PEACE Info (March 14-16, 2020)

− BURMA’S LOPSIDED POLITICAL ARENA: Lack of tripartite dialogue and level playing field main obstacles to peace-making − COVID-19 causes venue problem of meeting with Northern Alliance Army − AA mine-blasts a bridge in Buthidaung: army − Fighting kills 23 civilians in ’s Rakhine, Chin − 21 Killed, Many More Injured as Myanmar Military Jets Strafe Villages in Chin State − Two Women Injured by Myanmar Military in Rakhine Die in Hospital − Chin Families Flee Fighting In Rakhine, Arrive In Hakha − Thousands of residents in Kyauktaw flee artillery fire − Panse militia and TNLA fights in Nantkham − TNLA, Militia Clash During Anti-Drug Campaign in Northern − TNLA Attacks Five Poppy-Growing Hubs in Northern Myanmar − Gov’t Offers Villagers Pittance After Tatmadaw Loots Homes − Kachin Locals Demand Halt to Mega-Development Projects − Police seize heroin and amphetamine tablets from two men in Phaungpyin − With Failed Myanmar Charter Reform, Military Still Controls Amnesty for Political Prisoners − Will the Myanmar Military Ever Allow Charter Reform? − NCA လက�မ�တ�မထ���ရ�သ�သည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ��� အ�န�ဖင�� �စ��တ�က�တ�က��နသည�� သ�ဘ�ရ����က�င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ��� (PPST) အဖ���ဝင� ဗ��လ�မ���က��ခ�န�ဥက�� ��ပ��က�� − RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရ တပ�မ�တ�� �တ��ဆ�ံ − နယ���မသတ�မ�တ��ရ��ဆ������ရန� တပ�မ�တ����င�� RCSS သ�ဘ�တ� − ဒ�မ��က�ရစ���င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�အမ����သမ��အဖ����ခ�င���ဆ�င��န��အ�န��လ� �ပန�လည�လ�တ���မ�က� − မ��ယစ��ဆ� ဖ�က�ဆ��စ�� တအ�င��တပ���င�� �ပည�သ��စစ� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ� − နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� ပန��ဆ��ဒသရ�� �နရ� ၅ ခ�က�� TNLA ဝင�တ��က� − TNLA န�� �ပည�သ��စစ�တ��က�ပ��မ�� �ပည�သ��စစ� ��စ�ဦ� �သဆ�ံ� − နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� အတ�င�� တ��က�ပ���ပင��ထန� ၂ ဦ��သဆ�ံ� − �ပည�သ��စစ�တပ�ဖ���ဝင� ရ�စ�ဦ�က�� တအ�င��တပ�ဖ��� ဖမ��ဆ�� − ဗ�ံ�မ���ရ���န တ��အခ��န�မ���တ��တ��က�ပ�� �လ���ခ� ဖ���ဆ��တ� ဆန��က�င�ဘက� လ���ဖစ��နပ�တယ�။ − သ�ံ�ပန���တ�ထ�က ဒဏ�ရ��ပင��ထန�သ� �လ�ဦ�က�� AA �ပန�လ�တ��ပ�လ�� − �လ��က�င��ပစ�ခတ�မ���က�င�� ပလက�ဝတ�င� ၁၂ ဦ� �သဆ�ံ�၊၁၅ဦ� ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − လက�နက�က�ည�သင��၍ ပလက�ဝ�မ ���နယ�အတ�င�� ��ခ�က�ဦ��သ၊ ၁၂ ဦ� ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − ခ�င���ပည�နယ� ပလက�ဝ�မ ���နယ�ရ���က��ရ��အခ���� လက�နက�က�ည�သင��၍ �ဒသခံ�သဆ�ံ�မ� ၁၂ဦ�ရ��လ� − �က��က��တ�� က�လ��တန� �မစ���က�င��အန�� ရ��မ��� လက�နက��က��က�၊ ၉ ဦ� ထ�ခ��က�ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − �က��က��တ�� တ��က�ပ�� အရပ�သ�� ၁၀ ဦ�ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − ပလက�ဝရ�� �က��ရ��အခ����တ�င� တ��က�ပ��မ��� �ပင��ထန��န�ခင����က�င�� �ဒသခံ�ထ�င�ခ���ပ��ထ�က���ပ�တ�မ���ရ��င��နရ − ��မ�က�ဦ�က စစ��ရ��င�စခန�� ပစ�ခတ�မ�အတ�င�� �သဆ�ံ�သ� ၆ ဦ�ရ��လ�

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− ဆ�ဆ��င��မ ���နယ�တ�င� ပ�တ�ထ���သ� �က��ရ��လမ��က�� ဖ�က�သ�ဖင�� အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�မ�� တစ�ဦ���င�� �ဒသခံ ၅၀ ခန��က�� တပ�မ�တ��က တရ��စ��ဆ�� − ပလက�ဝ �လ��က�င��တ��က�ခ��က�မ� ��စ�ရက�အတ�င�� အရပ�သ�� ၂၀ �က����သဆ�ံ� − အ����ယရ�� မဟ�ဗ��ဟ���မ�က� က�လ��တန� စ�မံက�န��မ�� အ�ရ�ပ�လ�မယ�� AA (၁) − အ����ယရ�� မဟ�ဗ��ဟ���မ�က� က�လ��တန� စ�မံက�န��မ�� အ�ရ�ပ�လ�မယ�� AA (၂) − �မစ�ဆ�ံစ�မံက�န�� အ�ပ��တ��င�ရပ�န��ဖ��� ကခ�င��ဒသခံ�တ� �တ�င��ဆ�� − �ရက�တ�စ�မံက�န���က��မ���ရ���နသ၍ စစ�မ�န�သည�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�မရ���င�ဟ� �ဒသခံတ��င��ရင��သ��မ��� ��ပ�ဆ�� − �ပည�သ��ဘဝ��င�� သဘ�၀ ပ�က�စ���စ�သ� စ�မံက�န��မ��� မလ�ပ�ရန� ကခ�င��ဒသခံမ��� �တ�င��ဆ��


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BURMA’S LOPSIDED POLITICAL ARENA: Lack of tripartite dialogue and level playing field main obstacles to peace-making By Sai Wansai - March 16, 2020

While most are consumed by the recent unsuccessful National League for Democracy (NLD)- led constitutional amendment going on within the parliament, which could be portrayed as a power struggle between the NLD-led regime and the Burma army, Bamar military or Tatmadaw, the role and concern of the third party namely, the ethnic nationalities made up of ethnic political parties (EPPs) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), was conveniently been overlooked or sidelined. icial/

It is all the more ludicrous as the non-Bamar ethnic nationalities occupy some 70% of the landmass of the country and have a population of 40% according to conservative estimate. In addition, some 100,000 EAOs are pitted against the government’s Burma army or Tatmadaw troops of 300,000 to 350,000 in the ongoing civil or ethnic conflict war. Moreover, the EPPs which were being suppressed during the military rule from 1962 to 2011 are now making their voice of reinstating their rights of self- determination heard in media and parliamentary space.

The NLD main concern is to dilute the military power and understandably its amendment clauses were only aimed to achieve this end, with no mention to strengthen the making of federal union in its recent constitutional amendment deliberations within the parliament, to the dismay of the EPPs.

On March 12, Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) Joint-Secretary Sai Leik in a recent interview regarding the NLD’s 114 constitutional amendment proposal points with The Voice Weekly Journal said: “They (NLD) have changed 114 points and we (SNLD) have changed some paragraphs that they dared not touch. Since they didn’t give their opinion, the paragraphs were left untouched in original forms. In this case it meant that other democratic parties’ change proposals were not endorsed. This can be taken if the proposals are not the same as the NLD they won’t support them and won’t work with them (other parties).”

“That’s why if we talk about amendment, the NLD 114 arranged points and the proposed result (stemming from majority decision of 45-person constitutional amendment joint- committee made up of several parties of which NLD has the majority) was also the same (which was tabled in the parliament for debate and later voting). I see that the NLD is too greedy and very weak in cooperation, with the ethnic parties,” he added sarcastically.

But the conflict in Burma isn’t just the two Bamar stakeholders’ power struggle, as the ongoing civil war in form of ethnic conflict is the main obstacle in achieving reconciliation

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and political settlement, without which there will be no peace and development in the country, much less the projected democratic federal union professed by all stakeholders to be their main goal.

Thus, the present game plan involving only the two Bamar decision-makers, NLD and Tatmadaw, is not going to work and totally unrealistic, as the third party ethnic nationalities place has to be determined in a new game plan, if earnest peaceful political settlement for the whole country is to be pursued.

For the time being, the two Bamar players seem to be convinced that the ethnic nationalities are unimportant minor players and have to be satisfied with subordinate role, accepting their fate as determined by any of the Bamar player for them.

But let us look at first the existing two games that we are now in play.

NCA-based peace negotiation process

The NCA was signed on 15 October 2015 under the Union Solidarity and Development Party government led by Thein Sein. The incoming NLD government took over the NCA-based peace process but haven’t been able to make progress much over the past years, which has been halted for more than a year without much hope to continue and make a difference it in a sensible way.

As it is the NCA remains deeply problematic with the Karen National Union (KNU) and Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) having armed clashes with the Tatmadaw on and off.

Tatmadaw road-building into KNU controlled territories and accusation of the Tatmadaw against RCSS for encroaching in territories that it is not entitled, even though there has never been area demarcation between the two, have caused the on and off armed conflicts.

Besides, both the KNU and RCSS are also of the opinion that the Ceasefire Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) is dominated by the Tatmadaw and so do the NCA-based peace process by the NLD government, which actually is supposed to be jointly owned agreement.

In process, the Tatmadaw blocked the RCSS convening Shan national political dialogue repeatedly and even prohibited the RCSS boss Sao Yawd Serk travel to Naypyitaw by land route from Thai border in December last year, which almost derailed the Joint Implementation Coordinating Meeting (JICM), the highest organ in NCA-based peace process.

As for the KNU, the Tatmadaw road-building into KNU areas become a constant friction, which pushed the KNU to withdraw from the peace process since more than a year ago.

The leading NCA signatory groups – the KNU, RCSS and New Mon State Party (NMSP) – are demanding reorganization of the JMC, which is presently dominated by the military, to make it more fair to the EAOs. Their main demands include greater international

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participation in ceasefire monitoring and for the government to demonstrate a serious commitment to political dialogue and implementation of federalism.

The government, military and the EAOs are now in the process of trying to renew the peace process to be on official-footing again, but no one knows if this will work out given the unruly nature of the Tatmadaw to keep the war flames on, for whatever reason it may have in store.

And on top of it, without all-inclusiveness participation of all EAOs, the peace process will not be able to achieve anything sizable or comprehensive solution to the conflict. In this respect, the Tatmadaw has to tone down its annihilation objective on Arakan Army (AA) and The Three Brotherhood Alliance, made up of AA, Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), if it really is for conflict resolution.

But so far, the Tatmadaw offensives on AA and the TNLA are ongoing and the proposed bilateral ceasefire with the National Alliance – Burma (NA-B), a combination of The Three Brotherhood Alliance and Kachin Independence Army (KIA), is nowhere in sight. These means, the KIA, MNDAA, TNLA and AA will not be included in the peace process anytime soon.

And with the uncertainty of NCA-based peace process, even though some concessions were said to be worked out, such as agreeing to the Shan and Arakan public consultation or political dialogue meetings among their respective people, previously blocked by the Tatmadaw; and allowing the ethnic states to draw their own state constitutions; the all- inclusive approach of all EAOs is still a long way off.

This brings us to the other peace process approach of amending the existing military-drafted constitution within the parliament so that a more democratic venue be opened and political grievances of the ethnic nationalities could be eventually resolved.

Parliamentary constitutional amendment approach

NLD hasn’t spelled out on how its parliamentary constitutional amendment procedure will fit into the NCA-based “Union Accord” outcomes. Theoretically, the Union Accord results obtained from the 21st Century Panglong – Union Peace Conference will be submitted to the parliament for approval and later integrated as constitutional amendments, before holding another nationwide elections according to the amended constitution.

However, as stated above, the NLD proposed amendment points of 114 won’t be endorsed as it has no way to overcome the 75% vote ceiling. Thus, it could be said that the NLD is only trying to show that it is fulfilling its election campaign promises and perhaps portraying that the Tatmadaw is to be blamed for blocking the amendment.

NLD, Tatmadaw and ethnic nationalities political positions

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The NLD said that it is for federal union but its practical actions have been only for decentralization and nothing more, as pinpointed by Sai Leik. He said that the NLD doesn’t have policy paper on federal union also.

The Tatmadaw position is to protect the 2008 Constitution at all cost, as it wants to maintain its upper-hand position in political arena, having the privilege of being allotted 25% MP seats and administer the home, defense and border affairs ministries.

Thus, regarding federalism the NLD and Tatmadaw don’t differ much in wanting to preserve Bamar supremacy and unitary system of governance, perhaps with minimum power devolution or some federal trappings.

Moreover, SNLD spokesman Sai Leik complained: “If you look at it, the NLD has no exact transparent policy on NCA-based peace negotiation approach as it maintained that the NCA is led by the EAOs. It has to have a policy on peace process.”

“The NLD said that it has federal policy but we have never seen its leadership directive made public. That’s why when there is political negotiation its inability to make their believed values and basic principles known to the public lead to piecemeal solutions and uncertainty. At the moment, NCA cannot be seen as a reliable approach,” added Sai Leik.

In contrast, the ethnic nationalities bloc of EPPs and EAOs mostly are for ethnic-territorial- based federalism, with strong state power and less power to union or federal government. As examples we could look at the twelve EAOs recent working paper on what kind of federalism they envisaged. Equally, we could also observe the SNLD position on the same issue.

Twelve EAOs federal principles

The twelve EAOs approved working document of 28-29 February 2020 in Chiang Mai has 13 pages, excluding the 6-page annexure on security and defense.

In its political aims and guiding principles, the twelve EAOs mentioned civilian supremacy and multi-party democracy system that guarantee basic civilian human rights, apart from democracy, building a federal union with states that have national equality and rights of self-determination.

The working document stated the ethnic nationalities historical references as who have taken part in the forming of the Union based on 1947 Panglong Agreement and Panglong Promises; 14-point preliminary preparation directive of Anti Fascist Freedom League (AFPFL) 1947; the 7 directives of General Aung San 1947; and principles (federal amendment proposal 1961); entitled for welfare of their own people, territories with rights of self-determination, including all issues that concerned the Union.

In its guiding principles the working document said it is a union of ethnic nationalities who are different from each other. Therefore, the future federal union shall be implemented accordingly as prescribed regarding sovereignty, union formation and legislation.

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Regarding sovereignty it belongs to the Union Member States and to the entire ethnic population in that State and throughout the Union. The three pillars: legislation, administration and judiciary to function as checks and balances in upholding the sovereignty.

Concerning the formation of the Union, the working document writes:

• The Federal Union is composed of states that are of equal political standing and have full autonomy. • The Member States of the Federal Union are made up of national states and geographical states based on race. • Ethnic states are formed on the basis of existing national states, and seven existing geographical regions are reorganized into geographical states (from 3 to 5 states). In the reorganization of the seven regions from 3 to 5 states one appropriate state can be designated as Bamar State, if desired. • Besides the existing Self-Administered Division and Zones, indigenous ethnic minorities, depending on their population, can designate different type of administrations to protect their identities by respective state. • If the Union Territory is required, it shall be formed only with the consent of the people of the respective States.

Regarding the Union level parliamentary legislative sector formation it writes:

At Union level there will be two houses: representatives elected by constituency by the public for Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) and equal representatives elected by the ethnic states for Amyotha Hluttaw or National Assembly (Upper House).

• In the enactment of the Union Law, the majority of the National Assembly and the Pyithu Hluttaw shall sign and pass the bill as the law. • In the Union Law, two Hluttaws shall vote separately. There shall be no joint vote of the two houses. • The 2 parliaments shall have the same legislative power. (Mutual Veto)

SNLD policy

The SNLD policy in building a federal union is, more or less, on the same wavelength with the twelve EAOs’ working document.

In its 33-point deliberation delivered in the parliamentary debate prior to the voting of NLD- led constitutional amendment recently was read out by the SNLD MP Sai Ba Thein from Lan Khur constituency.

In its introduction of Union Vision it writes: “Practicing democracy with full rights of self- determination in a federal democratic union, where all peoples and citizens of the union are based on equality, justification, with mutual respect, fraternity friendship and unity, in building a peaceful co-existence, prosperous, federal democratic union.”

Regarding its Union Value, the paper pinpoints: Page 7 of 68

1. Rights of democracy and human rights 2. Equality and rights of self-determination 3. Collective leadership 4. Diversity (Unity in Diversity) 5. Protection of minorities

Concerning sovereignty, union formation and union legislation the SNLD positions are identical to those of the twelve EAOs working document agreed on 28-29 February 2020.

SNLD is a leading member of the United Nationalities Alliance which has 15 political parties as members and it could be more or less understood as a common political outlook, where the formation of the federal union is concerned.


To sum up, the EAOs and EPPs are for an eight-state resolution, although this does not mean the existing all the 7 divisions/regions will become a Bamar State. It is more likely, that a certain portion of the areas where the majority of the Bamar resides will become Bamar State, while the others will be nationalities states, where certain ethnic mixture of population exist. For example, Tanintharyi where at least, Dawei, Karen and Mon mingled together which could become an ethnic state, where the population could determine their own destiny the way they see fit. The same goes for the Irrawaddy and Sagaing Divisions or Regions where multi-ethnic groups reside together in the areas. Thus, although it is termed as eight-state resolution, it would definitely be more than eight ethnic states.

In addition to the ethnic nationalities’ view of ethnic-territorial-based federal union, they also want two parliamentary houses of Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) and Amyotha Hluttaw or Nationalities Assembly (Upper House) to balance the political power usurped by one majority ethnic group, so that they won’t be handicapped in the national political arena.

The NLD deliberations within the parliament to dilute the military representation of 25% allotted seats aren’t successful and the NCA-based peace process is also unable to officially restart, due to the heavy-handedness of the Tatmadaw to exclude some EAOs and also launching of offensives against them, such as the AA and the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State.

Thus, the failed constitutional amendment and also the inability to move forward with the NCA-based peace process failures are all on the lap of the Tatmadaw, so to speak.

If this is the case, in order to move forward with the democratization and peace process, the Tatmadaw needs to make accommodation and not blocking the reconciliation. But first the two Bamar major players, the NLD and Tatmadaw, must also accept the fact that only a tripartite dialogue solution, which the ethnic nationalities have to be a part, is the only way to go.

Because of this only if the idea to abandon sidelining of the ethnic nationalities could be instilled the civil war might end, eventually paving the way for political settlement and perhaps we will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Otherwise, we will be forced to wait Page 8 of 68

for the outcome from the two Bamar stakeholders’ power struggle as a way to resolve the ethnic conflict, which is neither holistic, all-embracing nor a lasting solution. And if the civil war is to go on without even a chance to air our multitude differences of aspirations in state-building, we all will be further condemned to eternal conflict and won’t be able to get out of the vicious circle of violence. ------

COVID-19 causes venue problem of meeting with Northern Alliance Army Published 14 March 2020 A press held at the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw, yesterday.

NAYPYITAW- There has been location problem of a meeting between Northern Alliance of four ethnic armed groups and government due to COVID- 19 outbreak, says Zaw Htay, a spokesperson of the President’s Office.

A press conference was held at the briefing hall of the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw, yesterday and the spokesperson replied to the queries raised by the reporter.

Although the plan was underway to meet between government and alliance of four ethnic armed groups in Kumming, China, during the second week of February, it was failed due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

So, the government already offered to meet with four ethnic armed groups in Kungtung, Shan State and Myitkyina in Kachin State, according to the spokesperson.

The alliance of four ethnic armed groups said that they were inconvenient for them to come into Myitkyina and Kungtung Townships.

“The discussion isn’t held only one-sided of the government. The meeting will be held in the participation of both sides,” said Zaw Htay.

The Karenni National Progressive Party-KNPP had planned to meet with the government in Yangon, on March 17th but they requested the government to suspend the meeting due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

A reporter asked about casualties and injuries of civilians due to ongoing fighting in Rakhine State.

Zaw Htay also replied that the fighting suspended during the matriculation exam period. But, he was sad to hear the fighting during the exam. Especially, the fighting impacted the

Page 9 of 68 students in Rakhine State. With the aim to seek the ways for solutions of political problems and ethnic rights, they were needed to hold a negotiation with the government.

He also said that the armed struggle line took 70 years in Myanmar. But, it never gained success. northern-alliance-army ------

AA mine-blasts a bridge in Buthidaung: army Published 16 March 2020 | EMG

Arakan Army (AA) is attacked at a bridge on Nyaungchaung-Sataepyin Road in Buthidaung Township with mines in the early morning of March 15, announced the army on March 15.

The iron reinforcement bridge was destroyed by the AA about 1:30 am on March 15 and security forces went to the bridge to inspect the damage. The blast destroyed about two square feet of the bridge floor and the security forces found the remains of wires and galvanized iron sheets. The security forces are conducting operations in the area to have security and rules of law, announced the army. ------

Fighting kills 23 civilians in Myanmar’s Rakhine, Chin Sai Wunna 15 Mar 2020 Chin ethnic woman breastfeeds her baby in Baung Wa village in Paletwa township in May 2017. Photo: EPA

Update 1: Three days of fighting between the Tatmadaw (military) and Arakan Army (AA) on the border of Rakhine and Chin states killed at least 21 civilians and injured 27 others, civic groups and legislators said.

Salai Myo Htike, an Amyotha Hluttaw MP from Chin, said 12 civilians were killed and 15 were injured in a military air strike on suspected AA hideouts between Paletwa and Sami towns in Chin on Saturday.

On Friday, two women from Kyauktaw and Mrauk-U townships in Rakhine died of their injuries while being treated in a hospital.

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Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun, secretary of the Tatmadaw’s True News Agency, said he could not confirm or deny the military air strikes, adding that the Tatmadaw has difficulty distinguishing AA fighters from civilians because AA fighters disguise themselves as civilians.

He said there are AA members in nearly every village in Paletwa township.

“Air attacks are not usually conducted without exact information. We don't do such reckless things," Brig Gen Zaw Min Tun said.

Salai Myo Htike said that over 500 people from three villages had fled the air strikes to take shelter at monasteries and schools.

U Kyaw Nyein, chair of the Khumi Affairs Coordination Council, said people blame both the Tatmadaw and AA for the civilian casualties.

"The Tatmadaw should not fire at villages, and the AA should not hide in the villages,” he said. “We blame both sides for the tragedy.”

Khaing Thu Kha, AA spokesperson, denied that its fighters hide in villages disguised as civilians. “We never hide in villages," he said.

The fighting in northern Rakhine had forced about 50,000 civilians to flee their homes. - Translated ------

21 Killed, Many More Injured as Myanmar Military Jets Strafe Villages in Chin State

By Nyein Nyein | 16 March 2020

An injured Meiksa Wa villager is treated at Mandalay Hospital. / Rev. Salai J. Yin Oo

A total of 21 villagers were killed and about two dozen were injured when Myanmar military fighter jets opened fire on four villages in Paletwa Township in western Myanmar’s Chin State on the weekend, according to local residents and relief groups.

The casualties were reported in Meiksa Wa Village 2, Meiksa Wa Village 3, Wetma and Pyaing Tain villages.

Since Feb. 5, parts of the township have become battlegrounds as the Arakan Army attempts to seize a Myanmar military (or Tatmadaw) outpost on a hill in Meewa Village.

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On Monday, about 2,000 residents from 10 villages, including the four in which the casualties were reported, fled to Samee, a nearby town east of Paletwa, following the weekend’s fatal attacks on Wetma, Pyaing Tain and Meiksa Wa, said Salai Issac Khen, the former Chin State minister for municipal works, electricity and industry.

Some of the villagers fleeing their homes arrived in Samee town on Monday afternoon, but many were still on their way, according to U Maung San Thar, the administrator of Meiksa Wa Village, who left his home at 5 p.m. yesterday.

He said seven villages in Wetma village tract “have fled their homes since Sunday’s jet fighter attacks.”

“We heard the hospital in Samee town does not have enough medical supplies or doctors, and is in need of support,” Salai Issac Khen wrote in a Facebook post on Monday.

Meiksa Wa villagers take a boat to flee to Samee, a nearby town, on Sunday. / U Lai Pa

Citing locals, he said 12 people were killed when Tatmadaw jet fighters shot at Meik Sa on Saturday. The next day, more attacks by jet fighters killed eight people in Wetma and one in Pyaing Tain, he said.

According to a Meiksa Wa resident who accompanied some of the injured villagers to hospital, 10 people from Meiksa Wa villages No. 2 and No. 3 who sustained injuries to their lower legs, thighs and upper bodies on Saturday were taken to Matupi Hospital, and four severely injured patients were taken to Mindat Hospital, both in Chin State. The person spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear for their safety. Others who sustained minor injures to their arms, neck, legs and bodies were treated at Samee Hospital.

Later, two of four people being treated at Mindat Hospital were referred to Mandalay. One of them was a severely injured woman who face was pierced by a long piece of wood above her left eye, according to local residents.

Twelve others injured in Wetma Village were sent to Matupi Hospital and were expected to arrive there on Monday afternoon, he said.

Recalling Saturday’s incident, the man told The Irrawaddy on Monday that, “We did not expect that the military’s fighter jet would shoot into our village,” adding that most of the injuries occurred in Meiksa Wa villages Nos. 2 and 3. There are a total of about 300 households in Meiksa Wa villages Nos. 1, 2 and 3, according to the villager.

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He added, “In one family, seven people were killed instantly and only two teenagers, aged 13 and 15, are left; both of them were injured. Some houses were in flames when we left. Three houses were burning. Later we heard all the houses in our village are gone. Luckily, my parents are safe, but our house was burnt and is gone. We heard the situation is even worse in Wetma and Pyaing Tain villages, but we have not had contact with other villagers yet.”

Military spokesman Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun said that as the military returned fire at the enemy, it was hard to tell which side caused the villagers’ casualties. He referred to a statement posted on the website of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services on Sunday that “the military outpost was heavily surrounded by the AA insurgents near Meiksa (east) and Meiksa (west) villages in Paletwa, therefore the soldiers had no choice and shot them back. Because of the mutual fire, some of the villagers died and [were] injured.”

Injured Meiksa Wa villagers at Samee Hospital on Sunday. / U Lai Pa

It said, “eight injured–four men and four women–had arrived to Matupi hospital on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. and are receiving medical care.”

Regarding the claim of military fighter jets shooting at villagers, Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun told The Irrawaddy on Monday, “We used fighter jets and helicopters in military operations, but it is difficult to tell [if the fatalities] were caused by the jets. When we use the jets, we take more care and aim only at the enemy’s location.”

The villagers whom The Irrawaddy spoke to said the AA and Tatmadaw troops had been fighting near their villages, which are situated next to Meewa hill.

The armed groups were fighting in Meewa, which is some 7 or 8 kilometers from Wetma and Meik Sa villages, said the Khumi Affairs Coordination Council (KACC).

According to an AA statement released on Monday, the group has clashed with Tatmadaw troops near Meewa for more than 40 days since Feb. 5.

According to a KACC member who requested anonymity, at least 17 Khumi villages have been affected by the fighting between the AA and the Myanmar military.

Usually, Paletwa residents in need of medical attention or basic commodities use the Kalandan River waterway to travel to Rakhine State’s Kyauktaw Township—a journey of a few hours—and then travel to Sittwe, the state capital. However, travel from Paletwa to Kyauktaw has been disrupted since last month due to the intensified fighting, forcing residents to seek medical attention and safety deeper inside Chin State, despite the poor road infrastructure.

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Htet Naing Zaw contributed to this story. strafe-villages-chin-state.html ------

Two Women Injured by Myanmar Military in Rakhine Die in Hospital

By Min Aung Khine | 16 March 2020

Daw Nwe Nwe Oo at Sittwe Hospital on March 14. / Min Aung Khine / The Irrawaddy

SITTWE, Rakhine State—Two women allegedly hit by fire from Myanmar military forces on Friday died at the hospital the following day, according to local residents.

The two victims, Daw Nwe Nwe Oo, 39, of Tha-yet-tapin Village in Kyauktaw Township, and Daw Than Aye Kyi, 53, of Bu-ywet-ma-nyo Village in Mrauk-U Township, were seriously wounded in shootings on Friday.

“My sister died around 5 a.m. on Saturday from wounds inflicted by the Tatmadaw [Myanmar military],” Daw Malone Che, sister of Daw Than Aye Kyi, told The Irrawaddy.

Daw Than Aye Kyi was hit in her throat by a stray bullet while she was caring for a pregnant woman at a local hospital in Tein Nyo Village in Mrauk-U.

Daw Nwe Nwe Oo was hit in the head when an artillery shell landed on her house while she was hiding inside together with her family members. As the roof collapsed, three of her family members were also injured.

A military convoy travelling on the Yangon-Sittwe road from Mrauk-U opened fire along the road after they were attacked with remote-detonated mines near Bu-ywet-ma-nyo Village around 5 a.m. on Friday, according to local villagers.

A total of 16 local residents from Tein Nyo and Taung-U villages in Mrauk-U and Tha-yet- tapin Village in Kyauktaw were injured in the shootings. Among the victims were children as young as 10, as well as civilians from a camp for displaced persons and a hospital in Tein Nyo.

Following the incident, hospital staff and patients at Tein Nyo Hospital were evacuated to Mrauk-U District Hospital.

Military spokesperson Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun said the Tatmadaw troops were shooting in self-defense.

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“Tatmadaw troops are taking security measures in those areas. If they come under attack, they may return fire,” he told The Irrawaddy. “If they came under military attack, they might have returned fire at the scene.”

Rakhine State lawmaker U Tun Tha Sein, a resident of Taung-U Village, expressed concern for the civilians affected.

“If the people who have fled from clashes are still not safe, you can imagine how they feel now,” he told The Irrawaddy.

Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko. die-hospital.html ------

Chin Families Flee Fighting In Rakhine, Arrive In Hakha Monday, March 16, 2020 | Khonumthung News

Three Chin families escaping fighting in northern Rakhine State arrived in Hakha, capital of Chin State, this Thursday.

Han Thein told Khonumthung News after the Arakan Army (AA) based itself near their village Derlet Chaung, located in Ann township, they had to leave. The presence of the AA troops soon attracted the attention of the Burma Army. When fighting ensued Han Thein’s family and the other 49 families from Derlet Chaung went into exile.

“We couldn’t bring anything with us when we moved to Ann town,” he said. Without food, money or shelter it was a tough go, Han Thein told Khonumthung News.

Eventually, Christian leaders helped the three families—a total of 15 people from the Asho Chin ethnic group—make the long journey north to Hakha.

Soe Htet, spokesperson and municipal minister for Chin State, told Khonumthung News, he only recently learned the families had arrived in the capital. They will need to report to home affairs, he said, and after they can contact a local foundation for their accommodation.

“The Daw Khin Kyi foundation has already built 50 houses in Theekee village and donated them for IDPs (internally displaced persons). If they want to go there, they can come to discuss it with us,” Soe Htet said.

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It turns out the families already have their own plans. With the support of Christian leaders, they’re moving to Harein Pee village in Matupi township.

Fighting between the Tatmadaw and AA in Ann township has displaced over 300 Asho Chin from 10 villages in Ann township. More than 200 moved in with relatives in Nga Hpe, Minton, Min Hla and Saytok Tara townships in Magwe region.

The three families are the first Asho Chin displaced by fighting in Ann township that arrived in Hakha. With clashes continuing in northern Rakhine State, more families are expected to seek refuge from the conflict in Chin State. ------

Thousands of residents in Kyauktaw flee artillery fire Monday, March 16, 2020 | Development Media Group

Hnin Nwe — Thousands of people have fled their homes since artillery shells landed in or near some villages in Arakan State’s Kyauktaw Township over recent days, lawmakers and residents said.

More than 1,000 people from Myauk Taung village, over 2,000 people from Thazi village and more than 2,000 people from Shwe Pyi village have sought shelter elsewhere, residents said.

Those displaced are now staying at relatives’ homes and monasteries, where they are facing numerous daily living challenges, including accessing healthcare and ensuring their children’s continued education, a villager of Shwe Pyi said.

“People who have to depend on daily wages are facing difficulties with everything including food, clothes and living,” said Arakan State MP U Maung Maung for Kyauktaw Township.

Concerns among the displaced extend to ongoing fears for their safety, the lawmaker added.

The number of people internally displaced (IDPs) across several townships in Arakan State has surpassed 120,000 due to fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army ethnic armed group, according to the Rakhine Ethnics Congress. ------

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Panse militia and TNLA fights in Nantkham Published 16 March 2020 | Min Naing Soe

Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Panse militia group fought in five places in Nantkham Township, northern Shan State on March 15 and casualties are reported.

Maj. Tar Eike Kyaw from News and Information Department of TNLA said Panse militia and No.102 Light Infantry Regiment from the army came to attack TNLA members, who came to destroy poppy fields in Panse area.

Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun, Secretary of the Tatmadaw True News Information Team said the TNLA forces came to attack Panse militia and the army stood by with the Panse militia.

“A base of Panse militia located near Panse Village came under attack by the TNLA and it is about ten miles away from Nantkham. The fighting was not heavy but there were casualties in Panse militia. The army helped the Panse militia to attack back at them,” said Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun.

The fighting took place in Manpan, Kyaukkontan, Panse, Tarkun, and Mongmaing villages on March 15 and more than 300 TNLA troops were deployed to attack the Panse militia, according to Panse information youth group.

Two militias were killed in the fighting and more than 700 locals were trapped in five villages, according to Panse information youth group.

“I don’t know about the fighting in details and the fighting took place in Panse base and others bases,” said Maj. Tar Eike Kyaw.

No.123 Light Infantry Regiment based in Nantphatkar fired shells to the TNLA forces, said Maj. Tar Eike Kyaw.

He added the fighting occurred as the TNLA forces went to Panse area to destroy poppy fields and Panse militias are planting poppies in the area.

“Our troops went to destroy poppy fields daily but we warned the locals in advance. We warned them not to plant poppies but they planted it every day. The fighting took place whenever we went to destroy the poppy fields,” he said.

However Panse information youth group said the TNLA attacked the villages without enough reason.

The TNLA destroyed poppy fields since 2011 and no poppy field is seen at the roadside of Mandalay-Muse road in 2017. Only poppy fields are seen in the areas and nearby places where Panse militias took control, he said.

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TNLA, Militia Clash During Anti-Drug Campaign in Northern Shan State

By NETWORK MEDIA GROUP (NMG) | Monday, March 16, 2020

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Pangsay People’s Militia Force (PMF) clashed in northern Shan State’s Namkham Township on Sunday while the TNLA was destroying opium poppy fields, a spokesperson for the Ta’ang forces said.

Maj Mai Aik Kyaw, who is in charge of the TNLA’s information department said that the fighting—in which the Pansay militia was backed by government troops—broke out when Ta’ang forces went to destroy opium crops in the area controlled by the PMF.

“We went to destroy illicit drugs there. While we were destroying the poppy fields, combined forces from the Pansay PMF, MOC [Military Operations Command] 7 and IB [Infantry Battalion] 202 began to attack us with both heavy and small weapons,” Maj Mai Aik Kyaw said, referring to two Burma Army columns. “We then responded to their attacks. That’s why clashes occurred,” he added.

During the fighting, the TNLA spokesperson said that the Burma Army’s IB-123, based in Namphetka, and another unit based at the Mangtat hydropower station in Namkham also attacked the TNLA with heavy weapons.

NMG contacted the Tatmadaw’s True News Information Team for comment on their involvement in the attacks, but had received no response at the time of reporting.

The fighting reportedly lasted from around 6:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., near the villages of Tar Taun, Pansay, Hser Tai, Mang Pan and Per Hsai villages.

The TNLA said that they destroyed around 10 acres of poppies, seized more than 350 kg of opium, 40,000 methamphetamine tablets, 24 rifles, ammunition and military equipment from the Pangsay camps.

“We were able to also arrest eight PMF soldiers in the clashes. We seized the dead body of a PMF soldier. On our side, three TNLA soldiers have been injured,” Maj Mai Aik Kyaw told NMG.

Residents in Namkham town said that the fighting brought temporary instability to the area.

“It’s silent in downtown Namkham. There are poppy plantations on Pansay mountain. They had clashes there. The Palaung army and the PMF shot at each other. Villagers fled the

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clashes temporarily. After the clashes, the villagers returned to their homes. Now it’s stable there,” Namkham local Zau Yaw told NMG.

The TNLA reported that they destroy poppy fields annually in the area, and have had clashes before when they destroy opium crops in the Pansay area of Namkham Township.

The TNLA has carried out anti-drug campaigns in northern Shan State since 2017. With the exception of the Pansay area, there are now reportedly no poppy plantations on the western side of the -Muse highway in the region. ------

TNLA Attacks Five Poppy-Growing Hubs in Northern Myanmar

By Lawi Weng 16 March 2020

Detained Pan Say militia members with seized arms in Namkham Township, northern Shan State. / TNLA Information Department

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) said it launched attacks on five militia bases in Namkham Township, northern Shan State, yesterday (Sunday) in a crackdown on illegal poppy farms.

The TNLA issued a statement saying one militia member was killed, eight were detained and three TNLA members were wounded.

“We went to destroy poppy plantations at their bases and they fought back,” said the TNLA.

The TNLA attacked bases at Pan Say, Tar Kut, Par Sai, Mong Pang and Sar Taing at between 5:30am and 2:30pm. The armed group said Myanmar’s army, based in Namkham and , helped the militia by firing artillery from a distance.

The TNLA said it found 352 kg of black opium, 40,000 amphetamine pills and 24 guns with ammunition.

Around 4 hectares of poppy plantations were destroyed, Major Tar Aike Kyaw, a TNLA spokesman, told The Irrawaddy, adding that the TNLA would prosecute the eight members of the Pan Say militia who were detained.

“We will take action against them under our law. They will be punished, based on the amount of drugs we seized,” he said.

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Most poppy cultivation takes place on a mountain where the Pan Say militia controls territory in Namkham, the spokesman added. Both villagers and militia members grow poppies, according to the TNLA.

The militia grows poppy near its bases, Maj. Tar Aike Kyaw added.

Members of the TNLA destroy poppy plants in grown in land held Pan Say

Some poppy farmers who were detained by the TNLA reportedly said they sold raw opium to the militias.

“We do not have detailed information about how they trade their product. But we asked them after they were arrested and they said the militia let them grow the poppy and bought the crops,” said Maj. Tar Aike Kyaw.

The ethnic Ta’ang armed group said it began to crack down on illegal drugs in its territory in 2011, two years after the armed group was formed.

The TNLA said it recognized that illegal drugs were a national problem and crack downs on poppy cultivation would continue every year.

The poppy had not been grown along the highway from Muse, Lashio and Mandalay since 2017, according to the group. Poppy growing only persisted in areas held by armed militias, said Maj. Tar Aike Kyaw.

The TNLA said it met farmers to urge them to grow corn and other crops.

It added that most drugs came from Namkham and Muse townships and were transported through lawless areas.

TNLA, based in northern Shan State, is actively fighting Myanmar’s army and is a member of the Northern Alliance, which has engaged in peace negotiations with the government. myanmar.html ------

Gov’t Offers Villagers Pittance After Tatmadaw Loots Homes

By NANG SENG NOM - March 14, 2020

The Shan State government agreed to pay villagers who fled fighting in township but they say it’s not enough to cover the extensive damages they sustained during the clashes between the Burma Army—also called Tatmadaw—and the Shan army.

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Photo by – A Villagers

The ministry of Social, Relief and Resettlement has offered 2,100 kyat (US$1.5) to each person but villagers told SHAN they sustained hundreds of thousands of kyat in damages to their homes by bombing and looting when Tatmadaw soldiers slept in their homes and ate their livestock while they were forced to seek shelter in a monastery or with their relatives.

MP Sai Pan told SHAN each villager gets 2,100 kyat for the 7 days they were displaced. The minister is offering 50,000 kyat (US$36) to residents whose homes were damaged by fighting or soldiers sleeping in them.

“I’m unclear who I should report this to. Obviously, the villagers haven’t been compensated fairly for their losses.” Sai Pan said.

Aik Sai, from Koong Nyawng Hpahsa, estimates total losses at about 100 lakh Kyat (US$7,000).

Following days of intense fighting that pushed the Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) from its base on Loi Don mountain in southern Shan State, the government soldiers began building a new camp and they’re forcing villagers from Koong Nyawng Hpahsa to help them. The villagers have to donate wood and use their own vehicles to bring supplies and water up the mountain.

They’re really scared of the government soldiers, Sai Pan told SHAN, it’s like during the post- reform period under the Four Cuts policy. ------

Kachin Locals Demand Halt to Mega-Development Projects

By NETWORK MEDIA GROUP (NMG) | Monday, March 16, 2020

Locals in Kachin State have demanded a halt to the implementation of mega- development projects that negatively impact livelihoods and the environment.

The call came on International Rivers Day, commemorated on Saturday around the world, and locally in Lon Gar Zup village in Myitkyina Township,

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organized by Htoi Gender and Development Foundation and attended by more than 100 people. The objective of the event was to recognize the need to maintain rivers in their natural state, oppose projects that impact water sources, and to protect people’s rights to clean and sufficient water, and for them to be able to manage this resource themselves.

“The current government and future governments really need to implement development projects for the development of all people,” Doi Bu, vice chairperson for the Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP) told NMG. “We need projects that do not negatively impact our people emotionally and physically. That’s why we want the government to carefully consider their projects.”

Zarli Htwe, a lawyer working with the Htoi Gender and Development Foundation, told NMG that the projects being implemented need to be more carefully considered by the government, regarding their social and environmental impacts.

“It won’t benefit our people if these projects impact our society and the environment negatively. The government has to work for the benefit of the people, so the government should listen to the voice of the people,” she said.

Those in attendance at the event in Lon Gar Zup also spoke out against the China-backed Myitsone dam project, on the confluence of the Irrawaddy River in Kachin State. After widespread public discontent, construction was halted under the former administration led by Thein Sein, but locals are still calling for the dam to be permanently abandoned.

“We demand that the Myitsone dam project not be continued. We want them to understand our feelings. We want them to know how people are suffering. They should not only consider their businesses. We want them to create happiness for people,” a woman from U Pyit village who attended Saturday’s event, told NMG.

Another U Pyit resident, Ah Hser, said that locals depend on the Irrawaddy for both drinking water and for the cultivation of their crops and they want it to continue flowing freely.

“We don’t want the Irrawaddy River to be damaged. We want the Irrawaddy River to remain as it is. This project [the Myitsone dam] is likely to destroy the Irrawaddy,” he explained. “I don’t know how big the impact will be because of this project. We are not educated people, so I cannot predict the impact. But we want to see a beautiful river remain as it is.”

Existing agreements for international development projects were signed under previous governments and locals have pointed out that there was little to no transparency or consent from communities in the pursuit of these initiatives. ------

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Police seize heroin and amphetamine tablets from two men in Phaungpyin Published 16 March 2020 | Thant Sin Kyaw

Police seized heroin and amphetamine tablets worth over Ks20 million from two men in Phaungpyin Township on March 13, according anti-narcotics task force.

According to a tip-off, the anti-narcotics task force stopped a motorcycle on Phaungpyin- Pinlebu Road around 10 pm on March 13 and found 220 grams of heroin (estimated market price of Ks2.2 million) secretly stored inside soap bowls and 70 amphetamine tablets (estimated market price of Ks0.35 million) secretly stored inside plastic bags from Myint Hlaing and Wa Gyi.

The police lodged a case against them at Phaungpyin Township police station under the narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances law. two-men-in-phaungpyin ------

With Failed Myanmar Charter Reform, Military Still Controls Amnesty for Political Prisoners

By San Yamin Aung | 16 March 2020

The Union Parliament votes on proposed constitutional amendments on March 13. / Thiha Lwin / The Irrawaddy

YANGON—Myanmar’s military will continue to hold the key to freeing political prisoners as the Parliament rejected a proposed charter amendment from the National League for Democracy (NLD) party that would have granted the president full power to declare amnesties.

Under Article 204 (b) of the military-drafted 2008 Constitution, the president can only grant amnesties in accordance with the recommendation of the National Defense and Security Council (NDSC), a powerful body effectively under military control.

The council is made up of 11 members, including the president, the two vice-presidents, both parliamentary speakers, the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief, the foreign affairs minister and the military-appointed ministers of home affairs, border affairs and defense. As one vice-president is appointed by the military, the army commands a majority on the council.

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The army also controls the three powerful ministries involved, including the Ministry of Home Affairs, which oversees the Police Force and the Prisons Department, among other state apparatuses.

The ruling NLD party sought to grant the president full authority to declare amnesties by removing the phrase “in accordance with the recommendation of the NDSC” from Article 204 (b). According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), there are currently 73 political prisoners serving prison sentences and 141 in jail facing trial.

A total of 403 lawmakers, about 62 percent of Parliament, voted to approve the proposal, while 227 others voted against it.

National League for Democracy and military-appointed lawmakers cast their ballots in a constitutional amendment vote at the Union Parliament. / Thiha Lwin / The Irrawaddy

The proposal was among 15 proposed amendments voted on in Parliament on Monday.

The proposals included amendments, additions and repeals to the Constitution that are covered by Article 436 (b) and therefore require the support of more than 75 percent of lawmakers to pass, but do not require a popular referendum.

Other proposals rejected on Monday included a motion to remove the defense and security committees from the Lower House, Upper House and state and regional legislatures, and a motion to bar anyone who has been permitted to use state-owned land or property from being elected as a lawmaker.

Even some proposals to change wordings in the Constitution didn’t received the required support of more than 75 percent of lawmakers.

Currently, the NLD holds 59 percent of seats in Parliament, ethnic parties hold 11 percent, the Union Solidarity and Development Party holds 5 percent and the military holds a constitutionally-mandated 25 percent.

The Union Parliament began voting on constitutional amendments on March 10. So far, 70 proposals have been voted on and only two proposals have received the required support of more than 75 percent of lawmakers. The two approved proposals are changes to the written term for “disabled” and “elders” in Burmese. controls-amnesty-political-prisoners.html ------

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Will the Myanmar Military Ever Allow Charter Reform?

By The Irrawaddy 14 March 2020

Kyaw Zwa Moe: Welcome to Dateline Irrawaddy! Taking a look at the results from voting on constitutional amendments submitted by the National League for Democracy (NLD) to the Union Parliament, we see some answers to the question of who has the real power in Myanmar.

On the first day of voting [on Tuesday], 14 amendments proposed by the NLD were put to a vote, but no significant changes could be made. We can assume that the military lawmakers and their allies won’t vote for significant changes in the coming days. In other words, the amendments may end in failure. We will discuss how the people—and analysts—view this. Ma Mon Mon Myat, a political analyst and PhD candidate studying peacebuilding at Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and Ko Thiha Thu, or Ko Sanny, the founder and director of Than Lwin Citizen Empowerment Program, who is also a former political prisoner and took part in the 1988 pro-democracy uprising, join me to discuss this. I’m The Irrawaddy English editor Kyaw Zwa Moe.

Fourteen proposed amendments were put to vote, and the NLD failed. The amendment to reduce the political role of the Tatmadaw [Myanmar military] failed. The provisions were left unchanged as they didn’t receive the required support of more than 75 percent of lawmakers. It appears that people were disappointed even though they had not expected much. Ma Mon Mon Myat, how do you feel and how do you assess the outcome?

Mon Mon Myat: I made the critique [on Tuesday] that the Parliament is disabled but strong.

KZM: By the way, only two proposals—the changes to the written term for “disabled” in Burmese—received approval. Please go on.

MMM: I said so because [the Parliament] might be strong in some areas even though it is disabled. I try to be constructive in my thinking. People had high hopes about charter amendment. Efforts were made to change the Constitution, and until the last minute, we all waited in hope for the votes from military lawmakers. As military personnel come from among the people, we waited with the hope that they would consider the wishes of the people. Most of the people understand that charter amendment is unlikely. Everyone knows the answer. It is all understood. But we still have hope, because the Parliament is tasked with making and amending laws.

As the State Peace and Development Council government designed the Constitution to make it impossible to change, it included a clause that requires the approval of more than 75 percent of lawmakers for any change. It is not strange that the Constitution can’t be amended. But the Parliament is also tasked with legislation, so we can expect legislative

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actions from the Parliament. We will maintain our expectations until the voting on charter amendment is over.

KZM: The NLD has proposed reducing the required majority for amendments to the Constitution to two-thirds of elected lawmakers. It is unlikely that this will be passed. The NLD is an elected government, but when it comes to constitutional reform, it can only move within the boundaries of the Constitution, and it appears it does not want to overstep this boundary. Taking a look at the voting results, the elected government—the elected Parliament—doesn’t have the real power. Military lawmakers have a veto over constitutional change. Ko Sanny what can we still expect in this gridlock?

Thiha Thu: It is true that the people were disappointed with the results of the vote. Those who are interested in politics and those who had high hopes feel more disappointed. We are disappointed too. The NLD, under the guidance of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, entered the Parliament in order to change the Constitution to achieve real democracy at a time when we are undergoing democratic transition. This fact is indisputable. The good from Tuesday’s voting is that it showed the NLD following through towards its goal. This is good.

Fourteen out of the 55 proposed amendments under Article 436 (a), which require the approval of more than 75 percent of lawmakers plus a national referendum, were put to a vote on Tuesday. Of them, only two proposals regarding the terminology about ‘disabled’ in Burmese were passed, but all the key amendments to the basic principles of the Union failed. This was telling and shows that military lawmakers refuse to allow amendments. This tells us that there is an enormous challenge in amending the Constitution in the Parliament.

The alarm bell has been rung. Political leaders, parties and those who are interested in politics and the people as a whole have heard this alarm. This is a good point, I think. It is important to reach a political agreement if there will be any charter amendments through the parliament. It is difficult to amend the Constitution because there is still no political agreement.

If [the military] is willing, constitutional amendments can be made overnight. The current outcome shows that much greater efforts are needed to make politically effective changes. I just mean it is good to see this fact.

KZM: The military lawmakers are controlled by the Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, and they will act according to his instructions. The leadership is the key, as you have suggested. Political entities and activists have called for dialogue between the two sides, but this appears unlikely because there is a question about the political will of the military leadership. If this situation goes on like this, and the military leadership, either the current leadership or new leadership, have the same attitude beyond the 2020 election, what do you think should be done?

MMM: Fear and charter reform are connected. The Constitution was designed by the military regime and was amended once under U Thein Sein’s administration. The military locked the Constitution out of fear. The last law passed by the Parliament under U Thein Sein’s administration is for U Thein Sein—it was the Former President’s Security Law. It is

Page 26 of 68 concerned with fears about individual people and individual organizations. Similarly, the first law enacted by the Parliament under the elected government is State Counselor Law. Then measures were taken to amend the laws related to political prisoners and laws that threaten the security of citizens. Citizens have fears and so do rulers. So, to amend the Constitution, we need to see how we can alleviate the fears of the military leadership and military personnel. Any government in power must take this fact into consideration. Only then will constitutional changes be possible.

KMZ: In other words, the military feels insecure about charter amendments, but there is barely any move to draw retrospective legislation against them. As Ma Mon Mon Myat has suggested, they don’t want to amend the Constitution because they have concerns that their interests will be harmed.

Ko Sanny, speaking of constitutional freedom, not every country has it. Though our country has a certain degree of democracy, we can’t enjoy such things as the citizens’ rights or the rule of law if the Constitution is not designed to meet the norms of a real democracy. So, how would this country move forward in democratic transition?

TT: The military leadership has repeatedly talked about establishing a federal democracy. But when the proposed amendments were put to a vote, the military lawmakers voted against them. Less than 61 percent of lawmakers voted in favor of the proposed amendments. So despite the fact that they are talking about how much they want a federal democracy, they are against it in reality, perhaps because of insecurity about their interests, as you have suggested.

My view is that the leadership from the two sides is important for constitutional change. Without actions from the leadership, no matter how many votes are held in Parliament, at best only the terminology can be changed. It is pointless to hold a national referendum to approve changes in terminology—the leadership should negotiate and make compromises.

KZM: This is what everyone is suggesting. But they can do nothing as the two sides do not bother to meet. Perhaps one side has a more hardline attitude than the other. If the military does not cooperate on charter reform—some of the military lawmakers are even posting photos saying that they won the vote—to what extent will this further affect its image among the international community? In the eyes of the international community, the military has rejected the amendments proposed by the NLD and ethnic parties which are trying for democratic change. To what extent can this affect us? Our country is faced with the ICJ [International Court of Justice] and the UN over human rights violations, and the military leadership is specifically targeted. Ma Mon Mon Myat, will this have negative consequences for the military?

MMM: The military, which designed the Constitution, does not want to lose its power. It is obvious that it still wants to play a major role in state building. It becomes clearer as the international community is also monitoring the situation. It becomes clearer that military lawmakers have become a barrier to any civilian groups that try to amend the Constitution.

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KZM: Ko Sanny, charter reform has reached a deadlock. One side wants to amend it, but the other side doesn’t accept it. The process has reached an impasse and it has become difficult to amend the Constitution through parliament. But the situation may change with the change in leadership, either in the military or on the other side. How do you think Myanmar citizens should proceed in the current situation? The 2020 general election is coming soon, and it is important for the NLD to win the election in order to continue implementing its policies and charter reform. Ko Sanny, what is your assessment?

TT: For the part of the people, they will vote again for the NLD because they believe the NLD is the only way out of the charter crisis. In other words, they have trust in the NLD leader, so they will vote for the NLD. It is unlikely that the NLD can outperform its electoral victory in 2015, but even if it can secure the same result as in 2015, it will not be able to change the Constitution. Changes can only be made when the NLD can get the nod from around 85 percent of military lawmakers. This is still impossible, so the situation will go on like this. No matter which party wins the elections in 2020 and 2025—though the NLD is likely to win them—constitutional changes are unlikely. So, it is important to initiate genuine political reforms before the 2020 [election] and after the 2020 [election]. The NLD plays a major role in this—it needs to be strong and provide effective leadership. The NLD leadership is important. They know what changes people want to see, and if they work diligently, people will support their party. As public support can result in a shift in politics, this can lead to change in the Parliament.

KZM: But then the NLD needs to choose the right people. We have seen many NLD chief ministers and lawmakers criticized for their comments and actions. We have found that many in the public don’t like them. Ko Sanny, Ma Mon Mon Myat: thank you for your contributions! reform.html ------

NCA လက�မ�တ�မထ���ရ�သ�သည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ��� အ�န�ဖင�� �စ��တ�က�တ�က��နသည�� သ�ဘ�ရ����က�င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ��� PPST)( အဖ���ဝင� ဗ��လ�မ���က��ခ�န�ဥက�� ��ပ��က��

Published 15 March 2020 | �က�င��ခန��လင�� (မ�ံရ��)

တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ� ပစ�ခတ�တ��က�ခ��က�မ�ရပ�စ��ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� ( NCA) တ�င� လက�မ�တ�မထ���ရ�သ�သည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ��� အ�န�ဖင�� �စ��တ�က�တ�က��နသည�� သ�ဘ�ရ����က�င�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ�� ဦ��ဆ�င�အဖ��� (PPST) အဖ���ဝင� ပအ��ဝ��အမ����သ�� လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�အဖ���ခ��ပ� (PNLO) ဦ��ဆ�င�န�ယက ဗ��လ�မ���က��ခ�န�ဥက��က ��ပ��က��သည�။

မ�ံရ���မ ���တ�င� မတ� ၁၄ ရက�က GLORIOUS Monywa ဟ��တယ�၌ �ပ�လ�ပ�သည�� ဖက�ဒရယ��ရ�ရ� သင�တန��အ�ပ�� �န�က�တစ��န�တ�င� The Daily Eleven သတင��စ���င�� သ��သန���တ��ဆ�ံစ�� ၎င��က အထက�ပ�အတ��င�� ထည��သ�င����ပ��က�� ခ���ခင���ဖစ�သည�။

တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ��� NCA လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ���ရန� က�န�ရ���န�ခင��သည� တစ�ဖ���ခ�င��စ�၏ မတ�ည�သည�� �န�က�ခံသမ��င��မ���၊ အခက�အခ�မ�����င�� အ��ခအ�နမ�����က�င�� �ဖစ���က�င��၊ �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�

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မလ��ခ�င�၍ မဟ�တ�ဘ� တစ�ဖ���ခ�င��စ�၏ အ��ခအ�န��င�� တ��က�ဆ��င�မ�က���ကည���ပ�� မည�သည��အခ��န�တ�င� ထ���ရမည�က�� �စ��တ�က�တ�က��နသည�� သ�ဘ�မ����ရ����က�င�� ဗ��လ�မ���က��ခ�န�ဥက��က ��ပ��က��သည�။

“အခ�အခ��န�ထ� မထ����ဖစ��သ�တ��အဖ����တ�က က�န�တယ�။ က�န�ပ�ံက�န�နည��ကလည�� �န�က�ခံသမ��င��က မတ��တ�� တစ�ဖ����ခင��ရ�� အခက�ခ� သ�တ���ရ�� အ��ခအ�နက�� က�န��တ��တ���က ထ�တ���ပ�လ��� မ�က�င��ဘ��။ ဒ��ပမ�� NCA က�� မထ���ခ�င�လ����တ�� မဟ�တ�ဘ��။ �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�က�� မလ��ခ�င�လ����တ�� မဟ�တ�ဘ��။ တစ�ဖ����ခင��ရ�� အ��ခအ�နက�� တ��က�ဆ��င�မ��ကည���ပ���တ�� ဒ�အခ��န�မ�� ထ���ရင� ပ��ရမလ��။ ဟ��အခ��န��ကမ� ထ���ရင� ပ��ရမလ��။ အ�ဒ�လ�� တ�က��ပ���တ�� �နတ��အဖ����တ�လည�� ရ��တယ�။ အရပ�သ�� စက����ပ�ရင� �စ��တ�က�တ�က��နတ��ပ��။ ဒ�လ��တ�က�ရင�� တ�က�ရင��န�� ဒ�အစ���ရ သက�တမ��က �ပန�က�န��တ��မယ�။ ဒ���က�င�� NCA လက�မ�တ� မထ���ရ�သ�တ�� အဖ����တ�က တ�က�ခ�က��နတ�� သ�ဘ��တ�� ရ��တ��ပ�� ” ဟ� ၎င��ကဆ��သည�။

NCA လက�မ�တ� မ�ရ�ထ���ထ���သ�သည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���အခ���� အ�န�ဖင�� ဦ�သ�န��စ�န� အစ���ရ လက�ထက�တ�င� ထ�ထ�ဝင�ဝင� ပ�ဝင�လ�ပ��ဆ�င�ခ���သ��လည�� အခ�င��အ�ရ� မ���မ���စ��စ�� မရ��ခ��သည��အတ�က� ပ�ဝင�လ��ခင�� မရ����က�င��၊ ၂၀၁၅ အ�ထ��ထ� �ရ���က�က�ပ���ပ���န�က�ပ��င�� NLD အစ���ရလက�ထက�တ�င� အခ�င��အ�ရ� ပ��ရ���င�မည�က�� �စ�င��ခ��သည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� အခ����ရ����က�င��၊ သ����သ��လည�� NLD အစ���ရအ�န�ဖင�� အခ��န�တစ���စ�ခ��ခန�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�ဘက�က�� အ���ံမစ��က����င�သည��အတ�က� အစ���ရသစ� လက�ထက�တ�င� လက�မ�တ�ထ���ရန� �စ�င���နသည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ��� အ�န�ဖင�� လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ������င��ခင�� မရ��ဘ� အခ��န��ကန���က�သ���ရ�ခင�� �ဖစ���က�င�� ဗ��လ�မ���က�� ခ�န�ဥက��က ဆက�လက� ��ပ��က��သည�။

“ဦ�သ�န��စ�န�လက�ထက�မ�� ထ�ထ�ဝင�ဝင� ပ�ဝင��ဆ������တ�� အဖ����တ�က ဦ�သ�န��စ�န�က ၂၀၁၅ �ရ���က�က�ပ��မ�� အခက�ခ��ဖစ�သ���တ�� အခ�က��တ�� သ��အ�နန�� �ပန�ဆ�တ�ခ��ဖ���အတ�က� ကမန��ကတန�� �ပင�ဆင�ရတ�က���။ အခ����ဟ��တ�က အ�က�င�အထည��ဖ��တ�� �နရ��တ�မ�� နည��နည��အခက�ခ� ရ��သ���တ��ပ�ါ။ အ�ဒ�တ�န��က လ�ထ�အ���ပ�တ�� �ရ���က�က�ပ��က အ���င�ရမယ��အစ���ရက�� ပ���ပ�� �တ�� �မ���လင��တ�� တ��င��ရင��သ��လက�နက�က��င� အဖ����တ�လည��ရ��တယ�။ ဒ���က�င�� ဦ�သ�န��စ�န��ခတ�မ�� အခ�င��အ�ရ�ရတ�က သ�ပ�မမ���ဘ��။ ဒ���က�င�� မပ��သ�ဘ��။ ဒ�မ��က�ရ စ�အစ���ရလက�ထက�မ���တ�� ပ��ရမလ��ဆ�� �ပ���တ�� �စ�င��ဦ�မယ�ဆ��တ�� အဖ����တ�က ရ��တယ�။ �စ�င��ဦ�မယ�ဆ��တ��အဖ����တ�က လက��တ��အစ���ရသစ� လက�ထက�မ�� တစ���စ�ခ�� �လ�က�က �ပည�တ�င���င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�က�� အ���ံမစ��က����င�ဘ��။ အစ���ရသစ�ကလည�� သ��ရပ�တည��ရ�၊ သ��ရ��ခ��င�မ��ရ�၊ သ��ရ��လ�ထ� �ထ�က�ခံမ�က�� �ပန�ရ�ရ�အတ�က� �ပန��ပ���တ�� လ�ပ��နရတ��ပ�ါ။ တစ���စ�ခ���လ�က�က �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�က�� အ���ံမစ��က����င��တ�� အစ���ရသစ�န��မ� လက�မ�တ�ထ���မယ�ဆ��တ�� အဖ����တ�က �စ�င��ရင���စ�င��ရင��န�� �က�သ���တ�” ဟ� ၎င��က ��ပ��က��သည�။

လက�ရ��တ�င� ကရင�န� အမ����သ��တ���တက��ရ�ပ�တ� (KNPP) အ�န�ဖင�� NCA စ�ခ��ပ�တ�င� လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ��� ���င��ရ�အတ�က� အစ���ရ��င�� ည����င���ဆ�������န�ပ�� အ�ခ���သ� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���မ��� �ဖစ��ကသည�� “၀” လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� (UWSA)၊ ကခ�င�လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� (KIO/KIA)၊ ရ�မ���ပည�တ���တက��ရ�ပ�တ� (SSPP)၊ မ��င��လ��အဖ��� (NDAA)၊ တအန��လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� (TNLA)၊ ရခ��င�လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� (AA)၊ က���ကန��လက�နက�က��င�အဖ��� (MNDAA) စသည�� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���မ���မ��မ� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��စ��တ�င� ပ�ဝင�လ����င��ရ�အတ�က� အစ���ရ��င�� အလ����သင��သလ�� ည����င���ဆ�������နဆ� �ဖစ���က�င�� သ�ရသည�။

၂၀၁၀ အ�ထ��ထ� �ရ���က�က�ပ���ပ�� �န�က�ပ��င�� ဦ�သ�န��စ�န�အစ���ရ လက�ထက���င�� NLD အစ���ရလက�ထက�တ�င� NCA လက�မ�တ�ထ����ပ���သ� တ��င��ရင��သ�� ၁၀ ဖ���ရ��ခ���ပ�� ယင��အဖ���မ���မ�� ကရင�အမ����သ�� အစည��အ��ံ� (KNU)၊ ရ�မ���ပည��ပန�လည� ထ��ထ�င��ရ��က�င�စ� (RCSS)၊ ဒ�မ��က�ရစ� အက�����ပ� ကရင��တပ�မ�တ�� (DKBA)၊ ကရင��င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ��က�င�စ� (KNU-KNLA/PC)၊ ရခ��င�အမ����သ�� လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�ပ�တ� (ALP)၊ ခ�င��အမ����သ��တပ�ဦ� (CNF)၊ ပအ��ဝ��လ�တ���မ�က��ရ� အဖ���ခ��ပ� (PNLO)၊ �မန�မ����င�ငံလ�ံ�ဆ��င�ရ� �က��င�သ��မ��� ဒ�မ��ကရက�တစ�တပ�ဦ� (ABSDF)၊ မ�န��ပည�သစ�ပ�တ� (MNSP) ��င�� လ��ဟ�ဒ�မ��ကရက�တစ� အစည��အ��ံ� (LDU) တ��� �ဖစ�သည�။

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RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရ တပ�မ�တ�� �တ��ဆ�ံ

By Nang Seng Nom - March 16, 2020

သ�မ���ပည� �ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ� �က�င�စ�၊ သ�မ���ပည�တပ�မ�တ��(RCSS/SSA) ��င�� အစ���ရတပ�မ�တ�� တ��� ယမန��န� မတ� ၁၅ ရက� က �န�ပည��တ��တ�င� �တ��ဆ�ံ�ဆ������ခ����က�င�� သတင��ရရ��သည�။

Photo by Tai Freedom/ Facebook

�န�ပည��တ�� တ��င��စစ�ဌ�နခ��ပ� �ပ�င���လ�င��ရ�ပ�သ�တ�င� �တ��ဆ�ံ�က�ခင���ဖစ��ပ�� �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� လ�ပ�ငန�� စ��မ���၊ တပ�ပ��င��ဆ��င�ရ� က�စ�ရပ�မ���၊ JMC ဆ��င�ရ� လ�ပ�ငန��မ���၊ လ�ထ� အတ�က� �ဒသဖ�ံ��ဖ ����ရ� လ�ပ�ငန�� မ��� ��င�� လက�ရ���ဖစ�ပ����နသည�� Novel Corona Virus (ခ�����န�ဗ��င��ရပ�စ�) COVID -19 က�က�ယ��ရ� အတ�က� �ပည�သ�လ�ထ�မ���အ�� အသ�ပည��ပ��ခင��တ���က�� �ဆ������ခ���က��က�င�� သ�ရသည�။

ယင���တ��ဆ�ံပ��တ�င� RCSS/SSA ဘက�မ� ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ� �ဘ�င��ခ� ဦ��ဆ�င��ပ��၊ အစ���ရ တပ�မ�တ�� ဘက�တ�င� ဒ�တ�ယ ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ��က�� ရ��ပည�� က ဦ��ဆ�င� �ဆ������ခ��သည�။

Photo by Tai Freedom/ Facebook

“ တပ�၂ဖက� အ��က�င��က�စ��တ� ရ��လ�ရင� �တ��ဆ�ံ�ဆ������ဖ��� ��ပ�ထ��ပ�တယ�။ မ��င��က��င� က�စ�လည�� �ဆ�������ကပ�တယ�။ တ��က�ပ��ထပ�မ�ဖစ�ဖ��� လည�� �ဆ������ပ�တယ�” ဟ� RCSS/SSA ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ဗ��လ�မ���က�� အ�မ��ခ� က ��ပ�သည�။

RCSS/SSA ��င�� အစ���ရ တပ�မ�တ�� သည� �ဖ�ဖ��ဝ�ရ� ၂၇ ရက�မ� စတင�က� မတ�လဆန��ပ��င��ထ� သ�မ���ပည� �တ�င�ပ��င�� မ��င��က��င��မ ���နယ� လ� ��င��တ�င�� �တ�င���က� တ�လ��က�တ�င� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�ပ��� ခ��သည�။

RCSS/SSA တပ�စခန��ခ�သည�� လ� ��င��တ�င�� တပ�စခန�� တပ�ဆ�တ�ခ��ရ�ပ�� လက�ရ��မ�� အစ���ရတပ�မ�တ��က တပ�စခန��ခ�ထ����က�င�� သ�ရသည�။


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နယ���မသတ�မ�တ��ရ��ဆ������ရန� တပ�မ�တ����င��RCSS သ�ဘ�တ�

စ��င��ဝဏ� 16 Mar 2020 | �မန�မ�တ��င��မ��န�စ��

��စ�ဖက�တပ�မ��� ထ��တ��မ��ရ��င� ရ������င�ရန�အတ�က� နယ���မသတ�မ�တ� �ရ��ဆ������ရန� တပ�မ�တ����င�� ရ�မ�� �ပည��ပန�လည�ထ��ထ�င��ရ��က�င�စ� (RCSS)တ��� သ�ဘ�တ�ခ��သည�။

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RCSSသည� တစ����င�ငံလ�ံ�ပစ�ခတ�တ��က�ခ��က�မ�ရပ�စ��ရ�သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ�က�� ၂ဝ၁၅ ခ���စ� �အ�က�တ��ဘ� ၁၅ ရက�တ�င� အ�ခ���သ�တ��င��ရင�� သ��လက�နက�က��င�ခ�နစ�ဖ�����င��အတ� လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ���ခ��သည�။


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By အ�ပ�မ���ဇ�� | 16 March 2020

ဓ�တ�ပ�ံ - �န��အ�န��လ�

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နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� အတ�င��ရ�� တ�တ�န��၊ ပန���ဆ�၊ ဆ�တ��င�၊ မန�ပန���င�� ပ�ဆ��င�� �က��ရ��မ��� အန��တဝ��က�တ�င� မတ�လ ၁၅ ရက��န�က ၈ န�ရ�ခန��အ�က� ပစ�ခတ�မ�မ��� �ဖစ�ပ���ခ��သည�ဟ� PSLF/TNLA က ��ပ�သည�။

PSLF/TNLA အ�န�ဖင�� ယခ� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�ပ���သည�� �ဒသအတ�င�� ��စ�စ�� ဘ�န��ခင��မ��� ဝင��ရ�က� ဖ�က�ဆ�� မ�မ��� �ပ�လ�ပ�လ�က�ရ����က�င����င�� ထ��သ��� ဘ�န��ခင��မ��� ဝင��ရ�က�ဖ�က�ဆ��တ��င�� ယခ�က��သ��� ပစ�ခတ�မ�မ���၊ တ��က�ပ��မ��� �ဖစ�ပ���ခ��သည�ဟ� ဆ��သည�။

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နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� ပန��ဆ��ဒသရ�� �နရ� ၅ ခ�က��TNLA ဝင�တ��က�

By စ���သ��အ�င� | 15 March 2020

Photo - EPA

ရန�က�န�၊ မတ� ၁၅။ ။ ရ�မ���ပည���မ�က�ပ��င��၊ နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� ပန��ဆ��ဒသရ�� �က��ရ�� ၅ ခ�က�� တအ�င��အမ����သ��လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�အဖ��� (TNLA) က ဝင�တ��က�ခ�� သည�ဟ� �ဒသခံ တခ����က မဇ��မသ�����ပ�သည�။

မတ�လ ၁၅ ရက��န� နံနက� ၅ န�ရ��လ�က�မ�စက� ပန��ဆ��ဒသရ�� မန��ပ�လ��ရ���က��ရ��၊ �ရ��က�က�န��ကန���က��ရ��၊ ပန���ဆ��က��ရ��၊ ပ�က� မန��မ��င� (�ခ�) ပ���မ��က�ရ�� တ���က�� TNLA အဖ���ကဝင��ရ�က�ခ���သ���က�င�� ပန��ဆ��ပည�သ��စစ�အဖ�����င�� တ��က�ပ���ပင��ထန���က�င�� ၎င�� ကဆ��သည�။

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တ��က�ပ��မ�� သတင���ရ�သ��ခ��န� နံနက� ၁၁ န�ရ��က���အထ� �ဖစ�ပ����န�သ��ပ�� အနည��ဆ�ံ� အရပ�သ�� ၂ ဦ�ထ�ခ��က��သဆ�ံ�ထ��ရ��က�င�� လည���ဒသခံမ���ထံမ�သ�ရသည�။

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အဆ��ပ� �နရ� ၅ ခ�က�� TNLA မ�ဝင�တ��က�ခ���ခင��မဟ�တ�ဘ� မ��ယစ��ဆ�မ���က�� ဖ�က�ဆ��ရန�ဝင��ရ�က�စ�� �ပည�သ��စစ�အဖ���မ�တ��က�ခ��က�ခ���ခင��ဟ�တအ�င��အမ����သ��လ�တ���မ�က��ရ�အဖ��� (TNLA) မ� ဗ��လ�မ��တ�အ��က��က���က ��ပ�သည�။

“ အ��ဘက�မ�� ဘ�န��ခင��ရ��တယ�။ ရ���တ�� က�န��တ��တ���အဖ���က သ����ရ�က�ဖ�က�ဆ��တ��ဖစ�တယ�။ အ��လ��သ���တ��အခ��န��ပည�သ��စစ�က လ� �ရ�က�တ��က�ခ��က�လ��� ��စ�ဖက� အ�ပန�အလ�န�ပစ�ခတ�မ��တ��တ��ရ��တယ�။ အ�သ�စ�တ��တ��က�န��တ��မသ�ရ�သ�ဘ��” ဟ� ၎င��က��ပ�သည�။

အဆ��ပ�ရ�� ၅ ရ��သည� ဘ�န��စ��က�သ�မ���ရ���နသည��အ�ပင� မ��ယစ��ဆ�ဝ���ရ�င��ဝယ��ဖ�က�က��မ�မ���ရ���န�သ���က�င�� ဝင��ရ�က� ဖ�က�ဆ�� ရန� လ�ပ�ရ�ခင��ဟ�လည�� ဗ��လ�မ��တ�အ��က��က���ကဆ��သည�။

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ရ�မ���ပည�နယ���မ�က�ပ��င�� နမ��ခမ���မ ����င�� နမ��ဖတ�က��က���ဒသတ�င� ခ��လ�ံလ��ရ�� လ�မ�����တ� အမ���ဆ�ံ� �နထ��င�သည�� �ဒသ�ဖစ��ပ��ပန��ဆ� �ပည�သ��စစ�အဖ���မ���လ�ပ�ရ���သည��နယ���မလည���ဖစ�သည�။

အဆ��ပ��ဒသတ�င� �ပ��ခ��သည�� ၂၀၁၉ ခ���စ�အထ� ဘ�န��အဓ�ကစ��က�ပ����သည�ဟ�ဆ��က� ဘ�န��ခင��လ��ရ�က�ဖ�က�ဆ���လ�ရ��သည�� TNLA ��င�� ပန��ဆ��ပည�သ�� စစ�တ����က��၊ မ�က�ခဏတ��က�ပ���ဖစ�ပ����လ�ရ��သည�။


TNLA န�� �ပည�သ��စစ�တ��က�ပ��မ�� �ပည�သ��စစ� ��စ�ဦ� �သဆ�ံ�


ဒ�မနက��လ�န�ရ��လ�က�မ�� TNLA တပ�ဖ����တ�က ရ�မ���ပည�နယ� ��မ�က�ပ��င�� နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� မန�ပန��(လ��ရ��)ရ��၊ �က��က�က�န��တန��၊ ပန��ဆ�၊ တ�က�မ��၊ မန��မ��င�(ပန��မ�င��) စတ���က��ရ���တ�က�� ဝင��ရ�က�လ�တ���က�င�� �က��ရ��မ��ရ���နတ�� �ပည�သ��စစ�တပ�ဖ����တ�န�� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�ခ��တ�ပ�။

တ��က�ပ����က�င�� မန��မ��င��က��ရ��က အသက� သ�ံ�ဆယ�အရ�ယ� အမ����သ�� ��စ�ဦ� �သဆ�ံ�ခ��တယ�လ��� ခ��လ�ံ လ��ရ�� �ပန��က��ရ�တ�ဝန�ခံ မသ�မ��က RFA က�� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

မနက��လ�န�ရ��လ�က� ကစတ�� တ��က�ပ��ဟ� �န�လယ�ပ��င��အထ� ဆက��ဖစ��နတယ�လ���လည�� �ဒသခံ�တ�က ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။ တ��က�ပ��အတ�င�� �က��ရ��င��ရ��က ရ��သ�� ရ�စ�ရ��လ�က�လည�� ပ�တ�မ��နတယ�လ��� မသ�မ�� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ�အရ အမည�မ�ဖ��လ��တ�� မန��မ��င��က��ရ�� ရပ�မ�ရပ�ဖတစ�ဦ�က�တ�� တ��က�ပ����က�င�� �သဆ�ံ�သ��တ�ဟ� အရပ�သ���တ�မဟ�တ�ဘ� မန��မ��င� �ပည�သ��စစ�စခန��က ��စ�ဦ� �ဖစ�တယ�လ��� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။ အရပ�သ��ထ�ခ��က�မ� အနည��ငယ� ရ��တယ�လ����က��ရ�ပ�� အတ�အက�မသ�ရ�သ�ဘ��လ��� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

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နမ��ခမ���ဒသခံ က��အ��က�ရ�က�တ�� ဒ�မနက�မ�� လက�နက��က�� ပစ�ခတ�သံ�တ�က�� နမ��ခမ���မ ���က�န �က���န�က�ပ�� တပ�မ�တ��စစ���က�င��တခ���� နမ��ခမ���က�ဆ��င��ရ��ဘက�က�န တက�သ���တ�က�� �တ��ရတယ�လ��� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

နမ��ဖတ�က� အ��ခစ��က� ခလရ ၁၂၃ တပ�ကလည�� ဒ�မနက�မ�� လက�နက��က�� င��လ�ံ��လ�က� အထ�ပစ�ခတ�တ�� အသံက���က��ရ�ပမယ�� မ�ဆယ� နမ��ဖတ�က�လမ��ပ��င��မ���တ�� ခရ��သ����တ� ပ�ံမ�န�အတ��င��သ��လ��နတယ�လ��� နမ��ဖတ�က� �ဒသခံက RFA က�� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

နမ��ခမ�� နမ��ဖတ�က�လမ��မ���တ�� မနက�အ�စ�ပ��င���လ�က�ပ� ခရ��သ���က���တ� သ���လ�တ�က�� �တ��ရတယ� လ���လည�� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

TNLA ��ပ��ရ�ဆ��ခ�င��ရ��သ� ဗ��လ�မ�� မ��င��အ��က��က���က�တ�� ဒ�မနက�မ�� ပန��ဆ��ဒသ�က��ရ�� တခ����မ��ရ��တ�� ဘ�န��စ��က�ခင���တ�က�� သ�တ���အဖ���က ဝင��ရ�က�ဖ�က�ဆ���န�ပ�� �ဒသခံ �ပည�သ��စစ��တ�န�� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ��နတယ�လ��� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။ တ��က�ပ��န�� ပတ�သက�တ�� အ�သ�စ�တ�အ��ခအ�နက���တ�� မသ�ရ�သ�ဘ��လ��� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

ရ�မ���ပည���မ�က�ပ��င��က နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� ပန��ဆ��ဒသမ�� ပန��ဆ��ပည�သ��စစ�အဖ���န�� TNLA တပ��တ�အ�က��မ�� အခ�လ��ပ� မ��ယစ��ဆ�ဝ� တ��က�ဖ�က��ရ� အ��က�င���ပခ�က�န�� မ�က�ခဏ ဆ��သလ�� တ��က�ပ�� �ဖစ�ပ����လ�ရ��ပ�တယ�။

ပန��ဆ��ဒသက ခ��လ�ံလ��ရ��တ��င��ရင��သ���တ�က�� မ��ယစ��ဆ� �ရ�င��ဝယ�သ�ံ�စ��တယ�ဆ���ပ�� TNLA အဖ���က �က��ရ��အတ�င�� ဝင��ရ�က�ဖမ��ဆ��တ�၊ �င�န�� �ပန��ရ��ခ��င��တ��တ� မ�က�ခဏ လ�ပ��လ�ရ��တယ�လ��� ပန��ဆ��ဒသ ခ��လ�ံလ��ရ�� �ပန��က��ရ�အဖ���တ�ဝန�ခံက ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။

TNLA ဘက��တ�� အ�ဒ��ဒသမ�� �ပည�သ��စစ�အမည�ခံ�ပ�� မ��ယစ��ဆ�ဝ��ထ�တ�လ�ပ��နတ���က�င�� သ�တ��� မ�ယစ��ဆ� တ��က�ဖ�က��ရ�အဖ����တ�န�� မ�က�ခဏတ��က�ပ���ဖစ��လ�ရ��တယ�လ��� ��ပ�ပ�တယ�။


နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� အတ�င�� တ��က�ပ���ပင��ထန� ၂ ဦ��သဆ�ံ�

By Nang Seng Nom - March 16, 2020

သ�မ���ပည�နယ� ��မ�က�ပ��င�� နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� အတ�င�� တ��က�ပ�� �နရ� ၅ �နရ��ဖစ�ပ���က� ၂ ဦ�က�ဆ�ံ���က�င�� သတင��ရရ��သည�။

Photo Credit to PSLF/TNLA

့မတ�လ ၁၅ ရက� မနက� ၅ န�ရ� အခ��န�ကစတင�သည��တ��က�ပ��သည� ည�နပ��င��ထ� တအ�င��(ပ�လ�င�) အမ����သ��လ�တ���မ�က��ရ� တပ�မ�တ�� (TNLA) ��င�� အစ���ရ တပ�မ�တ��၊ ပန���ဆ� �ပည�သ��စစ� တ�����င�� �ဖစ�ပ���ခ���ခင���ဖစ���က�င��သ�ရသည�။

“ မနက� ၄ န�ရ� �လ�က�က စ�ဖစ�တ�။ နမ��ခမ���မ ���နယ� ထ�က �နရ� ၅ �နရ��ဖစ�ပ�တယ�။ လက�နက��က���တ�က �နအ�မ��တ� �ဈ��တ�ထ�က�တယ�။ အခ�ထ� တ��က�ပ��က �ဖစ��နတ�န��ပ� ” ဟ� ခ��လ�ံ လ��ရ�� လ�ငယ�အဖ��� မ� တ�ဝန�ခံ အမ����သမ�� တဦ�က ��ပ�သည�။

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16 မတ� 2020

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By ဝဏ�ခ����� | 15 March 2020

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By ခ�မ���င�မ�� | 14 March 2020

ပ�ံ - ခ�စ�မင��ထ�န��

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By �မရည��င�မ��ခ�မ�� | 15 March 2020

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By မင���အ�င�ခ��င� | 16 March 2020

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By �မရည��င�မ��ခ�မ�� | 16 March 2020

Photo Credit - �ဒသခံ

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15 မတ� 2020

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Published 15 March 2020 | စည�သ� (�တ�င��က��)

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16 မတ�၊ 2020 | သက����င�

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By နန��လ�င���င��ပ�င�� | 15 March 2020

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16 March 2020 | နန��လ�င���င��ပ�င��

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