Submission on Planning and Design Code Key Points on draft Planning and Design Code, presented personally to the Premier and Member for Dunstan, 28 February 2020 8.30am Presented and submitted by Professor Elizabeth Vines OAM and Dr Christel Mex Sent by email to
[email protected] 28th February 2020 CURRENT SITUATION AND ISSUES OF CONCERN 1 – The Draft Code contains many errors Councils and community need the chance for review of the final version of the Code. There is no opportunity to comment on the Code again before it is legally applied to every parcel of land in the state. There is no certainty that the many errors in the document will be corrected. For example, (1) Six storeys in all non-residential zones, locations such as 6th Avenue St Peters – no formal response provided on what Code “corrections” will be. (2) Public notification removed, but Code update document will review public notification categories before Code comes out. Again, there will be no opportunity to comment on these changes. Refer Attachment 1 – NPSP document, Attachment A, 19th February, incorrect policy translation and many errors. Also refer to DPTI Code Update Report 23rd December and DPTIs “Mapping Improvement Document” – 13 pages of mistakes/ improvements, and DPTI’s Register of Recorded errors. Councils will be submitting lists of further errors. The magnitude of errors to be fixed is overwhelming. If a policy does not appear in the register of errors, can it be assumed that it is an intended new policy such as the building height envelope of 45 degrees in urban corridors? (PDC14) 2 – Lack of collaboration with local government and undelivered promises The promised meaningful collaboration with local government did not happen, despite a signed collaborative work program.