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RADIOACTIVITY SURVEYS Stanley S Vol. 25 May 1979 No. 2 RADIOACTIVITY SURVEYS Stanley S. Johnson Radioactivity surveys have been used since the late RADIOACTIVITY 1940's in the exploration for uranium and uranium- bearing rocks. From the early 1960's the airborne There are at least twenty naturally occurring ele- technique has progressed from the simple geiger ments that are radioactive, but only potassium, uran- counter and similar type instruments used in "anom- ium and thorium are of use in radioactivity surveys. aly hunting" to the highly sophisticated gamma-ray Other elements are either so rare or emit gamma rays spectrometers with detectors having thousands of cu- that are so weak, or both, that they cannot be used. bic inches in sensing crystal volume. Aeroradioactivi- There are four sources of gamma radiation that in- ty surveys are used increasingly for regional geologic fluence the reading obtained by crystal detectors in studies and uranium exploration. airborne survey equipment: (1) Cosmic radiation orig- The use of radioactivity in geologic studies is based inates from outer space and gives low level, high- on the presence in rocks of the radioactive elements energy radiation. (2) Radioactive nuclides are pro- uranium and thorium, and a radioactive isotope of duced by nuclear detonations ("fall-out"). Generally potassium. These elements and/or their isotopes emit these isotopes will not interfere with the higher energy gamma rays that can be detected with instruments levels that the detectors are set to measure (Table 2). such as geiger counters, scintillometers, electrome- Except near the source of origin "fall-out" has not ters, and spectrometers. Measurements of the radio- affected the contrast in radioactivity between adjoin- active properties of naturally occurring elements indi- ing lithologic units. (3) Radioactive nuclides occur cate that a low level of radioactivity is present in al- naturally in the atmosphere, namely radon-222 and most all rocks and minerals. The radioactivity of a bismuth-214. (4) Natural radioactive nuclides are particular rock and its weathered product is depend- present in the surficial layers of soil and rock. ent upon the concentration of radioactive elements The use of radioactivity in geology and mineral ex- initially present and the %h&$d*that the rock has un- ploration is based on several properties of gamma dergone. Weathering $g@'awtpmorphism are impor- radiation: the penetrating power of gamma rays, the tant in modifying tw$$q$tribution of radioactive characteristic energy level of the individual elements, elements. In measurigg $&ftoactivity accurately, there and the energy peak used for the detection of the in- are more variables tu$ihiny other geophysical tech- dividual element. To avoid interferences this peak ? *% nique (~a6le1). must be isolated from adjacent peaks emitted by other 10 VIRGINIA DIVISION OF MINERAL RESOURCES Vol. 25 I Table 1. Factors that should be considered in an aero- Table 2. Thermonuclear fission products (Hansen, radioactivity survey. Radiation energy Instrumentation Element Isotope (MeV) Half-life size, efficiency, and speed of detector drift and temperature stabilization sensitivity Strontium Sr- 89 --- 50.5 day calibration Strontium Sr- 90 ---- 27.7 yr instrument and aircraft background Yttrium Y - 90 1.75 64.2 hr elevation of survey above terrain Yttrium Y- 91 1.19 57.5 day Zirconium Zr- 95 0.73 65 day Niobium Nb- 95 0.76 35 day Atmosphere Conditions Ruthenium Ru -103 0.56 40 day inversions (air) Ruthenium Ru -106 -- 1 Yr pressure (air) Rhodium Rh-106 1.56, 1.23, 1.07, 1.3 min movement (air) 0.80,0.74 precipitation Iodide 1-131 0.37 8.08 day fallout Cesium Cs -1 37 0.66 26.6 yr cosmic rays Barium Ba-140 0.5 12.8 day radon depletion (at surface) Lanthanum La -140 1.6, 2.3 40 hr stability (air) Cerium Ce -144 0.13,0.08 285 day moisture Note: There are more than 100 radionuclides produced in a ther- Geology and Mineralogy monuclear explosion by fission and neutron reactions. Some of the more prominent fission products are listed in this table. topography and structural trends flight line direction and spacing cultural effects level at 1.46 MeV. The detection of isotopes at ground abundance of isotopes in ground level and in the air is totally dependent upon the dis- solubility of uranium and thorium tinct energy peak emitted by each individual element emanating power of soil and rock disequilibrium conditions in decay series (Table 3). thickness of radiation source Gamma radiation recorded with a spectrometer is burial of radiation source indicative of uranium and thorium only if these ele- ments are in equilibrium with their daughter isotopes Data Reduction and Compilation that emit the gamma rays (Hansen, 1975). Geologic flight path recdvery conclusions (i.e. yield estimates of uranium and thor- Compton stripping ratio background count ium content of the rock) based upon parent isotopic live time abundances derived from gamma spectral data must Compton scatter involve an assumption of equilibrium (Hansen, 1975). altitude correction Within a few feet of the earth's surface, equilibrium between parent and daughter isotopes is uncommon elements in the energy spectrum. The gamma radia- because of weathering conditions and long half lives tion measured for survey purposes comes from the of these very mobile isotopes in the uranium-238 se- daughter isotopes of uranium-238, thorium-232, and ries. Equilibrium is common in the thorium-232 series potassium (Table 3). The significant isotopes are bis- because the daughter isotopes are not very mobile and muth-214 (from uranium-238), thallium-208 (from their half-lives are short. thorium-232) and potassium-40 (from potassium). The concentration of isotopes available in the urn- They are used because of the distinctive energy peak nium and the thorium decay series is directly propor- that is emitted by each element. tional to the half-life of those isotopes. A state of dis- In the case of uranium-238, only a few gamma rays equilibrium is present when all or part of one or more are capable of detection. They are of such low energy daughter isotopes or parent elements is physically and yield that they cannot be easily detected. Bismuth- removed from the decay series. Disequilibrium is quite 214 is used for the detection of uranium because it has common when radon-222, uranium-234, and radium- a sufficient yield (19 percent) of high energy gamma 226, are removed from the series because of the solu- radiation at 1.76 MeV. Thallium-208 is used for detec- bility and .mobility of these isotopes. The bismuth-214 tion of thorium-232 because it has a peak of high en- measured by aerial surveys is a daughter of radium- ergy gamma radiation at 2.62 MeV that gives a yield 226. Radon-222 is longer-lived and contributes to the of 100 percent. Potassium4 has only one energy greater potential for disequilibrium in the uranium- No. 2 VIRGINIA MINERALS 238 series as compared with the shorter-lived radon- RADIOACTIVITY IN ROCKS 220 of the thorium-232 series (Table 3). The most abundant rock-forming minerals that con- The intensity of radiation is proportional to the abun- tain radioactive isotopes are the potassium feldspars dance of the isotopes present in the ground. The thick- and micas. The primary unstable isotope in these ness of the contributing source also influences the rocks is potassium-40. Isotopes of uranium and thor- intensity measured. The highest radiometric values ium are found in accessory minerals such as zircon, generally occur over an exposed outcrop. In general, monazite, sphene, apatite and others that are not as detection is limited to the upper foot of an outcrop common. These accessory minerals contribute to the area or overlying soil. However in loose soils the radioactivity of the rock and its weathered product. depth of detection may be samewhat greater, but They may be a part of or exceed the background ra- generally less than tw* &$. Moisture plays an effec- diation from the feldspars and micas. The count per tive part in the masking or absorption of gamma rays. second rate from potassium-40 generally predomi- For all practical purposes, gamma radiation is effec- nates over the count rates from either uranium or tively masked by 8 to 12 inches of rock, 1 to 2 feet of thorium in almost all rocks except the carbonates. soil, or 1 to 3 feet of water. -Nowever, deeper sources Granitic and pegmatitic rocks generally contain of radiatian may be d-cted 4ue to the migration of large amounts of potassium feldspar and mica and radon-222. some accessory radioactive minerals. Thus relatively high levels of radioactivity are normally found over them. Most of the uranium and thorium in igneous Table 3. Natural radioactive decay series of uranium- rocks is contained in the accessory minerals zircon, 238, thsrium-232, and potassium. apatite, and sphene. Pyrochlore, allanite, xenotime, uraninite, and thorite are highly radioactive and are Isotope (mass no. and Approximate accessories, but generally they are not evenly distrib- Element' symbol) Half-Life uted. Generally potassium, uranium, and thorium content decreases in igneous rocks as they become Uranium-238 Series less felsic in composition. Mafic rocks such as basalt X Uranium 4.51 X 10°yr normally lack potassium-bearing minerals and ex- Thorium 24.1 day hibit low radioactivity. Igneous rocks that are without Protoactinium 6.8 hr X Uranium 2.47 X 105 yr mica and feldspar usually have very low concentra- X Thorium 8X104yr tions of potassium. Ultrarnafic rocks such as dunite X Radium 1600 yr have the lowest content of radioactive minerals and X Radon 3.8day display the lowest radioactivity levels of all igneous Polonium 3.1 min rocks.
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    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Trace- and minor-element mineralogy of the microgranite at Ghurayyah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia I/ I/ Mortimer H. Staatz and Isabelle K. Brownfield Open-File Report 86- Report prepared for Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Deputy Ministry for Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature. I/ U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO 1986 CONTENTS ABSTRACT........................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION....................................................... 1 MINERAL-SEPARATION STUDIES......................................... 4 AUTORADIOGRAPHS.................................................... 6 INDIVIDUAL-GRAIN STUDIES........................................... 6 GRAIN-SIZE STUDIES................................................. 12 DATA STORAGE....................................................... 12 REFERENCES CITED................................................... 12 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1 Index map showing the location of Ghurayyah.............. 2 2 Autoradiographs of samples from Ghurayyah................ 7 TABLES Table 1 Location and type of samples collected at Ghurayyah....... 3 2 Minerals identified in heavy-mineral separates from Ghurayyah................................................. 5 3 Electron-microprobe analyses of zircon from Ghurayyah..... 9 4 Electron-microprobe analyses of thorite grains from sample G-l,
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