Parker House, Boston, Massachusetts December 12, 1977
American politics and in the Democratic party. The son of a bricklayer from County Cork, O'Neill was born in Cambridge in 1912, attended St. John's High and was MARY PEROT NICHOLS, Communications Director, Office THE HONORABLE SUSAN SLOANE, Assistant Attorney graduated from Boston College in 1936. of the Mayor, Boston, Ma. General, Division of Public Charities, Commonwealth of JACKIE O'NEILL, Assistant to Vice President for Govern- Massachusetts, Boston, Ma. In that same year, he was elected to the Massachusetts ment and Community Affairs, Harvard University, HERBERT SOSTEK, Executive Vice President, Gibbs Oil House of Representatives. He was elected Minority Cambridge, Ma. Company, Revere, Ma. Leader in 1947 and became Speaker in 1948. In 1952, MICHAEL O'NEILL, Stockbroker, Buttonwood Security, THE HONORABLE CHRIS SPIRO, Minority Leader, New O'Neill was elected to the Congressional seat being va- Boston, Ma. Hampshire General Court, Concord, N. H. cated by John F. Kennedy. In Washington, he became a THE HONORABLE THOMAS P. O'NEILL, JR., Speaker, CHRISTINE SULLIVAN, Appointments Secretary to the member of the Rules Committee and was later chosen United States House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Speaker, United States House of Representatives, Washing- Majority Whip and Majority Leader. In 1941, he married MARTY NOLAN, Washington Bureau Chief, the Boston ton, D. C. the former Mildred Anne Miller. They have five chil- Globe; Harvard Fellow, Institute of Politics, J. F. K. School KATHLEEN SULLIVAN, President, Boston School Com- dren. of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Ma. mittee, Boston, Ma. Parker House, Boston, Massachusetts HAROLD PACHIOS, Attorney, Portland, Me. THE HONORABLE JAMES TIERNEY, Majority Floor In January of this year, he was elected Speaker of the THE HONORABLE LOIS PINES, State Representative, Leader, State of Maine, Augusta, Me.
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