House of Representatives

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House of Representatives 1945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6277 Mr. PEPPER. That is the explana~ take up the nomination at this hour of MARYLAND tion, I am sure. But we have no such the day. Therefore I believe it should Laura E. Linkins, Cabin John. analogous situation here. go over. MINNESOTA Mr. BARKLEY. I think the Senator­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ Gust A. Oberg, Deerwood. from Florida should consult the chair~ out objection, the nomination will be man of the Committee on Commerce be­ passed over. NEW YORK fore asking unanimous consent that the Norman Rice, Clintondale, change be made. POSTMASTERS Mr. PEPPER. I shall be glad to do so. The legislative clerk proceeded to PENNSYLVANIA Had this not been such a palpable mat­ read sundry nominations of "Postmasters. Jessie D. Houck, Cairnbroolr. ter, I would have conferred with the Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous con­ John C. Dunlap, Cherry Tree. chairman of the Committee on Com­ sent that the nominations of postmasters WEST VIRGINIA merce, of course, before bringing it up. I be confirmed en bloc, and that the Presi­ Lula M. Morton, Rand. shall be glad to confer with him to­ dent be notified forthwith of the confir- morrow. mation of the nominations. · Mr. BARKLEY. As a matter of fact, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ I am not so certain that it should not out objection, the nominations are con­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES go to the Committee on Finance, which firmed en bloc; and, without objection, the President wm be notified forthwith deals with financial matters generally. TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1945 Mr. PEPPER. As I have said I shall of the confirmation of the nominations. bring up the matter tomorrow. THE MARINE CORPS The House met at 12 o'clock noon. EXECUTIVE SESSION The legislative clerk read the nomina­ The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ tion of Roy S. Geiger to be lieutenant gomery, D. D., offered the following Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Sen~ prayer: ate proceed to the consideration of ex­ general in the Marine Corps. ecutive business. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ ·we thank Thee, eternal God, our The motion was agreed to; and the out objection, the nomination is con­ Father, for all Thy bountiful blessings, Senate proceeded to the consideration firmed; and, without objection, the Pres­ and pray that we may use them for the of executive business. ident will be immediately notified of the advancement of good among our fellow confirmation of the nomination. men. 0 Thou who givest all life, with EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED That completes the calendar. Thee may we know and find the strength The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be­ RECESS of its meaning. B8yond doing good is fore the Senate· messages from the Pres­ being good; undergird and uphold our ident of the United States submitting Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative ses­ firm belief in its ultimate triumph. Help sundry nominations, which were referred s-ion, I move that the Senate take a re­ us to walk in the ways of Thy command­ to the Committee on Foreign Relations. cess until tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon. ments and keep our expectant eyes to­ <For nominations this day received, see The motion was agreed to; and <at ward the rising sun of that hope which the end of Senate proceedings.) 5 o'clock and 23 minutes p.m.) the Sen­ is eternal in the human breast. ate took a recess until tomorrow, EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITI'EE3 . If we fail, enable us to regain our cour­ Wednesday, June 20, 1945, at 12 o'clock age and never neglect the task of the The following favorable reports of meridian. day, and give us grace wisely to ponder all nominations were submitted: things. Enable us to speak kindly words; By Mr. WALS~, from the Committee on NOMINATIONS remember that charity never faileth; a Naval Affairs: Artem•Js L. Gates, of New York, to be Executive nominations received by the soft answer turneth away wrath, and a Under Szcretary of the Navy; and Senate, June 19 (legislative day of June good deed touches the hearts of men. - John L. Sullivan, of New Hampshire, to be 4)' 1945: We pray, blessed Lord, that this war-sick Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air. DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE world may soon be restored to peace and By Mr. THOMAS of Utah, from the Com':' confidence, purged of cruelty and intol- - mittee on Military Affairs: HenryS. waterman, of Washington, now a erance, and the dark days of strife and foreign-service officer of class 3 and a secre­ C~L ·Paul Williams Thompson (captain, tary in the diplcmatic service, to be also a pain shall be no more. In our Redeemer's Corps of Engineers), for temporary appoint­ consul general of the United St ates of name. Amen. · ment as brigadier general in the Army of America. · the United States; and The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Her bert P. Fales, of California, now a for­ terday was read and approved. Sundry officer~ for promotion in the Reg­ eign-service officer of class 5 and a secretary ulai· Army of the United States, under the in the diplomatic service, .to be also a . consul MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT provisions of law. of the United States of America. By Mr. GEORGE, from the Committee on F. Lester Sutton, of New Jersey, now a A message in writing from the Presi­ Finance: foreign-service officer, unclassified, and a dent of the United States was communi­ Sundry offi:::ers for promotion in the Regu­ secretary in the diplomatic service, to be also c·ated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of lar Corps of the United States Public Health a consul of the United States of America. his secretaries, who also informed the Service. The following-named persons for appoint­ House that on the following dates the By Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee ment as foreign-service officers, unclassified, President approved and signed bills and on Post Offices and Post Roads: vice consuls of career, and secretaries in the joint resolutions of the House of the fol­ Several postmasters. diplomatic service of the United States of lowing titles: America: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. If Charles C. Gidney, Jr., of Texas. On June 1, 1945: there be no further reports of the com­ Charles Gilbert, of New York. H. R. 1566. An act for the relief of Sigfried mittees, the clerk will proceed to state Olsen, doing business as Sigfried Olsen Ship­ ping Co.; the nominations on the calendar. CONFIRMATIONS H. R. 2007. An act for the relief of Hattie RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRA- Bowers; and TION-NOl\UNATION PASSED OVER Executive nominations confirmed by H . R. 2383. An act to provide for enlist­ the. Senate June 19 (legislative day of ments in the Regular Army during the period The legislative clerk read the nomina­ June 4) , 1945: of the war, and for other purposes. tion of Claude R. Wickard, of Indiana, to IN THE MARINE CORPS On June 2, 1945: be administrator of the Rural Electri­ H. R. 903. An act for the relief of the estate fication Administration, which nomina­ TO BE LIEUTENANT GENERAL or Myles Perz; and tion had previously been passed over. Roy S. Geiger to be a lieutenant general H. R. 1947. An act to authorize an increase .in the Marine Corps for temporary service, in pay of the chaplain at the United States Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, the from June 9, 1945. Military Academy while serving under reap­ Senator from Minnesota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD] pointment' for an additional term or terms. has advi.sed me that he wishes to discuss POSTMASTERS · On June 4, 1945: this nomination at some reasonable MAINE H. R. 1804. An act to amend the act of length. I think it would be difficult to George M. Evans, Shennan Mills. Congress entitled "An act for the relief of 6278 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-I-IOUSE JUNE 19 the Tlinglt and Halda Indians of Alaska," papers in the following departments and Speaker's table the bill . (S. 807) to im­ approved June 5, 1942. agencies: . prove salary and wage administration On June 8, 1945: 1. Department of Agriculture. in the Federal service; to provide pay H. R. 2€00. An act to amend section 9 of the act entitled "An act to facilitate the con­ 2. Department of Commerce. · -for overtime and for night and holiday struction, extension, or completion of inter­ 3. Department of Justice. work; to amend the Classification Act of state petroleum pipe lines related to national 4. Department of Labor. 1923, as amended; to bring about a re­ defense, and to promote interstate com­ 5. Federal Communications CGmmis- duction in Federal personnel and to es­ merce," approved July 30, 1941, as amended. sion. tablish personnel ceilings for Federal On June 9, 1945: 6. National Archives. departments and agencies; to require a H. R. 209. An act for the relief of David '1. Office of Civilian Defense. quarterly analysis of Federal employ­ B. Smith; and ment; and for other purposes, insist H. R. 1527. An act to exemot the members 8. Office of Defense Transportation: of the Advisory Board appointed under the 9. Office of War Information. upon the House amendments and agree War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 10. Selective Service System. to the conference asked by the Senate. 1944 from certain provisions of the Criminal 11. War Relocation Authority. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Code. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to On June 11, 1945: CONGRESS RECOGNIZING AND APPROV­ the request of the gentleman froin ~or­ H.
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