Polyols, Propylene/Ethylene Oxide
Report No. 46 POLYOLS FROM ETHYLENE OXIDE AND PROPYLENE OXIDE by YEN-CHEN YEN December 1968 A private report by the PROCESS ECONOMICS PROGRAM I STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA I CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION, . , , . , . , , . , . , . , , . 1 2 SUMMARY . ,., ,, ,., , , , , , ,,,., , 3 3 INDUSTRY STATUS . , . , . , . 15 4 CHEMISTRY . , . , . 25 Oxyalkylation Reactions . , . 25 Catalysts . , . , . 27 Hydroxy1 Groups and Unsaturation . , . , 29 Kinetics...,..,..,.............. 31 Mechanism of Base-catalyzed Polyoxyalkylation . 33 Mechanism of Polyoxyalkylation with Boron-Trifluoride Catalyst . 37 Mechanism of Polyoxyalkylation Using Other Catalysts , , 38 Polymerization of Tetrahydrofuran . , , . 38 5 POLYGLYCOLS FROM ETHYLENE OXIDE AND PROPYLENE OXIDE , . 43 Review of Processes . , . , , . , , . 43 Reactors................ , . 47 Purification . , . , . , . , . 48 Manufacture of Polypropylene Glycol . , . , . 52 Process Description . , . , . , . , . , 52 Process Discussion , . , 57 Cost Estimate . , . , . , . 57 Manufacture of Polyethylene Glycol , . , . 64 Process Description . 64 Process Discussion . , . , . , . , . 68 Cost Estimate . , . , . , . 69 Other Polyglycols . , . , , , . , . , . 69 6 POLYOLS FROM POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS ............ 75 Review of Processes .................. 75 Control of Diol Content ............... 81 Dealing with Polyhydric Alcohols Having High Melting Points ....................... 81 Manufacture of Polyol from Glycerol and Propylene Oxide 82 Process Description ................. 82 Process Discussion
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