2020 GRAD GRAMS Here’s your opportunity to send sweet messages to the Whitefish Bay High School graduates you know. At graduation practice, each senior receives a booklet of well-wishes from , fellow graduates and friends. Whether it’s your graduate, a niece, nephew, friend or neighbor, it’s the perfect way to congratulate them on their accomplishment. It’s a tradition for seniors, and a meaningful special keepsake they all look forward to receiving. As a , you might want to consider purchasing a few extra Grad Grams for your graduate and passing them out to important people in your ’s life, like , , , etc. Ask them to return completed Grad Grams to you (or us) by May 31.

How does it work? It’s super easy!

1. Pick Up Your Grad Grams Beginning Now!. Just $1 each.

Brenda Szumski 806 E. Glen Ave. 414.630.2405 [email protected]

Lisa Collins 4 921 N. Cumberland Blvd. 414-750-5455 [email protected]

2. Decorate Your Grad Grams Well-wishes, pictures, stickers, Memories – it all works!

3. Drop Off Your Grad Grams No later than May 31s t at same locations as pick-ups above

If you are unable to pick up and drop off your Grad Grams, you can use one of these preprinted messages:

1. May you achieve all that you have ever hoped for – Good Luck 2. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished 3. Wishing you the best of everything 4. We are so proud of you!

By May 24t h, fill in the needed information below and return this flyer to Laura Knollenberg, 4769 N. Diversey Blvd Whitefish Bay, WI 53211. We will fill out the Grad Grams for you.

First, circle or highlight all of your graduates on the reverse side of this flyer

# of Grad Grams ______x $1 = amount enclosed: ______Check payable to WFB Parent Association

Message # ______From ______(e.g. Mary, The Smith Family)

Your Name ______Your Phone ______Your Email ______


Abigail Br ooke Ackles Hannah Marie Gar dner Noah Gabriel La wless Lex Lulabelle R ongstad Caitlin Gr ace Adank Anika Gr ace Gebauer Tori Malone Lea Jo R osean Benjamin Da vid K aleo Ah yun Maxwell Thomas Gehr ed Brian Jiy ong Lee Grace Elaine Rump f Victoria R obin Albertson Charles Thomas Gerrie s Charles William Le ffler Sean Michael Ru enberg Bailey Sc o Ander es Sonia Elisabe th Gog an Ayden Joseph Leis Kathryn Eliz abeth Sander s Nicholas Jon Ander Hannah Eliz abeth Goldbla Clayton Bour dee Lenhar dt Benjamin Norman Schneck Simon Luk e Ander son Jacqueline Diana Goldman Andrew Liang Haoqing Shang guan Allison Eliz abeth Ballie t Thomas James Gonz ales Gerasimos Nik olaos Limber atos Mia Chris ne Simone BreZhé V onyé Barfield Brady Ma hew Goodman Hannah Jane Lip scomb Kevin Singh Joseph Ma hew Bart el Tyrane Amil Gr aham Luke Joseph Loebl Madeline Gr ace Smerlinski Alexa Elise Bartscha t Sebasan Gr egor Benjamin Gabriel L ynch Isabella Helena Smith Victor Er os Basmir ez Meghan Arlene Grimm Sophie Che vako Mahnk e Jackson Louis Sn yder Rachel Allison Bern feld Skyler Leone Gumien y Peter Mark Ma thu Kylee Marie Sommer Jayla Chanell Birmingham Abigail Annie Gunder son HannahRose Clar a Ma yer Michael Allan Spect or Samuel Geor ge Bish ton Chloe R ose Hall Madeline Eliz abeth McCaskill Isabel P atricia Spr enger Sophia Eliz abeth Bliff ert Joshua Blak e Harmsen Anna Gr ace McNally Gabriel Geor ge Spurr y Israel Lar ence Blun t Emma Car oline Harris Johanna Marie Mejias Asher Isaac St ein Arlin Joseph Bon figlio Bryn Helen Hartne Molly F annin Milia Brooklyn Ann St evens Mahew R obert Bonner Brenna Ann Hassler Alexander Cla yton Miller Emauri Le traile St ewart Jake R yan Boudr eau Elliot Chris topher Ha tch Colin William Miller Gretchen Mar y St ock Katherine Mar y Br ennan Grace Doris Mae Ha wig Joseph Colg an Mit chell Henry Da vid St ollenwerk Andrew R onald Br ousseau Adler Alan Heidemann James W . Moll Arienne R ose St oye Thomas Marion Br ousseau Caleb Na thaniel Heidmann Madeline Dor othy Moone y Zoe Rachel Styler Benjamin Da vid Br owning Kieran Mar ek Heller Kelly Mar y Mor ello Natalie Gabrielle S voboda Maxwell Thomas Buz ecky Nira Jo y Henning Ethan Thomas Morris Kellen K eang Sz umski Rachel Eliz abeth Carrier Griffin Ax el Hen tzen Arden Jos t Mosesson Elijah Richar dson T albot Yan Chen Xavier Lashuwn Herr on Anoosha Mousa vi Catherine Eliz abeth T aphorn Sophia Gr ace Clark Mia Ang ela Hessel Dominic Albert Mur ano Claire Marne Mar y Thomur e Declan Jer emy Coleman Cyrus Gor don Hill Celia Josephine Murph y Jenna Eliz abeth Timms Gavin Benjamin Coleman Dagney Eliz abeth Hillman Sawyer Joseph Ne then Morgan Lee T ragemann Patrick Fr eischle Comisk ey Kae Jo Hir st Ellen Clar e Neuens Ella Ra ye Ugland Nora Murph y Cos tello Anika Cole Hor owitz Adeline R ose O'Connor Peter V aughan V an V olkinburg Kaitlyn Leigh Cr osby Ashton Chris topher Cole Hort on John W alter O'Connor Ella O'Connor V ercoe Kimberly Noel Cr osby Kara Emily Hurlebaus William R oderick O'Connor Rohan W aghray Daniel An thony D'Ama to Julia DeCicc o Janssen Peter Joseph Olla Hayden Samuel W asserman Wynne Marie D'Souz a Mary Elisabe th Jar os Ellie Louise Marie Olson Kayla Jus ne W eickardt Rachel Anna Dalle t Christopher St even Jensen Dylan Thomas P aerson Bria Lor e W ellenstein Suzanne Jo yce Dar gle Dajun An twon Johnson Javia Aly ssa P eel Mason R obert W orld W endt Annamarie Da vis Ranjak Joshi David James P ellenz Josee Suz anne W esthoff Katherine Jane Da vis Hye Sung Jung Kendall Marie P eters Avary T rystan Whit e Elena Mar garet Deslong champs Nathan Dennis K abara John Charles Phillip s Soleil Ariana Whit e Richard Henr y De verey Melanie Jo yce K ampschroer Anh T u Phung Gabrielle Monae Whitlo w Phoebe Sofia Dr agseth Michael Sc o K auffman Haley P aige P olzin Sophia Lilly Josephine Wieland David T rue E dmundson Shanique Vict oria K ay Andrew James P oth Kimora Ann Wilson Simon Chris topher Elv er Margaret Jean K eiper Evan John Pr ovancher Beatrice R ebecca Millan Windor ski Margaret Marie End David Rile y K enlay Zigmund Bleu Raasch-Senn Chloe Mack enzie Winne y Lauren Eliz abeth Flemma Eric De xter King Yajur V yasa Rao Nolan R onald W ollmer Frances P arker F oote Sarah R enee Kir chner John William Ra tajczyk Logan Beauchamp W ood Jessica R ose F ox Joshua R obert K nollenberg Richard Geor ge R einders III Mahew Xingk ai W u Kendra Ling F ox Gabrielle Ca therine K ogler Nicolas F ernando R ex Benjamin Sc o W underlich Oliver James Fr anzen John Thomas K owaliczko Grace A very R eynolds Kyle Pheng Xiong Braeden Henr y Fruch tman Theresa Ann K owaliczko Kevin Da vid Rice Carl Andr ew Y ouel Nicholas Andr ew Garber Tyler Da vid K rolik Alyssa Eliz abeth Rick s Cole Da vid Z astava Drew Michael Gar cia Nicholas Da vid Laudon Benjamin Harris Rit chey