As of October 1. 2016 Kyuman Cho, Ph.D. Associate Professor in Charge, SERICS (Solutions for Economic Reorganization In Construction Systems) Lab. Department of Architectural Engineering, School of Architecture Chosun University 309 Pilmun-daero, Dong-gu, Gwangju, Korea, 61452 E-mail:
[email protected] Office: 82-62-230-7141 1. Education The University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea A. Doctoral of Philosophy, Construction Engineering and Management, Feb. 2009 B. Master of Science, Construction Engineering and Management, Feb. 2005 C. Bachelor of Science, Architectural Engineering, Feb. 2003 2. Professional Experience A. 2016.10~ Present: Associate Professor, Chosun Univ., Korea B. 2014. 8 ~ 2016. 7: Head, School of Architecture, Chosun Univ., Korea C. 2012. 3 ~ 2016. 9: Assistant Professor, Chosun Univ., Korea D. 2010. 8 ~ 2012. 2: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Purdue Univ., USA E. 2010. 1 ~ 2010. 7: Engineer, Daelim Industrial Company, Korea F. 2009. 3 ~ 2010. 1: Research Assistant Professor, Univ. of Seoul, Korea 3. Professional Affiliations A. 2015. 8 ~ Present: Review Editor, Sustainable Design and Construction, Frontiers B. 2015. 4 ~ 2017. 4: Member of Committee, Construction Design Review Board, Jeonnam Development Corp., Jeonnam, South Korea C. 2014.10~ 2017. 9: Member of Committee, Technical Proposal Evaluation Board, Public Procurement Service, Daejeon, South Korea D. 2013. 12 ~ 2015.11: Member of Committee, JellaNamdo Regional Construction Management Administration, Jeonnam, South Korea E. 2013. 5 ~ Present: Vice President, Honam Branch of KICEM F. 2013. 3 ~ Present: Editorial Board Member, Journal of Building Construction and Planning research G. 2012. 9 ~ Present: Member of Committee, Construction Contract Review Board, Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education, Gwangju, South Korea H.