Education: Towards an opening of minds...

“Fill your minds with those things that are Indeed, it needs to make people good and that deserve praise: things that are true, understand that their religious noble, right, pure, lovely, and honourable” (Phil.4.8) identity is fluid, always 'in the making' and complex, with its Christian communities have been and are meanings contested by different still actively involved in the educational enterprise interpretations, and its definitions with education/teaching being an integral part of the ever subject to changing conditions Church's mission. If Christian communities are and multiple understandings, committed to peace, justice and harmony in a multi- always undergoing a process of religious society, their educational policy should qualification and modification. reflect this intent in the content and direction of the education that is being imparted. The Church is On the other hand, the mainly involved in a two-way discourse: through Church's education enterprise in a Editor’s Desk Christian education (inner-Church educational secular world should appreciate, celebrate and enrich activity) and secular education (the Church's polyvalence along with academic excellence and high educational discourse with, and in the world). standard of practical skills imparted to children and the youth. In Christian schools and colleges, students Christian education is considered the backbone encounter religious diversity as an existential fact. of the community's identity building process. There are These inevitable encounters with religious 'others' two Christian educational conversations that are being creates an awareness for the spiritual depth, power pursued independently and often at cross purposes, in and beauty in different religious traditions. It also negotiating identity and difference in a religiously- provides an opportunity not just to hear someone pluralistic world. The first conversation engages 'wall else's story, but also to 'share' one's own story. builders', who are more concerned about maintaining Therefore Christian educational institutions are religious identity in the face of the corrosive powers of opportunities for dialogue and engagement with modern individualism, pluralism, relativism, and various religious ways of life. It is a significant window consumerism. The other conversation engages 'bridge to understand the character of religious traditions and builders', who are convinced that the encounter the relationships among them in innocent and nascent with religious pluralism is not only inevitable, but form. theologically and educationally necessary and enriching. Thus, educational institutions are responsible Christian education that is rooted in, and is for education in religious harmony. Is it possible to expressive of a specific community's faith and foster in children and the youth a commitment to their traditions is critical to nurturing and sustaining own particular faith tradition, without demonising, religious identity. It teaches the finer nuances of absorbing or relativising the 'other'? One should not community bonds, such as interpersonal and family dilute it to merely education for tolerance. It ought to relationships. In a religiously-pluralistic world, it be an education to find ways to make a 'home' for all of should also explore and explain the boundaries that God's people. Education for religious harmony should differentiate, as well as the bonds that connect in our help children and the youth to re-conceptualize relationships with our neighbours of faith and no- 'identity' and 'difference' not as exclusive terms, but in faith. Ideal Christian education could be explained by ways that better illuminate the inter-dependence and the metaphors of 'roots' and 'wings'. To know that one inter-relatedness of religious traditions. It is not just belongs and has a specific place in the community is the 'sameness' or differences, but the relatedness that to be grounded and to have a base. But without needs to be given emphasis. In a multi-religious sufficient room to grow, roots get pot-bound and context, one's identity is always relational. It is in a twisted in on themselves, strangling new life. To long network of relationality, that we truly understand for a 'home', community and connections is deeply ourselves. human, but so too is the desire to use wings to explore beyond our particular horizons. The Education for integration and harmony encounter with the 'other' can expand, deepen and requires not only integrating and engaging people of enrich our lives. It should help us to perceive different communities, but also the marginalised, Christian identity always as relational, forged in a within communities in particular, so as to discern 'the constant process of negotiating, sharing and crossing wisdom' that lies in the margins. Education is never boundaries. neutral: it should create value for all human life and the environment, it should reveal the textures of social Christian education is a dynamic process in movements, often uncovering marginal movements, it which treasured religious meanings are interpreted, should create space for stories of terror and hurt, even reconstructed, and even changed over time in light of space for healing, it should raise our consciences to new, ever-changing historical-social circumstances. the plight, hurt in people, it should stir our

3 ! CSI Life Page Nos. 1 - 32 including Cover Pages July 2015 imagination, it should give us the courage for action. sensibilities, at all times keeping the historical The entire educational programme of our institutions perspective in mind. Education should become a therefore should bear the mark of education for community-building enterprise which imparts to its interaction and harmony, connecting the theoretical, members a vision of life in all its fullness for all. It conceptual, and practical learning with the real should implore us to see similar visions and hopes in world. all communities, so that all may join hands together to work diligently towards grasping, participating and The educational enterprise in , in recent involving ourselves in the vision. Finally, education times, has become increasingly commercialized, is reveals to us that the vision transcends community carried out often under political interference, with borders and barriers, being a vision for the whole little independence in governance or curricular world, our oikumene. content. Besides being creators of knowledge and innovation and nurturers of free and rational thinking, educational institutions should encourage students to develop the cognitive means in their Rev. Dr. D. Rathnakara Sadananda respective fields of specialization with ethical/moral General Secretary, CSI


Mr. John Samadhanam is appointed from June 1, of the Church of ” BD Dissertation The 2015 in CSI SEVA, Department of Diaconal United Theological Publications: Concerns, CSI Synod. He is co-ordinating the “Disability Programme.” He hails from the CSI Publications: Rayalaseema Diocese, where ? “Tend My Garden” in Green Gospel, Edited by he was serving as a Chaplain in Thomas Samuel and Mathew Koshy (Tiruvalla: Arogyavaram Medical Centre, Christava Sahitya Samiti, 2010), 28-32 Arogyaram. Samadhanam has completed his BD (2006) ? “Fears and Tears: The Stigmatized World of and M Th (2010) from The Persons Living with Disability,”in Sprouts of United Theological College, Disability Theology, Edited by Christopher . His Father is a Rajkumar x(Nagpur: NCCI, 2012), 99-113. retired central Government employee who was working ? “Healing Broken Minds by Rendering in SDSC SHAR Medical Logotherapeutic Pastoral Care to Persons Living Centre, ISRO, Sriharikota, with Disability”,The New Life Theological Journal, Samadhanam's parents live in Arogyavaram. Vol. 1 No. 3, Dec. 2011: 75-106 He has two elder sisters. His dissertations and publications are as follows: ? “Water and Us”, Aikyatha, Vol. Xll, Issue 2, Oct 2, 2011: 16-20 Dissertations: ? 'Persons Affected with Congenital Diseases: ? “Rereading Mephibosheth's Story (2Sam. 9:1- Study on Patients in Select Hospitals in Andhra 13): An Indian Disability Hermeneutic”,NCC Pradesh Implications for Pastoral Care”, M Th Review, Vol. CXXXII, No. 12, Dec. 2012: 672- Dissertation, The Senate of Serampore, 2010 684

? “An Appraisal of St. Augustine's (354-430) Conception of Women and its Implications to the Ordination of Women in the Rayalaseema Diocese

4 ! CSI Life July 2015 WHAT IS THIS? A NEW TEACHING! JESUS AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION Rev. Dr. Peniel Jesudason Rufus Rajkumar is an ordained minister of the Vellore Diocese. At present he is Programme Executive for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation at the World Council of Churches, Geneva.

ducation has been historically viewed To reflect upon education by the marginalised communities as from the perspective of the biblical Ebeing a great source of social narratives is a hermeneutically transformation in the Indian context. Education has challenging task since education as had significant impact as a tool for social change it can be gleaned from the bible because it has been an important catalyst for socio- differs considerably from the economic mobility. However today if we analyse the models and motivations for domain of one can discern that 'education' that prevail in today's provision of education in India is entangled in a very multiple contexts. Therefore, at complex matrix involving the cultural, social and times it may be necessary to derive economic dimensions. A few years ago we had the 'reflections from silence' at certain issue of tufts of hair being cut from Dalit children, points since the bible is not intended to be an who were admitted to a private school under the anti- exhaustive commentary on education on the one discriminatory Right to Education (RTE) Act, hand and there is a 'gap' between the understanding allegedly to distinguish them from other 'upper-caste' and practice of education between the biblical and students. We also have the issue of the contemporary contexts. Therefore in creative fidelity Brahmanisation of history and the saffronisation of to the gospel texts I will explore some narratives of the school syllabus by the National Council for Jesus's pedagody for insights which may speak to our Educational Research and Training (NCERT). On top own context. of it all the growing number of suicides committed by Dalit students in elite medical colleges, management In general one can trace a trajectory of institutes and other professional colleges due to surprise/shock when we try and relate Jesus to discrimination speaks volumes about how the education. The surprise element of Jesus is multiple- education system in India has become a structural faceted and polyphonic in nature and can be critically tool for discrimination and disenfranchisement. It is related to several aspects of our education today, of in this context I would like to reflect upon the theme of which I engage with some. education in the light of Jesus's teaching ministry. Jesus and the Democratization of Knowledge: Jesus and his Teachings Jesus radically democratises knowledge. He The surprise that the onlookers expressed subverts the notion that knowledge is the privilege of upon seeing Jesus perform his first miraculous action the few in different ways. In the narrative in Luke in the book of Mark probably epitomises one salient 2:41-52 where Jesus is lost as a child when his feature of Jesus' teaching i.e. his ability to surprise. parents visit the temple in Jerusalem we find Jesus People are surprised when the horizons of their the 12 year old Galilean boy 'sitting in the temple thinking and experience are expanded and redrawn among the teachers, listening to them and asking so as to encompass and embrace new realities, them questions; and all who heard him were amazed 'truths' and worldviews. In some ways the factor that at his understanding and his answers' (Luke makes education enlightening, engaging and exciting 2:46,47). The stereotypical association of knowledge is the element of surprise the surprise that lies in with age and with urban privilege is de-constructed getting to know the unknown, treading the un- here by the boy from the rural hinterlands of Galilee trodden and imagining the un-imaginable. The (Luke 2:39) who does not belong to the temple city element of surprise need not be confined to the Jerusalem but still surprises the city by content of our teaching but should permeate our demonstrating with the knowledge that emerges from method of teaching as well. Embracing the hitherto the margins. Similarly in Matthew 13: 53-56, (which un-known, un-trodden and un-imaginable could is paralleled in Mark 6:3, Luke 4:22) after Jesus mean at certain times entail un-learning and finishes his teaching, people question Jesus and say invariably to our re-becoming which could lead to 'Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty human flourishing which is at the heart of education. works? Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his In this bible study I will explore how the examples of mother called Mary? Where then did this man get all Jesus serve as a prism through which we can critique this?' processes and structures that characterise education Thereby, Jesus subverts the politics of today and recover education as a means of justice and essentialism which functions in the reification of the flourishing of all life. status quo through the politics of stereo-typing and

5 ! CSI Life July 2015 privileges particular social and economic identities as argumentation is bringing out the manipulative and the 'knowledgeable' the producers and proprietors of selective nature of the opponent's criticism by knowledge. As we may be aware the popular pointing out how their own behaviour conflicts with stereotypical notion that existed about Galilee is 'that their objection of Jesus breaking the law: they too no prophet is to rise from Galilee.' (John 7:52) The rescue animals on a Sabbath (Lk 13.15 ff; 14:5). This same type of essentialism exhibited by the guileless pedagogical aspect of his miracles should not be Nathanial in John 1: 46 when he says 'can anything ignored. good come from Nazareth?' Especially in the Indian caste-context where the right to acquire and produce The amazement and wonder of the crowd and knowledge comes with privilege such a subversive the disciples can also be understood as their response democratization of knowledge may be pertinent and to the pedagogical value of Jesus' teaching. In Mark prophetic. 1:21-28, the crowd's response to the first healing of Jesus is 'What is this? A new teaching!'(Mk). This Jesus' Pedagogy of Confrontation: Education striking proposal by Mark to understand Jesus' first which Resists Human Un-flourishing miracle as teaching also helps us to understand the The other way in which Jesus comes across as pedagogical element in his teachings. The miracle as the shocking one is the way in which he makes his well as the teachings of Jesus raise questions about teaching a pedagogical confrontation of injustices. We the authority with which he undertakes his actions. find that Jesus makes his occasions of healing as Because he is not part of the institutionalised pedagogical events by which he shocks and shakes 'authority', his extra-institutional authority people out of their tacit inclination to perpetuate inevitably attracts hostility. injustices in the name of tradition and law. Identifying the message of love as being an The synoptic gospels have stories of those important aspect of Jesus' teaching we can say that confrontational discourses whereby Jesus acts in a praxis oriented pedagogy is an implicit characteristic way which is considered 'inappropriate' and then feature of Jesus' ministry. His message of love is explains to the people about what needs to be done. proclaimed by word and deed.2 Jesus' teaching We find confrontational argumentation in several through his conflict and confrontation provokes the healing stories with some pedagogical aspect. In exercising of one's capacities to discern to what extent Jesus' first 'healing' in Mark dealing with the the 'boundary reinforcing' legislations had become a exorcism of an unclean spirit, the crowd is amazed means of “repressive socialization”.3 The interactions and understands Jesus actions as teaching, however, after the healing do portray a provocation of debate they quiz among themselves about its content, which where a new radical insight into one's situation seeps they find to be perplexing (Mk 1:27). When Jesus through. Paulo Freire' concept of 'conscientization' heals the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath comes into the fore as a feature of the healing Jesus confronts the Pharisees with a pedagogical arguments.4 Sometimes the healings teach a binary discourse on human worth (Mt 12:11-12; Mk 3:4; Lk opposite of the ideologies in which the listeners have 6:8-10). In Luke 13:15-17 Jesus is engaged in a structured and interpreted reality so far. There is a confrontation with the leader of the synagogue subversion of the conceptual world of the listeners. because Jesus healed the woman crippled for The manipulative notions around which their world eighteen years on the Sabbath. This confrontation was structured and which legitimised oppressive and follows the typology of a pedagogical discourse. A alienating society is challenged by Jesus's healings similar situation emerges in Luke 14:2-6 when Jesus provoking them to think. Jesus' teaching is liberative confronts the lawyers and Pharisees on the issue of as it enables people to think. Sometimes a teacher or Sabbath healing while healing the man with dropsy teaching might be paternalistic and authoritarian. on the Sabbath, verse 5 follows the pattern of a Jesus does not function as a depositor for knowledge pedagogical discourse. What is significant about the upon the depositories, neither does he function as the conflict-provoking and confrontational teachings of necessary opposite of their ignorance. Rather his Jesus is the unswerving commitment to principles of healings free people to critically analyse the situation justice, justice which is preferential option for the and respond to it in their own way. Some of the most marginalized and which challenges the violation healed choose to follow him, some thank him, some of human rights and dignity. pay no attention to the purity regulations after the healing (the leper/s), probably because they felt that Usually when criticism or allegation is made it was necessary. Liberative as it made them against Jesus' acts of healing on the grounds that he conscious of their worth as children, this is a is breaking / transcending the law, Jesus' response to convincing demonstration of the freedom offered by them involves provoking them to rethink the validity Jesus. It imparted freedom to think and involved the of their claims. Argumentation usually features in listener in creative response. So there is a critical and these stories. Jesus' reply to his 'challengers' takes dialogical component in his actions where the the form of an 'either/or question', where he contrasts accepted values of the world of the listeners are put between the position of the challengers and his own into question. position (Mk 2:9, Mk 3:4; Lk 14:3). Another form of 6 ! CSI Life July 2015 In praxiological terms this aspect of conflict From another angle the story presents the and confrontation can be understood as paradigm of Jesus as a teachable man. It portrays conscientious resistance to oppression and injustice. Jesus as one who doesn't absolutise his own As praxis involves a dialectic between action and assumptions. He is willing to learn from the woman reflection, the component of pedagogy can function as and re-image his identity as necessary. Japanese the reflection: the part where people are enabled to feminist theologian Hisako Kinukawa identifies reflect upon their actions. This critical dimension of Jesus in Mark as one, who, 'having spent his whole praxis can be translated into concrete and corporate life in the culture of honour / shame which was fully action when it is revalidated as pedagogy for a wider male-oriented, and which expected women to bear all group. This feature of conflict / confrontation the shame… did not take initiative until women involves justice as action, which involves resisting prepared him by stages to break down the actions which dehumanize. It also includes critical boundaries'. Kinukawa is of the opinion that the retrospection of the ethical validity of human modes woman's effort is motivational and persuasive in of structuring 'order'. All this may be in conformity enlarging Jesus' ministry to encompass gentiles. I with Babasaheb Ambedkar’s dictum - 'Educate, agree with her in identifying the woman as one among organise and agitate'. those who 'led Jesus to become a responding “boundary breaker” '.9 Another writer Sharon H. Jesus as a 'Teachable Man': The Ethical Ringe, dealing with the Markan version of the story, Imperative of Unlearning also draws our attention to the women's ministry to One of the greatest challenges that education Jesus.10 Using the language of gifts, Ringe portrays poses for the well-being of society is the challenge of the effect of the woman on Jesus as follows: unlearning what we have learnt so far. Jesus emerges as a teacher who is willing to be taught in the story of …she seems to have enabled him to act in a his encounter with the Cananite / Syrophoneician way apparently blocked to him before. Her wit, woman which is found in Mark 7: 24-30 and Matthew her sharp retort, was indeed her gift to Jesus-a 15:21-28). He recognises the Canaanite woman as gift that enabled his gift of healing in turn, her having something that he could learn from. I agree ministry that opened up the possibility of his. with David Rhoads who argues that the encounter of Jesus with the Syrophoenician woman facilitated a Here Jesus himself must learn about being genuine change of mind in Jesus. This is one that sort of Christ from one of the poorest of the occasion in Mark where we get the picture of Jesus poor and most despised of the outcast … her losing an argument, and more significantly to gifts and her ministry become the vehicle of the someone who is not only a foreigner but also a gospel to Jesus and to us…11 woman.5 The consequence of this encounter of wits is that Jesus 'relents from his initial reluctance to help From this angle we gain a perception of the the woman and pronounces her daughter free of the agency to the woman in helping Jesus to respond to demon'.6 Jesus who begins the scene with the the situation differently. The woman's act enables assumption that 'the Kingdom is for the Jews now Jesus to become a channel of the redeeming presence and only later for the Gentiles …ends the scene with a of God in the situation because her dialogue with him willingness for the gentiles to benefit significantly facilitates a new insight to the situation.12 Jesus from the kingdom even now'.7 Meyer's comment emerges from the conversation as 'a finally teachable helps us to understand the story as an example of man' who has gained new insights on the meaning of status equalization: his 'messiahship'.13

Jesus allows himself to be “shamed” The image of Jesus as a 'teachable man' holds (becoming “least”) in order to include this pagan ethical imperative in contexts where there is a woman in the new community of the kingdom; so too reluctance to learn from the other. One example can Judaism will have to suffer the indignity of redefining be found in what Kancha Illaiah calls as 'intellectual its group boundaries (collective honor) in order to untouchability'.14 While writing with 'passionate realize that gentiles are now welcomed as equals.8 anger', about how 'a mind that is trained in the domain of the spiritual fascist culture … never Understood in this light, the praxiological appreciates the discoveries of its adversaries', Illaiah implications of this example of Jesus, provocatively says: posit various challenges for the Indian context. First is the humility for dominant groups to suffer the The brahmanic Hindus treat even the books 'indignity' of redefinition of group boundaries and written by Dalitbahujans as untouchable. learn from the others. In a context where churches Historically, not only the Dalit body but also books can degenerate into caste-based ghettoes, welcoming written by Dalit and OBC scholars remain the 'Other' as an equal and as someone to learn from untouchable. That was the reason why can be a disturbing irruption. untouchability has been imposed on Ambedkar's theoretical writings for a long time in India.

7 ! CSI Life July 2015 Intellectual untouchability was/is more dangerous in it the potential to not only feed with right- than physical untouchability. The Dalitbahujan life knowledge but also to make us hungry - hungry for has not been allowed to figure in school textbooks. God's justice, peace and the flourishing of the whole Their writings were not rejected with a critical inhabited world. assessment but were rejected with mere contempt even before reading.15 References: 2.Soares-Prabhu, 'Jesus the Teacher: The Liberative In such contexts the challenge is for the Pedagogy of Jesus of Nazareth', in The Dharma of Jesus, dominant to be open to the challenges posed by Dalit (pp. 27-40), pp. 27 ff. academia. Even within the churches there is need for 3.See Arun Shouri, Hinduism: Essence and Consequence, the dominant to be open to the voices of the (Ghaziabad: Vikas, 1979), p. 372 for more on this phrase. marginalized and unlearn some traditional attitudes 4.For more on this concept see Paulo Fiere , Cultural Action which stress on the identity of Dalits as 'inferior'. for Freedom, (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972), (pp. Such an openness to be educated by the margins has 51-83); Education for Critical Consciousness, (New York: huge potential for justice and peace. Seabury Press), 1973, p. 58 and Pedagogy of the Oppressed,(Harmondsworth: Penguin books, 1972), p. 60. Talking of the productivity of the margins, 5.Bryan Christopher, A Preface to Mark: Notes on the Joerg Rieger says 'Below the surface, at the level of Gospel and its Literary and Cultural Settings, (New York what has been repressed, lie tremendous energies and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 97. that push toward transformation and justice, not 6.Robert M. Fowler, Let the Reader Understand: Reader- primarily in its punitive or redistributive forms but as Response Criticism and the Gospel of Mark, (Minneapolis: creating the space for alternative productivity'.16 Fortress Press, 1991), p. 117. Rieger says that when we are in solidarity with the 7.Rhoads, 'Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman: A margins our perspectives are challenged and re- Narrative Critical Study', in JAAR, Vol. 62, No. 2, 1994, (pp. formed. He points out how this aspect of learning 343-375), p. 360. from the other even has the potential to challenge our 8.Meyers,Binding the Strong Man,(Maryknoll:Orbis)p. 204. understandings of important ethical concepts like 9.Kinukawa, Women and Jesus in Mark: A Japanese justice differently: According to Reiger the notion of Feminist Perspective, (Maryknoll: Orbis, 1994) p. 139. 10.Sharon H. Ringe, 'A Gentile Woman's Story', in Letty M. justice itself is challenged when the option for solidarity and openness with the margins is Russel (ed.), Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, (Oxford: exercised because then justice itself becomes “being Basil Blackwell, 1985), (pp. 65-72). 11.Ringe, 'A Gentile Woman's Story', p. 72. in solidarity with those who experience injustice,” and 12.Ringe, 'A Gentile Women's Story', p. 71. as “taking the sides of those who have been 13.See Wainwright's revised treatment of the story in 'A marginalized and excluded from relationship,” which Voice from the Margin: Reading Mathew 15.21-28 in an 'is required to produce true opposition to the Australian Feminist Key', in Fernando F. Segovia and Mary injustices of the status quo'. According to Reiger, Ann Tolbert (eds.), Reading from this Place: Social Location 'This notion of justice is more radical than mere and Biblical Interpretation in Global Perspective, II rejections of the status quo's notions of justice as (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1995), (pp. 132-153). Ringe fairness because it leads to unexpected reversals, revised her version in 'A Gentile Woman's Story, Revisited', implying not only attention to needs but closer in Amy-Jill Levine and Marianne Blickenstaff (eds.), A attention to those pressured by injustice, and reminds us of alternative sorts of agency and energy Feminist Companion to Mark, (Sheffield: Sheffield that are often overlooked.17 Academic Press, 2001), (pp. 79-100), p. 99. 14. 14.Illaiah, Why I am not a Hindu: A Shudra Critique of Hindutva Philosophy, (Calcuttta: Samya), p. 141. It is this aspect of being reminded about 15.Illaiah, Why I am not a Hindu, p. 143. 'alternative sorts of agency and energy' that is 16.Joerg Rieger, ' “That's Not Fair” : Upside-Down Justice in significant when thinking about the re-formation of the Midst of the Empire', in Rosemary Radford Ruether nd education. To what extent are the gifts of the margins Marion Grau, (eds.), Interpreting the Postmodern: accorded importance as valuable resources for Responses to “Radical orthodoxy”, (New York/London: T & transformation in our educational practice? T Clark, 2006), (pp.91-106), p.102. Education should be transformed to recognise the 17.Rieger, “That's Not Fair”, p.100. Emphasis is mine. 'productivity' of the subalterns and as Rieger puts it, 18.Rieger, “That's Not Fair”, p,101. once we have 'a new awareness and valuation of the productivity of the margins... it might lead also to a new awareness of God's own mysterious productivity in places where we least expect it, even on a cross.'18 May we strive towards a system of education that surprises us by its choice of resources, its commitment to human flourishing and its potential to challenge us to open ourselves to the voices and visions of the other. Such an education will truly have


Mrs. Porkodi Prabhakaran, Principal, Cotton Women’s Christian Law College, Karnataka Central Diocese.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which and for the enrichment of society you can use to change the world” i n g e n e r a l , e d u c a t i o n i s -Nelson Mandela important. Nations can survive “The whole purpose of Education is to turn only with quality education. mirrors into windows” - Sydner .J .Harris The former President of These quotations said above imply that U.S.A. Mr. John F. Kennedy said, changes have to be made in the world for which the “ Our progress as a Nation can be no swifter than our tool is to be the education. The importance of progress in education. The human mind is our education in society is indispensable. Of course a fundamental resource”. It is very clear that the good education helps empowerment. The first thing progress in education will airlift the progress of the the education does is, it helps to understand Nation. But the fundamental resource should be the ourselves to realize our potential to tap the latent human mind. As per William D, the purpose of talent and thus the skills we possess will be education is to make minds, not career. Education sharpened. Mr. Barrack Obama, the President of the gives the thinking power, analyzing and judging United States of America in his national address to capacity to an individual which forms a basic the students said, “Every single one of you has resource for the progress of a Nation. Education is something that you are good at. Every single one of very important for the social development and you has something to offer. And you have economic growth of Nation. responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That is the opportunity an education can provide”. Formal education starts in School. Schools lay the foundation of a child's development. At Socrates once said “ Education is kindling of School young talent is recognized and nurtured. In a a flame, not the filling of a vessel”. So education Christian Organization a scheme called 'Catch them kindles the flame of knowledge, confidence, courage, young' proved much fruitful. Schools play a vital role authority to question the Authority, awareness of in shaping the character of a child. Article 45 of the rights and enforcement of rights and so on and so which is a Directive principle of forth. Education instructs a person how to speak to State Policy requires the State to make provision for people in various situations. The book of Isaiah free and compulsory education for all Children until chapter 50: 4 reads “ The Lord God has given me the they complete the age of fourteen years. The Object tongue of the learned, that I should know how to was to abolish illiteracy from the country. The speak a word in season to him who is weary...... He Supreme Court in 'Unni Krishnan V State of A.P.' has awakens my ear to ear as the learned”. Apostle Paul held in 1993 that the ' Right to Education' up to the was very much learned and gained knowledge from age of fourteen years is a fundamental right within learned Gamaliel and he witnessed before the Roman the meaning of Article 21 of the Constitution and that officers and the King by the Grace of God and the Right to Education flows directly from Right to authored the Epistles. Life. In the 86th Amendment of the Constitution of India in 2002 Article 21 A was added which made Education makes an individual civilized by education a fundamental right for all children of the teaching right behaviour and good manners. It age of 6 - 14 years. Article 21 A provides that, ' The fosters principles of equality and socialism. Good State shall provide free and compulsory education to Education makes one more humane. It fetches better all Children of the age of 6 - 14 years in such manner prospects of career growth. People are weighed in the as the State may, by Law, determine'. Our former world market on the basis of their educational skills Prime Minister said in one of his speeches that, ' We and on how best they can apply them. are committed to ensuring that all children, irrespective of gender and social category, have Education helps not only the individual to access to education- an education that enables them have the dignity of life , builds his/ her character and to acquire skills, knowledge, values and attitudes leads to enlightenment but it also builds the nation necessary to become responsible and active citizens and is the cause of prosperity and leads to bright of India.” future of the country. For the progress of the nation

9 ! CSI Life July 2015 Education is a basic human right which gives Right to Education Act lays down the norms and a person dignity. This paved the way for the standards relating to pupil-teacher ratio, buildings enactment of 'The Right of Children to Free and and infrastructure, school working days and teacher Compulsory Education Act 2009 ('Right to working hours, such norms are not strictly adhered Education Act 2009)' which came into force from 1st to. Classes are conducted in thatched sheds and April 2010. According to this Act the State shall dungeon rooms with no basic facilities and good provide free and compulsory education to all Children infra structure and play area. Teachers of poor of the age of 6 - 14 years and 25% of the seats in quality are employed for frugal payment who are not private schools should be given to children from able to give quality education. Since they are very weaker sections of the Society (i.e. Disadvantaged poorly paid they lack commitment to the work and Children) and the Government will reimburse the develop a lethargic attitude. The education system is expenditure incurred by the schools. On 7th May not suitable to the present day. Sincere efforts have 2014 the Supreme Court held that this Act is not to be taken by the Government to change the system applicable to Minority Institutions, which have a of education to suit the conditions of life today. right to establish and administer educational Sexual abuse of children has become the event every institutions under Article 30 of the Constitution of day which shows that the moral character of India. 'Compulsory education' means obligation of employees in school and people in public is lost. the appropriate Government to provide free Parents have a fear to send the female children to elementary education to every child in the 6 to 14 age school. Literacy rate will definitely cause an anxiety. group. 'Free' means that no child shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may Corruption in the administration has corroded prevent him or her from pursuing and completing the quality of education. Educational Institutions elementary education. 'Elementary Education' levy a heavy fee beyond the fee prescribed by the means the education from 1st standard to 8th Government. In cases before the Supreme Court it Standard. The Government should establish any was repeatedly held that Capitation fee should not be school in the neighbourhood to provide free collected but educational institutions take a large education to such children. The Government may sum under various heads as the Supreme Court make necessary arrangement for providing free pre- allows to collect under the caption ' Institution school education for such children. Development Fee'. The Right to Education Act defines 'Capitation Fee' as any kind of donation or Free education is expensive to those below contribution or payment other than the fee notified poverty line: by the School. Section 13 of the Act prohibits Despite making the Right to Education a collection of any capitation fee. If any Institution fundamental right the literacy rate has not charges capitation fee. it shall be punished with a raised to the expected level. Gender Justice is found fine which may extend to ten times the capitation fee only in towns and cities. Girl children are still in a charged. relegated position in villages though many welfare laws, Schemes and measures are provided by the The Children of the present generation seem Government. Poverty is another reason for not to be born intelligent. They are not interested in putting the children in School. Children going to the classroom teaching as they are of the view that all school may need to have many facilities like good information and study materials are available in the clothing, good food, transport et cetera which the Internet. Their attention is diverted towards various parents will not be in a position to provide. Mid day things. Internet facility, Mobile phones, Television et meal is provided in School. But the parents will not cetera are the main devices which distract them and be in a position to give them sufficient other two sometimes tarnish their moral character. They meals for the day. Poverty drives the parents to send adopt 'Easy going' life. Unpleasant relationship their children to work for meager wages. Prohibition between boys and girls play a havoc in their of child Labour Act is in force right from 1986. But discipline and education becomes secondary to the child labour cannot be abolished in toto though them. efforts are made by the Government to save the children from such exploitation as Right to health The Government has strictly instructed that and safety is included in the Right to Life under corporal punishment should not be inflicted and Article 21 of the Constitution of India. they should not be reprimanded or chided for their fault as it may lead them to commit suicide or any The quality of education is at stake: crime. Section 17 of the RTE Act says that no child Quality Education is the need of the hour for shall be subjected to physical punishment or mental the better prospects of an individual and the stability harassment. If anyone contravenes, disciplinary and progress of the Nation. action will be taken against him or her.

Schools have grown like mushrooms which In a renowned school at a tenth have been established by people with no standard standard student stabbed a teacher to death when and with the motive of making money. Though the she scolded him for not scoring good marks. In 10! CSI Life July 2015 another incident a Principal who was a strict They levy heavy fee and collect various charges from disciplinarian was attacked and killed by a group of students who are below average and are not up to the students when he alighted from his car. All such mark. For example in Medical colleges if students incidents have instilled a fear in the minds of the below average are admitted by taking a huge sum, the teachers which prevent them from checking the product after graduation may not be of good standard students. This leads to unruly behaviour of the and quality. The lives and health of the people are in students taking a death -knell on the quality of their hands. education. In some of the private self financed Law There is also an instruction from the colleges students pay a huge sum but never turn up Government which says that no student should be to attend the instruction classes. The turn out is, detained in a class till 8th standard. Section 16 of the the Courts face lawyers with deficient knowledge in RTE Act says that, no child shall be held back in any law. class or expelled from School till the completion of elementary education. (i.e., 8th Standard). This makes Nowadays people are able to get fake a student not to give much importance to studies and certificates making the education a mockery. Some the teacher goes uninterested fearing disciplinary University runs unapproved Courses in distance action making the quality of education at stake. mode where hands-on experience is vital to the course and quality education is a mirage to those At the tertiary level, education has become enroll in such University. Even the ruling leaders costly for every course.We dream and desire to realize clothe themselves with fake certificates obtained the dreams. Education is like a spacecraft in pursuit from bogus Universities. of the dreams. Universities of course change the pattern and system of education as the changes in Education is commercialized to a greater the academic atmosphere are warranted to the extent and has caused malignancy affecting the field advancements in the current life style. of education with no probable chance of getting its health back. Job-oriented courses are offered. Students are recruited for various jobs at the campus itself. Government frame many rules and enact Many Institutions offer Vocational Courses and those Statutes to pull up the quality of education from the offering online education are on the increase. But the pit of collapsing any further. But money- making has standard of education remains questionable. become the trend and education has become a Corruption has crept into the Universities and saleable commodity to be sold in the market and Institutions. Casteism and fanaticism are other affluence of people seems to be the consideration for viruses which spoil the quality of teaching. Political purchasing such a commodity. It is like purchasing interference plays an adversary role in the an unbridled horse by a person who does not know to employment at the helm. ride a horse,“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” said Banjamin Franklyn. Teachers are not updating themselves on the subject which makes the students who get up-to- Education is an asset to a person which date information from the Internet to skip the classes cannot be deprived of him/her. Education is the causing indiscipline. Since the students do not want knowledge base to go higher up on the competitive to attend classes, they are distracted towards various ladder. Education can be skill based and need not be things like movie-going and roaming around which purely academic. There is no limit for learning. It is a sometimes dampen their character and safety.. life-long process. Education provides knowledge which is power.. The information obtained from Universities insist on 70 to 75 percentage of sources like internet cannot be converted into attendance. If so, the classroom teaching must be knowledge unless education acts as a catalyst. made interesting. The teachers have to refresh Education opens doors to brilliant career themselves to get in-depth knowledge in the their opportunities. Education is always rewarding. It respective subjects which should be more empowers people to act judiciously, courageously informative than that found in the Internet. This is and confidently. Sometimes it limps when it is hurt by lacking with the teachers. In self financing corruption, commercialization and sub standard institutions teachers are paid very low when huge quality The beauty of education is lost when it is sums are collected from the students as fees. stained with lack of commitment and with adversary powers. Expecting eminent delivery from such teachers is like looking for the sun to rise in the west. Education is a platform that generates new Private self financing colleges employ teachers of poor needs and experiences to meet those needs. It is a quality paying them frugally. catalytic resource that continues to energize and shape our life. It also enhances our ability to develop

11! CSI Life July 2015 new skills and capacity. Education gives knowledge poor and steal and so dishonor the name of my God. and knowledge is power. Thus an educated person is (Proverbs 30: 8b & 9). Jesus Christ taught us to pray, empowered in all spheres of life. Successful ' Give us this day our daily bread' (Luke 11:3). education is a platform of life- long learning from which new possibilities are created. Making money is a need. But a proverb says ' too much of anything is good for nothing'. If But 'education' should be qualified with the education is taken as a profit making area, the adjective 'good' or with a noun ' quality'. If education produce will make them affluent. But the products becomes a business to make profit, it losses the prefix they produce will be of a lesser quality creating them ' good' or 'quality'. Can such a stained and limping as ' no use' citizens in the process of the progress of education empower to change the world is a one the nation. So education should be empowering an million dollar question. Educational institutions individual to esteem himself/ herself and to be much be managed and run by educationists who responsible towards the development and progress of have a passion to serve the people, to impart the nation. It should never be tinted with the knowledge and to empower them to gain courage and intention of making money or be overcast with the confidence to change the world and to turn the political interference or favoritism or fanaticism. mirrors into windows. That is instead of benefitting themselves they should be far-sighted to look the Our contribution to the field of education welfare of others through the window. must be to make people realize that education should be of quality which should be imparted with a service The Bible says, ' the love of money is a root of mind. Education gives knowledge and knowledge is all kinds of evil' (I Timothy 6:10). The blessing of the power and the power should be absolute and Lord brings wealth' (Proverbs 10:22). 'Give me only unbridled. Let God the Almighty strengthen us in this my daily bread. Otherwise I may have too much and regard. disown you and say ' who is the Lord' or I may become

Translation of “Her Voice” - Issue Based Bible Study Book.

‘Her voice’ the issue based bible study book published by CSI Women’s Fellowship is set for translation in South Indian languages. As a first step towards this venture the tamilnadu region Women’s Fellowship Secretary Kirubai Kumari Aruldoss along with Mrs. Lalitha Devakadasham the Bishopamma of Kanyakumari Diocese initiated a translation workshop at CSI Retreat Centre, Kanyakumari from 27.04.2015 - 29.04.2015. Mrs. Anbu Hepzibah Jesudason Secretary, Women’s Fellowship

Congratulations to Sr. Sarah Susheela, Director of Vishranthi Nilayam, Bangalore.

India International Friendship Society conferred the ‘Bharat Jyoti Award’ to Sr. Sarah Susheela in recognition of her services to Society at a seminar on ‘Economic growth and National Integration’ at New Delhi on 1st June 2015 by Dr. Bhishma Narain Singh, former Governer of Tamilnadu and Assam. The congratulates Sr. Sarah Susheela.

12! CSI Life July 2015 REVISITING, REVISIONING AND RESTRATEGISING THE INSTITUTIONAL MISSION OF CHURCHES Dr. Richard Devadoss was the first full time Director of the Diaconal Ministry, CSI Synod and presently the Director of CORNERSTONE Trust involved in promoting alternative forums for reflection action processes; and Consultant and Resource Person for facilitating Capacity Building and Participatory Evaluations.

13! CSI Life July 2015 14! CSI Life July 2015 15! CSI Life July 2015 16! CSI Life July 2015 CENTENNIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES TO RT. REV. W. V. KARL RETIRED BISHOP OF KARNATAKA NORTHERN DIOCESE The Church of South India congratulates retired Work for which Rev. Karl became the Convener of the sub- Bishop of Karnataka Northern Diocese Rt. Rev. W. V. Karl committee and later the Director of the City Mission from as he is celebrating his centennial birthday. We thank God 1965-1969. Being a multi-lingual person Bishop Karl for his life and yeomen service as a humble servant of God catered to the spiritual needs of people from many regional and Church. backgrounds. Under his directorship 8-10 new congregations and worship centres were started. He was A Write-up about his Life and Ministry commended for his service to people from different summarised from his Autobiography titled “A Servant backgrounds without prejudice either to language or in God's Mission”: tradition. In 1969 he took charge of Haines Road, Wesley Church and in December 1970 received the news of He was born on July 11th 1915 to Mr. Victor Karl appointment as the first Bishop in Karnataka Northern and Sarah who were the first fruits of Badaga converts in a Diocese. place called Ketti in Nilgiri hills during the 1890's. Bishop His consecration as Bishop of Karnataka Northern Karl being the eldest son in the family finished his S.S.L.C. th public examination in 1932 and joined St. Joseph's College Diocese was held on April 25 1971 at Holy Name Cathedral, in Bangalore to pursue his degree in Humanities. After Hubli. As the first Bishop of Karnataka Northern Diocese expressing his desire to serve God to his parents, in the year Rt.Rev.W.V.Karl had to know the leaders and the 1940 he joined United Theological College as a private congregations in all four area councils, set up a new office student and gained his ministerial formation. On 20th June and do everything to help K.N.D. to start functioning as other 1945 he was married to Ms. Lily, a wonderful lady who CSI Dioceses. He started his episcopal ministry trusting in played versatile roles engaging herself in supporting and God Almighty. He felt that his first priority was to prepare a equipping the ministry of her husband Rt. Rev. W. V Karl. draft constitution for the diocese. This approval of the diocesan constitution by the council held in October 1971 His pastoral Ministry began in was the first step towards the unity and feeling of oneness in Bangalore in the year 1945 and went on to the minds of people in all four areas of the serve in various Places like Talavadi (1947- diocese. However North Karnataka area 1950) and Bhadravathi (1950-1953). He was pastorates could not adopt the new called to serve the India Sunday School Union constitution because of the court cases as the field secretary during 1953-1958. His pending in Bijapur district court. A area of work covered almost the entire temporary diocesan office was set up in 1970 Southern Peninsula of India from Bombay in for the administerial functioning of the the West to Vishakapatnam in the East and diocese. Higher Education scholarships for Madurai and Ramnad Diocese in South. college students also started under the able During his tenure as the field secretary, he leadership of Bishop Karl. Bishop's House travelled extensively and visited almost every was built and completed in 1974 and retreat Christian Church in South India. He always and lay-training centre for the Karnataka endeavoured and persuaded Sunday school Northern Diocese was built in All Saint's leaders to form Sunday school associations Church. After the dedication of the retreat and affiliate their associations to I.S.S.U. and lay training centre there were just 3 months left for Bishop's Karl retirement. After his successful tenure with I.S.S.U he When he took charge of the diocese in 1971 only a temporary resumed his pastoral work with St. Bartholomew church in diocesan office was functioning in the mission bungalow at and St. Luke's Church, Bangalore from 1959-1963. Hubli. There was no Bishop's House, no well organised It was in St. Luke's Church Rev. Karl as an innovative diocesan office, no Bishop's car for travel and no diocesan presbyter started the membership register which never constitution of the KND. By God's Grace he served the existed and regularized and systematised the church funds diocese faithfully and was able to do all that was necessary to through a bank account. Under his leadership the church make it function as a CSI Diocese. During the 9 years of his also celebrated the Silver Jubilee with great enthusiasm. service he had not availed any annual leave of even one month. The diocese arranged a farewell meeting on 11th July 1980. In the year 1963 Methodist Mission Society in London extended an invitation to Rev. Karl and Mrs. Lily to visit churches and stay in England for a year. The training Bishop Karl is a servant in God's Mission filled with and ministry in England was filled with rich experiences. commitment and sacrifice. He put his ministry before They attended the Youth Conference, Lay Preachers everything else to the extent that at the time of his retirement Refreshers Course along with many preaching assignments he had no worldly possessions except his trust and faith in during their time in England. After returning to India he God. At present he is residing under the beautiful care and was posted in Wesley English Church from June 1964 shelter of his daughter Pauline and her husband Daniel in 68 April 1965 during which he was also the Bishop's Ferns Meadows near Kothanur, on the north-eastern Commissary in the absence of Bishop N.C. Sargant. outskirts of Bangalore and worships at CSI Kothanur Church.

Bangalore became an industrial city with many As he celebrates his 100th birth day on July 11th public sector units like Hindustan Aircraft Limited, 2015. We wish him all God's blessings with good health and Hindustan Machine Tools, Bharath Earth Movers, etc. abounding peace and joy. This attracted a lot of people from neighbouring states to come and settle down in this city. This phenomenon gave the church a new impetus to start Bangalore City Mission

17! CSI Life July 2015 DR. M. M. THOMAS: PROPHET OF NEW HUMANITY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma, Metropolitan, Marthoma Church. ay 15, 2015 marked the birth pervading feeling of hopelessness, centenary of Dr. M.M. Thomas, the frustration, and in securityamid Mrenowned theologian, social questions of what needs to be done. thinker, prophet, and practitioner of new It is in this global context and humanity. Dr. M.M. Thomas was India's precious especially from the ashes of the gift to the world in the twentieth century. He tragic events of the II World War presented varied and new visions in theology and there emerged a Theology of was a strong spokesperson of the ecumenical Resurrection like a Phoenix bird movement and an exemplary humanitarian. As one fluttering its wings of hope. The whose life embodied his message, MMT began his emergence of this stream of thought church life as the first General Secretary of the Mar i n t h e o l o g y p r o v i d e d a Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam in the early 1930s. As a Christocentric Theology of Liberation to the Christian visionary par excellence, he wasa true model for the Church, with Dr. M.M. Thomasbeing its leading youth. He gave Yuvajana Sakhyam a visionary prophet, spokesperson, and practitioner. This thought working model, the basis of which was a theology pattern spread across the world in the form of with deep-rooted social commitment. In the 1940s, Liberation Theology. In the words of a South American when interpretations of political and independence theologian, whose thought was captured when he read ideologies made an impact on college and reflected on Psalm 145: 9-10."The campuses, Dr. M.M. Thomas had a Lord is good to all, and his compassion is unique role in forming a distinctive over all that he has made. All your works stream of thought. It is worth noting shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all the role of U.C. College, Aluva, in your faithful shall bless you" (NRSV). This moulding great people with visionary resulted in the development of a theology background and presenting them to based on the Creator of a Created order. the society. It had its influence on The influence of both Manganam Dr. M.M. Thomas as well. Born on Christhavashram and Students Christian May 15, 1916 as the son of Movement inspired Dr. M.M. Thomas to Madathipparambil M.M. Mammen creatively respond to Liberation Theology. and Mariamma of Kozhencherry, and growing up in the spiritual, The words and deeds of Dr. M.M. social, and educational milieu of Thomas were a reminder that it is the Kerala, spreading wings across the dharma of the church to stand in large horizon of universal humanist solidarity with those who suffer pain, are philosophy, yet being an iconic oppressed, exploited, and marginalized, figure of ideals and humble lifestyle, and also to act responsibly taking the he could reflect the glorious light of social liberation stance for righteousness in political and secular thought that universally emerged within the spheres. He was careful to form a model for Christian Western-Eastern philosophies. witness in India by bringing about the harmony of Christian dharma and Indian heritage. The In world history, the twentieth century is Acknowledged Christ of Indian Renaissance (CLS considered an era of change. National Madras: 1970), The Secular Ideologies of India and consciousnesses, progress of science, impact of Secular Meaning of Christ (CLS Madras: 1976), and education, commitment to value-based Bhagavad Gita: A Christian Appreciation (Malayalam, democracy, and new trends in communication, all CLS Madras: 1987), are his books that laid the havecontributed to change in all aspects. In the foundations of Indian Christian Theology. early years of the last century, faith and hope in the imminent Kingdom of God was clear and active in With firm roots on Indian soil, Dr. M.M. Thomas the hearts of people. But the II World War shattered was instrumental in sowing the seed for the emergence those dreams. Even though many nations became of a post-colonial theology by bringing the subaltern independent, they later fell prey to dictatorship and voices of the marginalized in society to the purview of military rule. Despite the realization of Gandhiji's philosophical discussion. The visions and actions of dream for an independent India, his dream of a new Dr. Thomas also had a great impact on the approach of India where the oppressed, theexploited, the the church towards providing space for those who voiceless, and the marginalized will enter the lacked a living space. For example, South Travancore mainstream of independent India and make a missionary Vedanthachari was a person who worked Ramarajya remained summarily elusive. within a framework of his own. After his death his Elsewhere in the world as well, there was a followers were stranded as sheep without a shepherd. 18! CSI Life July 2015 Those churches and fellowships in the area were His election as Moderator at the Nairobi Assembly was a unwilling to receive them. Even though they great endorsement for his vision and personality. The approached the Mar Thoma priest in Trivandrum, Christocentric theology of Karl Barth, Reinhold it remains a fact that even the Mar Thoma Church Niebuhr, and Hendrik Kraemer helped form his turned a cold shoulder to their needs.However, in ecumenical social thinking and missionary outlook. those days, Dr. M.M. Thomas, Dr. K.K. George and Jürgen Moltmann was his contemporary and both of friends who were then students at the University them benefited each other in streamlining their College, Trivandrum, ventured to visit those flocks theological discourse. without a shepherd and catered to their spiritual growth. This is how the South Travancore mission Memories and visions of Dr. Thomas who fields of the Mar Thoma Evangelistic Association declared that the ecumenical vision of the Mar Thoma got established and later parishes formed. Church involves universal brotherhood and solidarity with the weak, will always remain a source of The theology of Dr. M.M. Thomas is that of a inspiration not only to the Mar Thoma Church but the new humanity. The foundational principle of post- global Christian Church as well. He could not serve as a colonial philosophy which swept over Europe and priest in the church though he had wished to become third world nations was new humanity. In the one in yester years. However, he did more service than discipline of theology, it assumed the form of any priest by his active presence in the ecumenical Liberation Theology, Black Theology, Dalit endeavours of the church and by his lucid Theology, or Feminist thought. Dr. Thomas played contributions to the understanding of theology. an important role in evolving this vision of new humanity as the form of witness for the Indian The priestly vision of the Mar Thoma Church is Church. open, broad, and democratic. It is the tradition of the Mar Thoma Church to give ample role to the and to Dr. Thomas sojourned through the path of encourage their diversified ministries. Dr. Thomas's Reformation in the Mar Thoma Church. Mar presence and suggestions in the committee for selecting Thoma Church has a heritage of resistance against ministerial candidates in the church were greatly the Portuguese invasion and the influx of foreign honored. His contributions towards upholding the liturgical disputes. The reformation ideals of the legacy of the Mar Thoma Church in the ecumenical church influenced Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma realm will always be appreciated. His contributions in Metropolitan, Dr. M.M. Thomas, Mr. T.M. the ecumenical arena of CISRS and WCC were honored Varghese, Adv. K.T. Thomas and others in taking a by all. Dr. Thomas' life partner Mrs. Pennamma, his firm stance in the struggles against the move sister Mrs. Sosamma, and her husband Mr. A.K. towards Independent Travancore at the time of Thampy complemented and enriched his visions and independence and later against the state of actions, together holding to ethical integrity. Dr. Emergency in the seventies. Thomas had an impact on the perspectives of Dr. T.V. Philip and Dr. T.K. Thomas. Dr. Thomas's views about the church, and his creativecriticisms gave a sense of Dr. Thomas passed away on December 3, 1996. consciousness to the Christian churches in India. His death is an irreparable loss to the church and His use of terms like Open Church, Secular society. Society must continue to discuss his thoughts Koinonia, gave more clarity and content to his and standpoint. Such continuing thought processes ecclesiology. Dr. Thomas explains the plausibility and discussions will make an appropriate tribute to his of the witness of an open church in his book on the legacy during the birth centenary celebrations. As reformation of Abraham Malpan. In the prophets of new humanity, let us march together in the contemporary social, economic, and political divine plan to create a new church, a new humanity, setting where the rights of the minorities are and a new world. eclipsed and the process of marginalization of the weak accelerated, the ecclesial theology of Dr. M.M. May the birth centenary commemoration of Dr. Thomas becomes all the more pertinent. M.M. Thomas make the dream of the Book of Revelation of the apostle St. John that 'I have seen the new heavens Dr. M.M. Thomas is the gift of the Mar and the new earth,' a real experience giving us all a new Thoma Church to the world ecumenical movement. vision and sense of direction. Eco Trip to Srilanka The CSI Synod Department of Ecological Concerns is organizing a four day trip to Srilanka on 14th October 2015. Ecological seminar, Eco bible study, sight seeing, participating in mission festival of Jaffna Diocese are the programmes . The team consisting of 40 people (25 from Chennai and 15 from Trivandrum Airports) will start on 14th October and return on 19th October 2015. The registration fee for the programme is Rs.12000+ Service charge for visa and other arrangements Rs.4000/. The synod and the Jaffna diocese will bear the boarding, lodging and travelling expenses of the participants. The selection of the participants for the programme is on the basis of first come first serve . The DD for Rs.16000/ in favour of Treasurer of CSI, payable at Chennai should reach the Director of Department. The draft and the photocopy of the passport should be sent through registered post to Director, Department of Ecological Concerns, CSI Synod Office, 5 Whites Road, Royapetta, Chennai 600014. For any clarification please contact : [email protected] Dr. Mathew Koshy Punnackadu, Hon. Director and Convener, Department of Ecological Concerns, Chennai (mobile 09847275754)

19! CSI Life July 2015 STRIVING TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE CHURCH: REFLECTIONS FROM A DISABILITY PERSPECTIVE Mr. John Samadhanam, M.Th., in General Ministry. Currently co-ordinating Disability Programme in the Church of South India Synod ntroduction Disability, in whatever form, the second is of a dyslexic child is as old as human race. It can affect and the third is of accessability Ianybody irrespective of one's origin, and inclusion. background and identity. The challenges and struggles, the pain and pathos, the Person (s) with Sensitivity and Inclusion Disability (PwD) encounter and endure in their It is about a preacher who existence are a plethora. PwD in Indian society live in was preaching vociferously and a myriad of intertwined antagonist atmospheric with vigour on a disability text in conditions. The population of PwD in India could be a church where children with over 100 million. Their presence can easily be seen speech and hearing impairment and felt everywhere in our society. In a way, this from a special school attached to phenomenon of increasing PwD population in our that church were present. country has hyper immunised our conscience, Though it was a special Sunday worship in which consciousness and sensitivities and actions. these children with disabilities were made part of the Therefore, we intentionally or unintentionally, tend to service, yet how many of them could grasp and turn a blind eye, make our ears deaf, mute our lips, understand the message as their teacher (who is a curl our fingers, fold our arms and limp our feet trained translator for the speech and hearing morphing ourselves into human sculptures. Any impaired) who could interpret the sermon into the form of categorisation of this special creation of God is children's sign language was not there at all. a blatant expression of exclusion from the life, witness and ministry of the body of Christ. Moreover, The point is to make the gospel message of consciously or unconsciously, we seem to have taken inclusivity plain and clear to the church including the a directive approach in reducing a human being with PwD through a medium that all can understand. a disability to an object of philanthropy. In this The church can make use of the available resources context, what are the challenge confronting us and and resource persons in order to create an inclusive what are the ways that can help us in realising Jesus' community of believers. Exclusivity becomes alive desire and prayer to mainstream and include these when special services are conducted in the medium beautiful people into the life, witness and ministry of of Pwd under discussion. our church, as envisioned and captured in St. John 17:21: “That they all may be one...” (NKJV). Dyslexic Child A friend of mine shared the story of their Endeavouring towards the fulfilment of Jesus' Dyslexic son who is now doing his BA, educationally a prayer involves a striving in brainstorming our decade lagging behind. His parents found his notes intellectual and ecclesial capacities to birth a PwD empty, sometimes scribbled notes completely friendly inclusive church where the former become contrary to the subject. He failed in all his subjects. part of her flesh and blood. Initially, they were perplexed and misunderstood him, sometimes got angry as he performed miserably There are bitter life experiences that need to in studies. They found their son giving belated be heard, because they are stories of pathos and responses, pronounced words, rhyming words with exclusion. These stories shall be dissected to exposé much difficulty. He encountered problems in learning the lacuna in order to set an inclusive agenda that alphabets, numbers and identifying colours. He promotes the equality and full participation of PwD. wrote with much difficulty and walked a bit differently A biblical response shall be rendered with the and could not properly co-ordinate between their undergirding theme of “Jesus' act of embracing little phonetics. children,” eliciting it from Mark 10: 13-16. Following the latter, a few need of the hour practical and His pathetic condition reveals layers of applicable pointers shall be enlisted. pathos. His intellectual disability has affected every sphere of life rendering him misunderstood, Voices that Challenge Exclusion dependent and excluded. Perhaps, initially he was Here are three stories that have been shared tagged as lazy, uninterested and inattentive lagging in various disability forums which reveal and him behind in gaining necessary life's calendar skills demonstrate their exclusion from the church and her like the peers of his age. When it comes to his church institutions. On the obverse, they also encourage the life, perhaps he was kept in isolation at home for fear church to explore optimistic approaches to lead these of stigma and discrimination, excluded from the vulnerable people to live a fuller ecclesial and a social social life of the church and society. The major life. The first story is of a sensitivity and inclusion, questions lingering in the minds of his parents would

20! CSI Life July 2015 have been about issues connected to his education, vunerable PwD who are longing to enter and become future and life settlement. These situations would part of Jesus' inner circle. Nonetheless, the disciples aggravate one's anxiety, fear, worry and grief. symbolic of the church are standing as barriers of inclusivity. The barriers of inclusivity are non- There are 10% of the total children suffering acceptance, non-accessability, non-accommodation with intellectual disabilities. There are numerous and non-accompaniment in existing ecclesial educational institutions nestling under the church physical structures, physical spaces and mind space. who can adopt the latest But, Jesus sets an epitome of inclusiveness. Friendly learning methods that will help this He primarily breaks the cordon that the disciples suffering student population. In this way the church have barricaded around their master so that the little can render care and support to Children with Special children, their parents/caretakers and the crowds Needs (CWSN) and also alleviate the fears of have an access path to their maker. Jesus immediate family and care takers. Implementation of unconditionally accepts them in public glare where the aforesaid PwD friendly learning methods will there are no more barriers. The geographical location enable these children to understand and imbibe the of Jesus' seat also magnifies the truth that the evangelion that is, preached, practiced and Kindom of God is a place where “All are Welcome.” It is propagated in and through the church. an unfortified and barrierless place where there are Accessibility and Inclusion: no Berlin walls of segregation, no Lines of Actual A faculty in a theological college was Control of ethnicity, no colour boundaries of caste, no reprimanded for not attending the daily devotions in literacy and economic walls of social class, no the chapel. The reason for the faculty's perennial barricades of religion and no cordons of gender. The absenteeism is that, being a PwD with a locomotor little children are accommodated into His bosom disability it is very difficult for him to climb a where they find a comfortable non-threatening place staircase. and a disability friendly atmosphere on Jesus' lap. Lastly, Jesus blesses them with an accompanying It is purely a problem of accessibility. We presence, as elicited in Matt. 28:20: “...and lo, I am have inheritage of glorious ecclecial architecture of with you always...” (NKJV). old colonial steeples, but without ramps. When we construct new church buildings it is important to Exclusivity is all about the 'missing people' on build friendly spaces and structures.The gospels are whom God's eyes are always focussed upon. The replete with Jesus' words and deeds that reflect biblical response clearly underlines the inclusiveness. These texts present to us blueprints accommodation of the unrecognised, unnamed, for us to put them into practice. One such model is silent, silenced, unaccepted, unconversed, blurred, presented in Mark 10:13-16. unperceived, unnoticed, unnumbered, unaccessed, unaccomodated into God's embrace as Jesus Jesus' Epitome of Inclusiveness demonstrates in Mark !0: 13-16. Those who were In response to the exclusivity that is standing on the outside of the corcle are now prevailing in our churches. Jesus offers a new welcomed into the circle and made part of the of the paradigm for an inclusive church in St. Mark 10:13- circle of church. 16: In the light of what has been discussed so far, “Then they brought little children to Him, that a blueprint of an inclusive church is birthed where He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those the marks of such a church are identified purely who brought them. deriving them from the three PwD stories of exclusion 14 and the biblical response. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid; for of such is the Marks of an Inclusive Church: kingdom of God. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever PwD are recognised as a creation of God, does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child created in God's own image (Gen. 1:25,26), but will by no means enter it. 16 And He took them up in created differently. An inclusive church will have the His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them; time and the patience to hear their experiences of for of such is the kingdom of God.” (NKJV) pain and pathos. As far as I perceive, there are four groups in and It is important for us to create a support around the circle of Jesus. The group in Jesus' circle system of a heterogeneous group comprising of the is that of the disciples, while the other three groups clergy and the laity where the PwD will be able to feel around (outside the circle) the periphery are the the coushioning effect in a comfortable non- crowds, the parents/caretakers of the little children threatening atmosphere. This is crucial in order to and the little children themselves. If the disciples are drive home the point in the minds of these suffering representing the church, then the crowds stand as people that the church is with them, accompanying symbols of people groups who are put out of the them in their struggles. purview of the church and the parents/caretakers PwD friendly logistics and infrastructure for a are symbols of spearheads advocating the voice and free accessibility and accommodation in premises of issues of peripheralised communities in our society. the church and her institutions are essential in an The little children are symbolic of the weak and the 21! CSI Life July 2015 inclusive church in order to recognise their presence. An inclusive church is an educating, an Many new churches are now being constructed, but advocating and a praxis oriented church. Such a without proper disability friendly access and church teaches the congregation on the subject of accommodation. It just takes unly 2% of the gross disability and issues relating to it. Also, stands as an budget of construction. Inclusive churches will seek advocating community speaking and fighting on the wisdom of PwD with regard to the needs of people behalf of the PwD in a stubborn, an antagonistic and with visual, physical, hearing, psychiatric … etc., an unfriendly PwD world. Furthermore, inclusive disabili ties. In addition, the expertise of architectural church is a community that practices what is in the engineers on the construction of disability friendly letter. infrastructure will be made use of in the construction and modifications of ecclecial edifices. Conclusion Any church that boasts of being inclusive Inclusive churches preach a PwD friendly without the presence of PwD and a proper ministerial messages presenting an accepting, accessible, care and support offered to them in their church is accommodating and an accompanying Jesus. not an inclusive church but, an exclusive one. There Sermons on the love and compassion of Jesus as a are innumerable PwD within our church and our sustainer in their life struggles and as a companion in vicinities who are crying for a ministry of Word, prayer their pain and as a co-sufferer bearing their pathos and our accompanying presence. Therefore, need to be amplified, scripted, preached and replication of “Jesus' act of embracing little children” practiced. Moreover,PwD friendly, encouraging and is what the heart of our accompanying and a co- comforting liturgies, hymns and contemporary suffering God is reverberating like a still small but, a Christian devotional songs will boost the spirits of profound voice in the body of Christ. these beloved people. Diocese of Thoothukudi-Nazareth Council level Women’s - One day Conference 1. Rev. John Thomas Church Council: James Church, Pandavarmangalam. It was presided A one day conference for Women was held at St. Paul’s over with the prayer of Rev. D. Jesu Sagayam. The Church, Meygnanapuram on 18th April 2015. Moderator’s Commissary welcoming address was ‘Delight yourself in the Lord’ Psalm 37:4 was the given by Rev. A. Asir Joseph, who is the Council theme. The conference was presided with prayer by Chairman. Rev. S. G. Lourdhuraj Jeyasingh, the Vice Chairman. Miss. Sakuntala Azariah shared the word of The Conference started with the welcoming God, around 400 participants participated. Choir words of Rev. G. Ebenezer Devaraj, the Council sang sweetly and was enjoyed by one and all. A skit Chairman Rev. Edwin Jebaraj presented the presented by Pandavarmangalam teachers was an felicitation. Mrs. Beulah Premkumar delivered God’s eye opener. It echoed the present day’s problems message. Songs were sung by Council Iyyarammas. (money, cell-phone, laptop...). Responsible persons of After lunch a skit was enacted by Women’s Fellowship D.W.F. took much effort in conducting the members of Authoor, Kayalpatnam. Again a thought- conference. Efforts taken by Rev. Arumai Durai, the provoking message was given on the responsibilities Pastorate Chairman of Pandavarmangalam, Mrs. of D.W.F. 410 participants participated and were Shanthakumari, the Iyyaramma, Mrs. Shanthini Asir blessed. The conference came to an end with the the Council Chairman Amma and W.F. Members is prayer and benediction by Rev. G. Ebenezer Devaraj, appreciated. The procession led by Rev. Arumai the Council Chairman. Efforts taken by Rev. Durai with all the participants was a witnessing one. Ebenezer Devaraj, Mrs. Bala Ebenezer and W. F. The conference came to end and benediction was Members is appreciated. given by Rev.Asir Joseph, the Council Chairman.

2. Rev. T.G. Ragland Church Council: Mrs. Anbu Hepzibah Jesudason On 25th April 2015 Rev. T.G. Ragland Church Secretary, Women’s Fellowship Council Women’s one day conference was held at St.

22! CSI Life July 2015 Department of Mission & Evangelism Report of the Evangelists Training in Medak Diocese The Medak diocese organized a Workshop Commitment of the Evangelist’. Rev. Dr. Chilkuri and Mission training for the Evangelist and Vasantha Rao spoke about ‘The Means and ways of Ministerial candidates in association with the Evangelism’. Rev. T. Bhaskar spoke about ‘The department of Mission and Evangelism CSI Synod on Discipline of the Evangelist’. Dr. B. Vimal Sukumar 10 & 11 June, 2015 at CSI Diocesan Office, briefed about ‘ Finance Management’ and Rev. M. Secunderabad on the theme 'Do the Work of an Jayanand spoke on ‘Soul winning and Church Evangelist'. planting’.

With the great blessings and guidance of the In addition to these Resource persons Rev. U. Most. Rev. Dr. G. Dyvasirvadam, the Moderator CSI & Daniel, Rev. N.R. Paul Raj and Mrs. Rev. Shanthi Bishop in Medak Diocese and the encouragement of Robert led the devotions. The Pastors and Area Rev. S. Christopher Vijayan, Director, Mission and Chairmen working in and Secunderabad Evangelism CSI Synod, Rev. M. Jayanand, the participated in the events and encouraged all our Convener, Diocesan Mission board Medak Diocese candidates. We conducted sports and games to has organized this two days workshop. 80 encourage our participants. On the first day evening Evangelists and Candidates for Ministry belong to cultural activities were performed to experience the Medak diocese participated in this program. skills of our participants.

The various topics which were dealt in this We Praise God for all his blessings during the two day conference was as following: Rt. Rev. Dr. K. session. I thank all the Resource persons and Ruben Mark, Bishop in Karimnagar Diocese spoke and Pastors for their inspiring messages and on the theme ‘Do the work of an Evangelist’. Retired supports for organizing this event. The officer's of the Bishop Dr. P. Surya Prakash, spoke on the use of Medak Diocese extended their sincere supports for Homiletics in Evangelism. Rev. S. Christopher the successful conduct of the event. Vijayan, Synod Director of Mission and Evangelism Department gave a talk on ‘Engagements of the Rev. M. Jayanand Evangelists’. Rev. K. James Cecil, Director of Director, Board of Mission & Evangelism Pastoral Concerns spoke about ‘The Role of Medak Diocese & Evangelist’. Rev. A.C. Solomon Raj, Vice Chairman Rev. Christopher Vijayan spoke about the ‘Vision and Mission of the Director, Mission & Evangelism, CSI Syno Evangelist’. Rev. B. Winston spoke about ‘The Call & PRE-CONSULTATION ON CSI MISSION FESTIVAL HELD AT LITE AUDITORIUM ON 3rd JUNE 2015

23! CSI Life July 2015 Department of Ecological Concerns Consume carefully for a healthy future Living within planetary boundaries is the activities in their Colleges using power point most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy presentations. Representatives from various future, said Bishop Thomas K Oommen, Dioceses, fraternal delegates from Marthoma, CNI inaugurating the World Environment Day and Methodist churches participated in the WED celebration of Church of South India held at Chennai. celebrations. Human prosperity need not cost the earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less. The Department of Ecological concerns It is about knowing that increasing rates of natural organized a consultation with the representatives of resource use and the environmental impacts that Marthoma, CNI and Methodist Church on 4th June occur are not a necessary by-product of economic 2015 at Chennai. Rev.Dr.D.R.Sadananda growth. The well-being of humanity, the inaugurated the consultation. Deputy Moderator environment, and the functioning of the economy, presided over the concluding session of the ultimately depend upon the responsible consultation. Following are the recommendations of management of the planet's natural resources. the consultation. 1) Organise three eco conferences Deputy moderator said that the evidence is building before 31st March 2016. Requesting each Church in that people are consuming far more natural the communion to host one conference. 2) Decided resources than what the planet can sustainably to request four Churches in the Communion to provide. observe 5th June 2016 as fossil fuel free day. All the members of the four churches will use only non fossil Rev.Dr.Chilkuri Vasantha Rao, Dr.Annie fuel vehicles on that day Josphine and Dr.Mathew Koshy Punnackadu Dr.Mathew Koshy Punnackadu addressed the gathering. CMS College, Kottayam, Hon. Director, Bishop Heber College, Trichy and Peet Memorial Department of Ecological Concerns College, Maveliakra presented the innovative eco (Photos found on page 2) CSI Department of Youth Youth Against Addiction & Abuse One Day Seminar in Malabar Christian College,Calicut The Youth Department of Church of South the different kinds of substance abuse, its symptoms India in association with the Malabar Christian and consequences. He briefed the students about College, Diocese of Malabar organized a One-day the ill-effects which each drug can cause and shared Seminar on the theme “A scientific Over-view on stories of its dreadful endings. The seminar also had Addiction and Abuse among Youth” life sharing experiences by two young people who shared their life experiences due to addiction to This programme was held on 26th June 2015 alcohol. This programme concluded with some which is also observed as the International Day biblical insights on the preciousness of life and oath against Drug Abuse and human trafficking. Mr. N. taking ceremony led by Rev. Solomon Paul J. Prashanth, the District Collector inaugurated the Director, Youth Department, CSI Synod. seminar and inspired the young people to watch out against addiction and substance abuse. He Around 150 participants from Malabar mentioned that society and its values are Christian College and few others neighbouring deteriorating due to menace of addiction and colleges took part in this programme. The students substance abuse. He also commented that if the pledged their voice against addiction and promised to supply of production has to decrease then the choose life. The Youth Department of CSI Synod demand for substance abuse should also decrease. acknowledges with gratitude the cooperation and He motivated the young people to say no to drugs and support rendered by the Principal Ms. Pavamani any form of addictions which harms their lives. Ms. Mary Gladys and Dr. Lambert Kishore the staff Pavamani Mary Gladys the principal of Malabar coordinator for arranging all the logistics and his Christian College shared with students how commitment towards the Youth against addiction alcoholism and drug abuse are the main reasons and abuse Campaign in and around Malabar behind student riots and violence in education Christian College. institutions. Dr. Arun Gopalakrishnan consultant Rev. Solomon Paul. J Psychiatrist from KMCT Medical College, Calicut Director, Youth Department spoke to the students on the theme. He presented (Photos found on page 32)

24! CSI Life July 2015 CSI Department of Pastoral Concerns Capacity Building Workshop for East Kerala Diocesan Clergy The Department of Pastoral Concerns has who has recently joined as the co-ordinator of organised a capacity building workshop for the Disability Desk of CSI SEVA. Rev. Paul Francis, clergy of East Kerala Diocese from 22-24th June Presbyter in-charge of CSI Church of Risen 2015 at CSI Centre, Chennai. Fifty five clergy along Redeemer and the Bishop's Chaplain of Madras with the Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. K.G. Daniel and Bishop Diocese spoke on the “Importance of Family Amma Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Daniel have Engagement in the Ministry”. He has highlighted the participated in the workshop. While Bishop K.G. importance of family being Christ-centred, value Daniel inaugurated the workshop with prayer and a based and channel of grace. Rev. Christopher brief exhortation, Rev. Joseph Samuel, New Vijayan, Director, Mission & Evangelism, Synod has Testament lecturer from KUTS, Kerala, has given the challenged the participants to take mission of the key note address on “Effective Pastoral Care in Church seriously. Also he reminded that Mission is Today's Context”. He encouraged the participants to not aggressive but wholistic and life-affirming. take the content and the con-text seriously to be effective in the Pastoral Care. Further, he proposed a The Last day began with the Holy Relational Paradigm from the analogy of the sheep Communion service at 7.30. Bishop Daniel shared and the shepherd. Rev. K. James Cecil Victor, the the word of God and celebrated the Eucharist. Rev. Director of the Department of Pastoral Concerns Asir Ebenezer, Director, CSI-SEVA enlightened the dwelt on “Transforming Ministry”, with special participants on the Girl Child Campaign of CSI reference to the transformational leaders who “Assure my future' and motivated the pastors to redefine the Mission and Vision; renew people's engage themselves in the campaign actively. Rev Dr. commitment and restructure the system in order D.R. Sadananda, the General Secretary of CSI took a that all may be united and also experience the session on the theme of the workshop and fullness of life. highlighted the importance of being and becoming a true servant of Christ by sharing life. The workshop The clergy had a meaningful interaction in concluded with the feedback session in which the the groups over the effectiveness of Pastoral Ministry participants have shared their joy of being part of and various pastoral interventions that might the programme. They appreciated the entire transform the lives of people. Next day, the morning schedule that was held systematically and the devotion was conducted by Mr. John Samadanam, sessions that were theological and challenging. (Photos found on page 31) CSI Department of Pastoral Concerns Vacation Camp For Rural And Fishing Community Children The vacation camp for rural and fishing Chairman, Rev. D.S.A. Samuel, Director, Christian community children living around Pondicherry was Education, Madras Diocese have participated in the jointly conducted by the Department of Pastoral inaugural session and blessed the children with their Concerns, Synod and the CSI Madras Diocese on prayers, greetings and encouraging words. Rev. 13th & 14th June, 2015 at CSI St. John's Church D.S.A. Samuel, Rev. K. James Cecil Victor-Director, Pondicherry, with the blessings of Most. Rev. Dr. G. Department of Pastoral Concerns took sessions on Dyvasirvadam- Moderator and Bishop in Charge of 'Walking in Christ's Way”. Delegates from Scripture Madras Diocese, Rt. Rev. A. Rajavelu, The Union and Youth for Christ have taught new songs Moderator's Commissary, and Rt. Rev. B. D. Prasada and morals through puppet show, skits and mime Rao- the Chairperson of Christian Education show, while St. John's Youth have taught action Department, CSI Synod. More than 300 children songs and engaged them in group activities. Rev. from Semangalam, Ilavampet, Kilkoothapakkam, Richardson, Presbyter in-charge and Rev. Stella Poothurai, Sellancherry, Thavalakuppam, Richardson, Asst. Presbyter have co-ordinated the Gorimedu, Ekkiyarkuppam and Cuddalore have programme with the support of the Presbyters in the attended this two days camp very enthusiastically. aforesaid villages, local congregation and the This was the first time that these children have Pastorate Committee. Children have rejoiced in God, attended such a Camp. Half of the children were from learnt the morals from the Bible and were the neighbouring faith communities. The officers of encouraged to walk in Christ's way. They were given the Madras Diocese Rev. Paul Dayanandan, the Vice- gifts as an encouragement for their participation and President, Rev. Samuel Jacob, the Hon. Secretary, learning. Mr. Selva Kumar, Hon. Treasurer along with Rev. Rev. Kurukuntla James Cecil Victor Charles Soundararajan, the Southern Area Director, Department of Pastoral Concern (Photos found on page 32) 25! CSI Life July 2015 Diocese of Thirunelveli World Environment Day Celebrations World Environment Day has been celebrated in a fitting manner at Sarah Tucker Teacher Training Institute Campus on June 5th 2015. Rt. Rev. Dr. J. J. Christdoss, Bishop in Tirunelveli has presided over the function. The Training Institute campus has been maintained clean and tidy and free of plastic and other wastes. Rainwater harvesting tanks have been maintaining to harvest rainwater and send it in to the deep layers of the soil for enrichment. The students have maintained model kitchen garden and medicinal plants garden. Tree saplings are planted one per classroom and maintained properly by the students. Bishop of Award” to Sarah Tucker Teacher Training Institution Tirunelveli and other VIPs planted seedlings. World and appreciate the staff members and the students Environment Day Seminar program conducted under the presidentship of Rt. Rev. Dr. J. J.

Christdoss, Bishop in Tiruvelveli. Mr. Walsalam, Agriculture consultant, Mr. Aaron Jeyasingh, Director, Social Welfare Department, Mr.T.Danaraj Samuel, Rtd., D.E.O. And Dr.A. Selwyn Samuel, HOD, Botany Department, St. Johns College attended this function. Bishop of Tirunelveli has distributed the prizes to the students who had won the prizes in ECO activity. Rt. Rev. Dr. J. J. Christdoss, Bishop in Tirunelveli gave “Best Green

for maintaining the Institution clean and green. The Teacher Training students conducted the cultural programs.

Mr. Walsalam Addl. Director of Agriculture And Consultant, Tirunelveli Diocese

26! CSI Life July 2015 Diocese of Karimnagar

Diocesan Clergy Meeting held on 12th June 2015 At CSI Wesley Cathedral, Karimnagar

The Clergy meeting was started with an the congregations with a vision of rejuvenation of opening prayer by Rev. P. Babu Rao Vice-Chairman. neglected congregations and planting of new Since it was a first Clergy meeting to the Newly congregations in rural areas. After the sumptuous Consecrated Bishop, everybody was joyful and lunch, there was a meaningful Pastoral session, hopeful for having Koinonia with the Bishop and co- conducted by the Bishop to the Clergy. Clergy also clergy. The Rt. Rev. Dr. K. Reuben Mark, Bishop in expressed the Pastoral issues and concerns and Karimnagar and Rev. Mrs. Priscilla Parimala Reuben brought forth few challenges in the Pastoral Ministry. President, Diocesan Women's Fellowship were welcomed and felicitated by the Diocesan Officers Bishop encouraged the clergy that he would help and the Clergy. After exuberant and delightful them to sort out all the Pastoral Challenges and singing, the scripture portion was read. Bishop assured his support and guidance. Rev. Priscilla preached a brief sermon. Bishop addressed the Reuben Mark conducted the special sessions for the several challenges and encouraged the clergy to do wives of the clergy in Sunday school bhavan. She Pastoral Ministry with utmost commitment in encouraged them to be supportive and dedicated in confronting the challenges with courage and the Pastoral Ministry with their husbands and urged anticipation. them to strengthen the Ministry of Women's Fellowship. There was a great celebration with Bishopamma expressed her greetings to the traditional folk cultural events. Clergy and their wives. After that there was a session on financial matters. Mr. Ch. Ramaswamy Hon. Bishop gave concluding remarks and Hon. Diocesan Treasurer explained about the enhanced Diocesan Treasurer proposed vote of thanks. The salaries saying that the salaries of the Church meeting was concluded with a closing prayer by workers have been hiked up according to the Synod Rev.E.Paul, Ministerial Secretary and benediction by scales. He also made it clear about the benefits of P.F, the Bishop Thandrigaru. The meeting was Pension, and gratuity to the Church workers, coordinated successfully by the Convener, Diocesan planned and executed under the dynamic leadership Ministerial Board. of Bishop. He also explained the new budget of Rev. S. John assessment to the clergy. Bishop particularly Convener, Diocesan Ministerial Board, encouraged and motivated the clergy to strengthen Diocese of Karimnagar.

27! CSI Life July 2015 Diocese of Medak St. Paul's Church, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad The Diocese of Medak is known for the member of the church prayerfully contributed to this beautiful Cathedral built by Rev. Charles Walker gigantic project and extended their full support. The Posnett at Medak. The construction of this famous new church building of St. Paul's Church that was structure took almost 10 years for completion, from accomplished in 18 months' time was dedicated on 1914-1924. Nearly about 100 years later, a Historical 11th May 2014 by the Moderator of CSI, The Most event took place in the Diocese of Medak when a Rev. Dr. Govada Dyvasirvadam Thandrigaru. This is replica of this famous Cathedral is built and considered nothing less than a miracle as the project dedicated to the Glory of God in the city of Hyderabad was completed in a record time and also for the fact at Sanathnagar. that finances for the construction was totally raised locally (donations raised from within the CSI St. Paul's Church at Sanathnagar which congregation). The Sanathnagar Pastorate has set an was built in 1961 could accommodate nearly 400 example in Loving the Lord, Worshipping in Truth worshippers. But since the congregation has grown and Spirit and also in their giving. to 750 families, the members have felt a strong need to build the new church to accommodate about 2500 Hope and pray that the congregation would worshippers at a time. The New Church building continue to live for the lord and strive for the envisioned was a big structure and needed a huge extension of His kingdom. amount (around 3.5 Crores) for the completion of the building. The Lord provided the resources through May the LORD's name be glorified forever. the congregation that truly exemplified in giving to Rev. M. Jayanand Presbyter- In-Charge the Lord liberally. Every family and individual

Kerala Region Kerala Regional Sunday School Teen's Meet Vibgyor-2015, May 19-21

A Regional conference of Sunday School led by the participants from the four Dioceses.

students and teachers under the auspice of CSI st nd rd Synod and the department of Christian Education 1 , 2 and 3 place winners of Peter Cater was held at Bishop Benjamin Retreat Centre, Scripture examination conducted by the Synod were Shoranur in North Kerala Diocese from 19th to 21st of felicitated and prizes were distributed. May 2015. The conference was named VIBGYOR. The conference was very much enjoyed by the Kerala Regional Sunday School Teen's meet and the participants outing to Malampuzha gardens and theme was 'Sign up with Christ for a different world'. talent night were some of the high lights. About 120 Sunday School students and 40 teachers Compliments such as school bags were offered to the from the 4 Dioceses, South Kerala Diocese, Central participants. Kerala Diocese, East Kerala Diocese and North Kerala Diocese participated in the meet. The Regional Secretary and committee members were present in the conference. The The Regional president, Rt. Rev. B.N. Fenn, conference was worth and blessing to all and with the Bishop in North Kerala Diocese inaugurated the valedictory address of Rt. Rev. Dr. K.G. Daniel, conference and the Rev. V.T. Jesudas and team from Bishop in East Kerala Diocese came to a close on the Mar Thoma Church was the resource persons. The 21st afternoon. Rev. James Cecil Victor, the Director of Synod The Rev. Jiji Varghese M Pastoral Concerns and Mr. Jacob Sathyan also lead General Secretary classes. Morning and Evening worship services were Department of Christian Education 28! CSI Life July 2015 Edutainment PuzzlesDiocese o&f CoimbatoreQuizzicals Congratulations Crossword Puzzles # 161 - Total Points: 17 By Mr. S. John Barathi

Ms. H.Beulah Himabindu, Giddalur -17 Mr. J. Paulose -17 Mr. Dayanandam A.P. -17 Mrs. Grace Srinivasan, Trichy -17 Mrs. Lilly Nithyanandam, Vellore -17 Angel Gnana Synthiyal, Vandavasi -17 Mrs.Evangeline Lionel,Tirunelveli -17 Mrs. Sneha Achu,Chalukunnu -17 Mr.D. Hallel Johnson, Vellore -17 John Daniel, -17 Rev.D.Anbu Raj, Vellore -17 Dr.Mrs.Evangeline Jones, Salem -17 Rev.A.Olompa -17 Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, Dornakal -16 Reji, Ramachandran -17 C.K. Selvarani Thangadurai -16 Mrs. Anbu Hepzibah Jesudason,Thoothukudi -17 Rev.K. Rajakumaran -16 Mrs. Krupamma Rajkumar, Nandyal -17 Mr. G. Paulraj, Thirunelveli -16 Rev. Kiruba Robinson -17 R u s h Crossword Puzzle # 161 Exodus 25-29 (GNB) You can send answers by Email i n y o u r 3 5 1 12 15 16 Answers Across : No 161 A S B L U E C O R D 2 10 1 Blue cord 28: 37 a n s w e r s C U R T A I N R E E 2 Curtain 26: any where 4 4 Camp 29: 14 b e f o r e A C A M P A D M D 6 Care 25: 40 t h 7 2 0 C C N T M I E I 8 Meters 27: 9 6 9 Buds 25:34 and elsewhere I E C A R E E N R C J u l y ’ 11 Posts 27: 16 9 A E H B U D S A B A 13 Urim 28: 30 Answers Down : No 161 2 0 1 5 14 Sons 28: 4 1 Branches 25: 32 and elsewhere W D E L T E T 3 Acacia wood 25: 10 and elsewhere 13 O S S E U R I M E 5 Succeeds 29: 30 8 7 Tablets 25: 16 and eslewhere O M E T E R S O D 10 Names 28: 12 11 14 12 Ordination 29: 30 D P O S T S O N S 15 Remember 28: 29 jumbled Crossword Puzzle # 162 Exodus 30-34(GNB) 16 Dedicated 28: 36 1 2 6 8 12 Clues Across: No 162 1 …out came this ____(4) 3 4 3 ______to me (7) jumbled 5 with my ____(5) Clues Down: No 162 5 7 ___them below (6) jumbled 2 a price ______(3+3+4) 7 9 the sound of _____(7) 4 ____my face (3) 10 no longer wore _____(9) 6 a _____ people (8) 9 17 11 I will ____(6) 8 a great ______(6) 11 14 face to ___ (4) 10 ____as the Lord (4) 16 gods of ____(5 12 is full of ______(10) 10 15 18 tribe of ___(3) 13 is to ___(3) 13 18 19 15 disaster ___(4) 17 has ___you (5) jumbled 14 19 …… son of ____(3) 16

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29! CSI Life July 2015 Art ‘n’Culture Department of Communication Church Music - Keyboard Lesson 91 By Mr. S. John Barathi

One of the secrets for the beauty of Indian up or down just by tones or semitones according to music is the adjacent movement of pitches in the the Raga, here in this; only the Ti (7th note) is melody. Here in this song below you will not find any flattened at the ascending (measure 4, & 11), but not jump or skips in the melody, but the melody moves in descending.

If you want to listen to this Hymn tune, and download full song do write to: [email protected]. Listening will always help and guide you to learn and perform well. Disclaimer


30! CSI Life July 2015