'' ’ • •- •■ -■ “.V - ■ ■?• • -.. - ...... '.t' 'iv^ '■'•■-.■H/’*--:- / - ' . • >? ..v. .'-iJ.o ;■ ••• ■'■ ■• 1 -•j'--.‘ <' V •• ■ ■ - ■------n.'r'.lV f . v . X —■• • ■ - - ' - THBj WEATHER Itr o. S.. W M thw B«l NET PRESS . Mew H a « « » AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OP THE EVENING HERALD Fair toolfi^t; Wednesday partly ■ for the month of Jnlyt 1927 dondy. 5 , 0 4 0 p r ic e t h r e e c e n ts MANCHEiSTER, CONN., ^^SD A Y , AUGUST 16, 1927. JAGE3) VOL. XLL, NO. 271. Adveitisliig on Pace 10. AIR TAXMOtEASE Waiting For Gun In Pacific Aeri^ Derby SEVENTEEN AVUTORS UNAVOIDABLE, SAY « 1 A L S Rice Started at Noon (P a(tfc Coast Time) — First to School Appropriation Will NOME OF SACCO Land at Island of Oalia, to Receive $25,000 and the Call for $20,000 Jump in JUROR BO PE D ; Seebnd $10,000— One Wmnan Among Flyers-Slrips Budget— Selectmen Hope Stnmg Across Ocean to Give Assistance in Case of to Keep Under 15 Mills. H O U S E J p X E D Accidents— Expect to Make Trip in 2 2 Honrs. Mauchester cannot pay for its Five Members of Family rapidly increasing school expenses, Municipal Airport, Oakland, unmarked, watery grave, only time maintain god'd highways, continue can tell. It is hardly likely, in view Tumbled Out of Beds But Calif., Aug. 16. — The world’s building permanent sidewalks and of the fact that three men have met greatest aerial Derby Is on today. death already, while preparing for meet current expenses by levying a None Seriously In ju red - Groomed to perfection, nine the gruelling test, that all of the re­ 13 1-2 mill tax rate, it was-learned maining contestants will finish the planes await the signal which at at last night’s special meeting of race. noon will send them zooming out the Board of Selectmen held in the Police Excited. Made Their Wills. Municipal building. Ar increase in across the Pacific in an epochal race The aviators were loath to talk the rate is inevitable during the to Hawaii. about their wills, but some admit­ next fiscal year which is just be- Boston, Mass., Aug. 16.— The Nine pilots, eight navigators and ted they had made them. Others gNining. one mill increase, at least East Milton home of Lewis Mc- a charming young Michigan merely pooh-pooed the idea. will be necessary, and Tinric William P. Erwin, flying the cials are straining every point to Hardy, one, of the jurors who found ^ “ schoolmarm, Miss Mildred Doran., Spirit,” was the ninth to make sure that the rate does not go Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Ven- are prepared to gamble their lives qualify. His tests were made yester­ over 15 mills. zettl guilty of the Braintree payroll on their ability to span by air the day and officials now think he is Schools the Cause murders In 1920, was wrecked early 2,400 miles of trackless sea. competent to become a Dicky-Dole The immediate cause of an in­ bird. Major Livingston Irving in a crease is the proposed expansion of today by a powerful bomb. Five For the first to land on the Island “ Pabco Flyer” is the only flyer who the school appropriation m ^ members of the McHardy family of Oahu awaits a $25,000 pot of is both pilot and navigator. He will budget now under consideration were thrown from their beds and gold. To the second a prize of fly alone and will take off In No. 3 Last year, in an endeavorleaver to ccut the $10,000 Is to be the reward. For school were shaken up badly, but aside place, which means six minutes be­ rate below 14 mills, the from a cut on the head sustained by the balance there is only the glory hind No. 1. the Oklahoma which budget was cut. This year it will of achievement— the setting of a eight entries in the San Francisco-Hono^^^^^ Mrs. McHardy, none was Injured. will be flown by Nennett Griffin. be impossible to cut this a P P r ^ J The other planes new milestone in aerial progress. tion and an increase of $20,000 is In the foreground by the starting circle, is the plane flown Immediately afterward it was re­ 9nie Entrants. . Ti—i___Tsin K MartinNm .Tensen: rSaViinTensenrN No. 6. Lieutenant o 6, N, LVuirnant A. Goddard: No. 7. Charles W. Parkhurst; No. 8. Bennett Griffin. No Favorites. to be sought in this item alone 4, Major Livingstone Irving ported that a small buildings facing For once the rallhirds are at a Tere is a list of entrants and The present Board of Selectmen is Harvard Square in Cambridge, had their place in the race: eX' loss to pick a winner. There is no seeking means to keep down e - been blown up by a bomb and that form chart on which to base pre­ 1. "Oklahoma,” Bennett Grif­ penses in I ir “departments s® tjiat BRIDEGROOM, 76, four youths had been arrested, but dictions. The pilots, the naviga­ fin. . ’ :his school increase can be partial­ HOHENTHALJR- Co olidge Mentioned this proved to he a hoax. tors and the lone passenger exude 2. “ El Encanto,” Norman A. The police are combing all near­ ly offset. confidence. Goddard. At the annual town meeting by towns for tho East Milton bomb­ Mechanically-their steeds of the 3. “ Pabco Flyer,” Livingston which comes on Monday, October d BRIDE AGED 77 FORSEECTMAN ers, but no arrests have been made. air are ready. Each navigator has ving. ' X the various appropriations for town A s Gary*s Successor Time of Explosion nassed a arllling test to prove his 4. “ Golden Eagle,” Jack Frost. 3xpenses will be made. These ap­ 5. “Miss Doran,” Auggy Pedlar.: propriations automatically set the few hours before the Massachusetts moou and the stars., the course of 6. “ City of Peona,” Charles 'W. tax rate which is levied at the New York, Aug. 16.— Chairman-^ Miller, general counsel of the s^el Supreme Judicial Court assembled Parkhurst. adjourned town meeting to be held Local Han Keeps Secret for his plane for the tiny islands in Hakes Known Candidacy To- shlp of the Board of Directors of corporation, would be yarned as Mr. . 4.q,iLeUr Anal arguments. £rom";Sacco mid-Paciflo. ■ ' 7. "Aloha,” Martin Jensen. in March. The school appropriation ^htry’s Buceessor. ‘-'f - - " 'and^ .V^zetti’s counsel, who are 8. “Woolaroc,” Art Goebel. thA United States ’S t^ F ’Ub'rpora'- To the gods of the air they are 'l4 is out of the hands of the-Board of Jamea A. Farrell, president of Ikfee Days But Then Has fighting^for a new trial. As a result Selectmen. They can simply ask ^ay — Other Prosjkicts tion, made vacant by the death of prepared to commend their fates. Judge Elbert H. Gary, may he of­ the corporation, 18 also mentioned of . the bomb outrage, acfdltlonal 22 Hour Trip., (Continued on Page 2) the school commltees to keep ex­ as a possible successor, along with penses at a minimum, but Man­ fered to President Coolldge if the to Tell Friends. guards have been'placed sfbout the On the basis of speed tests; the President remains firm in his de­ Myron C. 'Taylor, Senator David A. Court House, the State House and flyers expected to complete the. race chester’s form of government gives Named— ^little Interest. Reed, Pieere S. Du Pont,^ Dwight the board no further authority in termination not to be* a candidate the State Prison where the two sMf- in 22 hours. But wind. rain, cloud Morrow, Eugene G. Grace and admltted Anarchists are. hejd. the schools. for renomination and re-election, and fog are factors to be met with according to a report In Wall Street George Gordon Crawford. The fin­ Love laughs at lock-smiths, the The McHardy family lived at 463 which wi|l Anally determine the re­ Up To Voters Emil L. G. Hohenthal, Jr., assist­ ance committee ot the United States JUDGE SANDERSON The Board of Selectmen took no today. poets say, but the little god also Pleasant’ street. In a two-and-ohe- sults of the race and probably the ant treasurer and assistant manager But in the financial district the Steel Corporation meets this after­ smiles at the figure of old Father half story frame ‘ dwelling. The safety of the racers. definite action regarding the pro­ noon at 2:30 and it is probable that posed budget since it is not com of the Manchester Lumber Com­ Coolidge report was met with con­ Time approaching with his scythe. bomb, which had evidently been The planes are to follow the HAD NO AUTHORITY siderable skepticism. The best guess a temi>orary chairman will be planted under a corner of- the pleted for their approval. The pres^ pany, today announced that he will For Instance: aerial trill "blazed only last month ent officials take the stand that seek nomination as a Selectman in of the financial community was veranda, demolished part of the by Lieutenants Maitland and Heg- that former Governor Nathaniel L. fContinned on Page 2) At their home on 93 Russell north side, broke down all the doors enherger, army flyers, and by Ernie they are the representatives of the the Republican Primary here Sep­ taxpayers and voters In guiding the street today, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad and smashed all the windows. The Smith and Emory H. Bronte, town’s affairs and in meeting the tember 13. Mr. HohenthaVs pro­ Schuler, 76 and 77 years of age, re­ detonation was heard for about a civilian airmen. New legal Tangle Before expense of new projects they can posal for nomination has not yet MAY HAVE TO SELL spectively, are receiving the con­ mile and the concussion rocked the Strung across the Pacific a net­ simply put It up to the voters in been filed but will be-placed with GERMAN AVIATORS gratulations of their friends, that is ground like an earthquake. work of naval and commercial ships Full Bench May Delay town meeting. If the voters feel Tpwn Clerk Turkington soon. those who have already learned the Family Asleep are ready to render assistance in that they cannot afford the expense Emil Hohenthal, Jr., is 38 years secret. The blushing bride was In the house, asleep at the time, case of disaster. it is up to them to say so at this old and. was born in the Harriett TO TRY ONCE MORE LO C E WAREHOUSE former Mrs. Franciska Jahnke were Mr. and Mrs. McHardy and Humming steadily its message of Sacco Execution. meeting. Browie home now used as a tea of South Windsor. their three children, Theodore, aged safety, the army radio beacon is in At last night’s board meeting room. He went through the Ninth Married Saturday 23; John, agied 28, and Helen, aged readiness to guide the planes three Important questions were de­ districts chools graduating from The marriage was performed 32. equipped With radio. Boston, Mass., Aug. 16.— ^New cided. Upon the recommendations Saturday afternoon at the home or Fireman and police,.who made a:i Welcome AWalts Them. South Manchester High school in Stockholders of Tobacco legal tangles which may again de­ of the highway committee it was the class of 1909. He then stud­ As Soon as Weather is Fa­ the bride in South Windsor. The investigation, found a deep hole un­ In Hawaii a welcome of tremen­ voted to construe; a five foot side­ ied in the architectural course at ceremony was performed by Rev. der the ruins of the porch which dous proportions awaits the suc­ lay the execution of Nicola Sacco walk for a distance of 135 feet In Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, graduat­ Ass’n S a ; Association Is Truman H. Woodward pastor of was fllled with gas that was escap­ cessful blrdmen. and Bartolomeo "Vanzetti loomed front of the Manchester Green vorable They Will Again The prayers of scores of motners, ing in 1911. The next year he was the Wapping Federated church. ing from a broken main. In the this afternoon when Judge Edward school building. The new walk will There were no legal witnesses of wives, sweethearts and children employed by the H. Wales Lines bottom of the hole they discovered P. Pierce, sitting with the Full be about three feet outside the Company, well known Meriden Attempt Atlantic Hop. Oh Its Last Legs. record but the ceremony was wit­ a part of a box bound with wira and went with the racers of the air as property line and a few inches builders. He returned to Man­ nessed by fifteen or twenty rela­ their kin prepared for the grand Bench of the Supreme Court hear-'^ higher than the present walk. chester In 1913 and entered busl- tives and friends of' the contract­ (Continuefi on Page 2) adventure. Ing exceptions to a denial of a writ Property owners in the immediate Foreseeing the collapse of the ing parties. Originally fifteen entrants, six to­ neighborhood objected to the walks Dessau, Germany, Aug. 16.—^Tbe Mr. Schuler is employed at the day had been scratched. Death, of error intimated that Justice Connecticut Valley Tobacco Associa­ Sanderson who heard the defense Fronting their homes and the Sel German aviators Johann Rlatics, plant ot the Carlyle Johnson Ma­ the grim reaper, removed two of the tion in this section at least, stock­ motion for the writ had no jurisdic­ ectmen decided to grant the Green Cornelius* Edzard, Friedrich Loose chine Company on Main street and starters with a toll of three lives. school district committee’s request. holders of the Fifth and Sixth dis­ his new venture naturally created KIDDIE REVUE CAST TO Fate was kinder to a third, the tion to hear it. Withdraws ReslRnntlou. and Herman Koehl, >who were a ripple ot excitement at the plant If Judge Pierce’s EUling bars the tricts of the bo^y at a meeting last plane was wrecked but Its occu­ defense from placing its appeal be-, S. Emil Johnson's resignation was forced to turn back after starting night empowered the directors to ’ today. The first Inkling his asso­ pants escaped. Two failed to se­ iilaced before tho board and Sen. ciates had of the marriage was Mr. SEE NEW BRITAIN SHOW fore the full bench of the Supreme orf a non-stop flight to New York, decide on the rental or sale of / the cure their planes In time and the Court, Attorney Hill asked permis­ R, J. Smith reported that he had were assured today by officials of Schuler’s appearance at the factory sixth withdrew. warehouse now owned by- the this morning with two boxes of ci­ sion of the full bench to place talked with Mr. Johnson and had association in Buckland. The di­ Special Trolley Will Take Local Picturesque Flock. induced him to reconsider his re­ the Junkers Works that they would gars for the men and boxes of proper motions before It. Ha rectors vUl report back to the Children to. See ^Others Put It Is a picturesque flock of Dole pleaded for time, and said that if signation as an assessor. Mr. John­ receive another opportunity to at­ chocolates for the stenographers. birds that is ready for their attempt association at a later, meeting. His face wreathed in smiles, Mr. the bench will accept It he will son will be given an opportunity to tempt a trans-Atlantic flight. ' On Last Lege^ on Same Performance. to annihilate time and apace. Seven withdraw his letter of resignation. Schuler announced that he had ac­ place a new writ of exceptions be­ Disappointment over the failure A member of the association said monoplanes and two biplanes face fore the Supreme Court later today. .Mr. Johnson has one more year of quired 'himself another wife. A special trolley car will leave the starter’s barrier. A riot of of the planes, Europa and Bremen, today that the association is "on Lived Here 80 Years If the “ ruling” of Judge Pierce^ his term to servo. Is giving away to determination its last legs.” and that It is because from the State theater on Thursday color ranges from the beautiful The application of Patrick J. Mo- Mr. Schuler has lived in Man­ afternoon at 12:10 to carry tho nullifies the action taken before that the next effort must be a sue- of this condition that the action was chester about thirty years. For golden wings of the San Francisco Judge Sanderson last week -and rtarty of enter street for a gaso­ taken. The warehouse at Buckland, members of the Manchester Kiddie “ Golden Eagle” to the red, white line filling station at Center and CQ88 maxiy years he has had charge of Revue to New Britain where they makes exceptions to his rulings to The Bremen, which landed yes­ he said, is too big and.the overhead the care of the grounds and fac- and-> blue combination of Anggy the case worthless, the whole mat­ Proctor streets in the new Blue- terday afternoon at 4:20- o’clock, such that its retention " by tho dis­ will see the similar revue In the Pedlar, which has been dubbed I'lclds tract was approved after hav­ Strand theater tliere. Those who ter must go before the Supreme after spending 22 hours in the air trict is out of the question. ' (Continued on Pago 3) “ The Little Red School House” be­ Court full bench on new motion. ing been on the table for two It will be sold If the deal can be took part in MMgawt, lure that spurs seventeen pilots and before the present law was in force He holds membership in the Man­ will be seen, l ‘ • navigators'and one 'woman passen­ torridi3^'>-HlU for hours had made an and in order to correct a bad situa­ chester Chamber of Commerce, .cipd whole 22 hours it was aloft. There ing • 'to i>rlvate advices to-' the Bllswofth, .Russell and Black Wolf The, revue in New Britain will-be imprisstoued plea for consideration were alternate bursts of rain and Chicago ,bfBco> were reported preparing to mobilise ger, to 'gamble with death to what tion a hearing was called for the is a director of the Kiwanls club similar to the one staged here. The has Been termed'the “ battle against for the condemned men. re-establishment of building lines and served on the ' Citiiens’; com­ wind 'While the thunder shook the all’ forces to withstand rising “ book” *ls the same arid, the songs He urged that the governor’s plane'from propellers to .tail.' The ^ J. c /A ltr w k , promotion sales waters, which already have -.forced elements.” on Summitt street from East Cen­ mittee on Memorial Day. He Is a will be those sung by Uie“ leading This epoch aerial Marathon was commission, the governor, nor any ter street to Middle Turnpike. The member” of the Cohnectledt Society atmosphere was thick, the murk msmager ot the Fuller Brash com­ many, from lowland homes follow­ characters'' to' the St®t® re-vue. hut regularly constituted courts are varying from a rainy mist to heavy, pany of Hartford will be the speak­ scheduled to start promptly at date will be set later._ ^ of CMl Engineers, theptatt Clpb ing rains for over four days. ScenCry and properties''nave' been noon. Approximately 24 hours adequate to pass acts Of ciimtoal W. E. Hibbard api^ared before- ot New York, the American Acad­ yellow fog. ~ ' ** er dt the noonday meeting and Llndsborg, Kan., is isolated from brought to New Britain from' the courts. He again crlticlaed Trial emy of Tdlitical and Social, Sqjpnca Describe Trip.’ Idhchebn tomorrow jf the Kiwanls State. ' •; ' ^ later— about noon tomorrow— ^the the boatrl with a proposal to install all highway and railroad communi­ lucky, plucky winner should be Judge "Webster Thayer for ritting a contrivance on furnaces in the and is a directo'r'of the Sodth Mhin- After crossing the North sea. and cliib' at the' Hotel Sheridan. His cation; Bridgeport reported Smoky subject will be “ The Man in Sales­ known. • . . . on the motion for uew'trial on .the Eighth district scDOols to save coal. chester high school albfnnl .associa­ the British’ Isles tbe Bremen ran gronnds of the Judge’s own alle Into a fog .bank so thick that'they manship.” Mr. Altrobk has..given HiB river- stage' at d®**'. . tl*® ^ ® ® * TREASURY BALANCE How.'many of the daring, confid­ Mr. Hibbard wanted to know if the tion; ■ if’a member of >Hose\Co. level which, was the' l a t e s t flood in prejudice to Saccoi and 'Yametti town would share the cost since the No. 1 of the South Manchester Fire decided it would’^be, useless,to at tdia talk Ijefore civic-t lUbs in prac­ ent avlatoiri will have by that time tically- every state-In.thoitthion. Kansae hletpry. Two, hundred tl^ou- gone down' to the-churning waves cause of the Radical beUeta^t . town would be sharing in the sav- department and-was'appointed by tempt to go further. All thV time eahd.acr^s of lowlands are reported Washington, Aug.'^ 1«.— Treasnry WUbUr. Messiqr will furnish the balance Augiwt 121 l>7kt78.1D^ of !*• Ptctflfl,- »erh|«fi iO ' »n two defen^ts. -(PonUnneg-jai a v Llnunlatfifl^.:------. - *-

'■•‘ N ;'f-^ 5. x coi^ -). EVENING HERALDt TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, MAN< w : tj< rptsk P A G E TW O . ' ^ 7 ' PLEADS TO REDIHX ■ Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wetherell of g e r m a n HOME (W SACCO STEAL $50 FROM Biro street liave returned from a AVIATORS FIVE BONES BROKEN f r e n c h WAR DEBTS . «*■ ten days’ outing at Fourth Lake, ' JURiDR IS BOMBED - - .y Local Stocb ' J sm im •N. Y. - TO TRV ONd MORE NORTH END STORE \ IN FIVE ACCIDENTS Dekgates to Institate P<** ^Iss Priscilla Crosby of Robert Thomas F. Kelly, Instructor at (Ck>ntlnnea from Page 1) (Qontfamed from page 1) tk s AOL firr a Flat Caacdla- (Fnrnisbed by Patnam & Co.) the High school here and coach of Road has been spd&dlng sereral Bid Asked the football and baseball teams, days with friends in Burlington, broken mechaniim thnt looked as '. tiqQv.. <*^,- - Vermont. they had been battling against pow­ Bank Stocks ..ill be married tomorrow to Miss erful head winds which held the Yesterday Was Unlucky One though It once was part of ® “ O**- Williamstown, Maas-, Au|. 16.-— Barbara Gould in Plymouth, N. H. This led to the supposition that tne City Bank^& Tr . . . . 685 RETURN FROM TRIP pland down to sixty miles an hour Additional pleas lor Capitol Natl Bank .. .265 285 Miss Gould is also a high school despite the fact it was kept at full explosion had been caused by a time at A K. Brazawsky’s Meat the French war debt to the United at Miss Ida Holbrook, Mrs. Le (or Arms and Legs— Conn River ...... 300 teacher. The couple will be speed. By dawn Monday morning bomb. States, including a two jJ®*; 58 Verne Holmes, Mrs. B. A. Got Death Threats First Bond and Mort . . 54 home here in September. and Miss Flora Stanley, all neigh­ the Bremen had made only 600 Market on NorHi StreeL lar flat remission and an totyest First Nat (Hfd) ....295 i miles, although the motor had been McHardy toldjthe police that he reduction ot fifty «dnt,- bors on Main street, have returned What Caused FaDs, received a nuinber of death Hart Natl Bk & Tr . .450 "460 AMiss Marjorie Flavell, Miss Mil­ roaring at full power ever since the had made today 'at the Institute of Pol- 730 from a motor trip to Canada. They threats. In addition to heng a juror Hfd-Conu Tr C o ----- 700 dred Chambers, Miss Alice Fitzger­ spent some time at the Chateau plane rose over Dessau Sunday eve­ Land Mtg & Title . . . 59 in the Sacco-Vanzetti murder case, Burglars entered the meat* and ^^^Prederick W, Peabody, m anaj^g ald aiyi Miss Anna Frachey of this Frontenac, Quebec and visited plac­ ning. . , Two broken legs, two broken Morris Plan B an k ----- 140 es of Interest In and near that city. When Edzard and Ristlcz flew he was a witness at the governor s grocery store owned by Adam K. director of the American “ WCU- town are spending the week at the arms and one broken wrist! That’s Brazawsky at 81 North street some Park St. Tr ...... 480 McKee cottage at Saybrook Manor They also took a steamer trip a here from Bremen they brought personal Investigation of the trial tlon favoring revision of l ^ e ^ " Phoenix St B Tr . . . . 410 most to the head of navigation on with them the motor of the Europa, Manchester’s accident toll for yes­ and had expressed the opinion to time Sunday night and stole a sum lied debts, and William T. Horna- Riverside T ru st...... 450 the Saguenay river and are very the body of the machine being left terday and the causes of the five ihe..fitate exepitlve' that the Jurors of money, believed to he at least day, author, of Stamford, Conn., Bonds Arthur St. John of Center street enthusiastic over the scenery in accidents werp varied. HflV6 H fjilr 8.iid unbiased v©rdlct, fifty dollars, from the cash regis­ both championed the Frenph cause. has completed his vacation and re­ behind. Another Junkers all- ter. The night prowlers left one Htfd & Conn West 6. 95 — that part of the dominion, and in metal plane is in readiness here Wells Dewey, ten-year-old son of and that all sincerely believed Sacco Homaday, in proposing^tte two r* East Conn Power .,..101 102 turned to his work at the C. R. Burr the northeastern part of Maine. Mr. and Mrs, Levi Dewey of BuckV and Vanzettl guilty of the killing of dollar for Brazawsky to make hiUlon dollar remlseion held up Nursery Company. He toured vari­ when the next flight is attempted, change with when he opened his Conn L P 4%s ... . . 98 100 Considerable time was spent at although Risticz and Edzard may land, was thrown from a wagon on the Branitree paymaster and his the spectre of a new war If the 370 ous shore resorts in his automobile store for business Monday morn­ Hart E L 7 s ...... ,..355 Bar Harbor in touring Lafayette request that the motor be removed which he and Horace Wetherell, 15, guard. French debt controversy Is not Conn L P 5%s ...... 1 0 7 % 110 National park and motoring along of 75 Deming street, were riding The explosion took place soon ing. settied amicably. . and the motor of the Europa sub­ Brazawsky said that he left Brid Hyd 5s ...... 1 0 3 105 Miss Loretta Coleman of this roads leading to the magnificent es­ when the horse ran away after be­ after four o’clock. “The American people must now stituted. about $50 in the cash register when awaken to the t ig e r s that linO‘to Insurance Stocks townluvTii returned______- yesterday from a tates in that section. The coast was It is believed that the Bremen ing startled by a p>ce of lumber Son Talks ...5 9 0 600 he closed the store Satur(\ay night. the unsetUfid Jhrench debt, ne Aetna Insurance . two*w*eeks’ vacation spent at White followed as far as possible, and the will be ready for another hop off for which slipped off the load and Theodore McHardy, 23, in de­ Aetna as Sur ...... 8 9 0 910 last stop of any length was made Sunday he went to the seashore said. “ We Should courageously and Sands with her mother. New York by the time the weather struck Him. The Wetherell hoy es­ scribing his experience,* said: with a party of friends. When he Aetna Life ...... 6 3 7 645 at Concord and Lexington. There caped with minor bruises tlthough promptly take the matter to hand. is pronounced favorable for ocean “ I ,was asleep when the house was opened the store yesterday morn­ Peabody, in a plea for reduction, onn Gen ...... 1700 1725 Dr. and Mrs. James W. Farr re­ the local party visited many of the dragged some distance. Young shaken suddenly as though by an ...2 4 5 265 places where at the time of the flying. ing Brazawsky said he found the declared that he woitid go so tor Automobile...... turned last night from a vacation Dewey was less fortunate being earthquake, I found myself on the side door of the store open and the Hart Fire ...... 6 1 0 620 Revolution American history was thrown under the wagon and kick­ as to remit every dollar of the ad­ of two and a half weeks, a week of floor. I thought at flrst I had fallen cash register had been rifled. Part vances to the Allies '^ h olly on mo­ Hart St Boil . .. ,..685 — made. ed by the horse. He was removed to 95 which was spent at Westbrook and out of bed. Being still half asleep, of the top of it had been unscrewed ral considerations.” He a ^ e d that Lincoln Nat Life . ...8 8 the remainder at Lomg Beach, L. I. HOHENTHAL JR. the Memorial hospital where It was I did not try to account for the .. .825 840 and taken off so that the money the cost in hloOd and service ren­ National Fire . . . Previous to leaving Dr. Farr had fotind he suffered a fracture of the shaking of the building. Then the might be removed without ringing Phoenix ...... 640 — LANTERN PARADE dered, which the Allies gave to ..1360 1380 been compelled to suspend his den­ FOR SELECTMAN left leg. floor‘ began to shake. There was a the bell. America, could not caressed in Travelers ...... James, six-year-old son pf Mr. dull rumble. The noise sounded to Yesterday morning, Brazawsky Public Utility Stocks tal practice for three weeks owing dollars and cents and if tt_could it 123 to an injury to one of his hands. FOR PLAYGROUND and Mrs. Charles T. Wilson of Wap- me like the roar of an airplane told local police of the break and would far exceed the total of the xConn L P 8% . ...120 (Continued from Page 1) ping, fell out of an apple tree and an investigation is being made. xConn L P 7 % ...1 1 6 119 motor. advances made by America to na­ Walter B. Quinn, son of Mr. and suffered a fracture of the right ‘"rhen the door fell In and the tions across the sea. Green Wat & Gas ... 99% 101 Unique Procession at North Selectmen to . . . 385 390 Mrs. James H. Quinn of Park street, the present Board of elbow. He, too, was taken to the glass in the windows was shattered. Hart El Light . . has been appointed assistant pro­ End for Thursday Evening- the Board of Relief. local hospital, Jimmy is one of ten This was followed by the root open­ Hart Gas com ...... 90 COOLIDGE MENTIONED ___ 62 “ fessor of pharmacy for the 1927- Prizes and Plans* Stnitia From Seat. anyone. The pool has proven to to the ited States hopped off to helda . a S -.3 by John T A V iw * Jensen. T A n O A T V ^ ^ ^ __ to receive any visitors except rela­ be a popular place since its open­ .Y.Stocks Tony Macri of 245 North Main Will not amount'' to more than tives and her most intimate friends. street was taken to the Memorial day. . . . , ing and a constant checlc 'up is Charles A. Levine s monoplane $338,000,000, leaves the matter of Dublin, Aug. 16.— President Wil­ Judge Gary died of chronic i°yo- New York, Aug. 16.— Noon stocks hospital yesterday in HoHoran’s am­ tax reduction entirely up to Con­ liam T. Cosgrave’s Irish Free State maintained by the director on all “ GoluihWa” Is undergoing repairs. PROF. B. B. BOLTWOOD, carditis with chronic endocarditis those either in or around toe pool bulance for observation. , gress. government faces its supreme test or inflammation of toe membanous 3 n Can ' ...... 59% 59% 59% Someoae brokd into the hangar during the playground hours. Sunday Plght and damaged the pro­ If Congress declines to go on a this afternoon under the assaults of lining of toe heart, as a contribut­ AmCar&Fdyl02 102 102 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gluck of j spending spree and holds its ap- the Dali Eireann coalition composed Allied Cb ...153% 152 153% Youngstown, Ohio, are expected to peller. ' ,, OF YALE, A SUICIDE ing factor. NO QUESTIONS, ABOUT IT Leon Olvon, pilot of the Parmanr I pi* iprlatlons within limits, Mr, Coo­ of Republicans, led by Eamonn De The end came so suddenly that Am Loco ....106% 106% 106% arrive here tonight to visit with lidge feels, a tax reduction can be Valera, and Laborites, under the \m SmeR ...165% 164% 165% Scott H. Simon, jresident and gen­ biplane “ Bluebird,” and Dleudonne there was no time to summon to his Tom: Have you bought your girl Coste, the French army flyer, whose Police and Friends Puzzled enacted. But If it does r.ot, he be­ leadership of Thomas Johnson. bedside bis two daughters, Mrs. Am Stl Fdy . . .53% 53% 53% eral manager of the Carlyle-Johnson Over Motive — Killed Self lieves the matter is doubtful. Public Interest, not alon© in Ire a question bookt_. , Am Sugar ...87% 87% 87% Machine Company at his hoine at Breguet plane is in Vlllacaubley, Robert W. Campbell, wife of ' Jerry: Say, the only thing that said weather conditions were still land'd but throughout the British chairman of toe trUste^ of North­ has the answers to her questions Is AT&T...... 169% 169 169 24 Henry street. They are making 1 With Army Rifle. isles, is centered upon the struggle Am Woolen ..22% 22% 22% the trip by automobile, having left too dangerous for flight. western University, and Mrs. Ger­ check book.— Judge, Ellsworth, Maine, Aug. 1C.— \ TOO MANY BANKERS. in the Dali Eireann. Opponents of trude Sutcliffe, of Chicago. Roth Anaconda ....46% 46% 46% Youngstown on Saturday. Two the Cosgrave government claimed Atchison ....194 194 194 other persons are accompanying Southampton, Eng., Aug. 16.— Police were still mystified today daughters are in the Campbell Stormy weather still prevailed over flew York, Aug. 16. — South that victory was certain and that home In Evanston and will mert the \lt & O ...... 120 119% 119 them. The guests will go to Gro­ over the suicide of Professor Ber- ( the present ministry would be the East Atlantic today preventing tram B. Boitwood of Yale, a resi-’ America is overrun with American train bearing their father s body. MONEY TO LOAN Beth Stl ...... 61% 61% 61% ton Long Point tomorrow to Mr, forced to resign. C M & St P . . .16% 16% 16% Simon’s cottage where his wife has Captain Frank T. Courtney, British, dent of Amherst, Mass._____ With____ the bankers eager to invest money but They will accompany Mrs. GarY on with little actual knowledge of Debate was scheduled to open at to Wheaton. Mrs. Campbell has two Do Pfd ...... 3,2% 32% 32% been vacationing during the sum­ air ace, from beginning the first tog L^peptlon of a slight indication of 3 o’clock, but it may continue until First and Second Mortg^fes ConsGs ...... 112% 112% 112% mer months. of his trans-Atlantic flight pj.of Boitwood has financial conditions there, according children, the only grandchildren to Nivelle Ford,, vice-president of Friday before a vote is taken. Judge Gary had. Mrs. Sutcliffe is a Com Prd ....54% 53% 54% America. | jq g^cd health. He had talked The resolution stating, that “ the Mrs. Joseph Moriarty, bookkeep­ the First National Bank of Boston, widow. , P.D.COMOLLO Dodge Br ....20% 20% 20% with his friend. Professor William executive council has ceased to re Dupont ...... 286 285 285 er at the Carlyle-Johnson Machine M. ______Hammond of Mt, Holyoke ^ col- who arrived today on. the liner 13 Oak St ' Id. 1540 Company plant began her two Southern Cross from a tour of the tain the confidence of the Dail Erie ...... 62 61% 61% AIR RACE ACROSS lege about returning to his duties Eireann,” which Johnson had pre WED AFTER 50 YEARS Gen Elec ____124% 123% 124% weeks’ vacation Saturday. at Yale. Medical Examiner Charles southern continent. Ford found business conditions pared, was to be moved immediately t h e ______' Gen Mot ....226% 225% 226 C. Knowlton said Prof, Boitwood Soringfleld, Mass.— Gilbert Tay­ Edward Saufer, assistant mana­ PACIHC ON TODAY good in most South American coun­ after the Daily convened. The j i t n e y Inspir ...... 20% 20% 20% took his own life by means of the Laborite leader gave public notice lor woold Emma Buck 50 years PLAYERS Kenecot ...... 67% 67% 67% ger of the WoolT-orth Five and Ten army rifle found at his side in his tries, with the political situation ' COBIINO Cent store here, i3 managing toe delicate along the west coast. of his Intention last week. ago, but their plans to marry were Lehi Vll ____106 105 lOB summer home here. disrupted by a lovers quarrel. Tay­ Mack Tr ...... 97% 97% 97% company’s store i.. Torrington tots (Continued from Page 1) Friday, Aiig. 26 w66k and H6xt in th© abs©nc© ol tne lor, a sailor, departed In » Jo®- Auspices of Manchester Klwaais Md Pac C ...... 54% 53% 54 Both married but have been widow­ N Y ent ...... 154 153V4 153% manager of that store who is on his 9. “ Dallas Spirit,” William P. The Male Still Has Some Rights in the Fiji Islands ' Clnb. vacation, Mr. Sauter lives at 38 ed several years. Meeting recently, Tickets. f l and glJSO New Haven ...49% 48% 49 Erwin, . . , they rekindled the oid romance and Pac ...... 96% 96% 96% Knighton street. Arrangements for the entertain­ On Srie at Watkins’ Brothers. 't^enna RR ... 65% 65% 65% ment of the flyers in Honolulu have I will marry, Pere Marq ...132 131% 132 Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Burnham and been made on an, elaborate scale, •r«isint& CaOTRS <3SSL IJCIVECS 'ETSHipE • Radio ...... 65% 64% 65 family of Manchester Green are va­ according to cablegrams rec^ved -jieh- ees™* visa-jtt Aix •orass Rock Isl ....111% 110% 110% cationing at Chapman Beach, West­ here. Governor Wallace R. Farring­ Sears R ...... 71% 69% 71% brook, for two weeks, ton will head the committee and Sou Pac ...... 121% 120% 121 James D. Dole will welcome offici- | Sou Rail .T. .133% 133 133 Harry E. Hills, bookkeeper at the ally his “ Dicky Dole Birds,” Today & SoofNJ...... 38% 38% 38% G. E, Willis & Son Coal Company Rtudebaker ...52 52 52, office at the north end, will*return STATE Union Pan .,189% 188% 189% to his work next Monday morning WORD FROM POPE Tomorrow I following a two weeks’ vacation. N O SOUTH MANCHESTER United Dr ..172 172 172 iweutcjeNf U S Rub ...... 48% 47% 48% Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin of ' O ltYANZBm CASE! BCfiSMVSHT WLSOUicnMJE OF U S Stl ...... 135% 134% 134% AS lADVBS THE CODPUlT Wabash pfd A94% 94% 94% North School street, will leave Fri­ 's&»' West E & M ..83% 82% 83% day for Chicago to visit with rela­ Willys Over ..17% 17% 17% tives for a week. Vatican I,«gation at Washing­ L1UM QUMOMEUW Ches & O ___ 193% 192% 193 ton Denies Cable Report | /THIS i.tni£ ^ , Del & Hud .. .204 204 204 Dr. Charles W. Goff, a member ( etCi^SEPAM Int Harv ...,190% 188% 190 of Cheney Brothers’ medical staff, That He Will Interfere* Marltnd 0 ....36 36 36 has received considerable praise for his efficient work at Camp - Trum­ Washington,. Aug, 16,-:;^fflclal I HPUFENOEft. HOUR United Fruit .136% 136% 136% bull, Niantic, during the recent en­ denial was made in the Vatican campment of the 118th Medical Legation here today of , reports COLLEGE MAN FOUND Regiment. Dr. Goff was In com­ cabled from abroad to the elfOct . ^ n D o v e mand of the Collecting Company that Pope Plus has decided to ask of the regiment. the United States government to ^ iL i7 e STARYING IN BOSTON intercede In the Sacco-VanzettI | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fallow of 67 '““•IKXD C8.8©* MIL Porter street are at Saratoga, N. Y., Legation officials declared they i CDAIOF Picked Up Unconscious on for a week’s stay. had received no instructions from Street—Had l^ t His Way Rome to make any representations Sl\a\EKS — yoa were a beentifol American flrt I« P” ** John Foly, Leo Egan and Ber­ i behalf of the condemned men, From California. nard O’Neill, delegates to the an­ __Awti yon were tricked into thinking your e nual state convention of Hibernians and that they expected none. Thp^j apostolic representatives are fully [ heart dead - Boston, Mass., Aug. 16— Stricken at New London from Division No. 1 — And your father “ aold” yon ip. marriage to an with heart trouble as the result of of this town, will leave this evening cognizant that the federal govern­ going days with only a little food, ment is powerless In the matter, old yon loatiied for the convention which will be in — And then the boy yon loved came bade to claim William G. Crotsly, 23, of Los session tomorrow "and Thursday. and declared the cabled reports | Angeles, Calif., a college athlete, The delegates from the auxiliary from abroad to he unfounded. you was found unconscious on the side- include Mrs. Julia Sheridan, Mrs. The apostolic delegate Monsignor I wAfk of exclusive Commonwealth John M. Tierney and Mrs. P. B. Mc- Fumasoni-Bondi, la touring the How much wcinld yon pay for one « . avenue today. \ef. ______west, and in hit absence his aesie- The law aaya jeal The heart aaya no! He was rushed to city hospital In tants stated today the mission "has I -coasts so Don’t d^ded till you’ve aeen “The Tender Hour. an ambulance and was Pj|^d in Robert Gormin, one of the tellers no word on the case from Rome. Ward P as a patient. at the Manchester Trust company TtlETUAFFtC CEPS The California athlete, found al­ with his wife and family, are BEAR WRECKS SEDAN C M OlSUNSUlSrt most starving on one of Boston’s spendng a week at Sound View. (9, THURSDAY NIGHT * wealthiest streets, told police, they Ashford, Waah.— picnic party C31PLS said, that he quarrelled with his The Southern Ne4 England Tele­ (n Rainier National Park returned .PAID father over his athletic activities phone company has installed a new to their parked car after a short ANOTHER FURNITURE NIGHT and decide to come east. He walk­ telephone booth at Quinn’s drug hike and found a large bear clam­ bering onto the top. The top of the ed and got automobile rides across store. A STAGE FULL OF FURNITURE GIVEN AWAY, Ihe continent. sedan gave way under the animal’s Hospital officials said the heart Miss Julia MeVey of Church weight and let it flown ' into the trouble was the result of his failure street, who has been ill for the past tonneau, where It smashed Its way to eat coupled with the strain of ten days with intestinal grip, is im- j to freedom. All 6t the car except l^ a chasiia .waa den)oUflhtd. rthletics. .nenvlng. ^ (C O N N .) e v e n i n g BPEEALD; TUEOTAX, 16,198tr MANCHESTER V! 'r tomSIbintitm ' t a x INOIEAS SORE, apparstiu la turn it ,. fair At the state fair ger returned to Now York with Mr. .crease to tl^'CtreM .' 3 ^ and Mrs. Hewes for A short jyisit, C O E PRICES TO GO DP coBualttae will la v ^ the boys from all parts of the state Mrs. R. W. Ferguson who has SAY TOWN OEFIOAU condj(t£on«. in treat' o{ tMto will have a team apd the ^ m that been spending the past week w i^ SEPT. 1, SAYS DEALER theater aad will reeoaiiaead Rockville wins at the state fair will be select­ friends in town, has. .returned to Doubles Price By The Glass Apace he reitileCed there ao t ed, to represent her home in New London. (Continued from page 1) apparatus caa red^ ^Hie National Dairymen » A twilight ball game will be play­ 6 . Ei Wmis & Son Think n ft y the first of July soda fountain oper­ hurriedly If aecessary.f in Memphis, Tenn., in OrtobSr. ed tonight between the Minterbum Ing the contrivance wonld effect on Towa Report. Xax Collector Notice. C^t Increane Certain— ators said that it might have the team and the Orford Soap company OnePorlion BoUks Ciia^cil When the law went Into effect on coal. The Selectmen told Mr. Hib­ Three hide oa priating the to^r. Tax Collector C. A. Mills today of Manchester at the Rockville Strike in Mines. bard they could not act .on the reports were received. The hid- issued his notice of dates and hours Pair Grounds. The game is called effect of making the price of milk ders were T. F. Rady, Rockville, higher both to them and to the ulti­ question unless the proposition was !S en h^will collect the 11 miU tax at 6 p. m. , . . ^Coal prices are going to be h i^ e r fo r at 10 CenU R a t^ Mo placed before them by the school Joseph W. Flood, aad William H. laid at the adjourned city meeting. next fall. Better brder your win­ mate- consumer. Miss Mildred Usher, daughter of No MfDodiake Increase. committee of the Eighth district. Schieldge. Some diaages In toe He also gives notice that the assesa- Mr. and Mrs. Alden Usher will he ter’s supply now and save money. general plan of the report are bems METHOD OF TRIAL Boosting by Sodai Pomdun To date, however, no increase in Fence Dispnte. ments for curbs and gutters are also married to Arthur St. Louis of This was the advice passed out Finn Jarvis of Parker street contemplated aad the deeWon w due. He wUl be at the town Grove street on Wednesday, August today.; at the G. E., Willis & Son the price of milkshakes has been toe hids was left with John H. Hyde noted and few. If any, of the soda and Mrs. Ellen Ryan Who owns clerk’s office each day from Septem­ 24. Coal Company where it was learned Mm Under New Law. property between Parker add Oak­ and George H. WaddelL ber 1 to September 15, with the ex­ Max Kabrick of Woodland strert that the mine prices on anthracite fountains use the individual con­ GiTen Until Saturday to tainers. The law said nothing land street near Bissell’s switch are ception of September 3 and 10 from has purchased a new Chrysler coal will be increased fifty cents per to a dispute over tne upkeep of. a 9:30 in the morning until noon and sedan from the local agency. ton September first. This increase Whether it is because of the new about individual bottles so store­ keepers are using the regular boundary fence. Mr. Jarvis asked r e p d h j c a n t o w n from 2 o’clock in the afternoon un The Misses Doris Hartenstein will be over the spring prices. law requiring milk to be served for a committee of fence viewers. Choose Judges or J u ry - til 5 o’clock and again from 1 and Gertrude .Handel are spending Coal in Manchester now sells for quarts, opening them several times from the original containers in the before they are emptied. Chairman Robert V. ’Treat, Harry Q*dock until 8 o clock. their vacation this week at Crystal cash prices ranging from $10.00 to W. Keeney and Wells A. Strickland COMMITTEE TO MEET Widow Settles Case. Cheddng Names. Lake at the Idlewild cottage. $15.25 but after Sepetmber 1, it is presence of the customer, or One soda fountain man said that Town Clerk John B. Thomas has the only Increase in the price of were named to investigate. Cards have been received from expected that the retail price will whether the law is being used mere­ A small grpup of bills which received a request from the attorney Edward Dougherty of Taloot ave­ be increased accordingly. ly as an excuse to raise the price, milk might be a cent and possibly To Discuss Candidates for two cents on the quart. Pigruring close the books of tne town for the general’s office requesting a check nue who is spending the month of The reason advanced for the m- fiscal year were approved by the Nominatintinned from page 1) began plans for the “ house warm­ day to go over the roads designated before the three judges when the ■ the young ing” for the “ young” couple. The To Fix Highway. filed with the town clerk. term opened in September and the Vernon together with Harry Boland Conn., Saturday happiness of of the Manchester Male Quartet and 27. A committee been named | couple. tory of the Carlile Johnson Co. He workers plan to select an appro­ The highway committee also defendant was given till August 16 A number of the daughters con- priate evening and go but in force agreed to regrade Hackmatack to make a change in his selection. C. Rourke of Hartford,“ - - will be I and they urge every Elk to be on came here from Milwaukee, Wis. to heard over WBZ from 10 o’clock hand for this gala e^nt. P 1;ributed vocal recitations and instrumental Various} 1897, having been employed in the to the new home of Mr. and Mrs. street where it leaves South Main HOSPITAL NOTES There was no change announced Schuler, taking with them musical street. A steep bank rises from yesterday and It became known to* instruments, edibles and other ev­ South Main street and is always day that Cline’s attorney, former Ankle BrokOT. Clambake on Sunday August 28. mdivid^ 1 for a time at the Bon Ami plant. idences, of good wishes for Mr. washed out after a heavy rainstorm. Admissions reported today at the Attorney General King of Willi- A man by the name of Memorial hospital were as follows: comeettd with the lace company®at | will he held_at Maple A greip I aod at W. W. RotetleohJ. and Mrs. Schuler. ; Cheney Brothers intend to plant mantic had secured a continuation, roses along the bank and asked that Wells Dewey of Buckland, Anthony of the day for his change of plea Wlndemere, was rue oyer hy a Ilia street charge S l S e d ol “ heaatltul china Married Twice Before Mr. Schuler was twice married WOULD RE-MARBY EX-WIFE. the town fix the road so that the Tujninesky of 244 North School until Saturday, at which time the track y - ‘ ag>ay “ "d ,a chrysanthearum pattera rain water would be carried away street, James Wilson of Wapplng, selection will he made. broken. It was nearly before his present venture. Since Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 10.-- m Z mffl^thoy had! The new state road to .Somers|g„,d paads. the death of Mrs. Schuler two years from the spot. Mrs. Annie Robinson of 165 Sum­ It is generally expected that ms Metcalf 'Iboat thraccldent which has been aader fnslractlon pt ^ e n the merry party Charles S. Pipipono received a di­ Upon the recommendation of the mit street Mrs. iiilizabeth Long of selection this time will he to he nothing to say ago at their home in the Carlyle vorce from his wife when she was Johnson apartments on Mato street Board of Assessors toe Selectmen 13% Ford street, Heqry Baxter of tried by jury. a-nd-ln-lact did n « know ol any. I I j t t « / ; , f J - “ r ‘Moiday’ sent to jail on a statuatory charge voted to refund $13.5u to Mrs. Flor­ 19 Oakland street and Mrs. Annie Suit Settled he has been living with his daugh-- last May and immediately decided SLEEPING BEAUTY TALKS ter, Mrs. Benjamin KatwakauskI ence Spencer, a sum she was over­ Chambers of Vernon street. The suit which Mrs. Mary Wand- Mrs. DMothea Abbey Waite, shoaldws ol the ^ he would have his wife back. Judge Patients discharged: Frank Saun­ zy brought against Agnes Czerwon- on Russell street. charged in taxes due to an error Rockville’S talented contralto \rr^oni and Sons of Mid- Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 16. Arthur F. Ells, of Superior court, ders of Bolton, Miss Pearl Dredger ka on May 27 and which was the ist, will be heard Wednesday even- 1 done by Arrigom It is Mr. Schuler’s intention to who sentenced Mrs. 'Pipipone, made by the assessors on the last dletown. + Startling her attendants, Mrs. Clara tax list. Mrs. Spencer’s automobile of Bolton, Mrs. Joseph Dion of 152 matter under discussion previous tog at 9:30 from station WTIC. remain in his present position for a signed an order that frees her and time, after which he will retire and was assessed at $2,200 and should Charter Oak street and Mrs. Paul to the night that Anthony Czer- Mrs. Waite will be accompanied by places her on probation for on§ Freschuk of 93 Autumn street. wonka committed suicide by taking Miss Minnie McLean on the piano. w K r 7 X Z spend his time caring for the farm have been assessed at $1,200. the hrst_t,me .laeejh e was year. Immediately Pipipone an­ Today’s census is 50. gas, was settled last The following is her program: upon which he and his wife will nounced they would be re-married At the request of the fire com­ Czerwonka was charged with tak­ My Own.True L o v e ...... Ashford a....-. Miss overcome by gas and slipped Into a live in South Windsor. This farm, missioners of the Ninth district which was occupied by Mrs. Jahnke and go to New York to live. parking was restricted on Pleasant Hundreds of sacks of rice hav» ing away the affections of Mrs. L u llaby...... Sadero ttoetoner“ ^d MTs Elsie Schmalz. strange mental lethargy more than been scattered by airplanes ovet Wandzy’s husband, a former resi­ The Last H o u r ...... Kramer M rr MarthrTheummler won the four months ago. , for some time prior to her marriage street, the north side, from Pine to to -Mr. Schuler, has growing crops. Silk is the cheapest of all fabrics marshes to Manitoba to provid® dent of Parker village in the town I Passed By Your Window . .Brahe S t ^ a S e A pleaTant evening ‘T d rather walk. I’m no baby in Madagascar and women of all the west end of fhe old bath house In view of his well known love for building. The action was taken forage for ducks and muakratiu of Manchester and it was also Take Joy Home ...... Bassett was spent by all present. she said to her nurse when being ranks wear it. charged they left together on the R. E. C. Union at Coventry wheeled to her bed. gardening, planting and outdoor morning of May 3, returning on The Rockville Christian Endeav­ May 13 and on the following day or Union will hold the next meet­ FODR THOUSAND TROUT Agnes, who had half interest in ing of the series of summer meet­ the property on ings at the Coventry Congregation­ deeded to her husband ^er half in­ al church on Wednesday evening at FREED IN NEARBY WATERS] terest. It was also claimed in the 8 o’clock. suit that it was done to At 6:30 p. m. the Ready Helpers and asked that the husband be of that church will serve an old Eleven fortyTquart cans conmmng made to return his half fashioned New England dinner in young trort were delivered by the thus secured so that the amount o the chapel. Following the meet- Board of Fisheries and Game the suit. $5,000. could be satMied. ing of the Union, a play entitled sporting goods store of Bar- Just what the settlement was is “ The White Shawl” will ^he pre- ^ Robbins on Main street short- not made known, but tl^®r® sented. It is hoped that a large before noon today. They came been a settlement made and the es- number of the local Endeavorers state fish hatchery and state of Anthony has been entered will plan to attend this meeting consigned to the Manchester to probate, Judge John Fahey hav­ which promises to he one of toe distribution I ing named William Sadlak admin­ best as the Coventry people always three brooks in this vicinity. The istrator of the estate and has set entertato r o y ^ ^ Lang were transferred to automo- three months from August 10 for / the presentation of bills against « It! L^^s aged biles of members of ,th,e dub and S2^ehrs it s f^ r o v e «r“ « . a id immediately taken ih sepstto ek- The dead man left no will and IL dS-atternoon at ker hpmA She peditlons to Skinner brook in Bol- under the general slfl'^^es of Con­ was bom to Van Buren, Me., Feb- ton, the Shoddy Mill brook near necticut, his widow is entitled to marv 2 ? 1875 Andover and Ash brook m Coven but one third of the ®®1®'^®' Besides her husband, Ernest. St. try, where they were placed in the remdining two-thirds to he divided Louis,-she is survived by six sons streams. W. E. Leuttgens, Charles between the other three children. and four daughters, Adelard, Jos- Robbins and John Clapp had charge Had Anthony given to his wife eph, Emil, Wilfred, Damase, Ar- of the distribution, which was made Agnes a quit claim deed to the half thur, Delia, Amelia and Bertha. according to designation by Super imerest that she deeded to him^as The funeral will he held Wed- lintendent J. W. Titcomb of the Fish of May 14 and then l^ad fled with nesday at ^$ a. m. at St. Bernard’s j Game commission. There were out making a will, as he did, ® Lhurch. Bdrial...... will be at ‘ St. Ber- about 4,000 of the fish, most of would have had one-half of ine |—nard’s cemetery. them 3 inch fingerlings and they building outright and would also be Notes were to prime condition. entitled to one-third of the remain­ Miss d elta Garin- pt Mountain ing one-half and would make it street has returned to her position CANCELS IRISH PLAY. more complicated. As it now at the Aetna Insurance company af­ stands she is to receive less than Stamford, Conn., Aug. 16.— “ The I ter a two weeks’ vacation. Murphys and the Callahans”- will I she deeded and the children are to Mrs. Clara Keeney of Mountain M oX w forN Y w L ^r^ Stamford. Ob- be beneflttedheneiiuea moremoi» than would oth- MondayM ondarforNew for New I^n residents of Irish des­ erwise he the ®“ ®;. YAna don where she will spend the drawal of the suit complications “ “ cent here led to a theater owner]

Although it is now a month atoce J>®®®“ f i^®®^ l s ^ ^ returned to cancelling the proposed display. Arthur W. Bell, acting mayor, re­ was entered and about $l.oo Meyers of Union street ceived the complaints and passed worth of goods taken, nothing ha ^ Monday as the guest of her them on the theater owner. been beard br Mr. Boob, .rear .be |daughter, M Mrs. Dickinson ^ police. , Manchester. There has hfeeu, wha. Mr. B roils Miss Florence Friedrich of Har­ San Pedro, Calif., Aug. 16.— A feels, another attempt to enter his low street is spending this week in crude bomb with the word “ Sacco” store. In coming down to the. y on it in chalk and containing, it is store last Saturday morning he n®- Girard I*.Rock of Grove street believed, enough explosive to de- know ticed one of the lights of the I-oent the week-end to New Yoric 1 stroy a major portion of the harbor dows to the lower section of the ® water front, was discovered today -store------had been broken In Thi« as ^i^y.I Miss Phyllis Lisk of Union street near the United States navy landing though it had been kicked to. This .^as the guest of Miss Alice Cross of pier. x , v i, » i was in the section ^® South Manchester over the week- The bomb, a metal hall affair, naturally would be found, hut the j makeshift fuse, the end of company has taken I Charles Coleman of Minterbum which was charred badly as though tions and have nailed up toe win- spending a week’s vacation it had been lighted and had burned dows so they cannot be opened. _ ^ „ L u t He has reported the ®“ ®^® ^ j. Bentley of Mountain street I bot^it a rin. **Took a chance, as I REMBf^ER now how my friends used I thought. As I opened it, I was m et by r'birboV niC tb* rrina^wV.?.- to tell me about Prince Albert; bow they the most inviting fragrance I had ever ken or hear any “J®^®- m Isb Charlotte Drescher of Pros- ^^uld make what sounded like the most known. I thought of the woods after a p . A . I* m M «tw )nr*«r» te f i f t t d BO,. S ? r . t o y ° r cobb- extravagant claims fw it; and how I tims, pound ond kMf-pomnd ^ lt«ini ty, numbering thirty 'to^er James Hefferan and gentle rain. It made my mouth water don. and pound the direction of D. C. Gaylord, of , j Qrove street are spending with iponta-mottunar top. dmm 'would say **Uh-huh,” and proceed to fill dhroyswdtk artrr bit of b u a ^ d p a ^ Rockville. J. A. Simons of South famUy for a taste o f such tobacco in my pipe* nmoaodhyOttPrimcnAlharttncM, Coventry and R. W. Whaples left Metcalf of South Man- jny pipe from th^ same old pack^e. I / the local office of the Tolland Coun- gpent the week-end with I tamped-in a load and lighted up. ty Farm Bureau at 9:30 tWs mwn- ^ Leroy Brazil of Union just didn’t know! ing on a two days trip when they ana mrs. CoSCee What a tastel C ool and sweet and I .» will be given testa as to the abUity Bernard Bentley of Mountain But I found out. One day, the store to best judge the standing of differ- ^ ^ week-end at Lake ‘ ^ C h w r l e s ” mild, with just enough bo score in the marking in their inspec-1 ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. tion will comprise the team that I Ernest Seidel of West street. Mrs. wiU x«presmt Tolland County atlseidel and her son, Raymond Ren- ^ ";;V

MAKCHBISrBiK VT0NW.1 fiVEiWWG HERALD, TOBSDAT, AHCDST M,'lfl27T 'ftaanromt'* V.: . of American Volsteadism, but of V- the greenest Bulgarian 'la^torer In iltittct(e»t»r ! one of his Indiana mills. Amerfcan anU-gambllng legislation Judge Gary, however, was the tiv- and American purlslm generally, It ' S«e«itt0 BtraW Ing personification of ‘‘Big Busi­ would seem probable that the pro* po^ed resort will supply opportunity Way You Save at '>•* VUBW8HBD BT ness." His was the genius for or­ Here’s r/ -i-i THB HBRALU PRINTINO CKX ganization, the Illimitable economic to a great many idle and plethoric Atit jT? FouaCAd by Blwood A 81a outlook, that has no need to con­ persons £o do as they please and at Oct. L III! the same t£me enjoy the unaccus­ Evcnr BTcning Ezcapt SuDdaya r.ad cern itself with detail—cannot, for H olidays. that matter, permit Itself to bo di­ tomed sensation of being law-abid­ E ntered a t the Poet Offlce Chester as Second Class Mall Matter. verted by detail. He saw steel, not ing persons. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 8y Mali in Its relation to strains and tests The Cuban resort will have the SEMI- six dollars a year, sixty wnts a added advantage of being a mere month for shorter « » v and chemistry, but In its relation By carrier, eighteen cents ft weex. to worldwide need^ and worldwide day’s sail from the American coast Single copies, three cents. Instead of six or seven days, as In SPECIAL advertising R B P ^ * supply. He was the strategist of Pay on Our Easy Payment Plan it You Wish! SENTATIVB. Hainllion*l)e Llsse^ the American army of steel. It was the case of the famous European Lbc 286 Madison Avenue. New xora resorts of similar freedom of action. ^ d ’ 61J North Michigan Avenue, the job of the tacticians of that Chicago. army to carry out the strategist’s Yet it remains to be seen whether TT ERE'S evidence of the savings you can make at this great Semi-^ual Sale. The Manchester Evening Herald Is the class of people in this country on sale In New york City at ^hultss plans. I I But you must see for yourself the big stock, the wide vmdety of eelections, ^ News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd- There is, about such a man and who contribute so much to the pros­ street and 42nd. Street entrance of perity of Monte Carlo and Deauville the extremely low prices to fully appreciate this event. For e sUght ^Jtlonal Grand Central Station. about his part In life, neither the charge-just enough to cover the extra bookkeeping needed-you can take a year Wednesday’s Special “International Nows Service has the romance nor the 'appeal that sur­ will be satisfied to fiy their sporting exclusive rights to use for republlca- tlon In my form all news dispatches rounds such as Carnegie, who rosie kites among just their own kind to pay for your selections. Ask to see th ese identical suites and pieces! credited to or not otherwise credit­ plus a few equally sporting Latin ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively by virtue of his own technical entitled to use for repubilcatlon all knowledge, gained In the bitter Americans. Havana Isn’t going to Braided the local or undated nows published draw all those Russian ex-grand herein." school of hard work—and without whose foundation building there dukes, Polish countesses and the TUESDAY. AUGUST 16. would' have been no occasion for rest of the gambling bouse touts Rugs Gary’s subsequent planning. Nor across three thousand miles of ocean. The steamship fares are 18jc30 Inch XOT AMERICANS will there be quite the same sense of loss, In his passing, as there was too high. We find ourselves In complete nn- accord with the New York World in world or when the late J, J. Hill, its comment on the proposal to empire-building railroader, laid annul the naturalization of foreign down his burden. Eor theirs was born citizens who shall, after swear­ personal work and the work of El­ Closely woven rugs; fresh, new color ing allegiance to the United States, bert H. Gary was as impersonal as combinations of reds, greens, blues, swear allegiance to some other a rule of arithmetic—and as vital. t t l l E browns, grays and lavenders; all new country or government or to some Whether Gary was in any degree stock. Just 25 to go on sale tomorrow foreign political faction or princt a great man, or whether he was the BY RODNEY BUTCHER morning. Cash and carry. No phone pie. The World calls thji.. class greatest Individual in American in­ orders. legislation, and makes the point dustry, are not matters for discus­ that ‘‘if you are a native born citi­ Washington, Aug. 16—The ques­ sion here. At all events he was tion of where to draw the line be­ zen you may harbor any political the most outstanding symbol of the tween wicked imperaliam and high- beliefs you please, but if you are a age of economically centralized in­ minded, altruistic aid of small na­ foreign born citizen you may harbor dustry that this country has known tions has bothered other periods in Three Piece American history. Eight Piece only such beliefs as are pleasing to to date. the Department of Labor, tfah^-De- It has even annoyed some presi­ dents, including Cleveland and Mc­ partment of Justice.” T ■ OVER THE OCE.'IN Kinley. ^ ■ It la becoming a common practice How to solve problems of this Dining Living A few weeks ago when Lind- ^ among newspapers deriving their nature? While the anti-imperialists have shouted their heads oft at the rapld succession crossed the Allan present administration’s policies In Rooms latlons of the great cities to over Rooms tic by air. millions of optimistic, Latin-American, Calvin Coolldge, emphasize a theoretical dead level people had a sudden vision of regu­ the silent and unemotional, has of American citizenship; to assume given no indication of perturbation. lar transoceanic air travel as a that Americanism or any other na­ If he has sought divine guidance, matter of the very near future. » 9 8 tionality can be conferred in its fu ll. . . . u * as did .McKinley while trying to de­ cide" whether the Philippines should 40x52 extension table; and“ complete ^ “ meaning I Vby * the1. -<»•«sign- That vision Is pomewhat rapidly , ___ ^ I. fading In the light of the experl- be held under theAmerican flag, the buffet: arm chair and 5 side Ing. of - citizenship papers.; This Is fading ences of the half dozen or so expe­ country has not been so devised. chairs: upholstery or tapes­ Sketched to left—80 Inch fine theory but It is not a fact. How McKinley Solved It try. Mad'j of gumwood ditions which, since that time, have sofa, arm chair and wing In the case of persons who swear McKinley frankly admitted the and American walnut. Reg­ chair—covered all over in­ been seeking to gain the glory of ular ?175.00. China $29.73 allegiance to the United States and , «< i . puzzlement which the question had cluding backs in Jacquard caused him and explained his If desire.l. velour! Regular ?155.00. atth, time make mental |'1» It would be entirely unreasonable method of solution In a speech to a Sofa, S58; .Arm Chair, reservations In favor of an existing to attribute the recent postpone group of churchmen as follows: $22.60; Wing Chair, $22.50h government or a possible revolu “I walked the floor of the White meats and failure to lack of skill or tionary government in some foreign House night after night and I am courage or equipment, for if the land, or whose professed allegiance not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, Four Piece American aviators have succeeded that I went down on my knees and to the American government actual­ while the others have not, it is not prayed Almighty God for light and ly runs to a conception of some fu­ to be supposed that the margin of guidance more than one night. And ture government here rather than one night late it came to me this i Bedrooms their superiority in any quality of the existing one. It is patent that i\ ciy—i.don’t know how it was, but ‘ airmanship, over their European there has been so genuine citizen it. camo. There was nothing left ft r rivals, is other than narrow if it us to but to take the; . all. and ship created. The privilege of exists at all. to odji^ate the Filipino.s, and up­ $ 5 * 9 8 citizenship, pro forma, has been lift and civilize and Cbristinnize The whole amount, of it Is that Genuine Simmons Bed, obtained by fraud. Evidence of them, .and by. God's grace to do the exactly as sketched; Ivory Sketched to right— poster the Job of Intercontinental aviation fraud Is sufllclenf to hullfy any very best wo could by them as cur or brown finishes. Full size. type bed (full size); dress­ Why on ewth'shouW I Presents enormous difficulties which follow men for whom Christ also Regular $9.98. er, chest; dressing table. transaction cllcd. And then I wont to bed, and Oriental brown finish over this particular transaction be ex were not to be solved In a jiffy. There lies ahead. In all probability, wont to sleep and slept soundly.” oak, hand decorated. Reg­ empt from the, application of the Spain was forced lO sell us the ^ ular $145.00. Also sold a long, long period of adventurous universal rule? The face citizen is Philippines for $20,000,000. At separately. experimentation, Invention and an avoidable responsibility al)oi:t the same time the Hawaiian I hazard before the ordinary citizen Islands were acquired In a manner | □ The native born citizen has never whic'i aroused caustic criticl.'.m obtained his citizenship by fraud can jump Into a passenger airplane Crawford and hop over to Europe In a day or from the anti-imperalists of 30 Be he ever so bad a citizen he is a years ago. citizen, inherently, by circumstances a day and a half as a matter of Imperialism In Hawaii Range of birth. It Is Impossible to nullify course and without Imminent peril Queen Lll had undeitaken to make the isla.nds safe for Hawallans the proceeding that made him one. of disaster. It would not be surprising If and the foreign business element, He Is an unavoidable rehponslblllty $ 3 9 -‘7S many heads that are black or mostly Americans, fomented a re­ There Is not the slightest ques­ volt which wound up with Ameri­ Four burner Cabinet Gas tion that we have erred seriously, golden were to be grey before the can marines on shore. Four Ameri­ Range, sketched to left. la this country, by assuming that If dream of standardized transoceanic cans and an Englishman formed a Oven and broiler. Black commission which went to Wash­ we could only get foreign residents air travel is realized. Perhaps, in­ and white finish. deed we shall first have learned how ington 0 plead for annexation andi to go through the form of naturali­ as a result of President Harrison’s zation they would be sure, by that to make our own weather. enthusiasm, an annexation treaty process, to be purged of all foreign was laid before the Senate. affiliations. We have encouraged THOSE MARRIAGES Grover Cleveland sent James H. Blount to Hawaii to Investigate for nc the taking of the citizen’s oath by It there are in Manchester or him. Blount reported that the WATKINS BROTHERS. I . persons having no quallfiation for vicinity any persons whose mar­ American minister and other citizenship. As a result of that riage ceremonies were performed Americans apparently had Investi­ EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES FOR CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES. . and as a result of deliberate design by, unattached ministers of the gated the revolt and that the minis­ the part of still other foreign I class whose authority is called into ter had supplied the troops who turned the tide, Hawallans, Blount bbrn unasslmilables we have a con- question by the Ailing ruling, we said, were against annexation five aiderable proportion of so-called should recommend that they do not one. Cleveland reopened nego­ Americans who don’t give a hoot distress themselves greatly over the tiations with the queen, but the for America and do give a great Matter. foreign revolutionaries proclaimed a republic "which Cleveland soon many hoots for other countries. No court is likely to invalidate recognized, much to the dismay of The sooner we get these people any marriage entered Into in good TRY THB the anti-imperialists. \ dicated to smart shops. congruous In this funny town, it oS our hands, as citizen responsi- faith by both the contracting parties Present "Civilizing" Policy Just behind the old house, with stands______* ona street' marked by kll 1W ANSWERS hllitles, the better. To insist that and performed by the officiating In the McKinley administration Its large yard and mysterious barb­ thal is ultra In modern archltec* STATE TAVERN thdy are entitled to all the consid­ person under conviction of strict Democrats defeated a Republican ed fence Is a barn—not a garage— ture. Outside Its doors rush the annexation treaty by use of the a barn of brick, with a quaint old fashionable shopping crowds and eration belonging to people born legality. And If worst should come the greatest number of fancy Here are answers to the ‘‘Now Business Men’s Luncheon two-thirds rule, but during the weather-pock atop it. You Ask One” Questions on the here and knowing no other than to worst there Is not the slightest Spanish war the Republicans annex­ ■the yard, which would hold a motors to be found upon the ave­ Amerlcaq^ affiliations is plain doubt that the next Legislature ed the islands by joint resolution good sized store, could bring a fab­ nue of the world honk their horns comlo page: tot a real tasty tneal. quackery. would pass a healing act absolutely just as the Democrats had annexed ulous sum, but the two old ladles at Its gate. 1- _The Ganges is a river in In­ Served from It Is like coming upon a red legalizing at one stroke every past Texas in 1845. The Republicans and will not sell. Just the other day dia. 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. the naval officers claimed annexa­ New York, Aug 16.—-Restaurant they made that final -when some­ flannel petticoat In this lane of fads 2— Gunda Din Is a poem by marriage performed by an ordained tion was required because of the keepers of this metropolis, taking thing like two millions were offered and fashions, a poll of customers recently, GILBERT SWAN, Rudyard KlpUng. Also A La Carte Service GARY but unattached minister. will of the Islands and their stra­ them. They don’t need It, since 8—Amber Is a fossil resin found While It might be as well for per­ learnod that horned beer and cab­ their fortune runs somewhere Judge Elbert Henry Gary, who tegic value and the Democrats re­ principally on the shores of the Cold Drinks and Naar Bstf sons Intending marriage hereafter plied. that It was supported by bage remains the favorite dish. . . around a hundred million. died yesterday, was the most re With ham and eggs running a close Baltic Sea. onDrat^lilk to have the ceremony performed by American speculators. This million dollar yard, one markable example in America of a second. . . Even as in Podunk and hears. Is the playground of h couple 4.....q}reat Salt Lake is in Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Gus a minister actually engaged In the The McKinley policy, which when 6— General Grant’s body lies in man who became chieftain of a finally formulated becarae the Sauk Cencer. of cats and a dog.. Just over the work of a specific church, for their Grant’s tomb. New York City. mammoth i.ndustry without having policy of the Republican tarty, was fense peeps a branch of a scraggly .^..^caramooche was written by own peace of mind, the decision of expressed in much the same fashion The latest "go\d brick” merchant tree and, now and then, ,blts of Second Mortgage had a day’s - industrial training. the attorney-general is nothing to as it has since been echoed by of Broadwayl is the fellow who laundry can be seen flying In the Rafael Sabatlnl. Lawyers have risen to control of comes up to you and says he’ll sell wind.- Imagine . . . a 'wash-line Thou are to all lost love the best. 7— The boomerang is a native grow excited over. Roosevelt, Wilson and'Coolldge. you bis pawn-ticket for a couple of The only true plant found. great organizations. More than The Spanish war,” said McKin­ next door to one of the moat exclu­ weapon of Australia"'. Money dollars. He tells you how hard luck sive and fashionable shops. Wherewith young men and maids 8— Patrick Henry said, "Give me Now On Hand oae of them has headed a railroad. ley, “has brought new duties and forced him to put a valuable watch distressed. liberty or give me death.” But the manufacture of steel Is so WESTERN MONTE CARLO responsibilities which we must in hock, how he can’t hope to get And left of love, are crowned. 9— _Welllngton is the capital of meet and discharge as becomes a The place Is owned by the Wen \ technical in its nature and so re­ Very Interesting is the plan of a it back and wants to realize some­ New Zealand. Arthur A. KnofU: great nation on whose growth and thing on It. Or, If you are a certain dell sisters, neither of whom have And underneath thy cooling shade 875 Main St. moved from ordinary manufactur­ group of big New'~York hotel men career from the beginning the ever married. . 10— Peat is sod which can he out sort of person, he may hint that the When weary of the light. Into cakes and used as fuel. Phone 78241. ing activities In the fundamentalism and Cuban financiers to create a Ruler of Nations has iRalnly written watch was secured in some shady No telephone or electric light has The love-spent youth and lovesick of Its character that It would hanro ‘‘bigger and better” Monte Carlo the high command ^ d pledge of ever been allowed to desecrate the manner and ho dares not go after old-fashioned flavor of the place. In maid seemed incredible, before the rise near Havana. Apparently there Is ■civilization.” it for fear of the police. The pawn­ (Jome to weep out the night. a r t e s ia n \VE!.r^ fact nothing "new-fangled” has — Robert Hetrick: To the Willow o^ jjary the lawyer, that anyone money enough at the command of ticket may show the value of an ar­ been tolerated. The sisters have be­ save a person almost born and bred the syndicate to do almost any THE GREAT WAR TEN ticle to be as high as $50. And, of longed to a Victorian generation Tree. Drilled Any D inieter— YEARS AGO TODAY course, It's bogus. Or the article re­ R. W. Joyner under the fiare of the furnaces imaginable thing In the way of de­ deemed is worth about $2 and the and have never allowed an automo­ Any Depth Any flace veloping the world’s greatest, most bile to enter the old barn that once could arrive at such a commanding pawnbroker gives a commission to held a coach and four. Indeed, the luxurious and most fascinating (By United Press) the vendor. Charles P- Volkert position as an Ironmaster. August 16 1917 story goes'that neither has. ever rid­ Contractor and sporting resort. Five miles of Perhaps In his later life Judge Britls)i follow advantage at There are some things, even in den In an auto and that the elder Utast ‘ Gary learned something, possibly ocean front and a couple of thou­ Lens and Field Marshal Haig, New York, that are not for sale. has never been In an elevator, or al­ Builder much, about the making of steel. sand acres of land would seem to supiyrted by French troops be­ On Fifth Avenue there have lived lowed herself to enter one of the Forget those thlnge which are Test Drillinrtor Foundation gin new offensive \ capturing for year on year two nice old ladles. modern office buildings. Alteratioa and Repair Work But we have never heard that he provide room enough. Many legends attach themselves behlna, and reach forth imto thoee WatPr Systems several villages outside Lens Their red‘brick house, just a stone’s things whldi are before,—PhUU$- Given Prompt Attention. Pomps for AO Purposes.^,^ ; did and are under the impression It Is doubtful If even the Ameri­ and taking 1,800 prisoners in toss from the Public Library and to this old place which has become can Anti-Saloon League will be this offensive up to 2,700. to Fifth Avenue what the old pians—111:18. \ ^ that probably the man at the^ead 42nd. street, Is one of the sights the RceldMce T1 Pitkin Street. Teh 1375-5. A of United States steel knew not equal to the task of converting Cuba Major General Leonard Wood bus driver will point out to you. It’s "haunted house” was to the small V assigned to 88 th Division, Camp The best of prophets of the future HIGHLAND PARK P. ^ greatly more about the intricacies to proklbitlOA in the immediate fu the last stand of an old aristocracy Is the past.—^rpn. Boatli llarnitiakten Phooe Funston,. Kan. upon that section of the avenue de­ Yet. like all of those things so in- Pt the -art which he controlled than ture. And in the absence not only

1 A . . WJZ by Ohman and Arden, popular 7:30 6:30—Statler ensemble, 11:20 10:20—Tommy Coates, baritone. in which she has bedn sta.rfed, is niture is to -be given away to the piano team, and Pauline Haggard, 8.(10 7-.00- Programs with WJA. 12:00 11:00—Organ; or^ a ; songa. Song Cycle '.;Summertlme” , .. playing at the Stath theater today holders of tickets whose numbei^s Smoked FUet ot Heiring-and Bloaters, £ ^ . / songstress. A program of familiar 10:00 9:00—Soprano, banJo> yoe^ler. 344.6—WL8. CHICAOO-470. _■...... Ronald ahd tomorrow. It Is / ‘The, Tender are called, (The . first furniture melodies by Eldna Hansen Johnston, 491.5— WEAF. NEW YORK—610. 9-00 8:00—Special feature. Nothing Matters ., Mana-Zucca Salt Mackerd, hew erpR.;. Boprario; William Sweet, yoedeler, a ^ 6-00 5:00—Waldorf-Astoria music 9-15 8’IB—WLS Players. Hour,” and in it Miss' Doire'.ls sup­ night last; ■vfeek was highly popular Frank Bradbury, banjoist, will be 44i ;5 _ w m a q . w q j . Philip Magnuson, Tenor and a ful^ attendance was seen at WBZ’s offering for the entertaiiraent 7:00 6:00- Baritone: talk. 7-00 6:00—Organ: orch; talk (3 hra.) ported by the ever popplar juvenile, NATIVE SW^T CORN - ; . 7:30 6- 30—Sanka music hour. Laura C. Gaudet, accompanist the theatqr. Those who win are of the audience of the air Other 7:00—Albln’s orchestra. 10:00 9:00—WEAF program. Ben Lyon. The comhination'", is a features for this same night will be 8:00 7:30- Commercial Trust An- good one and both' pfihcipalB; seem allowed - to pick out any of the concerts by the Keystone Male Quar­ 8:30 7:30—Four Bards. Blackberries, Blueberries, Peaces, N a^e Toitotoes, 9:00 8:00—Eveready Hour. vUeers—• to enjoy working with each- other. piepes o.n the. stage for their own tet through WIP, and the Inter-City 9;00—Radio Cavalcade. 9:00 8:00—SpcrU: readings. This group is. a jazz organiza-; and the management has no choice Cantaloupes, Honeydew Melons, Squ^h, . Gwe^, Sweet Male Trio through WHN. ii-6o10:00 10:00—Janssen’s orcb®®4ra. 10-30 9:30—Hydroairplane tour. 3«.^WOBS, NEW YORK-860, 1:00 12:00—Theater hour. tlon of unusual merit, and thejF in the selection. Potatoes,.etc. " ; j < Wave lengths in meters on left of 7:30 6:30—Songs; talks; artists. 362.9—w o e , d a v e n p o r t —860. have been a regular WTIC fea­ station UUe. kilocycles on ^IghL 8‘15 7:15—Jewish program; artists. 8:30 7:30—WEAF program (2 hrs.) ture throughout • the summer Times are Eastern D ayli^t Saying 9:15 8:15—Talks; sonea; symns. 10-30 9:30—Soprano, contralto, piano. Twenty-two hundred wotnen fill smd Eastern Standard. Black type 10- 20 9:20—String ensemble, artists325.9—KOA, DENVER—9M, months. This evening’s pro­ Indicates best features. 10:45 9:45— Banjo ^uddy: dan^ 11:00 10:00—(SonsalCs’ Barcelonlans. gram Includes the usual dance important executive poslions with 455—WJZ, NEW YORK—660. ^^535.4—WHO, DE8 MOINES—«60. music by their Imrmonizing hanks/' Leading East Stations. 1:00 12:00—Yoeng's orchestra. 8-30 7:30—Tounker’ a orchestra. 2:00 1:00—Weather; talks. 10:30 9:80—String trio. h«l'4(5iie. trio. Besides these numbers the 499.7— WBAP, FORT WORTH—600. ATLANTIC CITY-1100. 4:30 3:30—Manhattan trio. radio audience will be enter­ Sanitary Market B;.30 4-30—Baseball; markets, 10-30 9:30—Tenor, musicians. 7-ns 6:05—Shelburne dinner music, eioo—Frank Dole, "Terriers. 1:00 12:00—Theater features. • tained by the guest artist, Mr. 9:00 8:00—Chalfonte-Haddon trio. 7:00 340.7— KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—880. 7:15 6:15-Pennsylvania orchestra. August Klein, who will present lo'oo 9:00—Dance orch; Marcel duo. 7:00—George Olsen’s Orchestra. 10:30 9:30—Violinist pianist 11-00 10:00—Dance niusic:^ganlst. 8:00 his baritone solos for their ap­ P h o n es 441^2 9:00 g;0o—“ The Continentals. 11:00 10:00—Dance concert. . * 285.5—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1050. 9:00—Ohman and Arden 370.2—WDAF. KANSAS CITY—810. proval during the course of the 7-30 6:30—Orchestra. 10:00 9,,30_Pennsylvania orchestra. 1:45 12:4.'>—Knlghthawk trolly . . . Commercial Trust period. 8:30 7:.30—Male Quartet. 10:30 50g_WlP, PHILADELPH1A--590 468.5—KFI. LOS ANGELES—WO. Sweet Marie Q e t m a t e 9- 00 8:00—"The Continentals,6-05 W.1Z 5:05- Baseball; music: talks, 11:00 10:00—Fire Dept. Oren., solos. V 10-00 9:00—City Park orchestra. 6:00—Children’s peri^. 12:00 11:00—Songs; N. B. C. program. Hello Cutle Specials for 447.5—WEEI, b o s t o n —670. 7:00 8:90 7- 00—Contralto, baritone, violin2:00 1:00—"Blues songs, d^ce- Who Is Loving You Tonight 6:00 7:00—WEAF concert orchestra. 461.3—WH AS.^LO UIS VILL E— g.QO 7:00—WEAF progs. (I’A hrs.J 8:55 7:55—Stringed music, Twinkle, Twinkle W ^ n esd a y and 9:25 g.25—Keystone Male Quartet,

The home of Madame Marie Perignon is the only one on Montfau- ron Hill. / This is chapter 109 of the series^ of articles written by a form er I finished she placed them, with doughboy who is revisiting France photograph: cf her husband and as_ _ a_ correspondent ffor r\y, The 1*1 ri UHerald, Ijeon,___ 2 in_ —a glass—I cabinet. This collec- tion today represents all that she CHAPTER CIX y ' France has countless museums NOTICE and galleries that are famed Notice is hereby given that there throughout the world and ever will will be a meeting of the legal vot­ HARTFORD be, but it also holds a collection of ers of SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 3 in ^ souvenirs— known - -/ tj a few— the Town of Manchester, Connecti­ which may be more entitled to a bit cut at the School Building -in said End-of-the-Se^on of fame than those which have the District on Wednesday evening, see the new model world-wide recognition. August 17th, 1927, ./-at seven Clearance of ^ ^ ■s- Everyone knows the story of the o’clock, standard time, for the fol­ destruction of Montfaucon. In the lowing purposes, to wit: p ric ed a t (* *1 ■ barrages that swept the little town 1. To hear the report of the on the hill before the 79th Ameri­ Building Committee. can Division captured it, the home 2. To see if the District will of Madame Marie Pergnon was purchase additional land for school crashed into ruins. She was not purposes. there, of course, but she returned 3. To see if the District will au- : after the war was over, for in That thorize its Building Committee no f j home was born her son, Paul, who enter into a contract for and In be- j was killed on the Somme, and in half of the District for the purchase i that home her husband had died. of land and for the construction of one found the wreckage and a new school building for said dis-1 grieved. Then, while the other vil-, trict. lagers erected new homes in the j 4. To see if the District will ap­ RIGIDABRE guards against valley below the hill, she built her' propriate a sum not to exceed $85,- the menace of food con­ □ house on the spot where the gar­ 000 for the purchase of land and F den of her old home used to be— for the construction and equipment tamination. It provides price­ A lot that is broken in size and cBlOT i ^ . the only house that crowns the hill of a new school buildings less health protection and actu­ tflips many,^ wonderful dress bi^gfaiM.'.-/ wMted m ate-/'^i-j of Montfaucon today. 5. To see if the District will ally costs less than old, uncer­ rial—a wide variety of styl«s foT sport or iniMfe dressy jyear. , ^ It was more than a year before vote to authorize its Treasurer to borrow monies in the name of the tain methods o f refrigeration. the new house was completed. But I ' every day of that waiting time, District not to exceed $85,000 for the purposes of purchasing land and Come in today. See^the new while she lived Jn an American ■ doughboy’s dugout, Madame Perig­ paying for and equipping a new mod^ priced at $180 f.o.b* Clearance Srfe of school building and to give the non poked about in the ruins of note, notes or other obligations of Dayton. Get the reduced the home that sheltered all her the District therefor. prices on other models^ Learn memories. She found a store cf 6. To see if the District will au­ francs she had buried when the thorize any, other action which may how easily you can afford to ^ th itig Suite Germans came. Each day some lit­ be necessary to provide for a new buy Frigidaire on the General tle remembrance came to light A school building and equipment. Motors purchase plan* u brass nameplate from her organ, 7. To see if the District will High GradoSuits NowjMarked burned and twisted,— a blackened vote to authorize its Building Com­ earrings— the Ivory facings of a set mittee to sell or otherwise dispose of dominoes— a glass cup melted by of the present school buildings of $1.69 $189 the heat of the flames that-had fol­ the District. 89c lowed the shell-fire. 8. To see if Ihe District will ALFRED A. GREZEL One single fragment of china levy a tax. $2.89 J was a ll that remained of her table Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ Main, Opposite Paric Street, South Manchester IS service; there was the brass face cut, this 8th day of August, 1927. Valoes from '$3.00 tb^O.OO }f her clock— here a battered skillet George H. Wilcox,^ ..u (■ ■ ^ K '.y!- MOTOmS — there the iron castor from a bed. James H. Johnston, • F RODDCT • GV.yERAL All these bits— and more— she col­ Carroll W. Hutchinson, lected. When her new home was District Committee.

. .. ^ ■>I Vi. - --A. ^ ^ ■ .•s>r

•r -• '-•;«• <^ j4 - ’j >? f ‘>^-i.-; S ^ t ^ i , «^- • v -S •<■ -••«■ -'♦ '- » • . m. ^- » ff r -•■•'•. ’ ,>, ' '.‘-•'.V,; ■ V. i y." ♦ ‘ Ti- ' '- 1927. MANOIffiSTER (CONN.) EVENING HEBALD. TOESDAY, AOGOST 16 '>V- f PAG E S IX Mrs. Agnea Chartler ,.ot ; Health Market, has . retur Town Bills Ordered Paid By Selecl^n H A in STORE NOTES work after a two weeks' vs cardinals, defeat; CAST-OFF MAY RUIN ^ part of which was' sp ^ t at AtlanUt F. H. Anderson, manager, Is in City ''■A ■ * ' THREE GAMES FOR CHENEY BROS. The following town bills ordered paid last night JJ®. Camllio indlslb,’ Health MarkeU PITTSBURGirS PLANS ...... /.ioi mantinr cioss thG fiscal year In the towns books. ____ New York on a business trip. rAMBLEI^; SCORE 4-2 at their special meeting close the fiscal year 21.75 is enjoying a wepk’s stay at indiaif: Braithwalte. J. R.. sharpening mowers Charles J. McCann, merchandise 18.00 manager, has returned fronr .a ten Keck, Branford. J . ^ Brazouski, Adam, r e n t ...... 66.07 -MIsS' U ki7 Sarg«nW hpWBpl buy­ THIS WEEK STARTING TOMORROW The Hartford Cardinals won from Hal Carlson, Once Shooed Cheney Brothers, repairs, rent, etc...... days' stay at. Narragansett Pifr, 16.00 er, will spend the next few toys Ipf the Ramblers at the "VVest Side-Sun­ Away, Is Proving Big Factor Cowles. C. W. Est., r e n t...... v •••*'■ • 365'.36 R. I. \ day, 4 to 2. In a well-played game Miss Rose Woodhouse, secretary New York City Attending fall style In Fight by Cubs. Glenney. W. G. Co., pipe ...... shows and buying new fairapparel. Light hitting prevailed. Hdrtfwd Grlmason. R. H.. police uniform s...... 100.00 to Manager Anderson, is enjoying a 6. 00- Miss Esther Metcalf is accontpanyr- scored four times In the second out By BILLY EVANS Keeney, Robert R., washing car ...... week’s stay at -Oak Bluffs, Mass. r ♦ NaOdnal League went scoreless in the remainder of 102.00 Mrs. Louis Heni^equin, cashier, ing her. The , in quest Koehler, Martin, labor ...... • • • ...... 14.15 Mrs. John Kellum, hoBie^y buyer. At Philadelphia ^— • the Innings. Lewis, Ferdinand, auto parts, etc...... — ...... will spend the next two weeks vls^ BRAVES IS. PHU.L1BS 11 of th-e National League pennant, 3.75 Is visiting relatives In New York- hardt Confident .gf Re­ BOSTO'N The box score; may rue the day the club consign­ Madden Brothers .labor o!n c a r ...... itlng relatives in Philadelphia, Pa. AB. R. H. PO. A. E .85 Charles Rowney, drapery depart­ •City. 2 R am blers ( 2 ). ed Pitcher Hoi Carlson ,bac:c to the Man. Auto Top Co., labor ou c a r ...... Rlclibourg. rf & 2 3 0 0 22.00 2 AB R H PO TiiJnor.s with his destinati.n being Moore, D. C. Y., M. D„ prof, services...... ment, left'Sunday for a two weeks' venging 12 to 6 Defeat; Gautreau, 2b . 3 .1 1 '4 0 0 21.75 ' HautevUle House, Victor Hugfe’lt Welsh, cf ... 6 2 2 2 0 0 Aitken, If .... 4 0 0 0 0 Wichita Fa .'s, Tex. Packard’s Pharmacy, d ru g s...... stay In New York City. 2 1 0 1 30.00 4 home in exile,' has been givea J>3f H igh, 3b ----- 5 3 1 Jolly, 2b ...... ■* 0 0 3 2 •■-tn .years ago Carlson joined the Peerless Handcuff Co., handcuffs ...... ' Miss Annie Sturgeon, cashier. Is Fournier, lb 4 2 11 0 0 11 1 0 10.85 visiting friends in Saxonville, Mass 1 his descendants to the city of Fans. Heights on Thursday. 0 2 0 0 0 Falkoski, c . .. 4 0 0 Pirates'. At t!i>' time th-ue was a Perrett & Glenney, express ...... Brown. If •. 5 1 5 3 0 Rudaz, Mrs. Eliz., board ...... 6.00 Farrell, ss ... 5 0 0 7 6 1 DoyrdT ss . . .. 3 1 "cniroversy ’.;* wheth jr ha be­ 18.95 3 5 0 1 6 0 1 Urban, c ...... 5 1 Dablman, lb .. 3 1 0 longed to the Chicago White Scjx or Rusconl Garage, auto p a rts...... -73.80 J. Smith, X .. 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ,3 2 Schleldge, Wm. H.. printing ...... 0 0 McKonkey, 3b 3 0 2 Pittsburgh. He was finally award­ Three hard games are on the pro­ H ogan, c .... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Smith, Robert J., insurance...... -...... 67.81 McQuillan, p . 2 0 0 0 3 1 Vennart, rf . • 2 0 ed to the latter club. 14.00 gram for the C. B. A. A., baseball 0 0 0 0 1 O' 0 Waranoke Press, printing n otices...... R. Smith, p .. 3 0 1 Leidholdt, cf . 3 0 1 cr a Ut'Io niore than six years 38.00 team this week, starting tomorrow Kearns, p .... 3 0 0 0 3 0 he tarried Wi*’j the Pira’ cs. rdicw- Weldon, T. H.. M. D„.prof. services...... 44 12 17 30 14 3 0 0 0 Barron, Wm. A., sergeant ...... '...... 100.00 night. . PHILADELPHIA Fracclo, rf . • • ^ ® 0 ing flashes of real ability at times 74.70 Wednesday night's opponent — —. — — Benevento, James, supernumerary ...... AB. R . H. PO. A. E. hut havin.g onlv one year in which 6.25 will be the American Legion team Spalding, If 5 1 0 2 0 0 .....30 2 3 27 12 4 he fiuished becter than the .500 Carpenter, G. Burton, patrolman ...... ■ 1 0 I Totals 31.63 which has improved considerable Sand. 3b .. 6 1 3 Cardinals ( 4). mark, and then I '-’i game tn Cassells, Walter, supernumerary...... ^ None other since the addition of “ Big Jach” Wrightstone l b ___ 6 1 3 10 0 0 65.93 The Idea] - • - 0 AB R H PO A E the. good with 14 victories and 13 Gavagnaro, John L., supernumerary ...... Burkhardt to the pitching staff. Mokah, cf .. 5 1 2 4 0 91.66 Wilson, c . . . 4 2 1 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 (ifcfeats. ' Crockett, John, sergeant ...... on'e? can compare in The Legionaires lost a 12-6 decis­ 2 2 6 Vanni, 11 Combination Thompson. 2b 5 2 0 Ahearn, lb ... 1 7 a U His was Donaldson. Edwin J.. supernumerary...... ,•••••• ion to Cheneys earlier in the sea­ Cdoney, ss .. 3 3 2 4 4 0 0 0 1 1 nothing to brag about, particularly Fitzgerald, Michael, patrolman ...... Pep, Purity Pruett, p .. • A 0 1 1 0 1 0 Molloy, ss ---- fo r your son but promise to reverse the 0 1 1 2 1 in 1922 when the opposition aver­ Galligan, David, supernumerary ...... count tomorrow with Burkhardt Scott, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Scully. 3 b ----- Hop . Ulrich, p ----- , 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 1 0 aged almost six runs per game off Gordon, S. G.. C h ie f...... ^ and'Price. — — — Mulhearn, c . . 5.34 Beverage. serving them up the alley. E ^ ie 0 . 2 0 0 his delivery. Possibly that is what Lelberg, Leonard, supernumerary Cobfc''' 43 11 16 30 12 O’Connor, cf . 70.00 Boyce will pitch for Cheneys. The 2 2 2 0 caused Pittsburgh to send him to Winfield Martin, supernumerary V. game will be played in conjunc­ B oston ...... 301 300 04i0 1— 12 Rosenberg, 2b Philadelphia ...... 042 030 200 0— 11 McQuade, rf . 0 0 0 1 the Texas League early in 1923. McGllnn, John, patrolman ...... tion with a band concert program Two base hits, Thompson 2, Wil­ 0 3 2 1 A big noise in the Texas League Prentiss, Joseph J., supernumerary ri? which the Legion is sponsoring at liams, Brown; home runs, Fournier, Sopolo, p . • • ...... 66.50 - - ______that year with 20 wins and 10 de­ Radding, Aaron, supernumerary . . 7^ 1 the West Side. Wilson; stolen bases, Cooney. R>ch- 27 8 4 Roberts, Albert, patrolman...... i«ooo vJ... - Thursday night, the Heughtss will bourg; sacrifices. McQuillan, Farrell; Totals ...... 31 4 feats, the lowly Phillies, in dire double plays, Thompson to Cooney to Score by innings: need of pitching strength/ decided Schendel, H. O., captain...... go “ west” for a game ^ith the Wrightstone, Farrell to Fournier 3; 73.50 Cardinals ...... to gamble with CaVlson and drafted Seymour, Arthur, patrolm an...... Cheneyites and will use the follow­ left on bases, Boston 12, Philadelphia Wirtalla,’ R. H., patrolman ...... 50 ing lineup; Eddie Schiebenpflug, c, 10; bases on balls, off McQuillan 5, Ramblers ...... 000 001 010 him for the season of 1924. oft R. Smith 3, off Pruett 6, oft Ulrich With a poor ball club, a tall-end- Wrisley, Clarence, patrolman ...... 82.74 Eddie Gleason, p: Ji“ “ y Hpwftt' 1; struck out, by R. Smith 4. by er most of the time, Carlson enjoy­ enpflug, lb; Fields 2b; HewUL Pruett 4; hits, off McQuillan 9 in 4 82.417.73 ss* Wiganowskl, 3b; Lc>yett, li» 2-3 Innings, oft R. Smith 6 In o 2-3 ed greater success man he ever did i n i McCormick, cf; J. Gleason, Angell innings, off Pruett 13 in 7 i*^,**J® ROOT KEEPS CUBS with a much superior club at Pitts­ and Trivigno, rf. off Scott 1 in 0 Innings burgh. Last season his record was be eligible for the prizes. one batter), off Ulrich » in * |T® -ft 17 wins and. 12 defeats with a team Awards will be offered for the Saturday afternoon, Cheney nlng^' hit by pitcher, by Pruett, IN p e n n a n t RAGE JUNIOR FLOWER SHOW Brothers will play in East Glaston­ (Gautreau): wHd pitch. Prue«: Pass­ that finished last with ajiercentage best old fashioned bouquet, mixed bury. ,,, ed ball. Hogan: winning of only .384. o- single,, best gladlola display, The Bon Ami nine will go to Ulrich; umpires, McLaughlin, Aiem This year when Manager Joe Mc­ best zinnia display, best aster dis­ and McCormick; time, 2:33. TO BE HELD AT “ GREEN” Rockville this evening to oppose BY BILLY EVANS. Carthy of the decid­ play of single or mixed flower and the best flower plant any group. the Minterburn Mills team in a re­ GIRLS NEGLECT EYES ed that Pitcher Tony Kauffman no 111 We. do not allow our turn game. Inasmuch as it is the longer fitted into the scheme of | Playground Youngsters Will only game on the slate for the week One outstanding pitcher very things there, hs made a deal with i Display Exhibits in Competi­ London, July— London oculists often can keep a club in the pen­ USE TIRES FOR SHOES Malt to be packed under fW the local nine, it is highly pos­ are becoming greatly worried by the Philadelphia that brought Carlson tion on Friday. sible Bill McLaughlin will be select­ nant race. The Chicago Cubs have to Chicago. He has performed bril­ refusal of English women to wear such a person in Charley Root. Bucharest.— When you see a ed to pitch. glasses. Glasses ruin their beauty, liantly since joining his new club. Children of the Manchester During the first half of the sea­ In early July of mis season when Roumanian wearing a pair of shoes any private labeL the women say, so they go without Green playground will compete in son he registered 15 victories and the two clubs met In the first cru­ made from an automobile Inner INDIANS ______MAY SIGN HDI them and are unable to recognise a flower show to be held there on perhaps isAved 10 others in relief cial series of the year, first place Friday afternoon. The show-is open tube, you are not looking at a beg­ roles. He is one of the few pitchers hinging on the outcome. Carlson to professionals who wish to exhibit gar, but a peasant-of the better! in the majors with a chance to win was the selection of Manager Joe their flowers but only children will class. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS £0 games, an almcst nrtheard-of McCarthy to pitch the opening Ottumwa soon. now. feat In these days of animated baso- game. 'call. . Again the club that four years Last season the superb- pitching previous had sent him to the bush­ of George Uhle, who scored 27 vic­ es, labeled through as a big leaguer, 100% Pure Barley Malt and Hop Extract tories, made Cleveland a strong Carlson won a pitcher’s battle, by a No Trick Or Freak Holes pennant contender. This season one run margin, > that gave the Uhle has shown a complete rever­ Cubs the lead and dropped the Pi­ Final Clearance Sale sal of form and the Indians are well rates to second’ place. Over U» S» Atnateur Course down In the ofcond division. Pitch­ That one game in the big pinch BRINGING TO A CLOSE OUR ing means mu^'h. gave the cubs an added confidence Aug 16.— Agreen is again amid a dangerous It is an interesting fact that in their ability and furnished them I Minneapolis, Minn. Charley Root, like George Uhle, with the inspiration that may ulti­ Minikabda^looking set of bunkers and heavy '.(United Press)— The rough. • „ . came from the sandlots to the big mately result In the winning of the UNITED MALT 'club, where the national amateur Eighth Hole; Par 3; 232 yards. show without any previous profes- National League pennant. First Midsummer Sale golf championship will be decided The worst one drive hole on. the iir>nal experlen-’u. Vrtllke Ukio. I; Owner Dreyfus cf the Pittsburgh club must suffer much remorse the week of August 22, has been course. The fair way lies between was .ibout four ;?».5r8 hi:fore Root ditches, timber and rough and the definitely arrived. every time he reads where Carlson O f New and Desirable Furniture combed, brushed, sprinkled and small green is wedged in between Seven years ago a scout of the has pitched the Cubs to another nnointed with such unguents as to long tough grass. The opening lead­ St. Louis Browns saw Root doing victon', which of late has been a 1071 MAIN ST, SOUTH MANCHESTER. ^■bring it to perfection for the ing to the green is 16 feet wide. his stuff In amateur circles at Mid- most frequent occurrence. and Bedtfing "tournament. Ninth Hole: Par 5; 512 yards. c.letown, O. He signed him^ Re- It would be the irony of fate if ; .j;vT!.a?4 r..7f •ar'b’isfisliT a Pirate cast-off’e super pitching The Minkahda is an eminently Another dogleg. The first long shot garde was not quite ready, Root 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE, Jacquard fair course. It has no trick or freak is tee-high. The second Is uphill. was shipped to the Terra' Haute proved a big factor in defeating holes, but is so constructed that the Two terrific line drives will make club of the Central League for sea­ Pittsburgh in its pennant quest. upholstery, reg. $175, Closing S a le ...... $139 golfer who loses a stroke will have the green in two. Most golfers soning. _ Stranger things have happened. 3 PIECE ALL OVER COVERED MOHAIR ^ O O [i a pretty hard time catching up with don’t. Root'spent the seasons of 1921 SUITE, reg. $275, Closing S a le ...... himself. Tenth Hole: Par 4; 419 yards. A ntd 1922 doing his best to please Par for the 6,669 yard course is pretty down hill drive, with large the Terre Haute folks. He had rea­ 72, 35 out and 37 In. The longest bunkers on both sides' of the second sonable success, since he had a MARYBOROUGH hoi^ is the par 5 13th— 547 yards; shot. A steep, sloping green. mark better than .500 for the two the shortest— the par three third Eleventh Hole: Par 3; 177 yards. years spent there. 141 yards. A fine one shot hole. Giant bunkers ■ The scouts then pronounced him Miss Mae Hannon is spending her Following is a description of the line the fairway, as it approaches ready and he was recalled by the vacation at Moosefaead Lake, Me. bourse: the green. Hollows and sandtrnps Browns In 1923. He tarried for onfe Mrs. Wilding and son, Charles First Hole: Par 4; 326 yards; and Miss Helen Young of Harrisoix, behind it. season in the American League, al- The fairway is cupped between though given but few opportunities N. Y., are spending the month of large bunkers and mounds on the Twelfth Hole: Par 4; 384 yards. August in the Coleman house near An undulating hilly fairway, with to prove his worth. He was nsu.i!ly right and left, with a steep bank dropped into some game tba‘. whs the lake. dropping off on the right. The rough the second shot uphill and blind. Miss Fanny A. Ellsh lias returned The green slopes sharply to the left. hopelessly lost. The records fo’- the Is tick on both sides. The green is year charge him with four defeats from summer school In New Haven. Thirteenth Hole; Par 5; 547 Misses Rebecca and Doris Buell, well trapped and bunkers on all and no victories. Bides. yards. Tough luck for the man who are employed In Hartford, are without a super-drive. Another During that season I umpired having a two weeks’ vacation. Second Hole: Par 4; 444 yards; perhaps a halt dosen games in 3 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, this fairway is bounded by rough rolling fairway, with a lone second Mrs. Hattie J. Lord, ago 59, died necessary to clear the creek. The which Root pitched from one to at her home here Friday morning American walnut, fine finish ^...... $110 nnd out of bounds on the right with six innings. He showed me a cork­ bunkers an.’ sand traps on the left. green is double terraced and set in after a lingering Illness. She loaves 8 PIECE DINING ROOM SUIt E, hand­ ing good fast ball and a fair curve. besides her husband, Byron S. An elevated green is sentinelled by a nest of traps. I was surprised when the Browns somely finished American w aln u t...... $110 bunkers on all sides, with a very Fourteenth Hole: Par 5; 473 Lord, four children, Mrs. Ralph E. yards. Sandtraps and rough line parted with him In a trade with Carpenter of Hartford, Miss Lois 1 GROUP FIBER UPHOLSTERED 'narrow opening in front. The green Los Angeles of the Pacific Coast has been given a permanent wave. this fairway, and there are two B., Milton J. and John Lord of this CHAIRS, specially priced ...... $ 1 0 " ’ ’ bunkers and a hill to catch the aec- League. He looked far too prom­ place; four sisters, Mrs. Annie L. Third Hole: Par 3; 141 yards; a ising to be cast adrift in the minors. tough one. deep ravine through ondshot. Blssell of Manchester, but who Is Fifteenth Hole: Par 4; 386 yards. Two big years with Los Angeles, now in Miami, Florida, Miss Marie which flows a tiny creek lies be­ in which be won 21 and 25 games, ALL BEDS, MA'TTRESS, SPRINGS, tween the tee and the cup. The tee Still another dogleg, lined with B. Joyner of Worcester, Mass., Mrs. bunkers and sandtraps, from the respectively, stamped him as ■ posi­ Elton W. Buell of Gilead and Mrs. shot must be perfect or the player tively ready for the big show. He PILLOWS AND QUILTS will go out of bounds or Into well tee to the elevated green. Clayton S. Bolles of this place; Sixteenth Hole; Par 4; 419 yards. was recalled by Chicago at the close three brothers, Arthur S. Joyner of AT 25 PER CENT OFF built trap. of the 1925 season. * Miami, Tlorlda. Victor A. Joyner of Fourth Hole; Par 5; 524 yards. A new elevated tee has been Install­ For Cash, for the Next Two Weeks. ed 50 yards back of the old one. The In his debut year with the Cuhg this place and Joseph P. Joyner of The fairway is hilly. A large bunker he registered 18 wins, 17 defeats. North Woodstock and one grand­ guards the left side of the face of fairway twists around bunkers, there is th e traps and mounds. The green Is An Improved curve, with a good child,' Ralph E. Carpenter of Hart­ the hill for the second shot ; the j change of pace and the same old ford. Funeral services will be held UNFINISHED HARDWOOD green is bounded by traps and hol­ elevated and well trapped...... Seventeenth. Hole: Par 4; 34-7 fast ball of the St. Louis Browns at the house Monday afternoon. $1.98 lows. The difficult second shot Rev. E. T. Thlenes officiating and yards. In addition to the usual has- d^^s, made It apparent that he was UNFINISHED HARDWOOD TABLES makes this a tough one. soon destined to star .In the Na­ burial will be in the Hillside Ceme­ TRACTION Fifth Hole: Par 4; 309 yards. ards, a diagonal bunker rolls tery. , 25x40 in ch es...... $7.98 Woods and bunkers on the right across the fairway at the left. The tional League. The season of 1927 seems to be KITCHEN TABLES, Porcelain Top, and deep rough on the left bother green' Is an island surrounded by the big year. His fine pitching has g o t t o HOLLYWOOD the golfer on this one. The green is woe. and is Itself a rolling one, 25x40, with Drawer...... $7.98 supplied the Cubs with a confidence on any balloon tire sloping, and approached only needing a most accurate second Los Angeles— With 50 cents and shot. In their real ability. The way he is through a small cleft. traveing he should win - 25 games a copy of Emerson’s essays, Miss Sixth Hole: Par 3; 195 yards. Eighteenth Hole; Par 4; 379 TVhen we put the new In mud or snow, pa wet and may reach the 30 mark.- Rose Host, 20-year-old winner of a and slippery , streets, these This one is a mashie shot over Lake yards. With beautiful Lake Cal­ beauty contest in New York City, Goodyear balloon tire on your Calhoun to a green wallowing In houn In the background, this Is a How interesting this all must-be Benson’s Furniture Co. car, you go somewhere. blocks give yon'a hold on the to Manager Dan Howley of the St. walked aboard the liner Manchuria, road that means grip and pull mounds and deep rough. picturesque hole. A diagonal road bound for Hollywood, and* hid her­ For this World’s Greatest, Seventh Hole; Par 3; 455 yards. winds across the right side of the Louis Browns! What a valuable ac­ 649 Main Street Tire has the new-type All- and go-ahead power. quisition Root would be to the new self until the boat stafted. Then TRACTION to only part of On the right are woods and the out fairway, and colossal bunkers are she gave herself up and worked her Weather Tread— the famous on the left. The second shot must leader of the clnb In his effort, to old All-Weather re-deslgned the world's Greatest * Tire. of bounds; mounds, deep rough and rebuild the team! « passage here. Yon get Safety, too; and long, woods guard the left. The elevated be just right or It Is short or over. and Improved for low pres­ sure tire traction. slow, even tread wear; quiet, SKBTCHKS UX UBS8BT Come in and let us "show smooth rhnnlng; good loote, ■XNOPSI8 BT BRAUCHBB you exactly how and where and the trouble-proof miles of THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: (58) An Arctic Dash this tire gets its extta tractive the casing that to made with power. snper-twtot cord. All Weather Tread Cioodyear Made Cords« Pathfiiid^ Cords 80x8 H C. Cord...... - . . 88?2* SOxSH Cl. O. S. Cord /, .fl0.05 80x3)4 CL C ord ...... 88.85- 81x4 S. 8. C o rd ...... 817.80 81x4- 8. 8. .Cord ...... 8 1 8 ,88 88x4 S. S. C o r d ...... 818.10 88x4 8. 8. Osrd ...... 818.88 88x4k( S. S. C o r d ------8B4.70 20x4.40 Balloon ...... J 82^, .‘.i' 81x5.25 BaUoon*...... 818.00 88x8 8. S. Cord ...... 8SSJ» 80x5.77,Balloon...... 8 1 8 ,2 5 80x4.40 BaBooii ...... 8 1 8 .0 5 88x6JX> B a llo o n ...... fl9 * 1 5 81x5.85 Balloon ...... 880JI5 . .Let 0 8 quote yon on yonr 88x0.00 ...; Balloon . .824.05 stoe. , =4 r; Payor finally regained his ehfp Md started on ^ :o :- Lieutenant Payer cut tiie rope from hie M foiot^le^f homeward path. After .t ^ m » 2 .^ ,h opele« cnileing doge and man tumbled a few feet farther to w b ^ Four and a half hours at the will of tho drifting los, Piyer^abandonid the tom of the crevice. "Now k e ^ youreelf from freezing Clad only in thin etock- after the ice bridge had craft. Ho dropped overboard a roomrd orhis advSfitur^ while I run for help!” he called. Then he began a wild ings "and underoloOting collapsed. Payer Half a century later, In 1921, the record was found by marathon through Oio six mile* of J®* he aped over tiie cutting turned with help. Hie Professor Otaf Holtedahl of the Danish expedition to F. D. LEW IS led back to tho camp. He stripped, off hie bearfkin ice and plowed throu|^ companion and the doge NovaZembla.- • JTo Bo Continued) i t Mtplp S t, South Mancheater. PhoBe2018 clothes, boots and gtovee ae ho ran.' the anew drifts. were dragged to safety. ______Slmcliw mK smwiw, CisrWWi

V c I '' ’ I / A m t?: :A' MANCHESTER


Popular in aU 4- co rn ers o f th e 'E a r th ,..


.-.'I-.'. \ ■ r .

iU In 1 - M i s •where good taste is bom

r htursasBC ds uAae bk A * Qfsetrdsr L ctsssi you*B Ae w^CtmssOBMgsdkM^ktsofesfcoeaatefPsA. 7 h s m sAad AvodAni Aarnn Cbm sMd e»t«y r f A r CoBtltMMm 8fl

LiafiSTT k MYxnmToBAeerf Cok


I'ij' j: ! V ' « V , ' / ■ ‘. V.- . -./• - r ^ . : . ' h " . 7. -. .. . , . ^ , . . . . ---. . j- 1 •, • . . MANCHEStBR (boN^J.); EVENING HERALD. TUESpAY, AUGXJST 1«, l0Zrf. p a g e e i g h t T . . 7 H- FEATURE ARTICLES ABOUT INTERESTING LATEST FASHION WOMEN h i n t s b y f o r e m o s t -fcr4^ authorities ■,

t m i tiifflimiiiMM This And That In ALLENB SmiNEH. A lady bacteriologist is all ex­ X, Women Snlddes “ cited because she took to her labor­ ■Women suicides are increasing, atory a powder puff from a vanity So'alarms a Beitln physician, qnot* Feminine Lore case which she had found, and dis­ Ing figures to prove that whereai ClUStiR ©1927/)yNM^vioe years ago the fem ale. suicide rats anne though I don’t want yoii to be hurt. covered 20,000 different, vicious was one to three men, today it is b e g in h e r e t o d a t I’m getting quite an education In bacteria on said puff. And yet— de­ JERRY MACKIiYH, adTcrlUI^X spite the serious lady’s evidence, about 1 to 2. BiKnasrer fo r t i * P eoch Bloom being hurt myself, and I’m still He blames, of course, "womans Coometlca Co., «eto tke conaent of able to work and take nourish­ we’ve been using powder puffs for Ua aecretary. VERA CAMERON, some years now and, so as we emancipation,” explaining that to­ ment.” Allow me to remind you that Ru- stickers and pastel shades of paper, to tronaform fcer Into ■ benntr, know, few, or none of us, have died day’s woman is not happy as In tha only after ahe aeea nnd falla In­ “And to go gallivanting, around or the newer floral or batik papers blnow’s August saie of furs Is now from these same bacteria. Besides days when hotne, nusband and chil­ stantly In loT* with a man who to musical revues -wilh Rosema^ in full swing for the third succes­ make any gift more charming. dren were her All in All. l^orea her. Jerry propoaea to Fiteh!" Vee-Vee Interrupted her as any one can tell you, a girl pnbllah her photoampha in adrer- sive year. For several reasons Aug- might as well be dead as have a Maid of Honor." tialnr bookleta. In refaahlonlns reading scornfully. ust!ls the best time of the year to If repetition is essential you Queen Mary’s newly appointed shiny nose! her. he aaka the beauty apecUUat “I’m up to my ears in work and Invest in furs. Pnees are the low­ shall have it— to urge you to visit maid of honor must eat ham in ths to uae an a model a portrait of a the Old Wood Shop, 15 Pitkin “ Shame on Y ou!” beantifnl woman whom he anp- it's BO damned hot that I; feel like est, skins of the rlnest quality go morning; ride over hedges and poaea to be an aetreaa. I’m swimming around In hot oil. Into the manufacture of the first of street and see for yourselves the A beautiful statue called “ Kneel­ ditches on borrowed hacks; corns Vera In ao lorely after the trann- Miss Fitch can’t held a candle to the season garments, and the work­ wonderful line of antiques and art ing Woman” has stood In the town home in the heat of the day in a formation that Jerry falla in love objects Impossible for me to enum I'# with her. He leamn ahe wanted you as a secretary, and the work la manship costa more as the season platz of Duisburg, Germany, fo” fever, with a red mark on the fore­ to become beantifnl ao ahe could piling up. But she's a cheerful lit­ advances. If you are planning to erate. I marvel that Mr. Hughes many a year. For some time n-'w head from too-tlght a hat, and other g o to Bake Minnetonka on her va­ tle dimwit, better on a 'party than have a new fur coat this winter, be has time for his orders— artistic the town hoodlums and those who inanely idiotic things found in old cation to meet the man ahe lovea. picture framing Is his specialty— so At the anmmer hotel, Vera, alno at her typewriter.” sure,to see the line of richly luxu­ have hoodlum souls, but womd books of rules for malds-of-honor. know n an V ee-V ee, m eetn the man “Well, at least he’s honest!” Vee- rious garments Mr. Rublnow Is many people drop In there to deny It, have been offended by the When one meets these legal left­ ahe came to, nee, SCHCYIiER showing. Deferred payments may be browse around. naked sculptured curves of the SMYTHB. He and the other Vee exploded, rattling the sheets of overs of former days one wonders mlatake her for an ex-prlncwa, Jerry’s letter angrily.- "It’s easy to arranged and free storag^provided kneeling woman’s body, and have if women politicians, with their in­ These last few weeks of the sum­ the wealthy Vivian Crandall, who, see that the stock of Blonds Pre­ until the cold days arrive. been wrapping her In bedsheets at stinct for good housekeeping and a fter a divorce In Parla, han dla- mer find many people who have night. Police were put on guard cleaned out closets and atticsi appeared. ferred hasn’t taken a tumble since I been summering at the shore, leav­ Her attempta to convince the left New York.” Deviled Lobster. around the statue. The other night would let such Utter and rubblsH ^ncata of her true Identity One two-pound lobster, 3 table­ ing the beaches for the woods or the rabble charged the police, remain when their days of useful­ naancceaafnl. It la rumored thi^ “I rather imagine my fears for spoons butter, 3 tablespoons flour, mountains. As they change their knocked “Kneeling Woman” from Schuyler la ensaped to N ^ ness were outworn. you haven’t been realized, or I 1 teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon nuisj abodes, of course they must change her pedestal, carried the beautiful KU8U1CK, but he aanurea Vera would hhve had a wire from you. Bad Women the rnmorn are falae. Nan, Jeal- tard, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1-8 their clothes. Materials for the hills statue away and destroyed it. Bad women are always much on«T erased, cornea to Vera’a r o ^ This will sound like Greek to.ypu if teaspoon pepper, 1 1-2 cups milk, or the shore places up north de­ and accuaea her of trylns to take you haven’t read the letter ! gave Real Test. worse than bad men. It 'is almost buttered crumbs. mand warmth, and tweeds, whip­ Schuyler from her. „ you at the train, and I hope you* Someone has said that the test of Impossible to reclaim a really bad While Nan in there. MRS. BAN- Plunge lobster into a large ket­ cords or other sturdy fabrics are woman, whereas rew men are ever AiS'fitiii, a ameat at the hotel, haven’t had occasion to. , But I character is a person’s sense of tle of boiling water to which 2 absolutely essential. .The new coats beyqnd redemption. comes to Vera'a room to nay *ood- want to Impress on you that if you for fall wear show more fullness humor. I am inclined to think it is 1^ by, an ahe la leavln* gulation flower Is upside down, room. Then she ordered breakfast alum. powder. Its learening quality and power are though he’s getting to look quite whimsically, “Glad you’re having a with the stems upward. The latter —coffee, toasted English muffins There U a antloa-wMe search ca Trim off pink pulp and green unequeled (unexcelled) wlule In addition food and sliced peaches. middle-aged and settled. He made good time. I hope the mysterious tor Vivian Crandall. The maaa«er ot must be green and fresh looking magnet thaK drew you to Minne­ skin of melon rind and cut Into neat for they are as conspicuous as the actually made more nourishing by the use of She had expected a letter from a neat little killlng^n Wall Street the hotel seta uneaay and hega Vee- strips. Add alum to one cup cold is on Monday. I’m quite seriously tonka is engaged to another girl Veo to giva np her aceret. ilower itself. Jerry Macklyn In answer to hers water and pour over rind. Add MARY TAYLOR. water to cover, cover with a plate | and let stand twelve hours. Heat( to the boiling point and let simmer RUMFORD and their children by name. They had come to stay, it seemed! Wo fifteen minutes. Drain and plunge HiG WholMoniG ' Into Ice water. Let stand until thor­ Typewriters Home Page Editorial foil that they, like flowers, must last forever Then suddenly in tlu oughly cold, about two hours. Drain All makes. Sold, rented, ex­ BAKING POWDER b l t c t e midst of It all I heard a loouwsi! and dry between towels. Put sugar, LOCUST WINGS Summer Is slowly tnrnln.'? Us water and vinegar into preserving changed and overhauled. h.'ick. We do not watch the iiinset kettle. Bring to the boiling point and add spices tied in a cheesecloth PLAY A DIRGE west by northwest any move, carn- Special Discounts to Students. lug a reit from the larger arc ho bag. Boil about twenty minutes and TO SUMMER has traveled; now he stares at us add prepared rina. Simmer until kindly but relentlessly from the rind Is transparent and tender. Put ft.n I'owers and ski­ Health Protection For HOW SPORTS AFFECT HEALTH but came aftev By Olive Roberts Bai ton point marked W on the compass. Into sterilized jars and seal while Telephone 821 (This is the third of four health ers. The inr, ll Is ot the skiers Soon we will notice him slipping be­ hot. a grounds that talks on athletics and heart dis­ are explalnr. low the horlion a little toward the mountain cM. Involves the con- Kemp's Music ease). I have heard the first locust. south. You needn’t wait until Christmas YourFam ily stant liftin' hoavy pack and, to wrap your gift packages, either BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEINI Perhaps you have heard him, too. Seed-pods are forming in the gar­ of course, ut li ,n altitudes. .The re­ Individual gifts or bride prises. Sil­ Editor Journal of the Amerlciui Locusts may not make you sad. dens. The stores are advertising latlvely small heart of the bo.\er ver ribbon or cord, silver star H ouse Medical Association nnd of Hy- They affect ine miserably. With furs. Dark clothes are in the wlp- INCUR seems to bo a striking observation dows. The coal man urgee us to geln, the Health Magasine. and was explained by the fact, that their wings they play a dirge to Dr. Felix Deutsch and Dr. Emil summer. buy. over-exercise seldom occurs In box­ 1 have heard the first locust. Kauf of the heart station in Vienna ers. Exhaustion quickly leads to the Only yesterday we scattered the Tuberculin examined the hearts of participants end of the fighting through some­ seeds of our petunias,^achelor-but- In every form of sport including not body being knocked down or quit­ tons and zenias. The (lay before that only those who exercise slightly for ting. we cleaned our house and brought pleasure, but also expert fencers, Among other reasons for enlarge­ down our porch furniture from the ««M ake them D ie’* Tested And boxers, football players, hikers, ments of the heart, outside of e.x- attic. Life’s Niceties B lack F lag— deadliest insect killer made— destroys wrestlers, swimmers, bicyclists, erclse, are previous Illnesses which We watched the calendar with oarsmen, skiers and weight lifters. may have weakened the heart, and secret pride. The days were getting every fly, mosquito and roadi that gets in. Notone A previous Investigator named HINTS ON BTIQUET Pasteurized Milk the psychic excitement Invariably longer. We were beating Old Man escapes, other bugs, tool Sold at drug, grocery, Herxhelmer found that skiers have associated with competitive sports. Time at his own game. We were hardware and department stores. Powder 15c up, and the largest hearts, followed by ma­ TOMORROW: Con enlarged profligate with daylight and threw rathon runners, long distance run- hearts can be reduced? it around as a new-rich son throws 1. Is it permissible to' state, And Creftm *ners, middle distance runners, his father's money. swimmers, weight lifters, and final­ in your invitation’ to week-end Summer dresses grew under our oniy From the pasture to your home-— ly boxers. Later he found that bi­ guests, just what train - they cycle riders had even greater en­ b l u e POPULARITY busy fingers like flowers—pink, every step in the handling of our milk largements than did the ski run­ and blue, and all tfte garden colors. are to come and leave on? is taken to preserve its purity. ners. The outstanding color - which Outdoors, Mother Nature had been 2. Is it imperative to go by b l a c k I Recent investigators compared smart Parisians are wearing Is as busy. Roses and peonies had the train mentioned. Our milk conforms to all Health blue. Blues with a purple tinge given way to hollyhocks and lark­ the size of the heart with the size 3. If you have a, guest visit­ Board Regulations. of the chest in. general, and also are the most popular. spur. Our seeds wore showing pro­ mise, too. One day a tight little ing you, can you;.t^e her with L with the hearts of normal men. FLAO I They also found the greatest DIAGONAL STYLE green ball bloomed into a dazzling you for a .week-end’ pariy m changes among skiers, followed In blue flower. That was a bachelor- without first asking ;your button. The candy-tuft opened its order by oarsmen, bicycle riders, Chic comes hy diagonal lines In hostess’s permission^ POWDBB swimmers, wrestlers, and mountain early autumn styles. Diagonal clos­ eyes. Yonder was something like a pink star. Cosmos! Then all the ^.The'AB*efq^' ''vv,.. nnt .. • 4Se J. H. climbers. Football players and box­ ings, diagonal tiers, flares, trim­ Quart. . 85c U Q U m ers showed relatively little change mings and tucks abound. flowers came pell-mell. Summer 1. Yes, '-c Phone 2056 in the heart and fencers apparently v/as In full bloom. 2. Yes, unless unforeseen acci­ 49 Roll St. We had a feeling that its lush KILLS INSECTS none. About one-third of the wells dent prevents. ‘ ' .'y beauty would last forever. The They found that bicycle riders drilled for oil turn out to be abso- \ s; Oertsi&iy aot^' did not stand at the bead of the list! lutsly dry. bfrds 'were fixtures. We knew ibem

it: .s' iVVvrv";':; “"‘S. h m ' m m ren went to tho lAlce for a picnic, Friday avonlnf in the oboroh thert nret Postal Bmployeo: Mr. COLUMBIA wab a public' esblbitioa of tkt 8HB: Why should I lot you kiss cbildren’c handicraft and pUy what's the Idea of all these letters a me? without stamps or addresses? Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carpenter from the book of Rutb. Tbn cbild* HE: Well, W you want a techni­ fTSMidiiSt i If You Want A Classy Airplane^ Just bavo been taking an auto trip this ran alio lang aoiitf and gavt Bible Second Wage Slave: Oh, thai S week, returning home Thursday. stories. There was a large hninbar cal explanation, that will Ukp some just some of thosi absent-minded Mrs. Raymond Lyman and two of parents and friendc. present. Tb* time. It’e Uke thlS^ pjTOfesSors ever at the correspond­ If^sanuMt and R«l Estate. children have been spending a few articles ntade by the children were "Oh. fogo chcadL and kiss me, •-* ence school.—'Judge. Build This Twin-Motored Model days In East Hartford at the honie very well done the boys oonfistint Everybody's Weekly. of Mrs. Lyman’s brother, Cleveland of cart# and wheelbarrows wblob Collins. were donltructed wonderfully nrell, A large barn belonging to Fred considering the fact that they were Kozen in the Cards Mills section of made entirely out of old boxes, and DAVID CHAMBERS the town burned Wednesday noon. qdd lumber. BCT. and Mrs. Wain 1 PLUMEMO FDmmBa A Well Baby Conference Fas have worked hard during the pact CONTRACTOR held at the Town hall Wednesday two weeks to make the- school a PrtCi none should never govam either the Nlectlds ^ the i afternoon, a large number of babies success and deserve a great deal of flxturee or the plumber to do the work. AsaurMce of and young children being present credit for the showing made by the and ■ I.. tertal sod workmtnehlp ie eertaiu only when ttere ia no isle# at the clinic. 26 children oomprlelng the school. epouomy m puylns plumbing and when good judgment lelecu 7 V I The annual picnic of Columbia BUILDER Grange was held at Ocean Beach, DONKP BB INSUlVnNO! the men to iuetall It, New London, Thursday, between 40 DIGNIFIED 8POBTBMAN: Do 68 Hollister Street, rUSBLAOB on rKAMB and 50 being present. Bathing was yon follow the hounds. Miss de enjoyed, and a picnic dinner serv­ Manchester, Conn. JCMIEPH C. W nAO N ed. The day was perfect and ev­ MI8S DB PRES (a vaudeville at SPKUOB aTUBlt. TBLBFHOMB S41 ' I PROPELLER, : VIEWS eryone had a beautiful time, espec­ headliner): In your hat, major; I First and Sscond Mortgagss 2 NEEDED ially the children of the party. never was spotUiid next to an animal Mrs. Ruth Jacobs has returned act In my whole artistic careor,- arrangtd on all new work. W0838K!l0t3aai08at»t» gW^ ^ from visiting her uncle in Ware- Llfe. Next insert the braces in their ham, Mass. Thil is the sixth of a series of 3-32 inches by 1-32 inches for rear Mr. and Mrs. George Fulford of giiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiifiiiiHitiiiiiiiHiiiHiiitiHi!! brfiCB* proper places as shown on the plan. ^ IiKcense or scented paper burned articles telling how to build model These are fastened by sharpening New Haven are spending two weeks airplanes. Previous articles have 2 pieces bamboo 7 1-2 inches by with Mrs. Jennie Hunt. In the bouse will keep it free from For Your Car 3-32 Inches by 1-32 inches for their ends to a flat chlsel-llke point midges and mosquitoes. 4^1 told how to build a glider and sin­ and pushing these points into the Miss Minnie Lawton of Pnavl- ' ALEXANDER JARVIS. Jr. | gle motored tractor model, in addi­ middle X brace. dence is spending a few days at the 2 pieces bamboo 5 3-4 inches by side of the longitudinals, and am- SAND, GRAVEL, STONE I tion to explaining how to make broidlng in place. The braces home of her cousin, Mrs, Clayton propellers and other fittings of the 3-32 inches by 1-64 inches for Hunt. front X brace. should be inserted beginning at the CINDER FILLING | plane. The information In these apex and continuing toward the John Mitchell of Hartford, who articles was obtained from the 1 piece bamboo 1 1-2 Inches by with his wife is spending the sum­ I Can Provide Loam and Grading. Ashes Removed. =- 8-32 inches by 1-64 inches for rear. When all are in, line up the “Quality, Service Playground and Recreation Asso­ fuselage and make sure that the mer in Columbia, was operated on Moving and Trucking | ciation of America. front brace. at the Hartford hospital Thursday 2 nail bearings for propellers. sides are straight. evening for appendicitis. Mr. Mitch­ A new top, new curtains, slip 1 Now is the time to have your lots graded at the 1 6 cans or rubber guides. Trim off any portion of the brac­ § Cemeteries by = One motor was enough for Col­ es which may protrude through the ell is getting on as well as can be onel Lindbergh in his flight 1 nose ^hook. expected. and Prices” covers, carpets, glassmpblle en^ Motors: longitudinals and proceed to attach I ALEXANDER JARVIS, JR, 1 across the ocean but Commander the cans and bearings in their Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Abramson closures. Sport Model tops and Byrd and his three associates who 2 propellers 7 1-4 Inches In dia­ of New Jersey are the guests of Mr. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT meter, 1 inch wide, 3-4 inch thick. proper places. This frame can be dust covers made to order. 1 416 Center Street, Phone 341 | flew across in a giant Fokker relied somewhat strengthened by painting and Mrs. Ralph Buell. on three motors. 2 shafts, plain. Miss Lena Parkin Is visiting her TO ALL SUBURBAN TRADE iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiin Previous articles have told you ,2 “S” hooks, safety. it with “ dope” or banana oil. cousin. Miss Marion Holmes. Manchester 4 No. 16 washers. Motor", how to build a Lindbergh model The propellers are cut to the The Vacation Bible school which and now complete Instructions for 24 feet of rubber, 1-8 inch flat has been in session for two weeks Auto Top Co. thread. plan and profile shown as explain­ building a model with two motors ed in article on propellers. When closed Friday. After the last Warner Optical Co. will be given you. This model is Ckinstmction of the Fuselage: session Friday morning the child- W. J. MESSIER Always in the construction of a finished the shafts aru inserted and 115 Oak St. Phone 1816-S called a twin-pusher, because two passed through the nail bearings 48 Asylum St, Hartford, Conn. Advertise in The Evening Herald-lt Pays propellers, located on the rear, wedge-shaped or “ A” frame, the push it through the air. Because best procedure is to lay out ths using the washers for reducing -w rr—- shape of the frame full size on'a friction. The rubber thread is di­ this model is more complicated vided Into two equal lengths, and than the others described in prev­ large piece of pater, and lay the B A Y ffiA S M ious articles, the instructions will material directly over this plan each of these looped into four strands, each 36 inchea long. An be given is two ../tides. while putting it together. This in­ Today you are told how to con­ sures correct placement and true “ S” hook is fastened In each hank struct the fuselage and the motors. construction. and the rifbber is passed through PROVE SAFE Tomorrow we shall build the wings Having done this, cut the ?ront the cans and attached to the pro­ and elevator and assemble the of the two longitudinals into a pellers, the “ S” hooks being fast­ ened to the nose hook. plane for you. wedge shape and ambroid them to­ Take without Fear as Told The following material is needed gether. The wedges should have The propellers are placed at the fof the fuselage or frame, and the such slant that the rear ends will points of the fuselage marked “ A” motors: be 7 1-4 Inches apart, as shown. and "B ” in the drawing above. In *‘Bayer’* Package Fuselage or frame; Next bind the nose hook In place. 2 pieces balsa or pine, 36 inches All of the fitting" such as nose Tomorrow: Tlie wings, the ele­ by 1-4 inches by 3-32 inches for hook, cans, etc., were described in What Good Would One vator and the assembly of the 1 longitudinals. detail in the fourth article of this 2 pieces bamboo 9 3-4 inches by series. plane. night by Rev. Truman H. Wood­ ward’s Sunday school class of boys RUBBING IT IN was postponed until next Thursday Telephone Be? WAPPING night on account of the thunder First Movie Actor: So the pistol storm. was loaded with ball Instead of Miss Irene Buckland motored to Mrs. Marlon F. Pierce and her blanks: well, that certainly was New Haven last Friday and spent mother, Mrs. Frank Foster of Fos­ tough.” the day with Miss Nolan. ter street and Mrs. Mary Foster of Second Movie Actor: Oh, I Mr. and Mrs. Levi T. Dewey and New Britain and her daughter Mrs. wouldn’t have minded it so much children and Miss Elizabeth Pierce Ethel Duff of Branford, all left but the director yelled, ‘That isn’t If you had the only automobile in the United States, it of Foster street motored to Flor­ Monday for a week’s trip to Cape the way to fall when you’re shot, ence, Mass., on last gaturday and Cod, by automobile. you poot sap.”— Life. spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burnham would still serve your needs for business and for pleas­ Charles W. Dewey and family. and daughter Nellie, left Sunday Measuring twenty Inches in dia­ Unless you see the "Bayer Cross’’ Miss Miriam Welles of Avery for a two weeks’ stay at Chapman meter and weighing more than ten on package or on tablets you are street and Miss Mabel L. Wetherell pounds, a mushroom picked by a not getting the genuine Bayar ure, and you would probably be proud of owmng some­ of Oakland who, have been attend­ Little Alice Pratt, the five-year- farmer of Trentino made a dish Aspirin proved safe by millions and ing the summer school at Burling­ old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank large enough for three families. prescribed by physicians over twen­ ton, Vt., for several weeks, return­ Pratt of this place, met with a ser­ ty-five years for thing no one else possessed. ed to their homes here last Satur­ ious accident last Thursday. While Colds Headache day. The school closed on Friday. playing In the hay field, one of her Neuritis Lumbago Mr. and Mrs. Vinton Benjamin playmates stuck the pitch fork into CORNS Toothache Rheumatism If yours was the only home bgbted by electricity, the and Mrs. Lillie V. Benjamin at­ the hay where she was hiding and Quick relief from painful I Neuralgia Pain, Pain tended the wedding of Byron Hall the tine of the fork went into her corns, tender toes and Each unbroken "Bayer” pack­ and Miss Mabel Walbrige at the eye. She was removed to the Ware pressure of tight shoeSi age contains proven directions. convenience and good light would be just as valuable to church in Coventry last Friday eve­ hospital and the eyeball removed. Handy boxes of twelve tablets coat ning. They give little hope of saving her :few cents. Druggists also aell bot- The dog roast which was to have life. They were at Palmer, Mass., Itlea of 24 and 100— adv. you as they are to-day« been held at Bolton Lake on Friday when the accident occurred. Z tu u fip a d s But if you had the only telephone in existence, whaf

use would it be to you? None at all. You couldn’t use it to talk with a single Small Store of Big V alues soul. You Kuy every other article of home or business Mattress Bargain Rally equipment because of the value which it has in itself, $35 Kapok Mattress $18 Felt Mattress but the value of your telephone service to you depends absolutely upon the extent to which the service is pur­

Only chased by other people. If you are to get the most value out of your own tele­ $ 13.00 phone service, you naturally expect us to funush service

Made Down in Oixle^ to all others who desire it. We do, of course. And Where the Beat Cotton Grows. to-day there are twice as many telephones in service in The same high grade mattress you see advertised so often in all the leading magazines and newspapers. It la a product Connecticut as there were ten years ago. dt the famous Simmons Company, the same people who make the famous Simmons beds and springs. Built of. thick layers of fluffy cotton felt placed layer on layer until It la several times But to install and serve this doubled volume of tele­ the thickness of finished mattresses. Closely tufted to prevent the filling from shifting. Special at low price of $18.00. phones, at the present-day prices for laHormid materials, Highest quality, 100% pure Java Kapok, hand tailored has greatly increased our costs of doing business, while with imperial roll. Fine comfortable mattress af, a sub- Real Knockout Bargain stational saving. Choice of fancy or striped ticking. When you see this mattress you will be convinced rates for service have increased but little. that it is a buy at S27. $9 Cotton Mattress JAltfES. T, MORAN, PreitfaBi ^

3 Year Guarantee Bond With All \ Kapok Felt Mattress $7.00 THE^Xrnp^RN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY These mattresaea are guaranteed by manufaoturera that they will not get Into lumps, nor flatten or harden and to give satis­ factory service for two years. We guarantee that these mat­ tresses were made under the most rigid hygiene conditions. Only new material is used in their construction. When buy­ A rolled edge cotton mattress, tailored of fancy art ticking, a ing a mattress insist on your bond. Absolutely Free Delivery very ^ell made and comfortable mattress at a low'price. Reg­ in town and out of town. ular price for few days only $7.00.

The UnOi of « $$rU$of edvotiUmenti diseu$$ing Manchester Upholstering Co. voriout photo* of Ae ieUphaioo hotfoM. 119 SPRUCK STREET

I -M'. ^ BVgNlNG m .-■£■■ v"^ t”- - PAGETEaT

Tottiing Cars A^s Low A s Others L i Y o u t Chance Now-- -Special Sale fOr BCUt 68 Lots foe Sole Honaes for Sale 72 Automobile for Sale Apurtments— ^ lioat and Found SOUR ROOM BTfAT on second floor, b u il d : ______166 front. 260 dsqpk: Wam Ad btoamatloa BARGAIN—Six room house, oak floor WUfct ce -iCar ms part paymentyJBs- with aU Improvements and ^rage. "|g S t Phone 1165-4| LOST—SATURDAY aftOf®pon. Boston also tores room flat on second floor, and oak trim, fire place, hot water quire" 1925 FORD COUPE—liOt of extras all Improvements with garagA at heat, sleeping porch, screen poreh, Terrlor male dog, se^ brmdle nod j gSLtage, 5 mlnutdB from Contor, For 2 DB8lHraE*’LOT8 in Colonial dar- y Manchester white, no name on collar. Reward if 8175. James Hassett, 76 Cottage. / 188 Oak street. Inquire 164 Oak or den section. Price reaaonalA A M ly call 616- A particulars call Holden Nelson Inc., returned. Call 1382-2. ■ Dependable Used Cars • 45,000 M ILES Park Bldg., South Manchester. E.' Ifc"6; Hbhenthal Jr. Telephone - Evening Herald 1547. . lo st—SATURDAY tennis racquet In Manchester Motor Sales Cp. POUR ROOM TENEMENT, all im­ 1069 Main St. So, Ma^hester provements, including' steam heat. BUNGALOW—5 rooms, all Improve- -_nj-Lr\nj-u-inrC'*’**^~^^ ***“*““ * * »*^*^^^** QaBsifled Advertisements rubber glove, with 8 tennis balls. Open Eves & Sundaya______Tel. 74U mentA garage In basement Imme­ Finder please call 2228, Call 1620. ______diate possession at 85500. Apply E. Coo®* ■** I ROADSTER. 1925 model, fully ATll-2cAM ILE 4 ROOM tenement, all Improvements J. HolL TeL 660. compound Announoements » eauipped. low mileage, excellent con­ and garage. 824 a month. Inquire 13 dition. Apply to 'W. G. Glenney, Man­ Moore street. COLONIAL HOME—180 Porter Street is price of throe linen. chester. Suitable for two family dweltog. CITY SHOE REPAIR Claasiflcation 4 in Herald Classified IN SEDWITZ BUILDING three room Half of house now rented, leaving Line rates per day for transient la located at 29 Oak street. When THREE BUICK SEDANS In excellent many offerings of good used cars whose speedometera apartmv it. all very desirable six rooms and bath your shoes need, repairing see me for condition. Inquire Selwits Shop Shop. TeL 882-A with all convenienceA for buyer or special work, . J. M. SHEARER register but a few thousand miles. can be rented separately. Reason­ **** BCeettre March * ^ * ? * V ^ _ Shoe Shine open every day Capitol Buick Co. Tel, 1600 SIX ROOM TENEMENT—Corner Main able terma Phone Manchester 221. Caah Cnarpe When you buy a good car with such low mileage, w u and 'Wadsworth Sts., all f o r gAT.TC—1924 Ford C^pe. in « x - ! 8 ConsecutlTe ••! J o ttU l * 2 cellent condition 8150. Elmer Auto | Auto Repairing— ^Painting 7 are purchasing approximately 45.000 ments, steam heat. Call at 459 Main L^al Notices 8 ConseouUTe Days j , Company, 91 Center street.______Based on current market figures. St ____ FIRST VALVES AND CARBON Job, labor the car to you averages 1% cents a mile— and o^en less. 6 ROOM tenement, all Improvement a NOTICE The Manchester Upholstering Co, charge on Chevrolet 8A50,- Pontiac steam heat at 21 Newman ftreet Pursuant to order of Probate Court MORTGAGES Is now located at 86.50. Oakland 88.60. All work Alert buyers who know where to look t^ e advM- Inquire'19 Newman St Phone 1616-6. District of Manchester, Conn., I will 116 Spruce street guaranteed at Gatlin’s Service Sta­ tage of these remarkable used car opportunities. sell at public auction on the premises, South Manchester tion, 255 Center street. South Man­ SIX ROOM TENEMENT on Newman August 27, 1297, at 2 p. m. (Standard on completed properties, chester. ______street modern ImprovementA steam Time), 333 Main street, all of real square dealing. of chtekonA Monla Lsasner, tala- Fmds Stroctore Ontwonv blllt; DUBUQUE ROOFING CO. Is now lo- phono 982-4. ___ FOR RENT—STORE on Center street. ANDOVER ••EVERY DEAL A PLEASANT cated at 24 Falrview Street, South wnnoT bb’guaranteeA MEMORY” Help Wanted—Female 35 paper Apply M. J. Morlarty, 422 E. Center Manchester. TeL 990-5, RACK MAGAZINES—^Bunffied street. and Junk bought at bl*^** cash ,, _ Llonel Faulkner of New Jersey, P hone 664 Your greatest opportunity to own YOUNG GIRL or woman for light Is spending his vacation with his The building committee of tW Moving-Tracking-Storage 20 prlcea Ph<.ra 849-2 and I will calL L Apartment Buildings for Sale 69 a s k p OR w a n t AU 8B1RV1CB housework, to come in by the day. Eisenberg. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Third school district Is unequivo4 a high grade touring car, can be Phone 2074. ___ D M. Hevenor local and long dis­ Faulkner and son Duane. cally in favor of a new school builds Index of Oassifications EXPERIENCED stenographers, typ­ R o o m s Without B o a rd 5 9 FAIR'VIEW STREET, large 12 room bought on easy terms. Starting tance hauling and furniture moving, flat, all modem Improvements, two Burton Lewis has a new Nash ing, it was said today by one of the i Pneumatic tire trucks. Prompt ser- ists, and general clerical workers. car garagA plenty of shrubA always roadster sport model. today Folks, here is your chance ice. Reasonable rates. TeL Manches­ Apply Cheney Brothers Employment FURNISHED ROOM for one or two rented. Price Is low. Terms. Call Ar­ committee. No change In location; Bureau, So. ^Manchester, Conn, gentlemen, steam heated, private A party of fifteen stopped for te r 67-4. ,______thur A. Knofla. Telephone 782-2. 875 dinner at Mapje Terrace Inn recent­ is contemplated, however, despite a ? p °e lr ? u the'numerlckl order Indl- Come on In. WILL SELL ONLY family. Inquire 73 Pine strdet after Main street. PERRETT AND GLENNEY—Local Help Wanted—Male 86 5 o’clock. _____ ly. It seems to be a favorite stop­ reports which have been circulate^ cated: . . . . . 1 ONE CAR TO AN INDIVIDUAL. and long distance moving and truck­ ping place for parties motoring during the past few weeks. The Lost and Pound ...... | ing. Dally express to Hartford. Liv­ FOR RENT IN PARK BLDG., Usht Business Property for Sale 70 Announcements ...... • • •*-* ^ g Open Sundays and Evenings Until ery car for hirA Telephone 7-2. experienced m en to ■work oa airy room, facing Main street, suit­ through the town. report of the committee will be Personals ;,^iue« *’ ^ 10 P. M. tobacco. Louis L. Grant, Buckland. able for light housekeeping. -^PlY FOR SALE—BUILDING 25x25. Bar­ There was a large attendance at made at the meeting of the d is tr ic t "Wa n t e d —l o a d for Boston, be­ Telephone 1549. Rublnow’A 841 Main street. Tele- gain, if taken at once. Rubinow s, Automohlles for Sale ... • • •. • • • • , the sale and supper In the Town tomorrow night. THE COLONIAL AUTO COMPANY tween August 15th and 25th. Perritt phone 825-2. Hall ’Thursday evening. The Bene­ The committee pointe out thai iStomobiies I & Glenney. Auto Accessories—r*rM ..«.» ^ EXPERIENCED tobacco spearer. Call volent Society had one table of ar­ the condition of the old Porter distributors o f d e p e n d a b l e 1 Boarders Wanted 5 9 -A Auto Repairing—PslnUng ..••• USED CARS after 6. Manchester 1404-2. Farms and Land for Sale 71 ticles for sale which netted sixty street school makes it iinperativa 23 dollars. About fifty dollars was ir .a X ‘*bf¥r;«-v.v.\-.y.. I 257 CONN. BLVD. EAST HARTFORD Repairing FIRST class carpenter and helper. In­ LADY BOARDER and companion, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, 80 acre that a new building be erected. Oul quire 113 Eldridge street. Telephone who would appreciate a good^home. farm in Coventry, 15 cows, 2 horses, cleared from the supper. There of date, and in th ) same c la s s "wlU; | Garages^ervlce-^toJage ...•- J® PHONE LAUREL 900 EXPERT KEY FITTING. Lawn mow­ 2347. Reaponablc board. Mrs. Frawley, 46 all tools, milking machlnA etc., good were several from out of town who country schoolhouses in the b a ck - ers sharpened and repaired, Summer street. buildings. See James J. 'Rohan. 517 had supper. woods, the committee members feel Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Hartford Road, Telephone 1668. BuMintmm and PwJS**®®** Services^ scissors, knives and saws sharpened. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Case of Willi- that the existing one is not a fll Work called for and delivered. Wanted— B ootbs— ^Board 62 place for the educational center ol Business Services QffereJ ..•••«, Harold Clemson. 108 North Elm I HAVE 3 GOOD farms for sale, rang­ mantic and Mrs. Frederick Case, Household Services Offered a WHY TAKE A CHANCE 15 PAIR pigeons at low prices. Own­ ing from $5,000 to $8,000, located street. Manchester, Conn. Teleph. ne er going out of business. Inquire 296 former resident of this place, were a growing residential section ol Building—contracting ...... WANTETD—ROOM AND BOARD for within a short distance of Man^es- at the supper in Town Hall Thurs­ Manchester. Florists—Nurseries ...... ,g ONE WEEK FREE TRIAL 462. Hackmatack. Phone 112-3. two young ladles, starting Sept 6th. ter. If Interested see Stuart J. Was- day evening. Opposed to Patching. Funeral Directors •” ■*},'"J**** 17 MOWER SHARPENING, key making, Write B. Weiant, 60 North Willing- ley, 827 Main Street, telephone Heating—Plumbing—Roofing « Down. Live Stock— Vehicles 4S ton SL, Now Britain. Conn- Mr. and Mrs. L. B. 'Whitcomb They are opposed to an addition Payments phonographs, clocks, electric clean­ 1428-2. ers, Irons, etc. repaired- Gunsmlth- and guests attended the dance at to the old bnlldlng, for they say M illinery— Dressm^lng.------’26 Chrysler Touring ...... 3150 >ng. Braithwalte, 150 Center St. 25 ACRE FARM, five room house, Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . . '26 Studebaker touring ...... : " i „ FOR SALE—YOUNG RABBITS breed Apartments— Flats— garage, $2500, cash $500. P. D. Co- the Rainbow Thursday evening. that this "Will not change the condi­ ing does, and quality bucks. Wells Edward Frink and family who tion of the place but 'wUl only hold Painting—Papering ...... * ■26 Oakland Sport Rd. r’ble seat 175 SE"WING MACHINES, repairing of M. Risley, 481 Parker St. TeL 832-5, Traemeuts for Bent 68 mollo, 13 Oak St. TeL 1540. Professional Services . ’26 Chrysler roadster ...... 175 all makes, oils, needles and supplies. have been visiting Mr. Frink’s par­ back for several years the necessary 24 ’26 Paige Sedan, like new ...... 2^5 R. W. Garrard 37 Edward street. ents the past two weeks left Friday building program which "wUl be rec­ '26 Buick Brougham, Mas. 6 . . . . ^ou APARTMEfTTS—Two, tore* and four •: i i Phone 715. Poultry and Supplies 48 for South Manchester, where they ommended. Toilet (joods and Services 26 '26 Hudson 7-Pass. Sedan ...... 175 room apartmentA heat. Janitor aer- Wanted—Business Service ’26 Ford Roadster ...... J5 vIcA gas rgngA refrlwrator, ln»a* KEATING’S DEATH DDE will spend the woek end packing Sanitary facilities in the school Bdneational •25 Dodge Touring ...... »0 Toilet Goods and Services 25 MARCH PULLETS—All .breeds from door bed furnished. C*U Maneheater are poor and the report of thi excellent stock. Also milk fed broll- their household goods. They will Courses and Classes ...... ’25 Flint Touring ...... 1^5 Construotloii Companjr. IlOO or tele­ school inspector. Dr. Le"Vem< ’25 Hupmobile Sport Touring-----1^5 erA Wm. E. .Bradley. Phone 1168-2, TO LANDRIS PARALYSIS move to Hartford Monday, as his Private Instruction ...... ****'s8-A phone 78J-J. '■ Holmes, stated that the bnilding Dancing •••••••;...... m ’24 Oldsmobile Sport Touring---- 150 SHULTZ BEAUTY PARLOR 321 Oakland street, Manchester. work is there at present. Musical—Diamatlo ...... » ’23 Reo Touring ...... <5 FIVE ROOM flat, lower floor, all Mrs. A. E. Frink and Mrs. Ed­ was one of the worst examples of Wanted—^Instruction ...... 983 MAIN ST.. HARTFORD TABLE FOWL for salA also spring- modern Improvements at 26 Benton ward Frink were callers on Mrs. an unsanitary schiwlhonse in Man$ F inancial chickens. Karl Marks, 136 Summer Street, with garagA Inquire at Ben­ Foraer Manchester Man, Dead Armanda White one day thi^ week. chestesr. , Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages We will not be undersold on used Takes great pleasure In announcing street. Telephone 1877. New laid son’s Furniture Co., 649 Main Street. Business Opportunities ...... JJ cars, small profit and quick turn­ that they will be open In the evenings eggs. Tel 53-3. in Naugatuck, Widely and Mrs. "White showed them hatiwon- Regarding the tatked^l move M Money to L oa n ...... overs. 15 months to pay or longer. by appointment. Call 3-1912. derful old antique furniture. There another site, the committee la of thf Money Wanted ...... This Is a wonderful opportunity 5 ROOM tenement, all improvements, Favorably Known Here. opinion": that the voters of the dla( Help and SItnatlona are a great many pieces which have to buy a car with easy terms. No 1000 MARCH HATCHED White at 61 West Middle Turnpike. Apply m et wUlJitot stand for a removal td Help Wanted—Female ...... red tape. No endorsement. No In- Leghorn Pullets. High producing 59 West Middle Turnpike. Thonias F. Keating, whose death been in the family for several gen­ Help Wanted—Male • surancA 30 days’ free service. Wanted— Business Service 26 i strain. Grown uder Conn. "Grow erations. Mrs. Whlto has been of­ the west, which is said to be, the Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 27 in Naugatuck was reported in yes­ Healthy Chick” Plan. Oliver Bros- FOUR ROOM TENEMENT all modern fered $1,000 each for several only direction in which a new sit^ THE COMMERCIAL USED CAR CO. WILL GIVE YOU figures on your No. Windham. Conn. improvements. Apply at 115 Walnut terday’s Herald, was a victim of would be available. Situations Wanted—^Female ... street. So. Manchester. Landris paralysis. He had been pieces, but they are not for sale. Situations Wanted—^Male ...... »» stores and tenement repairing. John In addition to being unsanltan 1273 MAIN ST. HARTFORD Hostettler, 127 Wetherell. Phone Articles for Sale 45 ill for about two weeks. He would There is also a beautiful collection Employment Agencies • • • • ♦ 1276-3. FOR RENT—Five room flat, all mod­ of China glass ware and other odd the school is also congested anq Live S to c k — Petn—Ponltry—VeMelM OPEN E'YENINGS AND SUNDAYS ern ImprovementA garagA near have been 40 years of age in Octo­ either a new building or an addi Dogs—B1 rds—Pets .. 41 trolley, 14 St. Lawrence street. ber. Although a resident of Nau­ pieces. Mrs. White enjoys showing .. 12 Courses and Classes 27 tion is necessary at once. Thi lilve Stock—Vehicles UNTIL 10 P. M. SECOND hand, four glass windows, Phone 1462-3. gatuck for the past six years he was them to her friends. Poultry and Supplies •••••/•*' Inquire at 179 Spruce street. Mrs. Abner Shipper of Mansfield committee will under n o , ciren: Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 very well known and highly regard­ MEN, BOYS learn barberlng, ladies’ FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, $19 a Center is visiting her daughter Mrs stxn(;es recommehd'as addition b For Sale—BUscellaneons haircutting where failure is un­ Building Materials 47 month. Inquire at 35 1-2 Walker ed in'Manchester, where he was will bring in. recommendations f Articles for Sale ...... DODGE TRUCK. 3-4 ton, driven known. Day, evening courses. Man­ street. bom and where he atten^sd the Thomas Lewis. a new building, to be erected on th Boats and Accessories ...... about 10,000 miles. Good condition, chester trolley stops at our door. High school before taking the Everett Allen bought Elmer Building Materials ...... *< low price. Phone 74. Vaughn’s Barber School, 14 Market CONCRETE BLOCKS of all kinds for Cook’s automobile and will go to site of the present schoolhouse. Diamonds—Watches—J ^ e l i r • • street, Hartford, Conn. sale. Inquire Frank Damato, 24 course at Connecticut Agricultural Electrical Appliances—^Radlo .. « Essex 1924 Coach. 3225; $90 down. Homestead Street, Manchester, College. For ten years he had Pennsylvania after it, about the Fuel and Feed ...... Oakland 1926 Sedan 4-door. Phone 1507 time Mr. Cook safls for England, Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 60 Private Instruction 28 been an employe of the State High­ 1921 Cleveland touring $65, $26 way department in the capacity of as he wanted the use of the car Household Goods "1 down. Garden— ^Farm— ^Dalry Product* 50 while visiting relatives before going Machinery and Tools ...... 1921 Ford touring, $35. $14 down. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given In all inspector, with the exception of the NOTICE Musical Instruments ...... "2 1923 Duraht touring $65, $26 down. grammar school subjects by former war period when he was In the ser­ abroad. , , „ Office and Store Equipment . . . . 54 PURE a p p l e cider vinegar for sale. THOMAS F. BBENNAM. "We, the undersigned a majority o Balance monthly or weekly. grammar school principal, for rates 25c gallon. Phone 970-5. IL Silver- vice. Besides his highway depart­ The show.er Saturday morning Sporting G oods—<;uns ...... - 5| SILK CITY OAKLAND CO. call 215-5. Thomas F. Brennan, 75, died at put the electric light out of com- th* directors of The Clark Heatinj Specials at the Stores ...... 56 195 Center St. Telephone 2169 stein, Bolton Cider Mill. 8 o’clock last night at the home of ment work he was in the trucking & Plumbing Company a corporatloi Wearing Apnurel—Furs ...... 57 business on his own account, own­ misBioa in several places in town. organized under the statute laws o Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 Business Opportunities 32 his daughter, Mrs. Matthew Merz The Ladies' Benevolent Society the State of Connecticut and Ipcatei R oom s— Uii3:r«l—Hotels—.Resorts WE NEED SPACE of 247 North'Main street, after an ing a fleet of trucks operating in In the town of Manchester, county o h e n c e SALVATIONISTS GIVE will meet with Mrs. Thomas Lewis iicstiiurnats illness of five days with pneumo- Torrington. He was a member of Hartford in said state, THESE EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS BUSINESSES LISTED FOR SALE— Thursday afternoon, Aug. IS at Hereby certify, that every stock Rooms Wlt+ioui Board ...... We specialize exclusively In pro­ nla. The funeral will be held from Corporal — - — Coylp i -i, Post, _ American Manp-a Le- Boarders W anted ...... 59 curing buyers for businesses of 2:30 P. M. bolder of said corporation has signe( Country Board—Resorts ...... 1924 Ford Coupe, 4 new tires, $125.00 PARTY FOR LASSIES the home of his daughter, Mrs. glon, of Waterbury, and of Nauga- and acknowledged an agrreeiflent tha 1922 Ford Sedan—This is a buy, $75.00 merit. We investigate and appraise tuck lodge of Elks. the corporate existence of 'such cor Hotels—Restaurants ...... 1923 Chevrolet Touring. Excellent a business before we list it for sal^ Lott Lahey of 18 "Winter street on SENDS CIGARS INSTEAD Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... If your business will stand rigid Thursday morning at 9:30 and in Besides his wife, who was Gladys poratlon shall be terminated whlcl Beal Estate For Rent motor. $85.00 A farewell party was given last Instrument Is dated thee twenty sixtislxtl ^ 1926 Chevrolet Touring. Paint and Investigation we are at your serv­ St. James’ church at 10 o ’clock. M. Breen, Mr. Keating is survived! ApartmentA FlatA Tenements.. ice. Our files are open for in­ evening for Miss Mina Maxwell and Berlin.— Once a week. Foreign day of July, 1927. Business Locations for Beni ... rubber very good, $275.00 Burial will he In St. James’ ceme- by a nine months old son, Thomas. All claims against saidsld corporation Cadillac Touring at a right price. spection should you desire to pur­ Miss Edith Leggett at the home of The funeral which was held this Minister Stresseman Is host to Houses for Rent ...... chase a good paying business. may be sent to John Clark,Hark, P, O. Affl Suburban for Rent ...... Several other bargains. Miss Elizabeth Smith of 2 Charter tery.^ is wrvlved by four morning at Naugatuck, was con­ newspaper correspondents at tea. dress 486 Parker SL,-, Manchester Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 Oak place by over 50 of the young At least, he makes provisions for Conn. H. A Stephens Sales & Service ■TF YOUR PRICE IS RIGHT WE children, Mrs. Merz, Mrs, Lahey and ducted by Walter Gilnack, who "was Wanted to Rent ...... 61 lady’s friends and associates in the It, even if unable to attend. When Bated at Manchester this 26th daj Real Estate For Sale Center and Knox Streets. Thomas A. Brennan of this to"wn a boyhood friend of the dead man of July, 1927. HAVE A BUYER.” he is not present the guests are Apartment Buildings for Sale..a 69 Salvation Army. and Rev. John J. Brennan of An- and his schoolmate In Manchester. JOHN CLARK Business Property for S a le ...... 70 Miss Maxwell and Miss Leggett served with cigars named after FANNY Ii. CLARK 1926 Overland Tudor Sedan. HARTFORD BUSINESS EXCHANGE sonia. Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 1925 Oakland Coach. are to leave on September 9 for the An old railroad locomotive, with Stresseman. Houses for Sale 7| 252 ASYLUM ST. TeL 6-6728 Salvation Army Training College in Lots for Sale ...... J* 1924 Maxwell Sport Touring. Five million dollars a day is ex­ its wheels removed, heats a passen­ Ford Coupe $100.v New York City. They received ger station in Norwich, Conn. It THIS IS THE BABB’S IDEA Resort Property for Sale ...... <» 1925 Nash Advanced 6, Tudor Sedan. pended by- the women of the United Suburban for Sale ...... An elephant’s bath requires 150 several flne gifts last night and the also heats the train shed, and cars Real Estate for Exchange 76 party featured games, musical se­ States in the effort to keep them­ Wanted—’Real Estate .. 77 CRA"WFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. IKJunds of soap and more than $100 selves beautiful. in the yard. Babe Riith thinks that hitting On State Road Anetloii——Legal Notieea Center and Trotter Sts. TeL 1174 lections and light refreshments, hasn’t improved as much as pitch­ worth of purest Indian oil. 12^ acres in Manchester, 7 rood Auction Sales 7S ing sined the days when he was a Legal Notices ...... house, bathroom, electricity. 2 caj hurler. * garage, 2 poultry houses, 300 heaj GAS BUGGIES—Breaking the News Gently poultry, 2 horses. 90 fruit treet TUT -TU T.. OUR berries, etc. THERE S NO SUCH WHY DOESNT TUT-TUT— WHEN Y E S , I PROPOSITION IS One acre place on State read, h a v e I THE HONOR ____ TH IN S AS " t o o L A T £, hem tell him YOU HEAR OUR UNDERSTAND,] SO GOOD YOU room house, some fruit trees, bard 0 MEETING THE INVENTOR MY FRIEND. JUST THE SATCHEL garage, poultry house, aU. 2o| PROPOSITION YOU b u t y o u CANT AFFORD 0F THE COMPRESSED AIR 6ET YOUR HAT STARTER IS TO PASS IT UP. Insurance $4,500. CAR — HOW DO "VOU DO, SIR. w o n 't s a y I ’ m WRECKED* MAY BE AND w e ’l l s o INTERESTED w e ’l l m a k e New 5 room single, oil good strs« I*M MR. CADENZA OF TOO LATE . BUT AND THE CAR Nearly twenty-five (25) with sewer, gas, electricity, Ic FIRST, COME RIGHT DOWN AND T O KNOW y o u r HUSBAND THE CADENZA CAR CO. TALK TURKEY-- IS NO GOOD 50x150. Prlcp only $4,000. $1,00 DOWN TO THE T H A T t h e kWEALTHY. AND ^0 years experience in Insurance I CALLED TO MAKE __NO, NO._ NOT WITHOUT m AS FOR VOU— CASlle ^ VOU A PROPOSITION HOTEL WHERE MYJ STAINER Six room single, with g a s, steal A WORD--JUST y o u ’l l h a v e and kindred lines is at your ser­ ON VOUR INVENTION. PARTNER IS heat,, garage, lot 20Q deej WAITING GET YOUR HAT- e v e r y t h i n g y o o r " 'H e a r t vice through this oflSce. price'$5,400. Cash $500. Would you like a 6 room singl d e s i r e s . in the Green section for $0.50f There is an extra lot and a 2 ca Travelers of Hartford garage. Easy terms. %// Bolton Lake shore lots as low a $250 on easy te rm s . Cottage fd Life, Fire, and sale with large living room "W11( fireplace. tow^jrice add reaaoi Casualty lines. able t e r m S v ' *- "• ROBERT J. SMITH ; EDWARD J. HOLL 1 0 0 9 Main St. “ K you In ten d to live on eattii (rti & TeL 560. 865 Main St • aUceof tt.’» , ) , - ^

.'.if. MANCfitBSri^ ,(CONN.) EVENING HERALD. TUESDAY/ADGU55T 16, 1927*

By Percy L. Cro^y SKIPPY„ ^^p|fcit FAH SirsAYsr SENSE a»d NONSENSE X H ^ A R D V o d ASK 'You uerc/RN evcRY Yes; AN VOU RCTURN OHS O f M Y c e r r e R ^ M O The airplane manutacturers will .ABOCnrTRAT THAT SAT/N R )rr<3W ) never get the family trade until j>(NK R60 ©R6S5- YOU J e v a s Y o n e o r m y c i m . they stop patting the hack seat in ^ i^wr. r— - front. IrttUc. Tlud FA^6» j

A specially constructed tank truck recently carried 1,860 gal­ lons of milk from Pittsburgh to Milwaukee. Now all wo need to know is what kind of liquor made the return trip.

O what is so rare as a Sunday without auto accidents.

Ned: Where did you tour on your vacation? Ted: Gosh! I don’t know; I was Hi driving the car!

There was a young lady from As- tor. \ On the road no car ever past her. , Rco. u. t. PM. orr._ #HWT wfce ulMarSiC. When the car couldn’t stop, [Copyright; P. L. Crosby, 1927, Centra! Press Association, Inc.j She married the cop. And now she’s going faster and Half a loaf is better than working faster. all the time. WASHINGTON TUBBS H Undoubtedly personal liberty Is Mickey (Himself) McGuire By .Fontaine Fox a good thing, but we don’t like to V By Crane ride with a driver who Is full of it.

A O w ^ " W The girl who goes for a ride with PLENSE— I WUStGO. J03T SAMO’EN\ MOTHlNG "^00 a "flat tire’’ shoulcj not forget to SHOOT iH rn e * uPtVUW IN TWE ^MBUU^NCE. SO v^WTE. CI\N DO, ww BOY. take a little "jack” along. N^CK WILL YA I SO m P . SO Pv-Tifiii-. Those tig e rs HE HASTHEBE^t A i U O n s iSl GOT 'iy\— GOT m BEST FRIEND*:::., '— HEOICM MTENtlOlv Andy, who had run out of gas on O ^ ^ NW B U D O ^ the outskirts of a country town, THREE GUESSES O sa^SC. a boy coming along the road L carrying a big tin can. Anyone should be able to do fair­ "Say, boy!” he yelled. "I hope its t o l l as ly well on this quiz, for the answers that’s gasoline you have in that Af^T^A Xhc Police h a d b c c a sot cu r. cp the w a y t h e w a 5 are practically given with the ques­ can.” \MASH 13 JOSHED tions. Correct replies are on another “ Well, I hope it ain’t,” returned A PAMPY PRELiM/AiAAV To THE MAIN B>ovT foR W H ICH T o A UO^PiTAV.. page: the boy, "it would taste like the dickens on ma’s pancakes.” HAS B E E N TKAlNlNC MI5 KID BROTHER. ! 1— Ifl the Ganges a river in India, GOZYj ErTAP.'t'f^^ HlMSELE HAD To LiCK PERSOlt UPOM Egypt, or Persia? Western Indians are again kil­ 2— Is Rudyard Kipling’s "Gunga wEARNibiG OP The Din” a poem, a novel, or a short ling a lot of people— by motoring over then. ACCVDeM -r.iS story? I 3— Is amber a mineral, a fossil -sto ppe d b h t n e resin, or an artifically produced After all, a good horse can pull MANA ME. I HAS To GO ON The real millennium will come r e g a r o u e b b . or Anatole France? when the pedestrian and the motor­ C^NT^tHTo HIM. 7— Is the boomerang a nativeist shall lie down together. CAN CHEER. HIM. QUIT ARGUING, weapon in the Philippines, Austra­ ^U3t ViH BEiNCi AND EITHER GET lia, or Java? H O N K , H O N K \MVtv\ HIM BACR TO TOOR 8— Who said, "Give me liberty \morvc. o r . quit. or give me death,” Benjamin Little Boy Blue come blow your Franklin, BaJkara Frietche, or horn. You’re approaching a crossing as T Patrick Henry? sure as you’re l^om. 9— Is the capital of New Zealand,And if a sharp lookout you do not Melbourne, Sydney, or Wellington? keep. 10— Is peat a tree bark, a sod, orYou may go everlastingly fast a low grade of mined coal? asleep. -----CD Motorist: Come on, come on, get flivver installments will take care out of tbe way! of the dollars. e> Pedestrian; Right, sir; where shall I go, up the telegraph pole or Horses are worried over all this down the sewer? talk of gasoline shortage. (* FonUine Fox, 19^7, The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) A true sport is one who can chat Lad/ (to motorist who has just ie ^ J lightly, smile and be at ease while wrecked his car): You’re not a u.CTAT.orr.' '\b watching the taximeter. very good driver. Just beginning, I suppose. W'ell, here’s hoping that some Motorist: On the contrary, ma­ Tag Accepts By Blosser day the backseat driver will get dam, I’ve Just finished. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS lockjaw. Sbie: Have you been pinched in \m aat do woo TAII^ / XUL T^SkE cars TZIATSTWE "All the world loves a lover.” this car? ees'urzz.'sou'RG siuv NJAV, S’/iJV! X SAOOM? TAl/JK ppP t BOBBY BACOM OFVOOC POA^y- STUFF.' “ Sure: he never parks inside the Durham: No, but I’ve been slap­ TO C A xrr vjJAA^r/Ai’ to so y/XAT VWOOUD BE SVOSLL — VURITESTAS 7t> C0M6 XLL TREAT ITAiloE. city limits!” ped. JOSr 7AI/JK OF FUM AW‘ Nisir BoBBV RACOAi "TK A/^’ y is ir AIM AM’ A/S T A k E R E A L ACY&R .AS IH'OITEtS you coOLO AA'OS ODlUi' Q07 ^ZUfeV AAMS AE SAVS AS DOESMT scxtdcare o f VjslELLr SO MAAiV SPOOf^ AROU/OD A L L TAEIR VyJAMTA SO -SEE.' IT FOR VOL- I ’LL 6 0 focus >6S”2ASIR SOOELL AUroS.'.' X SNISA AE'D A S k 'jtoO SO A^J'AA'J£ TAEA)!.’ t a b l e t Do^r- A 6 0 0 D UMCAN VWAICA QN>GS v ^ - B o r T/ME." TO OSS.' I \MA/Cr A e d o r s r o m r ^ u a l c o c h r a n — p i c t u r e s k n ic k ma.u.AMT.eFP. MV p o o y ?

gl927 Wl Hia SpiVlCrTW^ S ty By Smstf SALESMAN SAM No Cause for Alarm

CHeRT5'. WftF \ HPiF 0E«^ U-tTLE Pox St^PiLLPOX'. eeiVT \T\ GOME tOOME’Y'? VOT \ Of LftRO VOT Too HOV) DftRE CO^^E V/UMTED To SPM MUS PEOPLES ORDEREO A u t t c e . ? o y . 0 1 5 - (^O K T * UMD — piRe iNjt OF Fueu % WA9 coat A««e«

01807 BY NCA Mpwicc. mc. Ritt-U. a paT.oqj IV by Gilbert Patten Jack Lockwill at Summer Camp (READ THE STORY, THEN OOLO R THE PICTURE) The Goofys’ cave had quite a door Clowny said. “ Come on, now, lead that reached up two feet from the the way.” So, up the hill the Goofy floor. The home was underneath a went. To let in light was his Intent. hill and hidden well from view. Of And ..then they found to move the course, as soon as It was spied, the board was work, not merely play. , ■',^1 Tlnies saw ’twas dark inside, and They tugged and tugged, for it wondered if there was some way to weighed heaps. "I guess tha^ board let the light come through. is there for keeps,” said Clowny, as One Goofy said, “ Way up on top, he wiped his brow. And then they we’ve got a board that we let drop. tagged some more. Then Carpy That opens up a little place and shouted, "Like as not, I know what (.’I let’s the sun shine in. When this ails that board they’ve got. It’s' is opened, we just crawl right in much too big. They should have and it’s not* hard at all- But fat used a little two-by-four.” folks couldn’t enter. It is lucky you ' Just then there came a crash and are thin.” creak. The'bunch were scared and King Clowny then stood up and couldn’t speak. Soon Clowny and roared, "Please hurry, now, and the Goofy Goo were not where they “ Why, he's a regular SqUaw-man!"' whooped Lizard. “ Let nim move that board. I’d like to go into had been. The earth above the cave Her hands clung to Lock- At some distance from the. your cave and see just what it’s had dropped and Clowny and the Now it was the jhidiM maidsli^s face that flushed warmly red,' bluff, Saunders, Lizard and stay with his squaw or swim across the lake,"^ cried Saunders. wiii’s for a moment in a warm ."We’ve got his canoo.” “ That is my canoe they.have,*" said Jack.' like. I’ll look around a while, and Goofy flopped. It seemed that and her long, thick iashes drooped over downcast eyes. Lon^ins, iressure. In that moment, a PeeWee, sitting in a canoe, then sit down and rest because , noticing with surprifs how much his sister was affected, spoke f were gazing at them. *‘dh, ha!i \‘TII have to swim across or walk all the way round.” -“ Neither,’*. Clowny’s weight had simply caved aughing cry of mockery, com­ Longpine declared. “ My canoe is hidden' not far away. Come." ' we’ve had a rather lengthy hike.” quickly: “ Ws must go now; Rose." She flashed Jack a glance. "I' ing from the lake, caused them ha!" shouted Buke, "Lockwill’a the wee cave in. shall not forget what you did for my brother," she toid hjm, step­ He ltd Jack and Rose to where his canoo was concealed. “ Won’t you please help me move to turn that way«. got agirll" . . - ‘ - ping forward and giving him i>bth handyt. " the board?” one little Goofy Gep (A pelican comes to the rescue In t iy p y ^ - i To Br ContinAodl Implored, “ Whx. >ure 1 will,'! wee tho n ^ stoiarJ*

't; I PAGE TWELVa atonrf|iitpr :i E B. Segar of the state aid divi­ .n Peggy Marrow of Birch street , Mr. a Till Mrs. Andrew Swanson Miss Helen Stavinsky of Center &nd sons, Herbert and Elmer, have sion at the State Capitol Is having street has returned to her work at and Amelia Danger of Cedar street his vacation and with Mrs. Segar is have returned from a week’s stay at returned to their home on Hunting- ABOUT TOWN the Carlye Johnson office after a ton street after spending two weeks visiting his sister in Waterbury. two weeks’ vacation. Old Orchard, Me. c Accompanied by their two sons, At their cottage at White Sands Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lettney of fieach. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Duffy and Margaret Conroy of thf Four- Oakland street and Miss Ripley of family of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of acres has returned to her work after Hartford, they will leave Saturday Center street had a birthday party Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. on a motor tour through the Green spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. being confined to her home with a John Johnson of 50 Clinton street Leslie Robinson of Center street. for their daughter, Shirley, Sunday. and White mountains. Friends from Springfield, Hartford fracture of the foot. were their daughter and her hus­ The Duffy family will spend the band, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Von- next two weeks at White Sands. and town spent the day with them. Paul Cook, foreman at the Or- Misg Jamesina Stevenson of Hone, Mrs. William Feidner anci. ford Soap company^lant has' re­ Orchard street is spending the week son, John, all of Astoria, Long turned after a week spent at Provi­ visiting with friends in Pennsyl­ Island. dence, R. I. vania. I Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Martin of Mrs. Chester Alexander, Miss Miss Mae Barrett of Center street Middle Turnpike east and Mr. and Bertha Novak and Miss Elizabeth is spending two weeks in Boston. Mrs. Robert J. Dower of Haynes St. John of the Burr Nursery office street left this morning for Yar­ force are enjoying their vacations. The B. B. Sewing Club had a dog mouth, Me., where they will visit roast Saturday afternoon at the Mrs. Martin’s mother. Raymond Bowers of North Elna Birchwood'cottage, Coventry. street has returned from a fishing Mrs. Sedrick Straughan of East trip to Grand Lake Stream, Me. Vivian Larson of Middle Turn­ Center street has as her guests her pike. east, is spending her vacation uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Willard B. Rogers and her at Lake George. George L. Kellogg of South Pasa­ son, Kermit, of 23" -East Center dena, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg street, are touring Rhode Island Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burdick of have lived on the Pacific coast for and Massachusetts shore resorts. All Remaining I August Sale of the Midland apartments are enjoy­ the- past twelve years and are ing the sea breOxes at Pleasant spending the summer touring the John Maloney of Main street who View for two weeks. East and visiting their relatives. has been confined to his room for the greater part of the past three Mr and Mrs. Robert Templeton Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunt and fam­ months as the result of a paraly­ 1 Window Curtains of Beach street have returned from ily of 106 Benton street and Mr. tic stroke, is now able to be out on a two weeks’ camping trip through and Mrs. Carl Anderson of 101 the porch every day. Summer Frocks Reduced Maine. Florence street have returned from a three-day auto trip to Boston and Miss Ida Shaw of 152 Center Hector McDonald of Glenney’s Nantasket Beach. street is spending the week at I Small Lots Priced Very clothing store has returned from a White Sands Beach with her aunt, week’s vacation spent at Pleasant Miss Eugenia Haverly, formerly Mrs. Henry Coleman and family. View. P. J. Hutchinson is taking of this place and who is training at $10 and $15 Dresses, now his vacation this week. Long Island College hospital 1 Low To Make Room Brooklyn,, is visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Catlin and Jaunty striped and plain colored tub silks and one and two piece Mrs. Carl H. Allen of Henry street. family and Mrs. William Luettgens crepes have been reduced to this price. Dresses that can be worn Miss Florence Walker of Main and son of Church street', motored now and in the early fall. Sizes 16 to 40. Some wonderful val­ street has returned from a visit to to Camp Pioneer in Winsted Sun­ ues in the lot. Sarasota Springs, N. Y. Judge Alexander Arnott and Mrs. I For Fall Lines Arnott who are touring Europe this day and visited. After having din­ ner they motored up through the Mrs. Roy Holmes and Mrs. Sarah summer, have visited places of in­ I All lots of two, three, or four pairs at greatly reduc- terest in France and Switzerland Berkshires, returning home late at McKinney of Main street spent the night. week-end at Southbury, Vt. and are now in Germany. It is their i ed prices for quick clearances. Will quote few of the plan, according to a card received $15.75 & $19.75 Dresses, now specials as samples of the savings to be made by select- Miss Katherine Cannon, chief by The Herald and dated at Lu­ G. W. House and family of Ben­ I ton street have returned home from operator at the local telephone ex­ zerne to travel through Belgium, Fluffy georgettes, dark prints and plain colored silk crepes in S ing now. Holland and Great Britain before a two weeks’ vacation which they late summer styles are included in this lot. Frocks that can be change, has returned from a trip leaving for their home here. spent at Indian- Neck. through the New England states. worn many weeks more. Many women are buying these frocks 1 SHANTUNG NET CURTAINS, with silk fringe. Reg- with next summer’s need in view. ' Sizes 16 to 42. Mr. and Mrs. David Korngiebel Clifford Beebe of Woodland street The Misses Alice and Josephine =; ular price $7.98 , and daughter Margaret of Henry Jarvis of Center street Mr. and 5 For $5.50 Pair has returned to work after enjoying street are spending the week with two weeks at thef different short re­ Mrs. J. F. Campbell of West Hart­ relatives in Danbury. ford and Arthur Darling of Hart­ I FILET NET CURTAINS, colored stripes, silk fringe, sorts. ford returned Saturday after Dress and Sport Frocks, now On Wednesday, August 31, at spending a week touring Vermont, i $3.49 kind David Titus of Middle Turnpike, West Haven the 45th annual outing Canada and other places of inter­ Most of our higher priced light summer frocks have been mark­ r For $2.98 Pair east, and Mr. and Mrs. Roderick in celebration of the 109th anni­ est. Saxton of Hartford motored to ed down tb this very, very low price. Mostly sport frocks fashioned versary of the birth of Robert Mor­ of rajah and silk crepes in light summery shades. Sizes for the I FRENCH MARQUISETTE CURTAINS, rose, blue Westminster, Vermont, Sunday. ris, will be attended by members of Mrs. Annie Titus and daughter, small and stout— 16 to 44. and gold, with silk fringe. Regular price was $5.98 the Eastern Star from all over I Anne, who have been spending the Connecticut. A business meeting = For $4.50Pair past week there, returned with will be held at 12 noon at the Wil­ Hale’s Dresses—Main Floor them. cox pier restaurant. Dinner will fol­ BAND CONCERT I f i g u r e d r a y o n c u r t a i n s \vith silk fringe. | low. and Mrs. Clifford Keif of Oakland 5 Priced regular selling at $5.98 now street is visiting relatives in Brook­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weeder i For $4.25 Pair line, Mass. and their daughter, Mrs. David BASEBALL GAME Bright and Crisp Armstrong and family have return­ I FILET NET CURTAINS in white and cream, with Mrs. James Mellen of Holyoke, ed from a trip to Saratoga and Mass., is spending the week with Hooslck N. Y., where they visited West Side Playgrounds u lace edge, reduced from $4.50 to $2.98 Pair. From MORNING FROCKS, each Mr. and Mrs. G. H- Sankey of Oak­ relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Weeder Wednesday Evening This Is our fourth shipment of these well made morning i $2.98 to $2.19 pair. Others that were priced $2.50 now land street. were in Bennington Vermont last frocks. That Manchester women consider these a real value week and saw the preparations for Auspices Dilworth-Cornell Post for is proven by the way they have been selling. We can I offered at $1.89 Pair. Mr. and Mrs. Max Thimler and the sesqui-centennial celebration of American Legion hardly keep them In stock. Well made frocks in new colorings family of Stamford have returned the Battle of Bennington when trimmed with muslin or self-materials. Plenty of large sizes. 1 VOILE AND MARQUISETTE CURTAINS of fine home after a two week’s visit with 6000 visiting soldiers were expect­ Baseball, 6 p. m.. Legion Nine Hale’s Morning Frocks— ^Main Floor. quality with motif and lace edge, regular $5.00 grade for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler of ed and Governor Trumbull was I one of the speakers. vs. Ch^eney Brothers A . A. = $3.98 pair. Regular $4.50 reduced to $3.50 pair. Were Oakland street. Concert, 8 p. m., by Silk Walter Keeney and family of I $3.59 for $2.98 pair. Miss Eunice Hamilton of Oak­ City Band. land street will enter St. Mary’s Buckland will spend the next two i RUFFLED CURTAINS of flowered voile with colored Episcopal Finishing school at Con­ weeks at Sherwood Martin’s cot­ tage at Coventry Lake. The Public is Invited. I ruffles and tie backs, reduced from $4.49 to $3.49 pair. cord, N. H., at the fall term. OTHER RUFFLED CURTAINS of white figured mar- Henry Hamilton of Oakland i E street has enrolled at Williston I quisette, were $3.79 for $3.19 p a ir... Were $2.20 for | Academy, Easthampton, Mass., to , -SOUTH ^Mf\ hCHESTER • CONN • I $1.69 pair. Cream Voile with figured ruffles and tie 5 prepare for Harvard college. I backs, were $1.98 for $1.49 pair. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sankey have PMON returned from a week’s vacation spent at the several shore resorts

Clfirence McGonigal of Wood- bridge street and Robert Hayden of 'GOOD THINGS TO EAT Pearl street are on a week’s auto FREE! trip to northern New England and CALL 2000 ^ ‘ Canada. You, too, can know the Joy This Miss Eleanor Clark of Pond COOKIE SPECIAL the pleasure and satisfaction that comes with knowledge Point, Milford, spent the week-end Early Wednesday morning the National Biscuit Co. that your feet are correctly styled, without sacrifice of with Miss Evelyn Palmer of Wood- will deliver to us 12 dozen bo.\es of what they call their bridge street. “ Pantry Assortment.” It is a new assortment packed in comfort, in smart Walk-Overs. an air tight box similar to their De Luxe package. In­ Improved Mr. and Mrs. Walter Balch of stead of the regular retail price of 25c we will sell these Hilliard street are spending the cookies tomorrow at the very low price of 19c box. week at Coventry Lake. Fire Shovel Mildred Lorraine, year old daugh­ Pure Lard...... 14c lb. l*^ e e MMK ■ te .lU .W .W T . ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Savee with every order of Chicago, is seriously ill with of one ton or more bronchical pneumonia. The little Tub Butter,...... 45c lb. girl with her parents are visiting at of our the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W. H. GARDNER Johnson of High street. MARKET NEWS G ood Coal 847 Main Street The Misses Margaret and Eliza­ beth Daly of Woodbridge street are Doris McPherson is enjoying a vacation at Lake Po- spending a month at Hampton cotopang, East Hampton. Beach, N. H. Just try Swansdown Cake Flour once. The manufac­ Let us have your Winter coal turer has Instructed ns to return your money if It doesn’t umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiuiiuiiiNW Mr. and Mrs. Henry Floto and turn out Just the best cake you ever baked.. order now and be prepared for daughter of Doane street are on an 2 4l auto trip to Niagara Falls by way Bread and Butter Pickles— can’t Imagine where they cold weather. of the Mohawk Trail. picked up the name for them— but regardless of tlje name they are My-T good pickles. G. E. WUlis & Son Mr and Mrs. Edward Hogan and We have Swift’s Premium Bacon sliced with the rind son Edward of Mill street and Miss off at 59c a lb. Another good sliced bacon at 49c lb., A Personal Service Abroad Lillian Agerson of Hartford spent and bacon In the piece at 29c and 39c lb. Inc. the week end with friends in Just remember, please, that^ you can always find the Springfield, Mass. 2 Main St. Phone 50 C ^ H E joy of a trip abroad is very often offset by best the fear of traveling in a strange land, with in James Hogan'of Mill street spent strange customs and a strange language. the week end in New York City. Poultry A t Pinehurst That fear has been overcome and the travel path TomoiTOW we will have large Native Roasting Chick­ Mrs. Samuel Curran and family o f the tourist made easy by the world-wide service o f ens, small fryers or broilers and tender fowl. GLADIOLUS the American Express Company. This bank is equip­ of Maple street are spending the week at their cottage at Saybrook Lean pieces of Lamb make a tasty stew— and some­ We are offering our finest ped to introduce you to this service in the fom of Manor. thing your children won’t have to be coa.xed to eat. blooms to the public at a arranging your trip to any place you may wish to I often hear mothers remark that lamb stew and bacon popular price. travel and for any length of time you may wish to Bobbie Flavell of Woodbridge are two meats that their children will eat.- Our many r e ^ t orders certify street and Jackie Hoffman of Pearl stay. This 8 o’clock delivery of ours seems to please our as to their quality and You may travel abroad with a carefree spirit, street are spending the week in customers very much and if we do say it tills is a m l^ ty Windsor. satisfaction. knowing that this service will smooth all of the de­ convenient delivery for people who want their orders early. But in order to keep the delivery on schedule PROCRASTINATION tails o f your journey. Uniformed interpreters are Miss Beulah Smith of New Lon­ we are just obliged to ask our customers to phone orders Isn’t it peculiar why people will put off ordering maintained at important seaports, frontier ^ in ts don spent the week end with friends for this 8 o’clock trip before 7:45 Monday to Friday and Woodland Gardens and railroad centers, ready to lend a helping hand. in town. 7:30 Saturday. If you want early delivery just phone F. A. Nickersra, coal until the’last minute when they could just as_ The offices o f this world-wide' organization are before 7:45. We wlU do the rest. 236 Woodland Street well have their bins filled before the cold weather Rev. and Mrs. P. J. O. Cornell arrives? , -.jY also available fo r cashing travelers cheqws, exchang- returned today after a three weeks FRESH MEATS FRUITS AND ihg money, sending cables and performing countless VEGETABLES It’s human nature to put off until tomorrow w | » t stay at the Nyquist cottage at Wal­ Lean Pork diops other services that only the traveler can appreciate. nut Beach, Milford. Yellow Com and Lima psm be done today, but every sudden cold Scotch Ham For travel either at home or abroad, the safe and Beans keeps us busy writing orders, each order stating C.- E. House of East Center street Sausage Meat Tomatoes, Celery HATS GLEANED “must be delivered at once.” • dependable and convenient way to carry your funds Lettnce, Squash accompanied by his granddaughter. Tender Pot Roasts All of which leads us to ask, have you ordered is in the fo m fb f American Express Travelers Cheque. Miss Laura House, daughter of Mr. AND BLOCKED your winter supply of coal? The sale of Travelers Cheques is only another of the and Mrs. Herbert House, left yes­ Ladles’ White Fdta » qtecWty. terday on a motor trip through Ver­ Pinehurst Coffee many services this bank offers to travelers. Their cost Com Flakes Satisfaction guaranteed. THE W. G. GLENNEy GO. is only 75f ptx $100. mont state. 49c n 3 for 20c Men’s Straws, Panamas md ADen ^ o e . Bfanch^ter. Frank Balkner of Ridge street is The Manchester Trust Co. enjoying two weeks -vacation tour­ Pelto. ing various resorts in Maine. FOR South Manchester, Coon. GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND National Shoe. Shine w Member American Bankeris Association Miss Clara Feidner of Astoria, SATISFACTORY DELIVERY SERVICE Long Island, Is spending the week CALL 2000 Parlor with Mr. and Mrs. George Arm­ 887 M ain ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT strong of Oak street.