National Aeronautics and Space Administration

AERONET Aerosols and Earth’s Climate

Inside About AERONET • Calibration & Standarization Data Processing & Availability • Benefits to Science Contact Info • Useful Links

Partner agencies: oceans allowing assessment ofallaerosoltypes undermostconditions. of AERONET measurementsonallcontinentsand overmanyseasand International collaboration hasfosteredamulti-yearglobal distribution synergism withotherdatabases. of satelliteretrievals andmodelpredictions, and aerosol characterization,validation including, and radiativeproperties foraerosol research database ofaerosol optical,microphysical, term, continuous,andaccessiblepublicdomain near-infrared. Theprogram provides along- daylight hoursfrom theultravioletthrough the the intensityofsunandskylightthroughout scanning radiometers.Eachinstrumentmeasures robotically controlled ground-based /sky a globally distributed network of identical AErosol ROboticNETwork (AERONET)is absorption, maybedetermined. scans theskyfromwhichadditionalproperties, suchassize and spectral aerosolopticaldepth(AOD). The AERONET radiometerthen The instrumentaboveispointing directly at the sun to determine What isAERONET? Photocredit: ItaruSano.

Cover photo credits (clockwise from top): Daniel Jamen Bryant, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Daniel Yara, Dee Golden, (bottom) Rick Hoblitt/USGS; (left) Jayson Coil, Kenn W. Kiser; (center) Gian Gobbi scientific accuracy requirements. quantify aerosol properties andconcentrationsto standard procedures toensure thatallinstruments The AERONETcalibrationfacilitiesimpose Photo credit: Wayne Newcomb Greenbelt, Carpentras, Maryland; France;and Valillodolid, Spain. to referenceinstrumentsatNASA’s GoddardSpaceFlightCenterin Field instrumentsplacedinremoteregionsarecalibratedannually tion balance, thebiologicalenvironment, andhumanhealth. and absorbasmallfractionofsunlightthatisreemittedasthermalenergy, whichdependsonthepropertiesofaerosoltypes. Aerosols affectEarth’s radia aerosol groups include sulfates, organic carbon, black carbon, nitrates, mineral dust, and sea salt. Aerosols scatter sunlight to space and Earth’s surface Aerosols aretinysolidandliquidparticlessuspendedintheatmospherefromsurfacetostratospherewithtypicallifetimesofdaysweeks. Key archived, and publiclyaccessedinnearrealtime onthe Web at: AERONET datatransmitted viasatelliteortheInternetare processed, D C ata alibration P rocessing

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and tandardization A vailability Photocredits(lefttoright): RickHoblitt/USGS, DanielJamenBryant, JaysonCoil.

observations worldwide.observations Figure courtesy ofRobertLevy. algorithm validation exerciseusingthousandsofcoincident AERONET Moderate Resolution ImagingSpectroradiometer(MODIS) instrument and concentrations. The frequencyscatterplotabovedemonstratesa correction and to provide validation of retrieved aerosol properties instrumentation utilizes AERONET to provideatmospheric MODIS scientific analysisandpublication. calibration and are strongly recommended for assured data(level on thecurrent aerosol environment. Quality- screened)], yetprovide significantinformation are not quality assured [levels scientific analysisateachsite.Real-timedata AERONET provides quality-assured datasets for 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 2.0 2.53.0 MODIS/AERONET AOD land:both0.55µm,QA3 D ata 2) are availableafterpostfield Q AERONET uality 1 and 1.5 (cloud- - Benefits to Science • AERONET measurements are used to validate and advance algorithm development of satellite retrievals of aerosols • Aerosol transport models use aerosol data from AERONET to validate and improve model algorithms • Aerosol assimilation models as well as weather prediction models use real time AERONET data to improve predictions • Long-term commitment to AERONET sites worldwide provides assessment of the regional climatological impact of aerosols (e.g., aerosol amount, size, and heating or cooling effects) • Atmospheric correction of satellite imagery for improved biogenic process studies • Remote sensing of ocean sediments and validation of satellite ocean color from selected AERONET-Ocean Color sites (See ocean_color.html) • Assessment of maritime aerosols from ships of opportunity from AERONET-Marine Aerosol Network (See aerosol_network.html) • Assessment and measurements of solar flux at AERONET locations from AERONET-Solar Radiation Network (See • Synergism with multiple remote sensing and modeled aerosol and related databases at AERONET sites (See Synergy Tool: synergism.html) • Support field campaigns and foster synergism with mul- tiple aerosol, chemistry, and remote sensing measure- ments to assess the dynamics of aerosol properties on local and regional scales (See AERONET campaigns:

NASA’s P3-B collected airborne measurements in Maryland in 2012 while spi- raling up and down over core ground sites. At the same time, AERONET instruments made measurements from the ground up. These synergistic measurements helped validate and determine aerosol during this Air Quality mission. Photo credit: Alex Tran Contacts Brent Holben AERONET Project Head NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Email: [email protected] Phone: (301) 614-6658 Phillipe Goloub PHOTONS/ACTRIS Université Lille 1 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cédex Email: [email protected] Phone: +33-3-20-43-40-63

The AERONET team is comprised of scientists, engineers, and techni- cians (shown above) from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Uni- versity of Lille’s LOA, University of Valladolid’s GOA, AEMET’s Izana Observatory, Environment Canada’s AEROCAN, and the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications’ MOSTap. Over 100 principal investigators in more than 80 countries and territories participate in the AERONET federation. We are indebted to all of the many individuals and funding agencies that allow AERONET to grow and contribute to science. Photo credit: Sandra Bussard

Other Web Links Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique (LOA) Grupo de Optica Atmosferica (GOA) Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) AEROCAN Network Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) Natural Resources Canada NP-2012-02-281-GSFC