BBC Scotland New Channel Public Interest Test Presentation of results 28 July 2017 260142212 Contents

1 Introduction 3

2 Which channels are currently viewed most often by people in Scotland, how are they perceived 6 and what does this mean for a new channel?

3 What value do people place on the proposed new channel and its features and what are the 12 implications for how it is promoted?

4 How likely are people to watch the new channel and what impact will this have on existing 20 channels?

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 2 1 Introduction The BBC intends to launch a new BBC Scotland TV channel, which is subject to a ‘Public Interest Test’ to ensure the BBC Board is satisfied that it supports the BBC’s mission and is of value to the public

How do the general public in Scotland perceive the new channel and its value to society and them personally?

Which channels are What value do people How likely are people to currently viewed most place on the proposed watch the new channel often by people in new channel and its and what impact will this Scotland, how are they features and what are have on existing perceived and what the implications for how channels? does this mean for a it is promoted? new channel?

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 4 TNS’ face-to-face Scottish omnibus – the Scottish Opinion Survey – was used to interview a representative sample of the Scottish population

A sample of 1,038 adults aged 16+, All interviews were conducted face-to- Quotas were set on working status geographically and demographically face, in-home, using Computer and presence of children within representative of Scotland, was Assisted Personal Interviewing gender, and region. interviewed between 14th June to 8th (CAPI). Data was weighted to match known July 2017. population profile information to correct any under- or over- representation of specific groups.

This project was carried out in compliance with our certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 20252 (International Service Standard for Market, Opinion and Social Research)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 5 2 Which channels are currently viewed most often by people in Scotland, how are they perceived and what does this mean for a new channel? Freeview and subscription services were reported as the main ways of accessing television, with differences in age particularly evident

% Freeview 31

Sky Digital - with subscription 30 Any Sky TV Sky Digital – without subscription 3 33% 3 19 BT TV (formerly BT Vision) 4 TalkTalk 1 Other type of television 2 Significantly more 16-34 year olds have no television in their do not have a television in my household 6 household compared to 35+: Don't know 1 14% vs. 3%

Q.1 Which, if any, of the following types of television does your household receive at the moment on your main set? Please look through the list carefully. NOTE – Full descriptions of each type of television provided to respondents Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 7 BBC channels and services were the most popular ‘in the last 7 days’, reaching three quarters of the population

% viewed p7d % viewed p7d BBC One 72 STV \ ITV1 55 Any STV/ITV: STV2 11 BBC Two 42 63% STV Player \ ITV Hub 16

BBC Three 13 50 Any Channel 4: Any BBC: 8 52% BBC Four 20 76% Channel 5 36 Any Channel 5: BBC News 22 My 5 5 37% Sky (any Sky channels) 30 BBC ALBA 8 28 BBC iPlayer 19 Amazon Instant Video 8

Q.2 Which of these television channels or services have you watched on any device in the last 7 days? Please include all the channels or services you’ve watched at home, at a friend’s house, in a pub or anywhere else. Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 8 One quarter are dissatisfied with TV programmes from Scotland, with older audiences most polarised

% 8 9 5 10

Very satisfied 33 41 38 39 Fairly satisfied

Neither 31 41 30 24 Fairly dissatisfied 17 19 18 Very dissatisfied 13 6 4 5 9 All adults (1,038) 16-34 (246) 35-54 (255) 55+ (537)

Q.12 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current range of TV programmes that come from Scotland? Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 9 Among all adults, BBC TV records the highest levels of approval

High Mean Total sample % approvers (8-10) score

BBC TV 9 3 3 4 5 14 10 18 19 8 7 35% 6.51

STV\ITV 12 1 2 4 5 15 13 20 17 5 6 28% 6.47

Channel 4 17 1 2 4 5 17 15 16 14 4 5 23% 6.27

Channel 5 26 3 3 6 8 20 12 12 6 2 2 10% 5.45

Sky TV 37 3 2 3 3 9 8 11 14 7 4 25% 6.49

Don't know 1 Extremely unfavourable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely favourable

Q.3 On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means extremely unfavourable and 10 means extremely favourable, please tell me your general impression of each of the following broadcasters. Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 10 When rated by viewers, approval for BBC TV is higher than other terrestrial channels, but is in close competition with STV (and Sky) High Mean Those who have watched channel in the last 7 days % approvers (8-10) score

BBC TV (820) 2 2 3 3 5 13 11 20 22 10 8 41% 6.79

STV\ITV (687) 2 1 3 4 13 15 25 22 6 8 36% 6.80

Channel 4 3 4 4 17 17 21 21 5 7 (544) 34% 6.71

Channel 5 5 1 3 7 25 18 21 11 4 4 (416) 19% 6.15

Sky TV (308) 4 11 3 3 10 10 18 26 16 7 49% 7.19

Don't know 1 Extremely unfavourable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely favourable

Q.3 On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means extremely unfavourable and 10 means extremely favourable, please tell me your general impression of each of the following broadcasters. Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland who watch each channel (shown in brackets)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 11 3 What value do people place on the proposed new channel and its features and what are the implications for how it is promoted? Respondents were provided with a showcard with a short description of the new channel and asked their first impressions, then provided with more detail and asked about the value of the new channel to them and society

The BBC is considering launching a new TV channel next This new channel would become the main home of Scottish produced/Scottish focused programmes year specifically for audiences in Scotland. on BBC TV - BBC Two would no longer show this programming during the evening (Scottish programmes on BBC One in Scotland will be unaffected, BBC Two may still show Scottish The new channel would be on-air from 7pm-midnight programmes during daytime). everyday and show a mix of different types of programmes aimed at audiences in Scotland - including comedy, current It would have a budget of around £30m a year to spend on programming - £18m of this would be new affairs, documentaries, drama, entertainment, lifestyle, news, investment, and £12m would be using the money that is currently used for Scottish produced/focused music & sport. content on BBC Two. As a comparison, BBC Four currently has a programme budget of £33m, BBC ALBA has a programme budget of £13.6m. Approximately 60% of its programmes would be new, the rest would be repeats of programmes previously shown on BBC It would take the place on the on-screen programme guide currently occupied by BBC Four (which channels. would move further down the programme guide), and would also be available on BBC iPlayer for the whole of the UK. There would be an hour long news programme on Monday- Friday at 9pm covering Scottish, UK & international stories Creating this channel would mean there would be more opportunities for people making TV from a Scottish perspective, with shorter bulletins at programmes in Scotland, in both the BBC and the independent sector. It would also mean more weekends. competition for other TV channels (including Scottish TV channels like STV).

Q.4 On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is extremely On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is extremely unfavourable and 10 is extremely favourable, unfavourable and 10 is extremely favourable, please give your general impression of this proposed new channel and its wider impact… please give your first impressions of this proposal. Q.6 …thinking PERSONALLY about the value to you and your household. Q.7 …thinking more widely about SOCIETY AS A WHOLE.

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test Initial impressions of the new channel are relatively positive, but the proportion of high approvers declines significantly once a full description has been provided High Mean approvers % score (8-10) First impression of 5 9 3 4 5 14 11 16 16 4 12 33% 6.17 proposal (Q.4) 6.17

Asked Value of new channel after full to you and your 4 9 4 4 5 18 12 17 16 4 7 27% 5.83 description household (Q.6) provided

Value of new channel 7 7 3 3 5 20 13 17 17 4 6 to society (Q.7) 27% 6.06

Don't know 1 Extremely unfavourable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremely favourable

Q4 / Q6 / Q6 Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 16-34 year olds are significantly more favourable than those aged 55+; C2DEs slightly more likely to value the proposal personally

% of each group who are High approvers (8-10 out of 10) in relation to the new channel

Q.4 Q.6 Q.7 First impression of proposal Value of new channel to you Value of new channel to society and your household* as a whole*

16-34 36 35 31

35-54 34 26 30

55+ 28 21 20

ABC1 33 25 26

C2DE 33 29 27

No significant *Asked after a full description provided Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038) differences by gender

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 15 Views towards the new channel are correlated with existing approval of the BBC, with the highest approval among those most supportive of the organisation (and limited approval among those who do not)

% of each group who rate the new channel as 8-10 (High Approval) at each question

High approvers of BBC Medium approvers of BBC Low approvers of BBC (360) (441) (155)

Q.4 48 31 11 First impression of proposal

Q.6 Value of new channel to you 41 25 10 and your household*


Value of new channel to 41 23 12 society as a whole*

*Asked after a full description provided Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 16 Of all features of the new channel, the opportunities it offers for TV production in Scotland and the mix of programmes are most appealing, whilst the budget generates most disapproval Total Total Mean % - Ranked by mean score approve disapprove score* That it will provide more opportunities for people making TV programmes in Scotland 57 20 17 1 3 2 77% 5% 4.28 Shows a mix of different types of programmes 50 26 19 1 3 1 76% 3% 4.22 The focus on audiences in Scotland 47 23 20 3 5 2 70% 8% 4.07 Increased competition for other TV channels (including Scottish TV channels like STV) 40 25 27 2 3 2 65% 6% 3.99 The channel and programmes will be available to watch on iPlayer 40 19 36 1 3 2 58% 4% 3.94 The hour-long news programme at 9pm on weekdays that will cover Scottish, UK and international stories from a Scottish perspective 40 23 22 6 8 2 63% 13% 3.84 On air between 7pm – midnight each day 34 24 29 5 6 2 58% 11% 3.77 Has around 60% of new programmes and the rest are repeats 33 28 21 9 7 2 61% 16% 3.71 That programmes made just for audiences in Scotland will no longer be on BBC Two but be on the new channel 30 19 33 7 8 2 50% 15% 3.58 That it will take the BBC Four slot on the on-screen programme guide 22 13 53 4 6 2 35% 10% 3.42 The budget of around £30 million 24 15 35 10 14 3 39% 24% 3.26

Approve strongly Approve slightly Have no feelings either way Disapprove slightly Disapprove strongly Don’t know

Q.5 Here is a list of some of the features of this proposal that were mentioned in the description. For each one please say whether you: Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038) *Mean score where ‘Agree strongly’ = 5 and ‘Disagree strongly’ = 1

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 17 The Scottish focus and potential for a variety of (new) programmes are appealing to the public % Any mention for / about Scotland (total) 32 - Scottish focus / perspective (sub-total) 10 - It's a Scottish channel / it's Scottish 6 - Aimed at / for Scots / Scotland 5 - Scottish programmes 4 - It's made / based in / from Scotland 4 - Scottish news (sub-total) 3 - It's about Scotland 3 Any mention programme types (total) 15 - Any mention news (sub-net) 6 - Variety of programmes / choice 5 ‘Good for Scotland’ more likely to - Local programmes 3 be mentioned by younger (15% Any good for Scotland (total) 10 of 16-34s vs. 6% 55+) and ABC1 - Good for Scottish TV / creative industries (sub-total) 5 (13% vs. 7% C2DE) - Good for Scotland's economy 3 New programmes 6 Nothing 29

Q.8: What, if anything, do you like most about this proposed new channel and its wider impact? NB: Mentions of 3%+ only shown. Full details on data tables Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 18 The cost of the channel is the biggest concern, though only spontaneously mentioned by around one in ten

% Concern over cost/ cost too high/ waste of money (total) 12 - The cost/ the budget/ the 30 million 5 - Waste of 30 million pounds/ could be put to better use 3 - Cost is too high/ 30 million is a lot 3 Repeats/ too many repeats 8 Poor timing / programme schedule 5 Parochialism/ will be just Scotland/ needs to be for UK 4 No need for more channels (total) 4 Nothing 45

Q.9: And what, if anything, do you like least about this proposed new channel and its wider impact NB: Mentions of 3%+ only shown. Full details on data tables Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 19 4 How likely are people to watch the new channel and what impact will this have on existing channels? Just over half (52%) claim they would watch the new channel, with around one in six very likely to watch

% likely ABC1 47 16 15 Very likely C2DE 57 Likely 10 Neither likely nor unlikely % 16-34 49 Unlikely 37 22 35-54 54 Very unlikely

55+ 53

Whilst younger people are more favourable to the

Q.10 How likely would you be to watch this channel regularly? new channel, they are less likely to say they will Base: All adults aged 16+ in Scotland (1,038) watch the channel regularly

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 21 BBC channels are most likely to be watched less by those likely to watch the new channel, with BBC1 and BBC2 most affected

% % BBC One 8

BBC Two 7

BBC Three 1 Any BBC: Other channels 14 BBC Four 3 15%

BBC News 2

BBC ALBA 1 Other channels include: any STV/ITV, BBC iPlayer 1 any Channel 4, any Channel 5, any Sky, Netflix and Amazon Instant Video

Q.11 Do you think you would watch any of the following TV channels or services less often if this new channel was launched? Please say all that apply Base: All who are likely to watch the new channel (549)

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 22 Thank you

Alastair Graham [email protected] 0131 243 3920

Kantar TNS | 23 Alva St, , EH2 4PS |

260142212 BBC Public Interest Test 23