Product Location on Win7 64bit machine Files/folders to delete/rename HM/HV/HG C:\Users\ .Altair (folder) C:\Users\\AppData\Local Altair (folder) C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp .altair (folder)

C:\Users\\Documents .cmf hmmenu.set hmsettings.tcl hwsettings.xml hwsettings.xml.bk Location :: Folders C:\Users\\ :: ( hweDefaultWS , hweDefaultWS14.0 , You may also delete InstallAnywhere Folders) these C:\Users\\AppData\Local\ :: (.altair_licensing, x- formation, Altair Folders )

You can create a batch script to delete the above files. Just and paste to a text file > Edit the w.r.t your system and login > save the file > change the file name to *.bat

del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\command.cmf del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\hmmenu.set del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\hmsettings.tcl del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\hwsettings.xml del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\hwsettings.xml.bk del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\instance del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\ del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\ del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\ del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\tmp del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\*.msg del C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\PORTFOLIO DETAILS.docx /S /Q C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\Documents\bm_*.* RMDIR /S /Q C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\.Altair RMDIR /S /Q C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\AppData\Local\Altair RMDIR /S /Q C:\Users\rambs.INDIABLR\AppData\Local\Temp\.altair

Other Things That helps:

A) Click on > Run > %temp% > Delete all the files in temp

B) Empty Recycle Bin:

C) Click on Start > All programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Clean-up

D) Graphic driver update. Please DXDIAG in run command line and you get following window Verify whether the driver release date is not than a year. Note that most of our customer use NVIDIA graphic cards and they release graphic driver every quarter suitable to changes made in all CAD and CAE tools (compatibility). You can download the driver from NVIDIA website.

Additional Information on Driver Installations: NVIDIA Driver Update recommendation is to use the “Custom” install option and select a “Perform clean installation” option to validate that there are no conflicts in DLL/drivers. Below you will the screenshot of the option mentioned. The same should be done with AMD hardware and drivers as well using AMD’s custom uninstall tools.