HAVE GERMAN WILL TRAVEL Nachmittag skaffee


meal: die Mahlzeit, die Mahlzeiten afternoon : der Nachmittagskaffee

People go into a Konditorei or Cafe, eat a piece of (ein Stuck Kuchen), drink a cup of coffee or tea (eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee), talk to their friends (klatschen), and/or read a newspaper, etc. between 2 and 4 o'clock. THESE STRANGE GERMAN WAYS

How About a Cup of "Kaffee"?

Coffee drinking is highly revered in Ger­ eyes wide open and enjoyed it very much. with a piece of filter paper which in turn is . Steam, boiling many. fhe preparation, the drinking and These over here are also inserted into the machine the best of the the enjoying of a good cup of coffee is an one of the best examples of German "Ge­ water and pressure force The art. mutlichkeit." You can order one cup of that flavor out of the coffee into your cup. stuff and sit for hours if you want to. Write machine works, the people cheer and the During a visit with an American family your letters, read your papers, discuss coffee isl brought to you hot, full of aroma Mannheim the subject of encamped near politics; no one will rush you or even and really good. This young dashing wife coffee came up. expect you to drink a second cup unless spouse had traveled all By this time you have been to the buffet and her captain you want to. In these shops you will also through and looked in all of the and with trembling finger have already find assortments of that you never various interesting nooks and corners, picked out a few pieces of butter creme dreamed of. Fruit cakes, layer cakes, fudge the Black Forest, Oberammergau layer with a portion of "Schlagsahne" visited and nougat-filled cakes. The German but had never been inside a (whipped cream- don't forget the Schlag­ and Hamburg, take much trouble with their cakes. Cafe-Konditorei. Our American wife said sahne, nothing is complete without it). You through just for that someone in the States had said Ger­ Let us look at what they go now sit down and lean back. You breathe shop man coffee is bitter, black and tastes awful, a cup of coffee. When you go into the in the delectable aroma of the coffee. You and she had been afraid ever since to take the first thing that usually catches the eye add the right amount of and, if you metal machine, the chance. is a large, highly-polished like, cream or condensed milk to suit your with much piping and many spigots and taste. Then comes the first sip. Do not tempted," she said, "by "Sometimes I was handles. Steam pours out of it, people run attract attention to yourself but breathe in decorated cakes, but all those wonderfully rounq it putting things in and taking things and sigh a little bit. Now you have broken nerve just before going always I lost my out. And to think all it does is just make the ice. Slowly and with much ritual you in." coffee. As ii is heavily taxed, coffee here is eat your cake and drink your coffee. When Well, you adventuresome Americans, have four times as expensive as it is in America, you have finished - relax. no fear. Go into the next yo.u therefore all the best techniques of science still think that none of the come to and have a really good cup of and plumbing are put into the production Most Europeans of life should be rushed and that coffee. Speaking as an American, I met the of a cup of coffee. The right amount of that pleasures expecially drinking coffee. German cup of coffee head on with my brown powder is put into a little container means

Portion Kaffee mit Sahne •••• ~·••••••••••• ~ ••• . Portion Kaffee coffeinfrei ••••••.•••• ~······· Port ion Mokka •.. ...•...... •.•.•.....•...... •. Portion Schokolade mit· sahne •••• ~~··•········ Portion Tee mit Sahne oder Zitrone •••••.• ~ ••. Glas Tee mit S3hne od2r Zjtrone~ .•.•••• 1 •• r 1• Glas Pfefferminztee, Hagebutten; Kamillentee , Glas Grog vom Rum ••••••.••••.••••••••••...•..

_. ••• • Irish Coffee Mix. ,6 • • • • •••••••• ~ ••••••• ••• ~. Glas ·- Gltihwein ...•. . •- ~-., •. ·.. ~. ~ •.•. ·.. ~ ••..•.... Glas--. heiBe Zitrone •• o.;. ; ·•• ·; ~ ~ o ••••• ~ ••• •••••••