
Students celebrate President’s Day as Abraham

By Christopher J. Raso

Special to the Independent Learners in the Cambridge Academy at Marley Park Elementary School celebrated President’s Day early by performing as the 16th president of the United States, .

Seventh-grade classes performed the entire Address from memory, dressed like the president or his wife , and introduced themselves to audience members and assembled guests.

“ This project was the final activity in our study of the ,” stated Cambridge student Gabriella Garcia. “ We researched President Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln in great detail and learned about their background and beliefs. When we spoke to the invited guests, we used facts to make ourselves more convincing as the character.”

Students also studied the historical context of the and analyzed key vocabulary terms from the speech. Modern language equivalents were developed to promote understanding, but the reciting of the speech consisted of the original text.

Costume interpretations of the president and his wife varied widely and there were many construction paper stovepipe hats and cotton ball beards.

Lincoln masks, made from photos of the leader, were also employed and one group recreated the Lincolns as puppets in a miniature stage show.

The importance of President Lincoln’s words remained the central focus of the project. Some students stated his words with great dramatic flair while others sang the speech in various musical formats.

The assembled guests included parents, teachers, school administrators and local dignitaries from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10695 in Sun City West and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2135 in Peoria.

“ The children did a fantastic job,” stated Dennis Grau of the VFW. “ There were many stirring performances and Lincoln’s words still live down through the centuries.”

“ This project felt like walking in Abraham Lincoln’s shoes,” declared Gabriella Garcia. “It helped me to understand how great a man he really was and all that he gave to our country.”

Editor’s Note: Christopher J. Raso is social studies teacher and VFW site coordinator, Marley Park Elementary.

Submitted Photos

Left, seventh-graders Gabriella Garcia and Daniella Vigilant prepare for their performance. Right, Cambridge student Ruby Price performs as Mary Todd Lincoln.