Board Stands Pat on Supervisor's Transfer
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«„.*» ^ -j^-gH ted; cf spiritually - enough. It Him urn nflarsY snrtilmltsilim 'pot dMtoUor factor ID the CfcrMtaa 8dtJK» Is ftrtng the arr spiritual ondetstanding to ov- e this tear mod thereby to «nd Ml satisfaction can he attained after mean* satisfaction to ev- here present sod In the world I* II mtani'sstlsfartlnn I Vol. !tail of existence through the SI CRANFORD, N~J.r i»y iuid IVIIW msii ttt^n of the FIVE CENfS cil truth taught to the Science lection, Christian Science. • Aimoonc* Honor Ptipik Baby Frank Caruso In Crmaford Hifh School snan Hartley CSNTBAL sUtLKT ' COMaUTTBs: Board Stands Pat on Wifls Popularity Vote - Following Is the hifh school honor Will Speak at Rally ' BiUmatcd needs ...,..r»,000.00 roll for the fifth marking period: CwilrlbaUofu Clubs and organisations. I1.M0J7 Betty Di Tullio and Ditzel Frethmeo—Oair» Weir, Otrtrude County and Local Candidate* Supervisor's Transfer Cremerlus,. Oortnne Johnson. Betty IndWduaU , 598.S0 Twin. Rank Next. Needy Will Also Be Heard at Relief Enterprlsea MliOO WiU Share in Winner'. Munio. Henrietta Miller. Betty Low- sjurttaa" land. Frederick Kfcoori, Harriet Nick. Meeting Monday Night ";. .total 1 '_ UZlim doud Claims No Funds Citizens Register Vigorous Prizes. —-'— . ' / Miner Wetmort. Eugerw HenrtahcPor- Ekctnkeen Process othy Dtller, Helen Norgard. Lucy Tails- Cleveland School. „ EipdMIUres To Pay for New Job Protest, But School Offi- i-llS* ' ' ' Frank Caruso, three year old ton of feiro, MoUle. Comsiock, laabelle Frank, Investigation and super- . dais. Refuse to Rescind CKANVOKO, N. J. Officer and Mrs. Rani; Canuo of S3 Mary Tinness. Helen Bemlwim. Phyl- Congresman Fred A. Hartley, Jr., vWon . .....' 330.00 Some of the »plr!t of ranfllrt which Bollywood avenue ni the winner In Us Stuck. Annie Church, Maxwell Van- Kearny, representative for the Btt Store Room ...'...; 3J.85 marked the pubtlc dbcusU^n of thr Previous Action. the Baby Popularity Contest conducted Nuya. Congressional District, will be the guesi RsllPt Entcrprtees'--..;.'...:.... «IT:15 bonrds action ontmt Mtan Edmotid at the N«r Crahlord Theatre aa the Bopho -Bissbeth Harris, Ettas' speaker at the political rally-Mondai Ofnce •...^......,,,.1....!.. 50.23 wm carrird over Into the routine busi- After listening* to vluorous protests, feature of Child Welfare Month. The Food ..l....,...;..._:;..'. 1.4M.B3 ness jeuldon which fbllowKi Tuesday cvenliuft.. against "lui action H) contest closed but Sunday and an- beth Torlow, June Peterson.' Arthur evening, May 11, In Cleveland School Brown, Oraee Orrok. Deborah Cannon, Coal ;.. 67J.M ••." In her report, MIM Eklmnnd • men- traiisfprrlnK' Mlw^Bnra'h Edmond frnr nouncement of prise winners was made The rally Is being sponsored by ih ciothinit .......::. ,.... uo tioneda »unrry of phvskat 'MueaMor sunrnisliisr principal to the hewiy- at the special matinee Monday, afieri Lucille Uniing, Margaret Haynes, Ira Dirsdourianr"::~ " "• . Cranford Republican Club and- th -Water !;..;..;;....;...,..; ...5.» -'- 53.S4 " »rtd mantra> tralninf *'wor* madr-O Juniors—Louise Merkle. Evelyn My- Cranford Woman's Republican Clut State officials. John K. Cloud Im- the lloiinl nf "Education stood/pnt on Baby Canuo polled a total of 77,450 Tqtal/ ...;...v..........,.$3,lM.3» mediately questioned the authority for »hat Juu rx<en ers, Apolooia Wysockl, Catherine Fuchs, nents aw^ behig, made,, by, SHU® Mkte.4wt,rtacfr,ffSeoond nla. wlJN tbhi*rt .In the contest was won. by Betty Jane 1oirVfcomnuttee-frdm Bterrett replied the Ifachers1 coirimSt- ; DlTulllo,: daughter ofJTMSK;;i«pK .Relmerl_K>IyinJlfaB-Nu».Jobn_Vanr Ten. Room- 5J8- eteLtlltt d 1 le*; Iia» prdtrea It Mr-CBua proiratoi j iihsUc.. jM mnilrut Prank DlTullio o£ : darwood, who i In addition to tho sufst ^l1'lBl^tettici :..i'^-:':'.. as. »• matter-irt- potter. Atr.;mtmr*s>n p, j ntpdm were itfew FRANK "BOBBY" CARD8O - 8enlors—Dorothy Heroy, Hugo Dt mont ....'. .;;.:.:. 3110.(0 trm plan, nlthminti-pdm were it«few amassed a total of 68,730. The third County and local candidates have bee,f said he taw Mr, Cloud's iMNnt, *1ille rho". caine to \Ue hj&rn> OMlstanLe In place.went to the Ditsel-Twins, Doris Pablo, Dorothy Cremerlus, Henry invited to be present and nearly »l II. R. Simon, a memhrr of Hie •tliletir liali-heartld mxnner.' and Joan, seven months old daughters TWO GIRLS HURT WHEN Ronnlund, Ki committee, «Ud he knew, nothing of Tlw . tlliwuMinii was punctuated by lotte Bartela, have sent their acceptances. Amoni REPORTS PROGRESS p y of Mr. and Mrs.' R. Ditzel of Spring- the investlgaUoh. aithou«h liU coni- l field avenue.. STRUCK BY AUTO them will be Surrogate Oeorge H. John xxnrtluies J demonstrations on thn ston. candidate.for the Repullcon iioh OF RELIEF WORK rhUtee.was interested. Mrs: Stenrll Georgette O'Neill, 5. was the winner MEMORIAL DAY GROUP said (tart of.cltlfena preicnt. aorrie spcak- of the Baby Beauty i Contest In the Driver Clalsaa Children Darted-te •nation to succeed himself. Surrona by- bursts of ap- pv -wbicb. p Scheei: Yesterday. yedV Cen- /roclcni the room. Statements by noon. She received a cup, given by County Republican Committee, tral (iroup la Told. ortlrrlng Mi» Wmoml to r at least one meal each Necessity of Taking Care" ol Children Congressman Hartley, tho youngesi wen booed ami President: W. J. Tappln's of Newark. tract a.n director of research wan hot a Illsey of <hit board was kept pound- The' needy of' Cntaford shared to a Two little school girls were Injured and OM People Who Wish lo VUi member ol the House of Reprcscnta- matter of board record, lie threw light yesterday afternoon, when struck by Ilcporta on program of relief work ws lila gavel for order Several tlmm, large extent In the victory of Baby the Cemetery Makes Help ' one of the most active members were nubmlttnl' nt thn merllng of the on the transfer ot Mia* Edmond W the BEST. Phone an automobile as they crossed Orange Imperative, , ot that Koutei He serves on a number questions were, loaned at Mr. Wlllscy ' Prank Caruso, for bis parents turned Central Relief Committee Monday pointing out . there Is not available nun all parts of. board chambers at the greatest share of the prizes over avenue, near the Roosevelt. School. of Important committees of trial bod] funds to pay for the new podtioiC a> ' Irene Klush, 8, M dsborne Place night. Daniel 11, Neal, nccrtlnry of the onre. / MEAT. to those- who need assistance. As first Children and elderly people who en- and is recognised as one of the lead' committee1, stated 374 grocery orders Increases for teachers and principal* In Elisabeth OeneraL Hospital with ers ot the majority. He was the speak' To thn flood of Interrogation directed prise, the Caruso baby received $50 In ter the annual Memorial Day Parade and 109 coal. orders have* been given have utlllled the budset apptvprta-, o the board. Mr. Wlllsey's only answer gold, given by the theatre, and of this, fractured skull, while Laura Treichlei er at the annual dinner dance of the tlon«. Mr Cloud stood by Ms right lo 614, 15 Carpenter Place is confined have been a problem "for many years since Jan. 1. The number of needy TO that the group was acting "for the »10J»« given to aid. the needy and un- and a special committee has been ap Cranford Republican Club In February canes; ho said, U now 133, lower than ihe mlnutai. her home with painful cuts on both arid made such a fine impression there •I interest* of the school system." employed. Likewise, they gave to the pointed by the chairman of the Mem- early In tlio yrar, on n number have alno Including the fact Inclpals «eie Joneph p. Heuer, L, K. O'Brlan and needy the six months' supply of milk knees, as well as bruises and shock. have been repeated requests for his given Increases all James Quartucdo of 338 Centennial orial Day exercises to enlist patriotic been removed for various causm. It was |ire- otliera continually prciWed for a fuller offered by the Riverside Dairy and a. appearance before a Cranford groui "Mrs.; Harry-Folk, chairman of~the vlousty'voted ald not receive avenue, the driver of the car, who dtliens, who have cars, in the work of again. • planation an tho discussion wore on. 130 basket of groceries offered by committee In ctianft) of the campaign more pay. John k. Cloud, who with Harry n. Wlnkler'g Delicatessen; other prises claims the children darted out in fron taking care of them. On account of Despite his youth, Congressma Mr-. Cloud i of his machine. Is being held under : to stimulate "home improveinents-re» WM the only rnembem of thn whlnh the first place baby received the tact- that the- litUronarTnarch, Hartley Is-a political figure with man: port«l-ai. follows:.,-'"In- chocking, the .inond'ajitatemeht. that, it .was-th«^ policy tSda ball-to-await-action of-the grand they cannot be taken in cars from the «>T«trairalnitthPtnin»f(!raction werer'a"vacuum cleaner, donated by ilia mndo by our canvoucr to aacer- of the board to combine rlaiac*. que»- or Miss the lost regular TutUe Brothers and the Home Uni- Jury on a technical charge or assault. center of-toivn7_jrhULyjar_It is pro. he is only twenty-eight years of age The children had just been dismissed taln how wo could help the unemploy- tlonlng the decision. Although Mr. meeting, arose ami flnKod for tho floor. versity Bookshelf, a character develop- posed that an children fall out of line When he was only nineteen, ho waa ed by getting'them work, we find 700 Wlllseyytald there was no record of from school when the accident happen- appointed on the HbrarycommlsslorToi Ilia entrance.