E of Support in Equipment, to Arrive
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■ ? ■ •• • ■J A- ■ ■ I.. TUESDAY, JULY M , 1960 lounBEiN Atwrafj JNdiy Ntt PtcN '- .T 'r ^T ke_yten % r u a ateHri|igBter liti2ttUt9 l|9raUi ' r w Oiw^iPVijk B M M ' af V . A Wa -ftnw 1988 Industry,’* McNally said. "The i$g boys went through the nniaeum, $3,000 Loss 13,125 tampsnatoffc' Isnr mVt A b o u tT o w n Group Today bought souvenirs, and wandered Ths loim ooeunsd ovamtght, and Hmtatey' lUr, w so o m ti. again thsrs wars no marks on r at BwAnjia around for three nours.'' : at Obeolotloa mM. ngk IB 8ia. The next 24 hours was spent dh ths building fatdleating a forced FUNERAL HOME ManehatUr—^A City of VUlago Charm ItM wayi and nwana opmmittaa Will Discuss tbs train again, with Denver the Reported by entrance., « f Our Lady's ChiUd o f S t Bar^ destination. They reached Denver Patrolman Lso Grover Is Invss- FUNERAL thtdomew'e dniroh will maet to- on the morning of July 20, and tlgatlng. _________ (OtoaalfUd AdvarMstag am Paga 92) PRICE m om nr at 8 p-m. In the tMUMmeot Brook Issue then trained to CoIoraSo iSprings, Hanci VOL. LXXR. NO. « 8 (TWEiNTY-POUR PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1960 e t the rectoiy. stuns 90 miles south, arriving at SERVICE J The problem of Lydall Brook 1:16 p.m. Nearly , $8,000 In cash and Sheas Surprised WAUTER N. Officers and members of the was to be discussed toda^. by "Twelve buses awaited our ar checks has been reported miMlng IaBjCXjEjROi UaachestOT Lodge o f Blks will Town, SUte, Eighth District, and rival and took the Charter Oak from the John Hancock Insur Director Impasse on R B 4 7 maet at the John F. Tierney Fu Lydall A Foulds Paper Co. of Coimcil scouts and other council On Anniversary State News ance Oo., 68 E. Center St. neral Home, 219 W. Center St, to ficials. scouts on the train to the Reverse CallMIT-S869 J Diamond Ranch, where the 1960 According to Michael J. Malon- ~ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Shea of morrow ni|^t at 7 o'clock to pay The group was to meet at 2 p.m. 23 Main Street, M^mchester final reapecta to Henry Demers, a with (Seneral Manager RlehiS'd Jamboree is being held! Beauti sy Jr., district manager o f the 114 Mather St. were honored at a Roundup lodge member. Martin in the Municipal Building fully lighted and colored algns company, 8179 in’ cash and $2,611 surprise buffet supper at their to discuss steps underway, and ahowed the way to the campsite, in checks made up the Friday home Saturday night, celebrating and we had a motorcycle police es Council any that can be planned, to reduce night deposit. their 80th wedding anniversary. the pollution that makes the cort.” . The loM was discovered yester The party was given by their Roadblocks Set Police Arrests stream offensive to North Binders . Raise Tmta day morning, and was reported to children, Joseph P. Shea of Man Notice during hot, dry spells. After receiving "Instructiona police yesterday afternoon. chester, M ra James F. Sheehan, of Martin invited Robert FuUer, about their campsite, the scouts The- money, according to Mystic, and Mrs. Edward P. Cur I win bs away from my bnal- For 3 Robbers Mies Haney J, B ^ , 60 Margaret had to wait f<ff the truck, trans Maloney, was in a canvas bag. He Soviet ltd., was arrested and charg^ with general manager of Lydall A tin of East Hartford. ■ess from maw ■attl Aog, 7. Foulds; AtUlio Lombardi, senior porting their personal and, troop said- the person whose responsi Ths couple was married July 22, Wolcott, July 27 (JP)— Road keeptng an unllcenaed dog. ghe was bility It was to deposit it Friday e of Support in equipment, to arrive. summoned to ^ipear In Town sanitary engineer of the ' State, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daisy For Emorgtiiey Work blocks ware set up in this area Water Resource Commission; BYed "It to<dc about three hours to night does not remember if It was served as honor attendants. Court Friday. complete our Jent setting and get deposited, and the bank says the United Nationfi, N. Y ., JiU yt^gon ^ today as police sougfht a 'New Bari Brigman, M,<and his wife, Thrall, town water and sewer Mr. and Mrs. Shea received a Can abstain f^m voting mi Cold War superintendent; Victor Swanson, ting thing! ready for supper. Af money was not- received. money tree and other gifts from 27 (/P>—Security Council de Jersey automobile and three Minerva, both of 146 Center S t, ter supper, the scouts were free Maloney added that he still does disputes. were both arrested and charged prudent of the Elighth Utilities the 80 friends and relatives pres Monchostor Hoertin^ bate on the American RB47- •fhe vetoes brought the Soviet men who, .fired on a Wolcott with Intoxication as the result of 'a District; warren J. Scott, director to look over the Jamboree jiurea not know if it was stolen or Just ent. before taps, sounded-nt-10 lost. He did not rule out the pos reconnaissance plane, a h o t total to 89 in the council’s history• pblicemah early today. The noUw disturbence in front of 147 of the sanitary engineering dl The couple has four grandchil Chief U.B. Delegate Henry Cabot policeman was not hurt. Javits Will 'The first official day started sibility that It might havs been cind PtumblnB Co. down by the Russians ended Center S t, at 1:80 this morning. vision. State Health Department; dren. Lodge 'after the votes said Uie Rus Patrolman John Muccino, S5, Both are scheduled to appear in off hot, and It is supposed to , get thrown, away by mistake. last night with a 9-2 council and Dr. Nicholas Marslalo, town Preliminary police Investigation sians by blowing an in’vestigatlon said he was investigating aii at court on Aug. 8. health director. hotter in the afternoons. A large 117 Birch St. vote rei^ting Soviet charges showed “they do not believe their Rita M. Gond, 22 West S t, was cannon explosion officially opened did not reveal any sign of forced tempted break at a grocery store No New Complaints entry into the company’s offices. again st^ e United States and own charge” against the United in this cental Connecticut town arrested and charged with failure the Jamboree, and the fiags of T.I.M I^t778or^83S1 States. He termed the Italian pro;- to grant oAe-half of the h i^ w a y as Martin said the meeting would all countries and tmits were raised D et .Thomas Graham is inves L T. WOODiSO. a Russian veto of the U. S. when he came upon the parked deal with “what has been done, poeal for the Red Cross to contact New Jersey car. the result of an investigation into together." tigating. IC E PLANT proiiosal for an international the captured filers a “compassion an accident that occurred yester- and what we might do” about the McNally’s next letter will tell Second Poesible Theft Muccino said there appeared to Chicago, July -27 (/P)— Republican National Chalhiun pollution and odor caused by the 81 BISSELL ST. WALTER B, KOHLS investigation. ate resolution’.’ and commented to he no one In the auto at first. But dM morning. The candles dn that cupcake are markers foi» other people's wish Of the activities at the Jamboree. Another possible theft was re Th« Ruoolann aloo vetoed on paper company’s Industrial wastes. the council: suddenly, he said, three men pop Thruaton B. Morton said today the party’a national eoilTCn- ^Mdnald Pamirfirey, 24, of 489 es, wishes for health that came true. Each candle marks a When the scouts return, he will ported to police this morning by Cuhes-CrMhed^Blocks FLUMBINO and HEATINO Italian propooal that the Interna No complaints have reached the 204 MIAFLE ST. “It is a sad thing when a people ped up inside and one fired two tion will try to go ahead with its plan to nominate a ^ ce E. Middle Tpke., was arrested on g^lon of blood donate by York Strangfeld, 168 Greenwood Dr., write a story about the experi Robert Hayes, owner of Hayes tional Red Crosa contact the two aa warm-hearted as the Soviet peo shots at him. presidential candidate tonight. a srarrant c h a r i ^ him with non- -He holds the gold pin awarded to a 4-gallon donor. Next to Town Health Department yet this ences at the Jamboree. Elsso Service Station, at 484 E. '■urvivlng crewmen o f the Ameri ple Is represented by a govern aw port this mominjg. him is Mrs. James E. Elliott 177 Summit St., chairman of the year, but the weather hasn't yet can plane, who are being held by ment as cold-hearted, brutal, hard The policeman took cover and Vice President Richard M. Nixon, announcing pfa|BDl te<0iat* Tlie warrant was issued by canteen which operated yesterday at Manchester Memorial Hos been right, according to neigh the muoians for trial aa opiea. and cynical as they showed them fired two shots in return as the suit party leaders on the No. 2 selection after hCs own nomi Prosecutor Jdm Lombardo. pital. when the BloodmobllC made lU visit. (Herald Photo by bors. 'V men sped away. He pursued the Pamfdurey was released under Deaplte the official Impaaoe, U.N.