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4-16-1992 Eastern Progress - 16 Apr 1992 Eastern Kentucky University

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This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1991-1992 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Weekend Forecast: ACTIVITIES ARTS ACCEN Friday: Thunderstorms possible in the 70s. Mascot mania Heavy hounds Derby days Saturday: Rain Cheerleadlng Colonel shows Party planning for possible in the 70s. the Kentucky classic Sunday: Rain possible gains national recognition off industrial funk i in the 70s. Page B-5 Page B-3 Page B-1 THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 70/No. 28 14 pages April 16,1992 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond, Ky. 40475 © The Eastern Progress. 1992

KM. Redistricting Home of y It V ^* Madison County Dam* Web Candidate crosses bridge The new 36th District (rod) includes parts of Madison. jfX f x—" Garrard. Rockcastle. Pulaski 'x \ V \j and Jackson counties. >8ITV- into 36th District campaign '- (Moberly) iO— 1 ~~"v xu1 By Tom Marshall arrived, Wells decided to make a run said Rep. Harry Moberly, D-Rich- W36/ Managing editor for office. mond. "Anybody can look at it any- CltAMr; / k^i-v/ \" Wells will face Napier in the No- way they want lo." y -*£\ I -A Mapping out election plans wasn't vember general election. Moberly serves the 81st District Hy-^y ^L V -^>r\K_ V- easy for Madison County's Darrell The new boundary line for the and played a key role in the redistrict- Wells. 81 st District runs down Shallow Ford ing plan during last year's special leg- North Madison County has been di- Legislators moved his home in the Creek less than a half mile from his islative session. vided into the 81st and 36th House Chenault precinct from the 81st Dis- house which is located near a bridge The new district line placing Wells Districts. trict to the 36th, where Republican crossing the creek. His farm joins the in Napier's district was not an attempt Rep. Harry Moberly played a Souro: L«gi»«v» nmirch CewmWon Lonnie Napier reigns as the represen- creek. to avoid a campaign against Wells, tative in the state legislature. When "We drew the line at that bridge key role In the redrawing of Progress graphic by Michael Morgan the final filing deadline for election because it was a natural boundary,'' See MAP, Page A4 the stale's legislative districts. Plans set Pie in the eye for chance Eastern co-ed nerve gas nabbed, flees disaster from kidnapper By Michael Morgan News editor By Tim Blum and Joe Castle A local program is testing Madi- son County's preparation and response Caira S. Spurlock. a university in the event of a chemical weapons freshman who was abducted at gun- accident. point outside her apartment Monday The Madison County Chemical night and taken to Florida, is on her Stockpile Emergency Preparedness way back to Kentucky unharmed. Program is sponsoring a series of ex- Det Sieve Gregg of the Richmond ercises for local emergency services. Police Department said Spurlock, 18, The first of the exercises was Tuesday was abducted at approximately 10:50 and spokesmen from area disaster ser- pjn. Monday st gunpoint in the stair- vices traced their plan of action in the way of her apartment at 205 Geri Lane case of a chemical weapons accident #2 by an unidentified white male. Photo submitted Chemical weapons are being stored She was then forced in to her car by Caira S. Spurlock was in the Lexington-Bluegrass Army her abductor and taken south, police expected back late last night. Depot in Madison County. The chemi- said. her abduction when she left his apart- cals cause skin and tissue to blister and Her kidnapping was undetected ment at 10:35 Monday night affect the nervous system. for almost eight hours before Spurlock "She had to go home and do home- The exercises are tailored for Madi- was able to sneak away from her cap- work, so she was going straight home," son County. Federal, state and local tor and make a phone call to a family member in Richmond, Gregg said. Plainer said. "I had walked her to her disaster emergency services attended. car, and she left" The university's public safety agency "About 6:30 this morning, she broke away and made a phone call to Spurlock had picked up Plainer at was also present at the exercise. approximately 9 p.m. for a tanning When pieced together, the plans of one of her sisters that she bad been bed appointment Plamcr said they each emergency service make up the abducted at gunpoint,'' Gregg said made only one stop after leaving The county evacuation plan. At the exer- Tuesday. Tanning Salon in Southern Hills Plaza, cises, each service agency will discuss Her boyfriend. Tim Platner.of 304 their jobs and how they will react in an Churchill Drive #1, also a university emergency involving chemical weap- freshman, last saw Spurlock before See ABDUCTION, Page M ons at the depot "The whole thing will make for a better disaster emergency plan for Madison County," said David Easter, Former regent spokesman for the Lexington-Blue Grass Army Depot "We all know what our responsibilities are individu- ally, but we get to learn what each dies at age 66 others responsibilities are." By Clint RUey The second exercise is planned for Editor August and will help emergency ser- vices direct and control their plans. A Progress photo by BOBBIJO SHIELDS third set of exercises, planned in No- Former regent Gerald S. May, Walters Hall resident assistant Jsrl Hall gets hit with s pis ss part of a fundraiser for the whom the university named its vember, will be a full-scale exercise YMCA daycars program In the pis toss sponsored by the Walters and Telford hall councils. Maywoods Environmental and Rec- and critique of the county's emer- reational Laboratory in Garrard gency operation plan. The training exercises will teach County for, died Friday. He was 66. the agencies the best way to respond to A Stanford resident. May was University receives AT&T tech aid appointed to Eastern's Board of Re- accidents that may occur in the storage gents in 1970 by Gov. Louie Nunn. He of chemical weapons or the planned was reappoin ted for a second term by incinerator for the weapons. By Joe Castle AT&T/NCR officials announced school; anybody could benefit from Gov. Wendell Ford and served as vice Craig Williams, a spokesman for Assistant news editor last Thursday, April 9 that Eastern has it" Keith said. "I know we will." chairman of the board until his term Kentuckians for Moving the Nerve been selected to serve as an early de- Already in place on campus is a expired in 1978. Gas, said it should be interesting to see Who says lightning doesn't strike ployment site for cutting-edge com- Technology Development and Deliv- "He and his wife have remained how the emergency plans and pre- the same place twice? puter technology for the company. ery Center in the Coates Administra- paredness are planned. His group says The university recently received "Being an early deployment site tion Building, established by AT&T/ very good friends of the university over the years," executive assistant to plans to build an incinerator at the two jolts of high-tech assistance from means they'll bring in the latest com- NCR to demonstrate the latest high- depot to destroy chemical weapons is communications giant AT&T/NCR puter hardware and software to the tech equipment and provide training the president Doug Whitlock said. In addition to serving on Eastern' s an unacceptable means to destruction. less than a year after the company university," said Jim Keith, director of for faculty and students. Unnm ity wchwes photo Board of Regents, May was also a Although Williams is against burn- provided Sl.l million in computer com munication services at the univer- The center contains several di ffer- Former university president university fellow and a member of the equipment and software to the College sity. Robert Martin and Gerald May "I think it would be great for any See MAY, P *e A6 See ARMY, Page A6 of Education. SeeAT4T,PflXeA4 fl break ground for Maywoods. C^ \ l\^f PI r^l Ti*\ rrT1¥-aT# ,nternat'onal students practice religion at \S DE V^-TYITXX tJk3 J/JTVX A XX • predominantly Christian university campus □ Tom Samuels Track will be the site By Janeen Miracle baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, matrimony, said. "You recommit yourself to Christ over of the OVC Track and Field Champi- Style editor holy orders ordination into the priesthood), and over." onships Saturday. See Page B7. EASTER SEP. CE reconciliation and anointing of die sick Engel said that the focus of Catholicism is Editor's Note: This concludes a three-part The Eucharist is communion, during which getting closer to Christ and having a deep Accent B1 When: 7 am. Sunday, Apr! 19. series on religion and its influence on Eastern the members of the church partake of bread relationship with him. Arts/ Entertainment B2&3 students. and wine. "Any outside practice is a sign of faith on Activities B4&5 "One essential thing is that we believe the Classifieds A4 Where: Van Peursem Pavilion in the the inside," Engel said. "The essence of a For people of faith, the week before Easier Euchanstislhc body and bloodof Jesus Christ," person's faith is not on the outside, but what is Comics A3 Ravine. is a time for more than coloring eggs and Engel said. "We believe that communion is on the inside." People poll A3 buying Spring clothes. In this week's Focus more than symbolic." Perspective A2&3 Campus ministers will participate in on Faith five students reflect on their beliefs. Like Protestants, Catholics believe that Doing God's will Sports B6.748 the service and there will be a special the only way to get to heaven is through a Aaron McGuffi n, a member of the Baptist Catholic acceptance personal relationship with Christ, Engel said. Hhmm... Earth Day is Tuesday ,so plan Easter sermonfrom Rev. Brian Stratton, Student Union, has been a Protestant all his Jan Engel, a senior student from However, Engel said that unlike Protes- to take part In a variety of events sched- university chaplain. life. William sport, Pa., said that drawing closer to tants, Catholics do not believe there is a cer- McGuffin, who grew up in a Methodist uled on campus. Ocean pollution will be Christ is a lifelong process for Catholics who tain point in time at which they are saved. the topic tonight at 7p.m. in Witters HaH. celebrate special limes with seven sacraments: "It doesn't happen at one time," Engel See RELIGION: Page A5

\ J A2 Perspective

The Eastern Progress Thursday, April 16,1992 THE EASTERN PROGRESS Clint Rlley Tom Marshall Editor Managing editor Stephen Unhim Kerry Slgler, Andrea Steph Staff artist Copy editors

Opinions expressed herein are those of student editors or other signed writers and do not necessarily represent the views at the university Student editors also decide the news and informational content Eastern Kentucky University is an equal opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Any complaints arising by reason of alleged discrimination should be directed in writing to the Affirmative Action Officer. Million House, Eastern Kentucky University or 622-1258. EDITORIALS Cleaning up Sierra Club takes action on long talked about subject o,' ur readers now have the opportunity to more excited about the project, but they use The Eastern Progress to promote a little want it clear that the Sierra Club is in progress of their own. charge. The thanks can be given to the Sierra Club, No blame or thanks is going to be thrown which has organized an operation to recycle at physical plant. It seems we must look to the Progress and other newspapers on campus. students for leadership in this case. Five locations will be supplied As for the Progress, with collection bins to curb we want to offer the the amount of paper that AT A GLANCE Sierra Club deserved usually makes its way to praise for initiating the landfills. □ The Issue much needed program. Bins can be found Wednes- Recycling Other campus organi- days through Fridays outside zations have formed the Wallace, Combs, Jones, □ Our Opinion committees, talked about LETTERS FROM OUR READERS Coates and Powell buildings. The Sierra Club is a model it, looked into it and Others will be outside the for other organiztions. The ended up doing nothing. Homosexuality is not misconception about homosexuals is Crabbe Library and Keene and The Sierra Club took that our entire lives revolve around our LETTERS POLICY Sierra Club took action in- a chosen lifestyle bedrooms. In truth, this is no more true Telford halls. stead of putting the issue of notice and made news- paper recycling happen. The formation of an EKU gay and of us than it is of any other member of The Eastern Progress encour- No library materials in the society. We are just like you. We go to ages its readers to write letters to newspaper recycling in com- The Sierra Club did lesbian support group on campus is not bins, please. mittee after committee. so we can satisfy our sexual desires. school, we have jobs, we pay bills and the editor on topes of interest to Our main concern is that not sit on their hands Contrary to popular belief, gay is not we share the same concerns and ex- the university community. and say how bad things sex and homosexuality is not a chosen pectations for our futures as you prob- Letters submitted for publi- some may trash the Progress cation should be typed. Letters were. They did some- lifestyle. The purpose for a gay and ably do. Of course, it is not the in the bins instead of reading the material. university's place to "see that certain should not be longer than 200 thing and we ask other campus organizations lesbian support group on campus is to words. Because of limited space, individuals' sexual needs and desires" Needless to say, we're forced into the position to use the club as a role model of action, not educate both gay and "straight" indi- the Progress may condense let- of hoping common sense will come into play. viduals on homosexuality. Being gay are met! The assumption is ridiculous! ters over 200 words that are ac- inaction and complacency. does not make us experts on homo- Our goal in forming this group is to cepted for publication. The effort by the Sierra Club would reduce We hope the club doesn't stop with the sexuality, although knowledge will lead offer support to a group of individuals Letters should be addressed some of the five million pounds of solid waste recent effort. We hope the project will to understanding and an acceptance with a common thread. This is no to the newspaper and must con- produced by the university each year. and love for who we are. Gay and different, and certainly no more devi- tain the author's address and advance over the next year to include other telephone number. Letters must Physical plant will be assisting the program lesbian individuals will help this be- ant , than groups that center around a recyclable materials. come a diverse and balanced univer- particular race, nationality or religious also include the author's signa- by supplying bins and transportation, but they preference. ture. Carbon copies, photocopies For now, best of luck with the program. sity. and letters with illegible signa- have pointed out to the Progress how limited Hard work will be the best tool for its suc- We, as gay and lesbian individuals, As to your fears (and the are fears) tures will not be accepted. Un- about stumbling onto a gay meeting, their role is. It's a shame they weren't a bit cess. will not be meeting in some covert signed letters will not be ac- corner of the university. Instead, we here is what you would find: a group of cepted. will meet in a location where anyone men and women who look like any The deadline for submitting a sincerely interested in educating them- other students on campus (because we letter for a specific issue is noon selves on the pride of being who we are are), discussing topics of interest to us the Monday prior to Thursday's Running for the border will be welcomed. like from where to find good literature publication. I believe at least 10 percent of to the best weekend for a group trip to Are food service corporations wave of the future? EKU's student body is homosexual. King's Island. In fact, you'd probably Letters should be mailed to When you consider the number of per- The Eastern Progress, 117 not even recognize us as being gay, so Donovan Annex, Eastern Ken- sons on this cam pus which choose these relax! tucky University, Richmond, We'estern Kentucky University students will entice him to bring in Taco Bell and Pizza individuals as their friends, this is On to the "anonymity" question..1 Ky. 40479. soon be able to run for the border to have it Hut.. enough to substantiate a homosexual believe that the more that gays and their way for four bucks, four bucks. It's not a matter of feeding students only support group at EKU. lesbians "come out of the closet," the If academics were all this univer- more the likelihood that we will be and straight members of our commu- Last week Western became the seventh fast food, Hopkins says. The food service's sity were based upon, we would prob- accepted as normal, functional mem- nity as to the facts about homosexu- Kentucky college or university to contract out biggest sellers are soft drinks, french fries ably lose 99 percent of our students. bers of our society. If we are visible, ality in hopes of alleviating the prob- With a group of students comes a sense people will begin lo recognize that lems that arise from ignorance and their food services with the Marriott Corp., die and bread sticks. His biggest concern is that misinformation. This is a positive mammoth hotel and fast food chain conglomer- the students will pay higher prices. of pride, self-worth and companion- we're really not so bad after all. We are your friends, your family, your chil- step toward helping all people to live ate. "We are doing everything we can to keep ship. Most individuals find this in together in peace, rather than sepa- sports, music or friends. But if the dren and your next door neighbors. On rately in fear and anger. The deal Western cut with Marriott seems as these companies out," he said. the other hand, the wishes of many of minority groups still exist, and if we I would encourage you and oth- sweet as the Dannon Yogurt venue Marriott is Next fall, the food service will start are publicly discriminated against, wc us to remain undercover is not unrea- sonable. Homosexuals have been per- ers like you to do some honest re- planning to put smack dab in delivering pizza on will never be able to give 100 percent search before offering an opinion on to our education. secuted throughout history and times the middle of campus. campus. Hopkins expects have not, unfortunately, changed that homosexuality. The library and the the new venture to yield much. At present, we are denied places Ellendale Counseling Center may be Alongside Dannon Yogurt AT A GLANCE Timothy W. Davis good starting places, or you may con- in Western's student center an additional $3,000 a Mt. Vernon to live, jobs, custody of our children tact me through the counseling center week. and legal union. We may be jailed, and I will be happy to point you will be a Taco Bell, Burger □ The issue beaten and even killed for nothing King, Pizza Hut and Subway. But most of the Eastern can educate toward other good, unbiased sources more criminal than loving another of information. You are here at East- Marriott will pay Western Contracting out university profits food services both gays & straights human being. Why remain in the em to learn. Don't let that education $200,000 a year plus 2 food services. make go toward closet? You tell me. end when you step outside the class- Our opinion paying off the bonds the The letter by Shane Balkcom and What can we offer Eastern? We room. percent of their profits to put □ Janette Workman was full of questions can offer support and fellowship to the their franchises on campus. This issue needs a lot of university takes out to which I would like to address! gay and lesbian students on campus Laurie A. Davison Marriott will also invest $1 discussion because it pay for projects like the A common and very unfortunate and we can seek to educate both gay Richmond million over the next five seems inevitable that East- Dizney Building. That years to update Western's ern officials will face con- leaves cafeterias like cafeterias. tracting out the university's Clay and Martin, not Society's missing values causing fear The lure of Marriott's big food services in the future. renovated since the bag of money was too hard 1960s, to age as mainte- If people could differentiate be- And even though I don't always for Western administrators and regents, who nance costs increase each year. tween right and wrong, I wouldn't have Kelly Witt honor them, I know what the Ten to call the safety van to come get me Commandments are. have watched their food services lose $1.3 When the Grill was renovated in 1987, it when I park my car. I guess I'm just sick of being million since 1983. was packed because it was new. If some- If people allowed their conscience afraid. How soon will it be before Marriott or some thing is around for 20 years and isn't to be their guide, I wouldn't have lo My Turn I wish I could sentence every sex check inside all of the closets in my offender, murderer and robber to a other big service industry conglomerate scatters changed, it loses its appeal. home before I felt safe. neon signs all over our campus? lifetime stay in Sunday School. Food services labor and maintenance costs And if people would follow the tainly don't walk around campus with I'm not asking for everyone to Last year Eastern's food services made are growing, while higher education budgets golden rule, then I wouldn't automati- a shining halo over my head. become holy-rollers and preach at $198,000. UK and Eastern were the only two and food service facilities are deteriorating. cally fear leers and insulting jeers when I'm just like a lot of other people in every given opportunity. I pass a group of men. college. food services at a state school to make money. The situation makes Marriott and Pepsico's I just don't understand this society I just think church is one of the This year Eastern food service director Greg sweet deals all the more appealing. anymore . . . rape, murder, degrada- I curse sometimes. I go downtown few places in this world where mor- sometimes. I get really lazy on Sunday als can be taught, where you're taught Hopkins expects to only clear $60,000 to Should public companies be allowed to tion. It all leads to one thing — fear. mornings, and sometimes I sleep in. the value of love and forgiveness. $70,000 because of increasing wages and the make their money off of a taxpayer-funded I don't really understand at what By no stretch of the imagination It's a shame that people don't rising cost of maintenance of aged equipment facility? Should state-run universities be in specific point it all became so bad, but am I anywhere near perfect. grow up with these values anymore, "It's like swimming upstream all the time," the fast food "price wars"? I do think I know how to make it better But I do know right from wrong. and it's a shame that my friends and A little bit of church would do this And if I am doing something I always have to walk in groups of Hopkins said. "It's a futile swim." School officials here have to start answer- world a whole lot of good. wrong, I realize it's wrong, and I feel two or three on campus for fear of Hopkins said Pepsico has already tried to ing these questions soon. Now don't get me wrong. I cer- guilty. being raped. } The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 A3 Another view


What role does religion play in your life on campus? «

to: Down to: Up to: "I don't partclpate "During finals Joe Wright Leona Helmsley The World Court In any religion on weak I am In i campus." prayer at all times. After 17 years in the state Having used every pos- The global body has up- Senate, the majority leader sible avenue to evade prison, held sanctions enacted by the is stepping down. As a bea- including claims of ill U.S. and Great Britain con of integrity in the dark heal th, the former hotel queen against Libya which were the and dirty world of politics, reported to the Federal Medi- result of Libya's refusal to the gentleman from Harncd cal Center in Lexington to release suspects in the Pan «■ will be sorely missed. begin a four-year sentence. Am Flight 103 bombing.

Suggestion! for those deserving UPS * DOWNS are welcome. To nuke a suggestion call 622-1872. Paul Lockaby, senior, computer Pam Sexton, freshman, art, San Media ripping away privacy science, London. Diego, Calif. I "K'e very Important. I "Very Important. If The right to privacy is dead. the public and instead print the kind of it wasn't for God, I The basic right to keep our lives Andrea non-news that belongs in a supermar- try to follow my religion on and off would not be to ourselves no longer exists — it has Stephens ket tabloid. where I am today." been handed over to the demands of This is not what newspapers are campus." the masses. for and not what journalism is about. Or so it seems for tennis legend One good example of the way the :'| Arthur Ashc, whose best-kept secret news media should be used is the was thrust under the microscope of Lexington Herald-Leader's Maria public scrutiny by a reporter from Henson, who recently won the Pulitzer USA Today. I was taught, and also believed, Prize for journalism for her series Ashe has AIDS. that journalists' further role in society called 'To Have and To Harm." He has known since 1988 that he was to scrutinize not only the govern- The series detailed spouse abuse is a victim of a tainted blood transfu- ment, but everything that happened in in Kentucky. It told of the horrors that sion. We have known since last week. their society that would affect the some women face in marriages to abu- Leslla Hensley, senior, psychol- Kelly Davis, junior, philosophy, Ashe said he felt forced to come masses, either positively or negatively, sive men. As a result, the state's laws ogy, Hyden. New York, N. Y. forward when a US A Today reporter and to keep the masses informed. on spouse abuse have been substan- called him and asked if Ashe really I still believe all this. But then tially expanded and strengthened. did have AIDS. Rather than lie to again, maybe I missed the whole point Henson used her position to bring None and Sunday Is "it's the biggest protect his privacy, Ashe called a of all those courses. about change in a situation that des- I just a catch-up day." thing in my dally press conference and, with his wife, Maybe a reporter's real role is to perately needed correcting. life." made a statementexplaining his tragic feed the gossip-starved appetites of Why, I asked myself, can't all circumstances. readers who don't care about the state journalists concern themselves only USA Today obviously thought of the national budget or the environ- with the issues that need attention the public had a right to know what ment. Maybe a reporter is nothing rather than the events in one was Ashe's business, and Ashe's more than a waver of dirty laundry in individual's life that affect no one alone. society's front yard. but the individual himself? Maybe there are some things we I don't believe that either. None of us needed to know Ashe don't need to know. has AIDS. The only reason we ever I have been a journalism student Journalists are in a unique posi- throughout my college career, and I tion. They have a vast amount of in- need to know if anyone has AIDS is if will graduate in less than four weeks formation, both useless and useful, at we are about to have sex with them, with a bachelor's degree in this field. their disposal.and they have the power share a needle with them or receive to decide what they are going to do medical treatment from them. Ernest Barny, graduate student, Joyce Holsteln, sophomore, As a journalism student, I have nursing, Bsrberville. been taught that the purpose of the with that knowledge. That USA Today reporter could business administration, Fort news media is to inform the public. As with any group of people in a have been working to change the Bragg, N.C. Perhaps I misunderstood the intent of powerful position, there will always world. Instead, the only life changed that statement. be some who abuse the power and cast was Ashe's. Of all people, Ashe needs I was taught, and believed, that a bad light on all others in the field in his peace and privacy at this time in the press was conceived as a watch- the public's eyes. his life, and one reporter alone has dog for the government, to keep the But there are also conscientious destroyed that for no reason other than public informed of the actions of their journal ists who, for inane reasons such common nosiness. leaders and lawmakers and to keep as trying to sell more copies than their Maybe I am wrong. Maybe the the politicians from getting away with competitor, choose to resist their natu- right to privacy is not really dead. anything. ral instinct to print only what is vital to Maybe it just never existed. COMICS CASH B.M.O.C. by Stephen Lanham


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■"»>< I *No purchase is necessary Offer void where prohibited o F&m A4 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 Campus news

AT&T: Tech MAP: County to lose senator Continued from Front page state. PROGRESS CLASSIFIEDS aid, center Moberly said. Napier said he didn't Districts were redrawn to reflect Place classified ads before noon on Mondays. $2 for 10 words. know Wells was in the district until increased population in central Ken- after the redistricting plan was com- tucky, while still maintaining about benefits both 36.000 people per district The 81st plete. Processing District simply shrunk inward to re- $350.00/DAY But Moberly said he was well FISCALLY! PERSONALS duce about 3,000 from Ihe district's Orders! PEOPLE CALL YOU. NO students, staff aware of Well's status as a potential HELP WANTED EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. population, Moberly said. candidate. 1500 2810242. Kelly, Do you always dump on Continued from Front page "Darrell has been rumored as a Napier, a Republican, said be ap- proved the effort and praised Moberly ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT your friends after you use them? eat examples of ATAT/NCR's perennial candidate for years," Part-time gymnastics and tum- for pulling part of Jessamine County - flaherlea. Earn $5,00OWmonth. Your twin In New Orleans latest technology, including 14 Moberly said. bling InstruOorsnaadad. Flexible from his district and adding areas with FrssaenaportatJon! Room • Board! hours, oompetNtvs oxpertenos computers for students' use, the Wells, 58, said he had no interest HsMo to Tom on his 20th. greater Republican population. Over s.000 openings. No experi- helpful. Hiring for naxt ML 624- AT&T Quorum system for tele- in running against Moberly, before or ence necessary. Mala or Female. "Jessamine wasareal good county after the redistricting plan. For employment program call Stu- I I'm so conferencing and fiber optic for me, but it was 16-1 Democratic," gtod you're my chickadee! How The redistricting plan is designed denl Employment Scrvfcce at 1- connections for distance learn- Napier said. about lunch In the ravins? to benefit Moberly, Wells said. 206-545-4155 axt 1388. FOUND ing technologies. Though Napier approves of Ihe "I think it's a disgrace how they Keith said the center pro- new status of his district, he. like many HEALTH SUPERVISOR - RN, EMT, A bushel and s peck! did it," Wells said. "It's ridiculous FOUND on campua,Ladye watch. vides faculty and students with other Republican legislators, dislike or Pararnadle certification required how they did it Harry picked what CaMV.P.Bohwendemsn 622-2222. ATAT/NCR's newest equip- the redistricting plan developed by a lor aumrnor portion at Girl Seoul little he wanted and threw the rest ETCETERA. ment legislature dominated by Democrats. Camp Sycamore Hills. Contact away." "We started classes with fac- The redistricting plan has not only Chartotto Palmar. Cumberland Va I- FOR SALE SKYDTVtW PiSTRtJCTrONS Wells has served as a magistrate ulty and staff mostly six months had an effect in the House of Repre- Vay G.S.C., Box 40468, Naahville, Tram ft Jump the asms day for on the Madison Fiscal Court and was ago in another facility, but we sentatives, but in the Senate as well. TN 37204 or 615/383-0400. 1987 Modified 440 Kawasaki Jet ONLY SMI moved over here in January," defeated by George Robbins in the Madison County's Sen. Tom Ski w/trailer, EXTRAS... $2,195.00 Leckaya Airport, US 25 South, 6 1989 county judge-executive elec- RAPPELLING DIRECTOR - two Keith said. Buford, R-Nicholasville, was moved OB. 0.254-6771 mllaa from By-Paee, turn right on The facility will eventually tion. yearesxperlence required for aum- Menstaus Rd. Sat ft Sun. 10 im from Madison County after Ihe spe- mer position at Girl Seoul Camp offer programs and classes for With Napier's newly designed dis- For Into, call (008) 623-6910 eve- cial session and to the district of Sen. Sycamera Hills. Contact Charlotte FOR RENT trict came the responsibility of serv- nings, 666-8202 weekends. students as well as staff mem- Landon Sexton, R-Pine Knot, who Palmar, Cumberland Valley G.S.C., ing two more counties than in the past. THE CLASSMATE MANSION bers. was relocated from Eastern Kentucky. Box 40466, NeahvlUe, TN 37204 or Napier now represents portions of New 2 bdr. Townhouaaa near 1-75, Heading for EUROPE this sum- "We've had five classes for Sexton might not serve Madison 615/383-0490. mer? Jst there anytime for $169 Lincoln, Jackson, Garrard, Pulaski and •POOL'. Call 624-2727. faculty and staff covering intro County long, though. from the East Coast, $228 from Madison counties. OIRLSCC^JTCAMPSTAFF-Haalth to PC's, WordPerfect, Win- Sexton is planning to run against Furnished Room In prfvsts homa trie Mklwe at (whan ■vaaahla)wBh Napier is the stale representative dows, UNIX and Networking," Minority Floor Leader John Rogers, ouporvlaor, unit oouneetore and near EKU $34SAno. 624-1478 (af- AWHTOI! (Reported In Let'a Go! for four or fewer precincts in Lincoln. Keith said. R-Somerset, for the Senate seat in teadera, waterfront, rappelllng, ter 5 pjn.L ft NY Thnss.) AIRHtTCH • 212- Although the university is Jackson and Pulaski counties. The 36th 15th District. If he wins, he will vacate horseback, nature, arts and crafts, 864-20O0. not necessarily behind other District has 17 precincts in Madison the 34th District seat in Madison canoeing and oooks needed for the ROOMMATE FINDERS OF LEX- summer at Camp Sycamore Mia. schools in the stale regarding County and another nine in Garrard County instead of moving his family INGTON. Are you preparing to BEAUTY SECRETS County. Contact Charlotte Palmer, move to Lexington or area? Cut BY computer technology, Keith said to the district Cumberland Valley G.S.C., Box Dwight Wells, Darren's brother, Napier said he supported the re- your rent coat In 1/2 -Find A Room- DESIREE INTERNATIONAL the assistance from ATAT/NCR 40486, NashVlHs, TN 37204 or 615/ Learn beauty and health aec served Madison County as the House districting plan because it incorpo- mat.! Call ROOMMATE FINDERS will go a long way toward fur- 383-0490. kom around the world 1 -900422- majority whip before being defeated rates the one-man, one-votr. philoso- Office (608) 255-2400, 10-6 p.m. thering Eastern's reputation as Mon.-Frl., 8-5 p.m. Set. 2236 MUST HAVE TOUCH TELE- a high-lech institution. in 1979 by Moberly. phy. STOP! Need a Job Now and tor PHONE $2 per minute, 3-5 mbv Legislators met in a special ses- Darrell and Dwight Wells agree "I can't say anything about Summer? Earn $3 per envelope wngth of call. sion last year to redraft the slate's 100 on the faults of the redistricting plan, mailing our Sales Clrculara! FuM/ To place a classified ad, oal 622- the other schools," Keith said, 1672 Ads rnustbs placed by noon To place s display ad, eaB 622- House and 38 Senate districts in re- a plan that goes against Ihe concept Part Time! Start Now! Sand a Long "but we're going to be in good S.A.S. Envelope: Qaauee DHstrlbu- on Monday, and must be pre-paM. 1872. Ada must be placed by sponse to a federal census conducted "You may have one-man-one vote, Ada era $2 for 10 words, $4 for 20 Monday at 11 a.m. Adaara$4.25 shape." in 1990. The new districts were drawn but you don't have it this way ."Dwight tora, Employee Processing, P.O. Box 1157 Forked River, NJ 0B731. words, etc. p$>f column Inch. to reflect population changes in the Wells said.

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The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 A5 Campus news

'The amount of sacrifices is greater RELIGION: here because you are constantly fight- ing temptation," Kadri said. ADVERTISE IN THE PROGRESS University However, Kadri said the amount of award is higher here because the religion means sacrifice is higher here. Kadri and his brother, Shahed. are . starting a Muslim organization in the different faiths fall of 1992. Kadri said he felt there Continued from Front page was a need for an organization be- cause there are many Muslim students Sunita Jairam NatYuttayong church, was baptized in a Baptist Aaron McGuffin on campus and because they wanted church in February 1991. Hindu Buddhist ProtMtant to educate Americans about Muslims. In the Baptist church there is a public confession of faith in a church Buddhist nirvana followed by a baptism, McGuffin said. When Nat Yuttayong prays at n ight One Pair Over $20 'This public confession shows that he prays to Buddha. And as he was 50ff you have changed your life and that growing up in Thailand, he went to a Expires 5/8/92 you want to live for God,'* McGuffin Buddhist temple to worship. said. Buddhism was founded by McGuffin said that he believes the Gautama Buddha who lived and taught biggest differences between Catho- in India in the sixth century B.C. ki Plan Your lics and Protestants have to do with In its oldest form. Buddhism places Summer ritual. SaJMKadri JanEngel no emphasis on deities and its goal is They are common because both Muslim Catholic to achieve nirvana, which is a state of believe that you have to know Christ. insight and release from the world. VACATION "It's not like we are different from Yuttayong said that in Thailand with us each other,'' McGuffin said. "The most takes flowers and petals, called sweets. Kadri said that Muslims believe in there are many temples and monks. important thing is to be sure you know He lays the petals down in front of all one unique, incomparable God, in the When Buddhists go to the temple to Travel on Third God whether you are Baptist, Catho- the idols and whatever is left he takes angels created by Him, in the prophets worship, they take food to the monk. lic or whatever." back to others and family. through which God was revealed to After the monk finishes eating, As a Baptist, McGuffin said that Whoever receives a sweet must mankind, in the day of judgement and the people eat what is left he believes there is a certain point accept it with their right hand. Any- life after death. The monks shave their heads and when a person asks Christ into his thing good, in Hinduism, is done with Muslims respect Jesus Christ and the women that go to the temple wear 606-624-8785 white. * Before you. heart At this lime he asks for forgive- the right hand. consider him one of God's greatest travel anywhere, 104 S. Third St. ness of his sins. A person does not have to be bom messengers to mankind and wait for When Yuttayong would go to the Richmond, KY 40475 "This is when your walk with God or baptized into Hinduism. He must his second coming. However, unlike temple, the monk would say what was Travel on Third.' starts," McGuffin said. "It is a con- say a few words with the priest and Christian religions, Muslims believe good and bad and the people would tinual process; I will continue to grow then start practicing the religion by that Jesus was not the last prophet try to follow his words. as a Christian until the day I die." praying and reading the holy book. Muslims believe that God's final There are five main rules that the Let us take care of your beauty needs with This holy book is called the Gita, message to man was revealed to the Buddhists are supposed to follow: No Paul Mitchell, Nexxus & Dudley Hair Products. Incense and prayer written in Sanskrit In this book there Prophet Muhammad through Gabriel. drinking alcohol; no killing anything Sunita Jairam finds strength from are accounts of how the universe is The messages that Muhammad alive; no lying; no adultery and no practicing Hinduism on a Christian divided into different ages such as the gave were written down in the Mus- stealing. campus. golden age, the silver age, the copper lim holy book, the Quran. Yuttayong said that if a person "It helps me to hold on to my own age and others. Kadri said that a Muslim prays does these things enough, the Bud- identity even though I am in a differ- Jairam said that she does not be- dhists believe they will go to Hell. five times a day facing Makkah. This However, if that person does many ent country," Jairam said. lieve that good people go to heaven is done standing, kneeling or laying and bad ones go to hell. good things, he can cancel out what he Before Jairam goes to class each facedown. did that was bad. morning, she takes a bath, burns some "I think heaven and hell are both A Muslim prays in the morning, at on this earth," Jairam said. "If you do Buddhists also believe in reincar- incense, covers herself with a cloth noon, late afternoon, with the sunset nation. Depending on good or bad and prays in front of a picture of Shiva something wrong, you pay for it right and after the sunset Once a year they actions, a person will come back to a — an idol who represents the Hindu here." observe the holy month of Ramadan. better or worse life. god Bhagavan. "This is a month of total devotion Yuttayong said that most Bud- Shiva is considered the creator, Smoking taboo to God," Kadri said. "Back home in a dhists in Thailand were not any more Stylists Rsglna Bams* & Tony Centers destroyer, and preserver. Bhagavan is Sajid Kadri is a believer in the predominantly Muslim society you religious than Christians in America. am here to serve you I not considered to be a he or she, but a world's fastest growing religion, Is- don't find people eating, drinking, Yuttayong said that it is not hard strong, powerful light lam. Kadri, who is from Pakistan, smoking or chewing tobacco in pub- being a Buddhist in America. Even if Richmond had a Hindu said that "Islam" is the Arabic word lic." "It's not like they are going to temple, Jairam would have to say her that means submission and comes from Because Americans do all of these Thursday JCPenney come and kill me because I am a get20%OFF prayers in her apartment because only a word meaning peace. In the Islamic things in public, Kadri said that it is Buddhist" Yuttayong said. "Chris- 624-3501 Hindu men can pray in a temple. religion it means complete submis- harder for a person to practice Islam tians don't talk to me that much about any regular service When a man prays in a temple, he sion to the will of God. here than in Pakistan. religion." Richmond Mall location MADISON OPTICAL SUNGLASS SHOPPE 30 % off Carrera Sunglases 25% off Serengeti Sunglasses

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r —: 1 — A6 "The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 Campus news

Hall, was charged with possess ionofmari Buddy L. Kelly, 20. Nicholarville. juana and possession of drug parapherna- was charged with possess ion of alcohol by POLICE BEAT lia. a minor. MAY: Regent served 1970-78 Compiled by Joe Castle Patsy Daugberty, Rowlett Building, B«d Hembrec, 18, Richmond, was Continued from Front page weeks later. reported a coin-operated photocopier had arrested and charged with third degree The two settled in Stanford and Ttefbaowtag reports have been filed Dana M. Caruso, 19. Bumam Hall, been vandalized in the third floor hall of criminal trespassing and alcohol intoxica- Colonel Club. Mr. May began to establish himself as wtth tfce ■■Iversity'i dlvbton of publk was arrested and charged with driving the Rowlett Building. tion. A native of New York, May a prominent member of the commu- safety: under the influence. Donald E. Hagneas, Wallace Build- graduated high school at age IS. nity. Denfcse Giles, Bumam Hall, reported March 243: ing, reported a portable audiometer stolen After being drafted in 1943. he He was a former president of the Thefts, vandaMaaa, arrests $25.50 in cash stolen from Room 124 in Bruce MmcLarea, Memorial Science from Room 243 in the Wallace Building. came to Kentucky for military train- Lincoln County National Bank of the Cammack Building. Building, reported a lop-loading balance ing at Eastern, an Army training facil- Stanford, former treasurer of Lincoln March 23: Darcy I. Romans, 23, Richmond, re- scale stolen from Room 261 in the Memo- March 28: ity during World War II. Samantha Lang, 19. McGregor Hall. rial Science Building. County and a former member of the ported a compact disc player, a radar de- Deron A. Thornpaon.21, Palmer Hall. He received a Purple Heart during Fort Logan Hospital board of direc- reported a Nintendo Entertainment Sys- tector and six CDs stolen from her vehicle Jerry Johasoo, 19, Carver, was ar- was arrested and charged with alcohol tem and three game cassettes stolen from while parked in University Lot rested and charged with driving under the his World War II combat service. tors. intoxication. Following the war. May returned May is survived by his wife; two her McGregor Hall room. influence. Jonah L. Stevens, Brewer Building, March 25: reported three vehicles had been vandal- to Kentucky and Eastern. sons. Chuck May and Edward G. May, March 24: ChrtatopherS. Campbell, 19, Mattox March 27: ized while parked in Lancaster Lot. In 1949, he graduated from the both of Stanford; a brother, Charles K. university with a bachelor's degree in May of Canaseraga, N.Y., and four business. He completed his master's grandchildren. ABDUCTION: Student's ordeal ends with escape in Florida degree in business education here in He was buried Monday morning what he wanted by Spurkxk, the sus- She reported that her abductor went Tampa police said the description 1950. at Buffalo Springs Cemetery in Lin- Continued from Front page It was in the Keen Johnson Build- coin County. before arriving at his apartment at pect replied, "You know what I want" to use the bathroom and she was able of her abductor is also vague. In honor of May. flags on campus Cole said Tampa police will be ing where he met his wife Lucille around 10:10p.m. Spurlock had reportedly seen the to make it out of the house to her car. were flown at half mast on Sunday Spurlock (old police she then drove working with Kentucky authorities Dalton, Alumni Affairs director Larry Spurkxk left the apartmentat about suspect driving a dark blue late model Bailey said. They were married seven and Monday. 10:35 p.m. and headed home. She never Chevrolet Z28 or Pontiac Trans Am for an unspecified amount of time be- on the case. made it inside. prior to the abduction. fore slopping to contact local authori- "Bottom line is, she is safe and Apparently her abductor, described At approximately 5:30 p.m. Tues- ties. sound and on her way back to Ken- as a 6-foot, 200-pound, bearded white day, Spurlock escaped her captor and Tampa police, however, said her tucky," Cole said yesterday. ARMY: Emergency plans made male in his late 20s, had been follow- made another call, this time from a pay report is somewhat unclear. However, Chief Charles DeBord ing Spurlock for several weeks, police phone at a 7-11 convenient store in Things are a little fuzzy," said of the Richmond police isn't as skep- for Bluegrass weapons depot said. Tampa, Fla., to a 911 operator. Detective Steve Cole of the Tampa tical of Spurlock's story. Spurlock told family and friends After calling Tampa police she Police Department. "We're not sure "There is no hoax to the kidnap- that she first noticed the suspect fol- contacted her family from the same what we've got" ping," said DeBord. Continued from Front page preparedness." Williams said. "The people here have good inten- lowing her at the Richmond Mall, but location. Spurlock was unable to show po- Gregg said Spurlock's abductor ing the gas with incinerators, he said made no formal complaint to police. According to Tampa police, lice back to the residence she escaped is still at large in Florida and an inves- the exercises are worthwhile because tions in mind," Williams said. "There Gregg said the suspect is reported Spurlock was being held at an uniden- from and it is still not known where tigation is underway to locate the sus- the chemical weapons are here. is no scenario that's not dangerous and to have also approached Spurlock on tified Tainpa residence when she made she made her first phone call from to pect arid the residence where Spurlock "The mere fact that the stockpile is they need to be ready to protect the several occasions, and when asked her escape. report her abduction. was held. here reflects the need for this type of community."

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USED 1/2 PRICE 528 Eastern By-Pass • 624-0220 Today through INSTANT CASH ON BOOKS...and it doesn't matter Saturday where you bought them Offer expires 4-18-92 We Buy the Widest Range of Books BOOKS Hard or Soft Back Covers! * Used Textbooks are RECYCLED Books Shop and Compare! We Do Save You More! THE EASTERN PROGRESS April 16, 1992

B1 Progress illustration Kelly J. Witt by Stephen Lanham Accent editor


It s (Derby time again...

^Hostingyouroivn bash? Derby dates to remember Saturday, April 25 Even If you weren't Invited to sit with the stars at the Derby, youcan still make the most of the day by throwing your own party. O McDonald's Derby Festival Basketball Classic Here are some hints on how to make your get-together different from This Is an exhibition game of Kentucky high school seniors who are preparing to the rest, and more tun, too. enter college. Held at 7:30 p.m. In Freedom Hall, the cost is $12.50, and all seats are reserved. Tickets are available through all TlcfcetMaster locations. \f$ Have a theme for you get-together Thursday, April 30 Inside Although some guests may be reluctant to attend a party with a O 37th Derby Festival Pegasus Parade theme, you must convince them It will be a blast. Follow the theme Derby fever rolls through Louisville during the "Celebrate Kentucky parade. The □ Check out throughout the entire night or day with decorations, food and music. procession begins at 5:30 p.m. Bleacher tickets are $0 and chair seats are $8. Skinny Puppy's Here are some ideas: Monopoly theme, gangster theme, famous musicians theme, oM movies theme, southern theme. latest CD "Last Vtt Friday, May 1 Rights," B3. Hire a waiter or bartender O Derby Festival Derby Eve Jam Jam with M.C. Hammer'a Too Legit" world tour during the USA Harvest National □ Matt Marlowe's Treat yourself and your guests to a little luxury! Hired help may be Hunger Relief Conceit. Other guests for the event are Boyz II Men, Jodeci and employed through a catering or personnel service. Osktown 3-5-7. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. at Freedom Hail. Tickets are $25. Colonel mascot If you are planning a special evening, go the extra mile, spend some routine brings extra bucks and splurge with a hired server. It will add a touch of class him national to your party as wen as free you to enjoy your guests. O Saturday, May 2 recognition, B5. And They're Off... Derby Day j®® Serve Mint Juleps The month's activities come to a close aa the much-awaited event arrives. For Brett Griffin Since the Derby Is a long-standing tradition in Kentucky, why not more Information on the Kentucky Derby, call Churchill Downs at (502) 636-4400. encourages follow tradition and serve the ever-popular Derby drink? fellow baseball players from the sidelines with an From backpack to briefcase Injured arm, B6. Student's business caters Derby festivities

taking any chances on unemployment At that point, David was only work- hired on contract labor, so taxes will By Dairell L. Jordan not be withheld from their pay. Staff writer lines. ing for Penguins as an employee. He is co-owner of Penguins, a ca- "People started coming tome think- Penguins is searching for help in Tube talk tering business based in Lexington ing that I owned the company, so even- the areas of banquet serving, buffet Graduate... search frantically for a serving, bartending, valet parking and job. which will be opening a second loca- tually about two years ago he asked me tion in Louisville next month. if I wanted to take over half of the cooking. u Give "A That's the gruelling routine that Anyone interested should contact many students are smacked with fol- Although David is still complet- company, so I took it over,'' David said Salute to the office. lowing the completion of a degree ing his public relations degree at East- of his partner. Cawood David is enthusiastic about work- which was ideally intended to provide em, he balances his classload while David said with the added boost of Ledford"in a ing the Derby. "I've never been to the them with a job. running his Lexington catering busi- the Madden party as well as catering 42 Derby, and now that I am going, I will special tribute But what used to be the norm has ness. corporation tents at the Kentucky be working," he said. "We're right to UK's voice been put on hold because of the tighi And this isn't just any catering Derby, Penguins should make $50,000 on the realm of of the Wildcats 4 job market in business. in one week. This is the catering business which He attributes the business' over- really exploding who retired this today's re- into a major cor- cession. will be providing the Kentucky Derby whelming success in the midst of a year. The poration." Jobs are and Anita Madden, a Lexington so- national recession to a complete lack program will air Proprss photo by BONNY CARRETT David gradu- hard to come cialite famous for her extravagant of competition in the Lexington/Lou- Friday at Blaise David, a senior public ates this May, one by these Derby bashes and impressive guest isville area from other catering busi- relations major, Is co-owner of week after the 8 p.m. on CBS. days. lists, with decorative goodies to munch nesses. a catering business which will Derby, and he Unless on as they enjoy the racing festivities "The only other thing there is are provide services for the Derby. expects business -i Catch some you use your in May. personnel services," David said. "By to improve since imagination, "I go from backpack to briefcase 1993.1 can easily see us doing a $1 baseball action he will be able that is. everyday," David said. million a year business." Students hired by Penguins will as the Chicago give more time. And for Although it hasn't been easy bal- Penguins, named for the black tie make SS to 55.50 per hour and get to Cubs face the St. "With me be- Blaise David, ancing his responsibilities, David said luxes employees wear, is currently hir- keep all tips, which could possibly be Louis Cardinals ing part-time we that meant he has never regretted buying half of ing help for their Derby-related events. large considered the number of stars just haven't had live on CBS providing the business two years ago. David said he would like to hire and socialites who have attended the time to really ex- this Saturday himself witha His partner Don Soukyreue be- students from Eastern to help with the Derby Eve party in past years. pand," he said. at1 p.m. job and not gan the business in 1984. party in Lexington. David also said students will be Next week .lllh. Nursing students on the Job 62 Arts & Entertainment The Eastern Progress Thursday, April 16,1992 Tim Blum, editor

Mountain novelist brings prose to campus I Movie review By Mark White Staff writer King's 'Sleepwalkers' *7 shall not leave these prisoning hills Though they topple their barren should not be disturbed heads to level earth And the forests slide uprooted out By Stephen Lanham Charles reads an original story en- of the sky." Staff artist titled "Sleepwalkers" to Tanya and These words were written by the rest or the gang In the story, award-winning Kentucky suthor James "Sleepwalkers."Stephen Charles poetically whines about Still in his poem "Heritage," which King's first attempt at writing ex- how two sleepwalkers are chased was published in Still's first book, clusively for the big screen, leaves from town to town by angry men. "Hounds on the Mountain," in 1937. fans screaming for less. It seems that if Charles were Still, who is famous for his fiction The film opens in Bodega Bay, really concerned about being forced and poetry about the mountains of Ken- Calif., former home of Charles to move on, he wouldn't get into a tucky, will give a public reading to- Brady and his mother, poorly high-speed chase with the cat-lov- night at 7:30 p.m. at the Pearl B uc hanan played by Brian Kraus and Alice ing deputy sheriff or try to mow ; Theatre. Krige. down school children getting off a Still's a wards include the O. Henry The two are sleepwalkers, a bus in the very next scene. Memorial Short Story Award, the human/feline combo pack who That poetry stuff was probably American Academy of Arts and Let- feed on virginal human females just to trick poor Tanya anyway. ters Award, a Berea College Special and, according to the movie, a Charles goes on to spend a good Wcaihcrford Award. twoGuggcnhcim likely origin for vampire legends. portion of the movie charming the i Fellowships and five honorary degrees. The sleepwalkers' only fear is socks off Tanya, who's ready and \ Tonight's reading will be in honor of cats, the scratches of which arc willing to take Charles to the local ;of the late Dr. John M. Long, former lethal to them. makcout spot to end her long dry ;dcan of the College of Arts and As it turns out, killing a sleep- spell. ;Humaniiics.During his reading. Still walker requires more than one Said spot turns out to be an aban- ;will read from his best-known novel, scratch. In fact, it takes a whole doned cemetery run by Stephen •"River of Earth" as well as some of his King's inept cameo character. •other works. slew of scratches to do in these baddies. Also watch for horror writer '. "It is his classic novel," said Dr. Ms. Brady is so especially fear- Clivc Barker in this hilarious (just '.Paula Kopacz, an English professor ful of this fate that she lives as a kiddin') scene. ; who teaches Kentucky literature. "He Why doesn't Charles just turn ;has a real sense of detail and a real recluse surrounded by cat traps, enjoyment of the language and humor wailing for her son to bring her invisible, a power he uses quite a Jof Eastern Kentucky." food. bit, and walk into Tanya's house ■ Kopacz describes the 85-year-old Charles and his mom were and rip her to bitty, bite-size bits? lauthor as a feisty old guy. "It is an Photo amrttty of CumberUmd OMtgt forced to relocate to Indiana, home I'll tell you why. of Hoosicr Tanya Robertson, Because then King wouldn't be '.image he enjoys projecting. He enjoys Jamet Still alts in his cabin located at Little Carr Creek. Still will deliver a public reading from felling you how he has been battered played by Adchin Amicof "Twin able to spend the next hour shock- Ma wall known novel "River of Earth" tonight In the Pearl Buchanan Theatre In honor of the late Peaks" fame and a big load of ing us with campy, comic-book ."by the system," said Kopacz. Dr. John M. Long, former dean of the Collage of Arts and Humanities. ■ Dr. Harry Brown, professor of En - CATS (important plot point!). violence like pulling off a school jglish. said of Still's writing, "his fic- people and life of the Appalachian children. the waters of Little Carr Creek in Charles sets his sights on Tanya teacher's hand, shootings, maim- 4ion is very elliptical and terse. It tends region, most specifically Knot! After graduating high school, he 1939. Still continues to live in the as a nice choice for the next meal. ing, burnings, stepping in cat traps 40 cut his writing down to the barc- County, which is his home. earned degrees from Lincoln Memo- Little Carr Creek area to this day al- Tanya, whose character is so and throwing Tanya's mom out a Ixxics and not put anything unnccded His stories are set during the years rial University, Vanderbilt University though he has often traveled abroad one-dimensional it's no wonder window. 3mo it." of the Great Depression, from 1929 to and die University of Illinois. for extended periods of time. she's still a virgin, works at the Although this film has top-of- ; Still's writing is known for its use about 1940. The language of Still's In 1931 he moved to Hindman, It was at Little Carr Creek where popcorn stand of the local theater the-linc morphing effects, like the p( the Appalachian dialect in the char- writing illustrates the talk and culture where he worked as a librarian and Still wrote much of his work, most of and has a creative writing class type used in Michael Jackson's acters' dialogue. "His dialogue is not of the region. Still is considered by delivered books to remote areas in which is still in print today, something with the dreamy, but highly dan- "Black or While" video and "Star false and hokcy like many Appala- many to be one of the best writers Knoit County. Brown cal Is quite an accomplishment gerous. Chuck. Trek VI," the end result is shabby at chian writers," Brown said. from Appalachia. Still was bom in Still inherited a log house from a The reading is free and open to the It is during this class that best Slay home and study. Still's work centers around the LaFayetie, Ala., in 1906, one of 10 friend, Jethro Amburgey, located on public.

I lll\ L'l'silX ( Ilk-Ill.is \ll Shows

IGOUMTVIY What Campus Plasma Higbllx Sal A Sun 7:00 2:00-7:00 Nixhily SM A Sun 9:30 2:15-9:30 MY COUSIN THE HAND THAT TIME g|| do (E ROCKS THE CRADLE O ' Hitjuly SJULSUIII NiihUy SaULSim 9:15 4:30-9:15 7:15 4:30-7:15 you TAN? BUCCANEER DRIVE-IN Low on cash after us » No* 624-8250 10 Visits for $16.00 FRK-SAT.-SUN, Spring Break? Box Ofrtc. Opana MovUa Sun W. w* b* cp*n af mr, lw Uacfbon Co. • t 7:50 at 8:30 Spring Bra* Midnight to Noon PO lab I X 330 525 720 »20 : M F 525 720 9!0 THE IAWNMOWEP TXTV Earn $15 a donation, Sa-Su 100 300 4SS7O0 8O0 Mf 456 700 900 (a) MAN Available at THRIFTY AND" Th.aab.PO FREDDY'S T«F«« I >1 TC 11M A X Sa-Su 1 10 5DO 72S »SS «-f 500 725 0 55 H,z uu " «Na Man Cant Jun*> R w- DEAD *" Sa-Su 1 '5 506 730 1000: M-f 506 730 10O MOTELS 624-9814 Sa-Su 120 128 530 735 9*0 llf 530 735 9*0, TOWNE CINEMA Sa-Su 120 4 50 720 9 50 M-f 440 720 940 AlaMta'1 623-8813 292 S. Third St. M«ln St • 623-5032 All lima. "Wayna-tWoiWPQ-i] Sa-Su 106 330 »2S 730 93»: Mf S2S 730 936 7:15 1 9:20 >PQ Mk-bnM Sunday 1 . 3:05 Sa-Su 930 Mf 930 BITE-SIZE SHRIMP DINNER "FamOuWO Sa-SU125 1:10 446 745 M-f 456 7*5 THE HAND THAT _ iPIZZA •NO PASS! • NO PA'.sESNO SUPfRSA'.fRS H ROCKS THE CRADLE •-PIECE SHRIMP DINNER ■ OOLDU* raaw tun*, vmisa. coia >LA« axan runn AncociTAa. tAucs.

Colonel's Corner $r>99iJlMH ■ ■■■(ahaiiU OBJJOHN Electric Beach ■Jfcftajl— w»* SHRIMP & I KM S H C"MIC Kl \ & IRIIS Special: I Bite Size Shrimp, w.|>«B.*l|M«l I On 6 visits for $11.95 ■ m, or*. o*» mtmmm*. fa I 0m s*« ta» ana feat M9> IS 5-SS2 MM am tat tat ti i I ISH & I Rll S I ISH & I Rll S Present coupon for i I Fish, fries, jej Fish, fries, <£ /Buy 1 get 1 free/ j hush puppies **! hush puppies ™ i & tartar sauce ! & tartar sauce tanning session I lay.-.'■»!»< (■■ MW* a. .MM BaanlMk (with $10 purchase of anything i except gas) i I . J ur New Broiled Menu $6.39 + Tax • Broiled Cod • Broiled Breast of Chicken 1 Topping plus 2 Cokes 624-8773 • Broiled Shrimp Dinner III Kl \ K 624-2828 298 S. Second St. i^^i^^t*^''^^^!**^* Additional Toppings Available The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 B3 Arts & Entertainment

□ Music review Do you have something special. that's gotten you through your Skinny Puppy offers rebellious audio horror years here at EKU? By Mike Royer Contrrbuling writer Want to give it to your favorite underclassman? If Hell ever needs a house band. Skinny Puppy would Hi the bill per fectly. "Last Rights", the latest offering from Canadian death-synth heavy- weights Skinny Puppy, is the audio equivalent of "The Faces Of Death" videos. Listening to any Skinny Puppy release is akin to watching a horror movie—what you are seeing, or in this case hearing, can be disgusting. unnerving and downright gruesome, but you keep watching, or listening, because it is intensely interesting. The 11 tracks on the disc (in some sort of strange marketing ploy, there Will it away in the graduation arc actually only 10 because the 10th issue of song on the disc is "missing") arc vintage Skinny Puppy. EKU Style! The Skinny Puppy sound is a multi-layered cacophony of screech- Just send $2 along ing electric buzzes and whirrs set with your will to: against the constant beat of a synthe- sizer and the "singing/screaming" of The Eastern Progress, Nivek Ogre, a.k.a. Kevin Oglivie. Pholo courtesy ofCfinA Recarts Industrial-dance is the catch Donovan Annex 117, phrase used to describe the musical Industrial recording artists Skinny Puppy rsflsct a dark pain In their music and lyrics, whlla at the by Monday, April 27. same tlma delivering a rebellious message against violence. Ths band Is planning a major U.S. genre Skinny Puppy, and other groups i tour to promote Its latest release, "Last Rights," which at svsllsble on Capitol Records. such as Ministry, Front Line Assem- bly, KMFDM and , occupy. During a live show in Cincinnati, the ground 'noise' make these songs the is llminutesof nerve- wracking sonic Senior Will Form These groups use noise, samples Puppies were arrested for their misin- most energetic, but it is their caic hiness chaos. and a punishing beat to sell anger- terpreted on-stage antics. that makes them the most listenable With no focus or real rhythm, Name filled recordings to the masses fed up This disc, described by frontman and 'danceable' of the bunch. "Download" is a challenge to listen to, with commercial radio. Ogre as an audio descent into Hell, is The 'mood' songs on the album, and as the last song of the album, I Address While the energy of such m usic is a powerful and disturbing piece of "Circustance." "Lust Chance." imagine it is symbolic of total break- upbeat and manic, the themes these work—just what they intended it to "Riven End" and "Download", are down. Phone songs explore are usually violent, be. not particularly entertaining to listen The repetitive bursts of caustic morbid and full of hate. The opener, "Love in Vein," is a to as singles per se, but when listening sounds makes a fitting end to an al- Message Skinny Puppy was formed in confession of Ogre's past heroin ad- to the disc as a whole, they add to the bum about losing it upstairs. Granted, 1983 lead by vocalist Ogre and syn- diction set to music. atmosphere, heightening the audio- Skinny Puppy is not for everyone. thesizer technician cEVIN KEY, and It is a pulsating, fast-paced song induced paranoia and dementia. In fact, the group was created as added keyboardist DwayneGocttcl in spliced with a disembodied voice pro- "Riverz End," a sequel of sorts to something of a backlash against more 1986. They have released eight other claiming, "Everything around me the "Rivers" track from their "Ra- standard, popular forms of musk. albums to date. seemed to move in slow motion," cre- bies" album, incorporates the same There are those who believe musk Over the years. Skinny Puppy has ating a hypnotic, ranting vision of drug rhythm track and bask samples as (and art) has to be pretty, but there are been something of a lightning rod for addiction. "Rivers," but takes it on a darker tone no rules regarding art. controversy. Their video for "War- The best songs on the disc, "Inqui- w ith fore boding distant horns and eerie A painting of an ugly flower is just lock" has never been shown on con- sition'" and "Mirror Saw ."are also the background noise. as valid (and probably more interest- ventional video outlets because of its most cohesive. The effect is impressive. ing) as that of a pretty one. graphic montage of violent images. The thumping bass line and back- The disc's final cut, "Download," Music is the same way. s$2&/^ New Orleans Cafe Sandwiches & BY*Salads NEW LOCATION • Now; Open where 623-3458 • Eastern By-Pass Vegetarians: We now have FOO' COLD SUBS Tofu Creole and Salads. - - LONG r'lil! foamantkCAiJusrsAr ADO 100 2.00 So check us out! IMHham.ginoa.pifiptnri. bologna) 2W 4 19 We Bake Our SJ8WAV CLUB (tootltml. M»y. hag 2W 4 19 Own Bread music gtCVITAUAN 2.49 399 242 South Second Street CODCUTCOMK) 1.89 299 Daily! Richmond, Kentucky 40475 TUNA 279 3.99 (606) 624-3895 SEAFOOD > CBAB 339 499 matters HAM*. CHEESE 269 399 Hours: 1978 BOAST BEEF 209 4 19 TUKEY IDEAS! 279 399 11 a.m. to 2 TURKEY *aACON0a.UXE 319 439 a.m., Mon. VECC6* CHEESE 149 259 thru Sat. 623-5058 EKU Bypass ne HOT SUBS

r 11 a.m. to MEATBALL O pizza Sub 1.89 299 STEAK > CHEESE 299 439 Midnight, SOILED CHOEN8PEAST 2.99 439 Sunday II Ybu Want "hi Know What SAB-KIP* 3.39 4.99 It* Like* Order Fran Ov FOUR ISSUES Competition, Store At This BISLEY GIFFEN Empty Plate For 45 Minutes. GRANT li.iiuj We treat Queen SUGGESTED FOR you MATURE READERS brazier right! r i i i Small Blizzard N i Don't wai on • «km dtlimy from ihoK oihn guyv all Domino > PUu* H lot a hoi. fmh pun ddtratd in )0 mnuin or Ins I I I 990 I ITS TIME FOR DOMINO'S PIZZA*. I I 14" Popporoni and I With Coupon 2 Cokes I I $5.99 L i Garlic butter now ravailable upon request i i THE comic INTERLUDE Take a study break! 188 Woodland Rue. ««■,— ■ ■».—■ o— tmmmmt*—** Ommmnmn ■ mm*W»m»*mmtmm leKington. KV 40502 231-9237 •tammrmx "■"■•» • USM OH Am DO Car, CwajM 1M1 Am DO Cm Mr* MNtV.nMxUSA L W°c OFF WITH fJ URL ID COLLEGE ID 64 Activities The Eastern Progress Thursday, April 16,1992 Amy M. Etmans, editor Mud, siblings part of busy weekend

Photo submitted Wildcats, like tho on* pictured above, art In danger of becoming extinct unless education is Initiated In schools.

Progress photo by BONNY C. CARRETT ^^^^tW ^r ^^r^^ • ^5 'Wild About Cats' Tammy Standafer, an undeclared freshman from West Liberty, grasps the rope during a tug-of-war contest held at Keene Hall Saturday. The event was a part of Lie Slbs kicks off Earth Week ■i- *£ Weekend sponsored by the Residence Hall Association. By Amy M. Etmans Activities editor AT A GLANCE

Extinction is forever. Tonight 7 p.m. Walters' t. *4I Hablb A. Shaheen, director That is the message the executive lobby Gary Ritchison, bi- of the Information Office of director of the International Society ology professor, discusses the Royal Saudi Arabian for Endangered Cats, Inc. presented "Ocean Pollution." Embassy, poses with Monday night in the Grisc Room of Monday 7 p.m. Walters' .^- Denlse Lundy, an (he Combs Building. lobby Student speakers t'Z'Jl Y undeclared Junior from The program, "Wild About Cats," discuss "Simple Things Wilmington, Ohio, and marked the beginning of Earth Week Students Can Do." Rhonda Stallard, a senior 1992, sponsored by Walters and Tuesday 7 p.m. Walters' elementary education major Telford halls in cooperation with the loft by Doug Reynolds, from Richmond, during the Residence Hall Association and the £ Ws aval Saudi Arabian dinner held Sierra Club. assistant natural science Saturday night in the The event was designed lo edu- professor, discusses "Wa- Powell Cafeteria. cate the university community about ter and Air Pollution." the world around them and to stress Wednesday, April 22, is the importance of all animals, includ- Earth Day. Progress photo by BOBB1 ]0 SHIELDS ing cats. "About 21 out of 37 wildcat spe- To emphasize that point, Becker Mud Volleyball, sponsored by the recreation club, was cies will disappear in the next 20 brought a companion with him, a 2- held Saturday. Above, Catholic Newman Center's Tom years," Becker said. ycar-old bobcat named Naiaio. Schaper and John Klonlcke groom Stephanie Jaggers Progress photo by TIM BLUM It's a man-made problem, Becker Although Nataio's species is not following a game. Lynda McVaney, Derek Lee, Jan Engei said, especially if people don't be- extinct, some other species of wild- and Michelle Kramer look on. come involved and educate themselves cats arc. Becker said there is still time on the world around them. lo save all species near extinction.

clean machine • clean store* The Eastern i FREE Progress wishes ;WASH Mother's Coin everyone a Laundry Happy Easter Present Coupon for g- 1 FREE WASH or $2 off drop-off service Shoppers Village Eastern By-Pass 623-5014 will honor competitors g Coupons « " clean machines 'clean store**

HOW TO SAVE ON THE HIGH COST OF EDUCATION. SHARE AN AFTERNOON WITH 100,000 OF m CLOSEST FRIENDS. Be a part of the famous - or infamous - Kentucky Derby Infield crowd Saturday, May 2nd. Besides the Run for the Roses, you can watch athletes from your school battling it out LIKE in the Derby Classic Volleyball Tournament. I DOMINO'S And if you buy your infield'tickets now for How Vbu Like Pizza At Home $15.00, you'll save $5 on the regular admission price. Call 623-0030 CAMPUS SPECIAL Grab your friends, find a car, and make a 119Collin*Slr»fl J Richmond Cheese Pizzas road trip to Churchill Downs. Gates open at (Offer good st pmrtmrmti n% \torr only! 10" Pizza $2.99 8:00 a.m. EDT. Post Time is 11:30 a.m. Having a Domino's Pizza* store nearby is like having (Additional Hems $.69) room service every day! Call and order your favorite 12" Pizza $3.99 CAMPUS SPECIAL today. (Additional items $.99) u 14" Pizza $4.99 (Additional Hams $1.19) CHURCHILL DOWNS* "M«BV I '"•»»*«•» good lot on ampul dttnory onl, Eastern Kentucky University. Intramural Office. 202 Begley Bldg.. 622-1244. BOO - 12.00, 1O0 - 4.30 M-h The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 B5 Activities

Conference strives to make strong leaders ADVERTISE By Sheryl Edelen One of the six workshops, "How university. sistant manager of a Kmart store in between the two sexes. Contributing writar to Conduct a Successful Job Search,'' "Take advantage of the opportu- Sharonville, Ohio, agreed, but also "BSL SOOtThe Dynamics of Black provided a panel which consisted of nity and talk to those who come dur- sees the successful job search as a Student Leadership," offered minor- IN THE Minority students from six area Career Development and Placement ing career fairs," he said. "People do series of steps. ity student leaders assistance in devel- universities attended the Second An- Director Art Harvey, Ellendale Hall not mind sharing information with "First, stop partying long enough oping and focusing goals, objectives nual Black Leadership Conference in counselor Sandra Cairo and recent students. In fact, it flatters them, be- to figure what you want to do with and strategic planning for their orga- PROGRESS! the Powell Building last weekend to minority graduates Prenell Mitchell, cause it tells them that what they do is your life." nizations and clubs. participate in workshops with topics Rhonda Webb and Adricnne Monday. important." Next, make the best grades you Sheletha McEaddy, a sophomore ranging from AIDS prevention to black The panelists gave minority stu- Mitchell and Webb sent simple can. Get serious and put all of your from Junction City, said she found the male and female relationships. dents tips on how to land positions and messages to deliver to the students. energies into being the best you can be conference both beneficial and en- The conference, which was co- make themselves more marketable to "Don't wait until the last minute and conducting a successful job lightening. Folio's Pool Room sponsored by the Black Student Union potential employees. to try to find a position, or you will be search," she said. "I would recommend that minor- CLEAN RESTROOMS III and Office of Minority Affairs, hosted "People take four years to go to spending a lot of time at home," Another workshop, "Black Male ity students participate in more minor- students from the University of Ken- school, and then want to spend 24 Mitchell said. He is currently working and Female Relationships," examined ity functions such as this in order to Sandwiches tucky, Kentucky Wesleyan Univer- hours on a resume,'' Harvey said em- as an assistant civil coordinator for the ways women and men tend to view make a statement that blacks are unit- sity, Marshall University, Murray State phasizing that landing a good position Giffels Technology. each other and how these views can ing toward the common goal of mi- 50

and Induction Banquet. Tickets are $8. FREE CAMPUS See Terri in the psychology department Pool Game 16 17 office for tickets. 1 1 1 1 \ \ " April 22 - 5 p.m. Track. Cn l-Olymplcs 'Eternal Colonel' dances 19\ 20\ 21 \ 22\ | | With Coupon will be sponsored by Chi Omega sorority. CALENDAR All proceeds go the Madison County 623-0354 Special Olympics. For more information 912 Commercial Drive call Noelle Harp at 623-3539. his way to mascot victory I (Next (o Carousel Liquors) ANNOUNCEMENTS By Angie Hatton Marlowe's videotape which was TODAY Staff writer ranked second in that round of the April 16-4 p.m. Room B, Powell Applications are available for summer competition, counted as 80 percent Building. Students for Appalachla mcei. orientation leaders from the Residence MATHEMATICS Dancing to the 60s song "Magic of the judges' final score. For more information call Kevin at 3619 Hall Programs office in Beckhsm Hall. Earn $500, weekends off, housing AWARENESS CarpctRidc" witharug while wear- The other 20 percent came from or Steve at 1717. Following tha Incentive of ing psychedelic sunglasses can't be a skit that Marlowe performed be- 4:30p.m. Ravine. University Pah hold provided. Applicants must have at least a 2.0GPA and cannot be enrolled in summer President Bush for educational all bad. fore the audience at the competition. Raster Egg Hunt. University Pali are reforms and Improvsments, the responsible for calling their pals. school. Date of employment is June 17 to The skit helped Matt Marlowe, He said his skit, called "The Eter- July 23. Application deadline is April 17. Mathamatlcal Association of 5:15 p.m. Kennamer Room, Powell America haa asked Its members the "Eternal Colonel" mascot, cap- nal Colonel," was a trip down Building. Phi Kappa Phi will holds spring For more information call 2077. ture the title of National Mascot of memory lane with something sig- EKU's division of special programs is to participate in making people ceremony to induct new members into the more awsrs of mathamatlcs. the Year Friday at the Universal nificant from every decade since the honor society. For more informanlion call offering Beginning PageMaker on the Cheerleaders Association's national sixties. Macintosh. Courses will run April 18 to Towsrds this snd, Govsrnor Dr. Susan Godbey at 1456 or stop by Jonas has proclaimed April 29, competition in San Antonio, Texas. In addition to the "Magic Carpet Room 337 of the Moore Building. May 2. The class will meet on Saturday from9a.m. to 1 p.m. with Dr. Jack Hillwig. 1M2asMsthsrnstlcsawarsnsse "Everyone was saying I had it in Ride" skit, Marlowe presented the 7:30 p.m. Brock Auditorium. James Day. As our part the Depertmsnt the bag," Marlowe said. "I didn't 70s with the opening scene from the Still will give a reading in tribute to John Tuition is $126. For more information on this program or others call 1228. of Mathematlca will praaant expect to win. It was a big surprise." Brady Bunch. M. Long. soms math problems for your Marlowe, a senior organiza- He danced around with a big 8 p.m. Keen Johnson Bsllroom. EKU consideration. While there wW Marlowe's performance will Center Board presents hypnotist Bruce INTRAMURALS tional communications major from tapestry of the Brady Bunch with his be no prizes, your nama wtH ba air on ESPN In May. McDonald. The program is free and open published ss s problem solver. Danville, was chosen to compete face in the center square once re- to the public. On Saturday, April 18, a Biathlon will from a videotape he sent in of high- served for Alice the maid. be held. Student fees are S4 administration Your solution should ba sent to Iignis of his performances at foot- In the 80s segment, he made fun both videotapes of his perfor- UPCOMING or $10, which includes a T-shirt. Any Dr. Amy King, WsHaee 402. ball and basketball games. of Michael Jackson by imitating mances. entry received after April 16 will be Only the top four mascot entries some of his more famous dance Eastern's varsity cheerleaders April 17-1 p.m. Room 123, Moore assessed a late charge. For more David Ng submitted the from around the nation were chosen moves, and for the 90s, he danced to also competed for the first time Building. The department of Biological information call 1244 or stop by Room following problem for your to compete at the national competi- Hammer's "2 Legit 2 Quit." ever in national competition, tak- sciences will have a formal dedication In 202. Begley Building. consideration: tion. Marlowe hopes to make a career ing fourth place in the nation for honor of Dr. Sanford Jones, who is The Soccer Club is looking for a coach and new players. For more information The other three mascots he com- out of being a mascot for a profes- their division. retiring. Following the dedication, there will be a reception in the Hemdon Lounge call Tim Kiel at 5729. I am twice the age that you peted against were from the Univer- sional team. "I don't know if I would have of the Powell Building. All members of RUGBY: The university's men's were when I was your age. sity of Alabama at Birmingham, He has already been contacted won if not for them (the cheerlead- the university community are cordially rugby team defeated Indiana University When you get to be my Virginia Tech and the University of by the Miami Dolphins and the St. ers) because they really supported invited to attend. and the University of Kentucky Saturday age, our agea will total 63 Dayton. Louis Cardinals and has sent them me," Marlowe said. April 21-6 p.m. Holiday Inn, Eastern with respective scores of 16-0 and 28-16. By-Pass. Psl Chi holds Spring Awards Their season record stands at 5-3. years. How old are we?

CENTI R Bring a friend and EKU CHEERLEADER Eastern Kentucky University Join the fun as University Center B°A£D Board presents T R YO U TS

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What do you feel when hypnotized? Deeply relaxed. You are not asleep or un- conscious but will con- tinue to hear the sounds around you. After- BRUCE MCDONALD wards, you feel re- freshed. It's fun!

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Applications may be picked up in the FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE, 128 POWELL BLDG. Call 622-3855 for further information.

J- 66 Sports The Eastern Progress Thursday, April 16,1992 Jerry Pennington, editor Ward wins 700th vs Jerry Pennington Southeast Missouri Sports commentary Vogelgesang was also two for three from Louisville brings the plate with two runs batted in. Eastern 0, Southeast Missouri 9 end to Colonel Alan Wieter threw a onc-hiticr against Eastern Eastern on Sunday in their first game of a winning streak doublchcadcr as the Indians shut out the Colo- athletics nels. Southeast Missouri scored two runs in the By Scott Rohrer first and added five more in the lop of the need sexual Assistant Sports Editor fourth as the Colonels never got close in this one. The Colonels have won seven of their last Wieter threw only three strike outs, but the equality nine games to pull them within one game of Indian defense was strong enough as they conference leader Austin Pcay (8-4). trounced Eastern 9-0. Sexual discrimination is a big Taking two of three from Southeast Mis- Eastern 8, Southeast Missouri 4 issue facing society today, and it has souri State this weekend put Eastern in a tic for In game two on Sunday, the Colonels also made its way into the world of third in the conference at 7-5 and 14-18 over- managed to score eight runs with only five hits college athletics. all. due to smart base running and four errors Last year. Eastern's athletic Eastern 6, Marshall 3 committed by Southeast Missouri. department decided to axe the field By out hitting Marshall 8-5 last Thursday, Eastern scored a run in the first inning and hockey team as a result of an Ohio the Colonels were able to pick up win up their routed for five more in the bottom of the fourth Valley Conference vole in favor of twelfth win of the season. to make it 8-2 in the fifth. adding fast-pitch so f thai I as a A combination of four pitchers got the job Southeast Missouri's Scott Hollrah had championship sport in 1993. done for Eastern on defensively Mike Kibbey the only home run of the day, but Colonel Matt The move prompted a complaint (1-1) got the win. Maynard went two for three and Jim Rich- filed by the players alleging a Title The Colonels jumped on top early getting mond hit a key double to keep Eastern on top. IX violation by the university. two runs in the first inning. "I was very impressed with Southeast The NCAA Title IX legislation They picked up two more in the sixth and Missouri," said Ward. "They have a lot of provides equal opportunities for held off a late Marshall route in the ninth to quality players and they played us very hard." male and female athletes at publicly end the game with a convincing 6-3 on the Louisville 19, Eastern 2 funded schools. The field hockey road victory. Last Wednesday, the Colonel winning players did not feel that they were "I was very pleased with our play at streak was snapped by the University of Lou- given this equal opportunity. Marshall last week," said coach Jim Ward. isville as they stomped the Colonels 19-2. Eastern's is just one example of "We still have some problems with inconsis- The Cards outhit the Colonels 22-10, and the struggle in women's sports for tent play, but we're making a lot of progress." collected six home runs in the game. equality, and the field hockey Eastern 6, Southeast Missouri 3 The game remained relatively close in the complaint filed last year is one in Joe Vogelgesang got his sixth win of the early stages, but Louisville exploded in the the forefront of many. season last Saturday as he went all nine in- sixth inning for 11 runs to blow out Eastern. The Title IX legislation is nings on the mound for the Colonels to give Reggie Miller pitched three innings, giv- approaching its 20th anniversary, them the 6-3 edge at home. ing up four runs and was credited with the loss. and seems to be gaining national Eastern exploded for four runs in the bot- Ward wins his 700th interest as the NCAA has started tom of the third as they capitalized on several In his 13th season at Eastern, coach Jim conducting studies on money Indian errors. Ward won his 700th career game on Saturday available for athletic scholarships. The Colonels added another run in the as the Colonels defeated Southeast Missouri The study found that men fourth and one in the seventh on a Ron Spears State 6-3. receive 70 percent of the scholarship double. "It was very special to me because it was money available, 77 percent of the Pngrttt photo by BONNY C. CARRETT Eastern had three errors of its own allow- a conference victory," said Ward. "It also ope ruling money and 83 percent of ing Southeast Missouri the opportunity to gave me a moment to reflect on the past, the the money used for recruiting. Jason Combs, a freshman from Edgswood, collected his second win of the score, but Vogelgesang threw 12 strike outs to great players we've had here and what great By looking at expenditures on season against Southeast Missouri State University last Sunday. help out defensively. things we've been able to accomplish." the surface, it would seem that this is clearly a violation of sexual equality, but the study also found SPORTS BRIEFS that on the average, male athletes By Jerry Pennington outnumber the female athletes almost two to one. Also, most schools split the COLONEL ACTION scholarship money almost according WOMEN'S TENNIS: The Lady to the ratio of male and female Netters won a pair of matches this past athletes. weekend with a 7-2 victory over Austin According to a survey in The Peay University and a 9-0 win over Chronicle of Higher Education this Tennessee State University. month, male athletes at Eastern Against Austin Peay on Friday, Men's & Women's Track receive 70.3 percent of the scholar- Ann Carlson, Eastern's No. 1 player, ship money available, while the lost to Susan Sheather. The Lady OVC Championship women receive 29.7 percent. Colonel's No. 1 doubles team of However, the distribution of Carlson and Kim Wets lost to the Lady April 18, noon athletes is 67.6 percent male and Govs' No. 1 doubles team for the only other loss of the match. 32.4 percent female, so the scholar- Wels ship figures are fairly equally Saturday, Eastern shut out EKU Track balanced, even though the overall Austin Peay, not losing a single set. student population at the university Weis had lo sit out of Saturday's play due to an consists of more women than men. injury. The equality on spending is present at Eastern, but after drop- ping field hockey. Eastern will have MEN'S TENNIS: The men's tennis team eight men's sports and only seven took an impressive shutout victory over Tennessee Men's Tennis women's sports. This is where the State University Saturday afternoon. inequality exists. Throughout the day, the Colonels never lost against "There is one more men's sport a single set. than there is women's sport on The next tennis match is 9 a.m., Saturday MTSU campus," said Michelle Hcrbig, a against Middle Tennessee State University at member and spokesman for the field Martin Hall courts. hockey learn. "We think that's Aprill8, 9 a.m. discriminatory." The opportunity to play sports BASEBALL: After a win over Marshall Martin Courts should be equal for men and and two wins over Southeast Missouri State women, so the number of sports University, the Colonel baseball team has teams should be equal. compiled a season record of 14-18. The expenditures, on the other Here is the upcoming schedule: hand, should be determined by the Football ratio of male to female athletes. If April 17 at Murray State University(2) 1 p.m. 70 percent of the athletes arc males, April 18 at Murray State University 1 p.m. then they should get 70 percent of April 22 at Wright State University 3 p.m. Spring Game the money available. April 23 at Lincoln Memorial University 2 p.m. Although I do believe in April 25 TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY(2) 1 p.m. April 18, 6 p.m. equality, I certainly do not believe April 26 TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY 1 p.m. that the money should be split down April 29 at University of Cincinnati 3 p.m. the middle when the male athletes Hanger Field outnumber the female. The real equality lies in the opportunity to play. GOLF: The university golf team traveled to Huntington, W. Va., this past weekend to compete in the Marshall Invitational Tournament. »*M Overall, the Colonels tied for ninth place QUIZ CORNER with Wright State University with a 54 hole total Of 913. Men's Tennis The OVC record lor assists by an Ohio State University won the tourney with a total individual in a season is held by an team score of 869 followed by Kent State with 880. Eastern men's basketball player. 18 teams competed in the tourney. against Centre Who is it? In individual scoring, the top finisher for Eastern was Dean Marks who tied for 10th place with members from April 20, 3 p.m. The first person to call us at 622- Ohio State, Toledo University and Kent State University. 1872 with the correct response will Marks' total was 220. Martin Courts receive a large pizza from Papa Other finishers include Bill Carboy, who finished John's. 38th with a score of 227, R.C. Chase finished 55th with 232 Last week, TerryMullinscorrectty and Brad Fath finished 691h with 235. identified Oklahoma A & M as the first team ever to repeat as NCAA basketball champions. The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 B7 Sports Colonel track team hosts championships Dr. Marion Roberts By John McGowan Staff writer OVC CHAMPIONSHIPS The Colonel track teams will have a chance to show their stuff this week- Time: 10 a.m.. Optometrist end as the OVC Track Champion- Date: Saturday, April 18 ships will be held here Saturday. Field Place: Track events will begin at 10 a.m. and run- YOUR EYE CARE PROFESSIONAL ning events at 11:30 a.m. This event is an official champi- • Colored Soft • Daily 6 Extended onship for the women's team and an strongest events arc the 5,000 and the Contact Lenses Wear Soft Linni invitational championship for the 3,000—meter races and I think we can men's team," Erdmann said. win." Erdmann said the dominant teams The tournament will include both • Disposable Contact • Soft Bifocal will include Middle Tennessee, field and long distance events. It will Lenses Contact Lenses Murray Stale and Tennessee State. go from the 10,000—meter race to the "Our team is limited in the field 100—meter dash and the events will events and that will inhibit our ability alternate between men'sand women's Certified in Contact Lenses by the to score points, but I believe we will contests. National Eye Research foundation finish in the top three," Erdmann said. "Hopefully, if it's a nice day we Overall, Eastern's strongest events will get some people to come out and arc the long distance races. watch," Erdmann said. "At our last Erdmann expects the 5,000 meter meet we drew a crowd of about 800 to * Visual Training & to be the men's key event and senior 900 people." Rob Colvin to be the dominant runner. Last weekend, several of the Colo- Dyslexia Problems Junior David Hawes will also be a nel runners went to Knoxville, Tenn., factor in these events, Erdmann said. to compete in the Dogwood Relays. Sophomore Amy Clements is the Colvin and sophomore Dennis * Sports Vision dominant runner in the women's long Toole turned in the Colonels' best [ distance races, but freshman Traccy performances, both placing third in * Visual Examination B uncc and senior Carena Winters have their events. Colvin took third in the also done well, he said. 10.000 meters in 31:30 and Toole was "I feel real positive about the meet third in the 110 high hurdles at 14:42. for Pmgrtti pinto by DAVID RICHARDSON because we placed third in the indoor For the women, Tasha Whittcd meet and we are much stronger in was the top individual, finishing sev- Senior David Hawes la expected to be a major contender In the outdoor events," Clements said. "My enth in the 400 hurdles in 1:01.69. OVC track championships to be held here this weekend. Eyeglasses Cross country captain a leader on and off the track 623-6643

By Angle Hatton have," Erdmann said. "I hope my son Currently a captain of the track sprinters. Staff writer grows up to have some of the qualities team, Hawes hopes to break the school Hawes considers the members of 2051/2 Qen Lam and attitudes that Dave Hawes has." record for the 5000-meter race this the track team his best friends and David Hawes, a senior member of Erdmann said Hawes is a leader in season. say s that Eastern is like a second home *Richmond Eastern's track team, has been a key the classroom and on the track. "I came here because I liked the to him. man on the team for four years. "He was mature right out of high school and the people, and I fell com- In December, Hawes will gradu- Although he didn't start running school and he's kept that mature atti- fortable with the members already on ate with a horticulture degree, and his MEDICAL CARDS WELCOME tude," Erdmann said, adding that the team," Hawes said. plans for the future are clear. He wants cross country until his junior year at CREDIT APPROVAL Jeffersonville High School in Hawes exhibits his sense of responsi- This year's team, Hawes said, is to be a golf course superintendent in Jeffenonville, Ind., Hawes later earned bility when he shows concern for other younger and deeper than it has been in Florida and continue running. a full scholarship to run for Eastern. team members. past years. Although he has received his share MON., TUES., TIIUR, FRI. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Track coach Rick Erdmann said Hawes was the Ohio Valley Con- "For some races, we have three or of racing honors in his college career, WED. & SAT. 8 a.m. to Noon he couldn't think of one negative thing ference champion in the five-mile race four guys that can compete in each he will be missed by his teammates about Hawes. his freshman year and has been an all event," Hawes said. next year just as much for his person- "He's got a lot of qualities that as conference runner for the past four He also said he thinks the team is ality, attitude and leadership abilities Member of the Kentucky Optometric Association a parent you would want your kid to years. strongest in distance runners and as for his running ability. Summer WE PAY is about to get 1 ^UNIVERSITY CASH HOT! pBOOKSTORE

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Textbooks... Hardcovers... Pa per backs DR. WILLIAM R. ISAACS With Resale Market Value Optometrist DR. C L. DAVIS Optometrist Bring Them To: DR. WILLIAM Eastern Kentucky University T. REYNOLDS Optometrist BOOKSTORE Monday - Friday April 27 - May I May 4 - May 8 228 W. Main, Richmond Ky. Open Mon - Sat 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Insurance Welcome All Brands of Contacts Medical Cards Soft & Semi-Soft Saturday, May 2nd and 9th Credit Terms Permalens 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Available 623-3358 Bifocal Contacts Member of Kentucky Optometric Association I B8 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, April 16,1992 Sports

Colonel football team springs into action 1 By Jerry Pennington team." Sports •ditor The Maroon-White scrimmage usually marks the end of the spring PEPPERONI You know it's spring when the practice season.butdue to bad weather, CRAZY BREAD" temperature becomes warm and the the Colonels got off to a late start trees begin to bloom. The birds begin "We're still going to have any- to sing and the smell of manure spreads where from three to four days left of across campus. spring practice next week, so it won't But you also know it's spring when end spring practice," Kid said. "Nor- the Colonel football team gets back mally you end spring practice with outside to practice for their annual your game, but it's not going to end for spring scrimmage game, which is to us because the weather has put us be held this weekend. behind." "It's our Worn Cleat weekend "We got in six days last week and where we bring back all of our ex- hopefully we can get in five or six day s players and we're bringing in the five this week," he said. "We need all the players that played in the National scrimmage type work we can get." Football League for a banquet,'' said Kidd said that this year's team is a coach Roy Kidd. "It's a big weekend young one, and still needs some prac- from that standpoint." tice to get into regular season form. Saturday, the football team will "We're so young right now, we're divide up into Maroon and White teams not doing our techniques very good," for the scrimmage, which begins at 6 Kidd said. "The effort is great and the p.m. at Roy Kidd Stadium. attitude is great, but we're playing Cortez QravM take* a handoff from quarterback Joey "In the scrimmage, what I'm go- way too high and we've still got a Crenshaw in the Colonels' spring football practice. ing to do is put the No. 1 offense ways to go." against the No. 1 defense, and I'm "We need every day we can get. Although this year's Colonels are lost last year and expect to," Kidd said. CHOCOLATE going to put the No. 2 offense against This is not a good year just to have 10 a young team, Kidd is still optimistic "I always feel like we'll beacontender the No. 2 defense," Kidd said. "For days in pads with as young of a team as about the upcoming season. for the championship. We'll hold our RAVIOLI" example, I'll put the first offense and we've got coming up, particularly our "Right now is no indication that own." the second defense on the Maroon line," he said. "We're really young on we're going to have as good a football Kidd said that the team may have team, and then I'U put the first defense our offensive line and our defensive team as we did last year, because you another scrimmage game later in the and the second offense on the While line, as well as at fullback." just don't lose the type of players we season. little Caesars* (|f) Pizza! Pizza!" Two gnat putsul 0M low pries- Always! Alwaysl Griffin temporarily benched with shoulder injury .lm.r*mM By Mark White and Steve back to where I started," Griffin said. ker on the mouth of an athlete." He Richmond, Ky Wolf Griffin transferred to Eastern in added that he did not catch the ball 623-0771 the fall of 1990 after he left North when he dove. 539 Mahaffey Dr. With about half the baseball sea- Carolina State, where he served as "An injury definitely gives you a • Call ahead for extra quick pick-up! son yet to be played, the Colonels designated hitter. different perspective," Griffin said. "It ■■■■ were dealt a serious blow ID their OVC Griffin said he trans fered to East- makes you appreciate the game a little Additional Topping title hopes when senior right fielder em because he wanted the opportu- more." with your medium Brett Griffin dove for a ball in right- nity to play in the outfield. He belongs to the recreation club r59« Pepperonil Pepperonlf center field and injured his shoulder. "He wanted to prove he could and the Rosedale Baptist Church in .serving Griffin suffered a partial separated play defense and he has worked hard Richmond. Pizza right shoulder and is expected to miss on his fielding," Ward said. Griffin said that in the spring he ONLY 99* each* the next two to three weeks, according Ward said part of the reason for rarely gets the chance to go to church to Colonel baseball coach Jim Ward. Griffin's sub-par fielding this season because he is away at ball games. eafr »!■» each* Ward said Griffin has been a more has been the field itself. "I rarely get to go one time in the offer valid only at productive player in the second half of "With the weather being cold and spring," he said. "I miss it a lot" icipatins Little Caesar's. I olfevaMcofratperttctpattaf the season, the 6'0" senior having al- raining a lot the field hasn't been so In his spare time Griffin plays the Jstomer. ■ Little Caeaar'a.Caesar's. One couponcounoa nerper ready put up some pretty good num- good," Ward said. banjo and guitar which he says keeps customer. Carry out only. ! v_- flxry out o nxy. Expires 4-30 92. bers. Griffin said he decided on Eastern him entertained for hours. He also Expires 4-30-92. Griffin's 16 runs batted in are the because it offered him a scholarship enjoys hunting and fishing. •excludes extra cheese. most by any Colonel and his batting and had a matching major. On the possibility of playing in the ■ i-4/xo a average of .294 is respectable. Griffin is a senior biology/recre- major leagues Griffin said, "It is every Senior Brett Griffin was Injured "Hopefully, it won't throw my tim- ation administration major. college ball players hope, but I'm real- Caesars* little Caesars*UOBDOTO I while trying a diving catch. ing off too bad. Hopefully, I can get He describes his injury as "a can- istic in my hopes."

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