1 Predicting the occurrence of insect, disease, animal, and abiotic damage in 15-30 2 year old southern interior British Columbia lodgepole pine stands from climatic and 3 site factors 4 5 6 7 8 Jean L. Heineman1, Donald L. Sachs2, W. Jean Mather3, and Suzanne W. Simard4 9 10 11 1 J. Heineman Consulting, 2125 East 5th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V5N 1M5. Telephone: 604-251- 12 5662; Fax: 604-251-5663; Email:
[email protected] 13 2 Forest Research Consultant. 3928 West 31st Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6S 1Y5. Telephone and 14 fax: (250)-352-0601; Email:
[email protected] 15 3 Skyline Forestry Consultants, Ltd., 4-375 4th Ave., Kamloops, B.C., Canada, V2C 3P1. Telephone: 250- 16 828-1848; Fax: 250-828-1849; Email:
[email protected] 17 4 University of British Columbia, Forest Science Department, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 18 V6T 1Z4. Telephone: (604)-822-1955; Fax: (604)-822-9102; Email:
[email protected] 19 20 1Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. 21 22 23 24 Keywords: lodgepole pine, disease, insects, hard pine stem rust, western gall rust, Sequoia pitch 25 moth, pine terminal weevil, pine needle cast 26 27 1 1 Abstract 2 We quantified the presence of 17 individual disease, insect, animal, and abiotic agents in 15-30 3 year-old lodgepole pine-leading stands in southern interior British Columbia, Canada. Data were 4 collected from an average of nine 50m2 plots at each of 66 randomly selected sites that had 5 previously met provincial standards for condition and stocking.