Beyond Eros: Friendship in the Phaedrus
DRAFT Beyond eros: Friendship in the Phaedrus Plato is often held to be the first great theoriser of love in the Western tradition, and yet his account has been taken to be a resounding failure by many, if not most, modern scholars working on this topic. Criticisms have been articulated forcefully by Vlastos whose seminal paper „The Individual as an Object of love‟ charged Plato with „cold-hearted egoism‟; his account, he argued, disdained persons in favour of abstract, conceptual, objects – the so-called Platonic Forms, and advocates a „spiritualized egocentrism…scarcely aware of kindness, tenderness, compassion, concern for the freedom, respect for the integrity of the beloved, as essential ingredients of the highest type of interpersonal love‟ (Vlastos (1981/2000: 642)). The evidence is roughly as follows. In the Symposium Plato argues that the highest form of eros, roughly, „passionate desire‟ is love for Forms, and beautiful bodies and souls are to be used „as steps‟ towards this end. The Lysis appears to be the only exploration of friendship (philia), and this is an inconclusive work. At best, it is held, the lack of an account of love and friendship for persons compares unfavourably with Aristotle‟s detailed account of philia, which occupies two books of his Ethics and is, arguably, central to his account of human flourishing; at worst, this omission supports the view of Plato as „a cold-hearted egoist‟ who disdained persons in favour of abstract objects. If Plato thought philosophy could answer the question how should one live, in one crucial area of his thought the life worth living is not, apparently, a life worth choosing; as Aristotle made explicit, no one would choose to live without friends.
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