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Harry C. Gvanger


Herman L. Bauer, Jr.

September 1950

Trace Elements Memorandum Report 33 USGS - TER- 33 Consisting of 28 pages Issued to (see below)

The distribution of this report is as follows:

2 copies ...... RC, Washington (J. C. Johnscxn)

5 copies ...... AEC, New York (P. L. Merritt)

1 copy ...... AEC, Denver, Colo. (C. C. Towle, Jr.)

1 copy ...... AEC, Spokane, Wa sh. (E. E. Thurlow)

1 copy ...... AEC, Grand Junction, Colo.(W. Cr. Fetzer)

13 copies...... U. S. Geological Survey (Including ma ster copy) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS


Part I Geology ...... I

Part II Grade, tonnage and conclusions ...... 29



Histryc...... 3

Getoogy..n...... ,...... 4

Ore dosits...... 7

G Wallgy o...... 11

Graddpeit ...... 20

Dscrtn o...r...... s...... 23

Prinecalorgroup...... 23

Freedok group..i.n...... ,...... 26

uLocliton ...... 27

Conclipion and sugetios for...... 28 ILLUSTRATIONS

Following page

Figure l.--Index map, Marysvale district, Utah ,...... 2

2.--Geologic map and sections, Prospector No. 1 mine, Marysvale district, Piute County, Utah ... in envelope 3.--Geologic map and assay plan, Prospector No. 1

mine, Marysvale district, Piute County, Utah ... in envelope 4.--Geologic plan maps and sections, showing locations of samples in prospect pits No. 1 and No. 2, Prospector No. 1 claim, Marysvale, Piute

County, Utah ...... 23

5.--Geologic sections showing locations of samples in prospect pit No. 3, Prospector No. 1 claim,

Marysvale, Utah ...... 23

6.-wGeologic map and assay plan of Freedom No. 2. mine, Marysvale, Piute County, Utah ...... in envelope

7.--Geologic map and assay plan of Bullion Monarch fluorite mine, Marysvale district, Piute County, Utah...... ,...... 27



Table 1. --Description and analyses of samples ...... 15,16,17,lS,19

2.--Geiger-counter traverse in Prospector No. 1 mine ...... 21 FREILIMINARY EXAMINATION OF URfANIUM DEPOSITS


By Harry C. Granger and

Herman L, Bauer, Jr.


Autunite and otlier uraniumr were discovered in l948

by Pratt Seegmiller about 3-i miles north of Marysvale, Piute County, Utah, Mining operations were begun in the summer of 1949

by the Vanadium Corporation of America on the Prospector and the Freedom claims, and by the Bullion Monarch Mining Company at the

Bullion Monarch claims. These claims were examined briefly in

December 1949 and Janary 1950 by the writers. The deposits of the Marysvale district are in north-

ea sterly striking fault zone s in quartz monzonite that intrude s

rocks of the 'older' Tertiary volcanic sequence. Flows and tuffs of the youngere' Tertiary volcanic sequence unconformably overlie

the earlier rocks, Autunite, , , schroeckingerite, and at lea st one unidentified secondary uranium occur in the upper

parts of the deposits. Pitchblende ha s been mined from the under- ground workings of the Prospector No. 1 mine. The uranium minerals are a ssociated with dense quartz veins and intensely argillized v'all rock. In the upper parts of the deposits pyrite is completely 2

oxidized. The secondary uranium minerals probably were formed by the alteration of primary pitchblende by circulating meteoric waters,


In l948 deposits of autunite and other uranium minerals were

discovered near Marysvale, Piute County, Utah, by Pratt Seegmiller,

a resident of Marysvale. The deposits are in the NI0j, sec. 4,

T. 27 S., R. 3 W. (Salt Lake principal meridian), 3i miles norbh

of Marysvale and 2 miles east of the Sevier River (fig. 1). They may be reached from Marysvale on the south and Elsinore on the north

by a graded dirt and gravel road. Marysvale, on U. S. Highway 89, is the southern terminus of a branch line of the Denver and Rio Grande

Western railroad, The uranium deposits are on the south slopes of the Antelope

Range, a group of rolling hills that lie across the Sevier Valley, and have been incised by the Sevier River. The Maryavale district

is bounded on 'the west by the Tushar Range and on the ea st by the Sevier Plateau. In September 1949 a brief examination of the Marysvale district wa s made by R. U. King of the Geological Survrey, in the company of C. C. Towle, Jr., of the Atomic Energy Commission, and in December

1949 and January 1950 the writers made a more detailed study. All underground workings at the Prospector No. 1, the Freedom No0 2 ,and the Bullion Monarch fluorite mines were mapped at a scale of 1 inch to 10 feet (figs. 3, 6, and 7), but no map was made of the Bullion

Monarch uranium mine. A map at a scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, was U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR TRACE ELEMENTS MEMORANDUM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT 33

-c--J 2-S

Tvo- Tv y -

-- - - -yTyvo

~Freedom No.2rni -- .~PospectorNothnine - - - 38 30 -

- - 9 0 Tvo

- - -. ol-. e- . 27 5...... - -.z 0 - - - -

- --- I MILE

Qal--Geology after E. Callaghan, U.S.G.S.

- L - -- R. 3 W.T yr E X P LA NATION

Alluvium and gravels 1

Younger volCanics [ Tqmn' GREATPLATEAUA Quartz monzonite Tvo Older volcanics


FIGURE .- INDEX MAP, MARY SV ALE DISTRICT , UT AH. :3 made of the surface near the Prospector No. 1 mine (fig. 2). Three prospect pits on the Prospector No. 1 claim (figs. 4 and 5) were mapped at a scale of 1 inch to 5 feet. Channel samples were taken of all altered and unaltered rocks at the mines studied in order to determine the relationship of alteration to the distribution of uranium minerals. No particular attempt was made to evaluate the grade of these deposits because such studies had been made by It. G. Fetzer and C. C. Towle, Jr., of the Atomic Energy Commission in

October 1949 _/.

J Fetzer, W. G., and Towle, C. C. Jr., A concept of ore reserve potentialitie s at the Maryjsvale uranium depo sit s, Piute County, Utah; U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Grand Junction, Colb,, Dec. 3, 1949


Gold, alunite, and fluorite have been mined intermittently in the Maryavale district. The gold is in quartz veins, and the alunite is in fissure veins and replacement deposits in the older volcanic rocks. Fluorite occurs in veins that cut quartz monzonite and are closely re- lated to the uranium deposits.

The uranium deposits were discovered by Pratt Seegmiller of Marys- vale, who identified autunite while prospecting for mineral specimens in the spring of 1948. At that time he staked the Freedom Nos. 1 to 7 claims, Later Rex Smith and the Ander son brothers of Elsinore, Utah staked the Prospector Nos. 1 to 4 claims. These claims, although now leased by 4

the Vanadium Corporation of America, are .being developed by the

original claim locators.

The Bullion Monarch fluorite and uranium mines are on claims

owned by J. W. Sargent of Marysvale and are under lease to the

Bullion Monarch Mining Company, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The initial development work on the Freedom and Prospector

claims consisted of bulldozer trenching and stripping of talus from the radioactive areas. Subsequently, inclined shafts were

sunk on the Prospector No. 1 and the Freedom No0 2 claims, and an

open pit was made on the Bullion Monarch claims. Since the field work for this report was completed, exploration of these and other deposits has continued.

The first ore mined wa s trucked to Naturita, Colorado, for experimental processing, but later ore was stockpiled near the mines. Since March 1950, the ore has been purchased by the Ameri-

can Smelting and Refining Company at a stockpiling depot established in Marysvale under the authority of the Atomic Energy Commission.


The Marysvale district is underlain by igneous rocks, for the most part latite and rhyolite breccias and flows, similar to the volcanic rocks that underlie much of the High Plateaus of Utah.

Stocks of quartz monzonite intrude rock of an older volcanic se- quence and are overlain unconformably by a younger sequence of volcanics. The older and younger volcanic sequences correspond to 5

Callaghan's J '/earlierTertiary" and 'later Tertiary' rocks. The

J Callaghan, Eugene, Volcanic sequence in the Marysvale region in southwest-cetral Utah; Am. Geophys. Union Trans., 20th Ann. Mtg., Pt. 3, pp. 438-452, 1939. older volcanic rocks consist chiefly of~ latite and ande site tuffs, breccias, arnd flows. Calcic latite flows and breccias predominate in the Antelope Range. The alunite deposits or the Marysvale area are round only in the older extrusive rocks and have been described by Butler and Gale J., Loughlin J, Callaghan _/, Thoenen J/,

J Butler, B. S., and Gale, H. S., Alunite, a newly discovered deposit near Marysvale, Utah: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 511, 64 pp., 1912. J Loughlin, G. F., Recent alunite developments near Marysvale and Beaver, Utah; U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 620, pp. 237-270, 1915. J Callaghan, Eugene, Preliminary report on the aluxnite deposits or the Maryavale region, Utah; :U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 886, pp. 91-134, 1938. J Thoenen, J. R., Alunite resources or the United States: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 3561, 48 pp., Feb. 19/+1.

Bell J, and other s.

J Bell, G. L., Unpublished reports: U. S. Geological Survey, 1945.

A small area or intensely silicified rook .is expowed near the Pros- pector No. 1 shaft. The top or this outcrop corresponds closely to the erosional contact between the younger and older volcanic rocks. 6

The intrusive rocks form stocks less than two miles wide and have been mapped as quartz monzonite and associated rocks by Callaghan _/.

Jg Callaghan, Eugene, op. cit., 1939

One specimen taken near the uranium deposits on the Prospector and Free- dom claims wa s found to be diorite. The Bullion Moniarch fluor'ite mine is in a light-colored porphyritic rock that is presumed to be a border facies of a quartz -monzonite stock. Although the composition and tex- ture of the rock in the individual stocks varies, it will be referred to in this report ase quartz monzonite, following the usage of Callaghan J

Jg Callaghan, Eugene, op. cit., 1939.

The quartz monzonite stock, which contains the known uranium deposit s, is cut by dense quart z veins in nor these sterly striking fault zones that are not known t6 extend into the younger volcanic rocks. Other younger faults, however, cut~ all the rocks exposed in the district, The younger volcanic rocks vmconformably overlie the older volcanics and the monzonitic rocks. They consist of rhyolite, quartz latite, and latite flows and tuffs. Within a few yards of the uranium deposits, the younger volcanic rocks overlie quartz monzonite. These younger volcanics contain cla ssy and pwnicecius fragment s, as much as 2 inche s long, sur- rounded by an aphanitic ground ma ss showing flow strauotmre. Calcite coat the walls of some of the vugs in the rhyolite. 7 Ore deposits

Structuxa.-The uranium-bearing veins are in nearly vertical fault zones that strike N. 550 - 650 E. Quartz veins in the fault

Zone85 are variable in strike and are discontinuous, locally forming en echelon patterns (figs. 3 and 6). In the Prospector No. 1 shaft, the most prominent vein follows an intensely iron-stained gouge zone that strikes N. 650 E., and dips nearly vertically. The general trend of the fault zone is evidently parallel to this vein, but subsidiary veins that generally strike N. 000 E. to N. 85 W. and dip northerly about 750 to S5O are common. Other le ss numerous subsidiary veins strike about N. 400 e

5Q0 E. and dip generally 700 to 850 SE. At 50 feet from the collar, fault striations on the south wall of the Prospector shaft plunge

650 E. The prominent vein in prospect pits Nos. 1 and 2 (fig. 4) strikes

N. 550 - 600 E. and is nearly vertical. The junction of this vein with the fault zone expo sed in the shaft cannot be seen, perhaps indi- cating that the vein doesa not extend into the south margin of the fault zone. Two sets of striations on slickensided suirfaces along the south wall of prospect pit No. 2 plunge 250 IE. and 330 SE. On the south wall of prospect pit No. 1, fault striations plunge 320 SE. in con- tra st to striations on the north wall that plunge 500 SW.

A gouge zone, one foot thick, in prospect pit No, 3 (fig. 5) dips

850 NW. and is evidently an extension of the fault zone exposed in the

Prospector shaft. Striations on a slickensided surface in the gouge 8

plunge 450 5. 600 W. Twenty feet west of the pit, the gouge grades into brecciated quartz.

The fault zone at the Freedom No. 2 mine strike s N. 600 E. and

dips nearly vertically, and becomes indistinct in the lower parts of the shaft. The pattern of subsidiary veins is strikingly similar to

that in the Prospector No. 1 mine. One set strikes generally east

and dips vertically to 650 N.; the other strikes about N. 300 - 400 :E., and dips vertically to 650 NW. On the Bullion Monarch claim a prominent breccia zone, cemented

by fluorite, strikes N. 550 E. and dips nearly vertically, although

locally the dip may range from 750 NW. to 750 SE. Several subsidiary

veins horsetail from the breccia zone at N. 650 - 750 E., and dip from

vertical to 730 SE. A fault surfa ce on the north wall of the fluorite

mine ha s striations plunging 700 SW. Mllions on this sui-face indicate

the north wall was upthr'own in relation to the south wall.

Jointsa are numerous in the rocks near the uranium minesa, ln~t rarely are consistent in strike and dip. One joint set, however, strikes N. 650

- 800 E., and dips 800 -820 SE.

Mieaoy.-Fv or more secondary uranium minerals are associated with the quartz veins in the oxidized parts of the Maryavale deposits. Autunite, torbernite, schroeckingerite, uranophane, and a yellow uniidenti-

fied uranium mineral were found in the deposits in Jaimai'y 1950. Since then, pitchblende has been identified in drill cores and in the deeper workings in the Prospector No. 1 mine. Locally, pyrite, fluorite, uxani- ferous hyalite, and gypsum, are present anid a black sitai probably 91

manganese oxide, is common near the margins of vein zones. There

appears to be an interrelationship between particular uranium

minerals and depth below the surface, degree of alteration, and the pre sence of quart z veins. Autunite, calcium uranium phosphate, is the most common

secondary uranium mineral in the upper part s of the deposit s.

It occurs, for the most part, as grains or flakes in fractures

and on the surface s of crystals of altered feld sparse in moderately and intensely argillized quartz monzonite. The autunite grains commonly are very thin, transparent or translucent yellow to

yellow-green, fluorescent, subhedral flakes lying with their flat side paralJlel to the surface on which they occur. Less

commonly autunite coats frac ture s in the quart z veins and weakly

argillized quartz monzonite. Small, well-formed autunite crystals, scattered among uranophane crystals, were observed on several frac- turese in the quartz veins.

Torbernite, a copper uranium phosphate that is isomorphcus with autunite, is much le ss abundant than autunite. Itsa mode of

occurrence is similar to that of autunite, but it is most commonly found in weakly--argillized quartz monzonite, more than 10 feet below the surface. It forms bright green, non-fluorescent flakes in rock that contains disseminated pyrite. A few spe cimens, obtained from moderately and weakly argillized rock, show flakes in which yellow fluorescent autunite grades into a green, non-fluorescent mineral, that is probably torbernite. J1o

Schroeckingerite, hydrous uranium carbonate, is present in

significant quantities-on the Bullion Monarch property, but has not been identified on the Prospector or Freedom claims0 It occurs as fillings and blebs, as much as 10 mm. in diameter, in strongly altered quartz monzonite in the uppermost parts of the

deposit0 Schroeckingerite was found also in rhyolite of the Bullion Canyon volcanics in the spring of 1950. Uranophane, a calcium uranium silicate, for the most part is

in fine, hairlike, non-fluorescent, yellow, radiating crystals or

dense crustiform masses of crystals on fracture surfaces in the

dense quartz veins or silicified quartz monzonite. Autunite crys- tals are commonly interspersed with the uranophane crystals and

produce a weak fluorescence in the crusts.

A yellow mineral or aggregate common near the surface as oval, cryptocrystalline crusts coated with fluorescent hyalite, has not been identified positively, but may be an intimate mixture of autun- ito and uranophane.

Pyrite is disseminated throughout the weakly argillized quartz monzonite, but is rare in the moderately argillized quartz monzonite and is lacking in intensely argillized rock, Oxidation undoubtedly accounts for this variation.

Purple fluorite occurs in or adjacent to the denseiquartz veins as semi-continuous veins, as blebs as rrach as 5 inches long, or as leaf-like lenses 2 to 3 inches in maximum dimension. The isolated 11 blebs are commonly massive purple fluorite and the lenses are a fine- grained, dark purple, almost black, fluorite. In the Bullion Monar ch fluorite mine, both white and purple fluorite cements brecciated fragments of wall rock. Here the fluorite is commonly granular and has a colloform surface.

Black stains, probably manganese oxide, are common along the margins of the vein zoneu, In~the Freedom No. 2 mine, a 1- to 2- inch bla~ek vein follows the north wall of the shaft for 30 feet and may be mangane se-stained fault gouge.

The selenite variety of gypsuxa, although scarce, occurs locally a s thin plates along fractures in weakly argillized quartz monzonite. Wall-rock alteration.--The rocks within the vein zone in the

Prospector No. 1 and the Freedom No. 2 mines have been altered to clay minerals. Three degrees of argillization have been mapped in these mines (figs. 3 and 6), and have been designated as weakly, moderately, and intensely argillized quartz monzonite. It is possible, however, that the moderately and weakly argillized zones, as mapped, actually represent different types of alteration rather than different degrees of argillization. The weakly argillized zone, where observed, is greenish when moist, suggesting that some chlorite is present. The biotite and hornblende are partly altered, and this alteration may be in pert responsible for the greenish cast of the rock. The disseminated 12

pyrite is nearly fresh. The rock retains the original monzonitic texture and grades into moderately argillized quartz monzonite. An arbitrary boundary between the argillized and non-argilhized rock

is drawn along a narrow band of iron staining.

The moderately argillized rock locally borders quartz veins, but more commonly is separated from them by intensely argillized

rock. The moderately argillized rock is white to buff and contains

scattered specks of limonite. Although partly obscured, the origi- nal monzonitic texture is visible. Biotite and hornblende are partly or completely altered to limonite~and the disseminated pyrite is for the most part oxidized.

The intensely argillized rock is generally highly fractured, blea ched nearly white, and soft, though locally it may be silicified

in part. The feldspars are almost wholly argillized, and the biotite, hornblende, and pyrite, are commonly completely altered. This intense

alteration also has nearly destroyed the original monzonitic texture of the rock.

The intensely and moderately argillized zones are poorly defined, and their contacts are gradational. The weakly argillized zones, on

the other hand, have a well defined though arbitrary boundary with the moderately argillized zone, the narrow band of iron staining.

The alteration in these argillized zones may not be wholly the effect of hydrothermal solutions. It is suggested that after hydro- thermal solutions argillized the wall rock and deposited disseminated pyrite, meteoric waters furtherargillized the quartz monzonite and destroyed the pyrite in the intensely and moderately argillized rock. 13

Localizatio.--Uranium, in the near surface parts of the Marys- vale deposits, oocuars along northeast-striking fault zones and is localized by structure and rock types. Evidence obtained to date indicated that the fault zone s, the altered zone s, and the uranium deposit s are nearly coextensive, and that the wider part s of the fault zone s are mo st favorable for or e bodies of se condary uranium minerals.

The ore bodies are narrower in the lower parts of the Freedom No. 2 and the Prospector No. 1 shafts, possibly because the inclined shafts depart from the plunge of the ore shoots. The intersection of the vein exposed in prospect pits Nos. 1 and 2 with the vein in the Prospector shaft plunges nearly vertically or steeply to the southwe st, The wide, fra ctured, and altered zone at the collar of the shaft may be localized by this inter section. The nearly verti- cal plunge of the inter section may also determine the plunge of the ore bodies, although the lack of evidence prevents any definite conclusions. The secondary uranium minerals have a zonal distribution deter- mined by the chemical composition of the rock type with which each is associated. Autunite is most prevalent in the intensely and moderately argillized quartz monzonite, wherea s torbernite is more abundant in the pyrite-bearing weakly argillized quartz monzonite. Uranophane and the unidentified yellow mineral are generally in or near fractures in the dense quartz veins or wall rock silicified by hydrothermal action. 14

Although little is known about the schroeckingerite, it is believed to occur very near the surface where the quartz monzonite stock is in erosional contact with the younger volcanic rocks. The pitch- blende is reported to occur as thin stringers in and near the dense quartz veins where weathering has been less intense. Uranium is most abundant in the intensely argillized rock. In the ore zone in the Prospector No. 1 mine, the intensely argillized rock assays abaiit 0.3$ percent uranium, the quartz veins 0.16 percent, the moderately argillized rook 0.0$ percent, and the weakly argillized rock 0,05 percent. The ore in the Freedom No. 2 mine is of imuch lower grade. In the ore body the intensely argillized rock assays 0.19 per- cent uranium, the quartz veins 0.09 percent, moderately argillized rock 0.04 percent, and weakly argillized rock 0.03 percent. Perhaps the true uranium content of the quartz veins is lower than the a ssays show because of unavoidable contamination by intensely argillized rock during sampling.

Locally, near the margina of altered rock are narrow zone; or "veins" of black-stained quartz monzonite. These "veins" are usually 1 to 2 inche s wide and contain over 1 per cent mangane se (table 1). Ina smuch as fre sh rock contains about 0.0$ per cent mangane se, and intensely and moderately altered rock contains only 0.01 to 0.02 per cent mangane se, it is evident mangane se is lea ched from the argil- lized rock and redeposited near the margins of the vein zones, probably by meteoric waters. Table 1.--Description and analyses of samples

Field eU U P205 Mn number Location Material (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

HG-4-l Bullion Monarch Fluorite breccia. 0.0014 0.003 0.50 0.022 fluorite mine.

2 Feldspar porphyry. 0.005 0.002 0.140 00023 3 Fluorite breccia. 0.002 0.002 0.149 0.030 HG.-2-14 Prospect pit No. 1. quart z monzoni te, moderately argillized. 0.020 o.oo6 1.00 o.oo6 .5 Quartz monzonite, silicifi ed. 0.0314 0.016 1.08 0.0145 6 Dense-quartz vein material. o.o64 0.016 0.72 0.037 7 Quart z monzoni te, intensely argilli zed. 0.052 0.021 0.82 0.012 H 8 Quartz monzonite, moderately argillized. 0.010 0.0014 0.99 0.007

HG-3-9 Prospeoto.No.2 1 do. 0.015 0.012 0.99 0.057 mine. 10 Dense-quartz vein material. 0.059 0.023 0.73 0.021 11 Quartz monzonite, moderately argillized. 0.017 0.010 1.10 0.1114 12 do. 0.*021 0.011 1.04 0.020 do. 0.010 0.005 1.01 Black (Mn?) vein material. 0.037 0.019 0.86 15 Quartz monzonite, moderatbly argillized. 0.020 0.010 0.9 0.031 16 Black (Mn?) vein material. 0.0141 0.032 0.143 1.83 17 Quart z monzoni te, weakly argilli zed. 0.024 0.018 0.028 18 do. 0.010 - 0.005 0. 0.097 19 Qartz modizonite, intensely argillizei. 0.0140 0.0145 0.132 20 Qitartz monzonite, weakly argillized. 0 .o68 0.063 0.62 0.015 21 lo. 0.17 0.*22 0.010 22 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.24 0027 0.73 0.009 do. 0.*11 0.*080 0.68 0.027 do. 0.38 0078 0.012 25 do. 0.32 0.63 0.59 0.022 26 do. o.6o 0.67 0.017 27 do. 0.147 0.~6 0.015 Table 1.--Description and analyses of samples--Oontinued 7ield number Location Material (percent)(percent)(peret)(percent) HQ-3-.28 Prospector No. I Quarz monzonite, moderately argillized. o.o5s o.o6o o.68 mine. 29 do. 0.093 0.062 0.82 0.020 30 do. 0.18 0.15 0.79 0.013 31 do. 0.57 0.77 0.012 32 Dense-quartz and gouge, iron stained., 0.*21 0.81 o.oi6 do. 0.037 0.023 0.3)4 0.019 Qiartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.058 0.0419 0.417 0.008 35 do. 0.070 0.074 0.55 0.009 36 do.- 0.05.9 0.076 0.417 0.022 37 Quartz monzonite, moderately argiiized. 0.058 0.75 0.011 38 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. o.6 o 0.s6 0.016 H Qtartz monzonite, sili cified. 0.055 0.62 0.017 ON Dense- qlartz vein materIal. Lost in transit. 0.11 11 Quartz-.monzonie 9 intensely argillized. 0.99 0.012 do. 0.7)1 0.70 0.011 do. 0.53 0.80 0.012 do. siicifi ed. 0.13 0.039 0.82 0.015 415 Quartz-'monzoni te, 0.080 0.058 0.65 0.017 16 quartz-monzoni te, intensely argillized. 0.087 0.025 o.66 0.013 17 do. 0.0 2 0.66 0.*029 Quartz-.monzoni te, moderately argilli zed. 0.074 0.89 o.oi6

HG-3-.49 200 f eet N. l14"W. Quartz-monzonite, fresh. o.oo6 0.003 o.6o 0.073 of Pro spector No. 1 shaft.

Ha-3-..50 125 feet N. 62c*W. do. 0.003 o.oo04 0.70 0.073 of Prospector No. 1 shaft. Table l.--Desoription and~analyses of samples--Oontinued hold. eU U P205 Mn number Location Material (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)

Ha-s3-51 150 feet S. 83*W. Oryptoorystalhine quartz and quartz 0.001 0.002 0.36 0.029 of Proopeotor No. 1 shaft. breocia.

HG-3.-52 4Q feet south of Quartz monzonite, fresh. 0.004 0.001 0.80 0.083 prospect pit No. 3.

HG-3-.53 Prospector No. 1 Fluorite in gouge. 0.13 0.091f 0.51 0.025 mine.

HG-4I-54W Freedom No. 2 Quartz monzonite, fresh. 0,005 0.002 1.25 0.092 mine. H 55 Quartz monzonite, fractured. 0 .oo6 o.oo4W 1.15 0.105 56 Quartz monzonit e, moderately argilit z ed. 0.005 o.0o4W 1.25 0.082 57 Quarkz nonzonite, fractured. 0.007 0.005 0.97 58 Quartz monzonite, weakly argilit zed. 0.007 o.oo6 1.*50 0.106 59 Dens'e-quartz vein material. 0.033 0.029 1.10 0.*202 Quartz monzonite, weakly argillized. 0.022 0.025 1.30 0.022 62 do.4 0.028 0.028 1.30 0.355 Quartz inonzonite, moderately argillized. 0.055 o.o56 1.15 0.020 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized., 0.41 0. 4l 0.90 0.015 66 Quartz monzonite, moderately argilli zed. o.o8W 0.068 1.23 0.022 Quartz monzonite, intensely axgilitzed. 0.053 0.058 1.15 0.011 Quartz monzonite, moderately argilli zed. 0.018 0.012 1.30 0.017 67 Quartz monzonite, weakly argillized. 0.031 0.029 1.07 0.012 68 Quartz monzonite, nod lately .. eillized. 0.037 0.026 1.25 0.018 69 Quart z monzoni te, weakly argilli zed. 3 0.053 o.o146 1.*25 0.017 70 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.032 0.019 1.45 71 Quartz monzonite, weakly argillized. 0.053 0.0415 1.*25 72 Dense-quar tz vein mat er ial. 0.13 0.15 0.70 73 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.31 0.26 0.93 714 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.036 0.029 1.*55 Table 1.-Dsrpinan nlsso amls-otne

Yield eU U P2Op Mn number Location Material (percent) (percent)(percenit)(perant)

HGm-4.-75 Freedom No. 2 Dense-quartz vein material. 0.079 0.080 1.08 mine. 77 Quart z monzonit e, intensely argillized. 0.16 0.27 0.*97 Quartz monzonite, weakly argillized. 0.033 0.026 1.*62 78 Quartz monzonite, intensely aibgillized. 0.17 0.*22 1.00 79 Dense-quartz aMn. fluorite vein material. 0.141. O .11 0.40 80 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized.. 0.241 0.36 1.02 81 Dense-quartz vein material. 0.097 0.*11 1.15 82 Black (Mn?) vein and gouge. 0.090 o.o41o 0.*73

Ha-5-83 Prospector No.. 1 Fault gouge. 0.017 0.010 0.69 0.*01 claims pro spot pit No. 3. H 841 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized,. 0.019 0.*021 0.005 85 do. 0.015 0.015 0.003 Dense-quartz vein material. 0.033 0.0416 1.03 o.oo6 87 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.019 0.017 0.005 88 do. 0.020 00030 0.007 89 do. 0.000 0.,021 0.39 o.oo14 90 d.. 0.10 0.19 0.20 0.005 91 d.. 0.018 0-.019 0.53 00005 92 Fault gouge. 0.026 0.010 0.38 0.007 93 do. 0.031 0.*020 1.10 0.013

HG-6-9-I Prospector No. 1 Quartz monzonite, weakly argillized. 0.007 0.002 0.63 0.093 claim, prospect pit No. 2. 95 Black (Mn?) vein material. 0.023 0.020 1.35 1.35 96 Quartz monzonite, moderately axgillized. 0.*11 0011 0.30 0.021 97 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.50 0.79 0.119 0.008 98 Dense-quartz vein material. 0.085 0.078 0.39 0.012 99 Quartz monzonite, intensely argillized. 0.32 0.46 0025 0.007 100 Quartz monzonite, weakly argillized. 0.032 0.035 0.55 0.159 Table 1.- cito adaaysso ape-otne Field eU U P205 M number Location Material (percent)(percent)(percent) (percent)

HG-.3-101 Prospector No. 1 Dense--quartz vein. 0.O1S 0.015 0.5S 0.302 mine. 102 Quartz iaonzonite, moderately argillized. 0.007 o.oo4 0.65 0.* 103 Quartz nionzonite, moderately argillized. 0.011 0.011 0145 0.o6o 104 Quartz monzonite, mi2licified. 0.021 0.01S 0.4+5 0.424+ 105 Quartz monzonite, moderateLy argillized. 0.025 0.023 0.63 0.035 10o Quartz nionzonite, weakly argillized. 0.13 0.*22 0.17 0. oo6

H '0 20

Assays for P205 content in the rocks ranged from 0.17 percent to 1.62 percent (Table 1), but there are no marked differences in

P205 content between altered and unaltered rocks. Significant redistribution of phosphates in these deposits is therefore not indicated.

Grade.---Rocks in and near the uranium mines were tested for radioactivity with a Beckman MX-5 portable beta-gamma counter.

Average beta-gamma readings on outcrops were taken with the probe held 3 inches above the rock for at least a half minute. Rhyolite, or rhyolite float, at 14 stations occupied near the Prospector No. 1 mine, gave average rate meter readings of 3 divisions on the 0.2 scale. Quartz monzonite at 11 stations away from noticeable alteration other than weathering, gave average rate meter readings of 4 divisions on the 0.2 scale. Altered rock at eleven stations along the outcrop of the vein zone gave counts noticeably higher than those in unaltered rock. In the Prospector mine, meter readings were recorded at 10-foot intervals with the probe held at waist height in the middle of the shaft and drift (Table 2).

Channel and grab samples were cut with a single jack and moil from individual types of rocks. Care was exercised that each sample would be as free as possible from contamination by other rock, and the surfaces were cleaned before sampling. A total of

106 rock samples were taken from three mines, three prospect pits, and outcrops near the mines (figs. 2 through 7). 21

Table 2.--Geiger-counter traverse in the Prospector No. 1 mine

Distance from Readings in divisions on the 2.0_ scale collar of shaft Beckman MX-5 geiger counter 1 Minimum Maximum

0 0.5 2.6

10 1.5 4.0

20 6.2 903

30 13.7 16.1

40 14.8 17.1

50 15.5 18.5

60 12.8 15.5

70 10.5 12,7

80 7.9 11.0

90 6.0 8.5

100 6.0 , 9.5

110 6.0 9 .2

120 2.1 4,7

126 3.0 7,5 Distance from crosscut in east drift, 1st level

0 1.0 4.0 10 1.5 5.0 20 1.8 4.5 30 1.5 4.2

1_/ Beta-gamma probe held for 30 seconds at waist height in middle

of shaft or drift. 22

Samples were assayed for uranium, phosphorous, and manganese

(table 1) to determine the relationship between uranium and these other elements.

Assays show that fluorite and associated wall rock in the Bullion Monarch fluorite mine contain about 0.002 percent uranium

(table 1). Similarly, fre sh quarts monzonite near uranium-bearing veins contains nearly 0.003 percent uranium. Rock within the uranium-bearing vein zones, on the other hand, ranges from 0.004 to 1.36 percent uranium.

Orgi...--Fetzer and Towie _/ speculated that the quartz

~,Fetzer, W. G., and Towle, C. C., Jr., op. cit. monzonite wa s the source of the uranium and that hydrothermal alt era- tion conditioned the rock for dissolution and subsequent reprecipita- tion of uranium from descending waters.3 The presence of secondary minerals in the Marysvale deposits and their relationship to hydro- thermal veins suggested to the writers as early as December l949, that they were derived from primary minerals of hydrothermal origin. Recently J. W. Gruner identified pitchblende in the Prospector No. 1 vein below the 70-foot level while making mineral studies for the Atomic Energy Commission.

The secondary uranium minerals undoubtedly formed by alteration of primary pitchblende by circulating meteoric waters, The oxidation of the pyrite probably produced sulfate-rich solutions that could 23

dissolve pitchblende . These acid solutions also probably acquired

phosphate during the argillization of the quartz monzonite that was

then used in forming autunite and torbernite. The type of the wall

rock apparently controlled the deposition of uranophane on fractures

in the dense quartz veins and sehroeckingerite near the Mount Belknap

rhyolite of the younger volcanic series0. The quartz presumably furnished the silica necessary for the uranophane, whereas the calcite

in vugs in the rhyolite may have furnished the carbonate necessary to

precipitate schroeckingerite. The schroeckingerite may be younger

than the aut unite and other minerals and related to very recent weathering of the veins. It may have been formed by the alteration

of other secondary minerals.

Description of properties

Prospector group.--Four unpatented claims are included in the

Prospector group. They are owned by the original claim locators,

Rex Smith arnd Leonard and Merle Anderson, and leased by the Vanadium

Corporation of America.

Development work in January 1950 was limited to the Prospector

No. 1 claim (fig. 2) where the ore bodies had been explored by a shaft inclined at 290 (fig. 3), three prospect pits (figs. 4 and 5), and six (") diamond drill holes which are described by Fetzer and

Towle .The shaft on the "main" ore body, was about 115 feet

Fetzer, W. G., and Towle, C. C., Jr., op. cit., pp. 7-9.


it ~ A A


Plan view - 9 ( 3 feet obove floor) Quartz monzonite

H-IG-2-5, 0.016 HG-2-4, 0.006 I HG-2-6, 0.0-16 Prospect pit No I Quartz monzonite~weakly argillized ~~HG-2- 7 0.021i H G-2 - 8, 0.004

Southwest face of pits A Quartz monzoni te , moderately argillized

Quartz monzonlite,inltelsely argiltized B B

1-h + .HG-6- 100, 0.035 pHG-6- 94, 0.002 Dense quartz veins 95, 0.020 -+HG6- 96, 0. ItO -HG-6- ~3HG-6- 97, 0.790-- HG-6- 98, 0.078.4 p ~ ./HG-6- 99, 0.460 Iron stained quar tz veinlets

-HG--2-4, 0.006

4~a Project symbol, locality number , floor ) sample number,and percent uranium i6*

Prospect pit No. 2 5 0 5 FEET





[ii]onont Intensely orgilliz ed a

monzonite,contalnlng autunit e

Fault gouge,confaining dense quart fragments Wes t side South side

Iron-itoined quar tz veinlets, showing dip and strike V 5frohon s Sample number (All samples are In the HG-5 tault surface series)

Eas t side North side 0 5 10 SCALE IN FEET


long with a 2-'foot crosscut to the northeast on the 56-foot level. The crosscut. exposed a vein on which the owners mined 7 feet south-

west and 30 feet northeast. In January 1950 the owners were drilling

a diamond-drill hole directed S. 530 E. at minus 483O near the face of

the northeast drift. The shaft was started on a fractured, intensely altered part of

the vein zone, now stispected to mark the intersection of the main, or Prospector vein, with the branch vein explored by prospect pits Noa,1 and 2. A prominent, nearly vertical, quartz vein extends from about 45 feet to the bottom of the shaft with several discontinuous subsidiary veins roughly parallel to it. The width of intensely argillized quartz monzonite ranges from

over 10 feet at the collar, to less than 2 feet at the bottom of the

shaft. The uranium content of the ore ise corre spondingly lower at the bottom of the shaft where a width of 6 feet assays 0.015 percent uranium in contrast to nearly 0.5 percent at the collar. Hence, it is evident that the shaft either does not follow the ore body or the ore body is very inconsistent in grade along the strike. It is

probable that an ore shoot may be found to coincide with the inter-

section between the ore body, exposed in prospect pits Nos. 1 and 2, and the Prospector vein zone, followed by the inclined shaft; in which

case the ore shoot is either vertical or plunges steeply to the south- west. 25

Prospect pits Nos. I and 2 are on 8 6-inch dense quartz vein and associated argillized rock. This is designated as the WBranchR ore body, In prospect pit No. 1 the vein is fractured and bordered by a 1-inch selvage of iron-stained fault gouge. Sample a says (table 2.) show that the ore values in prospect pit No, 1 are rifich lower than in prospect pit No. 2. In prospect pit No. 3 the Prospector vein is represented by 1 foot of gouge containing fragments of quartz vein material, About 20 feet southwest of the pit the gouge grades into quartz breccia.

Wall rock on the southea st or footwall of the gouge is intensely argillized, perhaps more by weathering than from hydrothermal altera- tion., The grade of ore in the pit is about 0.03 percent uranium, iuch lower than that at the collar of the inclined shaft. No evidence of uranium minerals or veins wa s noted in the silici- fied rock (fig. 2) just west of the Prospector No, 1 mine, yet the vein zone in quartz monzonite along the ea st border of the silici.Cied rock is kon to contain autunite. The out crop length of the Prospector vein, therefore, extends from this silicified rock at least as far as prospect pit No. 3, a distance of about 300 feet0 Forty-seven samples from the Prospector No. 1 mine and 11 samples from prospect pit No. 3 ranged in grade from 0.005 to 1.36 percent uraniunm (table 1). The Branch vein in prospect pit No. 2 is kniown to extend asa far southwest as prospect pit No, 1 (fig. 2). Prcjecting this vein to the

Prospector vein, the outcrop length is at least 150 feet. Five samples 26 ranged from 0.004 to 0.02l percent uranium in prospect pit No, 1 compared to 0.002 to 0.79 percent uranium for 7 samples in prospect pit No. 2 (table 1). Freedom griup.--"The Freedom group includes 7 unpatented claims owned by Pratt Seegmiller, Marysvale, and leased by the Vanadium

Corporation of America. Initial exploration consisted of overburden removal by bulldozer, digging prospect pits along radioactive zones on the Freedom Nos. 1 and 2 claims, and the diamond drilling described by Fetzer and Towle _/.

JFetzer, W. G., and Towle, C. C. Jr., op. cit., pp. 7-9.

A 300 inclined shaft (fig. 6) was sunk for 93 feet to the northeast on the most prominent ore lone. A short drift on the 45-foot level cut barren rock. A cross cut on the 42-foot level was being extended to the northwest in January 1950.

The shaft wa s started on two or three nearly vertical quartz veins which split and whose strike and dip are different in different parts of the mine workings. The general trend of the major veins, however, is N. 600 E., and nearly vertical. Both prominent quartz veins and are lacking near the bottom of the shaft, An exposure of autunite-bearing ore crops out about 40 feet south- west of the collar of the Freedom shaft. Although nothing is known about the shape or plunge of this ore body, it is evident that the shaft was started near the northeast margin of ore, for the northeast part of the shaft is not in ore. 27

The exposure of the uranium-'bearing vein zone is about 120 feet

long on the surface, but it is probable that removal of overburden

would expose ore even farther to the southwest. Twenty-nine samples cut in the Freedom No. 1 mine assayed between 0.002 and 0.41 percent

uranium. (table 1).

No study was made of the prospect pits on the Freedom property. Bulo oac ru.-h Bullion Monarch Mining Company of Salt Lake City, Utah, controls several claims adjoining the Freedom

group. The Bullion Monarch fluorite mine (fig. 7) is leased from J. Wi. Sargent of Marysvale.

Mine working s in the fluorite mine consist of an adit, following a 2-foot wide fluorite breccia vein for 100 feet, and a stope from

37 to 67 feet from the portal. The grade of fluorite was evidently too low to permit continued mining, and the mine is now idle. Although the uranium content of the fluorite vein is only a few

thousandths of a percent (table 1), other parts of the vein, farther

northea st, may contain uranium ore0 The structural similarity between the vein in this mine and the veins on the Prospector and Freedom

properties and the presence of fluorite in these veins leads to this conclusion. The difference in rock types, quartz .monzonite in the uranium mines and feldspar porphyry in the fluorite mine, maya in some way have caused the differences in mineral deposition. The Bullion Monarch Mining Company was exploring a large exposure of uranium ore just ea st of the fluorite mine in January 1950. At that time 60 SA itb LPAHIMINi OF- IHE IN1TE~iOM IRAGE ELEMENTS MEOANiUM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT 33,


-HG-I-, 0.003

HG+I2, 0.002 <~73080


HG+l3 ,0.002

Feldspar porph yry

Fluorite breccia vein, with dip

Fluorite fissur e v with dip Geologic map and assay plan of shaf t (in a plane 3 feet above floor ) HG-I-I, 0.QC -Project symbol, localit y number, sample number, and pe rcent uranium


go 0 I0 2O FEET


FIGURE 7. - GEOLOGIC MA P AND A S SAY PL AN OF BULLION MONARCH FLUORIT E MINE, MARYSVALE DISTRICT, PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH no consistent structural control was evident in the ore body, but it

is probable that a northeasterly striking vein zone, similar to those

on the Prospector and Freedom properties, will be found below the

rocks affected by near surface oxidation.

Conclusions and suggestions for prospecting

The secondary uranium minerals in the Marysvale deposits occur

in or near quartz veins in highly altered, bleached, and iron-stained

quartz monzonite along northeast-striking faults0 Prospecting should

be carried on along known faults of this trend and in areas where

outcrops or float of dense vein quartz and bleached and altered rock

occur0 Abnormal radioactivity should also be used as a guide,

especially in areas of shallow overbuirden.

The evident close structural and mineralogic relationships

between the predominantly fluorite- and predominantly uranium- bearing veins suggest that further investigation of fluorite deposits may lead to discovery of hitherto unknown uranium deposits0 Study of the structure of the uranium deposits in quartz monzonite may also lead to discovery of deposits in rocks of other types. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

USGS - TEIE - 33-Part II Consisting of /+ pages Issuted to (see below)

The distribution of this report is as follows:

2 copies ...... AEC, washington (J. C. Johnson)

5 copies ...... AEC, New York (P. L. Merritt)

I copy ...... OAEC, Denver, Cob. (C.. C. Towle, Jr.)

1 copy ...... AEC, Spokane, Wa sh. (E. E. Thnrlow)

1 copy ...... *AEC, Grand Junction, Colo.(f. G. Fetzer)

13 copies...... ~ ...... U. S. Geological Survey (Including waster copy)



Part II

Page Abstract ......

Grade and tonnage...... 29

C oncluaions...... 32


Part II

Table 3. Dimensions of~ uranium ore bodies and calculated reserves on Prospector No. 1 and Freedom No. 2 claims, Marysvale, Piute County, Utah ...... 31


PART II Abstract

The total indicated and inferred uranium reserves of the Free- dom No. 2 and Prospector No. 1 claims, calculated from information obtained in January 1950, are estimated to be as much as 100 short tons of uranium. Continuing development work on the uranium depo sit s ha s materially increa sed the information available to calculate ore reserves, and probably the reserve figures would be materially increased if current data, especially on the Bullion Monarch prop- erty, were available. Grade and tonnage

Although the sample s of the uranium depo sit s of the Marysvale district were taken primarily to study the distribution of uranium in the vein zones, it is possible to use them in determining the order of magnitude of the indicated and inferred reserves at the minese studied.

The grade of ore was calculated for a stope width of 6 feet in the mines and prospect pit No, 3, and for 4 feet in prospect pit Nos. 1 and 2, by weighting the assays against the length of the sample cut and against the length of the ore-bearing blocks. The average grade of ore is given below:

Prspor Nol1cli

Main ore body - 0.20 to 0.25 percent uranium

Branch ore body - 0.30 to 0.40 percent uranium


Freedom No. 2 claim

Freedom vein - 0.10 to 0.15 percent uranium Indicated and inferred ore for the Prospector No. 1 and Freedom

No. 2 claims were calculated from information obtained in January

1950, and are shown in table 3. Indicated ore on the Prospector No. 1 claim is outlined by surfa ce expo sure s, the Pro spe ctor shaft and pro spect pit s No s. 2 and 3. Indicated ore on the Freedom No. 2 claim is outlined by an out crop length Qf 12Q feet and a depth of 42 feet, the lowest depth of ore in the shaft. In both mine s, and in pro spect pit No. 3, the ore width is assumed to be 6 feet, As 4 feet of ore is exposed in prospect pit No. 2, this figure is used in calculation of reserves for this block.

Inferred ore for the main ore body on the Prospector No. 1 claim is outlined by an inferred outcrop length of 320 feet, a width of 6 feet and a depth of 160 feet, half the outcrop length. For the Branch ore body on the Prospector No. 1 claim, the inferred ore is determined by the distance ,from prospect pit No, 1 to the shaft, 150 feet, a depth equal to half this distance, 75 feet, and a width of 4 feet. Inferred ore on the Freedom No. 2 claim is outlined by an inferred outcrop length of 150 feet, a depth equal to half this dis- tance, 75 feet, and a width of 6 feets.

A volume tonnage factor of 12 cubic feet per ton was used.

Pertinent data and the re sult s of calculations are given in table 3,


Table 3.---Dimensions of uranium ore bodies and calculated reserves on Prospector No. 1 and Freedom No. 2 claims, Marysvale, Fiute County, Utaha

A. Dimensions of ore bodies

Onttcrop length Depth (feet) Average width (feet) Inferred gJ Indicated 2/ (feet) Inferred Indicated ./ Prospector No. 1 claim: Main ore body, along section A-A' (fig. 2) 320 260 6 160 (fig. 2) Branch ore body, shaft to prospect pit No. 1 150 14 75 shaft to prospect pit No. 2 115 4j 15H Freedom No. 2 claim: Freedom vein. 150 120 6 75 ~ 42 ~jMeasurements used in calculations of inferred ore. ~/Measurements used in calculations of indicated ore. B. Calculated reserves Indicated tonnage Inferred tonnage Grade (percent uranium) Prospector No. 1 claim: Main ore body. 5,750 25,500 0.20 to 0.25 Branch ore body. 0.3 to 0.14 Total 29,250 0.20 to 0.30

Freedom No. 2 claim; Freedom vein. 2,500 5,500 0.10 to 0.15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

The indicated ore reserves on the Prospector No. 1 claim include 6,325 tons of rock containing 0.20 to 0.30 percent uranium, or about 12 to iS tons of uranium metal. The indicated ore reserves on the Freedom No, 2 claim, on the other hand, are

2,500 tons of rock containing 0.10 to 0.15 percent uranium or about 2.5 to 3.7 tons of uranium metal.

The inferred ore on the Prospector No, I claim includes nearly 30,000 tons of rock containing 60 to 90 tone of uranium, and on the Freedom No. 2 claim 5,500 tons of inferred ore con- taining between 5.5 and S.75 tons of uranium.


A total of 100 tons of uranium metal may, therefore, be recoverable from the Prospector No. 1 and Freedom No. 2 claims with the present mining methods. Reserves in the Bullion Monarch uranium deposits can be expected to increase this figure appreciably, if the uranium ore being explored in these deposits proves comparable to that found on the other claims described in this report.


x -- / I

I I 1~ N' 'I


,/ I ~-.- / . I N 0 - \ ~ A I / I , I I ~------


. - / / I I /1~ A I I, I, I 7 I - I

7 / / 0 -

/ I I! ------~ ~ I / /' I / B I ' I . I' ------/

- ~ -- / 7' I I / Mine rood I .- - - 7 K~ Pr~spect pi No. 3 ,~ - - / - 'I I, ' * ~* ~ ' I ~ I / ' - - ~- - ~1 I / / 7 /7 ~ I 7 I / r - 'it,',,, -~ 7 7 /

I- 4<' - - -- 0 / . I .1~ / - - .' / /7 ' \ -

~ I -

- - - /7 / I/ I

/ (

-~ x HG-3-50 0 I -~

~% -~ I I (N.. ~ ~ K - - / ~

- - - ' ''''4 / ~ , ~

- - 'I K . . ~ '. ~ - , , .' K.

I"' A I

...-. - I 7 I I Y' ~-~ -. N1 -

I / 1 ~ I 2/fl \ \ ~~-~/I l~ \ N I ,/ I / -. - 7I ",

/ I / / ,1 I *,Th I 0

- Prospector No. I shaft ' - - -- ~ - (K "' \ -9. + 4- + + ,A- \ + -~' + ~ I + ,.4- 1 ~*/' + , , + + N +. + + - - N.. + I + , + +/'+ + + + - I + ~ ~ I + \ + -,---- + +/ ~ + + \ \ \

I ~ + +~+ +(+ + + +

+ -+ + 'N. 1+ + + *1+ + + + -'- ++ +

\ + ++ + N. +~ + -9.> 4 + N+ + ' + + + + . -4- + + + -1 4 -.'* + + -~-- - + + + N + ~ + +\x+ + + + + + + +' I + + - + 4 + I -4 + + -4- ~ + + .9. I . 1~ ospectpitNo.2 I + + + + + + + + + -. + 9. ++ +\ I + I + + + + + + + -9. .9. + + + + +

+ + .. + 1+ ~ + + + .9., + + + +2

41 + + + + + + + I + + \ + + + + /

+ + + - + + + + +--- + + + +N'~+ + + + + + + + - -- - ~.

+ + + + 4- + -- ~4... + + + - + + -- .9. + + N + + + + . Prospect pit No. I - - - - - . - + + + + + + + -

+ + -

- - + 'N+ - - - - -

~, - - - ~;~e- .~ - - - - 0 p ~ - - - . - - - 0 * * ~ * - - .1 * .. -' *1 * * * - . p P ------* S ~ * . * * . S * * * - _ - - -,- - ~. S * . 0 * * * * -S a ~ ~ S P p . p .2--~~'~ p * S . ~ ' s-" .* 9 * *. * * S * p p p ~- * * ~ ~ - --- V ~ * . 7~ --- S * * 0 * * * * * I * ~ p 6 0 * ~ ~ * S * 6 5 5 5 5 U p * * * 6* p ~ , . 6 * * * ~"~"N * * p * p * 6 . , S ~ p p -- ~.. -~ p p * * 0 -p~ ~ S * S P ~ 6 5 0 *-~~* 6 - S * 6"-. S S S p ~ S * 0 p p S 6 P 0 P 9 6 0 * '~ S . a S 6 p p ~ p * S * * S * * p ~. * 0 5 * * * S * * * ------. S * 0 * 6 * a a *-.~ * ~ p -0*S~- a * *--~ApS06..-5-.*~ 0 5 -- S 6 *'- p 5 S S " * p p 0 p S 0 p p p 5 - S 0 ~--- S S 0 0 S 0 p* '~~"-- S 0 p 0 5 5 a ~ Og* *~ -S S P P S S 6 - *~ S 0 * S 5 -'--~-- 0 0 * * 0 *~'~- * ~*-*6 S S p p 0 5 0 p a a ~ a 0 P a ~ . S S S a 6 0 0 S S * S Pp p p 6 p I 0 0 S '--... *-.--. .. P p p ~ 5 ~S S 0 * * pp p. p S S P 6 a p ~ S P * S ~'~' * PS S *D p * S S a S a a S S P 0 * p 0 * ~'- a P p * 0 , ~ 0 S 0 0 S S S S p * * ""N. * * * S -.-..-.- *S S S S P ' & OS 5Sp0..- 0 0 "'N 6 6 'N"N S P 0 p p "'- S S 6 P * p 5 * 0 6 S * 6 . p p p 0 p 0 S 0 5 p " p 'N * S 0. P 0 '~~~'- S S - p 'N. * * ~ ~ S * ~ ~ S S a"N.~,S ~ ~ S S 0 * .. 0 * * S "' *P S 5 * S PS p S 0 ~ S *P 5 6 p a a 65 5 5 6 0 I S P 0 5 ~ '' ~ ~ S *0 S S p p p p S * S S * *'~~'. S N * S * 6 p ~ ' S -* ~ S .--~-- S p S * 0* p 5 0 5 P * * S S p 'N 6 a 55 S .. a 0 '*-. ~ * S * S* S S S * S p 6 0 * p S p p a p ~ p 5 * ~ S S N p a 5 S 5 S 5 S ~ 0 * 0 0 0 6 ~ S ~ S a S S S p 5 0 S * S 0 P * 5 * p p ~ S * * ~~~'-- * S S S ~ 'Nt S S S. * S S P >N~ ~ S * ~ 'N-N. P * a a S 6 N SOS.5 *5 "N"-'- *' 5* 55 S S * ~ *N. * ~ 5 a 0 0 ' ~ p S NO P 0 S p p * S 0 6 0 5 0 5 0 ' ' ~ S a p 0 P * p p 'N S a a p p "' '- S p p 4 5 6* >'N* P 6 6 P 'N S S * 'N- S * * 'N'N S a S S * ~ S 0 0 SN-. '-~ P 0 5 p 5 **' 5 *'NN. p 0 p S * a ~ S p * * ~ * * p S S 9. P ' - * S S S S 5 5 P 5 -' P 6 6 a S *6 5 5 6 P a N . 5 5 S S * * S 0 ~ .P * * .'N * S S * *~"N 'N ~"N'NN** 0 ' . S S S S 0 5 5 p a S 'N p S ~* ~ p P ~ S S S * S S * p p *~ p S a N. p S ~ S S a ~ - ~ p ~ ~ S *K S S P - S ~ * ~ ~ S * ~ * ~ ~ S.O .S S 0 S p K * P * p 5 p P ~ * S 5 p p * p * 0 ~ P I N ~ 0 gO 6 a 6 * 5 P * * p * 0 0 5 N S 0 5 0 p p 5 N 0 S S p N. 0 0 a 06 P p p p p 0 'N 5 6 5 5 'N a p p * 'N'N 6 5 a * S S * * 0 p 0 a p * ~ ~ S ~ ~S ~ S S * p S ' S. p 5 5 0 ~ 6 0 p S p * * P * * * * *0 0 ~ * 0 ~ * S ~ ~ a ~ ~ S ~ ~ * ~ p * ~ 0 6 P . . S ~ S p * ~ * p 5 S 'N ~ p ~ ~ ~ S * p N S P a p 5 5 * ~ S S S S S 5, p N. p 6 S 5 5 0 0 ""'-' 'N~ S * S a * a * P 0"'~ * 6 5 P . a * 6 p * 5 p 5 ~ ~ *6 P * ~ p a a P * p 0 ~. a P ~ * ~ * a S 'NNN.~,~. * * 5 ~ *a a p* a p NN.~ P 5 5 p N~ ~ S * ~ P S 'N * 5 S ~ ~ a ~ ~ a * a * S 6 ~ P a ""'N . S 5 6 5 ~ * 0 ~ *"N"'N 'N.. ~ p *6 S S ~ SO p ~ ~ ~ * p ~ * * ~ a S S ~ S a * 6 S ~ ~ a p a P ""N' 0 5 a '.. 'NP 5 * *~ S p * SN. P a p P *P * * * S Op S p P * S 'N ~ a ~ ~ . S p * * ~ P 5 a ~ S ~ a ~* Pg S ~ P a * * S * S * * ~ a . *~ a*p~P p p S * S 6 P a - P 'N. ~* p S S p

Note loot Contour ii approximately 6725' above mean sea level


+ 1~ --

+ '1 -. + ~ ump + + + 4- + '-120 I

Prospector No. I shaft EXPLANATION Dump ~.f7 71 -100 Quartz monzonite

I "r + I Prospect pit No 3 ~ + I A -- 7 Intensely silicified rock

- 80 ~ F I'' 1 ~. 0 * Ip~~ p. Mount Belknap rhyolite

I- 60 Outline of shaft I ~ ~ ~ * S -Sw' Dump

~- 40 4 Section throu~.jt~ A-A Prospect pit

0 DDH-4 B


Bose point 0Ground level

- N

- ~- Section A- A

Otamond drill hole 1- -j- . .~::i.. 9 Gelgcmpo rftminus48* ::~?

+'-f 4-4.v-+-c--

A -- Geologic map of shaft n a plan. 3 f@*t above floor)


Quartz monzonite

HG-3- 48, 0.074-- HG3-4, 0.02 HG-d345, 0058 Quar tz monzonite weekly orgillized HG- 3-44, 0.039 HG-3-43, 0.53- Base point HG- 3- 42, 0.43- 0 HG-3-41, 1.36-. Ground level Quarz mozonite mod~ely orgi Iiz-

Qurtz monzonite , indernely argillized - - HG- 3-- -03 HG-3-20, HG-3-21 , 8.2203.063___ Quartz monzonite , inten sely argilliz ed HG- 3-22 , 0.270 HG -3-23, LI/~~~ - ,-~ ~ ~ 0 ( Cont ains autunite) r -HG-3 HG31032 , 0.011.0 - HG-3-- 103, 0. 8

-- - -- G-3-28, 0.060 Quartz veins, with dip Assay plan of drift--- HG3-27, 0.560 56-foot level -- HG-3-26 , 0.600 Vertical faultzone HG-3-2, 0.38 wih iron oxide--

-I- 3 feet above floor) I HG-3-37, 0.058 HG- 3-37, 0. 058 Project symbol, sample locality , number, HG- 3-l8, cen t ur anium HG- 3-17, 0.Ol8 -HG- 3-32' O.l4 and per HG- 3-16, HG-3-15, H G-3-l 9, H G-3-14, HG-3-13, HG-3-12, HG-3-Ill, 0.0 I Inclined shaft HG- 3-10, HG-3- 9, ~L29* HG-3-106, 0.220 Foot of inclined shaft Bose point ,-. Gr ound le vel

Workings on 56--foot level

/ ( -

Outline of shaft



Vertical plan of workings Section A-A I

F56. .oo- ve 160

0 ~.. z~ i'~

~L' C~Q~ :~ ~o I-

0 I0 20 30 40 FEE T 945 - Scale

Geology by H.C. Granger ar , Jr.




Geologic mop of 42-foot level E XPL ANA TION

Quartz monzonite

- 1 1-

Quartz monzon ~itwe k y rg li d

1945+ Geologic map of 45-foot level Quart z monzonite,woealy argillized

4 Assay plan of 45-foot level

: - HG-4--66 0.012 ---- l-G-4-65 0.058 - --- HG-4-64 0.068 Quartz monzonite,intensely argillized HG-4-63 0.410 -- HG-4-62 0.056 S-. Geologic map ot shaf t / + (in a plane 3 feet above floor) Quartz monzonite,intensely orgillized -.. A ssay plan of 42- f oot v (Contains out un i te)

0.029 HG-4- 67 1 ee - ~0.0 2 6HG-4- 68 . A - - -0.0461-IG-4-69 0.01 9 HG-4-70 / Quartz veins with dip \ ~> / 0.045 HG-4-7 I 7- \.~- 7 0.I 50HG-4-72 F~ 0 0.2 60 HG-4-73] - .:-- ~ . Fault gouge

Base point Ground level HG-4 -58 0.006

r.-HG-4-82 0.040 Project symbol, locality number, sample number, and percent uranium 0.005 KG-4-57 0.004 HG-4-56- -- HG-4-81 0.110 O.04 HG- 4-55- - -HG-4-80 0.360 .0O2 HG-4- ~3* H G-4-79 0. 110 'Lo.06HG-4-~ HG-4-78 0.220 0.028 HG-4- 61 -- HG-4-77 0.026 0.029HG-4-59 Inclined shaft HG-4-76 0.270 --- O.2SHG-4-60 HG-4-75 0.080 HG-4-74 0.029 3Oo*4 / / Bottom ot inclined shaf t Assay plan of shaf t (in a plane 3 feet above floor)

7O Workings on levels

Base point 10 0 10 20 30 40 FEET Outline of shaf t Ground level Scale GEOLOGY BY H.C. GRANGER AND H.L. BAUER ,JR. JANUARY , 1950

E3- GEO! OGIC MAP AND A SSA Y PLAN C. 4 A VC\/Al E~ nil 'Tr~ C V\! !I~fTV I 1T /\