NEWSPAPER November 22, 2019

Fridays for Future : Global Environment March By Milan Arpino and Dév Shrikam

LRS 5th Grader, Maya Narendula, peacefully protesting during the Global Climate Strike in September.

Fridays for Future is an organization that is trying to peacefully protest against global warming. Did you know that this organization recently coordinated marches in thirty countries, including the USA? According to NASA, there is evidence for climate change such as a rise in global temperature, warmer oceans, rising ocean levels, and declining Arctic sea ice. Activists such as Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future are trying to raise awareness and reduce plastic in our oceans. Here in our school community, Long Ridge is collecting single-use plastic to see how


much the school uses on a weekly basis. We think organization’s like Fridays for Future will really help the earth's future, but we need to do something about it too.

The Global Environment March on September 20, 2019 was designed to represent the earth's beauty. Greta Thunberg, a 15 year old student, started her peaceful protests when she sat in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks. Greta started a global protest that demanded presidents and politicians make more laws to protect the earth's atmosphere and environment. She posted her actions on Instagram and Twitter and her post blew up.

Fridays for Future is an organization that is trying to protest against global warming. It began in August, 2018 with Thunberg’s peaceful protests but the organization has grown to include helpful information on its website. A newsletter, opinion articles, documentaries, and important dates for upcoming cleanups are just some of the helpful actions that this website offers.

We, with Fridays for Future, can help by not buying plastic bottles. If we do buy plastic bottles, we must recycle or we can reuse them. We can also help by protesting against factories and toxic waste going into nature. Plastic shopping bags are also ending up in the oceans, and each of us can bring our own reusable shopping bags to the market when we shop. We believe we can and need to protest against global warming and pollution. Let’s save our future! The Long Ridge School community is working together to collect single-use plastic to find out how much single- use plastic the school uses each week. These are just some of the ways to help our environment.

The Global Environment March and Fridays for Future have helped the world become more aware of global warming. Nasa scientists believe there are many reasons for global warming. 97 percent of scientists agree: “Climate warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.” What do you think you can do to help the world become a better place?

Sources:, 4Ocean: Actively Cleaning our Oceans and Coastlines


By Owen Black and Will DeSantis

There are currently over five trillion pieces of plastic floating in the oceans worldwide. This staggering number is scary, but there is hope. 4Ocean is a company that is trying to take this numerous amount of plastic out of the ocean. It is also the biggest trash-cleaning company on earth. The problem of too much plastic is global, and the company 4Ocean is helping.

The company started when the founders, Andrew Cooper and Alex Schulze, took a trip to Bali, Indonesia. Newsweek reports that Schulze said, “The plane was landing, and I saw what I thought were big lines of seaweed. But they were actually little tide pools of plastic. The beach was just covered in plastic.” Andrew and Alex saw fishermen actually plowing through mounds of garbage to get to open water. They realized that if they hired fishermen to pull plastic from the ocean, they could clean the oceans. Cooper and Schulze founded 4Ocean in January, 2017. 4Ocean funds its efforts from the sale of 4Ocean products. These products are mentioned later in the article. Andrew Cooper and Alex Schulze created an amazing company two years ago, and they are working very hard to sustain it.

The 4Ocean company works seven days a week. They have taken about 7,057,504 pounds of garbage out of the ocean, and that number is still climbing. If you want to monitor the amount on the 4Ocean website, go to The company is not global yet, but they are working in 27 countries so far. Carissa Lewis (LRS science teacher and future Head of School) was asked for her opinion of 4Ocean and said, “Not only are they actively helping to clean the ocean, they are recycling and reusing the materials they collect and giving the average person an opportunity to also be involved in helping the oceans.” These materials are being recycled and repurposed.


The 4Ocean company sells bracelets, metal water bottles, and clothing. The 4Ocean bracelet beads are made of glass and plastic water bottles, that have been discarded in the ocean. All items are cleaned before they are used in products. 4Ocean has 25 bracelets so far, and they come out with a new one every month. You can sign up for a monthly subscription, - a new bracelet every month - buy a two pack, or just buy a single bracelet. 4Ocean creates many amazing products

On October 13 and 14, 2019, 4Ocean had a clean-up meeting called Water Warriors Summit. The WWS met to discuss how to protect the Chattahoochee River basin in Georgia. Almost twenty years ago, the city of Atlanta was forced to remove 1,136,000 pounds of trash, including seven automobiles, from streams that feed into the Chattahoochee!

4Ocean will keep cleaning up, and you can help! We hope you have learned a lot about this amazing company. If you want to help them out, buy their products and go to their cleanups on November 23, 2019 in !

Sources: 4ocean photo courtesy of Rock Shops: Through the Years

By Leonardo Ferraro


At The Long Ridge School there is a thing called a Rock Shop. What is a Rock Shop? Who are in the Rock Shops? I will answer these questions and more. Read on.

A Rock Shop is a territory at The Long Ridge School where people build rock walls or trade rocks and sticks. Students think it’s like the caveman times when they builT stuff out of sticks and rocks. Now people are trading and sharpening sticks to build or break things. Students are keeping their most valuable rocks in rock safes where they cover their valuable rocks in giant rocks.

I interviewed Danny Cepeda, the LRS facilities manager. I asked him how Rock Shops have changed since he started working at LRS in 1993. He said that many years ago it started as stick huts, and every summer the camp dismantled the huts and threw the sticks into the woods. In 2003, students started using the rocks from the stone walls and the huts evolved. Now, trading is a huge part of Rock Shops. Every new school year, Rock Shops begin with a new clean start because the camp takes them down every summer.

I have interviewed PattI Lesando, the LRS secretary, about Rock Shops. She told me interesting things about Rock Shops. I asked her how long Rock Shops have been in this school. Since Patti can remember, the Rock shops have been popular. People in Rock Shops have traded rocks and sticks and they build with sticks and break stuff with sticks.

I have interviewed Will Desantis, a 4th grade student at LRS. He told me what he builds in Rock Shops. He builds shelters made out of sticks and rock walls. I also interviewed Mark Feygin, another 4th grade student, who is going to tell me what people do with sticks and rocks. They build traps and forts and trade with sticks, rocks, and litter. I have also interviewed Felix Katch, a 3rd grade student, and he is going to tell me why they trade sticks. They trade sticks to build teepees and shelters. I have interviewed Dév Shrikam and he told me about what he did in Rock Shops. He told me that he and his friends chipped rocks. I have interviewed Wes DeNatale and he told me what he does in Rock Shops. He does digging and planting safes in his Rock Shop, like under the stump and in the ground. Sometimes there are also vice Rock Shop leaders.

I work in Rock Shops and all I know is people train to build and dig in the dirt and people have fun. I have positive reviews about Rock Shops and I have fun. People are having fun with Rock Shops and I had fun talking about them with you. I would suggest we should have a Rock Shop Summit. I’m Leonardo Ferraro and and this is Rock Shops: Through the Years! The Pokémon Company: A Card Game


By Felix Katch

Do you like Pokémon? Pokémon is a Japanese media company, and they make TV shows, card games, video games, toys, books and costumes. The company has been around for 23 years, and it has a global presence. In this article you will learn about all things Pokémon.

Did you know The Pokémon company was launched in 1996 in Japan? The creator was named Satoshi Tajiri. The company came to the U.S.A. in 1998.

In that time, the company made different cards. In the card game, you play an opponent and each person is the trainer. Each trainer tries to choose a very good card, and puts it on the table. You know it is the best card when it has the best health and power.

Did you know Pikachu the mouse-like Pokémon, is the face of Pokémon? There are more than 720 creatures in the Pokémon world. The Pokémon trading card game company has sold over 21.5 billion cards in 74 countries in 10 languages. Did you know Pokémon is short for “pocket monster”? Here are some examples of Pokémon popular characters: Onix, Pikachu, Laparas and Raichu.

I like Pokémon because I can trade cards with friends and keep some too. I love to play, but most of all, I love making new friends through the game. This year, I made two new 3rd Grade friends at LRS, Adam and Ben, because we instantly connected over Pokémon and the cards. I hope someday you will get some cards too! Well I hope you liked this article. If you made cards… what would you make?!

Sources: pikachu-custom-pokemon-card, on/sun-moon-base-set- singles/lapras-gx-151-149-hyper- /1110250



The Evolution of Cruise Ships By Mark Feygin

Cruise ships have existed for many, many decades. Since we all make mistakes in order to learn, there have been many, many structural mistakes since the beginning of cruise ships (i.e. sinking ships). Those mistakes may have been fatal, but they also help the cruise lines learn from their mistakes and make ships safer and more luxurious at the same time. It all started in 1900, when the first set sail, the German cruise liner Prinzessin Victoria Luise.

This ship was a breakthrough in history. She sailed for 16 years before crashing into rocks off . Many new cruise lines were born and after a while came the birth of the White Star Line. The first ship of that line was the Oceanic. There is a long list of ships, but I’m not going to take too much time.

Let’s fast forward to the 1910s, when the launch of the Titanic occurred. The massive ship was said to be unsinkable, but the builders never claimed that as true. Titanic would have been unsinkable if a fire hadn’t broken out in the bow (front) section. The fire was noticed by all workers, but left burning. When put out, the fire had caused very little damage to the ship’s interior, but a black line appeared on the exterior of the ship. The black line indicated that the ship’s bow had been “charred” and the metal had melted slightly and weakened the ship’s integrity. Had there been no fire, Titanic’s steel shell plating would not have buckled inward when the iceberg collided with the ship.


The next ship I’ve studied is the White Star Line - the Britannic. During its build, World War 1 began. This caused the builders to reinforce the by making the ship wider by 2 feet. The ship was built flawlessly, but it sank due to striking a sea mine, which was not meant to target a hospital ship like Britannic, but activated on collision. The massive ship sank bow-first, just like the Titanic, and the captain tried to run the ship aground on the island of Kea. Two of the ship’s 3 propellers were put into motion to turn the ship, as the bomb explosion disabled the rudder. That didn’t do anything, but they however did chop up lifeboats that didn’t turn away from the sinking ship. Then the ship leaned over and continued sinking bow-first. Then, almost completely underwater, she strikes the bottom.

Let’s switch to modern times now, shall we? I am going to go in chronological order starting with 1994 all the way to current day. Now, starting with the Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL). The NCL has many ships. Let’s start with the S.S. Southward. It was scrapped after 1994. When scrapping a boat, they take the boat apart and use the parts/pieces for other ships. This tends to happen when the boat is old or not being used any longer. Originated as the S.S. Seaward, the Superstar Libra is what once was the and now serves for the Asia . There is also the S.S. , which was originally the S.S. , being scrapped in 2008. Also, we can’t forget the , the US flagged, NCL sailed vessel, based in Honolulu, Hawaii. You can come to to find the cruise liner Norwegian Sky. Sailing in Alaska, the is the newer of the 2 Sun Class ships, the Norwegian Sun and the Norwegian Sky. Being at one point the Superstar Leo, the cruise liner joined the NCL fleet in 2004. If you’re searching for the , look in the Carribean Islands.


Originated in Asia Star cruises, the sails to the Carribean and the Bahamas. There is the , the oldest of the Jewel Class. Then there are the other Jewel Class ships: the , Pearl, and Gem. There is also the , which is not in any class but its own. The can be found in . Also in the Breakaway Class, the sails in . Unveiled in 2015, the is the older of the two Breakaway Plus vessels. In that class is also the . being launched in 2018, the is one of the newest of the Norwegian fleet. If you want more information, watch this video:

These ships may have as many (possibly fatal) flaws as luxuries. The next ships might be more luxurious and safer. Here’s one problem. The Norwegian Escape encountered one-hundred-mile- per-hour winds and leaned 30 degrees. Maybe the more high-tech ships will be much harder to tip. I hope you learned more about THE EVOLUTION OF CRUISE SHIPS!


LRS Comedians!

Jokes by: Felix Katch

● Two people walk into a bar. One asks for H2O. The other man asks for H2O too. One man passes out. OOF!! Why did he pass out? H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide! ● Who cleans the ocean? The mermaid! ● What do you call a bear with no ears? B. ● What button can’t unbutton? Your belly button! ● What is the tallest building in the world? A library because it has so many stories!!!!!!

Jokes by: Leo Ferraro

● Today I said why is there a bird inside our house and then my dad said they are nature’s troublemakers. ● Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil? Because it’s pointless! ● What animal talks the most? A yak! ● What brings the monster’s babies? Frankenstork! ● What musical instrument does the skeleton play? The tromBONE.

Jokes by: Dév Shrikam ● What happened to the camper who swallowed a flashlight? He hiccuped with deLIGHT. ● Camper- what has 6 eyes, 10 arms, is 6 feet tall, and green all over? Counselor: I don't know. Camper: I don't know either, but there’s one right outside our tent. ● Why did the turkey cross the road twice? To prove he wasn't a chicken! ● When do you serve rubber turkey? Pranksgiving! ● Why did they let the turkey join the band? Because he had the drumsticks!


Jokes by: Milan Arpino ● Man 1: How did you get that horrible swelling on your nose? Man 2: I bent over to smell a brose. Man 1: But there’s no B in rose. Man 2: There was in this one.. ● Knock knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you happy I’m here??

Jokes by: Owen Black ● Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to check her balance; So I pushed her over. ● My dog used to chase people on the bike a lot. It got so bad, I finally had to take his bike away. ● I’m so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed. ● Why aren’t koalas actually bears?; they don’t meet the koalafications! ● What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? SUPPLIES!

Jokes by: Will De Santis ● Knock Knock. Who’s There? Kanga kanga. Kanga Kanga Who? Actually it's kangaroo. ● What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. ● I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger; then it hit me. ● Did you hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu - you get what you deserve. ● My boss told me to have a good day; So I went home.

Jokes by: Mark ● What time is it when the clock strikes 13? Time to get a new clock. ● Why did the dinosaur cross the road? because the chicken wasn’t born yet. ● What did the astronaut say when he crashed into the moon? I Apollo-gise ● What did the nose say to the finger? Quit picking on me! ● Why did the kid bring a ladder to school? because she wanted to go to high school!


Hoot Staff

3rd grader Felix Katch is an avid Besides being passionate Pokemon fan. So much so, he about the environment, decided to write an entire article 4th grader, Will about the popular card game! DeSantis, enjoys acrylic Felix is also a plane buff, he has painting and sketching. His favorite artist is a huge passion for all things Vincent Van Gogh. aircraft!

5th grader Owen Dev Shrikam is a 5th Black loves to grader and lifer at read, write and LRS. He enjoys ski. His favorite eating raclette and author is Mitch sushi. Dev loves Albom, who singing, especially wrote Tuesdays ballads and musicals. with Morrie. Dev loves his dog, Owen’s favorite Yogi, a Teddy Bear food is filet Schnoodle. mignon.


Mark is a 4th grader. He is very interested in the evolution of maritime technology. Other interests include fishing, biking with his family, kayaking.

Leo is a very talented gamer, and he often Milan Arpino is a 5th helps teachers at LRS grader and lifer at LRS. with technology Soccer is his world, and he questions. He is also an also enjoys culinary enthusiastic experiences. Besides writer/reporter! Leo has writing about the a younger sister, environment, Milan loves Annabella. playing the drums, piano, and playing Lego.