.,U. 1-4:Q, -;,!R,-I- SAT tgeonp A Cat log-, -Ir-A .0r.'T Atifm at 17 %_ Wt - Iw lk LV 'IS. 49 Citation: Remanandan, P., Sastry, D.V.S.S.R., and Mengesha, Melak H. 1988. ICRISAT information. Patancheru, A.P. 502 pigeonpea germplasm catalog: passport 324, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics is a nonprofit Consultative Group on International scientific educational institute Agricultural Research. Donors receiving support from donors through Germany. Finland. to ICRISAT include governments the France. India, Italy. Japan, Netherlands. and agencies of Australia, Belgium, Canada, and private Norway, Sweden. Switzerland, Federal Republicof organizations: Asian Development United Kingdom. United States of America, Bank. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische and the following international international Fund for Agricultural Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). International Development. The European Economic Development Research Centre, Nations Development Community. The Opec Fund for Programme. Information and conclusions lnternational Development, The World and in this publication do not necessarily Bank, and United international reflect the position of the aforementioned and private organizations. governments, agencies, The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication concerning the legal do not imply the expression status of any country. territory, city. of any opinion whatsoever on the part or area. or of its authorities. or concerning ofICRISAT Where trade names are used this does the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. not constitute endorsement of or discrimination against any product by the Institute. ISBN 92-9066-153-4 Cover photo: High podding vegetable type identified during ICRISAT/NDFRC, Kenya joint landrace is now being tested under pigeonpea germplasm evaluation diverse agroclimatological enviro:tments in Kenya.
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