness makes short life of someone. Not only has that loneliness also made taking down of daily activities. Now the researcher from university of California fined that lonely increase risk of dead about 10%, it is important implication in health society. Dr. Carla Perissinito say loneliness is the first source from suffering for the human. The research showed that it is risk factor to problem of healthy, dead and several functional taking down. In this case, the researchers do the research to more than 1000 respondent. Most of the respondent is young and old people. The researcher gives some question for respondent, like do you ever felt lonely or you felt little friends in this world? 205

The result of the research, from all of the respondent is 43.2% felt lonely and more than 24.8& get the influence of that. In conclusion, do not ever felt lonely in your life, because it is make short your life. Try to do together because together is better. Wabill…

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 70 52 61 44. Student 19

Assalammua‘laikum wr.wb Before going on my speech let‘s praise to our God ―Allah‖. He only does our worship and he only does when we ask for help. Salawat and salam may send to the holy prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions and all of muslims until the end of time. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, I want to report you about Surabaya University. Do you know laboratorium media...? I believe that all of you here know about laboratorium media. Okay, today I will inform you research about utilizing laboratorium media. Research was conducting in Surabaya University. My reason to choose this research is because in Surabaya University have a laboratorium media without utilizing is not good. Laboratorium media in Surabaya University includes laboratorium media special for english department student. Laboratorium media in Surabaya University offers different colors in effort to increase motivation students in study that can aim the competision from the other university. Because in Surabaya University have LCD and earphone for each students. But, this problem is utilizing laboratorium media itself. Of course, all of this is presented from the way of lecturer in Surabaya University to increase motivation student. Ladies and gentlemen. The formulation of the problem is ―The Way Lecturer of Listening in Effort to Increase Student Motivation With Utilizing Laboratorium Media.‖ Researcher did this research because she saw problem about utilizing laboratorium media in Surabaya University. And she hopes after she doing this research there are some increase good motivations of student. Ladies and gentlemen. As we know that in effort to increase students‘ motivation, of course we find many factors inhibiting in learning process. Before explain about it, I will tell you about who have this research...? ok, she is one of lecturer undergraduate theses from JIBTUMM Surabaya. Her name is Widya Kusuma. Widya Kusuma is a smart lecturer because she was able to found problem about research students‘ motivation utilizing 206 laboratorium media. As we know that research motivation is needed long time, because we must make questionnaire for students. Ladies and gentlemen. Widya Kusuma using descriptive quantitative. Because this research have keyword ―motivation‖. We see about population consists of three classes in Surabaya University itself. And instrument used by researcher is questionnaire. And analysis data used is taxonomy analysis. The researcher did this research on December 15,2003 in JIPTUMM Surabaya University. Ladies and gentlemen. Actually the researcher hope after she did this research student will be more motivated to utilizing laboratorium media as tool in learning process. Ladies and gentlemen. The researcher also found factors inhibiting the implementation if this research, such as; first, students are difficult to comprehend what native speaker said, because earphone used is not good. Second, blank or suddenly mix of, because have not prepare from lecturer and third, run out of material when they are not focus, because place is not strategies and also condition around labolatorium media was busy. Ladies and Gentlemen. And we saw about data collection, the researcher found difficulties and factors inhibiting is difficult to collect all of students. Because student have many activities. Ladies and Gentlemen. We know that, we have laboratorium media. I hope we as student at STAIN Batusangkar can use all the best, especially laboratorium media. And I hope the next time, all of the student Batusangkar can use laboratorium media is the best one. Especially for english department student. Ladies and Gentlemen. Keep our laboratorium media for good study the next time.I think enough for today, sorry for my mistaken and I say assalamua‘laikum wr.wb. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 45. Student 20 90 93 92

Ass.mkm, Wr.Wb. good afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen. Ok, today I would like to report research for you the under title How Important Consuming Mineral Water Everyday. Ladies and gentlemen. Water is essential thing in our life. Everyone needs water in their daily life. We need water to drink; we need water to cook, and so on. But this research just focus on mineral water that need to drink. Ladies and gentlemen, this research was done by The Indonesian Regional Dehydration Study (THIRST) in 2009. It was done to know how important consuming mineral water 207 every day. This research was done by three universities. They are ITB University, UNAIR University, and UNHAS University. The sample was taken by 1200 people from four different locations, Jakarta, West java, East java, and South Sulawesi. The researchers did interview and observation to collect the data. Ladies and gentlemen, the result of the research is many people did not know how important consuming mineral water every day. It was seen by 46 % Indonesian people got dehydration. And, teenagers got high percentage. Thanks you so much. Assalammu‘alaikum, wr. wb

46. Student 25 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 75 53 64

Ok, cheating is one action in dishonest way to get success, advantages, profit and win. According to Bower cheating is manifestation to achieve academic success and to avoid academic failure. And also cheating is attempt to individuals make attains success by unfair method. So, there are explanation about cheating. We know that, cheating is a familiar word that has to do by student in testing or examination. They do their examination without their ability. Ok, in this research, I want know the influence factor of cheating. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, there are many ways cheating. For example, sometimes some students using Hand phone, Internet, and sometimes there are student write something in their hand. Ladies and gentlemen, in this research, the researcher wants to know differences cheating from Locus of Control and different sex. The population in this research was student in Senior High School Widodoran about two class at first grade and sample about 70 person. In this research, the researcher use Cluster Random Sampling. It means he take sample each class and give same change each member of population to be sample. In data analysis use two Analysis Variance Technique and she got R2 about 0,079 and FA about 5,961. So, there are differences cheating Locus of Control and no differences speaking from different sex. So, based on data analysis, there are cheating from student who have Locus Control Internal and External. If student have Locus Control they seldom to cheating, it means Locus of control have aspect. It can measure predictor to measure cheating.


47. Student 6 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 58 58 58

Ok, assalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb. ok, ladies and gentlemen. This is about prohibit report about the correlation between education level and seven motivation. The current student achievement in west country Tri Guna Kota Tanggerang. The purpose of the research is to determine the correlation seven motivation and seven education for achievement student at SMP Tri Guna. In this research, to get the data the research get 277 students. And after that get the sampling 40 people or 16%. And then method collection data is used observational study with short return. The finding of this research is the first the level of education and seven motivation. The education level seven of student at SMP Tri Guna is graduated from elementary school about 37% its 16%, graduate junior high school is 11%, senior high school is 10% and university just 5% and graduate university 3 %. The second finding is the motivation student in SMP Tri Guna with the category average used material motivation like the material to give the advise for the child. The third finding is strategy management of students are 24% get average same degree …. The last finding is show that in this research the level of education seven and motivation seven give influence for achievement student. There are 31.36%. so we can say the motivation seven and level education have influence to achievement student. If you are lucky seven motivation, if you are not high……. Education. I think enough. Assalammualaikum, wr.wb Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 53 43 48 48. Student 54

I believe that many people have unforgettable experience when they came to some place for the first time. Even it is in the public place or just a private place. Sometimes we are confused what to do or how to do something in the new place. It is because everything is new for us as the new comer. This story is about the three men from different country who had holiday together. The three men were from America, Japan, and Indonesia. They were enjoying their holiday at a resort hotel in Hawaii. The three men stayed at the same house but in different room. 209

One day at afternoon, Indonesian, American, and Japanese were relaxing at the sauna and coincidentally in the same room. They did not know each other so they were just busy with their businesses. The clarity in the room was broken by the ringtone of a ponsel. Bip… bip…. bip…. bip…. an American opened his palm of the left hand. The two men were amazed while looking at the man‘s hand. ―Oh…. Someone has entered a chip into my hand, so I can receive the message and read it on my palm.‖ Said an American when he saw the two men were amazed. A few minutes after that, they heard the ringtone again. It was like someone who was calling. Japanese raise his left hand and put it near to his ear like calling someone. He said ―I am sorry, someone call me. My hands have a chip so I can have a call from my hand without a cell phone.‖ Looking at the American and Japanese, the Indonesian felt ashamed. He did not know what to do. He got stomachache and finally he decided to go to toilet. A few minutes later, Indonesian back to the room. American and Japanese noticed that there was a long tissue stacked on the man‘s pants. American and Japanese ask him: what paper is that? The man said: I am sorry I just received a facsimile….Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, thank u very much for this warm reception. For the past three years we have been together in this college. I am as the students get many things while studying here. I think that how lucky I am because I have got the chance to study in this great college and with the great lecturer. Actually my feeling was blended. One side I am very happy because I got the opportunity to study abroad in Australia. But one side I am very sad that because I should leave all to reach my dream abroad.

I would like to say thank to all my friends, my brothers and my sisters. Your spirit become my motivation, inspiration to survive in this college, you have given me many lessons. I would like to say thanks to for all of my lecturers. I just find the great lecturer and it is in STAIN Batusangkar. Your motivation, inspiration, and guidance have made me strong to survive my life here. And it helps me to reach my dream. Forgive me for all of my mistakes. I know that sometimes Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 83 82 83 49. Student 57

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! 210

Nowadays, as an English department student sometimes we still get difficulties in memorizing some new words. How about another department student? How about the senior high school? How about Junior High School? How about Elementary students? Maybe they feel more difficulties than us. So, as a teacher in the future, we must think about the new strategy to make students easier to memorize new vocabularies. According to Richard, there are some strategies that teacher can apply about how to teach vocabulary easier. Such as, by using real object, pictures, role play, story telling, riddle, and games.

I have a research from our senior, her name is Silvia. She had been doing research about the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary by using word puzzle. In her thesis, she wants to explore that by using word puzzle to teach the student especially for elementary student, they will easier to memorize some new words. She has a comparator technique, it is TPR technique. TPR is technique that used body movement or action as media in the process of learning. In her research, she used the experiment research. Which is two homogeny class with different method in teaching vocabulary. For example, in class A she used pre test before class begin. The, she use word puzzle as treatment. The she use post test at the end of the class. And then she look the result. In class, she use she also pre test and post test about the treatment by using TPR. After 2 months she was doing this experiment research. She had the conclusion that word puzzle technique is more effective than TPR in teaching vocabulary. In conclusion, we can see that alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means teach our students in the future we should use this technique. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 80 82 81 50. Student 8

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Can you imagine if all people around the world live without water? Can you imagine if the world faces water scarcity? Or Can you imagine what will happen after that? We know water is the important things for our live. We cannot live without water, because all of our activities need much water, maybe internal activity or external activity. Most parts of our body need water. Water has much beneficent for our body, such as: dissolving, catalyst, regulator of body temperature, lubricant, and provider of 211 mineral and electrolyte for our body. And also thirsty is the main indication that our body get dehydration. Today, I will give some information about the factors influence habitual drinking mineral water and dehydration toward teenagers and adult. This is a research study that is conducted by Hardiansyah and his friends and also collaboration with Pergizi Pangan Indonesia, Danone Aqua Indonesia Societies‘ nutrition Department, IPB and in 2008. The purpose of this study to get the evidences about the kinds, the total, the source and the habit of mineral water consuming toward teenager and adult in the different area that has different ecology in Indonesia. The location of this research, generally, in Indonesia, by using the sample in Lembang and North Jakarta. The participant of this research is the teenager and adult that live in Lembang and North Jakarta. The total of population in this study is all of teenagers and adults in Indonesia. The totals of samples in this study about 50 people from each kind of group and gender. So the totals of samples are 400 people. This study used cross sectional design. The data that gotten by the researcher include social, economic, demography, water consuming, the habit of consuming water, and the knowledge about mineral water. The background of this study is the result of research in Singapore show that many teenagers and adults more risk to get dehydration than another group. In Indonesia, it still has evidence about that yet. So, Pergizi Pangan Indonesia, Societies‘ nutrition department of IPB and Danone Aqua conducted this research. To get the validity of the data, the researcher did some activities. It included: team meeting about design and method, tried out the questionnaire and others instruments, controlled the differences about the data, supervised during get the data. The finding in this research said that there are several factors that influence the habit of drinking mineral water. They are: the source of mineral water, kinds of mineral water and knowledge about mineral water. First is the source of mineral water. The source of mineral water that always consumed by the sample include: wellspring water, and also tap water, and also pack gallon water, and well water. Second is kinds of mineral water. In plateau area, teenagers and adult always consume non pack gallon water. In lowland area, the sample often consumed pack gallon water. The last is knowledge about water. The people in plateau area has much knowledge about mineral water and in lowland area has little knowledge about mineral water. Both of them don‘t know about the beneficent of water, the nutrient of water for their body and also the phenomena of dehydration. And the conclusion, the study of result is the consuming habitual of mineral water influenced by three factors, they are: the first is source of water, the second is kinds of water and last 212 knowledge about mineral water. So, to get the decrease dehydration, it is about the law categories. And my suggestion, I invite you to consume mineral water per day. Because the result of research said that the teenager and adults have more read to get dehydration from the other groups. And expert says that the benefit. Based on my speech. Thank you very much for your attention. Wassalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score

51. Student 14 85 77 81

When you chew a gum without your unconscious it can increase your intelligence. If we see in positive sides chew a gum so useful example to allay mouth smell and stop smoke behavior, etc. but, admittedly usually a gum use to a ignorance like partner disturb or to make dirty under chair or table. Believe or not in fact a gum also can increase our intelligence. My reason for choosing this report are many of us don‘t know the benefits of a gum and so many people get assumption that when someone chew gum it seems unrespectable. The purpose of this report is to inform the students the benefits of chew a gum before follow test at the school. This report by Serge Onyper, a Professor of Physiology in Lawrence University. The researcher chooses 15 students to chew gum before followed the test. The result of this research is the students who have chew gum faster than the student that‘s not chew the gum before test. Some of cognitive process like memory building, benefit of physiology conversion and so many facts that the effect of chew a gum good for heartbeat and blood vessels. He also tell that chew give push that equals sport, the research that publicated on Appetite journal said that mastikasi or movement chews this peppermint gum can stimulate brain for constant awake manage consciousness and attention and operate information nicely. But it just happens 20 minutes after first chews peppermint gum. it is caused because marks sense division process talk shop that did by cognitive's process or brain by chews.


52. Student 49 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 87 82 85 Ok, before I am going to deliver my report speech. I would like ask you some statements. What do you think emotional intelligent is one of the important things besides IQ. This is right or not. Emotional intelligent is most important. The answer is correct.. Today many people who think that emotional intelligence is one of the important things besides IQ. There's even a Daniel Goleman states that emotional intelligence is more important than IQ. He stated that it is emotional intelligence: the ability to control the emotions themselves, the ability to read other people's feelings, and build good relationships with others. In addition can also be interpreted as the ability to control their own sense of self and feelings of others. In other words a person's emotional intelligence that will be formed when there is good cooperation between the thoughts and feelings. In recent years many teenagers, especially high school students or students that STM cannot control the emotions themselves. Which it resulted in many teenagers who do not have good emotional intelligence and often lost control with his emotions. One of them involved in their riot. This study aims to obtain a picture of the characteristics of emotional intelligence in young actors riot, the things that affect the emotional intelligence and the extent to which riot affect their emotional intelligence. In this study authors used a qualitative approach. Data retrieval methods in this study, is to use the interview method with the general guidelines. Ladies and gentlement... While the observation of researchers using direct observation methods. To help the process of collecting data so researchers use a Handycam as a tape recorder. In this study the chosen subject is 2 high school students. With age between 16 and 18 years. Also selected students are students who have been involved in riot. After doing research, an outline can take the conclusion that the image characteristics of emotional intelligence in young players is second riot subject has confidence in itself, both subjects including people who could not control his emotions, if there is a problem, both subjects initiative to solve problems they are, the subject tried to understand and appreciate the opinions of his friends, the subject is only 1 believed to be his close friend, the subject 2 cannot immediately trust with others, if his subject matter is the subject 1 and 2 will try to help others solve problems is, when dealing with other people or two friends tried to keep the subject ofemot ons. While the factors that affect the subject of emotional intelligence is both the subject feel that with age also helped shape the character of the emotions themselves, the two subjects could regulate the emotions while in the family, the last two subjects felt that the school gives them a change in that they added more mature 214 and able to control his emotions. Riot affect the extent to which their emotional intelligence can be seen from the following explanation. Both subjects have a high self-awareness since joined riot, since part 1 was riot subject if the situation uncomfortable around him he can direct emotion. Meanwhile, 2 more difficult subject to control his temper, since part riot when facing problems, 1 subject immediately took the initiative to finish on the same day. While on the subject of part 2 since riot he felt could no longer take their own initiative to solve a problem. Riot his mind only to be, since part riot, subject 1 and subject 2 more trust with close friends only, and the latter since joined riot, Subject 1 more can to cooperate with friends in a matter of riot. While the subject 2 can only work with friends who come along with him riot or with close friends only. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 85 85 85 53. Student 60

Ass.mkm, wr.wb, good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Are you tired? Ok, let me ask you a question. Have you ever felt that you forget the lesson that has you read…?? Unsuspected sleep is the best way to absorb knowledge. According to research by scientists from the University of Lubeck, Germany, the condition of the brain when we sleep is more relaxed and ready to absorb new memory that we get shortly before bedtime. The researcher of this research is Susanne Diekelmann, she said that "Reactivation of memory has a very different job while sleeping and awake," "a few time after sleep, memory transfer from hippocampus to the neocortex in the brain work better and faster." However, this is not the only one reason when someone awake then he/she will have difficulty in remembering things. Because, according to Diekelmann, when we awake, there are so many activities that did by brain, and make it difficult to concentrate and relax. In a study which had published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, scientists perform experiments on a group of students. A total of 24 volunteers were asked to memorize 15 pairs of cards that showing pictures of animals and everyday objects. While performing the exercise to remember, they were given little bad odor. Forty minutes later, half of the volunteers were asked to sleep while others still awake with the odor smell as in the previous exam.


The result, student groups who asked to sleep after memorizing could recall the type and form of the card about 85 percent, While those who are awake can only show 60 percent of cards they have memorized. Diekelmann said, "During sleep, the memory stored by brain and not bother from the new information that captured by all five senses of the body. Thank you. Wassalam. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 97 93 95 54. Student 37

Welcome to my presentation. ― Everyone knows that having breakfast is important, but many people still don‘t make it as priority‖. Eating a healthy breakfast, especially one high in protein can reduces hunger through out the day. The researcher found that eating a protein rich breakfast reduces the brain signals eager to eat. And helps to focus in studying Sample of food high protein: Waffle, Cereal, Milk, and Yogurt FMRI : functional magnetic resonance imaging: A tool to detect brain activity through appetite sensations and hormonal markers in combination with reward-driven motivation to eat. The research was conducted at a University of Missouri in Columbia wich the volunteers were the students. They treatened by ―Breakfast – skipping‖ for three weeks. At the end of the week they fullfil some questioner and got brain scan by using FMRI. The result was they got hunger all the day since the morning. Their brain detected that they eagerly to eat. Then, the next three weeks they were treatened to get breakfast that rich of protein. The result that they don‘t felt the hunger for a ahalf day. Even for all day long for some them. It also help teens to avoid over eating , over weight and obeysity problem. Eating high protein breakfast in the morning can reduce hunger for all day and can make us more focus in studying. Thanks you for your time.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 87 65 76

55. Student 38

Well, English language proficiency is a requirement and necessity in the era of globalization and communication. English teaching in junior high school serves as a means of self- development of students in science, technology, and art. 216

Today, I will inform you research about Efforts to Improve the Ability to Raise Students‘ Vocabulary of Meaning Short Writing Procedure by Using the Form of Learning Model Mind Mapping in Class IX SMP 4 Ciamis. The researcher of this research is Noer al Khosim. He is a student‘s of English Department in University Negeri Semarang. Why I choose this research because I think this research is many advantages to know and we can use this strategy in learning in the class. Purposes of this research are: first, enhance students' vocabulary skills. Second, develop learning strategies and learning models. Then, students can involve themselves actively in communication. And then, Research Plans, there are three points in this research is: first, subjects‘ research. Subjects in this study are class IX students of SMP Negeri 4 Ciamis numbered 40 people. Second, Place of research. Place in this research is SMP 4 Ciamis District Ciamis. Third, Research time. Time the study began planning until the writing of research reports that from January until April 2011 in the 2nd semester of the school year 2010-2011. With the following agenda: 1. January 3, 2011 Cycle 1: Planning Phase Data Video photo (Planning) 2. January 10, 2011 Phase of Action for each observation (Action) 3. January 17, 2011 Phase Observation (observation) 4. January 24, 2011 Phase Reflection (reflection) 5. 03 February 2011 Cycle 2: The Planning Phase (Planning) 6. February 10, 2011 Stage of Action (Action) 7. February 17, 2011 Phase Observation (observation) 8. February 24, 2011 Phase Reflection (reflection) 9. March 1, 2011 Phase Data Analysis and Description (The findings as a report ) 10. 7-14 March 2011 Develop TOD Report In conclusion, result of this research, the strategy in this research is effectively and success useful for students and we can use this strategy to Improve Students‘ Vocabulary of Meaning Short Writing Procedure by Using the Form of Learning Model Mind Mapping for students.

56. Student 48 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 83 63 73

Good morning ladies and gentleman. Do you know that brain decline can start at an earlier age? Do you know when cognitive decline? 217

Today I will explain you about brain decline can start at earlier age. This research has been conducted by Archana Singh-Manoux from the Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health in France and University College London in the UK.

Singh-Manoux and colleagues observed 5,198 men and 2,192 women over a ten year period from 1997 to 2007. Volunteers of the study were London civil servants aged between 45 and 70 who had been enrolled in the Whitehall II cohort study established in 1985.

Cognitive functions of the participants were assessed three times over the study period. Individuals were tested for memory, vocabulary and aural and visual comprehension skills. The latter included recalling and writing as many words beginning with ―S‖ and as many animal names as possible.

The results showed that cognitive scores declined in all categories except vocabulary and there was faster decline in older people. The authors of the study accounted for differences in education level when the tests were conducted.

The researchers found a 3.6 percent decline in mental reasoning in men aged 45 to 49 and a 9.6 percent decline in those aged 65 to 70. In women, the results were 3.6 percent and 7.4 percent, respectively.

―Previous research suggests that our health in mid-life affects our risk of dementia as we age, and these findings give us all an extra reason to stick to our New Year‘s resolutions,‖ he told BBC News. ―Although we don‘t yet have a sure-fire way to prevent dementia, we do know that simple lifestyle changes – such as eating a healthy diet, not smoking, and keeping blood pressure and cholesterol in check – can all reduce the risk of dementia.‖

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 57. Student 3 62 77 70 Assalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb. good evening. Ladies and gentlemen. Today, I would report to you about the fact of way. Have you ever be worker not sleep at the night because you work? have you ever feel when your lecturer don‘t do like that .. that is too fact. The current fact, in this research many scientist …..The bad of sleep she meet that not sleep on the fact. That is new for us .. for the society. A child do not sleep.


In 1992, when of long sleep on the night. The month child is not sleep because what. In the night when we do not sleep in the night, in the morning we feel so hungry. It is the fact. That‘ s all my report. Finally, I say assalammu‘alaikum wr.wb. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 93 92 93 58. Student 58

Ass.mkm, Wr. Wb. Good afternoon everybody. Nice to see you this time. Ok, many people think that TV is very important thing that will help them to teach their children about the world. Most researchers do some researches to know more about effect TV for children. Today, I will report to you about How TV effect your children .Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), there are three kinds: firs, Two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day. Second, kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs. Third, kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming. The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others. As kids get older, too much screen time can interfere with activities such as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending time with family.

Of course, TV in moderation can be a good thing for them especially: Preschoolers can get help learning the alphabet on public television, grade schoolers can learn about wildlife on nature shows, and parents can keep up with current events on the evening news. No doubt about it — TV can be a good educator and entertainer.

But despite its advantages, too much television can be detrimental: 219

Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight. That because of while a child sits in front of the television, they don't do any movement that burns fat. Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them. TV program also always show bad habits, such as smoking and drinking, and also reinforce gender-role and racial stereotypes.

Ok, everybody, so we conclude that there are three effects of TV program. Ok everybody. Thank you so much. Wassalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score D. Convince Speech 53 43 48

59. Student 4

Assalammu‘alaikum, wr. Wb. Have you ever consume meatballs? I believed that all of people like meatballs, right?? We can seen in our environment, many people buy the meatballs than other food, especially for students at STAIN Batusangkar. In fact, the meatball is cheap. We just pay less of 5 thousand, we can get it. But, we do not know about the process of making it. Is the meatball a healthy food??? BPOM said the meatballs contain borax. "Product is very dangerous for the human body if consumed can cause various diseases. Products of domestic industry were even popular menu including noodles, meatballs, and etc. Foods that are very familiar were found to contain borax. Why meatballs contain borax? Because the meatballs contain borax can make the people dangerous and not comfortable. So, the meatball is not good for our body because the meatball contain borax. In closing, I asked you, please, reduce consuming meatballs. Better for you to consuming rice than meatball. Because rise will stay along in our body as good energy. I think enough. Assalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb


60. Student 1 Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 57 53 55 Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim, Asslammu‘alaikum, Wr.Wb. First of all, let‘s thank to Allah SWT who give us time in this moment, and salawat and salam to prophet Muhammad SAW. The honorable the head master of Solok city, honorable the teachers and staff of Islamic Senior High School Solok City. And all of students‘ of Islamic Senior High School in Solok City. Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score

61. Student 2 67 68 68

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb. well, Ladies and gentlemen…! Do you like it instant noodle? I think we always say Mie instant noodle. As long as I see around our campus. Many student got lunch to eat instant noodle in cafeteria. Do you know if we always eat instant noodle is not good for your health, and trust me!. You will got some diseases. Ok, today, I would like to inform you about the Dangerous of Too Often Eat Instant Noodle. The first, you can got.. If you often eat instant noodle, you can get lever disease, you can got the high hypertension. The people if often eat instant noodle, they will got hypertension because it will increase and have high level of though. And then you can got stomach, it is more dangerous if you often eat instant noodle. At the end of, let I summarize you, there are some dangerous too often eat instant noodle. The first, you can get fever, second; got high hypertension, and last you can got stomach. If you love your body and you want to live longer. Never often eat instant noodle. I think enough for today. Assalammu‘alaikum, wr.wb.

Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Score 62. Student 31 67 68 68

Ass.mkm, wr. Wb. Good day everybody. Are you okay? How are you today? Ok, the first, let‘s thank to Allah who has give us the chance and also give us the mercy until we can come to this room. Second, peace and salutation too to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has give change to our life to the people. Ladies and gentlemen, today, I want to give you some information about late of sleep can affect many things. Ladies and gentlemen, do you see this picture? you can see this picture. 221

Ok, did you ever feel …yes. Maybe, It is .. do you like of dream? Late of sleep can affect many things like sexual life, memory, and also make our body strength. Ladies and gentlemen, so far we will that. Now, we have many exercises and assignments for those. We spent our time to make exercises it and then sometimes we feel our body decrease and also so tired and lazy to study, right! If you late of sleep 5 hours per day. So ladies and gentlemen, we must take a rest more than 5 until 7 hours per day. If late if we are take a rest late 5 hour per day. It will be made our body stringy, and also make our body so tired, lazy and also maybe decrease the tension and also decrease the motivation to study. So ladies and gentlemen, this topic, based on the research by Prof. Dr. Weill Deilman. He found that still late for take a rest five hours per day. It will be take.. it will be made the body stringy, lazy. Ladies and gentlemen, so the late of sleep can affect many things for our memory. If we studying, we can concentrate because we are we still tired. Ladies and gentlemen, besides this late of sleep can many affect like memory, stringy and health. Here many affect like accident; decrease motivation and then our health skin not clear maybe. Ladies and gentlemen, if we feel sleep if someone drive a motor cycle, maybe she/he can concentrate when they drive it because they feel the easy one and also will get very clean. So I hope that we are take a rest more than 5 till7 hours per day. If we are take a rest late for sleep about 5 till 7 hours per day, it will make our body decrease stringy, lazy and it can be thought, in other side, high temperature. So, let‘s take a rest for sleep more than 5 till 7 hours per day. And don‘t forget to drink water at least three glasses per day. I think that all. Thank you for your attention. And finally, wabillahi taufiq walhidayah. Assalammu‘alaikum, wr. wb