Little Books on Art General Editor: Cyril Davenport

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Little Books on Art General Editor: Cyril Davenport L I TTL E B O O K S O N A R T GENERAL EDITOR : CY RIL DAVENPORT COR OT L I T T L E BO O K S O N A R T 1 01 2s 6d. n et Demy 6 0. S U B J E C T S I K N MINIATU RES . AL CE COR RA B DWA D ALMA CK OOKPLATES . E R R E H B WA T G E K A . L E RT. RS R AR T H B W T OMAN . AL ERS H MRS . A W Y T E ARTS OF JAPAN . C M S L E W R V N P T JE ELLE Y . C . DA E OR R R MRS . H . N N CH IST IN A T. JE ER R RS H N N R A T M . OU LADY IN . JE ER HR M B H N N C ISTIAN SY OLISM . JE ER W B ADLEY ILLUMINATED MSS . J . R R W ENAMELS . M S . NELSON DA SON R G N MEw FURNITU E . E A A R T I S T S R GEO GE PA TON OMNEY. R S R I N DU ER. L. JESS E ALLE IM REYNOLDS . J . S E W I R K TCH Y A S . D S E LE TT M SS E . PPN E H K IPT N HO R . P . K . S O T R R RAN CE Y ELL-GILL U NE . F S T RR H R H GAN MEw OGA T . E B - S FORTUN EE DE I LE U RNE JONE . L S K N LEIGHTON . ALICE COR RA R MRS . HA P B A D . A S REM N T . E R I I WI B O C and . R . I B T V ELASQUEZ. W LF R D L ERF R E A G L ER V K I MA WO D A D C . G S LL O N Y M SS M . V ! H DA ID CO . ART UR TOMSO N HOLBEIN . BEATRICE FORTESCUE R T R N MR A RD C HEL BI T N L an d S A . POLL O OT . E S I C . I ETTA PEACOC K M LLET. N N CLAUDE . E . DILLO R Z B H Z D G EU E AND OUC ER . ELI A F . POLLAR R D v RAPHAEL . A . R N URST C O R O T ET H E L B I R N S TI N G L A N D A L I C E P O L L A R D WITH TWENTY -SEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS M T E HU E N CO . 6 E ! T R w . 3 S SE S E E T c . LO N DO N C O N T E N T S CHAPTER I BI RTH AND PA R ENTAGE — ’ — — Birth Parents occupation E arly c hildhood School at R ouen eune on—Fai s to ma e his mar —Leaves sc o —R e turns M . g l k k h ol J — — to Paris Appren tice d to a draper Becomes town trave ller — — — Change of career First studies in art Michallon The Studio — — — Suisse First sketch Gratitu de to Michallon Victor Bertin as master gag e CHAPTER II S T U D E N T L I F E — — First visit to Rome Frien ds and compan ions Life in R ome — — Friendship with Align y First Salon pictures R eturn to — ’ — — France The house at Ville d Avray Me thods of work The — — — Salon of 1 83 I Change of style Short tour in France Chartres — — — “ Ital ian influence The Salon of 1 83 3 The Catacombs ’ — — Corot s excessive modesty His first medal Second visit to —“ Italy Recalled to Fran ce Hagar in the Wilderness “ " “ ” erome — The a t sm of r st in the u rc of St . J B p i Ch i Ch h St. Nicholas du Chardonne t CHAPTER III — — SUCCESS MIDDLE AGE OLD AGE AND DEATH — — The Quai Voltaire Fran cais The first purchaser Death of — — — Corot sen ior Third visit to Italy Love of Nature The Le gion — — of Honour First Hanging Committee of the Sal on U n iversal — — — Exhibition of 1 855 Corot visits London The salons Death ' f Dutilleux— e e f ar s— r t s ar e ontr ut ons to o M . Si g o P i Co o l g c ib i — public charities Sketching tour in North of France The ' ’ — — méda zl le d 1¢on n eu r Ger6me Special gold medal for the — — ' — Master English co -operation Geofiroy Dec haume Death ' of Mme Sen ne on — orot s - ea t — Prese n tat on of the . g C ill h l h i — — — medal Last exhibits for the Salon Increased ill -health Death 1 QQ Q 1 Q C O N T E N T S CHAPTER I BI RTH AND PA RENTAGE — ' — — Birth Parents occupation E arly c hildhood School at R ouen eune on—Fai s to ma e his mar —Le aves sc oo —R eturns M . g l k k h l J — — to Paris Appren tice d to a draper Becomes town traveller — — — Change of career First studies in art Michallon The Studio — — — Suisse First Sketch Gratitu de to Michallon Victor Bertin as master gag e CHAPTER II S T U D E N T L I F E — — First visit to R ome Friends and companions Life in R ome — Friendship with Align y First Sal on pictures R eturn to — ’ — — France The house at Vill e d Avray Me thods of work The — — — Salon of 1 83 r Change of style Short tour in France Chartres “ " - — — I tal ian influence The Sal on of 1 83 3 The Catacombs ' — — Corot s excessive modesty His first medal Second visit to —“ Italy Recalled to Fran ce Hagar in the Wilderness “ " “ " er6me — The a t sm f r st in the ur of St. J B p i o Ch i Ch ch St. Nicholas du Chardonne t CHAPTER III - — SUCCESS MIDDLE AGE OLD AGE AND DEATH — — The Quai Voltaire Francais The first purchaser Death of — — — Corot sen ior Third visit to Italy Love of Nature The Le gion — — of H onour First Hangin g Committee of the Salon U n iversal — — — Exhibition of r85 5 Corot vis its London The sal ons Death ’ f Dutil e — f s— ar e ntr ut ns t o M . l ux Siege o Pari Corot s l g co ib io o — public charities Ske tching tour in North of France The ’ — — méda i l le d 1wn n eu r Ger6me Spec ial gold me dal for the “ — — ' — Master E nglish co -operation Geofiroy Dec haume Death ' Mm nne n rot s - ea t — resen tat on of the of e . Se go Co ill h l h P i — — — medal Last exhibits for the Salon I ncreased ill -health Death 1 R 0 0 1 Q C H A P T E R I V — — FUNERAL E! HIBITION MEMO RIALS — Funeral Simplicity of the service Funeral oration at Pere -la — — ' Chaise Impressive sc ene Posthumous e x hibition of Corot s pain tings Preliminary announcemen t Propose d memorial — — Subscription lis t Proceeds of the E x hibition Salon of 1 875 ' — Prices paid for CorOt s work from 1 875 to r903 Descriptions of pain tings pag e CHAPTER V C O R O T T H E M A N ' — — — Corot s life-story Early youth H ome treatmen t Treatmen t by — — — the world His humility Public criticism Devo tion to his — — — ' art His simplic ity His generosity Madame Mille t s legacy — — ' Frie ndships Puri ty of life and feeling I n differe nce to life s — — passions Absorption in his work Estimate of his ow n work — — Portraits of Corot His unromantic aspect Peasan t ancestry Dress an d personal characteristics CHAPTER VI COROT THE A RTIST — Simplici ty of character s hown in his work Variety in work — — Architecture Open -air studies Freshness of vision and re . — produc tion Love of N ature in her peacefu l moods The ” Towing-path I nfluence of early teaching Hard touch — ’ — ' — ' Flat colour Jal s cri tic ism Millais opin ion Nature s elusive — — n ess Four essen tials for a painter N u mber of pain tings in a — — — — year Figures Fl esh tin ts The classical style Chesneau on — classical landscape Hamle t The Destruction of Sodom “ " Alfre d de Musse t and the Etoile du Soir Decorative pa in ting CHAPTER VII R R C ITICISM , CONTEMPORA Y AND LATER — — — — G ustave Planche Thore Edmond About Pau l Man tz Accusa tion of monotony Buisson Ernest Chesnea u The A rt ’ ’ j ourna l of 1 867 Chaumelin and L A r t Con tcmpora zn The P ort ol io 1 8 0 A. c ne Fre er c e more f , 7 H Bi k ll d i k W d CONTENTS — — R . te en n om ns m v n e er A M . S v so C y Carr Mada e a R enss la — — Albert Wolff Abse nce of real Fre nch criticism His pas torals — — ’ — The pseudo-classical school Corot s figures R ené-Menard Jean R ousseau pag e 1 09 CHAPTER V III METHODS OF PAINTING ' — The secre t of Corot s gen ius Actual methods described by — — Philippe Burty Ton e n umbers Several distinct methods — Form more important than detail George M oore and Corot — R ecogn ition of val ues Makes his ow n laws and abides by the m - — — All great gen ius p rolific Historic landscape Possum “ " — - — Claude Lorraine The sty le d ra m/ewe Crome Cons table — — Bon ington Corot not directly i nfluenced by Con stable ’ — — Nature s mobility Corot essen tially a dreamer N o consc ious — methods N o man ne risms CHAPTER I! F RESCOES AND DECORATI V E WORK ’ — — Corot s Special gifts for the w ork What frescoes should b e Man y — of his w all -paintings not true fresc oes Four frescoes in Ville ' — — ’ d Avray Church The ir reprod uction Prince Paul Demidofi s ” — — H6te l Pan els for Decamps Fresc oes purc hased by Sir ’ re eri Le ton— r t and eu —M Giraud s screen F d c igh Co o Fl ry .
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