Rockland Gazette, Also on Hand, a Urge Stock of PRIM E COACH I Man Will Be Accepted Or Mastered Into Service Who “ Post Boy, Tate, Newburyport
JM St anh fab jgriitfej. l u c f e l a n i rCBLISUED BVEBT THURSDAY SVEAIKO,BY Having made largo addition! to oar former variety of JOHN PORTER & SON, PLAIN AND FANCY J O 33 T Y ZEJ , Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, are now prepared to execute with niatikw and Dga- patch, bvbbt DBscBiPTiON of Job Work, inch aa Circulars, Bill-Heads, Cards, Blanks, TERMS, Catalogue,. Programmer, If paid atrictlyin advance—per annum, $1>J° If payment is delayed 6 mos, “ 1»75 Shop Bills, Babels, Auction and Hand i If not paid till the close of the year, 2,00 Bill,, tc., lie . ICT No paper will be discontinued until all akbbaba- Particular atttnUoa paid to es are paid, unless at the option of the puplisher. E T Single copies, three c e n ts —for sale, at the office VOL. 16. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1861. NO. 40. PRINTING IN COLORS! ET All letters and communications to he addressed B R O N Z IN G , h e . ' to the Publishers. The Faithful Sentinel. the soldiers up, waiting to find out why the gun to close-reefed topsails, more easily than all institution, which has been blessed in the ref ‘ The picture and frame, together, cast four hands can take a single reef in any of the top Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, teen dollars.’ was fired. ormation of so many inebrates during the four The French army lay encamped only about Lights were brought, and the body placed sails now in general use.
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