Annual Report
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UMENTS D ELEVENTH ^^B L REPORT OF TH, Town of Saugus, Mass. For thf Year Ending December ji, I926 LVVN, V \SS. m\ fcjjr *•£/*% "'*V J>^s FRANK b. WHIirEK, PR1NTE '"'"•"••••^^^^^^^^M LL HISTORY Ref. 352 Saugus v. ' 39 --M i t^^L^ 'ink- c^h^Hi u ' jjf^ /W 1 ^Ure*^ TOWN DOCUMENTS ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Town of Saugus, Mass. For the Year Ending December ji, 1926 SAUGUS PUSLiC LIBRARY 295 Centra! St. 01306 LYNN, MASS. FRANK S. WHITTEN, PRINTER 1927 INDEX Reports of Departments and Committees Page Annual Town Meeting 9-26 Appointed Town Officers 7 Assessors ........... 232 Chief of Fire Department ........ 226 Board of Health 235 Building Inspector ......... 234 Cemetery Commission ........ 231 Chief of Police 223 Collector 237 Elected Town Officers 5 Inspector of Cattle and Milk 236 Inspector of Plumbing ........ 236 In Memoriam, Henry A. Parker ....... 209 Library Trustees 229 Public Works 218 Planning Board 210 Overseers of the Poor ......... 228 Selectman 215 Statistics of the Town 240 Town Clerk 238 Financial Department Accountant's Report ......... 102 Accountant's Department .*...... 80 Agency and Trust 77 Assessors' Department 81 Balance Sheet ...*....... 130-131 Cemetery .*......... 70 Collector's Department 80 Collector of Ashes and Garbage ....... 87 Education .*......... 92 Election and Registration ........ 82 Essex County Tuberculosis Hospital 94 Expenditures 79 Extension of Streets ......... 98-99 Finance Committee ......... 212 Fire Department 84 Gypsy Moth Extermination 85 Health and Sanitation 86 Highways 87 Inspector of Buildings 85 1 4 TOWN DOCUMENTS. [Dec. 3 Page Inspector of Milk and Cattle • 87 Interest ............ 77 Law Department 81 Libraries 76 Licenses 74 Memorial Day 97 Municipal Indebtedness 77 Outstanding Bonds ......... 202 Overseers of Poor 90 Permanent Construction, Lincoln avenue 88 Permanent Construction, Walnut street 88 Planning Board 210 Plumbing Inspector ". 87 Printing and Distributing Town Reports ..... 94 Police Department 83 Public Grounds . 95 Public Works Department Administration 83 Receipts 73-78 Reconstruction of Main street ....... 88 Refunds and Transfers ......... 78 Repairs on Town Hall 96 Registration, Town Notes 80 Repairs on Town Hall 96 School Report following page . 240 Saugus Home .......... 91 Sealer of Weights and Measures 85 Sewerage . 96 Sidewalks 88 Snow and Ice 90 Soldiers' Benefits . 75 Special Town Meeting 49-52 Street Lighting 89 Summerized Statement Apropriation Balances .... 103 Tax Title Department 82 Taxes 73 Town Clerk 81 Town Hall ..........' 82 Treasurer's Department 80 Tree Warden 86 Balance Sheet 199 Trust Funds 176-198 Unclassified 94 Vital Statistics 87 Water Department 7 6 1926] ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS. Elected Town Officers, 1926 Town Clerk Henry A. Parker Term expires March, 1927 Selectmen Harold E. Dodge, Chairman . Term expires March, 1927 Vernon W. Evans " u " 1927 " " C. F. Nelson Pratt . " 1927 Assessors Lewis J. Austin, Chairman . Term expires March, 1927 Daniel B. Willis " " '« 1928 Edwin K. Hayden 1929 Overseers of the Poor George H. Ames, Chairman . Term expires March, 1927 u Li tt Ernest M. Hatch . 1927 (t U tt Evan Evans • 1927 Treasurer Granville A. Clark . Term expires March, 1927 Constable W. Charles Sellick Term expires March, 1927 Collector of Taxes Henry A. Parker Term expires March, 1927 Trustees of Public Library John B. Lang, Chairman . Term expires March, 1928 Walter D. Blossom 1927 William A. Bradford 1927 John Husler 1928 Fred E. Ewart . 1929 Basil J. Ring 1929 TOWN DOCUMENTS [Dec. 31 Board of Health Charles E. Light, Chairman . Term expires March, 1927 George W. Gale 4i " " 1928 " " " Tom D. Emmett ... 1929 School Committee riaiiuis ivjl . 1x111, v_/iiau mail . ca.]jiic: > LVXdlL. 11, iy^y Benjamin Q. Belonga u I927 Mabel L. Carter u tt u I928 Welcome W. McCullough u tt (( I928 u l< U Ellery E. Metcalf . I929 Cemetery Commissioners Benjamin F. Fullerton, Chairman, Term expires March, 1929 William E. Ludden ... " '* " 1927 " " " W. George Greenlay . 1928 Tree Warden Thomas E. Berrett Term expires March, 1927 Planning Board Charles N. Wormstead, Chairman Term expires March, 1927 " " u Chester S. Nickerson . 1927 Charles B. Pugsley ....'""'* 1928 " " " John C. Pitman ... 1929 Frank M. Ramsdell " '« 4t 1929 926] APPOINTED TOWN OFFICERS. Appointed Town Officers, 1926 Town Accountant Edward Gibbs, Jr. Term expires August i, 1929 Finance Committee Herbert P. Mason, Chairman Term expires December, 1927 U l( 44 Ernest F. Tarbox . 1927 tt tc 44 George E. Sprague . 1928 Henry A. McCullough it (( 44 1928 it it Gordon C. Marr . 1929 (t (( 44 Harry Woodward . 1929 Harry W. Merrill t< u 1929 Forest Warden Mellen R. Joy. Keeper of Lockup Roland L. Mansfield. Matron of Lockup Elizabeth M. Collings. Superintendent of Public Works William J. Lumbert. Superintendent of Schools Jesse W. Lambert. Superintendent of Cemetery Charles E. Light. Pound Keeper Charles D. Felch. Field Driver Willie M. Penney. TOWN DOCUMENTS. [Dec. 31 Measurer of Wood and Bark Frank H. Coburn. Fence Viewer Frank H. Coburn. Board of Registrars J. Wesley Paul, Chairman Term expires 1928 Henry A. Parker .... " " 1927 Vincent G. Pendleton .... '' " 1927 Leon B. Wade ..... " " 1929 Sealer of Weights and Measures Alfred H. Woodward. Cattle and Milk Inspector Arthur W. Sawyer. Public Weighers Crawford H. Stocker. Nelson R. Stiles Burial Agent Benjamin F. Fullerton. Inspector of Plumbing Thomas C. Sutherst. Inspector of Buildings Daniel B. Willis. Janitor of Town Hall Justin E. Mansfield. : I926] ANNUAL TOWN MEETING, ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Essex, ss. March 1, 1926. To W. Charles Sellick, Constable of the Town of Saugus Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Saugus, qualified to vote in town affairs, to meet at the sev- eral voting precincts of the town on Monday, March first, A.D., nineteen hundred and twenty-six, at twelve o'clock M., then and there to bring their ballots to the Wardens for the following Town Officers : Town Clerk, three Selectmen, three Overseers of the Poor, Town Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Constable, Tree Warden, for one year ; one Assessor, one member of the Board of Health, one Cemetery Commissioner, one member of the School Com- mittee, two Trustees of the Public Library, and two members of the Planning Board for three years. Also to appear at the Town Hall on Monday evening, March eighth, A. D., nineteen hundred and twenty-six, at eight o'clock to hear and act en the following articles, viz. : Article i. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. Art. 2. To hear and act on reports of Committees. Art. 3. To see what sums of money the town will vote to appropriate and raise for taxation for Town Charges and for any other purpose for which the town may lawfully expend money. Art. 4. To see if the town will authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in antici- pation of the revenue of the current financial year. Art. 5. To see if the town will authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to refund any or all of the IO TOWN DOCUMENTS. [Dec. 31 revenue notes issued for less than one year, in accordance with the provisions of Section 17, of Chapter 44, of the General Laws ; any debt *o incurred to be paid from the revenue of 1926. Art. 6. To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $2,336.47, being the portion of the net expense so incurred and appropriated by the County Commissioners upon the inhabit- ants of the Town of Saugus, for the care, maintenance and repairs of the Hospital for the care of persons suffering from tuberculosis in the year 1925 Board of Selectmen. Art. 7. To see if the town will vote to rescind that portion of its vote pertaining to the issuance of bonds amounting to $30,000, passed at the Annual Town Meeting of 1924, to pay the town's share of the cost of the Essex County Tuberculosis Hospital, or to see what action the town will take in the mat- ter, agreeable to the petition of the Town Treasurer. Art. 8. To see if the town will vote to amend the vote passed under Article 6 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting of April 6, 1925, by striking out "1941" wherever it occurs in said vote and inserting in place thereof "1940," so that said vote of April 6, 1925, will read as follows : That the town appropriate the sum of eighty thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting upon the Lincoln School lot and such adjoining land as may be acquired by the town an elemen- tary eight-room schoolhouse and provide the same with new and original equipment, and to raise said amount $5,000, being at least 25 cents per $1,000 of the valuation of the town for 1924 shall be raised out of the current year's tax levy and the balance of $75,000 by borrowing, for which purpose the Town Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and directed with the approval of the Selectmen to issue serial coupon bonds of the town. Said bonds shall bear such rate of interest as may be fixed by the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, shall be dated May 1, 1925, and shall be payable $5,000 annually on the first day of May, 1926, to 1940 inclusive, with interest coupons attached bearing the facsimile signature of the Town Treasurer. Said bonds shall be denominated on their face "Town of Saugus Schoolhouse Loan, 1925. " All other matters in relation to the issuance, form and sale of said bonds shall be determined by the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen. Town Treasurer. I926] ANNUAL TOWN MEETING.