complete List of High School unmaates — Page 9

A Ne^pper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly |o the CoiWnunity Interest And Impartially Each Week Full Local Coverage Complete News Pictures

rkl Vnl On Thursday Rnlwri »s 'niTClut Mill xun - Carloret, Now Jersey, Thursday, June 24, 1965 Al r I) Cirtartt N I PRICE TEN CENTS Jaycees Mis /abo Enjoys tlass of '65 Install ChaiengingTask Wins Grants

CARTEHET- ( i!ic most is a state institution for emo- VI Fete unusual jobs {• '»• held hy ;i tionally disturbed children of all Of $63,000 Carteret reside. lli.'ii MI Miss this Center in the new thera- (WHTEItF.T \ppro\imately| mouth College. B a r b a r ii S, 22 yi ar-old peutic nursery while she con- Non- Slti.OOII. lias Iwn mm liy mem- I, |»I:T - Kichnrd daughter of !• and Other awards went to under- tinues her graduate work on a MTS of the (!.i-.s nf IWJ throughn :',.,; ;m(l MrS. Violet Mrs. Lester Sabo, who is ,it the hisher level. 'R I classmen. The Elizabethtowtt si'holarships. lo.nv as-'('misnliil.ilt .Ulnl ;IS presidents of; i;njmsjly ,,f Mi-hiR;,n ;,t Ann Consolidated Gns Company prite Miss Sabo related that he sistance. prizes, sponsori'd by the < .layi'ws awt Jaycw-j Graduate Selmol awaiting her In home economies to Janii cause there is very little actu- various 1DC.I1 iir^ani/.alinns as well Lynch, and a C'riscn trophy was croup's fourth an-| Master of Arts degree in ftlu- ally known about the emotional y, py as by the State ol New .Jersey l i | There6,h i McCollMCll . CertiCti- ,1,1,11 Dinner-Dance. cationaL Psychology disturbance of young children i! g ven () held at the l-ocnt 837 aml private colleges. \mnnR the fjca(es fnr participation in the Spemlizinc in the emotional will be important to atttend awards are the Carteret Educa- Junior Science Symposium at tha the awarft- conferences, in her area. She im UK .i»«iu- disturbancaimurnance ofi young children, confen ion Association to a senior .who U. S. Army Electronic* Laborer- local, tffrte amJJ Jiftxs Sal»_hfli5 T*?n nVrtng <|f n: j v^M ! sr.houls u'birh spe •Inns to major In wltHWtk*, Mwt* f cialize in disturbed youn tofies at Fofli MBWrmnth W!iV " Hwoiviiig na-j demic work, roserch and prar- cialize 'rokopiakp ; the Violet E. Strem- SI'OKK awards fori tical experience in a graduate tin n. presented to Eileen Lefkowski, lau Woman's Club award, Marsha •rnlu'is were Joseph internship during the past year. Edward Wadiak, and Ijawrence Lutton; the Middlesex County iih.i Morton. Jr.,] The emotional dislruhancc in ilegewitz. James Byleekie re- Imployeos, Local Number 1099,' ,i,lullo and lloberti youns children-the ones she's ived tho medal from the Mathe- Mark Zenobia; thti Rusinesa and and Morton also! been working with are aijos atical Association of America Professional Woman's Club, from 1 to 7—has been attrib- id the Society of Actuaries and ..•irds .is SPOKE of Ihristine Fitzpatriek; the Lions ut"d by many due to brain dam bond, incentive award, from tt* Club, Ronna Belafsky and Joseph! age or living in a bad family eneral Dynamics — Electro Dy- national KAliKK YOUNGSTERS: Photo shows a Rroup of youngsters in the 4 to 7 year aKe group enjoying the weekly story telling hour at Bcdnar; The Italian American situation. She believes that imics Corps., and the- following .iM.irdu for out.itand- Club, Stephanie Boyczuk; the emotional dLsturbnnce is tho re- the Carteret Free Public Library, sponsored by the Carteret .layecc-ettes. The reader in the picture is Mrs, Betty Fillmore. During iphomores and freshmen receiv- e aiter first-year mem- Clair Oliphant American legion sult of a combination of these the summer months, tM story hour will be conducted Wednesdays instead of Saturdays, 1 certificates for scoring In tht -:T Thornm J lawlor, Auxiliary Scholarship, Sharon ( factors. There is a wide range inety percentile or higher on tht Mini. Joseph B Most- Holder, of severity covered under the ational Educational Develop- iltn Pereira. Nicholas term, "emotional dis- A slide rule for the highest]ment test; wi>h Brethta. Thomas' Increased Tax Buttons On The Phone Awards Listed average in mathematics was woni Diane Tschinkel, Kathleen Toth, Ai.i .in Miiak, Jay A. Bjorn by Nancy Weber. Tho Herman larol Babitsky, Janet Caesar, ;.liiie| .). Suto. Nonnen-; In the opinion of Miss Sabo CARTERET- Touch-tone telephone dialing - the kind with E. Horn memorial prize for the inne Gannon, Patricia Kwiatkow- ,i is awarded the Out| that most of the problems of Bills Go Out Toibuttons instead of a rotary dial - has made its debut in Car- At Nathan Hale highest average in American His- ski, Stephen Lokus, .Tunis Lynch, NvirkpluK of Hi*" Year these children are emotional teret. tory, donated by the Horn family and not related to intelligence: For a $5 installment fee and a ?1.50 monthly carrying charge, was awarded to Arlene Alberi avid McHenry, Marjorie Martin, while thry may he low In intel- Business Men Commencement Linda Nagy, Mary Ann Sakacs, II,is seven Awardi Carteret residents can let their fingers do the touching on the who also received the Administra- ligence, most of them are very CARTERET - Awards at the toann Boraczewski, Gloria Bus- i i.'iii;oing president, dis- CARTERET ~ Business tax- new fangled phones. Conservatives of finance and style can tive Management Society award bright, many being of ! graduation exercises of the Class as the outstanding business stu- ir, (ieorge Diken, Mary Fondi, . 'hi si'ven state awards payers were reminded today that keep rotary dialing. menial caliber, I of 1965 at the Nathan Hale School dent. The National Honor Societ; Xuiald Hunsinger, Carol Mantis, This all is part ol the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company's 1 ..I.IIV, received in the TV work of Miss Sabo has ,only six days remain in which to were presented to Lidia Janiw bonds to the students with tin John Mikuski, Neal Price, Arlene u :ii.l Recognition com- program to adjust the state's telephone system U> serve both 3abo, Carlton Sasovetz, Leslie Si- in the area of <;»rly child- file their personal property tax types of dialing. and Joseph Mitro for •>?** highest averages in each course • with other Jaycec chap- ak, Alan Smuta, Jacquetlne Ur. hood education and chikl de- I returns with Assessor Thomas I'stic achievement, presented by went to Ronna Belafsky, Nanc; •i Hie \>,w> to 30,080 pqpula-i velopment and in the emotional the Washington-Nathan Hale P. Matlaga, and Maureen Thiel .!,,,, The chapter exctOit V Milik. T. A., Bruce Maddow 'or making disturbance of children. This MI.sS BAKBAIU 8AJK) who also were granted The Hei .in'> irvelopmem mi Of' in one of the few places In the j He noted that umlei an aniend- the most progress during the 1 man H. Horn Scholarship award! Initial States, If not the oflly The work which Mitt Sabo Imeiit to Chapter 51, Laws of St. Elias Feast Days year and presented by the Car- The P.T.A. prize to the most de> Cartcret High i'' .l.i. IT award* one. where one can specialise l(X">0, adopted earlier this year. teret Education Association, Jo- does is in a therapeutic nursery CAKTERET - The Rev.' Augustine Medvigy has announced, serving girl and boy, Marsha Lut 1 k.L. ofneer of the in this field. varies, dependent on the sever- • all owners of tangible personal seph Mitro - highest average in! that' the annual Feast Days of St. Elias Church will take place ton and Harry Burton; the Ameri ity of the illness in the children, property used in business are re- science presented by the Better May Get G. M. ' •ulo, special S.ilx) was involved in a on July 17-18 on the church grounds. can Legion award for the senii IHI.ite internship at Chil- from placing demands on them quired to file returns for the 1966 Schools Association, Lidia Janiw Appointed to serve as chairmen of the affaif are Michael who did the most for Carteri iidt.' awards whiatiic Hospital, to do more thing* for them- tax year not later than July 1. - highest average in English pre- High School, Ann Marie Mogeli Toth, Michael Turick and John Kavchak. Publicity chairman is sented by Mr, Frederick Puorro, Auto Equipment • I.'.in Nom: (enter. University of selves and inserting they carry 'The amended law provides sky; the Reader's Digest cit. Mrs, John Gural Participating m the preparation of the event English teacher, Nancy Dolinich /v! nl the yw in. during the first sem- through to helping then gam that taxpayers who fail to meet tion for the highest average, CARTERET - Tne Carteret are: C.W.V.,C.W.*, Auxiliary, P.T.A., Choir, Jr., 4 Sr. Sodality, - highest average is Geography Bpar4 of Education reports that :KirWplug year, working with some contact with reality^ the July 1 deadline without hav- tj\e class* to Ronna Belafsky, Tl Mothers Club, Jr.&Sr. Altar Boys', Hungarian Hffary, and the presented by Miss %ce Filing through the efforts of Thonu'g id iiirbtM young chit- Sabo ing obtained an extension of tirnej award was giveri to Ijjuffi' a group, oo Holy Nan*>«aty. ' ^ gan, Geography teacher. Patti ,ir, Robert-Heighten**, Cheater, Chairman »f the Indus- Ml 1 .. fitaare. subject to pew ' , ,, .. „/*. - -i , . • • . i i '" * PiOrte ~* hjgwst attijjge- in HSrry Freeman, * '. trial Arts, the General Mo- .%, tb' ... Mr. WnTk-said: flfematirs presented by Mrs. tors Corp. has named the Carteret Mitt ij wnfPrences aiil 4'iirk- eventually. She is a graduate Meanwhile Tax Collector Louise Ruifltriegel, Mathematics Other AwariM High Schol as eligible for dona-,, injE with parents Mrs .Milak, of the daw of 1S60. CarOret andtr^Comba sai >"Se ™mber of interested civ- Rozzo, Donald Pirrong, Patti Course of Study Chairman, re- V* Jersey Jaycee-ette practices. Frank Gallo, Frederick Military ;vent serious jwrsonal injuries," small business owners. A slide presentation by the Family' ic-minded tcitizens of Carteret. Mr. ierce, Irene Ulehursky, Ann Ma ported, "We are most pleased with i. Mrs. Jackie Smock who Motorists are urged by tho Academy and Fork Union Mili- '"umpauied by her hus- he : . of America and Mi's. Raymond Commerford ie Oprendek, Shirley Shlian, tary Academy;' Robert Height- the generous offer by the General chief not to "take chances" where! or Survice Association Motors Corp., and equally pleased and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Levitt Stephen Kival, Sharon Kocsis, chew, Rutgers - The State Uni- d ully leased ^•'rtin V. Smock. The was shown. that Mr. Chester took the initia- childredren are concerned. Richard Diken, Eugene Hovanec, versity and Upsala College; Mary • learned in school during Better Schools anine Horbacz, Ann Hrabik, Boston University; " tits of the month were of the Family Counseling Service! of, equipment which tiirlsl* and I parents that the haz-lthf.voar. This does not mean you following people, present at the Michael Jarnutowsky, Ferrum| •VioKiccki. Mrs. Pereira, must ve 1 1 1 in Middlesex County, presented a to the high school urd to chiklren is greater in Uie! R' "P J " " opportunities meeting, expressed interest and Junior College; Robert Toth, Tar- I-""-. Mrs. Brechka, Mrs Association brief history 6f h]Agency and voluntcrcd to srve on the local cost. Mr. Chester is tob e 1 summer months when they arpjto play and enjoy yourselves It Joseph Torre, Leba "ituimell, Mrs, Noonen 'its growth in Mi'dleser x County.!Committee: Joan Nonnemacher, r his action, which freed from the restraints and safe-! does mean that obedience to the 11- Donahue, Mrs. Mor The major obstacle to this expan- Frances Rutherford, Miriam Gil- ty lessojts in the classrooms, safety rules while you are playing Grammer School In Mi. "enee ThompsoD and Lfst Awards sion is the lack ol financial sup- ligan, Belle Falk, Irving Rader, Therefore, the duty devolves upon is necessary for yoir protection." Woestemeyer and Doug- CARTERET - The Eighth An- port in the Raritml Baj' area. He Mary Czaya, Blanche Wolski, to provide the best little as three Nicholas Tassinello, Clement Esk- "s HI the.month were Jay nual Awards sponsored by thindicatee d that as Graduates List Butter Schools Association of. Car- to five thcT'.nd dollars would cfe and Samuel Kaplan, S Ey •"«• Samuel Nardi, Robert' provide Family Counseling ser-. other Carteret residents inter- /"ii:m Milak, Nicholas Mil- 'Alt in the Family' teret were presented at gradua- ri?Sg?ME &i automotive course i 1 S'lllmore, liiwlor and Mrs, Levitt or Mr. and MrsJ. school year. *iu received Speak-Up council candidate*, John V. torn- Republican Councilman Charle. of the Association, announced the Counseling available to Carteret Christine Prynada from Mon-this comi isidents is through private prac-Commerfirdj •iw.'u'ils. | caik and Michael Toth, tpday Bohanek's brotha ras a captainlin name of the winnecs and offered 1 accused the Carteret Republican the Carteret Police Department them congratulations on their BC- •'>>•ei'-«ic!i prebented the complishments. ! • wth a marching banner administt'utio not conducting a Almost immedijiti-ly after, thi '••iini'i-i[ and the Jaycees "family employment agency", comedy wus reversed when Boh Nancy Weber of the Carteret with the f arforet' Taxpayer pick- moved to hire DelVacthio's High School graduating class was Group Lau4ed by PTA for Hospitality Task presented with a slide rule for i,.'^5XriSt--lB,,1,at, ^, 'highest Scholastic Achievement wad presented by a e of their farewell soiree, in their ful republican policy." in the Field of Mathematics". •""I Mrs, Hartley Kich- !f , Tw with ^ocrats, HutHt- ilTEr^ET — Five young capacity as thW "Hospitality Engraved plaques were pie' 111 Hmr mdny sei-viccs dur- iJ^^KaSStS "ick and Dc-verin voting no and .....Jen, representing] the dif- tiirls," for starting in Septem- 1 sented to tho grammar schfwl I'"'•I tbi»o years. ferent countries of jhe world ber they will be { holding ?epublicanToUncil,.i« Nicholas the four ifcpubhcans approving. graduates wh» attained, the "High- 1 have been aiding thd work of new posit ions on the Columbus- •':•*fi--t*iteh uffit'ers were "p ••• • ' ~ —— est Scholastic Achievement in 1 the Columbus-Cleveland PTA. Cleveland P.T.A. Executive b\ Jersey Jaycee-ette ' • , , ., Science". The recipients at theirj They have been serving as Committal'. Becker of Perth|Su/ii«ifr Hvurs Set at Library respective schools were as fol- Hospitality Committee for the Their work in the Library will Mis. Smock and the| through Friday, however eve- lows: Janice Krajewski, Colum- were installed by! Columbus-Cleveland P.T.A. of ho r\U'iided to cover iour da;-* CARTKKKT - George V. Ho- ning hours will I* restricted to bits School;'Joseph Mitro, Nathan '"'iial director Gabe Sulo.- Carteret, for the past two years, (it service a week. Three ad- dowantc, Library Director of Monday. Wednesday and Thurs- Hale School; Ann Marie Cliniecki, ^•-•» Officers ! Lincoln School; and Susan Sza-I and as a final celebration, iliiiuual voluntueis will a.vist the Carleret Public Library an- day from 7 to » P ••«• This jew "' ui.slallwd were Non- kacs, Pvt. Nicholas Minue, School. their efforts mide 'the last Ilii'm in thii effurt Mi>. Jen- nounces (hut Hummer hours huve k tiiect m 1 tl1 (- iiresident, Joseph schedul* wi" ' The winners of these awards were1 meeting of the term, a Salute nings will head tilt Library own established for the months slntt br ry •' wieiual vice prtsident; day, July B" ' "" " " selected by the teachers and prin- to the World's Jfair, Committee, Mrs. Xupoxnick 5 »m and dolls dressed in costumes Programming, Mrs. Philip will •," "1(l ^ichoiand, directors; similar to what the ladies'them- rutuin her iwsiiion as Vublici'v '"' ""Ho, state director; and Jack Ringwood Named Man of Year selves wore. Thii home baked Chairman for another two year; 111 immediate past presi- cakes were dectii'iitad as hand- Mrs. BIISIT, wife of the Pvesi drawn maps,1 made of various dent of the P.T.A., will .head thc Siiii.-,liuie ('UIIIUUULH', and uistalled were Mrs. colored froutings, and featuring Bv St. Joseph'« Holy Name Society fth e L ountrieB re - Mrs. (,'rotty will be in charge Mrs. Brechka, the flags o ' P V .1 B i ...I..I..1 1 *l ,L ..^ ..Mi.... I. of attendance. V1<* president; Mrs resented The women also internal vke presi for th serve the P.T.A Chapter as Although they are cumpli- s Pereira, recording lrm of office. The uew officers Circulation Librarians for the meuM conlumally on tlwly ef- named winner of the «'• ^ M. Mrs. Joan {Jofka, cor- the lotul KMC Corporation up an are; Michael Hudocku, reelected Columbus School tw,o days a \ forts in betaal£ ol thc P.T,A., ll!l 1 0 " "K secretary; M«. Berei, Holy Nuinc Society, M" " ' KltN'liiriuii luremaii. as president; Vincent Abateinur- 'week, ami service over 18 and have \yorkwl hard in iinafly Ml ;"',"• '»- Nonnenmacher, Year Awurd. I'r In oilier business, cumiiiUU'e cu, 1st vit;f president; Edmund classes. ui't'iis of endeavor, their at- uud Mrs. Ingras- Muducku in pi"' rli.iirniuu submitted their w- Illxoii, 2nd view preside!)!; Kd During tlwae past two years! lias always bun, "Whim Wit president. with the "Ward him wurd Snype, secretary; Bob Mc- as Hospitality Cwnmittee, they you eajuy what you ure doing, and purts fur the year. It was uu- "Prussia wu highly uouueed that the annual retreat (ilnnis, treasurer; Henry Stief- have successfully presented uud see tlie benefits enjoyed by 1 ;l! the imm, marshall. '' the state omventiOD in will lie held an the July UtU various themes for each months the children, tlif parents,* l :i The meeting was concluded " ' *\ last month when weekeud under the chairman- meetings. Each .me has been tile yhoolt iii w/.: jiavi.', it Is I 1 made with a sputihelti mid meatball Miuned Outstanding loca ship of Joseph Cusateggi, Pastor decorated in ma;miic«it dis- longer » "•Job"k it's a I 1 dliiaer prtparwl by the society uiul .Spiriluitl Uirei'tor Father plays oi originaliiy "id good .:;;;:U,- ...^*w«™ chefs de culsitif, Tbomat) Authuuy M. Gaydas, O.S.M., tastu. Tlus last meetjiiB was Nelberlauds; chapter Utghei and Thomas Mowney in addresiwd th« aiembert and wi- UmuM Jim** i Independent-Leader (E.B) Cartrrrt pros, ll.ul , Jane 24. PAGE TWO Miss Wolski Gets B. A. Cornell Tax Appeals Will Teach In Borough

CARTERET - Miss Brenda rishioner of the Holy Family Tbose who filed the appeals Amide Wolski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs •urcn. were: Fraoela and Nancy Nevis, Marguerita John Wolski of Carteret received! IS Stima Avenue: Mr. and Mm. Avenue the degree of bachelor of arts in Anthony Psnaeeione, 4 Stima Avenue I French from fieorslan Court Col- Avenue. Oeorge and Ann Stran- lege, Unkewood, «os. fifl Pinho Barbnrn Diirins horirfninr year, she aJtwdM Itff I'niversite Laval of fiiipbptvfwnplcting her Frencli studios .it I,aval mapia mm lau- let Ziroirrii. IS Pinho Avenue; ver Court, ^ a [lo. Miss Wolski H a member of F.volvn ihxlak. » Pinho Avenue; Petsch. tt Clover CourT NIC •i Delln Phi. the National French *. and Mrs. Fr.wis X. M-'-feCrty «S C llonor Society at Geirgian Court. 1 .-ih* was class officer, general M Mcflrrevey. 10 Stima Avenue; chairman, senior prom chairman, Hubert .1 Ru-tso. 12 Stima Avenue; member of Court I-anpiage Club, Mr and Mrs Jaroslnw l/*owy. Ghellis. Her Club, Court Notes 'select 12 and Mrs. Dominlck Regina, 9 St 14 Stima \venw: Rosnrio J Bon- kl Joftnn BARBARA JEANNE AYKKS oices sinking for various fune- vita. 1fi Stima Avenue; John «nd 1 Ffank ions on and off campus , Court Wirmrpt Cnwidv 3 Scuurfa BACHKI/IR OR \HTS \\ni 'layers 'had the !ead role in The bridge Barbara Jeanne Ayrn, daini,. Iwan' and Courtier Literary Staff, baridge Pinhn tcr o( Mr. and Mrs \hiih,,w •he was chosen as one of the fi- Sumner, J7 Kdlne d Mr, Peter ErcoR. 44 andJJtrie % AyrtS, M Bernard Street, r;ir. lalists by Clamour Magazine con- Mr an Pinhn \v.w; Vinrent and I*- ,Mom*. 3d fertt h»l iwHTfd a hnrhrb)r >st this spring. Charles lores licstrfann. 4fi Pinho Avenue: ' &ft ol art* dfKrer (rnm Winihmp ifrss Wnlski is a 1961 graduate ki Avenue ndt 1 P.nho Avo- U» nUI«> women'-, m|. t Mount St. Mary's Academy, M P\ flosth Carolina. K \%\ .lorih Plainfield. She will teach1 William .1. Dun r1L.Uiir M Pll . -Of (' » f I f r r I ||jrt In the French Department at Car- Avenue; V! Pinto Avenue: MIM Ayrn majored is teret High School. She is a pa- BRENDA WOI.RKI Pierce, 45 Jwuc* wmt*, llPWi* A' left Crusade rhnimian lor the Middlfsei County Samuel and Vofowta TOvmnfmolo aftd psycholod). While . ilmui hoy^ I with a check (or #100 from J. R. Scheln, on 14 Pinho Avenue. c«tinielor and wphoirmrpa dn. behalf of the Ui>it«d States Metals Kefininft Company of Carteret. iiladner. Avenue; Arnold Avenue; Lila Brown, 47 Pin- Jowpn and Mavi, Mastrw, 12 tor of her dormitory. Site wat .,., and Mrs. Charles; pjnho Avenue; .los find Ann Minue Meanderings alto pMttdrnt of UV Swim Club . v., 45 finho Avenue: Vilo|CMnpap,a 14 bridge Drive: nddcra dance perform^ i i Mr. DF and Rose Stolfi.W Pinho AVwae:ir)omJn(c), and Doits V.Vra. I Installation Fete Held and Roseimrie Gneiss, 3; venue; Henry C and on the timlln boards ol Activity Director SpoBawtl A \h* CampM Fine Am ind 1 dent constructed electric motors, _4e I>rive; Richard and^einnan, R spopnet* Avenue CARTERET - The manage- June is busting out all overt creatioa Attodatloni MIM ment of the Biasing Star Swm With the cotnlhf of'June one canworking models of the human ^l"\ Drummond, J Etheridgel Robert Breyer, 10 Spngawti By Woman's Club Unit hyttt will be maritd u> i Club announces the appointment hear whispers of trips, picnics, heart to simple pictures of P»rtsj™°™''' Avenue i.Mr. »ndMr«. JohnSkrockiJ^venup. R^ a(K| Thereso of flowers and growing beanjp. •• Frank andjBeinhardt. 1 Carlton Strfet: Domi- MA WaW %tobcr I ID tin Theodore Kleban is Federation of Ial J. Esposlto at activity di- splash parties and above all, 'Price. fiT Avenue: CARTEftET - The Evening rector at the club. graduation throughout the halls plants. nEtherldgeinle Liguori, 9 RnoRaneU Avenue; FltH B«*tM Cbvtk, FUhwaj. Membership Department of thSecretarye . Department Chairmen Mrs l^eonard Krin, 6.1 IO | Margaret LUIMWIKT, U Buicnusr are: Eugene Muldoon, American , Mr. Esposito is a teacher at theof Minue School. The winners were eighth grade.|,\ Jerome Rosenberg. 59>9' Drive Bdward Flscner, 13 Bth^ Nicholas Parlattl, 5 Spoganeti Carteret Woman's Club held their venM Avenue; Wm. and Joan Magella, Home; Mrs. Gabriel Comba, | Carteret High School. Recently he The Student Council, under the Susan Szackas and Christine Sid-;'Pjnno Avenue: a Closing Dinner at The Bras! Buck- has been playground supervisor in 1 8 Stima Avenue [Outdoor Art Show et, Woodbrldge, Mrs. Earl Rumpf, Membership; Mrs. Nell Burke, direction of Mr. Yarcheski visited eris total of U projects including Pinb-• • o Avenue: « Press Book and Historian; Mrs Roselle where he directed the ac-Atlantic city on Thursday, May a match stick human skeleton, Chairman, welcomed the mem- tivities of the youngsters using tha TO CONFIRM CLASS Set For Sunday bers attending and introduced Lawrence Drummotul, Education; 3rd, fiie Students left early in Salt relief models of a molecule Mr. George Dlken, Welfare; Mrs. facility. the mornoing and arrived home of water, a drop of blood, a cross CARTERET - The 1M Con- CARTERET - The third annual honored guest, Mrs. Nicholas Del- Neil Burks, SUiWhine; Mrs. Wil- In addition he was a standout BPWGrants 'acchlo, President of the Carteret about six o'clock, tired but happy. section of the earth and its three firmation CUsa of Zion Lutheran liam Beirne, Parliamentarian; athlete himself, playing football, All had a wonderful time at thelayers. Obituaries Woman's Club. Mrs. James Quinn, Publicity and and basketball. At present he isocean front city. Church, 712 Roosevelt Avenue, the Carttret Free Public Ubnirl Installation of new officers was Second place Eighth grade, Scholarship Mrs. Thomas LJss, Program. coaching freshman basketball and Graduation u the theme of the,Uon Kish ^ a wooden mode] will receive their first Holy Com- will be held neit Sunday fnn| conducted by Mrs, Theodore Kle- Chairman, Mrs. Rumpf thanked baseball at the school. June bulletin board in the lobby.|of a ^^ ^p, Englne used STEPHEN MAKKAt Imunion at the 1:30 A. M, Service, noon to i P. M. lsan. Federation Secretary. Instal- Mr. Esposlto will direct all rec- CARTERET - Stephen Makkal, CARTERET - The Carteret the members for their cooperation o II dKOI ll8 i d Business and Protaaatatl Wo- Sunday. The Rev. Wiltts Morgan Benedict W. Harrington led were Mrs. Thomas Liss, Vice- in various charitable fund raising reational activities for both young' ^5#2!the bulletin 5boar5d this month?! . i * age ». w 79 Jjouis Street, died 1 1 men's Club presented Its annual Chalrman; Mrs. Joseph Casey, events, the proceeds being used ster and adults at the Blazing Star The Minue Safety Patrol visited; i? ™ J^ *, ^ ^ 17 at "the Perth Amboy Ross, pastor, will be the cele- Bernard Deiti are oo-c'Min™i.| with a i scholarship Award to Mlaa Chris- Financial Secretary; Mrs. John as follows: Spaghetti Dinner — Swim Club. He is a graduate of AUantic City recently for thein 2"wp of eight projects Ion* ill- brant. The second Sunday after The Carteret Bank and 1 |*impeterLeimpeter, Recording secretarySecretary; «» •- --.--= -- Glassboro State College and lives annual trip. They had a beautifulj eluding a model of the biceps jtiae' FttapaWck at the Awards tricep muscle* of the arm using Day Program at Carteret High Trinity will be observed. Company has donated in Mrs. Stanley Ciszak, Mrs. James purchased 101 books for Carteret with his wife, Barbara, and their day. All had a wonderful time. and was unmarried. He was kit aa a prita. One of the jud;ei| Duggan and Mrs. George Dlken,j Library; Card Party - donated two children at MO Lodi Avenue Save your egg shells! This call and wooden slats. formerly employed by the BoroughSchool Tuesday. The preaenta-, The Church Council meets en in the Seventh Grade IwfflbeJarodavStabnvkoU Two Year Members of Executive; to First Aid Squad; Chinese Auc-Metucheo. went outfrom Miss Rapp'i third Ctt Io th« street depart u made by Mrs, Edwin Monday at 7:» P. Board. 1 Celebralion — lpurchase Palsy dClini wheec l ichain Menlr foro Mrs. Wallace Boleavage is CorPark and Cookie Sale proceeds egg shell mosaics, mounted on responding Secretary and Mrs various shades of oak tag, They) „ the similiarity. Second! l a member'of the Personal 1^.™^!^.... will be used toward purchase of I place to Ed Bennett for a simple mats for Retarded Childrens' Witnesses are on display in the hallway. of Carteret. Committee was in charge. Miss School, Woodbridge. Miss Nugent's fourth grade class electric circuit. Mr. Makkal was the ana of theFitzpatriek will enter The following new members have become meteorologists. Harry Lubern. Principal atteod- law John Makkal. Sr. who died State College in the Fall. were introduced: Mrs. William tize They are studying weather in sci!e- d the State Conference Deoart- in 1MB and the late Mrs. Julia The closing meeting of the Club Vinsko; Mrs, Howard Hollander; ence.. Manmany io»f thwee tuumcchildreun unihavet men•••—•t• «o f Elementar—....—.—.y Schoo—..—l. ---Prin-- Nlak Makkai who died io 19SI. will be held neit Tuesday, June Mrs. Nicholas Miller. made homemade barometers, cipal. The theme,'Trends in Edu- He is survirtd by two aisgrs, M, at the home of Mrs. Judith Mrs. Neil Burke and Mrs. Dom- Minister wind vanes, rain guages and baro-i cation" was deliven>d by DrMrs. Albert Bodnar, Jr. md Mrs. Sohayda in Avenel. Report! for onick Nasto were In charge of1 , CARTERET - Mrs. Ellie Gib : meters. Schwa, both of the past year will be made, and dinner arrangements. lln of 54 Randolph Street, Carter I Ask just about anyone in Miss brothers. John tentative plans for the coming et, was one of 24 new ministers'Brown's fifth grade about the fifty York University Tucson. Arizona, Joseph Mak year discussed. | baptized by Jehovah's Witnesses|Siaic states Uolf mthee umraUnitedi uuueStatess tuanmd rmir^aProfessomr HiaiTOjanTManolakwo uimitdeclareud UBJ aieiBIKier Makkamdniii anmmd Wtl••«- at the semi-annuasemia l Bible conven- I'tn sure they'll be able to tell youI thamat thtne primary concern ofi elem-ir:eiem-iiign™, u.kksMakkaii all ofl Carteretearn ; six Aid Squad-. Foste__r Wheeler Corp., Church Summer u [tion held in Clark, June 1M3. much about every state. entary educatfeo shtoW be to m*l ™^ ,J'*»» nlMt Ctt Mhi Shp Oet t Mrs. Giblin attends five roeet-l They have jud completed study- nsre children for the world School fill j ings each week at Kingdom Han, Ing the United States and decided whjch they ' •-•--•- I Old R Rd Clk

Compan>.# Open Monday Ufltllimg UlIUCl urc aupti »ioiw« **••, niiabeth's RemwtC"™*"!carteret; neighbor on Louis St.., CARTERET - Two weeks Sum- ^iiiieipTnhn Tiwkr nfo th Jer Rahwa thev Dresiding Congre-j portersCaptai, nSusa Robern Pusillot Brow, Nean anl Glad-d re-iSnOBl; materiad l b>- the.._.. stud°n. t as being ;h with Rev. John F. Cho«»o|Cartertt; thoje ^ dona(ed thejr; mer School will • begin Monday ^Jr of the R^hwavtonere- Porters, Susan PuaUlo. Neal Glad-; materiaTby the stud-nt as being as celebrant. lntenr,eninterment wass m"ni..,,|can.. t(u^ > Pallbwrerp.niih#.nir St. James' Cemetery. "^"^Ibers of Our Lady of Hungary So- 'churcchurch basement off ththeJHungae Hunga- auusir»JWy scnoBcnominsuwuirm inimitvui.. ^ ^0^ani New Jersejersev^yss PastPast. , mocratimocraticc processesDroawses: : anandd th thee devedeve- - The palloeanrs wert Jtta Tar- ciety; the Carteret and Wood- rian Reformed ChurchChurth. The s*Sses- trainin- g never ends. Ca Rjchap|J Kuhn a[)d re.|lopmen, of attitudes, value artdj,^ ybert Bodaar. James Tuks- bridge Police Escorts and the Bi-1 sions will be held Monday throughthrough! "The Christian, by water bap-;portere Steven Bankoski, Bar-I appreciation which after aU arejjar, John Eremias, Stephen PlaPuv- nib Fift|eral Home for satisfac- Friday from 9:15 to 11:» until;asm•- , symbolues the dedication of bara Totar^o Christine McHenrylthe most permanent! jtes and Frank Pancza tory services rendered. j G0RECK1 July S. The church basement'his life to God," Mrs. Giblin ex-l^ t fano reported1 — j MemberMembersos off OuOurr Lad Ladyy ooff Hun Hun-- July S. The church basement'his life to God," Mrs. Giblin ex-l^" JoycJoyce "santostefanSantos e o reported Family «* the late' has own designated for these plained. "It is the act of a per- on j^ of Natural Beauty and, „ _. o, i«arar\'y SocietSocietyy reciterecitedd ththee rosar rosaryy — _-^, r .. of a per-,on j^ of Natural Beauty and, STEPHEN MAKKAI; NEW HEAD OK PLWKK-S: On Uw Ml 1» John BACHELOR W SCIENCE: sessions because it is a cool ^ m setting himself apart by anvTeathean1 r CUmate. \rful, nut ShOtC |,Tuesda Tuesdayy aatt 73 7300 P.M P.M.. witwithh Rev Rev.. m „ uu »« -™ » »-I Captain William Toncic and re-, g • 1 e, ]*..„„. j John F. Chonko. golnn prrtidrnl, oon|(raUil»tla(( Bob Merrlo, « Richard Gortfki, em of Hi. aad place even 00 the aottea day. agreemait to do the will of Je- prrsidfDl of Ihr Saint JuMpli'i PltTrrt. Mrs. Joseph Gorteld, II Hurts j Summer School wffl ifidnde J^^J, - - as re\-eale....d throug.h ^^0 y Profetti, Douglas sel "> 3UIWIUU ^ _ Oil pipelines now reach » miles nda Thf neit general mrmbrrahlp mrttinn u( UM Play en Stmc Cartwtt, r«««Tfd Us bible lessons, erafti. pn«s and-jesus and the Bible. Jeho- Brown, Michael Winsesky report-| CARTERET-The regular meet-| into the Gulf of Mexico, at depths Ag grp laW lvm aa great aj 170 feet. i day, Jiu* a, B:W p.m. at the High SirtH AailMrttm Bachelor of Sriem Otfttt flul .hymns and_ songs Age groups: witnesses spend much ed on Our Vital Resources and:ing of the Sultanas of El Hakkam " * moalk from Cahunbia laivertl- :S to 11 to be used vab s Busy Industries. Caravan was held recently at the STEPHEN MAKKAI Columbian Club. Mrs. Carol Toth! ty. CtUtft M Pkamacr, City ol LapiaCaptaimn Susaausan Gaydouayuos anaimd irre- vuiuinum- u vmu. ».m. ..«..«. .««. to eapu-expresMs uuouir j«.^. sincer.e Nf« York. Mr. GmtM is • W(l ttl5n lu tl porters Donna DeStefano, Robert and Mrs. Ann Curran are co-chair- tliank5 to an our relatives, friends member af die Americas Pfcar- | Laczenski, Mary Ann Holder'- , men of the Fall' Hat Show which: ^ neighbor* for their kind « mareatk-al AstMktkaw New ! Church. Richard Hanes reported on Forms! will be held in September, jpressions of svmpathy. their many ROUTEMAN SERVICE COSTS NO MORE! Jtrsey PluumMMtical Assod- There is no registration fee or of Transportation and Pleasure Plans were completed for a Hal-acts of kindness, the spiritual any other charge. Everybody is WAR WASH SUNDAY «U«i« u4 is a member and past Resorts and Historic Sites. loween dance on October 22nd at'bouquets and the beautiful floral Morey LaRue will pick up and deliver your laundering and dry. deanlng-ali * no » •• welcome to attend, Pastor Dr. 1 1 PrMtdfBt «ff Ifte fcapp*fcapp* Pl CARTERET - The Carteret Captain Arthur Stupar and re-the Columbian Club. Mrs. Flor- tributes they extended in the cost to you Just thmk h.w much tune and lugging this Morey URue plus •""*,;; Andrew Harsanyi will be director Boys Club will bold a car wash at porters Rosemarle Donaghue, Dan. ence Wawrzynski was appointed i death of our beloved b™"" ?ntl Gamnu PkannaceaUcal Frater- of the Summer School, save you! And. please k«>i> this important fact in mind: MOMT fMVZ BUVIH"- nity. He it emiioved by Sav-On Tony's -Shell Station, in West Shannon, Michael Hucko reported SLUL? or5 -J affair Mrs. Ann devoted uncle. Stephen Makkai. SKRVICE t'OflTS NO MORF.! Drags, Cartent. Mr. Qoreckl la, Canada's written constitution is Carteret. The fiind raising event on Government and Education. .jCurran'wa1™™^ s appointed chairman We espeti.-.llv wish to thank will be held, Sundav, June 27, The Drill Team and Twirlers ooff f th ^^^ committee. \ Rev John F Chnnko, partor. the the firroer Judith | known as the British North Am- r 1 4*P. M. tllnue School participated iff-the _ ', . L . Aiiar Bovs the Sisters of Divine Memorial Day Parade on May 31st The dark nor*; pme was won ^r «° ^ by he rhurth rhoir of in Carteret. Mrs. Florence Wawnyuski.!^ eV:..i™ivs After the parlde there were The next meeting will be held on'.Church Carteret: Officers ami services at Carteret Park and August 2. j Members of Our Lady of Hungary then free hot dogs and soda for i Society, Carteret; the Medical everyone. General Ulysses 6. Grant was: Staff 'and Nurses at the Perth Mr. Ryder is faculty adviser. the first U.S. president to seek a Amboy General HospiUl: Carteret John Bulick of the Minue School third term ia office. first Aid Stiaad; Woodbridge First LAUNDERERS- CLEANERS , Chess Club was awarded a chess I set for being the most improved player during the last 'three CALL months. TOSUTHESPUWOtOf OUB UNUSUAL DISMAYS Of First place Chess set winner, tvtrything for the Ham* John Bulick, 18 points. Second; in Wood or Formica and third place winners, Thorn | Announcing! HILLCREST 2-6161 as Taranlino, 15 points, Second! ;md third winner, Douglas Brown, • EL 1-5000 15 points. ; FB 5-8676 Mr. llrechka's seventh and • AD %-Mll eighth grade Science classes par- N0W ticipated in the Annual Science; Fair at Minue School. There were 95 entries ranging from salt relief models of the Solar System, stu- IN STOCK ROUTEMAN SLRViCE COSTS NO MORE! Due to the at Trtnwndoua Rtaponw of our Fin* lur*f«an OIL PAINTINOS 1/eri'cJLee ERFECT Wl AH AOAIM tOlNO

ON A auvim mr

MUST SELL OUT Complete line of mtk* itw* fw Mt Transitional Wear

tiil UM Of RManidy It!' j *ll»el««> I»| tb« YticH I44T«M d UM MOHIk 25% to LA at* STOM iwtil • HRKSSI8 * 8LACU four ji • U1.OUSCS • UNGER1K LAUNDERING 50% OFF • Sl'uRMWEAR * HMR A BAG8 LtM t>rtM«t 5 W U 4 I W » 110 SALES OUTLETS ART OAUIIY Jeri-JLt* jraihioni Mum bin? PICIURG FRAMES Mt MOAB ITIKt HOT at Marge *«.- C0U)NU OPEN DAILY 11 to I LAUNOERERS CLEANERS • RUQ CLEAHSWG • STORAEf Mtm. OH* D«Hr '* i P.M. T ti i Nil. * ttara. '11 » f It 'Serving Since 1889' (KB.) - Cartfret, Press ~ ThnrsrTfty, Jimp 24, Many Win Prizes PAGE THREE Church Women At Club Party Fresh Seafood Daily WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AVKNRL - The winners of the Conclude Year last two week's summer card WoonBRIDGE - The Women's FRIKI) KISH TO TAKE 01 T FVFRY FRIDAY parties, sponsored hy the Avenel •\ssof i.ition of the First Presby- Woman's Club, were announced. terian Church held its final meet- I'hone in Your Order — !MF, 4-0743 Parties are held on Monday nights j iii!' nf the season with Mrs, Charles, HOMF. MADF (I AM (HOWDKR at member's homes Schi'urman in charge of devotions Mrs. Frank SanNlippo, Mfl Jan- Mrs Edward Killmer, president,! sen Avenue, was host with Mrs. introduced Mrs. Norman Kilhyj Haven For All Louis Decihus at the Sanfilippo Senior Hi advisor, who discussed HANDERHAN'S SEAFOOD MARKET home. Two table winners were the purpose, plans and program' 'SenIng lh(> WondhrlrtRF Area fhrr II Yetirs" «f the annual Spring retreat, i-;ili ior flowers, blrth- given prizes and they were: Mrs. , n* . M5 Amboj AT*. ME #-W» non-player award and Mrs San r r - Decor — Prices — Quality — Quantity fllippo the door priie, Hostesses were members of bert L. Moss, 115 Main Street, Circle 1 with Mrs. Ole Lauritsen will be one of the 17 lecturers — Service — Entertainment, etc. .. Ferdinand de Usseps, French as chairman. at a Belies of educational sem- UNEXCELLED AT engineer, began both the Su« The Fall season will open with inars to be presented at the and Panama Canals, but com- a meeting of the combined circles, 68th annual Congress of the September 16. Mrs, John West,' pleted only the former. American Optometrlc Associa- THE GALLERY Synodical officer, will speak and tion In New Orleans, June the dedication of the summer 27-30. Restaurant — Cocktail Lounge — Banquets Three gold mines, which reach medical offering will take place. more than 9,000 feet below th< . Dr. Moss, who serves as chair- U. S. ONE, WOODBRIDGF, surface, lie within the municipa man of the AOA Committee on Plan your next party or banquet area of Johannesburg, South Retarded Unit Sorority Announces International Affairs, will con. at THE GALLERY Africa duct a symposium entitled, Slate of Officers "Optomelry As A Worldwide Discipline," for American and Anchorage, Alaska, began ex Names Officers Mce M » tort tam during WOODBRIDGE _ TTie Trl De. Id vision specialists. .. . -,'•'. totltcilen, MS h> 11000 [Sorority has announced hew of- construction of the Alaska rail- ISEtJN - Election of officers ficers for the 1965-66 season in road between Seward and Fair was held by the Raritan Valley elude Alexia Zamboer, president Altar-Rosary Group banks. Unit of the New Jersey Associa- Martin Lawrence Janet Lund, Antoinette Cerami tion for Retarded Children at the JEWELERS vice presidents; Jeanne Leone,, Sets Chinese Auction There are many skyscrapers in Y.W.C.A., Livingston Street, New 103 WAIN ST., WOODBR1DGE recording secretory; Cathy Hill PORT READING - A special South Africa') largest city Brunswick. rrHv NIIM Til S - MX 4-1IM Johannesburg. and Carolyn Lisi, corresponding meeting was held at the home of Air — Rail — Steamship — Hotel Mrs. Frank Stagg, Jr., Plain- secretaries; Carol Banks, treasur Mrs. Joseph Medvetz, chair- TOUR AND CRUISE RESERVATIONS field, was re-elected president. er; Wenskoski, pin chairman; man of the Chinese auction plan- Other officers elected included; j Cathy Covino, sweatshirt chair ned for Tuesday, 8 p.m. by the THE WORLD OVER Leonard Walczak, Fords, first ET- .utee etaoin shrdl uccmiwy Altar-Rosary Society of St. An- Phone VA 6-3661 CHRISTINE LEE'S vice-president; David Calliari, The graduating seniors were thony's Church. Mrs. Joseph Min- Middlesex, second vice-president; honored at the traditional farewel ucd is co-chairman. Mrs, Joseph Peto, Jamesburg, re- barbecue held Sunday at the horn The purpose of the meeting was cording secretary; Mrs. Arden of Miss Cerami, Colonia. to make a change in plans for the CSIPO Travel Bureau GASLIGHT Bums, Parlin, corresponding sec- The group plans a beach party location of their affair. It will be retary; Marlin Carsin, Cranbury, July 11 at Island Beach. held at the Recreation Center, 303 Maple Street Oriental Restaurant and financial secretary; and Donald West Avenue, and not in the PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Real name of Harry Houdini church basement as originally Cullerton, Colonia, treasurer. WORLD WIDE TRAVEL Cocktail Lounge great magician, was Ehricl State Council representatives planned, according to an an- Weiss, whose father came to thi SPECIALISTS SINCE 1007 will be: Mrss.. Stagg, Mrs, Joseph nouncement by Mrs. Rose Peter- 66 CHERRY ST, ELIZABETH United States from Hungary. sen, publicity chairman. Kannon, NNixoni , and HerberHbt t FeistFi , New Brunswick, New Entertainment Policy! Seven members were elected to uii: the board of directors, Dr. Anna >OW! ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS Starr, Highland Park; Mrs. Carl VACATIONED IN NASSAU; Mr. and Mrs. Michael U Ferrara, Carlson, Somerset; Mrs. Frank • SUNDAY ft TUESDAY NIGHTS 10S St. G«orge Avenue, A vend, we shown together on the Thompson, Bound Brook; Llew- deck of the 8.8. Oceanic Jut before sailing from New York bound ellyn Shivery, New Brunswick; for a spring holiday cnlse to Nasssa Christopher Marsh, Middlesex; FREDMELLER Mrs. Frank Faresi, New Market; Pianist • VwalM, Dtnct IVm New frit's East 8kk! and Richard Rhoades, Spotswood. Friedman Bar MUxvahto™1™* night at 8:30, wiU be ThTeh Board willi meet Wednesday • MON., WED., TOURS., FRI. ft SAT. d b y MMr . andd mMrs . FiFried-ad t t to y WCA Scheduled Saturday man and Saturday morning a Kid- No regular meetings will be The Incomparable EMERSON AVENEL - The Bar Mitxvah dush will be held in their son's held during the summer, but will IMqa Mm W* V«c«l Stytop [of Robert Friedman, son of Mr. honor. be resumed in September, and MM. Harry Friedman, 183 RatmatlMH lau»s

Twenty-five years ago. Woodbridee played bott to the m June pressive list of state and national dignitaries ever to be atl|l. here with the dedication of the $1,500,000 grade crossing 0|jni. Published Wtdd> OB Ttanday By BUM before a crowd estimated at 7,500 people. Among those • jMtptBdanOeader: 9 NORTfl JERSEY PUBUSHING. fNC. "1--J- "•"— u. s. ••"•nt Lawrence F Cupta. Publisher ffl Bootevett An. JOGfoen Street fion, Pott 87, would like the nn years ago Abraham .1 Neiss was the Harry P. Frank, Associate Publisher Carteret, N. J. Woodbridp. N. J. to Til: n 1-8800 "nL MMdM' youth dipped' bnmzoplaque in recognition of hu "outstanding cKian*ip' TW: ME 4-1111 ^t tStk&itaSJm-m community" at a joint meeting of the four township smh(. go fa^_r that, it take* to destroy, ng ^ community centH. The presentation was,:, PEE COPY MAD. SUBSCRIPTIONS - ONE YEAR, H» «X MONTHS *» flag lanyards, so UthMe AmencaAmerican ^ ^ ?> ^ Woodbridp. HiRh School principal, and,,. Flat cannot be flown above the 1 of the Hotary Hub. monument dedicated to those who To Serve The Public Interest (are their live* for freedom and Trn years ago Township Attorney Nathan Dtff ruled i; resided in this All-America City? itriction of building was impossible" after the PWininc p,,, In the comparatively short time that pital. *"" ^rglKriSi SSSUwtMno individual develop be », , Dr. Antoine AtUdla, head of the Divis- The newly-appointed committees and who destroy the lan-j more than 25 homw in a year. He said that m his „,;, yam. a™ living in freedom only! could not be carried out The recommendation was ma,i, ion of Health, has been in Woodbrldge, are, by and large, representative and ! be^usHf the sacrifice made by Planning Board in an effort to curlHte school m>, he has instituted several outstanding they contain penon» with an overall *K- nun vt'hOSC n3FTl6S WC CIV' innovations in his department, all sense of public responsibility. It is in- eraved in stone-as cold as the: Five years ago nine schools in the township were d«li,.,t, deed fortunate that there are men and hearts of the vandals who caused pleting the first phase of the school construction program tending to benefit the community as the damage Board of Education announced that another K.soo.w . a whole. Among his many plans for a women in our community who are wil- If it were not for these men. needed for the second phase. Governor Robert B. Meynn. •> healthier Township, is the proposed ling to inconvenience themselves to whose names are carved in stone, speaker, called the dedication of the nine schools an "HUM- these dim-witted children would momentous occasion." pointing out that it was the first -Leader has long dren that when their actions newest plan-six special Health Com- make it impossible to fly the flag mittees each containing at least one felt that we have some pretty remark- over the monument, that they are specialist in hk respective field. The. able talent among ^e residents of actually desecrating tbe memory cSmfflittew will deal with Chronic Ill- Woodbridge-taUnl which, could be ap- of ofer country'i hero*. George A. Theiss, Jr. Teen Topics ness, Infectious Disease, Mental plied with considerable success to VFW 4410 and Health, Air Pollution, Accident Pre- solve the many problems which face American Legion, 17 vention and Health Education. our expanding community. EDITOR'S NOTE; m the future I will t. We will watch with great interest Editor To the ttodrnU at Woodhridgf come back to the V > \ For example, the Chronic Illness jtdependent-Leader High this year hai been most en- In August Su« will :, Committee will help provide/medical the accomplishments of the six new Our recent assembly in Clark. joyaNe, 4w in irrat part to the. week trip throughout 1. Health Division committees. It is mi • grand success with many pretence «f duiaaa Romano, the which will end in \\ • • services at home which in turn will practical things learned. Eichangr student Irom DC, with a visit with I1, sennit the imtienfr to leave the hos- hoped that toe fulleet- and best Tbe congregation feels your co- Argentina. TV AM/-H1 NE\VS; Johnson. Thin Sue i= „•• • pital earlier than anticipated at a cost sible use of the services of these ded- operation in publishing items fondly bade "Sosit" goodbye In1 Rcntina where she win i. icated men and women will be made. •boot tbt utembty aided tbe fine •6eaiorittt" tene «i the pa-j high school education \". - much leas than charged at the hos- Th* with to thank per. ftltewi* U that a*w» turrit will study at the \.,;.. yon. r«-prnrt. I University of Cofdobi International Relation* At Its Best Tbe fight against the moral col By Nancy W'ojcik In conclusion Sue ,!.;, : Under the Capitol Dome lapse, subject of our main lec- An entire school year has passed/ would like to thank all »h,: A pert 18-year-old miss, Susana the local Foreign Exchange Chapter. ture, will be over when everyone and with its termination all stu- possible my stay and !,..•!>- Romano of Cordoba, Argentina, has Most of the donations have been made living under God's Kingdom ap- dents and teachers of Woodbridge! throughout the year. M> : By J. JMtpl plies Bible principles to their lives. high bid adieu to our foreign cx-jthanks go to my uric. received her diploma from Wood- by just a few folks who have helped We look forward to that time. change student Susan Romano.I teachew, the admins-•• Sue's year has been an exciting Student Council, are: • • bridge Senior High School and will de- receive a than of the funds, Sincerely, support the activity since it started a TRENTON - Creation of a New either signing them into law or one as well as an educational one the students who gr. part soon for her homeland. setting them aside for vetoes. The which represent an increase of John B. Dufner little less than three years ago. Since Jersey Historical Commission to Presiding Minister for everyone involved in her stay cepted me as their fn promote knowledge and inspire bills are reviewed in detail by the $800,000 over a similar distribution A young man who has just com- Jehovah's Witnesses In being chosen by the Ameri-j — its inception, a young English girl public pride in the State's history, Governor's counsel David Gold- a year ago. MARY ANN can Field Service as a candidate! MAKkow pleted hi* Junior year at Woodbridge jg being sidetracked at the State berg, before action is taken on An additional apportionment for studied a full school year at Wood- 61 Burnett St. for travel abroad, Susan's com J<*B F- K*»»«l> Memun.ii High-George Bustin-will leave short- House by money troubles. them. jfish and wildlife project! will bej bridge High and a local youth went to One of the measures pendinglmade next falL The funds come Avenel, N. J. petition was keen. Eight hundred todtpewkni U..1.7 Tbe Legislature has passed a Monda Junt 2 ly for Stuttgart, West , for school in Peru for a summer term. bin Mttingup such a commission! before the Governor is the boatifrom Federal excise tax« collect- June 16, 1965 high school students from her y- ' ' " The Editor town of Cordoba applied and took: 2i "w^ommencern.-r three months of study in that country, in the Division of State Library regulation bill which levies fees led from manufacturers, Importers, At the present time, the chapter is 1 The Independent-Leader a one hundred fifty question test'111* »seniBrs Rradli All of It has been made possible with Archives and History of the State ranging from $2 to $B on pleasure , aad producers of certain types of monies which and commercial boats but which hunting and fishing etpiipment. Woodbridge, N. J. administered by the AFS. From holding a membership drive, dues at Department of .Education, but fad- at the Kennedy High the aid of students at the high school ed to provide any funds for its would exempt such craft from to- under the Federal aid Dear Sir: a minimum of $1 lor individuals and pro 1 r ,. . lletic Field Following ^ $&& gp^ own 1 just finished reading your as finallsK and a small group of dedicated men oreaniMtion and operation. As incain-call taxation. DDemocrats claim the' their twenty were chosen t»n and National Am $10 for groups and organizations. Any- tdd th billp provided for measures favors commercial craftl ^ „„ approved projects andProgress Edition of June 10th, andAfter the interviews that followed, and women banded into the Wood- troduced the bill provided for measures favors commercial craftl torian Lawrence Mi one wishing to join to help in assw*|a $25000 appropriationappropriatio, but theland are opposed, but otherwise; tnen reimbuned for up to 7SJas far as the local school system fourteen students from Cordolw the guests. Senior ''!. the cost. The laws e«-is concerned, when is Progress bridge Senior High School Foreign Ex- Senate struck out thh e amount be-! there is great pressure on Th l ii d h i were chosen to travel \i\ Donald Bolger led !' ing good international relations, may agreeing to pass it !I Governo Gvrnorr ttoo sig signn iitt ; [ablishing the programa also pro- \ coming to Avenel Schools 4 and 5 the whole uf Argentina, mie him change Chapter of the American Field fore u .,..., ,j J ,.„ in the Ctov Sor.i. mail the membership fee to any of the an eiEhth-member' Because this is an election year.jvide j10ooo each, for Guam, thej " Service, As a be Has anyone in authority paid adretl fifteen students »m- turtun- written bv Kate Hou!-. « beappointed if!' Governor must figure all;Commonwealth of " ~" 1 following and a membership card will angles when he of .? The ale enouKh to be pl;iced in homes Vanderstreet Durlew We can thirds of no better way to Goveronr Hughes signs the mea- . Island. .^tapding next hhee w in the United State*., Zuhryrki . be sent by r,eturn mail: Dr. Cyril L meausre. Teachers his sig- bring the true picture of American surre, but it will operate without meausr * Distributkin of the fundiii based;* the Story building. slap with Dr. »™i Mrs. H by Duvkl C Hutner, president; Roy Mundy, vice fundds It is hopehdd tMreciatlyetMtlye** nature on a Wllgi^M torn gne- oh the number of pail license •boukl be torn down, along with Chodosh. liewn Street, W Democracy and the American way of :i!so acrqitPtl .1 (' president; Jack Laden, treasurer; Miss acted legislatio- - n i-n Congres- s which< • 1| vance procedures to follow m holders in the State and tbe State the "Portables" hidden away be- bridge. Their daughter Dale is beh;ilf of ththeenire (Wire 11V life to other countries than through provides generous Federal grants dealings wKh local boards of edu-area. The Federal Aid to Fish hind it. These wooden barrack- Susan's adopted American sister.: torian Mary Ann M Ruth Wolk, secretary, or to any mem- cation. Most boards of education our young people who leave a lasting for qualified State historical agen- and Wildlife Restoration pro- type shacks are a disgrace in this In Cordoba, Sue has a family ,livered the farewell ber of the committee at the high cies with kualified publication day and age. In the old bric^of five Her mother and father, are class also sane th<- \: impression of all that is good about organized labor, but tbe powerful j programs, will come to the resuce. tenor's Bureau of Sport Fisheries! building, because of the largge both in the business worlld HITT witih wnrdrds by l.yi::y . school who may be reached through The commission would be an ew Jersey Education Association and Wildlife. us. These young people are truly am- 'ants such a law. registration of pupils, regular; older brother Victor, age 19, is music by DavM Dr. John P. Law, principal or Frank offshoot of the Civil War Centen- classes are also held in the base- studying medicine and her young-' Guests included bassadors of good will. Following a thin line with right REST: - More rest and leaf ac- yg yg nial Commission and the Tercen- meat. i Sli 'ShL Ptrik Andes, advisor., the one side and votes on the tion is prescribed for vacationers er sister Sylvia, age 14. is a stu'SchooLs Patrick Boylan Yet, despite the advantages derived tenary Commission, both of which Lunch facilities here at School*! dent Education President ither keeps tbe Governor busy this summer by the Medical Soci- Your financial assistance will are extinct, and would constitute 4 and S art just about nil. A few! Sue stated that when she came >*r. md Dr .John P. from the program, it is astonishing be a permanent agency to promote bese early summer days. ety of New Jersey. children coming in on a school here she tried not to have of Woodbridge ' how few people have cooperated with greatly appreciated. the activities of various other LEARNER'S PERMITS: - Fu- "We A™rii»ftiM an a vigoruc! ture motorists operations can on bus bring lunchboxes daily. How. definite expectations about State agencies, educational insti- people in pursuit of our pleanrea, tn u;i learner's permit may have such but there is little sense in our be- wer, , only jn an extreme emeemerr- familytobefamily-to-be.. She said. "I „at,- °\ * sra^ '« - tutions, historic, civic and patri- !conlinu their SUHIIC- Toward A Free Society? permits extended for sixty days ing determined to have a good gency can a local parent pack a! tempted to keep an open mind so * otic societies and libraries con- enter 101 different <". without any additional cost. time even if it kills us," says Dr. lunch for a child, and the office is as not 10 expect anything 100 In recent months, a good deal has tise. It brings, they say, 'higher turn- cerned with New Jersey history. specialised schools i'i Michael S. Newjohn, president of to be notified in advance. A teach- exagerated. You could be sure,! In passing the moneyless mea- Governor Hughes has signed in- and the District 0! been heard of Soviet intentions to take over, faster selling and other economic sure, the Legislature found that law a bill adopted by the Leg- the society. jer gives up part of her lunch pen- I have not been d»appoint«ri™2 w •1JISIr V islature allowing an additional ' who ••Th'Tbe- Chodosrh~wh, famil»„„!!.y, 77ha-s beenEL , Other seniors will leaves from the capitalist book. For benefits.'" Writers and artists of high "important research and publish- ~«So ta'plannfag your uato&£ ™™ forces or a business < ing ventures have recently been sixty days when an it eat lunch there. Chi a rainy| more than hospitable and Dale! instance, such • inducements as the schedules leave a generous third luck in the future to 1 talent are being mustered to produce launched under State auspieces *as unable to be scheduled and day when children coujki not he has been the ideal sister. 1 am of your time for doing nothing i-u unn UK urn MSICT. 1 am >«, profit motive are being tried in an ef- and great public interest in his- Kid during the original period. turned out on the school grounds layouts that, it is hoped, will lead eag- more violent than sleeping. You The name* of thr at"'1 toric sites has been inspired by The Division of Motor Venioler after eating, they were made to do indeed as proud of Dale's accom-! T fort to stimulate competition and to will find rest is good for jaded members of the T*ir tbe work of the Historic Sites reports that during fiscal 1964 written work for the balance of pu>hments as her family is " j er consumers to part with their rubles. minds and weary bodies; it adds Color Guard *<• Improve the quality and quantity of Section of the Department of Con- Mtential driven numbering 417 their lunch periods. About all one can say is, "What wilj to the for enjoying g High Sue noted that •"•jly announced Ni'M y servation and Economic Develop- XX) received such permits, and Another observation: the newer e v various kinds of goods. , g and is, in elt our school sy«em is *"i varsity twiritTi .ire ment and there is foreseen a need 200,000 operators' licenses were Now, reports Stuart H. Loory of the they do next?". Maybe, on some dis- snort,. . that refresh-!»choolreresh! building needs less lawn tremely accurate, "i fed thalcMk. Phyllis M-: for continued promotion of the issued. Best is the irreplaceable in-jwounjwdd itit , andd more sidewalk tarit day, the commissars will move 1 Woodbridge enriched my Uellnski. Mi!:: • Herald Tribune News Service in a dis- State's rich historical heritage The division does nol keep a gredient of every good vacation.".space. This is very evident when edge** the world not only threugh through additional commemor- patch from Moscow, another long step toward a truly free society--the kind separate record of the permit the classes are dismissed, especi books but through our eipxes- Smith. Nam)|Sni:ih ative projects land publications." newals necessitated by its inabil- JERSEY JIGSAW: - Serious ally on a rainy day. Is being taken. He writes: "The com- of society which the capitalist econom- The proposed law provides sion of our thoughts and our un-'and Chris '/itlin-ki T ity to schedule examinations prior traffic violations in New Jersey derstanding pf each other. I have or Xiuard m that members of the commis- to permit expiration, hut admits showed an B.1 per cent increase Youn very truly, missars have decided it pays to adver- ic systems maintain. gained knowledge that 1 will lue ler Lynn Hill. M-ry \ sion serve for three year there is no- doubt that many re- in the January-March period over! Mrs. Ann Kowal throughout life • knowledge of agle. Kathy Ueinlum1 without compensation. However, newals are requested to accomo- the same time last year . . .Pay-! they would be entitled to reirn< June 19W,the English language and tlie kiie Oros. The wh • Over Quarter-Million On Public Payrolls date the convenience of the lear- roll jobhokung in New Jersey was Editor, bursement for expenses incurred ners. estimated at 2314,600 in mid- knowledge of peaceful co-msj- duc«d at the first IVi> I 1 Independent-Leader 1 More than a quarter-million people sons last year for an increase of nearly by them in performing their du- Hay, an increase of 15,200 from :ence with people of foreign lands, fall and will iwf'"' " ties as members of the commis editorial entitled! ^wtog this past year Sue did'S-"™'1* next MM* —about one-tenth the total Wk force 49% over 1955; WILDLIFE FUNDS: - The muttl sion. But no money was made State of New Jersey will receiv Week" could not "'avi'lins throUKhuut the This is the I.IM «• —are employed by the various gove- ' State government employment rose available for such reimbursement. Enimble™1.;60 u'motke sl*' h-w bi-en to Calilur- rt-purtiiiK $80,338.03 for wildlife restoration nia whert rnments in New Jersey. ' more than 40% during the period to project? and $29,700 for similar well-known organization, will soon regular and admiring rreadee r of - "h>w al&o traveled to Wash.,*" * T 1 t0 talle g thethe lu •.pi year proyidsd employment for 261,500 000 civilian employees in New Jersey measures passed by the Legisla- The funds are part of a nation thb e State of NNew Jersey hoUi !^ *>» opportunity to!"*'"" D-C ami several southern'" ''? 1T'^ ll( like 1t wt k for thtni !"st;i(l1' s WllDhr several souther'' lhM« ^"Th TIi ture during its final hours last wide distribution of 115,000,000, in- $1,486,089,449 at the present tirr*!"""" > 's partiicular edi-! "'« fhudosh fufiuly - *,", . ,• , ' ,. , persons in New Jersey. This represent- last year, a rise of more than 12 % in torlal ll] m Wllen eli of w .11 month. cluding (12,000,000 for wildlife re* . . Governor Hughe* has j*>in«d| >' "Pinion it was on a! "fckid liow she bill re- i" TM 1\ 1H;nibei end avur5 a M fd an Increase of more than 72,000 a decade. The Governor dispose* of tora(iop and $3,000,000 for spoi South Jersey dairy farmers in op-isubject that concerned me a gteat'' ' *oodbri.lj-e .S* said , * , ] ,.',, ;,•« 1 881 and m sure il wa! 004 public employees, or a 38 % advance Calculated on the basis of a total proximately ten bills per day b; projects. Other States also posing the termination of Federal! * ' « of eduar''^ ""''^ means more to mei • i Milk Mirketing Order No. 4 New!™nt'ernt0 ull your readers inciud-lln;"> the nanv of a town It between 1955 and 1964. employment of 2,478,000 in New Jer- Jersey is the first State to adopt!"* !miK "f my friends, ndghbors "leaiUi « ftll year of my life a 1 a11 st h( ln Biggest and fastest growing govern- sey last October, as reported by the the "model egg law" recently f. " ntizens throughout thisj " wl vear, a familyy veavearr anand aa By Joiia ^" drafted by a national committee lllu' eomitry rf friends year mental payroll was that provided by New Jersey Department of Labor and ours This experience hav WMdkrtdge Senior "^ GLAMOR GIRLS of agricultural officials New] My fondest hope is tlial my let-'indeed uiidt units of local government. The coun- to my rnaturity l! My opening begin* i» Industry, the 261/600 governmental •sey;s traffic dtath r>e t»ius,lw will lie just one of many that^o hu|>c tlm ....,,_ ._,jf Cat Weiss, from *<•• far thrff year has now reached. you will n-ceive in aiipreciationlto me and ties, municipalities and school districts employees represented more than one Iwpelhat Dale wiu'song lyrics 1 quote th 462 as compared with 431 to the of it. , ' come visit me Maybe wme time' (Continued on '« ' employed a grand total of 167,000 per- of evary ten people gainfully ejnployed. tame date in 1964 N«w Jersey,) Again I say thanks for your con » seen through the eyes uf a,«rii-fw your interest andimost' 11 Summer Is Here Texan,_ .i s .. representa, d ,,a t a sumi-j importan- • t• a jo• •b wel™l done• V e K(XKi WOrk It's the »eason ui vacations and fun. Swimming is Bumn^er's classic ex- slUofor p—t who ° "iTSSSi —* .-^ ^!t' 'UtUre "S y °"Uh ^- *»^ "• Almost everyone welcomes and eager- ercise, Tragically, drownings run well State certified tree experts willi VVrv in 1 U Years of Servict' ljr awaits It. But, every year, that fun into the thousands each season. Swim- be held it Trenton on August It' \Z^P«Z*' 1 U brutally, bloodily and Instantly end- ming alone, overestimatlon of ability . . Unemployment in New Jersey , pl^ Li^ « , To The ed for great numbers of people—be- dropped last month, to the lowe/ti ^ Amboyjl.j. mi and endurance, diving into unknown level for May in the last tenl Although others had worktd 011 oause of careless, thoughtless and waters are some of the potentially years .The State of New ,ler-the idea, Thomas Edison pro- overttithuaiantic practices. appropriated $5.uuu to duced tlie first successful incan- I'crth Apiboy Area thai practices responsible. help defray expenses of the Na-descent lamp in 1879. T^e dangers are varied—but they The boating boom has reached enor- tional Convention of the legion all eon be averted. For instance: of Valor of* the United States of bond bsue program approved by mous proportions. Improper boat America, Inc, at Astxiry Park the voters last November. Highway driving will be at its handling, overloading, failure to have this month . . .Under a in-w law, CAPITOL CAPERS: - A sign magistrates may place a person I WATSON & CO- height, and congestion will be com- the proper safety equipment aboard, ia the tunnel cuiuwctiug OMS SUte mon. Adjiut and adapt your driving coiwk'ted m diMirderly on proba- House with tlie StJw House AJUIBK MONROE A. WEIANT a lacjk of knowledge of the rules of the tion for thief years instead uf onereads: "Danger. Wneelbanow babity accordlji|ly. yeui . Governor Huglie* ruu. road—such needless hostages to for- crossing' The famous New Sunbathing h a happy wd wmno- appointed a Committee on Pover- Jersey tuiiiaU) will be ready tor MKMBKK NEW YORK ANU tune aj these take a heavy toll of ty and the Law to review prob- harvesting ui two weeks, the AMERICAN SWMK BXCHANO l«t plcMUrt. But loo rouohmpoiur e lems uf providing legal =*rvu*» health and life. g g vice* StatS t Department of Agriculture otnmaJwyowvicfctlonatlrSf ofpain tor New Jersey's disadvantage*.-__._! reports . . .N'ew Jerseys total PertH Ambiy Hstioial Balk ~«nd even put you In tbt hoapitai 80—have furi this summer. But KWulation . .The State uf New property tax bill appeal* firmly At the & Corner* ill know what you're doing and do it the Jersey will «eek bids next month lodged in ttw bjJJion-dolUr-pluti Take tb« tun In moderate 4QJ», par- M for the first comtiuctiun projectjbracket, accordiug to tbe State. ticularly at the beginning. light way. That in the, safe way! . yourself—It may be a mirag«. U) b» tmucod by ttw fM0,100,oil|CbamlD«i of ,ndepend«it-I*ri« (E.B.) • Ortcret Pren Thursday, June 24,1988 PAOB FTV1

KnighU of Colurabui, Piter Tray- pr NOW... IT CAN BE SOLD! Cnelia Council K*. Kmghu ot JJ, ^c^*Ji*" ^"iL^ »~^-5£ £ Elks Auxiliary Appoints nor, Institutional Raprewitatlve Columbus, were served after the „ ', """<*•ce•s HlHi1t ^I"to c WIU M o'clock «nd Mrs. Theodore Smith for Pack 2«, Mr. Arthur Johnson. services. "On Being Grateful." at 10 o'clock. The Vesper Choir A NEW EXTERIOR PAINT AT A SALE PRICE CCubmasteb r Park 149 Mr. Robert Solists will be Ernrat Crall at will sing at 11 o'clock. N nding CommitteesCionan, Chairman Mr. James SLl!2!LWJ»a jw Johnson, commltteemen Mr. John Ministers List COLONIA - Committee for Mr Raoul Qaribay nnd! ME 4 0080 f THIS PAINJ IS STAIN RESISTANT the coming mason were appointed ,Mr. Edward Reilry, Webclns, by Mrs. George Reseter, presi- lender, den mother* Mrs. Ann1 Sermon Topics PLUMBING

Even tilt' wildest kids can be tamed. The tips below will lii'lp krep i-hiliircn siife—uiul tliL'ir parents sane—on the longest summer trip. Don't pack a lootliirMsli till you've icad them.

i. How to keep smiling

' ;"" '• ""'#<''"-I -iiii'~-' •• t ''••'tt'''' when traveling with kids

.Mi,^; r Another service from the Shell Oil Company and its dealers of mind and self - content You need extravagant! Babies without tears and do. Show tkm maps and pictures. • Official Postcard Chooser and Buyer i Let them choose lavorite toys to take of Postage Stamps . / Whether at home, or work, or play - Don't carrV a baby passenger in your along. (It's a good idea, too, to lay in a • Official Map Keeper an^ Navigator. arms for long periods. He'll be rpore For a penny and a half a day small supply of inexpensive new toys, to • Official Games Organizer. ' cornrortable-^and so will you—if he's in a surprise the kids during the trip.) A First Bank safe deposit box car bed, sittingjn a baby chair, or fastened r- SHELL DEALERS DE-BUNK A —1 Transform the back of the car into a Will guard your pearls, and be to a safety harness on the back seat. MYTH ABOUT CAR CARE playroom. I'm two suitcases on the Hoor Protect a sleeping baby troin sunlight It's a myth that you should of the car (choose cases that have to comei take those valuables but of] and flashing lights, tvvool the most dis- let, some air out of your tires out at night am way), and cover with a They belong in a Firet Bai[k Safe Deposit turbing things to a sleeping baby are when traveling on a hot day. bijight sunlight and Hashing lights of other blankel.This arrangement also works well cjrs. Solution: Hang a canopy, with tape, tor niicjday naps. Today's tires ate built 10 take the extra pressure thai builds up during hot , liom theiback ol the front srai tu (he back Remember these jn|ealtime tips. weather driving. So, Joii't drflate them j ot the re|r seat. • Picnics along the way are run lor all on hot days~or yuu may find them very low the following morning. Do j>ct your IMPORTANT: Be sure to include liaby's the family, ami they give the kids a guod Shell dealer tu eht'ck your tires before lavorite stuffed toy on yum passengl't list. ' chance to work oil steam in a gameol tag. yuu sturr a lenity trip. Proper pressure 10% Cheaper - Starting July K 1965 The Grand Canyon outside the window • 11' you do em in a restaurant, its a will dmiNise fliiintt's ill tiro trouble dur- •_ ing hut. whither hi^luv.iy driving—also is nul substitute ioi a familiar teddy beat- j good idea lor out parent to take the kids j NO FEDERAL EXCISE TAX lead 10 U»ti>er lire lik-. i" A •> «»• to cuddle. • off for a Walk or game while the other or- Timt's the it'nl Iwit'iJott'ii. Ydu dm 1 cuioil on ) Slu'l/ ilcdlci |or Keep baby paraphernalia handy in ders. Be sun dial something is ready lor extra junior-size glove compartments. them to em as sunn .is they sit down. a shot bag on the baek iA the hunt Crackers will do. scat," Lind suddenly )»"" H°l a dove11 . keep meals light. You'll stay more 01' nmri'A'xiraf gloM'-'cinnpdinriU!,. Use •alert, he mo'rn .coinlnrmble. When you ilieiii to store clwpnx i'*^. tnyv J^w can, it's, a fiiKtd'idej lo order one adult stiek i children to share. Irmt Bank Wasliraj{inapliistitUitili»«'l"»8 y portion !oi mo -.n lingt'ib, andsoon. Keeping grade-schoolers happy p l Taming the toddler Give them a job to do. An ollitial job

Get'linn Interested in lU* «ii|i tetore |(J, ihe tripwill »» J l»"g «JV kmauls you start. II ibeyViikUnou^li u. tnub- keepingRfiide schoolers hap[)y and quiet, t iood jobs include: SEI AMERICA BEST ... BY CAR . suiid. tc II tmkllcrs. in;i( • Official Souvenir Collector t|,f ceiling \\u%> >M 'l> S"inS '" ^ Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Carterpt PAGE 8L Thursday, .Tunr 24, 1965 Rabbi Levinson Sets Deborah Chapter Students 0(1, Sabbath Service* FORDS - Sabbath services will Final P be held at Temple Emanu-El, 76 Names Officers Pleasant Avenue, tomorrow night I FORDS The first executive' She sixth Rradrsnr's,C|1!lrls at 7:30. Rabbi Paul Levinson will board meeting for the -wly, sentrd their final pniCr, ' officiate with, the choir participa- formed chapter of Deborah was year to parents and fn(Mv|, ting, The sermon topic will be held last week at the home of the direction of the Mxlh "The Long Hot Summer Ahead." Mrs James Bemsie. feachers, Malcolm Srl!f-r< The Oneg Shabbot will be given Officers and chairmen include ••'•in Lnuhiifh. by Mr. and Mrs. IrvinR Touval Mrs. Olga Semok, president; Mrs The program included in honor of naming their daughter Ralph Rus90, first vice president 'if Ihe year's activity ,U\4 \U -k i Robin Faye. and membership chairman; Mrs welcome were offered r Lulu Bohacs, second vice presi V. D. Ludewig, princip ,| ident and donor chairman; Mrs.1 chest ra selections hy t', j Virginia Rharpell, third vice presi- orchestra conducted' hv Community Cook dent and co-chairman of tag Sandnhl, director n[ ino : month; Mrs. Helen OsterRaard. music. i financial secretary and chairman Participating m yw,, Book Offered the program were Di;, I of rummage sale; Mrs. Helen •}•<• Maciolek, recording secreta^:' Lois Jogan, Nancy h Huttcnberger, Mary h,t Mrs. Grace Conniff, correspond-, By Mothers Unit thew Jago, Denisc' | ^, • ing secretary; Mrs. Benwe,: FORDS — A cook book, con- Wojtannwski. D\m, f : treasurer and chairman of tag taining over 250 fnvoritc recipes deoritc Chilipka, ,hm,,, 'month; Mrs. Rose Stinziano, from women in the community, Danny Kovalski, Hn>,v is being offered for sale by the golden book chairman and ro- (Jail Boland. Karen Kuiik. chairman of raffle books; Mrs. MRS., FRANK J. NAGY Kulik, Walter Hivelfy Mother's Auxiliary of the Fords- MAS. MICHAEL L. RICE MRS. LEONARD M, GOODMAN Clara Barton Boy's Baseball Helen Ronan, publicity chairman, Moore, Louis Russoman Pi nw). RKJ League. and Mrs. Ethel Folk, admission ard Graverson, (_._.„, The book is printed in full 4 chairman. Pamela Panconi, Uk.i^in , Goodman-SablatzkyRitescolor process and is plastic bound Final plans wen made for a Fords Couple Exchanged ice Dueker. Pat Thom.,« so it will open flat when in use. Miss Faith J. Warner membership buffet to be held At the close of ihp ->• In addition to the more than 250 this evening at the borne of Mrs. Fred Chesky made award recipes, the book contains a com- Semok, M Soren Street. A sound Marriage Vows Saturday individuals who smr«