English Civil War, These Rules Are Intended to Represent the Clash of Roundheaded Parliamentarian and Royalist Cavalier in Glorious 28Mm
Introduction Once upon a time, not so very long ago, a company called Mantic Games created a tabletop fantasy wargame ruleset called Kings of War. It was free, and it was good. Shortly afterwards, a fine fellow named Neldoreth adapted the rules to his favorite(?) historical period, creating a supplement he called Rome Rising. Inspired by their example, I have attempted here to put forward an embryonic, alpha-test-ready Kings of War variant of my own, set in the age of Pike & Shotte. Specifically covering the English Civil War, these rules are intended to represent the clash of Roundheaded Parliamentarian and Royalist Cavalier in glorious 28mm. If these rules meet with any sort of success, expect them to be updated with additional lists for Covanenters, Highlanders, and regional/chronological variants of the two central armies. With just a bit more work, they may be expanded to Continental armies of the Thirty Years War... Acknowledgments and Legal This supplement is neither published nor endorsed by Mantic Games. Kings of War and all associated logos are the property of Mantic Games and used without permission. No challenge to any trademark is intended. To use this document, a copy of Kings of War is required. It is available at no charge from the Mantic Games website, at: http://www.manticgames.com/Hobby/Gaming.html Furthermore, the inspiration for this work comes from the Kings of War; Historical Ancient Battles supplement, ROME RISING, by Neldoreth, available at: www.hourofwolves.org All other illustrations were obtained online, and are believed to be Public Domain.
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