
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 04/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 308 - März 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD- zu hören war. Unser Sound Desi- Designer nicht so schnell aufgibt. Fans, gner hatte daraufhin in unserem Er hatte die Idee, den jetzt liebe Filmfreunde! Studio das DCP auf Herz und Nie- vom zweiten installierten Digital- Hatten wir nicht eben erst Ausgabe ren geprüft. Damit sollte sicherge- server abzuspielen. Damit hatten 307 unseres Newsletters publi- stellt werden, dass das DCP (Digi- wir einen durchschlagenden Erfolg: ziert? Unglaublich wie schnell die tal Cinema Package = das digitale endlich wurden die Tiefbässe so Zeit momentan an uns vorbeirast. Pendent zum 35mm-Film) auch wiedergegeben, wie es während As sind gefühlte zwei Newsletter tatsächlich eine LFE-Audio-Spur der Tonmischung klang! Somit hat- pro Woche! Aber das ist vermut- mit den beabsichtigten Sound- ten wir einen passablen Work- lich nur ein Effekt fortschreitenden effekten beinhaltete. Das Ergebnis Around gefunden, mit dem wir un- Alters. Je älter man ist, desto war beruhigend: alle Töne – ob sere Filmpremiere guten Gewis- schneller scheint sich die Erde zu hoch oder tief – waren in der 5.1 sens durchziehen können. Das ge- drehen. Vielleicht aber liegt es PCM Spur enthalten. Damit war fundene Tonproblem im Kino auch nur einfach daran, dass wir eine weitere Dienstreise ins selbst wird aus Zeitgründen erst zu mit Hochdruck an der Fertigstel- Premierenkino fällig. Und auf die einem späteren Zeitpunkt behoben lung unseres Filmprojektes arbei- bereitete sich unser Sound Desi- werden können. ten. gner speziell vor. So wurden von THE GIRL WITH THE In jedem Fall freuen wir uns jetzt Erst wenn man selbst einmal unter THORN TATTOO nicht weniger auf die Filmpremiere im großen die Filmemacher geht, weiß man, als sechs verschiedene DCPs her- Kinosaal. Die Heimkinoversion mit welchen Unwägbarkeiten sich gestellt. Bei jedem der DCPs wur- wird ab 11. März 2012 im Internet so mancher Regisseur bei der Prä- de der LFE-Track um 5dB ange- zu finden sein. Folgen Sie einfach sentation seines Werkes herum- hoben. Auf diese Art und Weise den Hinweisen auf schlagen muss. Denn was man als sollte festgestellt werden, ob die www.laserhotline.de. Und wer den Regisseur im kleinen Vorführstudio schwache Subbass-Wiedergabe Film mit einem wirklich knackigen währen der Post Production zu nur pegelabhängig war. Der Test 5.1-Sound im eigenen Heimkino sehen und zu hören bekommt, war ernüchternd: obgleich der Pe- erleben möchte, dem bieten wir muss im Premierenkino noch lange gel des LFE-Tracks von 0 bis das Werk ab Mitte März wahlwei- nicht so aussehen geschweige denn 25dB angehoben wurde, änderte se als DVD oder als Blu-ray Disc klingen. Diese wertvolle Erfahrung sich an der Subwoofer-Wiederga- an. Die Details hierzu werden noch durften wir in den vergangenen Ta- be nichts. Dieses Ergebnis sowie rechtzeitig bekanntgegeben. gen machen. Während einer ersten die Tatsache, dass alle Subwoofer Testvorführung unseres THE in Betrieb waren, ließ nur eine Ihr Laser Hotline Team GIRL WITH THE THORN Aussage zu: irgendetwas im Signal- TATTOO in dem von uns ausge- weg vom digitalen Kinoserver zu wählten Premierenkino mussten den Subwoofern beschnitt den wir feststellen, dass der Subbass- Frequenzgang nach unten hin. Was Anteil unserer 5.1-Mischung kaum also tun? Gut dass unser Sound

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012

Gods Reloaded Die Superhelden reichen dem Filmpublikum nicht mehr. Waren sie reich ist hier nichts mehr. Ein Film, der übersetzt “Die Unsterbli- vor einigen Jahren noch Ersatz für die Götter der Antike, werden chen” heißt und dessen Moral ist, dass nur Taten Unsterblichkeit sie in letzter Zeit immer mehr zu animierten Action-Figuren. Und bringen können? Schwach, Hollywood, schwach. die Götter? Haben sich zurückgemeldet. Nun wird oft das Argument hervorgeholt, dass die alten Mythen Von 300 über Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning auch nur Fantasie waren. Geschichten, die erzählt, gewandelt und Thief bis hin zu Immortals, die einst vergessene Mythologie gesponnen wurden. Doch bei mythologischen Stoffen – so sehr sie scheint wiederauferstanden zu sein. “With a vengeance”, wie die auch in der Fantasie verankert sein mögen – kann und darf dieses Amerikaner sagen würden. Argument nicht greifen. Viel Mythologisches basiert auf wahren Begebenheiten und Abläufen. Hatten bei der Schlacht von Troja Das Problem ist: Hollywood hat keine Ahnung von Mythologie. Aphrodite, Athene und Poseidon ihre Finger im Spiel? Wir werden Grobe Fehler in den Plots und Figuren gehen weit darüber hinaus, es nie wissen. Die Schlacht jedoch hat wahrlich stattgefunden. Die dass Eisen in der Bronzezeit erscheint oder Orakel Altgriechisch Könige, Helden und Reiche, um die es ging, gab es wirklich. Inso- anstatt mykenisches Griechisch sprechen. Da passiert es plötz- fern hat die Mythologie historischen Wert, der durch lich, dass die von Land umgebene Stadt Sparta Zugang zum Meer Verquirlungen wie in Hollywood nicht nur verlorengeht, sondern erhält (Troy) oder die Schlacht bei den Thermopylen nicht nur ganze Generationen in Gefahr bringt, völlig falsche Zusammenhän- anders verläuft, sondern sich auch im Jahr irrt (300). Das amerika- ge zu erlernen. Ebenso darf man auf einen gewissen pochen, nische Schulsystem lässt grüßen. der erhalten bleiben sollte. Götter plötzlich mit Titanen gleichzu- stellen, obwohl die Titanen ihre Urahnen waren, ist falsch und Doch Schnitzer dieser Art wären verzeihlich. 300 Regisseur Zack verwirrend. Nur weil die Antike ein größeres Pantheon hatte als Snyder redet sich ob der eben genannten Anklagepunkte damit die heutigen Monoreligionen, mit Mitgliedern die wenig heilig und raus, dass er “eine Geschichte zeigen wollte, wie sie sich Sparta- dogmatisch und sehr menschlich in ihren Emotionen waren, bedeu- ner am Lagerfeuer erzählen würden” und mit ein bisschen gutem tet das nicht, dass man ihre Übermittlungen ohne weiteres ausein- Willen kann man es ihm abkaufen. Unverzeihlich allerdings, was anderreißen kann. Würde jemand die Geschichte Jesu erzählen, die heutigen Filme mit dem mythologischen Kanon von einst ma- z.B. als einen schwertschwingenden Anführer einer Truppe von chen. Sie zerstören ihn vollkommen. Es scheint, als seien nur noch Rebellen, der am Ende mit Magdalena auf einem Esel in den Son- die Namen einiger Helden und Götter übriggeblieben, nichts aber nenuntergang reitet – es würde einen Aufschrei geben. Aber Athe- von ihrer Herkunft, ihren Geschichten und Schicksalen. Sie werden ne, die Göttin des Krieges und der Weisheit, einer Horde Kakerla- aufgereiht und dann in wirre Plots gebastelt, ohne Recherche oder ken-Zombies zum Fraß vorwerfen, das geht. Gewissen, basierend lediglich auf vagen Erinnerungen multipler Drehbuchautoren. Bestes Beispiel? Immortals von 2011. Hier Wir, die Zuschauer, sollten anspruchsvoller sein. Aber je mehr bleibt kein mythologischer Stein auf dem anderen. Kurz gefasst Mytho-Schund es auf die Leinwände schafft, desto weniger kön- erzählt der Film die Geschichte des Menschen Theseus, der sich nen wir das. Besonders junge Generationen haben fast keine plötzlich in einem schicksalhaften Kampf mit dem bösen König Vergleichsbasis mehr. Ein Plädoyer für mehr Lesen drängt sich hier Hyperion befindet, der, um den Göttern eins auszuwischen, die fast auf, denn die Filme haben uns momentan nur wenig beizubrin- Titanen befreien möchte. Einen König Hyperion hat es, weder real gen. Der beste, “reinste” Mytho-Film ist derzeit … Percy Jackson noch fiktional, je gegeben. Hyperion war der Sage nach selbst ein and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, welcher wenigstens die Titan. Auch wird man den Film befremdlich finden, wenn man an grundlegenden Zusammenhänge und Figuren akkurat erklärt. Es ist dem Glauben festhängt, Götter seien unsterblich. In diesem Film – nicht falsch, Freude an extravaganten Schlachtsequenzen, wunder- dessen Titel unwillkürlich ironisch und lächerlich ist – sind Götter schönen Frauen in drapierten Kleidern und CGI-Monstern zu ha- und Titanen imstande sich gegenseitig nach Herzenslust umzu- ben. Entertainment ist ein hohes Gut. Aber wenn das bringen. Sicher braucht es ein paar Fausthiebe mehr, ein wenig Entertainment durch Vernachlässigung wichtigerer Güter – unserer Akrobatik hier und da, aber letztendlich sind sie sterblich. Nicht Historie, real und fantastisch, unserer Bildung – überhandnimmt unbedeutende, kleine Götter, sondern Größen wie Poseidon und und uns auf Dauer dumm macht, muss man dem Einhalt gebieten. Athene segnen hier das Zeitliche. Die einst stolzen Titanen wer- Athene hätte es so gewollt. den hier zu gedopten Zombies, die wie Kakerlaken aus dem Boden Anna Rudschies krabbeln und alles beißen, was sich bewegt. Andere mythische Ecksteine wie das Labyrinth des Minotaurus oder Phädra werden Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: eingestampft und zu einer kaum erkennbaren Paste verwurstet. Plötzlich sind Phädra ein Orakel, der Minotaurus ein sadistischer [email protected] Handlanger und das Labyrinth ein Totentempel. Logisch oder lehr-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012 noch die Leinwand zu füllen versteht. Filmmusik von Helmut Zerlett und Chri- Trauerbewältigung Und das ohne ein einziges Wort zu stoph Zirngibl, die sich nicht mit quä- An der Anzahl der in dieser Woche sprechen. Etwas misslungen ist das lenden -Klängen abgibt, stattfindenden Pressevorführungen Ende des Films, das leider künstlich sondern ein Orchester spielen lässt. merkt man deutlich, dass die Berlinale hinausgezögert wird. Insgesamt ein gelungener Kinderfilm in vollem Gange ist: es sind genau mit spannenden Momenten. zwei. Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2012 Gruselkrimi für Kinder Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012 EXTREM LAUT UND UNGLAUBLICH Auch wenn uns der heutige Film einmal Immigranten und Alten-WG NAH (1:2.35, DD 5.1) mehr in einer unfertigen Version ge- Passen zum Faschingsdienstag gab es OT: Extremely Loud And Incredibly zeigt wurde, konnte man schon recht heute zwei Komödien auf dem Presse- Close gut erahnen, wie das Endergebnis aus- fahrplan. Verleih: Warner sehen wird. Land/Jahr: USA 2011 RUSSENDISKO (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Regie: DAS HAUS DER KROKODILE (1:2.35, Verleih: Paramount Darsteller: , Sandra Bullock, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Thomas Horn, Max von Sydow Verleih: Constantin Regie: Oliver Ziegenbalg Kinostart: 16.02.2012 Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Darsteller: Matthias Schweighöfer, Regie: Cyrill Boss, Philipp Stennert Friedrich Mücke, Christian Friedel, Su- Alles was ihm von seinem Vater bleibt Darsteller: Kristo Ferkic, Joana Ferkic, sanne Bormann sind die gespeicherten Anrufe auf dem Vijessna Ferkic Kinostart: 29.03.2012 Anrufbeantworter, die er am 11. Sep- Kinostart: 22.03.2012 tember kurz vors seinem Tod vom 1990, als die Wende in vollem Gange World Trade Center abgesetzt hat. Kurz nachdem die ganze Familie in das ist, machen sich drei junge Russen auf Aber der 11jährige Oskar Schell hütet riesige, uralte Haus ihres Onkels einge- nach Ost-, um dort ihr Glück zu sie wie ein Geheimnis. Nicht einmal zogen ist, lassen die Eltern die drei versuchen. Wladimir, der Spaßvogel, seiner Mutter erzählt er von den Anru- Kinder aufgrund einer Geschäftsreise Mischa, der Musiker und Andrej, der fen. Ein Jahr ist vergangen seit jenem zum ersten Mal alleine zuhause. Beim Geschäftstüchtige, allesamt Freunde schlimmsten Tag. Erst jetzt wagt sich Herumstöbern findet der 11jährige Vik- seit Kindesbeinen, finden ein Plätzchen Oskar, der zu einem gewissen Grade tor das alte Tagebuch der ebenfalls im Asylantenwohnheim in Marzahn. authistisch ist, in das Zimmer seines 11jährigen Cäcilie Laroche, die vor 40 Tagsüber versuchen sie ihr Glück mit Vaters. Dort findet er einen versteckten Jahren auf mysteriöse Weise bei einem dem Verkauf von Bierdosen, abends Schlüssel in einem Kuvert, das die Auf- Unfall ums Leben kam. Auch ein Ein- hängen sie in Kneipen ab. Da begegnet schrift “Black” trägt. In der Annahme, brecher hat es offensichtlich auf Cäcili- Wladimir der Frau seiner Träume: Olga, dass es sich um eine Botschaft seines es Tagebuch abgesehen. Zumindest eine Tänzerin. Als Mischas Visum ab- Vaters handelt, beschließt Oskar, alle meint das Viktor, der eine vermummte läuft, schlägt Wladimir ihm vor, Olgas Menschen namens Black in Gestalt in der Wohnung beobachtet . Freundin zu heiraten, um in Deutsch- aufzusuchen um herauszufinden, in Doch niemand glaubt ihm. Je mehr er land bleiben zu dürfen. Derweil plagen welches Schloss der Schlüssel passt. sich jetzt mit dem Tagebuch befasst, Andrej ganz andere Probleme. Denn die Seine Suche führt ihn zu den unter- desto klarer wird ihm, dass Cäcilie ihm typisch russische Schwermut nagt an schiedlichsten Menschen... Trauer- damit ein Rätsel aufgeben wollte, das ihm sehr viel mehr als an seinen Freun- bewältigung ist eines der immer wieder- zu lösen es gilt... Die Ausstattung in den... Um einen witzigen Film zu ma- kehrenden Themen in Filmen, da es diesem Gruselkrimi für Kinder ist gelun- chen, bedarf es mehr als nur Matthias stets aktuell ist und sehr viele Men- gen: das riesige Treppenhaus mit dem Schweighöfer zu casten. Der spielt den schen berührt. So inszenierte Stephen runden Treppenaufgang macht echt Clown so wie er ihn schon in diversen Daldry die Trauerbewältigung seines was her. Auch die mit vielen Utensilien anderen Filmen gemimt hat. Dieses Mal kleinen Protagonisten nach einem Ro- vollgestopften Zimmer des Onkels eig- allerdings ohne dabei wirklich lustig zu man von Jonathan Safran Foer als ein nen sich vortrefflich für die Geister- sein. Der nach einem Kultroman von sehr gefühlvolles Stück Kino, das zwar stunde. Das ist dann mitunter aber so Wladimir Kaminer entstandene Film immer wieder dicht in den Kitsch ab- gruselig, dass kleinere Kinder Angst entpuppt sich schon relativ früh als sinkt, sich aber immer wieder daraus bekommen könnten. Die Personen sind ziemlich substanzlos. Hier geht es ei- retten kann. Beeindruckend ist die gut ausgesucht – von Viktor und sei- gentlich einzig und alleine darum, das schauspielerische Leistung von Tho- nen beiden älteren Schwestern bis hin Lebensgefühl der russischen Immigran- mas Horn in der Rolle des Oskar, der zur dubiosen Nachbarin, deren Sohn ten während der Wende und der den Authisten perfekt mimt. Ihm zur und dem seltsamen Einzelgänger, der Perestroika darzustellen. Das mag für Seite steht Max von Sydow, der zwar ganz oben wohnt. Für die stets richtige einen Roman ausreichen, ist aber zu nur als Nebenfigur auftritt, aber den- Stimmung sorgt die ausgezeichnete wenig Stoff für einen abendfüllenden

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Spielfilm. Neben Schweighöfer (abge- sehen von dessen wie immer etwas übertriebenen Komik) bilden Friedrich Mücke und Christian Friedel ein gutes Gespann, das insbesondere mit den hübschen Mädchen (Susanne Bor- mann, Peri Baumeister) gut harmoniert. So hat der Film dann doch noch einen kleinen Trumpf im Ärmel.

UND WENN WIR ALLE ZUSAMMEN- ZIEHEN? (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Et Si On Vivait Tous Ensemble? Verleih: Pandora Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland 2011 Regie: Stéphane Robelin Darsteller: Jane Fonda, Daniel Brühl, Pierre Richard, Geraldine Chaplin, Claude Rich, Guy Bedos Kinostart: 05.04.2012

Fünf Freunde im gesetzten Alter: Claude, ein eingefleischter Single mit großer Leidenschaft für junge Prostitu- ierte; Jeanne und Albert, verheiratet, er mit beginnender Demenz, sie mit un- heilbarer Krankheit, die sie ihm ver- schweigt; Annie und Jean, ebenfalls verheiratet – er politischer Aktivist, sie griff ihrer Kinder, die sie in ein Heim BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL Hausfrau mit Sehnsucht, ihre Enkel zu stecken wollen, sondern auch Hilfe bei (1:2.35, DD 5.1) sehen. Bei einem gemeinsamen Essen den alltäglichen Problemen, die das OT: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel wird plötzlich die Idee geboren, dass Alter so mit sich bringt. “Gemeinsam Verleih: Fox alle zusammenziehen sollten, um so sind wir stark!” wird hier vorgelebt. Land/Jahr: USA 2011 gemeinsam den Herbst des Lebens bes- Doch die Gemeinschaft fördert unab- Regie: John Madden ser bewältigen zu können. Die Idee sichtlich auch ein paar Geheimnisse Darsteller: Dame Judi Dench, Bill stößt zwar zunächst bei den meisten ans Tageslicht. Da ist Claudes Affäre Nighy, Penelope Wilton, Tom auf Ablehnung, doch als Claude nach mit Jeanne vor über 40 Jahren nur der Wilkinson, Maggie Smith einem Herzanfall in einem Krankenhaus Anfang. Warmherzigkeit, Humor und Kinostart: 15.03.2012 zu versauern droht, wird die Idee in die ein handverlesenes Ensemble lassen Tat umgesetzt. Mit unabsehbaren Fol- diesen Film zu einem besonderen Erleb- Da macht sich ein bunt zusammenge- gen... Das Einzige, was in diesem Film nis werden. Und letztendlich gibt er würfelter Haufen von Briten im Renten- als Störfaktor in Erscheinung tritt, ist dem Zuschauer ein paar Denkanstöße alter auf die Reise ins ferne Indien, um Daniel Brühl. In der Rolle eines für den Umgang mit dem Alter mit auf dort in der im Internet über die Maßen Enthnologie-Studenten nistet er sich in den Weg. beworbenen Seniorenresidenz “The der Gemeinschaft der Alten ein, um Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” ihre alten diese als Forschungsobjekt für seine Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012 Tage zu verbringen. Dabei sind die Be- Studienarbeit zu nutzen. Seine Rolle ist Das Seniorenhotel weggründe der Reisenden sehr unter- leider dramaturgisch in keiner Art und Fast scheint es so, als habe man in der schiedlicher Natur. Da gibt es den eben Weise begründet und ist vermutlich Filmindustrie plötzlich die Best Ager+ erst pensionierten schwulen Richter nur deshalb eingebaut worden, um entdeckt. Gab es gestern einen Film Graham Dashwood, der vor über 40 auch jüngere Zuschauer in den Film zu über eine Alten-WG, war es heute einer Jahren in Jaipur aufgewachsen ist und locken. Abgesehen von diesem Makel über ein Seniorenhotel. Aufgrund man- jetzt nach seinem damaligen Lover ist Stéphane Robelin ein wunderschö- gelhafter Digitaltechnik musste der sucht. Dann sind da die Ainslies, die ner Film über das Älterwerden gelun- zweite für heute angesetzte Film leider zwar schon seit Jahrzehnten miteinan- gen. In der Wohngemeinschaft finden entfallen. der verheiratet sind, aber überhaupt die Alten nicht nur Schutz vor dem Zu- nicht zueinander passen. Weil sie ihr

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ganzes Geld in die Start-Up-Firma ihrer Verleih: Piffl Potenzial spielen darf. Insgesamt ist Tochter gesteckt haben, können sie Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 BARBARA zwar unspektakuläres Kino, sich in England keinen Luxus mehr lei- Regie: Christian Petzold hat dafür aber Tiefgang und ein unvor- sten. Evelyn Greenslade hat erst kürz- Darsteller: Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, hersehbares Ende. lich ihren Mann verloren. Um der Jasna Fritzi Bauer Zwangseinsiedlung in der Familie ihres Kinostart: 08.03.2012 KING OF DEVIL’S ISLAND (1:2.35, DD Sohnes zu entgehen, zieht sie Jaipur 5.1) vor und hofft, dort zu neuen Ufern zu Die DDR in den 1980er Jahren. Die Ärz- OT: Kongen Av Bastøy finden. Muriel Donnelly hingegen tin Barbara ist vor dem Regime in Un- Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) hasst alle Ausländer. Doch um nicht gnade gefallen. Ihr Antrag auf Ausreise Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Polen, Frank- länger auf ihre Hüftoperation warten zu in den Westen ist schuld daran, dass reich, Schweden 2010 müssen, entschließt sie sich, nach Indi- sie jetzt nicht mehr in der Charité in Regie: Marius Holst en zu reisen, da dort noch Operations- Berlin arbeiten darf, sondern aufs Land Darsteller: Stellan Skarsgård, Kristoffer kapazitäten frei sind. Madge strafversetzt wurde und jetzt als Ärztin Joner, Benjamin Helstad Hardcastle fühlt sich noch viel zu jung in der Kinderabteilung eines Kranken- Kinostart: 29.03.2012 als dass sie schon zum alten Eisen ge- hauses Dienst schieben muss. Auch hören würde und hofft im exklusiven dort ist sie nach wie vor den Zugriffen Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts dient die Club in Jaipur eine reichen Mann zu und den Demütigungen durch die Stasi Insel Bastøy im eisigen Norden Norwe- treffen. Und schließlich gehört auch ausgesetzt. Nichtsdestotrotz plant sie gens als Internat für schwer erziehbare noch Frauenheld Norman zu der illu- die Flucht in den Westen. Ihr Geliebter Jungen. Mit eiserner Hand herrscht stren Gruppe. Auch er hofft auf ein hat dafür bereits alles in die Wege ge- Direktor Bestyreren über seine Zöglin- spätes Liebesglück. Anpassungs- leitet. Den Kontakt zu den Kollegen im ge. Die Ankunft von Erling, einem See- schwierigkeiten, das Springen über den Krankenhaus meidet sie so gut es geht, mann, der angeblich jemanden umge- eigenen Schatten und das Bewältigen versteht sich dafür aber umso besser bracht haben soll, bringt frischen Wind vergangener Probleme geben sich jetzt mit den Patienten. Eine von ihnen ist in die Gemeinschaft. Schon nach kurzer im Hotel die Klinke in die Hand... Mit die junge Stella, die schon mehrmals Zeit hat er sich bei seinen Mitgefange- einem exquisiten Darstellerensemble aus einem Heim entflohen ist und eben- nen Respekt verdient. Erling lässt sich und angereichert mit dem typisch my- falls in den Westen möchte. Doch je die inhumanen Bedingungen, unter stischen Flair Indiens entfaltet Regis- näher der Tag von Barbaras Flucht denen die Jugendlichen dort leben, seur John Madden seinen Reigen von rückt, desto näher kommt sie auch An- nicht ohne weiteres gefallen und sta- nachdenklichen, witzigen und berüh- dre, ihrem Chef im Krankenhaus. Barba- chelt seine Mitschüler gegen die Ob- renden Momenten, deren Dreh- und ra steht vor einer schweren Entschei- rigkeit auf. In Olav, der schon bald ent- Angelpunkt ein heruntergekommenes dung... In seinem Film BARBARA ver- lassen werden soll, findet Erling einen Hotel bildet. Dev Patel (SLUMDOG steht es Christian Petzold hervorra- Freund. Ermutigt durch Erling macht MILLIONÄR) als dessen gewiefter gend, die Stimmung in den Hochzeiten Olav gegen Tor Brathen Front, der ei- Manager mit Liebeskummer verlieht des DDR-Regimes wiederzugeben. Bar- nen der schwächeren Mitschüler miss- dieser Seniorenresidenz allerdings bara weiß nicht, wer Freund und wer braucht. Doch das harte Regime deckt mehr Charakter als jedem anderen Ho- Feind ist. Kann sie ihrem Chef Andre Brathen. Eine Meuterei steht kurz be- tel. “Am Ende wird alles gut” predigt er trauen, einem Mann, der sich schon vor... In stark farbreduzierten Bildern stets seinen Gästen “und wenn es längst mit dem Regime arrangiert hat schildert Marius Holst das karge, bru- nicht gut ist, dann kann das noch nicht und der auch Stasi-Leute behandelt? tale und von Sadismus geprägte Da- das Ende sein!”. Schon alleine dieser Eindrucksvoll wird die Protagonistin sein, das den Internatsschülern zuteil Spruch macht Lust darauf, den Film ein von Nina Hoss verkörpert. Abweisend wird. Und er zeigt in seinem auf wahren zweites Mal anzuschauen und einmal zu den Kollegen, freundschaftlich und Ereignissen beruhenden Film auch ganz mehr zu der Erkenntnis zu gelangen, zärtlich zu den Patienten. Und stets auf deutlich, dass Gewalt immer wieder nur dass das Alter nichts Schlimmes ist. der Hut. Denn bei jedem Motorenge- zu Gewalt führen kann. Dank einer gu- Man muss es nur verstehen, das Beste räusch draußen vor dem Haus könnte ten Besetzung vermag der Film über daraus zu machen. es sich um die anrückende Stasi han- seine Spiellänge von fast zwei Stunden deln. Ronald Zehrfeld mimt Andre, je- zu packen, wird aber vermutlich kein Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012 nen Mann, der äußerst sympathisch Publikum finden. Denn ähnliche Stoffe Totalitäre Regime wirkt, aber Barbara auch genauso viel wurden in anderen Filmen schon zur Der gemeinsame Nenner der beiden Angst macht. Jasna Fritzi Bauer, der Genüge durchexerziert. heute gezeigten Filme sind totalitäre Sonnenschein aus EIN TICK ANDERS, Regime: die DDR-Diktatur zum Einen, muss sich in Petzolds Film leider nur Freitag, 24. Februar 2012 eine Gefängnisinsel zum Anderen. mit der Nebenrolle der Ausreisserin Lieber Arm ab als arm dran Stella begnügen, die sie zwar sehr gut Eine rabenschwarze Komödie aus Bay- BARBARA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) ausfüllt, damit aber weit unter ihrem ern und eine Tragikomödie aus dem

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Libanon rundeten heute die Presse- WER WEISS, WOHIN? (1:2.35, DD 5.1) woche ab. OT: Et Maintenant, On Va Où? Verleih: Tobis WAS WEG IS, IS WEG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Libanon, Italien, Verleih: Senator Ägypten 2011 Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Regie: Nadine Labaki Regie: Christian Lerch Darsteller: Claude Msawbaa, Leyla Darsteller: Florian Brückner, Mathias Fouad, Nadine Labaki Kellner, Maximilian Brückner Kinostart: 22.03.2012 Kinostart: 22.03.2012 Ein winzig kleines Bergdorf irgendwo 1968 auf einem Bauernhof in der baye- im Nahen Osten. Schon seit vielen Jah- rischen Provinz. Beim Versuch eine ren haben sich hier Moslems und Chri- Bio-Strom-Erzeugungsmaschine in sten zusammengerauft, um in Frieden Ganz zu setzten, werden die Brüder zu leben. Ganz nach dem Motto: “Was Paul, Lukas und Hansi Zeugen, wie ihr geht uns der weltliche Krieg an?”. Mo- Onkel durch einen Stromschlag ins schee und Kirche stehen nur einen Koma fällt. 18 Jahre später liegt der Steinwurf auseinander entfernt, der Onkel zwar noch immer im Koma, aber Friedhof ist zweigeteilt. Doch ab und die drei Brüder haben sich prächtig an flammt plötzlich der Streit zwischen weiterentwickelt. Lukas ist auf dem den Religionen wieder auf. Niemand Sprung ein Greenpeace-Aktivist zu weiß eigentlich warum. Hauptsächlich werden, Hansi ist zu einem durchtriebe- sind es die Männer des Dorfes, die nen Versicherungsagent mutiert und sich zoffen. Doch die Frauen des Dor- besonderes Flair gibt. Angereichert der übergewichtige Paul ist debil ge- fes wollen sich das nicht mehr länger wird der märchenhafte Film durch ein worden und lebt in seiner ganz eigenen mit ansehen müssen, hat ihnen der paar äußerst gefällige “Song & Welt. Ausgerechnet am Tag von Lukas‘ Krieg doch schon genügend Opfer ab- Dance”-Nummern, wie man sie eigent- Abreise nach Neuseeland ereignet sich verlangt. Mit weiblicher List wollen sie lich nur aus Bollywood-Filmen kennt. etwas, das das Leben aller Beteiligten jetzt dafür sorgen, dass es zu keinen Schon die hervorragend fotografierte grundlegend verändern wird: der vom Auseinandersetzungen zwischen ihren Eröffnungsszene des Films (Kamera: Bankrott bedrohte Metzger Much – Männern kommt. Dazu gehören nicht Christophe Offenstein), in der man die angeregt durch den von Hansi vorge- nur der einzige Fernseher im Dorf, son- in Schwarz gekleideten Frauen bei ih- schlagenen Versicherungsbetrug zur dern auch eine ukrainische rem Tanz auf dem Weg zum Friedhof Sanierung des Betriebes – schneidet Stripperinnentruppe sowie mit Hasch sieht, bringt den Betrachter zum Stau- sich versehentlich den Arm ab. Mit angereicherte Kekse... Die libanesische nen und setzt gleichzeitig die richtige riesigen Nebenwirkungen... Christian Filmemacherin Nadine Labaki, mit ihrem Stimmung für den Film. Nadine Labaki Lerch, der das Drehbuch zum Bayern- Film CARAMEL international zu Ehren macht es sich mit ihrem Film nicht ein- Hit WER FRÜHER STIRBT, IST LÄN- gekommen, vermeidet es bewusst, dass fach. Sie weiß zu gut, dass es für die GER TOT verfasste, gibt mit dieser im Film nicht mit einer Silbe das Land, darin gezeigten Probleme keine Lösung tiefschwarzen Komödie in bayerischer in der Film spielt, erwähnt wird. Auch gibt. Umso mehr regt ihr Film zum Mundart sein Regiedebüt. Und es ist wenn ganz klar ist, dass es sich um den Nachdenken an – zum Nachdenken genau dieser Dialekt und die schrulli- Libanon handelt, so gilt das hier aufge- über die im Filmtitel formulierte Frage. gen Personen, die ihn sprechen, die griffene Thema für viele andere Länder WAS WEG IS, IS WEG das gewisse ebenso, in denen religionsbedingte Etwas verleihen. Frei nach dem Motto Kriege toben. WER WEISS, WOHIN? “Lieber Arm ab als arm dran” schickt er ist eine gelungene Mischung aus Hu- seine Protagonisten von einer Absurdi- mor und Tragik und trifft mit seiner tät in die nächste. Es darf hierbei herz- Aussage voll ins Schwarze ohne jemals haft gelacht werden – zumindest wenn kitschig zu werden. Labakis Darsteller- man kein Problem mit dem Freistaats- ensemble ist dabei eine interessante Dialekt hat. Mixtur aus Profi- und Laien- schauspielern, die dem Film sein ganz

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007 156min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045937 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Animation 09.03.2012 Metropia (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045699 Metropia Alvin und die Chipmunks treffen Alexander Skarsgård, Sofia Helin - Dir. Glücksbärchis Teil 2 - Vom Him- Tarik Saleh Frankenstein mel gefallen Trailer Alvin And The Chipmunks Meet Franken- Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009 83min. Care Bears: Adventures In Care-A-Lot stein Capelight Pictures 18.05.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007 156min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 75min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045945 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Universal Pictures (Universal) 09.03.2012 12.04.2012 Ein in 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045700 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045900 Un Monstre A Paris Hoobs - DVD 1 Dir. Eric „Bibo“ Bergeron Anne mit den roten Haaren - Staf- Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 87min. The Hoobs Universum Film 20.04.2012 fel 1 (3 Discs) Dir. Richard Bradley 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045743 Akage No An Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Dir. Isao Takahata, Ken’ichi Baba Universum Film(Universum Kids) Ein Monster in Paris (Blu-ray 3D) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1979 min. 25.05.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045967 (Blu-ray) 11.05.2012 Un Monstre A Paris 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045963 Ich heiße Mikrobi Dir. Eric „Bibo“ Bergeron Mikrobi Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 91min. Cap und Capper (Blu-ray) Dir. János Mata Universum Film 20.04.2012 The Fox And The Hound Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045758 Dir. Art Stevens, Ted Berman, Richard Rich Zeichentrick 1975 111min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 82min. ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Pokémon 4 - Die zeitlose Begeg- Walt Disney Studios Home tba BestellNr.: 20045826 nung Entertainment(Disney) 10.05.2012 Pokémon 4ever 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045996 Der kleinste Engel Dir. Kunihiko Yuyama The Littlest Angel Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Cap und Capper 2 (Blu-ray) Dir. Dave Kim Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2002 76min. The Fox And The Hound 2 Trailer STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Jim Kammerud Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 80min. Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 73min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045823 Walt Disney Studios Home 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045986 Entertainment(Disney) 10.05.2012 Pokémon Forever Edition (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045997 Der kleinste Engel (Blu-ray) ray) The Littlest Angel Pokémon 4ever / Pokémon Heroes Dora - Dora rettet das Kristall- Dir. Dave Kim Trailer Dir. Kunihiko Yuyama, Jim Malone königreich Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011 83min. Wendecover Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2002-2003 Dora The Explorer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 150min. Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045993 Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 95min. Liefi - Ein Huhn in der Wildnis Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045836 Paramount Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 Madangeul Naon Amtak 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045767 Dir. Oh Seong-yun Pokémon Heroes - Der Film Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2011 89min. Pokémon Heroes Die Fraggles - DVD 1 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 12.04.2012 Dir. Jim Malone, Kunihiko Yuyama tba BestellNr.: 20045779 Dir. Jim Henson Kurzfilm, Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Zeichentrick/Action 2003 68min. Komödie/Puppenfilm 1983-1987 min. Liefi - Ein Huhn in der Wildnis STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universum Film(Universum Kids) (Blu-ray) Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 25.05.2012 Madangeul Naon Amtak 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045827 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045966 Dir. Oh Seong-yun Die Geheimnisse der Meister / Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2011 92min. Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 12.04.2012 Princess And The Pea Die Geheimnisse der furiosen tba BestellNr.: 20045791 Dir. Mark Swan Fünf Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2002 85min. Secrets Of The Masters / Secrets Of The Little Amadeus - Staffel 2 (4 Atlas Film Home Entertainment 13.04.2012 Furious Five DVDs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045961 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2008 46min. Dir. Udo Beissel Paramount Home Karaokesong, Bonusfolgen, Hörspiel Prinzessin Lillifee - DVD 1 Entertainment(DreamWorks) 08.03.2012 Zeichentrick 2005 412min. Dir. Konrad Weise, Robert Schlunze, An- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045766 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing drea Preda AG(GATEWAY4M) 24.02.2012 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 60min. Der gestiefelte Kater 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045983 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 55min. 11.05.2012 da music(Best Entertainment) 24.02.2012 Metropia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045965 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045870 Metropia Alexander Skarsgård, Sofia Helin - Dir. - Season 14 (3 Discs) Glücksbärchis Teil 1 - Abenteuer Tarik Saleh South Park im Wolkenland Trailer Dir. Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Eric Stough Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2009 80min. Care Bears: Adventures In Care-A-Lot Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Bonusepisode Capelight Pictures 18.05.2012 Zeichentrick/Satire 267min.

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Paramount Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 Trailer Beautiful Girls (Blu-ray) Komödie 2005 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045770 Beautiful Girls Koch Media 13.04.2012 , Noah Emmerich, Annabeth Gish, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045953 SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Das Lauren Holly, Timothy Hutton, Rosie große Schlittenrennen The Ape - Auf diesem Planeten O’Donnell, Max Perlich, Martha Plimpton, Spongebob Squarepants Natalie Portman, Michael Rapaport, Mira Bonusepisode laust dich der Affe ... (Blu-ray) Sorvino, Uma Thurman, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 94min. The Ape Anne Bobby, Sam Robards, David Arquette, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 James Franco, Brian Lally, Allison Bibicoff, Richard Bright - Dir. Ted Demme 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045771 Stacy Miller, Vince Jolivette - Dir. James Wendecover Franco Komödie 1996 113min. Das wandelnde Schloss (Blu-ray) Trailer STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Hauru No Ugoku Shiro Komödie 2005 95min. Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 Dir. Koch Media 13.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045852 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2004 120min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045975 Universum Film(Universum Animé) Der Bergdoktor - Staffel 5 (3 18.05.2012 Der Auftragslover (Alles Liebe) Discs) L’ Arnacoeur 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045980 Drama 2012 630min. Romain Duris, Vanessa Paradis, Julie Universum Film(ZDF Video) 13.04.2012 Ferrier, François Damiens, Héléna 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045735 Noguerra, Andrew Lincoln, Jacques Film Frantz, Amandine Dewasmes, Jean-Yves Blood Beach - Horror am Strand Lafesse, Jean-Marie Paris - Dir. Pascal Blood Beach Chaumeil David Huffman, Marianna Hill, John Saxon - Komödie/Lovestory 2010 101min. Adventureland Dir. Jeffrey Bloom Adventureland Universum Film(SquareOne) 06.04.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie Jesse Eisenberg, Ryan Reynolds, Kristen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045876 Horror 1980 92min. Stewart, Martin Starr, Margarita Levieva, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(JAM) Kristen Wiig, Josh Pais, Bill Hader, Paige Baby - Live Fast. Kill Young. (k.J.) 23.03.2012 Howard, Wendie Malick - Dir. Greg Mottola Baby 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045773 Wendecover David Huynh, Feodor Chin, Kenneth Choi - Komödie 2008 103min. Dir. Juwan Chung Bloodrayne (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Drama 2008 100min. (k.J.) Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 MIG Film 10.05.2012 Bloodrayne 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045840 tba BestellNr.: 20045865 Sir Ben Kingsley, Kristanna Loken, Michelle Alarm für 11 - Staffel 26 (2 Bad Lieutenant (Special Edition) Rodriguez, Will Sanderson, Matthew Davis, Michael Madsen - Dir. Dr. Discs) Bad Lieutenant Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, Harvey Keitel, Frankie Thorn, Zoe Lund, Action/Fantasy 2005 94min. Gottfried Vollmer, Dietmar Huhn, Daniela Victor Argo, Robin Burrows, Anthony Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Wutte, Niels Robert Kurvin, Carina Wiese - Ruggiero, Paul Calderone - Dir. Abel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045889 Dir. Axel Sand, Heinz Dietz, Sascha Thiel, Ferrara Franco Tozza Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover BloodRayne 2: Deliverance (Blu- Kriminalfilm/Drama 1992 92min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2009 360min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universum Film(RTL video) 11.05.2012 Germany(Arthaus) 19.04.2012 Bloodrayne: Deliverance 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045962 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045841 Natassia Malthe, , Michael Paré, Chris Coppola, Chris Spencer, Brendan Another Earth Bad Lieutenant (Special Edition) Fletcher, Sarah-Jane Redmond, Michael Another Earth (Blu-ray) Teigen, Michael Eklund, John Novak, Tyron Brit Marling, William Mapother, Jordan Leitso - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Baker, Flint Beverage, Robin Lord Taylor, Bad Lieutenant Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen Joseph A. Bove, Diane Ciesla, Matthew- Harvey Keitel, Frankie Thorn, Zoe Lund, Action/Fantasy 2007 99min. Lee Erlbach - Dir. Mike Cahill Victor Argo, Robin Burrows, Anthony Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Drama 2011 89min. Ruggiero, Paul Calderone - Dir. Abel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045888 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ferrara Germany(CineProject) 15.05.2012 Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Bloodrayne: The Third Reich Kriminalfilm/Drama 1992 96min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045990 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bloodrayne: The Third Reich Another Earth (Blu-ray) Germany(Arthaus) 19.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045851 Natassia Malthe, Michael Paré, Clint Another Earth Howard, Brendan Fletcher, Willam Belli, Brit Marling, William Mapother, Jordan Baghban - Und am Abend wartet Natalia Guslistaja, Annett Culp, Steffen Baker, Flint Beverage, Robin Lord Taylor, das Glück (Alles Liebe) Mennekes, Nik Goldman, Fabrice Colson, Joseph A. Bove, Diane Ciesla, Matthew- Alexis Wawerka - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Lee Erlbach - Dir. Mike Cahill Baghban Audiokommentar, Making of, Interview Drama 2011 93min. Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini, Sameer Action/Fantasy 2010 79min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Soni, Divya Dutta, Aman Verma, Lillete Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Germany(CineProject) 15.05.2012 Dubey, Suman Ranganathan, Saahil 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045890 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045995 Chadha, Rimi Sen, Yash Pathak, Arzoo Gowatrikar, Nasir Khan, Nakul, Avtar Gill, Bloodsport - Supreme Champion The Ape - Auf diesem Planeten Asrani, Sharat Saxena, Sanjeeda, Paresh (Blu-ray) (k.J.) laust dich der Affe ... Rawal - Dir. Ravi Chopra, B.R. Chopra Making of Supreme Champion The Ape Drama/Komödie 2003 173min. Stephan Bonnar, Daniel Bernhardt, Leila James Franco, Brian Lally, Allison Bibicoff, Universum Film 06.04.2012 Arcieri, Ted Fox, George Saunders, Stacy Miller, Vince Jolivette - Dir. James 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045738 Jijikine, Natasha Diakova, Oleg Taktarov - Franco Dir. Ted Fox, Richard Styles

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Action 2010 87min. Dunn, Romolo Valli, Fernando Piazza, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045701 MIG Film 24.05.2012 Veronica Wells - Dir. Joseph Losey 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045974 Drama 1967 110min. The Caller - Anrufe aus der Ver- KNM Home Entertainment(Mondo gangenheit (Blu-ray) Bloodsport - Supreme Champion Entertainment) 15.03.2012 The Caller (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045805 Rachelle Lefevre, Stephen Moyer, Luis Supreme Champion Guzmán, Ed Quinn, Lorna Raver, Marisé Stephan Bonnar, Daniel Bernhardt, Leila Cagney & Lacey Vol. 1 - Tödli- Alvarez, Alfredo Quesada, Brian Tester, Arcieri, Ted Fox, George Saunders, Igor cher Kaviar Grace Connelly, Gladys Rodriguez - Dir. Jijikine, Natasha Diakova, Oleg Taktarov - Cagney & Lacey Matthew Parkhill Dir. Ted Fox, Richard Styles Tyne Daly, Sharon Gless, Al Waxman, Mar- Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Audiokommentar, Action 2010 84min. tin Kove, John Karlen, Carl Lumbly, Harvey Trailer Thriller/Mystery 92min. MIG Film 24.05.2012 Atkin, Dick O’Neill, Barry Laws, Beverley Falcom Investment AG 13.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045951 Faverty, Sidney Clute, Michael Fairman, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045728 Tony La Torre, Troy W. Slaten, Paul Mantee, Bonanza - Die komplette 2. Staf- David Paymer, Richard Minchenberg - Dir. Camelot - Der Fluch des golde- Sharron Miller, Reza Badiyi, Georg Stanford fel (8 Discs) nen Schwertes Bonanza Brown, Al Waxman, Raymond Danton, Bill Sword Of The Valiant Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- Duke, James Frawley, Karen Arthur, Allen Miles O’Keefe, Cyrielle Claire, Sir Sean ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Baron, Jan Eliasberg, , Connery - Dir. Stephen Weeks Western 1959-1973 1560min. Ralph S. Singleton Abenteuer 1983 98min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Featurette Kriminalfilm/Drama 1982-1988 90min. Koch Media 13.04.2012 Germany 19.04.2012 justbridge entertainment media 09.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045957 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045842 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045813 Bonesaw (k.J.) Cassandra Cagney & Lacey Vol. 2 - Der Tote Cassandra Gag Tessa Humphries, Shane Briant, Briony Brian Kolodziej, Gerald Emerick, Amy im Park Behets, Susan Barling, Tim Burns, Kit Wehrell, Vince Marinelli I, Scott W. Cagney & Lacey Taylor, Lee James, Jeff Truman - Dir. Colin Mckinlay, Trent Haaga, Malcolm Brownson - Tyne Daly, Sharon Gless, Al Waxman, Mar- Eggleston Dir. Scott W. Mckinlay tin Kove, John Karlen, Carl Lumbly, Harvey Atkin, Dick O’Neill, Barry Laws, Beverley Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Horror 2006 80min. Horror/Thriller 1987 89min. Faverty, Sidney Clute, Michael Fairman, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 23.02.2012 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(JAM) Tony La Torre, Troy W. Slaten, Paul Mantee, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045706 23.03.2012 David Paymer, Richard Minchenberg - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045776 Borgen - Gefährliche Seilschaf- Sharron Miller, Reza Badiyi, Georg Stanford ten, Die komplette erste Staffel (3 Brown, Al Waxman, Raymond Danton, Bill Chain Letter (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Duke, James Frawley, Karen Arthur, Allen Discs) Baron, Jan Eliasberg, Alexander Singer, (k.J.) Borgen Ralph S. Singleton Chain Letter , Birgitte Hjort Featurette Nikki Reed, Keith David, Brad Dourif, Betsy Sørensen (Katrine Fønsmark), Pilou Asbæk, Kriminalfilm/Drama 1982-1988 90min. Russell, Bai Ling, Brian Tee, Matt Cohen, Mikael Birkkjær, Freja Riemann, Emil justbridge entertainment media 09.03.2012 Noah Segan - Dir. Deon Taylor Poulsen, Thomas Levin (Ulrik Mørch), 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045814 Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. Søren Malling, Anders Juul, Benedikte Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 Hansen, Lisbeth Wulff, Morten Kirkskov, Cagney & Lacey Vol. 3 - Wer im 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045914 Lars Knutzon (Bent Sejrø), Søren Glashaus sitzt Spanning, Kasper Lange, Iben Dorner, Pe- Cagney & Lacey Chain Letter (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ter Mygind, Bjarne Henriksen, Dar Salim, Tyne Daly, Sharon Gless, Al Waxman, Mar- Chain Letter Ole Thestrup (Svend Åge Saltum), Patricia tin Kove, John Karlen, Carl Lumbly, Harvey Nikki Reed, Keith David, Brad Dourif, Betsy Schumann, Lars Brygmann, Jannie Atkin, Dick O’Neill, Barry Laws, Beverley Russell, Bai Ling, Brian Tee, Matt Cohen, Faurschou (Yvonne Kjær), Petrine Agger, Faverty, Sidney Clute, Michael Fairman, Noah Segan - Dir. Deon Taylor Flemming Sørensen (Bjørn Marrot), Signe Tony La Torre, Troy W. Slaten, Paul Mantee, Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. Egholm Olsen, Rikke Lylloff (Lotte Ågaard), David Paymer, Richard Minchenberg - Dir. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 Mille Dinesen, Hanne Hedelund, Henrik Sharron Miller, Reza Badiyi, Georg Stanford 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045913 Birch, Sune Kofoed, Ulf Pilgaard, Ida Brown, Al Waxman, Raymond Danton, Bill Dwinger, Niels Weyde, Neel Rønholt, Hans Duke, James Frawley, Karen Arthur, Allen Chain Letter (k.J.) Henrik Clemensen, , Sebastian Baron, Jan Eliasberg, Alexander Singer, Chain Letter Jessen, Femi Elufowoja Jr., Jens Jacob Ralph S. Singleton Nikki Reed, Keith David, Brad Dourif, Betsy Tychsen, Michelle Bjørn-Andersen (Grethe Featurette Russell, Bai Ling, Brian Tee, Matt Cohen, Fønsmark), Stine Stengade, Mette Munk Kriminalfilm/Drama 1982-1988 90min. Noah Segan - Dir. Deon Taylor Plum, Kaya Brüel, Henrik Prip, Fadime Turan justbridge entertainment media 09.03.2012 Thriller/Horror 2010 84min. - Dir. Mikkel Nørgaard, Annette K. Olesen, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045815 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 Louise Friedberg, Rumle Hammerich, Søren 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045902 Kragh-Jacobsen, Jannik Johansen, Jesper The Caller - Anrufe aus der Ver- W. Nielsen gangenheit Chinese zum Mitnehmen Drama 2010 460min. The Caller Un Cuento Chino WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Rachelle Lefevre, Stephen Moyer, Luis Ricardo Darín, Ignacio Huang, Muriel Santa 25.05.2012 Guzmán, Ed Quinn, Lorna Raver, Marisé Ana, Enric Rodriguez, Ivan Romanelli - Dir. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045901 Alvarez, Alfredo Quesada, Brian Tester, Sebastian Borensztein Grace Connelly, Gladys Rodriguez - Dir. Komödie/Drama 2011 89min. Brandung Matthew Parkhill Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 08.05.2012 Boom Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende, Audiokommentar, tba BestellNr.: 20045778 Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Sir Trailer Noel Coward, Joanna Shimkus, Michael Thriller/Mystery 88min. Chinese zum Mitnehmen (Blu-ray) Falcom Investment AG 13.03.2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Un Cuento Chino Legend Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 The Divide Ricardo Darín, Ignacio Huang, Muriel Santa 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045724 , Milo Ventimiglia, Lauren Ana, Enric Rodriguez, Ivan Romanelli - Dir. German, Michael Eklund, Rosanna Arquette, Sebastian Borensztein : L Change the World Courtney B. Vance, Iván González, Ashton Komödie/Drama 2011 93min. (Blu-ray) Holmes, Jennifer Blanc, Peter Stormare, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 08.05.2012 Desu Nôto: L Change The World Abbey Thickson - Dir. Xavier Gens tba BestellNr.: 20045790 Ken’ichi Matsuyama, Erika Toda, Mayuko Behind the Scenes Thriller/Science Fiction 2011 113min. Fukuda, Shunji Fujimura, Sei Hiraizumi, Universum Film(SquareOne) 11.05.2012 Chocolat (Blu-ray) , Yuta Kanai, Youki Kudoh - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045765 Chocolat Dir. Hideo Nakata , Johnny Depp, Lena Olin, Science Fiction/Action 2008 133min. The Divide (k.J.) Dame Judi Dench, Alfred Molina, Peter Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 The Divide Stormare, Carrie-Anne Moss, Leslie Caron, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045915 John Wood, Hugh O’Conor, Victoire Michael Biehn, Milo Ventimiglia, Lauren Thivisol, Aurélien Parent Koenig, Antonio The Descendants - Familie und German, Michael Eklund, Rosanna Arquette, Courtney B. Vance, Iván González, Ashton Gil-Martinez, Helene Cardona, Harrison andere Angelegenheiten Pratt, Gaelan Connell, Elisabeth Commelin, Holmes, Jennifer Blanc, Peter Stormare, The Descendants Ron Cook, Guillaume Tardieu, Michèle Abbey Thickson - Dir. Xavier Gens , Shailene Woodley, Beau Gleizer, Dominique MacAvoy, Arnaud Adam, Behind the Scenes Bridges, Robert Forster, Judy Greer, Thriller/Science Fiction 2011 108min. Christianne Gadd, Marion Hauducoeur, Matthew Lillard, Nick Krause, Amara Miller, Universum Film(SquareOne) 11.05.2012 Esteban Antonio, J.J. Holiday, Malcolm Mary Birdsong, Rob Huebel, Patricia Hastie, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045756 Ross, Ged Barry, Iain Stoddard - Dir. Lasse Grace A. Cruz, Kim Gennaula, Karen Hallström Kuioka Hironaga - Dir. Alexander Payne Doctor Who - Staffel 5, Volume 2 Komödie 2000 121min. Drama/Komödie 2011 110min. Senator Home Entertainment 06.04.2012 (Fan-Edition, 3 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045886 Doctor Who Germany 15.05.2012 Matt Smith, Karen Gillan City of Sex 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045989 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 400min. polyband Medien GmbH 25.05.2012 Emerald City The Descendants - Familie und John Hargreaves, Robyn Nevin, Chris 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045904 Haywood, Nicole Kidman, Dennis Miller, Ella andere Angelegenheiten (Blu- Scott - Dir. Michael Jenkins ray) Doctor Who - Staffel 5, Volume 2 Interviews, Featurettes The Descendants (Fan-Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Komödie 1988 84min. George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Beau Doctor Who Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Bridges, Robert Forster, Judy Greer, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan 23.03.2012 Matthew Lillard, Nick Krause, Amara Miller, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 494min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045708 Mary Birdsong, Rob Huebel, Patricia Hastie, polyband Medien GmbH 25.05.2012 Grace A. Cruz, Kim Gennaula, Karen 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045916 mit Hindernissen Kuioka Hironaga - Dir. Alexander Payne (OmU) Drama/Komödie 2011 115min. Dr. House - Season 1 (6 Discs) Le Ciel Sur La Tête Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment House M.D. Charlotte de Turckheim - Dir. Régis Musset Germany 15.05.2012 Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Trailer, Bildergalerie 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045994 Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, Komödie 2006 91min. Jesse Spencer, Bobbin Bergstrom, Stepha- cmv-Laservision 23.03.2012 Devdas (Alles Liebe) nie Venditto, Sela Ward, Marco Pelaez, Ron 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045777 Devdas Perkins, Chi McBride, Currie Graham, Ingrid Shah Rukh Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Aishwarya Sanai Buron, Hira Ambrosino - Dir. Deran Conor, der Kelte (4 Discs) Rai (Parvati), Jackie Shroff, Kirron Kher, Sarafian, , , Roar Smita Jaykar, Vijayendra Ghatge, Ananya Peter O’Fallon Heath Ledger Khare - Dir. Sanjay Leela Bhansali Featurettes, Behind the Scenes Abenteuer/Fantasy 1997 555min. Making of Drama 2004-2005 972min. Koch Media 13.04.2012 Drama 2002 175min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045891 Universum Film 06.04.2012 05.04.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045739 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045894 The Day the Dead Walked (Blu- ray) (k.J.) Die dicke Tilla Dr. House - Season 2 (6 Discs) Don’t Wake The Dead Carmen Sarge, Jana Mattukat, Matthias House M.D. Ralph Fellows, Sonja Kerskes, Fiana de Manz, Maurice Woynowski, Rebecca Mi- Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Guzman, Carolin Schmidt, Cristiane Malia, chaelis, Carmen-Maja Antoni, Günter Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, Sara Plochl, Maren Lisner - Dir. Andreas Junghans - Dir. Werner Bergmann Jesse Spencer, Bobbin Bergstrom, Stepha- Schnaas Kinderfilm 1982 74min. nie Venditto, Sela Ward, Ron Perkins, Wendecover, Trailer ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Currie Graham, Hira Ambrosino, Horror 2008 79min. tba BestellNr.: 20045817 Garris, Charles S. Dutton - Dir. Deran Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Production) Sarafian, Daniel Sackheim, Peter O’Fallon 23.03.2012 Dinotopia - Komplett-Edition (3 Hintergrundinfos, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045730 Audiokommentare Discs) Drama 2005-2006 1010min. Dinotopia Dear Wendy (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tyron Leitso, Wentworth Miller, Katie Carr, 05.04.2012 Dear Wendy Jim Carter, David Thewlis, Alice Krige, Colin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045895 Jamie Bell, Bill Pullman, Michael Angarano, Salmon - Dir. Marco Brambilla Danso Gordon, Novella Nelson, Chris Making of, Trailer, Interviews, Hintergrundinfo Dr. House - Season 3 (6 Discs) Owen, Alison Pill, Mark Webber, Trevor Fantasy 2002 249min. House M.D. Cooper, Matthew Geczy, William Hootkins, Universum Film 06.04.2012 Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Teddy Kempner, Thomas Bo Larsen - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045740 Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, Thomas Vinterberg Jesse Spencer, Bobbin Bergstrom, Stepha- Drama 2004 101min. The Divide (Blu-ray) (k.J.)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD nie Venditto, David Morse, Marco Pelaez, Germany 03.05.2012 hammer, Henrik Norlén (Åke), Johanna Ron Perkins, Ingrid Sanai Buron, Hira 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045751 Dickson, Henrik Noél Olesen, Hassan Ambrosino, Charles S. Dutton - Dir. Deran Brijany, Vladimir Dikanski, Ulf Friberg, Stig Sarafian, Daniel Sackheim, Daniel Attias, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (Blu- Engström, Göran Forsmark, Björn Gedda - Peter O’Fallon, David Platt ray) Dir. Peter Lindmark Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Soundtrack, Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark Thriller/Drama 2006 97min. Featurettes FilmConfect Home Entertainment Drama 2006-2007 1005min. , Katie Holmes, Jack Thompson, 16.03.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Bruce Gleeson, Edwina Ritchard, Gary 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045885 05.04.2012 McDonald, Bailee Madison, Carolyn Shake- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045896 speare-Allen - Dir. Troy Nixey Wendecover Exit Humanity (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dr. House - Season 4 (4 Discs) Horror 2010 98min. Exit Humanity STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mark Gibson, Jordan Hayes, Dee Wallace, House M.D. Germany 03.05.2012 , Stephen McHattie, Adam Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045761 Seybold, Ari Millen, Jason David Brown - Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, Dir. John Geddes Jesse Spencer, Bobbin Bergstrom, Kal Emma (Blu-ray) Horror 2011 114min. Penn, Peter Jacobson, Olivia Wilde, Anne Emma Splendid Film 25.05.2012 Dudek, Edi Gathegi, Andy Comeau, Jennifer Gwyneth Paltrow, , Toni 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045917 Crystal, Rosemary Garris - Dir. Deran Collette, Greta Scacchi, Alan Cumming, Sarafian, Greg Yaitanes, David Straiton, Juliet Stevenson, Ewan McGregor, Polly Exit Humanity (k.J.) Daniel Attias, David Platt Featurettes Walker, Sophie Thompson, Phyllida Law, Exit Humanity Drama 2007-2008 671min. James Cosmo, Edward Woodall, Kathleen Mark Gibson, Jordan Hayes, Dee Wallace, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Byron, Angela Down, Rebecca Craig - Dir. Bill Moseley, Stephen McHattie, Adam 05.04.2012 Douglas McGrath Seybold, Ari Millen, Jason David Brown - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045897 Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Wendecover Dir. John Geddes Komödie/Drama 1996 125min. Horror 2011 110min. Dr. House - Season 5 (6 Discs) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Splendid Film 25.05.2012 Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 House M.D. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045905 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045833 Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Faces in the Crowd Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, Der Engländer, der auf einen Hü- Jesse Spencer, Kal Penn, Peter Jacobson, Faces In The Crowd Olivia Wilde, Jennifer Crystal, Bobbin Berg- gel stieg und von einem Berg Milla Jovovich, Sarah Wayne Callies, Julian strom - Dir. Deran Sarafian, Greg Yaitanes, herunterkam McMahon, Michael Shanks, Adam David Straiton, Daniel Attias, David Platt The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Harrington, Sandrine Holt, Marianne Featurettes, Audiokommentar Came Down A Mountain Faithfull, Kirsten Robek - Dir. Julien Magnat Drama 2008-2009 1014min. Hugh Grant, Tara Fitzgerald, Colm Meaney, Thriller/Horror 2011 98min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ian McNeice, Ian Hart, Kenneth Griffith, Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 05.04.2012 Tudor Vaughn, Hugh Vaughn - Dir. Christo- 16.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045898 pher Monger 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045860 Wendecover Dr. House - Season 6 (6 Discs) Komödie 1995 92min. Faces in the Crowd (Blu-ray) House M.D. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Faces In The Crowd Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 Milla Jovovich, Sarah Wayne Callies, Julian Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045843 McMahon, Michael Shanks, Adam Jesse Spencer, Peter Jacobson, Olivia Harrington, Sandrine Holt, Marianne Wilde, Bobbin Bergstrom, Jennifer Crystal, Es blinkt ein einsam Segel Faithfull, Kirsten Robek - Dir. Julien Magnat Andre Braugher, Franka Potente - Dir. Greg Belejet Parus Odinoki Thriller/Horror 2011 102min. Yaitanes, David Straiton, Katie Jacobs, Matt Igor But, Boris Runge, Swetlana Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Shakman, Lesli Linka Glatter, Nick Gomez, Prjadilowa, Ira Bolschakowa, Alexandr 16.05.2012 Andrew Bernstein, Sanford Bookstaver, Melnikow - Dir. Wladimir Legoschin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045882 Hugh Laurie, Juan José Campanella Trailer Featurettes, Audiokommentare Abenteuer 1937 82min. Fatal Chaos Drama 2009-2010 926min. ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Paha Maa Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) tba BestellNr.: 20045818 Jasper Pääkkönen, Mikko Leppilampi, 05.04.2012 Pamela Tola, Petteri Summanen, Matleena 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045899 Everybody’s Fine Kuusniemi, Mikko Kouki, Sulevi Peltola, Everybody’s Fine Pertti Sveholm, Samuli Edelmann - Dir. Aku Die Dollarprinzessin Robert De Niro, Drew Barrymore, Kate Louhimies Tatjana Ivanov, Horst Niendorf, Gaby Beckinsale, , Katherine Drama/Thriller 2004 128min. Jacoby, Gerhart Lippert, Regina Lemnitz, Moennig, James Frain, Melissa Leo - Dir. KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena Stefan Behrens, Ingrid van Bergen, Käthe Kirk Jones Pictures) 15.03.2012 Jaenicke - Dir. Klaus Überall Making of, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer, Wende- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045749 Musikfilm 1971 87min. cover Drama/Komödie 2009 95min. Arthaus Musik 05.03.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Faust tba BestellNr.: 20045929 Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 Faust 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045844 Johannes Zeiler, Anton Adasinskiy, Isolda Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark Dychauk, Georg Friedrich, Hanna Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark Exit - Lauf um dein Leben (Blu- Schygulla, Antje Lewald, Florian Brückner, Guy Pearce, Katie Holmes, Jack Thompson, ray) Sigurdur Skúlason, Maxim Mehmet, Andre- Bruce Gleeson, Edwina Ritchard, Gary as Schmidt - Dir. Alexander Sokurow McDonald, Bailee Madison, Carolyn Shake- Exit Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer speare-Allen - Dir. Troy Nixey Mads Mikkelsen, Alexander Skarsgård, Drama 2011 132min. Wendecover Samuel Fröler (Morgan Nordenstråle), Kirsti Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA+) Horror 2010 95min. Eline Torhaug, Börje Ahlstedt, Johan 08.05.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Rabaeus, Kristina Törnqvist, Maria Lang- tba BestellNr.: 20045809

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Tim Roth, , , Alicia Gisela Schneeberger, Bettina Mittendorfer, Faust (Blu-ray) Witt, Lili Taylor, Ione Skye, Samantha Davis, Rosalie Thomass, Monika Gruber, Sigi Faust Amanda De Cadenet, Jennifer Beals, David Zimmerschied, Johann Schuler, Cleo Johannes Zeiler, Anton Adasinskiy, Isolda Proval, , Tamlyn Tomita, Kretschmer, Ferry Öllinger, Alicia von Ritt- Dychauk, Georg Friedrich, Hanna Quentin Tarantino, Bruce Willis, Paul berg, Andreas Lust, Felix Hellmann, Ste- Schygulla, Antje Lewald, Florian Brückner, Calderon, Marisa Tomei, Kathy Griffin - Dir. phan Zinner, Peter Mitterrutzner, Matthias Sigurdur Skúlason, Maxim Mehmet, Andre- Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Ro- Ransberger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow - as Schmidt - Dir. Alexander Sokurow bert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino Dir. Markus Goller Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Dokumentation, Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Making of, Featurettes, Interviews Drama 2011 138min. Komödie/Episodenfilm 1995 102min. Komödie 2011 91min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA+) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universum Film 18.05.2012 08.05.2012 Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045923 tba BestellNr.: 20045832 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045834 Eine ganz heiße Nummer (Blu- The Ferryman - Jeder muss zah- Fred - Der Film ray) len (k.J.) Fred: The Movie Gisela Schneeberger, Bettina Mittendorfer, The Ferryman Lucas Cruikshank, Jennette McCurdy, Jake Rosalie Thomass, Monika Gruber, Sigi John Rhys-Davies, Kerry Fox, Sally Weary, Siobhan Fallon, John Cena, Oscar Zimmerschied, Johann Schuler, Cleo Stockwell, Amber Sainsbury, Tamer Nuñez, Stephanie Courtney, Pixie Lott, Kretschmer, Ferry Öllinger, Alicia von Ritt- Hassan, Craig Hall, Julian Arahanga, Joshua Locy - Dir. Clay Weiner berg, Andreas Lust, Felix Hellmann, Ste- Lawrence Makoare - Dir. Chris Graham Komödie 2010 80min. phan Zinner, Peter Mitterrutzner, Matthias Trailer, Interviews, B-Roll, Featurettes Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Ransberger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow - Horror 2007 97min. GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Dir. Markus Goller Legend Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 25.05.2012 Making of, Featurettes, Interviews 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045716 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045931 Komödie 2011 95min. Universum Film 18.05.2012 Florian III Fred - Der Film (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045939 Elke Sommer, Kurt Mergenthal, Sofie Fred: The Movie Keeser, Wolfgang Preiss, Elmar Wepper, Lucas Cruikshank, Jennette McCurdy, Jake Der ganz normale Wahnsinn (3 George Meyer-Goll, Gabriele Dossi, Willy Weary, Siobhan Fallon, John Cena, Oscar DVDs) Harlander, Elisabeth Welz, Peter Rappen- Nuñez, Stephanie Courtney, Pixie Lott, Towje Kleiner, Monika Schwarz, Ilse Neu- glück, Marianne Brandt - Dir. Bernd Joshua Locy - Dir. Clay Weiner bauer, Barbara Valentin, Alexander May, Fischerauer Komödie 2010 83min. Christine Kaufmann, Helmut Fischer, Herb Komödie 1993 500min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Andress - Dir. Reinhard Schwabenitzky KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) (mit Towje Kleiner - TV Serie) 15.03.2012 25.05.2012 Komödie 1980 588min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045750 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045941 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Division(Spassgesellschaft) 17.02.2012 Flying Fortress Freezer 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045824 Fortress Freeze Me Bug Hall, Donnie Jeffcoat, Sean McGowan Harumi Inoue, Shingo Tsurumi, Kazuki Gefährliches Blut - Dir. Mike Phillips Kitamura, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Naoto The Lawless Breed Behind the Scenes Takenaka - Dir. Takashi Ishii Rock Hudson, Julie Adams, Mary Castle, Action/Kriegsfilm 2011 101min. Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Interviews, Trailer John McIntire, Hugh O’Brian, Dennis EuroVideo Bildprogramm 10.05.2012 Thriller/Drama 2000 105min. Weaver, Forrest Lewis, Lee Van Cleef - tba BestellNr.: 20045866 KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena Dir. Raoul Walsh Pictures) 15.03.2012 Western 1953 80min. Flying Fortress (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045748 KNM Home Entertainment(Mondo ray) From Dusk Till Dawn (Special Entertainment) 15.03.2012 Fortress 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045808 Bug Hall, Donnie Jeffcoat, Sean McGowan Edition, gekürzte Fassung) (Blu- - Dir. Mike Phillips ray) (k.J.) Gegen den Wind - Staffel 1 (4 Behind the Scenes From Dusk Till Dawn Action/Kriegsfilm 2011 105min. Discs) Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, Quentin EuroVideo Bildprogramm 10.05.2012 Ralf Bauer, Hardy Krüger jr., Julia Heine- Tarantino, Juliette Lewis, Richard „Cheech“ tba BestellNr.: 20045883 mann, Henry van Lyck, Daniela Ziegler, Marin, Fred Williamson, Salma Hayek, Marc Hendrik Martz, Heinrich Schmieder, Christi- Forsthaus Falkenau - Staffel 17 (3 Lawrence, Michael Parks, Kelly Preston, an Näthe, Tabea Tiesler, Rebecca Immanu- Tom Savini, John Saxon, Danny Trejo, Er- Discs) el, Antonio Putignano, Katrin Weisser, Lissy nest Liu, John Hawkes - Dir. Robert von Lambsdorff, Udo Jolly, Meike Harten, Christian Wolff, Anja Schüte, Bruni Löbel, Rodriguez Henry Hübchen, Ivana Kansy, Dennenesch Walter Buschhoff, Michael Wolf, Nikolai Diverse Zoudé, Katja Woywood, Alexander Haugg, Bury, Nicole Schmid, Sascha Hornig, Horror/Komödie 1995 106min. Patrick Harzig, Eva Habermann, Volker Dennis Hornig, Gisela Uhlen, Volker Kraeft, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kraeft, Janette Rauch, Ursula Buschhorn, Cheyenne Pahde, Valentina Pahde, Julia Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 Julia Dahmen, Marco Girnth, Sandra S. Grimpe, Sabine Bach, Hans Stadlbauer, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045853 Leonhard, Sebastian Hartmann, Christiane Hermann Giefer, Winfried Frey, Hansi Schulz, Stephan Schwartz, Ann-Cathrin Kraus, Werner Asam, Wilhelm Manske, Der Froschkönig Sudhoff, Gisela Gard, Ulrich Faulhaber, Norbert Gastell, Diana Körner, Margaretha Marion Degler, Klaus Herm, Hans Kwiet, Tilla Borgelt, Christine Döring, Corinna Baumgartner, Horst Kummeth - Dir. Andreas Stanislav Ledinek, Olga Limburg, Sieglinde Drews, Karl Lieffen, Jochen Schroeder, Jordan-Drost König, Dorothea Wieck - Dir. Otto Meyer Horst Kuska, Zacharias Preen, Fiona Drama 2006 620min. Trailer Schwartz - Dir. Helmut Krätzig, Wolfgang Universum Film(ZDF Video) 27.04.2012 Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1954 83min. Münstermann, Rüdiger Nüchtern 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045736 ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045788 Drama/Action 1994-1998 720min. Four Rooms (Blu-ray) Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Division(Pixis) 24.02.2012 Four Rooms Eine ganz heiße Nummer

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30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045924 Trailer Stephen Burke Komödie/Drama 2011 85min. Komödie/Drama 2009 97min. Geheimnis um Rom - Staffel 1 (2 good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.03.2012 Senator Home Entertainment 06.04.2012 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045987 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045877 Roman Mysteries Good Will (Digital Francesca Isherwood, Eli Machover, Harry Hard Candy (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Stott, Rebekah Brookes-Murrell - Dir. Paul Remastered) Hard Candy Marcus, Jill Robertson Good Will Hunting Ellen Page, Patrick Wilson, Sandra Oh, Abenteuer 2007-2008 240min. Matt Damon, Robin Williams, , Jennifer Holmes - Dir. David Slade justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Minnie Driver, Stellan Skarsgård, Casey Drama/Thriller 2004 104min. 09.03.2012 Affleck, Cole Hauser - Dir. Gus Van Sant Senator Home Entertainment(Autobahn) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045698 TV-Spots, Film-Clips, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, 25.05.2012 Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045981 Drama 1997 122min. Das geheimnisvolle Wrack STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Das Haus am Eaton Place - Staf- Kurt Ulrich, Wilfried Ortmann, Hans-Hasso Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 Steube, Horst Naumann, Charlotte Küter - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045845 fel 1 (4 Discs) Dir. Herbert Ballmann Upstairs, Downstairs Trailer Die Grauzone Gordon Jackson, David Langton, Jean Abenteuer 1953-1954 76min. The Grey Zone Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 David Arquette, Velizar Binev, David Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams, tba BestellNr.: 20045820 Chandler, Michael Stuhlbarg, George Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, Lesley- Anne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan Richard Gere - The Gentleman (3 Zlatarev, Dimitar Ivanov, Daniel Benzali, Allan Corduner, Steve Buscemi, Harvey Benham, Raymond Huntley, Pauline Collins, Discs) Keitel, Henry Stram, Kamelia Grigorova, Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gor- / Darf ich bitten? / The Cotton Lisa Benavides, Shirly Brener, Mira don, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen Club Sorvino, Natasha Lyonne, Dafina Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George Richard Gere Katzarrska, Donka avramova, Rumena Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir. Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trifonova, Simeon Vladov, Lee Wilkof, Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, , Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wendecover Christopher Hodson Komödie/Lovestory 1984-2004 335min. Jessica Hecht, Brian F. O’Byrne - Dir. Tim Blake Nelson Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Interview, Trailer STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 1971-1975 650min. Germany 05.04.2012 Interview, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Drama 2001 104min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045828 FilmConfect Home Entertainment AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 27.04.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045861 Richard Gere - The Tough Guy (3 16.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045867 Discs) (k.J.) Das Haus am Eaton Place - Staf- Untreu / Gesetz der Straße / The Flock Die Grauzone (Blu-ray) fel 2 (4 Discs) Richard Gere The Grey Zone Upstairs, Downstairs Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Alternatives Ende, Behind the Scenes, David Arquette, Velizar Binev, David Gordon Jackson, David Langton, Jean Produktionsnotizen, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Chandler, Michael Stuhlbarg, George Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2002-2009 346min. Zlatarev, Dimitar Ivanov, Daniel Benzali, Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Allan Corduner, Steve Buscemi, Harvey Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, Lesley- Germany 05.04.2012 Keitel, Henry Stram, Kamelia Grigorova, Anne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045829 Lisa Benavides, Shirly Brener, Mira Benham, Raymond Huntley, Pauline Collins, Sorvino, Natasha Lyonne, Dafina Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gor- Der Gestank des Erfolges Katzarrska, Donka avramova, Rumena don, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen The Smell Of Success Trifonova, Simeon Vladov, Lee Wilkof, Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George , Téa Leoni, Kyle Jessica Hecht, Brian F. O’Byrne - Dir. Tim Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir. MacLachlan - Dir. Michael Polish Blake Nelson Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, Bill Bain, Komödie 2009 92min. Interview, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Christopher Hodson Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Drama 2001 108min. Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Musikvideo, Trailer GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) FilmConfect Home Entertainment Drama 1971-1975 650min. 25.05.2012 16.03.2012 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045930 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045884 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 27.04.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045862 Der Gestank des Erfolges (Blu- Guatemala Massacre (k.J.) ray) Aro Tolbukhin. En La Mente Del Asesino Das Haus am Eaton Place - Staf- Daniel Giménez Cacho (Aro), Carmen The Smell Of Success fel 3 (4 Discs) Beato, Zoltan Jozan (Aro), Mariona Castillo Billy Bob Thornton, Téa Leoni, Kyle Upstairs, Downstairs (Selma), Aram Gonzalez (Aro), Eva Fortea MacLachlan - Dir. Michael Polish Gordon Jackson, David Langton, Jean (Selma), Jesus Ramos, Pepa Charro - Dir. Komödie 2009 96min. Marsh, Angela Baddeley, Christopher Agustí Villaronga Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Beeny, Jenny Tomasin, Simon Williams, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer, TV-Spot Jacqueline Tong, Rachel Gurney, Lesley- GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Thriller/Drama 2002 94min. Anne Down, Meg Wynn Owen, Joan 11.05.2012 KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena Benham, Raymond Huntley, Pauline Collins, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045940 Pictures) 15.03.2012 Nicola Pagett, Patsy Smart, Hannah Gor- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045802 Gianni und die Frauen don, Gareth Hunt, John Alderton, Karen Gianni E Le Donne Happy Ever Afters (Alles Liebe) Dotrice, Ian Ogilvy, Evin Crowley, George Innes, John Quayle, Celia Bannerman - Dir. Gianni Di Gregorio, Valeria De Franciscis, Happy Ever Afters Raymond Menmuir, Derek Bennett, Bill Bain, Alfonso Santagata, Elisabetta Piccolomini, Sally Hawkins, Tom Riley, Ger Ryan, Stan- Christopher Hodson Valeria Cavalli, Aylin Prandi, Kristina ley Townsend, Susan Fitzgerald, Tomas Cepraga, Michelangelo Ciminale, Teresa Di Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer O’Suilleabhain, Phina Oruche, Tina Drama 1971-1975 650min. Gregorio, Lilia Silvi, Gabriella Sborgi, Laura Kellegher, Ariyon Bakare, Simon Delaney, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Squizzato, Sylvia Squizzato - Dir. Gianni Di Michael McElhatton, David Pearse, Jade AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 27.04.2012 Gregorio Yourell, Adam Fergus, Deirdre Molloy - Dir.

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39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045863 Sheridan Smith, Felicity Jones, Kate Linder, Ebizô Ichikawa, Yusuke Iseya, Juri Ueno, Kim Criswell, Elisabet Johannesdottir, Shun Shioya, , Yuko Das Haus der Geheimnisse Catherine Meunier, Leila Schaus, Jules Kotegawa, Tomokazu Miura, Yuki Kuroda - Derrière Les Murs Werner - Dir. Tanya Wexler Dir. Kiyoshi Sasabe Laetitia Casta, Thierry Neuvic, Jacques Interviews, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2006 126min. Bonnaffé, , Anne Benoît, Komödie 2011 95min. Musketier Media(8-Films) 25.05.2012 Anne Loiret, Emma Ninucci, Charline Paul, Senator Home Entertainment 18.05.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045918 Mathilde Tolleron - Dir. Pascal Sid, Julien 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045754 Lacombe - Wasser hat keine Horror/Mystery 2011 min. In guten Händen (Blu-ray) Balken Hysteria Universum Film 11.05.2012 Steamboat Bill, Jr. Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hugh Dancy, Jonathan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045964 Buster Keaton, Ernest Torrence, Tom Pryce, Rupert Everett, Ashley Jensen, Lewis, Tom McGuire, Marion Byron - Dir. Sheridan Smith, Felicity Jones, Kate Linder, Das Haus der Geheimnisse (Blu- Charles F. Reisner Kim Criswell, Elisabet Johannesdottir, ray) Komödie 1928 70min. Catherine Meunier, Leila Schaus, Jules Derrière Les Murs da music(Great Movies) 24.02.2012 Werner - Dir. Tanya Wexler Laetitia Casta, Thierry Neuvic, Jacques Interviews, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045873 Bonnaffé, Roger Dumas, Anne Benoît, Komödie 2011 99min. Anne Loiret, Emma Ninucci, Charline Paul, Senator Home Entertainment 18.05.2012 Kein Weg zurück Mathilde Tolleron - Dir. Pascal Sid, Julien 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045763 Deadfall Trail Lacombe Cavin Gray Schneider, Shane Dean, Katrina Horror/Mystery 2011 min. Jane Eyre Matusek, Richard Anderson, Slade Hall, Universum Film 11.05.2012 Jane Eyre Neal Trout - Dir. Roze 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045979 Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Trailer Thriller/Abenteuer 2009 93min. Dame Judi Dench, Sally Hawkins, Jamie Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 Heidi & Erni (5 Discs) Bell, Holliday Grainger, Tamzin Merchant, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045718 Heidi Kabel, Erni Singerl - Dir. Peter Imogen Poots, Amelia Clarkson, Craig Ro- Weissflog berts - Dir. Cary Fukunaga Kein Weg zurück (Blu-ray) Komödie 1990 900min. Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, B-Roll, Planet Media Home Entertainment Featurettes, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer Deadfall Trail 05.04.2012 Drama/Lovestory 2011 115min. Cavin Gray Schneider, Shane Dean, Katrina 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045709 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Matusek, Richard Anderson, Slade Hall, 03.05.2012 Neal Trout - Dir. Roze Helden des Polarkreises 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045752 Trailer Thriller/Abenteuer 2009 97min. Napapiirin Sankarit Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 Pamela Tola, Jussi Vatanen, Jasper Jane Eyre (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045733 Pääkkönen, Timo Lavikainen, Kari Ketonen, Jane Eyre Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Miia Nuutila, Moa Gammel, Kari Hietalahti - Kill Bill - Vol. I & II (Steelbook, 2 Dir. Dome Karukoski Dame Judi Dench, Sally Hawkins, Jamie Komödie/Drama 2010 91min. Bell, Holliday Grainger, Tamzin Merchant, Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Imogen Poots, Amelia Clarkson, Craig Ro- Kill Bill - Volume 1 & 2 12.04.2012 berts - Dir. Cary Fukunaga Uma Thurman - Dir. Quentin Tarantino tba BestellNr.: 20045780 Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, B-Roll, Musikvideos, Trailer, Teaser, Making of, Entfallene Szenen Featurettes, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer Action 2003-2004 248min. Drama/Lovestory 2011 120min. Helden des Polarkreises (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 Napapiirin Sankarit 03.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045835 Pamela Tola, Jussi Vatanen, Jasper 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045762 Pääkkönen, Timo Lavikainen, Kari Ketonen, Kill Bill - Vol. I & II (Steelbook, 2 Miia Nuutila, Moa Gammel, Kari Hietalahti - Jim Profit - Ein Mann geht über Discs) (k.J.) Dir. Dome Karukoski Leichen, Die komplette Serie (3 Komödie/Drama 2010 95min. Kill Bill - Volume 1 & 2 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Discs) Uma Thurman - Dir. Quentin Tarantino 12.04.2012 Profit Musikvideos, Trailer, Teaser, Making of, Entfallene Szenen Action 2003-2004 237min. tba BestellNr.: 20045792 Adrian Pasdar, Lisa Darr - Dir. Robert Iscove STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Herrscher der versunkenen Welt Trailer, Teaser, TV-Spots, Booklet, Wendecover Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 Drama 1996 392min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045822 King Of The Lost World AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing , Jeff Denton, Rhett Giles, AG(Ostalgica) 24.04.2012 Kill List (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sarah Lieving, Christina Rosenberg, Steve 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045864 Kill List Railsback - Dir. Leigh Scott Making of,Trailer, Entfallene Szenen Neil Maskell, MyAnna Buring, Harry Abenteuer/Fantasy 2005 80min. Kaiten - Human Torpedo War Simpson, Michael Smiley, Emma Fryer, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 23.03.2012 (Uncut) Struan Rodger, Esme Folley, Ben Crompton, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045712 Deguchi No Nai Umi Gemma Lise Thornton, Robin Hill - Dir. Ben Ebizô Ichikawa, Yusuke Iseya, Juri Ueno, Wheatley Heute Ruhetag Shun Shioya, Teruyuki Kagawa, Yuko Making of, Interviews, Audiokommentar Thriller/Horror 2011 96min. Rolf Herricht - Dir. Peter Hill Kotegawa, Tomokazu Miura, Yuki Kuroda - Senator Home Entertainment 06.04.2012 Trailer Dir. Kiyoshi Sasabe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045757 Komödie/Familie 1976 70min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2006 121min. ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Musketier Media(8-Films) 25.05.2012 Kill List (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20045816 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045906 Kill List In guten Händen Kaiten - Human Torpedo War Neil Maskell, MyAnna Buring, Harry Simpson, Michael Smiley, Emma Fryer, Hysteria (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hugh Dancy, Jonathan Struan Rodger, Esme Folley, Ben Crompton, Deguchi No Nai Umi Pryce, Rupert Everett, Ashley Jensen, Gemma Lise Thornton, Robin Hill - Dir. Ben

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Wheatley Hannelore Elsner, Til Schweiger, Karlheinz Thriller/Horror 1995 90min. Making of, Interviews, Audiokommentar Lemken, Thomas Scharff, Walter Renn- Warner Home Video Germany 15.03.2012 Thriller/Horror 2011 92min. eisen, Emily Wood - Dir. Jörg Grünler, Erwin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045745 Senator Home Entertainment 06.04.2012 Keusch, Charly Weller, Karola Hattop, Rolf 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045741 Liccini, Bodo Fürneisen, Urs Egger, Wilhelm Laurel & Hardy - Im Land des La- Engelhardt, Uli Möller Der Killer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) chens Kriminalfilm 1994-2005 624min. Babes In Toyland Skeleton Lake KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Charlotte Henry, Bryan Larkin, Hugh Lambe, Bob Cymbalski, 15.03.2012 Henry Brandon, Anne Brown - Dir. Gus Robert Nolan, Mark Munro, Damon E. White, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045800 Meinz, Charley Rogers Frank Ieraci, Lee Sandford, Bass Stewart, Kurzfilme, Bildergalerie, trailer Ramen Zarafshan - Dir. Neil Mackay König Drosselbart Komödie 1934 73min. Trailer Felix Grimm, Henriette Gonnermann - Dir. da music(Great Movies) 24.02.2012 Thriller/Horror 2012 94min. Fritz Genschow 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045871 Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045732 Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1962 81min. Die Leichenfabrik des Dr. ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Frankenstein Der Killer (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20045786 Skeleton Lake Il Castello Della Paura Bryan Larkin, Hugh Lambe, Bob Cymbalski, Eine königliche Affäre Christiane Rücker, Rossano Brazzi, Ed- mund Purdom - Dir. Robert Oliver Robert Nolan, Mark Munro, Damon E. White, Nicki von Tempelhoff, Max Mauff, Emily Frank Ieraci, Lee Sandford, Bass Stewart, Trailer, Bildergalerie Cox, Markus Boysen, Nina Schwabe, Horror 1973 87min. Ramen Zarafshan - Dir. Neil Mackay Marek Harloff, Kai Maertens - Dir. Dr. Wil- cmv-Laservision 23.03.2012 Trailer fried Hauke Thriller/Horror 2012 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045781 Doku-Drama 2011 95min. Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 MFA+ Film Distribution 03.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045717 Der letzte Ritt des Ransom Pride 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045702 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Der Kindermörder (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kopfjagd The Last Rites Of Ransom Pride The Gray Man Scott Speedman, Lizzy Caplan, Dwight Eddie Macon’s Run Patrick Bauchau, Jack Conley, John Yoakam, Jon Foster, Cote de Pablo, Jason Kirk Douglas, John Schneider, Lee Purcell, Aylward, Jillian Armenante, Silas Weir Priestley, W. Earl Brown, Peter Dinklage, Leah Ayres, Lisa Dunsheath, Tom Noonan, Mitchell, Vyto Ruginis, Mollie Milligan, Lexi Scott Speedman - Dir. Tiller Russell J.C. Quinn, Gil Rogers - Dir. Jeff Kanew Ainsworth - Dir. Scott L. Flynn Western 2010 97min. Action 1983 91min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 97min. MIG Film 24.05.2012 KNM Home Entertainment(Mondo MIG Film 10.05.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045977 Entertainment) 15.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045976 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045806 Der letzte Ritt des Ransom Pride Der Kindermörder (k.J.) Kuch Naa Kaho - Erzähl mir (k.J.) The Gray Man nichts von Liebe (Alles Liebe) The Last Rites Of Ransom Pride Patrick Bauchau, Jack Conley, John Scott Speedman, Lizzy Caplan, Dwight Kuch Naa Kaho Aylward, Jillian Armenante, Silas Weir Yoakam, Jon Foster, Cote de Pablo, Jason Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan, Mitchell, Vyto Ruginis, Mollie Milligan, Lexi Priestley, W. Earl Brown, Peter Dinklage, Arbaaz Khan, Satish Shah, Parth Dave, Ainsworth - Dir. Scott L. Flynn Scott Speedman - Dir. Tiller Russell Himani Shivpuri, Suhasini Mulay, Tanaaz Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 93min. Western 2010 93min. Currim, Jaspal Bhatti, Meghna Malik, Divya MIG Film 10.05.2012 MIG Film 24.05.2012 Palat, Gautami Gadgil, Ramona Sunavala - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045954 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045955 Dir. Rohan Sippy King of Marijuana Making of Komödie/Musikfilm 2003 162min. Der Liebhaber (Alles Liebe) De Dominee Universum Film 06.04.2012 L’ Amant Peter Paul Muller, Chantal Janzen, Frank 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045742 Jane March, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Frédérique Lammers, Mike Reus, Roeland Fernhout, Meininger, Arnaud Giovaninetti, Melvil Keith Davis - Dir. Gerrard Verhage Der Landarzt - Staffel 17 (3 Discs) Poupaud, Lisa Faulkner - Dir. Jean-Jacques Kriminalfilm/Drama 2004 110min. Walter Plathe, Sabine Bach, Heinz Reincke, Annaud KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena Gerhard Olschewski, Eva Kryll, Thomas Trailer, Making of Pictures) 15.03.2012 Drama/Erotik 1991 110min. Balou Martin, Thorsten Nindel, Ulrich 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045747 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Bähnk, Jacqueline Svilarov, Manou 06.04.2012 Lubowski, Nynne Bugat, Till Demtrøder, A Kiss and a Promise 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045875 Gerd Silberbauer, Franziska Troegner, Lui- A Kiss And A Promise se Bähr, Andreas Bisowski, Edith Behleit, Mick Rossi, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Little Murder Victoria Sturm, Hans Georg Panczak, Da- Sean Power - Dir. Phillip Guzman Little Murder niela Hoffmann, Klaus Gehrke, Eckhardt Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 92min. , , Lake Bell, Bogda, Gerd Grasse, Janina Uhse, Andrea Infopictures 25.05.2012 Joey Tomaska, Noah Bean, Bokeem Popadic, Ulrich Gebauer, Katrin Pollitt, Juli- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045783 Woodbine, Deborah Ann Woll, Cary Elwes, an Paeth, Gerhart Lippert, Renate Sharon Leal, Brandon Molale, Nick Schroeter - Dir. Hans Werner, Wolfgang A Kiss and a Promise (Blu-ray) Lashaway, Peter Jason, Ele Bardha - Dir. Münstermann A Kiss And A Promise Peter Antonijevic Drama/Komödie min. Mick Rossi, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Drama/Thriller 2011 94min. Universum Film (ZDF Video) 11.05.2012 Sean Power - Dir. Phillip Guzman Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045869 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 96min. 27.04.2012 Infopictures 25.05.2012 Last Gasp - Der Todesfluch (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045744 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045793 Last Gasp Little Murder (Blu-ray) Robert Patrick, Joanna Pacula, Vyto Die Kommissarin - Folge 27 - 39 Little Murder Ruginis, Mimi Craven, Alexander Enberg, Josh Lucas, Terrence Howard, Lake Bell, (4 Discs) Shashawnee Hall - Dir. Scott McGinnis

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Joey Tomaska, Noah Bean, Bokeem Cordero, Luis Varela, Terele Pávez - Dir. Matthews, Joseph Andrew Mclean, Aditi Woodbine, Deborah Ann Woll, Cary Elwes, Álex de la Iglesia Sharma, Adam Smith, Henry Tanqri - Dir. Sharon Leal, Brandon Molale, Nick Trailer Pankaj Kapur Lashaway, Peter Jason, Ele Bardha - Dir. Drama/Komödie 2010 111min. TV-Promos, Trailer, Poster Peter Antonijevic Koch Media 27.04.2012 Drama 2011 160min. Drama/Thriller 2011 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045972 Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.04.2012 Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045753 27.04.2012 Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045759 The Man In The Iron Mask Mein Babysitter ist ein Vampir Edward Albert, Dana Barron, Timothy My Babysitter’s A Vampire Der Löwe von Babylon Bottoms, Brigid Brannah, Fannie Brett, Meg Komödie/Fantasy 2010 85min. Helmut Schneider, Georg Thomalla - Dir. Foster, James Gammon, Dennis Hayden, Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 Johannes Kai William Richert, Nick Richert, Rex Ryon, R. tba BestellNr.: 20045720 Abenteuer 1959 99min. G. Armstrong, Robert Littman - Dir. William Spirit Media 27.04.2012 Richert Mein Babysitter ist ein Vampir - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045959 Abenteuer 1997 89min. Die Serie MIG Film 05.04.2012 My Babysitter’s A Vampire Mad Circus - Eine Ballade von 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045715 Komödie/Fantasy 2011 286min. Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 Liebe und Tod (2 Discs) (k.J.) Männer & Frauen - Eine Ge- Balada Triste De Trompeta 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045721 Carlos Areces, Antonio de la Torre, brauchsanleitung Carolina Bang, Sancho Gracia, Juan Luis Hommes, Femmes: Mode D’Emploi Mimic (Director’s Cut) Galiardo, Enrique Villén, Manuel Tallafé, Fabrice Luchini, Bernard Tapie, Alessandra Mimic Manuel Tejada, Gracia Olayo, Santiago Martines, Pierre Arditi, Caroline Cellier, Mira Sorvino, Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin, Segura, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, Fofito, Ophélie Winter, Anouk Aimée, Ticky Giancarlo Giannini, Charles S. Dutton, Alex- Sasha di Benedetto, Jorge Clemente, Juana Holgado, Salomé, William Leymergie, Agnès ander Goodwin, Alix Koromzay, F. Murray Cordero, Luis Varela, Terele Pávez - Dir. Soral, Gisèle Casadesus, Christophe Abraham - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro Hemon, Patrick Husson - Dir. Claude Alternatives Ende, Audiokommentar, Intro, Featurettes, Entfal- Álex de la Iglesia lene Szenen, Making of, Outtakes, Storyboard Animationen, Trailer Lelouch Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Komödie 2010 107min. Trailer Horror/Thriller 1997 107min. Komödie 1996 118min. Koch Media 27.04.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045949 Germany 19.04.2012 AG(more2c) 23.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045846 Mad Circus - Eine Ballade von 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045775 Liebe und Tod (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Männertrip (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) Mimic (Director’s Cut, Kino- Balada Triste De Trompeta Get Him To The Greek fassung) (Blu-ray) Carlos Areces, Antonio de la Torre, Jonah Hill, Russell Brand, Sean „P. Diddy“ Mimic Carolina Bang, Sancho Gracia, Juan Luis Combs, Elisabeth Moss, , Colm Mira Sorvino, Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin, Galiardo, Enrique Villén, Manuel Tallafé, Meaney, Carla Gallo, Karl Theobald, Dinah Giancarlo Giannini, Charles S. Dutton, Alex- Manuel Tejada, Gracia Olayo, Santiago Stabb, T.J. Miller, Lino Facioli, Kali Hawk, ander Goodwin, Alix Koromzay, F. Murray Segura, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, Fofito, Nick Kroll, Aziz Ansari, Derek Ressallat, Abraham - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro Sasha di Benedetto, Jorge Clemente, Juana Kristen Bell, Stephanie Faracy, Lars Ulrich, Alternatives Ende, Audiokommentar, Intro, Featurettes, Entfal- Cordero, Luis Varela, Terele Pávez - Dir. lene Szenen, Making of, Outtakes, Storyboard Animationen, Mario Lopez (Mario López), Pink, Billy Álex de la Iglesia Trailer, Wendecover Trailer Green Bush, Christina Aguilera, Meredith Horror/Thriller 1997 112min. Drama/Komödie 2010 105min. Vieira, Rick Schroeder, Pharrell Williams, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Koch Media 27.04.2012 Danny O’Leary - Dir. Nicholas Stoller Germany 19.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045971 Komödie 2010 109min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045855 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mad Circus - Eine Ballade von 05.04.2012 Mit eisernen Fäusten Liebe und Tod (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045912 The Scalphunters , Shelley Winters, Telly Balada Triste De Trompeta Marcello, Marcello (Alles Liebe) Savalas, Ossie Davis, Armando Silvestre, Carlos Areces, Antonio de la Torre, Marcello Marcello Dan Vadis, Dabney Coleman - Dir. Sydney Carolina Bang, Sancho Gracia, Juan Luis Francesco Mistichelli, Elena Cucci, Luigi Pollack Galiardo, Enrique Villén, Manuel Tallafé, Petrazzuolo, Alfio Alessi, Luca Sepe, Western 1968 99min. Manuel Tejada, Gracia Olayo, Santiago Renato Scarpa, Antonio Pennarella, Black Hill Pictures 27.04.2012 Segura, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, Fofito, Mariano Rigillo, Peppe Lanzetta, Roberto 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045960 Sasha di Benedetto, Jorge Clemente, Juana Bestazzoni, Rosa Masciopinto, Teresa Del Cordero, Luis Varela, Terele Pávez - Dir. Vecchio, Susy del Giudice, Maria Pia Mit eisernen Fäusten (Blu-ray) Álex de la Iglesia Trailer Calzone - Dir. Denis Rabaglia The Scalphunters Drama/Komödie 2010 101min. Komödie 2008 93min. Burt Lancaster, Shelley Winters, Telly Koch Media 27.04.2012 Senator Home Entertainment 06.04.2012 Savalas, Ossie Davis, Armando Silvestre, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045947 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045878 Dan Vadis, Dabney Coleman - Dir. Mad Circus - Eine Ballade von Marie Grubbe (2 Discs) Western 1968 103min. Liebe und Tod (Special Edition, 2 Kurt Böwe - Dir. Christian Steinke Black Hill Pictures 27.04.2012 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045978 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Abenteuer/Familie 1990 315min. Balada Triste De Trompeta ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Mondbasis Alpha 1 - Season 2 (3 Carlos Areces, Antonio de la Torre, tba BestellNr.: 20045796 Discs) Carolina Bang, Sancho Gracia, Juan Luis Space 1999 Galiardo, Enrique Villén, Manuel Tallafé, Mausam - Jahreszeiten der Liebe Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, Barry Morse, Manuel Tejada, Gracia Olayo, Santiago Mausam Nick Tate, Zienia Merton Segura, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, Fofito, Shahid Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, Anupam Featurettes Sasha di Benedetto, Jorge Clemente, Juana Kher, Supriya Pathak, Callum Fuller, Ken Science Fiction 1975-1976 623min.

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Intergroove Media(Sunrise Entertainment) - Dir. Mattias Olsson, Henrik JP Åkesson Tony Todd, Carla Greene, Nina Hodoruk, 30.03.2012 Thriller/Horror 2011 90min. Donna Williams, C.B. Spencer, Andrew 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045707 Senator Home Entertainment 11.05.2012 Divoff, Trevor Matthews, Robert Englund, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045922 Rachel Skarsten - Dir. Derek Wan, Edward Mondbasis Alpha 1 - Season 2 (3 Douglas, Jon Knautz Discs) (Blu-ray) Night Hunt - Die Zeit des Jägers Horror 2006-2010 259min. Space 1999 (Blu-ray) MIG Film 05.04.2012 Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, Barry Morse, Försvunnen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045713 Nick Tate, Zienia Merton , Kjell Bergqvist, Björn Featurettes Kjellman, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Nina Rosamunde Pilcher Collection XII Science Fiction 1975-1976 623min. Norén, Michael Petersson, Johan Klintberg - Schmetterlinge im Bauch (3 Intergroove Media(Sunrise Entertainment) - Dir. Mattias Olsson, Henrik JP Åkesson Discs) 30.03.2012 Thriller/Horror 2011 94min. Herzensfragen / Sonntagskinder / Verlobt, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045729 Senator Home Entertainment 11.05.2012 verliebt, verwirrt / Der gestohlene Sommer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045938 München 7 - Zwei Polizisten und / Englischer Wein / Gefährliche Brandung Drama 2010-2011 540min. ihre Stadt, Staffel 3 (3 Discs) Oben geblieben ist noch keiner Universum Film(ZDF Video) 20.04.2012 Andreas Giebel, Florian Karlheim, Christine Heinz Rennhack, Solveig Müller, Alfred 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045737 Neubauer, Monika Gruber, Julia Koschitz, Struwe, Jürgen Zartmann, Gisbert-Peter Dorothee Hartinger, Christian Lerch, Luise Terhorst - Dir. Eberhard Schäfer Plattfuß am Nil Kinseher, Johannes Herrschmann, Winfried Trailer Piedone D’Egitto Drama 1979-1980 77min. Frey, Jockel Tschiersch, Johann Schuler, Bud Spencer, Enzo Cannavale, Angelo ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Jonas Wittmann - Dir. Franz Xaver Bogner Infanti, Baldwin Dakile, Cinzia Monreale, tba BestellNr.: 20045795 Kriminalfilm 2012 400min. Karl Otto Alberty, Robert Loggia, Leopoldo Universum Film(ARD Video) 13.04.2012 Perfect Sense Trieste - Dir. Stefano Vanzina 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045872 Komödie/Action 1979 106min. Perfect Sense Universum Film 25.05.2012 Ewan McGregor, Eva Green, Ewen Mütter und Töchter (Alles Liebe) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045925 Mother And Child Bremner, Connie Nielsen, Stephen Dillane, Naomi Watts, Annette Bening, Kerry Wa- Shabana Akhtar Bakhsh, Alastair Plattfuß in Afrika Mackenzie, Caroline Paterson, Malcolm shington, Samuel L. Jackson, Jimmy Smits, Piedone L’Africano Shields - Dir. David Mackenzie S. Epatha Merkerson, Cherry Jones, David Bud Spencer, Werner Pochath, Bodo, Enzo Morse, Elizabeth Peña, Amy Brenneman, Making of, Interviews Drama/Science Fiction 2011 88min. Cannavale, Dagmar Lassander, Joe Alexandria M. Salling (Karen), Connor Senator Home Entertainment 18.05.2012 Stewardson, Eckard Block, Rita Ehlers - Kramme (Tom), Eileen Ryan, David Ramsey, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045755 Dir. Stefano Vanzina Kay D’Arcy - Dir. Rodrigo García Komödie/Action 1977 95min. Drama 2009 122min. Perfect Sense (Blu-ray) Universum Film 25.05.2012 Universum Film 06.04.2012 Perfect Sense 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045926 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045879 Ewan McGregor, Eva Green, Ewen Plattfuß räumt auf Nanny Diaries (Blu-ray) Bremner, Connie Nielsen, Stephen Dillane, Shabana Akhtar Bakhsh, Alastair Piedone A Hongkong The Nanny Diaries Mackenzie, Caroline Paterson, Malcolm Bud Spencer, Al Lettieri, Enzo Cannavale, Scarlett Johansson, Laura Linney, Paul Shields - Dir. David Mackenzie Renato Scarpa, Francesco de Rosa, Ro- Giamatti, Donna Murphy, Alicia Keys, Chris Making of, Interviews bert Webber, Dominic Barto, Daygolo - Dir. Evans, Nathan Corddry, Cady Huffman, Drama/Science Fiction 2011 92min. Stefano Vanzina Brande Roderick, Judith Roberts, Sakina Senator Home Entertainment 18.05.2012 Komödie/Action 1975 110min. Jaffrey, Heather Alicia Simms, Julie White, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045764 Universum Film 25.05.2012 James Urbaniak, Nina Garbiras, Alison 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045927 Wright - Dir. Shari Springer Berman, Robert Pferde - Familien Edition 3 (3 Pulcini Discs) Polizeiruf 110 - 1. Staffel (3 Discs) Komödie/Drama 2006 105min. Sarah und das Wildpferd / Wunderwelt der Peter Borgelt, Sigrid Göhler - Dir. Helmut Senator Home Entertainment 06.04.2012 Tiere: Pferde und Reiter / Black - Der Krätzig, Heinz Seibert, Gerhard Respondek 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045887 schwarze Blitz Booklet, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1971-1972 521min. Abenteuer 1990-2002 240min. NCIS: - Season 2.1 (3 ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Black Hill Pictures 13.04.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045825 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045956 NCIS: Los Angeles „Auch Spione werden alt, Teil 1“ - Die Lesung Phantastische Film Box - Vol. 2 (2 Prêt-à-Porter (Blu-ray) Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 498min. Ready To Wear Paramount Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) , Marcello Mastroianni, Julia 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045768 The Dead Matter / Jack Brooks: Monster Roberts, Tim Robbins, Kim Basinger, Slayer / Shadow: Dead Riot Stephen Rea, Anouk Aimée, Lauren Bacall, NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 2.2 (3 Tony Todd, Carla Greene, Nina Hodoruk, Lili Taylor, Sally Kellerman, Tracey Ullmann, Discs) Donna Williams, C.B. Spencer, Andrew Linda Hunt, Rupert Everett, Forest Divoff, Trevor Matthews, Robert Englund, NCIS: Los Angeles Whitaker, Richard E. Grant, Danny Aiello, Featurettes Rachel Skarsten - Dir. Derek Wan, Edward Teri Garr, Lyle Lovett, Jean Rochefort, Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 499min. Douglas, Jon Knautz Michel Blanc, Anne Canovas, Jean-Pierre Paramount Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 Horror 2006-2010 269min. Cassel, Katarzyna Figura, François Cluzet, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045769 MIG Film 05.04.2012 Rossy de Palma, Ute Lemper, Tara Leon, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045731 Chiara Mastroianni, Tom Novembre, Sam Night Hunt - Die Zeit des Jägers Robards, Georgianna Robertson - Dir. Ro- Försvunnen Phantastische Film Box - Vol. 2 (2 bert Altman Sofia Ledarp, Kjell Bergqvist, Björn Discs) (k.J.) Featurette, Clips, Behind the Scenes, Interview, Musikvideo, Kjellman, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Nina The Dead Matter / Jack Brooks: Monster Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1994 132min. Norén, Michael Petersson, Johan Klintberg Slayer / Shadow: Dead Riot STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment

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Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 Thriller 2010 88min. Elizabeth Ashley - Dir. David Lewis 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045837 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045907 Komödie 1987 89min. Puppenjungs - Der Fall Haar- MIG Film 05.04.2012 mann Ritter des heiligen Grals 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045726 El Capitán Trueno Y El Santo Grial Andreas Ludin, Philip Wilhelmi - Dir. Nils Die Schlemmerorgie Loof Sergio Peris-Mencheta, Natasha Interviews Yarovenko, Gary Piquer, Asier Etxeandia, Who Is Killing The Great Chefs Of Doku-Drama 2009 43min. Jennifer Rope, Adrián Lamana, Manuel Europe? ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Martínez, Alejandro Jornet - Dir. Antonio George Segal, Jacqueline Bisset, Robert tba BestellNr.: 20045821 Hernández Morley, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Philippe Noiret, Trailer Jean Rochefort, Gigi Proietti, Stefano Satta Der rasende Roland Abenteuer 2011 108min. Flores, Madge Ryan, Frank Windsor, Peter Jürgen Zartmann - Dir. Edgar Kaufmann Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Sallis, Tim Barlow, John Le Mesurier, Joss Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045985 Ackland, Jean Gaven, Daniel Emilfork, Komödie/Familie 1977 61min. Jacques Marin, Jacques Balutin, Jean ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Ritter des heiligen Grals (Blu-ray Parédès, Michael Chow, Nicholas Ball, tba BestellNr.: 20045797 3D) (Blu-ray) Eddie Tagoe, Caroline Langrishe - Dir. Ted El Capitán Trueno Y El Santo Grial Kotcheff Reality Horror (k.J.) Sergio Peris-Mencheta, Natasha Making of Komödie 1978 108min. Director’s Cut Yarovenko, Gary Piquer, Asier Etxeandia, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 05.04.2012 Ezequiel Campa, Mariana Levy, Maxime Jennifer Rope, Adrián Lamana, Manuel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045711 Seugé, Andreas Bagg, Veronica Mari, Paula Martínez, Alejandro Jornet - Dir. Antonio Marcenado - Dir. Hernan Findling Hernández Schneewittchen Bildergalerie, Trailer Trailer Thriller/Horror 2006 86min. Abenteuer 2011 112min. Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge da music(Best Entertainment) 24.02.2012 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Inge Kanzler, Gisela Reißmann, Kurt 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045874 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045992 Mühlhardt - Dir. Fritz Genschow Trailer Reality XL Ritter des heiligen Grals (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1962 80min. ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Reality XL El Capitán Trueno Y El Santo Grial tba BestellNr.: 20045789 Heiner Lauterbach, Max Tidof, Godehard Sergio Peris-Mencheta, Natasha Giese, Annika Blendl - Dir. Thomas Bohn Yarovenko, Gary Piquer, Asier Etxeandia, Schultze mit tz Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Jennifer Rope, Adrián Lamana, Manuel Thriller/Mystery 2011 78min. Rolf Herricht - Dir. Peter Hill Martínez, Alejandro Jornet - Dir. Antonio SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Trailer Hernández 26.04.2012 Komödie/Familie 1974 77min. Trailer ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045950 Abenteuer 2011 112min. tba BestellNr.: 20045812 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Reality XL (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045991 Reality XL Sci-Fi High - The Movie Musical Heiner Lauterbach, Max Tidof, Godehard Rumpelstilzchen Sci-Fi High: The Movie Musical Dan Bellusci, Steve Dispensa, Alicen Hol- Giese, Annika Blendl - Dir. Thomas Bohn Ulrike Teichmann, Gert Haucke, Werner den, Joe Botka, Robert Fattorini, Jose Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Krüger - Dir. Fritz Genschow Thriller/Mystery 2011 81min. Trailer Guzman III, Britt Hodges, Ted Nappi II, Nata- SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1962 85min. lie Neckyfarow, Kristín Ryan - Dir. Dan 26.04.2012 ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Bellusci, Steve Dispensa 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045973 tba BestellNr.: 20045787 Komödie/Musical 2010 87min. KNM Home Entertainment(ApollonFilms) Retroactive - Gefangene der Zeit Salvation Boulevard 15.03.2012 Retroactive Salvation Boulevard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045746 James Belushi, Kylie Travis, Shannon Jennifer Connelly, Pierce Brosnan, Marisa Whirry, Frank Whaley, M. Emmet Walsh, Tomei, Isabelle Fuhrman, Ed Harris, Ciarán Sci-Fi High - The Movie Musical Jesse Borrego, Sherman Howard, Guy Hinds, Greg Kinnear, Jim Gaffigan - Dir. (Blu-ray) Boyd - Dir. Louis Morneau George Ratliff Sci-Fi High: The Movie Musical Action/Thriller 1997 90min. Komödie 2011 96min. Dan Bellusci, Steve Dispensa, Alicen Hol- KNM Home Entertainment(Imperial Pictures) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) den, Joe Botka, Robert Fattorini, Jose 15.03.2012 25.05.2012 Guzman III, Britt Hodges, Ted Nappi II, Nata- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045804 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045909 lie Neckyfarow, Kristín Ryan - Dir. Dan Bellusci, Steve Dispensa Revenge - Sympathy for the Devil Samstag der 14. - Eine irre Komödie/Musical 2010 91min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Höllenparty! KNM Home Entertainment(ApollonFilms) Fuk Sau Che Chi Sei Saturday The 14th 15.03.2012 Juno Mak, Sola Aoi, Chin Siu-hou, Lau Ray Walston, Avery Schreiber, Patty 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045760 Wing, Tony Ho, Tony Liu - Dir. Wong Ching- McCormack, Richard Benjamin, Paula po Prentiss, Severn Darden - Dir. Howard R. Sea Patrol - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) Thriller 2010 92min. Cohen Sea Patrol Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 Wendecover Ian Stenlake, John Batchelor, Matthew 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045919 Horror/Komödie 1981 73min. Holmes, Lisa McCune, Kristian Schmid, MIG Film 05.04.2012 Kirsty Lee Allan, Saskia Burmeister, David Revenge - Sympathy for the Devil 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045723 Lyons, Nikolai Nikolaeff, Tim Campbell, (k.J.) Jason Dundas - Dir. Geoff Bennett, Ian Fuk Sau Che Chi Sei Scharfe Kurven Barry Juno Mak, Sola Aoi, Chin Siu-hou, Lau Dangerous Curves Action/Drama 2007-2011 585min. Wing, Tony Ho, Tony Liu - Dir. Wong Ching- Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack, , polyband Medien GmbH 27.04.2012 po Danielle von Zerneck, Kathryn Leigh Scott, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045934

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Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino, Alexa Shadow Puppets - Im Schatten Slammin’ Salmon - Butter bei die Vega, Daryl Sabara, Ricardo Montalban, des Bösen (k.J.) Fische! Holland Taylor, Sylvester Stallone, Mike Shadow Puppets The Slammin’ Salmon Judge, Salma Hayek, Matt O’Leary, Emily Jolene Blalock, James Marsters, Marc Michael Clarke Duncan, Jay Osment, Ryan Pinkston, Robert Vito, Bobby Winnick, Diahnna Nicole Baxter, Natasha Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Edner, Courtney Jines, Richard „Cheech“ Alam, Richard Whiten, Jennie Ford, Tony Lemme, Paul Soter, Erik Stolhanske, Cobie Marin, Danny Trejo, Alan Cumming, Tony Todd - Dir. Michael Winnick Smulders, April Bowlby, Sendhil Shalhoub, Steve Buscemi, Bill Paxton, Horror/Thriller 2007 99min. Ramamurthy, Lance Henriksen, Olivia Munn, George Clooney, Elijah Wood - Dir. Robert KNM Home Entertainment 15.03.2012 Vivica A. Fox, Morgan Fairchild - Dir. Kevin Rodriguez Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045801 Heffernan Wendecover Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Action/Komödie 2003 84min. Komödie 2008 90min. Sherlock - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Koch Media 23.03.2012 Sherlock Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045946 Kriminalfilm 2012 270min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045838 polyband Medien GmbH 29.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045936 Slammin’ Salmon - Butter bei die Studio 54 (Special Edition) (Blu- Fische! (Blu-ray) ray) Sherlock - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) (Blu- The Slammin’ Salmon 54 Michael Clarke Duncan, Jay ray) Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek, Neve Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Sherlock Campbell, Mike Myers, Sela Ward, Breckin Lemme, Paul Soter, Erik Stolhanske, Cobie Kriminalfilm 2012 270min. Meyer, Sherry Stringfield, Ellen Albertini Smulders, April Bowlby, Sendhil polyband Medien GmbH 29.05.2012 Dow, Heather Matarazzo, Skipp Sudduth, Ramamurthy, Lance Henriksen, Olivia Munn, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045944 Aemillia Robinson, Lauren Hutton, Michael Vivica A. Fox, Morgan Fairchild - Dir. Kevin York, Daniel Lapaine, Ron Jeremy - Dir. Heffernan Sie kämpften für die Heimat Mark Christopher Oni Srazhalis Za Rodinu Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Komödie 2008 93min. Extended Version, Wendecover Sergei Bondartschuk, Wassili Schukschin, Komödie/Drama 1998 193min. Koch Media 23.03.2012 Georgi Burkow, Jurij Nikulin, Iwan Lapikow, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045969 Nikolai Gubenko, Nikolai Schutko, Nona Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 Mordjukowa - Dir. Sergei Bondartschuk Special Forces 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045850 Trailer Kriegsfilm 1975 150min. Forces Spéciales Sweatshop (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Diane Kruger, Djimon Hounsou, Benoît ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20045799 Magimel, Denis Ménochet, Raphaël Personnaz, Alain Figlarz, Alain Alivon, Sweatshop Sin City (Steelbox, 2 Discs, Kino- Mehdi Nebbou, Raz Degan, Tchéky Karyo, Ashley Kay, Peyton Wetzel, Brent Himes, Melanie Donihoo, Naika Malveaux, Julin, fassung + Recut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Anne Caillon, Elsa Lévy, Jeanne Bournaud - Dir. Stéphane Rybojad Krystal Freeman, Danielle Jones - Dir. Sin City Kriegsfilm/Drama 2011 min. Stacy Davidson Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Universum Film 11.05.2012 Animierter Comic, Bildergalerie, Trailer Clive Owen, Brittany Murphy, Benicio Del Thriller/Horror 2009 81min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045831 Toro, Elijah Wood, Rosario Dawson, Micha- KSM 16.04.2012 el Clarke Duncan, Michael Madsen, Josh Special Forces (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045968 Hartnett, Carla Gugino, Jaime King, Nick Forces Spéciales Stahl, Devon Aoki, Alexis Bledel, Marley Sweet Karma - A Dominatrix Sto- Diane Kruger, Djimon Hounsou, Benoît Shelton, Rick Gomez, Powers Boothe, Magimel, Denis Ménochet, Raphaël ry (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Rutger Hauer, Jude Ciccolella, Jesse De Personnaz, Alain Figlarz, Alain Alivon, Justify Luna, Tommy Flanagan, Sherrell Murphy- Mehdi Nebbou, Raz Degan, Tchéky Karyo, Rebecca Larsen, Jaret Sacrey, Elizabeth Ramos - Dir. Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Anne Caillon, Elsa Lévy, Jeanne Bournaud Anweis, Heather Lemire, Garrett Nichols, Quentin Tarantino - Dir. Stéphane Rybojad Judy Waller, Brent Wendell-Williams, Kelly Diverse Crean - Dir. Insung Hwang Thriller/Drama 2005 266min. Kriegsfilm/Drama 2011 min. Thriller/Drama 2010 79min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universum Film 11.05.2012 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045839 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045921 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045856 Spy Kids 3 - Game Over Sin City (Steelbox, 2 Discs, Kino- Spy Kids 3D: Game Over Sweet Karma - A Dominatrix Sto- fassung + Recut) (k.J.) Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino, Alexa ry (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Vega, Daryl Sabara, Ricardo Montalban, Justify Sin City Holland Taylor, Sylvester Stallone, Mike Rebecca Larsen, Jaret Sacrey, Elizabeth Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Judge, Salma Hayek, Matt O’Leary, Emily Anweis, Heather Lemire, Garrett Nichols, Clive Owen, Brittany Murphy, Benicio Del Osment, Ryan Pinkston, Robert Vito, Bobby Judy Waller, Brent Wendell-Williams, Kelly Toro, Elijah Wood, Rosario Dawson, Micha- Edner, Courtney Jines, Richard „Cheech“ Crean - Dir. Insung Hwang el Clarke Duncan, Michael Madsen, Josh Marin, Danny Trejo, Alan Cumming, Tony Thriller/Drama 2010 79min. Hartnett, Carla Gugino, Jaime King, Nick Shalhoub, Steve Buscemi, Bill Paxton, Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 Stahl, Devon Aoki, Alexis Bledel, Marley George Clooney, Elijah Wood - Dir. Robert 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045920 Shelton, Rick Gomez, Powers Boothe, Rodriguez Rutger Hauer, Jude Ciccolella, Jesse De Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Sweet Karma - A Dominatrix Sto- Luna, Tommy Flanagan, Sherrell Murphy- Wendecover Ramos - Dir. Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Action/Komödie 2003 79min. ry (k.J.) Quentin Tarantino STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Justify Diverse Germany(Miramax) 05.04.2012 Rebecca Larsen, Jaret Sacrey, Elizabeth Thriller/Drama 2005 255min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045830 Anweis, Heather Lemire, Garrett Nichols, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Judy Waller, Brent Wendell-Williams, Kelly Germany(Miramax) 19.04.2012 Spy Kids 3 - Game Over (Blu-ray) Crean - Dir. Insung Hwang 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045847 Spy Kids 3D: Game Over Thriller/Drama 2010 76min.

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Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.05.2012 MFA+ Film Distribution 13.03.2012 Runaway Jury 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045908 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045703 John Cusack, , Dustin Hoffman, Rachel Weisz, Bruce Davison, Swingers Der Tod eines Killers Bruce McGill, , Nick Searcy, Swingers The Killers Stanley Anderson, Cliff Curtis, Nestor Ellen van der Koogh, Danny de Kok, Nienke , Angie Dickinson, John Serrano, Leland Orser, Jennifer Beals, Brinkhuis, Joep Sertons - Dir. Stephan Cassavetes, Ronald Reagan, Clu Gulager, Gerry Bamman, Joanna Going, Bill Nunn, Brenninkmeijer , Norman Fell, Virginia Christi- Juanita Jennings, Marguerite Moreau, Nora Trailer, Nicht verwendete Szenen, Making of ne - Dir. Don Siegel Dunn, Guy Torry, Rusty Schwimmer, Margo Drama/Erotik 2002 93min. Kriminalfilm/Action 1964 92min. Moorer, David Dwyer, Michael Arata, Rhoda Koch Media 27.04.2012 KNM Home Entertainment(Mondo Griffis, Fahnlohnee R. Harris, Corri English, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045952 Entertainment) 15.03.2012 Jason Davis, Xuan van Nguyen, Douglas M. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045807 Griffin, Carol Sutton, Deneen Tyler, Zach Swinging with the Finkels - Lang- Hanner, Andrea Powell, Ted Manson, David weilig war gestern! (Alles Liebe) Tschapajew Jensen, Lori Heuring, Adella Gauthier, Swinging With The Finkels Tschapajew Afemo Omilami, Barret O’Brien, Ned Mandy Moore, Martin Freeman, Melissa Boris Babotschin, B. Blinow, Illarion Bellamy, Orlando Jones, Gary Grubbs, Joe George, Jerry Stiller, Jonathan Silverman, Pewzow, Warwara Mjasnikowa, Leonid Chrest, Stuart Greer, Mark Jeffrey Miller, Graham Bohea, Elizabeth Tan, Carolyn Kmit - Dir. Sergei Wassiljew, Georgi Luis Guzmán - Dir. Gary Fleder Tomkinson - Dir. Jonathan Newman Wassiljew Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Komödie 2010 81min. Trailer Wendecover Thriller/Drama 2003 123min. Senator Home Entertainment(Wild Bunch Kriegsfilm 1933-1934 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany) 06.04.2012 ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Germany 19.04.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045880 tba BestellNr.: 20045798 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045848 Undertow - Im Sog der Rache Swordsman & Warlord vs. Evil - Das Urteil - Jeder ist käuflich Die Jagd nach dem Zauber- Undertow Jamie Bell, , Robert (Blu-ray) schwert Longstreet, Terry Loughlin, Dermot Runaway Jury Tao No Tsuki Mulroney, Devon Alan, Josh Lucas, Pat John Cusack, Gene Hackman, Dustin Toshiyuki Nagashima, , Yûko Healy, Bill McKinney, Shiri Appleby - Dir. Hoffman, Rachel Weisz, Bruce Davison, Moriyama, Takaaki Enoki, Chisato David Gordon Green Bruce McGill, Jeremy Piven, Nick Searcy, Kawamura, Kei Tani - Dir. Keita Amemiya Drama/Thriller 2004 108min. Stanley Anderson, Cliff Curtis, Nestor Action/Fantasy 1997 97min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment Serrano, Leland Orser, Jennifer Beals, KNM Home Entertainment(Pasadena 16.03.2012 Gerry Bamman, Joanna Going, Bill Nunn, Pictures) 15.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045868 Juanita Jennings, Marguerite Moreau, Nora 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045803 Dunn, Guy Torry, Rusty Schwimmer, Margo Undine Moorer, David Dwyer, Michael Arata, Rhoda This is Not an American Movie Isabelle Pasco, Christopher Buchholz, Lud- Griffis, Fahnlohnee R. Harris, Corri English, Ova Ne E Amerikanski Film wig Dornauer, Constanze Lindner, Jason Davis, Xuan van Nguyen, Douglas M. Senko Velinov, Ky Evans, Tanya Mickov, Anouschka Renzi, Wolfgang Zimmer - Dir. Griffin, Carol Sutton, Deneen Tyler, Zach Slavisha Kajevski, Tony Naumovski, Djordji Eckhart Schmidt Hanner, Andrea Powell, Ted Manson, David Jolevski, Zlatko Mitreski, Igor Angelov - Dir. Trailer, Bildergalerie Jensen, Lori Heuring, Adella Gauthier, Saso Pavlovski Erotik/Drama 1992 89min. Afemo Omilami, Barret O’Brien, Ned Action/Komödie 2011 83min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(JAM) Bellamy, Orlando Jones, Gary Grubbs, Joe SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 19.04.2012 23.03.2012 Chrest, Stuart Greer, Mark Jeffrey Miller, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045948 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045774 Luis Guzmán - Dir. Gary Fleder Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, This is Not an American Movie Unter zwei Flaggen Wendecover (Blu-ray) The Raid Thriller/Drama 2003 128min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ova Ne E Amerikanski Film Anne Bancroft, Lee Marvin - Dir. Hugo Germany 19.04.2012 Senko Velinov, Ky Evans, Tanya Mickov, Fregonese 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045857 Slavisha Kajevski, Tony Naumovski, Djordji Kriegsfilm/Drama 1954 79min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 05.04.2012 Jolevski, Zlatko Mitreski, Igor Angelov - Dir. Die Vampirjäger Saso Pavlovski 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045725 Vampire Warriors Action/Komödie 2011 86min. Luxia Jiang, Yuen Wah, Chrissie Chow, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 19.04.2012 Der Untergang der Titanic Chin Siu-hou, Pinky Cheung, Rachel Lam, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045970 Titanic Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Yan Pui, Rock Ji, Dada Lo, Xiong Xin Xin - Thriller Box, Vol. 1 (2 Discs) Wagner, Audrey Dalton, Harper Carter, Dir. Dennis Law Thelma Ritter, Brian Aherne, Richard Base- Trailer, Making of Jericho Mansions / Das Kabinett des Action/Fantasy 2010 100min. hart, Allyn Joslyn, James Todd - Dir. Jean Schreckens / Der Kuss vor dem Tode / Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 Negulesco Pontypool 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045719 Thriller 1981-2008 361min. Drama 1953 94min. MIG Film 05.04.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Die Vampirjäger (Blu-ray) Germany 30.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045727 Vampire Warriors 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045697 Luxia Jiang, Yuen Wah, Chrissie Chow, Till det som är vackert Urlaub nach Prospekt Chin Siu-hou, Pinky Cheung, Rachel Lam, Till Det Som Ar Vackert Yan Pui, Rock Ji, Dada Lo, Xiong Xin Xin - Heinz Rennhack - Dir. Peter Hill , Samuel Fröler, Josephine Dir. Dennis Law Bauer, Martin Wallström, Elisabeth Trailer Komödie/Familie 1977 76min. Trailer, Making of Göransson, Magnus Lindberg, Frederik Action/Fantasy 2010 104min. ICESTORM Entertainment 15.03.2012 Nilsson, Helén Söderqvist Henriksson, Ro- Sunfilm Entertainment 05.04.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045811 bert Wetterlund, Anna Åström, Kim Lantz - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045734 Dir. Lisa Langseth Das Urteil - Jeder ist käuflich Drama 2010 98min. Vater Seidl und sein Sohn - Die

LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD komplette Serie (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045784 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045705 Walter Sedlmayr, Hans Clarin - Dir. Kurt Wilhelm Waking Life (Blu-ray) Wolfhound (Blu-ray) Komödie 1976 300min. Waking Life Volkodav Iz Roda Serikh Psov Planet Media Home Entertainment Wiley Wiggins, Trevor Jack Brooks, Lorelei Alexander Bukharow, Oksana Akinshina, 05.04.2012 Linklater, Glover Gill, Laura Hicks, Ames Aleksandr Domogarov, Igor Petrenko, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045722 Asbell, Leigh Mahoney, Sara Nelson, Juosas Budraitis, Rezo Esadze, Artyom Jeanne Attaway, Bill Wise, Robert Solomon, Semakin - Dir. Nikolai Lebedev Verblendung Kim Krizan, Eamonn Healy, J.C. Shake- Fantasy/Abenteuer 2006 142min. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo speare, Ethan Hawke, - Dir. Senator Home Entertainment 25.05.2012 Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Richard Linklater 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045982 Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven Audiokommentar, Trivia-Track, Musikvideo, Animations- software, Featurette, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Das Wunder von Kärnten Berkoff, Robin Wright, Yorick van Trailer Wageningen, Joely Richardson, Embeth Drama/Trickfilm 2001 103min. Ken Duken, Julia Koschitz, Jürgen Maurer, Davidtz, Goran Visnjic - Dir. Capelight Pictures 13.04.2012 Erwin Steinhauer, Bernhard Schir, Gerti Thriller 2011 152min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045794 Drassl, Gerhard Liebmann, Sara Wogatai, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Hilde Dalik, Leon Baumgartner, Alma Hasun, 24.05.2012 Westwind Dieter Nagelschmied - Dir. Andreas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045859 Friederike Becht, Luise Heyer, Franz Dinda, Prochaska Volker Bruch, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Hannes Drama 2011 90min. Verblendung (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wegener, Albrecht Schuch - Dir. Robert Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 02.03.2012 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Thalheim 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045988 Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Drama/Melodram 2011 90min. Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven good!movies() 30.03.2012 Wunderkinder Berkoff, Robin Wright, Yorick van 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045984 Mathilda Adamik, Elin Kolev, Imogen Burell, Wageningen, Joely Richardson, Embeth Kai Wiesinger, Catherine Flemming, Gudrun Davidtz, Goran Visnjic - Dir. David Fincher White Vengeance - Kampf um die Landgrebe, Konstantin Wecker, John Thriller 2011 158min. Qin-Dynastie Friedmann, Gedeon Burkhard, Natalia Avelon, Mark Zak, Dagmar Sachse, Michael Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Hong Men Yan Mendl, Michael Brandner, Rolf Kanies, Cor- 24.05.2012 Leon Lai, Feng Shao-feng, Zhang Hanyu, nelia Saborowski - Dir. Marcus O. Rosen- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045881 Anthony Wong, Yifei Liu, Jordan Chan, müller Andy On, Xiu Qing, Ding Haifeng, Xiang Die verlorene Zeit Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Dong Xu, Chen Zhi Hui, Chen Kuan-tai - Dir. Drama 2011 96min. Alice Dwyer, Dagmar Manzel, Mateusz Daniel Lee STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Damiecki, Lech Mackiewicz, David Rasche, Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2011 138min. Germany(Arthaus) 19.04.2012 Shantal van Santen, Susanne Lothar, Splendid Film(Amazia) 25.05.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045849 Joanna Kulig, Adrian Topol, Florian Lukas, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045935 Anja Antonowicz, Adam Markiewicz, Wunderkinder (Blu-ray) Miroslaw Zbrojewicz, Janina Lissovskaja White Vengeance - Kampf um die Mathilda Adamik, Elin Kolev, Imogen Burell, (Mrs. Górska), Pawel Burczyk, Petra Har- Qin-Dynastie (Blu-ray) Kai Wiesinger, Catherine Flemming, Gudrun tung, Karina Krawczyk (Róza), Joachim Hong Men Yan Landgrebe, Konstantin Wecker, John Paul Assböck, Sebastian Hülk - Dir. Anna Leon Lai, Feng Shao-feng, Zhang Hanyu, Friedmann, Gedeon Burkhard, Natalia Justice Anthony Wong, Yifei Liu, Jordan Chan, Avelon, Mark Zak, Dagmar Sachse, Michael Melodram/Lovestory 2011 111min. Andy On, Xiu Qing, Ding Haifeng, Xiang Mendl, Michael Brandner, Rolf Kanies, Cor- Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Dong Xu, Chen Zhi Hui, Chen Kuan-tai - Dir. nelia Saborowski - Dir. Marcus O. Rosen- GmbH & Co. KG(Movienet) 25.05.2012 Daniel Lee müller 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045932 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2011 144min. Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 2011 100min. - Season One, Volume Splendid Film(Amazia) 25.05.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045943 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment One (2 Discs) Germany(Arthaus) 19.04.2012 Victorious Wie ein Licht in der Nacht 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045858 , Leon Thomas III, Matt Christiane Hörbiger, Klaus J. Behrendt, Bennett, Elizabeth Gillies, , Friedrich von Thun, Susanna Simon, Jodie Der Würger Avan Jogia, Daniella Monet, Michael Eric Leslie Ahlborn, Mick Heller, Anja The Dark Eyes Of Reid, Jennifer Carta, Lane Napper, Eric Antonowicz, Katharina Schütz, Arnd Béla Lugosi, Hugh Williams, Greta Gynt - Lange - Dir. Steve Hoefer, Adam Weissman, Klawitter, Jörn Knebel, Katja Danowski - Dir. Walter Summers Russ Reinsel, David Kendall Dir. Florian Baxmeyer Kriminalfilm/Horror 1939 75min. Bonusepisode, Musikvideos Drama 2010 90min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 23.03.2012 Komödie 2010 113min. MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045714 Paramount Home Entertainment 08.03.2012 Products) 09.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045772 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045810 Zardoz Zardoz Waking Life Wintertochter Sir Sean Connery, Charlotte Rampling, Sara Waking Life Nina Monka, Ursula Werner, Leon Seidel, Kestelman, Sally Anne Newton, John Wiley Wiggins, Trevor Jack Brooks, Lorelei Dominik Nowak, Merab Ninidze, Katharina Alderton, Reginald Jarman, Bairbre Linklater, Glover Gill, Laura Hicks, Ames Marie Schubert, Maxim Mehmet, Daniel Dowling, Jessica Swift - Dir. John Boorman Asbell, Leigh Mahoney, Sara Nelson, Olbrychski, Julia Kaminska, Berit Karla Original Kino-Trailer, Audio-Kommentare desRegisseurs Jeanne Attaway, Bill Wise, Robert Solomon, John Boorman, Radio-Spots, Bild-Galerie Menze, Matthias Grundig, Elisabeth Kim Krizan, Eamonn Healy, J.C. Shake- Science Fiction 1974 102min. Wasserscheid, Konrad Pawicki, Agata speare, Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy - Dir. Koch Media 13.04.2012 Pruchniewska, Maciej Sykala, Sergiej Richard Linklater 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045958 Audiokommentar, Trivia-Track, Musikvideo, Animations- Kriuczkov, Ryszard Barycz, Aleksandra software, Featurette, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Gorska, Ilja Zmijev, Dariusz Siastacz, Anna Die zehn Gebote Trailer Holter - Dir. Johannes Schmid The Great Commandment Drama/Trickfilm 2001 99min. Drama 2011 min. John Beal, Maurice Moscovitch, Albert Capelight Pictures 13.04.2012 good!movies(Zorro) 01.06.2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 23 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Dekker - Dir. Irving Pichel Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2011 92min. Mikhail Brudno, Christian Michel, Evgeny Historienfilm/Drama 1939 84min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Mouna) Saburov, Aleksey Kondaurov, Dmitry Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 30.03.2012 Gololobov, Andrey Vasilev, Boris Nemtsov, 23.03.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045782 Ben Aris, Igor Yurgens, Alexander 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045710 Temerko, Boris Ponomariov, Horacek, El Bulli - Cooking in Progress Ilya Yashin - Dir. Cyril Tuschi Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 5, Folge 21- (OmU) Dokumentarfilm/Politik 2010 126min. 25 Ferran Adrià, Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch, Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Peter Steiner Eugeni de Diego - Dir. Gereon Wetzel GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 25.05.2012 Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 Featurettes, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045933 122min. Dokumentarfilm 2010 108min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 27.04.2012 Alamode Film 30.03.2012 Gerhard Richter - Painting 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045892 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045785 Gerhard Richter, Norbert Arns, Sabine Mo- ritz-Richter, Hubert Becker, Konstanze Ell, Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 6, Folge 26- Der Fall Chodorkowski Marian Goodman, Kasper Konig, Benjamin 30 Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Pavel Khodorkovsky, Buchloh, Ulrich Wilmes, Sandy Nairne, Paul Marina Khodorkovskaya, Lena Moorhouse - Dir. Corinna Belz Peter Steiner Khodorkovskaya, Anton Drel, Joschka Fi- Booklet, Erweiterte Szenen, Interviews Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 scher, Vladimir Putin, George W. Bush, Dokumentarfilm 2011 101min. 124min. Anatoly Chubais, Grigory Yavlinsky, Nina good!movies(Piffl) 09.03.2012 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 27.04.2012 Kravets, Maksim Valetzky, Leonid Nevzlin, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045704 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045893 Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 7, Folge 31- 35 Peter Steiner Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 124min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 25.05.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045910 Zum Stanglwirt - Vol. 8, Folge 36- 41 Peter Steiner Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne 1993 146min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 25.05.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045911 Zwei Missionare I Due Missionari Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Mario Pilar, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Maria C. Quasimodo - Dir. Franco Rossi Komödie 1974 89min. Universum Film 25.05.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045928

Special Interest

Babys (OmU, Special Edition mit Greifring) Babies Dir. Thomas Balmes Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Filmmusik, Interviews, Booklet, Trailer, Wendecover Dokumentarfilm 2009 75min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 05.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045819 Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 (OmU) The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 Erykah Badu, , Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver, Kathleen Cleaver, Angela Davis, Louis Farrakhan, John Forté, Kenny Gamble, Robin Kelley, Talib Kweli, Huey P. Newton, Abiodun Oyewole, Sonia Sanchez, Bobby Scale, Ahmir Questlove Thompson, Melvin van Peebles - Dir. Göran Olsson Trailer, Wendecover, Poster, Aushangbilder

LASER HOTLINE Seite 24 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

fiendish Ra’s Al Ghul. In Mad Love, bad girl powerful Heart of Innocence and destroy all that is good. But falls for the , with complications for the Caped Crusader young exorcist Allen Walker and his Black Order brethren that are definitely no joke. And that’s just the start of the will stop at nothing to halt the rising tide of darkness and Animation richly animated, non-stop thrills loaded into this must-have preserve what little light remains in their world. Should his collection featuring the best of the Bat! Off Balance Bane Old mission end in failure, humanity will lose more than just a hero 100 Great Cartoons (Collectible Wounds Cult of the Cat Legends of the Dark Knight Avatar - its should will be devoured by demons of old. Over the Edge You Scratch My Back Mad Love Heart of Ice A , Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Tin) Matter of Family Joker’s Millions I Am The Night Japanese, Action 2007 600min. Action, Based On Comic Book, Science 11 Fun-filled hours!. This collector’s tin features 100 of the Funimation 15.05.2012 greatest cartoons of all time on two DVDs! Fiction, Superheroes min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109050 Animated Animals, Classics, Family FF S Warner Bros. 19.06.2012 682min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109128 Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Dirty Pair: Original Features DVD 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108848 Black Cat: The Complete Collection Banjo Ginga, Keiko Han, Chikao Otsuka , Aaahh!!! Real Monsters: Season Collection Sven is your run-of-the-mill sweeper (a.k.a. bounty hunter) - Osamu Kobayashi, Saeko Shimazu, Kyoko Two down on his luck, haunted by the perpetual grumbling of his Tongu, Katsuji Mori Scary meets silly all over again in Season 2 of the hit Nickel- stomach and looking to make enough cash just to get by. When This value-priced Dirty Pair: Original Features DVD odeon show Aaahh!!! Real Monsters! These monsters-in- a damsel in distress enlists his aid, Sven crosses paths with Collection contains the Project Eden theatrical film, plus the training make fright a hoot as they try to learn the tricks of the the worst possible luck - Black Cat (a.k.a. Train Heartnet). At direct-to-video (OVA) features Affair Of Nolandia and Flight scary monster trade. Check out Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm and odds now with the branded assassin, Sven seeks to save a 005 Conspiracy. In addition to remastered video from the their herculean efforts to master The Gromble’s class on young girl before the unlucky Number can carry out his Japanese DVD release, the set offers two English audio proper scare techniques. So pull up a seat in the Monster mission. options (the dub, directed by Carl Macek, Academy, the scariest (NOT!) place under the city dump, and Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Interna- and the ADV Films dub), Japanese audio, and English- get ready for lessons so bizarre, they’re scary! language subtitles and on-screen translations. The Dirty Pair tional TV, Japanese, Mystery 2005 575min. television series, OVA series, Project Eden and the two Comedy, Family, Monsters, Funimation 29.05.2012 standalone OVAs (Affair of Nolandia and Flight 005 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109057 Conspiracy) are the first wave of anime adaptations to star Shout Factory 15.05.2012 the iconic heroines of the long-running Dirty Pair novels and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109144 short stories. All portions of the original Dirty Pair anime Bob’s Burgers: The Complete franchise feature production by Sunrise (Gundam, Outlaw Star, The Vision of Escaflowne, ), while the American Dad!: Volume 7 First Season TV and OVA series also feature production by Studio Nue Eugene Mirman, H. Jon Benjamin, Dan Mintz (Crusher Joe, Macross). Project Eden. Kei and Yuri are on Wendy Schaal, Seth MacFarlane, Dee Smart laughs and irreverent fun are always on the menu at their way to the distant planet Agerna. There, they’ll have to Bradley Baker Bob’s Burgers. Bob Belcher’s family-run restaurant would be ease tensions between rival governments, capture a self- It’s time once again to let it all hang out with an all-new a big success if not for one thing - his family! Oldest proclaimed master th volume of animated outrageousness! From the disturbed comic daughter, Tina, can’t control her raging hormones. Middle Anime, Crime, Foreign, Japanese, Action, minds of Mike Barker, Matt Weitzman, and Family Guy son, Gene, promotes the restaurant by wearing a burger Animated Feature Films, Science Fiction, creator Seth MacFarlane, comes the always insane costume, but forgets to take it off to pee. And little Louise tells adventures of CIA operative Stan Smith and his wonderfully her class that Bob’s burgers are made from human flesh! This Thieves S 190min. twisted family. In the 100th episode, Hayley elopes with Jeff! quirky comedy will leave you hungry for more. BayView Entertainment 08.05.2012 Other episodes include Stan on jury duty, Steve walking in on Comedy 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 286min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109094 his amorous parents, Roger dating Steve’s best friend, and yet another AD Christmas classic. Plus, there are serial 20th Century Fox 17.04.2012 killers, Turkish amphetamines, and evil clones - so, you know, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108702 Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Explo- the usual! rer Girls Comedy 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 418min. The Book Of Bantorra: Collection 20th Century Fox 17.04.2012 Dora’s grown up to become an Explorer Girl in a whole new 1 world! Join her in her new town, Puerto Verde, with her family 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108703 and new , Emma, Kate, Naiya, and Alana - the Explorer In another time and place, on a world of pain and sorrow, Girls! The girls have plans to attend Shakira’s concert but when someone dies, their soul doesn’t go to Heaven or Hell - have lost their tickets! We soon discover that their tickets Animation By Karen Aqua it becomes a book. A book that reveals the deceased’s accidentally got mixed up with their charity donations for the This collection of award-winning animated films was created innermost secrets... and can be read by anyone. Protecting concert. Join Dora and the Explorer Girls in this brand new by independent filmmaker Karen Aqua (1954-2011). Populated these priceless treasures is organization known as adventure through Puerto Verde to get their tickets back! Will with figures „spawned from a mating between Matisse cutouts the Armed Librarians. It’s their job to keep the books and the Dora and her friends make it to the concert in time? Find out and carvings on Incan tombs,“ these films explore knowledge within them safe from those who would misuse or in this brand new DVD special! transformation (both internal and external), journeys, myth, destroy them. It’s a tough, dangerous job, so Chief Librarian Hamyuts Maseta recruits only the best and the brightest Adventure, Music, Nickelodeon, Preschool and the human spirit. 2011 95min. Short Film Collections min. psychics to join her team of expert fighters. But will they be good enough to stop the fanatics of the Shindeki Church from Nickelodeon 15.05.2012 Microcinema DVD 27.03.2012 wrecking vengeance on the entire world? Only time will tell, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109086 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108894 but that book hasn’t been written yet. Don’t miss the non-stop action of The Book Of Bantorra: Collection 1! Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Action : Classic Four Arms Kai: Season One S 325min. Goku - Earth’s Greatest Champion - bravely defends humanity The biggest franchise in ’s history is Section23 Films 08.05.2012 against an invading race of warriors known as the Saiyans. cranking up the action and adventure with the release of the When the might hero falls, his young son Gohan rises up to Ben 10 Hero Collection. This powerful DVD includes four 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108880 face the very villains who murdered his father. The battle episodes featuring Four Arms. Four hands are better than two rages through space to planet Namek, where Gohan and his when Ben enters an ultimate wrestling competition as Four Cat Planet Cuties: Complete overmatched allies risk their lives to defeat the Saiyan War- Arms and helps mutant twin brothers take down a mean mob lord Vegeta - and the monster known as Frieza! boss. Then Kevin tricks the cops into believing Ben is a bad Series - Limited Edition (Blu-ray guy when a fake Four Arms goes on a crazy crime spree. The Action, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, truth is that Ben rocks as a strong-armed super hero. Who + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Foreign, Intergalactic War, International TV, else but Four Arms could save an outdoor concert from a Japanese, Martial Arts 2009 625min. twisted tornado monster by playing some wicked guitar licks? Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Muscle up with the Ben 10: Four Arms DVD and enjoy the Japanese, Anime, Aliens, Animated Animals Funimation 22.05.2012 best battles with this four-armed alien. 1. Ready To Rumble 2. 325min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109054 Framed 3. Ben 10,000 4. Monster Weather Funimation 15.05.2012 Action, Adventure, Cartoon Network, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109062 Dragon Ball Z Kai: Season One Family, Science Fiction min. Warner Bros. 24.04.2012 (Blu-ray) Classical Baby (3 Pack) Goku - Earth’s Greatest Champion - bravely defends humanity 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109129 against an invading race of warriors known as the Saiyans. Educational, Family, Infant min. When the might hero falls, his young son Gohan rises up to The Best Of HBO Home Video 27.03.2012 face the very villains who murdered his father. The battle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109151 rages through space to planet Namek, where Gohan and his It’s the ultimate in villain-thwarting, Gotham-saving superhero overmatched allies risk their lives to defeat the Saiyan War- action as the Dark Knight stars in 13 all-time fan favorite lord Vegeta - and the monster known as Frieza! Batman animated episodes! Together for the first time on DVD, D. Gray-Man: The Complete Se- these are the very best episodes chosen from multiple Comedy, Foreign, Intergalactic War, Inter- animated Batman series. In Bane, Batman faces the double cond Season national TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Anime, threat of chemically enhanced uber-assassin Bane and crime The battle between good and evil has a new cast of villains - Action, Adventure 2009 625min. boss Rupert Thorne. Then, Avatar finds the Dark Knight the horrifying Clan of Noah. Summoned to Earth by the Funimation 22.05.2012 battling an ancient Egyptian sorceress unleashed by the Millennium Earl, they are determined to recover the all-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 26 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109068 Gintama: The Motion Picture (Blu-ray) Kids Cartoon Pack Dragon Ball Z Kai: Season Two Shinji Takamatsu, , 345min. Action, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Ishida, , , Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Foreign, Intergalactic War, International TV, Daisuke Sakaguchi 06.10.2009 Japanese, Martial Arts 625min. Odd Jobs Gin has taken on a lot of odd work in the past, and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108809 Funimation 22.05.2012 when you’re a Jack of All Trades agency based in a feudal that’s been conquered and colonized by aliens, the term 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109055 „Odd Jobs“ means really odd jobs. But when some more than Kite (Blu-ray) slightly suspicious secrets from the shadows of Gintoki Anime, Action, Crime, Foreign, Japanese Dragon Ball Z Kai: Season Two Sakata’s somewhat shady former samurai past and a new pair of odd jobs collide, the action is bound to get so wild and 50min. (Blu-ray) demented that only a feature film will do it justice! So, if Allegro Entertainment 24.04.2012 you’ve had the good fortune to see Gintama, Japan’s most 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109103 Comedy, Foreign, Intergalactic War, Inter- popular science fiction samurai series before, get ready for national TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Anime, more of the same on an epic scale! And if you haven’t seen Action, Adventure 625min. Gintama before, well, this is your quick and easy introduction Luke And Lucy: The Texas Ran- to why Gintama (the series) is the hottest thing to hit the Land Funimation 22.05.2012 of the Rising Sun since a certain large, green reptile whose gers (Blu-ray) 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109069 name we can’t use due to certain litigious lawyers! So sit Billy Ray Cyrus down, strap yourself in and make sure you’re not wearing Saddle up your horses and join sibling duo, Luke and Lucy as : Brotherhood anything too tight or constricting as the junior half of OJG they unravel themysterious shrinking of the world’s takes on the task of tracking down a tenacious terrorist while population. With the help of their family andfriends these - OVA Collection (Blu-ray + DVD their silver-haired slickster of a p unlikely heroes ride off to the Wild West on an adventure of a Foreign, Japanese, Anime, Action, Aliens, lifetime to save the world. Combo) (Blu-ray) Animated Feature Films, Science Fiction Western, Comedy, Computer Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction, 2010 DTS 95min. Cowboy, Family, Foreign, Based On Comic Action 60min. Section23 Films 29.05.2012 Book, Belgian, Adventure, Animated Funimation 22.05.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108978 Animals 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109070 Phase 4 Films 24.04.2012 Guin Saga: The Complete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108891 Fushigi Yugi: Season One Boxset Collection Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Uchida Yuya, Kenyu Horiuchi Luke And Lucy: The Texas Ran- Friendships, High School, International TV, On the run from an army that destroyed their , the twin gers (DVD + Digital Copy) Japanese, Magic 650min. heirs to the Parros throne must avoid a magical land filled Billy Ray Cyrus Allegro Entertainment 24.04.2012 with incredible dangers. They are surrounded on all sides-by warring armies, an apelike tribe of desert creatures called the Saddle up your horses and join sibling duo, Luke and Lucy as 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109089 Sem, and the ruthless Langon clan. Giant sandworms, they unravel themysterious shrinking of the world’s glowing, malevolent creatures, and powerful wizards population. With the help of their family andfriends these Get Backers: The Complete mastering in the dark arts threaten them at every turn. If they unlikely heroes ride off to the Wild West on an adventure of a were alone, they would surely perish. But in a dark forest, lifetime to save the world. Collection they are discovered by a mysterious stranger, a powerful Western, Adventure, Animated Animals, Whether it’s a favorite stuffed animal, a priceless painting or warrior wearing a cursed leopard mask he cannot remove. Based On Comic Book, Belgian, Comedy, even your last shred of hope, if someone’s taken it from you, His name... is Guin. He becomes their protector and Computer Animation, Cowboy, Family, Ban and Ginji will get it back. They’re the Get Backers, an companion, though he remembers nothing of his life before expert „recovery“ service. And they’ll retrieve what’s been meeting these young runaways. Together, they begin a Foreign 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min. stolen, no matter what it is or who took it. Of course, with treacherous quest to find safety for the royal twins-and the Phase 4 Films 24.04.2012 Ban’s special „Evil Eye“ and Ginji’s lightning strike answers to Guin’s secret origins. Based on the bestselling 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108851 capability, they’ve got a head start on the crooks. No job is novels, this magical, animated epic is now available in one too big, no job is too small. At least not until they pay off their complete, sweeping set! tab at the local coffee shop. Its 49 episodes of non-stop Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Marvel Animation: Iron Man - action. It’s Get Backers: The Complete Collection - don’t let Swashbucklers, Action 2009 S 650min. Complete Series anyone take yours! Section23 Films 08.05.2012 Anime, Boxed Sets, Foreign, International Eden Riegel, Keiji Fujiwara, Laura Bailey, 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108875 TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Action 2002 Adrian Pasdar, Neil Kaplan DTS 1225min. Action, Anime, Based On Comic Book, Section23 Films 08.05.2012 Guin Saga: The Complete Foreign, International TV, Japanese, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108877 Collection (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Superheroes 2010 Ltbx Uchida Yuya, Kenyu Horiuchi 16x9 DD 5.1 min. Gintama: The Motion Picture On the run from an army that destroyed their kingdom, the twin Sony Pictures Home Entertainment heirs to the Parros throne must avoid a magical land filled Shinji Takamatsu, Rie Kugimiya, Akira with incredible dangers. They are surrounded on all sides-by 24.04.2012 Ishida, Takehito Koyasu, Tomokazu Sugita, warring armies, an apelike tribe of desert creatures called the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108774 Sem, and the ruthless Langon clan. Giant sandworms, Daisuke Sakaguchi glowing, malevolent creatures, and powerful wizards Odd Jobs Gin has taken on a lot of odd work in the past, and mastering in the dark arts threaten them at every turn. If they Marvel Animation: -Men - when you’re a Jack of All Trades agency based in a feudal were alone, they would surely perish. But in a dark forest, Complete Series Japan that’s been conquered and colonized by aliens, the term they are discovered by a mysterious stranger, a powerful „Odd Jobs“ means really odd jobs. But when some more than warrior wearing a cursed leopard mask he cannot remove. , Ali Hillis, Katsunosuke Hori, slightly suspicious secrets from the shadows of Gintoki His name... is Guin. He becomes their protector and Yukari Tamura, Hideyuki Tanaka, Danielle Sakata’s somewhat shady former samurai past and a new pair companion, though he remembers nothing of his life before of odd jobs collide, the action is bound to get so wild and meeting these young runaways. Together, they begin a Nicolet, Stephanie Sheh, Aya Hisakawa, demented that only a feature film will do it justice! So, if treacherous quest to find safety for the royal twins-and the , Fred Tatasciore, Scott you’ve had the good fortune to see Gintama, Japan’s most answers to Guin’s secret origins. Based on the bestselling Porter, popular science fiction samurai series before, get ready for novels, this magical, animated epic is now available in one more of the same on an epic scale! And if you haven’t seen complete, sweeping set! Anime, Based On Comic Book, Foreign, Gintama before, well, this is your quick and easy introduction International TV, Japanese, Science to why Gintama (the series) is the hottest thing to hit the Land Anime, Action, Foreign, International TV, of the Rising Sun since a certain large, green reptile whose Japanese, Swashbucklers 2009 S 650min. Fiction, Superheroes 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD name we can’t use due to certain litigious lawyers! So sit Section23 Films 08.05.2012 5.1 287min. down, strap yourself in and make sure you’re not wearing Sony Pictures Home Entertainment anything too tight or constricting as the junior half of OJG 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108893 takes on the task of tracking down a tenacious terrorist while 24.04.2012 their silver-haired slickster of a p Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108776 Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action, Aliens, Animated Feature Films, Science Fiction Season Two Planzet 2010 DTS 95min. Action, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Internatio- In 2047, an unknown, alien life-form descends upon the Earth, Section23 Films 29.05.2012 nal TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Romance destroying all the cities in one fell swoop. The 550min. survivors unite and build a Diffusor to stop the Februus, the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108936 invaders the military would later codename the FOS, and a Funimation 29.05.2012 temporary peace is achieved. Jump forward to 2053, the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109059 present. A last, desperate counterattack is being mounted

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 27 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA against the enemy. Hiroshi Akishima, soldier in the Planetary 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108837 Wuzzleburg Tale Defense Forces Alliance, would like nothing better than a shot at the aliens responsible for his father’s death six years Once upon a time, there was the most enchanted Wuzzleburg ago. However, the new offensive requires the Diffusor to be Thomas & Friends: Engine collection of tales yet! In these six charming episodes, dropped, leaving the entire planet terribly vulnerable once Wubbzy goes on a fairy-tale adventure, shrinks himself to more. Will humanity regain the stars or lose everything in the Friends play in Daizy’s dollhouse, turns detective to solve a mystery, final, ultimate gamble? saves Walden from a Jellygator and gets more than he Michael Brandon, Alec Baldwin, George bargained for when his favorite storybook character comes to Science Fiction, Action, Aliens, Animated Carlin life! Join everybody’s favorite bendy-tailed for loads of Feature Films, Apocalyptic Future, Compu- All aboard for epic stories of friendships on the rails - learn ‘happily ever after’ fun, with valuable lessons about kindness ter Animation, Foreign, Japanese 2010 S how Thomas met his best friend Percy for the first time and and cooperation along the way! how Edward helped save Trevor the Tractor Engine from Nickelodeon 70min. 53min. being scrapped. Join the Really Useful Engines and see when Section23 Films 22.05.2012 Toby showed how being helpful is the most fun, and when the Starz / Anchor Bay 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108935 unlikely duo of Emily and Whiff coupled up and became firm 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108767 friends! Journey along with Thomas and the rest of the Steam Team to experience the adventures that led to fast friendships. Planzet (Blu-ray) See how the greatest destinations are often those closest to Yogi And The Invasion Of The In 2047, an unknown, alien life-form descends upon the Earth, home... as long as you are with your Engine Friends. Thomas Space Bears destroying all the major cities in one fell swoop. The and Bertie Trouble in the Shed Saved from Scrap A New survivors unite and build a Diffusor to stop the Februus, the Friend for Thomas Granpuff Sleeping Beauty Make Someone invaders the military would later codename the FOS, and a Happy A Bad Day for Harold Twin Trouble Edward the Really Jellystone Park is on high alert: Tourists are flocking to temporary peace is achieved. Jump forward to 2053, the Useful Engine Rusty Saves the Day Emily’s New Coaches Jellystone’s Picnic Rock and aliens are close behind them! In present. A last, desperate counterattack is being mounted Thomas and the Rainbow Thomas and the New Engine Tho- a fabulous feature-length adventure, Yogi and Boo Boo are against the enemy. Hiroshi Akishima, soldier in the Planetary mas and the Statue Follow That Flour Toby’s Afternoon Off beamed up to a spaceship and alien invaders send clones of Defense Forces Alliance, would like nothing better than a Edward Strikes Out Hide and Peep Emily and the Garbage our two heroes, called Duploids, back to Earth in their place. shot at the aliens responsible for his father’s death six years Family, Stop Motion Animation, Adventure, And although hard to believe possible, the Duploids cause ago. However, the new offensive requires the Diffusor to be Transportation 2012 FF S 90min. even more trouble than the real deals. Hopefully Yogi and Boo dropped, leaving the entire planet terribly vulnerable once Boo can make it off the ship and back in time to save more. Will humanity regain the stars or lose everything in the Lionsgate 15.05.2012 Jellystone and the unsuspecting picnickers from Duploid final, ultimate gamble? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109075 destruction. For fantastic family fun, let Yogi & the Invasion of Science Fiction, Computer Animation, the Space Bears take over your house. TV Movies, Comedy, Family, Science Foreign, Japanese, Apocalyptic Future, Thundercats: Season One - Book Fiction, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Animated Action, Aliens, Animated Feature Films Two Animals 1988 94min. 2010 S 53min. Robin Atkin Downes, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 Section23 Films 22.05.2012 Clancy Brown, Will Friedle, Corey Burton, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108919 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108977 Kevin Michael Richardson, Dee Bradley Baker, Larry Kenney Yogi Bear And The Magical Flight Psychic Squad: Collection 1 Lion-O, Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro, WilyKit & WilyKat continue They’re cute, adorable and three of the most powerful Espers their quest, now armed with the Book of Omens to lead the Of The Spruce Goose the world has ever seen: Kaoru, the brash psychokinetic who way. Watch Lion-O’s power and confidence grow as Mumm- Daws Butler, Dave Coulier can move objects with her mind; Shiho, the sarcastic and dark Ra’s forces increase in these 8 action-packed episodes. Welcome aboard Holiday Jollyday Tours! I am your tour guide, natured psychometric able to pick thoughts from people’s Cartoon Network, Superheroes, Action, Yogi Bear. Join me and my pals Boo Boo, Snagglepuss, Augie minds and read the pasts of inanimate objects like a book; and Adventure, Animated Animals 2011 min. Doggie, Huckleberry Hound and Quick Draw McGraw as we Aoi, the most collected and rational of the three, who has the travel the globe on the Spruce Goose airplane. Along the way to teleport herself and the others at will. So what to do Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 we will make a new friend named Bernice, a scrappy little girl with these potential psychic monsters in the making? Enter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108722 who will help us on our mission to free a group of animals B.A.B.E.L., the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory, where trapped by the Dread Baron. More enemies pop up, like the hopefully „The Children“ and others like them can become part evil alien duo Firkin and Merkin, who want to conquer the of the answer to an increasing wave of psychic evolution. It’s Timmy Time: Timmy Steals The planet! Fortunately for us they aren’t too smart. Invite your a win-win solution... Unless you’re Koichi Minamoto, the Show family and friends to take flight with me and my best pals on an overworked young man stuck with the unenviable task of field adventure that soars above the rest! commanding a team of three pre-teen girls! Will Koichi survive Kate Harbour, Justin Fletcher TV Movies, Comedy, Family, Aerial Action, the experience? Will the planet survive the experience? Find A new preschool star is here! The Oscar®-winning creators out as the girls get meta-physical in the first totally mental of Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep show off their all- Animated Animals 1987 91min. collection of Psychic Squad! new preschool play group, with adorable adventures Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, showcasing Timmy and his young friends! Fun, laughter and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108920 Japanese S 325min. surprises take center stage when Timmy performs groovy Section23 Films 01.05.2012 dance moves and genuine acts of kindness, and also learns the true meaning of saying, „I’m sorry.“ So grab your front row Yogi’s First Christmas 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108874 seats for playtime with Timmy and his nursery friends in these five lovable tales. Timmy Steals The Show Timmy’s Picnic Daws Butler, Don Messick, John Timmy Brings A Smile Timmy Can’t Dance Timmy Says Sorry Stephenson Shiki: Part One - Limited Edition Timmy Time Sing-Along Yogi and Boo Boo usually snooze right through Christmas. (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) British, Computer Animation, Family, (Hibernation, you know.) But this year, happy holiday music rouses them from their sleep and right into the fun: skating, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Foreign, International TV, Preschool 2011 skiing, singing and trimming the tree. But life isn’t all mistletoe Japanese, Martial Arts, Action 300min. FF S 43min. and eggnog. Two holiday grouches - a mysterious hermit and Lionsgate 22.02.2011 the obnoxious nephew of Jellystone Lodge’s owner - are Funimation 29.05.2012 determined to ruin Christmas. And our two heroes, joined by 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109072 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108805 Snagglepuss, Augie Doggie, Doggie Daddy, Huckleberry Hound and more Hanna-Barbera favorites, are just as Wheelie And The Chopper determined to make December 25 the jolliest day of the year! Shiki: Part Two (Blu-ray + DVD TV Movies, Christmas, Comedy, Family, Combo) (Blu-ray) Bunch: The Complete Series Holidays, Animated Animals 1980 98min. Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Frank Welker, Don Messick Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 Zoom into gear with Wheelie, the world’s greatest stunt Japanese, Martial Arts, Action 300min. racing car, and his girlfriend Rota Ree as they outmaneuver 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108923 Funimation 29.05.2012 the sneaky motorcycle gang Chopper, Revs, Riser and 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109073 Scrambles in this 3-Disc, 13-Episode Complete Series Yogi’s Great Escape Collection! Not the smartest bike in the bunch, Chopper’s schemes range from scaring Wheelie with ghost cars at the Daws Butler Space Dogs car cemetery, tricking a trail bike into spying on Wheelie and Spring is here and Yogi and Boo Boo wake up from cheating at a tractor-roping competition, plus many more hibernation only to find that some major changes have taken Sergey Garmash, Chloe Grace Moretz shenanigans that never end well for the gang. Besides place while they slept the winter away. Jellystone Park is An adventure that’s out of this world!. The exciting, animated outwitting Chopper in these 39 adventures (3 per episode), closing down! No more Jellystone Park means no more tale based on the true story of Belka and Strelka; two Russian Wheelie aids other vehicles needing a helping wheel, like a tourists, and that means no more picnic baskets to pilfer! Yogi, dogs sent to space in 1960. A circus dog and a stray dog lost scooter, a sick tow truck and a stranded bulldozer. Honk Boo Boo and their new friends, the bear cub triplets, take off embark on an out-of-this-world adventure to become the for great family fun and motor to the couch for a night of drive- in Yogi’s homemade getaway mobile - the Supercar - in search world’s most famous canine cosmonauts! in entertainment! of a new home. All the while Ranger Smith, bounty hunter Russian, Space, Computer Animation, Family, Action 1974 275min. Trapper and his hound dog Yapper are hot on their tails! Some Family, Foreign, Adventure, Animated familiar cartoon faces make an appearance on this cross- Warner Bros. MOD 11.03.2011 country trip filled with fun, friends and famous American Animals, Animated Feature Films 2010 DD 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108821 landmarks! 5.1 88min. TV Movies, Comedy, Family, Animated Phase 4 Films 03.04.2012 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: A Animals 1987 93min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 28 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 2011 Ltbx DTS 88min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108924 20th Century Fox 27.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109093 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108729 Angels Crest (Blu-ray) Alvin And The Chipmunks: Elizabeth McGovern, Lynn Collins, Jeremy Film Chipwrecked (Double DVD Pack) Piven, Thomas Dekker The small working-class town of Angels Crest is a tight-knit Jesse McCartney, Justin Long, Matthew community resting quietly in one of the vast and stunningly Albert Nobbs Gray Gubler beautiful valleys of the Rocky Mountains. Ethan (Thomas Chipmunks ahoy! It’s a tidal wave of toe-tapping music and Dekker), one of the town’s residents, is a young father but not , Mia Wasikowska, Janet unfurgettable fun for the whole family as Alvin and the much more than a kid himself. He has no choice but to look McTeer, Pauline Collins, Maria Doyle Kenne- Chipmunks return in their greatest adventure yet! While on after his three-year-old son Nate, since Nate’s mother, Cindy dy, Brendan Gleeson, Aaron Johnson vacation aboard a luxury cruise liner, Alvin, Simon, Theodore (Lynn Collins), is an alcoholic. Then one snowy day, Ethan’s Nominated for 3 Academy Awards including Best Actress and and the Chipettes can’t help rocking the boat with their unique good intentions are thwarted by a moment of thoughtlessness, Best Supporting Actress, Glenn Close gives a „powerhouse brand of ‘munk mischief. But things get really squeaky when resulting in tragedy. A local prosecutor (Jeremy Piven) performance“ (New York Post) as a woman who passes as a the gang winds up stranded on a remote island - and they haunted by his past pursues Ethan, and the ensuing confusion man in order to work and survive in 19th century Ireland. soon discover their new tropical playground is not as and casting of blame begins to tear the town apart. Some thirty years after donning men’s clothing, she finds deserted as it seems. Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2011 herself trapped in a prison of her own making. Also starring a Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, 93min. prestigious international cast including Mia Wasikowska, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films Aaron Johnson, Janet McTeer, Brendan Gleeson and Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.04.2012 Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Albert Nobbs is a „terrific“ 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109104 (IndieWIRE) film adapted from the short story by Irish author 20th Century Fox 27.03.2012 George Moore. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108700 Transgender, Drama, Gay / Anywhere But Here (Repackage) Natalie Portman, Susan Sarandon, Bonnie Interest, Historical / Period Piece 2011 DD Amer 5.1 113min. Bedelia, Shawn Hatosy, Hart Bochner The power and danger of eros plays a key role for three Funny and poignant. Sarandon and Portman sparkle!“ -Jami Lionsgate 15.05.2012 women of different ages who may or may not be the same Bernard, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. Adele is a flashy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109051 person in this enigmatic picture. The film was chalked up by flirtatious dreamer. Her daughter Ann is a quiet, no-nonsense many as an homage to the gory European giallos of the 1960s realist. On the surface, they’re like oil and water, but deep and 1970s, but it’s also influenced heavily by the narratively down, they’re two of a kind. „Susan Sarandon makes magic“ Albert Nobbs (Blu-ray) cryptic surrealism of directors such as David Lynch. (Chicago Tribune) and „Natalie Portman soars“ (NY-1) in this Directors Bruno Forzani and Hélène Cattet undertake an funny and touching story about a mother who knows best...and Glenn Close, Mia Wasikowska, Janet episodic approach by dividing the material into three McTeer, Pauline Collins, Maria Doyle Kenne- a daughter who knows better! thematically linked segments. In the first, a young girl is at Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Independent dy, Brendan Gleeson, Aaron Johnson home as her grandfather dies and her grandmother begins Nominated for 3 Academy Awards including Best Actress and performing a series of bizarre rituals designed to either bring Women 2000 114min. Best Supporting Actress, Glenn Close gives a „powerhouse him back to life or ease his passage to the next world; as this 20th Century Fox 27.08.2002 performance“ (New York Post) as a woman who passes as a is happening, the girl becomes aware that her parents are 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108704 man in order to work and survive in 19th century Ireland. making love elsewhere in the house. Years later, a teenage Some thirty years after donning men’s clothing, she finds girl goes into town with her mother to run some errands, herself trapped in a prison of her own making. Also starring a comes face to face with the power of her sexuality, and learns The Artist prestigious international cast including Mia Wasikowska, how she can use her allure to change the behavior of men. In Aaron Johnson, Janet McTeer, Brendan Gleeson and the final segment, an adult woman returns to the house where Berenice Bejo, Jean Dujardin, Malcolm Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Albert Nobbs is a „terrific“ she grew up, which has fallen into disrepair - and discov McDowell, , James Crom- (IndieWIRE) film adapted from the short story by Irish author Thrillers, Art House, Foreign, French, Hor- well, Ed Lauter, Penelope Ann Miller, Missi George Moore. ror 2009 min. Pyle, Beth Grant, Ken Davitian, Joel Murray Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Historical / Olive Films 04.10.2011 Hollywood 1927. George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) is a silent Period Piece, Transgender 2011 DTS 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108973 movie superstar. The advent of the talkies will sound the 113min. death knell for his career and see him fall into oblivion. For Lionsgate 15.05.2012 young extra Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo), it seems the sky’s Amer (Blu-ray) the limit - major movie stardom awaits. The Artist tells the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109064 The power and danger of eros plays a key role for three story of their interlinked destinies. women of different ages who may or may not be the same Romance, Silent Film, Art House, Comedy, Alvin And The Chipmunks: person in this enigmatic picture. The film was chalked up by Drama, Film About Film, Marriage Woes many as an homage to the gory European giallos of the 1960s 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 100min. Chipwrecked and 1970s, but it’s also influenced heavily by the narratively Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Jesse McCartney, Justin Long, Matthew cryptic surrealism of directors such as David Lynch. Directors Bruno Forzani and Hélène Cattet undertake an 24.04.2012 Gray Gubler episodic approach by dividing the material into three Chipmunks ahoy! It’s a tidal wave of toe-tapping music and thematically linked segments. In the first, a young girl is at 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108714 unfurgettable fun for the whole family as Alvin and the home as her grandfather dies and her grandmother begins Chipmunks return in their greatest adventure yet! While on performing a series of bizarre rituals designed to either bring The Artist (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) vacation aboard a luxury cruise liner, Alvin, Simon, Theodore him back to life or ease his passage to the next world; as this and the Chipettes can’t help rocking the boat with their unique is happening, the girl becomes aware that her parents are (Blu-ray) brand of ‘munk mischief. But things get really squeaky when making love elsewhere in the house. Years later, a teenage the gang winds up stranded on a remote island - and they girl goes into town with her mother to run some errands, Berenice Bejo, Jean Dujardin, Malcolm soon discover their new tropical playground is not as comes face to face with the power of her sexuality, and learns McDowell, John Goodman, James Crom- deserted as it seems. how she can use her allure to change the behavior of men. In well, Ed Lauter, Penelope Ann Miller, Missi Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, the final segment, an adult woman returns to the house where Pyle, Beth Grant, Ken Davitian, Joel Murray Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films she grew up, which has fallen into disrepair - and discov Thrillers, Art House, Foreign, French, Hor- Hollywood 1927. George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) is a silent 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min. movie superstar. The advent of the talkies will sound the ror 2009 min. 20th Century Fox 27.03.2012 death knell for his career and see him fall into oblivion. For Olive Films 04.10.2011 young extra Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo), it seems the sky’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108699 the limit - major movie stardom awaits. The Artist tells the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108985 story of their interlinked destinies. Alvin And The Chipmunks: Comedy, Drama, Film About Film, Marriage Angels Crest Woes, Art House, Romance, Silent Film Chipwrecked (Blu-ray) Elizabeth McGovern, Lynn Collins, Jeremy 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 100min. Jesse McCartney, Justin Long, Matthew Piven, Thomas Dekker Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Gray Gubler The small working-class town of Angels Crest is a tight-knit 24.04.2012 Chipmunks ahoy! It’s a tidal wave of toe-tapping music and community resting quietly in one of the vast and stunningly unfurgettable fun for the whole family as Alvin and the beautiful valleys of the Rocky Mountains. Ethan (Thomas 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108733 Chipmunks return in their greatest adventure yet! While on Dekker), one of the town’s residents, is a young father but not vacation aboard a luxury cruise liner, Alvin, Simon, Theodore much more than a kid himself. He has no choice but to look Bad Man Of Brimstone / Bad Man and the Chipettes can’t help rocking the boat with their unique after his three-year-old son Nate, since Nate’s mother, Cindy brand of ‘munk mischief. But things get really squeaky when (Lynn Collins), is an alcoholic. Then one snowy day, Ethan’s (Double Feature) the gang winds up stranded on a remote island - and they good intentions are thwarted by a moment of thoughtlessness, soon discover their new tropical playground is not as resulting in tragedy. A local prosecutor (Jeremy Piven) Wallace Beery, Virginia Bruce, Lewis deserted as it seems. haunted by his past pursues Ethan, and the ensuing confusion Stone, Joseph Calleia Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, and casting of blame begins to tear the town apart. He was gruff around the edges and soft on the inside, blustery Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2011 traits fans greatly enjoyed in The Champ, Treasure Island and 93min. other memorable Wallace Beery films. Wrap a holster around

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA that persona and put a horse under it and you’ve got this Drama, High School, Basketball, Sports (MacMahon) and her selfless love hold her eccentric house- Western twinbill starring the shambling star. As Pancho hold together. But the glue of her resolve may dissolve when Lopez, the bandito gang leader in The Bad Man, he makes 2006 min. worldly Uncle Newt (Kibbee) wills her $500,000...if she’ll things right for a gutsy rancher (Ronald Reagan) who once Gaiam Americas 04.09.2007 leave the crazy-maker family. saved his life and also squelches the attempt of a loan shark 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108892 Comedy, Double Features, Drama 128min. („loan fish“ Lopez says) eager to claim the ranch. And Beery is The Bad Man Of Brimstone, a notorious robber who Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 secretly helps a young lawman who doesn’t know the outlaw Best Of Betty White (Collectible 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108760 is his father. Giddy up! Tin) Western, Double Features 159min. Birthday Girl Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 Betty White Nicole Kidman, Ben Chaplin, Vincent 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108785 20 Hilarious episodes!. Experience Bettymania with this laugh-packed collection of 20 timeless, hilarious episodes on Cassel, Mathieu Kassovitz two DVDs! Newlyweds Whistler’s Father New Car Remodel Somebody’s In For A Big Surprise.. The irresistible Nicole Bane: An Experiment In Human Bill Dunning Counterfeit Bill Bad Day Ping Pong Momma’s Kidman (Moulin Rouge, The Others) powers a sexy thriller Vist Board Game High Fever The Tree in the Driveway The where appearances can be deceiving and nothing ends as Suffering Feud Shall We Dance? The Blue Tie The Surprise Pike’s expected! A lonely and repressed bank employee, John Science Fiction, Slasher, Torture, British, Pique Return of the Wheel The Gorilla Everybody’s Baby Buckingham (Ben Chaplin - Murder By Numbers, The Thin Classics, Comedy FF S 517min. Foreign, Horror 120min. Red Line) desperately want to meet the right girl. Then Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 through a Russian mail-order bride service, he is introduced Allegro Entertainment 10.04.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108850 to Nadia (Kidman), a quiet and attractive woman who doesn’t 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109077 speak English. After several sensual encounters, John’s fondess for Nadia grows...until the sudden arrival of Nadia’s Best Of Sherlock Holmes two gregarious cousins makes John realize that he’s in over Being John Malkovich: The his head! Acclaimed by critics everywhere, this unpredictably Criterion Collection (Collectible Tin) entertaining hit will keep you guesssing as it keeps you on Basil Rathbone, Reginald Owen, Raymond the edge of your seat! Cameron Diaz, John Cusack, Catherine Romance, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2001 Massey, Ronald Howard, Arthur Wontner Keener, Orson Bean, Mary Kay Place, John 10 Thrilling mysteries!. This collector’s tin contains 10 90min. Malkovich thrilling mysteries on two DVD’s, featuring some of Sherlock Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Or, more Holmes best adventures! 15.05.2012 specifically, have you ever wanted to crawl through a portal Collections, Detectives, Mystery, Sherlock hidden in an anonymous office building and thereby enter the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108903 cerebral cortex of John Malkovich for fifteen minutes before Holmes 1985 FF S 650min. being spat out on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike? Then Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Black director Spike Jonze and writer Charlie Kaufman have the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108840 movie for you. Melancholy marionettes, office drudgery, a Thierno Ndiaye, Francois Leventhal, Anton frizzyhaired Cameron Diaz- but that’s not all! Surrealism, Yakovlev possession, John Cusack, a domesticated primate, Freud, Best Of The Best 3: No Turning When an armored car hold up goes horribly awry, Black, a Catherine Keener, non sequiturs, and absolutely no romance! Back bankrobber from the wrong side of town, considers getting out But wait: get your Being John Malkovich now and we’ll throw of the game. While laying low, Black receives news from his in emasculation, slapstick, Abelard and Heloise, and extra Christopher McDonald, Gina Gershon, Mark cousin about a stash of uncut diamonds in a poorly guarded Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich. Rolston, Phillip Rhee bank, and his plan to live on the straight and narrow grinds to Art House, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Action, Crime, Drama 1996 90min. a halt. With an opportunity that is too good to refuse, he puts Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Gay / Lesbian together a crew and embarks on one last job before getting out Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Interest 1999 113min. for good. 29.05.2012 Thrillers, Action, Caper, Crime, Foreign, Criterion 15.05.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108915 French 2009 Ltbx S 115min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108994 Phase 4 Films 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108833 Being John Malkovich: The Best Of TV Westerns (Collectible Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Tin) Chuck Connors, Clayton Moore, Gene Boeing Boeing Cameron Diaz, John Cusack, Catherine Barry, Jay Silverheels Jerry Lewis, Tony Curtis Keener, Orson Bean, Mary Kay Place, John 20 Thrilling episodes!. This collector’s tin includes 20 Tony Curtis plays a newspaper correspondent based in Paris Malkovich thrilling TV western episodes on two DVDs! Includes who successfully juggles living with three stewardesses. Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Or, more episodes from: The Range Rider The Rifleman Bat Masterson Each thinks she is his one and only until his business rival, specifically, have you ever wanted to crawl through a portal Western, Classics FF S 466min. played by a sedate Jerry Lewis - blackmails his way into the hidden in an anonymous office building and thereby enter the spare bedroom and all three airlines change their flight cerebral cortex of John Malkovich for fifteen minutes before Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 schedules. being spat out on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike? Then 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108863 Comedy 1965 min. director Spike Jonze and writer Charlie Kaufman have the Olive Films 14.02.2012 movie for you. Melancholy marionettes, office drudgery, a frizzyhaired Cameron Diaz- but that’s not all! Surrealism, The Beverly Hillbillies 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108956 possession, John Cusack, a domesticated primate, Freud, Lea Thompson, Lily Tomlin, Rob Schneider, Catherine Keener, non sequiturs, and absolutely no romance! Boeing Boeing (Blu-ray) But wait: get your Being John Malkovich now and we’ll throw Dabney Coleman, Diedrich Bader, Jim in emasculation, slapstick, Abelard and Heloise, and extra Varney Jerry Lewis, Tony Curtis Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich. The ultimate culture clash makes for a truly hilarious rags-to- Tony Curtis plays a newspaper correspondent based in Paris Comedy, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, riches story when the Clampett family strikes oil in the swamp who successfully juggles living with three stewardesses. behind their Ozark mountain shack. Inspired to relocate to Each thinks she is his one and only until his business rival, Dark Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Art Beverly Hills, the innocent, hard-working family is perfect played by a sedate Jerry Lewis - blackmails his way into the House 1999 113min. bait for the swindlers, social climbers and gold diggers who spare bedroom and all three airlines change their flight Criterion 15.05.2012 await them. The all-star cast features Dabney Coleman, Lily schedules. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109026 Tomlin, Clorish Leachman, Jim Varney, Lea Thompson, Rob Comedy 1965 102min. Schneider and Diedrich Bader. Olive Films 14.02.2012 Comedy, Family 1993 92min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108982 Believe In Me (Blu-ray) Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 , , Samantha Mathis, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109116 Heather Matarazzo, Jeffrey Donovan The Boy In Blue Never let them tell you what you can’t do.. Coach Clay Big Hearted Herbert / Merry Christopher Plummer, David Naughton, Driscoll is a small town basketball coach who seems to have Melody Anderson, Cynthia Dale, Nicolas everything going against him. A team he doesn’t want. A town Frinks (Double Feature) that doesn’t support girl’s sports and small town politics that Cage, Sean Sullivan threaten to undermine any chance he has of winning. But the Aline MacMahon, Guy Kibbee, Hugh Her- In this entertaining turn-of-the-century drama based on a real- pride and his „girls,“ the Lady Cyclones, refuse to let him quit. bert life story, stars as Ned Hanlan, a juvenile This inspiring tale of perseverance, character and redemption Talented, sad-eyed Aline MacMahon excelled in maternal and delinquent who rises to become a world-class rower. Seeing pits Coach Driscoll (Jeffrey Donovan, Hitch) against the sisterly roles, giving them comedic grace or soulful in Hanlan a chance to make some fast cash, Bill (David school board President Ellis Brawley (Oscar nominee Bruce earnestness as the situation required. Both qualities are Naughton), a gambler, has Hanlan trained as a sculler and Dern, Coming Home) who has the school board and the town showcased in this twinbill of MacMahon starrers. Blustery begins to promote him on the racing circuit. Eventually, in his pocket. You’ll cheer these strong-willed young women and domineering pop (Guy Kibbee) gets his comeuppance and Hanlan’s ability grows, and so does his fame, but success and their hard-headed coach as they fight for equality and a goes from narrow-minded patriarch to Big Hearted Herbert, comes at a price when Hanlan falls prey to a ruthless share of the dream, taking on the town prejudice and their own thanks to his loving wife (MacMahon). In The Merry Frinks, businessman (Christopher Plummer). Through it all, Hanlan self-doubt in this hear-warming story of a team, a town and a the comic tale of a whack-a-doodle family that has elements becomes a world champion, garners awards on three man who wouldn’t give up. similar to the later You Can’t Take It With You, Mama continents and becomes the first to successfully utilize the „sliding seat.“

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Sports, Biopics, Drama 1985 100min. ever made. Tim Conway, Jimmy Kimmel, Howie Mandel, Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Foreign, Italian, Action, Adventure, Spa- Dominic Keating 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109117 ghetti Westerns, Western 1967 118min. Certifiably Jonathan. Jonathan Winters, 80-year-old comic Blue Underground 22.05.2012 genius, is also a gifted painter who dreams of having his work 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109032 hang in the Museum of Modern Art. When a famous art critic The Boy In Blue (Blu-ray) believes Jonathan is „the missing link between Miro and Christopher Plummer, David Naughton, Dali“, he convinces the museum to give Jonathan a show of Bunraku his new yet unrealized paintings. Jonathan launches into a Melody Anderson, Cynthia Dale, Nicolas creative frenzy, until disaster strikes when his sense of Cage, Sean Sullivan Ron Perlman, , Demi Moo- humor is stolen and he can no longer paint. About to lose the In this entertaining turn-of-the-century drama based on a real- re, Kevin McKidd, Jordi Molla, Josh Hart- opportunity of a lifetime, Jonathan sets out on a quest to get life story, Nicolas Cage stars as Ned Hanlan, a juvenile nett, Gackt his mojo back, with the help of his comedian pals. delinquent who rises to become a world-class rower. Seeing Using cutting-edge visuals and heart-pounding fight Comedy 2007 80min. in Hanlan a chance to make some fast cash, Bill (David choreography, Bunraku combines comic-books, spaghetti Gaiam Americas 01.05.2012 Naughton), a gambler, has Hanlan trained as a sculler and westerns, samurai films, video-games, and more into a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108861 begins to promote him on the racing circuit. Eventually, stunning glimpse at an alternate future. In a world without Hanlan’s ability grows, and so does his fame, but success guns, a mysterious drifter (Josh Hartnett) walks into a comes at a price when Hanlan falls prey to a ruthless strange town terrorized by the ruthless Nicola (Ron Perlman) Certified Copy: The Criterion businessman (Christopher Plummer). Through it all, Hanlan and his army of thugs, headed by nine deadly assassins becomes a world champion, garners awards on three including the vicious Killer #2 (Kevin McKidd). The drifter is Collection continents and becomes the first to successfully utilize the forced to trust a young samurai (Japanese superstar Gackt) „sliding seat.“ Juliette Binoche, William Shimell looking to restore his family’s honor, and the local bartender The great Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami travels to Drama, Biopics, Sports 1985 100min. (Woody Harrelson) who has been secretly awaiting a dream Tuscany for a luminous and provocative romance in which Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 team to help overthrow Nicola’s tyrannical regime. nothing is as it appears. What seems at first to be a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109137 Revenge, Samurai, Action, Crime, Drama, straightforward tale of two people - played by Oscar-winning Fantasy 2011 DD 5.1 124min. actress Juliette Binoche and opera singer William Shimell - Anderson Merchandisers 20.02.2012 getting to know each other over the course of an afternoon Bringing Down The House: 10th gradually reveals itself as something richer, stranger, and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109049 trickier: a mind-bending reflection on authenticity, in art as Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) well as in relationships. Both cerebrally and emotionally Steve Martin, Joan Plowright, Jean Smart, Bunraku (Blu-ray) engaging, Certified Copy (Copie Conforme) reminds us that Queen Latifah, Eugene Levy love itself is an enigma. The hilarious Steve Martin (Father of the Bride) and Academy Ron Perlman, Woody Harrelson, Demi Moo- Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama, Award nominee Queen Latifah (Chicago) star with Eugene re, Kevin McKidd, Jordi Molla, Josh Hart- Foreign, French 2010 106min. Levy (American Pie) in the laugh-out-loud hit comedy Bringing nett, Gackt Criterion 22.05.2012 Down the House. Peter Sanderson (Martin), a divorced, Using cutting-edge visuals and heart-pounding fight 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108996 straight-laced, uptight, workaholic attorney, meets a brainy, choreography, Bunraku combines comic-books, spaghetti bombshell lawyer in an online chat room and they make a date. westerns, samurai films, video-games, and more into a Expecting his soul mate, he opens the door and finds himself stunning glimpse at an alternate future. In a world without Certified Copy: The Criterion face-to-face with Charlene (Latifah) - a wild and crazy soul guns, a mysterious drifter (Josh Hartnett) walks into a sister who’s just escaped from prison and wants Peter to strange town terrorized by the ruthless Nicola (Ron Perlman) Collection (Blu-ray) clear her name. But Peter wants absolutely nothing to do with and his army of thugs, headed by nine deadly assassins her, and that prompts Charlene to turn Peter’s perfectly Juliette Binoche, William Shimell including the vicious Killer #2 (Kevin McKidd). The drifter is The great Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami travels to ordered life totally upside down. Hysterical complications forced to trust a young samurai (Japanese superstar Gackt) abound and Peter soon finds out he may need Charlene just as Tuscany for a luminous and provocative romance in which looking to restore his family’s honor, and the local bartender nothing is as it appears. What seems at first to be a much as she needs him. It’s a houseful of fun your family will (Woody Harrelson) who has been secretly awaiting a dream enjoy again and again. straightforward tale of two people - played by Oscar-winning team to help overthrow Nicola’s tyrannical regime. actress Juliette Binoche and opera singer William Shimell - Comedy, Crime, Prison, Romance 2003 Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Action, Revenge, getting to know each other over the course of an afternoon 105min. Samurai 2011 124min. gradually reveals itself as something richer, stranger, and Disney / Buena Vista 15.05.2012 trickier: a mind-bending reflection on authenticity, in art as Anderson Merchandisers 20.02.2012 well as in relationships. Both cerebrally and emotionally 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109023 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109066 engaging, Certified Copy (Copie Conforme) reminds us that love itself is an enigma. Brokedown Palace Car 54, Where Are You?: The Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, French, Art House 2010 106min. Bill Pullman, Lou Diamond Phillips, Claire Complete Second Season Danes, Kate Beckinsale, Jacqueline Kim Criterion 22.05.2012 In this riveting thriller, Claire Dance and Kate Beckinsale Fred Gwynne, Maureen Stapleton, Al 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109027 star as two best friends whose dream vacation becomes a Lewis, Molly Picon, Charlotte Rae, Jan nightmare. Alice (Danes) is impulsive and reckless; Darlene Murray, Wally Cox, Joe E. Ross Chapter Two (Beckinsale) is more reserved. But when each falls for the The complete 2nd season, 30 episodes in 4 DVD package. same mysterious man, both girls throw caution to the wind, Never before on DVD. Many critics and comedians believe Marsha Mason, Valerie Harper, Debra and in one instant, their lives are changed forever. Now in a that Car 54, Where Are You? is one of the best comedy series Mooney, Isabel Cooley, Judy Farrell, James foreign land, they must prove their innocence before it’s too ever to appear on television. Leonard Maltin calls it - one of late. Bill Pullman co-stars in this „compelling“ (People Maga- the funniest TV shows of all time. Long out of circulation, this Caan, Joseph Bologna, Alan Fudge zine) tale of self-discovery and the ultimate sacrifice for a brilliant show can now be discovered by new generations This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using friend! who will have a chance to view it for the first time. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Music, Prison, Thrillers, Drama, Chapter Two tells the story of a recently widowed writer Comedy, Cops 1962 780min. (James Cann) and a newly divorced actress (Marsha Mason) Friendships, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1999 E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 who marry after a whirlwind courtship. All is well until the 100min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109037 writer becomes engulfed with guilt because he is happy. Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Chapter Two. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109119 Romance, Comedy, Drama, Marriage Woes The Cave Of The Yellow Dog (Blu- 1979 Ltbx 16x9 M 126min. A Bullet For The General (Blu- ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) SPHE MOD 03.04.2012 Babbayar Batchuluun, Nansal Batchuluun, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109107 ray) Nansalmaa Batchuluun, Buyandulam Gian Maria Volonte, Klaus Kinski, Jaime Daramdadi, Batchuluun Urjindorj Citizen Welles Fernandez, Martine Beswick, Lou Castel Oscar®-nominated director Byambasuren Davaa’s follow up Features fully restored and Dolby Digital 5.1 remixed At the height of the , a mysterious young to the hugely successful The Story of the Weeping Camel, is versions of two Orson Welles classics, The Stranger and American (Lou Castel of Fist In His Pocket) joins a gang of a thought provoking mix of documentary and drama that tells The Trial. Also includes an 18-minute documentary, narrated marauders led by El Chucho (Gian Maria Volonté of A Fistful the story of the age-old bond between man and dog, a bound by Welles historian Richard and featuring a rare Of Dollars) on a series of savage raids to steal guns for a which experiences a new twist through the eternal cycle of behind-the-scenes look at the restoration process of these powerful rebel general. But when the Gringo brings his own reincarnation in Mongolia. two classic films. Also - Orson Welles’s first film, 1934s cold-blooded ideals to the bandits, El Chucho discovers that Drama, Foreign, Mongolian 2005 93min. Heart Of Age, theatrical trailers and still photography. the real weapons of war belong to no army. In a land ravaged by poverty and violence, can true freedom be bought with a Tartan Video 10.04.2012 Classics, Crime, Double Features, Drama, single bullet? Klaus Kinski (For A Few Dollars More) and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108801 Fantasy, Film Noir 1946 213min. Martine Beswick (Dr. Jekyll And Sister Hyde, Thunderball) Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 co-star in this legendary western directed by from a powerful screenplay co-written by Oscar®- Certifiably Jonathan 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108759 nominee Franco Solinas (The Battle Of Algiers, The Big Jonathan Winters, Rob Reiner, Patricia Gundown). Also known as Quién Sabe?, this thrilling epic Classic Adventures: Call Of The features some of the most surprising performances, radical Arquette, Sarah Silverman, Nora Dunn, politics and shocking violence of any ‘’ Nikita Ager, Jeffrey Tambor, David Arquette, Wild

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Mia Sara, Rick Schroder, Gordon Tootoosis Romance, African Americans, Drama 2009 From Executive Producer Quentin Tarantino ... . This quirky Rick Schroder (TV’s 24) stars in this Primetime Emmy Award- 86min. and heartwarming comedy stars Johnny Knoxville (The Dukes nominated adaptation of Jack London’s timeless story. As Of Hazzard) and Juliette Lewis (Cold Creek Manor, Starsky young John (Schroder) leaves his comfortable life to venture E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 & Hutch) in a hilarious cast! Daltry Calhoun (Knoxville) is a into the snow-covered wild, he finds solace in the lawless 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108751 wildly eccentric dreamer whose grass seed business has environment of the Yukon gold rush through his friendship helped build up tiny Ducktown, Tennessee. But just as this with a wise Native American and a loyal four-legged local hero gets rolling on his riskiest and most grandiose plan companion. Filled with countless adventures, Call of the Wild Cool And The Crazy ever, Daltry’s past catches up with him in the form of a is a wonderful lesson in life’s true riches. precocious teenage daughter (Sophie Traub) he’s never Jared Leto, Alicia Silverstone known! Also starring David Koechner (The Dukes Of Adventure, Drama, Family 97min. Young... Beautiful... Deadly.. Screen stars Alicia Silverstone Hazzard) and Elizabeth Banks (Seabiscuit). Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.03.2012 (Blast from the Past, Batman & Robin) and Jared Leto (Panic Room, Fight Club, The Thin Red Line) take love to the limit in Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109141 this hot-blooded thriller! Married just out of high school and 2005 93min. eager to experience life as adults, Roslyn (Silverstone) and Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Classic Cinema (Collectible Tin) Michael (Leto) soon discover that family life isn’t all that it seemed. Roslyn then gets led astray by her rebellious best 08.05.2012 Elizabeth Taylor, David Niven, Irene Dunne, friend (Jennifer Blanc - TV’s Dark Angel) who’s fed up with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108902 Charles Boyer her own life and believes that good times can only be found 6 Great cinemas!. This collector’s tin features six cinema with bad boys. That’s when things really heat up. From the A Dangerous Method greats on two DVDs with an all-star cast including Elizabeth director of Cool World and J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Taylor, David Niven, Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer, and more! Rings, and a producer of The 13th Warrior and Darkness , Keira Knightley, Michael Romance, Collections, Comedy, Drama Falls - you’re in for a wildly entertaining treat! Fassbender, Sarah Gadon, Vincent Cassel, Thrillers, Action, Drama, Historical / Period 1954 FF S 616min. Andre Hennicke Piece 2003 min. Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Based on the true story of Jung, Freud and the patient who Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108843 came between them.. From acclaimed director David 29.05.2012 Cronenberg (A History of Violence) comes a dark tale of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108921 sexual and intellectual discovery, featuring two of the greatest Classic Comedy (Collectible Tin) minds of the 20th century. Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender, Shame) has just begun his psychiatric career, having been Cary Grant, Kirk Douglas, Audrey Hepburn, A Cool Dry Place inspired by the great Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen, The Carol Lombarde Lord of the Rings trilogy). When a mysterious and beautiful 6 Hilarious comedies!. This collector’s tin features six , , Monica woman (Keira Knightley, Atonement) goes under Jung’s care, hilarious comedies on two DVDs, with all-star casts including Potter Jung finds himself crossing the line of the doctor/patient Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Kirk Douglas, Carole Lombar- Handsome attorney (Vince Vaughn) is caught in the middle of relationship, causing great conflict with his mentor and de, and more! a romantic triangle, is forced to choose between his estranged making Jung question his own morality in . Mystery, Romance, Collections, Comedy, wife (Monica Potter) and his sexy young girlfriend (Joey Thrillers, Biography, Drama, Mental Illness Drama 1963 FF 16x9 S 532min. Lauren Adams). 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 99min. Romance, Drama 1998 98min. Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108847 27.03.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109120 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108711 Classic Family Adventures Covert Affairs: Season Two Collector’s Set A Dangerous Method (Blu-ray) Runaway hit original series, Covert Affairs, stars Golden Viggo Mortensen, Keira Knightley, Michael Adventure, Boxed Sets, Family 435min. Globe®-nominated Piper Perabo as Annie Walker, a young Fassbender, Sarah Gadon, Vincent Cassel, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment CIA operative whose exceptional linguistic skills and spot on instincts make her invaluable to the Agency. In season two, Andre Hennicke 07.09.2010 Annie’s personal and professional lives crash into one Based on the true story of Jung, Freud and the patient who 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108810 another, and the balance of her relationships are forever came between them.. From acclaimed director David changed. The series also stars Christopher Gorham, Sendhil Cronenberg (A History of Violence) comes a dark tale of Ramamurthy, Anne Dudek, Kari Matchett and Peter Gallagher. sexual and intellectual discovery, featuring two of the greatest Contraband Watch all sixteen suspenseful and dynamic episodes minds of the 20th century. Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender, , Kate Beckinsale, Giovanni uninterrupted, coming from the producer of The Bourne Shame) has just begun his psychiatric career, having been Trilogy. inspired by the great Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen, The Ribisi Thrillers, USA Network, Action, Drama, Lord of the Rings trilogy). When a mysterious and beautiful Mark Wahlberg stars as legendary smuggler Chris Farraday, Independent Women, Mystery min. woman (Keira Knightley, Atonement) goes under Jung’s care, who has left his criminal past behind to be with his wife (Kate Jung finds himself crossing the line of the doctor/patient Beckinsale) and sons. When a ruthless drug kingpin Universal Studios 01.05.2012 relationship, causing great conflict with his mentor and (Giovanni Ribisi) threatens his family, Farraday must summon 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108989 making Jung question his own morality in the process. his old skills and contacts for one last run. Contraband takes you to the cutthroat underground world of international Drama, Mental Illness, Biography, Thrillers smuggling, and on a thrilling adventure that critics are calling Cuando Me Enamoro 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 99min. „dynamic, intense and gritty!“ Mark S Allen, CBS/CW-TV Silvia Navarro, Julieta Rosen Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Sacramento). 27.03.2012 Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 2012 Drama, Foreign, Mexican min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108732 110min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 01.05.2012 Universal Studios 24.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109145 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109080 Dark Night Of The Scarecrow Cypher Charles Durning, Robert F. Lyons A self-serving vigilante pays dearly for his crimes in this Contraband (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- Jeremy Northam, Lucy Liu thriller about bigotry, hatred, and vengeance. Four men murder gital Copy + Ultra Violet) (Blu- Trust No One. A pulse-pounding cyber thriller starring a good-natured retarded man who they mistakenly believe to Jeremy Northam (Gosford Park, Emma) and Lucy Liu (Kill Bill be responsible for a sexual attack on a young woman. ray) Vol. 1, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle), Cypher is sure to entertain you! When computer expert Morgan Sullivan Mystery, Vigilante Justice, Horror 1981 min. Mark Wahlberg, Kate Beckinsale, Giovanni (Northam) joins a huge multinational company, he assumes a VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 28.09.2010 Ribisi new identity and is sent undercover to investigate corporate 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108972 Mark Wahlberg stars as legendary smuggler Chris Farraday, espionage. Before long, he finds himself caught up in a who has left his criminal past behind to be with his wife (Kate vicious cycle of paranoia and mistrust. Then along comes Rita Beckinsale) and sons. When a ruthless drug kingpin (Liu), a sexy and smart secret agent who informs Sullivan that Dark Night Of The Scarecrow (Giovanni Ribisi) threatens his family, Farraday must summon he’s being brainwashed and that she is the only one who can (Blu-ray) his old skills and contacts for one last run. Contraband takes help him! Loaded with riveting twists and amazing special you to the cutthroat underground world of international effects...you’re sure to applaud this fast-paced thriller! Charles Durning, Robert F. Lyons smuggling, and on a thrilling adventure that critics are calling Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2002 A self-serving vigilante pays dearly for his crimes in this „dynamic, intense and gritty!“ Mark S Allen, CBS/CW-TV min. thriller about bigotry, hatred, and vengeance. Four men murder (Sacramento). Echo Bridge Home Entertainment a good-natured retarded man who they mistakenly believe to Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Action 2012 min. be responsible for a sexual attack on a young woman. 08.05.2012 Universal Studios 24.04.2012 Horror, Mystery, Vigilante Justice 1981 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108900 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109101 VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 11.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108984 Contradictions Of The Heart Daltry Calhoun Johnny Knoxville, Juliette Lewis, Elizabeth Vanessa Williams, Wendy Raquel Dark Tide Banks, Sophie Traub, David Koechner, Kick Robinson, Clifton Powell, Lisa Raye Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez, Ralph Brown Gurry In Shark Alley, courage runs deep.. Kate (Halle Berry) is a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA shark expert whose business has been failing since a shark secretly joins the elite „Madame Machiko Society Club“ to Grey, January Jones, Cynthia Rhodes, Sela attack killed a fellow diver under her command. Once dubbed experiment with discrete sex games and the thrill of making „the shark whisperer,“ Kate is haunted by the memory of the love to anonymous men. The sexual perversion and sick Ward, Romola Garai, Mika Boorem, Kelly attack and unable to into the water. With bills piling depravity she is subjected to, by her clients, is much more Bishop, Mya Harrison, Jerry Orbach, Jack up and the bank about to foreclose on Kate’s boat, Kate’s old than she bargained for. Bondage, beads and whips are only Weston, John Slattery, Jonathan Jackson, flame Jeff (Olivier Martinez) presents her with a lucrative the beginning! Can she escape this secret life she has opportunity: lead a t hrill-seeking millionaire businessman on chosen, or will it destroy her forever? Diego Luna, Lonny Price a dangerous shark dive... outside the cage. Battling her self- Pink Film, Drama, Erotica 70min. Dirty Dancing. In the summer of 1963, innocent 17-year-old doubts and fear, Kate accepts the proposal — and sets a Baby (Grey) vacations with her parents at a Catskill’s resort. course for the world’s deadliest feeding ground: Shark Alley. Impulse Pictures 10.04.2012 One evening, she is drawn to the staff quarters by stirring 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108712 music. There she meets Johnny, the hotel dance instructor, Sharks, Thrillers, Adventure, Drama, High who is as experienced as Baby is naive. Baby soon becomes Seas 2012 Ltbx DD 5.1 114min. Johnny’s pupil in dance and love. Dirty Dancing: Havana Lionsgate 24.04.2012 Degrassi: Season 11, Part 1 Nights. On the eve of Cuba’s revolution, a young American woman discovers a passion for dance and for her sultry 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109053 Drama, Family, Friendships, High School Cuban partner, Javier. As the two prepare to take their place 727min. in the prestigious national dance competition, their bodies Dark Tide (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment align in a sensual harmony that mirrors the growing bond between them. They dominate the dance floor with a sizzling Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez, Ralph Brown 29.05.2012 style and rhythm all their own. In Shark Alley, courage runs deep.. Kate (Halle Berry) is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108925 Dancing, Double Features, Drama, shark expert whose business has been failing since a shark attack killed a fellow diver under her command. Once dubbed Romance Ltbx DD 5.1 191min. „the shark whisperer,“ Kate is haunted by the memory of the Descendents Lionsgate 08.05.2012 attack and unable to get back into the water. With bills piling In an unknown future, the earth has been destroyed by man, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109047 up and the bank about to foreclose on Kate’s boat, Kate’s old and the air polluted with a mysterious virus that turns humans flame Jeff (Olivier Martinez) presents her with a lucrative into zombies. Only a few children are immune to the disease. opportunity: lead a t hrill-seeking millionaire businessman on Camille, a nine-year-old girl, wanders through these Dirty Sexy Money: The Complete a dangerous shark dive... outside the cage. Battling her self- desolated wastelands, protecting herself from zombies and doubts and fear, Kate accepts the proposal — and sets a armed military forces that roam the land killing anyone in And Final Second Season course for the world’s deadliest feeding ground: Shark Alley. sight. As she makes her escape to the ocean, deemed a place Lucy Liu, Sheryl Lee, Jill Clayburgh, Zoe Drama, High Seas, Adventure, Sharks, of safety, she will do whatever it takes to survive and be McLellan, Natalie Zea, Laura Margolis, Thrillers 2012 Ltbx DTS 114min. among other Descendents. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Zombies, Candis Cayne, Donald Sutherland, Blair Lionsgate 24.04.2012 Apocalyptic Future, Chilean, Foreign, Hor- Underwood, William Baldwin, Peter Krause, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109065 ror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 75min. Samaire Armstrong, Glenn Fitzgerald, Seth Lionsgate 15.05.2012 Gabel The Darkest Hour (3D Blu-ray) Get down and dirty with the deliciously scandalous second 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109058 season of Dirty Sexy Money. TV’s most manipulative family (Blu-ray) takes drama to new heights in a year filled with deception, A Sci-fi thriller featuring mind-blowing special effects from Diamonds suspense and even murder. Money has met its match in the the minds of visionary filmmaker Timur Bekmambetov Darlings - they use it and abuse it. But will the family’s stash (Wanted) and director Chris Gorak (Art Director Fight Club, Kirk Douglas, Dan Aykroyd, Lauren Bacall, of cash be enough to bail them out of a whole new world of Minority Report),The Darkest Hour is the story of five young Jenny McCarthy, Kurt Fuller, Corbin Allred trouble? And will the lure of riches and power pull Nick people who find themselves stranded in Moscow, fighting to Hilarious!“ -Westwood One. This funny and touching comedy toward the dark side of the Darling Empire? survive in the wake of a devastating alien attack. hit features Kirk Douglas (Oscar, Greedy) and Dan Aykroyd ABC, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Science Fiction, Thrillers, 3D min. ( Brothers 2000, Ghostbusters) in a shining cast of Lawyers / Legal Issues, 2008 Summit Entertainment 10.04.2012 great stars! Harry Agensky (Douglas) is a feisty ex- champ who shows that he still has some punch left when he Ltbx DD 5.1 560min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109060 talks his son (Aykroyd) and grandson into taking a road trip Lionsgate 01.05.2012 from to Reno, Nevada! There, the trio take up the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108716 Deadland search for 13 missing diamonds that Harry was promised for throwing a fight years ago! With sexy Jenny McCarthy William Katt, Cullen Douglas, Gary Weeks, (Scream 3, BASEketball) and the legendary Lauren Bacall Dirty Sexy Money: The Complete Brian Tee, Chad Mathews, Harrison Page, (The Mirror Has Two Faces) adding to the already high- spirited hilarity, don’t miss your chance to come along for this First Season - Exposed Philip Boyd trio’s wild comedy adventure! The beginning of the end.. World War III’s nuclear strikes on Lucy Liu, Sheryl Lee, Jill Clayburgh, Zoe the U.S. have set the nation back 200 years; money holds no Mystery, Comedy 1999 min. McLellan, Natalie Zea, Laura Margolis, worth, food is impossible to find, and hope is all but lost when Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Candis Cayne, Donald Sutherland, Blair every survivor of the war is infected by a fatal nuclear 08.05.2012 plague. Deadland is a postapocalyptic tale of an ordinary man, Underwood, William Baldwin, Peter Krause, Sean Kalos, driven on only one purpose: to find his missing 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108899 Samaire Armstrong, Glenn Fitzgerald, Seth wife in the new United Provinces. What was designed to be Gabel the new rebirth has become martial-law, and the Officers of Die! Die! My Darling! Keeping America’s richest family out of trouble, out of jail, out the Province wield their power with cruelty. When Sean of the headlines and out of his personal life may be more than crosses them, he finds himself in the middle of a personal war, Stefanie Powers, Yootha Joyce, Tallulah lawyer Nick George bargained for when he became entangled and his search for his wife dominoes into what could be the Bankhead, Donald Sutherland, Peter in the lives of the Darlings. Don’t let their last name fool you - revolution the survivors have been waiting for. Vaughan, Maurice Kaufman this family gives new meaning to the phrase „filthy rich“! The Nuclear , Science Fiction, Thril- This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Darlings of New York are raising the bar on paternity suits, lers, War, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Dra- a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. illicit affairs, divorces, ex travagant parties and outlandish ma 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 107min. Directed by Silvio Narizzano (Georgy Girl, Loot) and spending. Their parade of strange bedfellows and political produced by Hammer Films, the infamous British studio known power plays has this once respectable, civic-minded lawyer Phase 4 Films 24.04.2012 for Gothic horror classics, Die! Die! My Darling! stars the up to his neck in scandal and Dirty Sexy Money. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108860 legendary Tallulah Bankhead (Lifeboat, TV’s Batman) in her ABC, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, final film performance. She plays the psychotic Mrs. Trefoile, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Soap Opera 2007 a demented mother who terrorizes and imprisons her dead Death Stop Holocaust (Blu-ray) son’s fiancée Pat (Stefanie Powers, TV’s , Ltbx DD 5.1 427min. They take ‘em & they kill ‘em!. Two college girls, Taylor and Stagecoach) to avenge her son’s tragic death, with the help of Lionsgate 01.05.2012 Elizabeth, travel to a remote island for a vacation getaway. As her bumbling gardener (Donald Sutherland, Invasion of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108715 they drive through the backwoods toward Liz’s father’s lake Body Snatchers, Klute, Don’t Look Now). A domineering house, they begin to feel uneasy about the area. An unmarked religious fanatic, Mrs. Trefoile grows obsessed with her late white van begins to stalk them and a creepy encounter at a son’s spirit, who died several years earlier in an auto wreck. The Divide: Unrated local diner has them on edge. As they get farther away from When her son’s former lover pays an unexpected visit, Mrs. civilization they are run off the road by the mysterious white Trefoile kidnaps the beautiful young woman, holding her Rosanna Arquette, Lauren German, Michael van. Little do they know that this is just the beginning of their hostage in the basement to „cleanse“ her soul, so she can be Biehn, Milo Ventimiglia nightmare journeys to hell as the three masked psychopaths in reunited with her son in heaven. Trapped and tortured, Pat The lucky ones died in the blast.. In this graphic, post- the van decide the girls aren’t welcome. must fight for her life to escape. Die! Die! My Darling! is apocalyptic movie, nine strangers escape a nuclear attack by Horror, Action, Thrillers, Torture 2009 Religion/Spirituality, Revenge, Thrillers, hiding out in their building’s basement. Trapped for days underground with no hope for rescue, and only unspeakable 80min. British, Foreign, Horror, Mental Illness 1965 horrors awaiting them outside, the group begins to descend Allegro Entertainment 10.04.2012 Ltbx 16x9 M 96min. into madness, each turning on one another with physical and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109099 SPHE MOD 03.04.2012 psychological torment. As supplies dwindle, tensions flare, and they grow increasingly unhinged by their close quarters 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109108 and hopelessness, each act against one another becomes Debauchery more depraved than the previous. While everyone in the The sexy Ryoko Watanabe stars as Ami, a jaded housewife Dirty Dancing Collection (Blu-ray) bunker allows themselves to lose their humanity, one survivor who pitches herself, body and soul, into the decadence holds onto a thin chance for escape even with no promise of of the decade in an attempt to pep up her marriage. She Patrick Swayze, Wayne Knight, Jennifer salvation on the outside.

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Science Fiction, Thrillers, Apocalyptic urgent search across the city for the lock it will open. A year after his father died in the World Trade Center on what Oskar Future, Horror 2011 121min. Domain calls „The Worst Day,“ he is determined to keep his vital Starz / Anchor Bay 17.04.2012 Beatrice Dalle connection to the man who playfully cajoled him into 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108827 On the threshold of adulthood, 17-year-old Pierre becomes confronting his wildest fears. Now, as Oskar crosses the five obsessed with his aunt Nadia (Beatrice Dalle, Betty Blue and New York boroughs in quest of the missing lock - Trouble Every Day). A flamboyant mathematician whose encountering an eclectic assortment of people who are each The Divide: Unrated (Blu-ray) intellect clashes with her alcoholism and fatalistic view of survivors in their own way - he begins to uncover unseen Rosanna Arquette, Lauren German, Michael life, Nadia is on a path to self-destruction. As Pierre discover links to the father he misses, to the mother who seems so far his budding sexuality, he attempts to rescue his beloved aunt away from him and to the whole noisy, dangerous, Biehn, Milo Ventimiglia from herself. Domain is a dark, sexy mediation on the discombobulating world around him. The lucky ones died in the blast.. In this graphic, post- intersection of two lives with very different trajectories. Tragedies, 9/11, Drama 2011 129min. apocalyptic movie, nine strangers escape a nuclear attack by Featuring intelligent discourse and Hitchcockian references, Warner Bros. 27.03.2012 hiding out in their building’s basement. Trapped for days filmmaker John Waters declared „you’ll be left breathless by underground with no hope for rescue, and only unspeakable the sheer elegance of this astonishing workout.“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109106 horrors awaiting them outside, the group begins to descend into madness, each turning on one another with physical and Drama, Foreign, French 2009 110min. psychological torment. As supplies dwindle, tensions flare, Strand Releasing 17.04.2012 Extremely Loud & Incredibly and they grow increasingly unhinged by their close quarters 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108720 Close (Blu-ray) and hopelessness, each act against one another becomes more depraved than the previous. While everyone in the Sandra Bullock, Zoe Caldwell, Tom Hanks, bunker allows themselves to lose their humanity, one survivor Downton Abbey: Season 2 Thomas Horn holds onto a thin chance for escape even with no promise of British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Adapted from the acclaimed bestseller by Jonathan Safran salvation on the outside. Foer, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is a story that Horror, Apocalyptic Future, Science Fiction, Piece, PBS 2011 min. unfolds from inside the young mind of Oskar Schell, an Thrillers 2011 121min. PBS Home Video 07.02.2012 inventive eleven year-old New Yorker whose discovery of a 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108745 key in his deceased father’s belongings sets him off on an Starz / Anchor Bay 17.04.2012 urgent search across the city for the lock it will open. A year 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108888 after his father died in the World Trade Center on what Oskar Downton Abbey: Season 2 (Blu- calls „The Worst Day,“ he is determined to keep his vital connection to the man who playfully cajoled him into Doctor Who: Dragonfire ray) confronting his wildest fears. Now, as Oskar crosses the five Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Bonnie British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period New York boroughs in quest of the missing lock - encountering an eclectic assortment of people who are each Langford Piece, PBS 2011 min. survivors in their own way - he begins to uncover unseen At the Iceworld Space Trading Colony on Svartos, the Doctor PBS Home Video 07.02.2012 links to the father he misses, to the mother who seems so far and Mel unexpectedly encounter an old ‘friend.’ The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108798 away from him and to the whole noisy, dangerous, penniless and desperate Sabalom Glitz has only one option to discombobulating world around him. leave Svartos: find the fabled ‘Dragonfire’ treasure concealed Drama, 9/11, Tragedies 2011 min. somewhere in the depths of the planet. Joined by Ace, a Dressed To Kill teenage waitress with a love for explosives, the group Warner Bros. 27.03.2012 ventures off to uncover lost riches, not knowing that Kane, Basil Rathbone, Patricia Morison, Nigel 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109134 Iceworld’s ruthlessly intimidating overlord, will gladly murder Bruce, Edmund Breon, Frederick , them all to gain possession of the Dragonfire himself. Before Carl Harbord long the Doctor finds himself playing a deadly game of cat and Fantasy Island: The Second mouse with Kane’s mercenaries, descending through the ice Classic Sherlock Holmes starring Basil Rathbone. A caverns ever closer towards the deadly gaze of the monstrous convicted thief in Dartmoor prison hides the location of the Season dragon that lurks below. stolen Bank Of England printing plates inside three music boxes. When the innocent purchasers of the boxes started to Don Knotts, Sandra Dee, Juliet Mills, Leslie Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, be murdered, Holmes and Watson investigate. Nielsen, Ricardo Montalban, Bill Bixby, Ray Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock Bolger, Herve Villechaize Fiction 1987 100min. Holmes, Classics 1946 72min. A mysterious, elegant man named Mr. Roarke (Ricardo BBC Home Video 08.05.2012 Montalban) and his charming, pint-sized sidekick (Herve Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Villechaize) make the fantasies of paying customers come true 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108940 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108755 on a Pacific island paradise in this hugely popular show that lasted for seven powerhouse seasons. Doctor Who: Nightmare Of Eden eXistenZ / B.Monkey / Malevolent Adventure, Drama, Fantasy min. Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, Lewis Fiander, Da- Shout Factory 08.05.2012 (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109153 vid Daker Exciting stars Jennifer Jason Leigh (The Machinist), Jude Two spacecraft fuse in a hyperspace collision. Fortunately Law (Repo Man), Willem Dafoe (Daybreakers) and Sarah the Doctor, Romana and K-9 arrive to help. But when a Polley (Splice) challenge the boundaries of reality in this Fast Forward crewmember is found clawed by a ferocious animal, it seems futuristic, critically acclaimed adventure thriller. During the there’s something even more frightening stalking the first closed-door demonstration of an amazing new virtual Constance Towers, Karen Kopins, corridors. The answers lie with zoologist Professor Tryst, his reality game called eXistenZ, the system’s brilliant designer, Gretchen Palmer, Sam McMurray, Michael CET protection machine, and a planet called Eden - the home Allegra Geller (Leigh), is violently attacked by a crazed of the ferocious Mandrels. DeLorenzo, Robert DoQui, Don Franklin assassin intent on killing her and destroying her creation. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Forced to flee into hiding, Allegra enlists a young assistant a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science (Law) to help her in testing the damaged system...by Fast moves, hot sounds, big dreams... Fast Forward follows Fiction 1979 100min. convincing him to join her inside eXistenZ. The action then eight talented teenagers from a small town to explodes as their world’s real-life dangers begin to merge for a one-in-a-million shot at stardom in a national dance BBC Home Video 08.05.2012 with the fantasy of the game. Hot leading man Rupert Everett competition. Their high-powered energy is captured by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108939 (An Ideal Husband, My Best Friend’s Wedding) stars in a director in some of the most dazzling dance sexy thriller that’s all about jealousy, passion, revenge...and sequences ever filmed. From the fast-moving rhythms of a woman compelled to live her life on the edge! Tired of contemporary street dancing, to jazz and classical ballet, they Doctor Who: The Happiness criminal activity, a wild and beautiful thief named B. (Asia strut their stuff through exhausting rehearsals and numerous Patrol Argento — Queen Margot) begins to seek a way out of her auditions. In the process, the teenagers get a crash course in dangerous profession. While trying to kick her add self-sufficiency in a city that challenges them to survive, Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Tim Romance, Science Fiction, Serial Killers, compete and grow. The odds are against them, but they put it Barker Thrillers, Triple Feature, Crime, Drama, all on the line to make their dreams come true. On the planet Terra Alpha, bright fluorescent lights and garish Femme Fatales, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Musical, Ballet, Dancing, Drama, Jazz 1985 candy-striped colors abound. The population constantly Ltbx 16x9 S 110min. displays happy smiles. There’s no sadness on Terra Alpha. Action, Adventure min. Anyone feeling remotely glum disappears. Quickly. Having Echo Bridge Home Entertainment SPHE MOD 03.04.2012 heard disturbing rumors, the Doctor and Ace arrive to topple 01.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109109 the entire regime overnight. But they haven’t reckoned upon the varied punitive measures enforced by colony leader Helen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108976 A. There are many delicious ways in which to vanish on Terra Father Of The Bride: 20th Alpha: you can be hunted down by the omnipresent Happiness Extremely Loud & Incredibly Anniversary Edition - 2 Movie Patrol or mauled by Helen A’s ravenous pet Fifi. But those especially unlucky few will find themselves entertained in the Close Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) sweetie factory manned by Helen A’s psychotic henchman... the Kandy Man. This time, Happiness will prevail. Sandra Bullock, Zoe Caldwell, Tom Hanks, (Blu-ray) Time Travel, BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Thomas Horn Steve Martin, Diane Keaton, Martin Short, Adapted from the acclaimed bestseller by Jonathan Safran Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Mon- Foer, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is a story that Nancy Meyers, Carol Baum, Howard sters, Science Fiction 1988 100min. unfolds from inside the young mind of Oskar Schell, an Rosenman, Charles Shyer BBC Home Video 08.05.2012 inventive eleven year-old New Yorker whose discovery of a Includes: Father of the Bride. Father Of The Bride II. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108942 key in his deceased father’s belongings sets him off on an Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Family,

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Romance min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108806 James Brolin, Robert Knepper, David Disney / Buena Vista 15.05.2012 Lansbury 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109067 The First Beautiful Thing (Blu- This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. ray) Love and sex complicate the lives of Nora Evans (Brooke Felicity: The Complete First Adams) and her two teenage daughters in this smart, sassy , Valerio Mastandrea film about coming of age in a small New town. Season Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian 2010 min. Seventeen-year-old Trudi Evans (Ione Skye) is beautiful, Keri Russell, Amy Jo Johnson, Tangi Miller, Tartan Video 24.04.2012 rebellious and very promiscuous - much to the dismay of her mother. Her younger sister Shade fantasizes about love while Amanda Foreman, Scott Speedman, Greg 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108803 watching afternoon movie matinees. And Nora auditions a Grunberg, Scott Foley, Rob Benedict, Ian colorful cast of suitors while waiting tables in the local diner. Gomez Flashpoint: The Fourth Season Life takes a wild turn when Trudi announces she’s pregnant - Starring Golden Globe Award®-winning actress Keri Russell and the father of her baby mysteriously disappears. The girls’ and today’s hottest young stars, Felicity introduces us to a Enrico Colantoni, Hugh Dillon, David long lost father (James Brolin) appears out of nowhere, wide-eyed college freshman and the most exhilarating journey Paetkau, Michael Cram hoping to make up for lost time. Shaping their lives in of all - self discovery. From co-creators and executive Thrillers, Action, Canadian, CBS, Cops, unpredictable ways, each new change teaches Nora and her producers J.J. Abrams (Alias) and Matt Reeves, along with daughters about love, life and each other. executive producers Brian Grazer, Ron Howard and Tony Crime, Drama, Foreign, International TV Romance, Drama, Family 1992 Ltbx 16x9 S Krantz, comes Felicity, which explores the excitement and 2011 559min. 101min. uncertainty of living in New York City - a setting where Paramount Pictures 15.05.2012 SPHE MOD 03.04.2012 anything goes and anything can happen. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109087 College Life, Drama, Friendships, Romance 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109114 1998 FF DD 5.1 901min. Lionsgate 01.05.2012 For The Boys (Repackage) The Geisha Boy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108717 Bette Midler, James Caan, George Segal, Jerry Lewis Michael Greene, Christopher Rydell Pleshette’s film debut was in this Lewis comedy about a Bette Midler gives the brassiest, sassiest performance of her clumsy magician who signs up for a USO tour of Japan and Felicity: The Complete Second career as Dixie Leonard... a USO singer whose electrifying Korea. He befriends a shy Japanese boy and falls in love with Season stage presence, and flair for outrageous comedy, captivates his mother. Lewis fans will enjoy the sight gags and the well- troops and civilians alike. Teamed up with America’s beloved known appearance by the Los Angeles Dodgers. Keri Russell, Amy Jo Johnson, Tangi Miller, song and dance man, Eddie Sparks (James Caan), the whole Comedy 1958 98min. Amanda Foreman, Scott Speedman, Greg world becomes Dixie’s stage through three very different wars, and 50 years of music and memories, laughter and Olive Films 14.02.2012 Grunberg, Scott Foley, Rob Benedict, Ian tears. All of it... For The Boys. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108960 Gomez Music, Comedy 1991 146min. Nobody ever said following your heart would be easy. Golden Globe® Award winner Keri Russell returns as Felicity, 20th Century Fox 17.04.2001 The Geisha Boy (Blu-ray) America’s favorite coed, for a sophomore year full of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108705 Jerry Lewis surprises. As Felicity bounces back from her beginning-of- Pleshette’s film debut was in this Lewis comedy about a the-year breakup with high school love Ben (Scott The Front Line clumsy magician who signs up for a USO tour of Japan and Speedman), she adopts a new hairdo - and a new perspective Korea. He befriends a shy Japanese boy and falls in love with on life. Changing her major from premed to art, Felicity steps Last Battle of the Korean War. In February 1951, in Korea, his mother. Lewis fans will enjoy the sight gags and the well- out to find herself and kindle new relationships. From while the armistice negotiation still faces difficulties, the known appearance by the Los Angeles Dodgers. mudslinging campus politics to Ben’s end-of-the-season battle continues in the Eastern front line, on the Aero.K. A profession of true love, Felicity Season Two is a whirlwind of company commander of the South Korean army dies in battle, Comedy 1958 98min. passion, heartache and those small decisions that can change and the bullet found in his body belongs to the South Korean Olive Films 14.02.2012 your life forever. army. Lieutenant of the Defense Security Command Kang Eun- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108983 College Life, Drama, Friendships, Romance pyo (Shin Ha-kyun) is sent to the Eastern front line to 1999 FF DD 5.1 986min. investigate if this is related to any collusion with the enemy. In the Aero.k, Eun-pyo meets his old friend, Kim Su-hyeok (Ko Get Over It! Lionsgate 01.05.2012 Soo), whom Eun-pyo thought was dead. Once a soft-hearted Swoosie Kurtz, Martin Short, Kirsten 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108719 student, Su-hyeok has been promoted to a lieutenant from a private in two years, and he is now practically the leader of Dunst, Melissa Sagemiller, , Ed the „Alligator Company.“ In contrast to their fierce reputation, Begley Jr., Colin Hanks, Shane West, Sisqo Female Convict Scorpion (Blu- the Alligators sometimes wear the North Korean army’s Absolutely Hilarious! Kirsten Dunst Brings It On Again!“ - ray) uniform over their uniforms as a protection to cold weather. ABC-TV. Kirsten Dunst (Bring It On), Sisqo and Ben Foster And a twenty-year-old captain leads the troops. All these (TV’s Freaks and Geeks) shine in this hilariously hip Miki Mizuno raise doubts about the Alligators. While Eun-pyo is confused comedy! After Berke (Foster) gets dumped by the hottest girl Foreign, Japanese, Action, Prison, by his old friend and the suspicious c in school, Allison, he’ll do anything to get her back! Against War, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Korean, Revenge 2008 101min. the advice of his buddies Dennis (Sisqo) and Felix (Colin Korean War 2011 Ltbx S 133min. Hanks - That Thing You Do!), Berke desperately follows Allegro Entertainment 10.04.2012 Well Go USA 08.05.2012 Allison into the high school play! But when he’s inept onstage, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109100 Berke gets bailed out by his friend’s little sister (Dunst)... 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108795 who just might be the one to help him get over Allison! Also featuring Martin Short (Father of the Bride) and Shane West Fever Night The Front Line (Blu-ray + DVD (Dracula 2000) - nothing goes as planned in this entertaining Drama, Fantasy, Horror min. treat! Romance, Comedy, High School 2001 min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 08.05.2012 Combo) (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109143 Last Battle of the Korean War. In February 1951, in Korea, while the armistice negotiation still faces difficulties, the 15.05.2012 battle continues in the Eastern front line, on the Aero.K. A 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108914 Fight The Fight company commander of the South Korean army dies in battle, and the bullet found in his body belongs to the South Korean Eric Tsang, Chia Yung Liu, Kane Kosugi, army. Lieutenant of the Defense Security Command Kang Eun- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Chiu Hung pyo (Shin Ha-kyun) is sent to the Eastern front line to Survival Has A Price. Having taken his father’s advice, one investigate if this is related to any collusion with the enemy. In Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig, Christopher man decides to return home in pursuit of a fresh start. While the Aero.k, Eun-pyo meets his old friend, Kim Su-hyeok (Ko Plummer, Joely Richardson, Robin Wright training at his father’s martial arts school, he learns that his Soo), whom Eun-pyo thought was dead. Once a soft-hearted Penn, Geraldine James, Stellan Skarsgard, father has given consent to sell the school to a rival martial student, Su-hyeok has been promoted to a lieutenant from a arts school. In a bold effort to save the school, a challenge to private in two years, and he is now practically the leader of Steven Berkoff, Goran Visnjic, Yorick Van fight is presented to the competitor, winner takes all. As the the „Alligator Company.“ In contrast to their fierce reputation, Wageningen, Donald Sumpter fighting competition commences, only one will walk away the the Alligators sometimes wear the North Korean army’s What is hidden in snow comes forth in the thaw.. Disgraced winner. uniform over their uniforms as a protection to cold weather. journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) accepts an Action, Chinese, Family, Fighting, Foreign, And a twenty-year-old captain leads the troops. All these invitation to surreptitiously investigate a forty year old raise doubts about the Alligators. While Eun-pyo is confused unsolved murder on behalf of the victim’s uncle, Swedish Martial Arts 2011 DD 5.1 92min. by his old friend and the suspicious c industrialist Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer). Lionsgate 01.05.2012 War, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Korean, Meanwhile, tattooed hacker Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108721 Korean War 2011 Ltbx S 133min. hired to investigate Blomkvist, discovers the truth behind the conspiracy that led to his fall from grace. Thrown together by Well Go USA 08.05.2012 fate, the unlikely duo uncovers a secret history of murder and The First Beautiful Thing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108884 sexual abuse festering beneath the veneer of ’s industrial past, all the while drawing closer to a quiet evil Stefania Sandrelli, Valerio Mastandrea waiting to engulf them both. Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Italian 122min. Gas Food Lodging Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Revenge, Tartan Video 24.04.2012 Ione Skye, Brooke Adams, Fairuza Balk, Serial Killers, Thrillers, Crime, Drama,

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Dysfunctional Families 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108802 Shout Factory 15.05.2012 5.1 158min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109154 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment La Haine: The Criterion 20.03.2012 Collection (Blu-ray) Headspace 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108709 Vincent Cassel, Said Taghmaoui, Hubert Udo Kier, Sean Young, Dee Wallace, Olivia Kounde Hussey, William Atherton, Larry Fessenden, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Mathieu Kassovitz (The Crimson Rivers) took the film world Mark Margolis, Christopher Denham, Erick (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- by storm with La haine (Hate), a gritty, unsettling, and Kastel visually explosive look at racial and cultural volatility in When Alex (Christopher Denham, Shutter Island) encounters ray) modern-day France, specifically the low-income banlieues on a mysterious stranger, he begins to get smarter each day. It’s Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig, Christopher Paris’s outskirts. Aimlessly passing their days in the not long before he realizes that his new intellect comes with concrete environs of their dead-end suburbia, Vinz deadly side effects. Headaches and visions plague him at Plummer, Joely Richardson, Robin Wright (Irreversible’s Vincent Cassel), Hubert (The Constant every step. Soon, savage unexplainable murders are linked to Penn, Geraldine James, Stellan Skarsgard, Gardener’s Hubert Kounde), and Saïd (Said Taghmaoui) - him. Now, it’s a race against time as Alex discovers that the Steven Berkoff, Goran Visnjic, Yorick Van white, black, and Arab-give human faces to France’s source of this evil may not be human and the key to this immigrant and otherwise marginalized populations, their mystery may be in his own past. His journey in this Wageningen, Donald Sumpter resentment at their situation simmering until it reaches a psychological horror is aided by: Olivia Hussey (Stephen What is hidden in snow comes forth in the thaw.. Disgraced boiling point. A work of tough beauty, La Haine is a landmark King’s IT), Dee Wallace Stone (Cujo), Udo Kier (Blade), journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) accepts an of contemporary French cinema and a gripping reflection of its Sean Young (Blade Runner), William Atherton invitation to surreptitiously investigate a forty year old country’s ongoing identity crisis. (Ghostbusters), Mark Margolis (Black Swan), Paul Sparks unsolved murder on behalf of the victim’s uncle, Swedish Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, (HBO’s ), and Pollyanna McIntosh (The industrialist Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer). Woman). Meanwhile, tattooed hacker Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), French, Art House 1995 97min. hired to investigate Blomkvist, discovers the truth behind the Criterion 08.05.2012 Mystery, Horror 2005 min. conspiracy that led to his fall from grace. Thrown together by 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109028 Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 fate, the unlikely duo uncovers a secret history of murder and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108765 sexual abuse festering beneath the veneer of Sweden’s industrial past, all the while drawing closer to a quiet evil Haywire waiting to engulf them both. Ewan McGregor, Channing Tatum, Antonio Headspace (Blu-ray) Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Banderas, Michael Douglas, Michael Udo Kier, Sean Young, Dee Wallace, Olivia Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Revenge, Angarano, Michael Fassbender, Aaron Hussey, William Atherton, Larry Fessenden, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD Cohen, Eddie J. Fernandez Mark Margolis, Christopher Denham, Erick 5.1 159min. Directed by Oscar®-winner Steven Soderbergh (Contagion), Kastel Sony Pictures Home Entertainment this dynamic action-thriller introduces mixed martial arts When Alex (Christopher Denham, Shutter Island) encounters 20.03.2012 (MMA) superstar Gina Carano as Mallory Kane, a black-ops a mysterious stranger, he begins to get smarter each day. It’s agent for a government security contractor. After freeing a not long before he realizes that his new intellect comes with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108731 Chinese journalist held hostage, Mallory is double-crossed deadly side effects. Headaches and visions plague him at and left for dead - by someone in her own agency. Suddenly every step. Soon, savage unexplainable murders are linked to The Glass Shield the target of assassins who know her every move, Mallory him. Now, it’s a race against time as Alex discovers that the unleashes the fury of her fighting skills to uncover the truth source of this evil may not be human and the key to this , Elliott Gould, Lori Petty, Natalija and turn the tables on her ruthless adversary. Featuring mystery may be in his own past. His journey in this Nogulich, Michael Ironside, M. Emmet Carano performing her own high-adrenaline stunts and an all- psychological horror is aided by: Olivia Hussey (Stephen star cast including Michael Fassbender, Ewan McGregor, King’s IT), Dee Wallace Stone (Cujo), Udo Kier (Blade), Walsh, Richard Anderson, Bernie Casey, Bill Paxton, Channing Tatum, Antonio Banderas and Michael Sean Young (Blade Runner), William Atherton Michael Boatman, Don Harvey, Gary Wood Douglas, Haywire is explosive movie entertainment. (Ghostbusters), Mark Margolis (Black Swan), Paul Sparks In a world filled with violence… his only weapon is the truth!. Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Martial (HBO’s Boardwalk Empire), and Pollyanna McIntosh (The In this powerful action thriller, an ambitious rookie cop and Arts 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 93min. Woman). his station’s only female deputy (Lori Petty - A League of Horror, Mystery 2005 min. Lionsgate 01.05.2012 Their Own) uncover widespread corruption and conspiracy Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 when they realize that an innocent man (Ice Cube - Three 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109040 Kings) has been jailed for a shocking murder! Suddenly, these 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108799 two outsiders are forced to make an impossible choice: fit into an unjust system by breaking the law they’re sworn to Haywire (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) uphold... or break the unwritten code of silence that could be Hell At My Heels their only protection! From acclaimed director Charles Burnett (Blu-ray) Ian Quick (To Sleep with Anger), The Glass Shield combines non-stop Ewan McGregor, Channing Tatum, Antonio Two men are bound together and left to die in the unforgiving suspense with an explosive story - to keep you riveted to the Banderas, Michael Douglas, Michael heat of the desert. With revenge on their minds, they are edge of your seat! forced to overcome the elements so that they can kill the man Action, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama Angarano, Michael Fassbender, Aaron that left them do die. 1994 115min. Cohen, Eddie J. Fernandez Western, Action, Adventure 90min. Directed by Oscar®-winner Steven Soderbergh (Contagion), Echo Bridge Home Entertainment this dynamic action-thriller introduces mixed martial arts Gaiam Americas 01.05.2012 15.05.2012 (MMA) superstar Gina Carano as Mallory Kane, a black-ops 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108869 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108904 agent for a government security contractor. After freeing a Chinese journalist held hostage, Mallory is double-crossed and left for dead - by someone in her own agency. Suddenly The Goodnight For Justice: The the target of assassins who know her every move, Mallory Dee Duffy, Sharyn Kinzie, Ross Hagen Measure Of A Man unleashes the fury of her fighting skills to uncover the truth A battle weary soldier comes back from the war and goes and turn the tables on her ruthless adversary. Featuring undercover to avenge the death of his cop brother. His link to Luke Perry, Stefanie Von Pfetten, Michael Carano performing her own high-adrenaline stunts and an all- the murder is the fiancée of his brother, who wants vengeance Teigen star cast including Michael Fassbender, Ewan McGregor, too, and knows he was an infiltrated cop with a scum drug- Bill Paxton, Channing Tatum, Antonio Banderas and Michael dealing biker gang, The Hell cats, who are employed by the Luke Perry returns to the lawless frontier, starring as Circuit Douglas, Haywire is explosive movie entertainment. Judge John Goodnight, a man hell-bent on seeing justice mob to move drugs from Mexico to the USA. The two would-be served. Traveling alone through the Western Territories, Crime, Martial Arts, Action, Revenge, Thril- avengers infiltrate the Hellcats, the girl is abducted, and now Goodnight finds himself reunited with the beautiful Callie lers 2011 Ltbx DTS 93min. it’s the retired soldier against all the bad guys with guns Bluepoint (Stefanie von Pfetten) in a dusty town terrorized by Lionsgate 01.05.2012 blazing. Thrillers, Classics, Crime 1968 90min. Deke Spradling and his gang of outlaws. When Callie reveals 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109046 a long-kept secret about one of the bandits, Goodnight faces a Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 crisis of conscience and becomes more determined than ever 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108753 to put the Spradling gang behind bars and set the record Hazel: The Complete Third straight. As seen on Hallmark Movie Channel. TV Movies, Western, Drama 2011 87min. Season Hell’s Heroes / Three Godfathers E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 Shirley Booth, Don Defore, Whitney Blake (Double Features) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109041 Long before wisecracking maids Alice (Brady Bunch), Florida (Good Times) or Florence (The Jeffersons) there was Hazel! Charles Bickford, Raymond Hatton, Fred Based on Saturday Evening Post cartoons, this popular TV Kohler Gruppo Di Famiglia In Un Interno series centers around Hazel (Shirley Booth), a take-charge Western fans have saddled up often with these desperados. (Conversation Piece) (Blu-ray) maid who works for the Baxter family. George Baxter (Don At least 5 versions - tales of grim men sacrificing their own Defore) is the head of the family which consists of his wife, well-being for the safety of an infant they find while on the lam , Burt Lancaster, Helmut Dorothy and their son, Harold. Its very clear that Hazel runs from a bank heist - have come to the screen. The gritty Hell’s Berger the household and often preempts George’s authority in very Heroes (with Charles Bickford, Raymond Hatton and Fred amusing ways. Kohler, directed by William Wyler), says Leonard Maltin’s Romance, Drama, Foreign, Italian 1974 min. Based On A Comic Strip, Classics, Comedy, Classic Movie Guide, „is probably the most satisfying and E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 Drama, Family, On The Job 704min. certainly the least sentimental“ of the versions. Three

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Godfathers (with Chester Morris, Walter Brennan and Lewis In The Land Of Blood And Honey for Beginners is a warm and playful story about seven perfect Stone, directed by Richard Boleslawski) adds touches of strangers and the shared journey of discovery that changes humor to the early pre-heist scenes before settling into the (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) each of their lives! In a small, rainy suburb, a mismatched tale’s profound power and is described by the Guide as „little- collection of opposites have signed up for an Italian class in seen and underrated.“ See it. For this movie and for these six Rade Serbedzija, Branko Djuric, Nikola hopes of spicing up their lives! Then, as they realize the tough hombres, redemption is nigh. Djuricko, Milos Timotijevic class offers them more than just language lessons, they join Western, Double Features, Drama 147min. In Angelina Jolie’s first film as a writer-director, she unfolds together on a quest to Italy with the renewed desire to pursue a tragic love story set against the backdrop of the Bosnian the romances of their lives! Once there, these world-weary Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 War. In a land where people of different cultures long lived in students who thought there was nothing left to learn from life 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108761 peace, there was a brief moment when love blossomed will get an education that will change everything they know between Ajla, a Muslim artist, and Danijel, a Serb police about love! Hidden officer. Then violence tore through the nation, pitting neighbor Romance, Comedy, Danish, Foreign, Italian against neighbor. Now, Ajla has been taken prisoner — saved 2000 min. Devon Bostick from the darkest horrors of war only by her captor, Danijel. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Science Fiction, Thrillers, Horror 2011 As circumstances place them on opposite sides of the conflict, their relationship is ravaged by questions of loyalty and 22.05.2012 81min. betrayal. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108913 E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 254min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108754 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 27.03.2012 It’s My Turn Hillbilly Sex Clan: Grindhouse 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108739 Jill Clayburgh, Michael Douglas, Daniel Stern, Charles Grodin, Beverly Garland, Triple Feature Indemnity: Rage of A Jealous Steven Hill, Jennifer Salt, Dianne Wiest, Early 1970’s Obscure Cinema. You’re gonna love the ladies at John Gabriel this „hoe“ down! After Hours Cinema’s Hillbilly Sex Clan: Vampire Grindhouse Triple Feature is a backwoods ball way more fun This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using than your regular old roll-in-the-hay! So get your union suit, Everyone has had a romantic relationship that went horribly a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. grab your cousin, and come join the hardcore hoot nanny! wrong - but not like William (David Dietz). His ex-girlfriend Kate Gunzinger (Jill Clayburgh) has everything the modern Country Doc. The doctors gettin’ a mighty old to be Angela (Crystalann Jones) wants him dead. She quite literally woman is supposed to want, but somehow it’s not enough. She administering all those „injections“ to his vast all-female wants him six feet under and it seems she’s more than capable meets and falls in love with her new stepmother’s son (Micha- clientele... But is his virile new assistant able to fill the doc’s of just that as she relentlessly pursues him on a terror trek el Douglas) and must find a way to deal with her father’s new shoes?.. And all those horny patients?! Hillbilly Sex Clan. across the US. Fleeing Angela’s sadistic, supernatural wrath, wife; her old boyfriend; and her new relationship with her Poor little Daisy Lay just can’t seem to... well, get laid! That William finds refuge in a rural honky-tonk owned by its stepbrother. is until her big brother Lester gets tired of her whinin’! Bare bartender, Joe (Dan I. Radakovich). Romance, Baseball, Comedy, Drama 1980 Country. It’s the old „salesman and the rube“ shtick when a Thrillers, Horror 2011 60min. Ltbx 16x9 M 91min. fancy city slicker teaches Ellie May the priceless mores of Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 SPHE MOD 03.04.2012 being a good wife! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108787 Exploitation, Triple Feature FF 180min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109110 Alternative Cinema 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108986 The Inspector General The Jackie Robinson Story Danny Kaye, Barbara Bates, Walter Slezak Ruby Dee, Jackie Robinson Illicit / Girl Missing (Double Fea- A down and out is mistaken for the Inspector General when Baseball legend Jackie Robinson stars as himself in this they believe he is traveling incognito. They worry that he compelling biopic of the man who bravely challenged (and ture) might stumble onto their petty crimes and they plan to get rid broke) the color barrier that existed in America’s greatest of him. pastime. The film starts with his college athletic career and Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Natalie Musical, Romance, Comedy 1949 102min. proceeds to document his rocky and abuse-ridden tenure in Moorhead American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 the minors, his relationship with supportive Brooklyn Dodgers Independent women take center stage in a twin bill manager Branch Rickey (Minor Watson), and his eventual big showcasing the range and moxie of pre-Code filmmaking. The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108934 league debut, in 1947. That season he would be named Rookie pace leaps and lines snap in Girl Missing as gal pals Glenda of the Year and, in subsequent seasons, go on to be named Farrell and Mary Brian set out to solve the mystery of a gold The Invisible Ghost league MVP, play in several All-Star games, and lead the digger who disappears during her honeymoon. Not even Dodgers to a World Championship. murder will stop these sassy sleuths. „Married love or illicit: Polly Ann Young, Bela Lugosi Sports, Baseball, Biography, Biopics, Black which does the modern girl prefer?“ the studio’s ad for Illicit Horror legend Bela Lugosi stars in one of his most lauded and asks. Barbara Stanwyck portrays a woman who, devoted to expressive roles, as the unwitting homicidal killer who is Heritage, Drama, Major League Baseball her man but not to the norms of her time, prefers cohabitation being commanded by his damaged wife to commit murder, albeit 1950 73min. over marriage. Yet the two marry just the same, leading to while under hypnosis. When the twin brother of a man American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 jealousies and temptations that could destroy their love. Co- wrongly accused of one of the murders arrives in town, he stars include Ricardo Cortez and blonde bundle-of-talent begins to unravel the whole dark, twisted truth. The town’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108950 Joan Blondell. leading citizen becomes a homicidal maniac after his wife Romance, Double Features, Drama 150min. deserts him. Jerry And Tom Thrillers, Horror 1941 65min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 Joe Mantegna, Sam Rockwell, William H. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108764 Macy, Charles Durning, , Peter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108949 Riegert, Maury Chaykin I’m Dickens. . .He’s Fenster This first-rate motion picture features popular Joe Mantegna The Iron Lady (Celebrity) in an edgy, offbeat story about two second-rate John Astin used car salesmen moonlighting as hit men for the mob. A quiet Comedy, On The Job 1962 609min. Meryl Streep, Richard E. Grant, Olivia family man by day, Tom (Mantegna) teaches his new partner E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 Colman, Jim Broadbent Jerry (Sam Rockwell - Galaxy Quest) all he knows about his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108779 Never compromise.. The Iron Lady. other job, that of professional killer! But even if he’s shocked Politics, Biography, Biopics, British, Drama, at first, the brash young Jerry soon acquires such a taste for Foreign 2011 105min. his new profession that it scares everyone around him...even Immortality those who scar people for a living! Also starring William H. Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Macy (Fargo, Boogie Nights) and Ted Danson (Saving Jude Law, Elina Lowensoln, Timothy Spall, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108818 Private Ryan) in memorable funny roles, Jerry And Tom is Colin Salmon, Kerry Fox, Jack Davenport sure to be a hit with anyone who’s ever enjoyed the wit and Handsome. Seductive. Deadly.. Jude Law (The Talented Mr. intrigue of Hollywood’s best mobster movies! Ripley, eXistenZ) brings a powerful presence to a dark, The Iron Lady (Blu-ray) Crime, Drama 1998 min. mysterious crime thriller in the tradition of The Talented Mr. Meryl Streep, Richard E. Grant, Olivia Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Ripley and Double Jeopardy! Steven (Law) is handsome, successful, charming...and a lethal master of seduction! By Colman, Jim Broadbent 08.05.2012 the time the body of his latest conquest is found at sea, Steven Never compromise.. The Iron Lady. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108901 has already moved on to his next victim. But as this moody, British, Drama, Foreign, Biography, Biopics, intelligent beauty (Elina Lowensohn) proves frustratingly Politics 2011 105min. The Joe Louis Story elusive, it merely intensifies Steven’s impassioned pursuit of Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 a love he literally cannot live without! Stylish, suspenseful Hilda Simms, Paul Stewart, Coley Wallace and filled with terrific performances - you’ll find this boldly 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108885 There is rarely an argument when it comes to the question of unique thriller to be thoroughly entertaining! who the greatest fighter of all time is. Here is that man’s story. Thrillers, Vampires, Horror, Love Gone Bad Italian For Beginners With Coley Wallace (a boxer himself at one time) in the role 1998 99min. of Joe Louis, this film follows the boxer’s rise from poor family Ann Eleonora Jorgensen, Anette Echo Bridge Home Entertainment background to world heavyweight champion. Over the course Stovelbaek, Anders W. Berthelsen, Peter of 12 years, Louis successfully defended his title a record 25 15.05.2012 Gantzler, Sara Indrio Jensen, Lars Kaalund times. But the movie also documents the equally-important 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108906 challenges he faced outside the ring, overcoming racism to Attendance Optional. Passion Required.. An unforgettable help change the way black men were viewed, and ultimately romantic comedy that’s earned overwhelming acclaim, Italian become America’s first true black sports hero.This is the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA story of the life and career of Joe Lewis, the boxing legend E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 seller ripping into men, a debonair yet chauvinistic who was the World Heavyweight Champion for 12 years, and photographer (David Niven) arrives to do a feature on her for his fights in the ring and with racism in America. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109044 LIFE Magazine. But he has a hidden agenda: To prove her Sports, Biography, Biopics, Boxing, Drama wrong and demonstrate that the male is still the superior sex! The Kid Sparks fly, but they eventually lead to romance in this 1953 86min. charming, and very 1950s, comedy. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Edna Purviance, Charlie Chaplin, Jackie Romance, Comedy, girl power 1952 82min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108952 Coogan, Carl Miller American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Legendary Charlie Chaplin stars as The Little Tramp who stumbles upon an abandoned baby in the alley and takes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108961 The Joyless Street him into his care, in this landmark silent film. As „the kid“ Greta Garbo (Jackie Coogan) grows older, they become partners in crime, The Lawless Frontier This early silent classic from director G.W. Pabst (who would until one day when the child falls ill and hospital workers go on to make the acclaimed „Pandora’s Box“ and „Diary of A endeavor to take the boy away. One of the most famous silent John Wayne, Sheila Terry Lost Street“), follows the desperate lives of people inhabiting films of all time — and the first that Chaplin wrote and The sheriff is in pursuit of a ruthless killer who killed his a single street in bleak, post-World War I Vienna. Highly- directed himself — it is also regarded as the first-ever parents. When he catches him he escapes and the sheriff controversial and heavily-censored at the time of its release, comedy-drama. stays on his trail. the Austrian-made film features Asta Nielsen as a desperate Comedy, Drama, Family 1921 68min. Romance, Western 1934 50min. woman forced into prostitution to provide for her family. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Warner Krauss stars as the street’s domineering butcher, while a young Greta Garbo also features in what is said to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108957 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108963 have been her personal favorite role; it was also her last before coming to America, where far greater fame awaited her. Kill Speed Lethal Weapon Collection (Blu- Silent Film, Drama 1927 61min. Reno Wilson, Natalia Cigliuti, Tom Arnold, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 ray) Greg Grunberg, Andrew Keegan, Bill Gold- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108954 , Rene Russo, Patsy Kensit, Danny berg, Joshua Alba, Nick Carter, Graham Glover, , Gary Busey, Joe Pesci, Norris, Brandon Quinn The Jungle Book Joss Ackland, Mitch Ryan Action, Aerial Action, Crime, Desert, Drama With over seven minutes of previously unavailable scenes, Joseph Calleia, Sabu 2010 113min. the director’s cut of Lethal Weapon is a long-overdue present Though he lived in India for many years, Rudyard Kipling’s for fans. Riggs’s solitary homelife and the tragic loss spurring stories (from 1893-4) were written in . This loose Millennium Entertainment 15.05.2012 him in a reckless disregard for his own safety now come into adaptation of the classic story of a boy raised by wolves in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109132 greater focus. We see that recklessness is new scenes the Indian Jungle with the help of other animals is not an underlining the differences between the two cops. Murtaugh, animation. just 50, needs reassurance about his skills at a firing range. Adventure, Family, Jungle 1942 105min. Kingdom Come (Repackage) Riggs, not caring if he sees another birthday, coolly walks Whoopi Goldberg, Vivica A. Fox, Loretta into a schoolyard sniper’s field of fire. All the humor and American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 adrenaline that made this original an entertainment milestone 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108955 Devine, Jada Pinkett Smith, Anthony are here, too. No scenes have been removed. But new action Anderson, LL Cool J, Cedric The Entertai- and new insight are now included. Include yourself in the Junkyard Dog ner, excitement. Riggs wows the pretties of a hotel spa before The Best Movie Of Its Kind Since Soul Food.“ -US Weekly. getting to Getz. Murtaugh receives bad bodywork news from Brad Dourif, Vivica A. Fox When her husband keels over from a stroke, Raynelle an auto repairman after his beleaguered station wagon sees Beware. Be afraid.. A gritty psychological-horror-thriller that Slocumb (Whoopi Goldberg) calls the entire clan together to some Riggs-piloted street action. Plus, feisty Leo shares a delves the demented mind of a cannibalistic serial rapist who remember their dearly departed. Family tensions reach a newly included scene in which he recalls a suspect’s address kidnaps his tenth victim in as many months on comedic boil as the wildly dysfunctional Slocumbs squabble by complex spins of numbers that, well, no one can tell it like night. and fight their way to the funeral, including Raynelle’s Leo. And no one would follow his lead Thrillers, Horror 2010 96min. battling sons (LL Cool J & Anthony Anderson) and their long- Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops, Cops On suffering wives, played with comic brilliance by Jada Pinkett The Edge, Crime, Action 476min. Millennium Entertainment 15.05.2012 Smith and Vivica A. Fox. You’ll double over with laughter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108995 taking in this film filled with „inspired humor...a movie to be Warner Bros. 12.06.2012 cherished.“ (Kevin Thomas, L.A Times). 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108886 K2 Romance, Comedy, Drama, Independent Women 2001 94min. Michael Biehn, Matt Craven Lexx: Complete Season 2 20th Century Fox 25.09.2001 Adventure, Drama, Mountain Climbing 1991 Action, Adventure, Science Fiction 960min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108708 104min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 08.05.2012 08.05.2012 Kiss Of Fire 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108926 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108898 Christina Applegate, Stefano Dionisi An Erotic Journey Of Desire!. Sexy star Christina Applegate Life With Judy Garland: Me And (TV’s Jessie and Married With Children; Mafia!) delivers a Katate Girl burning hot performance in this steamy story of seduction and My Shadows betrayal! A free-spirited young woman desperately trying to Rina Takeda escape her past, Claudine (Applegate) only finds herself Judy Davis, Hugh Laurie, Marsha Mason, Revenge, Action, Foreign, Japanese, Kid- becoming more deeply entangled in the seedy world of exotic Tammy Blanchard, napping, Martial Arts 2011 92min. dancing. But when she meets a man who changes her life, Dorothy Found The End Of The Rainbow…Judy Spent Her Claudine learns about real love...and decides to confront the Life Looking For It.. The remarkable story of Hollywood Allegro Entertainment 24.04.2012 secrets that haunt her! A powerfully entertaining journey of legend Judy Garland is vividly told in this widely acclaimed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109079 erotic desire — you’ll be captivated by Christina Applegate film, which features amazing, Emmy Award-winning portrayals and this intensely riveting motion picture! by Judy Davis (Best Actress) and Tammy Blanchard (Best Keepin’ The Faith: Higher Ground Romance, Thrillers, Drama, Love Gone Bad Supporting Actress)! Loved by millions the world over, Judy 1998 min. was the brightest star in Hollywood’s Golden Era. Away from / Lookin’ For Mr. Right! (Double the bright lights and brilliant performances, however, her Echo Bridge Home Entertainment devotion was to her family. But while she loved her children Feature) 15.05.2012 unconditionally, they could only desperately try and hang on to their mother as a powerful dependence on alcohol and Angell Conwell, Marcello Thedford, Kel 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108907 prescription drugs began to consume her life. Based on the Mitchell book by Garland’s daughter, Lorna Luft, and honored recipient Pastor Marcus wants one thing: a church to call home. After The Klansman of 5 Emmy Awards, Life With Judy Garland: Me And My his beloved church burns down, he gets a call that his mean Shadows is a deeply moving testament to the healing powers old Aunt Fema has passed and left a will leaving him a church Lee Marvin, Cameron Mitchell, Richard of embracing one’s past, facing one’s demons and charting a and several million dollars! But this comes with a price. The Burton course of self-discovery! will states he must force his, unruly, unholy, backsliding In the racially charged south a girl is raped and it is assumed TV Movies, Biography, Biopics, Drama 2001 cousins, aunts and nephews to attend church for four Sundays that a black man did it. It is clear that the KKK has no intention in a row. If they don’t attend, Pastor Marcus loses everything. min. of real justice. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Teresa Kennedy is successful, sexy, smart. . .and single! Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1974 112min. Teresa is content and is patiently waiting on the Lord to send 22.05.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 her the right man - but her girlfriends, Lisa and Kim, are 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108911 determined to see their girl hooked up and married. The girls 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108959 don’t seem to think God is moving fast enough, so they hatch plans to help Him (and her) out! The Little Princess Religion/Spirituality, Romance, African The Lady Says No Shirley Temple, Anita Louise, Richard Americans, Comedy, Double Features David Niven, Frances Bavier, Joan Green 190min. Caulfield, James Robertson Justice This timeless Shirley Temple film was her first-ever filmed in When a feminist author (Joan Caulfield) writes a fiery best-

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Technicolor, and remains one of her most famous. Originally American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Joan Blondell, Warren William, Edward based on a book by Frances Hogdson Burnett (author of Little Lord Fauntleroy and The Secret Garden), the film is set in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108967 Everett Horton Victorian-era London and follows the adventures of the Comedy, Double Features, Marriage Woes character Sara Crewe. Directed by Walter Lang, and also Madame X (1929) / Madame X min. starring Arthur Treacher and Cesar Romero. A little girl Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 becomes a servant in a school when they hear her father has (1937) (Double Feature) died. So instead of being a student she moves into the dark 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108775 and dusty attic while she lives in hope that her father is still Gladys George, Ruth Chatterton, Lewis alive.Shirley Temple continued her Depression-era winning Stone, Warren William, Eugenie Besserer streak in this charming adaptation of the legendary children’s Beautiful Jacqueline Floriot deserts her family for an illicit Mimic: 3 Film Set novel. When Sara Crewe’s father leaves her in an exclusive affair. Betrayed by love and scorned by her husband, she Lance Henriksen, Mira Sorvino, Giancarlo girls’ school, many adventures and heartbreaks await. descends into a life of depravity. Years later she murders a Giannini, Jeremy Northam, Alexander Comedy, Drama, Family 1939 93min. brute who plans to reveal her past ...and is defended by a Goodwin, Alexis Dziena, Rebecca Mader, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 young lawyer she does not know is her own son. Double the heartache is yours in these two versions of the classic story Josh Brolin, F. Murray Abraham, Charles S. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108965 of a woman’s virtue lost and a mother’s devotion found. The 1929 version, starring Ruth Chatterton, is directed by Lionel Dutton, Jon Polito, Edward Albert, Keith Barrymore (both earned Academy Award® nominations* for Robinson, Karl Geary, Will Estes, Bruno The Little Shop Of Horrors their work). Gladys George stars in the 1937 version, Campos, Alix Koromzay Mel Welles, Jackie Joseph, Jonathan directed by Sam Wood, whose resumé extends from the The Complete Legacy Of One Deadly Experiment. Mimic. sublime (Goodbye, Mr. Chips) to the sublimely ridiculous (A From acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hayes, Jack Nicholson, Dick Miller Night At The Opera, A Day At The Races). A flower shop assistant develops a curious, bloodthirsty Hellboy) comes „a terrifying film of great elegance“ (San hybrid, for which he must keep finding new victims to keep the Double Features, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Francisco Chronicle). Starring Academy Award© winner prized plant alive in this classic dark comedy. Directed by B- Issues 167min. Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite) and screen favorites movie legend , it was initially conceived as the Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 Charles S. Dutton (A Time To Kill) and Josh Brolin (True follow-up to his 1959 film A Bucket Of Blood. Though the film Grit), this electrifying thriller brings the epic battle between began as little more than a cult favorite, it was eventually 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108770 man and nature to life when a team of scientists discover that developed into the smash hit Broadway musical. Mel Welles their experiement in genetic engineering has gone horribly and Jonathan Haze star, but also watch for now-famous Make Me A Star / Merton Of The awry. Mimic 2. Four years ago, a cockroach-spread plague cameos from Dick Miller and a then-unknown Jack Nicholson! threatened to decimate the child population of New York City. Movies (Double Feature) Then, research biologists developed a species of „Judas“ Science Fiction, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, bugs engineered to „mimic“ and overrun the diseased roaches Dark Comedy, Horror 1960 73min. Joan Blondell, Zasu Pitts, Red Skelton, Stu- in their grubby habitat. The plan worked until the creatures American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 art Erwin, Charles Sellon, Ben Turpin evolved to mimic their next prey...humans! They were all 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108966 Stars in their eyes - laughter in the aisles! Two famed thought to be dead, but the mutated cockroaches have now funnymen portray small town hick and Hollywood hopeful undergone another unimaginable metamorphosis and are once Merton Gill in the comedic tale that was first a novel, a again threatening to take over! Bursting with amazing special Loaded beloved (and periodically reprised) stage hit and a silent film. effects and loaded with unstoppable excitement — you’ll thrill Stuart Erwin adds a wistful note to Merton’s Tinseltown to Thandie Newton, Catherine McCormack, dream in 1932’s Make Me A Star. Red Skelton shows his gift Science Fiction, Thrillers, Triple Feature, Anna Campion, Danny Cunningham, for turning situations into extended gags in 1947’s Merton Of Bugs, Horror, Killer Animals, Monsters Ltbx Mathew Eggleton, Biddy Hodson The Movies. Both films include star cameos: the Erwin DD 5.1 263min. Seven friends are getting away for the weekend. And one is comedy includes then-current luminaries (Tallulah Bankhead, getting away with murder.. Widely hailed by critics, this Maurice Chevalier, Claudette Colbert and Gary Cooper), and Lionsgate 01.05.2012 emotionally charged thriller features an exceptional ensemble the Skelton romp offers players whose glory years were in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108723 cast, including Catherine McCormack (Braveheart) and the silent era (including Chester Conklin and Franklyn Thandie Newton (Mission: Impossible 2)! For one weekend - Farnum). In the 1950s, Erwin and Skelton would reach even at a mysterious house in the country - seven free spirited wider audiences in TV shows bearing their own names. Mimic: 3 Film Set (Blu-ray) young adults gather to make their own low budget horror Romance, Comedy, Double Features, Dra- Lance Henriksen, Mira Sorvino, Giancarlo movie. But when a wild night of experimentation pushes ma, Film About Film min. passion to the extremes, they’ll discover that friendship, Giannini, Jeremy Northam, Alexander seduction and jealousy can be a very dangerous combination! Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 Goodwin, Alexis Dziena, Rebecca Mader, From acclaimed director Anna Campion - you’ll find Loaded 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108772 Josh Brolin, F. Murray Abraham, Charles S. riveting entertainment from start to finish! Dutton, Jon Polito, Edward Albert, Keith Mystery, Thrillers, Drama, Film About Film, Man Trouble Robinson, Karl Geary, Will Estes, Bruno Horror 1994 min. Saul Rubinek, Michael McKean, Ellen Campos, Alix Koromzay Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Barkin, Veronica Cartwright, Jack The Complete Legacy Of One Deadly Experiment. Mimic. 08.05.2012 Nicholson, Harry Dean Stanton From acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108896 Hellboy) comes „a terrifying film of great elegance“ (San In this wild, romantic comedy with a decidedly offbeat sense Francisco Chronicle). Starring Academy Award© winner of humor, Jack Nicholson stars as Harry, a wisecracking con- Mira Sorvino (Mighty Aphrodite) and screen favorites Long Days Journey Into Night man who owns a guard dog agency. When Joan (Ellen Charles S. Dutton (A Time To Kill) and Josh Brolin (True Barkin), an opera singer, seeks his aid after her house is Grit), this electrifying thriller brings the epic battle between American playwright Eugene O’Neills compelling 1956 drama broken into, Harry inadvertently makes them the target of hit Long Days Journey Into Night reflects the struggle between man and nature to life when a team of scientists discover that men - and puts them at the mercy of Harry’s out-of-control their experiement in genetic engineering has gone horribly man and his fate. Spread over four acts on a day in the canines. Harry Dean Stanton as a less-than-honorable summer of 1912, the family of retired matinee idol James awry. Mimic 2. Four years ago, a cockroach-spread plague businessman and Beverly D’Angelo as Joan’s eccentric sister threatened to decimate the child population of New York City. Tyrone (Olivier) grapples with the morphine addiction of also star. Tyrone’s wife Mary, the illness of their youngest son Edmund, Then, research biologists developed a species of „Judas“ and the alcoholism and debauchery of the older son Jamie. As Romance, Comedy 1992 100min. bugs engineered to „mimic“ and overrun the diseased roaches day turns into night, guilt, anger, despair, and regret threaten Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 in their grubby habitat. The plan worked until the creatures to destroy the family. evolved to mimic their next prey...humans! They were all 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109121 thought to be dead, but the mutated cockroaches have now Substance Abuse, Drama, Dysfunctional undergone another unimaginable metamorphosis and are once Families 1973 160min. Maverick: The Complete First again threatening to take over! Bursting with amazing special E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 effects and loaded with unstoppable excitement — you’ll thrill 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109045 Season to James Garner, Jack Kelly Bugs, Horror, Killer Animals, Monsters, Western, ABC, Action, Gamblers 1957 min. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Triple Feature Lovers And Friends Ltbx DTS 270min. Sometimes it’s complicated.. When a young player finally falls Warner Bros. 29.05.2012 in love, the relationship is challenged by a secret in her past. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108944 Lionsgate 01.05.2012 Now, the couple must come to grips with the past and the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108736 future! Men In Black: The Dark Watchers Romance, Drama DD 5.1 85min. Ms. Cannibal Holocaust Allegro Entertainment 24.04.2012 Three women in search of answers about local UFO sightings enter a dark universe populated by the Men In Black! Nicola Fiore, Wes Reid 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109033 Science Fiction, UFOs, Conspiracies 2012 The tenants of a poverty-row apartment building, set for S 80min. demolition, find themselves under siege by a cannibal cult & The Lucky Texan their preacher-like leader „The Woman“. Why she has picked Allegro Entertainment 10.04.2012 them is unknown, but her plan for them is clear - they WILL John Wayne, Barbara Sheldon, Lloyd 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109035 know pain & suffering before she kills them. With no hope for Whitlock escape, the tenants can only holdout before they are hunted A young Texan and an old rancher strike it rich with a gold Merry Wives Of Reno / Smarty down... & consumed. Then hope seems to arrive in the form of mine. a second woman... but is she there to save them, or does she (Double Features) have her own agenda with the cult... and specifically „The Western 1934 54min. Woman“? She’s coming. And vengeance will be upon them.

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Thrillers, Horror 2011 70min. interest to fans of King Kong: Not only does it employ the Men In Black) sends slacker general Awesomest Maximus same director and much of the same cast (including Fay Wray, (Will Sasso, ) to maintain peace with rival Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Joel McCrea and Leslie Banks), but was filmed using the very King Erotic of Greece. But when Prince Orlando, who’s more 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108768 same jungle set and was made at the same time. into fashion than fighting, steals the King’s wife Ellen (Sophie Mystery, Thrillers, Adventure, Horror, Monk, Date Movie) to be his BFF, it’s war! Will Awesomest live up to his godly destiny? Can he defeat the mighty warrior Mission: Impossible Ghost Hunting 1932 62min. Testiclees (Ian Ziering, Beverly Hills 90210)? Can he light a Protocol American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 fire under his gold-digging wife Hotessa (Kristanna Loken, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108968 Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines)? Join the ultimate toga Ving Rhames, Paula Patton, Tom Cruise, party for this savagely funny farce that takes comedy to the Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner Maximus. No plan. No backup. No choice. Agent Ethan Hunt (Tom A Mother’s Love Swordfighting, Ancient Greece / Rome, Cruise) and his elite team (Jeremy Renner, The Avengers and Rolonda Watts Comedy 2011 91min. Simon Pegg, Star Trek) go underground after a bombing of the Regina Reynolds is a strong, independent woman in the truest Image Ent. 20.03.2012 Kremlin implicates the IMF as international terrorists. While sense! However, her taste for the good life doesn’t trying to clear the agency’s name, the team uncovers a plot to necessarily include her husband Marcus or her daughter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108991 start a nuclear war. Now, to save the world, they must use Monica. It truly takes „a mother’s love“ from Regina’s mother, every high-tech trick in the book. The mission has never been Georgia, to pray her down to earth. National Lampoon’s The Legend more real, more dangerous, or more impossible. Religion/Spirituality, Comedy, Drama, Inde- Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Chases, Dra- pendent Women 104min. Of Awesomest Maximus (Blu-ray) ma 2011 132min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.04.2012 Rip Torn, Sophie Monk, Kristanna Loken, Paramount Pictures 17.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109096 Tony Cox, Ian Ziering, Deon Richmond, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109074 Russell Peters, Will Sasso, Adam DeVine Some guys are just awesomer. From the director of Revenge Mission: Impossible Ghost Murder Obsession (Folia Omicida) Of The Nerds comes this outrageous sword and sandals spoof (Blu-ray) that’s got more laughs than Gladiator, hotter bods than Troy, Protocol (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital and an army of 301! Horny King Looney of Troy (Rip Torn, Martine Brochard, Silvia Dionisio, Anita Men In Black) sends slacker general Awesomest Maximus Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Strindberg, John Richardson (Will Sasso, The Three Stooges) to maintain peace with rival Ving Rhames, Paula Patton, Tom Cruise, Director Riccardo Freda, known for mentoring one of Italy’s King Erotic of Greece. But when Prince Orlando, who’s more master cult makers, Mario Baca, brings up (for the into fashion than fighting, steals the King’s wife Ellen (Sophie Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner Monk, Date Movie) to be his BFF, it’s war! Will Awesomest No plan. No backup. No choice. Agent Ethan Hunt (Tom first time available on DVD in the U.S.), one of his sexiest giallos: Murder Obsession which tells the story of a horror live up to his godly destiny? Can he defeat the mighty warrior Cruise) and his elite team (Jeremy Renner, The Avengers and Testiclees (Ian Ziering, Beverly Hills 90210)? Can he light a Simon Pegg, Star Trek) go underground after a bombing of the film actor Michael Stanford (played by Stefano Patrizi) who after shooting his film, visits his mother (Anita Strindberg) at fire under his gold-digging wife Hotessa (Kristanna Loken, Kremlin implicates the IMF as international terrorists. While Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines)? Join the ultimate toga trying to clear the agency’s name, the team uncovers a plot to their old mansion. The only other person on the property is Oliver (played by John Richardson), the eccentric butler. party for this savagely funny farce that takes comedy to the start a nuclear war. Now, to save the world, they must use Maximus. every high-tech trick in the book. The mission has never been Michael’s girlfriend, Deborah (Silvia Dionisio), and some of more real, more dangerous, or more impossible. their filmmaking friends join Michael at the mansion for a Comedy, Ancient Greece / Rome, couple of days rest. Michael reveals that he murdered his Swordfighting 2011 91min. Chases, Drama, Action, Adventure, Thril- father during a psychotic episode when he was a child, but as lers 2011 132min. a result he is immediately suspected as the murderer when his Image Ent. 20.03.2012 Paramount Pictures 17.04.2012 friends start getting killed. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109024 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109098 Foreign, Horror, Italian, Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers 1981 95min. The New Adventures Of Heidi Modern Problems E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 John Gavin, Burl Ives 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108981 All the well known characters return in this popular story of a Mary Kay Place, Nell Carter, Chevy Chase, Swiss girl. This time she ventures further, to New York. Dabney Coleman, Ken Shapiro, Tom Mutant Girls Squad TV Movies, Drama, Family 1978 98min. Sherohman, Arthur Seller, Michael American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Noboru Iguchi, Kanji Tsuda, Kentaro Shamberg, Alan Greisman, Ken Shapiro 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108969 Comedy 1981 93min. Shimazu, Asami, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Tak Sakaguchi, Naoto Takenaka Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 New Year’s Eve 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109123 Revenge, Science Fiction, Action, Foreign, Horror, Japanese 2010 S 88min. Sarah Jessica Parker, Hilary Swank, Halle Berry, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jessica Biel, Monster Brawl Well Go USA 22.05.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108830 Katherine Heigl, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Dave Foley, Art Hindle, Robert Maillet Vergara, Lea Michele, Robert De Niro, Welcome to the world of Monster Brawl, the award-winning Ashton Kutcher, Josh Duhamel, Hector monster mash-up and undeniable crowd pleaser of this year’s Mutant Girls Squad (Blu-ray + film fest circuit. Monster Brawl features an all-star cast of Elizondo, Til Schweiger, Zac Efron, Jon classic monsters, beloved horror icons, and wrestling royalty DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Bon Jovi, Seth Meyers in what is being called „the undisputed smack-down hit of this Noboru Iguchi, Kanji Tsuda, Kentaro Let love be your resolution. Director/producer Garry Marshall year’s bumper crop of comedy horror!“ (Twitch Film) Shimazu, Asami, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Tak brings together an stellar ensemble cast to celebrate love, Comedy, Horror, Monsters 2011 88min. Sakaguchi, Naoto Takenaka hope, forgiveness, second chances and fresh starts, in Image Ent. 27.03.2012 intertwining stories told amidst the pulse and promise of New Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Action, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109148 York City on the most dazzling night of the year. Revenge, Science Fiction 2010 S 88min. Romance, Comedy, Holidays 2011 118min. Well Go USA 22.05.2012 New Line Home Entertainment 01.05.2012 Monster Brawl (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108890 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109022 Dave Foley, Art Hindle, Robert Maillet Welcome to the world of Monster Brawl, the award-winning monster mash-up and undeniable crowd pleaser of this year’s My Babysitter’s A Vampire: New Year’s Eve (Blu-ray + DVD + film fest circuit. Monster Brawl features an all-star cast of Season One Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) classic monsters, beloved horror icons, and wrestling royalty in what is being called „the undisputed smack-down hit of this Vanessa Morgan Sarah Jessica Parker, Hilary Swank, Halle year’s bumper crop of comedy horror!“ (Twitch Film) Vampires, Action, Canadian, Comedy, Berry, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jessica Biel, Comedy, Horror, Monsters 2011 88min. Foreign 2011 min. Katherine Heigl, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Image Ent. 27.03.2012 Warner Bros. 22.05.2012 Vergara, Lea Michele, Robert De Niro, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109156 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109130 Ashton Kutcher, Josh Duhamel, Hector Elizondo, Til Schweiger, Zac Efron, Jon The Most Dangerous Game National Lampoon’s The Legend Bon Jovi, Seth Meyers Leslie Banks, Fay Wray, Joel McCrea, Ro- Of Awesomest Maximus Let love be your resolution. Director/producer Garry Mars- bert Armstrong hall brings together an stellar ensemble cast to celebrate Rip Torn, Sophie Monk, Kristanna Loken, love, hope, forgiveness, second chances and fresh starts, in Not content with wild game, the psychotic Count Zaroff intertwining stories told amidst the pulse and promise of New prefers to hunt human beings in this classic horror thriller. Tony Cox, Ian Ziering, Deon Richmond, York City on the most dazzling night of the year. Hapless boaters are intentionally ship-wrecked on the Russell Peters, Will Sasso, Adam DeVine Comedy, Holidays, Romance 2011 118min. Count’s creepy private island, where dogs are unleashed and Some guys are just awesomer. From the director of Revenge the breathless hunt begins. The wicked storyline would be Of The Nerds comes this outrageous sword and sandals spoof New Line Home Entertainment 01.05.2012 oft-repeated (most notably in the 1995 John Woo film Hard that’s got more laughs than Gladiator, hotter bods than Troy, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109031 Target) but never bettered. This version will be of particular and an army of 301! Horny King Looney of Troy (Rip Torn,

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deception of all? Paranormal Research Institute conducts scientific Nip/Tuck: The Complete Fourth Comedy, Crime 1989 92min. investigations of paranormal phenomenon across the globe, Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 including ghosts and paranormal entities in York, the most Season (Repackage) haunted area in the United Kingdom. The spirit world is 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109124 stranger than you can imagine in this comprehensive three- Joely Richardson, Roma Maffia, Julian disc collection! McMahon, Dylan Walsh, John Hensley, Ordinary Decent Criminal / Ghosts S 200min. Kelly Carlson Allegro Entertainment 24.04.2012 Sex. Seduction. Liposuction. Find them all in the fearless Nip/ People I Know / Albino Alligator 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109036 Tuck, the award-winning series that’s the scalpel’s edge of (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) entertainment... and the spark for debate about what cosmetic surgery can or cannot bring a patient’s life. Dylan Walsh and Includes: Casino Jack. Michael Lynch (Spacey) is Dublin’s Pariah Julian McMahon play plastic surgeons/best friends whose most notorious criminal, known for brazen robberies that perplex the police and inspire his fellow working-class Kim Wayans, Adepero Oduye, Aasha Davis and Charles glamorous South Beach practice is a revolving door for Parnell star in Dee Rees’s inspiring film that critics hail is Season 4’s hot-button issues (including a terrifying story arc Northsiders. When he’s not playing family man with his children and two wives-sisters Christine and Lisa - Lynch is „Vibrantly alive! Potently moving and heartfelt!“ (Peter Tra- about an organ-harvest ring) and human foibles (a vers, ). Seventeen-year-old Alike (pronounced ventriloquist wants to look like his dummy). Guest stars busy plotting elaborate larcenies that are as much about style and showmanship as the loot involved! But when the one cop ah-lee-kay) lives with her parents and younger sister in include Jacqueline Bisset, , Alanis Morissette, Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood. She has a flair for Mo’Nique, Rosie O’Donnell, Brooke Shields and more. (Stephen Dillane-King Arthur) sharp enough to catch Lynch gets on his case, our fun-loving criminal gets a run for his poetry, and is quietly embracing her identity as a lesbian. But Thrills, surprises, shocks, stars abound in this 5-Disc set. whenever Alike’s development becomes a topic of discussion And all it takes is a little Nip/Tuck. money! Also featuring Colin Farrell (The Way Back) as Lynch’s loyal sidekick-you’re sure to get your money’s worth at home, her parents’ already strained marriage is pushed to Drama, FX 2006 min. from this highly original and endlessly entertaining movie the breaking point. Wondering how much she can confide in Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 treat! Academy Award® winners (Righteous Kill) her family, Alike strives to get through adolescence with 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109146 and Kim Basinger (Charlie St. Cloud) bring the star power to grace, humor, and tenacity - sometimes succeeding, sometimes this powerful and provocative thriller. For old-school public not, but always moving forward. relations kingpin Eli Wurman (Pacino), there’s never been a Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2011 86min. Nip/Tuck: The Complete Third crisis he couldn’t fix or a scandal he couldn’t handle - until Universal Studios 24.04.2012 now. When Eli’s best client (Ryan O’Neal, TV’s Bones) and Season (Miami Skyline his starlet girlfriend (Téa Leoni Spanglish) b 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109081 Repackage) Thrillers, Triple Feature, Comedy, Crime, Joely Richardson, Roma Maffia, Julian Drama, Irish, Action 289min. Pariah (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Kim Wayans, Adepero Oduye, Aasha Davis and Charles McMahon, Dylan Walsh, John Hensley, Parnell star in Dee Rees’s inspiring film that critics hail is Bruno Campos 01.05.2012 „Vibrantly alive! Potently moving and heartfelt!“ (Peter Tra- He — or is it she? — slices, they stitch. He maims, they heal. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108975 vers, Rolling Stone). Seventeen-year-old Alike (pronounced Plastic surgeons Sean McNamara and Christian Troy have ah-lee-kay) lives with her parents and younger sister in vowed to make whole the victims of the elusive, mysterious Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood. She has a flair for serial slasher called the Carver. But mending the rifts in their Our Town poetry, and is quietly embracing her identity as a lesbian. But own families and careers will require much more than their Fay Bainter, Beulah Bondi, Martha Scott, whenever Alike’s development becomes a topic of discussion famed technical skills. Dylan Walsh and Julian McMahon at home, her parents’ already strained marriage is pushed to return for a sensational Season 3 filled with eroticism, William Holden, Guy Kibbee, Thomas the breaking point. Wondering how much she can confide in suspense and medical challenges ranging from a daring facial Mitchell, Stuart Erwin her family, Alike strives to get through adolescence with transplant to a 650-pound woman whose skin has fused with Change comes slowly to a small New Hampshire town in the grace, humor, and tenacity - sometimes succeeding, sometimes her sofa. There’s a new doctor on staff, too: Dr. Quentin early 20th century. Peopel grow up, get married, live and die. not, but always moving forward. Costa, a tango expert and perhaps an expert at dissecting the Milk and the newspaper get delivered every morning, and Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2011 min. practice for his own ends. Plus: Julia launches a new career, nobody locks their front doors. Universal Studios 24.04.2012 troubled Matt falls in with skinheads and the Carver turns out Classics, Drama 1940 90min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109102 to be.... Sorry, our lips are sealed. Watch and find out. Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Thrillers, Drama, FX, On The Job 2005 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108740 723min. Pastime Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 The Outlaw Jeffrey Tambor, Glenn Plummer, Noble 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109149 Willingham, William Russ, Scott Plank Jane Russell, Thomas Mitchell, Jack Buetel A story of a major miracle in the minor leagues.. In 1957, Nip/Tuck: The Complete Third This timeless American Western is legendary for at least two baseball is at its peak as America’s national pastime. for reasons. It’s one of the best takes on the classic tale of Billy aging minor leaguer Roy Dean Bream (William Russ-Ameri- Season (Operating Room The Kid. But it’s even more famous for being the vehicle that can History X, Disorganized Crime), whose dreams of made Jane Russell a Hollywood starlet and sex symbol for the pitching in the Major leagues died long ago, the love of the Repackage) ages. Also starring Jack Beutel and Walter Huston, the movie game is all that keeps him showing up game after game, Joely Richardson, Roma Maffia, Julian follows the friendship of Billy and fellow outlaw Doc Holliday, season after season. But when the team signs on rookie as they both pursue the affections of Holliday’s girlfriend, Rio Tyrone Debray (Glenn Plummer-Strange Days, Up Close and McMahon, Dylan Walsh, John Hensley, (Jane Russell) while being chased through the desert by Personal), a 17-year-old youth from the wrong side of town, Bruno Campos Sheriff Pat McGarrett and his posse. Financed and directed Bream sees someone with the potential to achieve what he He — or is it she? — slices, they stitch. He maims, they heal. by reclusive millionaire Howard Hughes, its release was never could! As an unlikely friendship develops across the Plastic surgeons Sean McNamara and Christian Troy have delayed several years due to censorship issues relating to boundaries of race and age, these two ballplayers will inspire vowed to make whole the victims of the elusive, mysterious Russell’s abundant cleavage! Newly appointed Sheriff Pat each other to become more than they ever thought they could serial slasher called the Carver. But mending the rifts in their Garrett meets with an old friend, Don Holliday, who is on the be! Also starring Deirdre O’Connell (Dragonfly, Hearts In own families and careers will require much more than their trail of his stolen horse that Billy the Kid has. When Doc and Atlantis), Pastime is a heartwarming crowd-pleaser you’re famed technical skills. Dylan Walsh and Julian McMahon Billy become friends it affects the friendship with Pat and Doc sure to enjoy! return for a sensational Season 3 filled with eroticism, and he asks them to leave his town. Sports, Baseball, Drama, Historical / Period Western 1943 116min. suspense and medical challenges ranging from a daring facial Piece 1991 95min. transplant to a 650-pound woman whose skin has fused with Warner Bros. MOD 07.02.2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment her sofa. There’s a new doctor on staff, too: Dr. Quentin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108970 Costa, a tango expert and perhaps an expert at dissecting the 08.05.2012 practice for his own ends. Plus: Julia launches a new career, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108895 troubled Matt falls in with skinheads and the Carver turns out Paradise Recovered to be.... Sorry, our lips are sealed. Watch and find out. Esther, a young woman praised for her virtue and devotion, Thrillers, Drama, FX, On The Job 2005 min. has been given the opportunity of a lifetime. When her Pastorela Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 fundamentalist Christian sect falls on hard times, Esther finds Ernesto Yanez, Ana Serradilla, Maria Aura, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109150 employment at a local health food store to supplement the group’s income. At the store, Esther gets a chance to share Hector Jimenez, Carlos Cobos, Dagoberto her faith with her new manager, Gabriel, a devout skeptic and Gama, Eduardo Manzano, Silverio Palacios, Nuns On The Run preacher’s kid. The friendship with Gabriel helps Esther Eduardo Espana, Jose Sefami, Ruben determine her human worth while helping to reframe her faith Eric Idle, Robbie Coltrane, Janet Suzman in a whole new light. Paradise Recovered attempts a modern- Cristiany Brian (Eric Idle of Monty Python fame) and Charlie (Robbie day retelling of the parable of the Good Samaritan while The devil is on the loose in this action-packed comedy. It all Coltrane of the Harry Potter movies) are good-guy London addressing hard questions involving faith, tolerance and starts when Chucho misses the deadline to reprise his role as gangsters who decide to leave the criminal life forever by spiritual abuse in modern culture. the Devil in his church’s annual play. What ensues is an epic stealing $1 million in drug money from the Chinese Triads. But battle that will blur the line between good and evil, as Chucho when their getaway goes wrong, they grab the loot and hide Religion/Spirituality, Drama 2010 min. fights for a coveted role. inside a nearby convent school. Now disguised as ‘Sister Monarch Home Video 24.04.2012 Religion/Spirituality, Action, Comedy, Drama, Inviolata Of The Immaculate Conception’ and ‘Sister Euphemia 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108778 Of The Five Wounds’ (‘Five Wounds’ for short), Charlie and Fantasy, Foreign, Mexican 2011 DD 5.1 Brian find themselves chased by their vicious former gang, 88min. Hong Kong’s most lethal killers, the local police, Brian’s Paranormal Case Files: Ghost Lionsgate 10.04.2012 myopic girlfriend, several nubile college girls and one very groping priest. Will bad habits lead to every nun for himself or Investigations 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109118 can these Sisters in crime pull off the most immaculate Case files of the Paranormal Research Institute.. The

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Peach-O-Reno / Girl Crazy (Doub- Bubba Ho-Tep) and Adam Ciesielski (Fear of Clowns II). Garfias Thrillers, Drama, Horror, Mental Illness The most corrupt cop you’ve ever seen on screen.. Nothing le Feature) 2010 Ltbx 16x9 S 85min. fascinates like a dirty cop. In real life they’re terrifying, but in Dorothy Lee, Bert Wheeler, Joseph the movies their upending of law and order can open deep BayView Entertainment 08.05.2012 explorations of psychology, morality and violence. So meet Cawthorn, Robert Woolsey 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109095 Dave Brown (Woody Harrelson), Brown is a cop long ago Their dialogue zings with Pre-Code sauciness, their barbed unleashed from the rules of the Los Angeles Police Depart- glee skewers social norms and their creativity includes daffy ment. Roving the streets in his black-and-white cruiser, he flights of song and dance. Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey, The Racketeer governs and punishes at will. His home life is a riddle. from their feature debut in 1929 until 1937, tickled fans with a Carole Lombard, Robert Armstrong, Roland Somehow he has fathered children with two sisters (Anne steady skein of comedy madness. Peach-O-Reno has the duo Heche and Cynthia Nixon). Somehow he still lives casually as Reno divorce lawyers eager to spring paying customers Drew with them both, slipping in and out of a family life that’s as from the holy bonds. At night, the law office becomes a casino, A dapper gangster sponsors an alcoholic violinist in order to tangled as his long career on the force. His own daughter a gamble of a storyline that makes sense in the nonsensical win the love of a glamorous divorced socialite. calls him Date Rape. That’s because, years ago, Brown may W&W world. The Gershwin stage hit Girl Crazy becomes a Romance, Crime 1929 66min. have killed a rapist and gotten away with it. of screen expanse that, chucking most of George and Ira’s American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 the incident still haunts him, so when his Rampart division fascinatin’ rhythms, gives the boys room to unleash lunacy on gets caught up in a corruption scandal, Brown makes an easy a dude ranch. You’ll laugh, pardner. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109000 target. As the controversy seeps through the department and Romance, Comedy, Double Features into city hall, this hardened, reckless officer finds 139min. Rampart (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Cops, Warner Bros. MOD 02.11.2010 Copy) (Blu-ray) Drama, Dysfunctional Families 2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108819 107min. Woody Harrelson, Ice Cube, , Millennium Entertainment 15.05.2012 Deadlee, Sigourney Weaver, Robin Wright 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109131 The Perils Of Pauline Penn, Cynthia Nixon, Brie Larson, Stella Betty Hutton, William Demarest, Billy Schnabel, Steve Buscemi, Ned Beatty, Ben DeWolfe, John Lund Foster, Jon Foster, Jon Bernthal, Ruben Rat Scratch Fever Pearl White, who works in a sweatshop, gets her chance to Garfias Science Fiction, Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, act which leads to the silent movies. Horror, Killer Animals 2011 90min. On The Job, Comedy, Film About Film 1947 The most corrupt cop you’ve ever seen on screen.. Nothing fascinates like a dirty cop. In real life they’re terrifying, but in Allegro Entertainment 10.04.2012 74min. the movies their upending of law and order can open deep 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109078 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 explorations of psychology, morality and violence. So meet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108971 Dave Brown (Woody Harrelson), Brown is a cop long ago unleashed from the rules of the Los Angeles Police Depart- The Red House ment. Roving the streets in his black-and-white cruiser, he Phantoms / Darkness / Venom governs and punishes at will. His home life is a riddle. Judith Anderson, Edward G. Robinson, Lon Somehow he has fathered children with two sisters (Anne McCallister (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) Heche and Cynthia Nixon). Somehow he still lives casually Pete and Ellen have reared Meg as their own since she was a Includes: A heart-stopping, edge-of-your-seat thriller with a with them both, slipping in and out of a family life that’s as baby. Now a teen, Meg convinces her friend Nath to come hot cast of rising stars, Phantoms is the latest from Master of tangled as his long career on the force. His own daughter help with chores on the farm, since Pete has difficulty with his Suspense, Dean Koontz. Five lone survivors in a devastated calls him Date Rape. That’s because, years ago, Brown may wooden leg. When Nath insists on using a short cut home town must face the unthinkable: a ferocious force of have killed a rapist and gotten away with it. The shadow of through the woods, Pete warns him of screams in the night, of evil...lying below the earth for centuries...has surfaced with the incident still haunts him, so when his Rampart division terrors associated with the red house. Curious, Meg and Nath the power to destroy every human being! Left behind are two gets caught up in a corruption scandal, Brown makes an easy ignore his warnings and begin exploring. sisters, the town sheriff, his deputy, and a noted tabloid target. As the controversy seeps through the department and Mystery, Thrillers, Film Noir 1947 100min. journalist. You’re in for a pulse-pounding experience as the into city hall, this hardened, reckless officer finds survivors must race to stop this terrifying threat before it Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Cops, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 wipes mankind off the face of the earth! This hit thriller teams Drama, Dysfunctional Families 2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109001 award winner Anna Paquin (X-Men) with Lena Olin (Chocolat) and as a family whose life forever 107min. changes when they move into a new home with an ancient Millennium Entertainment 15.05.2012 Resurrection County secret! Not long after Regina (Paquin) begins living in her 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109139 Dayton Knoll, M.D. Graham, Robert Miano, family’s remote country estate, she learns that there’s something horribly disturbing about the old place. Even as her Adam Huss, Rus Blackwell, Daniel Kruse parents dismiss her concerns, strange things begin to happen Rampart (Blu-ray) In this town, there are no second warnings.. A warning to whenever the lights go out. Soon Regina realizes that a outsiders: When traveling through Resurrection County, series of escalating supernatural events will unl Woody Harrelson, Ice Cube, Anne Heche, watch your step and mind the signs. One false move out here Deadlee, Sigourney Weaver, Robin Wright could be your last. When four suburbanite campers roll into Triple Feature, Zombies, Ghosts, Haunted the backwoods southern town of Enoch, they find that Houses, Horror 271min. Penn, Cynthia Nixon, Brie Larson, Stella southern hospitality still exists. As long as you mind the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Schnabel, Steve Buscemi, Ned Beatty, Ben signs. Things are not what they appear to be as a weekend Foster, Jon Foster, Jon Bernthal, Ruben camping trip turns deadly. The locals are all too happy to 01.05.2012 serve up their own brand of an eye for an eye justice! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108974 Garfias Resurrection County -a pulse pounding, take no prisoners The most corrupt cop you’ve ever seen on screen.. Nothing descent into Southern Gothic horror . fascinates like a dirty cop. In real life they’re terrifying, but in Slasher, Thrillers, Wilderness, Horror 2008 The Proud And The Damned the movies their upending of law and order can open deep Ltbx DD 5.1 95min. Chuck Connors, Aron Kincaid explorations of psychology, morality and violence. So meet Dave Brown (Woody Harrelson), Brown is a cop long ago MTI Home Video 20.03.2012 A group of five Confederate mercenaries led by Sergeant Will unleashed from the rules of the Los Angeles Police Depart- Hansen must choose sides carefully in a small village where ment. Roving the streets in his black-and-white cruiser, he 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108792 they find themselves trapped in the middle of a rebellion. The governs and punishes at will. His home life is a riddle. group is torn as to whether they should honor the powerful Somehow he has fathered children with two sisters (Anne Return military dictator who forces them to spy for him or help the Heche and Cynthia Nixon). Somehow he still lives casually local village fight for its independence. Follow Sergeant with them both, slipping in and out of a family life that’s as Linda Cardellini, Michael Shannon, John Hansen and his men as they make a decision that could cost tangled as his long career on the force. His own daughter Slattery them their lives. calls him Date Rape. That’s because, years ago, Brown may War, Western, American Civil War 1972 have killed a rapist and gotten away with it. The shadow of War, Drama 2011 97min. 92min. the incident still haunts him, so when his Rampart division E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 gets caught up in a corruption scandal, Brown makes an easy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108752 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 target. As the controversy seeps through the department and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108993 into city hall, this hardened, reckless officer finds Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Cops, Rizzoli & Isles: The Complete Se- The Quiet Ones Drama, Dysfunctional Families 2012 cond Season Courtney Gains, Reggie Bannister, Mark 107min. Bruce McGill, Lorraine Bracco, Angie Lassise, Jeremy Zelig Millennium Entertainment 15.05.2012 Harmon, Sasha Alexander, Jordan Bridges, The sins of the father... shall be visited upon the son.. After 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109138 Lee Thompson Young years of abuse at the hands of his demented father (Courtney Homicide detective Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) and forensic Gains), Michael Rose (Adam Ciesielski) finds himself Rampart (DVD + Digital Copy) pathologist Maura Isles (Sasha Alexander) are close friends, traveling down the same path as terrifying recurring complete opposites and on the case in all 15 gritty episodes nightmares begin to manifest in his day-to-day life. Michael’s Woody Harrelson, Ice Cube, Anne Heche, based on the best-selling novels by Tess Gerritsen. Season memories of his distant, horrific, past endanger the lives of Deadlee, Sigourney Weaver, Robin Wright Two sees brash Jane healing emotional and physical scars as everyone around him as he slowly descends into madness. old loves re-appear and her mother Angela (Lorraine Bracco) The Quiet Ones is a thrill-filled psychological horror movie Penn, Cynthia Nixon, Brie Larson, Stella deals with divorce. Meanwhile Jane’s ex-con brother Tommy from writer/director Amel J. Figueroa and features a top-notch Schnabel, Steve Buscemi, Ned Beatty, Ben (Colin Egglesfield) has eyes for cerebral Maura, whose own cast: Courtney Gains (Stephen King’s Children of the Corn, family life is complicated by her adoptive mother Constance Sweet Home Alabama), Reggie Bannister (Phantasm I - IV, Foster, Jon Foster, Jon Bernthal, Ruben

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(Jacqueline Bisset) and a biological dad with a link to the Prepare for the ultimate identity crisis.. Samantha... Who?. Sports, Drama, Golf 2011 min. Mob. And in an explosive season finale, Jane must choose ABC, Comedy, Mental Illness, Mystery, Anderson Merchandisers 29.11.2011 between her job and Maura. Can the friendship survive? Romance 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 322min. Crime, Detectives, Drama, Independent 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108726 Lionsgate 01.05.2012 Women, Mystery 2011 645min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108725 Warner Bros. 22.05.2012 Sex Mad Family: Grindhouse 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108946 Samantha Who?: The Complete Triple Feature Jamie Gillis, Harry Reems The Road Killers Second And Final Season It’s been said that „the family that lays together, stays Christina Applegate, Jean Smart, Jennifer together,“ but this is ridiculous! After Hours Cinema’s Sex Adrienne Shelly, Craig Sheffer, Christopher Mad Family: Grindhouse Triple Feature contains 3 films of Lambert Esposito, Melissa McCarthy, Barry Watson, incestuous family affairs for the sick son-of-a-gun who’s They’re on the highway to Hell.. While on a road trip, Jack Kevin Dunn, Tim Russ always wanted to ball his sister! It’s good to keep it in the Lerolland (Christopher Lambert) and family are horrified when Christina Applegate returns as the fun, flirty and unforgettable family! Sex Mad Family. When daddy’s away, the daughter will a young boy is nearly run down by a carload of Sam Newly! Leaving her past behind, Sam is stepping out with play... and so will his wife and the neighbor, and the troublemakers. The group’s ringleader, Cliff (Craig Sheffer), a new guy, a new job... and new appreciation for the old Sam’s neighbor’s daughter, and the boy from school... Curious challenges the boy’s father to a deadly game of chicken. Intent taste in clothes and dance moves. Inspired by her zeal, Sam’s Women. Cousin Pauline. A shocking tale of the exploitation of on eliminating witnesses, Cliff orders his friends to kill Jack got everyone letting go and trying new things. Maybe Sam will a drugged American tourist at the hands of her European while he kidnaps the family. The bizarre gang’s plans begin find that being good is not such a bad idea. Or maybe she’ll cousin! Shot on location in Paris, France, this is Eurosleaze crumbling as they fight among themselves, revealing volatile learn not to be bad unless she’s good at it! at its filthy finest! tempers and shocking secrets. ABC, Comedy, Mental Illness, Mystery, Exploitation, Triple Feature FF 180min. Action, Crime, Drama 1994 90min. Romance 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 430min. Alternative Cinema 14.02.2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Lionsgate 01.05.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108987 29.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108769 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108918 The Shadow Strikes Say It Isn’t So! Rod La Rocque, Walter McGrail The Road To Ruin Heather Graham, Sally Field, Richard Lamond Cranston appears to be a suave man about town, but Helen Foster, Glen Boles he is „The Shadow“ fighting crime. Here, he is on the trail of a Jenkins, Chris Klein, Orlando Jones murderer amongst a long list of suspects. A young girl gets involved with a drug-taking, drinking crowd Boy meets girl. Boy loves girl. Boy discovers girl may be his and finds that she is addicted and pregnant. She is forced to sister. (Boy, this could be trouble.) To make matters worse, by Mystery, Superheroes, Crime 1937 62min. get an abortion. the time he discovers „it isn’t so,“ he has precious little time American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Substance Abuse, Troubled Youth, Cult to stop the woman of his dreams from marrying another man. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109003 Film / TV, Drama 1934 62min. It’s shameless romantic comedy at its finest produced by the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 twisted minds behind There’s Something About Mary and Me Myself & Irene! Shake, Rattle & Rock! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109002 Romance, Comedy 2001 95min. Renee Zellweger, Max Perlich, Patricia Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Childress, Latanyia Baldwin, Howie Mandel Rock-A-Bye Baby 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109125 A rockin’ Renee Zellweger stars in this energetic story Jerry Lewis, Marilyn Maxwell where a rebellious young woman sets out to prove that rock Something of a remake of Sturges’s The Miracle Of Morgan Scheherazade, Tell Me A Story ‘n’ roll is here to stay! As the rock ‘n’ roll craze sweeps Creek, except with Lewis’s slapstick comedy subbing for across America, Susan (Zellweger) and her friend are Sturges’s rapid-fire dialogue. Here, Lewis is called upon to Mahmoud hemida inspired to start their own band and open a hoppin’ nightclub baby sit a sexy movie star’s (Maxwell) triplets because she Gender War In Egypt: A Film About Women Who Fight Back. where the local teens can hang out. Their conservative doesn’t want the public to know that she’s had children. Of Scheherazade, Tell Me A Story. Hebba, a television talk-show hometown, however, isn’t ready for „the devil’s music“ and is course, Lewis not only engages in some hilarious pratfalls host, produces a successful political program on a privately determined to stamp out the musical menace before any more with the three tykes, but also has trouble figuring out how to owned network. Her husband, Karim, is the deputy editor-in- teens are corrupted in the rock ‘n’ roll frenzy! With comedian lie about who the mother of the triplets is. Since the setup for chief of a government-controlled newspaper. When his Howie Mandel, Max Perlich (Blow) and Jenifer Lewis the film allows Lewis so much room to, well, be Jerry Lewis, promotion is threatened by his wife’s meddling in opposition (Mystery Men) is a great ensemble cast — fight for your right this ends up being one his funnier and more satisfying films. politics on her program, he sweet-talks her into avoiding to rock with a fun feature film that doesn’t skip a beat! Comedy 1958 min. controversy and devoting her program to other topics. She TV Movies, Drama, Music 1994 min. begins a series of shows about women’s issues, revealing the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Olive Films 14.02.2012 stories of strong, resilient women who, like Scheherazade in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108938 One Thousand and One Nights, tell their tales to stay alive. 22.05.2012 This two-DVD set also includes Fallen Angels Paradise, a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108909 feature by prominent Egyptian director Ossam Fawsi, and Rock-A-Bye Baby (Blu-ray) Rotating Square, a short by Ahmed Hassouna. Jerry Lewis, Marilyn Maxwell Politics, Romance, Crime, Drama, Egyptian, Shame (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Something of a remake of Sturges’s The Miracle Of Morgan Foreign 2009 Ltbx S 134min. Copy) (Blu-ray) Creek, except with Lewis’s slapstick comedy subbing for Sturges’s rapid-fire dialogue. Here, Lewis is called upon to Facets Video 24.04.2012 Carey Mulligan, Michael Fassbender, James baby sit a sexy movie star’s (Maxwell) triplets because she 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108784 Badge Dale doesn’t want the public to know that she’s had children. Of Hollywood Reporter) Shame tells the riveting story of course, Lewis not only engages in some hilarious pratfalls Brandon; a handsome New York businessman with a dark and with the three tykes, but also has trouble figuring out how to Scorcher destructive secret. His solitary existence is shaken by the lie about who the mother of the triplets is. Since the setup for , Rutger Hauer, Mark unexpected arrival of his sister Sissy (Carey Mulligan, An the film allows Lewis so much room to, well, be Jerry Lewis, Education), another damaged soul who brings memories of a this ends up being one his funnier and more satisfying films. Rolston, G.W. Bailey painful shared past. Graphic, highly provocative and Mankind Faces Earth’s Final Days.... In the thrilling tradition undeniably powerful, „Shame. Comedy 1958 103min. of The Core and Independence Day, Scorcher stars Mark Olive Films 14.02.2012 Dacascos (Cradle 2 the Grave, China Strike Force), Rutger Drama 2011 101min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108980 Hauer (Confessions of a Dangerous Mind) and John Rhys- 20th Century Fox 17.04.2012 Davies ( trilogy, Indiana Jones trilogy) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109105 in an action-packed adventure where extraordinary heroes Royal Pains: Season Three - take on the ultimate fight to save the world! In the wake of a Volume Two horrible nuclear accident, devastating natural disasters Shock Labyrinth 3D abound as the Earth’s massive tectonic plates shift violently Ai Maeda, Shoichiro Masumoto, Yagira Mark Feuerstein, Paulo Costanzo and unnaturally. To stop the earthquakes and volcanic Hank Lawson (Mark Feuerstein), a „concierge doctor“ in the eruptions that are leading up to an inevitable Yuya Hamptons, works to balance the medical needs and frivolous catastrophe, scientists decide that a nuclear bomb must be Can you really trust your childhood memories?. Shock Laby- whims of the very rich, sometimes famous and always detonated in Los Angeles! From there, the fate of the world rinth. demanding. and the safety of its inhabitants rest with Ryan Beckett Thrillers, 3D, Foreign, Horror, Japanese (Dacascos) and his elite team, who must pull off this do-or- USA Network, Comedy, Drama 2011 min. die race against time! 2010 Ltbx S 89min. Universal Studios 29.05.2012 Action, Adventure, Disasters, Drama 2002 Well Go USA 08.05.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109155 91min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108807 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Samantha Who?: The Complete 08.05.2012 Shogun Assassin: 5 Film First Season 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108897 Collector’s Set (Blu-ray) Christina Applegate, Jean Smart, Jennifer Shin Kishida, Minoru Ohki, Shoji Kobayashi, Esposito, Melissa McCarthy, Barry Watson, Seven Days In Utopia Michi Azuma, Michiyo Yasuda, Tomisaburo Kevin Dunn, Tim Russ Robert Duvall, Melissa Leo, Lucas Black Wakayama, Eiji Okada, Go Kato, Kayo

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Matsuo, Masahiro Tomikawa Marilyn Ghigliotti, Jennifer Schwalbach Carey, Rachel Hunter, Joaquim De Almeida, After his wife is murdered and his house destroyed, Ogami Itto Smith, Lisa Spoonauer, Carmen Llywellyn, Oz Perkins and his infant son journey the dusty roads of Japan in search Ben Affleck, , Will Ferrell, A romantic drama about life, love and the joy of cooking. Set of revenge. However, as a sword for hire, his first order of between three interweaving stories, the film explores the business is a showdown with three agents, known as ‘The George Carlin, Seann William Scott, Jason different facets of new relationships, pregnancy and infidelity, Masters of Death.“ After refusing a Governor’s offer, a series Mewes, Ethan Suplee, Scott Mosier, Jeff ultimately making the kitchen the centerpiece of their lives. of assassins, including a gunslinger, a master swordsman, and an army of soldiers await Ogami and Daigoro. And to Anderson, Dwight Ewell, Scott Schiaffo Rocky Relationships, Drama 2007 min. make matters worse, a skilled samurai keeps politely asking if Clerks. One wild day in the life of a pair of overworked Echo Bridge Home Entertainment they can have a duel. Ogami is hired to kill a beautiful counter jockeys whose razor-sharp wit and on-the-job antics 29.05.2012 tattooed assassin, only to find himself in a situation where give a whole new meaning to customer service. . honor and justice are in conflict. Meanwhile, his nemesis, Chasing Amy is the third installment in the „New Jersey 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108922 Retsudo, along with a legion of his best warriors, lurks Trilogy“ from award-winning writer-director Kevin Smith closely behind. Five warriors enlist Ogami to save their clan. (Clerks, , Dogma). Cult comic-book artist Holden Spirit Of The Eagle / Sign Of The However, to ensure he is up to the challenge, he must (Ben Affleck) falls in love with fellow artist Alyssa (Joey confront and fight each man separately — only then will he Lauren Adams), only to be thwarted by her sexuality, the Otter receive his pay and further details of his assignment. Retsudo disdain of his best friend Banky (Jason Lee), and his own launches one last plot by dispatching his two remaining misgivings about himself. Filled with Smith’s unique ear for Dan Haggerty, John Christian children after the head of Ogami. A final showdown with dialogue and insight into relationships, Chasing Amy. Jay And Legendary mapmaker Big Eli McDonough roams the mountain Retsudo awaits Ogami and Daigoro in the snowy p Silent Bob Strike Back. The comic „Bluntman and Chronic“ is forests accompanied by a majestic golden eagle...but trouble based on real-life stoners Jay and Silent Bob, so when they hits paradise when Big Eli’s son is kidnapped; Sign of the Boxed Sets, English Dubbed, Feudal Japan, get no profit from a big-screen adaptation, they set out to Otter recounts one wilderness family’s adventures and Foreign, Japanese, Action, Samurai, wreck the movie. encounters with the American Indians, the English, and the Swordfighting min. Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Director / Writer French in frontier America. E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 Box Sets, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Native American, Wilderness, Adventure, 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108883 On The Job, Road Trips, Romance, Stoners, Family 183min. Triple Feature, Work Sucks Ltbx 309min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Side Streets / Stranger In Town Lionsgate 15.05.2012 02.11.2010 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108808 (Double Feature) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109071 Aline MacMahon The Star Packer Hard times - some romantic, some financial - are the focus of Smitty two films made in the depths of the Depression. Aline Jason London, Mira Sorvino, Lolita John Wayne, Verna Hillie, Robert N. MacMahon’s (Dragon Seed, All the Way Home) expressive Bradbury, Paul Malvern, Robert N. face reflects the joys and sorrows of devotion in Side Streets, Davidovich, Peter Fonda, Michael Baumgar- the tale of a shopkeeper (MacMahon) who marries an ten, Marcy Levitas Hamilton, Michael Baum- Bradbury easygoing sailor (Paul Kelly) for love. But he’s marrying for a The mysterious „Shadow“ and his gang are being pursued garten, David M. Evans when the sheriff is killed. Travers becomes the new sheriff meal ticket. Stranger In Town stars Charles „Chic“ Sale, the Everyone needs a friendly paw.. Mischievous thirteen-year- vaudeville comic renowned for playing cantankerous old- and catches two of the gang and gets enough information to old Ben is sent to his grandfather’s farm for the summer, track the others down. timers decades his senior. Here, he’s small-town coot where he crosses paths with a lovable mutt. With help from Ulysses Crickle, whose tiny grocery faces ruin when a the unlikely canine companion, Ben learns the importance of Western 1934 55min. national chain opens a store right across the street. Look out, friendship, family and responsibility. When life gets tough for American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 corporate fat cats: you don’t know what competition is until Ben, a friendly paw is all it takes to pull him through. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109004 you take on Ulysses Crickle! Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendships Romance, Double Features, Drama 178min. 2012 DD 5.1 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 The Stars Look Down Phase 4 Films 10.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108780 Michael Redgrave 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108842 Davey leaves the mining village to go to University on a scholarship. He marries Jenny and returns home without Kevin Smith Triple Feature Society Lawyer / Stronger Than completing his degree. He realizes Jenny loves someone else Matt Damon, Jason Lee, Judd Nelson, and becomes also disappointed with his work as a teacher. Casey Affleck, Ali Larter, Eliza Dushku, Desire (Double Feature) He decides to become an activist for the miners. Drama 1939 101min. Carrie Fisher, Joey Lauren Adams, Walter Pidgeon, Virginia Bruce, Eduardo American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Shannon Elizabeth, Guinevere Turner, Ciannelli Before he hit his stride as a symbol of screen decency and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109005 Marilyn Ghigliotti, Jennifer Schwalbach likeability (notably in films opposite Greer Garson), Walter Smith, Lisa Spoonauer, Carmen Llywellyn, Pidgeon worked in numerous A films as second leads and as Ben Affleck, Kevin Smith, Will Ferrell, the occasional male lead in compelling B programmers like The Stoolie George Carlin, Seann William Scott, Jason these two movies from 1939. As a Park Avenue Society Jackie Mason, Marcia Jean Kurtz Lawyer, Pidgeon pieces together details of a murder at an A police informer makes off with a lot of money so he can live Mewes, Ethan Suplee, Scott Mosier, Jeff exclusive high-rise. Virginia Bruce teams with Pidgeon in this well in Miami. Anderson, Dwight Ewell, Scott Schiaffo remake of the pre-Code Penthouse. Stronger Than Desire’s Comedy, Crime 1972 90min. Clerks. One wild day in the life of a pair of overworked tale of murder and matrimony has Pidgeon defending a woman counter jockeys whose razor-sharp wit and on-the-job antics accused of killing her husband - all the while unaware that American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 give a whole new meaning to customer service. Chasing Amy. his wife (Virginia Bruce) is involved in the crime. Court’s in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109006 Chasing Amy is the third installment in the „New Jersey session with this remake of Evelyn Prentice. Trilogy“ from award-winning writer-director Kevin Smith Thrillers, Crime, Double Features, Drama, (Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma). Cult comic-book artist Holden Lawyers / Legal Issues, Marriage Woes Suits: Season One (Ben Affleck) falls in love with fellow artist Alyssa (Joey The new original series Suits delves into the fast-paced, Lauren Adams), only to be thwarted by her sexuality, the min. high-stakes world of a top Manhattan corporate law firm disdain of his best friend Banky (Jason Lee), and his own Warner Bros. MOD 04.03.2011 where hotshot attorney Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, „Love misgivings about himself. Filled with Smith’s unique ear for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108786 and Other Drugs“) makes a risky move by hiring the brilliant dialogue and insight into relationships, Chasing Amy. Jay And but unmotivated, Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams, Lost), as his Silent Bob Strike Back. The comic „Bluntman and Chronic“ is new associate. The only problem is he doesn’t have an actual based on real-life stoners Jay and Silent Bob, so when they Some Days Are Better Than law degree. With his encyclopedic knowledge and uncanny get no profit from a big-screen adaptation, they set out to knack of remembering things, Mike proves to be a legal wreck the movie. Others prodigy despite the absence of bonafide legal credentials. On The Job, Road Trips, Romance, Stoners, Carrie Brownstein Bound by their secret, the two are forced to keep up the charade as they become an irrepressible duo. The series also Triple Feature, Work Sucks, Comedy, Cult Romance, Drama 2010 93min. stars Meghan Markle (CSI Miami), Gina Torres (Gossip Film / TV, Director / Writer Box Sets, Dra- Tartan Video 27.03.2012 Girl), Sarah Rafferty (Brothers and Sisters) and Rick ma, Gay / Lesbian Interest Ltbx DD 5.1 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108697 Hoffman (Samantha Who). This 3-disc set features all 12 Season One episodes of Suits, the hit show that critics are 309min. hailing as, „crisp, clean and perfectly tailored“ Lionsgate 15.05.2012 Some Days Are Better Than (TVFanatic.com). 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109056 Others (Blu-ray) Boxed Sets, Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues min. Carrie Brownstein Universal Studios 01.05.2012 Kevin Smith Triple Feature (Blu- Drama, Romance 2010 93min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108941 ray) Tartan Video 27.03.2012 Matt Damon, Jason Lee, Judd Nelson, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108728 Casey Affleck, Ali Larter, Eliza Dushku, Summer Interlude: The Criterion Carrie Fisher, Joey Lauren Adams, Something’s Cooking Collection Shannon Elizabeth, Guinevere Turner, Christina Hendricks, Leisha Hailey, Clare Birger Malmsten, Ingmar Bergman

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Touching on many of the themes that would define the rest of Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn, , Cult Film / TV, Director / Writer Box Sets, his legendary career-isolation, performance, the inescapability of the past-the tenth film by Ingmar Bergman Heather Graham, Famke Janssen, Ron Drama Ltbx DD 5.1 634min. (The Seventh Seal) was a gentle sway toward true mastery. In Livingston, Jonathan Silverman, Faizon Lionsgate 15.05.2012 one of the director’s great early female roles, Maj-Britt Love, Alex Desert, Patrick Van Horn, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109052 Nilsson beguiles as Marie, an accomplished ballet dancer haunted by her tragic youthful affair with a shy, handsome Brooke Langton, Katherine Kendall, student (Birger Malmsten). Her memories of the rocky shores Makenzie Vega, Vincent Pastore, Sean The Terror Experiment of tockholm’s outer archipelago mingle with scenes from her Combs, Tom Morello Lochlyn Munro, Jason London, Judd Nel- gloomy present, most of them set in the dark backstage Swingers. Hip and hilarious - critics and audiences alike are environs of the theater where she works. A film that the raving about this must-see comedy hit that’s so money, it son, C. Thomas Howell, Robert Carradine director considered a creative turning point, Summer Interlude catapulted Vince Vaughn (The Break Up, Wedding Crashers) Terror is contagious!. A terrorist sets off an explosion that is a reverie on life and death that bridges the gap between and Jon Favreau (Couples Retreat, Iron Man) to stardom! It’s rocks the Federal building and unleashes a toxic gas Bergman’s past and future, theater and cinema. the laugh-out-loud look at a fun group of friends who spend throughout the ventilation system. His purpose - to expose the Swedish, Art House, Criterion Collection, their days looking for work and their nights in and out of Government’s secret biological warfare weapon, a deadly Drama, Foreign 1951 96min. Hollywood’s coolest after-hours hangouts! When the lovesick virus that instantly attacks a person’s adrenal system, Mike (Jon Favreau) can’t seem to shake a relationship rut, causing them to become inhumanly aggressive, with an Criterion 29.05.2012 his smooth, fast-talking buddy Trent (Vince Vaughn) decides uncontrollable urge to kill each other. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108997 he’ll do whatever it takes to show Mike a good time! Whether Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Horror laughing over martinis in smoky cocktail lounges...or 2010 82min. searching for beautiful babes on an outrageous road trip to Summer Interlude: The Criterion Vegas, the young Swingers are determined to rewrite the Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Collection (Blu-ray) rules of modern dating! Made. Swingers costars Jon Favreau 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108824 and Vince Vaughn team up with rap superstar Sean Combs Birger Malmsten, Ingmar Bergman and the legendary Peter Falk (Columbo. Touching on many of the themes that would define the rest of Road Trips, Thrillers, Art House, Buddy The Terror Experiment (Blu-ray) his legendary career-isolation, performance, the Lochlyn Munro, Jason London, Judd Nel- inescapability of the past-the tenth film by Ingmar Bergman Pictures, Comedy, Crime, Cult Film / TV, (The Seventh Seal) was a gentle sway toward true mastery. In Double Features, Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 son, C. Thomas Howell, Robert Carradine one of the director’s great early female roles, Maj-Britt 190min. Terror is contagious!. A terrorist sets off an explosion that Nilsson beguiles as Marie, an accomplished ballet dancer rocks the Federal building and unleashes a toxic gas haunted by her tragic youthful affair with a shy, handsome Lionsgate 15.05.2012 throughout the ventilation system. His purpose - to expose the student (Birger Malmsten). Her memories of the rocky shores 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109127 Government’s secret biological warfare weapon, a deadly of tockholm’s outer archipelago mingle with scenes from her virus that instantly attacks a person’s adrenal system, gloomy present, most of them set in the dark backstage causing them to become inhumanly aggressive, with an environs of the theater where she works. A film that the The Swiss Conspiracy uncontrollable urge to kill each other. director considered a creative turning point, Summer Interlude John Ireland, David Janssen, Senta Berger, Horror, Action, Science Fiction, Thrillers is a reverie on life and death that bridges the gap between John Saxon 2010 82min. Bergman’s past and future, theater and cinema. Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Swedish, Criterion Collection, Drama, An American investigator is brought into a Swiss Bank when it is found some of the accounts have been compromised. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108887 Foreign, Art House 1951 96min. Crime, Drama 1976 90min. Criterion 29.05.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 The Terror Of Tiny Town 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109029 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109007 Billy Curtis Little guys with big guns! This now-infamous cult favorite Summer With Monika: The Switchin’ The Script unfolds like a typical Hollywood Western from the 1930s — Criterion Collection except that the cast is comprised entirely of midgets. It’s good Bobby Valentino, Veronica Rodriguez, guys versus bad guys in the old west as Buck Lawson , Ingmar Bergman, Lars Jackee Harry, Jason Hewitt, Ray J, Thomas (played by Billy Curtis) fends off cattle rustlers and Ekborg Mikal Ford stagecoach robbers, and even saves a damsel in distress. But Inspired by the earthy eroticism of his muse Harriet During a weekend corporate retreat, her best friends it’s hard not to smile when you realize the characters are Andersson, in the first of her many roles for him, Ingmar convince unlucky-in-love Lonnie to „switch the script“ and riding Shetland ponies and passing under the saloon doors Bergman had a major international breakthrough with this take control of men. Lonnie impresses every man in the place without swinging them open! Features many recognizable ravaging, sensual tale of young love. In Stockholm, a girl with her beauty and charm - most importantly, her boss’ good- who also appear in The Wizard Of Oz. (Andersson) and boy (Lars Ekborg) from working-class looking son David. Lots of laughs, funny hi-jinks, and heartfelt Western, Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1938 families run away from home to spend a secluded, romantic moments take place, and we watch as Lonnie tries to embrace 62min. summer at the beach, far from parents and responsibilities. her new personality without turning away what quite possibly Inevitably, it is not long before the pair is forced to return to may be „Mr. Right.“ American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 reality. The version originally released in the U.S. was Comedy 2012 DD 5.1 85min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109009 reedited by its distributor into something more salacious, but the original Summer With Monika, as presented here, is a Allegro Entertainment 10.04.2012 work of stunning maturity and one of Bergman’s most important 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109020 The Terror films. Boris Karloff, Sandra Knight, Jack Swedish, Art House, Criterion Collection, Quentin Tarantino Triple Feature Nicholson, Dick Miller Drama, Foreign 1953 97min. Bruce Willis, Quentin Tarantino, Ving Set in France, a young officer sees a young woman who Criterion 29.05.2012 mysteriously disappears into the sea. He finds himself in a Rhames, John Travolta, Pam Grier, Uma 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108998 house where a portrait of the woman hangs and they say she Thurman, Robert Forster, Bridget Fonda, has been dead for twenty years. Amanda Plummer, Chris Tucker, Rosanna Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1963 79min. Summer With Monika: The Arquette, Maria De Medeiros, Robert De American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Niro, Samuel L. Jackson, Steve Buscemi, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109008 Harriet Andersson, Ingmar Bergman, Lars Michael Madsen, Harvey Keitel, Eric Stoltz, Ekborg , Michael Keaton, Chris Penn, Phil The Terrorists Inspired by the earthy eroticism of his muse Harriet LaMarr, Lawrence Tierney Ian McShane, Sean Connery Andersson, in the first of her many roles for him, Ingmar Reservoir Dogs. Four Perfect Killers. One Perfect Crime. Sean Connery delivers a compelling performance as Nils Bergman had a major international breakthrough with this Critically acclaimed for its raw power and breathtaking Tahlvik, the tough-as-nails security chief of a wealthy ravaging, sensual tale of young love. In Stockholm, a girl ferocity, it’s the brilliant American gangster movie classic Scandinavian country. Tahlvik faces his ultimate challenge (Andersson) and boy (Lars Ekborg) from working-class from writer-director Quentin Tarantino. They were perfect when a ruthless group of terrorists take the British families run away from home to spend a secluded, romantic strangers, assembled to pull off the perfect crime. Then their Ambassador hostage and hijack a passenger jet. Tahlvik’s summer at the beach, far from parents and responsibilities. simple robbery explodes into bloody ambush, and the ruthless government orders him to cooperate fully - but he’s not about Inevitably, it is not long before the pair is forced to return to killers realize one of them is a police informer. But which to give in! This riveting action film is a thrilling adventure reality. The version originally released in the U.S. was one? Pulp Fiction. MovieMaker Magazine), Quentin from beginning to end! reedited by its distributor into something more salacious, but Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction has been hailed by critics and Terrorism, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Cult Film the original Summer With Monika, as presented here, is a audiences worldwide as a film that redefined cinema. work of stunning maturity and one of Bergman’s most important Tarantino delivers an unforgettable cast of characters - / TV, Drama, Hostage Crisis 1974 89min. films. including a pair of low-rent hit men (John Travolta and Samuel Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Swedish, Criterion Collection, Drama, L. Jackson), their boss’s sexy wife (Uma Thurman) and a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109111 Foreign, Art House 1953 97min. desperate prizefighter (Bruce Willis) - in a wildly Criterion 29.05.2012 entertaining and exhilarating blend of crime-thriller-drama- comedy that is completely original and entirely unforgettable. The Terrorists (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109030 Nominated for 7 Academy Awards® including Best Picture and Best Director, Pulp Fiction. Jackie Brown. What do a sexy Ian McShane, Sean Connery stewardess (Pam Grier), a street-tough gun runner (Samuel L. Sean Connery delivers a compelling performance as Nils Swingers / Made (Double Fea- Jackson), a lonel Tahlvik, the tough-as-nails security chief of a wealthy Scandinavian country. Tahlvik faces his ultimate challenge ture) Mystery, Thrillers, Triple Feature, Crime, when a ruthless group of terrorists take the British

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Ambassador hostage and hijack a passenger jet. Tahlvik’s Eve Myles (Doctor Who, Little Dorrit) are joined by stars Truth About Cats & Dogs government orders him to cooperate fully - but he’s not about Mekhi Phifer (ER, Lie To Me) and Bill Pullman (While You to give in! This riveting action film is a thrilling adventure Were Sleeping, Independence Day) for a new heart-pounding Janeane Garofalo, Uma Thurman, Jamie from beginning to end! season of Torchwood. When convicted child killer Oswald Foxx, Ben Chaplin Terrorism, Thrillers, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Danes (Pullman) miraculously survives his own execution, Charming and bittersweet, this modern-day romantic comedy Drama, Hostage Crisis, Action 1974 89min. the footage holds America transfixed. And then everyone starring Uma Thurman, Janeane Garofalo and Ben Chaplin realizes that nobody is dying. All across the world, nobody explores the beguiling perils of mistaken identity. Abby Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 dies. And then the next day, and the next, and the next. People (Garofalo), a savvy, witty veterinarian who hosts her own 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109135 keep aging — they get hurt and sick — but they never die. radio talk show, is anything by confident when it comes to The result: a population boom, overnight. With all the extra love. A petite brunette, she describes herself as tall and people, resources are finite. It’s said that in four month’s time, blonde when Brian (Chaplin), a caller who is smitten with her The Time Of Your Life the human race will cease to be viable. But this can’t be a radio persona, asks her on a date. She then talks her tall, James Cagney, William Bendix, Wayne natural event - someone’s got to be behind it. It’s a race blonde neighbor Noelle (Thurman) into assuming her identity, against time as CIA agent Rex Matheson (Phifer) investigates setting off an escalating series of hilarious and romantic Morris a secret British institution named Torchwood that seems to crises. A curious assortment of regulars at a San Francisco dive bar hold the answers, and finds only two surviving members: orbits around a wealthy eccentric (James Cagney) who Gwen Cooper (Myles), who has retreated to a remote Welsh Romance, Comedy 1996 99min. regularly holds court at the salty watering hole. But his desire hideaway with her new family, and the mysterious, brilliant Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 to see people „live their dreams“ will set in motion a series of British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109115 events with mixed consequences. Adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by William Saroyan, the cast of Science Fiction, BBC, Time Travel 2011 characters in this engaging comedy-drama is rounded out by 450min. Truth About Cats & Dogs (Blu-ray) Paul Draper, William Bendix, James Barton and James’ own BBC Home Video 03.04.2012 Janeane Garofalo, Uma Thurman, Jamie sister, Jeanne Cagney. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109025 Drama 1948 100min. Foxx, Ben Chaplin American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Charming and bittersweet, this modern-day romantic comedy The Trail Beyond starring Uma Thurman, Janeane Garofalo and Ben Chaplin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109010 explores the beguiling perils of mistaken identity. Abby John Wayne, Verna Hillie, Noah Beery (Garofalo), a savvy, witty veterinarian who hosts her own Drew is searching for a lost miner and his daughter. They find radio talk show, is anything by confident when it comes to Titanic a map to a mine and hide it but they are seen and chaos love. A petite brunette, she describes herself as tall and Maria Doyle Kennedy, Lyndsey Marshal, ensues. blonde when Brian (Chaplin), a caller who is smitten with her Western 1934 55min. radio persona, asks her on a date. She then talks her tall, Geraldine Somerville, Toby Jones blonde neighbor Noelle (Thurman) into assuming her identity, Disasters, Drama, High Seas, Historical / American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 setting off an escalating series of hilarious and romantic Period Piece 2011 188min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109011 crises. E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 Comedy, Romance 1996 99min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108718 Trippin’ Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Wilderness, Horror 2012 88min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109136 Titanic (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108947 Truth About Kerry Stana Katic, Darren Keefe Maria Doyle Kennedy, Lyndsey Marshal, Trocadero A young American woman (Stana Katic, TV’s Castle) travels Geraldine Somerville, Toby Jones to a remote village in Ireland to investigate the mysterious Disasters, Drama, High Seas, Historical / Rosemary Lane, Ralph Morgan, Johnny circumstances surrounding her best friend Kerry’s death. She Period Piece 2011 188min. Downes realizes that the village may be hiding more secrets than she Musical wrapped around the story of two children who inherit thought, and it isn’t long before she develops an obsessive E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 a night club which is in financial trouble. They hire all sorts belief that her friend’s death may have been no accident. A 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108735 of different acts including jazz bands and comedians, and stunning, suspense film with a shocking conclusion! there is lots of music. Mystery, Thrillers, Drama min. Titanic (Blu-ray) Music, Musical, Jazz 1944 74min. Music Video Distribution 03.04.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108771 Maria Doyle Kennedy, Lyndsey Marshal, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109014 Geraldine Somerville, Toby Jones Disasters, Drama, High Seas, Historical / Two Girls And A Guy Period Piece 2011 188min. True Story Of A Woman In Jail: Heather Graham, Natasha Gregson Wag- E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 Sex Hell ner, Robert Downey Jr. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108734 A group of young women is thrown into a horrible juvenile They’re as different as they are beautiful, but Carla (Heather hall, due to their illegal acts. They soon wish they were back Graham) and Lou (Natasha Gregson Wagner) have more in on the outside, as a gang of inmates subjects this „fresh meat“ common than meets the eye. Each brags that she has the Torchwood: Miracle Day to the horrors of being locked up. Mayumi, a new inmate with world’s greatest boyfriend — until they both realize they’re a mysterious past, stands up for herself and fights back! no talking about the same guy! Sparks fly when the two girls team Bill Pullman, Kai Owen, Eve Myles, Mekhi one is going to push her around, and she hatches an escape up to confront their lying, two-timing lover. Robert Downey Phifer, John Barrowman plan to seek revenge on the person who had her incarcerated. Jr. is Blake Allen, the arrogant, self-absorbed actor who gets John Barrowman (Doctor Who, ) and True Story of a Woman in Jail: Sex Hellis a sleazy, sexually a double dose of girl trouble in this wildly provocative „look at Eve Myles (Doctor Who, Little Dorrit) are joined by stars graphic and surprisingly violent entry in the „women in love, lust and sexual commitment.“ () Mekhi Phifer (ER, Lie To Me) and Bill Pullman (While You prison“ genre. The opening uniform changing, nude medical Romance, Art House, Comedy 1998 84min. Were Sleeping, Independence Day) for a new heart-pounding examination sessions, communal scrubbings in the bathhouse, Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 season of Torchwood. When convicted child killer Oswald nimble-fingered and vicious catfights are all here— Danes (Pullman) miraculously survives his own execution, and more! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109126 the footage holds America transfixed. And then everyone Pink Film, Prison, Erotica 72min. realizes that nobody is dying. All across the world, nobody Ubaldo Terzani Horror Show (Blu- dies. And then the next day, and the next, and the next. People Impulse Pictures 10.04.2012 keep aging — they get hurt and sick — but they never die. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108713 ray) The result: a population boom, overnight. With all the extra people, resources are finite. It’s said that in four month’s time, Renato Rascel the human race will cease to be viable. But this can’t be a Trust The Man From Italy’s newest talent in cult horror comes the second film natural event - someone’s got to be behind it. It’s a race , , Maggie from Gabriele Albanesi. Alessio Rinaldi, a 25-year-old against time as CIA agent Rex Matheson (Phifer) investigates director, is commissioned to write the script for his first movie a secret British institution named Torchwood that seems to Gyllenhaal, Billy Crudup with Ubaldo Terzani, a well-known horror novelist. When hold the answers, and finds only two surviving members: In the great tradition of witty New York romance comedies, Alessio moves into Terzani’s house to better collaborate, a Gwen Cooper (Myles), who has retreated to a remote Welsh David Duchovny and Julianne Moore star in this sexy and strange relationship of psychological dependence develops hideaway with her new family, and the mysterious, brilliant sophisticated ensemble film about life, love and laughter in the between them: Ubaldo Terzani unveils his dark side, and big city. Overachieving actress, Rebecca (Moore), must come Alessio is dragged into an increasingly desperate abyss of Time Travel, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, to grips with her failing marriage to stay-at-home dad, Tom nightmares and madness. There is a reason why Terzani’s International TV, Science Fiction 2011 (Duchovny). While Rebecca’s slacker brother, Tobey (Billy bestsellers are so frightening. . .As Alessio discovers that 529min. Crudup), can’t seem to commit to his aspiring-novelist reality can be unexpectedly more terrifying than any literary girlfriend, Elaine (Maggie Gyllenhaal). As both relationships invention, he slowly realizes that he will have to fight with all BBC Home Video 03.04.2012 spin out of control, the two couples embark on a hilarious his strength to break free from the jaws of Ubaldo Terzani. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108992 quest to rediscover the magic and romance of falling in love in Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Horror, Italian, Thril- New York. lers 2010 min. Romance, Comedy, Drama 2005 100min. Torchwood: Miracle Day (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 Starz / Anchor Bay 10.04.2012 Bill Pullman, Kai Owen, Eve Myles, Mekhi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108804 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109113 Phifer, John Barrowman John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Desperate Housewives) and

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Under The Red Robe singer, even though she is unable to hear him sing. Touching and cooperate with a film crew shooting a movie based on his drama co-stars Michael Ontkean (Slap Shot, Postcards From life. Conrad Veidt The Edge, TV’s Twin Peaks) with Alex Rocco (Get Shorty, Crime, Drama, Action, Triple Feature Set in France in the 17th century a duelist ignores the new The Godfather) and Barry Miller (Peggy Sue Got Married, laws against dueling and is sentenced to death. He is Love Affair). Directed by Robert Markowitz (TV’s The 346min. promised by Cardinal Richelieu that he will be lenient on Tuskegee Airmen, Murder In The Heartland). Shout Factory 15.05.2012 certain conditions. Music, Romance, Drama 1979 106min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109158 Action, Historical / Period Piece 1937 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 82min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108758 War Horse American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 David Thewlis, Emily Watson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109015 Voodoo Black Exorcist From legendary director Steven Spielberg comes the epic Eva Leon, Aldo Sambrell adventure War Horse, a tale of incredible loyalty, hope and Up All Night With Robert Downey tenacity. Based on the Tony award-winning Broadway play Archaeologists exhume the body of a prince after three (Best Play, 2011), and set against the sweeping canvas of Sr.: Eclipse From The Criterion thousand years and the corpse revives and begins to kill World War I, this deeply heartfelt story begins with the everyone he comes in contact with. He must be stopped. remarkable friendship between a horse named Joey and his Collection Zombies, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1974 84min. young trainer Albert. When they’re forced apart by war, we Rarely do landmark works of cinema seem so . . . wrong. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 follow Joey’s extraordinary journey as he changes and Robert Downey Sr. emerged as one of the most irreverent inspires the lives of everyone he meets. Filled with filmmakers of the new American underground of the early 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109016 spectacularly rich visuals — and complete with never-before- sixties, taking no prisoners in his rough-and-tumble treatises seen bonus — War Horse is a „Genuine Movie Masterpiece“ on politics, race, and consumer culture. In his most famous, The Wagons Roll At Night (Rex Reed, The New York Observer) and one of the most the midnight-movie mainstay Putney Swope. American man powerful and moving stories of friendship ever told. takes charge. Like Swope, Downey held nothing sacred. This Sylvia Sidney, Sig Ruman, Joan Leslie, War, World War I, British, Drama, Foreign selection of five of his most raucous and outlandish films, Humphrey Bogart, Eddie Albert 2011 114min. dating from 1964 to 1975, offers a unique mix of the hilariously The tents are leaky. The troupers are weary. The carnival crude and the intensely experimental. Babo 73 Chafed Elbows limps into town and sets up for another show. To the public, Disney / Buena Vista 03.04.2012 No More Excuses Putney Swope Two Tons Of Turquoise To the carnival means exciting performers. To Nick Coster, those 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109048 Taos Tonight performers are „mugs and grifters and riffraff - all under one On The Job, Photography/Art, Presidents, tent.“ Nick should know. He puts the show together. Art House, Collections, Comedy, Criterion Humphrey Bogart plays Nick, bringing crisp authority to a War Horse (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- movie whose midway atmosphere is so alive you can almost tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Collection min. taste the caramel corn. Sylvia Sidney, Eddie Albert and Joan Criterion 22.05.2012 Leslie join Bogart in this tale centered on Nick and an up- David Thewlis, Emily Watson 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108999 and-coming lion tamer (Albert) he discovers. The story, a From legendary director Steven Spielberg comes the epic reworking of 1937’s Kid Galahad, is a superb example of how adventure War Horse, a tale of incredible loyalty, hope and studio-system filmmakers kept successful plotlines rolling. tenacity. Based on the Tony award-winning Broadway play The Vampire Bat Bogart’s career was finally rolling, too. His next film would (Best Play, 2011), and set against the sweeping canvas of Melvyn Douglas, Fay Wray, Lionel Atwill make him an undisputed star. The title: The Maltese Falcon. World War I, this deeply heartfelt story begins with the Drama 1941 84min. remarkable friendship between a horse named Joey and his Is Vampirism on the rise? Why else would people of the town young trainer Albert. When they’re forced apart by war, we be suffering from blood loss. One man is suspect because of Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 follow Joey’s extraordinary journey as he changes and his fascination with bats....but when he dies, the attacks go 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108783 inspires the lives of everyone he meets. Filled with on. spectacularly rich visuals — and complete with never-before- Vampires, Horror 1933 63min. seen bonus — War Horse is a „Genuine Movie Masterpiece“ American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Waiting To Exhale (Repackage) (Rex Reed, The New York Observer) and one of the most 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109012 Lela Rochon, Loretta Devine, Angela powerful and moving stories of friendship ever told. Bassett, Whitney Houston British, Drama, Foreign, War, World War I Whitney Houston and Angela Bassett star in this funny and 2011 114min. Victorious: The Complete Second touching film about four women who find strength through their Disney / Buena Vista 03.04.2012 Season rare and special friendship. Savannah, Bernadine, Robin and Gloria are all searching for The real Thing: true love. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109061 Victoria Justice Bernadine thought she had it, until her husband left her for Season 2 of Victorious shines even brighter as the students another woman, Savannah and Robin are successful in War Of The Buttons re-audition for their spots at Hollywood Arts, get ready for business but their love lives are bankrupt. And divorcee their first-ever prom, and drive a giant cupcake through the Gloria is getting back in the game by flirting with her new, No stones in slingshots. No skirmishes too late in the day. streets! Put your hands together for more music, more drama, very eligible neighbor. Based on Terry McMillan’s best- They’re rules of war for the youngsters of two neighboring and hilarious behind-the-scenes bloopers! selling novel, and featuring the #1 smash Hit „Exhale (Shoop, Irish villages. And here’s another rule: if you spit-shake on Shoop) Waiting To Exhale is the film you and your friends something, you better follow through. Kids will be kids. But Comedy, Drama, Family, High School, sometimes they, in their own fanciful ways, will be adults. Music, Nickelodeon 312min. have been waiting for! Romance, Drama, Friendships, Holidays, „What’s unique and marvelous here,“ Oscar-winning* Nickelodeon 15.05.2012 Chariots Of Fire screenwriter Colin Welland says, „is that Marriage Woes 1995 124min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109088 it’s not an adult’s view of childhood at all, but a child’s view 20th Century Fox 01.06.1999 of adulthood.“ Welland joins fellow Chariots of Fire Academy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108706 Award winner* David Puttnam for a winning tale in which Vitaphone Calvalcade Of Musical buttons are the spoils of a would-be war. The rival teens are screen newcomers, but you wouldn’t know it from their Comedy Shorts Walking Tall Trilogy seasoned performances. And if you don’t know why Ireland is Musical, Short Film Collections, Comedy the Emerald Isle, this scenic charmer is breathtaking proof. Bo Svenson, Angel Tompkins, Noah Beery, Adventure, British, Drama, Family, Foreign 614min. Richard Jaeckal, Leif Garrett, Luke Askew 1994 94min. Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 Based on the true life of Tennessee sheriff Buford Pusser who Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108756 almost single-handily cleaned up his small town of crime and corruption, but at a personal cost of his life and his family’s. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108789 Pusser continues his one-man war against moonshiners and a Vitaphone Varieties ruthless crime syndicate after the murder of his wife. The final War Of The Planets Recovered and restored: fascinating early-sound shorts from years in the life of Pusser after his retirement from the police a bygone entertainment era. Venerable vaudevillians. Musical force where he tries to made amends to his friends and family, Franco Nero, Lisa Gastoni, Carlo Giustini, marvels. Crazy comics. Formidable character actors. These and cooperate with a film crew shooting a movie based on his life. Tony Russel and other great performers and ensembles from the Warner Look! Out among the stars! What are those mysterious lights? Bros. vault comprise a dazzling 9+-Hour, 4-Disc Collection Triple Feature, Action, Crime, Drama A space aurora? Asteroids? No, they’re predators from Mars of 60 Theatrical Shorts (1926-1930) that reach across the 346min. intent on conquering our planet. Earthlings, this means war! footlights - and decades - to delight new generations. Shout Factory 15.05.2012 After invading the with his spacey space flick Vitaphone Varieties is an endlessly entertaining blast from the The Wild, Wild Planet, Italian director past. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109152 (aka Anthony Dawson) did it again with another low-budget, Musical, Short Film Collections, Comedy high-camp sci-fi blast: War of the Planets, a tale of astronauts min. Walking Tall Trilogy (Blu-ray) battling invisible enemies who leave their human victims neither alive nor dead. Look for Camelot, Die Hard 2 and Warner Bros. MOD 27.05.2011 Bo Svenson, Angel Tompkins, Noah Beery, spaghetti-western star Franco Nero in the cast. Then laser 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108757 Richard Jaeckal, Leif Garrett, Luke Askew up and go kick some Martian butt! Based on the true life of Tennessee sheriff Buford Pusser who Science Fiction, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Voices almost single-handily cleaned up his small town of crime and Foreign, Italian 1966 97min. corruption, but at a personal cost of his life and his family’s. Alex Rocco, Amy Irving, Barry Miller, Mi- Pusser continues his one-man war against moonshiners and a Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 chael Ontkean, Herbert Berghof ruthless crime syndicate after the murder of his wife. The final 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108790 Oscar-nominee Amy Irving (Crossing Delancy, Carrie) stars years in the life of Pusser after his retirement from the police as a deaf woman who falls in love with an aspiring rock force where he tries to made amends to his friends and family,

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Warner Bros. Horror / Mystery We Were Dancing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108814 Double Features Lee Bowman, Melvyn Douglas, Gail Patrick, Ann Sheridan, Alexis Smith Marjorie Main, Norma Shearer Westbound Haunted houses. Sinister sanitariums. Murder, Open the champagne! Put silk sheets on the guest-room beds! Virginia Mayo, Randolph Scott, Michael suspense...and laughter are unleashed in this 3-Disc, 6- Princess Victoria Wilomirska and Baron Nicholas Prax are coming for the weekend. Who are they? My dear, they’re real Dante, Andrew Duggan Movie Collection of Horror Mysteries. It’s an eclectic mix of As the Civil War spills our nation’s blood, Capt. John Hayes stars (Ann Sheridan, Alexis Smith) in fast-paced, deftly- live European aristocrats. With titles. They don’t have a dime, of course - but, oh the social sensation! In a romantic romp (Randolph Scott) fights on a vital but little-known battlefront. directed „B“-Movie gems, some adapted from noted mystery He aims to ship gold to Union banks through a small Colorado masters (including Mignon G. Eberhardt and Stuart Palmer) based in part on Noel Coward’s Tonight at 8:30, Norma Shearer is the princess and Melvyn Douglas the baron, a town, defying Southern sympathizers who aim to stop him. At and all delivering thrills, chills and nostalgic fun. Whodunit? any cost. As chiseled and bone-lean as its star, Westbound is Crack open this Warner Bros. vault package and let the ne’er-do-well making his living as a professional guest in the homes of awe-struck Americans. But when the two fall in love the sixth of seven Westerns Scott made with director Budd mystery solving begin! Smiling Ghost. Sh! The Octopus. Boetticher, films that - along with the -Anthony Hidden Hand. Mystery House. Patient In Room 18. and marry, the jig is up. It seems the baron’s hostesses much preferred him single. Could it be that one of these pampered Mann Westerns - helped remake the genre in the 50s, Mystery, Collections, Ghosts, Haunted patricians will have to get...a job? substituting grit and veracity for white-hat heroics. Houses, Horror 489min. Romance, Comedy 1942 95min. War, Western, American Civil War 1959 Warner Bros. MOD 19.10.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 72min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108794 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108811 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108816 The Warrior Weary River Irfan Khan Betty Compson, William Holden, Richard What Men Think The Award-Winning Triumph Presented by Anthony Women aren’t the only ones who need understanding.. After Minghella. Visually stunning, this award-winning motion Barthelmess, George E. Stone, Louis two years of unsuccessful attempts to publish a novel, the picture epic tells the captivating tale of an ancient warrior Natheaux dynamics of David and Catrina’s marriage have changed, who is chased by violence as he searches for peace! Welcome to the Big House, Jerry Larrabee. A stoolie sang, forcing Catrina to work while her husband focuses on writing Burdened by the guilt of his past, Lafcadia rejects his brutal setting the gangster up and landing him in hard time with little a best seller. As a woman trying to provide for her family, life as the local enforcer for a rich Indian warlord and hope for redemption. But Larrabee’s about to do some singing Catrina doesn’t understand how David can just stand by and chooses a path of spiritual redemption. But as he journeys of his own. His musical talent surfaces in prison and he let her work while he stays home. He doesn’t communicate, or from the golden deserts of Rajasthan to the snow-capped becomes a national sensation. Will that be enough to keep him show affection the way she needs. What is he thinking? But peaks of the Himalayas, this former hired killer finds himself from returning to a life of crime when he gets out? As crooning are the issues of their marriage all on David, or is it that the prey of his murderous colleagues! From the studio that con Larrabee, Richard Barthelmess moved into Talkies with Catrina doesn’t understand him... is the problem her? brought you Hero, The Warrior features exciting samurai- this hybrid film that includes title cards plus music, sound Rocky Relationships, Drama DD 5.1 80min. style action sequences and breathtaking cinematography! effects and limited dialogue. Frank Lloyd directs, bringing Allegro Entertainment 10.04.2012 Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, visual flourishes to the narrative and investing some prison scenes with trendsetting realism. His efforts in this film and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109034 Historical / Period Piece, Indian 2001 87min. two others earned him the Best Director Academy Award®.* Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Music, Romance, Drama 1929 89min. What! No Beer? 29.05.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 19.03.2010 Phyllis Barry, Buster Keaton, Jimmy Dur- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108916 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108812 ante, John Miljan, Roscoe Ates Two of comedy’s greatest masters - Buster Keaton and Jimmy Way Down South Week-End At The Waldorf Durante - appear together in this effervescent and irreverent Alan Mowbray, Ralph Morgan, Bobby Breen Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon, Ginger Ro- slapstick about a couple of regular guys trying to cash in on Musical - life in the south complete with all the things you the end of Prohibition. Durante is a barber who talks Keaton, would expect in 1939. gers, Lana Turner, Keenan Wynn, Edward his dim-bulb taxidermist buddy, into spending his life’s Musical 1939 61min. Arnold savings on a brewery. Determined to be first, they start Welcome to New York’s posh Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Your making beer before Prohibition is actually over. That makes American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 suite is waiting - and so are romance, glamour, comedy and their „competition“ bootlegging thugs - something they didn’t 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109017 drama played with great flair by an all-star cast. A remake of count on! Then, Buster falls for one of the gangster’s molls, Grand Hotel updated to the waning days of World War II, the cops get into the act, and Keaton and Durante have to Week-end at the Waldorf follows the fortunes of a lonely figure out how to get out of the beer business before they’re We Bought A Zoo movie star (Ginger Rogers), an on-the-make stenographer done in! From a story by Robert E. Hopkins (Anita Loo’s Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson, Thomas (Lana Turner), a wounded flyer (Van Johnson), a war screenwriting partner on San Francisco), this timely farce, correspondent (Walter Pidgeon), a wheeler-dealer (Edward directed by veteran Edward Sedgwick, was called „one solid Haden Church Arnold) and a gossip columnist (Robert Benchley) whose riot of laughs...Rowdy and hoodlum fun“ (The New York Based on a true story.. Oscar winner Matt Damon gives a lives crisscross over two days of martinis, mistaken identities American). heartfelt performance in this „delightful surprise“ (Lou and marriages real and faux. The film’s big budget (every dime Romance, Slapstick, Comedy 1933 65min. Lumenick, New York Post) that’s based on a true story. When shows on the screen) paid off handsomely: Week-end became Warner Bros. MOD 08.11.2011 his teenage son gets into trouble, Benjamin Mee (Damon) one of 1945’s biggest hits. gives up a lucrative newspaper job to move his family to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108817 most unlikely of places: a zoo! With help from an eclectic Musical, Comedy, Drama 1945 130min. staff, and with many misadventures along the way, Benjamin Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 embarks on a fresh beginning to restore the dilapidated zoo to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108813 The Wheeler Dealers its former glory, while uniting his family. From the director of Patricia Crowley, James Garner, Jim Jerry Maguire, We Bought A Zoo is a „wonderful, warm and Backus, Lee Remick, Chill Wills, John Astin, witty“ (Bill Bregoli, CBS Radio News) celebration of the West Of The Divide Elliott Reid, Phil Harris, Louis Nye human spirit. John Wayne, Virginia Brown Faire Comedy, Drama, Family 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 Henry Tyroon likes what wealth can bring, but that isn’t why Ted Hayden impersonates a wanted man and joins Gentry’s he spends so much time pursuing it. „You do it for fun,“ he 126min. gang only to learn later that Gentry was the one who killed explains. „Money’s just the way you keep score.“ James 20th Century Fox 03.04.2012 his father. He saves Virginia Winters’ dad’s ranch from Garner scores big as Henry, a flimflammer who lands in New 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108701 Gentry and also rescues his long-lost brother Spud. York City after his Texas oil well comes a duster, needing a Western 1934 53min. million or so in pocket money to pay his debts. Soon, he also American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 hopes to land a blue-eyed blue chip: a stock analyst (Lee We Bought A Zoo (Blu-ray) Remick) pressured by her firm to unload a worthless stock. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109018 Can Henry come up with a plan to turn what’s worthless into Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson, Thomas the hottest thing on Wall Street? The market for wit and charm Haden Church West Point is a sure thing in this mix of romantic comedy and business- Based on a true story.. Oscar winner Matt Damon gives a world satire. Thirty years later, Garner would play a wheeler heartfelt performance in this „delightful surprise“ (Lou Joan Crawford, William Haines, William dealer of another era to award-winning effect as the CEO in Lumenick, New York Post) that’s based on a true story. When Bakewell Barbarians At The . his teenage son gets into trouble, Benjamin Mee (Damon) West Point. The pride of America, the home of glorious Comedy 1963 105min. gives up a lucrative newspaper job to move his family to the tradition - unless you’re a hotshot plebe named Brice Wayne. Warner Bros. MOD 10.06.2011 most unlikely of places: a zoo! With help from an eclectic Then it’s just a backdrop to personal glory. William Haines staff, and with many misadventures along the way, Benjamin stars as Brice and Joan Crawford plays the girl he loves in a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108820 embarks on a fresh beginning to restore the dilapidated zoo to comedy-drama about a brash young gridiron hero who puts its former glory, while uniting his family. From the director of himself above the corps, learns a bitter lesson in team spirit When A Man Loves Jerry Maguire, We Bought A Zoo is a „wonderful, warm and and charges into the Army-Navy game for a chance to redeem witty“ (Bill Bregoli, CBS Radio News) celebration of the himself. That on-screen spark between Haines and Crawford Dolores Costello, John Barrymore, Warner human spirit. was reflected in off-screen camaraderie. The two, who would Oland, Sam De Grasse Comedy, Drama, Family 2011 Ltbx DTS be named male and female box-office champs in 1930, became John Barrymore (Romeo And Juliet, Dinner At Eight) stars as 126min. devoted lifelong friends. an 18th-century swashbuckling hero who escapes from a 20th Century Fox 03.04.2012 Navy, Romance, Sports, Drama, Football, French prison ship and risks everything for the love of a Military 1927 95min. worthless woman. Co-starring Barrymore’s real-life love, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108730 Dolores Costello (The Magnificent Ambersons), and Warner Warner Bros. MOD 02.10.2009 Oland (Charlie Chan films). Based upon the classic novel,

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Manon Lescaut, by Abbe Prevost. on the finest golf courses, plunged into sea survival courses support to an inspiring story of one woman braving the Romance, Swashbucklers, Historical / in posh swimming pools and taught the art of killing with tragedy of war. Camembert cheese, Brendan leads them to war. One question Romance, War, World War I, Drama 1944 Period Piece 1927 112min. remains: Which Way To The Front? Comedy legend Jerry Warner Bros. MOD 31.07.2009 Lewis stars as Brendan, puncturing war’s lunacy by being 126min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108822 even loonier. He’s heavily armed with his trademark physical Warner Bros. MOD 05.03.2010 buffoonery, dizzying pace and solid support from comedy pros 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108836 like Jan Murray, Steve Franken and the incomparable Kaye When Ladies Meet Ballard. Which way to uncontrollable laughter? This way, of , Joan Crawford, Robert course. White Shadows In The South War, World War II, Comedy 1970 96min. Taylor, Spring Byington, Greer Garson Seas Warner Bros. MOD 02.07.2010 What happens When Ladies Meet? If the ladies are Best Raquel Torres, Monte Blue, Robert Actress Academy Award® winners* Joan Crawford and Greer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108828 Garson, expect classic entertainment. Glamorously gowned, Anderson exquisitely coiffed, the two screen legends share a heart-to- Even today, the Marquesas Islands beckon travelers yearning heart on sex, men, fidelity and wedlock in a sophisticated While The City Sleeps for an exotic and authentic Polynesian experience. Imagine comedy/drama set among the well-to-do and the done-to. Dana Andrews, Rhonda Fleming, George the wonder of 1928 audiences when White Shadows in the Crawford plays Mary, a novelist whose latest work extols the South Seas took them thousands of miles from home to that virtues of extramarital amour. Her inspiration may be Sanders, Thomas Mitchell, Howard Duff remote Eden of rolling waves and palm-fringed beaches. The personal: she’s having a fling with her married publisher. Ask mother says the message scrawled in lipstick at a murder first of W.S. Van Dyke’s famed filmed-on-location adventures Then Mary meets and instantly bonds with charming Clare scene by an unknown serial killer who preys on women. It’s a (the others: The Pagan and Trader Horn) tells a dramatic tale (Garson), who’s married to a publisher. Yes, that publisher. sensational story - if it bleeds, it leads - and a news of foreign interlopers - a booze-sodden doctor and a And suddenly a mad passion with another woman’s husband conglomerate offers a big promotion to the high-level company rapacious pearl trader - who bring destruction to a vibrant doesn’t seem quite so virtuous. exec who solves the case. So begins the wheeling, dealing Pacific culture. The film features synchronized music and and backstabbing of the competing media hotshots as they vie sound effects plus spectacular, Academy Award®-winning Romance, Comedy, Drama 1941 105min. to unmask the so-called Lipstick Killer. Fritz Lang (The Big cinematography that captures a paradise in peril. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Heat), whose early-career expressionist works would Romance, Drama, High Seas 1928 85min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108823 strongly influence the film-noir genre, directs this stylistically understated noir that features an abundance of starpower rare Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 for the genre: Dana Andrews, Rhonda Fleming, George 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108841 When The Boys Meet The Girls Sanders, Thomas Mitchell, Vincent Price, Ida Lupino and Connie Francis, Fred Clark, Louis other notables. Drama, Film Noir 1956 100min. Who’s Killing The Great Chefs Of Armstrong, Harve Presnell, Liberace Europe? A story so nice they did it...thrice! The Gershwin musical Girl Warner Bros. MOD 13.05.2011 Crazy finds yet another financially strapped out-West ranch 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108831 George Segal, Jacqueline Bisset, Robert in need of youthful showbiz enthusiasm in this star-studded, Morley, Philippe Noiret, Peter Stone, William ’60s-tinged movie redo. Connie Francis and Harve Presnell play the young love- and songbirds eager to turn the spread Whiplash Aldrich, Ted Kotcheff into a moneymaking dude ranch. There’s plenty of music Eve Arden, Alexis Smith, Zachary Scott, George Segal, Jacqueline Bisset and Robert Morley top the making, too, with original Gershwin songs plus an eclectic bill of fare in this food- and fun-filled mystery garnished with mix of specialty numbers by Louis Armstrong, Liberace, Sam Jeffrey Lynn, Dane Clark wit. Segal plays a glib fast-food tycoon and Bisset is his ex- the Sham and the Pharaohs and, in a co-starring appearance Michael Gordon never intended to be a boxer. But after he wife, a pastry chef who may become the last course in an that would be followed by two headlining movies, Herman’s decks a burly brawler at a nightclub, a ring promoter enigmatic killer’s banquet of death. Morley has a tasty field Hermits. A lineup like this can only happen in the movies - encourages him to give the fight game a shot. Gordon, whose day as an acerbic gourmet magazine publisher whose and When the Boys Meet The Girls. career as an artist is going nowhere, agrees. Besides, it will cascading series of chins and stomachs bear witness to his bring him closer to the woman who has KO’d his heart - the love of fine dining. But the mogul’s doctors have ordered him Musical 1965 97min. promoter’s wife. The corrupt world of boxing was a staple of to give up his favorite dishes - and one by one the chefs who Warner Bros. MOD 15.02.2011 postwar Hollywood in well-known works like Body And Soul, create those dishes are slain in the manner of their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108825 The Set-Up and Champion and in lesser yet admirable works specialties. Phillipe Noiret, Jean-Pierre Cassel and Jean like Whiplash. Romantic melodrama and noirish atmospherics Rochefort give delicious support, as does a mouth-watering combine in this tale starring Dane Clark, Alexis Smith, array of wild mushrooms, plump pigeons, shiny artichokes, Where The Boys Are Zachary Scott, Eve Arden and other reliables. Future The rich chocolate and more gastronimical delights. Dig in! Jim Hutton, Yvette Mimieux, Barbara Mickey Mouse Club host Jimmie Dodd has an uncredited role Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Comedy, Crime as a piano man. 1978 112min. Nichols, Dolores Hart, George Hamilton Sports, Boxing, Drama, Film Noir 1948 Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 Four coeds from snowbound Penmore U. know that the only 91min. place to be during Spring Break is Where The Boys Are. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108844 rites (and wrongs) of the spring migration of thousands of Warner Bros. MOD 19.04.2011 college students to sunny Fort Lauderdale are celebrated in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108832 an era-defining film that combines a cast of 1960s up-and- Wichita comers with youthful hijinks and a cautionary will-she-or- , Vera Miles, Lloyd Bridges, won’t-she storyline of sex and romance. Among the girls Whipsaw seeking the perfect tan and man are Dolores Hart, Yvette Joel McCrea, Wallace Ford Mimieux, Paula Prentiss and Connie Francis (who also Myrna Loy, , Harvey An all-star cast headed by Joel McCrea (The Virginian, performs the hit title tune and the zippy „Turn On The Stephens, Clay Clement, William Harrigan Foreign Correspondent) is featured in this classic Western Sunshine“). Among the guys: George Hamilton, Jim Hutton and New York...Newark......St. Louis. Vivian Palmer about Wyatt Earp, who concedes to the pleas of the town Frank Gorshin. So many chances for love. So little time! and Ross McBride are on the lam, trying to put daylight leaders and accepts the dangerous job as law enforcement Romance, Comedy, Drama 1960 99min. between themselves and pursuing coppers and a rival gang of officer in the wild settlement of Wichita in 1874. Always a jewel thieves. But Ross isn’t a criminal; he’s a G-Man posing popular story, particularly with the recent theatrical pictures, Warner Bros. MOD 15.02.2011 as a crook to trick Vivian into leading him to her bosses. And Tombstone and Wyatt Earp. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108826 Vivian isn’t a dupe. She’s wise to Ross’s scheme. Under Sam Romance, Western, Action 1955 81min. Wood’s direction, Myrna Loy and Spencer Tracy scram through larceny, duplicity and love in a she-and-he adventure Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Where The Heart Is (Repackage) that critics favorably compared to The Thirty-Nine Steps and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108852 Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd, Joan It Happened One Night. One year after Whipsaw, Loy and Tracy again shared the marquee (along with Jean Harlow and Cusack, Stockard Channing William Powell) in Libeled Lady. The Wicker Tree Ashley Judd and Natalie Portman star in this offbeat, deli- cious slice of life about a down-on-her-luck southern teen Romance, Thieves, Crime, Drama 1935 Christopher Lee, Graham McTavish who, after gaining 15 minutes of fame for giving birth to „The 82min. Accept our sacrifice.. When two young missionaries Wal-Mart Baby“, begins to put her life together with the help Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 (Brittania Nicol and Henry Garrett) head to Scotland, they are of the kind, quirky strangers who become her surrogate initially by the locals in the town of Tressock, and family. Based on the #1 best-selling novel by Billie Letts, this 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108834 agree to become the local Queen of the May and Laddie for „brilliantly funny, deeply moving, beautifully acted“ (KNX/CBS the annual town festival. But the couple is not prepared for the Radio) film co-stars Stockard Channing and Joan Cusack in The White Cliffs Of Dover frightening consequences of their decision, and the very an inspiring celebration of love and friendship. disturbing secrets they are about to discover about Tearjerkers, Comedy, Drama 2000 120min. Roddy McDowall, Van Johnson, Irene Tressock’s seemingly friendly townspeople. Mystery, Drama, Horror 2010 96min. 20th Century Fox 26.09.2000 Dunne, Frank Morgan, Alan Marshal Starz / Anchor Bay 24.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108710 Susan Ashwood (Irene Dunne) lost her husband to one war. Will she lose her son to another? Radiating elegance and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108829 warmth, Dunne gives „one of her finest performances“ (The Which Way To The Front Movie Guide) in this heartfelt romantic drama as an American who becomes the bride of a handsome British aristocrat (Alan The Wicker Tree (Blu-ray) Jerry Lewis, John Wood, Jan Murray, Steve Marshal), only to see him march off to the Great War and never return. Years later, England plunges into World War Christopher Lee, Graham McTavish Franken, Dack Rambo Accept our sacrifice.. When two young missionaries Millionaire Brendan Byers may be 4-F but feels it’s „every II...and the past threatens to repeat itself when Susan’s son (Peter Lawford) enlists to fight the Nazis. A Who’s Who of (Brittania Nicol and Henry Garrett) head to Scotland, they are man’s right to be killed fighting for his country.“ So he puts his initially charmed by the locals in the town of Tressock, and money where his mouth is. Unable to be in Uncle Sam’s army, ’40s stars from Van Johnson to Elizabeth Taylor (just before her breakthrough role in National Velvet) lend sterling agree to become the local Queen of the May and Laddie for he does the next best thing: buy one. Once his men are trained the annual town festival. But the couple is not prepared for the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 49 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) März 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA frightening consequences of their decision, and the very Serato, Carlo Giustini, Tony Russel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109019 disturbing secrets they are about to discover about It’s groovy to be a spaceman! The way-out ’60s meet the far- Tressock’s seemingly friendly townspeople. out 21st century in this psychedelic sci-fi head trip. Villains Drama, Horror, Mystery 2010 96min. from überpowerful The Corporations think they’d found a way Winter Kill Starz / Anchor Bay 24.04.2012 to defeat their rivals, the United Democracies: send robot Nick Nolte, Andy Griffith, John Larch, minions to kidnap UD citizens, shrink them down to suitcase 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108889 size and transport them to a planetoid for hideous human Lawrence Pressman, Eugene Roche, John experiments. But a fearless rescue team is on the way! All Michael Hayes, Burt Nodella, Jud Taylor The Wild And Wicked that stands between the rescuers and success are four-armed Six years after he completed his long run as Sheriff Andy androids in wraparound shades, martial artists wearing silk Taylor on The Andy Griffith Show, the beloved TV star Geri Moffatt, Joy Reynolds, Marko Perri nighties and sporting sky-high hairdos, flying saucers returned as a small-town lawman in Winter Kill. Griffith A girl visiting her sister in Hollywood hopes for a modeling swinging around the cosmos on strings like interplanetary yo- brought the same common sense and friendly, laconic style to career, but is tricked by pimps into working at a brothel. yos and more mod malevolence. It’s all wild, wild fun and his new role, but Police Chief Sam McNeill has something Drama 1956 90min. fantasy, brothers and sisters! more challenging than Mayberry’s town drunk to deal with: Science Fiction, Foreign, Italian 1965 life-and-death mystery. The ski resort Sam protects is the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 target of a serial killer who leaves no clues except taunting 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109013 93min. messages spray-painted next to the bodies of his ? or her ? Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 victims. Among the supporting cast, look for a fresh-faced 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108853 Nick Nolte as a womanizing ski instructor. The Wild North Thrillers, TV Movies, Mystery, Serial Killers Cyd Charisse, Wendell Corey, Stewart Wilder Napalm 1974 94min. Granger Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 Dennis Quaid, Debra Winger, Arliss Canadian officer Pedley slaps the cuffs on an accused 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108871 murderer, mountain man Jules Vincent. The captive offers no Howard, Mimi Lieber, M. Emmet Walsh, Jim resistance. Mother Nature will. As the Mountie and his dog Varney team mush onward to take Vincent to justice, an avalanche, a Wisdom marauding wolf pack, temperatures of -38° and more perils Never start a romance you can’t put out.. This is a await them. Survival depends on the man who knows the manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD- Tom Skerritt, Demi Moore, Veronica mountains and ravines best - Pedley’s prisoner. Stewart R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A quirky Cartwright, Emilio Estevez, William Allen Granger portrays Vincent and Wendell Corey is Pedley in an comedy about love, sex and pyromania, Wilder Napalm stars eye-filling adventure (with location filming in Sun Valley, Academy Award® nominee Debra Winger (Best Actress in a Young Idaho) that also stars Cyd Charisse. Andrew Marton, co- Leading Role, Shadowlands 1993, Terms Of Endearment 1983 John Wisdom wants to make good, but he’ll never get the director of Granger’s King Solomon’s Mines, helms the and An Officer And A Gentleman 1982) as an arsonist who is chance. Convicted of felony car theft, the earnest 23-year-old brawny survivalist action. loved by two brothers (Dennis Quaid, The Rookie, and Arliss finds closed doors of opportunity. So he turns bank robber - Howard) who have flame-throwing talents of their own. With with a twist. Armed with an Uzi and nervous bravado, he’s a Western, Wilderness, Chases 1952 97min. telekinetic powers that enable him to start fires using only his criminal for the people rather than against them, a modern-day Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 mind, Wilder Foudroyant (Howard) seems a natural match for Robin Hood rescuing debt-ridden folks from the system’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108854 the flamboyant Vida (Winger). But his younger brother, grasp by destroying bank mortgage documents. And now he’s Wallace (Quaid), shares the same telekinetic power - and the wanted by the police in five states. Emilio Estevez and Demi same passion for Vida. In a bid to win fame, fortune and Vida’s Moore star as idealistic outlaws in a provocative thriller Wild Oranges hand, Wallace decides to go public with his firestarter stunt whisking you on an explosive cross-country odyssey in the as „Dr. Napalm.“ But before he can appear on TV, he’ll have to lovers-on-the-run tradition of Bonnie And Clyde and True Virginia valli, Ford Sterling, Nigel De Brulier, defeat Wilder in a scorchingly funny duel to the death ... or Romance. Writer/debuting director Estevez delivers all the Frank Mayo thereabouts. A high-octane comedy from the crea crisp action, electrifying stunt work and sweaty tension While sailing along the Georgia coast, a widower (Frank Romance, Comedy, Fantasy 1993 Ltbx required to keep you at seat’s edge as you ride along. Mayo) not quite over the untimely death of his wife anchors Chases, Crime, Drama 1987 109min. off a small inlet in search of fresh water. There he finds a 16x9 S 109min. dilapidated mansion, a beautiful Southern belle (Virginia SPHE MOD 03.04.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Valli), her terror-stricken grandfather (Nigel de Brulier) and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109112 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108873 a homicidal maniac (Charles A. Post) who won’t let anyone leave the mainland alive. Fear and desires run deep in this steamy melodrama from director , who shot on The Warren William Collection The Woman In Red actual Florida locations to capture the humidified atmosphere Barbara Stanwyck, Genevieve Tobin, John of the source novel. Vidor, whose career began in 1913, went Warren William on to make the classics The Big Parade, The Crowd, If 1930s Hollywood needed a man’s man who was at ease Eldredge, Gene Raymond Hallelujah, Duel In The Sun and The Fountainhead. When he mixing a martini at a penthouse, the call could go out for During her long and enviable career, Barbara Stanwyck finally retired in 1980, he entered the record books as the Warren William. The star shows his range in three flicks that played strippers and heiresses, killers and cowgirls. But she longest working director in film history. helped audiences forget the Depression. In The Woman From may be best remembered for her portrayals of working-class Monte Carlo, William plays a lieutenant who hides his girls with tough hides, tender hearts and first-rate brains. Romance, Drama 1924 88min. commander’s wife in his stateroom. Courtroom thrills ensue. Such a role is The Woman In Red’s Shelby Barret, a profes- Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 Then, insurance conman William has advice for New Yawk’s sional equestrienne who marries into the snobbish upper 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108858 guys and dolls: Don’t Bet On Blondes. He tries to woo a fair- crust. When events involve her in a death aboard a playboy’s haired stage star he’s guaranteed won’t head for the altar yacht, Shelby knows her husband’s family will grab their from the arms of marriage-minded Errol Flynn. And William excuse to renounce her. Stanwyck is warmly believable as Wild Orchids gets more laughs as the Times Square Playboy, whose Shelby, and one of the reasons is her ease on horseback. Off bumpkin pal does not approve of the sophisticate he’s about to screen she was an expert rider, a skill that would later prove Greta Garbo, Lewis Stone, Nils Asther wed. Of these three brash and breezy Warner Bros. gems, valuable in a string of Westerns from The Furies to Forty Romance, Royalty, Drama 1929 100min. you’ll heartily approve. Guns and her popular TV series The Big Valley. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Triple Feature, Drama 187min. Drama, Horses 1935 68min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108862 Warner Bros. MOD 04.03.2011 Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108793 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108876 Wild Rovers Tom Skerritt, Moses Gunn, Leora Dana, The Window The Woman Knight Of Mirror Lynn Carlin, Karl Malden, William Holden, Arthur Kennedy, Ruth Roman, Barbara Lake (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Joe Don Baker, James Olson Hale, Paul Stewart, Bobby Driscoll ray) Lifelong ranch hand Ross Bodine decides cowpunching is no Nine-year-old Tommy Woodry has a history of making things kind of life. So he and a raw cowboy half his age rob a bank up, but he insists he really saw this: a murder in his own Pat Ha to get the cash each needs to improve his lot. An indignant apartment building! No one believes Tommy’s story. No one Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Martial Arts, Ac- posse is soon in pursuit. Filmmaker Blake Edwards made his except the killers. From its taut pursuits to its sinister sense name with The Pink Panther and other comedies, but he also of danger lurking behind any apartment door, The Window is a tion 2011 115min. showed great skill in other genres with the thriller Experiment minor gem of film noir. Bobby Driscoll, playing perhaps the Funimation 15.05.2012 in Terror, the drama Days Of Wine And Roses and this genre’s youngest protagonist, received an honorary Oscar®* 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109063 nuanced paean to the West. In performances perfectly for his portrayal of the imperiled boy. Noted cinematographer matching Edwards’ balance of rowdy comedy and Ted Tetzlaff (Notorious) directs, ramping up the tension in this hardscrabble period realism, William Holden and Ryan film based on a story by Cornell Woolrich (Rear Window). The Woman On Pier 13 O’Neal play the fugitive saddlebums, with Holden drawing Thrillers, Drama, Film Noir 1949 73min. special praise. „As he grows older, he grows better like a Laraine Day, Janis Carter, Robert Ryan, great old wine. All the reverberations from the previous roles Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 John Agar, Thomas Gomez are beginning to sound“ (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108866 A future of happiness awaits San Francisco shipping Western 1971 136min. executive Brad Collins (Robert Ryan) and his new bride (Laraine Day).Yet Brad’s past could undo everything. Back in Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 Winds Of The Wasteland his days as a dockworker, he was an activist member of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108864 John Wayne, Lew Kelly, Douglas Cosgrove Communist Party. Now the Party has resurfaced like a bad At a time when the Pony Express’ days are numbered two dream in Brad’s life, putting the screws on and threatening to Wild, Wild Planet rival stagecoach companies vie for the government contract. spill his past if he doesn’t play ball and stir up a labor strike. Western 1936 55min. In an era when some officials sought to weed out Communists Franco Nero, Lisa Gastoni, Massimo real and imagined, Hollywood made numerous films that American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 exploited the times. Among them: Big Jim McLain, Invasion

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USA, I Was a Communist for the FBI and this film - arguably Wreckage (Unrated) High Cs“ steps too far outside with this breezy tale of the most hyperbolic of all - originally titled I Married A romance. Nor would fans want things any other way. The role Communist. Cameron Richardson, Kelly Kruger, Aaron of an opera star touring the U.S. provides an ample showcase Politics, Drama, Film Noir 1949 73min. Paul, Mike Erwin, Scoot McNairy, Roger for Pavarotti’s rich vocal artistry in works including Ave Maria, La Donna È Mobile, his signature Nessun Dorma, even Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 Perry, Bevin Prince, Justin Allen I Left My Heart in San Francisco. Franklin J. Schaffner 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108878 The spare parts may be your own.. When a group of (Patton) directs, with locations including Italy, , New teenagers’ car breaks down, they head to a nearby junk yard York and the Napa Valley. Bravo, Giorgio! Bravissimo, to salvage car parts. Little do they know that an insane serial Luciano! The Woman On The Beach killer has escaped from prison and is lurking in the area. As the teens are stalked and hunted down one by one, what was Music, Musical, Opera, Comedy 1982 Joan Bennett, Robert Ryan, Charles an innocent trip turns into a bloody all out struggle for 110min. Bickford survival. Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Peggy (Joan Bennett) feels trapped, lacking the will to break Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers, Horror free of her husband Tod (Charles Bickford), a famed painter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108917 whose career and eyesight she destroyed during a violent 2010 DD 5.1 86min. quarrel. A war-traumatized sailor (Robert Ryan), eager to Phase 4 Films 24.04.2012 Yolanda And The Thief claim Peggy for himself, is convinced Tod feigns blindness to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108845 control her. To prove it, he’ll take Tod for a stroll along the Mildred Natwick, Lucille Bremer, Mary seaside cliffs...and watch as the artist nears the edge. Filled Nash, Fred Astaire, Frank Morgan with primal lust, bold imagery and murderous hearts, The Wrestling Ernest Hemingway Fred Astaire gracing an imaginative, surreal 16-minute ballet Woman On The Beach, heavily recut by the studio prior to Robert Duvall, Shirley MacLaine, Sandra with his wit and unerring dance mastery; a jazzy, glorious-in- release, is Jean Renoir’s (The Rules Of The Game, The Technicolor® street carnival pulsing with movement and River) fever dream of a film noir. „What might have been is Bullock, Richard Harris music; director Vincente Minnelli’s lush, savvy sophistication anybody’s guess, but what’s left is great Renoir“ (Tom Milne, They’re retirees who are anything but retiring. Robert Duvall evident in every scene - these elements highlight Yolanda And Time Out Film Guide). and Richard Harris deliver „two of the year’s most The Thief, a ravishingly beautiful fantasy about a con artist Romance, Drama, Film Noir 1947 71min. spectacular performances“ (Bob Campbell, Newhouse (Astaire) in a mythical Latin American country who convinces Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 Newspapers) as a reserved ex-barber and a salty former sea a naive heiress (Lucille Bremer) that he’s her guardian angel. captain, beached in a quiet Florida town and living solitary It’s a perfect plot to fleece the winsome mark, until love gets 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108879 lives. But after meeting in the local park one afternoon, these other ideas. Ahead of its time in tone and visual style and polar opposites soon become the unlikeliest of friends. Randa largely underappreciated at its release, this musical is a real A Woman Rebels Haines (Children Of A Lesser God, The Doctor) directs and find for fans of bold, inventive filmmaking. Shirley MacLaine, Piper Laurie and Sandra Bullock co-star in Musical, Romance 1945 108min. Herbert Marshall, Katharine Hepburn, this wonderful film that shows how friendship opens up the Warner Bros. MOD 19.04.2011 Elizabeth Allan, Donald Crisp two men to life’s riches. If you like movies brimming with characters who linger in the memory, Wrestling Ernest He- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108927 As women, the first thing of importance is to be content to be mingway is „the perfect tonic“ (Susan Wloszczyna, USA inferior to men. Rubbish, young Pamela Thistlewaite (Kathari- Today). ne Hepburn) thinks, embarking on an independent life no You Can’t Escape Forever / Love proper Victorian would approve of, a life that includes love Romance, Senior Interest, Drama, affairs, a child born out of wedlock, a career and national Friendships 1993 123min. Is On The Air (Double Feature) fame. An enthralling personal drama and a forceful plea for Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 women’s rights, A Woman Rebels showcases a Hepburn Ronald Reagan, George Brent radiant with beauty and youth, as natural with battle-of-the- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108908 Newshounds battle gangsters in two light-hearted, lightning- sexes banter as with courage in the face of heartbreak. paced crime-time capers. Ronald Reagan makes his screen debut in Love Is on the Air as a radio announcer (Reagan’s Romance, Drama, girl power, Historical / The Yellow Rose: The Complete real-life job before Hollywood) who’s bounced to the kiddies’ Period Piece, Independent Women 1936 Series hour when he pursues a gangster against his sponsor’s 88min. wishes. But with the help of a young fan, he gets the gangster, Cybill Shepherd, Sam Elliott, Chuck Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 the story and a live-broadcast finale enlivened by whizzing Connors, David Soul, Edward Albert bullets. George Brent takes the plotline to the newsroom in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108881 You Can’t Escape Forever. This time our hero is an editor Drama, Romance, Soap Opera 1983 demoted to advice-to-the-lovelorn duty who proves that a real 1058min. newsman can mend broken hearts and collar a crime boss on Wonder Bar Warner Bros. MOD 17.06.2011 the same beat. Ricardo Cortez, Kay Francis, Dolores Del 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108910 Mystery, Crime, Double Features, Drama Rio, Dick Powell, Al Jolson 1942 min. Al Jolson heads a cast of ’30s luminaries in this escapist Yellowneck Warner Bros. MOD 30.07.2010 Depression Era mix of music and melodrama. But the biggest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108766 star is behind the camera: musical-number creator and Berry Kroeger, Lin McCarthy, Stephen director Busby Berkeley, whose genius shines brightest in the Courtleigh spectacular razzle-dazzle of Don’t Say Goodnight. Here, Young Bess Berkeley orchestrates stunning top shots, eye-popping Set in the days of Civil War, several confederate soldiers geometry, mirrors that multiply the dancers into infinity and 60 dessert the army and fight through the Florida Everglades. Jean Simmons, Deborah Kerr, Kay Walsh, white pillars that move as effortlessly as the human talent. Coming from hellish Civil War into the unfortunates of nature fighting off poisonous snakes, insects and alligators. Charles Laughton, Stewart Granger One night at the Wonder Bar - don’t be late! The mother died under the executioner’s axe; the daughter Musical, Crime, Drama 1934 84min. Western 1955 83min. rose to become England’s greatest monarch - the brilliant and Warner Bros. MOD 04.09.2009 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 cunning Queen Elizabeth I. Jean Simmons portrays young 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109021 Bess in this rich tapestry of a film that traces the tumultuous, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108882 danger-fraught years from Elizabeth’s birth to her unexpected ascension to the throne at a mere 25. Charles Laughton The World Flesh And The Devil Yellowstone Kelly reprises his Academy Award®-winning* role as her formida- ble father Henry VIII. Deborah Kerr plays her last stepmother Mel Ferrer, Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens Clint Walker, Ray Danton, Claude Akins, Edd (and Henry’s last of six wives), gentle Catherine Parr. And Romance, Science Fiction, Apocalyptic Byrnes, John Russell Simmons’ then real-life husband, Stewart Granger, adds Big man, big land, big adventure. Western fans get all three in heroics as Lord Admiral Thomas Seymour. In a resplendent Future, Drama 1959 95min. Yellowstone Kelly, a strife-torn saga of American soldiers and world of adventure, romance and court intrigue, Young Bess Warner Bros. MOD 14.12.2010 Sioux warriors in the days after Little Big Horn. Clint Walker reigns. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108905 (Cheyenne) stars as trapper and U.S. military scout Romance, Royalty, Biography, Biopics, Yellowstone Kelly, drawn into the conflict when he saves the life of a beautiful Arapaho girl (Andra Martin) held captive by Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1953 Wreckage the Sioux. She runs off, Kelly gives her shelter and all hell- 112min. for-leather breaks loose on the plains. Rich Technicolor Warner Bros. MOD 17.09.2010 Cameron Richardson, Kelly Kruger, Aaron photography provides the stunning backdrop for brawling, Paul, Mike Erwin, Scoot McNairy, Roger hoof-pounding frontier action reliably delivered by two genre 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108928 Perry, Bevin Prince, Justin Allen greats, director Gordon Douglas and screenwriter Burt The spare parts may be your own.. When a group of Kennedy. Young Goethe In Love Native Americans, Western 1959 91min. teenagers’ car breaks down, they head to a nearby junk yard , Burghart Klaussner to salvage car parts. Little do they know that an insane serial Warner Bros. MOD 03.08.2010 killer has escaped from prison and is lurking in the area. As Germany 1772 - the young and tumultuous Johann Goethe ( the teens are stalked and hunted down one by one, what was 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108912 Alexander Fehling) aspires to be a poet; but after failing his an innocent trip turns into a bloody all out struggle for law exams, he is sent by his father ( Henry Huebchen) to a survival. Yes, Giorgio! sleepy provincial court to mend his ways. Unsure of his talent Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers, Horror and eager to prove himself, Goethe soon wins the praise and Kathryn Harrold, Eddie Albert, Luciano friendship of his superior (Moritz Bleibtreu). But then Lottie 2010 DD 5.1 86min. Pavarotti (Miriam Stein) enters his life and nothing is the same as Phase 4 Films 24.04.2012 before. However, the young lovers are unaware that her There’s no mistaking the grand voice, the outsized father as already promised her hand to another man. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108846 personality, the friendly, open face. Stepping outside his traditional operatic canon to star in his only feature film is Romance, Drama, Foreign, German, renowned tenor Luciano Pavarotti. Not that the „King of the Historical / Period Piece 2011 102min.

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Music Box Films 24.04.2012 Zuma Beach Evanescence: From A Little Rock To A Great Big Sound explores the world of this extraordinary group and the music 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108988 Suzanne Somers, Kimberly Beck, Perry they make. Covering their meteoric rise to fame from their Lang, Steven Keats debut album Fallen. Young Tom Edison Suzanne Somers rocks the blues away in this sunny seaside Documentary, Music, Pop Music 2011 adventure co-produced by future Academy Award winner* 66min. Eugene Pallette, Fay Bainter, Virginia Brian Grazer. With career worries getting her down, fading Weidler, rock star Bonnie Katt (Somers) heads to the beach, hoping to E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 In the 1930s and early ’40s, fans flocked to biopics. So leave her troubles behind. Falling in with a crowd of teens, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109039 Hollywood had a great idea: take the stars of Boys Town and Bonnie’s concerns soon become a thing of the past, as she reteam them - with a twist - to tell the compelling life story of casts her problems aside and helps her new friends solve a America’s greatest inventor, . So Mickey few of their own. Featuring an awesome line-up of soon-to- FIX: The Ministry Movie Rooney portrayed Young Tom Edison and Spencer Tracy be-famous names including Timothy Hutton, Rosanna Arquette Fix: The Ministry Movie. „F..k The Mainstream“. No Ministry headlined Edison, The Man. The films opened two months (Desperately Seeking Susan), Tanya Roberts (Charlie’s = No NIN, or Korn, or Jane’s Addiction if you don’t believe it? apart, and each garnered huge, enthusiastic audiences. In this Angels), P.J. Soles (Rock ‘n’ Roll High School), Michael Hear it directly from , Jonathan Davis, Dave tale of Edison’s youth, Tom’s scientific curiosity and Biehn () and co-writer Navarro and many more. Bonus Features: Dope Fiends, experiments gone wrong are subjects of scorn in his (Halloween), Zuma Beach is a sizzlin’ salute to surf, sand Stalkers and Aliens plus Music CD with 11 new tracks by hometown...and in his family. Tom shows heroism in the face of and Somers. featuring Taylor Momsen, Nivek Ogre, Chris great danger, and even invents a device to help the doctor TV Movies, Comedy, Drama, Music 1971 Connelly, Alexis S.F. Marshall, USSA and Jeffrey Kinart. save his mother’s life. But will that be enough to win over the 102min. Documentary, Music 93min. folks who call him addled? CAV Biography, Biopics, Drama 1940 86min. Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 tba BestellNr.: 40108990 Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108933 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108929 The Jeff Healey Band: Live In Your Cheatin’ Heart Belgium (DVD + CD Combo) Susan Oliver, George Hamilton, Red But- Music Concerts, Contemporary Blues, Jazz, tons Music min. Hank Williams is making a buck pitching a snake-oil cure-all Calexico: Flor De Muertos Eagle Rock 03.04.2012 to the gullible, capping his spiel by picking up his guitar and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109142 singing. In the crowd is The Drifting Cowboys, a group of Calexico, Danny Vinik touring country-western musicians who happen to be passing Flor De Muertos. Director and Tucson native Danny Vinik through. Say, Hank, would you like to join our group? Mem- evokes the power and beauty of the Sonaran Desert and it’s Iron Maiden: En Vivo! phis-born George Hamilton is winningly natural as Williams people in this poetic exploration of life and death along the in the musical biopic of the short-lived but forever influential US/Mexico border. Part documentary and part concert film, Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music min. „Hillbilly Shakespeare.“ It’s a deeply felt, lived-in story, made Flor De Muertos features a stunning performance by Universal - Music 26.03.2012 with the assistance of his widow Audrey and featuring acclaimed Americana band Calexico at Tucson’s historic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108737 timeless songs (Long Gone Lonesome Blues, I Can’t Help It Rialto Theatre. and Hey, Good Lookin’ among them) lip-synched by Hamilton Documentary, Music 2011 87min. but sung by another C&W great: Hank Williams, Jr. Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Iron Maiden: En Vivo! (Blu-ray) Music, Biography, Biopics, Country Music, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108744 Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music min. Drama 1964 99min. Universal - Music 26.03.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 09.11.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108797 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108930 Coldplay: Time’s Arrow Coldplay’s career trajectory to date could barely have been more perfect. And while, for a manufactured act or the latest Iron Maiden: En Vivo! - Limited You’re A Big Boy Now pop idol, such a feat may be the result of a marketing Edition Rip Torn, Geraldine Page, Elizabeth mastermind who will move onto the next pretty young thing once the initial hoo-ha of his current project has subsided, Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music min. Hartman, Michael Dunn Coldplay’s success has been built on a wholly different kind Bernard Chanticleer (Peter Kastner) is a very nice young man of genius - one otherwise known as pure, unadulterated Universal - Music 26.03.2012 anxious to step out into the „adult world.“ His plan is to move talent. This DVD celebrates this extraordinary group’s first 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108738 out of his parents’ Long Island house into an eighth-floor decade in the music business, a period after which they Greenwich Village walkup - and try to convince someone to remain right at the top of their game and with a future looking share his new „liberated lifestyle“ with him. You’re A Big Boy as bright as the sun and as assured as death and taxes for Joe Jackson: Rockpalast Now was Francis Ford Coppola’s UCLA Film School all. 2 DVD set of Joe Jackson’s 1980 and 1983 (three separate Master’s thesis - and a hilarious, high-speed debut in film Documentary, Music 2011 52min. concerts!) performances on German TV. The first Rockpalast- comedy for the future maker of The Godfather and Apocalypse performance in March 1980 features Jackson and band Now. Fresh off A Patch Of Blue, Elizabeth Hartman E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 performing songs from his new wave punk era as well as hints bewitchingly plays the free spirit who tempts Bernard. Karen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109038 of things to come. The 1983 shows focus on his classic album Black makes her own screen debut as the love object that Night and Day and its jazz, pop sound as well as revisiting lovesick Bernard overlooks and Geraldine Page nearly steals his previous hits. Top notch songwriting and performances. the show with her Academy Award-nominated* performance as Phil Collins: Live At Montreux Concerts, Music, Punk 1981 120min. Bernard’s possessive mother. 2004 (Blu-ray) Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Romance, Comedy, Drama 1966 96min. Concerts, Easy Listening, Music, Pop Music 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108763 Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 2004 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108931 Eagle Rock 26.03.2012 Kitaro: An Enchanted Evening 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108796 A DVD release of one of Kitaro’s most well known Zeppelin performances! Chant From The Heart Kokoro Mandala Planet Michael York, Anton Diffring, Elke Sommer, Dance Of Sarasvati Winds Of Youth Heaven & Earth Dragonslayer Music, New Age 1994 FF DD 2.0 84min. Andrew Keir, Alexandra Stewart, Marius Winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at Goring, Rupert Davies, Peter Carsten SXSW 2011 and hailed by The New York Times as „the best Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 A colossal silver airship looms out of the clouds above the movie about the life and world of skateboarders since 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108870 English Channel, then is swallowed in a silent mist. This is Dogtown,“ Dragonslayer documents the transgressions of Germany’s Zeppelin, the most feared air weapon of World Josh „Skreech“ Sandoval, a local skate legend from the War I. Michael York (Cabaret, Logan’s Run) stars as Lt. stagnant suburbs of Fullerton, California, in the aftermath of Led Zeppelin: Dazed & Confused Geoffrey Richter-Douglas, a German-born Scot asked by the America’s economic collapse. Executive produced by Christi- A rare look at Led Zeppelin, from their humble beginnings to British to infiltrate a German zeppelin works. Although he ne Vachon (Kids, Boys Don’t Cry), the film takes the viewer their status as rock gods. The unique chemistry between knows he’ll be branded as a traitor and mistrusted, he agrees. through a golden SoCal haze of lost youth, broken homes and singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page, bassist John Paul In what seems like luck, Richter-Douglas is invited aboard a abandoned swimming pools, set to a soundtrack of bands from Jones & drummer John Bonham led to tensions within the zeppelin trial run, but that luck turns ominous once airborne. Mexican Summer and Kemado Records - including Best band, but were essential to their success. Take a journey A German commandant initiates a daring raid over England - Coast, Bipolar Bear, Children, Dungen, Jacuzzi Boys, Little where incredible heights and extreme lows helped forge one and Richter-Douglas finds that his knowledge of the Scottish Girls and The Soft Pack - as well as Death and Thee Oh of the greatest rock bands ever. countryside is the key to the mission’s success. Hold on tight Sees. Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, as this suspenseful adventure - complete with spectacular Documentary, Music, Punk Rock, Folk Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Music special effects - takes you soaring. Skateboarding 2011 73min. Transportation, World War I, Adventure, 2010 75min. First Run Features 15.05.2012 Aerial Action, Drama 1971 100min. E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109085 Warner Bros. MOD 18.06.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109042 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108932 Evanescence: From A Little Rock Jerry Lee Lewis: Live To A Great Big Sound The plain truth is that there’s only one Jerry Lee Lewis and

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Rock and Roll music will never see another like him! The 11+-Hour, 6-Disc Collection of 63 Theatrical Shorts is your Now it’s happening.. Set in what Novelist and Philosopher piano thumping, egocentric wild man with an unquenchable ticket to a golden age of melody and musicianship. Ramblin Ayn Rand called ‘the day after tomorrow,’ Atlas Shrugged thirst for living captured live! classics as well ‘Round Radio Row #1 (1932-33) Ramblin ‘Round Radio Row depicts an America in crisis, brought to her knees by a as down home blues and country ballads, there is nobody like #2 (1932-33) Ramblin ‘Round Radio Row #3 (1932-33) corrupt establishment of government regulators and the Killer! Tracks Includes: You Win Again Lucile Over The Ramblin ‘Round Radio Row #4 (1932-33) Ramblin ‘Round businessmen with political pull - the ‘looters’ and the Rainbow Sweet Little Sixteen You Are The Won Whoe Lotta Radio Row #5 (1932-33) Ramblin ‘Round Radio Row #6 ‘moochers’ - who prey on individual achievement. Ayn Rand Shakin’ Goin’ On Great Balls Of Fire (1932-33) Ramblin ‘Round Radio Row #1 (1933-34) Ramblin And The Prophecy Of Atlas Shrugged. Concerts, Music 100min. ‘Round Radio Row #2 (1933-34) Ramblin ‘Round Radio Row Documentary 2011 94min. #1 (1934-35) The Yacht Party The Audition Yamekraw Smash Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Your Baggage That’s The Spirit Pie, Pie Blackbird Rufus Virgil Films And Entertainment 03.04.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108773 Jones For President All Colored Vaudeville Show King For A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109140 Day The Black Network Eddy Duchin & Orchestra Mills Blue Rhythm Band Isham Jones & His Orchestra Ben Pollack & His Night Of Guitars Orchestra Dave Apollon & Co. In The Wishing Stone Johnny Barney: Planes, Trains & Cars Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Brian May, Joe Green & His Orchestra Borrah Minevitch & His Harmonica Buckle up for fun and adventure!. Beep beep! Toot toot! Make Rascals Red Nichols & His World Famous Pennies George way for Barney and friends as they embark on fantastic Walsh Hall & His Orchestra Harry Reser & His Eskimos Little Ja adventures to places near and far. Using planes, trains, cars, This is a great DVD for guitar fans! Sensational and unique Swing, Big Band, Jazz, Music, Short Film boats and their imaginations, Barney engineers fun with songs top performers playing together in one place: Joe Satriani, and stories about exciting places. He shares important safety Steve Val, Brian May, Joe Walsh and many more. Official TV Collections min. tips with kids - such as buckling seatbelts, and more. Join broadcast - it really is a must for rock fans. Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 Barney for some Tee-riffic transportation exploration! On The Concerts, Music 2012 70min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108791 Road Again Airplanes The Magic Caboose Way To Go! Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Transportation, Dinosaurs, Educational, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108748 Music, Preschool 2012 S 79min. Lionsgate 15.05.2012 None 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109122 Filmed live at The Empty Bottle, Chicao , September Special Interest 20, 2006. Jadek plays electric guitar accompanied by Josh Baseball’s Greatest Games: 2011 Abrams (bass guitar), John McEntire (drums). Track Listing The American Revolution Trilogy Red Skirt Land Of God The Lost Ruse Blue Plastic Mat Let World Series Game 6 (Blu-ray + Me Go My Vow Documentary min. Alternative, Concerts, Experimental Rock, Team Marketing 05.06.2012 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 2011 World Series Game 6, St. Louis Cardinals Vs. Houston Indie Rock, Music 2006 85min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108859 Astros. There is an exclusive, invite-only club whose Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 membership is limited to heart-stopping, history-making, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108747 Ancient Alien Agenda: Aliens And goose-bump generating World Series home runs. That prestigious roster now includes David Freese and his 11th- UFOs From The Area 51 Archives inning leadoff, walk-off home run that provided a fitting finale Roachford: Live At Rockpalast UFOs, Aliens, Documentary 300min. to a spectacular Fall Classic. In Game 6 of the 2011 World Seldom has a Rockpalast DVD collection documented the Series, on the edge of elimination, the St. Louis Cardinals qualities and evolution of an artist more perfectly than here. Allegro Entertainment 24.04.2012 trailed five times, including by two runs in the ninth and in the The 1991 concert documents the early phase of the Roachford 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109076 10th, each of those two times down to their last strike. The band with all of their big hits like „Cuddly Toy“ and „Family Cardinals comebacks were triggered by Freese, Lance Man“. The concert from 2005, on the other hand, shows the Berkman, and a resilient lineup. From Freese’ two-out, game- solo artist Andrew Roachford pursuing a successful career Aviation Anthology tying 9th inning triple, to Berkman’s 11th-inning game-tying with unique collaborations, such as his big hit „Pop Muzak“ Why are humans so fascinated with flight? Is it fantasy? single, to the final wondrous walk-off, all the drama, thrills, with Mousse T. for example. Fear? Find the answer in Aviation Anthology, an 18-DVD and exhilaration of this Fall Classic masterpiece are here to Concerts, Foreign, German min. collection featuring more than 19 hours of film and footage, enjoy for the first time in high definition on glorious Blu-Ray! covering the earliest flights - such as the Wright brothers’ Direct from the Major League Baseball archives, this Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 military plane in 1909 - and the most fearless pilots, including extraordinary television broadcast includes the quintessential 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108788 the heroic crew of one of the most successful night bombers making of an iconic moment, and one unforgettable b during WWII. Meet aviation pioneers, innovators and Sports, Major League Baseball, Baseball Sista’s Of R&B Hip Hop Soul Vol. enthusiasts, then take off on some stomach-wrenching 2011 225min. adventures with the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds! A&E 17.04.2012 2: Alicia Keys & Ashanti Planes include the Mustang, the B-24 Liberator, the experi- mental Goblin, the Orion, VTOLs, the Catalina, the C-5 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109157 Ashanti, Alicia Keys Galaxy, the Thunderbolt, the Harrier Jump Jet, the Vought F-8 Alicia Keys burst onto the music scene as a young musical Crusader, „Black Cats,“ the F-104 Starfighter, the Blackbird, prodigy writing songs and performing background vocals for the F-4 Phantom, the F6F Hellcat, the RAF’s Spitfire and BBQ Pitmasters Columbia, and later Arista Records. During the course of this Hurricane, Germany’s Messerschmitt 109, and the DHC-2 Stakes are high when the best barbecue teams in the country unauthorized documentary, we will follow her incredible rise Beaver. come face to face with t heir biggest rivals! from the street of Manhattan and into the hearts of the world. War, World War II, Aerial Action, Air Force, Reality 2010 220min. As a young girl growing up in New York, Ashanti had her heart set on entertaining. Singing and dancing in front her of Boxed Sets, Documentary 1140min. Gaiam Americas 08.05.2012 her family, she dreamt of one day being a star. Now, that Topics Entertainment 16.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108872 dream has become a reality. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108962 Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, Billboards Best Hip Hop: Lil Music 2011 120min. Aviation: A Filmed History Wayne & Black Eyed Peas Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 The Largest Aviation Collection On DVD. These specially 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108749 selected materials from the National Archives make up the Lil Wayne, Black Eyed Peas largest collection of aviation history in one DVD box set. The This documentary tells the tale of the charismatic Southern 24-DVD collection has everything from historical newsreel rapper, Lil Wayne, and his rise to super stardom. Wayne Strange Fruit: The Beatles’ Apple footage to documentary featurettes filmed and narrated by began his industry ascendance as one of the Hot Boys, a Records some of Hollywood’s greatest. The Classic Aviation short-lived Cash Money Records all-star group. After collection tours dramatic moments in the history of flight, from establishing himself as a successful solo artist. In this In 1968, under a haze of publicity, The Beatles opened their the short hops across a field to the edge of space. WWII: Air documentary we thoroughly explore the worldwide collective doors to all manner of musicians, writers, artists, War shows unbelievable footage of the U.S. Army Air Forces, phenomenon that is the Black Eyed Peas. When discussing filmmakers, inventors, designers, freaks and more than their Bomber Groups, Thunderbolts and more as they combat enemy the characterization of the group, status quo is a term that will fair share of opportunist sharks. But despite the hefty forces. The voices of Clark Gable, James Stewart, and Lloyd more than likely NOT come up during the conversation. investment, little of substance was forthcoming outside of the Bridges are featured. Archival footage explores planes, pilots Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, music that emerged from one division of the potential empire, and crews in action in America’s Fighting Jets. Then, Rap 2011 120min. Apple Records. Strange Fruit: The Beatles’ Apple Records is experience the thrill of the F-14 Tomcat, F-16 Fighting the story of a record label which came to exist under Falcon, F-15 Eagle and the F/A Hornet in Fighter Pilots. In Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 extraordinary circumstances, produced some extraordinary Military Air Power, see the world’s most technologically 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108750 records and was operated under the most extraordinary advanced fighter aircraft in action. guidelines. War, World War II, Aerial Action, Air Force, Documentary, Music 2012 162min. Celebrity Bowling: Bowling For Boxed Sets, Documentary, Military Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 1200min. Laughs 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108777 Topics Entertainment 16.02.2012 Shelley Berman, Charles Nelson Reilly, 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108953 Norm Crosby, Pat Harrington, Gabe Kaplan Warner Bros. Big Band, Jazz & Celebrity Bowling was produced in Los Angeles at KTTV (Channel 11) 1971, and the series was so popular it ran for 8 Swing: Short Subject Collection Ayn Rand & The Prophecy Of At- years. Each week, two-person teams competed on regulation Join many of entertainment history’s all-time greatest size bowling lanes that were actually installed in the KTTV performers and ensembles, gathered in this jaw-dropping las Shrugged studios. Join 70’s Icons and Celebrity Bowlers: Gabe Kaplan, assemblage from the Warner Bros.’ vault. This one-of-a-kind John Allison Charles Nelson Reilly, Shelley Berman, Norm Crosby and Pat

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Harrington as they hurl the ball and the laughs down the lane Germany. Wings Up. Gable narrates with Robert Preston, Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games), Richard Garriott in Celebrity Bowling: Bowling for Laughs. William Holden and Gilbert Roland in this 1943 documentary can afford to pursue his dreams - even the wildly improbable Variety / Game Shows, Family, Sports 1972 short film depicting the rigors of training for cadets at the ones. For instance, following in his astronaut father’s 50min. Officers Candidate School of the Army Air Forces. footsteps. NASA won’t take you because of bad eyes? No War, World War II, Air Force, Army, problem! Pioneer your own private space industry and buy a E1 Entertainment 24.04.2012 Documentary, Military 80min. $30 million seat on a Russian Soyuz rocket. Richly funny and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109043 invigorating, Man on a Mission tags along with Richard on Topics Entertainment 16.02.2012 his quest to be the second Garriott into space. And maybe 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108945 come back. A Century Of War Documentary, Space 2010 83min. Dana Andrews, Harry Davenport, Paul Hollywood Patriots: Ronald First Run Features 15.05.2012 Hurst 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109082 Includes rare films never before seen on DVD.. With more Reagan than 85 of the best war films from the United States National Ronald Reagan, Burgess Meredith, Craig Menopause In An Hour Archives, you can see America at war through the eyes of the Stevens, Tom Neal, Dane Clark, Jonathan people who were actually there in A Century Of War. This Documentary, Health 2011 min. special 24-DVD set includes recently released and rarely Hale, Harvey Stephens seen films of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Nuremberg Trials Before he was the 40th president of the United States, Ronald E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 and more. Witness World War I and II, the Korean, Vietnam Reagan was a Hollywood actor. And he was always a patriot. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108951 and the Cold wars as they really happened, from historical See him in three war-time films preserved by the National newsreel footage to documentaries, shot and narrated by top Archives. Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter . Reagan Hollywood enlistees, including John Huston, John Ford, is featured in this 1943 film dramatizing the experience of a Mythbusters: Buster’s Biggest Car Charlton Heston and Ronald Reagan. Includes: Let There Be fighter who learns the importance of knowing the Crashes Light, John Huston’s lost masterpiece, the Oscar-winning difference between Japanese and US aircraft. Rear Gunner . extended version of John Ford’s December 7th and actual Burgess Meredith and Reagan star in this dramatic 1943 Discovery Channel 2004 220min. footage from the Nuremberg Trials. documentary on the training of an aerial rear gunner in WWII. Gaiam Americas 15.04.2012 Vietnam War, War, World War I, World War The General Patton Story . Reagan narrates this 1963 documentary that examines the military career of the famous 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108855 II, Aerial Action, Boxed Sets, Documentary, general. Korean War, Military 2400min. War, World War II, Aerial Action, Of Dolls And Murder Topics Entertainment 16.02.2012 Documentary, Military 73min. John Waters 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108958 Topics Entertainment 16.02.2012 Of Dolls And Murder. From the iconic CSI to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108948 the Body Farm and criminally minded college students and a Chesapeake Bay By Air In High crime fighting granny, legendary filmmaker, and true crime aficionado, John Waters narrates the tiny world of big time Definition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Learn Our History: Election Day murder. (Blu-ray) Documentary, Politics min. Crime, Documentary 2011 70min. As seen on public television.. The Chesapeake Bay region Team Marketing 10.07.2012 Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 from the ground is beautiful, but from above, it’s spectacular. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108857 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108742 See the country’s largest estuary from an exhilarating vantage point. Explore the bay’s endless shoreline, expansive marshes, private coves, sparkling cities, charming towns, Legends Of Air Combat: Jets At Tom Palazzolo’s Chicago fishing villages and nature preserves that still look like they My films are a celebration of reality even if there is no did 1,000 years ago in Chesapeake Bay By Air. Soar over War 1950 - 2011 understanding it.“ -Tom Palazzolo. For four decades, famous Chesapeake-area landmarks, including Annapolis, St. Jets At War: 1950 - 2011. Takes us through the desperate filmmaker Tom Palazzolo has been the purveyor of Michaels, Baltimore Harbor and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. early days of the Korean War, when air power alone kept the affectionate, poignant, and dark musings on Chicago’s urban Then touch down to find out more about 35 unique and exciting North Koreans from driving UN Forces into the sea. Propel- landscapes, creating low-budget documentaries about the places in and around Chesapeake Bay, from Smith Island and ler-driven planes relinquished their role to a new generation strange, hypnotic, and diverse ethnography of Chicago. Tom Baltimore Harbor to the Susquehanna River and the of faster, jet-powered fighters such as the Soviet MiG-15 Palazzolo’s Chicago features three films representing diffe- Blackwater Wildlife Preserve. Unobtrusive narration and a Fagot and the legendary F-86 Sabre. The air war in Vietnam rent eras of his work. Labor Day, East Chicago. I Married A beautiful classical music score enhance the Chesapeake Bay was unlike any other. It pitted the full might of the world’s Munchkin. Down Clark Street. experience as you take in exquisite scenery in this film greatest military power against an elusive, highly motivated Triple Feature, Documentary FF 92min. previously seen on public television. This special edition enemy. The air war provided the superpowers with the combo pack offers both Blu-ray and DVD versions. opportunity to put their best technology and weapons systems Facets Video 24.04.2012 2010 90min. into the sky for the ultimate test in air combat. Explores the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108782 dawn of the age of high-tech air war. For the first time in Topics Entertainment 06.03.2012 military history, stealth, networked air control, and precision 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108943 guided munitions interacted on the battle field; altering the Positive Force: More Than A arena of air combat in an unprecedented way. The air war in Witness - 25 Years Of Punk Afghanistan (2001 - 2011) and the Second Gulf War (2003 - Curiosity With Stephen Hawking 2011) would see a steady expansion in the deployment of Politics In Action Stephen Hawking stealth aircraft and network centric air warfare. Punk activist collective Positive Force emerged in 1985, Discovery Channel, Documentary, Science Vietnam War, Air Force, Documentary, Gulf rising from the ashes of Revolution Summer. This feature- War, Korean War, Military FF DD 5.1 length film by Robin Bell skillfully mixes rare archival footage 2011 220min. (including electrifying live performances from Fugazi, Bikini Gaiam Americas 01.05.2012 180min. Kill, Nation Of Ulysses, Anti-Flag and more) with new 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108865 Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 interviews with key PF activists like co-founder Mark Ander- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108868 sen and supporters such as Ian MacKaye, Ted Leo, and Riot Grrrl co-founder Allison Wolfe. Covering a span of 25 years, Dirty Jobs: Toughest Jobs More Than A Witness documents PF’s Reagan-era origins, The Man Nobody Knew: In the creation of its communal house, FBI harassment, and the Mike Rowe rise of a vibrant underground that burst into the mainstream Discovery Channel, Documentary, On The Search Of My Father, CIA and amidst controversy over both the means and the ends of Job, Reality 2010 220min. Spymaster William Colby (Blu- the movement. In the best punk fashion, PF volunteers have Gaiam Americas 15.05.2012 applied creative DIY tactics and radical critiques to issues of ray) homelessness, racism, corporate globalization, sexism and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108856 As powerful and riveting as a John Le Carre thriller, The Man war while struggling to constructively address conflicting Nobody Knew uncovers the hidden life of legendary CIA dynamics and visions within the group itself. Donald Glover: Weirdo spymaster William Colby. The consummate American soldier- Documentary, Politics, Punk 2011 120min. spy, Colby took on the government’s dirtiest assignments Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Donald Glover without question - until the day he defied presidential orders 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108741 Comedy, Comedy Central 2011 65min. and revealed to Congress the CIA’s „family jewels“ - their E1 Entertainment 10.04.2012 darkest, deepest secrets. Told by his son Carl Colby and featuring a who’s who of the intelligence community as well as The Pruitt-Igoe Myth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108724 top journalists and writers, Colby’s story unmasks the lies, myths, truths, sacrifices and causalities of a covert spy. It began as a housing marvel. Built in 1956, Pruitt-Igoe was War, Documentary, Biography 2011 104min. heralded as the model public housing project of the future, „the Hollywood Patriots: Clark Gable poor man’s penthouse.“ Two decades later, it ended in rubble First Run Features 17.04.2012 Clark Gable, Robert Preston, Gilbert Ro- - its razing an iconic event that the architectural theorist 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108727 Charles Jencks famously called „the death of modernism.“ The land, Brenda Marshall, William Holden footage and images of its implosion have helped to perpetuate Sure he was an Oscar-winning iconic actor, but he was also a myth of failure, a failure that has been used to critique Captain Clark Gable of the 351st Bomb Group. See him in two Man On A Mission: Richard Modernist architecture, attack public assistance programs, war-time films preserved by the National Archives. Combat and stigmatize public housing residents. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth. America. Gable narrates and appears in this dramatized 1943 Garriott’s Road To The Stars Documentary, Drama 2011 83min. film which tells the story of the 351st bomber group of the US Firmly ensconced in the geeky pantheon of computer legends Army Air Forces, from training to combat missions over since high school for his pioneering MMORGs (Massive First Run Features 15.05.2012

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109084 Anderson Merchandisers 06.03.2012 Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional, Senior 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108698 Interest 2012 52min. Red Tail Reborn: Special Edition BayView Entertainment 01.05.2012 Amidst the racial naysayers during WWII, the first African- Del Shores: My Sordid Life 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109091 American fighter pilots were commissioned in 1941 to help defend the distressed bombers in the European theater. Under Del Shores the watch of these pilots, few to no bombers were lost to Famed comedian and writer Del Shores (Sordid Lives, Queer Surving D-Day enemy fighters. These forgotten pilots are known as the As Folk) shares the real-life stories that inspired his writing The 12-hour battle at Omaha Beach changed the course of Tuskegee Airmen. The ambition to make these heroes a house- in this hilarious and poignant one-man show recorded live in World War 2. America’s victory hinged on bravery, luck and hold name is the primary objective of The Red Tail Project, a Los Angeles during his critically acclaimed 30-city tour unconventional warfare. It’s a battle where skill and cunning group of men and women who honored the Airmen by touring across the U.S. Del finally sets the story straight on his sit alongside leadership and bravery. air shows with a restored P-51C Mustang, the famous roaring celebrity encounters and on what it was like growing up in the War, World War II, Documentary, Military fighter plane these men flew in combat. Like the men they South and coming out as gay. Available for the first time, this tribute, The Red Tail Project encounter adversity when their DVD also includes special behind-the-scenes features, 2006 132min. flying homage to the Airmen, the Mustang, crashed in 2004, including a peek inside Del’s dressing room with stars from Gaiam Americas 01.05.2012 killing pilot Don Hinz, who was also the project leader. Red his plays, movies and television shows. Look for Leslie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108838 Tail Reborn. Jordan, Beau Bridges, Ann Walker, Rosemary Alexander, War, World War II, Black Heritage, Jason Dottley, Emerson Collins, Newell Alexander, Debby Holiday and others! A Taste Of California: San Fran- Documentary, PBS 2007 54min. Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest 99min. Passion River 11.11.2008 Breaking Glass Pictures 03.04.2012 cisco, Marin County, Monterey 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108707 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108835 Simon Kane Host Simon Kane is your guide to tours in San Francisco, Marin County, and Monteray California. Reiki: Energy Healing For Horses Stronger Seniors: Core Fitness Documentary 2010 72min. Anna Twinney Chair Exercise Questar MOD 02.02.2012 Created Exclusively by International Equine Specialist, Natural Horsemanship Clinician, Animal Communicator and The Stronger Seniors: Core Fitness Chair Exercise program 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108849 Karuna Reiki Master, Anna Twinney, this program will give is designed to help seniors and the mobility-challenged you everything you need to bring all the benefits of energy develop strength and flexibility, enhancing the ability to Elizabeth Taylor: American Dia- healing to not only your horse but all your animal companions. function in daily life. Core Fitness is specially designed to Incorporating her decades of experience in equine behavior, strengthen your abdominals, lower back and pelvic floor mond herd dynamics, body language and interspecies muscles: those which support your spine and internal organs - the foundation of your body. Exercising the core is essential Elizabeth Taylor was one of the most dynamic actresses in communication, Anna will show you how the ancient art of American film history. Her beauty and glamorous lifestyle Reiki, and almost any healing modality, can be safely adapted to good posture and balance. If you ignore these muscle groups, the risk of kyphosis, osteoporosis, and other chronic made her an icon during Hollywood’s Golden Age. She from humans to horses. She will also share her secrets of evolved into a great humanitarian, and would eventually how to read your horse, give them a voice and create the disease is increased. By building a strong core foundation, your overall physical health and appearance is improved and revolutionize the world of fashion. However, her success exact healing session they need and desire. Filmed at the came wtih its fair share of drug use, love affairs and picturesque Bitterroot Ranch in Dubois, Wyoming, you will will help you enjoy all of the physical activities that you look forward to: walking, biking, gardening, and the like. You will scandals. In this detailed docu-drama, we explore the legend join 10 students and learn the very same tools and techniques of Dame Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor. taught on the exclusive ROTH Healing Horses workshop. In feel a tremendous difference in how you feel and how you see this 2-DVD program you will learn to: Conduct a safe and yourself. Stronger Seniors: Core Fitness Chair Exercise is Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary effective session; Recognize your horse’s registers; signs based on the teachings of Joseph Pilates. Pilates 2011 70min. that the energy is having its effect; Ask your horse’s incorporates exercises that train your body from the inside Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 permission; Introduce yourself to any horse with Reiki out. No other exercise program is as gentle to your body Scanning; Locate potentia while providing a challenging workout. Modified for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108746 Health, Horses, Instructional 125min. Fitness, Health, Instructional, Senior BayView Entertainment 08.05.2012 Interest 2012 34min. Hilary Thacker: The Veil 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109097 BayView Entertainment 01.05.2012 Hilary Thacker 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109090 Hilary Thacker instructs and demonstrates the Egyptian style of belly dancing in this new DVD with original music. Learn Return Salute moves such as the wrap, magic sandwich, full size partner Returning soldiers are granted a special wish in return for Stronger Seniors: Stretch And and Egyptian postbox. Include choreography for group veil the sacrifices they have made on behalf of their country. Strength dancing. Documentary, Military 2005 134min. The Stronger Seniors: Stretch & Strength workout program is Bellydance, Dancing, Instructional, Gaiam Americas 08.05.2012 designed by Certified Fitness Instructor Anne Pringle Burnell Instructional Dance min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108839 to help seniors develop strength and to enhance the ability to Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 function in daily life. These two fitness DVDs work together to improve your ability to be stable and balanced, to stay 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108762 The Ride mobile, to go up and down stairs, to squat and pick something up, and to play with your grandchildren! Exercise at home UFC 142: Aldo Vs. Mendes Phil Keoghan regularly with the Stronger Seniors: Stretch & Strength Phil Keoghan, the host of The Amazing Race, left Los Angeles program to increase flexibility, gain strength, improve heart Jose Aldo, Chad Mendes on his bike headed for New York, with his wingman Ben, best health and balance. The Stronger Seniors: Stretch and It’s a homecoming celebration for UFC featherweight title friend Scott, Greg a former California Highway Patrolman, Strength chair exercise DVDs are: designed specifically for holder Jose Aldo - one of Brazil’s most dynamic champions. and his dad. He wanted to really test his 41-year old mind and seniors and the elderly, are performed in a slow, relaxing But, the unbeaten, No. 1 contender Chad „Money“ Mendes body like never before. pace; and are safe, simple and effective. This set contains wants to crash the party of UFC 142’s main event and take Documentary, Road Trips 2012 86min. two DVDs containing two complete programs. home the belt. Plus, UFC superstar Vitor Belfort fights in NOW MOD 19.02.2012 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Senior Brazil for the first time in more than 13 years when he squares off against crushing, knockout puncher Anthony 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109133 Interest 2012 95min. „Rumble“ Johnson. BayView Entertainment 01.05.2012 Sports, Sports Entertainment, UFC, Mixed Sand Masters: Season 1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109092 Martial Arts 2012 300min. Around the country and across the globe, the unconventional Starz / Anchor Bay 24.04.2012 artists of Sand Masters create unimaginable masterpieces on Stronger Seniors: Yoga Chair a massive scale that defy expectations and often defy gravity. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108815 In every episode, this group of artists builds colossal works Exercise of art from sand while battling seemingly insurmountable The Stronger Seniors: Yoga Chair Exercise program is Unauthorzed: The Story Of Rock challenges, from unpredictable weather, wildly ambitious designed to help seniors develop strength and enhance the designs, to demanding clients and a ticking clock. Outrageous ability to function in daily life. This beginning yoga program N Roll Comics assignments keep viewers hooked until the final amazing improves respiration and circulation and reduces tension. Robert Williams, Mojo Nixon, Scott Jackson, reveal. Stronger Seniors: Yoga Chair Exercise will help to increase Reality 2011 411min. balance, flexibility, and strength. Yoga incorporates simple Gaiam Americas 22.05.2011 mind/body exercises focusing on breath and relaxation which Unauthorized: The Story Of Rock N Roll Comics. Includes help to reduce stress. If you have heard how wonderful Yoga first hand accounts from many of the artists and writers who 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108867 is, but always thought it was too difficult, now is your time to were inspired and exploited by Loren, along with interviews experience this amazing age-old practice. Modified for the with Alice Cooper, Mojo Nixon and more. Senna chair, Stronger Seniors: Yoga Chair Exercise incorporates Documentary 2005 380min. all of the benefits of yoga: a healthier, stronger and more Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 A documentary on Brazilian Formula One racing driver Ayrton relaxed you; improved flexibility; a great sense of calm and Senna, who won the F1 world championship three times well-being; and increased oxygen intake. No getting down on 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108743 before his death at age 34. the floor, no ‘pretzel’ poses. Just increased flexibilty, mobility, Sports, Art House, Auto Racing, Biography, and relaxation. There is no risk of injury from hyperextension Betty White: Champion For British, Documentary, Foreign, Racing 2010 that most ‘beginning’ yoga programs can cause. Chair Yoga participants receive not only the physical benefits of Yoga Animals min. (Postures), but also the more quie

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Betty White ray) National treasure Betty White, multi-Emmy-winner and This is the story of Amy Jade Winehouse - the rise and beloved entertainer ranked as „the most liked and trusted untimely demise of a soulful icon. As a child Amy Winehouse celebrity in the world“ (Reuters), shares her tireless was infatuated with music. At the tender age of 14, she along devotion to the animal world. This fascinating and with her best friend formed a rap duo called Sweet & Sour. heartwarming program transports you coast to coast and Writing and reciting songs became her childhood hobby - it Telefonische across the continents for unforgettable encounters with the would ultimately become her therapy and escape. Bestellannahme: amazing creatures with whom we share our planet and the Disappointed by her parents’ divorce, she began to rebel people behind the scenes charged with their care, protection against authority at school and at home. Her anger eventually Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr and maintenance. You’ll visit America’s precious national spiraled into depression, which led to bulimia and anorexia. Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr parks, world-class zoos, and aquariums to witness amazing However her passion for music was unwavering. She was Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr sights tourists never get to see. You’ll meet a penguin who got inspired by artists such as Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, his feathers and his groove back, witness the heroics of the and Billy Holiday. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr military’s canine corps, and accompany members of the Humane Society as they work to put a stop to heartbreaking Music, Unauthorized Biographies, Biopics animal mistreatment. Along the way, Betty shares personal min. Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- stories about her own cherished pets and unforgettable Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 und Feiertags (Baden- experiences with organizations that make the wonderful world 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108800 Württemberg) bleibt unser of animals available to all. Verkauf geschlossen. Documentary 2011 89min. Image Ent. 27.03.2012 WWE: You Think You Know Me - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109147 The Story Of Edge Edge Windfall You think you know him - he’s the Rated-R Superstar, the Wind power: it’s sustainable...it burns no fossil fuels...it Ultimate Opportunist, and one of the most decorated produces no air pollution. What’s more, it cuts down champions in WWE History. Edge has won more than 30 dependency on foreign oil. That’s what the people of championships, including 11 world championships and a Meredith, NY first thought when a wind developer looked to record 14 tag team championships. He’s the only superstar in supplement the rural farm town’s failing economy with a farm history to win the King of the Ring, the Royal Rumble, and of their own - that of 40 industrial wind turbines. But when a Money in the Bank. And now that his career has been cut too group of townspeople discover the impacts that a 400-foot short, fans can relive his entire storied career in the first high windmill could bring to their community, Meredith’s ever home video biography to chronicle this Canadian residents become deeply divided as they fight over the future superstar’s rise through the independent ranks into WWE. of their community. With wind development in the United The release is also packed with career-spanning matches States growing annually at 39 percent, Windfall is an eye- hand selected by Edge himself. opener for anyone concerned about the environment and the Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE, future of renewable energy. Documentary 540min. Documentary, Drama, Environmental 2010 WWE Home Video 10.04.2012 83min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108696 Newsletter 04/12 (Nr. 308) First Run Features 15.05.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109083 ISSN 1610-2606 WWII (18-Pack) Credits World War II was the most widespread war in history and the Amy Winehouse: Fallen Star deadliest. See the best WWII films from the United States Redaktion: This is the story of Amy Jade Winehouse - the rise and National Archives in this 18-DVD collector’s set. Watch more Wolfram Hannemann untimely demise of a soulful icon. As a child Amy Winehouse than 21 hours of amazing film — everything from newsreel Design & Layout: was infatuated with music. At the tender age of 14, she along footage to documentary films featuring some of Hollywood’s with her best friend formed a rap duo called Sweet & Sour. greatest actors and directors. See the Academy Award- Wolfram Hannemann Writing and reciting songs became her childhood hobby - it winning film chronicling the 1944-45 Allied invasion and Assistenz: would ultimately become her therapy and escape. conquest of Western Europe, actual footage of President Disappointed by her parents’ divorce, she began to rebel Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and General Douglas Beate Hannemann against authority at school and at home. Her anger eventually MacArthur, and chilling film of Nazi rallies and , Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: spiraled into depression, which led to bulimia and anorexia. the attack on Pearl Harbor, bombing missions, and more. However her passion for music was unwavering. She was Films include Academy Award-winners Prelude to War, The Anna Rudschies inspired by artists such as Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, True Glory, The Nazis Strike, and Divide and Conquer, plus © (2012) by and Billy Holiday. more amazing films, including The Battle of Britain, War Comes to America, Target for Today, Fighting Lady and many LASER HOTLINE Music, Unauthorized Biographies, Biopics more. min. War, World War II, Academy Award ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Music Video Distribution 24.04.2012 Winners, Aerial Action, Boxed Sets, nur in Verbindung mit einem 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108781 Documentary, Military 1260min. „Persönlichen Import- Topics Entertainment 16.02.2012 service“-Vertrag und be- Amy Winehouse: Fallen Star (Blu- 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108964 inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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