PRESE.\TS NATIONAL OPERATIC and DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION Headquarters : NODA Ho use, 58-60 lincoln RG~d , Peterborough PE I 2RZ Telephone: 0870 710 2480 Fn: 0870 770 2490 ,-mall. [email protected] website:

Tht ~til Q :u!. Optrauc ed Drll!lln.:: Anochcou (}\,ODA) wl'o foUlldtd!JI IS99 lDd hu. nwnbtnhip 0!25OO ama:f'Ilr tbHtrt !Mt:p, wi 1000 tDdnidlul tn!bu;.un throu¢out 1lt LX. mpu: muuc.w. opr.1l. pla)'L (OtICti"n. md panIolllimfS 10 • i\'d, \"1.-ltty of pt:iormul.& \'t.CtH ll.lI:i:lr ~m d::t (oantty' !u~ proftmonal muOH IV ,ill", b.1h

KODA :~ dit.idtd ! , l,n:l r"ions. ncb huiltil by I1fP~C.t1 (~UJ:;tl.lloJ wbo 1<1\ on the utlo:ul cO\Ul\:il ('da ru.l.!.r.; bod)' of !hi Anod.lcoo~ suppo ~ b}' • llerxon of npoull ,l!pr.stllUn''''5. Tui' 180 "oluetH!'} lit the \iul bIlk [0 tht pus roo" ofw Anocl.1oOll. m. I!llllr.ll m.tl1l't !101!ps mtJ::lu,!ns. Th' ..\nOOJooo n ldm.uui."tn;i from tIS HtfI~,m 10 Pelf:\Jo{ou:;b.. " 'j:!). " kl»\\'!df:ublf Illd mt::ldly naff .b:. to d.aJ WlIt li.'11aliy any mqwry ~l.JOIlJ UlllDJtl".lllittltrt.

TIl.!, is • broad sptur\1!ll of '1ft :n\'CI\~ 1:1 unarl!ll! IM~C" t..Itlon\\~t nom .. baqeollil::~ J:.umbti" cfyer,lIh p-oups to A4"J.i! COlJlpuUt5 wb.tcll D:Mf dle :1u4i o! alll~U!1 of b

:\-ODA aims: u To &in I ~d \-01" 10 ml m1I.ltlrW.trt "nor o Tohtlp llll1!tlU wdftin ed iIIdn1du.b IrlDtn tilt hlP:t31 tuDdards ofbtst pllCtlU 1I1d pmCJrnWlC. o To pfO\ide It-adtlUlp wd Io;,h.~t to t ubit IDU!tW tt.utr. 10 Qd;~ m. d:lll t. QI'~ Ind opporno.inu of Iht ':!l" ctnrur)'

BtDtfir\ of mtmbtnbip Indudt .telU lQ XODA I .d\;u Sotn.u 1/ UlnC!llJi ud r.~oul I.nt ftprHf::ltlncn 10 100'tr:!JlMOI fandlD! IItncw npr1t.olden .:u1 11:1 m.G1J. wd KCfll to confuUot.u, ,,'ottsCopi wd lHlWl11\ [0 http U:a!t lllfonn.moD O!l btl: pmtlt-. NODA aha holds III anmal tHidcnal Smnmu School (lrr.h b~Slnfl Oiftllq trIlnm! fnlm pro!t~llO~ ru::on UI dnmJ ptrfarlllJUl:t. mwlC dtncrm:, musical [bum, 'tllf MnI~:I'!1t and oll:m COunt.l (Of pt-.rformm chAetan I~ ttchr.Kanl If pubh5hu reJUlar Tfpoui m.a!-lZinM 1£Id its 1J1W1trly .\'OD.-4 ."'·orIlUl,,1 -'"f'WS_ m..1 ho!ds aO!lll11lJ1noctl !nd reponal m!l.tmtllt llId Poutrcompem:iom.. fO t%KOWIl' lbt hly:.Ul SIllldanb m dtli,:n. P.l!! XODA libraI')' 1£Id M•• ti:I; ~m p!'olid.s leeK' 10 • COmpnM!HI\" rf:uarcb anlu\1! af 'Korn . tibnrti II1d ref&/!Qct books. 11 ll',1l u. 1m utl1;crin room. for 1Ilft0llf1

"ODA's rJdUl.: uu, :\"ODA LltlIiud, aen I~ 1 :nKb.ln!uu fWo mUll! addlnatal funds fDol fbi Au oc.1lOon. 111 pubtl.ibIq Uplrn:!lt!ll ~ODA PU:lom=u, aff!n O\-e 90 tt.llnl!:Q: i( by \1llh popullr .udlon u LtonJ1d C~· Ptru Dtllytr Srtpht:l. DIrlhm.. R.or. HIn. ROOm MWQ'il,'t . !oho Morlf:y and Dmd Swu. md othtr P1:Il!tkari!nl~ mchl(h!I ~ U! IW:mq &!w mumt.! 1M S/lppn (1".4 rl!. 110.:. II!I.d ~.\ !t'r ptrfOIm!n a.n:! d.i!K(W1 Itl SbHl ~1uU( Sm,u an lUWly popular md cbscllrt Klll!s.. 10m. OUI ofpnu II 1110 o~ Lot.; Sen.,,, A,,·uds llId dt~OQ!.n au pl.yscnpu, Itbmti ar.d ;.tarK thelIa- bock, from Itf ClII!OlUe af A .t: C Blld., tIub.up from {bL'1K F., Fox. ,M tt!tphO!ll bl1!i thrG'Cr;h elm SYUfIlU by Up :0 sO' , talow lbt 3I naDdard fltt (whh S', of all 'In cllu,tl d ~CJl! d til SODA}

~ODA IUUUIH. p!o\'l df:t~' lloyd &:: Wb)1t ad Illldtr'QoTintn by AXA. offen. camprthllHl\'1 m'UflIlCl! pack.:e for 1m.IltUl thellft poupi. (30'_ dlY-OWlt to ~ODA tntDlbti"i), Ttlrp!lon! 0&45 130 I 368 f~ , furtb!f dttlib. BAOS Presents West Side Story

Director Barry Wiles

Musical Director Choreographer Tim Reade r Lizzy Westney

Tuesday 23rd March-Saturday 27th March 20 I 0 Evenings at 7:30pm. Saturday Matinee at 2:30pm


The use of tape recorders. video equipment and cameras is not permitted. Smoking is NOT permitted in the auditorium Pl ease ensure that all mobile phones are switched off. Th ere will be one interval of twenty minutes There will be a gun shot during Act 11

This production is entered for

THE ROSE BOWL AWARDS FOR AMATEUR DRAMA & MUSIC Sponsored by the Bristol Evening Post

WESTSIDE STORY Based on a conception of J e rome Robbins Book by Arthur l...·lUTcnts : Music by Leonard Be rnstein : Lyrics bv Stephen Sondheim Entire QI'iginal production directed and c ho reographed by Jerome Robbins Origin.llly produced on Bro.'\dway by Rnberl£ GrilTIlh & Harold Princr. b~ with Roge r tSte\·ell~ . This amatc-u r produ(.'Cion is p_rt'scntcd b,' arr.mRl."mcnt witll JOSEF WEINBERGER L1MlTED o n behaJft)fMU)ICT.HE'ATR6 Ii\'l'l:RNATroNAL orNEw YonK

'BMJS Bristol Amateur Operatic Society Founded 1894 Junior Section Established 1990

AOUiated to the National Opera Lie and Dramatic :\ ssociation PATRON Hi s Grace the Duke of Beaufort

PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT David Whitehead Petel- Lamb

Chairnlan ...... Tina Ayers-Hunt Vice Chairnlan ...... Paul Dyson Business Manager ...... Rob McDonald Treasurer ...... Sarah Christnlas secretary ...... Talnar Hankinson Box Office Manager ...... Hazel Coles Publicity ...... 5an1 Boardn1an Social Sccrctar)· ...... lizzy Westney Acting Members' Representative ...... Natasha Green

OTHER OFFICERS '. ,_,,,' •• ' .. ,.;:< /~ -! __~,!,:""..~"~ M

Membership and Patrons Secretary ...... Louisc Milne NODA Representative ...... _.. _...... _. _...... , ...... Anna Sutto n Website ...... Rob McDonald Front of House Manager ...... , ...... Barry Wiles Archivist ...... Peter Lamb FROM OUR CHAIRMAN ... TINA AVERS·HuNT

I .am pleased to welcome you once again to our ~how at the Victoria Rooms. This wa~ In) nr31 ~,,-·a .. 33 Cbairman and it has been a \'ery rewardmg one being part of a new Commillce "hich h.h \\ol'kc(1 extremely hard to put th{" society on a stronger financial footing. We- ha\'c m ..magl.'d this \\ ith e\ e ryone' shelp hy arranging many<;ing actl"ities.

The .,ho\\ this rcar is one, which the mcmlx'rs bah,,' been wishing to perform for some time, particularl) as it shows ofT their ~ingiDg and dmdng .. kills.

Wc~l S.dl' Story is .;ct in a tough Ne\\ York ~eighhourhood ",hert" the stT ~el gangs battle for lI:.'rritory amlcti with knh-f'"~. gun~ and rocb. The )'oung protitgonht, Tony. one of Lht! Jt't.s, fall., in lO\t~ with Maria, th\, si-'ter of Bcrnanlo, the 1~J.d~r of the Shark.... This determined Im'e afl'air ~t'b 0 11' a G\lamitous chain uf C'\'cnt~ that. in the emJ, manage to instil hope in di\'cr"ity!

We hope that """'est Side SlOr:" \\ ill he cqua.Il~· app~aJiHg to our regular patrons and you \\ ill recommend it to your fTie nd~. The production team of B..lIT)' Wiles, Director, Tim Headl!r, MD and Lizzie Westncy. Choreographer h;H't! worked n~ ry hard to gi H~ you a superb production_


We."l S id l~ Story is a grown-up American mU$ical ua'icd on William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juli(,l in \\hich, interestingly. the music is: by 1.eonard Bernstein with lyrics b) Stcphl!n Snndheim. \\ ho of course went to compose a great number of brilliant musicals himself. It opened 011 B road\\'a~' in 1957, directed and choreograpbeo hy Jerome Robbins and produced by Rolx.'rt [: , Gt;ITIth and Ilaroid Price and it marked Stephen Sondheim's Broadway debut. It ran lor 732 p('rfoJ"lllan('{!s (a su<.'C(,~~ rul run for the time), befol-c going on tour. Mon: recent!) the

sho\\ c: nj o)cd ;t revival in the \Vest Enel in 2008. folJo\\cd by a UK tom- ami this has spa rkt'd some regional amateur grollpS In lackie it. Sl't in New York City in the mid 1950$, th~ musicell explores the rivalry bClweC'1l th,' J('t.'i ami tit(' Sharb tW() teenage !itreN gangs of different ethnic' and cullur~1 backgrounds. The clark thc~ m e. ~p hi s ti cated music, eX'lcndecl dam."e· 'icenelot, ami rocu ~ on social problems mill-ked a turning point in American musical theatre. &rnstcin',s ..core for the musical has become cxtn·mcl) popular, \\ith some timclc",s da,.• "siC!i. indudjng: "Marla", "A merica", "Somcllhcrc" and "Tonlaht". This is a musical of substance and I bdic' "c audiences gel thei r monc)"s ',orth, both in terms of storyline. chureography and music, T hi ~ b my final pnx lu(.1:ion as President, 3S T h,1\"(' servecl my term and it is the right time 1'( 11- ~ollleonc new to tah· on the rcim .md support the SOCiety going forward , I would like to \\ ish them evcry ,su(:ccss in the fu ture and ean I also olTer 111) Sincere thanks to all those who ha ve ~upportC'd the Society in the past fhoc year.!>.


I was born jU)ol after the Secont.! \Vorld \Var.

What is clear to me is bo\\ the must important moments in history that I have seen nrc now largely forgotten. Society's forget.fulness Illa) aroll~c in me c;onSlCrnaOQn, even anger, but, on reflection, perhaps the past should bt- left to lie. For if the new gener.ltion knows nothing of fascism, anti­ Se mitism, r.lasm. the threat of me Bomb, a world dividc:d ber\\cen ::,upe rr ower~ who could destroy us all in four minutes by the macho pressi ng of a button, is this a bad thing? Yet this is the world \\e rc\;sit in " 'vV~l Side Story". Doc is a J€'\\ \\ hose family has been decimatcd by Nazism. His attitude towards \ iolence is against a background of gas chamhers and inhumanity. "You make thi" world IOllsy!" he says and Action replies "That's the way \\t!' found it, Doc",. In the hlstory or mankind. can that ~talcm(.:nt eyer ha\·c been truer than in the J 950 .. ?

Bitler experience, rna) lead Action and hi ... Cello\\ JNS rrom gang culture to build a world \\ hic:h is a betler "place for us". Hatred of ~ group i .. hatred of all the many indh'iduals within that grCllIp and when you came dO\\11 to it, person by persoll, you cannot not really hate in that way, At the end of the piece, Maria, in ht!r grief, cr i~ :. out that she has now learnt to hate; but it is 111\' belief that she cannot,

Wc ha\(' put a lot of thought, efforrand lime into this production. We have drawn music from tht' gods and dance from the devil. 'We have principals to .,woon over and a chorus to marn:1 at. \Vc knO\\ it is good, As WiUI c\'cry work of art, some part of eadl of our souls is tht!re. \Ve want you to leave some part of your SQuL behind you as recompensc. If you arc in tear:., \\ e ha\c our !'eward. If not, we only ask that you tr(,d.d sorlly because you lread 011 our dreams!

I alll delighted to be directing \Vest Side tory as my first main produ(·tion for BAO, , Pre\ ious productions I ha\'c directed include "AlIo, Allo!", "The Ghost Train", "Kiss Me Kate" and "Irene", Pans that I have played in the past indude Gerald in "Me and My Girl", :'-1a.t'h,lIl LJl'troit in '"Guys and DoLls", Fagin in "Oli.\'t:'r!" and Herod in "Rock Nath;t')·.. ,


''No ordinary musical ' !rcst 5iJe Swry is lhe finest Illll ... k:a.i e,'er written, Leonard Bernstein is a 'DI ··· , ~ Hyperbole? When I heard people say such things, I used to think so. BUl increasing familiarity with the work

For the musically curious, Ibten OUt for the interwcaving of th{'me~ and melodies most on:-rtl) nidt:nt in the exhilarating Act 1·, 'Tonight (Quimet)'. and more subtly in places such as till: Halcon) Scene when the Fn'nc'h horn forc .. hado\\\ 'Som('\\h(!rc' under Tony's 'Tonight' reprise. Also, the colourful mntif!i of the Jt'b (th..... truning. !lwaggt'ring an<1 slabbing sounds first heard in the Prologue I and that c\'er-prcst::nt and jarring 'u-itonc' which pervades the scort' from start to finish (a tritone is the uncomfortable .. ounding interval bctween twu notes thal feature in th(! opening of 'tlfd-n·.,'... and indt!ed The Silllpsons Lhemc (une!). And the Musical Director':; highlights? Contenders \\ ould ha\.e to be the inventive percussion and rhythmical writing of 'COQr, the big band cxubNance 01 'Dance at the Gym'. Tony's high B /lat in 'Maria' (which we proudly present to you in this production - many performers opt to sing the alternative, lower ,ers.iun) or the hreathles .. longing of 'Something's Coming', But the mo~t powerful of all has to be the ~hO\\'5 IInal song, the frenzied then serene' A Boy Like Thatl I J-IJ,·e.1 Love'. As his brother Burton said of Ikrn<;'tein, 'He welcomed the 3\·ant-g.1I"d(', bUI he t:hcrhhed the pristine, lovely tunc the simplE' "l')ng.' Th('fe's nothing more arn:sting in this ~ho\, than lhe Simplicity of lhi .. final duet, together with ir."i immutable message: 'your lm'e is ),our life'.

All this greal music; it sta.nds indcp(,ndcntly even before you witness it al ongside the drama and choreograph)· (that I can impartia.lly o;ay is rabulous in this production). Tha['s what makc!I West Side Srory tTul} great: the synthesis of the);e arts, ':lI1d the collaboration of its co-creator!.. That'!\ "hy it endures. That's why it1s a ,\ork of a genius. Tim is a musician, web designer and aspiring rri -athletc who finds it hard to say 'no', \Vest Side Stor)· ha .. heen a lifetime's musical highlight. WW\\ timrcacler co uk

LIZZY WESTNEY-CHOREOGRAPHER " c, >,,' " , ,,"''' ""/?,,,,;,:,~4"

Lin)' has bCl.'n perfornling since ~he was 6 years old. She juined Junior Bloc (now Bi\'tYP) when ~he was 13 and she trained in musical theatre at Laine Theatre Arts the'n worked professionaLl), returning to Brbtol in 2006. Lin}' firsl joim,d BAOS in 1998 where she appeared in "Me a nd My Gir l" and joined the production t'l'ilm in 2008 as Choreographer lor "Ki ss Me ..._ """ Kate" for which sh" rl'tch'ell a RoS(' 110" I nomination. She then choreographed "' A Ch o rus Line" which won th(' Rose 80\\1 A"fard for best musical. L,st )('ar :-he chorco!,rraphed "Crazy fo r Yo u " and "Bris lo l to Broad way" which wcre both oU llitanding successes. Last November. Lizzy choreographed "Oklaho ma!" at the Bristol Hippodrome for BLOC. She is thrilled to return as our Choreographer once again this ycal" for on~ of he.' fa"ourite musicals. Hcr thanks go to her husband lee for heing patient \\ h.iJ e he lost h~r to choreography for so man) evenings anti to Natasha for stepping in as "Dance Captain" during so man) rehearsals. Enjoy the show and thank you for your support.

13A05 Why not I.OP along to the Colston "ord for on l\iter Show Drink?

Ii ,'0" toke your timet st.. b along you will receh'e a 100;. .... t of all food and drink whilst West Side Stor,' is running.

For f ..rther inforntotion. contact

01 .17 376 3~3~

The Colsto.. "ord can be found in Colstoll Street. Bristol (opposite tbe nRI Hosl.itol) THE SCENES ANOTHE SONGS

ACT 1 P.-ologue: The monu,s belore ...... The Sharks and The Jets 5:00 PM : The Street...... Jet Song- RifT and the Jets 5:30 PM: A Back yard ...... Something·s Coming- Tony 6:00 PM : A Bridal Shop 10:00 PM: The Gym ...... Dance at The Gy m- Compan), Mari a- Tony 11 :00 PM : A Back All ey ...... Balcony Sccnc- Tony anel Maria

The Next Day 5:30 PM : The Bridal Shop ...... America- Anit •• Rosa li a anel Girls 6:00 PM : The Neighbourhood ...... Cool- RifT and the Jets One Hand. One Heart- Tony and Maria 9:00 PM : Under the Highway ...... Tonight Company :n0 Rumble-The Sharks and the Jets


9: 15 PM A Bedroom ...... 1 Feel Pretty- Maria and Gi rl s 10:00 PM An other Ail e), ...... 50mewhcrc Gee. Of1lcer Krupke- Jets 1 I :30 PM The Bedroom ...... A Boy Like That- Mari. and Anita 1 have a Love- Maria and Anita I I :50 PM The Cdl.r Mid nigh t The Street...... Finalc--The Company


I{;fr Ian Brook,

Tony Jon Hayes

Action Jake Chew

Diesel Lee Wcstn ey

Snowboy Pete Coltcll

Baby John Rob Kell,v

A-Rab Rob McDonald

Anybody's Georgie Coles

Velma Narissa Course

Graziella Susie Luckman

Zoe Cain

Tamar Hankinson

Justine Marshal,ea

Sam Bodycombe-Jones

Louise Hall

Officer Kru[ Liet/ tenant S



Bernardo Mathew Mead Maria SamanUl. Boardman / Ruth Hanies* Anita Natasha Green Chino Ryan Jacobs Pepe Dan O'Hare InJio Robert James McG rady Chase Rosalia Louise Milne / Sarah Chrislmas+ Consuela Charlotte BWlker Francisca JenHee Hewlelt Simon Barlon Bev Evans

Dominic Stewart Jo Farnall Mike GrifIiths Freya Ne\\'march Wen Shi Annie Rees

* Ruth I-Iarrit:.s = Wedl1~da}'. 111ur~;'t)' and Satui'day i.!xening

+ Chri."'t:m3~::: Friela), ~ ncJ Satunla~ matinl..-c

ULTS len Hambidse - Paul Dyson id Cain is Jip,homas


Samantha Boardman- Ma ria (Tuesday. Fm/o) anJ Sor-urdrlJ matmee}

Samantha h.1<; b('('n !>inging d .... sskall~ '>m("c the agl' ur II . She beg.1n h ...'r pror\~'i.'ional tr.lining in ,\1 u,iLal The.ll n' ill the Bristol AC,ld"IIl) or P"rrorming \rt::. and ha~ since gOIl..:' on to work in hoth lh (> amateur and prores~ion,,1 \Iorld 01 acting. Thi:-. b Iwr flr~1 lead role and ,)11' j-. Jbsoluld} thrilled tu he 1),11"1 of tilt' ~ho\\.

Ruth Harries- If/aria (lIcdnClJa), ThunJ.l,l'. cmJ ~uturJ'~1 cl'cnms)

Ruth II ii' a nll!mbcr 01 HAOS Juni()r!I bdor~' k',ning Bri,wl pl.lying th~' part, ur 101 ..' in Ch,lJwl '!I Eden. RU/h in lhl' p",J(~ '!! Pcn7am;e .lIld the Irbllor in Ch,·u . All"',' frnm Bri .. 10I. ~hc ha!\ pl.Hell (amung.~t other:.) (ham), in )II',W Cron~I. Hope in InphlnS Gl>,!. , Sh ..., j .. l"t ilt;'(1 tt) h,1\(' till' upporlu nit} to play the part 01 Maria, in h.:-r nr~t ~h()11 with the Sen iors .md hop~'~ 11'1 d" it Justic{'. ~~:;;;;;;;;~ Na tash .. Green-Anira

Thi.; produttion mark. i'\atll'lila'!> fourth decadc or being on ~lag('. Whib.l (1Ih"r things ch.mgc. her lo\(' for pcrli)rrning rcmaill~ Co/htMt. "lure rl·Ct·ntly. s.he h.b h""tm ,labhllng in Chorl'ogr,lph~ and Mu .. j( .11 Din·("tiol1. hut i, definitely glad to be on )) t.lge for this show! In her tim ... \\ riling inlorma­ tion on henodl .. he ha:. nel('r dediratl·d a p... r/()rmancc, but IloulcI Iakl· to thank tho))l' that haw hdpt.''' Ill' r gt·t hl"l"(' (mum and dad l'~I)('dal1y) and Iwr brother, Kcrrie and Tamar. Tht· ~ know wh~' . '=''=::=~:=! X\( Mathew M ead - Bernardo

M,uhl"\\ h.1S 011\1 ay.; bCl'/l hl"J"il~' im oiled in 1I11~ world nf th;:.nre ...m:h creclits Lnc.lwle: J;:kyll and I-~I Jt"(CP,I}, 11m IIIl'aJo ((P. IJ. Glenourr), Grin Ross (UIIIE). Th'" \1 ill be hi~ third shOll II itb HAOS ,mel M,'lhcII h;c, Immel thl' pdrt challenging. rl'\'iII"ding amI gooIn.:t'nt and .III! Mathew ha~ ~~~===~ rf>l:{·ntl) gaillCfl hl~ BA I 'on~ in Dram.l .md intends to hit Or.lIlla 'ic;hool next ~ ' car. Jon I-I"ycs-To ny

Jun 1l.J\'{"~ h~ I1l'\f'r beror!.! ~poh'n about hlm ... e1f in the 3rd person. He did \\antonl~' , rccklCS!lI) and $u(:ce~full) Olutillion lor lht' part of Ton)", and con!oOidcrs it lQ be damned good fun. He h.u heen so imprcssc:d by e \ ·er)tl n (·l~ singing and danr-ing tha t he wishes he L'Ould sit in the audience. and "atch! He also lik(.'S to drink nll11 and coke and t:,ln Ix> found in the Colston Yanl if \ (Ill \\ilnt to ~~- . Ian Brooks - Riff

Ian returned to th{' st.-.gc In the Summ('r of 2009, afh:r a 5 year .m!>Cnce, \\ hen he pla)cd the part of Rog('r in Backstage's Production of Rrnt. Thi'i i.. hi ... first produ(:tion for BAOS and he is pleased to

be pia) ing til(' part nf RiO' which i ... [I part that he h.l!1 \\ Jnted to pl.t} lor m;my y"·ar.s, 1.10 hopes you enjoy the shcm . Ryan Ja cobs-Chino

Ryan b. a C.lnadinn actor, \\ho trained at the Nt.1I Jl'orJd School tj'Peiformtns Arts in Miami. Florida. He has perform("ti aU ct\'CT Canada, the U and Europe and is ab.solutdJ delighted to be <'I part of thb pr{)(luction. He 'Iould like to thilnk c"er),ont' for we!t.:Oming him to the I..:a5t with open arms and Ill<'lking thb :. uch a poJ;ith'c experience Jake Chew-Aclion

Thi~ is Jake's 6th conse<.·ul.he )car with B:\O); . pre'iuus shows h,ne included The Scarreroll' in ll'il"ard '!f O~. The First Gan8~rl!r in Kj~f tile Kot.: and very surprisingly Pollllo Lan,q/~'r in Cra:l..j-j()r )'ou , • •• don't as.k!! Jake has al.o;o perlonned for other groups .:md part.~ hal (' included RooSl~r in ."noll·, TobIas in Swune) Todd, II JlI J'arker In Ok/ahoma (for which he was nominah. ..d as hest supportillg oIl.lvr in the ~I)fnctset Fellowship of I)r,lma Awards) and Hichucl SfK!fJord in the U,K Premier of 1I ',uhf!$ '!f Ctwwlck at the Hippodrome. Jake is ler} n,luch IQOking IOr\\ard to playing the part of Action. - + MISEAICOAOIA

BA<9S Under the direction ofMr Tim Reader Reeds Brass Strings

Berry Goddard Andy Hagu e Mark Bunker

Ni cole Vernon NidlOlib Malcolm Lynne McCabe

Keith Morgan Michael Daniels Angela Cart

Elliot Long Ali son Harris Juliet McCarthy James Gardincr-I1'lteman Richard Mander Leonara Dawson-Bowling

Diana Lee aviQ Padni Andy North Hazel Willecome Uz Purnell


Jonathan Goclsall, Ian Stanton and Tim Reader


On Sunday 28th March (7:30pm) The Big Band GaUery: PICt_ures or an Exhibition arranged by Brent Fischer, and old masters: Ellington, Basie, Herman. Mingus, Kenton, Buddy Rich and Quinl) Jones. j\lore information ilnd tickets (L8- L14) from ww"w stgc:orgesbrislol co uk

AUitOlt A STRING QUARTET-(Mark Bunker and Juliet McCmhy)

\Ve regul arly prO\ ide musk for c\\;) & religiou'::' -wedding ceremonies! receptions, corporate entertainment and prh"ate parties. To cont3ct us either email m3rkhunkcr@blu c ~ onder co uk or go to our website http·//web mac com/ kall·,·iQI .. / ivVeb/Sile%103/ W clcome html

LEONORA DAWSON-BOWLING t M ,EZZO SO I' RANO/ ALTO-- Available for solo \\ ork, n ccldings and festivals in London and the uth. QuartcL~, octets and olher chamber groups also a\ ailabl e fo r hire. leonora cijl\vsonbowting@'gmail com 1 w\\ w LconoraDawsonBowlin,g cn uk 1 07876 031 310 BERR Y GODDARD I SAXOPHONE- Lh-e mu.!.ic for all occasions. , , blues, di'll:o CU-. "''''\' bathandbri>;tolmusic co uk I 07941 862617 NICOLE VERNON- Nicole plays soprano, aho and tenor saxophone, clarinet and Oute and has played for a number of years in tht· Midland~ Youth Jazz Orchestra. Last year she pl ayed in a production of Se uuicaJ the .l1uJicaJ as well as The Chosen Room i.n Belfast with Youth Music Theatrt' UK . She is currently the Muskal DJrecto[ of A Lmlc XilJbt _Uu~k a.t Oath Spa Unin :: rsit) and hcr next pruduction will be Wcsc Sldc Stor), at the Minack Thl.!atre in Cornwall, 28 June - 2 Jul.,"" \\ w" nj cote\-em on com BACKSTAGE CREDITS

Dirt~ctor ...... •.. ~ ..•...... •...... , ...... Barry Wiles

)\'tusical DireL1.0r ...... •...... •.•. _...... Tim Reader Choreographer ...... , ...... _...... •..• _...... Lizzy \.yestney

Stage Director ...... •...... , ...... , ...... Peter Sutton Slage Crew ...... , ..... Chris Chapman, Carol Davies, Peter Davies, Sam Davies, AnJy Gultaicige, Paul Le\ds, Ashley Mundy, Paul Rottan, Peler utton. Anna SUlton, Robin T~' acke

Wardrobe ...... Tina Ayers-Hunt, Uv.y Westncy, Jane Black Lighting ...... Derek Lce Lighting

Sound ...... •..•..•..•...... •.....•...... Theatck Ltd

ct ...... , ...... •...... Sccnic Proj(>cts Ltd

M.lh~ up ...... , .... Dylan Cheas.lC'y, Carole Da\'ies, Carol Davies, ChaneUe Greenwood, Becca Pallcrson, Jo Priestly. Sarah \VCSlcott, LizzJ \VestnC) "'rig.;;" .. " .... , ... ,., ...... "., •... , ...... , ...... , .. ,."." ...... " ..... "".,., ...... BLOC Bnx omce ...... HazeJ Colcs, Nick Cole:. Front or J-I Manager ...... " ...... , ...... , ...... David Portlock

A~si.stccJ b) ., ...... , ...... Marion WC!ilwood, Amber Andl'ew~, Tina Ayers-Hunt. Sarah Baile)'. Madcliene Bick le. at.asha Bishop •. :ic.k Coles, Nick Dixon, Colin Evans, Judic Hill . Roger Hill , Da\'id Issacs, Peter Lamb, Val Lamb, Jill Masters, Paul Masters, Annet Portlock, Maureen Murrayl1c1d, Mo Na... h. Dave Rees, Roy Smith, Vint.:e \VatUi

Foyer and Programme Photographs ...... "" ...... , .... Tanya J-lazeJl and Samantha Boordman FI}'<"r D£"sign and Programme urout ...... , ... , ... " ...... Rob McDonald

The Society would also like to tbank All pallons for their continued support John James BrislOI Foundation for a generous donation All advertisers for their support TI1C management and slatr or the Vic-tori" Rooms and Bristoillni\'crsity British Rl'd Cross for I)ro,-iding f'ir-.l aid Cm·cr & Nick Coltls f OI' Box Offic.:c Elizabeth Sha w for Raine Prizes The stair at TIlt' l:wman HaU and $\ Ursula's School for rchearsal space Dave Portlock and his team for [rolll of house and programme selling Chris Northam for acLing as rehcar:;al pianist Jaydene and L10yds of Henlcazc ROld and Amher Andrews for rame pri7cs. We also

The Society is vcry proud of its achie\'ements over the years wh idl include thl? following Awar ds: Rose Bowl 1976 South Pacific ...... , ...... , . .. .•...... BC l) t !v1usical 1977 Roy Smith ...... , ...... , ....•...... Best Male Leacl in a Musical 199 3 Stewart McPherson ...... Best Supporwlg Male in a Musical 1995 Peler Francombe..... , ...... •...... Best Male Lead in a Musical

1997 Steve \-Voole)" ...... ' ...... Best Supporting Male in a Iviusical 2008 A Chorus Line ...... •...... _...... , .... Best Musical

National Operatic & Dramatic Association 1999 Children of Eden Quniors) ...... Regional Awarcllor Ex cellence 1002 Gouspell Quniol's) ...... , ...... nest Regional Programme 1004 Other Uuni ors) ...... , ...... Best Regional Programme

Trust s.arvkQS: ~ A

Terry Brothers, Valerie England, Roger Hill, Mary Lll1lb, Maureen Lomas, Peter Lomas, David Portlock, Roy Smith and Marion vVestwoocl.


Mr & ~lrs J Allison Mrs I C Hemmings Mr!o \V Pugh

J\I.- T & Mr... ,!\ Arnold Mrs S Hole Mr D Rcl..'s

)\1r E .'\vcrs-Ilunl Mr & Mrs 0 Isaacs Mr A Ru :.~('11

Mr 1 B,1l(,s Mr & Mr~ It jad,son MeA harpies Mr Jlk dlorci Mr & i\-1r:. T Jones Miss T Sharples j\-1r J Bennen Mr& Mrs P umu Mr A Smalldridgc J'lr & Mr.!l J Brain Miss M Lamb Mr E . mith

Mr!! 1-1 C h arle~ Mr M Lcm Mrs P uthern J\lrs J Climmcr Mrs M Merrifield Mrs M Thomas

Mr N Coles Mrs M Nash ]\llr A Trowbridge Mr C E'an:. Mr G Patch MrT Ventham

Mr S [xcel! Mr & Mni B I)ocock Mr & Mrs P \ Vellh\OOO

J\trs S Gregor) 1\ 1rs A Portlock


Ir you would like to become a pau-on or he addtd to the mailing list, please complete a lorm in the foyer. Alternath'ely please Louise Milne for patTon encluiries or Ha7e1 Coles to be added to the mailing list \'ia the website:


Vil e are always keen to welcome new memb~rs-both on stage and back stage, including directors, musical direclors and choreographers. For further info rmation pl e3!iC contact our Business Manager at business@bao1!


Tuesday Wednesd ay

Frencha), W I Alves ton Vt,1 I John James Bristol Foundation BAOS Pres idents' Party Easton· ln-Gordano 'N I John James Bristol Founda tion O ld Sodbury W I

Rcdhill & Langford W I Yate & District T G

Thursday Friday Almonrb,bury W I Backwell Probus I lenl e»o T G Bristol Brunei Probus Kings o/" ' Vessex School Chedd ar Bristol Cabot Choir Moorgrove Soci.1 Club Dundr), W I P,ltch,va\' T G Longwell Green W I St Mary', Church Henbury Wes tbury Singers 5t Stephen's Ladi es' Group Wards Solicitors Taylor's Un iversity Co ll ege Ku ala Lumpur

Saturday Matinee Saturday Evening FillOIl W I Orange Horfi el d T G Whitchurch E,-ening W I John James Bristol Foundation Lodge Causeway T G Portishead TG

We are grateful to all groups for their continued support. THE COMPANY'S PREVIOUS SHOWS

IS9+ The Sorcerer 1952 Bitter Sweet 1993 Calamity Jane 1895 Princess Ida 1953 Magyar Melody t 993 Side by Side by Scmdheim IS96 The Mikado 1954 Showboat 199, Godspcll* 1896 TI,e Sorcerer 1955 Maio of the MoUlll1lin!) 1994 Meet me in St Louis 1896 The Mikado 1956 Goodnight Vien~ 1994 100 Musical Years 1897 The Gondoliers 1957 B1c!ls the Bride 1994 Bill)' 1898 Thl' GondoBers 1958 King '~ Rhapsody 1995 Brigadoon 1898 The Mountebanks 1959 Btigaduun 1995 A SwelJ Party 1899 Erminie 1960 The Belle of New York I &96 Our Day Out'* 1900 HM S Pinafore 1961 The Pajama Game 1996 The Sound of Mu sic 1901 Haddon Hal.l 1962 Kili!.Me K\lh" 1996 Sing For Your Supper 1902 The Ro!>C of Persia 1963 Bitter Sweet 1.999 Pir<\te.~ of I>em.ance* 1903 Iola nthe 1964 Carousel 19<)7 Cindcrdla 1904- Emerald Isle 1965 Annie Get Your Gun 1997 Me and Mv Girl 1905 f!,'lcrrie England 1966 Rower Dnllu oog 1997 My Fair Lad),* 1906 ?rinccss in KenSington 1967 Caiamit} J311C 1998 AJaddin 1907 Yeoman of the Guard 1968 Chrysanthemum 1998 Children of Eden* 1908 Ruddigore 1969 Finiar.l's: Ra'inhow I99S Snow \Vhitc 1909 The Gondoliers 1970 No No Nam;ue 1999 Oklahoma! 1910 The Mikado 1971 Hello Dolly 1999 ChQs* 1911 Torn Jones I~n HaIfa Sixpence 2000 Jack & the Beanstalk 191 2 Trial by Jury 1971 The Pajama Game 2000 FolHes 191 3 Emerald Isle 1974 Kiss Me K,ne 2001 Slt>eping Beauty 1914 Yeoman orl..hc Guard 1975 Charlie Girl 2001 Hello Dolt)'! 1920 Tom Jones 1976 South P(lcifk 2001 Bugsy Malone* 1921 Merrie England 1977 Carousel 2001 Little Shop of HonOl"S'" 1922 The Gondoliers 1978 Fiddler on the Rt.1Of 2002 Mother Goose 1923 Iolanthe 1979 Music Man 2002 South Paciflc 192+ Ycoman of the Guard 1980 Land of Smjle~ 2002 GodspdJ' 1925 Th~ Rebel Maid 1981 Annie Get Your Cun 2002 The Dracula Spt-ctacula'" 1926 The Mikado 1981 Make Me An Offer 2003 l ile Story of Princess Dai<;)' 1927 T OOl Jones 1982 Brigadoon 2001 High Soder)' 1928 Haddon Hall 1982 That's Entertainment 2003 The \Viz* 1929 Merrie England 1983 Oklahoma! 2004 Poter Pan 1930 The Rebel Maid 1984 My Fair Lad) 2004 My Fair LId)" 1911 The Gondoliers 198'5 The POljama Game 2004 Oliver!· 1932 Yeom;'ln of the Guard 1985 Evening with Fred Astaire 2005 Cinderclla 1933 The Mibdo 1986 Kiss J\ te Kate 2005 The Wizard or Oz 193+ Iolan the 1986 CharUe Bro\y.f1 2005 F;'IT:he -"hl~ Musical* 1935 -Il,e D('~ert Song 19 7 SOUdl Patific 2006 Carousel 1916 Rose Milrie 1988 Half a Sixpence 2006 The Boyfriend. 1937 G(loci Night Vienna 1989 Fiddler on Ule Roof 2006 A Slice of Saturday Night 1938 The Student Print:e 1990 ~o No Nanette 2006 Thoroughly Moderl1 Mil lie. 1939 The Nl'W Moon 1990 Dames. at Sea 2.007 Seven Brides ror Seven Brothcrs 1946 Yeomen of the Guard 1990 Allee* 2007 Calamit}' Jane· \9+7 Tom Jones 1991 Mame 2008 Kiss Me Kate 1948 The Desert Song 1991 The Boyfri~lld* 2008 A Chorus Line 1949 B.llalaika 1992 Gur& Dolls 2008 The Ad\'emures: ofMr Toad'" 1950 The Student Prince 1992 Anp.hing GOl".S 2009 Cr37.Y for You 1951 111C New 1\I\oon 1991 CaJarnit,v Jane 2009 Bristol l(I Broad"J


~ I BfAUlYe41~B6\)T Music b.LJ L!Jrics b!.J Book b!J Alan Menken Howard AShman & Tim Rice Linda Woolverton Directed on 5roadw3!;1 b!;l Robert Jess Roth Tues 26th - Sat 30th October 2010 E:venings at 1-:70pm, Wed & Sat Matinee at 2.:?Opm n...... ~.~b.,~J.Jo,:d".T~Ll"D""bd.ofJ~ "OC'-"Jlfl .... I ... W ...... -.:..J·...,.vI. Up to ,0% oft adult seats and 50% tor children Adults: £.24.50 and £.21.50 seats reduced to £-17.00 Children: £.24.50 and £.21.50 seats reduced to £12.25 and £10.75 All pri= ;nc ~ Resboration ~ OFFER ENDS APRIL lJ'"H 0844 847 2325* ·Open 24 hrs. Subjecl 10 booklngihandling fee