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5-6-1987 Spectator 1987-05-06 Editors of The pS ectator

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A Mother's Day reflection Sunday isMother's Day. The role of the housewife and Today's Spectator will reflect men today will have at least one Jane Conncll, counseling coordinator sgnancy whileintheir teens. atPlannedParenthood, said most teenage The problem is nationwide and is not patients the agency helps have already ing away. It forces the country to been sexually active for some time tspend millions of dollars in aid and before theyseek care. directly affects the next generation of "I think this is regretable but a lot of society. It is a problem that hasno easy peoplethink Planned Parenthood encou- solution. rages sexuality by giving out birth An early pregnancy can devastate a control," Connell said. "In actuality our young woman just beginning to make statistics show at least 80 percentof the decisions abouther careerand future. ; young women and men who arecoming Theprospects aredismal atbest;carry inhere have been sexually active for at and keep the child when she is still least six months to a year before they growingout of childhood herself, abort have the guts to call us for help. Some the pregnancyor giveher child to some- of them get to our door because theyare else to raise. scared that they might be pregnant. Ifshe decides toraise thechildherself Others are just tired of crossing their lancial prospects are not good, not fingersand hoping andpraying that they ly for the teen mom but also for the are not and decide to take some action Kegovernment. Fifty-two percent of pre- and responsibility for their sexual natal care and deliveries to teens in behavior." Washington arc publicly funded, Teens are going to keephaving sex, amounting to $7 million annually. that's not going to change. In fact, the An additional $7million are spenton average age most women become infant care and 20 percentof teenabor- sexuallyactive isnow 16 and seven out tions are publicly funded, according to of ten women are sexually activeby the the Seattle Committee on Adolescent time theyreach 19. PregnancyPrevention. TheUnited States has rh«j highestrate Thecommittee saidnationwide studies (continued on page six) show about' 55 percent of all Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) payments are made to women Teenmoms struggle to finish school whofirst become teenagers. mothers as By Jennifer Vance "She kept saying 'Why don't you put Yolanda lives at home with her mom In Washington alone this amounts to SpectatorReporter it away until you turn 19?' Isaid 'No, in Georgetown and works at Kentucky $168 million ayear. would you put your kid away till you Fried Chicken when she's not in school. And what about the mother? teen The building is flat and dismal, a were 19?' She told me I'dhave to move She makes $4.25 an hour but has a Many drop out of school when they typically institutional-looking school. It outcause she wouldn'tbe able to afford flexible shift. Her job is important to becomepregnant,lessening their chances shows the lack ofcare that iscommon in it." her so she will have some extramoney. of finding a good-paying job. They a city public school. And inside,under An aunt offered her a place and she She plans on attending college whenshe often aren't married; 69 percent of teen sterile lighting, a group of kids are lived there for awhile before getting an graduates and gettingarealestatelicense. moms remain single. Of those who do trying to do what might seem impos- apartment withher boyfriend. He works Marissa, Yolanda's 1-year-old girl, marry 60 percentaredivorced within six sible. Be teenagersandraisechildren. at Safeway and Shellyreceives welfare spends days at the grandparent's house Sharpies Alternative School houses for herself and the child. She plans to while she is in class. "I get upat about cycleofpovertycan within A develop the Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting attend Renton Vocational School when 7:30 and get ready and she is usually certain families. Program [TAPP] for anyone under the shegraduatesthis springandisinterested asleep so Iget ready usually White, and she is Jeri a counselor at one of age of 21 who has ababy and needs an inlearningabout computers. still asleepwhenIleave." Seattle's alternative schools for teen education. Currently, about 75 women Shelly is a senior in the TAPP She does not feelburdenedby thechild mothers, said quite often the pregnant are finishing high school in theprogram, program and takes regular high school but thinks it might have happened a lit- teen of is thedaughter a teenmom. including Yolanda Baladez and Shelly classes along with child development tle early. "I wish Iwould have waited of the SeattlePlanned Barbara Carduci Day. and parenting classes. The schoolalso but Ididn't want tohave anabortion." office, said the problem Parenthood Theysit inacounselor's office that are offers pre-natal care for pregnant teens She is sure she does not want another might begin with birth control. comfortably casual, with snap shots of and counseling services for the young baby soon. "Just by looking at other "It's true, kids that are from lower teen moms and babies on the bulletin families. A day careon thefirst floorof people the way theyare with twokids. I socio-economic levelsare moreprone to board andseveral toys strewn across the thebuildingis free to students. don't thinkIcan handle thatrightnow." becoming pregnant, less likely to use floor. In the comer there's a box of The school also serves as a resource Shelly feels a little differently about contraceptives and more also likely to Pampers. center for programs that assist young being a teenage mom. "A lot of people carry and keep. Teens that are more Eighteen-year-old Shelly Day has a women. There's acareer counselor stu- don'tunderstandhow hard itis. Alotof likely tohave something to lose. They're 16-month-old baby she cares for when dents can talk to about their future and themothers that gohere theystill liveat from a career-oriented family. They're she is not in school. She is living with access to community resources are home. They are not out paying their probably going to go to college and the baby's father but has no plans of available. own billsand having to spend their own there's a future ahead. The ones that marryinghim. Not now anyway. Jeri White, a counselor in the money and run around to take care of seem have more at stake to are more Shelly became pregnant whenshe was program, said they want to accomplish things. Cause Idon't have a car Ihave likely to use contraceptives they are but 16. "I didn't tell my mother till after many things at the school. "We are to ride the bus. But Iam not going any likely sexually to not more not to be five months because my father was trying to break alot of cycles. The let that stopme" active,"she said. coming to town to visit andIdidn't want welfare cycle,the teenparent cyclein the Both girls seem determined to make A Harris Poll of teens nationwide him to know while he was up here. I family, the abuseand neglect cycle. We successes out of theirlives and the lives found that teenagerstend to beginsexual really didn't want to hear his mouth. I are trying to teach them to be not only of their babies but whenasked to reflect activity younger if they are from lower know my mom was going to say goodparentsbut better peopleand more on the reality of havinga babyas a socio-economic background, teen havelower something andIdidn't want to hear her secure people, both emotionally and Shelly said she might not have chosen grades and live with only one parent. mouth too." financially, so they don'thave todepend the path she's on. These same according groups, to the She tosses her head back when she on any kind of welfare or social service "IfIcould takeit all the way back and survey,are also less likely to use birth speaks andfiddles withan umbrella she's for therest of theirlives." start it all over againIprobably would control. carrying. Shelly is dressedsmartly, with Yolanda Baladez became pregnant have did it differently. Iprobably With only one-third of sexually ac- a leather cap and bright green shirt. She when she was 15. She was attending wouldn't have had it when Iwas 22 tive usingbirth control,the preg- teens looks serious and speaks in unemotional West Seattle High School at the time neither because Iwould have been nancyproblem isnot diminishing. tones. and continued there until the baby was thinking about me then. Now Ihave to According to a Planned Parenthood Hermom was upset whenShelly told born, then transferred to the TAPP think about two." survey of adolescents nationwide,most her the news. program. Women onCampus Pagefive e/May 6, 1987/The Spectator Tolsonreviewsissuesfor women,blacks By Marcus Reese Tolson feels peopleare willing topay pair of 7-week-old kittens,Ripley and sometime actlike aliens. The pair have SpectatorReporter for an education that's worth the while, Jones, were named after characters from an addictive appetite for the corners of she believes it's up to the institution to movie,"Aliens." her students' testpapers. Henrietta Tolsonhasbeen listening to the reassure the students thequalityis there. According to Tolson, the kittens watersplash on herceilinginherMarian "The faculty hereareheavily invested Halloffice for many years. Better for the in studentlearning," said Tolson. "The proof is that most of the faculty could Equal rights amendment earn moremoney either atlarger univer- sitiesorinprofessional fields," she said. Tolson said higher tuition might still considered by Congress someblack studentsbut most discourage Angie Babcock families will continue to By middle-class Spectator AssistantManagingEditor the conservatism of the Reagan admin- send their children to privateuniversities istration, said Chernin. But now sup- to give them thebesteducation theycan. TheEqualRights Amendment started porters feel the atmosphere in Congress Tolson advises young black women fighting itsbattle for ratification when it is healthy enough to reintroduce it, she entering the professional world to get a was introduced to Congressin 1923. For added. strongliberal arts education as abase of 64 yearsithas struggled tograntequality In 1973 Washington became the 30th knowledge. for all under the Constitution of the state to ratify the national EqualRights "Clear communication is important UnitedStatesof America. Amendment during its first timearound. for black people in order to achieve a "It gives women legal recourse for Now Washington holds its own state rightful leadership in this world," said discrimination," said Louise Chernin,a ERA, which means, according to Henrietta Tolson Tolson. "You can't capture leadership representative of the National Organ- Chernin, if the national amendment is positions unless you can command the ization of Women. "It doesn't remove passedit won't havemuch of an affect on discrimination, gives to whole Seattle University community language," sheadded. itjust anavenue the state. "The main thing it will affect that she listens here and not at some Tolson's faithfulness, longevity and fight it." inhavinga federal ERA is that allstates years other institution of higher learning. dedication earnedher specialrecognition Over the the amendment has thathave notmovedahead inany areaof Tolson,formerly an instructor in the three years ago at the outstanding beenreintroduced topractically every ses- women's rights will suddenly have to community service department atSeattle educators awards banquet sponsored by sion of Congress, said Chernin. This comply," Chernin said. year exception. U, is currently associate professor and the SU black student union. Although isno The current statement of the ERA chairwoman of the social work track in shereceived an award for excellence in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass), reads, "Equality of rights,under the law, the sociology department. The position, education,Tolsonappearedquite modest placedit before Congress this year. Itis shall not be denied or abridged by the started this year,entails designingunder- of her accomplishments. currently being held in committee. United States orby any state on account graduate social work programs, setting "I do not see myself as one of the From there it will go to hearings and of sex." certain, up recruitment andpublicity and prepar- stars,Iam justa workerin the trenches," finally to a votebut when isnot This is the same wording the ing a system for evaluating academic saidTolson. saidChernin. amendment had when Congress origi- programs. Shegraduated from SUin 1960 with The amendment has seen a colorful nally ratifiedit.But,addedChernin,there Tolson and Jane LaFargue of the abachelor's inpsychology.Tolson trans- history in the 15 years since it was has been some talk of bringing back the nursingdepartmentare theonly full-time ferred to the University of Washington passed by Congress in 1972 and sub- original statement written by AlicePaul, black women instructors at SU.She said whereshecompleted amaster'sin social mitted to state legislatures for ratifi- head of the National Women's Party.The there are no full-time black male in- work in 1962. cation. By theend of 1972, 22 state le- first ERA read, "Women and men shall structors oncampus. Tolson spent the next eight years gislatureshadratified it. have equalrights throughout the United "It is a disadvantage for students as practicingsocial workin theSeattlearea. Congressional ratification imposed a States and in every place subject to its well as itis for me to nothave an equal She worked for the Washington State seven-year deadline in which toachieve jurisdiction." amount of black professors and Diagnostic Center, the Family ratification. administrators," said Tolson. "It is Counseling Center, the Family By 1977, 35 states had ratified the The Equal Rights Amendment: extremely important to have diversity of Counseling Servicesand theEastCherry amendment, three short of the 38 (complete text) backgrounds to represent the cultural branch YWCA. necessary to make itan official addition diversity of the student populus," she Tolson was content with community to the constitution. With the deadline Section 1. said. Tolson feels the lapse of diverse and social work but Naomi Goodard,a approaching and three states togo ERA Equality of rightsunder the law shall not cultural representation is robbing the close friend who worked in the supporters sought an extension of the be denied or abridged by the United students of a learning that cannot be community service department at SU, deadline, which Congress granteduntil States or by any state on accountof sex. 30, foundinatextbook." persudedher to teach. June 1982. She commented on how the tuition Tolson spends time doing volunteer That deadline cameand went, withno Section 2. hikes at SU wereaffecting black enroll- work for theCampus Ministry board,the change inthe amendment's status. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, ment and whether the university was educational programming committee and Theamendment started over again. It by appropriate legislation, the turning into an upper-class white the facultyrank and tenurecommittee. was reintroduced to Congress in 1983 provisions of this article. institution. Tolson's professional life is compli- but failed to gain enough votes to pass, "I think colleges were intended for mentedby thefamily life shecherishes. saidChernin. Section 3. upper-class peoplebutrecently there has She has been married for 23 years tv After that,it had not been put on the The Amendment shall take effect two been agallanteffort to makeit easier for Tom Tolson,alsoasocial worker. They congressional floor until this year due to yearsafter the dateof ratification. lower income families to provide a have a son Scott, 22, and a daughter decent education for their children,"said Patrice, 21. Tolson. Two recentadditions to the family, a Trainor,Querin discuss sisterhood By Tim Huber by her order,sheremainedatSUbecause SpectatorReporter "my community has only one college and it'snotinmyprovince." Jesuits founded Seattle University. Rosaleen Trainor,C.S.J.P., feels her Now they makeup a significant portion position is no different than any other of the faculty and administration. On a facultymember. campusof suchmake-up,domembers of Beinga member of a religious order other Catholic orders hold unique posi- holds no special influence now, said tions? Trainor. "That may have been at one Not nescessarily, according to two time," she said. "Sister says" does not sisters at Seattle U. makeher anexpert."It wouldbeattracted "As far as how Iam treated ... Iam by some and it will be dismissed by treated the same way any other faculty others." member is," said Christopher Querin, Trainor compares her order's mission S.P. (Sistersof Providence). to that of the Jesuits: peace through jus- Querin, whocame to SUin 1960,isa tice. CSJP stands for Congress of Saint member of the Sisters of Providence. JosephofPeace. Originally she taught in the college of LikeQuerin,shecame to SU to teach Sister Formation. In the mid-60s she at the college of Sister Formation. She joined the political science department, joined the arts and sciences faculty, which shenowheads. servedas directorof thehonors program Rosaleen Trainor, C.S.J.P., compares her order's mission to Rather than teaching at a school run andnow teachesphilosophy. that of the Jesuit's. Young Women& Pregnancy May6, Spectator 6 1987/The Counselors,educators inform teens about sex (continuedfrom page four) of teenpregnancy in the Western world, much thought through what they would important source of information on sex, A bighole also existsin the Seattle's and in Washington state teens account do. What we try to encourage them to followed by their friends and the school middle school sex education program. for 14 percentofall pregnancies,said the do is talk outloud, notonly what they're system. There isn'tone. Washington State Council on Family thinking about but the reasons they're But Bud Turner, coordinator of the "At this time we don't have a middle Planning. rejectingother choices so that they can Seattle Public School district's high school program and that's probably the In a society that still pays lip service kindof hear themselves," Connell said. school health cirriculum,said he thinks biggest void that we have in our whole to pre-marital chastity, it's no wonder Although the abortion rate is high kids aren't turning to their parents for sex K-12 system. We don't have anything young women have a tough time admit- among teens they still carry and keep information. The Harris Poll shows that there and that'sprobably thebest time to ting theneed for contraceptives,Connell more often then they choose to abort. one third of the respondentshave never hit kids on teen pregnancy ... the said. Adoption is an option that's rarely discussed sex with their parents. "Most seventh and eighth grade level," Turner "What does it take for anadolescent to chosen, with only three percent of parents, Iwould say, are very uncom- said. come to Planned Parenthood?" Jane Washington teens opting to relinquish fortable talking to theirkids aboutit [sex The reason is simple, there's not Connell speculates. "Firstofallit takes theirbabies. education] and that puts alot of enough time in the day to teach a lot of nerve to pick up the phone and WithMadison Avenue selling sex any responsibility on the schools," he said. everything. "Computers came in and make a call. Even before making that chance it can get, it's not surprising The semester-long program Turner computers are pretty much what cut out call,findingout where theycan go, then teens are encouragedto fool around,but runs is mandatory for high school the health programs because that took admitting having had sex and then the same Madison Avenue that tells completion. Typically one-to-two-and-a another periodof the day,"he said. admitting, 'Notonly have Ihad sexbutI teens it's okay toact this way won't deal half weeks are devoted to sexuality, An optional program that's being am planning to do it again and Ineed with the issue of birth control. Ads for including study of sexual anatomy, offered by the Seattle Public Health help.'" condoms are still barred from network sexually transmitted deseases, sexual Department tries to fill in the gap The agency has a policy of treating television. abuse andbirth control. computer training left in the public adolsccnts as they would anadult. They Teenagersrank televisionas the fourth Turner said he wants high school school healthprogram. It's designed for believe teenagers have the ability to most important source of their informa- health teachers toexplainall sides of the fifthandsixthgraders,called 5-6Flash. make good decisions for themselves and tion on sex and birth control,according issue but the constraints of time can The program was written by Beth do not require any parental consent for to a poll conducted by the Harris limit the amountof material covered. Reis, who works in the elementary birth control or pregnancy counseling. Agency, but adults responding in the "Whenever you take a subject like schoolsusing the material shecreated. But theydo require thateachpatient who same survey said they think television sexuality, you're going to have lots of At thebeginningof the year they send comes in for medical help spend time gives a distorted picture of human people feeling angry about it, andsome out the handbooks,and schools that are witha counselor. sexuality. people saying we have to have more. interested can request assistance in They also work with patients who Jeri White, a counselor at a Seattle You have to listen to all these people teachingthematerial. have not hadsex but areconcerned about alternative school for pregnantteens and and then the teachers have to make that Reis works up to three days in the theissue. "There aresome things we do teenagemoms, agrees. "Theparents are judgment, and teach what they feel classroom with the children. She treats with adolescents, especially those that trying to say, 'Well, Idon't want you should be taught." the children with respect,answering all are not sexually active or have just going out and having sex because you Although the high school program is questionsthey ask. "Ihaveareally firm begun to become sexually active. Part are too young,' but everything they see mandatory, the grade level at which it's belief thatthe kids deserve respect andif of that has to do with a discussion says that sex is okay. Sex is how you taught may differ. they are treated seriously they will be around sexualdecision making. We have sell toothpaste." Cleveland High School in the south- able tohandle iteven at thefifth or sixth a hand-out calledmaking decisions about While sex surrounds thekids there is end and Sealth High School in West gradeinan amazingly mature way,"Reis intercourse. We are developing a no message about how to prevent a Seattle only offer the class the senior said. hand-out about abstinance and wealso do pregnancy.White added,"So wearegiv- year. That may not be soon enough. Reis tries not to involve values and somestuffaroundsayingno." ing them all these messages about sex "The high school doesa realgoodjobof opinions in her classroom sessions. The agency trys to maintain a neutral but we are not giving them any teaching it," Turner said, "but again,if "Whenever a belief questioncomes up I stance if a woman comes in and she's messagesaboutbirth control. Younever they take it at 12th grade it may be too first identify it as that to distinguish it pregnantbut they counsel on all options hear Alexis Carrington say she's going late for some kids. When Itaught fifth from a fact question. We talk about the open to her. to take her pillor change her diaphram. and sixth grade Ihad eleven year olds range of beliefs and answer the factual "We try to let the patient know that All she's doingis jumping intobed with pregnant, so it really needs to come part of it if there is one. Then Irefer we have no personal stake in whatever someone." early." them to either their family and/or their they decide to do. Most of the women How do most teens find out about "Say we do teach itin 10th or 1lth or church or their temple or synagogue," that come in here, whether they be sexuality and birth control? Most 12th grade," he added, "what happensif she said. adolescents or adults,have alreadypretty surveyedconsider their parents the most thekids drop out?" Vatican andcourts make surrogate motherhood hot issue By Stacia A.M. Green not want to give her up to the Stern's. Krauthammer saidJudgeSorkow's de- embryo;pre-natal diagnosticprocedures, SpectatorReporter The resulting court battle dealt with the cision had "sound feminist roots," first how and if to use them; questioning contractual obligations and the custody in the validation of the contract and the research and experimentation; whatare One of the biggest concerns of many of the child. custodyof the child to the father. the limits of intervention and the graduating college student is payingoff JudgeHarveySorkow awarded custody Krauthammer saidfeminists have long question of artificial insemination in those years ofaccumulated studentloans. of Baby M to the Stern's.However,he argued women shouldhave controlover both homologous and hetrologous (use For a woman,being a surrogate mother said the contract was not automatically their bodies; that "if they have the right of third partyprocreation) situations. could takecareof those loans in one fell enforceable but that the "bestinterests of to terminate the life of a fetus,how can The answers to these questions lie in swoop. thechild" shouldprevail. theybe denied theright togrow one for a the principles of the dignity of the Anywhere from $10,000 on up could William, a chemist,and Elizabeth,a fee?" human person, both in reason and be paidfor carrying achild that will be pediatrician, had the child they so des- Krauthammer said Whitehead lost scripture, as related to the embryo as a nurturedand raisedin a homeother than perately wanted.MaryBeth,unemployed custody because "Mr.Stern isa chemist human individual and the conjugal actis thebiological mother's. and the wife ofa sanitation worker, was and Mr. Whitehead is a garbage col- the only setting worthy of human Surrogate, deputy or substitute mot- stripped of any parental rights and may lector." He said the decision shockedhim procreation, saidChamberlain. herhoodis currently a hot issue,both in never see the child again,although she and the "forced separationofmother from In vitro fertilization and surrogate courts andchurches. has sincebeen grantedvisitation rights. infant for the purposes of enforcing a motherhood providechildren to couples The Vatican released the "Instructions What are theimplications of the Baby contract is an appalling spectacle. A not able to procreate. The Vatican on Respect for HumanLife init's Origin Mdecision? How will iteffect surrogate mother,even a surrogatemother, should document makes it clear children arc to ■»nd on the Dignity ofProcreation" letter mothers in the future? Where does have thechoice after birthof keepingher beagift from an act of loverather thana dealing with in vitro fertilization and morality step in andgive it'sopinion? child." product of medical technology. surrogate motherhood. The recent "Baby John P.Burke, associate professorof Burke agrees withKrauthammer and The document prohibits the use of M" case inNew Jersey brought the first philosophy at SeattleUniversity, agrees "his opinion is my opinion." pre-natal diagnosis that could lead to courtcase todeal with the legal issuesof with Seattle Times columnist Charles Rosaleen Trainer, C.S.J.P., professor abortion; medical research on a live surrogatemotherhood. Krauthammer about the case. In the of philosophy and Gary Chamberlain, embryo;researchon an embryo which is Therelease of the letter and the outset April 5 edition of the paper Kraut- associate professor of theology and re- not therapeutic; production of embryos of the Baby M trial occurred within hammer examined the feminist impli- ligous studies,gave an informal presen- for commercial, industrial or experi- weeksofeach other. cations andreactions to thedecision. tation andinterpretationof theVatican's mentivepurposes; the voluntary destruc- Baby M was born to Mary Beth Feminists were stunned. It has document to a small audience this past tion of an embryo; methods of obser- Whitehead who had contracted with "frightening implications for women," Friday inMarianHall. vation and experimentation that could William and Elizabeth Stern to carry saidBettyFriedan, the foundingpresident Trainer said thedocument isconnected damage or risk damage to the embryo; their child.Elizabeth wasunable tohave of the NationalOrganization of Women with two issues: those dealing with the freezingof embryos; artificial insemina- children and Mary Beth agreed to be and a writer, who's book "Feminine embryo and those dealing with inter- tion by a donor; the use of surrogate inseminated withWilliam's sperm. Mystique" challenged attitudes in ventioninhumanprocreation. mothers; or the fertilization ofhusband's After the child was bornMary Bethdid American society. "The complete dehu- Basicquestions raisedbythedocument spermby anon-wife ovam. manization of women." include: what respectis due the human Women & HealthIssues Pageseven /May 6, 1987/The Spectator PMS PlaSues many women monthly Fact and fiction female students problems Good nutrition for women at some time during their available to study women's By Susan Kendall cutting outcaffeine products and years and is mostcommon because theyareconsidered low priority, means Spectator Reporter childbearing sodium which Claypool ages of 20 and 40, sheadded. food high in between the main problem on campus. review byChattem Inc., a Stress plays a role in intensifying said is the "Ifeel very tired. I'm always hungry. I according toa craves these things, creating a manufacturer of an over-the-counter symptoms of PMS. Houston psy- "Thebody freak out about thingsInormally don't cycle," sheadded. for relief of PMS symptoms. chologist Judith Abplanalp, found psy- vicious even worry about. Idon't want to be medication need to read the labels on symptoms,according to the chological stress, such as divorce or a "Students around people, even thoseI'm closest Common food," she warned. "Those quick review,are headaches,abdominal cramps, death in the family, and enviromental their too. Ifeellike I'm going to cryall the probably have a lot more depression, anxiety, mood swings, irri- stress, suchas school examsor financial food fixes time." (thestudents) think." tability, breast tenderness, weight gain, difficulties,causedpatients tohave more sodium than they These words of a junior at Seattle highinprotein andcomplex bloating, heaviness andpelvic severe premenstrual symptoms than Eat foods University express common feelings or abdominal toeight glasse thosenot under stress, according to an carbohydrates,drink six symptoms among women who suffer pressure. advised. mix-up is thinking that article byEllen Cantarow, in the March of water,Claypool from premenstrual syndrome (PMS). "The biggest women's groups feel "the syndrome is one and the 1986Mademoiselle. Many PMS is defined by Professor Janet premenstrual proposed diagnosis of PMSas a menta symptoms that occur during Treatment for PMS variesaccording to Claypool, School of Nursing, as a same as disorder is notbasedonsolidresearchand menstruation," Claypool the symptoms each women has. There chronic recurrence of symptoms one to said. stereotype that women are cramping, Claypool proveneffective drug that a woman reinforces the 10daysbeforemenstruation. Thesymp- Painful menstrual is no hormone," said Joseph for PMS according to research hostages to their toms disappear during and immediately said, is not PMS, but another disorder can take 26, 1986, US News A woman by the Women's Health Exchange at the Carey in the May after menstruation. called primary dismenorrhea. Report. Illinois. and World .-»--«. "The more women know about the could suffer from both premenstrual University of Claypooldoes not feel PMS plus recognizing some of syndrome and primary dismenorrhea Claypool recommended good nutri- used against women. "Idon'tbelieve the syndrome, small meals their feelings maybeassociated with the although itis notcommon, sheadds. tion,exercise,eating several majority of women who have PMS trying ways to manage the better theycan strategize Notenoughresearchhasbeen doneon aday and to find would have symptoms that would syndrome, eliminate activities,"Claypool said. PMS so it is difficult to diagnose and stress as methods to lessen or handicap them inthe work force." of PMS. fsventativePMS affects 70 to 90 percent of treat, Claypool said. Funds are not symptoms ____, Self examinations encouraged for breast cancer detection Start Your Weekend Early! By Carrie Hunkapiller foundafter aself-exam it could becured SpectatorReporter without having a masectomy, or breast Now Open for Breast Cancer is the most common removal. form of cancer among women in this "The American Cancer Society offers Lunch Friday, country.Oneofevery 10 womenover 35 exams, or a woman should go to her developbreast cancer thisyear. physician to learn this exercise," said Saturday & Sunday The risk factor beginsin the early 20s Claypool. Sillandgoesup toa high factorafter 30. Claypool suggests doing a self-exam at 11:00am! Women develop breast cancer for once a month right after the menstrual period. many different reasons. "If a womans Domino'sPizzapresents the All Pizzas Include Our mother or sister has had breast cancer, The American Cancer society feels early lunch! Nowyoucan order SpecialBlend of Sauce then she willreceive breast cancer," said post-menopause self-exams should be pizzaanytime after 11:00am, and 100% Real Dairy monthly. Friday,Saturdayand Sunday! Cheese. Janet Claypool, a nursing instructor at done Infact,if you know ahead of Seattle University. The mammogram isanother important timewhenyou'llbe eating,you Our Superb Cheese heredity technique in detecting possible breast cancall usafter 10:30am, and Pizza Other reasons besides would whenyou 12" $6.00 30, special dosebreast just tellus where and Cheese be apregnancy after late menopause cancer. This is a low wantyourpizzadelivered. 16"Cheese$8.75 or ahighfat diet. X-ray that detects tumors at the early Want it assoon aspossible? guaranteeit willbe Toppings To reduce the risk of breast cancer a stages of growth,before they can be felt We'll Ham, Sausage, the woman herself. delivered before11:30. Having Pepperoni, woman should start self-exams atage 20 by aphysicianor lunchalittlelater? Callus after Fresh Mushrooms, Black am, pizzawill Olives,Onions,GroundBeef, andalsohave alowradiation X-raycalled survey by the 1030 andyour In a recent done arrive within10minutes of the GreenPeppers,Pineapple, amammogram. AmericanCancer Society,mammograms you specify,or your pizza Tomatoes,DoubleCheese, practice self- time Crust Most women don't detected 90 percent of the cancers un- is free! ExtraThick exams but this should be a regular covered. Also,the cancers detectedby Hill RegularCrust exercise. According to the American Capitol location thismethodare 90percentcurable. onlyy" 12 16 Cancer Society, women don't practice Cheese $6.00 $ 8.75 During themonthof May,the Cancer 1-item $7.00 $10.10 regular self-examination because they ... institute is offering a low cost mam- Ayo d the Nold! 2-rtems $ 8.00 $11.45 fear the results. Another reason for not US! 3-items $9.00 $12.80 mogram at $45, whereas the usual Call $14.15 practicing regular self-examinations is rv»tMAiviii 4-items $10.00 costs up to $ ISO. $110051550 theproper technique. mammogram s"*ems*ems notknowing womanhas aquestionaboutbreast more practiced the Ifa 322-0094 If women cancer, self-examsor mammograms she 128BroadwayE. Large OrderDiscounts technique, breast cancer would not be 5-9pizzas 10% discount cancall toll-free 1-800-ACS-2345. 15%discount such a high risk factor. If a lump is Hours:- - 10-14pizzas 3-30pm Midnight- Mon Thurs 15-19pizzas 20%discount 11 00am- 1amTri& Sat 20-24 pizzas 25%discount by womenincreases 11:00am Midnight Sunday 25 ormore 30% discount Alcohol abuse Aloha St For example,30 years ago there was Coca-Cola g By Carrie Hunkapiller »ZJL SpectatorReporter more of a pressure to drink.In today's Classicavailable. L-3L. world there is an emphasis not to use Ol Historically, men were more likely to alcohol and there is even education to Domino's Pizza /( E Union Delivers® Quality. / \ si/ become alcoholics;however,due tomore prevent alcoholism. women in the workforce and increased "In schools the trend ismore positive, pressures in the 1980s, women aremore there are now educational classes to likely tobecome alcoholics thanmen. prevent alcoholism," said Madsen- Jan Madsen-Sunquist,certifiedalcoho- Sunquist. "Wehave a lot moreinformed lics counselor,provides insightinto the consumers." Dearborn St changingpatternsofalcohol use. Madsen-Sunquist feels with the em- *W-W TM 61987Domino's PizzaInc. »'^ . VULCANknB72.3/15 — phasis on health in the 1980s fewer — —— — "-" a telescoping ——— "—— "Young women have «— i ■— mmm _____.._— i— i— . J effect with alcohol. One hypothesis is peopledrink after work. BW^JJI Drunk driving laws may also be a that women have an extra X chrom- $1 any pizza laws," 4ti Save .00on - osome," saidMadsen-SunquisL factor. "I'min favor of the DWI Sk-4 ordered 11:00am 3:3opm, "Women have to serve different roles said Madsen-Sunquist. There is a big M* Friday,Saturdayor Sunday. - mother, working; thisadds influence on the young from a jail term, I Expires:5-31-87 of wife"and Onecouponper pizza. CapitolHill alot ofpressure, she said. sheadded. ■8 location only Cash value: 1/20 c Unfortunately, women tend to stay Doctors are also changing their atti- — Address hidden as alcoholics due to thestigma of tudes towardspregnancyandalcohol. 55lLrt*I Madsen-Sunquist said in the past — — disease. isaHtU ■ Phone r:Many institutions,such as the media doctors were not concerned if women (mustfill tovalidate) and education,have picked up on this, drank while pregnant.Now doctors tell —— ,£44^87 J making the public more aware of the mothers to avoid alcohol altogether duringtheirpregnancy. Features May6, Spectator 8 1987/The Shopping wonderland replaces Fred Meyer

By Michelle McGrorty a historic reconstruction of the original Capitol Hill residents for input and The new Broadway Market is filled SpectatorReporter BioadwayMarketbuiltin 1925. feedback on this project in order to with a variety of specialty shops. The Thomas is committed to downtown restore much of the building's original shops already openin the Marketrange A new type of shopping wonderland revitalization through historic preser- character. from design stores, flower shops,coffee replacedFredMeyer,locatedin the heart vation and adaptive use. His design The firstphase of the projectinvolved shopsand shoerepair to videos,a fitness of the Broadwaydistrict, April30. restores muchof the building's original renovating the former home of Fred centerandrestaurants. Thenew BroadwayMarket,developed character; and shop selection has been Meyer with storefront windows, The old Fred Meyer that was torn and designedby Val Thomas,principal carefully done toassure varietyandgood awnings, upper retail level, upstairs down to make room for this shopping in Thomas Projects and partner in taste. " terrace and a "Market Hall" with project hasbeen replacedbya miniature Cardwell/Thomasand Associates,will be- He workedclosely withBroadway and market-style vendors and big-wheeled of thesame store.Prescriptions can still carts containing upscale products. The be filled and other drug store items building also includes asky-lit atrium. purchased but it is much more scaled Originally a large sign with a clock down thanbefore. and thermometer marked the outside of If Bellevue Square shopping mall the Broadway Market. TheMarket was couldbe shaved down to dollhouse size the hub of the community with 32 and the aura of Pike Place Market ever shops, including a beauty salon, dime present, then a good idea of what this store,produce stands, meatmarkets and new shopping area has to offer can be candyand flower shops. realized. The merchants were famous for fine Don't be surprised by all the foods and fresh produce.One merchant televisions that greetyou when you first broughtproduce that nobody else in the walk in, even if theyare arrangedin the Seattle areahadfrom all over the world. shape of robots. Their function is The Market thrived for until 1965, unknown,if there is a function at all. when most of the shops left with the Maybe the formations are there to let arrival of FredMeyer. everyone know that something new on Now, somewhat ironically, Fred Broadway is going on and it deserves a Meyer has given way as the new look. BroadwayMarket movesin.

The Bookstore has reopened

The Bookstore reopened on Monday with a new temporary entrance. It can be located on thesouthside of the building (off the visitorparking lot).

Remodelingof the balance of thebuilding willcontinue through August.

GRADUATING SENIORS of the new Broadway Market. Inside view Don't Miss Your Last JjA««A«»A«»A**A*»A»tA«»A**l*»A*»A >*A'*A«»A"A"A* >A**A"A."A**A'*A'*Af "ATtA^^AT tATTA^ *^ *^ " * *^**^**^*^**^**^**^**^*I^t Hs*r^y«"▼* w"▼" "▼" »▼" "▼" »▼" *▼■»▼« *▼" *▼* *▼ *▼■■** ▼ « \R OPPORTUNITY Attention! I ToAcquiretheBestComputeronthe | MarketTodayat anUnbelievable Price!

"a; AllSeattle University students who willbe workingatsummer 3» "a; camps this year,Admissionsneed your help! ji£ Pleasecall Ken at626-5720 for details. jtj

[ {\qmn@ nm SO. { l Alpha Kappa Psi I S ££ """""" " """« ;"" ":...... : /.":"; ...... ;" Si|/::f{^j preseOCSi:i(l::\U:::-y::li:: ■}&£ JIJ I :""","""""" ;" """ " * '.«"".*"■: """"■*""*"!/"»""»■" «""""""""« \*' t m\\ *"* " **vV***SMl,***"*'' !*""*"*"*"*""! >*""* lj?2*\ ;-■*■*'"''

: i^^lppilli !! " 5 Join A\pba Kappa [{ jl \sis£iMW :?®'^'&%2& ■ VAf'"»i"; ; :" 8 '::. .. "v^Vf" .<: '":^ R-riri :'-'X S Psi on Saturday Sj,,"'l^ v-^.^SwVw.-SiS.-rVK- ""**""*" ""■"""""" ,"""■""""" I*""**1 *""** """"""""" " ' I".J i** ■""""""■" *"7 niqM for i^SgURD^.| I '^? AppleComputerwillbeoncampus: "GRe/tse*. S,3|y^jS-|B||| When: Thursday,- May11th [ I Time: 10:00 am 2:00pm :"; P]g6tt_Auditoriunn;S'Sil^{:vS Where: LibraryLobby * STOP BY* Demonstrations,newproducts,credit COA?f TO OU/? T/C/CfT TABLES OR CALL 626"6479. informationandpricingavailable. «"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■" Soapbox forum Pagenine/May6, 1987/The Spectator The ERA: should it Close your eyes, beauty is even be necessary? in the heart of thebeholder be beautiful don't lity,right? Maureen Sweeney You do want to Ron E. Cody hairless, silky There are ways around that. We have SpectatorContributor you? Slim, trim, tan, SpectatorOpinionEditor deoderant, feminine doneitbefore. Where were therightsof fragrance, pink you want tobe beautiful? Doyou hygiene, shave your legs with Daisy. When we seeanation that tolerates,or Native Americans and blacks back in Do to win friends,influencepeople and Don't forget your arm pits. Oh, you worse,legally supports the exploitation 1787? One fell toManifest Destiny, the want drive men wild? Listen to this. Getrid American's areso uptight. of its people based upon social status, other to asimple matterofdefinition. flabby thighs in just a few days None of that. No. We religion, race, sex,or anything else ima- We defined blacks as subhuman and of those Natural? Ten easy stepsto wrinkle free skin won'thave it! ginable, do wenot scoff andsay "look at thus they had no rights to exercise. It ...... unsightly problem? problem Whoopie Goldberg said to one of her us, of the free where all men are took a lot to get them where they are hair a No land off, it off Dye that audiences one night, "You know what, created equal" and then wonder how today and we had to write a couple of ... rip it shave ... greyaway Tone those muscles butbe none of youpeoplelook likeanyone on anyone wouldexploit their fellow man? amendments to theConstitution todo it. ... there, tolook like TV" So who are those people on TV would anyone exploit another? As long as there are legal ways for careful you don't want Why tackle Aboveallremember anyway? Doesn't it seem abitodd that Greed, power, selfishness, elitism, the women to be discriminated against then adefensive ... look rightand you'll feelright most of the people telling us what deepseated vicesof humannaturewhich the Constitution or its interpretation is ... ways tosucceed beautyisin women aren't women? AllI are thenarcotics of thepsycheare why. deficient. We either redefine "Allmen Thereareoh somany beauty game. Women are given know is somebody is certainly capital- Why are there laws to protectpeople are created equal ..." to include all in the hundreds of times a day. izing (financially that is) on all of the from harm? Becauseman hasneverbeen humans .... helpful tips thedirections. supposedfemale faults. able to live under his own recognizance. Now doesn't that justsoundabsurd? Justfollow If you want to be at the peak of But wait just a darn minute here. Only the fear of reprisal can guarantee Sincepeople can't getit through their femininity buy that nice, ladylike What if the definition of beauty for compliance on all counts from the heads that thereareno degreesof equal- (whatever that is) deoderant. Youknow, womenin our society is wrong, warped, majority. ity; more equal for me, less equal for thekind that comes with thepretty,pink Why do we have our constitution? you; then we are just going to have to capand slender body. Noneof that nasty Becauseafew hundred yearsagoabunch state itspecifically, hence the writing of Mermen SpeedStick for us. Never. Oh Maybe there are more positive of colonists who had escapedexploita- the proposedEqualRights Amendment. no. pictures. Maybe there are women who tion from various nations in Europe Is that still floatingaround? is, Next, thenearestdepart- don't do anything but be themselves. guarantee their rights as Yes! And the question why is it rushdown to wanted to buy several outfits that Andthey are beautiful. although they thought still waiting to be ratified? After all, ment store and people; because slim, trim, diet-right body. One womanis a rancher in Wyoming rights as self evident, they knew polls say58percentof thepeopleare for accent your those mind thatmost diets areunhealthy with duston her boots and arope inher the need for enforcement of thoserights. it and only 31 percent are against it. Never and often cause unpleasant side effects. hands. One woman is a midwife in So, why doesn't every nation follow Thereis a majority there,right? After all,beauty is in the eye of the Oregon delivering baby after beautiful ourleadand declare allmencreatedequal? My question now is, why is 31 per- beholder. baby. One woman is a cashier in a Because equality threatens. It threat- cent of the population against what the - But, most of the time, all of the bookstore, ringing up more money in a ens the lifestylesand comforts of those Constitution stands for equality? peopledoingthe beholding aremen. So day than she makes in a week, still who benefit from the exploitation of Fear. you say,big deal. But waita min- smiling like she means it. One woman others,of those whoare in a position to Equalrights for women threatenmen's what can buy all the Speed Stick isastudentor ateacher whocontinues to maintaincontrol of others. positions, wealth, power and control. ute. Men they Enough to lasta year in five speak the truth even though it costs a You are probebly aware there are Plus,if theERA is ratified we will have want. different manly scents. They don't have great deal. One woman wears a white places that still treat wives as property, to havecoed restrooms,right? worry about keeping their legs sari in India and spends day after day which pay lower wages topeoplebased You know,Iscratchbald spotson my to together when they sit. They don'thave tending the sick. One woman holds a on their beingidentified as belonging to head trying to figure how coed rest- art "hurrying" and high child in her arms. One woman is someclass or group and in some places rooms connect with a simple amend- to master the of in four inch heels. So what planting flowers inher garden,beautiful leagalrightsdependon whoyouare. ment that guarantees the legalrights of speed turns care? They like to see beauty. as sheisbending. But, did youknow you did not even allpeople. If that's an argument for not do they eyes. Beholdingas it were. Beautiful without the special effects. need apassport to find them? Righthere ratifying the ERA then opponents must In their we've got here isa standard of Beautifulbecause theyare. We are. You in the United States youcan find these be desperate for valid rationale. They What beauty (or femininity, if you will)that is are. Beautiful in motion, a hand things happening to many groups, one havegoodimaginations though. and degradingand contrived. smoothing a brow; beautiful,a face in of which happens tobe women. What are weafraid of,equalrights? exhausting Sit-ups,make-ups, change your hair,act soft shadow; beautiful,a strong, brown But, theConstitution guaranteesequa- this way, walk this way, buy these back bending to work; beautiful,a face flowery, pastel products and you will oldand wrinkledand wise. Raising America's children truely be female (excuse me, but was Beautiful. that ever anissue?). Remember. Cody allow both parents tocontinue with their Ron E. a family. Iwonder about people SpectatorOpinion Editor careergoals. the right to demand greater amounts of want With women becoming more and child carefor lessmoneybut withbetter who want families only to have their child spend most of their waking hours Being that this is a university it is more an integral part of this country's facilitiesandservices? with someone else. Are the children relatively safe to assume the vast major- work force, their careers becoming as Who's responsibility is it? How some sortof procreative obligationor are ity of students are looking towards ca- financially and personally rewarding as much responsibility for their children's theythejoyof yourlives? Isyour career reers after graduation. It is alsoa pretty men's careers traditionally have, the careare parentssupposedto take? family more fulfilling than the young growing safe assumption that many of you will giving upof thosecareers isbecoming a I'm wonderingifthe twocareer family. I'm minds that youcreated from yourselves? be planning toraisefamilies. less desirable option for women than in is in thebest interest of the family motherhood and fatherhood not re- Roughly half of the students atSU are the past. Hence, there is a greater re- also wondering if the two career Is people enoughin theminds of theAmeri- women, many of which are looking to liance ondaycare. is as necessary as some claim. ward people? If not, then why are they the future with plans for both a career There is a dissatisfaction with the Are we putting too much emphasis on can families? Who suffers the most and motherhood. Itis no longer fair to current child care alternatives however. thestandardof living? Can wemake due raising happy lack of commitment to the assume the mother must sacrifice her About three out of every four working with less, on less and still be from the family? career for the sake ofthe family,but itis adults with children are worried in some families? to it, would like to give another plug for that trend made popular by the last way about child care facilities,wishing When it comes right down the I raising family. When generation (i.e. motherhood with a ca- for strict governmentlicensing standards. responsibility for raising the children the rewards of a begat you decide a family is what youreally reer) that is bringing to bear the ques- The same ratio want public schools to belongs to the ones who those want,more than your career, when the tion: who willraise Anerica'schildren? offer full-daycare for kindergarteners. children. Raising those children is more food, development some young excited Two career couples have to look at a Thirty to forty percentof parents feel than just providing clothing and of more important than number of things when deciding toraise they are paying toomuch for child care shelter. It's more than the what your minds becomes then youmight their own family. First of all, there is and can't afford desirable alternatives. A income can provide. It's the loving the your own development, the period during the late stages of similar number feel the child care ser- teaching the sharing the time spent start your family. not saying it is wrongto want to pregnancy and the early raising of the vices they needare notavailable andabit together. If you think about it, would Iam spend developyour ownlife and that acareer is child thatrequires a mother to take time smaller number fear the quality of child you wnat your child to most of personally fulfilling lifestyle,Ijust off from her job. After that, there are careavailableis inadequate. his/her time during the years of dis- nota is not possible to give full various alternatives for childcare during There are some big considerations to covery, during the years of relationship think it of to both the raising of a preschool years, make for youngpeople whoare wanting development, during the years commitment developmentofa career. raditionally the mother continued in to begin families and child care is high character development in someone else's family and the Something has to give and usually it is child rearing role but some families, on the list. care? t inthe way yet is what many parentsare the fulfillment and the relationshipin the although very few,have decided that in What shouldparentsexpect And that they they their child in family. their case it is more advantageous to of care for their children? Should giving up when place parents complainabout thelack the father raise the young children, expect the government to assist in the another's care. Before have child care provided by the sacrificing his career during thatperiod. way of regulations for child care faci- Parents arc complaining about the of adequate care, community or the government, they The big trend however, is in the use of lities? Should they ask the government problems of child but who suffers should look at the lack of child care in professional childcare services,childcare to foot the bill for the care of their the most? the home. When it comes to the family, centers in one's place of employment, kindergarteners by providing full-time Those of you planning two career "_ L. . t rt MllKli^ c/>hr\i-\lc9 Flols\j lhf»Vuii* hflvf*nt*»v- why you thecareer should takea back scat. and live-in baby sitters, all of which CHIC 111 'IK lUll/lIL* j families might want toconsider Letters to the editor Page ten /May6, 1987/TheSpectator After all, what is a few decades of suchliberty andindependenceas there is Has the Catholic Church retained the A few points about obedience compared to the eternity of in the region springs "from the US power to heal? It seems tohave been lost Christian hope. If that is,as Maureen resistance to tyranny in Vietnam." They and forgotten in struggles for political staying incontext indicates, a grave blindness, than I are living monuments to the American power.The church hasreduced itself to the Editor: choose to be blind. But from this deadinIndochina and toall those men of therole of aquack doctor whorefuses to perspective,Vince and Maureen,it sure theUS armed forces whose presence in permit sick people to his waiting-room I've been mulling over Ron Cody's seems bright to me. Vietnam gave the rest of Asia the time because theyinterfere withthereputation inion columns on the recent Vatican to grow,unharassed and at peace."The he hasgainedby providingplacebosfor a E>statement on artificial procreation and Mike McCombs war was notin vain." host of imaginary ills which he alone Vince Fanucchi's response for a couple SUStaff can "diagnose"and he alonecan "cure." of weeks now. It becomes increasingly Sonny Gallegos Icommend the Wuerls and the obvious Vince did not bother to really Vietnamloss still SUStudent Ratzingers; if Cody were a Catholic I read what Ron said. Instead he goes wouldcommend him too.They may not blithely off, pulling various statements made gains be honest enough to admit their insti- Ron's article and criticizing them "Learningas Living" tution lacks effective means of healing To the Editor: ally out ofcontext. program a success the sick in spirit (and Ido not say that F>mAs Iread theoriginal opinions,this is all homosexuals are sick-spirited; were years a gross injustice to Ron, who wrote It has been 12 since the last the church to carry its argument to its them as a whole and deserves to have American wasevacuated from the roofof To the Editor: inevitable conclusion,it would have to them treated as such. Vince,I'm afraid, the American Embassy in Saigon. On sandblast Michelangelo's work from the April 30, 1975, military never bothers to do this. At least a defeat was We would like to extend a public ceiling of the Sistine chapel). But in sealed not Maureen Sweeney, who also responded, that need have happened.In thank you to allthepeople who worked driving thesoul-sick away from the tents his memoirs John Colvin, "Learning Living" made pretenses ataddressing the primary a consul to make the as of the spiritual snake-oil vendors, they theme that Ronpresented: the Vatican general at the British Mission inHanoi programa success lastTuesday night. A unwittingly compel the sufferers to seek .. during statement is a "common sense" 1966 and 1967 concluded that special thanks goes to the panel other andmoreeffective answers. protectionof the family unit as the basic America had won the war inSeptember participants: David Leigh,S.J.,Rosaleen Within the church,healthy and sick 1967, rearing unit. and thenrenounced victory. Trainor, C.S.J.P., Terry Shea, S.J., Dr. alike must dutifully swallow the tra- England Guest, Instead,shedirectly statedherintent to When Colvin left for in Kristin Bill Moyer, Jean Hays, ditional Catholic quackery.Butonce the September, ike exception to those facets of Ron's North Vietnam "was no JerryEvergreen,Elizabeth Oaksmithand sufferings ofJobhave forced us to ques- rticles which she found offensive or longer capableofmaintainingitself asan Dr. Jan Rowe. We would also like to tion our own self-righteouness, to chal- economic unit of uestionable. Would that Vincehad been nor mounting aggres- thank the Naef scholars for sponsoring lenge the competence of the self-pro- sive war its neighbor." ;honest inhisapproach. against The key the event and our moderator, John claimed "authorities," to scrape beneath to bombing Iherewith choose the same disclaimer, theeffectiveness of the 1967 Schwarz, S.J. our boils and discover that Voice which was its consistency, which "for the first to insists, AM," dlike to address a couple of items of Most importantly, we would like "I AM WHO I we areno time, allowed the North Vietnamese no ly choosing in Vince's letter because thank all of you who came to the longerboundby the stagnant orthodoxy. time to repair war-making facilities. ley areoffensive or questionable. program andshared in the discussion. We It is we ourselves who, dead to the ingenuity Vincemakes the valid point that love Their hadbeen defeated... their began a good dialogue and we are pre-recordedspielsof charlatans,rise to will to ; manifested outside of marriage, eroded near extinction." confident thatit will continue. claim our inalienable rights to life, to prompt hanks be to God! It would be a sad Colvin believes that useof air love,to acceptance,to theimmediate ex- orld indeed were thisnot true. But to power againstNorth Vietnam's northeast Liz Fountain perienceof the divine. andone sexual activity beyond the section would have won the warin 1965 Ruby Gardner If our brothers and sisters are "other spared oundary of a Christian marriage and would have both sides the SUstudents Christs," how can we "expel" them? If (premarital,extra-marital,homosexual or agonizingly higher costs of "grad- they are human beingsinpain, how can whatever) is not acceptable in light of ualism." we bidthem suffer insilence? If they are September Christian teaching. But after 1967 the The Catholic Church happy and holy beings, why must we Iliild Certainly many of us slip and fall a bombing was reduced and frequently feign deafness? And how, how,HOW compelling sufferers few,or even many, times. We seek and interruptedby "peace initiatives that had is can suchdespicablecowards market their no other purpose from Hanois' pointof receive forgiveness. But to establish a to seek help elsewhere cowardice as the one true path in view, to ■life style that encourages and condones than paralyze US operations. spiritual liberation? For homophobia, Victory - September 1967, such activity as "normal" and "healthy" in American To the Editor: like gynophobia,racism and the fear of hands- not much thrownaway is simply not "Christian" as taught by was so as hellfire,iscowardice ina Sundaysuit. shunned with "prim"averted Christor theChristian Church. eyes. Dear Ron Cody, Donald Wuerl, Imagine Moses in Egypt, telling the Colvinfinds thisrenunciation difficult Our Godis theGodof mercy butheis JosephRatzinger, Israelites,"All we have todo is lick the to understand. He shouldn't,for it's also the God of thecommandments and per- Iam againamazedandappalledby the Pharoah's feet every now and then and fectly clear, it was the sort of prose- justice. The two are as inseparable as human tendency, when one's own pos- we'll beon thenextcamel out there." cution of war that should be expected the twin themes of salvation: love and ition is threathened,to lash out at those So keeppushing,Ron, Don,and Joe. significant reform. Takingeither aspect without the from a nation in which a even more vulnerable than oneself (or Yourpolicies of oppressionand condem- portion intelligentsia eager other is another error incontext, though of the was to one's party.) Women and racial min- nation will force the outcast to find real country eager to exclusiveto Vince. think ill of its and think orities havefound thecollective courage courage,real strength,real freedom and kindly country's enemy. and Vince seem view of its to stand up and say to the elite-white- realcommunity.Forbid free assemblies, Maureen to An oddity of liberalism the tirdlyIvation based on one's love, at time heterosexual-soul-savedChristian mind- boys? You need to review your history as not was its selective skepticism about one's faith andits free responsein faith- the set, "We too are human beings and we lessons. competence of government. Liberals fulness to God. Salvation is not aright will no longer take your crap." What Iinivitereaders, homo,hetero,bi,tri, believed that governmenthad the skill,if inherent in being human or earned by makes you think that homosexuals arc asexual alike, to stand up in supportof it couldjust summon the will to build a "right living." It is a freewill gift of incapable of demandingthatsamehuman the right of the sexually active human "Great Society." But it was allegedly to his faithful ones. dignity? being to thefundamental dignity and the beyond the capacity of the American Vince goes onin a ribidly anti-Cath- Was Jesus' mission concerned with adult responsibility which are deniedby *>d government to pound the capacity for - olic diatribe to attempt to destroy any the healing of the human spirit? Ithink the prudish old ladies that was rather aggressive war out of a tin-pot country — credibility or value the Vatican's it was.Did Jesus turn away anyone on sexist,wasn't it? of Rome. might have by impuning the likeNorth Vietnam. the grounds that they were a little too Anyonefor armbands? statement Colvin believes that America's integrity of centuries-dead popes and a sick? Lazarus was dead, the Canaanite military effort inVietnam "held the line celibate clergy. woman was aCanaanite. They too were Vince Fanucchi long enough to permit the secure Nice Vince,but yourprovinciality healed. SUstudent try, establishment of a democartic market is showing. Celibate religious have economyoutsideIndochina." ""■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"""■"■"■"■"■"■"■"i raised more children,saved more souls He may generously overstatematters anddispensedmoremortal wisdomthan but there is truth in his assertion that all the VinceFanucchis in the history of Notice ! the world. The judgment of long-dead popeslies in the handsofTheJudge;not Do yourememberFather McGoldrick? ' your's or mine,and does not in any way Your memories,stories andrecollectionsofhim are neededfor a reflect on the credibility or value of the Spectator study ofhis methods ofencouragementandhis waysofhelping document inquestion. studentsto believeinthemselves. disclosure, Editor JohnB.Teehan Inall fairness and Iaman ManagingEditor Allison WestfaD Are you willingto share?Perhaps readers know ofsomeone Catholic, Assistant ManagingEditor: Angicltabcock "orthodox" relying on the OpinionEditor: Ron E. Cody who is willing toshare andcould send their names to me. Stories teaching authority of thechurch to guide Arts/EntertainmentEditor: lisa Banks SportsEditor: MartyNiland may be sent to the following addressor requests for acall me on the road to salvation. Iaccept CopyEditor: Ann-MarieSmith Typist: Thertsak SacTung may be made: this authority as a Catholic religeous Photo/GraphicsEditor: Ann-MarieSmith DarkroomManager: JohnKammercr acceptshis/her vow of obedience-not asa BusinessManager: PeterLam BarbaraBailey SalesManager: Thertsak SacTung blindbelief that it is the unquestionable CirculationManagers: John Kammerer Box 562 "VoiceofGod" intellectual and ManyNiland butasan Adviser: GaryAtkins Oysterville,Wa., 98641 spiritual expressionof my faith inGod's Moderator: Andy Thon,S.J. salvific plans for humanity. ■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"■"«" Letters to the editor Pageeleven/'May6, 1987/TheSpectator

hausen. Through with him, we pro- which dilute the energy needed to investigation of Archbishop Hunthausen Seattle deacons claim and celebrate our oneness in ser- proclaim theGospelin thearchdiocese. are vagueat best. As ministers whoalso vice with allour sisterchurches through- The resultingscandalreaches farbeyond travel worldwidein our employment,we out the worldand withthe SeeofPeter. the members of the Catholic commun- find that the pastoral guidelines we lend support to 2. In solidarity with the brother ity and is a popular topic of discussion operate with in the Archdiocese of priests, the women religious and with in the marketplace; this continues to Seattlearesimilar topastoralpractices in the vast majority of the faithful of the affect the ecumenical community here, other diocese around the world. We be- Hunthausen archdiocese,we affirm-without hesitation throughout the country and beyond. lieve that if the truth were allowed to our conviction thai Archbishop Hunt- Witnessing such scandalous actions surface,a root cause of the investigtion hausenisa faithful andorthodox teacher against a highlyrespectedprelatecauses is aligned to a nostalgic conservative Editor's note: The deacons of the Arch- of the Catholic faith. His firm, fair doubts and questions about the Catholic opposition to the archbishop's forceful diocese and ofSeattlepresentedthefollowing pastoralleadershiphas helpedthe church Church's commitment to living its standon Vatican IIissues such as peace, response out statement in to the investi- in this archdiocese to grow fidelity own principles pronouncements the rights of theoppressedandliturgical gation in to and of Archbishop Raymond Hunt- and understanding of the teachings of about justice. A church which preaches renewal. hausenand to the unsubstantiated report Christ and his church. Faithful to the justice must practice what it preachesif 6. As workers in the marketplace,we in the April19th issue of theNational Gospel, his leadership is futher marked it is to have meaning. haveoccasionally experiencedsituations Catholic Register. by his compassionate concern for all 4. The process used throughout the where we have had more than one people in thearchdiocese andfor the poor evaluation of Archbishop Hunthausen supervisor in charge. Many good Statement of support for andoppressed throughoutour world. He was noteworthy by its absence. As productsandprojects havebeen doomed ArchbishopHunthausenand discharges the duties of his office in a ministers whoalsogenerally labor inthe to failure under such anoften inefficient his leadershipin theChurch competent and capable manner in marketplace, weare appalledatthe dearth arrangement. We believe that thechurch ofSeattle keeping with the principles and values of Christian charity in this matter, is no less vulnerable in this respect. The expressedinthe documents ofVatican 11. When we routinely find such charity at one clear way to reverse the continuing 1. We, the undersigned permanent 3. It is with deep concern that we ourplaces of employment. For us, the damage to the Archdiocese of Seattle is deacons of the Archdiocese of Seattle, have observed the suffering and Christian virtue of "due-process" is torestorenormaland workable leadership reaffirm our ordination promises of humiliation that our archbishop has usually mandated by policy; it is in Seattle. We humbly urge an end to obedience andrespect for thearchbishop, endured in the past months. What is perplexing that same virtue is not the presentarrangementof governancein as well as our commitment to serve the happening to our archbishop and to the routine inccclesial affairs. the Archdiocese of Seattle and total church together with Raymond Hunt- people of the Archdiocese of Seattle 5. The alleged seriousness and per- return of all faculties to Archbishop sistent abuses referred to as cause for Hunthausen. School is responsible givesrise to the confusion anddivisions to make the alcohol program affordable QUESTIONS To the Editor:

It is no surprise that Seattle Uni- versity's Alcohol Studies Program is re- HOWCANTHEBUDGET-CONSCIOUS nowned for its excellence far aboveany existing program in the area. With Dr. Schnell as the director,how could itbe COUEGESTUDENTSAVEMONEY? anything else?Hisintegrity andcommit- ment to the program and his students is a) Saveover 50% off AT&T's weekdayrates on outstanding and communicates a strong out-of-state callsduringnightsandweekends. sense of compassion for people and re- strengthofcharacter. b) Don't fishingItisasad commentary thedirectorand buytextbookswhen "MonarchNotes" willdo the students werenotconsultedand there- justfine. fore unable to respond to a 33 percent tuition increase in the Alcohol Studies c) Save 38%off AT&T'sweekdayrateonout-of-slate Program.It was disturbing to learn that callsduringevenings. because of the poor communication system between faculty and adminis- trationon thiscampus, one of our finest d) Counton AT&T for exceptional valueandhighquality experts in the field finds no other re- service. course than to resigninprotest. Many students alreadyenrolled in the c) Hangaround withthe richestkidsinschool;letthem program will find it difficult or impos- pkk up thetabwheneverpossible. sible to meet this increase andcomplete their studies and financial aid is not for thecertificate program. Ifyou'relikemostcollegestudentsinthe westernhemisphere, | railableWith the growingconcern about alco- youtrytomake yourmoneygo alongway.Thafswhyyoushould holism and its widespread effect on the - knowthat A33STLongDistanceServiceistherightchoiceforyou. lives of millions,Ifeel SUhas arespon- AT&Tofferssomany terrific values.For example,you «^^^"2fil sibilty to make the Alcohol StudiesPro- cansaveover 50% offAT&T'sdayrateoncallsduring gram affordable and accessible to every s weekends S untilspmSunday,andfrom11pm member of thecommunity. // 8am, Sunday throughFriday. /\sZjfl't Ito \% ,^m Callbetween5pmandllpm, \^^ Martha Nelson


01966AT&T 6320634 ■ 6, 12May 1987/The Spectator

A ssociated »C of OSeattle 1m 1Mriwerslty Ptudents h^

Involve Yourself withyour Student government ...participateand W Uance Classes ... support your friends and classmates in the upcoming ASSU elections. SoVote...Vote...Vote...Vote! M starting April 28, every Tuesday for fiveconsecutive weeks. Timeline: £i -- Thurs. May 6 --Forum. 7 -- Mon. May 11 Primary Election for Administrative Positions 0: p.m -Ballroom. £ 8p.m Night Club. (if necessary). -- 9 p.m -- Jitterbug. Tues. May 12 Final Election for Administrative Postions. Wed. May13 -Deadline for Board Position sign-up 5:30 p.m. ; v# p Fee:$15perperson,percourse. Orientation -- ■ W Register: ASSU or at the first class session. May 14 tol9 Campaigning for Board positions. - (if M W Instructor:Member of Let's Dance Productions. Wed. May 20 Primary Election for Board Positions nec- 323-7332. essary). M P Thurs.May 21 -- Final Election forBoard Positions. Tues. May 26 -- First Meeting of the New ASSU. For more information, look for publicity throughout campus or call the ASSU office at 626-6815. jf F Applications for Working WithMother M H JJ ■ Ieresa in Calcutta are due by Thursday, May 7. ■srf" S . ■ w_\ >V \V \ Applications are available at the Volunteer Center in the Student Union Building.

" * UramaUivision9nd rine Arts 7^l Uepartment proudly presents: Mjmifj Events^ :'/ Wf Grease,a Rock 'n' Roll for ww^ Wmtf Cjlraduation s^*^ musical by Jim Jacoband iKlffMji Warren Casey. fltt Beyond IsThereLife - Graduation Wednesday, May6 Si Wed., May27, 6 8p.m.,Student Unionupper lounge Date: -12. y- Bf A question often asked by graduating seniors. Come meet the Class of Curtain time: 8p.m. (Sunday y, |U 1987 and find out the answers! A speaker who has graduated will matinee only, 2p.m., May 10) 111 present reflections and lead a discussion. Refreshments willbe provided, $ some of whichwillrequire proper I.D.card.No admission charge. Admission: 5.00. 4111 »\ s Formoreinformationand s Xk Class Of1987 Dinner-Dance-- -- , Fri., May 29, 7p.m. SocialHour, 8 p.m. Dinner, 9:30p.m.Dance, at reservations call 626-6336. v Vl^^^k.. Seattle Hilton (6th Aye.) Celebrate the last day of classes withan evening of fine food, dancing, and good friends. Guests welcome. Watch for ticket information posted in Spectator. - on campus and the ribbage Contest.... vS jjl^^"|^.iv : ~ Senior Class Speaker sign upin the Chieftain. ~: £1""!. Applications for the Senior Class Speaker at the 1987 Commencement are now available in the Student Life Office, Room 204 of the Student UnionBuilding. Application forms must be returned by Thurs.,May 7. Night OnThe Town Tues., 2, - June 5 9p.m.Sneakers andF.X. Mcßory's tlectionDoard needed for immediately for ASSU Two of Seattle's finest lounges providing Coordinator ... downtown are space and compensation negotiable.If interested, please specials for SU graduates. Spend two hours at each place with your is contactLorine Singleton - at 626-6815or apply in Room 202of theStudentUnion Building. classmates. Transportation from campus willbe provided between 4 5 p.m. and back to campus at9p.m.


Page thirteen/May6, 1987/The Spectator Seattle film fest promises variety By Eric Gould many films because studioscan'tpick up Rider," "TheLastMovie" waspractically The series "Berlin ~ Blues/German SpectatorContributor adistributor to release thefilm if they suppressedfrom releasebyUniversaland Dreams" takes a probing look at Berlin You know you can expect variety at decide to try andreleaseit atall. was rarely screened in theUnitedStates. filmmakers grappling with a pre- and this year's 12th Seattle International So if you are thinking, "Yeah, I'll The tributeof his work will follow the post-warGermany. The films presented Film Festival when you come across wait for the film to showup at the Crest screening of "The Last Movie" on include "A Berlin Love Story," titles such as "Blood Diner," "My Life for three nights nextNovember," think Sunday,May31. "Berliners on Sunday," "The Journey," As a Dog" and "How I Was again. In many cases, these films are In festival tradition,the film fest will "Meier," "People on Sunday," "The Systematically Destroyed By the Idiot." shown for aone-shotdealthen disappear includeitscelebrated memorial weekend Poet's Silence," "Va Banque" and However, there's more to the titles of for eternity. film marathon, theSecret Film Festival, "Laputa." These films will be screened these films than meetstheeye. Besides the festival's offering of and the foreign film posterauction. This every Wednesday night, two films each Many of these films come fromas far obscure and rare films there's also a year's memorial weekend marathon evening. away as Beijing and Berlin, from Brazil cornucopia of special programs and delivers the red-eye special offour films Finally, there's a host of other films andBelgium. More importantly, wecan events. Butbefore Idescribe them all,I screened back-to-back in 3-D. Beginning of which Iwill mention a few that thank the film festival crew and fest want to briefly talk about this year's at midnight at the Uptown Theater the should be on the top of your must-see masters Dan Ireland and Darryl rompofhorror films. films presented include "The House of list. I'llstake my bets on the following: for globetrottingacrossa few Ifyour tasteextends to theexcessesof Wax," "Dial M for Murder," "Andy "The Farewell" directedbyElem Klimov tinents to bring Seattle its 140-film, psycho-social-cultural-scientific and vis- Worhol's Frankenstein" and "The Fan- who also directed the incredible "Come E;Donaldr-week blitz of cinema at the World ual content, then the festival proudly tastic InvasionofPlanet Earth." fest; and See" featured at last year's Famous EgyptianTheater andsoon-to-be presents you its midnight film series The Secret Film Festival is probably Gloria Swanson in the classic and Market Theater beginning May called "After Hours." the most popular event at the fest restored film "Sadie Thompson"; "Iris" Every Friday and Saturday at the because these films cannot beannounced from the Netherlands,starring Monique Yes, these are the people who have witching hour, you and your date can prior to showtime and you, the viewer, van de Yen ("The Assault"); Nicolas tended many important film fests absorb the films that will make you must take an oath to swear you will not Roeg's "Castaway;"Eloy de la Iglesia's roughout the year - including Dutch crawl and make you quiv. The titles reveal what youhave seen. The reasons ("The Deputy," "Colcgas") adaptationof fmousFilm Days in the Netherlands, the speak for themselves: "Evil Dead 2: behind this secrecy is because some of the Henry James story "Turn of the Film Festival and the Berlin Dead Before Dawn," "Dark Hideout," thesefilms are forbidden tobeadvertised Screw"; Michelangelo Antonioni's ilm Festival ~ in order to collect the "Trancers," "Dead End Drive-in" and or unleashed upon the film-starved ("Blow-Up") "Identification of a lms we seeinMayeach year. "Street Trash." There will also be an masses and other reasons the festival Woman"; Alex Cox's("RepoMan," "Sid And the work has paid off. The Americanpremiereof "BloodDiner"and cannotspecify. These films will appear and Nancy") "Straight to Hell," starring gyptian Theater is now recognizedin Stuart Gordon's "From Beyond" will be quietly everySaturday at theEgyptian. Joe Strummer, Dennis Hopper, Grace felluridethe Netherlands asoneof thefew theaters featured, a f'.lm from the same man Other specialeventsat the festinclude Jones, Elvis Costello and The Pogues; in the nation to support largely responsible for "Re-animator." a salute to Paramount Picture's 75th Stephen Frears' ("My Beautiful unrecognized Dutch cinema. Also, After scaring yourselfsilly during the anniversary and a sampling of Berlin Laundrette") "Prick Up Your Ears"; and directors and actors from Poland, Italy midnight romp through hell each films in a program called "Berlin Andrezej Wajda's ("Man of Iron," "Man and Hollywood come to Seattle to pre- weekend, there are still plenty of other Blues/GermanDreams." of Marble") "Chronicle of Amorous sent their work. events to attend. And they are just as Paramount has reopenedits vaults to Accidents." This year is no exception. The exciting. offer new reprints of some of its classic Also, look forward to these films: line-up of visiting directors and actors This year the festival pays a special films to be screened at the fest. Look "Miss Mary," "My Life as a Dog," attending this year's festival attest to the tribute to actor Dennis Hopper. In the forward to seeing "Wings," the 1927 "Flodders," "How IWas Systematically growingrecognition of Seattleas oneof pasttwodecades Hopper'scareer— andlife silent classic and first Academy Award Destroyed By the Idiot," "Rosa the nation'sbest film towns. has been apersonal struggle from the film nominated for Best Picurc, which Luxemburg" and "Man Facing Dennis Hopper will be in town to shadows of Hollyweird to self-imposed willbe shown at the Paramount Theater. Southeast." attend a special tribute of his work; exile inTaos,New Mexico. The film will appear with a special For more festival and schedule Elliot Gould willpresent thefilm "Inside However, Hopper is making a organ-accompanied score presented by information pick upa film festival flyer Out," in which he stars; and producer triumphant return with the recent films Gaylor Carter, a hall of fame theater at the Egyptian andMarket theaters,or Fons Rademakers,director of last year's "River's Edge," "Blue Velvet" and organist. you can call the Egyptian Theater at festival hit "The Assault," will appear "Hoosiers." The young actor who AndeverySaturday andSundayduring 32-EGYPT. An information booth will director LiliRademakers of "Diary debuted with James Dean in Nicolas the fest other Paramount films will be be installed outside the Frederick and aMadOldMan." Ray's "Rebel Without a Cause" is finally presented at the Egyptian and Market Nelson's downtown store for nany case,no matter how you slice getting his respectdue at Seattle's own Theaters, featuring "Chinatown," "Dou- miscellaneous festival information. the main reasons to attend the film film festival. ble Indemnity," "Duck Soup," "It," tival is to see the movies before Along with the tribute to Hopper is a "Midnight," "Morocco," "The Palm Individual tickets are currently Ethanybody else does; before the films get screeningof his second film "The Last Beach Story," "The Plainsman," "She available at the Egyptian Theater shelved; and before they come out on Movie." Made in the early 1970s after Done Him Wrong," "Sunset Boulevard" including Secret Film Festival tickets videocassette. That's what happens to Hopper's initial success with "Easy and "Trouble inParadise." andfullandpartialseriespasses. 'Waiting for the Moon' offers wittyconversation By Kris Echigo interestingplay-off of Stein'snonchalant morbidrhythm. Like Stein,youfeels her everythingin the film couldbe very true. SpectatorReporter existential humor to that of Toklas's impending death a rather insignificant The interpretations of Stein and razor quick remarks.The result isa rare, part in the movie. But Toklas struggles Toklas played by Bassett and Hunt, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth and maturely comical look at two women with Stein's lack ofcommunication. And respectively,are their owninterpretations Marlenc Dietrich werelegendary women who defy the feminine stereotypes when Stein discovers she really isn't of whatcould andcould notbeStein and immortalized by their beauty; but the associated with women. There are no going to die and informs her friend in a Toklas's realpersonalities. mannish— intellectual,namely Gertrude piddly giggles and big-breasted— women tactless way, Toklas is furious. Then You don't have to be a woman to Stein a--writer from the "Lost Gen- lingering inthe background as inevery everythingis fine oncemore. appreciate this film,or an intellectual,or eration" is practically forgotten to othermoviein town. "Waiting for the Moon" reels in a a grown-up. Whether or not you know history. In the movie, Toklas remarks about stream-of-consciousness, Picasso-like somethingabout Gertrude Steinor Alice GertrudeStein wasa writer of experi- Stein: "Facts didn't mean much to drive Stein and Toklas would have B. Toklas makes little difference in mental genius whose name is only Gertrude.Ideas were muchmorereal." enjoyed. There is no real plot, no real enjoying this film. sporadically thrown into literary con- "Waiting for the Moon" is amixture action, everything in the movie is "Waiting for the Moon" is pleasant versation. Whether this is due to her of facts andfictitious ideas. Andthe fact misconstrued for our enjoyment and after-dinner entertainment worth seeing. modernist style with words that has yet doesn't matterbecause themovie isnota tobedigestedby thisage,orbecauseshe documentary or a biographical story. was a woman, is irrelevant in the film Youmerely walkaway with thecharacter /"" ~lmL 1111Broadway at Madison "Waiting for theMoon." of Stein and Toklas in your mind, / ( "New Faces,New Music & A newShow onBroadway" I Ironically, though the film givesus a wishing you were part of that time 1/ \ tlronically,tjgh sketch of Stein,playedby Linda period. Bassett, themain delight— in the movieis The main fact in the story-line is gi I Illj STUDENT DANCE PARTY I Alice B. Toklas Stein's almost Stein's illness, which will lead to her this weekend life-long companionplayedby Academy death. Out of an intellectual decision, I 4THRll\k\ Lh I IJJH'/ fX] Free Admission with this Award winnerLindaHunt. Stein will not tell Tokla's she's dying. Tifti*/ Ad & Valid S.I . I.I). | The short witty, often terse conver- She finds the "idea"of death boring and (IAIfWAj 324-9200 18& Over sations between the two women makes uninteresting. themovieengaginginitself. Thereis an Thus, the movie never sallows into a JNITECLUB&DISCOTHEQUE Pagefourteen/May6, 1987/The Spectator Fleetwood Mac's latest album is same old "dream" stuff

By Kris Echigo dreams againand rooms with stairs that Fleetwood Mac seems to enjoy they've spent as much time as theyhave SpectatorReporter "laugh andshine." piddling around in the studio at a onit. Lindsey Buckingham's songs sound relaxingspeedbefore actuallyputting out "Tango in the Night" is not one of FleetwoodMac's latestalbum "Tango like he's trying to revert back to his an album. They should have piddledin Fleetwood Mac's better albums but it in the Night" has that crisp pop experimental "Tusk" days. "BigLove," the studio longer. Not that the album would makedelightful backgroundmusic mainstream soundmade forcompact disc the single off the album, is a tune that isn't good. You just can't tell that inayuppiecafe. andmature yuppies. will probably become popular but It's well-made; a fine album. Noth- nobody will no why. Perhaps the ingparticularly wrong with it. If you pantingnoises in thebackgroundhave a Bathhouse goodproduction liked their last album "Mirage" then you subliminaleffect. offers of shouldlike "Tango." It's likea "Mirage: "Caroline" is a song about some the abstractplay "Waiting Godot" Part Two." whimsical femme fatale. It makes you for As usual Lindsey Buckingham domi- wonderif StevieNicks isjealousbecause By Carrie Hunkapiller dience responded to. Both actors had nates the album with filler tunesand one Lindsey didn't call the song "Stevie" SpectatorReporter theirmasters degreesbut by watching the or two good songs. Stevie Nicks is still (although "Caroline" could be a play one would think they were both fashioning 70s platform boots and dia- pseudonym for Stevie). Inany case,the bums. phanous drape-wear with her usual two words in this song sound similar to Before viewing Samuel Beckett's In the beginning of the play Vladimir or threeethereal ballads. AndChristine Nick's song "Landslide" from the first "Waiting for Godot" at theBathhouse had a hard time taking off his boot; he McVie has her usual three or four songs Mac album featuring Nicks and theater,Ididn'tknow whattoexpect. had to be a good actor by the creative that all manage tosound alike. Buckingham: "Timerecedes with a fatal WhatIfound was theplay was some- wayhe wasdoingthis. Strange how Stevie Nick's voice has drop,dusty furyon a mountain top ..." what abstract but the acting was ex- The lighting was good. The set of the become more coquettish and lispy with "Tango in the Night" is another song cellent desert was so realistic that Iwanted to age likea 3-year-oldJanisJoplin. Stevie about dreams. Lindsey musthave gotten Theplay's setting is in the desert. The give the actors a drink of water. There never reallychanges. this dream idea from Stevie: "Ikeepthe twomain characters,Estragon playedby wasone driedup tree. In "When ISee You Again," she is dream in my pocket, never let it fade AllenGalliandVladimir,played byCraig The directing was good. Idid not still crooning in that half-infant, away, inside and outside,no loneliness Huisengaarebums. Theyare waitingfor notice any mistakes.Iwent on opening half-senior citizen voice about dreams: in this dream ..." The song has a a man named Godot to bring them a night and everything seemed to go "And the dream saysIwant you,and the sensual rhythm and is one of the better better life. The play is based on the smoothly. Thecostumes were notoverly dream is gone. So she stays upnights at oneson the record. occurrances which happen while exoticbutIfelt if they wereit would not end,wellatleast thereis adream left ..." Christine McVie is still singing "Waiting for Godot" fit theplay. Buthere her lyrics are the making of a cliches about the small wonders of love While waiting,they cannot leave the The audience enjoyed the play and tired "Welsh witch" with no desire to with her bland, waning voice. spot to go find food or shelter. They added to theexcitement of openingnight. describehermystic thoughts withcryptic "Everywhere" and "Little Lies" are wait night after night until Godot shows SamuelBeckett's "Waiting for Godot" lyrics. well-crafted songs where she talks about up. The play did not have a typical will be at the Bathhouse Theater, on "Welcome to the Room ... Sara" is a begging for love. McVie is the only beginningmiddle or end,but ithad alot Greenlake, from April 23 through May slight return to theoldStevieNicks who consistent artist inFleetwood Mac who of symbolism. This play was more a 30. wrote those gypsy-influenced occultish makes all her songs sound like 80s teaching of morals,only the endneeded The price is $13 for regular tunes like "Rhiannon" and "Sistersof the renditions of her 70s hit "Say YouLove tobe watched to understand the morals. performances. For ticket information Moon." In this song she sings about Me." There were funny one-liners theau- call524-9108.

" " " " " > "tir4"ir*A*W*4*W*4*y'tf'A"4'*A"A''4"4"4~A"A*'A"4**4**A"A"i'* A A A A t A*'i"i**4 V'i"A"A*'i'^ .▼..▼""▼" .▼".▼."▼."▼""▼""▼""▼""▼""'▼""▼."▼"♥▼".▼""▼""▼".▼""▼""▼""▼""▼""▼."■T-..T..'T.."Tw.^ I (f OnStage-Live j

"r* B "i

GuaranteedStudent Loans forgraduatesand undergraduates.No interestpaymentsuntil after gradu- ationor withdrawal.Upto tenyearsto payback atjust 8%annualpercentagerate? Paymentsaslow as $50 per month. Maximumloanamounts:$2,625Freshmen/Sophomores $4,000Juniors/Seniors $7,500 Graduate Students Askyour school's financialaidoffice for anappli- cationanddetails.Orcallthefriendof thefamily at (206)464-4767.We're outtomake youreducationmore affordable. "Thisratedoesnot necessarily apply tostudents withexistingloans.

Washington Mutual """m*" Thefriend of thefamily -rrSc""""18 6 Rain washed away last Saturday'sintramural games, but SU students .were back inaction Sunday. Therained outgames were rescheduled Washingtonflffflya*^^^^^^^^^ dates and times TBA. Page sixteen;/May 6, 1987/The Spectator

Red Division Yellow Results fromSaturday, Games of Saturday,May 9 DlVISIOFI April25 11:15 a.m. Result fromTuesday, Sport Games ofWednsday*'May7 Onion Bagels10 Master Batters Master Batters vs.Onion April28 6 2 Bagels,field 2 BilboBaggers 18 Skeleton 3 „m vs. Reunited, field1 Pakalolos 20Reunited 4 Pakalolos CrewII3 Road Warrior's vs'S Force All gamesofApril30 wrer 4-15 p m postponeduntil]May13. BilboBaggers vs.Skeleton (jJr3V Game times arethesame. Crew 11, field2 tv. ." MakeitHappenvs.Bowl DlVlSlOll. Loafed,fi^ 1 , , „ GamesofThursday,May 7 Results fromSaturday,. 3pm Slate Aprill2s Nogames scheduled this SkeletonCrew IIvs.S Force 69ers11Players 1 weekend 4-15 pm Thruthe Gap9 Mustangs 4 vj;Bowlvj; Bilbo Bag BowlLoa(kd""""» DR slO Boinkers 6 fie|d j Old Chunkar 10 YoBaby 0 RoadWaVriors vs.Makeit Intramural softball Buntsn'Calls 13 Swingm Happen'field 2 Singles 2 Results fromSunday, Purple April26 Junior Steve Phinney, a 69ers23ThrutheGapl3 Cfn* 4U«. residentof CampionTower's lit" Division Yo Baby 11 Boinkers3 kJldl UI 1116 floor, scoredaholein oneon the - - __ r . . GamesofSaturday,May9 Mustangs forf. toBunUn' Calls ._. K. thirdhole of West Seattle Go. Results fromSaturday, 8:45 W CCX. Monday, 5 a.m. DX's 17 Swingin Singles 7 . Course, on April 27. Verrukt vs.LA v fpl2'J w,i Lodgers, field1 OldChunker 8Players 1 Phinney, whowasinstrumental Mauleg 8Verrukt4 potato Heads vs Squeeze pUy of the SU flying ScreaminOutscasts in the founding field2 , club acedthe par three with anine Squeezeplay 12:3O p.m. agood shotfrom Bluelight Scpecial12Pubs 3 Flying Ace iron. "Ijust got BadGrads vs.Pubs Blue the tee, it bounced on the green, GoAsk Someone12BadGrads 1-45 p m 1 andwent in," said Phinney. 8 Screamin outcasts vs.GoAsk FOAD 6 PotatoHeads..3 Someone, Division field1 _ _ FOAD Games of Saturday,May 9 vs.Mauley, field2 Results...from Sunday, 10 a.m. Many SU and April26 Go Carts vs.Fish Heads& 12, Rice, field1 Verrukt Bluelight Special 9 vs, C, Mauleg9 SwqueczePlay7 Copenhagen Cthe field2 CentralArearesidents Pilots8 ScreaminOutcasts 4 11:15 a.m. Go AskSomeone21FOAD12 Blue Wrecking Crew vs.Yanks may pass Connolly BadGrads 16LALodgers 4 Center each day and Looking Ahead not realize what it TODAY short introductory lectures designed for those ofIrishdescent who wishto know has to offer the Exploring alternative careers job fair more about their heritage or for those community. will take place at noon in the library who simply wish to know more about foyer today. Students will be given the Ireland. Theeight-part series will occur Connolly 's opportunity to speak withprofessionals Thursdays 7-9 p.m. startingMay 7and facilities, including who have chosen to work with those continuing through June 25. Fee for the disenfranchised in our community. lecture series is $48. Toregister call the two basketball courts, Students can begin to see how they can Office of Continuing Education and a use their talents and their education to 626-6626. Unknown gym surfaced improve the quality of life in our with are community. artificial turf May 8 traditionally open to ' What impact has the history of the Jaime Cardinal Sin, Archbishop of responsible creation storyhadon science technology Manila, will be at Seattle University's and our relationship with the Divine? Pigott Auditorium on Friday,May 8 at 2 community groups. How has it shaped gender roles and p.m. to speak to faculty,students and the psychological implications? Today at public about the current political 7:30 p.m. in the library auditorium a situation in the Philippines and how the Classifieds six-memberpanel willdiscuss theeffects Catholic Church isresponding to it. of the Old Testament creation story on Prior to his address, at 1p.m. in the Job openings: Glacier Bay Lodge, Activists. Start a career in social history western the of our culture. Limieux Library Auditorium Cardinal Glacier Bay National Park, Alaskahas change. Work at the grassrootsto fight Sin will hold a news conference. For openings for front desk clerk, house- unfair health costs. Washington Fair join your fellow graduating Come more information call Mark Burnett, keepers,kitchen &dining room person- Share is winninglegislative campaigns today for champagne, prizes, communications, seniors director of SU at nel. Please contact Sue Putalik at and developing a staff for the '88 entertainment and fun at noon in the 626-5656. 623-7110. elections. We train in grassroots upper Chieftain lounge. The reception fundraising,organizing andleadership. Peggy will feature comedienne Platt. May 10 Freelance, sportswriter and photo- $195-$250 per week plus benefits, Bring a valid photo I.D.if you plan to grapher needed. Send resume to: excellent training and national havechampagne. The third annual Eucharistic liturgy Slo-Pitch News 12720 30th Aye. N.E., opportunities. Part-time also available. celebrating the gifts of handicapped Seattle, Wa.,98125. Call 329-9764 Seattle; 272-1127 persons will be offered this Sunday at Tacoma. The Pre-legalSociety will meet today 2p.m. at Saint James Cathedral by Seattle University Child Develop- at noon in LA 307. Criminal justice Archbishop RaymondHunthausen. All ment Center offers part and fulltime Need word processing, typing? majors are encouraged to attend as well handicapped persons, their families and care for ages 2 1/2-7.- Open yearround Secretarial, office organization, re- as the rest of the university community. friends form throughout Western from 6:45 a.m. 5:45 p.m.,M-F. Dis- sumes. Sense of humor, some genius. For more information contact Yvctte Washington are invited to participate. counts for students, staff and alums. (Five blocks from campus) 325-3081 Wright at526-0343. Meals provided.Call626-5394. SaintJames Cathedral islocated atNinth Heading for Europe tins andMarionstreetsinSeattle. Wanted: Househelp to do cleaning summer? Jet there anytime for $269 May 7 May 18 and child care for a three year old. 16 or less with Airhitch (as reported in hrs. per week. 4:30 - 7:30 p.m., M-F Consumer Reports, NY Times, Dr. Elsa O'Connor will speak and 1/2 day on Sat.U-district. $ 5/hr. Newsday,Harvard's "Let's Go" Student Thursday at in the 1891 Room All students who have received 5 p.m. CallProf.Nickerson 626-5996. Travel Guide Series, Good House- women can move through national direct student loans and whoare on how keeping,and onnational network morn- effectively. Learn how leaving SU springor summer quarter are tra.rsitioim. Free campus pick-up & delivery ing shows.) For details, call 212- transitions are woven togetherand turned required to attenda groupexit interview word processing-typing. Dissertations, 864-2000 ext. 202 or write: 2901 opportunities, rather than times of held hourlyMonday, May 18,9-4p.m. into - manuscripts,papers,correspc lence,re- Broadway, suite 100T, N.Y., N.Y., dispair and weakness. Connor's speech and 5:30 6:30 p.m.; or Tuesday, May - sumes,personalized form letters. Fast, 10025. part series of 19, 9 4 p.m. If unable to attend an is the first in a three reasonable andaccurate.Business Prose. Hiring today! Top pay! Work at in transition. interview form mustbe filled out at the discussions on women 367-2434. home. No experiencedneeded. Write will feature student loanoffice. DiscussionsMay 14 and 21 Cottage Industries 1407 Jenkins, spiritual 1/2 the physical and aspects of the Unfurnished apartment. 1402 East Norman, Oklahoma, 73069. transistional process. To register for If you did not sign your promissary Cherry.Onebedroom townhouse $360. these programs call the Office of Con- note for an NDSL advance a hold is Two bedroom townhouse $480.Unfur- being tinuingEducation 626-6626. Fee is$15 placedon your school records. To nished apartment, 410 11th Avenue. 10 Recreational aid positions avail- per session or $40 for theseries of three. have the hold released sign your Two bedroom $480. On busline; one able. Full-time in summer time. $ 5 /womissary note- at the student- loanoffice block from campus;oneparking includ- perhour atGreenwood Boy'sand Girl's Donal F. O'Mahoney, a visiting between 10 12 and 1 4:15 p.m.daily. ed.Call 282-2697. Club.784-5396. Ask for Lisa or Tony. scholar from Ireland,willgiveaseries of Compiled by Susan Kendall