Marriage in Roman Law
YALE LAW JOURNAL VOL. XVI. MARCH, 1907. No. 5 MARRIAGE IN ROMAN LAW. 'TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL FRENCH TEXT BY ANDREW I'. BIRRKAN, D. C. L.; EDITED BY CHARLES P. SHERMAN, D. C. L., INSTRUCTOR IN ROMAN LAW, YALE LAW SCHOOL Monogamy was, among the Romans, a traditional custom, ordained by the positive law: Neminem, qui sub dicione sit Romani nominis, binas uxores habere posse vulgo patet, cum et in edicto praetoris huiusmodi viri infamia notati sint. Quam rem covpetensjudex, inultam esse non patietur. (Cod. 5, 5, 2.) In Roman Law, marriage is a status created by a simple pri- vate agreement. Its validity results from this understanding and is absolutely independent of the betrothal which ordinarily precedes, of physical cohabitation (nuptias non concubitus, sed con- sensusfadt, says Ulpian in the Digest), of the festivities or of the religious ceremony by which it may be accompanied; it is finally independent of any settlement which confirms the pecuniary terms of the union and serves as its evidence. However, accord- ing to the opinion of many authors, Roman marriage, even of the last period, was never formed simply by the mere exchange of consents; it presupposed a mode of living characterized by public acts of various kinds. That the concordant wills alone did not suffice is, in the first place, shown by the fact, that marriage may take place outside of the presence of the future husband, providing the bride should be brought to his house; finally, and above all, it could not take place in the absence of the bride, since in this case she could not possibly be at the hus- band's disposal.
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