WP Mileposts Jul 1951 No. 24
WESTERN PACIFIC ~~!~p',~Sls fe, "May I have your attention, please? with the travelers throughout the Good morning (eastbound; good journey. " . .. As I pass through the afternoon, westbound) , this is your train, I hope you will stop me if you Zephyrette, Miss O'Grady. On behalf think I can be of service. Weare of the Western Pacific, Rio Grande and anxious to do all we can to add to the Burlington railroads, I welcome you comfort and enjoyment of your trip. aboard the Cctiif01·nia Zephyr . ..." Thank you for your attention." Familiar to all who ride the Califor Following this introduction, she de Vol. II , No. 12 JULY, 1951 Milepost No. 24 nia Zephyr is the pleasant voice heard scribes b riefly t h e train's facilities over the train's public address system Department of Public Relations available to passengers, the scenic at -th at of the Zephyrette. According to tractions to be viewed during the day, WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD remarks of many passengers, one of and announcements that are to follow. SACRAMENTO NORTHERN RAILWAY TIDEWATER SOUTHERN RAILWAY the nicest things about the famous 526 Mission Street, San Francisco 5 As the train approaches historic, in train is its hostess, that ever-smiling teresting, or scenic spots along the Lee " Flash" Sherwoo"d, Editor : Arthur lloyd, Jr., Associate Editor and efficient young lady who rides th e Member American Railway Magazine Ed itors' Association way, she informs the passengers in ad streamliner on its transcontinental run vance so they may be prepared to between Oakland and Chicago. catch these points of interest.
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