The Role of Gut Bacteria in the Metabolism of Dietary Xylitol

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The Role of Gut Bacteria in the Metabolism of Dietary Xylitol THE ROLE OT' GUT BACTERIA IN THE METASOLISM OF DIETARY XN,ITOL by RAVI KRISHNAI{ BSc. (Hon.) Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universi-ty of Adelaide and Metabolic Research Group, DívÍsion of Clinical Ghemistry, Instit.uÈe of Medi-cal and Veterinary Science, Adelaide, South Australia. Beíng a thesis submitted to the Unlversity of Adelalde for the degree of Doctor of Phl-losoPhy. March 1984 "Reading makeEh a ful1 man; conference a ready man; and wrítíng an exact Francis Bacon, from "Essays-Civil and Moral, sub-heading- 0f StudÍes" In dedícation of: my grandfather who was the motivating influence in all my academic endeavours; my mother and father for their l¡/armth and support; my sister and brothers for raising my morale; my wife for her 1ove. 1 CONTENTS Declaration vr- Acknowledgements vl_1 Abstract vr-r-]- Enzyme Nomenclature l_x CHAPTER ONE DIETARY XYLITOL AND OSMOTIC DIARRTIOEA: MECHANTSMS OF IIOST ADAPTATION I INTRODUCTION I SUCROSE SUBSTITUTES 1 occuRRENCE, MANUFACTUR-E AI{D USE OF XYLTTOL 2 METABOLISM OF XYI,ITOL 3 THE USE OF XYLITOL AS A PARENTERAL NUTRIENT 6 SIDE-EFFECTS AND TOXIC RXACTIONS OF DIETARY XYLITOL IN ANIMAL STUDIES 7 DIETARY XYLITOL IN IIU},IAN CLINICAL TRIALS 9 SUMMARY OF XYLITOI DIETARY STUDIES IN HIN.{ANS AND ANIMALS t0 MECHANISMS OF ADAPTATION TO XYLITOL-INDUCED DIARRHOEA 11 Liver 13 cut ülal-I r3 Gut Lumen L4 MICROBIAL METASOLISM OF XYLITOL L4 AIMS OF THESIS 16 l_ l_ CHAPTER TI,TO STUDIES ON THE ADAPTATION ASSOCIATED I{ITTI )TY.LITOL INGESTION IN RATS: A ROLE FOR GUT MICROT'LORA 18 INTRODUCTION r8 MATERIAIS AND METHODS L9 Laboratory Supplíes 19 Animals and Diet 20 Tissue PreparaËions and Assay Conditions 20 Preparatíon of Caecal Flora Samples 22 Radioisotopie Metabolic AssaY 22 RNSULTS 22 The EffecËs of Dietary Carbohydrates on Liver Function 22 The Effect of Dietary Xylitol on Certain Biochemical Values of Plasma 24 The Effect of Dietary Xylítol on other Biological Parameters ín the Rat 27 The Effect of Xylitol on the Caecal Contents of Rats 30 Dietary Xylitol and Microbial Composition of Caecal tr'lora 30 14CO" Gut Commensal Production of from Labelled Carbo- hydrates 32 Effect of DieËary Xylitol on the Metabolisrn of Xylitol by Caecal Flora 35 Effect of Dietary carbohydrates on carbohydrate Metabolísm by Caecal Flora 38 DISCUSSION 39 CHAPTER TI^IO APPENDIX A IIECHANISM FOR THE THIAMIN-SPARING ACTION OF DIETARY XYI,ITOL IN TI1E RAT 4s INTRODUCTION 45 MATERIAIS AND METHODS 45 Animals 46 DieÈ 46 In vivo experiments 46 l_ tl_ In vitro experiments 46 Measurement of xylitol and glucose metabolisrn by caecal mi-crof lora 4l Measurement of thiamín and thíamin pyrophosphate 47 Protein determination 47 Statist Ícs 48 RESIILTS 4B Reversal of weight loss in vitanin-deficienË rats by xylitol 4B Effect of xylitol on the caecum of vitamin-deficj-ent rats 4B Effect of xylitol on glucose and xylitol metabolísm 50 Thiamín pyrophosphate conËent of caecum and liver 50 In vitro growth of caecal microflora on xylitol 55 DISCUSSION 55 CHAPTER THREE THE ISOLATION AND CHARACTERISATION OF XYLITOL- UTILISING BACTERIA FROM THE RAT CAECIJM 59 INTRODUCTION 59 MATERIA],S AND METHODS 60 Media and Culture Techníques 60 Determination of Viable Numbers of Bactería 6I Identificatíon of Bacteria 6L Radioisotopic Assay of Bacterial Xylitol-metabolising Activity 62 RESULTS 63 Aerobic Isolation of BacËeria from the Rat Caecum 63 Ammonium Sulphate Agar Plates 63 Yeast Extract Agar Plates 65 Glucose- and Xylitol-metabolising Activities of Bacterial Isolates from the Rat Caecum 65 Effect of Díetary Xylitol on the Populations of Caecal Bacteri-a 69 l_v DISCUSSION 73 CHAPTER FOUR THE UTILISATION OF XYLITOL BY KLEBSIELI,A PNEIMONIAE AND SERRATIA LIQUEFACIENS 18 INTRODUCTION 78 MATERIA],S AND METIIODS 81 Media and Growth Conditions 81 Preparatíon of Bacterial Cell-Free Extracts 82 Polyol Dehydrogenase Assay 82 Pentulokínase Assay 83 Transport Assay 83 Radioísotopic Metabolic Assay 84 RESULTS 84 Effect of CarbohydraÈe Growth Substrates on the Xylitol- metabolising activity of K.pneunoniae and S.liquefaciens 84 Effect of Carbohydrate Growth Substrates on the Uptake of Xylitol and Sorbitol 86 Cornpetition of Xylitol and Sorbítol Uptake by other Sugar Polyols B9 Effect of Carbohydrate Growth Substrates on the Pqlyol Dehydrogenase Activities found in Cel1-free Extracts of K. pneumoniae and S.1íquefaciens 89 Pentulokinase Activíties in K.pneumoniae and s.1i uefaciens 93 DISCUSSION 95 CHAPTER FIVE AN EXAMINATION OF THE INSOLUBLE MUCUS-LIKE MATERIAL THAT ACCI]MULATES IN THE CAECI]M OF XY-I,ITOL-FED RATS 100 INTRODUCTION 100 MATERIALS AND METHODS 103 Preparation of Fluffy Layer 103 (i) From Caecal Contents of Rats 103 ( ii) From Cultures of K.pneumoniae LO4 v Comparative Carbohydrate Study 104 1L -'C-labellíng of the Fluffy Layer Produced by K.pneumoníae in Culture 104 Alkaline Extraction of the Fluffy Layers 104 Isolation of the Polysaccharide Component of the Cornbined Fluffy Layer and Bacterial Pellet 105 Chemical Analysis ro7 Identifícation of Sugars 107 RESULTS 108 Characterisation of the Fluffy Layer r08 The effect of Carbohydrate Substrates on the Production of the Fluffy Layer 110 Alkaline Extract of the Fluffy Layer 110 Purífícation of the Polysaccharide Component of the Fluffy Layer 115 Identification of NeuÈral Sugars in Acid Hydrolysates of Polysaccharides 115 DISCUSSION L22 CHAPTER SIX L24 CONCLUDING REMARKS L24 FUTURE EXPERIMM{TS l-28 Long-term Dietary Studies 128 Anaerobic Bacterial Metabolísrn of Xylitol I29 Contínuous Culture Experlments with Caecal ConÈents L29 Effect of Antibiotics on Fluffy Layer Production 130 CONCLUSION 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY r33 PUBLICATIONS L47 vl- DECLARATION Ïhis thesis contains no materíal which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma ín any other uníversity. In addÍ.tÍon, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this thesis contains no material previously published or r¿ritten by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of this thesis. Ravi Krfshnan v1a ACKNOI^ILEDGEMENTS The completion of this thesis owes much to many people and, in ¡rarLicular, Lhanks are clue Lt¡ LLe fullr.rwiug ¡reu¡rle: ury supervlsor, Dr. E.G. Cleary, especially for his help in the preparation of this thesis, and Dr. R.A.J. Conyers and Dr. J.B. Edwards for theír overall guidance and advice throughout the work and in the preparation of this thesís " I am particularly indebted to Bob Conyers for his patíence, persistent ericouragement and generosíty with his time. Special thanks are also due to Dr. A.M. Rofe for hís valued criticísm and his work done in conjunction with me in the study of the vj-tamin-sparing action of xylitol in rats. Dr. R. Baisrs constructive reviehr and criticísms of my Ëhesis are grate- ful1y acknowledged. I have also benefited iuunensely from the technical expertise of Mr. N. Potezny and Mr. P. Coyle who were always ready to help. I thank my co-\^/orkers in the MetabolÍc Research Group and Ëhe staff of the Divisions of Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Microbíology and Tissue Pathology. Of particular note, \^¡ere the gas chronatographic/mass spectroscopic analyses performed by Mr. C. Hann; assístance in Ëhe identification of bacterial isolates by Ms. L. Joyce and Mrs. I. I^Iilkinson and the electronmicrr..rscopy performed by Mr. B. Dixon. Thanks are also due to Mrs. M. Edwards for the excellent typing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the encouragement and support of Dr. B.J. Kearney, Dr. R.G. Edwards and Dr. D.I^I . Thomas who allowed me to undertake this work in the Division of Clinical Chemistry at the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science. The provision of an I.M.V.S. postgraduate studentship is also gratefully acknowledged. Finally, thís work was also made possible through the financial support of the Metabolic Research Group by the National Health and Medícal Research Council, Australia; The Anti- Cancer Foundation of the Universitíes of South Australia; Roche Products Pty. Ltd., Australia and Esso (Australia) Ltd. vala ABSTRACT THE ROLE OF GUT BACTERIA IN THE METASOLISM OF DIETARY XYLITOT. Ravi KRISHNAN, University of Adelaide. Ph.D. Thesis; March L984. xylitol' a sugar polyor, will be increasingly used as a nutritÍve, anti-cariogenic, sugar substitute. rn both man and animals, however, the Íngestion of relatively large amounts of xylitol is often accompanied by an osmotic diarrhoea. Persistence with xylitol díets results in an adaptation (i.e. cessatíon of diarrhoea) and the ability to tolerate much greater amounts of dietary xylitol. rt is argued ín chapter one that the mechanism of adaptation oceurs either by increasing Èhe xyliÈo1- metabolising abilíty of the microflora in the gut lumen; the gut wall mucosa or the 1iver. rn chapter Tr¿o it is shovm that the plasma meÈabolite and electrol yte concen trations hepatic enzyme activíties and líver homo genate metabolism of 114 C -labelled carbohydrates are similar in both xylitol-adapted and non-adapted rats. 0n the other hand, xylitol-adapt ed rats have enlarged caeca with increased amounts of gas, acidity and thaam].n. lüith use of the a sensÍtive radio isotopic assay, the caecal microflora revealed a xyl i t ol -rnetab o1 is Ín g abi-1ity and, in the presence of x1,li¡el díets thís could , increase 40-fol d. In further studies reported in Ch apter Three, s .1i uefaciens and r¿ere identified as caecal bacteria capable of growth on xylitol. The in vitro studies reported in Chapter Four indicated that the induction of a xylitol transport protein, a xylitol dehydroeenase and axv lulokinase l4cõz are essential for the increased production of- fro* lu_t4c"l xylitol. Bacterial growth on arabitol, ribitol or sorbitol demonstrated neither inductj-on of all these enzyme activities nor enhancement of xylitol met abolism.
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