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Y-DIGITALEWSLETTER COMPUTER, il OFFICEF OF NAVAL RESEARCU - MATNEMATICAL SCIENCES DIVISION O Vol. 17, No. 1 Gordon D. Goldstein, Editor January 1965 Margo A. Sass, Associate Editor Judyv E. Ceasar, Editorial Assistant Judy A. Hetrick, Editorial Assistant CONTENTS N EDITORIAL POLICY NOTICES • 1. Editorial Z. Contributions 1 3. Circulation I COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSORS, NORTH AMERICA I. Burroughs Corporation, Burroughs B5500, Detroit, Michigan 48Z3Z 2 Z. International Business Machines Corporation. IBM System/360 Model 92, White Plains, New York 10601 4 3. International Business Machines Corporation. Program Support for IBM System/360, White Plains, New York 10601 4 4. The National Cash Register Go., NCR 315 RMG (Rod Memory Computvr) Dayton 9, Ohio 7 COMPUTING CENTERS 1. National Library of Medicine, MEDLARS--Information Retrieval System, Washington Z5, D. C. 10 2. University of Toronto# Institute of Computer Science, IBM 7094 Model I1, Ontario, Canada C. 3. U.S. Air Force Academy, Seiler Research Laboratory, Burroughs B5000 for Research and Cadet Training, Colorado Springs, Colorado 11 4. U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, NEL Systems Support Center, San Diego, California 92152 13 COMPUTERS AND CENTERS, OVERSEAS I. The English Electric Company Limited, Integrated Production Control Using Digital Computers. London, W.C.Z, England 14 Z. Laboratorio Di Ricerche Elettroniche, C. Olivetti & C. S.p.A., ELA 4001 System, Milan, Italy 18 3. University of Sydney, School of Physics, The Basser Computing Department. Sydney, N.S.W., Australia 19 MISCELLANEOUS 1. Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Forecasting Solar Flares, Buffalo Z1, New York /1 2. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, COBOL Usage, Washington, D.
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