
Chaim Kramer – Parshat written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021

This week Chaim Kramer discusses this week’s portion, Noach (Noah), with insights from the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. This parsha focuses on the Tzaddik, Noach, and how he made it through the flood. How is this relevant to us, today? What is the deeper meaning of Noah’s ark? How does it connect with your personal power of speech? What do the three levels of the ark represent? How can prayer help you begin again? Reb Chaim explores these and other insights connected to the .

Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE! JOY: It is a great to be happy always! written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021

“Serve God with Joy!” ( 100:2).

Rebbe Nachman teaches: It is a great mitzvah to be happy always!

Strengthen yourself to push aside all depression and sadness. Everyone has lots of problems and the nature of man is to be attracted to sadness. To escape these difficulties, constantly bring joy into your life – even if you have to resort to silliness (Likutey Moharan II, 24).

Joy is the hardest of all levels to attain and maintain (Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom 20). When contemplating our daily pressures and workloads, this is very easy to understand. Happiness is not specified in Torah as a separate mitzvah. Yet, throughout the , and Kabbalah, joy is given centrality in all areas of . The renowned kabbalist, the Ari (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, 1534-1572), asserted that he attained his exalted spiritual level only because of the great joy with which he performed the mitzvot (Sha’ar HaKavanot, Atzeret). Indeed, not many of the subjects discussed in Breslov literature receive the detailed attention given to joy and happiness.

Reb Avraham Chazan commented: If Rebbe Nachman taught that it’s a great mitzvah to be happy always, then we must believe that there is what to be happy about! (Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Rosen).

BreslovCampus & Chaim Kramer – Chol HaMoed Sukkot written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021 This week Rabbi Chaim Kramer talks about Chol HaMoed Sukkot with inspiration and insights from Rebbe Nachman, Reb Noson and Rav Tzvi Aryeh Rosenfeld. In this fascinating discussion, Reb Chaim speaks about the three main taavas (immorality, gluttony, and avarice), their association with Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot, and how we are to understand them as they relate to Chol HaMoed, the in-between days.

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Chaim Kramer – Sukkot written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021 This week Rabbi Chaim Kramer discusses the joyous Jewish holiday of Sukkot with inspiration and insights from Rebbe Nachman and Rav Yitzchak of Berditchev. He examines the rare time between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, after we’ve done teshuvah, when we’re busy joyfully building the Sukka, a very precious mitzvah. Reb Chaim also explains the mitzvah of the Lulav and Etrog, in only the way he can.

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Chaim Kramer- Parshat written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021 This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Parshat Haazinu through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings.

Reb Chaim discusses Moshe’s song, “Haazinu”, singing about the ’ failures and sins, and their ultimate redemption by Hashem and return to Eretz Yisrael, the Holy Land of Israel. He also discusses free will, Shabbat T’ Shuvah (Shabbos Shuva), and returning to Hashem during this propitious time of year.

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Be a sponsor for shiurim in Uman! written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021

Here is my wonderful deal for you: Join us as sponsors for a shiur, daily learning, or a Kiddush for Shabbos and Yom Tov – the best contribute to a positive change in your life!

Rebbe Nachman said: “I could have been a famous leader and Tzaddik just like all the others, whose Chassidim come to see them without knowing what they have come for; they come and go and have no idea why. But I never wanted any of this. My only concern is to get you to repent.” (Tzaddik 335)

I took these words as my motto when, about a decade ago, I brought the best rabbanim to deliver shiurim, so that the tens of thousands of English-speakers could understand why they came to Uman and what it is all about.

Speakers: Rabbi Chaim Kramer, Rabbi Elchanan Tauber, Mr. Gedale Fenster, Rabbi Yonatan Rietti, Rabbi Binyamin Weinreb, Rabbi Rephael Kramer, Rabbi Meir Elkabetz, Rabbi Gil Basch and Michael Benmelech.

For the times between shiurim, we’ve started a special chavruta initiative to learn Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Everyone is invited to come and learn on the premises with a study partner, and there will be a Rav present to answer any questions.

This will truly contribute to a positive change in your life! And as the Breslover leaders from the previous generation said: Until you draw close to the Rebbe, you are afraid to change, but once you draw close, you are afraid not to change!

All shiurim and learning sessions will take place in our dining hall on 11 Piruvska Street. In the event that there will be obstacles to holding the learning there, they will take place in the BRI area at B7 Piruvska Street.

Those who will not be coming to Uman for any number of reasons are invited to participate through sponsoring a shiur, daily learning, or a Kiddush for Shabbos and Yom Tov so that we can carry out this blessed work. In addition to your Heavenly reward, we will mention your in prayer, for brachah and hatzlachah.

Sponsor HERE

Shana Tova!

Uman B.R.I kollel 5782 written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021 Dear Friend,

For close to a decade now, we’ve had the great zechut of running the Uman Kollel. The idea was to provide a warm, familiar venue where the thousands of Americans coming to Uman would be able to hear about and understand the purpose of making the trip to Uman for .

Last year, we were brokenhearted when the obstacles proved overwhelming and it was almost impossible to hold the holy kibbutz. Obviously, there were no shiurim.

For this reason, we had the idea of bursting forward this year and greatly increasing the learning. We also decided to add something new: learning with study partners. The learning in the Uman Kollel will take place from Thursday evening and through erev Rosh HaShanah, from morning to evening, non-stop. At times when there are no shiurim, there will be learning sedarim around the clock. We take this opportunity to ask you to participate in this holy endeavor and help us make all this possible. The costs are especially high and we need your help.

Sponsor a day, a shiur, or whatever you can to help us spread Rebbe Nachman’s light in the world.

If you were already in Uman in the past, you know exactly how vital and important this initiative is, and we’re certain that you’ll want to take a part. But even if you haven’t yet been in Uman, you can still partner with us and we will mention your in prayer. Press HERE

Wishing all a good, sweet year, a year of genuine redemption!

Chaim Kramer Chaim Kramer – Parshat written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021

Chaim Kramer discusses Nitzavim, the last weekly Torah portion before Rosh Hashanah, which helps us begin the New Year with a clear mind and renewed focus, and a fresh approach to service of Hashem. If you like this post please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!

Chaim Kramer – Parshat written by Chaim Kramer | October 3, 2021

This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Ki Tavo through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Reb Chaim explains how we are preparing for Rosh Hashana, when Hashem judges us, during the weeks before. He speaks about the mitzvot in this Torah portion, bikurim and , which shows our gratitude to God. Reb Chaim speaks about the blessings and the curses, the holocaust, and the survivors of the holocaust, and our own personal mission. There is also a special blessing from Reb Chaim.

Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE! Make my Day!!! written by breslov.org | October 3, 2021

Fill your day with Rebbe Nachman’s teachings!

How many times have you really wanted to be able to learn Rebbe Nachman’s life-changing teachings, and incorporate them into your daily routine, but were deterred because you didn’t know how you’d ever manage to cover all of the material?

Rebbe Nachman said:

The best way to study his works was to follow two separate routines. The first should be one of study at speed so as to become thoroughly conversant with the books. The second should be one of study in depth, because his books contain the profoundest depths.

He also once encouraged someone to study his book. He said it was a great mitzvah to study it at length, and he told him that one could develop a great mind through doing so, because even in its literal interpretation the work contains profound wisdom and depth. Those who study his works constantly can become pure and holy and will then be worthy of seeing the inner meaning they contain. Beneath the surface there is much that is not evident at all on a literal level. Happy is the one who can study them regularly. (Tzaddik 346-347)

A few years ago, one of our friends suggested adopting for the English crowd the idea that has already existed in Hebrew for decades: to collect all the basic Breslov texts into one book so that it would be possible to study the works on a regular basis, going through them “at speed” as per Rebbe Nachman’s instruction.

This project took many years and went through many iterations until finally, it was completed two years ago. We named it Day by Day. The set comprises 10 classic Breslov texts:


Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom

The Aleph-Bet Book

Kitzur Likutey Moharan (Abridged Likutey Moharan)

Rebbe Nachman’s Stories

Restore My Soul

Outpouring of the Soul

The Collected Letters of Reb Noson

Shemot HaTzaddikim (Names of the Tzaddikim)

The Fiftieth Gate: Reb Noson’s Prayers

The purpose of the book is to enable the user to go through all these texts daily, according to the Jewish calendar, with an organized study schedule. To this end, we even prepared a special volume for Adar Sheini when there is a leap year so as not to disrupt the flow during a regular year. This coming year 5782 is a leap year, 13 Months -13 Volumes, and it is your chance to join the expanded circle of hundreds of learners who have already completed this course of study. The book was edited and formatted in a way that would be as user-friendly, clear and self-explanatory as possible. This is your opportunity to join and thereby fulfill Rebbe Nachman’s desire!

Apple click here | Android click here

In addition to the print book, we’ve invested tremendous efforts to build within the Breslov.org app a feature with the daily learning that corresponds exactly to what appears in the book. Therefore, if someone is on the way to work, stuck in traffic, or unable to access the book for whatever reason, they can complete the day’s learning from the app without having to miss a day. We are regularly working to maintain and upgrade the app so that you can continue benefiting from it.

Now, we are offering a very special discounted price for the set – just $139.99 — so that you can begin learning already on the first day of Tishrei. Press HERE to order

As we prepare to reprint the set, we are offering special dedication opportunities. You can sponsor a day in honor of a yahrtzeit, birthday, wedding anniversary or any other special day. You could also sponsor the week of the parshah that you feel especially connected to. In this way you will gain the merit of printing this holy set while bringing merit to the public through its dissemination.

Each day is sold only once! Sponsors will receive a name dedication printed in the book.

Dedications for a day can be paid for in 20 monthly payments, beginning at just $18 a month. Those who sponsor a week will receive a free set.

Press HERE to take advantage of this great opportunity!