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12 12 PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY FROM BUDAPEST TO PRAGUE: THE CHALLENGES OF THE MAIN CEE TRADE SHOW NATPE Europe lot in a region that arrives this month we consider to Prague, Czech strategic for the Republic, after f u t u r e’. 23 years held On Tuesday PUBLISHED BY EDITORIAL PRENSARIO SRL in Budapest, morning, there is LAVALLE 1569, OF. 405 Hungary. It is a big a co-production C1048 AAK move from NATPE panel Now, the BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA organization —it Story Starts in PHONE: (+54-11) 4924-7908 acquired Discop in Europe! with Rola FAX: (+54-11) 4925-2507 2011— that aims Bauer, president/ Rod Perth, CEO, NATPE to bring fresh air to partner of Tandem IN THE U.S.: a tradeshow that, Communications 12307 SW 133 COURT - in comparison with the former ones, has now more and Thomas von SUITE #1432 competition in the region. Hennet, V P MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186-USA During the last day of Natpe Budapest 2013, international co-production & documentaries, PHONE: (305) 890-1813 Prague appeared to be the next city for the show, ProSiebenSat.1, both from Germany. Barrandov after a research made by the organizer. And it finally Studios, Universal Production Partners and Stillking EMAIL: INFO@PRENSARIO.COM happened: Natpe Europe is being held in this city Films are the other sponsors of the Summit that covers WEBSITE: www.PRENSARIO.TV from June 23-26, with lots of expectations, as well the aspects of building a global narrative and moving as challenges to improve the market organization.
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