Mount Vernon Democratic Banner March 1, 1872
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Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1872 3-1-1872 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner March 1, 1872 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner March 1, 1872" (1872). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1872. 28. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1872 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .. L. HARPER, Editor and Proprietor.] A. FAMILY NEWSPAPER-DEVOTED TO POLITICS, NEWS, AGRICULTURE, LITERATURE, THE ARTS AND SCIENCES, EDUCATION, THE MARKETS, &c. [$2,00 Per Annum, in Advance. VOLUME XXXV. MOUNT VERNON, OHIO: FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1872. Nl_TMBER 43. PlllSTED A:<!D PUBLISHED WEEKLY USEFUL INFOUillA.TION, l\Irs. Turner lifted the gossamer white Tiller looked amazed when Eva burst into TRE SHAKER!I". Nicely Caught. ~ll jorts oi farn.9rnplis. BY L. HARPER. dress, and turned it over and over. 'fhe the ante•room, her cheeks burning, her At a masked firernfn's ball in New Or• CHURCH DIRECTORY. square and compass placccl there by Mr. eyes flashing with joy and excitement. What They Believe, and Their Social lellns, a fow weeks =, .,_ gay and hand• Durant flashed uf"n the eves of all. The "Do not stop me; I am going in!" she • Customs. - · - ~·cit,;~i,:nati . is 7maze,1"i;y ';~ i;"iw OFFICE CORNEA MAIN ANO GAMBIER STS Cktistian Chttrch, Vine Street, between Gay doctor and Mr. '.I u mer, looked at each oth exclaimed. But the inner door was fasten• some man who had refuse<l to .hLi violinM. LOST, and McKensic. Services every Sabbath at 10½ er, but neither spoke, and ~Ir,;. Turner did ed, aad the impatient Eva nearly cried TLeir primary principle., arc "[,':uth, wife to the ball on :1 pica of business, was 'l'ERM,.-,~.00 per (lllllllm, strictly in ad· o'clock A. l\l. and 7~ o'clock P. M. Sabbath .6&- A chilling frost lias nipped Cali• The 1noou. cowes out a.n,d gli1uwers, not notice the tear that glistened in her with vexation. · hope, honesty, continence, innocence, slw• muc h s t rue k Ly a• t ranger, 11 !uuy-" m· n fornia's orange!'. ,a.nee. School at9 o'clock A. l\1.-Elder L. F.BITTL!t. husband's eyes. No new cnlereJ. upvu onr Looks, unless,rlioal Lutlurmi Cluo·ch, Sandusky St. 'l'he stars like diamonds gleam, " Wait a moment," said the 'l'iler, who 1• . k • m""k. On her he exe~., all h'- f:a•cina• And long 9reeu bows tue wah·iug The doctor's fearo that E l'a woulcl not having heard uolhing of what had trans• P tcity, mee 11ess, prudcnc,,, patience, - ""'-u ,.. • ~ To foil mau aogs cm·a,c your pc· 'I\ m pa.nicd b;r the money. -Rev. ELL8LE1!. J7!iB" Advert1Sing done at the usual rnte,. Presbyterian, Cl,w·ch, corner Gay arn.l Chest O'er a plea~ant mountain ~trearu. recover proved to be well founded; days !?ired within, was at a loss to account thankfulness, and charity." :\ , irgin life lions. stove .Pipe. nut ,treets.-Rev. D. Il. HERVEY. and weeks of feyer succeeded in awaken· tor 1he strange conduct of the child; wait is strictly beliercd to be essential to a trne "Oh, •ir, you qui lo put me cut v, ith your And my tu.oughts travel backwllrd le- We are lh·iug in eternity no,v, if Methodist Epi,copal Olw,rch, corner Gay am.I ing her to life, durine: which she talked in• a moment, and I will send your request to foll6wcr of Christ; only the cbildn.n of the flattery [ I suspec~ yon are a tilllrried wo know ii. 2.'aAVELEB.'B GVIDE, Chestnutstreets.-Rev. W. D. GODMAN. • Into the long, dead years~ And your tace comes out before me, choherently of"papn.' '·and "poor mamma," Mr. Turner. He will come out and see maut so.iJ the lady. -0-- Protestant Epi8cop-vl 0/t.u~k, corner Gay anU and of the "burning ship," and of "htm· you.'' world marry and are given In lJlarriagc. "!-lo, indeed. but I confe.s a willing- ~Since that Byron meo,, Mn,. oto\l@ Cleveland, Columbus& <Jin, n· n. Highotroots.-:Rev. --- Seer through a mist of tears.· has subsided. 1!4e "6llthod:ld" Chwrch, Mulberry street, ger." She finally awoke to conciousness, "I shall not wail! I do not want to see A true believer's 1lulon is sp,rltual, und nl:'83 to get married since I have had the 1V a met------we lo,·cU- we parted; and asked many questions as to where she SHELBY TI.ME TATILE. between Sugar and Harutramic.-Rev. J. H. i\Ir. 'l'urner, I want to see papa.'' needs no fleshly support. Their parentage plea•uro of seeing you," was the gallant fi5Y" llmu Lrea•J i, a .ure cu,e fo r dys• H 'MILTON. The story neYer new 1 was and how she came in the dark room, "The cbilcl is crnzy, that is evident," is spiritual, and produces uo floshly off• reply. Goi11g Sottt,\.-llail & Express ......... V:31 A. M. lived-we hoped-we waited, pepsia, 11nd 8Urli. Night E.xpres, ..........5:18 P. M, Catholic Church, corner lligh and McKen• ,vc and who were those who attended her, but said the perplexed Tiler to himS'elf; but •·indeed: but ,·uu ha,·o not ,ceu my New York E.,pres., ....9:55 P . M, zie.-Rev. JULIUS BRE:ST. An<l so the grew. Dr. Hunt, forehacle her being questioned calling out the deacon, he bade him say spring. Their inheritance i, spiritual, and face yet. ''. lfiir HttppiaeoE t."u11~bte, iu the kbHity Go i11 g .Vo,·th-New York I:xpress .... .1:51 P. M. .Baptitt Church, Vine •treet, between .Mul• until stronger. that Eva was there and was determined to cannot be controlled by human laws.- ".No, but I know iL io beautiful. The to apprcciatfl. berry and lleeha.nic.-Rev. -:A., J. lVLANT. A vast sea rolls between us, Night Expr<ss ........... G:50 P. lL A gulf that time has madfl', How interested were all all in tue little get into the lodge room. • Their temporal pro~rty, which is necessa• exquisite graco which accompanies crery- Ma.ii & Express ......... 8:00 A. M. CongJ•tgaci.onal C!m,rcA, Main strcet.-Rev. ,GEif- i'cra11u111, l'u., J1.1..i u lu\\ !ialoon T. E. MONROE. New habits grew upon us, convalescent, whom the elements had cast Tue deacon went to the Ea,t, and deliv• ry for the support of the body while iu life. tiring you do and sar tell me as much.'' culled .. l'he (:olden Age.'' Old beauties fai nt and fade. into the little seabo11rd town ! The ladies ercd his message in a low tone, and a mo-- "Do you really thmk so~" Baltimore and Ohio R11Uroa,1. United Preabyteria,i Churcl1,, co.rner !fain and Sugar streets. ---- declared that. never before clid a child pos· ment afterward moved "that the craft he is regu!'1,ted by a sacred compact.. By mu• "I think so, but you will no louger deny ~ Sumu~r woaue to b~t t11raut "ith [LA.KE ERIE DIYISJON.J 'fake oue last look behind you sess such beautiful curls, while the geutle• called from labor to refreshment." tual .agreement it is consecro.led to rcligi• me that satisfaction, for I ru<sure you, la• the Oerwan ,ote. GOING NOI!TII. Into the vale years, men •eemed no less interested, and brought SOCIETr MEE2'11'fGS, Does my face come before you, "Now," said Mr Turner; "tell the Tiler ous uses {or the benefit or the whole body, dy, that I aUl deeply iu lo,e." . I@- There io a tcnUt:11cy t-0warJn ~kin Way }' reight ................................. 8:00 A.lll Seen through a. miat of tears. her gifts of everything that might please to let her come in." and descends to their spiritual heirs. "Indeec1 l" · dt•case at prescul. FreJght and Accomwodatlon ............10:00 .A.. M MASONIC:. her childish fancy. · • And Eva did come, or rather bounded, T Ii .,. ed "It is true. l,ntil I m~t yon to•night, Expre" and Mail. ...................... 1:57 P.lll 1 sat10 MT. ZION LoDOE, No. 9, meets at Masonic "lily dear little girl," said Dr. Hunt into the hall, more beautiful in her excite• l.te rst gospe uispen n nppear wom~n have looked to mo boniel, ,md t;l@" Th,, appearauce "f the dolet.; \1111 Through Freight ..... ...................... 5:4'! P. ll ment than ever before. She aclvanced to in the male in the person of Je•u• Christ. oommonplace." · lie uuly annouucc.J. Chicago Express ........................... 5:4.>1'.:M. Ball, Main st.reet, the first J'rhlay of Eva The Mason's Chil(l. when Eva was at length able to ride out, each month. ' uwill you. tell me your nu.m e?" the centre of the room and stood beside the Tho seconcl gospel dispensation was man!• "Oh, you arc j.:,linf' GOING SOCTII. lJ'ii:t" During Lent tli rtiug will of wursc CLINTO:-f C1:L\PTJm, No. 26, meets at.Ma.son CHAPTER I.