The Quarterly
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The Quarterly Oct - DecOctober 2015 to December 2020 The Quarterly Office of the Chief Executive Officer Office of the Chief Executive Officer People Leadership Human Resources Communications Work Health Safety Governance Organisation Development Strategy Environmental Strategy report Chief Executive Officer’s Quarterly Update October – December 2020 Welcome to the second Quarterly Report for the 2020-21 The grant is an essential catalyst to support and empower financial year. the Alexandrina Council business community to enact change that will assist in rebuilding the local economic The report summarises Council’s highlights and landscape. achievements over the past three months, which saw continued service interruptions and challenges associated The Strathalbyn Town Centre Streetscape Revitalisation with the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Through our Project commenced in early December with the re- experiences earlier in the year, we were ready to act alignment of the three-way intersection between Sunter quickly and decisively on any changes, so as to minimise Street, Albyn Terrace, and Rankine Street, including the impact on our workflows and associated plans. As landscaping, stormwater, underground services, kerbs and I mentioned in the last quarterly report, the pandemic footpaths for the area. It is fantastic to see the soil turned has prompted us to further innovate and evolve as following extensive community consultation, procurement an organisation and I believe our overall response to and design phases. the November lockdown has shown our growth in that endeavour. We held a series of community consultations through the reporting period. Notably, we commenced consultation In early October, we received the exciting news that the on the draft A2040 Community Strategic Plan which Federal Government will contribute $5million towards supports the Alexandrina 2040: Our plan to thrive. We the upgrade of the Goolwa Oval Sports Precinct. This also consulted on the Coastal Adaptation Study, which is funding complements a State Government contribution of looking at how the impacts of climate change might affect $0.8million and Council funding of $2.5million. Securing our coast into the future, and to learn about the possible this investment would not be possible without the support adaptation options for Alexandrina’s coastline; and the of Senator Anne Ruston, and the significant efforts of Elector Representation Review which will help Council plan Rebekha Sharkie Federal Member for Mayo. Plans for the for possible options regarding elector representation into clubroom redevelopment were released in November and the future. construction commenced in December. I trust you will find this report interesting as we plan, Also in October, Council supported a recommendation progress and complete more valuable projects through from the SA Wooden Boat Festival Committee to cancel the 2021. event in 2021. Unfortunately, the event cannot be held in its current format given the additional costs associated to ensure a ‘COVID Safe’ environment. Council looks forward to working with the organising committee for the festival’s return in 2023, which is due to coincide with the exciting Glenn Rappensberg completion of the $7.5million Goolwa Wharf Precinct Chief Executive Officer upgrade. In November, Alexandrina businesses were awarded grant funding when Council supported the allocation of almost $50,000 from round one of the 2020-2021 Economic Development and Events Recovery Grant Fund. The primary objective of the grant program is to assist businesses recover from the negative impacts caused by COVID-19 and associated restrictions; and to stimulate the local economy by supporting new activities that generate growth. Q2 2020-21 (Oct - Dec) Department: Leadership Objective: To facilitate Council leadership and accountable decision-making in the interests of our community. Providing a strategic direction for Council's environmental actions and responsibilities. Alexandrina Connecting Communities 2014-2023 Aspiration Areas 1 Innovate throughout our Region 4 Thrive in 'Clean, Green' Futures Service Area Reporting - Strategic Highlights Environmental Strategy and Climate Change The new Environmental Advisory Panel was selected. Council recognises the importance of Community Members on the panel to advise on the Environmental Action Plan, in particular, to help with the protection of environmental assets and values. The Environmental Action Plan, endorsed by Council, ensures that Alexandrina Council continues its commitment to environmental sustainability and the protection of our natural environment across the four pillars: Protecting our water resources; Enhancing biodiversity; progressively addressing climate change; and Living local. Agenda and minutes are available on Council’s website. Environmental Strategy continues to focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation, with the implementation of a Section 41 Committee as part of Council's Climate Emergency Declaration and the development of a Climate Emergency Action Plan, focusing on the reduction of corporate and community carbon emissions. The Section 41 Committee will be established in early 2021. Review the Environmental Action Plan 2014-2018. Pending adoption of a new Community Strategic Plan for 2020-2040, a review of the Environmental Action Plan 2014-2018 will take place in 2021. Develop and implement progressive approach to climate change(CB) Measure, report & reduce Council's greenhouse emissions-Council has replaced the majority of lighting of the Goolwa Administration and Library Building with energy saving LEDs, saving over 46% of energy consumption of the building. Council is in the process of adding four solar arrays across different buildings in Goolwa and Strathalbyn. Work will begin once SA Power Networks has approved the solar arrays. Council continues to measure and report its corporate greenhouse emissions at the end of each financial year and discloses it on its website once all data is collected and analysed. Further information is available on Council’s website under “Climate Change”. Participate in regional and local climate adaptation planning. Council continues to be an active partner in the Resilient Hills and Coasts climate change adaptation, a partnership that developed the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island region of South Australia, and is now implementing the plan. Develop and deliver program for protection of water resources (CB) Advocate in support of a healthy, working Murray-Darling Basin: Council continues to advocate strongly in the area of water policy, playing an active role in Murray Darling Association (MDA) Region 6, to help secure a freshwater future for the Lower Murray, Lakes and Coorong. This includes advocacy with all levels of government. In collaboration with Rural City of Murray Bridge and Coorong District Council, Alexandrina now employs a part-time executive officer that will help to focus on support of a healthy, working Murray-Darling Basin, including continued advocacy for the Basin Plan implementation, water security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and water quality. Incorporate water efficiency infrastructure into new & existing Council buildings & facilities: Monitor & report on Council and community water consumption-In second quarter; Council used a total of 10216kL of mains water across the Alexandrina area. This is less than the 12283 kL used in Quarter 1 of this year, but slightly more than the 9000kL used in the same quarter last year. Advocate in support of a healthy, working Murray-Darling Basin-Council continues to advocate strongly in water policy, to secure a "Freshwater Future" for the Lower Murray, Lakes and Coorong. Through ongoing membership and active participation in many government and non-government groups, such as the Murray Darling Association (MDA) Region 6. Q2 2020-21 (Oct - Dec) Council, together with a range of stakeholders under leadership of the Federal Member for Mayo, Rebekah Sharkie MP, advocated for the successful announced of an $8 million research institute focusing on the health of the Murray Mouth, Lower Lakes and Coorong. The new 'Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Hub' will be overseen by the Goyder Institute, and its central office is expected to operate out of Goolwa. Improve management of Council's environmental assets (CB) Develop & implement policies, procedures & plans for the protection & management of Council’s environmental assets: Council continues to develop and implement policies, procedures and plans for the protection and management of Council’s environmental assets. This includes looking at the governance of climate change risks on environmental assets. Work in partnership with DEWNR, NRM & community stakeholders to protect & enhance local biodiversity: Council continues to protect and manage Council’s environmental assets, such as working in partnership with our local bush care groups, along with DEW and Landscape South Australia. Work in partnership with other Divisions of Council to maximise & promote environmental outcomes: Environmental Strategy Team continues to work in collaboration with other Divisions of Council to enhance environmental outcomes. Environmental Strategy also provides vital input into the Alexandrina 2040 process to ensure that environmental outcomes, as outlined by the communities, are recognised. Governance Facilitate effective and efficient governance and