THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece JANUARY 2016 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail:
[email protected] DISCIPLINEOUR ARCHBISHOP’S IN THE VIEW HOME The New Year PAGES 5/21 15 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS TO HELP GREECE Iconography documentary goes global Recover from the financial crisis PISTEVO “I believ e”, is a s tunning 17- minute film packed with vivid imagery de- picting the life of Jesus Christ and His saints. and return to growth This independent documentary, depicts a community coming together to complete the Fifteen Nobel laureates have co-signed a petition urg- The 25 professors also state that Greeks are hard work- sacred mission of ic onography at the Gr eek ing European authorities as well as the United States to ers, innovative and cr eative and tha t the c ountry pos- Orthodox Church of our Saviour in Rye, New help Greece recover from the financial crisis and r eturn sesses strong research institutions and excellent human York. to growth, in an activity initia ted by Dr Har ald zur Hau- potential. “It is un fair that the be st part of human r e- sen, who w on the Nobel in Ph ysiology or Me dicine in sources, i.e. the y oung well-trained people mov e mas- PAGE 16/32 2008. sively to other c ountries for a be tter future, thus In their petition, addressed to the President of the Eu- strengthening other countries and weakening their own ropean Council, Donald Tusk, the Pr esident of the Euro- and options foe recovery,” they said.