NGO accreditation ICH-09- Form

United Nations • Intangible ducational, Scientific and • Cultural Cultural Organization Heritage



Instructions for completing the request form are available at: http://www. unesco. orglcu/turelichlenlforms

1. Name of the organization 1.A. Official name Please provide the full official name of the organization, in its original language, as it appears in the supporting documentation establishing its legal personality (section 8.b below).

Udruga hrvatskih amaterskih kulturno umjetnickih drustava u Bosni i Hercegovini I UHAKUD u BiH

1.B. Name in English and/or French Please provide the name of the organization in English and/or French.

The association of Croatian Amateur Cultural Clubs in Bosnia and

2. Address of the organization Please provide the complete postal address of the organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, e-mail address, website, etc. This should be the postal address where the organization carries out its business, regardless of where it may be legally domiciled (see section 8).

Organization: UHAKUD u BiH

Address: Trg hrvatskih velikana b.b. /88 000 / Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone number: (00387) 63 319 332

Fax number: (00387) 36 321 022

Email address: [email protected]

Other relevant information:

Form ICH-09-2012-EN -26/01/12- page 1 3. Country or countries in which the organization is active Please identify the country or countries in which the organization actively operates. If it operates entirely within one country, please indicate which country. If its activities are international, please indicate whether it operates globally or in one or more regions, and please list the primary countries in which it carries out activities.

~national ~ international (please specify: ) ~worldwide D Africa D Arab States 0 Asia & the Pacific 0 Europe & North America 0 Latin America & the Caribbean Please list the primary country(ies) where it is active: , and as a member of CIOFF®, worldwide.

4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence Please state when the organization came into existence.

1 I February 20 h 2001.

5. Objectives of the organization / Please describe the objectives for which the organization was established, which should be 'in conformity with the spirit of the Convention' (Criterion C). If the organization's primary objectives are other than safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, please explain how its safeguarding objectives relate to those larger objectives. Not to exceed 350 words; do not attach additional information

Care to preserve original national costumes, requisites, instruments, customs, music, dance and the overall folk creativity; Stimulation, protection, promotion and supervision of the work of cultural clubs- members of the association; Care for and participation in organising social events and competitions; Organising the education of professional workers, activities on the programme of i professional work and the care for these programmes; Especially stimulating and promoting the involvement and activitsm of children and youth. The practice of the programme of the festivals of authentic folklore groups ( 10 local festivals and one on state level every year) , which according to the Regulations include stage presentation of the customs, traditional handicrafts workshops, traditional cuisine, exhibitions and a roundtable at which the representatives of the associations, which are participating in the festival, discuss the presented programmes with experts from various fields. The minutes, audio and visual recordings of the manifestation and all programmes are archived afterwards, what makes this association a centre which documents the status of intangible cultural heritage on the field, the number of holders of certain elements of heritage and which monitors the status of the elements and the interest of local communities for preserving certain elements. Annual plan predicts the needs for informal education of particular groups or persons, in order to improve programmes or preservation of elements which are most endangered. The association organizes seminars in cooperation with experts and educational institutions in Bosnia and

Form ICH-09-2012-EN -26/01/12- page 2 1 Herzegovina.

6. The organization's activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage Sections 6.a to 6.c are the primary place to establish that the NGO satisfies the criterion of having 'proven competence, expertise and experience in safeguarding (as defined in Article 2.3 of the Convention) intangible cultural heritage belonging, inter alia, to one or more specific domains' (Criterion A).

6.a. Domain(s) in which the organization is active Please tick one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the organization is most active. If its activities. involve domains other than those listed, please tick 'other domains' and indicate which domains are concerned.

D oral traditions and expressions ~ performing arts ~ social practices, rituals and festive events D knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe ~ traditional craftsmanship ~ other domains - please specify: Traditional cooking, traditional games for children and adults, non-formal education.

6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the organization is involved Please tick one or more boxes to indicate the organization's primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures not listed here, please tick 'other safeguarding measures' and specify which ones are concerned.

~ identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making) ~ preservation, protection ~ promotion, enhancement [;gJ transmission, formal or non-formal education ~revitalization D other safeguarding measures - please specify:

6.c. Description of the organization's activities Organizations requesting accreditation should briefly describe their recent activities ahd their relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and membership of the organization, describe their competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how they acquired such competence. Documentation of such activities and competences may be submitted, if necessary, under section 8.c below. Not to exceed 750 words;- do not attach additional information Each member association which has a authentic folklore group in its composition participates in the organisation of the festival, researches the customs in their area, every two years obligatory presents a new programme on the stage- a stage presentation of a different custom from their area. Documentation on the research and the customs are delivered to the UHAKUD association in Bosnia and Herzegovina. If the local group needs a professional assistance for the realisation if its

Form ICH-09-2012-EN -26/01/12- page 3 ... ··------.-....- ....- .....-. ___- ..-..... -,-.....- ..:c-..... c- ....-.-

programme, it will require the involvement of experts of certain profile through the mediation of UHAKUD association.

When presenting the customs on the stage at festivals of authentic folklore groups the coordi­ nation of the customs, dance, costumes, music and language is monitored, as well as the equipment on stage which also needs to be coordinated with the time and space from which the custom originates. The groups are trying to present all elements as authentic as possible. The Board of Experts takes minutes, and after the festival discusses with the leader of each group about all etements of the programme on the stage. The minutes that are delivered by the Board of Experts afterwards, also contain recommendations for further work of the groups on certain elements. In addition to such a stage performance of the customs, parades are also a part of the festival, together with traditional handicraft workshops, traditional cuisine, and traditional social or sport games for adults and children. The records are kept in the same way for all elements of the festival. The Board of Experts consists of competent persons, whether they are employed as expert associates from BiH institutions, or are volunteer members of certain associations. All events are followed by the press, radio and TV stations. We have several journalist associates who are regularly monitoring our activities for the purpose of promotion and documenting.

7. Its experiences cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners The Committee will evaluate whether NGOs requesting accreditation 'cooperate in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage' (Criterion D). Please briefly describe such experiences here. Not to exceed 350 words; do not attach additional information

The association is the union of local groups. The founders are local communities who want to preserve, transmit their cultural heritage to new generations and to promote it. The initiative for all activities comes from local communities -the holders of the elements of intangible cultural heritage. This association serves to those local communities. Average citizen has a high level of awareness for the importance and necessity for preservation of intangible cultural heritage. The association has no employee, all services are done voluntarily, without compensation. That is why on the level of administrative bodies there is no other interest than contribution to the realisation of the objectives that are set by the Assembly of the Association. The respect for the local communities and individuals, who are the holders and transmitters of the elements of intangible cultural heritage, is woven into the system of the work of the association. Across implementation a special project of preservation of traditional woodcarving (2009.- 2011., project supported by MDGF Programme Culture for development), we assured agreements by: Konjic Municipality, Museum of woodcarving "Mulicev rekord", oweners of local woodcarving shops, thurism Boards and woodcarvers, independent if they were employed in someone of shops or not.

Form ICH-09-2012-EN -26/01/12- page 4 8. Documentation of the operational capacities of the organization The Operational Directives (paragraph 97) require that an organization requesting accreditation shall submit documentation proving that it possesses the operational capacities listed under Criterion E. Such supporting documents may take various forms, in light of the diverse legal regimes in effect in different States. Submitted documents should be translated whenever possible into English or French if the originals are in another language. Please label supporting documents clearly with the section (8.a, 8.b or 8.c) to which they refer.

8.a. Membership and personnel Proof of the participation of the membership of the organization, as requested under Criterion E (i), may take diverse forms such as a list of directors, list of personnel and statistical information on the quantity and categories of members; a complete membership roster usually need not be submitted. Please attach supporting documents, labelled 'Section B. a'.

8.b. Recognized legal personality If the organization has a charter, articles of incorporation, by-laws or similar establishing document, a copy should be attached. lf, under the applicable domestic law, the organization has a legal personality recognized through some means other than an establishing document (for instance, through a published notice in an official gazette or journal), please provide documentation showing how that legal personality was established. Please attach supporting documents, labelled 'Section B.b'.

8.c. Duration of existence and activities If it is not already indicated clearly from the documentation provided for section 8.b, please submit documentation proving that the organization has existed for at least four years at the time it requests accreditation. Please provide documentation showing that it has carried out appropriate safeguarding activities during that time, including those described above in section 6.c. Supplementary materials such as books, COs or DVDs, or similar publications cannot be taken into consideration and should not be submitted. Please attach supporting documents, labelled 'Section B.c'.

9. Contact person for correspondence Provide the complete name, address and other contact information of the person responsible for correspondence concerning this request If an e-mail address cannot be provided, the information should include a fax number.

Title (Ms/Mr, etc.): Ms

Family name: Raic

Given name: Anka

Institution/position: President

Address: Bijeli Brijeg 2A I 88 000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Telephone number: (00387) 63 319 332

Fax number: (00387) 36 321 022

E-mail address: [email protected]

Other relevant information:

Form ICH-09-2012-EN -26/01/12- page 5 10. Signature The application must include the name and signature of the person empowered to sign it on behalf of the organization requesting accreditation. Requests without a signature cannot be considered.

Name: Anka Raic

Title: President



Form ICH-09-2012-EN ~26/01/12-page 6 R.B.

HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK Ul. Petog Kor.pusa bb 1 BIHAC SARAJEVO podruznica BIHAC (kulturni centar Bihac), Dario Juric Dario Juric 061 436 779 (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK SARAJEVO BIHAC) Bihac

BOSANSKI KUL TURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO ZUPE TISINA Zupni Ured Tisina, FraJoso 063342453- 2 Manda Mikic 054 654293 SA MAC (Skraceni naziv: KUD ZUPE TISINA) 76230 Bosanski Samac Orslic Joso

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO 063331561- Miaden Gornji Zovilk, 76214, Mladen Dajdzic Marijan Milic 049749143 3 BRCKO UPAZOVIK 049749223- (Skraceni naziv: HKUD ZUPA ZOVIK) Marijan HRVATSKO KULTURNO IZIDOR 049220856, 4 BRCKO POLJAK BOCE BRCKO Boce bb, 76 1oo Brcko Marija Zaric Marija Zaric 049 212377 065699219 om

Gornja Skakala, 76204 049745247, 5 BRCKO Mara Jokic Mara Jokic 049 745132 Bosanska Bijela 063921502

Bosansa 8, 70230 Lada Pavlovic - Dubravka 6 BUGOJNO 030 252198 030 252198 Bugujo tajnik Vukadin

HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK ul. Branitelj adomovine Josip Josip 030 732314- 7 BUSOVACA PODRUZNICA BUSOVACA bb, 72260 Busovaca Krizanovic Krizanovic tajnica (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK PODRUZNICA nu<>uvr.'''"'

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Struge bb; 88305 8 CAPLJINA lvan Jurkovic Niko Buntic 063 353913 -N [email protected]; ZORA STRUGE - GORICA, CAPLJINA Gabela (Skraceni naziv: HKUD ZORA STRUGE- GORICA, CAPLJINA)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO 063 465895 -M Trebizab bb, 88300 lvo Susac Miro Brajkovic 063 357369 -1 036 808617 9 CAPLJINA SELJACKA SLOGA CAPLJINA Capljina (Skraceno: HKUD SELJACKA SLOGA CAPLJINA) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETN 10 CAPLJINA DRIJEVA GABELA Kapela bb, Capljina lvan Primorac lvan Primorac 063 572091 [email protected]

098 730158 -1 11 CAPLJINA llija Tomic Nikola Sutalo [email protected] LUKE VISICI 036 814041 -1 ~-~20~ ...... c.?SSf~ HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Bobanovo bb, 88300 CAPLJINA lvo Sinic lvoSimic 063517191 12 NASI KORIJENI BOBANOVO CAPLJINA Capljina (Skraceni naziv: HKUD NASI KORIJENI BOBANOVO CAPLJINA HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Hrvatski katolicki dom 063 403251 -J [email protected] Dajana Jerolim m 13 CAPLJINA Dretelj b.b., 063 419446 -D SV. ANTE DRETELJ CAPLJINA Brajkovic Glavinic svante@d retelj. info 88300 Capljina (Skraceni naziv: HKUD SV. ANTE DRETELJ CAPLJINA) httn·//IAnM\'" rlr"'t"'li infn/hl<11rl h

HRVA TSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO BROTNJO [email protected] 14 CITLUK CITLUK Citluk Boro Simovic Boro Simovic 063 321647 om (Skraceni naziv: HKD BROTNJO CITLUK)

DERVENTA- Avenija Dubrava 224, 10 +385 91 +385 1 15 ZAVICAJNI I

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO DOMALJEVA Sv.Ane 47, 76233 [email protected] 16 MLADOST DOMALJEVAC Branko Kesic Branko Kesic 063340518 031791365 C SAMAC Domaljevac Samac ~ (Skraceni naziv: HKUD MLADOST DOMALJEVAC) KULTURNO PROSVJETNO DRUSTVO MATIJA Bakovici bb, 71275 Marko Buco Marko Buco 063436049 030 803134 [email protected] 17 FOJNICA GUBEC BAKOVICI FOJNICA Borojevici (Skraceni naziv: KPD MATIJA GUBEC BAKOVICI FOJNICA)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO [email protected] 18 GRUDE RUZICI Ruzici bb, Grude lvica llicic lvica llicic 63326120 www: (Skraceni naziv: HKUD RUZICI)

063 328057 - HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO s. 063 363203- I info(a)hkudsvetakata.c 19 GRUDE Vrucice bb, Grude Svetimir Maric Svetimir Maric SVETA KATA GRUDE tajnik Damir (Skraceni naziv:HKUD SVETA KATA GRUDE) om

HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK HKD Napraedak Jajce, Tomislava 20 JAJCE PODRUZNICA STJEPAN TOMASEVIC JAJCE ul. Hrvoja Hrvatinica bb, Ljubo Lovric 063351822 Lad an (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK PODRUZNICA STJEPAN 70101 Jajce TOMASEVIC JAJCE) HRVATSKO AMATERSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO Zupni ured Podmilacje fra Vinko JAJCE postanski pretinac 24, 063 358808 030 645040, [email protected] 21 DRUSTVO SV.IVO - PODMILACJE Jelusic i (Skraceni naziv: HAKUD SV.IVO- PODMILACJE) 70101 Jajce HRVATSKA FOLKLORNA SKUPINA BOBOVAC Catici, Naselje T.E. Bb, a.doicinov@elektroori 22 KAKANJ Ana Dojcinov 061 176660 (Skraceni naziv: HFS BOBOVAC) Kakanj HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK 030879195- Iul. Zrtava Domovinskog KISELJAK lvo Miro Jovic lvo Miro Jovic Tajnik- M laden 23 PODRUZNICA KISELJAK rata bb, 71250 Kiseljak (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK PODRUZNICA KISELJAK) Molinar HRVATSKO KUL TURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK Kraljice Katarine bb, KRESEVO Dragica Bilela Dragica Bilela 063 852216 I [email protected] 24 PODRUZNICA KRESEVO 71260 Kresevo (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK PODRUZNICA KRESEVO) HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK Kraljice Katarine 1 , Don Marko Don Marko KUPRES 063 294661 [email protected] 25 podruznica KUPRES Kupres Tomic Tomic (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK podruznica KUPRES) KUL TURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO RUDINE - Mirko Perkovic [email protected] Livno Stipe Banduv 063 990340-M 26 LIVNO ZUPA VIDOSI (Gradimir) (Skraceni naziv: KUD RUDINE ZUPA VIDOSI) I HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Marinko Livno 063 440085 27 LIVNO DINARA ogr. LJUBUNCIC Karaula (Skraceni naziv: HKUD DINARA ogr. LJUBUNCIC)

KUL TURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO KANISNICA [email protected]; [Pod hum bb, 80 209 Miroslav Curie Miroslav Curie 063 344644 28 LIVNO PODHUM LIVNO Podhum Livno (Skraceno: KUD KANISNICA PODHUM LIVNO) m HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Listani bb, 80204 Listani LIVNO Luca Lukac Mate Rimae 063 734975 [email protected]; 29 PODINARJE LISTANI Livno (Skraceni naziv: HKUD PODINARJE LISTANI) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Trg Sv.Ante Humac, Miljenko LJUBUSKI 063 315950 I [email protected] 30 SV.ANTE HUMAC Ljubuski Bandur (Skraceni naziv: HKUD SV.ANTE HUMAC) HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO HERCEG I hrvoie.mucic@croatia 31 LJUBUSKI STJEPAN LJUBUSKI Ljubuski Hrvoje Mucic 063 320965 (Skraceni naziv: HKD HERCEG STJEPAN LJUBUSKI) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Klobuk bb, 88324 Hrvoje Hrvoje LJUBUSKI 063 324390 039 845181 32 SV. MARKO KLOBUK Klobuk Artukovic Artukovic (Skraceni naziv: HKUD SV MARKO KLOBUK)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO OS Marka Marulica, [email protected] podrucna skola Donji 039 831 277- 33 LJUBUSKI Ante Simovic Marija Mioc 063 429 495 - A hkudradisici- grupa RADISICI Radisici, 88325 Donji os (Skracni naziv: HKUD RADISICI) Radisici lfacebook

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Studenci bb, 88323 Zdenko LJUBUSKI Rade Luburic 063 324980 - z 34 STUDENCICA STUDENCI Studenci Pavlovic (Skraceni naziv: HKUD STUDENCICA STUDENCI) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Mladosevica bb, 74254 Niko ! dom.l

! (Skraceni naziv: HKD SV.ANTE CIM MOSTAR) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO HKUD RODOC, Rodoc MOSTAR Ana Babic Ana Babic 063345202-A 036 350129 [email protected] 38 RODOC bb, 88000 Mostar I (Skraceni naziv: HKUD RODOC) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO mariiana.milil

KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO KRALJ 031 754271 -A doma [email protected]; I ORASJE Tolisa bb, 76272 Tolisa AntoOrsolic Mato Orosolic 44 TOMISLAV TOLISA 063 818642 -A [email protected] (Skraceni naziv: KUD KRALJ TOMISLAV TOLl SA) 063 448 713 -M KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO ZORA DONJA Stjepana Radica 31 D, Suncana Suncana osnovnaskolaorasie@e 45 ORASJE MAHALA 063385448 76274 Donja Mahala Dominkovic Dominkovic maiL cam (Skraceni naziv: KUD ZORA DONJA MAHALA) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Dom mladezi bb, 76274 46 ORASJE Joso Mikic Joso Mikic 031754641 031714244 •[email protected] NANA KOSTRC Korstrc (Skraceni naziv: HKUD NANA KOSTRC) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Kopanice bb, 76275 Kat a 063410787- ORASJE lvo Mikic 031731252 I kata [email protected] 47 KOPANICE Vidovice Dominkovic Kata I (Skraceni naziv: HKUD KOPANICE\ KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SELJACKA Savska bb,76275 Radoslav I radoslav ianiic@hotm ORASJE SLOGA VIDOVICE Radoslav Janjic 063957233 031731565 48 Vidovice Janjic (Skraceni naziv: KUD SELJACKA SLOGA VIDOVICE) I~ HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Ul. osloboaenja, 76 271 [email protected] 49 ORASJE Pejo Pejic Pejo Pejic 063340723 DR. KRUNOSLAV DRAGANOVIC MATICI Matici, (Skraceni naziv: HKUD DR. KRUNOSLAV DRAGANOVIC MATICI) .Qil1

KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO RA VNICA Posavska br.7., 76277 NENAD 50 ORASJE Anaa Boraic 063 341953 031 772770 jOSTRA LUKA- BOK Ostra Luka Bok £>0R£>1C [email protected] (Skraceni naziv: KUD RAVNICA OSTRA LUKA- BQK) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO Fra Grge Martica bb, POSUSJE lvan Landeka lvan Landeka 063354076 51 FRA PETAR BAKULA 88240 Posusje (Skraceni naziv: HKUD FRA PETAR BAKULA) KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO HRVATSKA Kralja Tomislava bb, lvo Petrovic - Mirjana 52 063 477658 [email protected] SLOGA RAMA-PROZOR 88440 Rama - Prozor trusa Uloznik, prof. (Skraceno:KUD HRVATSKA SLOGA RAMA-PROZOR) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO RAMA- Stjepana Radica bb, BILJANA BILJANA I [email protected]. 53 063 467318 PROZOR RAMA 88440 Prozor - Rama GLIBO GLIBO (Skraceni naziv: HKUD RAMA) I!m HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO DUBRAVE Stjepan I [email protected] 54 STOLAC Aladinici, Stolac 063 313074 ALADINICI Boskovic (Skraceni naziv: HKD DUBRAVE ALADINICI) 1.9. HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO [email protected] STOLAC Prenj bb, Stolac Zoran Pazin 063 350442 036-62442 55 PRENJ STOLAC (Skraceni naziv: HKUD PRENJ STOLAC) HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO VRILAZUPA SIROKI 56 Dobric bb, Siroki Brijeg Mladen Maric Mladen Maric 063 368386 039-701380 hkd. vrila@tel. BRIJEG MOSTARSKI GRADAC (Skraceni naziv: HKD VRILA SIROKI BRIJEG) ! HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI 57 Mokro bb, Siroki Brijeg Marina Barac Slavica Cuzic 063 326035 039-700633 [email protected] BRIJEG MOKRO (Skraceni naziv: HKUD MOKRO) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI Zdenko Zdenko zdenko.damjanovic@tel. net. 58 BLACANI S MOSTARSKOG BLATA- BIOGRACI Biograci bb, Siroki Brijeg 063 326033 039-713234 BRIJEG (Skraceni naziv: HKUD BLACANI S MOSTARSKOG BLATA- Damjanovic Damjanovic ba BIOGRACI) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI Knespolje bb, Siroki 063 441892 -D 59 Dalibor Cavar Mirko Cavar [email protected] BRIJEG CRNASNICA KNESPOLJE Brijeg 063 346882 -M (Skraceni naziv: HKUD CRNASNICA KNESPOLJE)

HRVA TSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI lzbicno 30, 88220 Siroki Vjekoslav 60 BRDA IZBICNO Miljenko Crnjac 063 462862 039-705410 [email protected] BRIJEG Brijeg Draskic (Skraceni naziv: HKUD BRDA IZBICNO ) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI Kocerin bb, 88226 61 Marinko Mikulic Marinko Mikulic 063 368506 [email protected] BRIJEG KOCERIN Kocerin (Skraeeni naziv: HKUD KOCERIN) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI Turcinoviei bb, 88220 063384775- G; 62 Gojko Kozul Zoran Bubalo [email protected] BRIJEG TURCINOVICI Siroki Brijeg 063368636 - Z; (Skraeeni naziv: HKUD TURCINOVICI)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO 036-343276 SIROKI 036-343278 63 Jare bb, 88224 Jare. Mato Anic MatoAnie Bogdan bus BRIJEG SVI SVETI JARE SIROKI BRIJEG Bogdan bus (Skraceni naziv: HKUD SVI SVETI JARE) 063 314814

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI 64 Jare bb, 88224 Jare Danko Buhac Danko Buhac 063353151 [email protected] BRIJEG JARE (Skraeeni naziv: HKUD JARE)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI Kralja Tomislava bb, 65 HERCEGOVAC !van Barac 063418220 039706103 [email protected] BRIJEG 88220 Siroki Brijeg (Skraeeni naziv: HKUD HERCEGOVAC)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI Uzarici bb, 88220 Siroki 66 UZARICI Boze Zovko Boze Zovko 063320517 [email protected] BRIJEG Brijeg (Skraeeni naziv: HKUD UZARICI)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO SIROKI Kranjcevieeva 42, Siroki [email protected] 67 Zarko Zeljko Zarko Zeljko 063323073 BRIJEG CRNAC Brijeg (Skraceni naziv: HKUD CRNAC)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO TOMISLAVG Bukovica bb, 68 Toma Curie Toma Curie 063 312230 034-352247 [email protected] RAD FRA MIJO CUIC Tomislavgrad (Skraeeni naziv: HKUD FRA MIJO CUIC)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO lkrstanovic@ net. h r TOMISLAVG Sarajlije bb, Luka 063 471877-J 69 Jozo Masic [email protected] RAD SARAJLIJE Tomislavg rad Krstanovic 063 343901-L (Skraeeni naziv: HKUD SARAJLIJE)

HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO TOMISLAVG 063 377571-A 70 Suica bb, Tomislavgrad Ante Brajko Zlatko Mrso [email protected] RAD SITAN TANEC SUICA 063 326887-Z (Skraceni naziv: HKUD SITAN TANEC SUICA) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO TOMISLAVG Rosko Polje bb, [email protected] 71 lva Krajina lva Krajina 063 344785 034-356444 RAD FRA JOZO KRIZIC Tomislavgrad (Skraceni naziv: HKUD FRA JOZO KRIZIC) HRVATSKO KULTURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO TOMISLAVG Mijata Tomica bb, Slaoana [email protected] 72 KRALJ TOMISLAV RAD Tomislavgrad Condric (Skraceni naziv: HKUD KRALJ TOMISLAV)

IZVORNA FOLKLORNA GRUPA SLOGA GUCA I Vladimir Franjo 063 365781 [email protected] TRAVNIK Guca Gora bb, Travnik 030 560785 73 GORA Grganovic Neimarovic 030 560785 [email protected] (Skraceni naziv: IFG SLOGA GUCA GORA)

[email protected]; Breske do br. 96; 75206 Svjetlana Svjetlana [email protected] I 061769065 74 TUZLA UDRUGA DRUSTVO BRESCANA Dokanja Nikolic Nikolic m·

Kazan Mahala bb, 035266392 JosipSimic Jozo£>erek 035281510 75 TUZLA HRVATSKI DOM TUZLA 75000 Tuzla 061187298

HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK [email protected], Fra. Grge Martica bb, TVRTKO TVRTKO [email protected] USKOPLJE 063 352552 76 PODRUZNICA USKOPLJE 70280 Uskoplje KRAJINA KRAJINA m, www.napredak- (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK PODRUZNICA USKOPLJE)

KUL TURNO UMJETNICKO DRUSTVO IZVOR 063 342784 032 893514; [email protected] Zabljak bb, Usora Ruzica lvic lvo Topalovic 032 666897 77 US ORA IZABLJK USORA 032 893883 (Skraceni naziv: KUD IZVOR ZABLJK USORA 063 333888

HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK Opcina Vares 78 V ARES PODRUZNICA VARES Ulica Zvijezda 34 .Z:eljko Franjic Mario Miocic 061 969947- z 032 843014 [email protected] (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK PODRUZNICA V ARES) 71330 Vares

HRVATSKO KULTURNO DRUSTVO NAPREDAK 063 365668, zo ran .kupreskic@ecos- Stjepana Radica bb, Zoran Zoran VITEZ 030711455- 030 711455; 79 PODRUZNICA VITEZ 72250 Vitez Kupreskic Kupreskic (Skraceni naziv: HKD NAPREDAK PODRUZNICA VITEZ) tajnica [email protected]



$iroki Brijeg, 8 veljace 201'1. Hrvatska Drustva ukljucena u realizaciju multimedijalne baze podataka o izvornim kulturnoumjetnickim tradicijskim stvarateljima BiH Anka Raic President of UHAKUD u BiH CV

Personal Details Birth date and place- 30.10.1957. Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Yugoslavia) Address: Bijeli Brijeg 2 a/ 88 000 Mostar I Bosna i Hercegovina Tel/fax: (+387) (0)33 287 337, Mobile: (003887) (0)63 319 332

E-mail adrese: or: :.:..::.:...;~.::.:.;:..:.;===:;..:::;

Education University of Split: Graduate manager of economics and banking (1984) University of Split: Graduate manager of Law and Administration (1987) - University of Mostar: Profesor of Class teaching (2002.)


-Splitska banka Split, PBS Bank of B&H, -Consultant, Policies and Planning of Credit budget in Bank Transformation processes; (1978-1992) - National Central bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Consultant, Policies and Planning of public revenue- Budget of Federation BH (1994-2001 ). -Raiffeisen bank BH dd: Adviser for law enforcement operations in the Bank, in Region of Herzegovina (Federation) and Republic of Serpska, Mostar (2001.-2011.) Sarajevo (12.08.2011.-)

Public Service (Voluntary) -Member, Secretary, President or Treasurer of the "Miadost" HKD Polog, Mostar, authentich folklore group (1975-) -Chairman and founder of "Nada" ("Hope") - Non-profit Association, movement against Violence and for help to victims of war and concentration camps (1992 -1996), now just a member of; -Secretary General of Alliance majorettes BH (1995.-2002.) -Representative of BH in EMA (European majorettes association) (1995.-2002.) -The founder and member of the Board of Directors of the "UAKUD BH" - Umbrell Association of folklore groups of BH, Sarajevo (2005-) -Chairman and founder of of the "UHAKUD u BiH"- umbrella association of folklore societies Groats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar (1999.-) -Member of the Board of Directors of IGF (2000. - ) -Member of the Board of Directors of EFCO (European folk culture organization) (2004.-) -Founder and Member of the Board of Directors of CIOFF BH (2002-) -Chairman of CIOFF BH (2008-) Folklore Festivals -Member of the Board of Directors of "Bascarsijske noci Sarajevo- International Festival of Folklore" (2006.-) -Founder and member of the Board of Directors of "Days of mowing" Kupres, International Festival of Folklore, with competition in traditional sports (2006.-); -Member of the Board of Directors of "lnterFolkFest- International Festival of Folklore" Derventa (2008.-) -Founder and member of the Board of Directors of "Centralna smotra" BH National Rewiev of authentic folklore groups (1996.-) -Member of the Board of Directors of "Lijera diple nadigrala" Rewiev of authentic folklore groups of Herzegovina- Region in Capljina (1998.-) -Member of the Board of Directors of "Zapivajmo, pivat' je milina .. " National review of the singers of traditional songs, Travnik (2002.-)

Traditional Arts -Founder and Director of bienal "National exhibition of naive art" (1999.-) - Member of the Board of Directors of two art colony: Glamoc and Kupres (1995.-) -Founder and director of International women's traditional visual art colony Bila (Bila near Livno, BH ) (2009.-)

Citations of Honors (a part of) -Numberous of diploma and other types of awards from different associations; -"Gold medal for her contribution to the preservation of folk art in BH" by UAKUD BH (Umbrella association of folklore clubs in B&H) (2007.) - "Citation of Honor for great contribution to promoting the understanding & development of all cultures in the European Community, fostering peace, friendship, understanding and tolerance" by EFCO (European Folk Culture Organosation), Poznan, Poland (2006.) -"The CIOFF Silver Award" for meritorious service promoting the understanding & development of all cultures, fostering peace, friendship, understanding and tolerance", by CIOFF (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art, in formal consultative relations with UNESCO) South European and African Sector, Lisabon 2009.


"The influence of folk song melodies on the melodies of sacred chants, in the tradition of BH"- (The IGF Project plan 2003).; "Education Center Sarajevo" -Collection of folk art works, 2004. "Forms of intangible cultural heritage of BH " Presentation at CIOFF Conference Larnaka, Cipar , "Collection of conference papers" Cl OFF Paris, 2005. "Transmission of knowledge about cultural heritage, examples of good practice in informal education" presented at 37. CIOFF World Congress in Monterrey, Mexico 2007., published in "Enter Nous" 4/07 "Identifying the appearance form of the intangible cultural heritage and create common names for each shape in the Region" CIOFF World Congress in lstambul, Turkye 2008., published in "Enter Nous" 2/08 "Forms of intangible cultural heritage of B&H People" Presentation at UNESCO Conference of Region experts ICH 2003, Safranboly, Turkey; , "Collection of conference papers", Ministery of Culture Republic of Turkey, 2008. "Implementation of the UNESCO Convention ICH 03 in conditions such as in Bosnia, the proposal of a model" Presented in: Sarajevo 2009. ("European Heritage Days"- International conference, and Banja Luka, at the "4th Regional Conference on the Protection of integrative" 2009.Published in Proceedings of the Congress, p. 130- 147 .. "CIOFF role in implementing of the UNESCO ICH Convention at the worldvide level" presented at 39. CIOFF World congress in Havana, Cuba, 2009. We are waiting publishing the Collection of works soon. "Preserving of traditional Konjic woodcarving, as a practice model of preserving intangible cultural heritage in BiH", presented at International Congress "Traditional culture- link in integration of the Region" organized by UHAKUD u BiH in Mostar, 2010, published in "Proceedings of Mostar Congress" 2011. Bosnia and Hcrzcgovina FEDERATION Of BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA FEDERAL :MINISTRY Of .HJSTICE SARAJEVO



Broj: 04-05-2-7037/00 Sarajevo, 20. .2001 godine

ministarstvo pravde, rjesavajuci po zahljevu upis u registar udruzenja gradana "UDRUGE HRVATSKIH AMATERSKIH KULTURNO ICKIH DRUSTAVA U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI", na temelju clanka 23. stavak 2 Zakona o udruzivanju gradana ("Siuzbene novine ,donosi


1. Upisuje se u udruzenja gradana kod Federalnog ministarstva pravde, Sarajevo, gradana "UDRUGA RVATSKI AMATERSKI RNO U USTAVA U BOSNII ERCEGOVINI" skraceni naziv u u Mostaru, velikana

2. pis je registarski . knjiga I reg . godine.

3. Osnovni sadr:Zaj djelatnosti udruzenja je: skrb o ocuvanju izvomih nosnji, instrumenata, obicaja, glazbe, plesa i ukupnog narodnog stvaralastva; poticanje, zastita i promicanje, te nadzor nad radom kulturno umjetnickih drustava clanova Udruge; predlaganje programa aktivnosti drustvima i programa bitnih za opcu kulturu; skrb i sudjelovanje u organiziranju drustvenih priredbi i natjecanja; uskladivanje programa drustava na ostvarivanju ukupnog programa; organiziranje strucnih djelatnika, djelovanje na programu strucnog rada, skrb za ove promidzba povezivanja i suradnje sa slicnim udruzenjima i organizacijama i i inozemstvu putem zblizavanja sudionika na priredbama, a narocito s i mladezi Hrvatske i dijaspore; poticanje i promidzba ukljucivanja i rad djece i mlade:Zi; sudjelovanje i pripremanje domacih i medunarodnih natjecanja; poticanje izgradnje objekata potrebe drustva· poticanje tiskanja strucne literature i d zadaca za potrebe udruge sukladno i kulturno umjetnickih programa; organiziranje

,a u E X p 0 t o n



Rubber its brazlozenje

druzenje gradana " DRUGA HRVATSKIH MATERSKIH KUL TURNO ICKIH DRUSTAVA U BOSNil H RCEGOVINI"~ padnijela zahljev za upis u istar udruzenja gradana kaji se vadi kod ovag ministarstva.

sva prapisana dakumentacija: , zapisnik sa .12.2000. godinel papis osnivaca, Odluka o asnivanju od 02.12.2000. gadine, papis clanava upravnog tijela i ime i prezime zastupanje i predstavljanje udruzenja.

Uvidam u prilazenu dakumentaciju utvrdena da su ispunjeni svi uvjeti Zakonam a udruzivanju gradana pa iz tih razloga kaa u izreci


u upravnom postupku, njega nije dapustena upravni spar. Upravni spar se pakrece tuzbam kod Federacije i Hercegovine u Sarajevu, u od 30 dana ad rjesenja. Tuzba se padnasi u primjerka, a prilaze i ava rjesenje u ariginalu ili prijepisu.

2. Zbirka isprava, 3. I I u

brazloie e

