Michigan Law Review

Volume 61 Issue 2


Recent Books

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Recommended Citation Michigan Law Review, Recent Books, 61 MICH. L. REV. 418 (1962). Available at: https://repository.law.umich.edu/mlr/vol61/iss2/15

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ADMINISTRATIVE LAW with The Cornell Law School. Ithaca, N.Y.: THE FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES, Cornell University Press. 1962. Pp. xiii, The Need for Better Definition of Stand­ 303. $5. ards. By Henry J. Friendly, Federal Judge, COPYRIGHT Court of Appeals for the COPYRIGlIT PROTECTION IN THE AMERICAS, Second Circuit. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard 3d ed., revised and enlarged. Washington, University Press. 1962. Pp. x, 180. $4.25. D.C.: Pan American Union. 1962. Pp. 184. Paper, $2.50. ANTITRUST LAW CRIMINAL LAW ANTITRUST IN AN EXPANDING ECONOMY. INSTITUTE ON CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. Transcript of Special One-Day Conference, The Southwestern Law Enforcement Insti­ May 16, 1962. New York: National Indus­ tute, Southwestern Legal Foundation, trial Conference Board, 460 Park Ave. (22). Dallas, Tex. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C 1962. Pp. 105. Paper, $7.50 for members, Thomas. 1962. Pp. 140. $5.50. institutions and governmental agencies; S15 for non-associates. NARCOTICS AND NARCOTIC ADDICTION, 2d ed. By David W. Maurer, Professor of Eng­ BIOGRAPHY lish and the Humanities, University of THE GENIUS OF . Expounder Louisville, Lecturer on Narcotic Addiction of the Common Law. By Elijah Adlow, and Criminal Argots, Southern Police In­ Judge, Municipal Court, . Boston, stitute, Louisville, Ky., and Victor H. Vogel, Mass.: The Law Quarterly U.S. Public Health Service, Retired, for­ (The Massachusetts Bar Assn.), 15 Pem­ merly Medical Officer in Charge, U.S. Pub­ berton Sq. (8). 1962. Pp. 394. $5. lic Health Service Hospital, Lexington, Ky. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas. 1962. IN BRIEF AUTHORITY. By Francis Biddle. Pp. xii, 339. $9. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1962. Pp. 504. $5.95. FOREIGN LAW See Utilities. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW MENTAL ILLNESS AND DUE PROCESS. Re­ INTERNATIONAL LAW port and Recommendations on Admission INTERNATIONAL LEGAL MATERIALS. Current to Mental Hospitals under New York Law. Documents. Vol. I, No. 2. October 1962. By the Special Committee To Study Com­ Washington, D.C.: American Society of In­ mitment Procedures of the Assn. of the Bar ternational Law, 2223 Mass. Ave. (8). 1962. of the City of New York in Cooperation Pp. 197-380. 1962] REcENT BooK.S 419

LAW AND O.RGANIZATION IN Wo.RLD Socr­ School of Law. New Haven, Conn.: Yale ETY. By Kenneth S. Carlston, Professor of University Press. 1962. Pp. xxxix, 318. $6. Law, University of Illinois. Urbana: Uni­ THE SUPREME COURT: PALLADIUM OF versity of Illinois Press. 1962. Pp. xii, 356. FREEDOM. By Alpheus Thomas Mason, Mc­ $6.50. Cormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Prince­ LEGAL AND POLITICAL PROBLEMS OF Wo.RLD ton University. Ann Arbor: University of O.RDE.R. Readings and a Discussion Guide. Michigan Press. 1962. Pp. 207. $4.95. Compiled and edited by Saul H. Mendlo­ vitz, Professor of Law, Rutgers University TAXATION Law School. New York: Fund for Educa­ NEW RETIR.EMENT TAX BENEFITS FOR SELF· tion Concerning World Peace through EMPLOYED. As Signed into Law by the World Law. 1962. Pp. 867. Prelim. edi­ President, October 10, 1962. Chicago: tion, Paper, $2.25. Commerce Clearing House. 1962. Pp. 96. THE PUBLIC O.RDER OF THE OCEANS. A Paper, $1.50. Contemporary International Law of the REVENUE ACT OF 1962 WITH EXPLANATION. Sea. By Myres S. McDougal, Sterling Pro­ Based on the new law as approved by the fessor of Law, Yale University, and William President, October 16, 1962 [Public Law 87- T. Burke, Visiting Associate Professor of 834]. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House. Law, Ohio State University. New Haven, 1962. Pp. 192. Paper, $2. Conn.: Yale University Press. 1962. Pp. xxv, 1226. $15. TORTS JURIES THE RIGHT To BE LET ALONE. By Morris CIVIL JUSTICE AND THE JU.RY. By Charles L. Ernst and Alan U. Schwartz. New York: W. Joiner, Professor of Law, University of Macmillan. 1962. Pp. xiii, 238. $6. Michigan. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice­ TRUSTS b ESTATES Hall. 1962. Pp. xviii, 238. $6.95. PERPETUITIES I.Aw IN ACTION. Kentucky LAW FOR THE LAYMAN Case Law and the 1960 Reform Act. By LAW FO.R THE FAMILY. By Will Bernard. Jesse Dukeminier, Jr., Professor of Law, New York: Scribner's. 1962. Pp. 268. $4.50. University of Kentucky. Lexington: Uni­ versity of Kentucky Press. 1962. Pp. xi, LAWYERS 168. $5. LAWYERS ON THEIR OWN. A Study of UTIUTIES Individual Practitioners in Chicago. By Jerome E. Carlin. New Brunswick, N.J.: THE NATIONALIZATION OF ELECTRIC POWER. Rutgers University Press. 1962. Pp. 244. $6. By Paul Sauriol. Montreal, Canada: Har­ vest House. 1962. Pp. 95. MENTAL ILLNESS VOTING See Constitutional Law. RUM, RELIGION, AND VOTES: 1928 RE­ SUPREME COURT EXAMINED. By Ruth C. Silva, Professor of THE SovEREIGN PREROGATIVE. The Su­ Political Science, Pennsylvania State Uni­ preme Court and the Quest for Law. By versity. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania Eugene Jl. Rostow, Dean, Yale University State University Press. 1962. Pp. 85. $5.