Hadean carbonate geochemistry

J. W. Morse Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA F. T. Mackenzie Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA

Relatively soon (~0.2 Ga) after the formed, it is However, larger uncertainties result from reasonable likely that major appeared in a hot (~100~ ranges for Ca 2+ concentrations and the saturation reducing environment where carbon dioxide was state of Hadean seawater with respect to calcite. probably the dominant atmospheric gas, with Pco2 Our calculations support the hypothesis that a values reaching perhaps in excess of 10 atm. During carbonate chemistry of seawater roughly similar to the Hadean Eon between 4.3 and 3.8 Ga BP, major that of modem oceans could have been acquired very changes in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 and early in Earth history. If seawater composition were associated temperature changes had a profound buffered by reactions involving carbonates and influence on the carbonate geochemistry of the silicates, then the composition of late Hadean-early Hadean Ocean. Although no rocks are known to Archaean seawater was not vastly different from that have survived prior to the Archaean Eon, it is still of today. Thus, by the conclusion of the Hadean Eon, possible to calculate approximate values for impor- if not before, environmental conditions at the Earth's tant seawater parameters during the Hadean Eon surface, including temperature and seawater compo- based on other sources of information and reasonable sition, were sufficiently equable for the of assumptions about processes such as weathering , including the Archaebacteria: the extreme reactions. halophiles and thermophiles and methanogens. Our calculations are based on a linear temperature Contrary to the hypothesis of an early Na-bicarbonate change from 100~ to 70~ and log Pco2 change ocean, our calculations suggest the possibility that from 1 to -1.5 over the Hadean Eon. Over this range the early oceans of Earth were a NaCl-dominated in temperature and Pco2, the influence of T is aqueous solution, with somewhat higher DIC and relatively small, but changes in Pco_, result in large alkalinity concentrations, higher saturation state, and compositional variations in the carbonate chemistry the possibility of lower calcium concentrations. The of Hadean seawater. In the early Hadean, seawater time course of approach of Hadean seawater to a pH was probably about 5.8_+-0.2, DIC may have carbonate composition closer to that of today is reached close to 130 raM, and alkalinity was perhaps difficult to predict. It is distinctly possible that the close to 30 raM. By the late Hadean, seawater pH concentration of calcium in seawater did not reach probably had changed to close to neutral (~6.8), and levels like that of modem seawater until the late DIC and alkalinity were closer to present-day values. and thus constrained the timing of the Even large uncertainties in Na+ + CI-, K + and Mg 2+ 'Big Bang' of organic evolution, the emergence of concentrations produce relatively small uncertainties the shelled invertebrates at the beginning of the in our calculated values for the carbonic acid system. .