
Fabric Headband

This stylish headband is super easy to make – and it’s reversible, too! A great way to use up those fabric bits left over from other projects. You can even embellish the fabrics with decorative stitching, for a more personal touch. So quick to sew, you’ll be able to have one for every outfit!

Shopping List:  Two ⅛ yard pieces of contrasting fabric

 ⅛ yard of ⅜” wide elastic

 All-purpose thread for construction

 Threads for decorative stitching (optional)

 Safety pin

Sewing Directions:

1. Using the template provided, cut one headband piece from each fabric on the fold.

2. Turn under both short ends of each headband piece ½” and press in place.

3. With right sides together and raw edges aligned, sew the two headband pieces together along their long edges with a ¼” allowance.

4. Turn the headband right side out through one of the openings and press flat with the iron.

5. If desired, topstitch close to each long edge, leaving the ends open. You can even use decorative stitches here to add a personal touch.

6. Cut one 8” x 2” rectangle from fabric. This will be used for the elastic casing.

7. With right sides together and 8”-long edges aligned, sew the strip’s two long edges together with a ¼” seam allowance to form the elastic casing.


8. Trim the strips seam allowance to about ⅛” and turn the strip right side out. Press flat with an iron.

9. Cut a 4” long piece of elastic. Attach a safety pin to one elastic end, and use the safety pin to help thread the elastic through the casing.

10. the casing along the elastic and be careful to not twist either the fabric or the elastic as you go. Pin the elastic ends to either end of the casing.

11. On the sewing machine, topstitch each casing end closed ¼” away from the edges. Catch the elastic in the stitch and secure it in place.

12. Insert one end of the elastic casing ¼” into one opening in the headband and pin it in place. Topstitch the headband’s opening closed, securing the elastic casing in place.

13. Make sure both the headband and the casing are not twisted and straight. Then, insert the elastic casing into the remaining headband opening and stitch it closed as you did in Step 12.

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Singer, the Cameo “S” Design and Singer is Sewing Made Easy are exclusive trademarks of The Singer Company Limited S.à r.l. or its Affiliates. © 2015 The Singer Company Limited S.à r.l. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. 3



SINGER® Pillowcase

Make these pillowcases as a gift for the kids’ slumber parties, or personalize a pillowcase to send to a college student. Customize to coordinate with a room or create seasonal looks. They are fun to make and easy to sew!

Shopping List:

 One 27” x 42” fabric for main part of pillowcase

 One 11” x 42” fabric for pillowcase band

 All-purpose thread for construction

 Threads for decorative stitching (optional)

Sewing Directions:

1. Thread the top of the machine and the bobbin with all-purpose thread. Set the machine for straight stitch sewing.

2. Fold and press the band in half lengthwise to create a 5½” x 42” band.

3. Pin the band to the main pillowcase fabric along one 42” edge, right sides together, aligning the raw edges of the fabrics.

4. Sew along the 42” edge, joining the band to the main pillowcase fabric with a ⅝” seam.

5. Set the machine for a zig-zag stitch, with a wide stitch width setting.

6. Align the 42” fabric edge with the edge of the presser foot.

7. Sew the zig-zag stitch along the edges, which will help keep the edges from unraveling.

8. Press the seam toward the main part of the pillowcase and press the band flat.

9. Fold the pillowcase, right sides together, matching the band seam line. Pin in place.

10. Set the machine for straight stitch.


11. Sew the bottom and side of the pillowcase.

12. Set the machine for a zig-zag stitch, with a wide stitch width setting.

13. Align the raw edge of the pillowcase side seam with the edge of the presser foot.

14. Sew the zig-zag stitch along the end and side edge to help keep the fabric from unraveling.

15. Set the machine for straight stitch sewing.

16. Turn the pillowcase right side out.

17. Position the right side of the fabric so that the edge of the presser foot is aligned with the band and pillowcase seam.

18. Sew, keeping the edge of the presser foot along the seam as a guide. Press.

19. If you want to add decorative stitches to the band of the pillowcase, thread the top of the machine and bobbin with the color to be used for the decorative stitching.

20. Set the machine to the desired stitch and sew around the band. Sew the desired number of rows to embellish. Press when finished.


SINGER, the Cameo “S” Design amd SINGER is SEWING MADE EASY are exclusive trademarks of The Singer Company Limited S.à r.l. or its Affiliates.© 2013 The Singer Company Limited S.à r.l. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.

Pillowcase Instructions

Materials needed for a standard size pillowcase: 1/4 yard for top of case (cuff) (Some groups like to use 10½" x 42"- 45" for the cuff.) 3/4 yard for main pillow case (or, approximately 25"-26" x 42"- 45") Pins, thread, and sewing machine Yardages are based on material 42"- 45" wide and are to be used as the full width of the material.

Directions: Trim the pieces so they are straight on both edges along the width of the fabric. Just straightening these fabrics will still give you the approximate correct dimensions for a standard pillowcase. Unfold and press the 1/4 yard piece of fabric. Place it on working surface with RIGHT side of fabric up.

Unfold and press the 3/4 yard piece of fabric. Place this fabric on top of the cuff piece, right sides together (WRONG side of main piece will be facing up toward you), up the raw edges on the top. I center this because you will cut off the selvages later. You can pin baste this edge. From the opposite end of the main fabric, roll up the fabric into a tube with the selvages along the outside edges.

Fold the bottom of the cuff fabric over the rolled fabric. There will now be 3 layers to pin in place, lining up with the top raw edges. (Note: the wrong side of the cuff fabric should be facing you.)

Sew seam on this side. Machine stitch the 3 layers together along the top raw edges using a 1/4" seam allowance. Be sure to backstitch this seam.

Pull the main fabric out of one end of the cuff. You should now have the pillowcase cuff in place with no exposed seams. Press.

Fold the pillowcase in half lengthwise with WRONG sides together and trim off any excess fabric and selvages along the side, making sure the cut edge is perpendicular to the cuff seam.

Trim this edge off.

With the wrong sides together, stitch along the side and bottom with a ¼ inch seam. Be sure to back stitch at the beginning of the seams. You will be stitching on the right sides of the fabric. Trim corners and raw edges if necessary to eliminate stray threads.

Turn WRONG side out, press seams and sew a ½ inch seam along the side and bottom, again backstitching at the beginning of the seams. You will be enclosing the raw edges of the seams you previously have sewn. This makes a nice clean finish.

Turn right side out, press and admire your handiwork!

Quilts of Valor Pillowcase with Trim

Some folks make their presentation case coordinator with the fabrics in their quilt. Others like to make them out of whimsical fabrics. And, some custom make theirs by doing cross stitch or machine or hand embroidery. It really is highly individual. These pillowcase instructions are almost identical to the other instructions except that they include a trim tab in the seam that joins the pillowcase cuff to the body.


Cuff: 10½ inches x 45 inches (or width of fabric) Body: 26 inches x 45 inches (or width of fabric) Trim: 3 inches x 45 inches (or width of fabric)

Press trim fabric, wrong sides together, in half lengthwise to make a piece 1½ inches x 45 inches.


Layer the three components as follows: Cuff fabric – RIGHT SIDE UP Folded Trim fabric RIGHT SIDE OUT with raw edges even with one of the cuff edges Body fabric – RIGHT SIDE DOWN along same edge Pin these fabrics together along that edge but don’t sew yet.

Roll the remaining Body fabric up from the bottom (like a tube) until the remaining Cuff fabric is revealed. Bring that end of the Cuff fabric OVER the rolled up Body, wrong side up, along the raw edges of the other components. Sew all layers together with strong 1/4 inch seam removing the pins as you sew. When sewn, you will have a long tube. Pull the Body fabric out of the tube and press the seam well.

Fold the pillowcase in half lengthwise, WRONG sides together, and trim off any excess fabric and selvages along the side, making sure the cut edge is perpendicular to the cuff seam. Sew 1/4 inch along the side and bottom. Trim seam if necessary to eliminate stray threads. Turn pillowcase inside out and press. Stitch the seam again, enclosing the raw edges of the first seam. Backstitch at the beginning and end of the seam. It is best to make a ½ inch seam to be sure you enclose all the raw edges. Turn and press. Now wasn’t that easy??