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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 39, No. 24): November 20, 1885

Maxham & Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 39, No. 24): November 20, 1885" (1885). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1159.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. ^ nsfness ^«tbs. one, (s much to be regj^ted bjr the citi-. zens of this state. Coming from arx emi* nently judicial mind, his decisions, bad he sat on the bench, would have been Cf. S. JPALMER, models of close, cogent reasoning, clear­ ness, and brevity, worthy of thcbeitdays SURaEON DENTIST. of the Massachusetts j'utflcbry.” , - ■P Shortly after hLs removal to this State, OFFIOE—M Uair Str«bt» Mr. Paine was a«tociated sVith Rufus RIStlDRNCB-^ CoLLBoB Stribt. Ooinbr or OlT€HBLL MTBSBT. Choate and F. O. J. Smith in tlie defence PunNUrout^xide (Jot comlantly of judge Woodbury Davie, of Portland, Maine, who had been impeached by the rri Legislature of that State for misconduct In . ■i3L.4 his judicial office. In an editorial article dSERTS.M.D. upon the trial, whic'h appeared after its VOL. XXXIX. termination, in the Kennebec Journal, OFFICE AT HESIDENCE W^aterville, IVCaine...... JB’riday, I^Tov. 30, 1885. published .at Augiuta, the Hon. James O,. NO 24. Illaine, the writer, declared epigrammafi- Ob Collbob Strbbt, Off. Elmwood Iotbl cally that, in the defence of Jutme Chase, OFFICE HOURS. Sergeants:—Elijah Robin.son, Moses “Paine furnished the logic, Cno.ite the T l-S to • A. U. 1 to 2, ond A to B F M. Uliscellatts. Rollins, Stephen Low, Jo.siah Priest. rhetdric, and Smith the slang.’’ WAR OT 1812. Musicians:—Enoch M.arshall. Stephen From 1872 to 1883, Mr. Paine was Lec­ turer on the Law of Real Property at (he EEUBEN FOSTER, A LECTURE Edilors Mail; Townsend. Law School df the Uo4tdn University< M MAGNIFICAT. The list of soldiers who .ser\-ed in the Corporals:—Levi Chadbourn, Amasa war of 181J, 1 copied from a roster in jjie Stanley, John Fly, Reuben Priest EPn.MAXHAM. DAN'I. R. WINQ. office whose duties he performed with pounsellor at Law, Privates:—Zadoc burgess, Wm. Hos- BIIITonS AKD FROPRIKTOM. great credit to himseif, and profit to those BT KDWABD J, HABDIlia, possession of Z. K. Harmon, the well whom he addressed So thoroughly was known and reliable solicitor of claims for well, Jr., Wm. Bragg, Samuel IlHrgess, WATERVILLE. ON MAN. All ihat we feign of graelone or divine he master of his subject, difficulty and in­ pensions at Portland, Maine. This is a Thos. Carlton, Cyrus Clement, George In woman bath iU type; eooh holy aprifcei Coburn, Jonathan Doc, John I)oe. Na­ tricate as it confes.sedty is, that in not a. Martyr, or priest, or oaintly eremite. reliable list The companies of Infantry HENRY W_. PAINE. single instance, except dilriilg the Icetd'reS. Ji J. Iv. SOULK, Brenihoe very woman; nil that doth refine from Waterville were in Lieut. Col. Sher- thaniel Doo (?) Jr., John Doe, Wm. Thu arts, (he manneru, to her nwey benign Dickey, John Eucr, Jr., benj. Furris, df the last ycdF, did He lilKc a note or scrap win’s Regiment. The following was its The Hoys of 'Sj, of Waterville Acad­ of memoranda into the class room. < Teacher of M.usio. Owee high allegiance; all things fair and roster:— Geo. Field, Richard Freeman, Elisha light Getchell, Jr., Abiel Getchell, Edmund emy— and the girls, too, but .ihis, how While he tias always been a close ana Dealer in Mneical Instru What II piece of work is niniii how Iter woakneM ohampiona in the world's de­ Elnathan Sherwin, Lt. Col. Getchell, Howard H. Getchell, Alexander fewof either sex survive!—will all be glad devoted student of the law. Mr. P.aine has men(«t, Witt tune I'iunos in a thorough noble in reason! how inJlnU- in faciil- spite; Richard M. Dorr, Maj. yet found time for general reading, and 'MHilher lies! in form and mnvitig how express Where woman in, no houNe bat bath a ■hrink; John Cleaveland, Maj. , Jackson, Edmund Kates, Elisha Lewis, to get the Bay State Monthly, for it con­ Kow oft, alaa, piofancd. Men crucify ohn Low, Peter Merrill, Jr., Geo. Mc- has hung for many an liour'over the pages WATKIlViLLE ME. and ailiniruMc! in ai-liun how like an Moses Appleton, Surgeon. tains a well written biographical sketch of of tlie English cla.ssics with Reed dellgHj* Adared by his old- relish of his early days, and, in the inter­ O IBKD’^C.JPHR, M. D aninia/n.'—ijiiAKK.l-KAiiE. Foruver witiittHs; and her bitter cry Joseph H. Hallet, Qr. Mas.’ Sgt. vals of professional toil, has often sHked Goes up to heaven fur vengiance ntght and art, Daniel Sewall, Lewis Worthen, Ab­ time pupil and friend. Prof. William day, David Wheeler, Pay Master. ner T.ajIor, z\bram T.i)lor, benj. Will- his thirst fqr the waters of Helicon in long OFFtOE, Oor.JMalii nnd Templa Strcfrtii. Moses Healy. Drum Major. Mathews, PL. D.; and they will prize it and copious draughts: lioit Well Jle ap­ UKSIDENOE,Miiln-St.jOpp. Klrowuod. ' Jams, Jr., John White. Joseph Paikcr, lienj. Foster, Fife Major. Waiter. all the more as it is ,accorn|xinied by a preciated the advaritage^ o'f ait acqudtn- How l)eautilul are the above lines ut­ OUR TABLE Abel Wheeler, Fife Majort lifelike portrait of Mr. Paine. We copy tance with literature, he shdy4ed e.»rly m ellourft,«toOA.M.— tered by the World's grandest mind ! Thos. Lceman, Fife Major. a suggestive and Irlstnfctit^if Jdclilre pri hRANK Lkslie’b Monday Magazine Va.ssaIboro' Com|)aiiy No. 3. 1 to 2 and to 6 1’ M. a |)orlion of this sketch below :— • Reading.” which wc heard him deliver, How Infinite the scope ofmnn’s pow­ for Deuember closen the clghttcnth volume of The Winslow and Vassalboro’ compa­ Jeremiah Farwell, Capt. nies were commahded by Lt. Col. Moore. Hf.nuy Wii.i.iAM Paine was born Aug­ before the I.yccum at Ilallowell ntore th.aii E. I.. JOJWEM, thiH well'kiiown IhvuiUc niagazine with a ta­ Aaron Garlin, ( ?) Lt er if bis faculties iu'o well preserved. ble of oontcntM whiab ih attractive and timely. The roster of this Regt. was as follows:— Sergeants:—Charles Webber, John G. ust yoih, 1810, in VViii.slow, Maine. His forty- years ago. With liis lamented friend ID E nsr X I s T, Nothing, short of creation, ' is to It iH CRpeciulIv rich iii porlruitH, oontaiidiig tbe Herbert Moore, Lt. Col. Hall, Eli French, Elijah Morse. lather, Lemuel Paine, a n.ativc of Kox- Judge b. K. ", he believes that'a liev. U. T. Thornton, the Kngliah cricketing Nathan Stanley, Major. Musician ;—John Lovejoy. borrtilgh. Mass., was a gr.iddatc df brown man cannot bea great lawver w!io is noth­ ■WAITUVILLE, ME., him impossible. Our soul is lost in piirnon; the lute Karl of SliafieNbury; Biahtip «>r Macing 111, of Litchfifld, hliigland, and a D.inlel BtevtHs, Major. Corpomls:—benj. b.i.s.set. Nathaniel University, and a l.iwyer by profession, ing else,—that excld.'tive deeptioix to^(h<1 sxvidy and pr.xcticc of the l.iw tends tdax- Offiob: Front^rooms o\ur WntervtUo Hn\\nKa admiration when we contemplate the view ol iht: Outlu'drai; ISiHhbp Wordawortb, Stephen Thayer, Surgeon. Merchant, Hcman Sturges, Luke Shaw. who began practice in VV'inslow, Maine, Daok. ialuly occupied by Foster & Stewart Att'ya. tho new Bishop ot Salisbury, England; the Whiting Robinson, Surgeon’s Mate. umen i-ather ihan to lircadth, to snbtlely possibilities of this greatest exliibi-' Privates:—Jabez basset, Joseph bas­ in partnersbip with Gen. Ripley, after­ OrFicf ||ou|ti: 8 to u A. M.. i lu 0 1*. liev. Musch a. liopkiiiK, the newly ap{>otuted Chas. McFadden, Pay Master. wards the hero of Lundy’s Elite. Owing rather Ihan to strength, “'The ,iir is thin ArtIflelMToeth act on Rubber Gold or Silver (y'olorcd Miniatcr to Liberia; the lute Bishop set, 'Thos. Cowen, Wm. Horne, Libeus rUtea. AU work w^rriuted. Gm and Kiber tiou of Infinite Power. Yet what is Joseph Clark, Adj. HovVard, Sdle Hallet, Caleb l^andall, to poor health, Mr. Paine, Sen., soon among the apices ol the law, as on the Henry C. Lay, of £u»tun, Md., and tbe late granite ileedles of the zVlps. Men must Adntiila^ed BO auitablo pcracDa who dealrc It. tliis ‘‘quintessence of dust" when Cardinal .MoCloskcy ol New York, each with a Daniel Hayden, Qr. M.-cs. Amos Nubbs, Henry Nottage, John Ris- abandoned the law for other pursuits. He biogrnphical skelch. 1 he twenly*second ot Henry Johnson; Sgt lilaj. ley, Cephas Farnsworth, Wm. Pollard, was familiar with the representa- ive Eng­ find refreshirlent add ^treriglh inthe quiet ^ ■ CI.itlWOOW blasted by disease—bis noble func­ thu senes ot Piirubiut is devoted to i he Phari­ Asher Hiitds, Qr- M-ss Sgt. Nathaniel Packard, Nathaniel Lovejoy, lish authors, and speeially fond of the valleys at their feel.” see and the Ptiblicaii and the bacred Musicians James Crosby, Drum Mat. Greek langu.age anrl literature, which he • • • 4 _ _ . ^ tions perverted or destroyed, of this number nto Ignsz Assmayer, George Jr., Thos. Garlin, Seth Hedge, Moses LiV£RY, HACKLAKD BOARDiKB Perry, John Henry ttriesbuch and Jobaiin Van William Crosby, Fife Maj. Nubbs, W. F. Hallet, David Howes, cultivated during his life. He had a tena­ 'That Mr. Paine has been animated In S'T^A.BLBe. As ‘'all men are bom free and Bree. '1 he iiitcrcntiiig soriea ul Glances at Bi- Francis Chadbourn, Edward Snell, Asa cious memory, and could quote Homer by the pursuit of his profession by higher BLMM’OOD HOTEL «nd Hll.VElt 8T. equal" as far as moral rights arc bla History is concluded in thU number, as la Roll ol Capt. Hitchings’ Co mpany who Davi.s, James-Wiggen, Nathaniel F:iught, the page. Henry Paine's mother, Jane motives than those which fir'ejhe zc,xl of also Mis. Faimt'i'a story. What Hhe Made of served in the of 1812 :— James Rollins, Winslow Mathews, Ed­ 'Tliompson Warren, wxs the daugliter of tlie mere “hired m.istcr of tongue-fence,” concerned, so likewise we bold they Her Life. Miss Mulhewt’a Dilettante Days Joseph Hitchings, Capt. goes on in the snme charming inannir. and mund Thacher, Hannibal Farwell. Ebenezer T. Warren, of Foxtxirough, the is sliown by the companitive sn).-iUness of should bo born physically, L'ut as Luve^Fllaivest shows signs of nearing its end. Samuel Webb, Lt. brother of (leneral Joseph Warren, who his fees, esyteelalU- itl Cxses ending greet, Among the other artioles are Old tit, Joseph a, Thos. McFarland, En. fell at Bunker Hilt. Of the three children labor. Great aS lias beeivflli^ sttcrejs id long as children must suffer for the Roll of Capt. Pullen's Company of West ot Philudelphia; i he Home and Grave ol An­ Sergeants:—Josiah Jacob, Jr., Abra­ Waterville, in the war of 1811. of Lemuel and Jane T. (Warren) Paine, Winding verdiots, and swindlas hdVe Deed sins of their parents this oanuot ho. thony Wuyne, Guunad a Mors el Vita,and mt ham Morrill, Solomon berry, Calvin S. W m. Pullen, Capt. Henry VV'illiam w.ns the second. bis opinions, it is doulitfiil xvIxcthlT therd ny bright short articles, lUtiies and pootns. Getchell. OEuUEWELL, Proprietor- That the human race has deteriorat­ Pi ice 2 j cents H single numbei.or k2.50 a Jo.seph Warren, Lt. After the usual prepilratory education, is anotlier lawyer livid); ofequal.e,iq(nencei HACKS Kdli rUNEKALS, WEDDINGS, yoai. Publinhed by Mrs. Frank Leslie, 03, 6& Musicians:—David Lowe, Lewis Tozer. Leonard Conforih, En. Mr. Paine entered Waterville College whose charges for legal service lt.i’<-e Keen ed physically is a conceded question Corporals :—Abraham butts, Pclatiah rAR'IlKSk KTC.*^ and 57 Purk Place, New York. Seigcarits ;-'-I<'h.tbod Smith, Reuben (norf Coliiy University) in 1826, and so uniformly moderate/ -' , Soule, Simeon Tozer, Wm. W.ilsoti. graduated in 1830. at the .age of twenty, Reference has 'been made'.t« Mr., , Also Baroks roii Lauok i'AnriKS. To restore it is an impossibllitv, ns The Herald, for Novem- Ricker, Isaiah Hallet, John Hallet. Privatc.s:—John bennet, Jonas blanch- Mu.sicians:—Dexter Pullen, IsaacG.tge, with the highest honor of his class. Dur­ Paine's wit. Several striking -exampleit The i'roprielor’a personal nttentton given to long ns people persist in immu nlity bdr Ints a ojiicluding utticle on Music uinong fuelling auU Itoiirding Horaea. GrUeia U*lt nl the the AzlecnT with lituitr.itious, another laik on ard, Columbus bacon, John Clifford, Asa bates. ing tlie hast yeaf df the college course; lie miglit he cited; but two must suffice.’ Sluble or llolei Otllce. Olllce cuuiiicud 'Jol- and iiidnlgences which are in disre­ the Voice, the I'-oncluwiou ot an Ksssy K IConiNSO accomplislied better results in over DMkiLNror Mvn, by Charles Durwin lliis Sidney Company No. i, Lt; Gol. Sher- der, Ivory Low, Abraham Lander, Jr., studies. He liad an eye that could beam his peersy—On another oer.usfort, Mr: throwing disease than any others luinouB work, perhaps tbo most iiU|>ort.iiit sci­ win’s Regt. ' . , Wm. Lewis, Jr., Wm. Merry-field, Sami. with tenderness, or dart lightnings; and Paine vv.1.e- entific trentine ot toe present century, is now Richard Sirlitil, Cailf. it was a fine moral spectacle, illustrating fore an entliient judge, when he .vVas iit- which have been discoveied up to .Vlerryfield, Geo. Ricker, Geo. Ricker, Jr., .. . C. A. mill, being published at sucii l(»w a ptico a« brings benj. Sawtelle. Lt. James Rice, benj. Stevens, Philander the superiority of mental over physical terrupted by tHe latter, who saftl; • Mf! AT lUS it within the reach ul ail readers. It will be the present time, viz.' completed in lour rumbars. . John Robinson, En. Soule, Isaac Terrill, Leonard Tupiier, force, to .sec a bitlly rtf tltescbool, almost I’aine, you know tb.xt is not law.” “1 Lireij, Boarding & Sale Stable J. Fitzergoruld, PublisUer, $93 Pearl Sergeants i—Sami. C. Jones, Paul James White, Cyrils Wheelerj Lorin twice his size, and whd, appaf'ently, could know it. your Huiiur,” replied the advo­ KAH1‘ J'KKFlJCdi., WATKUVIDLK, DU. KLOWKU’S LIVICU AND btreet, New Yoik. tor aul« by G. W. Dorr Haniiiridnd, Jr., Geo. Woodcock, Edmund Wade, Timothy 13. Hayward. have crushed him if he chose, quail under cate, wilfx a deferen 14! bow; ‘.'but it umi j Keepa Horae* und Carriage* lo let for nil pur WaterviJle, Pi ice, 16 ota , post tree. Lstriglcy his eagle gaze, when arraigned at the law till your Honor just .spoke.” •••ea. Good lioraen, a grea vurlety of rtjllali STO.\IACH SAN.VnVK, AND Musicians;—Asa Sawtelle, Abial Ab­'s desk for a misdemeanor. It is Frdffl 1849 to 1862, Mr I’ainc W.ts ^ nnd rtrasunabk nrict*. Roll of Capt. Child's Company, from NKUVK PILLS. The man who U opposed to vaccination Is bot. Winslow. doubtful if ever he flogged a scholar; but mcnlKer of the board of 'Ti’iMtee* rtf \V|i- • probuUly to be pitted. Corporals:—Ebenzer Irish. Jr., Icha- James L. Child, ('apt. he sometimes brought the ruler down up­ terville College, lii I3j(, liet^arfcieCfeHK, ^ fRA E. GETCHELL, Tbe former is an infallible remedy If the genth man wlio^^e lips pressed the lady’s bod Pitts, Jr., Sami. Smith, Jr., David Washington Hcald, Lt. on the desk with a force that made the member of the .M.ainc llistoriual So'clctyj snowy brow and tlius enngiu a severe cold bad Weeks. Wm. Getchell, En. schoolroom ring, and inspired the Lawless and also of the American Academy. Iri for all affections of the liver and ••ri Lund Surveyor, but used Dr. BuUsCjugh Syrup, no diKlor's Privates:—Sami. Abbot, Wm. Bolton, Sergeants:—Wm Harvey, James with a very wholesome respect for his au­ 1854, his Alma M.Uer conferred on him '* Stomach, and is besides an invalna- bill Would huve been necessury. zXbij.ih Bickford, Sami. Cummings, W. Hcald, Joel Crosby, Abraham bean. thority. 'The facJ.that front that day to the liononary degree of Doctor of Laws. North Vassalboro’,...... Maine. blo general tonio. The latter is a Some genius prnpoi»e* to itilroduce pnper Case. Freeman Craig, Caleb Uillens, Coriwrals:—Alvin Blackwell, Kicliard this his office has always lIccH ;t kind df In the relation of m.irrixge, .Mr. I’aine •, shirts, Wealing paper sHirt& means bearing Jonathan Dyer. Anson Uillingllanl, 9aml. V. Hayden, Sintedn Heald, E-llslia Ellis. Mecca, to which his old pupils, whether lias Keen Vefy ll.4rt|iy. In .May,'. fffTy, Hd roliublo euro for all nervous dis­ rheuinaiiMn. With Silvatioii Oil, however, Dinsmore, Is.iac Emerson, Wm. Ellis, Privates :-Cliarles Hayden, Jr., Her- dwellers in "Araby the blest” or in the was united td hliss Lxicy H. Cdffiil, o'f "'APPLETON H. PLAISTED. ' pupoi blurts miglit be a buccess. Price 25 cent*. eases and conditions, such ns Hy­ Wm. Gifford, Jr.. Noah Hubard, David nend C. liprton, .Samuel bates, Clark sandy w.istes of life, hare made pious j)il- Newbiiryport, a lady of rar.i cndowm'ertN; Wlmt Is the interior of Africa prino pally Hutchinson, Daniel Jacobs, Caleb Leon­ Drummond, James Fife, VVm. F'letcher, grimages, shows how dcC|(ly he was loved both of and hixirt. Counsellor at Law, * • * • steria, Sleeplessness, Nervous Pros used r>rr V asked a teacher of a pupil. ard, Wm. Lincoln, Joseph Nash, Adam Asa Getchell, Zipheroe IIow.ard, Joseph and how highly he Was honored a.s WAT SEVILLE. tnition. Depression caused by over­ I'ui purposeb of exploration, was the reply. Pitts, Ijeonard Stanley, John Savage Heald, Daniel Libby, VVm. I’ollard, Geo teacher. In snmirtlng up the char.iclcflsttcs of onceover riooiilc NAtlonalBank Better atop your cough while you can, Uye James Savage, Wtlshough Taylor, Ralph Pillsbury, 'Thos. J. Pressey, Daniel Rich­ ImmedialelyaltKi- gradiution, Mr. R.tiilF Mt. I’airte ait a lawyer and a.s a man, the work, etc. nnd b>e nothing will do it, It is worth heeding, Wood, Obadiah Wood, D.avid Wilbur, ai’poioted .1 'Tutor Of VV.aterHIle Col­ v4ritar, who was Ins pupil ,at W.xterville ttenovAL. ards, Rufus Rhodes, l-2beiiczer Richard­ that Parker’s Ionic is the best thing hnown for Thos. Ward, Benj. Woodcock. son, Sami. Richardson, Adna Reynolds, lege, and discharged the ddties of that Of­ Academy, and has enjoyed h s friendship • .t Those remedies are oxtcusivoly coughs, cuids, torpid liver, kidney troubles and wuaKlmig-i^ You ri^k 3'our llle iu waiting, VVm. .Spring. Joseph Swift, I’liineh.i fice for a year. He then began the study (o this d.iy, cannift do better than to gild .'S.' S. Vose <£ Son^ prescnliod by physicians, (a rocom- Like It while there is yet time, Sidney Company No. 2, Lt. Col. Sher- Small, Jeremiah b Tliompsoii, butler of law- in the office of his uncle, tlie late the vvofils of an aciite Wb.scrvcr wKd It.u# wnuJdaay to the public that they have fitted up win’s Regt. Wood, Ephraim Wilson, Jr., Sami. Wil­ .Samuel S. Warren, of China. Maine, and known him intimately fof nialij yeafA: •«w and ktomiuodloue room* for ihcir L’liotograph mendatioii which does not obtain Why does one climate nnd one soil endue Stephen Lovejo)-, Capt. continued the study in tlie oflicc of Will­ Chief Jnslice Appleton, of .Maine, diil ^pnUtaalo riiu blushing poppy witii a ciimsun hue, son, Luke Wilson, VVm. Wyman, beiij. with any other propriet-ai-j' article,) Vot tho lily pale, and tinge the violet Joshua Ellis, En. VVindship, Geo. Abhot, Wentworth Ross, iam Cl.irk, a noted lanyer in Ilallowell, not cx.iggerafe; vVhen lie said: ‘•He is A Al£HaHANT'8R0W,MA2N-ST., blue? —Prior, Sergeants:—John Pinkham, Jr., /'ohn Stephen Getchell, I.evi I’ollard, Wm. Maine, and; lor a,- In the Eiw School gc-ntlem in of a High orclei- df frticllect; df WAl’KICVICLK, and cummniul nt the hands of the Impure Soda or Suleratus is usually of a Sawtell, Jr., Josepll Hastings, Thorriis Hant, Frederic R. Paine, John Gould, Of Harvaid Univer.s’ity; wheic he tlie superior culture; in private life, d'ne of the Ave door a below J.Pea\y'i',o>* r K.Jwln Tovrue** druggists in Now England a larger Tahnan, classmate of Charles .Sumner, VVeiulell most geni.d of companions; LA his pro­ otore, where th«>y are now rred> to wait on ihOr slightly dingy wliilb* color; it may appear -Nathaniel Diiigley, Stephen Abbot: kBhtomerN. Thanking }0(i for piiat pnlroiihge we sale than any other medicine. white exainiiieJ by it«oll, but n coinp.iriaoii Musicians:—Ahitl Dinsmare,’t Pltillips and b. F. 'Thomas. In the au­ fession, a piofound and Icaruyd lawver, , iiope. In our uew ruotiia, with intproM d Incilltti a with CImrv h it Oo/s Arm 6l llanitnui Lovejoy. Roll of Capt. Dean bangs’ men. of Wa- tumn of 1834.- lie Wa.*) admitted tO tbe b.-rr ! as well as an accomplished adv-o’catc ’’ * merit a oootlnunnco of Iho aitme by gh Ing }uu will bhuw thu dilTeruncu. • of Kennebec.... County,!'...... Maine,M I».beginning r 'Ilo J? ciyrfchfdc.-^-if. itfH subjeef df tlliif (nJ- totiBr pleturea at the aaine low prieua. IN llUjiOUKDS OF 'THOU­ Privates:—barnebas Thayer, benjamin terville, who served in the war of 1812. Niiliuns giown coirupt branch. Jr., Palmer branch, Tibbets Dean bangs, Capt. his prufe.ssional c.irecr at Ilallowell, be pc-rfect sketch has occasion to regret liis Vard Photographs, $l 25 per doz SANDS OF BOTTld-.S SOLD, Luvu boiuliige iiioiu tln;n libetty: branch, Thomas beck, Amariah baker, Lemuel Pullen, l.t. prosecute'd it there with signal vxcc.ssivc devotion to his calling, he can 'Cabiueta, SI.25 for four THKUK HAS*NOr B13KN A Bund ige with ea (bi‘|{(illl> biibe» 'Ladies^ Nighi Robes win’.s Regt. jiolitical friends, tlien the ilominant party Uiicurkod n'lilil Ibe tiur^v tribe; will bo sudieieiit to Hiiti.ify you tliat watei power at that place. 'Phe flume is ly, as it was in M.iior Joseph Chandler’s in the Legtsl.alnie. a in tlie United Krom .50 cents upwanlp. zkmasa l.e.slcy, Capit- Regiment of Artilleiy. Al.ijor t;. was No Di|ibuii fry lo wouin* itiy t'nft \er) laige and will be con.slructed ol betlmel Perty, Lt. Rtates Senate; lint he relie'i-il lo bo iiom- My luMior hihI my ci)usul«'M',i* cM'ur, we make no false claims A valua­ hackmatack ami hemlock timber from trom .Vlniiiiioiith ; juiiii .S. Kimli.ill, his liiud limy I cutiiiiy, irryel riiy cihI, Lnlie. ClicniHii, DraWi-rs, CnrAC' Cov D.wid Daniels, En. iiMlyd. In the slimmer of 1854, in .ic- to thu graVv in peueu Juseoiid," er*. Wrappers, Sacipies ami Skill-*. ble pamphlet will bo mailed free up­ Hangor. The water wheel, built by tlic Qn.irter Master, was fiom zViigiisti; and Sergeants:—Ebenezer Perry, John Jonathaiit;. lliintoon lidm Ke.ullield, co’itiaiice with a lout" ch-.-rislic-d ic-solve, ■* W -rkinu and Aprenm, IIol\oke M.ichine Comp in) ot Worce - which lie liad been pic-vented trom execu­ on application. bmgg, Jr., John Davis, Rufus Emerson. and w.ts alterward (jovernor of Maine. 'I lie congratulation of tlie W'inthrop in largo viiriely, m sel* cl ler,Mas>., was fumished by Ilubliard, .NIusicians:—Francis Smiley, Sctll l*cr- ting bc-foie by- a promise to ids fitliei th it tr dore Merrill, Oliver Persons, James Smi­ I hud its lieadqiurters in the old yellow opinic'U on abstruse and knotty points of tellcclually and mur.illy is the general up-; Oarponter Shop. Hood's .Sars.ip.irilla, warrant us in urging ley, W^m. Sendder, Wm. Smiley, Jr , I sclioolhoiise that stood upon tlie Common law was olten solicited by eminent coun­ lisiiig of all the better elements in ou? WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA? Alexamler Smiley, Lemuel -Stilsoii, Hugh sel living outside of, and ixipnialiun to pioinute a liealtliv growlli otlieis who sutler bout ibeumalism to take haid by the old East Meeting house, on I,. R. KlTClllIV, it bt-foie the fiist keen twinge. Smiley, .Sami. Smiley, John, Jo­ lie sent written opini(m.s to attorneys in of society in tirese several ilirc-ctions. Among: the many symptoms nah Thomas, Daniel Townsend, S.inil. which occasioit he sold them a two years nine different states. As Referee and Tlie organization' ol the temperance re­ Builcjer & Contractor, | of Dyspepsia or indigestion, CiiAUi.r.s W. \Vi.N(*ATi;'.s fine jewelry Townsend. old heiler, wliich his fatlier had given him .Master in Cli.incery. he calletf'ffion form club, tile Woman’.s CliriMian 'Tem- |)c-ranc-c‘ Lbiion, the Cluiitaiimia circle will do All kind* of -lOI* CAUrnNTlCltlSO «t I tbe most prominent are: Va» store, in Iloston, is noticed as follows in as a calf, for the munificeirt sum for tliose to arl/rtr.itc irt a gieat numlier of difficult •kw noil... aoA *1 reuonrblu pric.i Vassalboro’ Company. and complicated cicses, involving the own­ and tbe Young Men's Clirisli in jssori x- » 1. u.Kmuiis. ; riabla appetite; faint, gna-wing tbe Itoston Oiiinihns. For tbe sake of Rays, of eighteen dollars. It was the ership and disposition of laige amounts fi >-i, all within a liltl: ov-ei fii ir ni nilhs, W»t.r«lllc,AprlWt. 1835. SO | UanijI Wyman, Capt. feeling at pit of tho stomach, .inirl Ling .SMie. Ire is always glad to greet j Alex iiuler Jackson, Lt. hunv4uw. rh« i)«;t Turuouw 1 prusvcaiion,prostration, neRuaenU)headache, v.uaand y* ***y .cnt.-icr Hawes, Fairfield Wyman, Wni. lutve n good joke lo tell a well known ed,—etniui lo/ilrn puos stiitiiit, aeguos All these iiiflu-ences are imre f.ii-reliching 8S& oMrtlpation. Therelsuuf^ W Wyman, Reuben F'reeman, Asa Dear­ brother tf the cloth when next he sees platolosaiie dtinisit. at first ap.rc.irs anil so let everybody help along all these ell'orts to in ike goo I - titabtn...... nlio connected' of dlsfiase Uy Telephone. more prevalent than ted in a given space than can be found in born, John brown, Jr , Sami. Urnss, Ixvi , . , In 1863 artel fSfig, Mr. P.iinc Smart, Jonathan Wintworth, Robert Aus­ him Riding with .strangers he over- bijeonsenfity Hiv Dem­ Old WImhrop' the banner lotvn in cul­ DySpepSiai and nono so pecul- any similar establishment in boston. Fine ' A. L . L 1 U 11 Y , tin, Thos. Clark, Charles Willey, Nathan­ lieard a lady expressing hcrsc-lf, lionestly ocratic ptrrty of .Massachusetts, a c.m-di ture, good morals and geiiuiac religion'.' lariolar to inethe nignhifrh-llvinu iiymt unuand ran-rap ' etci' es special^ attention, iel Cross, Thos. Randall, Wm.- Smith, no doubt, bVft with exuberant w.irmtli, il.ite for fire office of Governor. Witli —[Winlhrop builget. much reluctance tie accepted the nomina­ Metaph'ysioi'’ n. Id-eating: American people. j,tor,.. 'j iu reporter during the Intel view Richard Smart, Wm., Jacol) Ste- hi favor of her beloved pastor (the broth­ OK vem, John Warren, Richard Warren, Jr.. tion, but, as lA- expected, and ilotibtless 'The - a))!. Dean bings. of the W.»tci' Alcohol and tobacco produee at tais horts-e, saw a patrol .s|xectacles two er aforesaid), capping tlie climax by sxy- to his joy, faileil of an election. In 1867, hundretl years oltl. Nathaniel Freeman, John Ife.irborrt, Jo- Oliristian. Scientist. Dyspepsia; also, bad air, etc. sci)h Gifford, Zebedee Wyman, John ing—“He IS good evefy-vv-here, and on on tlie resignation of Cliiel Jaslice bige- vile Artillery Com-piny.iu il.'e war oV OlHeo nnd Uesideneu with Snrnh 1 BURDOCK BLOOD IrAv, the olfice of Cliic-f justice ol tlie Sn- 1812, WMS the g a ulf.ixhei ol o.ii Gexx. I II. Allen, 1-45 Miiln Street. I Atblcfplu/ros has done me more good Seward, Jr. all ot-eiKtiyns, but at fuiic-r.ils he takes the than nnyllung 1 Irave e*er taken. 1 a prc-mc- Conit of .M.iss'ichusc-tts wasolVeic-d S. b.ings, and the coAtiiaixy was .iflerw.ird BITTERS, will cuj)| tho worst Vassallmro’ Company No. 2. cuke." liy ('ovc-rnor bullock lo .Mr. I'.iiiie, vvlio. , , , , , WATERVILLE’ MAINE. f great sufferer fiom rlieunratism, but since not wishing to give- up liis 111 gc and prolii-1 ‘o.nma iileil by die ilhjr i>1 (.on. bangs, case, by regfulatlng: tho bowels U'-ing .seven bottles of the remedy 1 think 1 Joseph Wing, Capt .Small I’ox lias broken out in several 0*M Uo-rt, I io IS n. m.; 2 to! A T tv t p. m. able practice at the liar, tic-tlined to ac- —.v-liicli shows llrit riie militiry s)iiii* OONBULTATION KltEE. and toning: up the digestive that 1 am nearly or quite cured. G.- 'T. Levi .Maynard, l.t. fow-iis ill Nova Scotia and -Nc-w Bruns­ Neheiniah Gould, Err. wick. cc-pt. lliis decision, diongli ,i' ,j„ ifie f.i,idly. Chronic Cases it Spuuiully, organs. Sold everywherot Gilson, Dunstable, Mass. ' I \

aea» ^j)e I^Atctt^ille 20, 1SS3.

llova OP ’29.—Mow many of those pu­ OUR TABLE „ N O TI 0 ES . ‘^nUrviUt J(|«il. pils of Preceptor Paine still Mrvive f Let «u run over the list. Nathaniel R. Bou- HARPut’a MAOAziRBfor December, tSTThere will be .scrvicen at St. Marks following ilie cnMtom of recent yenmi h e^eo< Chapel next Sunday at the usual hours, telle Is a Waterville pfayifidan; Judaon Ully n Oltrioimiw Numlmr, ilie rotwt brilUunt 10.30 A. M., and 7 P. M. Rev. Mr. Mar­ KPH.MAXUAM. DANXR. WIN«, Chaplin, a clergyman fn Massachusetts; ereriMned. Among it** oontribotore are Jwi. BAKERS ■viTuBii iHD mnpiiirroi*. Wlllinm Cilrtln. Chnries Dudley SViirner,W. D» tin will officiate. John B, Foster, a Professor in Colby; HuwellR.Oonfitiinoe Peiiim>ire WooUon, OliHrlen Rkv. Mr. Dewitt Hyue, Pre.sident of Egbert OrrtdJfOk. Klltfrfbeth 8tu-»rt rheipa, Rowdoin College, will preach before the WATKRVILLE .. Nov. 20,188.^. William Mathews, late Professor in Chi­ Edwin Arnold, Wm. lIlHok 11. I). BUokmurc, Young .Men’s Christian Association in the GREAT cago University, the author of several well Qoorife III UonghbMi, Umnder MaUhewi. 0. P. Cmnob, end n.ll.01b»on, end the IliiMim* Baptist Cnurch, next Sunday evening, at L THAIfRwiviNo Day, Stale .ind Na­ known books, is living in Boston) Will­ iiuna ere frion tneb nrtleU an Abbey, lirinlmri, 7.30 o'clock. tional, next Thursday, Nov. 26th. It iam A. bhepard. Civil and Mining Engin­ Uouglibni. OibiMMi < nldcnMi, Pyle, Fredericke, DlelraJin, end Bmedley. The Number oontttina The Y. M. C. A. will hold meetings ev­ will be observed in Waterville by a Union eer, New York; Jdhn Drummond, a far­ nineieen full piige engraTingii. Jibe ounUiiU ery Saturday evening, until further notice, AMERIGM are aa I'olhJWH t-"1 he Nativity Ih Art* with for Bible study, &c. To-ir.orrow evening service at the llaptist t. hurch, with u ser­ mer in Winslow; William Ellis, living in twelve illnaimtlonR; liiditin Hummer, a novel, it will be lield in tlie Methodist Vestry. mon by the pastor. Woburn, Mass.; KIdridge L. Getchell, «rl IV, by Wi D. HowelU, At the Grrtvo of :eatN,a irrenl; Le<»i Dinviii, with nine illu«> a retired lawyer of Waterville; Samuel trutiona; Eathcr Fevorel. a abiry. by BranJer Now .is the time to buy Watches JosKPii Cook's Lecturk, on Tuesday Kimball, a retired .shipmaster of Hallo- MAtlliewF, with two illaatratioiia; The Uiln Clocks, Jewelry, and Silverware. You evening, secured a good nmllencc, large Hanhara, nr llonnd of the HoaAonM,by Edwin f well ; Benjamin C. Paine, of Winslow; Arnold; with four illnatraliuna; A Winter qan buy at greatly reduced prices for the and of excellent quality, "The lecture,’’ N8TANTLY RELIEVES & CURES Charles H. Wells, a wealthy lawyer and Walk, with ion lllaairationa by the ait'bor; next two weeks at F. J. Getodridge's, and said President Pepper, in his intioduc- Wyvern Muat. a hIo y, by Oeurgu H Buughtun, CRAMP8, COIalC, On our opening clay We feel that we did not prominent business man of Milwaukee, with three iltuitretiimk; The Well uf ^(. .lubii. you will find as good an assortment Of lion, "is on (JUimate Amrrira; tlie lec­ a poem, with an ilUutrntUMi; The Uiiduiina of CHOLERA ITIORBVN, Wisconsin, wlio yet retains a warm inter­ goods in nty line as anywhere In Water- ALL FORMS OF turer is iloscph Cook"—and that Was suf­ the Tnb»,« at iry. by Flliibatb Htuirt IMielp*, est in the home of his boyhood; Charles witb^hree illiiRtmtiiHiHi Eaat Ange't, n novel, villc. I have all the different kinds of SCininER COIfIPLAIlVT, ficient, although this was his first appear­ part aU. by 0 HHtinoe Feuimorv WjuUuii; At tloore, living in Connecticut; Daniel Rr I watches and cart .sell yoH anything you AND do justice to our customers owing to the ance Irefore a Waterville audience, for he Nooiienwerth, a poem, with an illii«TrHt.ton; Wing, the Junior of this ]>aper. Now for 'tVayiiowii in rioiioisoino Cove, w.tli an liln • I w.Tnt at prices will Mt-prisc iOU. To has long been before the reading public. tratiou; 'Jhe Uarrotem. a faror*, by W D. ALL Internal & External PAINSn the "girli’’I—Helen R. Boutelle, now the Howella, with thiee il iHtrationA by C. S Itoin* reduce my stock of Rings, I ani selling AN OPEN LETTER. The lecturer is a square built, sturdy man, wife of Hon. Edwin Noyes, of Waterville, hart; and tbe EditorU! Departmeiita are lull them for a short time at about three- crowd present. We would say teJ those; of whom it cannot truthfully be .said that of good things. Portland, Aug. 13, 1885. and living on the old homestead; Pru- rubliahed by Harper A Broa.. New York fourths regular price. Can show you the MtSsrs. Maurice B.vker & Co. one tmall head carries all he knows, for dentia and Maria Chaplin—daughters ol City, at #4 <1 largest assortment in town. Solid wal­ it is long and broad and deep, and fitly Gentlemen :—As there are at prc.scnt in the first President of Waterville College Godkv’s Lady's Book (J. H. Haul- nut clocks selling very cheap. Et'erj Oiid all parts of the Country and during thll crowns the vigorous Imdy of a man who enbeok. Philadalpbia) fur December Is dacUlad* season of the year; many peoplfi, especiai- whom w^ could not wait upon, arid to all who —both living in Massachusetts, the latter ly a bandioffla number, replete with «ucb nt- warranted. I alway.s keep art elegant is evidently "chockfull of d,ays' works.*' ly cHildrcn, .sllbject to that anfUl disease, the wife of Rev. Mr. Bronson, a Baptist iraotioiiB a« delight tbe ladiea at the com- line of Silverware, both in sollfl find plat­ He suffering from a cold, and did not meuoement of the hlored deafgna fur holiday novelties ed. In knives, forks, and spoons, I keep becoming almost epidemic, I wish to s,-!)' appear at his best; but in .spite of a ho-ski- of the late Capt. Nehemiali Getchell, and 111 the line of fancy work are deserving of par­ only the best. Take your watches, clocks, tliat in your valuable remedy, Baker’s i have Hot purchased a Garment that we still ness of voice, such is his tremendous en­ ticular attention, an they will auggeat to many Great American Specific, may be found a ' widow of Daniel Sanborn, is now living what to mn« It is now said, it is the work of a young Published ai 1006 Chestnut fit., Pbilodel- ASD -VU. MATEUIALS FOUND !N A FlItBT LliK*"ln tiHl (via (It Aru. IVan'fxl. 8«na2Ae. right use of wlvat God has given him. )hia, Penn, at $2 a year. Wo will farnish the CLAS.S EMBKOIUERY 8TOUK. lot rolUb A 3W ••Of to lady whose talent for romance ran away ?mdy's Simkaiid tka Mail one year, for 3 5f) Qualities & Styles. Our Mifortment of STASIPIKO PATTERNS F He ia very positive in his convictions, .and with her conscientiousnciis. Id advance. has been Inrr('nFea, nnil ail dcRlrlng any­ ASIC VOUU DKALKR FOR hie enemies might call him conceited, jJ —------I . thing In lliU liiiv of Ifoocla will And It for tliuir In llAKKU'G ItEST FLA VOItIFQ Little Men and WoMeIi—one of D. toreat to give U8 a cull. while bis iriends would cling to him as to stoiy went abroad that a EXTUACTS. Wu also have the agency for the Cele- » strong tower. hazed freshman in Colby had applied to Lothrop & Co's juvenile publications, presents a charliiing number for Novem­ ralt'd Briiinard & Armstrong’s Wash "Ultimate America—its promises and the civil law for redress, and the newspa­ telling Silks. LIPPWCOTT.S MAGAZINE ber, with which the young people will be lu perils.’’ The first half of his lec­ pers all hoped it was true; but the matter H Popular Alonthly Of General Lltcrnture, and a Hrft clus niHgHzine in every particular, hot re­ Don’t fail to visit us before purchasing. sure to be delighted. It is full of good ture was a lesson in physical geography- must have been amicably settled in some Jl^iss A. A. Gleason duced Ita price to $3.00 a year. With the l««uc for things—stories, pictures, &c., including elannary. Tb86. Irftportsnt changfa will be made in on a large scale. America is to dominate way, as no warrant has been i. describes. that Senator Hale agrees with his col­ It will be ric I in abort stories, poems, and *o*»eall, the infernal liquor traffic. These | Bates. they include some of the most expert of league. This is not exactly new, but may •ketches. Brokw & Insurance operators. There are fortv or more of be regarded as confirmation of previous By spccUl arrsngemenvit will be the HUlhorlied JAWt^YLE’S evils, tlmugh colossal, he had faith to be- ^Ra'isi^iTprunes, prunelleTT plain, these tclegraplicrs whom .\lr. Livermore | medium through which the latest utterances of GCVKUNUKNr, BTATK, CUV, TOWN rumors concerning the attitude of the the nicst eminent transutlautlc writers will r(*arh ICAlLltOAD llONUB.lMlOCliKKD FUl? leve, would ultimately be overcome; tbe sage, Edam and pine apple cheese. So has taught and sent out. He speaks of INVKaTMKNT AT IX)\VKbT Maine Senators toward the President.— tlie American public simultaneously w'lth their klaiLKKT I'itlCKB. dense cities would l>e set right by the ru­ them affectionately as "my boys.” His [Port. Adv. appearance abroad. My* Rogers of the Tea Store H'ls stores own son, Mr. Chas. D. Livermore, has It will number among IH American ocntrlbu- FIIIK IXSUKANCK WUiTIENl.N BURirTAN^ ral population, |) corruption would tprs such writers ns Oail llumilton, .Tnlinn Haw. TIAL, UKIriAULK COMPANlklS. AT are certainly full of goods and customers. been manager of the Western Union of- Books, Books, Books^* H you want thornc. Hnriloi Eresentt .KpoiTurd, John Itncti .Uc- LOWKST RATU8. be rebuked and tlie liquor traffic con-1 fiue in Portland for many years. He was to see the largest and best assortment of Master, “J. S* of Dale,” J. Brnndor Matthews, Agent for the Books ever brought into toivn, you can etc. etc. trolled; and he closed with a striking al- Pliilbrick Block of tenement houses is the first operator to read l>y sound in It win bo the ohoaocst fir-t-class mag.'txloe Is­ Lombard Investment 6#-. Lewiston. .Mr. Livermore’s daughter Miss find them at Dorr's Book Store, includ­ sued In America. Recognizing the needs of the legory illustrative of the good agencies at boarded and partly shingled...... Mr. OF BOBIXIN,- Emma, now (lccca.sed, was llic first lady ing the whole list of Alden's Publications time for good liiemturc ut moderate prlees, tho *t»vk—the improvement of the physical Busliee has got up the fonudation wall of at ruinously low prices, all the new and publishers hove decided to lower the subscription f >r the sale of Ihelr 0 per cent ^uafoateed T«oaal operator in tlie world to .send a price, coiumuMcing with the new -<010100, to n sum from $300 to $.'7,000 on western farms, #orth I %4 condition of the people; education ; phil­ the Henrickson house, so that the nnder- The accuracy of tins statement has been popular works. Seasides and other paper that will plHcu Llpplucoit's Hig tzYoo vrllhla the 6 times tho amotmt loaned. Ths semi aaAtta) covered liooks from 2 cents up, constant­ reach uf nil. !<» BEaT THING KNOWN t> rcFt coui>ons paid If «leslred. at MerekaAfa Xa^ anthropy; moral advancement, etc.,—ail pinning, three feet wide, is going on, and e.stablished by investigation. Il sev- For sale by all Now sdenleis. 26 certs per copy tlonal Hank, Waterville In SO year** rhp«rl$8aa eaal years after the telegraph was intro­ ly on hand. Call and see what bargains $3 00 per annum. A spccl ncii copy sent fyee on thu managers of this Cloropsnjr have aol laal 3 and Several being pronounced eflficient but .Mr. Fhiihrook is putting on the sills, and duced licforc te'egraphy w is considcr-.-d a we can give vou at Door’s Book Store. application. WASHING^BLEAOHING dollar fur Investors in these loaas. not sufficient—until he came to the vision will soon have the frame up, it being ail suitable business lor women. tf J, B,. LIPPINCO'n* COMPANY, IR HARD OR SOFT, HOT OR GOLD WATER. urrrcB in MKuciiAXT’a National bank kcildi!I49 of One'With pierced palms, Immanuel, ready. Col. Livermore is also known as a vete­ Puhlisheus, 8ATE.S liABOR, TIMR sod SOAP AMAZ* lln^ often it the light of the honteiiold 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelpliia. INGIiYt and giros nnlTorool ■atisfactioii. WATERVILLE. Mii. who was |>ronounced not only efficient clonded by eigne of in-iUnoiinly or irritability V'kazie, afraid that he did not do jus­ ran printer and publisher, his ntmc having Ko famUy* rlob ok poor shotild bo wiUioct It. but sufficient for these things—at tbe on tlio perl ni' the lediee. Yef they ere not to Sold by $U Oroi^rs. BKWAIllSof Imitations tice to all callers on his opening days, been associated for many years with that be bletned. for ttiey are tlie reeult of nilm-nte Alfred Siui.ey’s farm buildings in TToU designed to mUIcad. FBARDINB Is tbs Germany has acqilfe.-tced in the Hope* prom'ise of whose coming tlie dark angels, sex. whioh men know imt of. Sidney, with liay and crops, were destroy­ owing to the crowd, will do what he can of Col. .Marstersat No. i Kennebec' Row, OWt 8AFB lalmr-snying compound, ain! .settlement of the Caroline Islands quM* who lud greeted the oth:r agencies with Rut tlie oiin-e tn-iy b * rernovud er.d joy ro-tored ed by fire Tluir.--day afternoon. Loss $i,- Uways bears tbe above syraDfll, and name of lion. to make amends. Read his announce­ Hallowell, and lie is well known In con­ by tho u-ie of Ur. Pierce’s Kevorite Preecripion, 800. JAMES PTIsE. KBW YORK- mocking laughter, quailed in silence, rec­ nection with the Maine Farmei's Alman­ wli'oli. ns e tooio end nervine for deblUtetod The bu.sine.s.s |)ortion of tile KM* dt ment in this week's paper. women, is oertnin. e.ifo end ploveenl. ' It is be­ On the 13th, Galveston, Texas, wan ognizing his superior power. During the late rains the foUiuIation.s Hazciluirst, MLss., was destroyed by lire ac, on wliich he was employed for about yond nil o.itnpire the groit h,tx1er of women. dev.rstateJ by a great fire, whicli destroyed Monday night. Tlie loss is estimated at — »♦.------Another good man, well known lu our 400 houses, and left families home- of the bridge across the Seb-i-sticoolc, at half a century. E.V-LKfilSI ATOHS IN WATERVILLE.— and tlie insurance is small. H01.INE.S.S Mketincw at the Methodist village, has left us—Elder Steplien Rus- A gale carried the fl.inies entirely Clinton, settled, by which it is in an un­ To show the present condition of this safe condition to travel. The town has Church, in our village, began yesterday •sell, honest, faithful and conscientious. The following is a list of the members of across the island, sweeping all-4he build­ genial veteran, we copy further from the former legislatures now living in Water- ings covering too acres of land, FortU called a meeting and will endeavor to de­ af>d will continue tlirough Sunday—three We shall miss his genial presence and Ills cide on erecting in the place of the old Lewiston Journal:— vtllei nately the business of the city was meetings a day, at 10.30, 2.30 and 7.30 kindly words. untouched. Tlie loos is estimated at $2 bridge a new one of iron. Ynien BSby wm .toll, we gST. ber CASTfiSd fa After a talk with this patriarch, he took Noyes in 1850; K. Foster ^Tbon eh. WM m Child, .he eri.4 for OABVOllfa on week dap and at the usual hours on Sinate.^M. 000,000. Mr. 11. A. .Saw’tei.le, who has been me on a jaunt over town and fairly tired in 1871-72: E. F. Webb, 1880; F. K. When .he boowne MIm, iho clnax tr CAdHyOU Sunday, with preaching in the forenoon I.TIl’ORTAIW'r. in poor health for some time, and who re­ me out. He is as spry as a colt and as Heath, 1882-84. Mrs, Cei.ia Standish, of Eustis, who Whea .he bed ChUdzon, .be gsT. tbrai cheerful .as a bobolink. "I was enlarging When you VIkUor leave New Turk City, saxo wt 10.30. Able assistance is present from House.—F. P. Haviland, 1846; Jo.seph died Nov. 5tli, aged about 77 years, wan Bagsgu KxpresANKu Slid Carrlsge Hire and rlop cently returned from a trip to Milw.iukee, my liouse, fifteen or twenty years ago,” St the Grand Uuluu llutul, opposite Grand Ccii. abroad, with good singers. I’ercival, 1861; R. Foster, 1866-67-68; the wife ol J'lllian Standish, one of the di was present in the Baptist prayer meeting said he, "when a man came along ana re­ reel d csvend,anl.s of Cai>t. Miles Standisli 1 trul Depot. One luindred find tiire nty boomers have E. K. Webb, 1872-73; N. Aleadef, 1876- KlevAiii rooms fitted up St a eost of oue mil. marked, ‘1 didn't think you were .such a of May Flower fame. She leaves six been arrested in Oklaho nia during the last Messrs. Nasu.n & 11laisi>ei.i., dealers last evening taking, but at the close 77-83; Franklin Smith, 1878; Dr. F. C. lion dollars, reduced to$ino and upwards, per foul as to go into an operation like this at Thayer, 1884. cliildrcn, four sons and two daughters to day. Kuroposn plan. Klevstor. Itestsiirant sup. to days, and tbe (rbops are still out. in clothing in I’laisled Block, who have found himself unable to rise from his scat your time of life.’ That iqan is now rest­ pifed with Ihc best. Horse Cars, Binge* and Kle- R. It. Dimii, the member, lives mourn lier loss. taled llsilroad to fill de|>ots. Ksmllirn can live Dr. Georce C. Lor imer has declined and was finally carried liunie. This morn­ ing ill his grave, sir, and I'm dying about been here long enougli t > luve establish­ I Itcre, li.iving repre.scnted llic town of I’o- better for leds money nt the (irsnd Union Hotel tile presidency of the C liicago university, ing we learn that it was a shuck of appo- licre as lively as ever.’’ than at any Other first class hotel In Ihu ctly. ed for tliemselves a good re|)utation, have land in 1831, at the age of 27. **Bongb on Coagbs.*' but has been made temporary chaiilnanel .Smith WAS ill tlie Sen.ite from Sonier.eet an announcement in uurpa|ier, this week, plcxy and lie is said to he in a critical The C.ias’ER .Mirkrt man rcjiorts .Vsk fjr *'U«>uKlt oil (Joiii(iiA,,” for Coughs, Advices from Kpirus state that the tlio executive board. Co., in 1840-42-43, and .S. S. Brown Coldtf.Sjre Throil, lljursuuuss. 'I'rucht’s. I5cls. condition. country is in a deplorable condition^^l- to which we invite attention. They claim himself as able and willing to supply tlie a member of (lovernor Garcelon's Coun­ Liquid, 25 et«. All' Little, a Kentucky desjietado, who banians ai"c deserting by vriiolcsalc Trom to sell at low prices, wliich are desirable has killed 14 men. was last Saturday sen­ M. K. Kallocii, tlic filteen years old most fa.stidiou.s housckceper with anything cil. Boagb on AatJ.” the Turkish army, owing to privations In Oakland will be found Wm. M.ic.irt- Clunr^ out rntH, niloo, roauhi n. Huus. nitls, brd- tenced at Louisville to io)carsin prison to purchasers. son of Rev. I. S. KalhK'li, conics Iierc slic may want for Thanksgiving, from a bug'!, skunkd.e.tipiuunks,g’lphura. 15c. i)ruKKi*i« land marauding, pilhagiiig Christian villag- iiey, II. C. Benson, Major G. T. Stevens, for forgery. A year or two ago the mili­ - “ - ..i - - —.— from Washington 'I’erritory, to join his nice piece of " pie meat, ’ to a pound of Geo. W. ('lOiililiiig, J. M. Libby, and per- noa-TPaini I es and killing all iuhibiiants who rc-sist tia was called out to suppress him. In a memorial of the late Luther C. nuts, figs, gra|K's or raisins. The quality l•.ltpltalion, Drop^icui .SweiiinK", Diziinesr, In- them. The I urks, fearing a I'cvoit, arc .sister .as a |>upil in Coburn Classical Insti- hips others. diife»rion, iioad-iche, Sieepiussucsi* cured by sending their liircms to Macedonia. Stevens, (brother of the late Uea. N. A. of guoilb sold by this well known firm in Viairheld are Hon. Wm Connor, Wull’s lloallh Uoiiewuf." tute. •;il ' F. Stevens of Waterville) prepared by needs no woril of praise from us, every- Hon. Nalumi Tutman, Hon, V. R. Con­ Nervniiii llebilltnted Men nor, Daniel Allen, Orrison Burrill, Ed­ ** Biugb oa Carat." You Hie nlluweil a True Irinl or tbirly diiy. of his son, M. L. Stevens, fur /ion's Advo­ Mrs. E. Bonsk is getting in goods for thhifi is^ first-class, and inices are very J sk f’lr Wells' *' iCotixh on Cunt'*,'' 16c. Quick, ward Eiwrcnce,,Hon. S. A. Nyc. oumplutuCure. Ilardur suficorus, warts, bun­ tt'O ii.a of l>r. Dyo'ii Celebrated Vnitaio ll«h Catarrh cate, l>e says of ills early struggles fur an tlie Holidays which are approaching, and reasoii.ible. ions. witli Klfctri'* Sii-prii-ory A[>)t:iiinceii. fir Ner- 1. undoubtedly caused by Impure blood.' vou, lleb llt.v. I".* of Vllalily nnd MnnlosMl, education, "At New Hamptuu I rang the is receiving somclliiiig new and pretty ev­ Dunn Bi.uck is famous for good bar- Hence a niedlcliie tvbich puiillei the blood The UniTARiAN FAiKw.xsa .success, *• Roujb oa Pala.” Poroutad Piairer- aadall kiailred Iroitbli'.. Also, fir innay other removes tbe cause of tbe dlsoMO aud opoas bell, swept the rooms, and worked in ery day. Call in and look at them as you RtretiKlhciihiK, improved, Uiu bent for Itaeknche, di-oa.tH, Cuinpleie reatnratioa to benitli. vig. ^ gains; but I’resby & Co., now advertise tbe way for a tborougb cure. Tbla U exsctly Fresident Farnswortli's garden ; at Wa- notwillistandiiig the weathgr and pains 111 tiio chest or nldu, rheuiii.itUm, neuralgia. or au-( maubiH'U RUaraateed. No rUk ia hi- pass—next store above Mr. Carpenter’s light attendance of the hrst evening. On /or ten tiav.s. their what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, and It makM lervUle 1 lud a hencli of tools, and made Thin People. ciirred llhi-trHled |iaiiinbl-t. with full in- music store. ,,, , , . , , , new advei tLsment in another column and firmaiion. term-, etc., mailed free I'V adilrt. • the cure complete by glrtug the system health candle boxes at eight cents each, and WednescLay evening tliere a pl.iy; last . , , , j j i ** WolU* lluitUh Ueuewer.” rusturcs lieallh ftud 1,1I , . ■ go m and see them and don’t delay, vigor, cures I))'spepslu, llotdaohu, Nervousness, lag Voltnio Ili-UCo., blai.' nil Ml b and strength, and enabling It to tbrow oK Uta bedsteads at (1.00 each.’’ Mr. Tiikoiiork M. Koutiiari>k, form­ evening, Mr. I’liilbrook arranged a must-1 ______. Debility. $1. depressing effects of tbe disease. erly of Winslow, has removed to Vassal- .Servia declared war against Bulgaria Wll.SlilRK & Cl.ARKSON—wIlO luve cal entertainment, aided by Fales’s Or- j The last game of Polo, Granite Cifj's Whaapin? Cougb. horu, having bought the old Daniel How­ and llio rnsny AlVvcll»»u. ot cliitdrvn, on Saturday anti the Servian army crossetl built tile Urge and commodious stable on clicstra :—A Trio by Mr. and Mrs. Piiil.' vs. itie Elites, we judge, was not very .s.d- prul.|itly, iiliisHstiily, unit ..ft'ly ri'licvi'd by the Bulgarian frontier in three divisions, ard farm, about a mile below Getchell's * KuurU un Ouii^lii,*'Troahr.. Lie.; llitUnm. :26c. Catarrh Silver Street, near .Main, un the site of brook and Mr. Cain; a Song by Mr. Dc- isfaclory, and it came to no i.s.sue, the at Tsaribrod, Klesovia, and Bregovia. Corner • fs permanently cured by Hood’s ttanaparUla, Forest; a duet, piano and violin, by 1 Granite Citys being compelled to le.rvc Motharz. They met will) no re.sistancc in cro.t.siiig. Ur. A. Bart, Syracuse, N. Y.,says: "Hood's the old Daiifurtli Cliandter staiile —are Il yi.uarvfallln«.brukvn. worn out .ml aer-lsimrp lighting o.vciirred at Till on tlie We call special .attention to the adver­ Messrs Stewart and Suckling, and a song before its close. Tlie Elites played in voum., u.e 'WelU-Health lleaewer.” ,1. I'rux- J, Kusleiulit. Many were Sarsaparilla has helped me more tor catarrh now |)repared to furnisli liurses and car­ tisement of E. B. Richardson &Cu., who giat.. and Impure blood than anyUilng 1 evtr used,” by Miss Mary I’roctor, wlio sang by re- ; Rockland, l-vst evening, ------killed nnd wounded un lioth sides. TIk riages to alt wliu de.sire. Tlicy have ev­ offerg(Hid wages to more salesmen. "I bare taken Hood's Sarsaparilla f«r quest "Tell Me Beautiful Maiden.” It Ifare gH?”n'Vire. try •• Well., j Hulgarians retreated at all points, llie erything liandy and convenient in their Miss Allk.s's new liouse is nearly com­ I Wn.KiNSDN, tbe B.1II1 murderer, is to aatarrb, aud Iblnk It bss done me a great was pronounced a very enjoyable occasion He.UhKenHwer," «ou* direct to weak spot*, whole hcrvian army i.s in llulganan lem- deal ol good. 1 recommend It to all wllbla large stalrle and will do their best to give pleted, and lioth tenements are rented. be bung to-day. All. F. L. Thayer taking one of them. by all coneerned. The net receipts have •H“fro*rV'!mr’Sym®'rmUb«el.o,, • ^itcr report* front the war a.s.'^ert iKtt my reaob. Hood's Sarsaparilla bat bcew satisfaction. See tire card in our adver­ la.tant rell worth ereiytblng to me." Lutusb D, Jlofo. tising culumtu. The Stnior is out to-day for the first nut been figured hut will piovc .sitisf.ic- sehe. A.kfur Itough on 'rauttiaehe.” 16 fc '26d. the tables liavc been turned and tliat tlie BIHI, Kast Tbompsoo, Conn. time. Bulgarians arc victorious; in a late ______*•'* RlwRys I'o ‘‘I ikc annual ELY’H Catarrh Pretty Women. engagement tlie Servians lost ten gifns Lauiev-NcxI w«wk will he the last uL—The~Huhe FAim. ttnfexMBtm ’agtl-' {Late*—------Ladle- who would remlu fre-hiiP.-aDd vlv.elty, OBEIIIBiLIIII I Puirit fall iu tiy *■ Wett.i'Ha.tHi H-av—..42 ami 3^ hm-ses aud Mr.r G. W.VA/ Rideout'sO Ial.aasis(*«2 stays.tsi' in• IS Waterville\X'9 • A VA'l I IsR ...1* Catarrh Gkkkhous.—Gvo. (BIman Esq,, and cultural paper, has entered upon its sixth Olnansos the ' Osiarrhal Throat Affoottons, _ 3,000 Servians were killed or woui>ded. this season, so if you luve any work in The Bulgarians on Tuesday captured 200 May be breaking down your heallb. Bw wiM year with improved and constantly im­ wife, of New York, sent >25 in aid of tlie Hacking.Irrltetlu* Oouxb-, Colde, Harr Tliroal, In llmel That Bow from tbe note, rloglag noise lleiui. AllHy.| cured by *'lloiigli oa Ouugtis," 'I'rueliei, I60. Servian cavalry. Tlie Bulgarians liave his line take it in at once. Uiularian Fair. Liquid, 26r. In Ibo ears, pstn In tho head, lollanMBaHtm — .. — »- proving prospects. — 4Wr - — again repulsed attacks on ITrogonian. — — I el lbs throat, cougb, aud nertous praelnUlaw Inllninmut i o u . Bulgarian Lmops liave rcca;)tiired Bres- Tlie I'urtland 1‘ress Is (luhlisliiiig a se­ Dr. a. L. Uuiiy, Electrician, lias re­ Good Music can be liad lor all occa­ '* Rangb on Itch." will be cured If you lake Hood's SareapMilta. ''Itougb an Iteh” ouru- hiiiuure,aril|il)on-,ring, scck and dispersed tlie Servians. No ries of interesting letters ul' foreign travel, sions—school exercises, dancing, &c.,— worm, teller,■aUrbeam,,tru-trdfeet, chilblains. moved to the house uf Mis* .Sarah A. Al- HuhIs the Sorus. fears arc entertained for tliv safety of .So­ " 1 bad bMo troubled by general dMOIly, caused by catarrh aud humors. UooA*i Sar­ in addition to its uriliiury attractions. U'li, M dll Street. by application to H. Fates, and jt is good Tbs Hope of Tho Mntlon. fia. ♦ ♦ ♦ — saparilla provndjust the thing needed. 1 dn- music, too, lietter tlian a good deal of Ueslores t h v Oblldroii, alosr la u-veluinunt, puny, -crawny, Mr. C. A. Hill lost a Iwrse .Sunday L. T. B00THUV& S'.s distributed lib- .■irnsos of Tn.sic, auddelloale, use" Well*. IfenUb Itenewer.', The Stale Board uf Heallh kis is.siied a rlrod an Iromeute amount ot benofft laaaa U." tliat which is brouglit from abroad. circular giving a list of thirty-six (owns in U, r. MiLLtTT, Bostou, Mass. niglit, wliich lie says uveniriven. eially a very neat and citiiveuieut card on Smell, lletiring Wido Awabo A ipiiek Uelief.j threeortoar hours every niglit eoughlng. (let tlie I’ uf Oucbcc wlierc sniall-iiux wliicli will be found the time of arrival and Henrickson furnished the curtains fur Revival sen ices are in progress in tlie A positivu OiiiT IniniedlatB relief and eoniid real by using Welle, exists, outside of Montreal and its sub- Hood’s Saraaparltln departure of all K. K. trains at Waterville Uougl) on Coughs.’' 'I'roebea 16i',;,'26o. Bold by all druggists, gi; sli lewth, Ha^a Friend*' cliurcli in Norlli Fairlield, con­ Uak Grove, new school house, as he dues A pirtlsls |4 appIleU iuto otiuh noslril, and is urbu. only by C. I. HUUD & 00., Low.U, Mata. Fales'sUrchkstka furnished the mu foi a large share of the country around Mr'Miiii'iojreoablv to mef*uie. iI’rToorlce so50 oout*oouf by*"■ i»»il* or »l“* “KynTbon Pala" purousod Fluster: Tlie new cotton mill in Augusta started ducted by Julm I’ciimiigtoii and C. M. “ DrtixKi«u*.IkniHviMiH* HillHend for oirotilar. Blrenglbenliig.lniproied, the beet for backaebe Wednesdav Waterville. ULY uayrimUiS, DcustUU. OwefO, N. \« paint In tU» ehcii ot aide, Tbeumailtui,ueurlgli> ”** -veunesuaj 100 Doses One Dollar. Jonus. sic fur tlie Uiiitariaii Fair. ■->- ij*' i \

10^Atcc))ilU iMair....IVot). 2d, I8S3.

fitt WATERVIUE MAIL Tub WkATHER—after another rain, is | Dnnii Emporium! this morning very pleasant. AV IITDBPENDBirr BAIIILY JtEWBPAPBR NEW BOODS ! llIW 6600$ I PosLiaacp Btkbt Pbipat. The town of Clinton has voted to build AIPk«alxBIo«k....U*ln St., WitcrrllK, It*, that iron bridge and to raise $5,500 there­ It AXHAM & WING, fore. 141-2 Pouneb Revere Granulfiiedt ^l.OD. Bditor* *nd Proprietor!. Riel was executed last Monday, meet­ ■Fa.MAXaAH. DAN'LR.WIKO. ing his death calmly and bravely. The SPECIAL BARBAINS FOB IB BAYS! Cted^r^ Buttered Flour, TBBHB t t*-SD per Te*r. tl.7t If paid etrlellyln French population of Montreal and other GOME adraaoc. Slatle Coplre, fire centi. portions of ihc Dominion are considera­ EARLY OR YOJT WILti &ET LEFT! Hefckef s New Buckwheat, a^I^o paper dieeonlinned nntil all errearage* era paid, except at the rptlon of the publlthera. bly excited, but no serious outbreak has occurred beyond burning prominent offi­ LADIES' DEPAR't'MkNt. Armngeineiit ot fllaf In. Jasjie^’s 'fable Syrup; cials in effigy. There are those who feel Beavy Merino Vests ftnd Pants, ^0 cento each. We dSfy any one toith AMd WMt elo«o« at 8.60 a. m A 8p. m* sure that his execution was a serious mis­ •* ** op«ni at 7JV0 a. m. ft6.20p. BH, MoiP^ yet lies ^ yams, and Preserves, Karth and Baat eloaet at 4.80 ft 6 p* m. take. to matoh ihem less than 60 oto. Find tfdl-wool Scarlet Vests •* ** opena at 7.30 A O.w a. m* Oflloa hoara from 7.80 a. m. to 8* p. m.| and on A baby in Wlscasset choked itsell 18 Handaya from 0 to 10 a. m * §.hd Panto, 76 cento each, Children's & Misses’ in all sizesi Neiv invoice of Cocoa^ Chocolate & Broma: ■all oUtoa at 6 p. m. Sandayp for raltman death with a string with which it Ikas Tra^ia playing, a few days ago. equally as cheap. Pleece^Litied GFldVed 6 cents pe? |iai?. FBANK L. Til A YKR, r. u. Englanu.—The Quern has di^^btved ' Three Button Kid Gloves 60 cento per pair; Wool Royal Cream Chocolatd; WATERVILLE MARKET. Parliament, and writs for a new election are out. Hose for Children & misses 6 to 16 dents. Heav^ ' [READY i'OB IftS^AftT Vsk.i neef brinEsS to 9Jcj_ mutton 7c ; lambs Ex-Senator J. H. Mitchell, liepubll- 7c; Fowls IOC Chickens'’• • • to tp 15; can, has been chosen U. S. Senatdr in all wool Matellasse Dress Goods, very fine, & round hog 6; Butter 18 to 32; Oregon. New Raisins, New Prunes^ Neiv Pig$, IOC.; Eggs 35; Pea Beans $1.74; yelellow Sold everywhere for 60c., we sell at 26c. eyes same price; Apples 1.50 per bl.; po­ The Knights of Labor are rapidly Large Invoice and Every Viriety. tatoes 4S cts.; Squashes Ic per lb.; Cab­ multiplying all over the country, ahd a - / . bage ic per lb.; Turnips ic per lb.; Tur. lodge has been formed at Skowhegan. It GENTLRMEN^S DEPARTMENT. keys i8cts; Oats, 4S 1° S°- Hay, $12. remains to be seen what they wilt do, but All Rdisini are Large and Clean'* if the condition of the laboring man is td Sterino Sfiirti and Drawei's fVonk *53 to 3S cts. each. Only 10 doz. Idft of Thk use of Iodoform or mercurials in be improved by their aid, good will be thoseCan’t be Beat” ftcarlet all-wool Shirts dc Drawers, at *IO cts; Largest Stock Vbe '^e^ Ovdned. the trMtment of catarrh—whether in the done. form 'of suppositories or ointments— each. 44 doz. laumberiiien’s 9 lb. Shirts dc Drawers, belter than should tie avoided, as they are both inju­ Tit^d Sidles F^l^ of Nerv Goods', ;^arrias an Overcoat, di preventive ngralittl rhcifmdlisUi, 01:30. Biish^ rious and dangerous. Iodoform is easily esp detected by its offensive odor. The only els of hand-knit Hose and Mittens, 13 toS5ets. Heavy (bliiin Every Variety of Fancy Groceries, reliable catarrii remedy in the market to­ In Watsrville, Nov. 17. by Sidney M. Henth, day is Ely’s Cream Balm, beieg free from Esq., Mr. Frank A. I'nppor Hnd Miss Annie £. Rtibber Boots, ivorth fbr 9^.93. Heavy Tap Sole allpo isonous drugs. It has cured thous­ Mai thews, both of W. Lenver Prices than we Ever Made, In flkitwheRitn. Nov. 11, Mr* Dow G. Baker Kip Boots, worth g3.93 foi 99.30. Other Boots and ands of chronic and acute cases, where and Mr*. Lillian G. Gilmnn. / / all other remedler have failed. A parti­ Shoes In proportion. We keep none lint the best cle is applied into each nostril; no pain ; Fionda Oranges. Neiv Prunelles, agreeable to use. Price fifty cCnts; of wearers. We also have several Special Bar­ » a s • draggisls. tf gains in Blankibts, sold at icsi than Banil- In Wat**rville, Nf»v. 14, Mr-*. Attlifateon M„ We want your Trade; I’s lloiiejr the great Cough euro,ltd.,tOo.ill wife nt’ JiitnoH Ai Leavitt| 31 yr«,7 moa,; s’sHnliMurSlonp heals k bosutifles, I80. Nov, Idlli, ilev, i:tepben iltniSL‘ll, ngod 85 yrF, laeturfirs’ Cost^ owing to Financial BenssaaCornRemoTcr kills Corns k BunlonI 6 miM>. >9 days, liunbarrassiiiiints at Ihe iiliili NTs Hair and Whisker Dye—Black and Brown, toa In Korridgewook. Kov. 16th, Mra, Sarah Pi Kehnoon. aged 65 yrs. flka’a TWalliache Drops enro In 1 Ulnute.SSe In China, Oct SSth, Mrs, Julia Y. Wiggin, Waterville TBa ft Coffee StofBi HM’a BfeewnaUe rills are a sure cure, 606; wi'‘c of Mr. |> Wigxin of Btsbm, ag'^l 47 yra.j Rememhef to Come Early if you want the Best Bargains ! Oct. 81. Mrs. Mary B. Thombi*. aged H3 yra ------...... ■ All ol the latest Books, Magazines, and In Aiignsti, Nov. Pith,Mr*. .Miry I. Gross, PeriodicalsconsLantly on hand at Dorr's aged 63 ym. RUok Store: ^ tl. L. A. PRESBYi : R. W. DUNN. ROUGH & TUMBLE. King Theebaw rejects the proposals of 1, Mdthvrs will be h ippy to know that lU lail ioiuebodv nos iovonted a pivtopn for the Indian government, which he char- putting tog^irilicr a boys suit that II poaitively will not rip or biitloni come off,, THu jtcteii2e$ as absurd. He lias declared war ingeni.ius prooeis was invented by a Nuw York Clothing Uouae, Thuy ivll Ihero against Kngland, and promises to lead in goods to onl.v onejdealcr in each town, and llEALD, of WaUrville...... und Fitlilleldlie person his troops. King Theebiw's wnr are thu lueky ones in sepuru ihu agency lor thla vlciiiUy, On the sleeve of hhbH Tcssel has been captured by tlic Brllisli rCOOTII.WK.; 6 ft oont Is a diamond shap'Kl label Which rehdt aa follows : — after a aliarp encounter. Some *oo of d T0•day ! the creW Of King Theebaw’s war vgssci ^louGH AND Tumble. READER &'EL0CUTI0NISTy — and------junqi^d drttboard to escape the (IrB tJf the ASSIST!:!) BY TIIK BKST British steanicr Kathleen, and tile lifitl ' ted to consideration of reports Of commit­ promptly, and free of CV'Piiro Paris Green, has stood the test for 10 (Bill |1 tr siili. tiirltsoll in one year 1 t 6 irnll.n SI.60, Pi? tees on co-oi)eration and tfinsportation charge. for Potato Bugs. Iw'ehly-five years. 82.28 able vd sun the most particular'customeri The csl.ablishment of Gfailgcr lii.raries We h ivii a large lino ot was strongly recommended. j Call and See Us. Boys’ & Children’s Clothing. ns Ladle. Wenkne.sfl , HANSON. HANSONi HANSON. I HA DN: HANSON. Mr. It. Geir.ifd of Chnrch Mill, Md.. is e Wliich we are selling .it (liMtikfUl for the re.lurilinn of his wif., i.i com plele hexlih I’lBl he I. vrlitiii, fo rerlilv to th« VERY LOW PRICES. endmetinerof her cure, To Mrs, Lvdin K. Vou can find the Pinkbem, Thie le In certify Id ihe grsod *f- feel* of your Vegeteble Ctonpoiinil, kiv wife Holiday Goods! FINE SUITINGS! wei'.tuffcrina from n terrible dl.eiiie which •lentird lo belHe Ibe medical ikill of tile beet Club House Sausages? medical men. Blie was in a poor FURNISHING GOODS, Wo arc receiving nliii-ist every d ly, preared, nervous erudition. We dn-tllv con A I THE^ rluded to tr,v yonr Vex*’t-sblo G mipooo'l so.I to In lliis depill tmeitt you eaii Mew, Fancy Sc Nlui»le Men, Youths, Boys and Children I our great eiirpVise the ha If of one hitilti hnd iiiiil all the nuvelties of lliu not been tal-en before there seenl-d Hi he n ALSO. A NICE LINK OF Ihoroueh cliange in her wlldld C ool tidil. nod aeas'Ui, al the least posrililc DRV GO0I)S, ‘‘ Einiwood Market.’’ new loedav elm is in Rood llenith -r-id co'iroiv prieo. Wo have some relieved from nil former nn I de|lros»ed feellMRi which arc ndspidil to the llolnlav Trade, T H. (i.irk .i;i>. I aigains in and to which we iniile Hie alb nlion iii Winter Oversacksr Ihe iJiilllic ill general, a-s wo giliii'untec Also a large stock of Land Transfkrs in this vicinity dur­ Gants’ Underclothing. every sail-, shall be sl’iclory. AND A PULL LINE OF ing the past week: — llem 'm'ler Ih-! |llaee, I ist store oil the (jfdiitleiUen’s FurnisHidgSi at NICE OX B^EF? Fairfield.—E.Totman ct als. to Origen left side nS yon go up atriVi, ami llib' McFaldcii, et al.. $io3 an I o‘'i t , v ilu- BASON B BLAEDElL. right one as you come dowii. able con. Atalnl tl'i GilT-i.d t 1 \V itsdii C.M.L AND SICE U8. Vl^hich we are eselling at living prices. IcVe HolW.iy, $25; Orrison Binrill et al. Id S. 0. MAESTON’S,. Ebert B. Fogg, $;o; Fbe.l S. Fogg to Next bl Mr. Carpen tei’B.Miiiic Sbire. THE CLOtHiEU & FUUNISHEIl, MAI V ST.. WATEUVif.LE. always carrv a large stock of as Williarrl K. Nye, $3o:); llenr'y Kelley to yust Received I Tiiilv, .Stephen A. Nye, $325 ; Hannah E. Jones F. no.\.\i:. CHOICE GROCERIES, as can be found to .Melville D. Em ay, $20do. S Now Ass trlmimi of 1HH6. Ufiitit, —W.tntrt,—NalvH, Skowhegan.—John Turner to Frank L I'D'D I.KT s——Aa dniiblr IvnrntrnI, twot story House,1 anywhere. Ciii^man, $225 ; Hannah \V. Diy to Car REIIilVIOVALi I I ni-nr Ihe hlmnk Kaolory damI —->Als(Also, the Hirper’s Magazine; bulldlox on Main street, rceeutlv uceupivdeupl by tbv olitic Herrin, fi. Love arid affection; Al Infant’s Cloaks. NEW OYSTER AND DINING ILLUSTflATED. lehiuor• Aitciit...... b. Ari’’I.KTU.N.l. ba Abbott to Olive lldstdil, $25 ; Caroline Thg l)<*04’rnber number will beirin Ihe flvvvntjr* Aug, V'O, IhU.-l'Af. G. Herrin to Fugene i\l. Sivage, $25.0 MU’S. F. BOiV.%E. SALOOJSr. Mvoriiid Volume of tUiii*ikft'a IUuaxink. MUs WtHthon's novel, “Kasl Ang«’l«,” and Hr. Iluw '(>U UENT.-^-Tlie Ground Teneinvat of my DOW BRO’S&VIGUB. Belgrade.—Deborah B. lliinfess ol Au I wolilil inlorin tin* piililir that I Itnvi* vIE’ "liidltii MlJrriiifi!r”~hi>ldliitf Iho 1 hou!«e on Morrill Aveour, conUMUng sis gmta, to Ida F. Bragg df llelgr.ule, l.lrid inovoil my DINMNU UOOM loihu Imilit- pl.kve In curiviil svtisi ilutiun—will run lltroiiih Inrife and rivyaut room>* In tlrtf1^ eondlItlon. ftlhribers, and w.ill be followed by avrlal AddresA, U. Paixk, In Belgrade, $300. , . inj; formi’ily Amos Stark, St tvh's from It. t>. lYlnckniore and klrs. U. M. 48tf Kairdeld Oeutre. Clinton.—llenjamm E’. Chase of Clirl Fales’ Orchestra, oil Main Sia*o!, wIutu I Imvc* .im* of llu* CVhU. a new odi('>r(ul dt'|Mrliu«nt. disriis’-tnf 'on. to Frances O. Cilasc of .said towii to|iiu4 sil bv tlie uurruut lUeratiirv of [* i;(»it 8A-j,K -rKOylt ||)(|l.SICS- two black ooeo, Is prepared to furnish leiilii'l Europe, will b4 cuiitrlbul-’d by W. U. od mare ahd ii suckllnf ceull. BRIDGES &TRljW0BTiY Hnd inC. , Elncxt Diniud SuIooiih II »wi’lisi b'-'giunlnit with tho Jwiniuiy aSuinbvr. It. 1. 8TKWAKT, Oakland—A. K. Young of Oakland, jO Music for all occasions ‘ e-sst of Bii'lo'i, and am iireparii In I'nr- i gretit literary event of the year will bn the Hiroy F. Young of said town, landsin O. piibUcalloniUc • of' i series' of‘ piitera^iaklnf..... th * shapu Mardwdre, Pdifih and Oilf, lin Plate ana «5oo^‘ ll. F.VLm. Lo-i'ler & UiiM-!l-tr. nisli .MEAII^ and LUNCHES al Ihe of a rtt'^ry* and daplclfai( utiaraciertstlo fealuro* INH6. niilije. Also a lull linn nf of American s'toivly ai aerii at our loiMlina plua^. Waterville.—Kculren B. Duiiri ahd Lyd- K. .A. HiIltlllNS, Priimpter. ure nisorlM—wt Itleu by Charles Didley Warner,*b:fU8 Sheet Iron tf'brkers. Oprii Ol' .Siirll (t.VHtorN. and litu'tratkMl by O. .S. Ilrliihari. Tlie Mugaalne iajB. Dunn of Watcrville, td. jriseph I.iilr- WATERVILI.E, .ME. will give esnjclal aileiillon to Amerio in s'lhjo :ls, low of said tOMm, land in W., fSc ; Reii- Supper fill' large nr small I'arlies, liir- trvalad by tni* IImst Amcrloun writers, and YOUNG PEOHiE. l)en B. Dnnn, to Elhanan (L Childs of nislicilnl liwesl pns.sililn ratrs. I wnniil trilled by leadinit .\invrlruu anUt«. Jobbing in all Itii Branches. G. H. WILSMIRE & CO. A.V ILDlIHTUA'l'ifl) WKKKLV. AGENT Foil »iid town, land in W.,$25o; Edmund 1'., ■III lie all Cenimi-reial nien, w lin make 11A RPEU’S P E llIO I)ICA L3. 'I he posllioo of llAHi'eH'a fouMu I'lorLi ts »nd Dean P. Buck of VVatcrvilIc, to Clias. mWT CLASS slop in tnwn, in give ns a call, for Ihey fKIt TRAIC. Iho leading weekly periodical fir yuuug reader* E. Gray of said town, land in W., $1260. SAVK Tlliiirv cKii cknt. Iiy doing 11A U1* K U’S M A (i .V /I K..::...... $4 000 U Wi'll exiabllshed. The pnblUhere epare aopalne Hack, Liv3ry, FeaiaalSalo so. Als'i a new and Iresli lino nf llAlllii.^urr.iF't’KtlVS WKKKLIftvivbivLT ...... ,,.****....4.00 to provldo Ihe best aod in>'t attractive reMlug HAItl'KIL’i lUKAU...... 4 UU and liiu^tralluns. The serial aad short stories Walter s Patent Charcoal Tin Shingles Last week, an enthusiastic . rail­ STABLE, j CIOARJ?. IIAUrKIC'i? XtHING CKOCl.K...... '4 00 havK siroiig dramstlo Interertl, white they are IIAHFKU*^ >ltANKI.IN rigllAUK lelUUAUY, wh dly frm} from whilewr Is pernleVous orvab AHD II1D1A4>I PI.ATEM4 road meeting licld at tlie Silver. SI.. W.VTEHVILLE. ME. I I ivniilil invite everynnu wlin has to One Tear tl$i Nuiiilivrs)...... !0 00 garly setisatioiial. th* papers on aatural history interest of a stnndard gauge rdad from' t'odtitjf Frte to nil $ub*critter$ in the I’HiIrti a^d aoloitve, travel, aud Ihe ftets of Itf’i. are by Fur w'lil.'li le Gtiainiiiccil: Firtl-cliis.s Teiim-i always in iCiidInesH, cal away frmii l.oine In give mil a mil Stafti or Cuiimln, Yrtl))to.wliosu naittea gitv lUu best as-urai.o* ol Skowhegan through Athens (6 Mnnson, 1 have ronm for n few Talile Bimrders. iiCL'urucy and value, lltoetraled paper* onalblel' and on to Moo.seliead .l.ake. A commit­ »t slim I nntiec mill low ral-s. 'rhk Vi»luiitea pf the .Mu^aslme besfn elth hit le spurt*, game*, aud pale. jiaink.) .Al In the ilouiiiy of Koiin.bei', sail yeirsp«»/>ee« are na4 to royaiv this mfPrrHaemeut panaioa coutractlogI ana other vhIuuI le 6ttttv of Mhuic, tliv iilnlh day of Nuvvuibcr, A. D. It Miilttaue.-. .,10,114 be in. te b, l*iMt-( Imce Muo - SpooiJilisti w/IAea/dM1/(he express or/fro/llAKeMuor/fr 0/r ft Uairriuus *7 DrUi-rof- iirert, to evjitl i-Jieito - uf I iiiiprovetoi'iila, u lilt'll will iiol r.iilli", am' vt I U i-liimp in conipuri-oii w iili nlii Hon. Anson P. Morrill, of Arigusta, is tS'*6. Address, UAiiCKK ft HH8f rilffliB. Kew York'i.i/ief-. ore aoUo I'Oi'/ ‘*1* it/JrarllMfiHtHt In all itlsraai'! uf IhF llewel!, liieluiHsg Pile., rU4 hvreUj! noticti of Ills •[>- icitho'^t 14. orderuj ilaa.'Xi, a liao-raea. Wc will giiaiuolvc every chilio ue mnku f-'i ll, theCaleb oldest Fuller, living o^fthe Govenior same city,of Maine, one Of Rev. 'lie [I in aii (iiadi.i-!f[r;ir.!S'ir.rirj; or inr iiewri>, ’"mon-a * ""i ALTKIt dTKWAlU’. or ;Vj\ Adarv.a. Il-fllllEK* irillfnirU-I.Kiw York 111 Mid (X)UTil> of Keiiuobvc. Ia«uivviit i)vUtiir„ C-IIICftFDlAU MAAO, WE PAY CASH FOR WOOL. oldcHt livinc t'iiaplains of the Maintf Leg*; ,outio surgvry. wiiiioui usiiia tiio knir*. iigaiur* who i»4» bMn[On daoUrd'aoUrt ’d* *ItisolFvnl ‘ iiitnii thi* pvtUlun UUture^nd Hon. R. B. Dunn, of Water- ^ iKl ofhU cK’ilUors b'yb’y Iho Cuuri of in*ulvv«ey,of For na'o or lu ruiil. luijulVi) of Ao. Main St., ville, the oUlegt living member of thd I^eg- rvium »i t)uoe la Uialr lioaK». Waad KouiiOlivo. 2atf. UKOliGB JEWELL. 123 - * Waterville, Ulature, so far as lieard from* * for furiUar fuformmlou. almO-v c. n.n i k. am iinoc. r (Tije Wciittmit mail.. Mod. 20, 1883.

EtBrnlty! EUmltyt WATERVILLE MAIL. Hew loogart Uivu, BlvniHyt A Great Aticommodation MAINE GENTRAl RAILROAD. PATCM'lYi^. Yot dtiwerd Btlll to th • we vpaetl Ta the OlUeene of Waieretltt, Commencing Novi 1, 1885. At 10 lAf Agin the impaiknl etaed, CITY BAKEfiY. At ehipt tu port, or tlmft from bt»W, pASSRNQBii Trains, loavo Waterville, for B. H. E B D Y, tOHOKVITY IK HEW.HAMPRWIR*. Or twin at ouiirtem homeward go} Mark well, O man, Eternity 1 n* iMt WMe*rfai rMBtij hM. mi Mtw nm^im Im 5.20- R. m. ) 8«oiire< Patent,In the United Sl.tet; tlieli Kter.iltyl Eternity t Kr«r Xaawm. litanH Ak AUGUSTUS 01 TEN...... Proprietor —Via Lewiston, 0.16 n. m. Great Britain, France and other fot lean eoanttlti Sintistir* itiiil Xcw Hamp^Iiirc Hortet like men 0 ed medicine when they nre Id^OURBS - Diphtheria. Fur Bungor, Aroostook Gouuiy and 8t. John. Copies of the claims of any Palnot wmDbed ^ Group, Asthma, Bron- Maaufactnrer of and Doatcr lo 8.25 a. m., and4Ji5p. m., remitting one dollar. Aislgnmente recorded |iru'-eiiiincntly lltv 2ii Washington. No Agency In the United 8tat*i iatiam JBleodins at tho •y Troublee, end Sploal I'titin and. Fancy Bread, ..Cakes and For Ellsworth and Bar Harbor, 8.25 r. m.|and iioii:ip;cn:iriaii uinl 0( i:in, (if lia!e them. ilieaa«e._Cfrealsrt for Ellsworth and Ut. Desert Kerry, 4.55 n.m. possdsse* superior fscilUfetfor obtsning, FbtVRts Eunga, nparaenoae, in* ; 0 JO^KBOK e* CO.. or ascertaining (he pitentablUlT ot ItUTenllons. niul licariy old men who Hie wUh Whether nrinlng from indigestion or nervotie- fluensa.uaoltlagOousb, ' —*■ Pastry Kor llulfnstand Bangor, mixed at 7.16 a. m. Whooping Gough, Boston, Kosa For Belfast and Dexter, at 4.66 P. H. | it. 11. EDDY,Solicitor of Patents. liio ropuhiii:. IiuKhnI, i.iiiuehMis nre nete, heHdeoho vntirely nnfltM one fiT bu^in^M, Plnfri And I^'atiey Crackers, o all Kl id 3 -A-ISTD ESCTBRXTAJl. TJSB. For dkoWhegan, mixed, 6 00 a, m., (Uondayg THSTIIfONlALS. ^ iho Totcraiitf of tl>o War of ]«SIUin ionic oi Ur. Duli't D'lltimoro ihilN euro liii* dUorder FOR, I *mjRITA.XiLINIMENT 49*WEDDINa CAKK a Spoclaltlr, Baked and excA'pted);Auepted): andana 4.524.02 P. Ai.Af. I *'I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the most ejpabl* liiG ronioto towns oDhe (Iniiltu ^tulu that •peodily. PARSONS’a^'igsm^PILlS Or amented to Order. Pullman TrnlDsoach/fayevery night,Sundays and soeecssful practitioners with whonn I hav* n )>()|iuhir impres.'^n jircvaitrt Ihere Bean* and Brown prrad Included,but do nothin to Belfast or Dexter had official Intercourfle." , if Dr. BaU't Baby Symp doet not oonteln dnn ” Px«ir^^TT;i?".^o^I^^^7om Po*«.hnd ' OH AS. MA80N.Comm...1oaer of P.t.h.., *’tlic AH il in rtlll lulled bv tliCHO gorone dmgt, it i« A* pt rtecily enfe mudiciiie 4EV*Bvcr> Sunday Mornln warriors of bycone iluy.^, was fonj;!it en­ rrico 26 0, ^ vl. Aurn.lit, 10.38 ,1. m.,«iid Irom I’oftlttnd and "Inventor, onnrol 1 mploy • perton morattii tirely by Xcw ilaniosbire reginieiila, niid BLOOD ijpoisoir, and____ Skin______DIsOMee______LI< A, D08*JB). ' Vbr rcnisle^Compiipnts tbess PlUa AUOUSTUAOTTEN PROP’R. noelnnnl3.17A. M. dnily, nnd 4.46 p. m., »hd worthy or more of .1 curing lor. them t An excbnnge eaye tlint e folded new-nnpir hase no> ^uH..equal. ***^1 t Itndand ihtra a valnabjevalnable Oi>niirt^|^Oitmirtloand ------Liver. 1Pin._.... —^ ------Dr..... T.M.------Palmer.-- Montioello,------Via.* IIAKK ¥ on TRMPI.K-8T. that from Lundy's Line to the bottle of “In mypraetloe X use ne other. —J. Dennison. M.D.. DeWitt, lowa,** Bold everywhere, or aent by on Snturdny. only nt 8 40 p. m. , fj'iy »nd favornMo eoneldiintion at lh« rate, Xcw Orleans they carrieil the American placed und< r the c ml in the iimili of the bw- Organs & Pianos iMton St 6.16 A 11.30 a. m . 1 SO % 8.00 p. m.—Kor Maine. ()f course, there tnnsi be eomo gocsl ^hittier Iteiij'tying hie quiet coun­ ftNMl. Itnlllnlao iioaiiivcl/ |»rAv<*ni and cure llogClMlcrn. Ac. Bold everywhere, or sent bymniirnrSftc.ln 8.S6 p. m. bnturdiiyAi only. — Fur Bangor and best agencies in N< w York, PhMndelphla sad latamps. FumlsrIsircdTn " lar«rmnLprin|t.dO';^..4.. ..hymai, $ Vanceboro*, 7.16 n. mIJ 46 a. m,, 1.85 p. m.,& Wnshington, but I stiil give you almost |lie wbol* take l.ctti-r care of their lienlth and under­ try life at Deliver* and or >b bly will not visit CHICKEN CHOLERA, Circttlan Ikce. LA. JOUN^N « CO., boston, Ma^ II 00 p. m. of mv bu^tnesf, In your llne,;and advise ottiefs i* stand wliat is tlio rl^dit medicine for the lloHtuii ih'S wiiiicr, H* tnuoii hb usuhI He hn* S III on Kasy I’ayments, at Manufactur­ FncioiiT Trains, are duofrom Portland, via employ you. ri{^ht disca*^. Siicli at least would seem many vUitora, nml i« in bealiU ei.d ers Warerooms. Augusta, 3.05, A 6 TaA p m. >Vta Lewl*tnn, 2.66 j lours truly, QKf'UOE DRAPER, January 1, 1885. iygo to be tlie inference from Uie following ac­ tpbtlt. ' 7b Hauttkii^n dntf Famtri.—h lilnif8HinttIicSo4ftaSSi!|. 8c 11.30 a.m , 1.(5 It 6.65 p.m.—From Skowhfgnn, * cratus they use should be White and Pure in common withtU^ 130 Main St., Wntcrv'dtc. 4 35 p. m., A Slondny* only at 8.40 a. m.—From i count by Charles M. Lampney, Hsu., a well- Rupture, Breach ur llenda Bangor nnd Vnneeboro*, 10.40a. m.; 12 60 p. m., known attorney and counsellor, or JIniii{>- permaneutiy cored or uo pay. I he w«ri similar sul>stnnces userl for food. In making bre 6.25 p.m.; lO.lOp. m. w% "kl ->*'■ ton, N. H.j of how be was cured of rheu- caaet guaranteed! Pamphlet and rvieieiic a, vilh yeast use about half a teaspoonful of Churc^ Rstey Organ Co, PAYSON I’lICKVB. Get-.Mnr.nger tualisr.i; two three-oent al-iupM. wor.da t>i«peii»nr> I I LCq..' s "Arm & HanHammer" brand Sod F.K BOOTHBy,Gen.Pn*. A Ticket Ag’t. Medioai AMMiciatiou, tfOi Uaiii Street, butl’aio, I I Salcratus at ithe same time^ *‘l have had .sorcral aftacks of rheuma- N. Y. S V -Ij make 1 MRS. F, K. SHAW, tiBin witliin I lie last thirty years," he says, avlng removed her buelnctiB locstlon from tlio Poi'tlnnd niKl Bostun "and have got rid of them the hest i cuidu Ti< sweet to hear the watch-dog's honest bnra, D.iy deep-iQuutiicd welvouiu a* we Uian near orm-r of Main and Kim Streets, to rooms much with the help of good physicians. The Stuniiiui'M. •J. FURBISH iiuine; eltrr adapted to the comfort and convenience of last attack, which began iii April, 1.SM4, or patron*, one door-'no/th of (be Elmwood, Ho- MANUFACTURES Tie kweui to know there le an eye will mark I, College St., Is now prepared to do all kluds of was the severest. I was daily under the Uur oointiig, Mid ioua ongnur wuun wo ^" a y H I ^ ? oumo. —Uyron. 9 ° *.<8 Boarii, S^ardi, Bliiidi-i, XViRi- care of the doctor, who gave me the heti •<1 11ij i.: ' Cl 2 S' g s: attention to relieve me of the severe pain DRESS AND CLOAK MAKIN6, duw anti D»oc Frames, *' CunsuiKption Cure" I: NKVTLY AM. BXfKUITIOUSI-y. and to relax the contnu lcd muscles. 1 was would be a trutliiul iiainu to give tu Dr, =5 & a ^ ^ Itloiildlai^N, &;c. taken in the hack of (ho net k. In a few Pierce's Gulden Medioai Disoovcry, the Uiusi (^Satis/dalion Guaranteed in cverp days (ho pain moved tiown into the limbs, effioHuiouB medicine yet dii^cxvared ur arreitt- prevent it becoming partutar. ami in the conrde of three weeks had rim it g the early d«vrl«>pnieut of pulmonary di soer, by correctingthe natural Constantly on hand .Solhern Pino Floor Boetriftf nil tliroiigh the joints from head to foot. eaae. But‘coii-uniptiou cure* Wi>uld uui ttul- ;idity of the yeast. To insure obtaining mulched or square joint* fitted for uaa. Glaied At the commcnccmnit of the fourth week Huicntly indicate llte hCope oi ita ii.tlueuce iiiU Window* lo order. Baluater* hard wood af ily l/ie “Arm VAI. rxceplrd.f Ad'For work taker at teo shops our retail jiriee Jloldia, a iieighlmr, who bad lieensubering er. WVEU, on Temple 8l.. where they a'e prepared P.tAsi‘iitf*‘r* by thi* line rccuro a comfortable .irr ns low as our wholesale, ucd wo dollrrr a Don't know, -rrr.T-.^ to do nil kinds of nigtit'* rcHt nnd avoid the u..)U‘iihr nnd Incouvenl- oars At same rale. for several months with rheumatisin, sent YuU, Juhnny? For Dernnrjed Liver, enve of iirrivii g In To-ton Into ot night me word that lie was tiiking Alhlnplmros U*i a ooDima with its tail cut < ff, Cctfst ipatio;'., L>yraep- CARPENTER WORK, I'hrough licki 1* to N(‘W York via (ho various J FUBBISH. and that it was doinghimgooil. My father Ball nnd Sound Line* for *n1e nt very low rate*. * I here ia nothing like Dr Thotnn* Eclectric * * * sia. Sick Headache, Sa\V‘l\hntj,, Viclxn\*Vrnming aud Freight t iken n* ununl. accordingly sent to lloston for almltle. It Oil to <]uickly cure a euld or ruiijve huarse- Jnhtiiny (o order> J. F. LISCOMB. Gen’l Agent. was brought into the house at 8 uVha'k tn * * * Loss of Appetite, and all disor- nesa»* written by Mra. >1. J. FeiluW*, Uurr and * * ders arising from an im- Jun 15,1885.—tf. the evening and found me lying iu bed Oak, 8t. Joseph Go., Mich. • like a corpse. you * * pure ctatc cf the Blood, A boy of eight years was a»ked by bit teach­ for niOLKnA. FOR BOSTOINi will ex- X no P.cme !y haa a'belter "1 was about to give lip the ghost and er where the zeiiitii wan. He repdeU: * I'be CDAL OF ALL SIZES, of course was ready to take nnvlhing in ILL’S Bput in the heaven* directly over one** head.* perience:e n yi^'\rc:jrJ than the tr-ju Constantly on hami and delivered to Cholera Morbus, hopes that il might do some good. A dose lo teat hi* kiiowivdgy lurtlier, ttie tetiuiiarnak- most gratatify- W L.r'.Altvoo.l's Billers. Dysentery, STAR of the EAST was administered and three hoiiri later ad: *C«U two prrsuu* have tlie zeiiuii at any part of tho village in ingc;Ai^ liyz-i fvcl ri; ren And all fnnoH of Pain O.VPr. JASON COI.LINS, another. My hearing became obtuse and tile same lime?’ ‘They cun.* *llow7' 'It cue ing change; ijnantitieK desired. REMEDYand Inflammiliuhi. •taiid* uii the uiUsr'* head.*—Kx. Hr* hern teKte, and Bath cient to entirely by DnitrRiKt* evorywhen*. and wholef-ale move any part of the body. In the eonrso ' er's llairUaisaiQ wiL reature the black urbroan ly knowing DRY. HARD AND SOFT WOOD 1 by II. II. Hav A Ron. Portland. at 5.40 P. M. Ro urning. will leave Lincoln of three hours 1 sat up in bemonl* wilh Parties tn Aug'ista, llallowcll, Gnr liner & Ueturu, fS.OO,. "In a few days T liad very severe rheu­ 'Have you tri d Miss Jouet's kutes'i' tlon put upt In tho same bitters PUK.SSED IIAYand STRAW. Ooptnn to gel up Work for me, I am prepared to tllchinond, 2.50; Bath,2.tiu Pur sale bore.* > • • • matic pains in the thumb, and when I k shapedsba] bottle. Take MoaIs, 60 Conts. Apnts Wanted for our New Book. HAIR, aed CALCINED Th."8PXOP TnBHEBKZ.UON»«_ went to bed one dose was administered. I Why suffer with Piles, when you can obtain only the true “L.F. .Y Make Boilers atlBoston Prices- Frcigljt 'raken at ll-'diicod Un'es. dling by the I'cju^ ' NucompetiUon, < slept all night and in the morning the pain instant relief and be permaoeiuly cured bv such Trade Mark, "L. F." PLASTKR 1 put up the best Upright Bolli'rl In the Coun Sooitofft.kind. Tho “SPY” raveaTs many * try. designed I y Alnutor Mcchniilo J. W. Piiil THE NKW STKAMKIl, DKLhV (M)I.LIN8 tear aov>)r before pubUsliofL A aoeenak was gone. A few days later it returned in a simple and inralUblo remedy os AMAKESISV Nnwark, Roman, nnd Porllanil CK- HitiCK, and ibullt by me. Particular attei.tloii Win leave AugKftn ut 12 .10, ItailoAe 1 nt 1 V. .M ox tbs connpiraoy to assassinate Lincoln. Peritoas ai- Samples sent free. Addrusi AN AttESlS, Uux C fimecling wil'i tlie above boat nt Gardiner. perioncdsorourViDBiui.8riR8 in tho Rebel C^lolt the left liand very Beriously. On retiring AIENT, by I he pound nr ca»k. given to Hepntr* Orders out of town promptly their heruio bravery fully rocoun»aJ in these vivia one dose was taken, followed by sleep amt 2U6, New York, ^ attended to. Butlof.icttoii guaranteed. For further pnrtleulur* liKiulfe 4 f W. J. 'fuck. sketches. The "t4py" la tko n«o»c llvIlllaarWMr Agent tar Porlland Slone Ware Cos Angii'ti*; 11. FulUr tc 8on, Mulluucll; O M. •MK ever publUbed. Endorsed by htmdrwu of no pain in the morning. The whole The drying up of a single tear has more W. TfiTFOBB, llUnrlinrd. (ituiliner: J.'L’. Huhinsun, Uichinond ; Press and Agunts* testimeninl*. A lance bandaoma PARKER’S DRAIN PIPKand KIRK llltICKS, G. C. Gfeeiilenf; B*th. book; CSSpaqros; SOillustr.Ttiona. Send stampforOu* amount of iModh inc taken was one and a Of honest fume than shedding >*eas of gore, 52tt W.\THllVn.LE, MAINE. half Ixittles, and 1 hare had no occasion —Uyroo, HAIR BALSAM nII-izc.soii hand, alto T1 LE.fordrain- Ill It AM FULLER, llallowcll, Gcn’I Agt. AS^Asents wanted everywhere. ».A.WlNTKRacHATCU.UarU«r.:. Cra» to use any since. I consider that the Ath- the popular (.*1X07110 for dress- A-^e Those palpitations are but the prehionitious ina tliehilr, Rc*ioiin^ thcct.Jor nft Ian I, lophoros saved iny life and I recommend ol seated Heart Dis.ane; thoae pains in the side when gr.T>',ond preventing I>an* Down town olllco at Manley & from Filrllet'l, \vl!l connect Mith the Stenmrr for workInu'pcoplt'. KrndlOeen it to all who have rheumatic troubles." are warning^ Take la season Dlt« URAVKS* drufl. It cle.'inses the sc.'ilp, Mond »y* and Tliurftdny*, ntujnlng Wednesdn> postilgc, oiMl Hi' H Blniuil )OU/rr* _ stop* iho hair f.tliing, and it Toziei’s, JIarstou Block. and Saturday*, on arrival of bout. u rojiil, vnhitible sail pie I ( x of Tfyon cannot get ATnior- naos of your drag, HEART KEGULATOR, It will not fail you. goods that wilt pul )0n In the Mo new rem-dy, been sold for tbirvy year<, $l,- sure to please. 50c. aud $1. tire* at Drupgisl*. Karos—Single ticket fiotii Fairdeld to Bonton gi''!, we will heinl it ex)>rcKV pnid. on receipt of #i.50. round trip. i5l 50: W.itervHlo and Vassal, way uf uiakiitg inure money in u frw days than rcKiilurprice—one dollar per Ik>UIo. Weprefer 00 per bottle, Q.S. FLOOD & CO. TEACHER OF MUSIC, boro', $'i..5U, round trip,S'4.0U. you evt'r thut-ghl po^eiblc at ni y tuslufss. tliiit you buy it from your drugalsl. but if ho PARKER’S TONIC Waterville, Maine. Kxpro** matter tnketi mid delivered the next I'apltiil nut required. You enn Ueutloircaed Jiiivi’l il, do not Ik* |H’numdcd to try somcthluff Anything that is imt to d'aturb the world WATKIIVII.I.E, MAINE. morning after it I* taken, nt low rates ami only work Ml spare time only or all the timb. All**! !•:»•»*, I'Ut order at oucc Irom ns. as*ni r In haviiigH Bank Buildliig. Bank open usinessA ly charming and suitable for week-day B woik that will r.t once brbig you fn money faster same as their positionsin the Forty-eighth. (hilly from 0 n. tn. o 12.30 p. in., aud 2 tu 4 p. m. portland Wh Ho not p-op TAQ t.T glv(* our rinnd* n long than nnytliing elso In America. AM about the Saturday Kvciilngs, 4.3(Mo 5 "o. l«■lllutl•a of I * afid Sunday reading, at $! ; Our Litlle The Republicans Will have a majority of Tb« •l*s«t l«■lllutl•a of tho kU4 1*1 of article* In .>tir-itare, h'lt do chilm to keep ^(200,000 ill prueents with each box. Agents want, E. B. DUL'MMON'D.Trcas. la the biair. Tkoroufk t*< •Imotloa U siT'oil a utock n-iy Olio In t »\v.i, which we can ed everywhere, of either sex, of qll ngoi, for all eight in the Senate, counting the Senator Wairr.'Ule, .Tune . i884 Mon and Womon^ most admirable for 'QOMfCCDiDg npilcatff at any time. tho thup. or spare time otdy, td'hxork for ne a from Oiegon, who is yet to be chosen, om’l Law If onr friend* end the public gonernlly 11 tnl their own home*. Fortnnce for all workers abt the youngest readers, at $i ; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN r«IU(»r*l Jiabylaud^ hniBOhr* of t ho trouble to call and examine our fIo%v nd w -olntoly assured. Don’t delay, n, 1Ia£i.btt A and the Democrats will have a majority of CSTAfeJLi^HF. O I'll*., Tkaroufk t*. H fa tl to I oti^ ii'ce lhi m 11 11 w < ceii 11 i1 rni ('o., Puriland Maine, ' which never fails to carry delight to the fifty-one in tlie House including Weaver, Th. moM populu Weakly new.p.perd«»o^ A COMPLETE BUSINESS EDUCATION. babies a: d rest to the mothers, at 50 cts. the lowaFusionist. tOMi.DO., m.cbmnio.,.D,iDMnnc cUtMT.nM. w PIANO-FORTES For further Inforinaflon,i)9MlCCDiDglJ ntldreaa, Bette’ Goods at I.ess Money A PRIZE.; bond alx conts for pat* ▼•ntioosand paieDtsaverpubllebad. L. A. 01L\Y, A.M., PortliUKl, Alnino. on any other house In town wc will pay them tnge, and recoivo free, a WoAvi club these with as follows : bar lliastratod with splendid ancrarTnet. Tbu Afr. Afoody has been giving church fairs pnbiiestioD farnishaaa mo*t valaabls •aeyclopedM their trouble. coPtly l>.ix of goods which ------will help you to more moM —Wide Awake and the Mail for $4.15; of Information wbiob no person ebould be wttbont. some hard but deserved raps. In an ad­ The popnlarity of tbe ociXNTirxo AMUioaN Is Corn, Flour & Feed itenu'inlicr (lie I’fwc, O' awn> than aii}thing else In (Itls'wnrid. The Pspsy and Mail at $2.50; Our Little ; dress to the people of Reading, he pro­ snob that Ita clroulatton nearly equals that 0^1 All of cither sex, nucceutl from the firit hour other papera of ita claaa cnmliinsd. _Priee..9»20 a A'N1> ORGANS. I Ikj broad rondto fortune opens to the workara year, piaoount to Clubs. Said by all newade^e^ Men ard Women and the Mail for $2.50; nounced them “an abomination”. “The JbOW’S DRUG STORE Hb-olulc‘ly sure At unco address, TntK 8( Co MUIfN A 00.. PnbTisbere. No. SCtBroadway, N. Y. RUY OF Angustn, Maine idea,” he exclaimed, “of rafHihg and vot­ LATENTS.““"S‘*Tn}S’y^ riio iindursIgiuMl having purchased the Stock Babyland and Mail for ^2.10. Our word ing for the best looking man, and having 1.1^ I w*ciKht yeora’ nnd good wllllu trade, of VV. H. B. UUNXEL8. WATEBlVaiA.K for it, there arc no better and more desir­ the girls sell cigars ! Better you should practice bofora w*>]eutttlnuethe V o nCK Is hereby given, that tho subiorlbV G. H. CARPENTER, .1 ha* boon duly appointed Administrator e& worMiip in a barn than resort to any of tba Patent 0«ce and have p^parod Marble Works, 1 the ertate of able publications in the world, of their more than Ono Hundred Thou- iinil gel Ilia benefit of lii. experienee of these methods." ■end applications for patent* in tho G-raixi Business NKM.KK O, JIITCHKI.L, Into of WotorTtllo, class, than those al)ove enumerated. Dnited Blau* and fpreiro ooun^**. MOllF THAN Kt YKAHS, n» I’lnycr. nt the.old aland, In In connection alth our In the cunnly of ICinnebcc, dcceared. Intestatr, Mveata. Tiodo-Msrk*. Copy-right*. Tenclier, Timer mid Deabir. Mimv por- and Im* undertaken that tru*t by glvlng'bond M ..ssignmenti, and oB A?! CJi’occi’y BiiHiiuvoiM, If the news is confirmed that Servia has To Prevent Small Pox. tnomw directsAII persons, therefore, having ■ecurlng to Inventora th^r smis Imve InUen up tlie Inisiiie^B of sell­ demandH agi(in*t the estate of said deceased, are declared war against Bulgaria, the Bal­ 7<» the Editor of the Mail: United States, Canada. England, Fran^ wlierewUlbo found constantly on hnid, a fii 0.rl.l.ny Oth.r fomifn MUDtr ..^ ing will) h ive no kn))wledge ol MusienI stork of ’ W. H. TURJSTER, de* red to exhibit the same for settlement; and kan imbroglio has entered upon a more A .sure preventive of Small Po.\ without Inslnimeiils. Moel biiu rs ninsi deiienil all Indehtcd to *nlfl estate are requested to make vaccination, may he found in Ur. R. C. Flour, Griun, Fowl, Suit, &c., SIANUFACTUKKK (IF Imuioilinte payment to ^ serious phase. What is the cause of W’ar? upon tlie .seller. Yon will find OrgniiB ^ KVKBETT U.DRUMMOND. Flower's Nerve Pills, prepared by the loiwriiianu*. iiv. •—-••7-- which will bo sold nt Bottom Price*. Oct. 20, IS'S. . ' gg In a word, it is and nothing else. throagb Muno A Co. are notloed in bcienUno ol i xei'llcnl ipi ilily :il following priees; The union ol Ka.*tcrn Roumelia with Bul­ Flower Aledicine Co., and sold by all American free. The advantage of such notiw U giT-Buyor* In largo quantltU** will do well Monuments, Tablets., well understood by all persuua who wish todi*- Vert Smnll {.”0 00 fSO.OO Ivo ua|[n call. VOnCE irt hereby glv.n, that tho substrlbcr garia makes the latter the largest and druMists. It has been duty appointed Executor of tbu 'I'lTis has been proven liy practical ex­ •'Add!.‘.'i“'yi)NN‘“'* CO. orac soxtiTmo 24.00 00.00 Teas and Co(fee.s a Spnoialh/ a Grave -.Stones, last win and testainetit of strongest of the Balkan States. That ex- guratrAW 901 lU^adway, New York. perience during one of the most dreadful 100.00 PK TER TOi.LKY, Into of Winslow, tilc.s the envy of Servia as well as Greece, I/irger,—_p St<'p, n tl.e cnifniy of Kennebec, decea8«>d, testate, and hence the war. No reason could be worse. epidemics of this disease ever known in W. M. LINCOLN & CO. isiantel Pieces^ Cfc., F lir Size, GO.00 ino.oo Mil* undertHken that trust by giving bond as tho A war will not only tax the energies of the America. tf. M. D. OK law dheciH’.—All person*, therefore, having de- 70.00 mnnrts * gainst the e.*ta(e of said deceased, aro do- litlle belligerents beyond their strength, PICTURE FRAMING, Itniinii A jiflier, lUai’Ule *l''pcl t«) exhibit the same for settlement; and all but is almost sure to draw the great pow­ A jrront rarlrty ot Smnll ■MusienI AL.SO Intlehted to Muid eAlate nre rcfiucstuU to make Im- ers into the quarrel If the effect .should Insii-iii)M‘nt8. UPHOLSTERING inedliite pn) ment to ,, PATRICK OALLEUY. be to precipitate the struggle which must o:tlnl/)i; It* of fxrt'llt nt J) ct. iuu-*'lc. Polished Cl Cl. lie i]roiiiiincni.,i Oct 26, 18c5. gq come sooner or later for the possession of The Bost Nev/spaper in America, Lqi'^r slork mI Stuniluul MnsU;. FURNITURE REPAIRING, &G. MAIN ST.. WA'IKUVILLK. hou Constantinople, Servia. and the other and Iry far the Most Readable. ^ Iji\r|(o Vurit'ly mI MiihIc Ihioks, Slatitlartl AI Block of 5fotilJin"conBtiint- G*d Stand nf Stevenn A Toiler. more tnoiu'y than nt anything els* and Imw prltM'il, OH hnntl. at by taking an ugeney for the best #eP- petty principalities will be ground to pow­ Agents wanted everywhere to earn Designs Furnished on Ap})lie(dit)U. ing book out. Beginner* succeed der in the conflict.—[Port. Adv. McCairs Ulovu Killing Kallorns. money in distributing the Sun's Pre­ IP. A. UlOStU, ,, grandly. None fall. Terms ft-CM 8t'vcriil ttf tliM MarltinoR lUt.LbTT Book Co., Portluiid, Maine. One of my children, a girl about nine I IiAVo Piiro'.ifiBt (I (lie Rini-k nml Btniul ol miums. in Dll' inarkct at ln\v $J7 tn$P). Oaldnttd, Miiino. years old, liad a very bad discharge from Tho most inbrrosting and advanta­ Or^auH. IMaiioH eVi Sowing MufUinci* Don’t Forget her head and nose of a tliick, yellowish lt» Ift. If VM1I wUh iM buy tio nt>t lai NOTICI-: OF FGKKCl.O.SUUK. IvertivciiK'iil.s maticr, and was growing worse. We had geous offers ever made by any News­ MR. P. D^ROCHER, to U l iu* or call on Peter Ih'ltopher. then of Wntorville, In the \\\6 diffeicnt physicians pre.scribe for her, aud will beronftrr enrry on tlio biiBinCBH, paper. County of Kimncheo. hy hi* deed, dated the Hf- _ FITS; but without benefit. We tried Kly\s Cream kuoping n lull Biipply of teentli da^ of ()* tuber,'|8SI, and n corded lo Ken­ wlicn you aru out in BL-ureli of No Subsci iber ig.iorod or neglecled. G. H. CARPENTER, nebec UeglMry of dt ed*. Botik UiU, Page 2U, eon-1 Balm and much to our surprise in three vee>d lo me, (he undersigned, in mortgage, a cer­ Something for all. SIkii ol till' Hitt Him Tri'f. Wbsn 1 tay euro I tlu iif>t intnn lo mi p f.-r * days there was a marked improvement. iMeats, Fi.sli and tain parrel of real estate sliiiste lit Waterville, llmt sod thru hsT« tU«m rrium s-:«in. I im* m n rmlual n.' A Good Ti*adG> Ponutifut nndfinbstanlhvl Pn niimns in andlioundett aa fi)Mow4; westerly by Snmiiier' I liSTS ntsda tl.s dlMSto ol Fri'*, t I’tl.Kl'sY <•>' J'.it. We continued using the Balm and in a WATEUVILl.K. MAfNE. atreet, aouthrely hy Innd of the heirs of Ksly 8c! BICXN Kaa s llfs-lon($tiuly. 1 uuriHnt n.jr iviurdy to cu to cotiid unci cxaniiho our stock, its our short lime the dischrage was ai Htaadiiril Gold aud nthor Watolioa.ValuaniJ KImhnII and the Loek'Tootl Cumpany. «aslerly by i lb* vorti esMt. Dftosima olb*ra )ihv.> U do i-.'moii t' ap't'irlincnl is now c'omjilfqn.and wo are Canned Gcods, not now rtcvtviMs s cur*. b< iiy land of Xrrs UwttU ot mv liifalllblo r«in«\r;i to tho trade, and an mieipialod Hat Ing between seven and eight nere*. '1 he (otidL AiUraaaPr. 11. U. ttOOr, issr.artnt Ncm \ur- (A'erv tl ly, which 1 am SfiiistitMl wo nra James Midland, of Fairfield, who lost cf ohjootj of real utility im t iuatruoliou. thins of said mortgage having teen broken. 1, bnvin^ ut hoticm prices, and wo will his eyesight about a year ago at the pulp Groceries and tin* (lnder^igned, by reason thereof claim a fore­ sell them to yon al r.ntea, by t.iu‘2, Prsfpnht: closure. mill, by the explosion of cltcmicals,. has ROOM PAPERS, D. II. 8WAN. decided to go to the blind asvlum in Bos­ DAILY, per Yotiri without Famtaj ) $0 00 Waterxllle, yov. 5, 1H85. 3w24 ItntCM ton. for an education. The ?>omerset Fi­ Provisions DAILY, por f/!ontii(wlthoiitnu.ida}i 50 Kennkiikc Col’NTV —In Proh^e Court at Au­ Dot),I iiiinil u sliort walk U|> town. SUNDAY, per Year ... I 00 Interior Decorations Next lo Mf. Giii|)t'nler’s Music Store. bre Company have generously fitted him FAIRFIELD MEAL, CRACKED gusta, on (tie fount Monday of Oct, 1885. out with clothes anu will bear all the ex­ FOR EVERY DAY IM THE YEAR 7 00 AND 4 CKIII'AIS INrit'KliMF.N'T. purporting to be Yours It uly, WEEKLY, per Year ... I 00 * a copy (>r (he Inst will and testament uf P.VKdUALLMD IN penses of preparation. CORN, OATS, &C. CiiBtomors, obi or now, may rely iip" FUANK L. WATHO.N, Iste of Waltham, Mas*., ttlilres , Tin; Sf.\, Nini toil. Illj. VVindow Shades and of the probate then of lo said Htnlo du>v nu- itIR.S. F. IIOIVIVF Rotlini' gootl nrtieb’Biit reaflomible pi ices. Tone, ToiicliiWorkniansIlip & DnraMlity. Tue Maine Central statement for the Till- l.tilfst l)o>-li{iis ipf lliu I.umliiig (houllraled, having l«een presented lo the Judge WlIXIAni KIVABK dc. CO. IneliitiiugMug nil tho VAriellctt in their seu- MHmiliicliiriii's. of Probate for our said ('ounty, for t*’o purpose of IIF.UK-Vb. T.Avina 8horlto and Peter Sbortio year ended Sept. 30lh shovv^ gros.i. $2,- NOTfCE OF. ASSIGNEE being allowed, tiled and recorded In the Prubatu Noa. 204 nnd2U6 ML-ht ItaUlmoru Btreot, liuUlmura of Waterville. Maine, on Iho fourloenlli'tUy 836,779. an increase of f23.4q^ver last son. Give mo it mil. WiiMlow SliuUen Court (herein : Ko. 112 Fifth Av^uuo, Now Yurk. » ol .Vpill,...... A. 1>. 1B8.1, by tiieii deed of niortgJge year ; and the expenses $i,73(jfb2, a de­ OF 1118 API’OINTMENT. OitoRiiEn, That notloo thereof bo given three of lliMt date, recoided in Kennoboo Registry of till Slyli-H iiml Culunnirs m-iili- tu ofilvr, week* successhely prior to tlie secoiin 5Ionday of deed*, Bouk 312, Pago 245, conveyed to John V, crease of f 19,811 from hist year. The Ai Augusta, In the Cuunty9’ of Kennebec nnd Htatouf' Maine,** ■ (ho seveuili day* of Keptember, Dmo. next, in tho Wuturvlllo Mall, a iiuwspuuor Rterrill, a lot of land situated Ilf said Watervtila, dividend balance shows an increase of C.M0RSE. uihl pill up iu llu* very l»‘‘sl iiiiiuucr. and bounded, east llfly-tbroo feel by Ploo Street, A. D.ImC). printed In Waterville, In said County, the tint Ends' Oak Gm Genar;. Giimu iviul st-u the llui-Bt lim* ever ufToi'oti publication (hereof to he thirty du>a bi'foro the (so called.) north by loud that day conveyed to $2,846. Tlia caiHal stock of the company The iiuderMlgued hereby gives notice of his VASSALIiORO'. MAINK. Joseph I'erry, west by land of the Gilman hclra, is $3,603,200 and 6 |)er cent dividends call apiMtlntinent a* Asslgaec on tiie estate of liif bulu ill Wiilt-rvlllc. time of hearing, that all persons lnlere*t.»d may J. B. FRIEL &GO. GLO- VKAGUK, of Waterville, atlond At a Court of Probate thou to bo lioldrii at A Boarding nnd Day Hobooi for people of both and routh hy laud that day conveyed to CNto> for $216,198. which would leave asurplus In Said County of Keiinuheo. Insolvent Debtor, said Augusta, at ntno o'clock. A. U., and allow sexes. Winter Term opens tbu 24th uf Klevenlh (icro, and now occupied by said (jero.—together V. A. lIKAIlli'KNOUf, cause, If any they have sKniusl t!»e saino. 5lu., (Nuv.,^ and coiillnces 12 week*. Kit* fur with right of way over i'iiie Street aforesaid to for tlie year from earnings. who has been declared an Insolvent upon hU pe. titiou by the Court of insulvviioy fur said County Noxt Dour North of 1‘osl OlUoo. II. 8. WEB8TKU. Judge. Cullege. fur Teaching, ur for Buslues*. Location Grove .Stieet,—and, wheroA", said Merrill did tiy healthy, liistruciluu practical aud tbuiuugb. his deed of nessignmont, on tho back of aaVd 8UCCK8BOR8 TO of Keuuebeo. Atte*t; IIOWAUD OWKN, Uogliter. 2X It is the spirit of the age to count sin a 23 BID.VBY aiOGK IIKATH, .V**lj{neo. Dlsoiullue good. Terms moderate, bend mortgage, on Nov. lOth, A. D. 1885, asMgP and CfttaTogUd. tTanslbr^-inld"inurtgHgOTtf hto.'TKe underirgnaal tmire .puccathilo i wheteM it cuta oil' at A. F. OoUin»=&^07r^ .vlUfiU aald dead of askignmciitia raaordad in aakl one stroke all hope or trust in God, all a'otick r Cha*. II. JoiicH, l*riiit‘ri>nl.' Registry, Book 35U, Page 63, aud whereas, the Havs Juit reoeivud • l<«rgo linu of EAST HAIM SEMInIrY, > condition of said inortBsge libs been broken, now, love for Him, and every pleasing thought therefore, by reason or the breach of tbu eondi. ot Him. Tu euimt it a little thing, to A NEW HAT LE. SHAW, HAIR-DRESSER, lliickNport. tlon thereof, I olulm a foreolosuro of said mort- WOOXaElffS AMD Cor. BIulu Temple 8U, Waterville. Maine, laugh at it, to jest about it, to find pleas­ giKC. 11AM KNUAUKU * Winter Torn. Opous Nov. 30, 1885. Dal)Hted, Wntervlllo, Maine. November 12.1885. ure in reading or hearing representations Gents. Furnishing Goods, VTitivs aiwaUtve roiautly for lt>e sbu\uulsu*su; l<> Iti 23 EDWARD BALDIO. Full courses. Academic, ScientlHo and Classl- iluMisituUs of case* ur tlis wont kina suit of l>-iia ' uf it, is criminal thoughtlessness in the \Yu Imvo npeuial bargains in F. 'W. rai. .‘Vrtand MumIcuI departiiieuls. A Cuminur- siatiilkngkmve Ihi*ii cured. Indeed. ■» ■troue Ih my fiilm joung, and tles|)erate wickedness in the OR BOWNET formerly of Charlestown, Ma»$., a practical ctttl Collefs. Terms (bo lowest possible. In It* •rai'SCT, tliul I win solid TWO IIOTH.K' Flll Jt, NinorfeiF MOOR IIFATIi, ITleii’ti IVliitc toKUther with * VALraill.KTKBATIBK » 1>K. T. A. BLOOl'U. Ul reiiliKt, hew Y»rk, infectiou.s. 'J' who do so, whether in at 50 ets., rolnrorced in front and buek. “ 'The Left-llamUd Itarher." Uov, A. F. ClIASK, A. M., Prin. Attorney at Law, also in the bitterness of tlie cynic, the impotent Rideout’s Bleachery, llavlug greater laolllUea to accommodate the Pcavy Block, WATUUVILLL, MU. folly of the woi nout debauchee, the buf- public tbuu her«(ofore, I reapectrully solivlt your FOB MAliF. Milk UiubrellaN. ■J-J MAIN S'l'IlKHT, patronage and will try to plea** all wauttng any- loonery of the clown, or the frivolity of thliig III my hue of buslnes*. JUiur* booed iu a A« I am about to rsluru tu CalSforula, I have D. F. WING, the precocious young man, jiuisun llieir 1‘leaaii glvu us a oull. Very Hespuot- WATKUVII.LK, MAINK. •klUfbl mauner, Pleaae give u* a call. ,wo Mocking Birds, both slugera, aud a Mexican INFANT'S TOILET SETS, full)'. liespectAtlly, Oardiual 1 would iltu to dlapuae uf, Call at tb* own souls, nml sliuulabe avoided like the Hr!u;{ iu your old Slraiv, Ulilp, Fell, bouse and sec them. Very Piolly pestilence —"(Queries,” linflalo, N. Y. B. FR1EL & CO. or flcuvc-r. LYMAN E. SHAW. « 8. D. bAVAUJi. WATEUVII.LK, MAINE, OW’S-