1 of timo and 'diiinagii whioh all will be ''it' equally fertile aihd valuable. . ' tNeorlyall these swamps wore fonned' •qr caused I byibeavei's. The timo was - Thtirndgyjil'ebrnary. 12,il88Q.;, when thei'o wore no swamps;' Tho land LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST how covered by them was bottom-land, bearing a groAvtlni of. iswamp oiik, elm, soft nmpio, eto.,.with u brook running "'llioi^iibllioii or the iVrnincd through.: -Tho beavers came and built I.nndKor Iiiirliniii Coiiniy"—A Paper their dams, jond raised tho water o''er Itcniiniljrare'tHe MiMon rnrinerM* In the roots ot the • timber deep enough to NtltiiUs'Jniu 20, by I-I>. WooiltaouHc, kill it j, and in time the dead timber Connty UrulnCoiiiiulNiilonvr. fell and the poiid illled up Avltli vegeta­ ble matter until a soil was finally jn-o-" VOL. XXII.-NO. 8. Mil. PjlKSinENT, JjAUIES' and'Gen- duced for the present swamp growth. SHOFFMAN'S MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1880.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. WHOLE NO. 1102. 'I'tEJtEN :—It is .only I have a This is proved by finding the dams, flim^lielief'thht' thoro is li mine of aud by Unding in tho bottom of every It Will Pay Mason Business Diroctory. farm, two and one-half miles west of this city, public lecturer in tho United Kingdom of poll list. He didn' explain why ho opened The H. in. W. So. Clirar, '' i! wealHiuiideyelOp^^^^ swamp, no mutter what is its present to a Jlr. Freer ofAVashtoniiw county, aud will growth on the surface, the kinds of England, Bcotland und Ireland. Tho nation­ nil the boxes when tho poll-list could bo In Is tho delight of every, smoker—clour Havana j i; of tiiis.county, and tliat discussion and JKWKI.KIIN. Imvo ail auction sale next AVcdiiesday. al movement taking place, Iioontorodtlie po­ but one box. Tho witnesses for tlic defense fliled, at William's drug-store. ~ . ; ! \ 'iiivestigatibh ijy, .siieli bodies (if men as timber I have named buried deep—in lelialiod Tylor and Laura L. Footo wci-e litical arena, and became one of tho most sworo that tho poll list was In Iho state box fact at the bottom of tho muck. This Puui.tHiiKn Evniiv 'I'liiritsnAV Akteu- IAAH OUr.VEU, dealer In wntcheH, clocks, Wanted. ^ I; compose this ;ihstitiito must lead to a All who expect to want any­ _Jowelry, sllycrwiiro,^otn. UopiilrlUKjilono. married at the homo of the brido's parents In poworail advocates ofthe rights of the people. Olid that the city nnd ward boxes wero not is .almost Hlwnys the ciiso. You will KOON IIV E Money for Boots nnd Shoos. Webb has tho I i bettiir understanding, of wliat stop,s are thing in Alaiedon, Feb. 15, by Rev. Goo, D, Lee. Also In this country ho has met with distinguish­ opened until night, unless Edwnrds oponod {j necessary and Ijost adaptcjd to bring Hud the hard timber at the bottom, OTIS FULLER. C. HEUBV, Jeweler, and dealer in watehos, latter and wonts tho former. i though you may find, and frequently J. clocks,Jewelry, sllvcrwiiro, und musical attliesamo time and pluco, Peter 0. Footeiind ed success lis a lecturer, and the leeturo ho is thorn while gone to dinner. Edwnrds didn't M those lands under cultivation, tliat,,! instrumontJi. RepalrluK ii spoclnll.v. Call I Abba M. Gnnn.botli of Alaiedon. to deliver liero Is pronouniied by many tho know which bo.x contained tho poll list. I.oatt ; hivve con.'ierited to coiiib. before you and do, several generations of swamp tim­ ber above it. These swani]! landa-were flnest over put ou tho Amorican platform. It Such, In brief. Is tho most Important ovl Good hoolth, by running around with cold tiy to'give" wh'at aid .T can', by on 11 ing On ynr, tl.SO; tlx monthi, 75 csnli; thrae URlTOniNTN. Leslie longs for a gri.stmiil, and Loml almost entirely useless lor any iigricul- is Intensely Intorostiug, and abounds with dciice brought out, nnd If "well grounded sus­ foot whon you can buy a nice worm Overshoe attention to such iTuitters asiiavcconio monlhi, 40 ccnta—in advanoe. thinks tho business men of Ihnt vliiiigocan wit and humor. tural puT]>ose, and the little tliat could Domestic M. WILLIAMS, druKClstand apothocniT. iillbrd to put up a big bonus for the erection of picions of ballot-box stufllng" lainnot bo based so ohcop at AVobb's. I I to my notice; iirid'giving'cxprc.ssion to ADVERTISING RATES. • H. PrnscrlptloMs carefully coinpouiiilod. upon such ovidence. The News Is nojudge of 1)0 realized from their timber or pastur­ ono In pliu;e ofthe mill recently destroyed by Lumber Wnnted. I certain opinions I have formed upon age or (in the case of open marehes) Our advortlRlng rates are SKHI per column W. IIAIjSTEAD, dealer in drills, medl- tho English language, por year. Uuslnoss enrils tl u Ilue per yoar. . clues, perfumery, fiiney KOods, notions. tire, provided it cannot be had witliout. "Mackrcll Potiit" Vindicated. UockElm.IUack Hickory, AVhItowood,BnsH- 1 j tho subject; and I taaist that your great the wild hay tiiat might-be cut uptui O Tho trial, which lasted two days, was In f liuslnosH loeals llvo eoiits per Hue eiieli and The exeeutivo commlttco of llic Ingiiam wood, nnd Oak, In exchange forblncksmllhlng, interest in tho,matter.may render you tliem, furnished but a' poor return for every Insertion. Dan Edwards wits a statesman, and many respects a farcical sido-sliow. Dan. »it«>(;EnN. County Agricultural sooloty Is iu session to­ carriage or cutter work. i lilind to all faults,- in,,the inanner in the capital locked up in tlieir purcbaao MarrlaRo, hlrtli, and dontli uotiecs ri'cc. Put on more airs than folks could stand; Edwards tonguo would wag In spite of the Dry Goods Obituary uotlcos, resolutions or respect, UNNING it HOWAUD,dealers In grocei- day at tho count-.v clerk's ofllco, and It will So Otis hold him to Uio light, and the taxes annually .paid, uj-on cards of tlmuks, cle., llvu ecnts a Hue. _jeB, crocUcry,jind provlslonSj^AHludreet. probablycontlmiotomorrow. .-Vrrangements protestations of tho court and tlio attorneys mt. B. F. Gniifriif. wliicli it iS;prcsentcd. , them. D Aud all tho pooplo saw his plight. on bcitli sides. Sanford dropped In frequent ; Thecounty oflJnghani is con'ipo.scd R. B. \V. IIAESTED & CO.^dealers Iu Bro- are being porfectcd for the next county fair. Thon Dau was mad aud called his dun Too Bnd! Burned Out! No InHnranoo ! suggestions In the hearing of thojury, whon Avoid this misfortune by insuring your i, ofsix'tueii townshiii.s, coiitaiuilig ' eovered, as they were, a considerable Anytliiio during tlio Kext Tlirco Moullis lo JOB PRINTING! D corles, dnpts, sowlni; maehln(!.s, etc., etc. In (•ompllnnce wiUi a general order. Lieu­ To help him squelch that Ma.son man. ii-'A,- common decency would hove suggested to property at onco AVithJ.C.Squlers. 80tf j ; -27,. acres, according lo the IJiiitcd portion of the year with water und de­ tenant A. AV. Mohan has Issued orders for tiio Now Otis on a farm was brod, iiinkotliclr I'lirelinses this Slontli. Stcnm Power, Now Presses, and Now Typo II04»TS ASil> NII«»EN. any other man the propriety of keeping still. FrnltTrecN. .St-atca survey. • Of these, ns hear as I caying vegetable siibstanccs, they were ouulJlo us to do .Tol) PrlntlUB on short members of Company K lo report at tho Ar­ And ho could tell a cabbage-head; Mr. NIohoIs urged a conviction on tho un­ You can getrellnblo fruit troos at wholesale fertile sources of malaria that would notlee, at low jirlecs, and In tlio of.AU & EUr.IvEU, dealers liri)W)Ts,"shocs mory on Monday, Fob. 23, at ono o'clock, He know tlie graceful pumpkin vino, : oaiidetcrinlnei about ouo-seventh, or iiilUinqry,and faney^KOods. Main street heard of plea that " the republlcnn party prices, b.v sending with my second annual load the ntino.sphere with tlic germs of P sharp, tojoiii In a public parade Iu fill 1 uni­ And boasts ot'gonus aslnlno. in the Uoigliborhood of. tilty thousand BEST POSSliJLE MANNER! would chip In and help pay the flne," and tho club order. Make out your list ou postal cord, sucli diseases us fever and ague, chill O. HUNTINGTON, e.xeliislvo dealer ii form, to honor the mciuory of George AVash- And from the sequel It appears acres, wiiH originally swamp land, or C. Iiool.s and shoes. Hcpalrlnn done cheap disorderly rabble of confederate sympathizers send to me, and I will give you prices and land wliic!i,in a state of nature,wiw too fever, and others of a IclndrotI nature ; ]tii8iiics8 Cards. Ington. Ho always know them by their oars. gothorod in from Mnckrell point nnd tho ICE I1U08, manufaeture and repiilr boots terms. I have on my fruit farm a quontlty ol I wet i'or cultivation, and reriuirod somo and scattered ns they were all over the It Impponcd onco that Dan resolved. " copper regions" contiguous to the " WIzord's county, few would eacapti their influ­ THET ARE SURE TO BE A'rT«»KNKYN. R and slioo.i. .Shop in express hiilUlliiij; .loliii R. Clark delivered his popular locturo As he round MookroU Point revolved, evergreens from one to four loot high, twlco I artilieiai drainage to render it siiitalile onlltlc/l, "Tonnd Fro lii Loudon," to a largo den," clieorod tho prosocutlon repeatedly, transplanted, for salo at" let llvo" prices. Al- , ' to raise.tliq various crops wliicli arc cul- ence. Consefiucntly, before anytlibig MINC'EI.TiANKODN. 'rtiat county funds should not bo spout without punishment from tho court. Tho was done by drainage to mitigate their A. B. HAVNES, and well-plciiscd audleiiee at the courl-linuso Ou editors could ho prevent; so raspberry and strnwberr.v plants. ' tivat(id in .thci ctaintry. Thcso lands 4 ri'OUNEY AT I.AW ANU SOLlCITOll last evening. The humorous, tiic descriptive, Jury, which, wo ore Informed, contained but llOlwI. AV. H. OVlSttUOLT. ; diUbr lull.y fitj liiiieh in (iiiality, depend­ influence, the di.seasea caused by malar­ ^ In chaneery. Collections u specialty. AV. TANNEll, dealer Iu dry Roods, iio- So when tho supervisors met ono republican, and ho iiu Indopcndont, evi­ HIGHER! Oinec In narrow liloek. Mason. .llonsj silks, and faniiy K'lod.s. Main si and llic patiiotic are so blended in this leeture ing uiron thciir iticatioii and situation, ial poisoning formed a very large ma­ M Tho caso boforo their oycs ho sot. dently liked Mr. Nichols' Idea offlnlng"tho Come One, Come All, EIIH A MEAD, exclusive dniiiers In as to make it worth a good deal more than tho aa do the upllinds.' Many porsoiis sup­ jority of all tbo sickness and sutloring, RUSSELL C.~OSTRANDER,~ Then Otis scratched him with a quill. republican party," nnd after being out threo both groat nnd small, and settle up your ac­ cloliilngjinil j.'ciils'_t'uriil.sliliigjroi>(is, price of admission. And Don got oven madder still, pose all muolc lands simi ar — tliut a fi'oiii diswuse, iu tho county, and roiider- 21 TTOUNEY AT T.AW AND CIHCUIT W hours decided that Daniel's character had counts at oneo,/or J m\ut have the money. ednccos.sary nearly all tb(Jcxiienditiire.s FRANK CLARK, Iilacksmilli and line The young ladies of Leslie have l.ssued in­ (Villi straightway sought somo magic power Hwampisaswani]), aud that tiiougli tbo A court eoininl.sslouer, l.anslni;, Mloh. been Injured somewhat, but suggested to tho flStf. C. O. HtlMTINaTON. tor medicines unci medical allcndance, Our stock never was more L. eiirHiigcJiiUldcr. _Repiiliiiii,Mieii_t,^^^^ vitations for a nias(|uoriide liail ut Union hall To aid hint in this evil hour. : timber may difler, yet tlio soil of all A. B. COWLI-iS. l-;i>WA IU) CVIII I.I,. court that the flno bo made light. His Honor, WoodYnrd. as well as (iiu lo.s.s of time caused liy I'o liny the Host >Vnri-nMlc(l IRST NATIONAL HANK. M. .McRobcrt In thill village, next Tiie-sday evening, for It ciiiincod that he to Hinchoy camo, Mr. Clork, accordingly Imposed n flno of $23 : .swamj) lands is iu fact tlic .same—that Complete than at present, and COWLES & CAHILL, president. II, L. Henderson, cashier, 0. E. Smith hns opened a wood-yord at hl« sickuesa ; and I am iiiforined by medi­ A TTOnNEVH.-VT LAW, I.ANmil^a, MICH. F the lieneilt of tlie (mrnct band. AVhon the (A iiorthorn wizard known to fume) costs. The trlnl lusted until ton is, muck. Though thi.«, in one sense, we^e all bought at much less t-'aplliil, ?ini),iK)0. Genoriil bunking bii.slne.s.s. without ogrtculturol store, south of tho court-house, cal men, and tho.yc, too, moat i|ualiflod ^Edward Calilll, pro.seeutliiK uKoriicy, girls lake hold of iinytliing in Leslie, they And proniised him he'd pay hlni well o'clock Saturday night. The case has boon may be true—tliat the soil commonly Will be 111 Mason Erlila5\s^vlicn reiiuested. and Is prepared to deliver dry beech and by their experience and ]iractico lo than present prices. LARK HOUSE, AVin. IL Clark, proprleliir. always make a success of it, and llils oceiision If ho would lay on Oto a spell. appealed to tho circuit court. : called muck is composed entirely of judge, that the change in that iiartioii- VERNER J. TEFFT, C Ilo.stouo dollar a day lioii.so in the city will iiiidoubledly be nii exception lo the rnle. 'I'huii Hlucbey lot his eloquence miiplowood nt all times and on rcosonoblo : vegetable matter, and tbus far may be lar since the county drain .system Ment TTOUNEV AND COUNSICI.OU AT I..-VAV E.VCIt A ROSE, niaiiufiicturors aud deal Flow full uud free In Dan's dcfeuso; terms. • SOtf all aiikc—yet it dilfers .so widely in its crsjn all kinds of furniture. Ash street AVo arc informed by a proiiilnciit memborof into operation, haa been marvelous ; Cook and Parlor Stoves! A Mason, .MIcli. Saekrider liloc^k. M the red ribbon ilub that tlio c!lub never asked Aud such a »i)eU on Oto he east Formers' Club. IS Per Cent Saved. .situation and condition, in-what it will and that malariiil disea.ses liavealiiiost HARLIE OLIN, dealer in books nnd stii- That AVebstor from the tomb aghast Parties Intending to purchase a monument U. P. IIENDKllSON. OKO, K, IIAV lloiiery. Watch ropiiiriiig a speciidly. the editor of the Dintwcriii for ii eoliimii for At tho meeting of tho club lost Saturday, and will not produce, that, as 1 said be- entirely di.sappcared—in fact, it is BUT" YOTJIS/ C tomporaiice purposes, the assertion of that Rose up lu wrath, and I.lndlcy Murroy or tombstonewil l consult their own interest : foro, it is no more unilbrm tban tlio HENDERSON & DAV, Mr. Hunt of Ingham rood a very Intorostiug cliiinicd by many tiiat tlie saving lo A TTOUNEV.S AND COUN.SELOU.S AT M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes paper lo the contrary nolwitlistiindlng. Tbe Flung oiriils gravo-clothes In a hurry. by calling on AV. M. Cllne boforo buying, as soil of tlic u])itiiids. Tlic diflerenccs of , and makes coilccllonsj also tiro liisur- e-s.say on griipcculture; but ns lb Is to be pub­ tbe inbabitanta of tiic county fi'om J\. law. Olllco over I'Mrst National bank J ollbrwas iiinilo by the editor hiinseif, who evi­ But Otis smiled a pcucofiii grin, lished next week, no synopsis will bo given ho will sell you at least flitcen por cent, loss tbe soil are generally indicated by tlic Mason, Mich. aiicoau'ent. Over Lowe's bank. Main slioot. that source alone would pay Ibr digging SliirliiiKH. SlmutinK.S Itloachod Muslin, Calk'ou.s, Ta- dently is anxious to get outsiders to write ills Aud called his trusty printers In, hero. than any other Arm in the county on tho 'timber and other vegetation growing ijlo fjinL'ii, (.'nrnui Warp, Tiirklnt;?, T. ALHRIOHT, P. M., and dealer In to- .And bade thorn, " Follow copy, boys, all the county drains Avliicli have been I>lIYMI«;iASiN. editorials for bim. AvorylntercsUngand profltitble discussion, some class of work and material. 83tf upon it, aud a elcse observer has liLtfu Donlins, i»t(;,, F, bacco IInrs.__Ho.stotIl(*Jill 11(Uiig. A nobler theme my pen employs." dug. I am inclined to believe, niy.sclf, by tliose present, followed the paper, which RA/.EL A MEHAN, proprietors of city The Lansing correspondent of the iv'rcmii/; And when the world.thnt Item found You Have the Money . difficulty in,forming an opinion, from that the claim is well Ibunded. L. A. SNELL, M. P.. showed that considerable Interest Is felt In this OMacoPATiirc vii vsician and ,sur- F L"'Jyj'y- l'''"^-"*'! bread, pies, and cakes. -A'pHWSiiys that while Dr. AVm. Jllller was hun­ It surely must have boon spellbound. And AVobb has lots of Boots and Shoes, Coll an exaniiuatloii of tbg vegetation upon branch of pomology. Ono point, especially Tiio county is greatly favored by na­ Bcon. Olllce at resldencooii .Miilnstreet AVIHTELEA', iinwsdealer and subscrip- ting iu tho woods south of the Agricultural Then Stiitesinou Dan still miiddor grew, and see If you can'tmake o trade. agiven piece of wot laiid,of wliat will bo BEFORE THEY ADVANCE. nortH h of Qrout block, Miison. Nlglit calls noticed by Mr. Hunt, should bo borne In mind ture iu tho matter of drainage. It . lion agent ;jiiKo A^mericanoxp. agent. collcgo on Tnc.sday ho found Iho corpse of a And pondered long what ho might do. required to reclaim it and render it ca­ promptly iittendcd. H by all having grape vines in their chargo— Dr. Ball's " Magic Drops" ot Holsteod's. forms an irregularly rolling plateau, RANE A DUNNING, proprietors city food woman who imd eviilcnlly been dead several Meanwhile the editor had moved pable of producing tlic various crops that Is, tho proper tlrao to prune vines, which desfiondiiig from a jioiiit a little south DR. HENRY COOK, c stori'. Nuts, candles, etc., kept in stock. weeks. The remains were bndiy decomponed Tiiat Bourbon flnanciersb o proved; Money to I.oun ;mt)st suitable for such lands. That up- HYSrCIAN AND SUROEON. OFFICE should be done lu Novoiiibor or Docomlior, ofthe center in tbrecdirections-soulli, AA'EllS A PHELPS, dealers In hardware, and wero partially eonsiiineil by flro. An in­ Had dealt some well directed knocks On real estate at the office of J. M. Dresser, ;ro fcm. grocery, whon you want a clean shave or a where their roots cau penetrate through the northwest corner of the county, E, A. Sweet, Secretary. SJ ment of diseases of women and children .T. HILL, real estate and eollcctlouH, AVill Hnsenbarkwas making a "soft thing" And heard tho Dolus swear on the blblo neat hair cut. He Is A1. Ithe vegetable and into the mineral soli these two rivers encircling tlie county, at the Uulvcrslly of .Mleiilgan, will attend all W. Mason, Mich. Oflice in Dnrrow hiocii. They'd take him now for criminal libel. boneatii, and tliey are always so situat­ always near the line, for fully three- Paints and Oils, Brushes, calls, city or country. Olllce over .Mcach A out of his SI. C. R. n. Ilu/lcliii, a free advorli.s- •.iverjr for Sale. Rose'D furnlturo store, south of court-house AV. VAN SLYKE, pholograplilst. Fine re- Then Otis gave the bond required BUSINESS LOCALS. ed that wlien in a state of nature, tliey quaiters of its circuiiiference. Hotli of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Ing paper, circulated on Michigan Central My entire livery stock, consisting of four y. B.—NlKlit calls auswereil at oftlcc. C. touched photos, cheap. In Polar block. trains, when the American News company And from their presonco ho retired. iwill be dry during a considerable por­ Ifliese rivers are lieautiful, swift-llowing Soon all the Greonooratio press Notices under this hood will be Inserted at horses, a number of buggies, double ond single tion of the year. streams, witli bold banks, and timber­ Tin, Sheet and Copper Ware, JUNTIUKN. suddenly swooped down ou lilni with an In­ tho rote ol Ave conts por line, coch inserUon. top carriages, platform wagons, cutters, har­ junction and stopped Its publication. Thoy .-Vdvlscd the stripling to confess. j /Vnotbiir kind of .swamp laiuls pro­ ed to the water's edge. The former Plated Goods, Corn Shelters, NEWS NOTES. But one, than all the rest more wise, nesses, double and single, and nearly new. duce at onco, when drained, excellent furnishes four and the latter two wafer S. W. HAMMOND, had tho exeliislvo rightof selling publications Bankrupt Avnin. Also one flne Ayrshire cow three years old. TUSTICE OF THE PEACE. CONVEY- on this line and tlio was ruining theiA gridiror n swung before his oycs. crops of bay and some of the uioisture- jjowcra between where tiioy enter and Empire Clothes Wringers, New AtlvcrllMcinoiilN TliiM Week, Jtullclin .'Vt lust the fateful morulng came Having bought the Bankrupt Stock of Dry 97wl0. T.H. GinnaKs. C. E. Smith's (Jolimiii. O anclng and ponernl colloctlng. Olllco business. Goods, Boots and Shoes, of tho E. G. Hunt loviug AX'gctables, such as roots, etc. where they leave the county. third door east of DunnlhK A Howard's, Election Notice. AVlicn Dau should vludlcoto his name: Seed Bonn«, The Best Axes, Iron, Nails, stock, wo ore prepared togiv e Grand Bargains. Upon tliose the muck is deeper tlian Dry Goods, I5tc.—E. Rice. AVe occupy a largo amount of space this All day tho wordy war ho woged. ^he subscriber Is prepared to All oil orders Tn addiljon to these two'largo rivers MILTON RYAN, Cloaks, Shawls, and upon the iiuit, is less tliorouglily rotted Clla-s-s, Well iiiul f:i.sl,-ni riiiiip.-^, Cni.ss-l'iU Siiv,-s, fiiriic-iili.'iV 'J'.ii.l.-i. .Mr:;, rolls Michigan Contral—Map, etc. week Willi Prof. R. C. Carpenter's paper read And oil tho next tho battle raged; for the following varieties of beans for seed at encircling tlio county iia they do, it, is TUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND CONVEY, Flannels AVny Down. • tmd less Jinoly pulverized, and the nat­ .Siiiiiollilii;,' anil l'iill->.-irni!; Ii-dii.s. it ml l.onn.iHii) nilii-r urllrlivs loi, miinrr- el oncer. Collections a specialty. Oflice In Illustrated American Stock Book. before tho stnto Instituto in this city and tho The ovldonco dismayed thom sore, reosonoblo prices, viz: Navy, Morrow, Med­ intersected by numerous smaller SEASON OF 1880! Darrow block, second floor. . county grange Instituto at Okomos. It is tho Boots and Shoos cheop, cheap. ural growtli upon them i.s generally ous to mention. Vnii eiiii (iiiil Jii.st w'hiil you wanI, ul the Groceries—Cliirlc .V A'undercook. AVhlle Sanford fumod and Daniel sworo. ium, Proper, Eorly Monly, Portor and Early iWillows, alders, and soiiietimes small, streaniB wliich, rising in the cential most elaborate and liistructlvo essay upon tho And frioiids along the Mackrcll border Clothing at AVholesolo Price Scofleld. part, flow outwardly, and empty their IIOTKI.N. Order of PiiliUcation—Andrews vs. Andrews . sicltly tamarac, it being too far advanc­ patent system of this country that wo have Showed due contempt for law nnd order to close out. l,100w-lp. H. D. HoBBS, Lansing. ed in becoming .soil to bo suitable to waters into tho rivers. Some o"f these CHAPMAN HOUSE, Kew BiiNlnem I.ncnlH. over read, ami as it is a matter of importunco By loud applause when It was stated Dress Goods by the Cord. streams are the .Sycamore, Mill, Dorrel, ju'oduco a lieallhy growth of the latter. T ANSING, .MICH. BOARD, Sl.m PEU and interest to every farmer nnd business How high tho damages were rated A Full Llneof Everything. Comeand see. "'Sellers' Liver Pills' cured mo of liver Willow, AVebb, Mead, Hawley, JJoan, Jj day. n. E. llrown, proprietor. Good sam- Found—Ciiaiu. complaint of eight years' standing." AVm. Jt will be so situated tliat tbe water re­ man wo believe it will rejiiiy careful perusal. Against u frailer I'ellow-slnuer, A. AV. Pabkhurst a Co., 23eer. and Dertz crecljs, and many ple room on flrst Iloor. Feed barn. Auction-D. C. Thompson. Evans, Joliet, III. Givo thom a trlul. mains longer upon it in tho spring and Who took tho ballot-bo.x to dinner, Near Block. Mason, Mich. smaller oneseitliereniplying into these DONNELLY HOUSE, Groceries, Etc.—Long A Ellis. In a country school notn thousand miles fall—tbat is, tlio basin will bo doejieriu Di.ssolutlon—AVllllams A Green. from this city, a little girl appeared ono And brought It buck, (unlucky token!) Weddinir Invitation* and Cardi. HeadG.AV. Glynn's "od" In another col­ or directly into either one or Ibe other TASON, MICH. II. ,1. IDONNELLY, PRO- With seals that accident hud broken; whicli it lies—Hum in tbe ease of the of tiie rivers, Tlie heads of tbese The "Boom" Started. L prletor. ThclarKOst, best, und most com­ Notice-Hanknipt Murblo slock. morning recently, with her face badly scratch­ The most complete stock over brought Into umn—"To the traveling public." last kind. modious hotel in the city. Tables tilled with Money to Loan-.loiin Duiisbiick. ed, 'rho tenclier kindly investigated the .Vnd by their cheers showed that 'twas ptonty Mason will bo found at The iNOUASt Coonty streams interlock in tho central part of all tho delicacies of tlio season. First-cliiss High enough at five nnd twenty. City Lota For Sale. Another kind needs to lie some time the county and they How in tlie three sample rnoins. GoodstableaceomiiionatlonN, Marriage Cortlllcales-Tiii-i Newh. cause, nnd what was her astoiiisbinent when News olHee. I have a house and Ave lots on block 27, In after tho water is drawn off, to rot and Near railroad depot. AVeddlng Invltatlon.s—TilE New.s, the llttio girl loarfuiiy explained, "Dave Co-parcenor« smiled at Oto's defeat, directions meutioncd, thus fiirnisliiiig Aud restitution was comploto. •„» I.onK d: Ellia, the city of Mason, which I wlU sellatabor- pulvervize and .settle together before admirable outlets for almost every part, Hall Programmes, Etc—Tin-; News. AVhltmoro did it." A cross-examinaliou drew galn, or trade for a farm. producing good crops of even the most NECRKT N«»f:iETIKN. out the inforiuallou tiiat Dave AVhltmore was pay tho highest market price In cash for oil of tbe county. And it is along" tbese Bankrupt Again—A. AV. Parkhurst A Co. kinds of produce. iioiwip. A. s. Peek. water-loving gra.sses lit for hay—such streams and the branches radiating tiie nnmo of one of her rofriictory cuts. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. The Atianlio ClRar as red-top, foul meadow, etc. Tho muck from tliem, and emptying tlieir waters Naugiity Diive! Marble Notice. A RCADIAN LODGE NO. fifll, K. OF H, AVlieatSl.18. OUR LIUEL SUIT. Is the triumph of tho cigar-maker's art. For , upon these liinds is inucli deeper, and into them, tliat mo.st, of the swamps of J\. RoguiarmeetinKS.secondiindfourth.Moii- The bankrupt stock of marble, formerly X Have Secured the Agency for the days in each month, held in Klii.sonin hall. Dressed pork f 1.50, .lohn R. Clark, tho eloquent and suceessful sole by H. M. Williams, druggist. OOtf. ia composed of vegetable substances the county are situated. This fbiuia- Visiting brethren arc invited tn meet witli us. temporaiiee lecturer, will return to tills coun­ After n Two Ilnym' Trial, a Verdict In owned by Goo. T. Davis, la now for salo at a Hon. AVin. Par-sous next Tuesday evening. not thoroughly decayed, aud in many tionrcudei's the task of draining an Full Line of the C. AV. A'ANSLYKE, dictator. ty next week and will speak at places not of­ Rendered AnalnNt the Editor of "The discount, and Is one ofthe largest and flnest "Clennllneas cases miiintainiiig their natural sliapo, easy one; it being generally only nec­ H. K. Deax, Reporter. K. G. Hunt deals out groceries nt his old ten visited by lecturers of his repulatlou. On Jfcws," nnd a rinc or Twenty.Flve stocks of marble In the county. All stylos of Is next to Godliness." Y'ou wUI always And so it is not dillic-ult to recognize the essary to provide a channel through 'stand. Tliur.s(Iay and Friday evenings of next week nnllnm IinpoNcd—A Few FaotH Abont monuments nnd slabs -will bo found ot the everything clean at E. J. HIckmon's Porlor ri<«rA»i(!iAi.. shop south of the court-house. Work guaran­ species of vegetation producing tiiem. the swamp to be drained, and to follow .I.e. licrry returned I'roin Ills oiisteru trip on lie will speiik on temperance at tiio AVebb tiie Cnsc, Whieii Uiin Been Appealed. Barbershop, over H. M. Williams' drug-store. the natural How of tlie water, deejieii- Tho libel suit of Dan Edwards (and George teed to suit tho purchaser In quality and Tliey ar(j so situated that the water re- MONEY TO LOAN Tuesday. school-house, Aiiruliiis; and on Saturday Found at Lant! miiius upon tliem a still greater portion iiig tho cliaiiiiel until it intersects some N UE/VL ESTATE SECURITY, AT 8 PICR night following, at tlie same place, he will de­ P. Sniiford) against Otis Fuller, was colled be­ price. Frank P. Mlllbory, Mason. 1102tr. one of these streams sulllcientto carry conl., at county clerk's olllco. C. C. AVal- The .Mason social club will liave a party this fore .lustleo Clark of North Lansing, last Fri­ A cleor Havana flllcd cigor for 5 cents. Tlie. of tho year; that is, the basin they lie D liver ills popular lecture," To and Fro In Lou­ Ball ProvrnnimeN nnd Invitation*. H. M. W., sold only by H. M. Wlllloms, in is still deeper than tbe last. The away tlie waters to one or the other ijf kcr, UKent. evening at tho armory. don," with song.s. day morning ut nine o'clock. Dun Edwards, these rivers. NEW BUCKEYE TiieNew.s this week contains nearly thirty- Sanford, Ulnchey, and Lansing dpmoerncy A full lino of elegont designs at The News Druggist. vegetation is generally tamarac or VXUEItrAKI.N-n. Tho Leslie /.ocat liiis heard from the " paper ofllco, printed at lowest prices. .spruce, wliieh spread tlieir roots widely six columns of reading mutter. generally (in the name of the people ofthe Bound to Sell. 'J'he county drain system went into MrvTARMSTRONOr boom" and hns raised its priim from one dol­ stale of Michigan) were represented by Jason -over the surface instead of sending TheAV. C. T. U. will meet at the home of lar lo Sl.'J.'i for county subscribers, and J1.35 Konirdc Eiila Webb Is bound notto summer over a single them down deej) into tlio muck, or operation in this county in 1870, and EXTON AND UNDERTAKER. OFFICE Mrs. Howard, Tuesday, Fob, 21, at tlirco o'clock E. Nichols, a shrewd young lawyer of Lansing, at E. G. Hunt's old stand, aro selling grocorios pair of Arctics or Alaskos. the amount done iu each year since is I aud shop on AriiistionK strccl, Leslie, fur foreign siib.seribers; all of whicli shows wlioproseeutod the case with vigorand ability. they lire open marshes. Tliis latter is §Icli. Dealer in colllns, (Miskets, iiiul cases. , .V. good sense on the part of the /.oor//, Ono or cheaper for cosh than they have ever boon In much tlie largest class of any, probably as follows: Machines, both Reaper^Mower, Has a new and rtillassortmen t olburial robes, The defense was represented by V. J. Teflt of Mason. Cash For Maw>IjO|cH, shrouds, niiino plates, and handles of all Jlrs. H. M. AVllllams bus, for several days, two other papers in tho county would do well this city and N. P. Handy of Lansing, oaoli of comprising nearly one-half ofthe whole 1870— 7,2(11 rods,or2,'!i(J mllo.sofliniin, Money to Tbo undersigned will pay cosh forouy quan­ lit Si.30(1 pur rod S fl,.'i27 S() styles aud varieties. A good hoarse always been conllned lo the house by a. badly sprain­ lo follow suit. A local paper cannot compete whom uiiido forcible, logical and eloquent Vonn, swamp, lands ofthe county, In readiness. by the Real Estate Agent, tity of good logs diiring the coming aoason. 1871— 0,-157 loilH, or !«l-i<; mllos, ul S1.IW7 ed ankle. in price with a nietrnpolllan papor, nnd this pleas which would not have been wasted upon i Aud still another kind needs to lie a per roil 12,011 0.5 is liio fiiiiy county iu Mlehigau where the JOUN DUMSDAOK. AVe want Oak, Whlto Ash, Cherry, Butternut, 1872—8,11 1 rncl.H, or'i'i^-iiilloH, iit,51,0L'5- M. E. social at tho resilience ofS. P. Strouil, a Jury removed from the baleful Influences of very long time after the Avatcr is drawn "-1.: IIAUNENN. foolisli attempt has been made. Dated Mason, Fob. 18,1880. 1102tf. AVolnut, Whitowood, Bosswood ond Book M pur rod 8,:!U« .'IS on Friday evening of tliis week. Hominy Mackrcll Point and the AA'lzard's starai>- Elm. Four dollars per M. will bo paid for ofl" before it is in a lit state to produce 187S-!l,125ro(ln,orlt miles 2011 roil«, nt And the T.RIUMPH" SmGLE REAPER. JOHN GREGORY, music inrougn tne day. and at night 8I.!152 per rod... -tfiii tb and milk, it Ing-grouiid. The New.s, It will bo re­ If you call on your druggist for Dr. " Sellers' good WatorElm, oleor from ahokos and knots, any valuable ci'op at all. Upon these ANUFACTURER OF HAUNE.S.S, AND Long A Ellis, the now tlrm wliieh suecocdf_ WilstOO tired; aud that old Mrs, membered, stilted that Dun Edwards, the muck is very deep, consisting prin- 187-1—10,708 rocl.s,or!i;i mllOH 118 rod.s, ut dealer In saddles, whips, etc. Repairing Cough Syrup," wo pledge immodlatc relief I,1 foot long and lorgb enough tooutUlnohcs 80.822 por rod 11,81)1 27 Mpromptly done on short notice and at living E.O.Hunt, hii'vu some lociii aiiiiDunccnicutiJrundy begun to meddle again, ofllcial record was blnckcned by well-ground­ ond cure on short notice. wide. Spociol attontlon glvon tocusto m saw­ oipally.of uiirotted grass roots aud oth­ 1875-10,-111 rods, or 32 mllos 171 rods ut prices. Shop under Ncar's block. ed suspicions of ballot-box stufllug. It was er vet'etablc substances nearly un­ S1.128 per rod 12,7(il ill tills week. I What a pity that .Susie Ulair should ing, and liberal meosure given. Wo guoran- shown, during tills trial, by tho testimony of Mnrrlaire Certilleaten. tee square dealing with aU. changed; it Is generally so situated as to 1870—20,(111 rods, or 04 miles lUl rods,iit The Clifton Pinafore company aro billed for^vots all her energies to mere hoiise- SO.Sn-l jior rod 18,581) .'13 nEX'riN'rN. Dr, R. J. Shiiiik, A. L. Bours nnd Allou Shot- Every grade and price fl'om tho plainest, ot ELUlWOBTIIftCO. bounder water nearly the wholeseason 1877- 2,S.'M rods, or 8 inlles 27-1 rods, ut tiils city Friday and Saturday evenings oi,1.lir pc^-ITpp bill'. nl«ur Qa Hivi. , ward boxes. J. AV. King, ono of the editors of ship heretofore existing betwoou C. M. AVll­ - > Planoa and Orsana. / Some of these drains are twice count­ quently-ijeuedted, and its fitness for LN'S HARDWARE IJ block. Mason. Tho only dentist In the On Monday Detective ,Iiimos II. Baker of 'the Lansing JlepubUcan, teaUfled thallamt an slu an- d Wm. Green, both of Ingham, In a Nooheapcr,no bettor In the marketthaa ed in making this total, having been hall last Monday evening, •ciUt'.vation greatly hastoned, by burn­ city who Is licensed to use rubber as abase Lnnsliig lodged In tho Jail In this eity .lames vcstlgatlon was lind by tho Lansing council, pair of woll tongs, is this day desolvcd by mu­ sold In Lansing. Grangers ihvoredand aor> reconstructed and deepened; but there for artitlclal teeth. .1. P. Presley ono of the most oxperioncod tual consent. Feb. 14,1880. respondence solicited. AVrlte mo If you wUb . ing off a foot or two of the surface after and popular dry-goods snlosmen In this city, Soutli, who is iihiirged with slealing thirty-two nnd that ho was tho sworn stenographer dur­ draining off the water. The basin cou- is at least 250 miles of drain in tbe sheep from Geo. S. AVilsoii of Alaiedon and a ing the InvesUgatlon; that It wus shown that anything In the musical line. Organs flrom county Avhich has been dug under the MINVEM.ASrEOVN. contemplates locating in .lack.son or Detroit. Found. tftining them is generally very deep, cow from Henry Ciinipliell of AVheatfleld, re­ when tho bnllot-box was oponod ot night 800 upwards. Tbe Western cottage organ loads county drain system. Added to this, F. W HAVENS, A horse belonging lo L. H. Ives of Veviiy cently. .Simtli, who is said to bo a brother-in- there wero but niuety-soven ballots for Mr. On AVcdncsdny last, on Main street, o cnblo thom all. It took the diploma at tho county . and as they waste away and settle there is a large: amount of township A UCTIONEER. ALLHUSINESSPRO.MPT- And a Full Line of the Garr, Scott broke a leg last Saturday. It was sot and law of AVIlson aud also a relative of Campbell, Shank, tho ropublicnn candidate for alder­ choln. Coll nnd prove property and pay for fair. ' L. A. Bakbb, Agant, down a great deal iu becoming fit for drain in thecounty—how much I have J\ ly attended to. Long experience and oharges moderate. Apply In person or nil- tliere are prospects that the horse may be sav­ WHS captured at Orangcport, N. Y. On the man; that 103 witnesses wero brought before this notice. ^ SOtf Lansing, MloW.: bultlvation, they rwiulre very deep no means of forming an intelligent & Company's d dress at FItchburg, Mich. ed. samo train, Dotccllve Baker brought down tho council, who sworo positively thot they draining, and are generally the most opinion.. Boota and Mhoea. Farm For Sale. auilcult to drain deop enough; for, A.'P. DRAKE, Asa E. AVllllams of this city was married AVm. Cundell, known iu Lansing us Billy voted for Shank; seven testlflod that they lying ns they do In' ii deep basin, itgeu- These drains are sufflcicnt to draw Boots and Shoos oro worth trom ten AiarmoflOto O acres, one balfmllo north of OUNTY SURVEYOR. LEVELS TAKEN Feb. 15 to Miss Ida E. Randolph of Alaiedon, Driiikwuler, whom he bugged iitPiiut. Tho voted the strut-jht republican ticket, aiid flvo twenty per cent, more than last Soptomber. Dansville, UOocres good tillable lundielghtcea , orally requires a veiy deep ditch a long the surface water from nearly all the C and land surveyed on short notice. Drain by Rev. L. E. Spnllord, ul his rcsldoiice in this latter is ciiiirged with having burglarized a sworo thoy voted tickebi procured ttom men ' distance through' tho hard i land to get swamp, lands in the county—that is, work It specialty, itesldeneo at Mason. Wobb will sell you winter goods nt lost year's acres of timber, plenty of Oak. - Two - ftnme city. Lansing depot about two years hgo. It Is as who sworo that thoy distributed nothing but prices. houses, two (Tame boms, granary, tool-houie, ' Hulllclentfallto thoroughly drain them. there are but few swamps of any cbn- straight republlcnn tickets, nnd flvo reOisod FARM ENGINES AND THRESMe MACHINES 0 CHARLIE OLIN N. A. Dunning, .ludgo M. D. Chntlorton, easy for evil-doers to es(!iipe the wrath of Oin- hog-pen, all in good repair. 280 bearing appl^v Of course, I would not wish to be un- slderablo size loft in the county upon AN FIX THAT AVATOH. TUY HIM. AT nlpotonco us the wntehail cyo of Dotcctlve to testily, making eigMcen inoro who swore Auction Sale. ' deiBtood us saying tliat all our swamp which the water will stand upon the c tho postofflco^^Mason. Minos McUobert, E. 0. Russell, Isaac Drew trees, .peaohes, piiars, grapes. Farm In good nnd .Tohn U. Dakin, started for Florida lust Baker. thoy voted for Mr. Shank than there woro Tho undersigned having sold his farm will cultivation. Flentyofllvingwator..WlllMll lands are of exactly one. or theothcr of siirface, except in very wet weather, SAVERS & PHELPS, ballots for lilm in the box when oponod ot soil at public aiiction at tho farm in Aurellus, Slonday. Tho Hon, Win. Pnr.sons of Dublin, Ireland, the whole or a port. .Terms easy.. Inquire of- the above types; ibut that those aro'the when there is more water than the GENTS FOR THE .TACKSON AND LAN- night. Mr. King further stated that tbo Jio miles west of Mason, on Wednesday, Fob. U. E. Trowbridge, well known In Ingliiim will dell vor tho seventh leeturo ofthocourso or address A. C. Oi.A'itK;^r,anBlnt, Mloh: 8w8p • i^irincipal varieties most usually 'found; ditches can carry. Some small detach­ sing tlio works. If you want any tile or ntlhoM. E. church, next Tuesday evening. publloan hod called Edwards u bollot-bo2S, commonoinx g nt tono'cloc k A. M. tho follow­ seweA r pipe, call and soo us. county. Is named us a candidate for the posl- I'The dlfFerencc in tho cohditioh ofthe ed swamps are hot drained at all; but Subject, "Tho heroes of the Hoiuerlo ago." stulTer lu pretty plain English, ond thot suoh ing property: One span of work-horsos, ono BaoRhtera, WlT«a and Mothera. ! ,jmuekup6n:theiu.i8, -I belike, caused I do not know of a largo swamp any tloii of commissioner of Indian aflUirs, with a charges woro current in the streets. Mr. apon of roadsters, throe cows, threo hogs, one lTTuncoln; •Jlr. Parsons belongs to tho anclout protestnnt Dr. HarohlBl's Uterine,Cathollcon will ixwi* 14fi every case by. tlie,doj)th;of the liasln wherein the county which is.entirely rtesian avell borer. residence good show for success. hou.so of Parsons, Earls of Rosso, nnd Is close­ Sliattuck nnd Mr. Bours sworo to the samo McCormlek reaper and mower, ono whool idn which ,thcy. lie^ih i the deeper ones undrained; and the most of theoddl- I carry a full line of E. Bement & Son's on Mill street, Mivson. Frank Gardner, for the past year or more tlvely euro femalo ;Weakneis, auoh an Iblllng a ly related to the lute EiirlofRosso, conntriietor tiling substantially, ond said thoy hod hoard cultlvotor, ono sulky rake, plows, drags, small of the wombiWhitoa, ohronle intlammoUbn or the muck iiccumuldtin^to great depth; tiohal'work required to bo done by the connected with n Norlh Lansing drug store, of tho great loloseopo, and president of tho this charge mado by men of Edwards' own oultivotora, two double buggies, ono lumber and being under thd'water nearly air county drain commissioner in the fu- FARM TOOLS. Call and see me before buying. ""JTRTwo^DENi ulceration of the yioiah, Incidental homor^ A HE HARBER OF EXPERIENCE AND commenced nn engagement with O. AV. Hal- British iissoclutlou. Ho received a thorough party. wogon, ono pair of bobs, two seta double har­ rhago or flooding,iiatnlUI , sapprowiod and ir­ the tithe, does hot;decay or change'; :turo will be in addingi a few branches skill, will bo found always ready to wait stead, druggist, Innt Monday. classical education at tho University of Edin­ ness, one slnglo harness, a quantity of corn, to and. deepening the ditches already T regular monstruatlon,'oto. 'An oldandrolla ivhilu in the shallower ones the •li OB his patrons lu tho shop over oily bakery. A young man named Lawroiice, working for burgh, read Inw ut Lincoln's Inn, and cngnged Edwords sworo that tho seals woro not oats, hoy and numerous household artlolca. bio remedy. Bend poatal oard (br a pamphlet, - water entirely evaporates and tlie muck done. The deepening Is the important James Shaver, split ii "big loo" opon last largely In . lilorary pursuits, contributing broken whon lie brought book tho boxes at All sums under SB, oiuih; over tS, eight montJiNwit h treatmontigenres:and ocrtldoates from decays rapidly, being alternately wet and expcusive job, and although near­ FARMERS' MUTUAL -niRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- week whilo chopping. Dr. Snell rendered tho many papers of eminent iiblllty to tho maga­ noon, and thot he borrowed a knife of Mr. time on good opprovtJdnotoii. , physloiana and pationta, to (Howarth & HaW ^ I aud dry, and becomes tho same deop, ly all the swamp land is now drained C. E. SMITH, Mason, V ham county. Safest, olionnost, best. For required surgical nsststauco, zine llternturo of the day. Dovoting himself AVellor, scraped ofl" tho pnpor from the koy- ^ D. C. TnoMl-NOK. tard,tIUoa, N. Y. 8old byallilrugglata-Vt.m- ] black, rich, vegetable soil which covers Hufflclently to prevent water standing p. S,—2fo Trouble to Show You Goodu and GiVft informution write to O. P. Miller, soorelarv, to tho phitfurm, lie became the most popular lioloH, unlocked the boxes and took out thPekko y Hendeiwon, Auotloiiacr. perbottlc. Uw« I tbo prairies of Illinois and Indiana; upon the surface, there Is but a very Eden. Samuel Skndun, president, Dansville. U. C. Tliompsou of Aurellus lia.s sold his aud I believe it to be only a question Opposite Oourt-Houae. m-F 12.1 o e; s 1.^ _ _ kov,»M._, _ :Total warn of'fsmtf Mortbern mctignt,' adnlrtical, mahogany-faced gentry— I. THB TWO •V1I.IJLOB8; • . which ought to haye been learned in house;" or that "she is ai (meddlesome of your health andhappiness. It is flPlf BIOB ssltlag oar HabMr Prtoint tk)ww;.aiid.C!q«iger, bf^v^ •1.108.468.68, r^ing;«15.864A8leHk what do they know about tbe blessings < ITIio f DtlowInK toncUnv linn wero. written by % the nursery of my mother's kitobeh. old creature; who had better keep her not all of life to live, child. Learn WMl BMnplea free, .Cook a BiMall. Claveland O sr-^—- red!u{i tbellHitnocratid side by reminds V' The combined length of ihb new rail­ Total wagea of male and female teach­ Manir of the: counties of Northern of freedom? About as much, sir, as a V New England factory Rlrl irbo died In 1870.1 When ubontto be married, mother prying eyes at homel" I did care, and the true philosophy of life, and to live TfT-iUrrjU},—Situation •s'govenioaB: or isdy Ing thehv V that i>;^the:;. constitution of roads projected for 1880 will be 0,000 ers •1,880,045.24^ being •40,105,60 less. Michigan are perfecting organization toad frog does of bigb glory. Do you Over the rirer, on tbe hill, schooled her patience enough to put felt her criticisms in every fibre of my abova Mrs. Grundy's clatter. She will '* eompanton. Addraaa carrier 84, Detroit. Mich. •miles. Number of frame school-houses 4,- for an active compaing this year to in­ think they can escape me? I'll follow Lioth a village white and Rtill; me through a few lessons in bread sensitive being, and mentally resolved cease to choose you for a mark, when /tOBNTH WAJITJ!U-Tbo bout chance ever : OTU XinXiXillBi FubUihar. the Confederate Statea contained a re­ Allaroundittbe(oreat trees COUGH ••'Pi striction upon tbe power to legislate 878, being 126 more. Number of brick duce immigration; to their respective them through pandemonium and high and yeast-making, and was told some to get ahead of her. she finds her venomed tongue has no f- ofltered. Apply at once, Fronoh Oil MInla- Sixteen!' puddling furnaces at the water. These are the oiies that have Shiver and whiiiper in the breeze; FEB. 10. 1880. on appropriation bills as sweeping as. school-houses 802, being 10 more. Num­ counties; and we wish the citizens of Over it sailing abadowi go very useful things in regard to cook­ • "Where there's a way," I ejaculated, power to annoy," turHEnnre company CUXXtSS, Kalamaioo, Mich and, B,iskBt.i. In u»« 10 yeara. Altoona Boiling Mill are running day ber of log school-houses 607, being 20 AVexford county to realize the impor­ got our liberty pole off its perpendicu­ anything that was how proposed, and and night. Of aoarlng hawk and aorearoing crow. ing meats; pastry, confections, etc. I "I'll coax Charley to shut up thebouse, Aunt Jane's visit proved a benison. •MJvusi and clieapuit made. Siwd for tne circular. SYBUP more. Number of stone school-houses tance of a united effort, that the ad­ larity. 'Tis they who would rend the And mountain graaaea, low and awoet, was allowed a hand also in my own and go to mother's to board, while I go N. D. UArrKnaoN. Biutmo, n. y. yet the Democratic majority, mostlyi Tbe salary of the Czar is 817,40 per Her lesson was well pondered and tak­ FINANCIAL BEG- make up of men who bad accepted 78, being 4 less. Total number of vantages of this county may be aa stars and stripes—that noble flag, the Grow in the middle of tho street. wedding-cake, and to assist tho laund­ and make a six weeks' visit to Aunt en toheart. But took some time to minute, payable on demantl. blood of our revolutionary fathers em- j IVIWVWd/iorffdf/ unlit ciiretl. Bond Stampso Year. s Before the Pnblio OBD. that Constitution, bad followed Speak­ school-houses 0,325, being 106 more. widely disseminated as possible. The ress in fluting my elaborate skirts and Jane, in the old farmhouse among tbe get out of the rut which I had so earn­ QlAN'f SVa'l'BM MBD. CO., Oleveliind, O. Manufacturing clothing in Chicago Number of sittings in school-houses effect of these organizations will be to balmed In its red, the purity of the Over the river, under the biU, night-dresses. But ironing made my Pronounced by all to bo tho most PlJSAS' er Randall's lead in insisting upon Another vUUge lietb ntill; Vermont Hills. She'll be willing to estly striven to reach. At last,how­ potJKJiT IttCTIOXAUY, HO^nOO words, this power. Mr. Conger pronounced gives employment to 30,000 people, and 441,201, being 0,220 more. Estimated largely increase the immigration to cause for which they died—denoted by There I aee, in tbe cloudy night. head and back ache, and I hoped in­ have me 'in the way' long enough to ever, I did find tbat I could be a good -«- und Dr. Foot'H Uealth Monthly, ono year 00 ota. ANT and EmoAoioDB remedy now in cbb, for ; The Republican party has no occa­ value of school property SO.011,454, be those counties during this season as the white; the blue—the freedom tbey Murray mil Pub, i u., lail IS. 2«Ui Bt,, Now York. sion to fear discussion or action on the the Speaker's greatest victory when he the value of the goods made is $16,000,- Twinkling atara of bonaebold light, \ wardly that housekeeping wasn't like learn how to keep Iiouse, I know. housekeeper, and have leisure for my THE CCBE OP CODODB, CoU)B, OllOCP, HoAUai 000; This industry has doubled in four ing 074,303 more. well as for the future, and AVexford attained, like the azure air that wraps Firea that gleam from the amitby's door, that, or that "Charley" could afford me financial issues. If there are Bepub­ made the ex-Confederate Brigadiers It did not take long to consum- books, piano, an occasional lecture and I IIJUTInoroiuiod four fold No amoky lampii. NEBS, tickling Benaationa ot the throat, whoop, there go back upon their record. years. Number of volumes in district li­ county should not be behind any of the their native hills and lingers on their Miata that earl on tho river ahore; a house-maid. concert, and not be too weary to con­ .rial ificta. AKenta lican menibers who wish to avoid lovely plains. The high bird of liberty And in the road no graaaea grow ments, for I was in earnest, you may LiUni AddremSamplooompoundfoi JOHN aWBUl.KBr trial .I SWayne eta.' AKent, Micha. ing cough eto. OvsB A MruioN iiottz.es bold Mr. Randall questioned the state­ As a general average, four or flvo braries 170,577, being 8,322 more. new counties of tne State in receiving For the wheels tbat hasten to and fro, Ours was a true love-m»t/'h, and no verse with my husband at night, eith­ those questions, it should be fully un­ accession to her population. The press sits perched on tho topmost branch,but be sure, and startled my good old derstood that they therein represent ment that tbe Confederate Constitu­ pounds of good oak bark are required Number of volumes in township li­ mistake. AVhat if friends had warned auntie into dropping u tin of warm er. ABllllii ?*'?.':rJ7""' HnbltCuiwt In lu WITBIN TBEIASTFEWYEABB. It giVeS relief to make a pound of leather. Skins, braries 77,501, being 2,037 more. Num­ has done much and can do a great deal there is secession salt on his glorious InthatvUlsge on the bUI me that we were to be poor, and I I IJii. J. ter'H:i'in;.N-.s, Li'ilmnnii. iHiIm a personal and private interest, and tion contained any such clause, but tail, I fear he will no more spread Never ia sonnd of amilby or mill; bread, by bounding into her kitchen Then were we truly happy. I for­ wherever nned, and hoa the power to import said he was proud to lead men, wherev­ when completely tanned, increase in ber of volumes in both district and more to direct the attention of people should have my own work to do; and got all about Mrs. Grundy's clatter, Habit 4e Kklis iDlseuac*. nbtthat of a party. It is true that elsewhere who are looking for new his noble pinions to soar beyond the The bonsee are thatched with grass and one bright October morning, exclaim­ benefit that CANNOT be had from tho oougb there are members who feel particu er they came from, who made such a weight about one-third. township libraries 254,138, being 10.- flowera; if provoking Mrs. Grundy had won­ ing: "Auntie, I am in dreadful troub­ when Chiirley would say; "Susie, I TliouBiinaiioiirrd. LowetttPricpJi. Do lioi 351) more. Amount paid or due for in homes to the advantages that prevail azure regions of the boreal pole. But Never a clock to toll the honra; dered "bow Mrs. B could let one rilllo.Tllo.llr.l-'.K.Mi,r,li.Qii|iiC)-.>lli!l mixtnrea now in nae. Sold by all Dtuggiatii. larly anxious, whenever any measure record for economy as the Democrats It Is stated that two or three bishops let not Missouri pull the last feather le; will you help me?" am sure that there is not another home had done in the Forty-fourth Con­ specters' services §12,402,00, being 82,- here, but it also requires the active co­ OThe marble doors are always ahnt. other girls marry a mechanic, and ff^.lXTJSlJ.-ijAlilKS, GENTS—Soloa t AgenUi^oenU per bottle. of a financial character is pending, be­ have been confled in a fortress at Vlad- from his sheltering wing to plume a You cannot enter in hall or hut; "Help you, child? I thought you in the world like ours!" And then "In ovory Miwn. PumphloU gress under this very rule, 000.77 more. Amount paid or duo operation of the inhabitants now set­ come down in that style!" My parents again I am certain. CD. W.. Box 1)20, Detroit, Mich. cause tbey believe that the Greenback rlne, Russia, over twenty years, having tled here, to work up the fact that a shaft to pierce his noble breast; or, All the vUbgers lie asleep; and Charley were just the happiest SELLERS' LIVEB PILLS party still has great strength to help Mr, Conger appeared to think that township superintendents for services Never a grain to sow or reap; had good sense, and it tbey did worry been forgotten by the authorities. .$17,541, beiiig;an ,447,80 less. Number there is no better place for new settlers what is the same, make a pen to sign a couple in the land, and keeping house "We never heard the great wind blare!" earn are alao highly recommended fat curing liver or to hurt> in their districts. In some the Speaker had the advantage of him Never in dreams to moan or aigh, a little about it; my father would give to your heart's content. I was going YPUNG MEN';Vi»'mont« h On Thanksgiving Day the thirty- ot children on which primary school in Northern Michigan thau this. secession ordinance, Alas! poor bird, Bilent and idle and low they 'lie. complaint, conatipation, itiok-heodaohea, fever cases, they may be right; in manv in his knowledge of the Confederate if they drive you from the branches of me an outfit and handsome dower. We to drop down on you this fall." Send one, two, Uireo or I Every gradtisle Kuaraniflpd 0 paying situationsltonl . live girls employed by a clothing firm money was apportioned 474,005, being Outsiders aro not slow to distinguish loved each other, and were content. llvo dollars for lamplo Address B.Valentine, Manager, .lanoBYlile,V/is. and agon, and aU diaeosea of the ntomoob and more, tbey are undoubtedly mistaken. Constitution, and did not pursue the in Boston presented tlie two members the hemlock of the North, and the pal­ In that village under the bill. "I'm so glad you didn't, auntie; The Greenbuck force has dwindled 5,111 more. between a slow-going, indilferMit com­ Just then I think we never beard box, by exproBH, of tbe AXOUlt'S Kolbtblo IntelllKonoo ORIeo. liverAl.l Sold by aU Drnggiata at iSe per box. controversy. During this episode'the of the firm with a handsome album metto of the South, come over to the When the night ia atarry and atill. Charley never would have gotten over be»t candles In America, Z kinds of bolp furnlBbed. Situations obtained. wonderfully since the last election. ex-Vice-President of the Confederacy Amount of primary school money ap­ munity, and one that is wide awake Many a weary aoul in prayer •The Bfoatwlnd blare!" put up eleiiuntly ond 109 GranBd. UlvoE.r SELLEBS & CO., Props., which cost $22. The presentation gum-tree of the West and we will pro- J the mortification ot having you see my Btrlctly pure. Itofoni to all J'KH: HIS VJSNX.H. The condition of business has worked sat by, an attentive but silent listener. portioned for the year 3227,503.70, being and always ready to demonstrate its Looks to the other Tillage there. wretched housekeeping. You see, Avoiiuo, Dotrnit, Mleh. Pittebnrgh, Pa ceremonies occupied about half an advantages. The day when this sec­ tect your noble blrdship, while water r And, weeping and sighing, longa to go But I know that my mother felt then, CblcoMo. AddreHs, against it; the temper of the people Neither he nor any one of the dozen .'90,013.30 less. Amount received from mother never taught us," said I, break­ C. p. GUNTHKn, OH SAFK.—A clean Btookof Boot«!nnd SbouK hour, which was deducted from their from district tax 82,040,755.20, being tion of our State waa upon as unsuita­ grows and grass runs, Mr, Speaker, I Up to that home from this below; and far more afterward, a bitter re­ has been adverse; and especially, the Democrats on the floor who served in subside for the present, Longs to sleep by the forest wild, ing down at the recolledtion of all my Confectioner, T8 MADISON S'l'llBBT, CHICAGO. Pat per cent Iuks than notuni value.! Storo for evidence of close allUince between the pay. iSl2ii,40n.40 less. Amount received ble for farming purposes, valuable on­ gret that she bad not trained me to rent or Halo if wanted. IloaHon, goliiKiwoBt. Ad- the Confederate Congress opened their Whither have vaniabcd wife and child. meet this emergency with fitness and troubles, and sinking into the nearest droBB, STOCK, Box Bll, PonUttc. Mich. : Greenback leaders and the Bourbon mouths, either to confirm the state­ There was more business done in the from two-mill tax 8404,011,38 being ly tor the pine timber it contained, but And hearetb, praying, this answer fall— chair. "But every body—that is, Mrs. CLOV^ERI commercial and financial circles of this 820,702.82 less. Tuition money the successful advancment of the agri­ "Potienoe! that villago ahall hold you alL" skill, "p^OH .'(.-Ijr./J,—Or will trade for noworaeoond- Democrats in Maine und elsewhere, ments of their Northern ally or to dis­ Itailroadsln 1870. Grundy, thinks I ought to know by in­ -»• band machinery, 13 lota In ItoodCltyi 80 acres and the participation of Greenback pute the assertions of the Michigan country during November, 1S70, than from non-resident pupils '834,- cultural Interests, and the rapid in­ I shall never forget my first day's near ChiiboyKan; -10 acres near Vaaiar; 140 aeres nwir experience in housekeeping, AVe had tuition, or somehow; and the fact is, THU OLOVEK LEAF, a four pSKO, 54-column Alpena, MIchj 11(10 acrca In Iowa; 11 lots In Ackley, la. partisans in the Infamous attempt to Representative, during any month before in the his­ 487,04, being 81,413.11 less. Amount crease of population, astonishing may coAxma. I hoped away off here, where every­ Kormoni' Paper, contalnInK valuable Intormutlon 0. S. WuHMKii, Ol) Jelferson avenue, Detroit. Mich. received from other sourses of tlie older portions of tlie country, The total of the year was 4,430 miles, returned from our quiet little trip to on the culture and hurvoHtinK of clover for seed. rob the people in Maine, have gone Mr, Speer, of Georgia, soon came to tory of this country. The bank tran­ thing is done so quietly, and there is Sent free to every farmer Bonding on Uielr name. * Importers of all kinds ol sactions of several cities for the month 8300,400.31, being 827,237.11 more. has succeeded in turning the minds of which is the largest since 1872, aud A villa in the sonth—a lake that laves the mountains, and, after resting at BIlmSKl,!, MANUKACTUKING CO., MVRJ'IIT WILSON, far to disgust former Republicans the front with an amendment prohib­ has been exceeded only four times in always plenty of time, that I could Blrds.Talklng Parots, Gold Flab Bird Cages, Pure with that faction. foot up the enormous aggregate of .$4- Amount due the districts 8270,410.02. niiiny people in tliisdirection, and near­ The morblo terraooa; whose orange trees the old hearthstone for a few days, en­ South Bund, Indlunu. Bird Seed, Bird 'I'onic, Flsn Globos, Sea HtaollB, In- iting any change of the existing law in the history of tho country—the four Bhakc dewy odora oyer silver waves, Icirn." wtaero you Haw this. 3fl0,2.'i,'5,52a, Amount on hand at beginning of the ly every mail brings us letters of in­ tered our own little nest of a home, ZSTBay aect Powdor, Birds Eyes, Catalogue Ftpe, Largest At the last election its vote was the expenditures already provided for years ending with 1872, For the eight Fann'd by a languid breeze. full of eager anticipations of "playing "Poor child!" murmured good Aunt llouiie In the West. 147 Superior at., aeveland. O. The chart upon whicli the duration year 8720,744.00. quiry concerning this county and so­ small in comparison with its vote by law. He commanded the close at­ liciting copies of the local newspaper. years that we have made up this rec­ I rest, half-dreaming, watching 'neath my keep house;" for so it seemed to us. Jane, as she stroked my hair, and buri­ ^ ^ ^ If/'J.SJIIXd logo out Of bUHlnesB, Iwlll soil my at the election preceding, and the tention of both sides from tliestart.but of each of Edison's lights is plotted Total resources for the year 83,843,- ord, which includes road on which feet, AVe had previously sent out the wash ed my burning face against her moth­ ' » Block and bualnoHH, conBlstlngof a bright now shows that the average life of tlie tubes 700.80 being .810,040.10 less. Amount It is for the people of this county to PHOTO-COPYINQ AGENTS. Block of drygoodB, grocorlofl, boota nnd ahooa, etc. events which have since occurred have had only just got well under way when decide whether they will unite in ef­ track was laid during the year,whether The slowly-gliding swans divide the more— accumulated since wedding d.iy; and erly breast, "poor child, you have trod ND 0THKK8, can double their profllB by UklnK No bettor point In Michigan to do buslnosB. Como undoubtedly diminished very mater­ his five minutes were up. Mr. Hayes, thus,far has been about 400 hours. expended for teacliei'.s' wages for tlie opened fo r traflic or not, and diflera ma­ A ruHtlo, and a voico most clear and sweet, knowing that Charley's purse was a tough experience, but we'll soon in­ A u sample of tho Nkw a.\-d Bkadtikul nnd BOO, or nddrcaa J. P. DBWKr, Bancroft. Mich. That is if tlie liglits had been set up year8l.S73,400.0,j, being 801,200.80 less. fecting as rapid a settlement and de­ Steals Hof tly on mine ear. BEST {ORGAN ially the slender strength which the of Illinois, a Republican, at once took velopment of AVexford county as is be­ terially from the figures in Poor's Man­ nearing bottom, I determined on try­ stitute a new order of things." 4 l'*JTIOXSAKE of trottlng-brod young atnl- the floor, and gave his five minutes to in dwellings, allowing five hours a day Amount expended for buildings and '°Von know what I have come for—Bertie suiln AUTOGllJLPHS, ^.x-llonH, road and earrliigo horaea, 11 nilios aouth- BKST Beedf*Or[;aa for $30, Greenback party could then command. ing c.irried on by the counties around ual (wliich usually include only road ing my skill at the ironing-board. "You'd better say, 'poor Charley,'" I Oliatof Pontine, Fob. 2.1, 1881). Send for eauiloguo. a'Jmlrably adnptod for u.so in Republicans who were drawn into as­ Mr, Speer, according to a long estab­ for each light, the average would have repairs .83U4,ia.'').38, being .S07,0l4.r,2 open for business), the miles of new To-morrow—I mu«t answer yes or no— replied, with some bitterness; "I don't In connection with tholr own work, Sunday Sclioola aud Homo Cir­ more. Amount paid on bonded in­ us. Our opinion is that it can be done Mamma won't heor of it." The young voice Well, when Charley had kindled a Also graded cattle and thoroughbred Berkshire pigs. sociation with the Greenback party lished custom, but Mr. Colfrotli, of been 2"» months. The longest record road constructed have been:—In 1872, believe he will care to see me back AKonts that wnnt SomothlnK KKW nnd very A. G. DKWEV, Pontine, Mich. cles ; ecnt frco on trial; no of a light thus far is 003 hours. debtedness 8320,400.90, being 80,880.03 if the people of the county will drop all faila. fire, brought wood .ind water, ordered mouoy necesaary till rocclvoci, • have become ashamed of their new Pennsylvania,Deinocr.it, seized tho op­ appearance of sectional hatred and put 7,340 miles; 1873, 3,883; 1874, 2,025; Then epcaks again more low. very soon, auntie." 'I'BBty, will tind UilH Just tho thlnu. Siiraples only tuatcd and found, oatisfaotory. portunity for notoriety by interposing less. Amount expended for other pur­ the butcher, and baker, and grocery- fl.OO ench. They nro funilBhod only by tbo " M^UJtMTUJU:. UplliilBtory. K»tabll«lied 1874, leaders, tlieir wild predictions and fal­ Pajicr is now used to make buckets, forth such united eflorls as the situa­ 1875, 1,.')01; 1870,2,400; 1877, 2,301; "Bat you will make mo happy? I sbonld die man to the house, he left me with a "Tut, tut, child! don't be naughty. with boat of city cuntoni fltoekwort h $80Oi will Am OITOUTtmiTV jnSVEH BKl'OUB , his objection. There was a loud pro­ poses .§407,570.40, being .843,305.00 less. 1878,2,010; and in 1870,4,430 miles. ARTOGRAPH CO.. Auburn.af. Y. BOll for trM aiah; protit »1,1I)0 to $l,,'iai) a year. lilo iteod lacious promises, their aililiation with "bronzes," urns, asplialt roofing, water tion demands.—C(7«/(7Za6- iVemv. If we were parted, Bertie is so true kiss for his work, and my duties began. Just make up your mind to be a flrst- SatlBfacUiry rcliaona for eolllng. Address "FUU- mtkukeOAIho a Rplondid Doti the most dangerous and disloyal ele­ test against this action, but Coffroth Total expenditures for the year 83,- And generous, and he loves mo so, and 1— Onitop OrgSn for only $45. AddroHS CIIlTIlOHltlali cans, carpet, shirts, wliole suits of 004,038,88, being 75,277.11 less. Compared with 1878, therefore, last I meant tosurpri/.e liiin with a dozen clas|shousekeeper,and retrieve your rep­ NlTUItE," carrier 10, Delrolt, .Mich. CO.,_ JiOS Bro«dwsy» N«w Yoric, «.X ment, and their participation in the was obstinate, and tliere was no way clothes, jewelry, materials for garden I lore him dearly, too!" utation. The real stuff is in you, Susie L-uiiipluto uimI mjtlioMlic liiHlnryuf tim rout tour of of getting around his objetion. Speer Amount on hand at the close of the year shows an inccease of more than shirts "done up" in the perfection of filim Detroit News Comjiany, 7 Fort Street ivoat, most dishonest and revolutionary walks, window curtains, lanterns, pock­ A silence and a kins, nnd ronnd my neck art- and such a dinner. "Charley —only wants bringing to surface. It Detroit, kooii In stock a completo lino of tho managed, to get five minutes later, and year 8770,]51.ii8. Bonded indebted­ Backwoods Eloiiuencc. 50 per cent. At the close of 1878, ac­ leading plays of Samuel Fren:h .t Son, New York; schemes. It seems safe to say that, et-handkerchiefs, fire stoves, railway cording to the length Two white arms twine tbomaclvcs, as if to likes peas and mashed potatoes with was a sad mistake, not to have learned gave .mother installment of his speecli, ness of the distrists81,280,700.80, being Poor's Manvnl, win IBLll Clinton T. Dowitt, Now Vork; Georgo M. Bakor & if new elections should be held to-day, carriages and carri.igo wheels, chimney of railroad in the coAintry was 81,841 a lamb roast; and, ob, capital! I'll make before, but it is never too late to mend. R"!"'' ,Pnla<'es. Uaro CurloaltlcsCo.,, WunlUBoatoni i Happy Hours Co., Now Vork. Send the vote of the Greenback party would which was a strong argument against 875,277.11 less. Total indebtedness of In the course of a discussion in the Compliance from my yielding heart, and an..}\d Womlor SS^'}^'^a of tiio InillKi, (jlilna, .Tnpau, etc. A rail-three cent stamp fur Catalogue. pots. Hour barrels, cottage walls, tne diiitricts 81,300,(141.52, being .804,- Missouri Legislature in 1801, Gen. miles. Adding the mileage construct­ check a Yorkshire pudding; that's simple Charley will be perfectly happy, when oil pcopio want It. 'rhlH Is ilio Injat chaiico of ycjur hardly appear except among the scat­ attaching riders to appropriation bills, you become able to keep his home fo to iniUtu money. Bowaro of "cntcli-penny" linlto- as not only improper and unjust, but roofing tiles, bricks, and dies lor stamp­ 821.24 le&s.—Daiminrj lieptiblican.Riley got the floor and relieved liis ed in 1870, we have the grand total of The sterner thoughts within. enough; and how pleased he'll be! But tloris. Send for circulars nnd eitra tomis to ABonts. LADIES', GENTS' ANU llOVS tering. ing, and blankets. 80.203 miles of railroad in the United first those shirts must be starched, I properly, AVe are such creatures of Adilrwa. NATION.* 1. PunLisiiiNo Co.. uiilcago, m. Solid Gold, Sllvor nnd Nlck.-1 American dangerous. Mills, of" Texas; Whit- mind as follows: Id such a strait, what could a father say ? andSwlasWntclio8,from$i;ioflfiO. Chalna In some districts, nevertheless. Re­ States at the beginning of tlio current A coaxing whisper—'Think of ,ono whole suppose," said I to myself, not without sense, dear, that we cannot ignore the thorne, of Teiine,ssee; and Lowe, of 'The North Anerkan Heview for Mr. Speaker: Everybody is pitching physical, even though heavenly charms- GfiEArV^ESTERN of all klnda. Write for llluairatoil cata­ THAT ACTS AT TBE SAKE 'UJIE 0n|K publicans are timid. They fear that Alabama; on the Democratic side, took March will contain articles by ex-.Jiulge New Air Ship. into this ni.itlcr like toad-frogs into a year, when the total of all Europe is yoor a secret misgiving. logue to STANIJAItl> AMEItlCA.V WATCH fanatical and revolutionary notions about 100,000 miles, and of all tbe rest That we have waited. Gau ne go away surround us. You are tired out with Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa. THE LIVER, similar ground, while Blount, of Geor­ .lore, S. Black and the Hon. E. AV. a willow-swamp, on a lovely evening Without a word of cheer?" So saying, I se.ated myself to shell I may still sway many votes, as in times Mr. S. G. Gregory, of this city, has of the world probably not 20,000 miles, the basket of peas. But the morning this new strain, and have been une- LndloB and gontawlgs, orlpns wares THE BOWELS, gia; McMahon, of Ohio; Hooker, of Stoiigliton on the third term question, in the balmy month of .lune, when the (|ual to the contest. Rest to-day, and and switches, frlnz and back nets; past. They do not dare to vote on any Mississippi; and others, stood up for .ir.d a paper an our political dangers by just completed a full working model of mellow light of the full moon fills the Tlie increase in this country was at the "Bwcot daughter mine, bear with mc, if I was hot, and there seemed no bottom and the KIDNEYS. rate of about 5 }.< per cent, the increase seem, to-morrow we will cemmence in earn­ Hr«ch-tom InK Shot Guns »2n to fllflO: DonliloBhot all styles hair goods ut wholesale linancial question, bec.iuse of the sup­ the old system. In the course of the Prof. Simon Newconib. his last invention. It is an airship, thin ethereal atmospheric air. Sir, I to the basket. They were finished, 011113 Wl to »llin: SuiKlii Qmib »!.' to »20; liltlos «8 to Wigs!! and reuill. Send for priee lint. This eombined actum ginea it teen- posed influence of false ideas among of population being doubtless some­ in love of you, to play a mbier's part; est." debate McMahon insisted that the and has occupied the entire time of want to put ill a word, or jierliaps a 'lis bard to speed a treasure down tho stream. however, at last, .ind the ro.ist skew­ »<,5i llovolviira »1 to Hfi. Send for lai-KO lIluKti-alcd Mlia. Ai^'EN, 177 Woodward avc, Detroit, Mich. dcrfulpcnom' to cure all diseases. their constituents. The position of It is reported that a disease among thing less than 3 jier cent so that the .(Ind so we did. Such a training as Democrats would throw away the the inventor for many montlis. The woKi and a half. There seems to be a Long hoarded in my heart. ered .ind in the oven, "pwn S.-ir.K—Orwill oxchnngo for Detroit real Why Are We Sick? these members is not creditable to the the hemlock spruce tree-s, which com­ Vessel is sliarp at both bow and stern, number of inhabitants per mile of Aunt Jane put me through! From oatato, a farm of lOOacrcH, two miles north of Presidential election in advance if disposition to fight. I say if there is "Is he so true ond wise?" "So wise, so true?' "Now for those shirts. Why didn't Republican party. It constantly in­ menced in Canada a few years ago, has the better to overcome the resistance any ligliting to be done come on with railroad has become less during the garret to eel ar, from parlor to cook- BREECH-LOADING DOUBLE GUNS the Tillage of lludaon, Lonawea county, Mich. they allowed this change, and did his ])rogressed until it has attacked the "And can yon trnat yourself?" "Beneoth the I ever do pa's at home ? My, how the Brick house, liarna, orchard, well fenced, good Became we aUow these ffreat orgam jures that party in the very Eastern best to make his party solid a.gainst it, of the atmosphere. At either end are your corn-cobs and lightning-bugs! In year. sun, starch sticks! AVhat can I do?" And room ; laundry, closet and pantry. I NK^*-* CIKXUINK TWlS'r ll-iUitEtS. roads, schoolhouae on tho proralsoa. Addroas J OBN to become dogged or torpid, and States upon which the next election forests ill the northern part of Aroos­ placed driving wheels and rudders. the language of the ancient Itoman: I know there is for me (not counting you) worked with good-will and a purpose. S1-4-MUZZLE-L0ADIN6 DOUBLE GUNS II. Bis.SEi.i., Bank Chambers, Detroit, or G. W. A vote was flrst taken on the aiuend- The population of the country is over the very first one I blistered my Hunt, (13 Grlawold st., Detroit.' poiscnouB humors arc tJi^rcfore forced will turn. Without wrongful inten­ mendnient proposed by Garfield, de­ took county, Maine. The tree afi:'ected The latter are controlled by one wheel, now about 40,500,000, and this gives One only—only one!" hand, lost my temper, and sat down in Charley was to be pleased, and Mrs. ^tPJLTl: (iKNUlNB TWIST JiAlUlEUS. into th« blood that sltould be ofpelled tion, often and perhaps unconsciously, claring that it should not be in order turns to a reddish hue, and in about situated amidships. Tlie cylinders Como one, como all, this rook ahall fly 574 persons to support 1 mile of rail­ "Well, well, no tears! Hethinks V, never medespairt . Grundy confounded. I learned how $tO KvHtlirliU ItlJifH. Ik-st Gun•nrAXTlUts and ItlllCE AOKXTS all over tho Stato to naturally.sell two years tlie wood crumbles in the From this hrm bane, in a piif'ii eye. lor llio luoiii.y 111 till! will-Ill. r r our Unrmcea JIaglo PollBhlng Powdor and tho these men are doing what they can to make any change, except to strike which contain 30,000 cubic feet of pure road, against 585 at the beginning ot An abler pleader—parting good from ill. "I'll wash that starch out and try cold," to handle broom, duster and mop. To tidOr SL'iid lur InrKo Illustrated C'atnloguo to Koyal Tooth I'liwiler. None to equal thom In tho to defeat the party of their choice, or out appropriations already provided for hand. Owners of tiiiiber-lands in por­ hydrogen each, are constructed of four Now, tliere has been a great deal of 1870. In Europe the average is about I would it were, and would it were not; yet said I, with tears of vexation; and at polish furniture, silver and glass. To JAMES SOWN & SONS, world. Send for terms nnd sample; aontfroe for 40 are deliberately sacrificing its chances tions of Maine have already met with thicknesses of silk, the ends being bombast here to-day. I call it bom­ You conquer, have your will." sort linen and iron starched clothes! J30 .fc /.IH Vooll Nt.,l'ltlMhurnli,cent MUt.s for both , or alnglo for 'J.'i cents. This la no and insert a less sura. Speer, Mills, 3.33;i per mile of road, and in Sweden, it I went in good earnest. But it was TOTERPRISE OUN WORKS, EstabUsh'ed 181B, humbug, Addrcaa UENKV B. GHiESr, 410 Fort st. of National success for the sake of Whittliorne, Lowe and Felton among heavy loss, and when the disease will tijiped with brass and the whole bast from "Alpha" to "Omega." {I where the mileage in proportion to Another kiss, another soft caress— of no use. Such a sight as those bo­ (The starch didn't stick, either). To wcBt, Detroit, .Mleh. their private advantage. For tlie par­ the Democrats supported this amend­ exhaust itself cannot be surmised. lashed to the gunwale by cords. At don't understand the meaning of the population is largest, it is 1,007. AVe Sbe glides away, as sunlight thro' the flowers; soms were!—fit only for the wash-tub. prepare wholesome and nourishing llIIJOUSNENS. PIT.ES. CONSTIPATIOIT, ty as a whole has great reason to he either end are placed elevators or de­ words though). Sir, the question to re­ I ait and mnae, the winds in idleaess food for the sick, such as broths and ment, and it was onlv defeated by a A set of Oshkosh boys, liudhig them­ have given tliese figures before, but we Bufllo tho orange bowers. "The dinner mustn't fail, anyhow," Rice's Tiiiperaute Uotvl and Restaurant, I KlDNKt C0aPL4IJfTS. UUINAUl scratch. Anotlier Democrat, Warner, selves members of two liecret societies- pressors, controlled upon the principle fer is a great and magnificent question. report them to emphasize the fact that gruels, and concoct delicate viands and LA!! Cor, Bates and Congrens St.'s Detroit. BISEASES, FE3IAI,E WEAK- • proud of its position and record on fi­ said I, preparing my pudding, and set­ An.EiiBllsll .Veterinary .liiiKooii nnd Clieirlit. now flESSEK. AND NEllVOUS of Ohio, then renewed essentially the at a meeting of one, where they were of an Arciiiniedian screw. And the It is the all absorbing question. Like this is peculiarly the railroad country, "Two hearts made happy, so what need to conserves. To cook birthday and travcllnir iu thia eounlry. wiyn iftiit iin.rt nf tlic llorso Within two minutes walk of Uie City Ball, Oiiora nancial questions. It has every rea­ frown? ting it under the drip of the roast. So, ami C'nltle PowiIiirH «oltl 1m:i-u iiiu ivni-UiIos-i Hon.siis I!o. Port Ollice and Banks, lluiuo Juat built and-fut- iiisuitiiEns, son to court free and full discussion on same amendment in a provision tliat in the majority, voted to expel all the sleeping rooms, dining rooms and car­ a sponge, sir—a large, unreasonable not simply because it is big. but because Thanksgiving dinners. To make the sny.-i thnt.Sliui-lilan's Uoiiilltlon I'owilei^ ni-e iilisolutel tvnnh.- nlahi'd Uiroiuhuiit In Elvgaiit sitylo with Now Fiirnl The children love each other—smile then, bathing my heated, flushed face, I con­ most of odds and ends of provisions, liiii-e nnd lminuiiH!ly valunlile. Notlilliir tm uiii-tli wll.ture , etc. 'rne very best O.nk Doli.ak per day llousol n by causing free action of tluso organs such issues. Victory surely will re­ it should only be in order to reduce the remaining members, and then sold the go are all provided for in the hold of sponge, of globe shape, in a smiill the same iiopulation requires a larger wile; soled myself with the arrangements ot iniiko liona lay liko Slierliliin's Comlltlmi rov.-(lei«. America. .1. P. lUcK, Pi-oprltor and restoring their power to tlwow off the vessel, Mr, Gregory says that tlio tumbler ot water—it sucks up every .ind get a meal out of an empty larder. i>osi., ono tivuspooiifiil to Olio pint f Snld every ward it, if the party adheres firmly expenditures already jirovided for, and library to their otlier society for a dol­ amount of railroad here than any­ A happy love is sure the fairiat crown. my table, peeping here and there into Wliere ur sent by mall for elwlit ;t-criit .liiii;p«. disease. .ind manfully to the honorable course to this extent ch.mge the existing law. lar. AVhen these lads get their growth cylinders will sustain a weight of 10,- thing. Sir. I stand here with the where else. Of the 4,430 miles, 023}-^ And whitest flowero f life." To put on a patch, and dam a sock; I. S. JCIli.V.SCl.N' 4: CO., Di.iiVor. Maine. LELANB'S RESTAUKA^ T Why BafTer Uninnii rnlnn nnil aehen t dear little, mysterious cupboards, till I and at last, to give those minute fin­ Why tormented nithPiles, Cvimtliiatlnnt which its pledges .and its past acts The Republicans readily accepted this they will lind the manipulation of Leg­ 000 pounds, and that the speed will be weapons I li.ive designated to defend miles are of narrow gauge (18 miles 2 entirely forgot to baste the roast, and Why frightened over disordered Kidneys t over thirty miles an hour. A trip to the rights of .St. Louis County, the ishing touches of light and shade, col WILLIAM EEID, Is the best place on tho continent to get a meal for have marked out for it. after one or two trivial changes had islatures, Returning Boards, and rail­ feet, 23 miles feet, and the rest 3 WHAT MRS. GRUNDY THOUGHT was only brought back to sful realities (or tho lulc nrm If Itcid A Way endure iierruuii or nick heailuckcal been made, and it was evident that Europe can be made in four days. Tlie rights of any other county—even the feet gauge). This is a little less than or, and bloom, and artistic arrange­ WINDOW HIU". .SilL-L-tfHhor 10 vitlil firm 25C. I'WEATY.PIVE CENTS. 2oC. Why have sIceplesH nighia I When Democratic members refuse roads only boys play. OP MY HOUSEKEEPING. by the smeHof burning vegetables and lb GlasH uuil Loud BuulDcsa.) KIDNEV WOKT Cnlx qtaof Jlcdlclaa. Iowa, their hesitation can be under­ and it was caraied—134 to 74, Atkins, pedestal were found to be secured by .ind was foolish enough to be very leg of mutton was burnt crisp, and as Aunt Jane gave me my diplom»l - farm in the mountains of Pike county, Mr, Uiley—.Just retain your linen if tears. of I'lirta. JVIorouj» "WorkmaanUp~ , Elegant• • • WnoolW of those who sympathized with the re­ agers were enabled to attach to the ants about the palace; indeed, it is linquish it, and can never feel entirely pecially. to examine the Light Running liemnj of Moilol. appropriation bills last Spring the po­ three miles from Millford, Pa, The you please. I'll stick to the text as "Don't let us break up till after din­ • What a train you must have had, „ MAICVKUIDB for ea.rty rennrlor work tn oB HnA of bellion, for the public creditor repre­ stated that SOO families and about barnyard is alive with turkeys, ducks close as a pitch plaster to a pine plank, at home where he does not enjoy it. dear Sue," said my husband. (I think Grain, imd univcrmllu known an tlio only BuoooufUl Tliroskar litical "rides" for the repeal of the elec­ He iierfectly understands how a Euro­ It we sometimes protested, and ner, pet." NEW HOME ' '•' * Tier Seeds. sents that spirit of faith in the Union 4,000 persons live at His Majest>'8 ex­ and chickens, all undor the active su­ or a lean pig to a hot jam rock, (Cries thought it desirable to take a few in­ tliey never knew how great). YOUi AS.TONIRIIIN«I.T ntTRAHLE anil mmterj which destroyed the rebellion. tion laws. pense. He is an extravagant house­ pean can come to America and be con­ "But I tell you I can't get any din­ Sewing Machine. Wc have just added several new I'OHTABUS, TltAO'MON, imil STKAWjil irolol fbatuns of Power, pervision of old AVatch the house dog. of "go on;" you'll do.") I want to say itiatory lessons of that mysterious di­ ner ; I don't know how," I replied, AVell, when health and strength features to the machine, which will interest every one DomblUty, Stfbty, Kconomy, and ll«uuty untlroly unanown In .S Qttltfl and^toam.Poircr keeper; the annual expenditures of the AVatch is a 'Collie' about four years tent witli it as a home, because he can Sorarawrs n .iiooliiUy. Four bIios of R«|iarotor», ftom( 1 lu Is hnmc-iKiiror! nlnoa alji™ Improved Mounted nono.Poiror«. Democrats have some excuse, there­ to these carbonireferoiis gentlemen, vinity who presided over kitchen, bake- savagely. came back, Bridget was dismissed, and who contemplates buying a Sewing Machine, Don't 811 Ycani of ProaperauH nnd Contlnunnn liunlncM by tUla bouao, without cliaasu of naino, looatiQll,or manoso- palace are mentioned as nearly 814,- old. He came to the farm a pup, and these igneous individu.ils. these deton­ shape his life as he chooses; but he fail to try one before buying any other. It will cost moot, furnlHlius n mroug auuruuluo for .upurlur guoil. aud fore, when they waste the public time cajinot understand how an American room and laundry,when, to be sure, "Tliere, there, child! you are tired and then came my triumph. Everybody b^norablo_iloollng., _^ ... . . , . 000,000, has developed to a dog of surprising ating demonstrators, these pereginous was there ever a time? Cert.iinlynot stimnlated, cheered and admired my you nothing to try It, Machines sent on trial to any Tno wnnncrnn ntiecc.n nnd popiilnrlt.v of and money in contriving, week after can be contented in Europe, worried. I will help, and we will have part o( the country. Send for circular and terms ourYiaiuTouMimliliiury liuii drivvii uttit-r Hunting Lost Caus.—At the flrst sagacity. Mr. Garrison made some volcanoes, come on with their combus­ when the best cake w

iiiiiiJSliiSiM ia!a!8SGmniiiesBifi»M!^

FIbH CULTUBB. teen, monttw old,' 'mieaaaring hJW from twelve to twentyfour ' ^ The HoneBtek^ ^ jt'MM'Mtte'taik •t IB as par ewtt 10 good mlx«d botohetv IJNGLisii PATENTa-In England pat- , inctaea. '.v;/:.^''':'' tof^UMqcMt^MOWMd OB Mr. SpMt't girWaildl laghflUtavesSllMi•tlSperowtt alood arita are granted to every applicant 3 50 per that vicinity. President Abbot of the of horses will be wanted at fljiurea fore the minds of those sad daugh­ ;! Mracd »t,10B,08a in the you 1879, beinK tl88,- The Xerohanta' and Uannteoturers' Ex­ Heaars.Windom(Rep., Minn.), Blaine (Rep., costs and liberal fees to attorneys and intendent .T. O. Fortmaii, of the State them full ten inches in length. combs you must uae tin separators. change held a meeting Monday evening in the low during January, 1880, were »9,498,957; Me.), and Withers (Dem. Va.) wore appointed owt; 10 good Hteera, av 1,033 Ibe, at V3 60 Agricultural College was present and consider.ibly in advance of last year. ters.—ProDidencc Journal, [Y. o98 more than the year previons. A diridend January, 1879, $10,436,859. For the seven per cwt; 5 good Hteera, av 1,668 Iba, at experts, he is much richer without a Fish Commission, read an interesting Streams also, which were planted by inter«|t of the Detroit and Butler Bailroad. a conferwice committee on tbe diaagreement delivered an able address on manual Now a few words in regard to ship­ Heavy horsea are wanted in the large JS^ol per cent on pretetred^itook foi thr Uat About f6.000 waa aubaoribed and a committee months ended January 81, 18B0, $60,880,736; 93 87) per owt; 4 good eteera, av 805 patent than with one. A poor invent­ paper, of which we give the more im­ private parties in Berrien county some ping honey. My j.dvice would be: Do The packages > of tomatoes put up six montha and 8^ per cent on oommon itock of the House to Senate amondments to the labor in connection with education. cities; they are called for in the "pin­ appointed to canvaaa for anbsotiptions. for the seven months ended January 81,1879, military academy appropriation bill. lb', atfS per owt; Suemiuon butoberlng or under the English system is entire­ portant points. years since, have yielded fair returns. List year in the United States reached < torthoyear,waspald^Febraary 10. $62,090,688. head, av (100 Iba, at 12 50 per owt; 14 Referring to the work of tbe Agricul­ not ship a pound until your home eries" and wherever there are large In tbe House on motion of Mr. Bragg (Dem., ly at tho mercy of-capitalists, and must I mention these instances as I could the total of 10,008,000, of which New : I Tho Sapieme Oonrt opened the adjonraed mixed butoberlng head, av 741 Iba, at tural College he said: As we do not market is entirely exhausted. Culti­ manufacturing establishments; nnd es­ Wis.) tbe Benate. bill tor the removal of tbe in genaral assign a controlling interest LAND-LOOKEB SALMON. many others to show that there is a Jersey put up 5,582,000 cans. , .aeasion Tuesday morning with a fnll bench, body ot the late Gen. George Bykes from Fort |2 76 per owt. aim to turn out merely skilled laborers, vate your hbme market to the utmost pecially are they wanted by farmers r John tiebbe, a awitohmaa employed on &1- UISCELLANEOUB. FERSONAI.. in his patent to secure the means to es­ wide range for tbe introduction and Brown, Tex., to West Point, N. ST., waa taken The abeep market woa brisk and ac­ Upon this superior formedj fleshed, so we do not propose to make simply extent, and by all means, keep it fully who, doing a large share of their work eer'n log railway at Blaok Birer, Jamped from The Albany city hall burned Tuesday morn­ Frank H. Mason managing editor ot the from tbe speaker's table and passed. tive and Htodk, although not any better tablish even a presumption in its and magnificent fish, there liaa been growing of this choice fish of the scientific men for professors, editors supplied at all times with the choicest ; the train, on the Sth inst, while it was in mo- Cleveland Leader, haa been nominated United by machinery, flnd light weights unfit ing; losa 975,000. Mr. Neal (Hep., O.) from the committee on in qualitv than tbe previoua week, ad­ favor. done comparatively little work: not a brooks. But it must not be supposed and the like. We mean to return to of your products; even if you are com­ ; itton, for the purpose ot worliiDg a awitoh, and Statea oonsDl at Bsale. the District of Oolnmbia, reported a bill pro­ vanced '20o per owt. Sales were as fol­ for such business. Light weight and I lalling on the traolt he had'both hia legs run The Bute normal school at San Jose, C^., aingle egg has been purchased with the that every fed stream, forms a suitable the farm a set of men who, by combin­ pelled to leave it with your grocers to burned to the ground Tueaday momirg. The AUobatacIea to the Hanlan-Oonrtney race hibiting the publication ot lottery lohemo* in lowa; 51, av 83 Iba, at >4 80 per owt; 28, homo for the trout. They require well bred horses will go as they biive THE HDLMftN over by' two eripty traoks and- badly are apparently removed. Riley ia expected to the Diatriot. Motiona to lay on the table, It is asserted that Misses Kellogg, Abbott, funds of the State, but all have been ing practical work with a scientiflc ed­ sell on commission. This you can do Are waa firstdSoovere d in the onpoU. There av 102 Iba, at f5 24 per owt; 163. av 105 cold water, free from mineral and es- gone before; sound common stock will imangled. ia suspicion ot incendiarism. Loss over two enter. The forfeit money amonnts to $1, recommit and adjourn were sncoeaslvely Iba. at |5 65 per owt; 70, av' 76, at Gates, and our other famous songstresses man­ donated by the United States Fish ucation, and with proper habits of ob­ successfully, as there will be no difli- age to keep their voices clear by the use of leclally iron, with rapid flow, over be taken to the AVest for emigrants 'Miaa Mary Adams of Battle Greek- com­ hundred and fifty thousand dollars; insurance, 600. voted down, and the bill was finally ordered •4 75 per cwt. lOO, av 75 Iba, at Commissioner. A little over 51,000 of servation and reasoning, sliall be able culty in placing your product on the who have the money to pay for them, fifty thousand doUara. eagrossed and read a third time; yeaa 99, Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Price 25 oonta a langing banks and tangled brush wood mitted suicide Monday night by taKlng poiaon. Ex-mayor Barton, nf Buffalo, N. Y., died t'l 65 per owt: 100 av 041ba, at $5 20 per them have been hatched and placed in to help in the work of changing agri­ market in a neat and attractive condi­ while the plugs and unsound horses Lirer & StoMCli Pail . She waa sednced and deserted ny a heartlois Tuesday. nays 81. owt; 61, av 83 Iba at fl 05 per cwt; 101, bottle. and a bed of gravel dug Into deep pools. The deficiencies in the annual appropria> the inland waters. Those planted in culture from tho condition of a mere tion, having done all the handling will be sold on credit at 100 to 200 per : scoundrel who has since dlnappeaied. tionator tbe various departments of the gov­ Judge Bheriook J. Andrews died at hia resi­ av 88 lbs; 197, av 95 Iba, at 15 20 per owt; "A DROP OF JOY IN SVERT the southern part of the State have This winter, 1879 and 1880, there has business into a science. Agriculture yourself. Then, too, being personally : Tho grand encampment of the L O. of O. F. 73, av 92 Iba, nt 15 10 per owt, 53, av OS Iba, cent, advance. AND ernment, tor which deficiency appropriation dence in GleveUnd Wedneaday, aged seventy- FOBEIGir. WORD." never been heard from but in Kalkas­ been placed upon the trays at Pokagon is not a mere art, a trade to bo learned acquainted with nearly all of your cus­ of Uiobigan met at he oonrt honae at Ann bills are aaked, aggregate five million seven eight yeara. at 95 10 per owt; 85, av 78 Iba, at (4 90 per Ki,E.MiNnTON, Hunterdon Co., N. 3, hatchery 170,000 trout ova: the strict­ Judging from the increasing activ­ r Medicinal AbtorptivA ' Arbor Wednesday evening, Jonatlian Spragne, hundred and seventy-nine thousand five hun­ In consequence of nnmerous promises of cwt; 80, HV 88 Iba, at ffi per owt; 170, av Dr. II. V. PlEltoe. Iiulfnlo. N. V.: ka County, in a little lake were some in two or three years. It is a science, tomers you can furnish each one with V, a. p., of that city, welcomed the patriarchs dred and thirty-six dolUrs. Gov. Wm. A. Howard ot Dakota, and wife, support, the Burnley, England, weavers, rep­ 93 iba, at |S 15 por cwt. 'rhreo months ago 1 was broken out with large Ave hundred only were planted, they est watch and care has been given capable of growtli through careful ob­ just what they desire. After you have ity of the horse market for the past I BODY A FOOT PLA8TER8 iin'B brief speech. are at Grand Itapids. resenting thirty thousand looms, will strike ulcers and noros on niy body, limbs and fuoe. 1 were taken, two and one-half years af­ them and at this date, Jan. 23rd, have servation and investigation, for which done all you possibly can at home, you few years, and the high in-ice paid for •{ AND The Bev. Edward Cowley, on trial tor starv- if ten per cent, increase of wages ia not con­ A few aalea of bo^a were reported at lirocuroil your Golden Medical DlMcovory and t^rgo- ing aud ill-treating children under hia care in The late Gen. Dwight May, it ia now report­ ter weighing eight pounds. This un­ a promising look. scores of scientifically educated farm­ will probably be compelled to seek a sound, large horses of .ilmost any form, ABSORPTION SALT Aloxsnder Waters, a yonnfr man about 36 ed, left an eatate valued at aixty thonaand dol- ceded. f4@94 40 por cwt. tlvo Ptillots. and liavo taken six boUluH, nnd to-day : years of age, died in West Bay City on the "Shepherd's Fold,^'was admitted to bail in I am in goml health, all those ufdy ulcers having precedented growth is evidence conclu­ ers throughout the state are needed. distant market, and here is where your and the fancy flgures which a piece hue. Parole is tbe favorite for the Lincolnshire IlYnniDIZATION. for Baths. :. 8tb, of 16ok-]aw, aa the result of stepping $7,600, hla bondsmen being Rev. Dr. Morgan huulod and loft my skin In a natural, healthy oon- sive, that many of our lakes In the We exiiectthe influence of such men trouble will commence. You are well of horse flesh a little above the com­ Our*without MMelHt. SImpluby Abtorptton. TH i npon a riiaty nail ten or twelve daya ago. Dix ot Trinity church and Rev. Dr. Robert It ia reported that the Baroness Burdett- handicap, March 17, at 100 to 6. dltlon. 1 thought at ono timo I could not bouurod. Hybrids of the salmon trout and mon will command, it is evident the Btit Uinr, atomaeh an3 apltta Boater Coutts intends to give £500,000 for tbe perma­ The steamship Chimborazo, for Australia, Select Sayings. AltliuuKli I can hut poorly uxpross my tmitltudo to northern paft of tho Peninsula, are will help to lift up the great mass of aware that your success will depend Tho Stato WooKlrowera' Assooiation l>egan S. Howlandof the Church of the Heavenly salmon fountainales aro at the Poka­ supply has fallen far below the de­ iHthiWorlt. Beat. nent relief of Ireland. , has returned to Plymouth, England, in con­ you, yot thoro Is a drop of Joy In every word 1 well adapted to this best of fresh water farmers. To produce such men they on placing your honey on the market ; it« annual meeting at Lansing on Tuesday sequence of damage durin,<> the gale off write. Viiurs truly, JAMKS O, BBLLIS. fishes. There are-in the State hatchery gon hatehery ponds of three years in good shape, therefore you will put mand, and that consequently horse • evening and continued in aession tiuough Tho inquest in the Donnelly murder cose Gen. Grant and party sailed for Vera Crnz I lenicmbcr, I remember must not get out of the habit of manu­ Facts for the Public I began at Lucan, Out., Wednesday. The nbyai- Friday. Usbant. Two persons were' washra over­ The fir-trees dork ond h'gh— "Nip your cough in the bud," said Horace ponds at I'okagon forty-two of these growth. Too much cannot bo said in al labor. A course in college, with no it in tis nice packages as possible. breeding will become as prominent as I Wednesday. board, two killed aud aeventcen injured. Tho their praise. Beautiful in form and The Stomaehtai cian who made the post mortem testified that Tho Bev. Alexander Keith, the traveler ond I used to think thoir slender tops. Greeley, by taking "Dr. Boilers' C(>ugb Syrup." species of salmon of four and five labor, destroys a taste for work, and cattle breeding. Mr. Strawn of Jack­ ZnArraretheaourc- ' Mrs. Bryant Myers, anajged widow who lived steamer lost six boata and received other dnm- Were close against the sky: Lose nu time in procuring a battle. color, possessing remarkable strength To insure careful handling, label each alone in Johnstown townahip, Barry county, bodiea so burned could not be distinguished outhor, is dead. Qgca. years growth. Last November, the young men are not inclined to go back sonville, 111,, the great cattle man of ci of vifor ond the male from the female, and was unable to It was u childish ignorance; and endurance, they may prove tlie package in plain letters, "Honey—thia his day, used to say he could breed and 4«aM—U Kept In a waa found dead in her honae on Wedneaday. say positively what was the oauae of death. A Washington dispatch says it is proliable Davitt and Killen, Irish agitators, have visit­ But now'tiB little joy Do not buy tho trashy bitters thot ar« ad­ 10th, a number of ova were taken and to the farm. The three hours' work aide up with care," and then as a fur healthy condition. : She had evidently boon dead two wookn oi that Ex-oongrcssman Rowland E. Trowbridge 125 flsh have been hatched from them. most suitable fish for many of the raise to tliree years old, three good Titrt it no tnovin John O'Connor, the boy who was in the house ed France and Belgium for information with To know I'm forther off from heaven vertised, but ask your druggist for lieed'a Gilt that is required of our students each ther precaution superintend the pack­ rmtdy lhat mill so more. The supposed canoo of her death was at tbe time of the murders, testified that of Michigan will be appointed commiasionor regard to the loud system of those countries. Than when I was a boy! Edge Tunic. It is the foremost. There are also upon the trays of the large streams and lakes. day is none too much to keep up this sound horsea at the expense of two tromllly and tffi- bcnrl) disooae, but the coroner's jury will thor- James Carroll, tbe constable, called ot the of Indian affairs. Mr. Trowbridge was a olasv In a month a deputation from the Irish loud If by combining the instuict of the ing in the car. Now you feel certain steers, but the difliculty was that in I onghly investigate the cause. mate of President Hayes ot Kenyon college, Thomas Hood. Consamption Coreda hatchery thirty thousand eggs which habit of labor. From statistics gath­ that it will be all right; but let me re­ cUnlly iaturt a house between 12 and 2 o'clock to arrest the league, including Davitt, will visit the chief arrived on the llith of .January, from salmon trout, for the deep and silent his day there was no market for them htatAy Stomach Wednesday morning, Thomas Mourn, old mon Donnelly. Besides Carroll he saw ond the friendship formed during their child­ places in Franco, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Happiness yrows at our own fireside An old physician, retired from practice ered at Washington, it is found mind you not to be over confldent; ond LivKR,'and oa hood bos lasted until now. Grand Lake stream. A gift of Profes­ waters of the great lakes, with the but for steers, there was always ii broakman on the Fish £ako branch of Detroit Thomas Ryder and John Partell in the house Spain, where eummittees ore boing organized and is not to be picked in stranger's haying bad placed in his hands by an East that less than one and. one-half per "there's many a slip 'twix cup and lip." thoroughly fortify India missionary tbo formula of o simple vcge- sor Bairdto the States of Michigan and brook instinct of the speckled trout, money demand at some price. Now the system againU ] lind Boy City railroad, waa killed while coup­ at tho time of the murder. He was sure of A Berlin dispatch says Herr Lasker, leader to receive them, to enlist support for a g.irdena.—/«'ro?d. cent, of the graduates of all the col­ Unless your consignee is a careful man the iudden changci ling cars in Lapeer. Be caught his foot in a those three, liaving seen their faces. ot tho National Liberals, proposes visiting the land movement and relief for distress in tiiblo remedy for tbo speedy and permanent Indiana—twenty thousand for us in we produce a flsh, which will traverse leges in the country go onto the farm; considering that horses are more ex­ cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh and understands handling honey, there ofou r climate, as the frog and the train paiued over liis limbs, sever- United States, where be will moke a prolonged Ireland, Only what we have wrought into our consideration of our hatching ten thou­ our streams only for spawning purpos­ of the graduates of our college over 40 clusively grass-eating animals than wonderful, vita'iz- init thom near tbo body. Bo woa unmarried, Burglars visited Westport, Conn., Tuesdoy, stay. Astlima, and all Throat and Lung Affcotions, is a strong probability that he will ing, henilh-grlvinff gagged the village watchman, carried him to The total expenses and loss of resources to characters during life can we take also a positive and radical cure for Nervous sand for parties in the latter .State. es, we have reached the goal of fish per cent, are, farmers. Of the last cattle, and can be raised with less : aged 25 years, and has parenta living in Cleve­ France from the Fronco-Qerman wor wos leave it to the tender mercies of the grain (or indeed without any grain at Helman Zhiir anil land. tho National bant, the door of which tbey Qon. Logan has received a letter froni E. B. away with ua.—Humboldt. Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after culture. But, will the hybrid carry class, every son of a farmer proposed IStomaeh Pa and disgrace to our State that no legal sueh circumstances, and I have re­ (he seat of most all diseases. Huron by tho ioe. tbe six-dny "po-os-yon-pleoac" match for tho in diameter, and in process of hatching Mr. J. D. Corey gave some interesting has repeatedly seen herds of horses IT is worn over the vitals. Liver and Stomach. sured for fifty thousand dollars. Tho orgon obampionship of England belt at agricultural Powers'Block Ronbestor.N y, ow protection could be secured to those in solved that hereafter I will go myself While loading logs at Boyd's mill, nesr A dispatch from Dublin on Thursdoy said: Franklin. exhibited remarkable organic derange­ facts and suggestions on the subject of grazing in old blue-grass pastures in IT removes torpidity of tho Liver, gives tone to tlie cost ten thousand dollars, insnrance seven hall, London, at 1 o'clock Monday morning. The Mansion bouse committeo has ad­ Log Lake, Kalkaska county, and pre­ and see that it is properly handled, for Stomach; arratingftrmentalhn Ana fain by giving '. Morioy, Wednesday afternoon, the chain thousand dollars. ifo man ia rich whcse expenditure ment ; however, nothing discouraging farm fences. Ho argued that the pres­ mid-winter,;whose condition, so far as Tho friends of Fit? John Porter are very dressed the editor of tho North Germon Ga- served from the spear and net to give 1 know of no worse commodity to dis­ it the natural quantity of bile and graitric Juices. broke, allowing the load to roll upon Joseph zettce soliciting aubsoriptiona, Tho committoe exceeds his means: and no one poor is seen in this, as it frequently happens ent costly style of fencing would soon tlesh was concerned, left nothing to be IT also vitalitea tho entire system with Nature** Wait, initiating injuries from wiiiah he cannot Tho President has issued a proclamation much disoournged at the prospects of passing Sherman k Co,, Marshall, Mich., via'', an back to us a thousandfold of their oll- pose of than a broken leaking, sticky, true tonic. warning all parties from tresspassing upon the has letters from Archbishop Gibbons of Bal­ whoso incomings exceed liis outgoings. agent in this county at once, at o aslar/ of with the speckled trout, that half or have to bo aoandoned and that atten­ desired. And yet these creatures, recover. tho bill to restore him to the army. spriugs, with which to extend the area mass of honey. IT arrests all deteriorated and polaonous fluids In Indian 'Territory on peril of being forcibly timore, expressing sympathy for tbe auffcrers. —Halibiirlon. .tlOO per month and expenses paid. For full even two-thirds of the eggs produced tion should be turned to hedge fences mares and colts both, had never been the Stomach, and thus nrevcnU their enterlns the i Judge Wlthcy of the United Stato court at ejected by the military authorities. The total subscriptions to the Mansion house particulars address ns above. of their demand. from a single flsh, liring forth mal­ as a serviceable substitute. Mr. Corey fed an ear of corn, or stabled since they ivatem by way of circulation. ... . Grand llapids has sustained the validity of the fund is ,^55,500. Two thousand pounds hove Let the farmer forevermore bo Here let me say that unless you have The Imperial mills elevator, situated on tbe CONGBESS, formed and deformed alevins. It ap­ has 80 rods of good osage orange hedge, witnessed the reckless manner in were born; nor had they been broken IT absorbs from the body every parUcle of blood' plow patents owned by Gale mannfaoturing been received from Brisbane, Austrolia. honored in his calling, for they who THE DEAF HEAR THROUQH THE TEETH TlIK KEL. poison, whether bilious, malarial or medicinal, and oompany of Albion. The question arose in a oomer of Huctcentb and Dearborn streets, Feb. 10.—In the Senate Mr. Burnsido (Itep,, pears to be an organic derangement of part of whicli is 10 years old, and a per­ which railroad men handle goods, you or handled. leaves the wearer In perfect health. . B, I,), from the committee on education and France has asked England to bring forward labor in the earth are the chosen people I'oriectly,all Ordinary Convoiaallon, Lectures,Con­ Considering the number of this fish suit brou^t by the above named company Chicago was blown down Thursday morning certs, etc.. hy .Vf;r» t'lutnnrh to tlie Nerves uf liearlng the zoosperms of the milt of the male, fect barrier against any kind of stock. would hardly credit the statement, that IT is the most wonderful discovery of the nine­ agnlnat Frutzmun Brothers of Three Rivers for and one hundred and twenty thousand bushels labor, reported a bill to establish on cduco- 0 now proposal for the settlement of the of Goi}.—Jeff'erso7i. by nieana ol a recent wondorfiil Kclenlllie Invention planted in the inland waters no class AVhile cattle are raised and fed and teenth century, and marks a new era in the history tiouol fund and apply a portion of tho pro­ Greek frontier question by 0 special commis­ —the Dentuiihune. For remarkable iiubllc teats oa and may not occur again in future ex I have seen them take shipping crates of medical science. ,. ... dnmugcB and to restrain them from making of wheot which it ountained wore spilled on has put in a more Irequent appearance Mr. S. W. Dorr read a paper on the fattened by hundreds and thousands the ground. It was ono hundred feet high, ono ceeds of the public land to public education, sion. The best jihysician is he who insinu­ the DiMif, also on the Deaf and Dumb, seo tho Kew periments. ftlled with lioney glassed and labelled IT is o fact, Incontestably proved it; thou- plows after tho patterns used by the dale com. York irmilil, Sept. 'J»: the JVcti> J'orA(Vlr/.if/oii Ailvo- and given better satisfaction to the care of orchards and the cultivation of by individui^l farmers in nearly every sando upon thousands of cases,. /*o/ the Hot' pany. hundred und ten by sixty in extent, with a ca­ and to provide for the more complete endow­ A London correspondent says; "Assurance ates hope into the heart at the same cute, Nov. 2)1, ete. Kvury deaf peraon should aend as above mentioned, and after piling ment and support of national colleges for tbo for KiiKK llluatratcd dcacrluiive pamphlet to tho peoide. Applications for them are in fruits generally. Mr. Dorr is one county in the State, few are engaged man Livtr and Slomaeh Pad wM do alt that pacity of two hundred thousand bushels. The is given me that the statemet'.t of the inten­ time that he prescribes « cordial for Amerlfttia Pentnplioaie «:«., Cinoinnati, Ohio. WIIITK I'isir. them eight or ten feet high, run the it ctaimtdfor it. It will eurt Ftver and Ague, Bit- ' Epbraim Halbert, a well-to-do farmer living mill adjoining woa badly damaged. Tbe es­ advancement of scientific and industrial edu tion of the Baroness Bnrdctt-Ooutta to devote •excess of all others, except the ever of the most extensive and successful in horse breeding on a large scale. To tout Disorders, Liver Comflamis, ImlermillenI Fe­ in the town of Speaker, Sanilac county, com­ cation. Placed on the calendar. fivo hundred thousand pounds to the ameliora­ the (license.—Jiovee. I now come to speak of the great fruit-growers in Washtenaw county, truck up and tip them over on it with tablishment was owned by Dunglas & Stuart, WHBB OF COST. loved and popular brook trout. In be sure, there are several very fine ver, Periodical HeaJachet, Dyspepsia, Ague Cah, mitted Buioide Thursday morning by hanging who have other extensive mills in Iowa and Mr. Wollace (Uem., Po,), from the commit­ tion of distress in Irelond is true. Contradic­ Youth will never live to age unless 1S77 were planted in various streams work of the Commission—the work for and his paper was eminently practical. the glassed side down, and after wheel­ Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Siliout Fevtt, Jaundice, lumsolf in his barn. Oanse, pecuniary troub­ tions have been made iu most of the London ym valae yoor czlateac*, da not fidi ta laa- collections of Percheron and Clydes­ - • • '—• •• Irregular Action of Canada. It was rented by Munger, Wbeelor & tee on finance,reporte d favorably tho Senate they keep themselves in breath with a Ite prwini oppoRnnliy of procuflag a and lakes 243,700 eels, and the follow­ which it was preeminently designed, Mr. F. A. Gulley of the Agricultural ing some distance dump it off regard­ les. Ho was 63 years of ago. Co. Tho elevator, which cost ninety thousand bill tu direct tho commissioner of agriculture popers, but the fact is incontrovertible. The iaM» dale thoroughbreds, but they bear the indt af^Feinale iVtaS- exercise, and in heart with joyfuliiess. ing spring ot 1S7S 400,000. The plant that of hatching and planting in the College read a paper on farm economy, less of consequences. You will readi­ nets, e>ic* tteaaacne, iMmeago, Sialica, Pain in­ A diapatch from Mackinac to the Free Press to>one hundred thousand dollars is a total to attend and report u;)07. tho sheep and wool money will be invested in the purchase of land ly conclude that a company that would same relation to horse-raising for the side, Back, Slomacli.Shoutders andMusclet.Biliout loss. The loss on wheat is about sixtv thou­ show at Philadelphia, in September. Placed in the district of Oonnomoro, county Golwoy, —Sir Philip Sidney. of the spring of 187!) has not been re­ waters both the inland and great lake pointing out various ways in which la­ on Thursday said: The ice in the Straits has allow such a useless waste of property markets of the world that the breed­ Colic, Bilious Diarrlixa, Elc. I>eon Bolid for ten daya past, and a team came sand dollars. Loss to the mill fifty thousand on the calendar. to be afterwards let to small tenants at long He that knows a little of the world, ported by the former Superintendent, boundaries this most useful, mercan­ bor and expenses should be economized ing of full-blooded Short-horns or Jer­ For safety, convenience nnd eflecllvcncss, it com­ dollars. No insurance covering this kind of ac­ lease and moderate rents, A committee of should pay for all the damage done, mends itself to every household. . . , across from Macinac Island yesterday; but The House joint resolution appropriating will admire it enough to fall down and Hon. G. H. Jerome, but was not as tile and magniflcent food fish. It is in farm operations. He discussed the cident. Irish gentlemen interested in agriculture ia as­ and so they should, but will they ? seys does to the beef supply of the Send for our pamphlet, giving extended Informa­ the wind began blowing a gale from the south­ twenty thousand dollars to enable tho United large as the years preceeding. the only flsh named in the "Act" cre­ value of clover and plaster as fertili- tion and west this morning, veering to the northwest States to be represented at the intirnotional sociated in the scheme." worship it; but he that knows it most, country. The raising of colts is gen­ teslimoniats._ _ . , The Dominion parliament opened Thursday ating the Board: and to its culture, zer.s. but did not believe that "high answer no, unless compelled by the OftUtlon to the VvitiAo.—Beware of poiaonoat to-night, and has broken the ice all up from fishery exhibition, Berlin, noxt April, passed. will most despise it—Colton. AnE Sa VINOS Banks Secuiie? This is a ques­ erally engaged in as a sort of auxil­ with the usual ceremonies. The Duke of Edinburgh has ordered the SALMON TltOt/T. they feel bound by law so long as tliere farming" was profitable. Prof. Fraser, courts. andfraudulent imitations forced upon the market by Lake Uiobigan to Lake Huron, and it is mov­ In the House Mr. Congor, (itep,, Mich,), from const guard of the west of Ireland to take Newspapers become more necessary tion of vital importance to the industrial iary to other farm crops, and few desSrning and unprincipled adveiilurert to traald on ing down with terriiio force. The governor of New York baa signed the the committee on ways ond meons, reported charge of relief stores and provisiona depos­ thrift of our country; and while our legis- Of this fish, so well known by name exists any law upon the subject. Ow­ of New York, delivered his lecture on We will now offer a few remarks on farmers sell more than a dozen horses the refutation of t/ie genuine. Buy turn* but the bill permitting women to vote for school in proportion as men become more While cleaning his gun in his room at Musk, bock the bill for the relief of colored emi­ ited with them, and to conyey relieving ollicars laturen are pondering the question, we would as the lake trout or Mackinac trout, ing to the reduction in the appropria­ the "Horse's Foot." the same tiiat was marketing this surplus which you of their own breeding in a season, HoiiBMi Fad, eto. ofricors. grants. It provides that oil charitable con­ equal individuals, and more to be fear­ earnestly adviso every one to take Hall's Bol- ogon on Friday, Oliarles Hesse accidentally kill­ to tho islands off the coast. there has been jilanted in the inland tions for fish culture during the pres­ delivered at Big Rapids, and an abcoul­ d not dispose of at home. AVhen while the average man disposes of less Descriptive Price List. ed Liono Barnbardt, the shot blowing off part J. J. Powers, a wealthy manufacturer of tributions imported for tho relief of colored ed by tyrants.—i)e Toeqiieville. som for Coughs and Colds. Worronted to stract of which we published last SoBnlar Pad—S>.oo; Incipient diseases of the persons who have emigrated from their homes Sir Stafford Northcoto announced in the lakes, in round numbers, 1)80,000. No ent biennial term, nearly all of the you reach your destination, see that th.m half that number. That horse- Stomach and Liver, Brst stages Chills and _ of her hood and scattering ker brains about the cotton seed oil, of Bt. Louis, accidentally shot The perfection of conversation is cure. himself through the heart Thursday after­ to other states shall be odniittcd free of duty, House of Commons Monday, that the gov­ very considerable numbers of them funds have be«n given to their propa­ week. your honey is carefully unloaded and breeding will pay on an extensive Fever, etc. room. She was 12 years old. Hesse gave him- ernment would make an advance for Ire­ not to jilay a regular sonata, but, like HINTS TO BUTTER-MAKEHS gation. Special Fad—S3.C0; Chronic liver ond Stomach BoU np, and the coroner's jury returned a vir- noon at bis room, at the Continental Hotel, the act to take effect immediately and remain have been taken, and yetlmany of tliein The subject of live stock and stock stored. T?hen take samples and go to scale, .13 surely as cattle or sheep, there in force until February 1,1881. land of .1:750,000, instead of .i:jqu,000, as origi- the iEolian harp, to await tho inspira­ Is tho tltlo of a vahiablu llttlo pamphlet, sent free Disorders, of el^ry form, also Malaria, diot of aooidental death, but Hesse ia atill in FhiIadel|ihio. Tho jury returned a verdict nolly intended. to any iiddroaa for ono stamp. Address Uutt«r Im­ have been reported seen. In my .iudg- And there are now at the State breeding on the farm was discussed by the best groceries in the place and is little doubt, and the probability is it Biliousness, etc " of "accidental shooting while handling a re­ Consideration wos then resumed on the Hot joU waiting tho action of the Prosecuting Attor­ tion ot the passing breeze.— Burke. provement Co., llulTalo, N. V. It t«llH you how to ment, a great misapprehension exists hatchery in Detroit 11,000,000 eggs in take your orders. Do not be in a would be more profitable, since the ZSSSS. F»d or Spleen Belt-$S.aoj Is intended ney. volver." Springs bill. Mr. Hawley (Hep., Conn.) could Tbe Duchess of Marlborough, in a letter to Incroaso amount of butter from given amount or Mr. D. W. Palmer, Mr. James Hood to cover Stomach, Liver and Spleen, and is not find, upon inquiry, that any ot tho Hot the Lord Mayor of London, on Monday, says: Grief knits two hearts in closer cream d i)or cent.. Improve quality of butter 30 per regarding the gtowtli of the lake trout. process ot hatching, which, added to and others. Mr. G. S. Eawson claimed hurry. You may work all day with­ horse is the hardiest animal of the a sovcreigfn remedy for all chronic troubles. The cxumination of Mrs. Nevina and bor two The Committco on the District of Columbia "The danger of famine appears to be over. If bonds than hapjiiness ever can; and cent., mako "(illt-udKO" or golden colored butter the It is not near so rapid as that of the out making a sale. Do not be dis­ three, and better able to subsist, from XnAuit Pad-$1.50; Preventive and Cure of Chol­ brothora, Frank and W. H. Bexford, which hns adopted the bill appropriating $667,000 Springs commissioners, or that tho interior those formerly planted, make the round that the high grade sheep was equal to era Infantum, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, department, had been referred to for infor­ the chority of the public continues, no person common sufCerings are far stronger year round. Evory farmer and dairyman ahquld salmon or white flsh,or even the brook number of «(),«70,000. Of this number couraged ; you are a new man and they one year's end to the other, without commenucd ono week ago at Evart on a charge for the completion of the unfinished shaft of in Ireland need be allowed to die tor look of aend HUiiup for It. the pure Merino for mutton and wool, Summer Complaints, etc. — ot placing obstructions on the track of Evort tho Washington Monument. mation in regard to this bill. Under the pro­ links than common joys.—Lumurtine. trout. We have some at the Pokagon 15,547,000 were planted in the inland and had a stronger constitution. Mr. all want to feel of your pulse. After shelter and grain. Body _—»PUatexa-soc— . , i Pjj^ Nervous and visions of the bill tbe net loss to the gov­ food. But tbe committee, to bring their la­ Hatching Ponds, ofone and three years working one or two days you will be •e Clrculative troubles, & Osceola Railiond, was closed Friday. Tho A cyclone, accompoined by lightning, thun­ ernment would be «!82,000. He contended bors tu 0 successful close, must spend over A generous, virtuous man lives not Dovon wish to obtain good and] lakes. 14,450,000 in Lake Michigan; C. M. Fellows, who has been engaged prisonors wore all disobarged, the evidence aa old. They do not compare well with tolerably well posted as to the supply root palr-soc. t throwing oil obstruc- der and hcovy rain, passed over Nashville ot that "Uncle Sam" ought to get at least his hat .£40,U0U per week fur six weeks more. There to the world, but to his own conscience; valid'Paionla* then write lo or call 2,201,000 in Lake Erie; 1,045,000 in in importing and breeding for several .-j tions and rcmovintr brought out by the dotcotiye not boing suf- 12 o'clock Thursday night. The wind blew at is considerable sulTcring among the small far­ upon "Xlios the speckled trout of the same age. and demand. By that time you have iicicnt. back after having passed It around for o col­ he, as the planets above, steers a course Lake Huron; 2,555.000 in St. Clair lliv- years, admitted that for practical pur­ AlMorptlon 8ali-> 3 pains. For Colds, tbo rate of forty miles per hour. The spires lection. mers in Ulster, who are too proud to complain. n , Soil. .'IT W'cft although fed with them and, kept in probably made one or two good sales; box,350; Obexes, fi.^S ^Sick Headaches, The inquest on the body of Wm. Henderson contrary to that of the world.—i/aco?*. UQlDH 0 <^^""2re.'''<«I.DeDirolt , Mich., Alter" er and Lake; and 10,140,000 in the De­ poses the liigli grade was better for the Hop Bnislner. of the First Babtist, colored, St. John's, color­ Mr, Conger thought that congress, if it Fever has appeared in some districts in tbo the same preserves. Besides it sliould what I mean by good sales is selling numbiicss of extrcmlUes, etc. auppoBCd to have been poisoned by his ed, and Bt Paul's, colored. Churches were blown south, in Tiperary and West Cork, in conse- Causoa. Katabllah' troit River. farmers than the pure bred. It re­ Sent by mall, free of postage, on receipt ol price. • passed tho bill, would be passing a bill which AVhen a book raises your spirit, .md fur pamphlet, free. be known that the salmon trout is a a fair quantity at a good price. Now motbor-in-law, Mrs. Bemin, at Ionia some days down; also, the inside brick wall of tlie new quence of destitution. Relief bos been given, From the inland lake plants not quired great skill and care to breed Make a cavity in mellow and rich Wholeiale and Retail repot, ago, oloBcd Friday. The evidence of Mr. in the future would relieot discredit on every inspires you with noble and courageous deep water flsh, seldom ever approach­ you have made a grand stride towards Custom house. The roof of Uea & Son's eleva­ member who advocated it. but it has cume late, ond is ot no kind suited very extensive reports have been re­ pure sheep and ,keep up the standard. soil; place the cuttings on end, one at Bemis and daughter was terribly dark. Mrs. tor, containing twenty thousand bushels of to the sufferers." feelings, seek for no other rule to judge ing the shores, unless they are precip­ success and you must use it. You Meclianlcs' Blocic, Detroit, Mich.' The previous question was seconded, 98 to ceived, yet a few have fallen into our Farmers in general had better buy a place, with the eyes upward and top Bemis woo arrested ond hold for trial, charged grain, was awept off. Tho third story of the the work by; it is good and made by a itous and rockey, and then only in pur­ must still work on the most popular . BATES &HANLEY, with tho willful murder of Henderson. 92, and the bill passed; yens, 125; nays, 121. hands 1»ymere stealth and persevering pure bucks than try to breed them. He of the cutting level with the top of the Kdgotleld Manufacturing Company was blown good workman.—JJriiycre. ARMERSil^o"? suit of smaller flsh for food. In Lakes establishments. It is true they will Managers for the Northwest. . away. The principal losies sustained by tbe Feb. 11—In the Benate Mr. Cookrell (Dem., DETROIT MAKKJITS.' efforts. The law prohibiting net or would, in all cases, use a pure male; ground; cover about two inches with In tbe caso of tho people against Jamcn .Tobn- Our [tlustnitod CiilaloKUO, contiUnliiK full list Michigan aud Huron they are taken select mainly from your choicest stock, Bon, charged with tho murder of James Qibbn, storm wore tho Edgefield & Nashville Mnmi- Mo.), from the committee on olaims, reported FiOTH—City p.iatry brands 0 25,36 50 AVe celebrate nobler obse(|Uies to or Novoltio.s nnd SpodiiUiofl for 1B80. Sont seine fishing in the hikes, lead parties had tried the coarse wool crops, but mellow earth, leaving a small mound; faoluring Company, twenty thousand dollars; adversoly on tbo bill granting a pension to tho mostly in water from 30 to 40 fathoms but never mind that; you must bear the village marshal of Middlcvillo, in August, Hecunds 4 25@4 75 those we love by drying the tears of I'ruo with ounipto of itio cclutirutud "IliiiwiiH- who disregard its provisions to conceal had not found it so profltable as to use protect with brush. Stick a pole ten Custom House, ton thonaand dollars; First widow of the hito Gen. Custer. At the request Corn,'* thu tiutit in thu wurlU. Addrcufl, deep; although along the straits, which in mind all the time that a rivalry exists last, tho jury Baturday evening, after an nb- MinnoRota patents ,8 00ift9 00 others than by shedding our own; and niic that class of evidence, which to the pure Merino bucks on common or or twelve feet long near the hill, and Bonco of two hours from tho court room, re­ Colored Babtist Cburobi, eight thousand dol­ of Mr. Ferry (itep., Mich.), it wua placed cm Low grades 2 75(u!3 25 is their natural spawning bed, they between these parties. If you make a lars Bt. Paul's twenty thousand dollars. The tbo calendar.) the fairest funeral wreath we can hang IS. y. JiA.r.\j:s x vo,t Board, is most reliable in establishing grade ewes. start the vine around it with the sun. turned ;0 verdict of guilty of murder in tho Rye 4 911(35 00 fearlessly brave danger, and even death, good sale to Mr. A., when you call on second dcgtoe. entire losa it estimated at seventy live thou­ The resolution olTerod by Mr. Katon (Dem., on their tomb is a fruit-offering ot -U North Kront Su. I'liUitdoliihla. I*n. the success of white flsh growth. But Protect the hill in AVinter with a fork­ Buckwheat 5 UU@5 25 to carry forward their procreative in­ Secretary Balrd, of our Agricultural Mr. B., if he seems a little off, you sand dollars. Conn ), December 4, requesting tho President WniAT—Extra white 1 25(£ol 30 good deeds.—.Tenn Paul. I have indubitable evidence that large ful of manure er straw. Cut the old The store of H. D. Long, situated at Jones's to transmit copies of all correspondence with stincts. College, read an instructive paper on might casually mention the fact that No. 1 white 1 20(?S1 28 numbers of small white flsh were net­ vines olf near or below the ground. Crossing, Ouna county, was burned with all its Andrew Smith, o£ North Andovor, Mass., the foreign governments or othor representatives A cheerful temper, joined with in­ "Farmers' Boys," which waa mainly an Mr, A. took so much at such a price, contents on tho 13th, involving a loss of seven defaulting Town Treasurer, has acknowledged Amber 1 1001 25 ted In Paw-Paw Lake, Berrien county, About the middle of March cover in relation to the interocean canal, was pass­ lUnujY—81 S5(ai 50 per 100 lbs. nocence, will make beauty attractive, FLORIDA. For many of our deep pure and cold argument for their better education and the trade will assume a new phase thousand doUarB, with only three thouHand five that yearly since first elected in 1889, he hiid ed. last spring, and quite a number of again with mellow earth. Tlie second hundred dollors insurance, converted money of tho town to his own nao. Coon-42®4'lo per bush, knowledge delightful, and wit good Wo will leavo Dolrdit nn Fobruiiry y-lwlth iijinrty and Inland waters they .are a desirable and greater care in making farm life at once. He will then, in all probabil­ The Vice-President laid before tho Senate a catches of individual flsh in various and every season after side shoots un Tho amonnt of tho dcfalcatiim in S'29,822, Oats-.S8;a4Uo por bu. natured. It will lighten sickness, pov­ for It Ujur thron^fh ttiQ Jtiind of yiowortt. TlckoUi, flsh; but it is the universal assent of enjoyable. Mrs. Isaac Hall read a very ity, Older more than Mr. A. You will Tho rcsidonoo of Isaac Vormett of Mount letter from tho Hecrelary of War, recommend­ ItVE—55(aC0o uor bush. Koud to ruturn up It'Juno I, ^riO for Jtuund Trip, lakes of the State. But it is the great der ground must be cut off, leaving The smallest irregular town note, SiOd; tl.inge an appropriation of thirty thousand dol­ erty and allliction, convert ignorance all practical flsh culturists that no folly concise essay on butter making. 'Io find that one sale helps to make another Morris, flenosoe county, was burned on tho largest, .$5,300, Skkus—Clover .*4 20®4 25 per bu, Our urranKoiiiuntK nro Kiniply porfuctlon, Ilcduccd lakes and rivers, the natural home of only the crown plant. The flrst vines 18th with all its contents. Loss 62.000; small lars for the construction of permanent brick into an amiable simplicity, and render riUos to NuHHiui, Huvunii und ull Southorn UoHortu. would be greater than to plant the make good butter the cows must be in nearly every instance. AprLE8-.*2 50@3 25 per bbl. Send for circuliir to this flsh, that we are to look for proofs after the flrst season are sometimes too insurance. The train on tho Dayton & Southeastern buildings for quarters fur troops at Fort Bkamb—Unpicked SOoft} SI 10 per bnsb. Pick deformity itself agreeable.—Addition. salmon trout in every little pond from well fed, have pure water to drink, be Railroad, which left Ghillicotho at 6:15 Friday Leavenworth, Ks. lOIlEUTS & HUI.LIST. KvcurMon AKCnta. Detroit. 80 to 50 feet deep in the Southern Pen­ of the wisdom and practicability' of rank and hollow; do not allow them Tbo second volume of "Pioneer Oolloc- ed *1 iO®l 45. To set the mind above appetites is kept in clean stables and carefully There is another very important to climb, but choose slender and green- tiuns," published undor tbo auspices of the morning, fell through the first.^bridg e west of In the House Mr. Warner (Dem., O.), from Beeswax—20 @ 25 per pound. insula, and especially in tho southern their culture. And here looms up a Obiilicnthe, instantly killing Wm. Gunners, the end of abstinence, which one of LANDS AND HOMES milked. All utensils for holding the matter tliat you must not overlook: State Pioneer Society, has just boon issued. tho committee on coinage, weights and meas­ BcnEB-Prime quality, 18^21 Medium 14® part of it, where the water raises in class of evidence that ought to con­ looking vines, wliich are more fruit­ tho engineer, and Frank Eneoht, tbe fireman. ures, reported back o bill omending section the i'"athei's observes to be, not a vir­ milk Must be thoroughly washed with Be careful at all times, if you are not It makes a book of 680 pages and contains tbo 18cE In Southwest Missouri. midsummer to 75 and 80 ® Fahrenheit vince the most skeptieal. ful. proccodings of tho aooioty for tbe years 1877 No ono else was injured, 3504 of the revised statutes. Printed and re­ tue, but tlie ground work of a virtue strong soap-suds,scalded and rin3ed,aiid making a sale, not to let your counte- committed. It provides section 3564 shall be CnEEBE—14@15o per lb. l,Oflf»,000 aeros uf woll-wiuorod timbor nnd pnilrlo and expect them to thrive and give and 1878, including papers rood at its annual Tho N. ¥. Herald names ns a committee to By forbearing to do what may inno­ lunds iiton^ thu lino of thu Kt- ]..ou1h \ Sun Knin- the seams of pails and pans made clean nanee tell it. If you do, the/'sharks"- Allen advises, and cultivators in amended so as to read as follows; CaANDEimiES-Ohoioe Cape Cod, *8 00@8 60 back returns of even 4 per cent, on NATIVE I-I.SII. meeting hold at Lansing. distribute its Irish relief fund: Col. King per bbl. cently be done, we may add hourly new ciHCo Kitlhvity fortiulo, utfrom 911,50 to 8 per ucroon every time they were used. The cream wil I get you, sure. After you gel the many sections follow, the old-time Hormon.M.P., Mr. Bhaw, M. P.. Prof. Bald­ Tho value of foreign coins, as expressed in Hovun yours' timo. Kxcollont for stuck, fruit und their cost. I have no doubt that com­ Minor FoBBmore was fatally injured at East Dbikd Apples-8(3183^ ota. per lb, vigor to resolution, and secure the On the fish indigenous to our waters, should always be skimmed before the larijer establishments SHpplied, gradu­ fitshion of placing six plants in a liill, win, Oordinol MoCloskoy and Mr. Parnell. the money of oocount of the United Stotes, nKriuutturnl purposott, UoHt tobiicco rotrlon in tho ing years will give good returns from Saginaw by tbo falling of a large /'. Johnson. who purchnso hind. Houd far mapH and clroulurB to pry into their family instincts have during the summer. Mrs. S. Cushman honey worked off and the money in It la worn by the patient sa\-t the sMn near whom Parnell also declined when his services were States; and tho values of gold and silver coins reivd an essay on home influence, which Each root in this case is flve or six in­ the disease or aUmcttt Is, 'I'ho ouratlve.elpmoaui Harry H, Tatt, aged 16 years, son of H. S. uf the various notions of the world known to trout $4 OOm 25 per half bbl. ir. ComnilBaloncr, been unavailing. Tills year the com­ your pocket. In this way you have ot the remediesI n the Pod are absorbed through first asked, but tbe Herald hopes ho will re­ Hat—$13 00@16 50 per ton ; baled $16(317 II, VOi'\Fiy, Uind BUOOK TROUT. was well received, as was also an essay ches long, and contains two or more Taft uf East Manvllle, Ottawa county, broke consider hia decision and repeota its request our oommoroe shall bo ascertained by ossays Templo Building, St. Louis. mission have laid plans for the more been your own commission man, and Iheporos.permoatlnB every Obre. nerro and tissuo, Hides—Green, G@7K per lb.; cured, 7®8 c; In the winter of 1878-70 the com­ thorough study of their habits, and oD housekeeping by Mrs. G. O. Van De you may rest assured that you have eyes, one for the root and ono for the naatrallslss and doHtroylng all dlscoso or conso ot through the ice and was drcwaod while that ho will not as one of tho committee. The to be made from time to time, under the di­ Sbcep-skins 75® 1 00. The Atlantic Fisniii{in.s.—The disease In the system and driving every vestige oC skating on o bay of Qrand Biver near there fund amounted to about two hundred thousand rection of tho director ot the mint, foreign hatching of cod, mackerel, lialilbiit, sea- mission, to meet a popular demand, have let out some fifty to Mr. Martin Grift. A large proportion of those in done better than the best of them vine. The ground, previous to plant­ disease ormalad,v. of whatever name or natnro, gold coins being compared with standard gold HiCKOBY Ndts—Sbellbork, J3 25(88 60 per bbl. entirety out ot the system, leavlnK tho patient Saturday evening. dollars at the end of the weok and was increas­ Hops—36@40 o per lb. herring, and indeed any of the TO PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS, purchased of W. F.Eddy,of Randolph, Metcalf, of Battle Creek, who feels a attendance were ladies and they show­ would have done for you. No chance ing, is deeply plowed; harrowed and with yoatb-llke, permanent, robust ooolth. ing at the rate of about fifteen thousand coins of the United States, and foreign silver Tbe Hop Pad Is ns easily worn ai it watch cr A young man named Fuller was accidentally Honey—Stroined,12@14 o per lb. Comb, 10 o fish of our coast, witli the exception of N. Y., 250,000 brook or speckled trout deep interest in not only their preser- ed their interest in the institute, by for leakage, shrinkage, or eatage, and I marked out at intervals of about six killed by a saw at Pierce's mill at Edmore, dollars doily. dollars, and the result of Buoh nssoys shall be tooket, and preventii sickness, restores perfect reported to tho secretory o£ tbo treasury and 18o. the blue fish and menhaden (which do ova whicli, added to those taken at the vat on but propagation. To the work providing dinners in a large room ad- suppose I might with proprietv add feet each way. The plants being set health without having to uwallow poisonous drugs, Montcalm county, Saturdoy. O.-noNS—State .'t:4 QOm 50 por l-.bl. nostrumns or dangerous minerals that novor euro.. A dispotoh from Denison, Tex., on Saturday bo embraced in his usual report to Congress. not spawn at a time when they can be Pokagon hatchery, increased the num­ of watching and experimenting he oining that where the meetings were stealage.—£. H. Svudder. in the intersections ot tlie furrows, stupetyV nauseate uid destroy hoaltn Thoro ore 16 new salt woUs being sunk in says: For tbe past two vears trains on the Miss­ Peas—Wisconsin Blue ,*1 80a- •' bu. ber to il00,000. High hopes were en­ held. The discussions were inter­ renders it possible the first season to Bay county and throe at Midland. ouri, Kansas and Texan rood hove been fired Feb. 12,—In tho Senate Mr. Davis (Ind,, III,), Potatokb— $1 20 a 1 50 por b D Fi jui reached), becomes perfectly practicable. PAPER MAKERS! gives his time without cost to the No one should rest n moment tni they have a from the committeo on judiciary, reported tertained of being able to plant many spersed with excellent music furnished cultivate the immediate spaces be­ Egp Pad roodsr to prevent or cure slokncss. A team ran away with A. P. Oarroll at at, just after dork, near Oodda, Indian territo­ storo 35@45 o per bn. Not only can the old olt-sliore and board. adversely on tho house resolution for the ap­ of the fry from this number of eggs a local glee club. Irish Potatoes.—The Boston Cul- tween hills with corn, potatoes or sim­ loraalebyallbestdruggtsts. Bon-•-d— for Clreular. Oiaro on the llth, running into a stump and ry. Cob windows have been smashed, cobooses PonLTBY-Live oblokens, 35(3)45 o per p r; other grounds be increased in their If you aro In want of « perforated, and employes wounded. The pointment oto joint committee to investigate dressed 7®8 c per lb;turkey, dresso 9 GERMAN CARP. timtoT says that a few weeks ago sixtilay r crops. The plants require to bo BOP BITTESa lira CO., BocnUTSO, Vt. Y. cruohing him so terribly that death followed the present system of salaries, fees and emolu­ productiveness, but new stations can in the choice streams of tbe southern in a'fow hours. United Stotcs marshol caught a white man ®10a'per lb, part of the State, and thus bring this Prof. Balrd, on the Sth of November bags of real Irish potatoes were brought well hoed and kept clean, and the soil For Snla in Mason 1i> named Meyers in the act of firing on the train, ments allowed ollicers of the United States, PuoviBlo.NS—Pork Mees»12 00(a»12 60; Lor-- be established. It is especially anti­ and to asoortoin if any abuses exist. Placed PAPER CUTT] most gamy fish within reach of .all last, donated twenty pairs to the State. to that market and sold to various par­ frequently dressed with manure or and so desperately did Meyers resist arrest, 7 @ 8}(f; Homs, 9 @ 10; Shoul­ cipated that productive cod llslieries HANDLING HONEY. ties who wanted to "try them," and it • Detroit in Brief. that Ayors shot him 14 times before be suc­ on the colondar. ders, 5®6o; Booon, 8o; extro Moss can be developed as far south as the who cast a line to make his acquaint­ They were received at the hatchery in rich compost, unless naturally strong. Mr. Morrill, from tho com mitteo on education Send to tho good ordor, and planted in a suitable adds that they proved decidedly infer­ A favorite mode of setting poles is MilcB Conrad, an Ecorso farmer, was shot cumbed. Beef, $10 00®10.50 per bbl. Dried beef, Chesapeake Bay or even Cape IJatteras, ance. But from effects which can with Permit me to offer for your consider­ NO PATENT, NO PAY and labor, reported o bill to incorporate tho 1I@1125 por cwt. pond for the winter. Great things are ior to the ordinary potato of the Newplacin g one at each hill, and forming and killlcd in hia own house Monday night, by Two heavy freight trains on the Canada thus giving lucrative occupation to a certainty be tr.iced to the mineritl sub­ ation a few remarks on handling and national educational association. Placed on Bait-Saginaw, $1 40@1 45 per bbl; Onondago expected of them. There are several England States. They came with the trellises from pole to pole. Bomo nnlcnown anousnin who tired through the Southern rood, coming into ooUisinn near Tol- the calendar. large class of the community in the llO\VARIMR0KWS,Riil{itIoJ.Y., stances held in solution in the water marketing honey. Much haa been window. Tallow—5®5J^o per pound. kinds propagated in European coun­ soil of the bog on them, aud when cook­ sonbnrg Satnidny, were completely wrecked. Mr. Wallace (Dem., Pa.), from the committee winter season, when the cod would be which supplies the hatchery, and with written on thia important topic and AVhen the lower leaves begin to j. The failure of the well known grain com­ A track hod to bo laid around the wreck for fine. $1 45; coarse, 91 85. tries, but two take precedence over all ed proved both strong and almost as on appropriations, reported, with amendments, Wood—Hickory $4 75 @5 25 por cord; maple on the coast and when other tisliing Kor circular before buylni;. a change in temperature from 48 " at much more oan be said to aid us in change color, and the hops have ac­ mission house of. MessrB. Johnson Show & passenger trains. The train dispatcher bos dis­ the bonse Joint resolution authorizing tho sec­ others, the mirror and the leatlior carp soggy as the soil in which they were Co; wdn announced Wednesday at the board of appeared. $'4 SO; beech und maple, $4 OOl^.S {,0: would be intermitted. It is hoped to the time the State works were located gaining a just reward for our labor. quired a strong scent, at which time retary of war to employ odditiounl olerks. —the latter being the variety forward"- grown. Genuine Irish potatoes may trfidc, Mr. D. It. Shaw, tbe assignee, states soft $3 00. transfer the genpral seat of the cod and there to 52 ® Fahrenheit, only 15,000 As you are principally experienced bee­ the seeds becomes firm and brown, the Oharlos Lano. aged 24, who recently rcmov- Placed on tbe calendar. ed to us. They are vegetable feeders, be "the best potato in the world," but that the iirm hope and expect very soon to be eri to Bainbridge, Pn., from Maryland, killed After on excutivo session adjourned until of the mackerel (isheries from the dis­ PENSIONS! PENSIONS! were reared to the size of young fry; keepers, you understand how to have harvest season is at hand. Then the ablo to meet all indebtedness and resume busi- Detroit Stock Idarket. v.raciously eating chopped cabbage, the sample sent to Boston was poor bin wife, then gave poison to his three chil­ Monday. tant banks and the Gulf of ,St. Law­ all of tliese except 3,000, which were j'our honey put up to attract the at­ vines may be cut ut the surface of the ncas. dren, and took a quantity himself. Only one In the House a rcsoluton authorizing the The oUering.sof iiye stock at the Bliub- kept at the preservers to be raised for corn mush, boiled potatoes,with aquat­ indeed. They liad none of the floury .j Tho old Campan homestead on Jcftcrson igan Central yards last week wore: Cat­ rence to the coast of the United .States, tention of the customer. Lest there be ground, and the poles pulled up and child lives, and its feet are so badly frozen secretary of the treosury to furnish states for SOLDIERS OF THE WAR breeders, were planted in streams of ic plants and seeds. white or puffy features of the best obtaividfnr In«int(ar«,',i» the Vniteit Statet, CanaOo, nvonno having changed proprietors in being that it is thought that it must die, the use of agiioulturol colleges ono set of stand­ tle, 744; liogs, 15,651; sheep, G,2(J!). The thus settling some very serious inter­ somo here who are novices still, I will Maine potatoes. The "potato from the laid aside. After the hops are gather­ choice selections, and are thriving vig­ They are exceedingly prolific, a fe­ and Evrope, iU.r«dtiWbUiNi.Vs. •• fVith.our prinelpa'. torn down to make room for a larger struo- ard weights and measures paased, cattle market was not quite aa active as national fishery questions, and making briefly mention a few essentials in the bog," after it was cooked, witli its ed the vines can be removed. The fol­ Ojfice laeated Vn^r are invi'edto nend/iir- aa follows: that the improved quality makes up for at night. pounds each. The combs should he was it crisp, baton tho contrary ic was are laid bare, and cut with a sharp j Ovor flvothousiku d dollars a year ia paid by children, three girls and two boys, finely de­ No appropriation shall be reported in any sand trout fry in some streams which years since, that never have seen fit to tt enji' and heifers, av 842 Iba, at 93 26 per owt; JULY 1, 1880. The Poultry Bulletin recommendsidess good straight combs bear shipping Society offers a inemium of .S50 to the lo llie nhleiith i>fth:V..'>: Patent Offleei'aHtl to ftftid wants ot tho various government oflices food tbat may be purchased for the suffering nor shall any provision in any such bill or ber 1 to date are returned at 1,000,000 Wl'.ile there in company of the gentle­ run, 113 they are likely to provie produc­ (or« uuitMe.nibarii ;»'jj,v.s x- vo., cept on a siinny day.—Cfica Herald. i j A. fire at Trenton Saturday morning dcitroy- that may be purchased with contributions by as compared with the same time last ventive of laxativeness. called the Prize Crate, large enough to fall. \ id. tbe stoichunne of Buirell, Ives A Co., mancitizen- s of the United States tor tbe Irish existing law, and covered by bill, nnd to that 2 good steers, av 1,180 Iba, at 93 25 per if JWmi[» aiid^Attiirnei/i at lirji., lit DroU, l^uiUUv^,, ' dfactntcra of obccso boxes, etc. The building sbonld be procured in this country, where extent only to change the law. cwt; 4 good steers and heifers, av 87d lbs, season. Cleveland, Ohio, or Chicago, IU. ntob .have all Ibcstod lbnn| near Stanton, ^iiiiiiiiiii MlofiVao^wllIiaovp'tliere |i^^ M. Tanner's Column. Hofflmaii's Palaco Hardware Column. ; That pbw.bell of fti-.^in boeg, It.bpiitH them all. ;': Thnrsday, ' iFrantc (jiark hM^'sbld his lijncksmith shop at'thlsiilWo .to Ilarry Cross, fOT " LOOKTO^^OURINMSREST ,' Mrs. linkln of Stimtoh, Mi^h., Is visiting her WITH SUPPLEMENT. piirbntH, Mr. and Mrs; H. Crews, ut this pluco. Wllllnm Clark imd John Mulkloy have I- DANSVILLE. gonedulto oxlonslveiy into the key business. Ed. Olds Is hock ITom tho north woods, Ho :i; Social-Chanilellpr — Prof. Scburla'a reijorts wages at Si.bO por dny for man nnd ii':-''-'- ..]:•• .'Iieclure.. team. t^i,r>.;;^:..;::lSpcciin^ .. ... DnvUl Bean foil oirtho scallbld in his barn n 11 DaksviijI.k, Fob. J7. few days ago, hurting one of his arms very VOL. XXII.-]^0. 9. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBEUARY 26, 1880. , j i ^ Tho Baptist Boeliil nttho Union hotel,Tliurft-badly. SHOFFMAN'Sl WHOLE NO. 1103. yliny' cyerilnff,vwiis jii ;yery plfiiisant atliilr, McnJoConklln starts for tlio slate of Now J f.: (.hotiglilbii'.ucobunt ofsovornl otbbr doings lu York In a few days to , visit relatives und It Will Pay Mason Diisiness Directory. publication of tho Wayno Tidinna, angoind g in ho discovered the unfortunate entitled to flfteen delegates to tbe state Tbe H. M. W. He. ClvM. •V;ij 111? vlllugo,i>oiulingS. L, Tlio circuit court is occupied to-ilay The executive committee of the Agri­ property at onco with J. O. Bqulers. 89tf : prove tho opportunity. ofllstonluB lo tlilscx- Our udvortisiiig rates are $100 per column is \V. HAL8TEAD, dealer iu drugs, medl- Avitli a slander suit in Avlilcli Matilda ning. The attendance Avas large and i I collont uddross'.;', • . Kllbourneeouusel. Informallonquasliednud per year. Business curds SI u lino per year. \J. clnos, perfumery, fancy goods, notions. tbe programme interesting. Excellent cultural society will have another FrnltTreoa. prisoner disciiarged. Business locals live cents por lino eueli and Morley, avIio was widowed by the i every insertion. papers upon Roman history, upon meeting at tlio court-house next Satur­ You can getrollablo fruit trees ntwholcsnlo The People vs. James South—larceny. Ar­ «IIOCERN. Marble tragedy, Avants $10,000, more or day at ten o'clock, to complete tho pre­ pricos, by sending with my second annual WlIEATiPIELB. Dry Goods Mnrrittgo, birth, uud doatli notices tree. less, for an alleged trespass iipon her which the Chautauqua Circle is now raigned nud plead guilty. Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, UNNING A HOWARD,dealers In grocer- engaged, were read by Mrs. G. M. mium list and arrangements for the club order. Make out your list on postal,card, NIvltitciiH—firciiiro-nono nrorth—Guoil Tho People vs. Seal .mmiuous—bastardy. cards of thanks, etc., live cents u line. ._i?!lt'ir.'?5?!'J?''y> ""<• provisions. Ash strcol. good name l>y Jacob Eiehle, a Lansing coming fair. send to mo, and I will give you prices and D man of lager beer fame. Huntington, Mlsa Lillian Clark and , Mvliool TcHc'lier, Etc.. Klo. Kollii pro.i on tcred. R. D.AV. HALSTED A CO., dealers In gro MisB Hattie Vandcrcook. Several se­ terms. I have on my (Tuit flirm a qunntltyof \Spcclat. Corre.ipondcncff'}The Peopl • e vs. Isulah Ilalglit—larceny. Anytimo during tlie Next Three Slontlis to JOB PRINTING! D eorlos, drugs, sewing maeiilnos. etc., etc. We are indebted to W. W. Annin, lections pertaining to the same suWeet, Personal. evergrcons from one to four feet high, twieo •\Viii:.lTJ,'l'Et,njI''oh. 17. Withdraws plea of not guilty and pleads guil­ transplanted, for sale at" lot live" prices. Al­ iiialio tliclr riircliascs fills Muntli. steam Power, Now Presses, nnd New Ti IIOOTN ANI> SIIOEI«. treasurer of Leslie, for important news were Avell rendered by Mrs. C. M. Mar­ I I Eddie Weatgiito Is conlliVea to Ills bod with ty. enable us to do ,Iob Printing on short" items this week. If all tlie subscribers shall, Miss Ella FccK and Miss May R. E. Trowbridge has received the so raspberry and strawberry plants. , I diphtheria. The Pooplo vs. MuthowTlireslier—violation notlco, ut low prices, and lu the OLAR A FULLER, dcalors In boots, shoes, of The News would take pains to in­ Howard, and tho exercises were Inter­ appointment of Indian commissioner. 1101 wl. AV. H. Overh6i.t. i i Tho surprise party at Albert Bates was oflliiuorlaw.'-A'«;/n jiriM entered upon P nilllliier.v,nnd fancy goods. Main street. I'uy- BEST POSSIBLE MANNER form us of local happenings, itAVouId spersed with music. The C. L. S. C. One of our old Leslie subscribers, Come One, Come All, ' I l.irgoly attended and a good time was hud. mentflf^SO Into the connty trea.'fury. G. HUNTINGTON, exclusive denier In help us make a more acccjitable paper haa twenty members, all ladles. C-.-t_J.'_".9j.''j'a.'.l.**'l2S"' _R''palrliigdono elicap. Samuel Vicary, has moved to Middle both groat and small, and settle up your no- i I Jolin Hills Is building a now house ou his ThoPeopIo vs. Fred Hoehn—assault wllli In­ —PALACE— Diisiiicss Cards. anil thus advance common interests. River, Minnesota. conntiiatoDBe,/orI mutthavothemoney. i forty uercs of land. tent lo murder. Conlluued by prosecuting TflEY ARE SURE TO BE 'TJICE BROS, manufaeture and repair boots Sam Putney, who " enjoys tho dis­ i Elder Chirk of Dnnsviilo will deliver a loc- attorney. ATTOKNEYN. IX and shoes. Shop In oxpres.s building. Burglars and big fires at Grand Ra])- tinction of being the flrst man to bring Miss Olive Woodhouse has been se­ 05tf. 0. G. HURTINGTOtr. jl.uroun Geology nt the roUock.scliool-liouse, Tho Pi'ople vs. James Grinnell—bastardy. ids, safe-blowers at iSchoolcraft, and a libel suit against the Detroit Eveningverel y ill, at Leslie, with lung fever for Wood Yard. A. B, HAVNES, IHINCEELANEOVN. counterfeiters at Battle Creek, Avhllo is dying of consumption In the IFcK'il. tJoullnued by prosecuting attorney. A TTORNEY AT LAAV AND SOLICITOR Nev)a," several days, but has recovered. C. E. Smith hns opened a wood-ynrd at hli Three dances a week iu this vicinity Is what the biggest thing that a reporter can .Tackson state prison Avhere he Avas Tho People vs. .ramos llerrh'lc—false prelou HIGHER! A In cduipcery. Collections a speclulty AV. TANNER, dealer in dry goods, uo- Let Parker of this city, formerly a Bgrloutturnl store, south of the court-hqjise, :wo call prott.v tJiJck. SOS. XoUf pro.H enlorcti nnd costs of suit to bo HARDWARE! Omce In Darrow block. Mason. M. tions, silks, and fancy goods. JIain st, dish up in this seetjon is a society sent for forgery. Tho man Avho " en­ nnd Is prepnrcd to deliver dry beeoh and meeting, and a $2.5 libel suit for a dem­ joys tho distinction" of bringing the member of The Neavs force, is now I Albert Ferrll is eonflned to his bed -vvlth ta.\ed against the complaining witness. RUSSELL C. OSTRANDER, '^Ellll _A MEAD, exclusive dealers sticking typo for Frank Vandercook inaplewood nt nil times nnd on reasonable ; Sickness. IMSUKS 01' kact. TTORNEY AT LAAV .\ND CIRCUIT _clotliliig2iu(l gent's^ ocratic Avard politiclans's lost character. first libel suit against The News Avas terms. 88tf ! Evorybod.v In this vicinity Is complaining .loiin AYarllo v.s. Charles E. Ball—replevin; A court eommlssioncr^LaiiBlng. Mich. • FRANK CLARK, blacksmith and fine It don't look like a fair division oUa.- convicted of a cowardly and bloody as­ on the i Jouis Leader, ] YOTH.—Lanslnff Jicpublican.saul t upon an old man; and the man WeddInK Invltatlona and Cards. ; with bad colds and .sore throats. .appeal. Order allowing defenchint to die plea Our stock never was more A, K. COWLKS. KPWAlin CAIIII. J. cnrriiigobuilder. Repairing neat, cheai J. M. Dresser has bought the pleasant Tho most complete stock over brought Into ; 1 Ij. Squlers has gone to his I'urm ut Saline,o f general Issue entered. Complete than at present, and To Day tlic licst IVarrnntciI IR.ST NATIONAL BANK. M. MoUobert, who is now prosecuting a libel suit homo of Hon. H. P. Hendcrson,on Oak Mason will bo found nt Tiik Inqhax Coukty COWLES & CAHILL, presidont. IT. L. Henderson, cashier, Last Aveelc Wednesday, twenty-six against The News, at the expense of SVnshteuaw county, torepiilrhlshouse, where .lames T. Monroe vs. Chns. E. Dayton et al.— were all bought at much less A TTORNEYS AT LAAV, LANSING, 5HCII F veterans of Comnany B, U. S. sharp­ street, paying $1,550. We are glad to News ofllco. ho Intends to move his ramlly in the spring. nssunipslt. Coutluued by consent. A Edwijrd Cabin, prosecuting iittorncy. !i!iPiy.'LJ!i'iN!!!^.-_.f3here history and mythology Verdict that Wm. P. Hazzard bo charged SlOO. . I have a house and five lots on block 27, In rtobliisou, .Sabra Under the head of " Calamities," an the city of Mason, which I will sell at n bar­ hands cut oll'at tho second .joint, and twooth- Hyde, Mate NECItET NttCIETIEN. exchange .says that "a PlainwcU avo- the Avoods near Lansing, mention of aro blended In the heroic lines of Wm. P. Hazzard vs. Andrew J. Smith—case. .Shlpmiin, I.sauc Homer; and aa'c doubt if there Is any Continued. gain, or trade for a tana. eia Injured. Persons calling for tho above should say KNIOHTS OF HONOR. inan has mado a hcd quilt of 3,,S9,S whicli Avas made in lust Aveek's News, Albert Clark, EU H. Davis, nud Eben W. A eliallengo hns been scut to -Mark .Smith of ndvertlsed. F. T. Ai.iiuioil'i', P. M. RCADIAN LODGI.) NO. (101, K. OF H. pieces." wore Identified as those of Eva iMaria lecturer on the American rostrum who Dart vs. Seymour Allen, Soron W. Bartow, llOlwlp. " A.S.Peek. Dan.svlllo to wrestle Avitli a ymmg man by the Z Have A Regular meetings second nnd fourth .Mon­ Luft, a demented German woman aged can portray its scenes and characters in and James S. AVIlson—assumpsit. Judgment The AtUntle Clffar Secured the Agency for the days in each month, hold In Masonic hall. Barney Ruyner has ,bid in the tux- eighty-four yeai-s, who disappeared more vivid and eloquent language than by default for plalntlfl'of 812-J.&. immo of Ellsworth of Lyndon, for a small MASON MARKETS. Visiting brethren are Invited to meet with us. Annlo C. Burton vs. Daniel Burton—assump­ Is tho triumph of the olgaivmakor's art. For purse and door money, to lake place at Iho Full Line of the C. AV. VAN SLYKE, DIelntor. title Interest of the Rayner ostato in about a year. ago. Tliere was no suspi­ does Parsons. Tlie discoveries of Prof. sit. Dismissed with costs for fuUuro to ale sale by H. M. Williams, druggist. Wtf. Iiotel In this village. , CarcAilly Corrected Up to Thiirttday H. K. Peas, Reporter. Gratiot county, amounting to about cion of violence in connection Avith her Schlieniaiin have proved that there is as security for costs. Noun of Eacli Week. $31,000. death, and it Is supposed that she Avan- much history as mythology in the won­ Silas E. Vannettor, assignoo of Jacob "Cleanllneaa 'tora/.le & Allen had tho uilsfortuue to break Schwltrgablo, coroner of tho county of lug- Is next to Qodllneaa." Tou will nlwnys flnd GItAIN. FINAKCIAI.. dored into the swamp and lay down for derful tale of Homer; that Troy, though ham, vs. AVm. H. MoEnnally, Danlol L. Cross- tuolrsaw, whilo sawing for O. K. llrownell, The Eden grange liim made arraiige- buried for more than thirty centuries, everything clean at E. .1. Hickman's Fnrlor last Satunlay. Lucky uo farllier damage was AVIIF..VT, c.xlia, per bushel (Sll IS MONEV TO LOAN inents Avith George Douglass for the her lust sleep. mnn, George O, Whipple, and .lohn S. Cross- AVHE.VT, No. I did exist; and that around its ancient man. Verdict for plulntllf of !03.Sa. Barbershop, over H. M. Willlnm's' drug-store. done. The sumo parties sawed for If, L.NIms, f.ia 18 N REAL ESTATE SIOCURITY, AT 8 PER storage of jilastcr or othor freight re- Tlic trouno which played in Armory Dnnlel AVntaon vs. Wm. Bezan—trespass. COItN, In Ihc ear, por bu.sliel cent., at county clerk's olliee. C, G, AVal- walls Agunieiiinoii and Ulysses and Discontinued without costs. Fnnnd nt Iduit 1 twenty cords ol four foot wooil, once In two, &• a5 Okor, ngeiit. cijivcd at that station for grangers. hall last Friday and Saturday evenings, Achilles once fought to recover the In throe aud one-Iialf hours. O.Vl'S, now, per bushel Augu.stus L. Sturgls vs. Tho Chicago A A elenr Hnvnnn fllloil oignr for S cents. The TliMOTlIY SEED .sells ut &:> 20 NEW BUCKEYE .ToeHud.son lias rented his house east and Avas adA-ertlsed as " HoAvard Clif­ bciiutlful but faithless Helen from Northeastern railroad company—assumpsit. H. M. W., sold only by H. M. Williams, The olllcers of the Union Agricultural socie­ VXItERTAKINdl. ton's NoAV York Church Clioir Pina­ Trial by Jury and verdict for plaintiff WIW.ZI. CLOVER SEED, por bushel ©a ao of the Metliodlst church to .1. Shaw, Paris and the brave Hector. But Ave Order entered staying proceedings on the pnrt Druggist. ty huve several hundred dollars with which fore company," was a fourth-class cannot describe the lecture; It has to ne»v and valuable improvements will bo made HUOCKUllM ANP I'tiOVJSIONS, M. V. ARMSTRONG, the blacksmith, aud is now engaged In of both parties until Inst day of next term. CJEXTON AND UNDERTAKER. OFFICE moving upon his farm in Alaiedon. variety troupe consisting of four mem­ bo heard to be apiireclated. Jnred L. Cook vs. Charles Turrll—assumpsit. ' Caab For Saw*IiO|ca. during tho spring and Rummer. The Floral SALT, Saglnuw, por barrel bers. There was about as much " Pin­ Judgment by default for plaintiffS2J6.82. BEANS, wliile, por bushel O and shop on Armstrong street, Leslie, The undersigned will pay cnsh fornny quan­ liaTl will bo enlarged and two or threo wells, 00® Mich. Dealer in eotllns, caskets, and cases. Aaron Yoiiiiglove, who has been at afore" ill the entertainment as there Duniol L. Crossman otnl. vs.Sllns E.Vannet- tity of good logs during tho cothlng season. wlilcli nro much needed, will be put down on POT.VTOES, per bu.shol ® Machines, both Reaper ^ Mower, Hns a now and full assortment of burial robes, Avork for Peter Aseltiiie of Ingham, Avas " ciiurch choir," and more veutrll A I'AIR of woll-blacked eyes and a or—replevin. Plaintiff submits to non-suit EGGS, fresh, per dozen shrouds, naiuo plates, and handles of ail and defendant waives return nnd elects to take Wo want Oak, Whlto Ash, Cherry, Butternut, tJtO ground, so that every thing can be accoin- @ styles and varieties. A good lieurse always luid his foot open with un ax Uust Fri­ oqiilsni than cither. Tho adiuisslon scratched and battered visage, the dam­ Judgment for tho value of the property nnd Walnut, AVhltewood, Basawood and Roelc luoUulod jyltii wnler. LAUD, per pound ® In readiness. day night. Dr. A. B. Campbell sowed was free and a collection was taken up aged property of Levi Prink of Alaie­ BUTTER, per pound Allen L. Bours vs. Elijah E. Meyers—assump­ Elm. Four dollars por M. will be paid for up the wound. inside. don, invaded our sanctum yesterday. sit. Trial In progress. good Water Elm, clear'(Tom shakos and knots, APPLES, green, per bushel on HARNENN. From his story, supplemented by in- oniMINAT,. 13 feet long and large enough to out 10 inches FITCIinURG. .VPPLES, dried, per pound ® And the "NEW TRIUMPH" SINGLE REAPER. .Tustice S. W. Hammond has bought Diirercntinen live in the memory of I'orniatloii obtained at the Justice court, Tho People vs. Isaiah Halght—larceny. JOHN GREGORY, the pieiisnnt residence next east to Sentenced to two years Imprisonment nt hnrd wide. Special attentton given to custom aa'W- CIIERRIE,S, dried, por pound their fellow-men in dlfl'erent ways. we glean the foUoAvlng: About a year lng,and liberal measure given. Wo guaran­ Ixocul Kcvm of All NortN From Ilotli ANUFACTURIOR OF HARNESS, AND Harper Reed's new house on Ash street, Tlie memory of Michigan's first goA'cr- labor in tho statejirlsou at prison. Oar C'orrcnitandciiti.. PEACHES, dried, per pound dealer in .saddles,whlps, ele. Ilepairiug ago Frlnk had trouble AVith David Tho Pooplo vs. James South—larceny. Sen­ tee square dbnllng with all. I.IVK STOCK AND MKATS. Mpromptly done on .short notice and at living piiying$G.50, and is now moving into it. nor Is perpetuated in the name of our FiTciIiurno, Feb. 17. Lindsley, of the same town, at a Avrlt- tenced to two years at hard labor. In the state ELLSWOHTUftOO. CATTLE, per 100 pounds II .'Mg:! 00 prices. Shop undor Ncar's Idoek. A good bargain. own fairelty. Tho " Deacon" of AV'hom ing scliool taugiit hy the latter, and a prison at .lackson. Wciilhcr mild aud roads chaugiible. BEEF, dressed, per 100 pounds (SH 00 Longfellow sings In his " Birds of Kll- Tho Pooplo vs. Bell Rothrtck. Defendant Mabok, Jan. 1,1880. DSwlS. KhI. Daniels, S. D. Adveiitlst. speaks lit tho HENTIN'I'N. AVesley Rolfo of VcA'ny has sold a IlA'clyllstlc skirmish ensued. Lindsley entered into her own recognizance for tSOO, to HOG.S, per 100 pounds f! 1 00 bottom: i»jaioES, half-interest in his gray two-year-old lingworth:" had Frlnk arrested for assault and bat­ appear for sentence at the' next term of this "'Sellers' Liver :Pllls' cured me of liver OOutro this ovoulng. PORK, dressed, per 100 pounds @1 "Seemed tUe incarnate 'AVell, I told you so j court. complaint." D. H. Coleman, Short Creek, W. Elder Bradley, pastor ofthe M. E. church, A. P. VAN DEUSEN, Trophy colt to Ed. Lincoln and Elza Aud, to perpetuate his great renown, tery and on trial the latter Avas acquit­ Matilda Morloy vs. Jacob Eiehle—slander. SHOULDEKS, per pound ® & ENTIST, AVILL BE IN AVILLIAMSTON Flora for $100. He shows promising There was a street named after him lu town." ted. Last Thui'sday the parties met Trial in progress. vo., ' . : _• iiommencod iv series of revival mootlngs last on the second and foiirlli AVeduesdays at a social at Charles Pierce's and an­ Hundny evening. HAMS, por pound @ anDd Thursdays of each month, the balance of trotting qualities. In the Democrat editor's case. OlrANOKUA'. Ben With tbe Baaor, CHICKENS, por pound tho time at his olllcein Dnrrow liiock, .Mason. To perpetuate his great renown. other flglit ensued in wliich Frlnk Bonjamin H. Hinckloy, complainant, vs. Is what the boys all say of Hickman, over H Tlio United Brotliorn hero are taking stops Interesting Dansville items were re­ There Is a cat named after him lu town. caiiio out ns above described and Lind­ AVIl llain M. Boardsloy et al.—foreclosure. De­ M. W.'s drug-store. ror tiio erection of a church ediflco. The site IlUII.niNO MATKUIAI.. DR. W H MORSE cree and order of sale granted. Amount AVATER LIME, per barrel ®l I ceived this forenoon just in time to be Mrs. Ann Eliza Brigham Young, sley Avas battered still Avorso. On IKWbeen obtained, nnd $800 subscribed. \ENTIST. OFFICE IN ELLSAVORTH too late for this Aveek's issue. Corres­ »2,807,89. . Planoa and Oritana^ CALCINED PLASTER, por barrel... full I S HARDWARE J blocic. Mason. The only dentist in tbo Avho lectured in Mason throe years ago, Thursday last Lliidsley's brother came Q.AV. Brewer, superintendent of schools for PL.\STEBING HAIR, por bushel ty who is lieeiised lo use rubber us abase pondence .should reach this oflice as before Justice Hammond aiidprocured HORN. No eheaper, no bettor in the market than i ngham.tpwnship, will oddrcsa the Centre de- & J is telling the same old story in loAva. sold in Lansing. Grongera mvortd and cor­ SHINGLES, por thousand 1 25®a ( for.nrtlflcial teotli. early ns Wednesday. Tlie Waukon De7nocrat thinks thaat warranif t for the arrest of Frlnk, to­ l«tttlngi«ub on tho ovublng of tho 28lh Inst. gether Avith Charles Lyon, Ed. Secor COA''—ToJohu Coy of Vevay, Fob. 23, ndaugh- respondence Bolioited. AVrlte mo If you wish HubJoct, "The money vnlno of Education." IIINCEI.I.A9rEOIIN. The Gratiot Journal, which is thshe o Avould dcA'ote more attention to the tor. anything in the musical Unft Organs .flrom' duplicity, treachery and bloody history and Ed. Pierce, tlie last three claiming MILLER—To Wlllluni Miller of Aurellus, a USio,: elder DuBols brothers of Felts were New Advertisements. size of Tick News, lias raised its sub­ to have been bloodi&ss spectators of the 900 upwards. The Ayostorn cottage organ loads . F. W. HAVENS, scription price to two dollars per year, of the :^tormon chureli, and less to per­ daughter. them all. It took the diploma, at the county Hurninonod on Friday last to attend the funcr- And a Full Line of the Garr, Scott A UCTIONEER. ALLBUSINE.SSPR0M1T- sonal history und self-laudatlon, some afftay, though " backers" of Frlnk. AVHITELEY-To H. Whiteley of this city, nl of tholr broUior, John DuBols of AVhlto CSrWFOSIAHS TO TiAUm AHS OIOOS SilSCSS. J\. ly attended to. Long experience and and Avill hereafter demand cash strict­ Secor and Frlnk skipped but were Feb. 20, a son; weight nine pounds. . of that township. Tho Le.sIio Local now publislies fourever-presen t stain upon the pages of Dlinontlalo and Avere brought back to Fnrm For Bale. , A.'P. DRAKE, " this city last Saturday about mldniglit, BUSINESS LOCALS. Tour correspondent attended un Interesting Tbe iDstrated American Stock Ml /BOUNTY SURVEYOR. LEVELS TAKEN five column pages at homo instead of our nation's history—polygamy. A flirm of 160 acres, one half mile north of debate at tho Howard school-houso In Ing­ t^o ns heretofore. Tho is one of Avherethey reposed inJailoverSunday. Notices under this head will be inserted at \j and land surveyed on short notlco. Dral n Local tbo rnto ot flvocent s per line, each Insertion. Dansville, llOaores good tillable laniI,'elgbteon liam, on Tuesday ovcning lust. " Rcmlvcil,A Common.NeuM e Treatment of tho work g specialty. Rosldeiice at Mason. the neatest looking papeitj on our ex­ Company K, in full uiilfoi'm, and Tho other boys giiA-e bail and tho quar­ acres of timber, plenty of Oak. Two flame DlNoaneN of Horaeii, Cattle, Tliiit .Individual states have tbo right toso- FARM EN6INES AND THRESHINe MACHINES CHARLIE OLIN change list, and its new departure has with full ranks, headed by the Mason tette wlllansAVcrto thocharge of assault houses, two IVame barni,' granary,' tool-houio, .. cood," wns decided In tho negative. Hogra and Hboep, 0 AN FIX TIIAT AV.VrCH. TRY HIM. greatly increased its A-alue. cornet band, paraded the principal and battery before Justice Hammond •.oat. hog.pen, nil in good repair. 2W bearing apple AT to-morroAV. They have retained V. J. A quit claim deed nnd an account of $3. Farm: in good ' joiorolugofHonrlctta, died ou Thursday lost, Tuesday night's raasquoradeatLeslie , Teflt, A. B. Haynes and M. V. Mont­ twoon .lohn Rayner and thcsubscrlbor..,These SAVERS & PHELPS, under the nianngcment of tho ladles, ofthe "Father of Our Country." They cultivation. Plenty of ilTlogwator.; AVUI aell nflor n long Illness, ngod about sixty years. "The Live-stock Publishing Compnnv," GENTS FOR THE JACKSON AND LAN- mado a splendid appearance: nnd if gomery as counsel. are worthless to any ono but mysolfand a re­ tho whole or a part, i Tonus easy. Inquire of Wuiibrnl services wero held iit her Into rcsl- Chicago, hiivojust Issued the nbovo new book Slug tlio works. If you want any tlio or Avas a decided success, and the treasury ward of two dollors.wlll bo paid for their re­ whicli treats discuses of horses, cattle, hogs A ofthe cornet band, for whoso benelit It Hon. Stanley W. Turner could have or nddrew A. ,0. Ci.A>ui;lanilngi Midi. gw6p ddncc, and were conducted by Rev. Father nnd sheep, lu plain language any ono can un- •ewer plpo, call and see us. gazed upon them ho would haA'e been turn to The News offlce. . ',. Koyco or.Tackson. She was liilcrcd In a Cath- dorsUind, nnd explains diseases by porfusc il­ Avas given, aviU doubtless bo liberally Coming Events. Sw2p. Huoii Det.ankv. ^MRbteniVwivM.Mti'Motheni., LTJr LINCOLN, replenished hy the proceeds. Justly proud of the AVork he put In on oltocemotory nearDoxtor,"Wnshtenaw county. lustrations. It is by tho combined talent of the "Military bill." Capt. Alonzo Dr. MaiohlBt's Uterlno Cathollcon will posi­ tho best Vctorlnry auHiors of tlio United I carry a fUU line of E. Bement & Son's RTESIAN AVELL BORER. RESIDENCE There will be an important business Notlee. " States, selicled witli their special rcfcreneo to A on Mill street, Mason. During this month County Treasurer Cheney, Avho has been sick for tAvo or Having bought oiit Mr.Hownrd, Itis ncees-: tively cure female 'wcaknoss, audi as Ihlilag their ntness for treating diseases thoy writo three Aveeks, Avas able to bo In com­ meeting of tlie Baptist society at the ofthe ATomb, whites, obronto Inflammation or 1 j Fctcunnua, Fob. 18. upon. It hns niso a Hointoopathy depart­ FARM TOOLS. Call and see me before buying. J. R. WORDEN, Bond has paid Jill ,300 on the state tax church next Saturday afternoon at 1:30 snry formetb have every dollar my duo.. I' Monzo Conklln cut one of his toes nearly of 1870, and $0,200 on tlie county in­ mand. ulceration of the-womb, ^Inoldealol'hemor­ ment, for treating domosUo nnfmnls In luldl- HE BARBER OF EXPERIENCE AND o'clock. The attendance of every want nad expect every ponion indebted to tho rhage or flooding, painful,'auppreosed and Ir­ oirtiio loth. tlon to tho regular praotico. The object of the skill, will bo found always rondy to wait debtedness to tho state. Tho money member Is desired. Inte Arm to call im)necllalely and settle either company seoms lo bo to sivo tho farmer a re­ Ton his patrons In tlio shop over city bakery. paid on the indebtedness came mostly Mrs. David Micklns, a colored avo- regular mon«tr«atloni"etc;' An> oldand rolla 'D), Hawley out ono of liis feet very badly a liable girlde nnd at tho same time It contains Ul man of Leslie, aged about fort.v years, by cosh or note nnd perhaps save trouhle. fovr, days ago. valuable informatioa which ordinarily would from tho sale of tho Sanders farm. Tho republican state convention tb bleremody. 'Head postal««rdfbr.a pamphlet, FARMERS' MUTUAL Buftfcreda horrible death on Monday. elect delegates to the national conven­ . •• .N.A.'DvKVtsa,with •tnatmsnt , ouroi 'and loertifl^tea from Hiram Perry has put a large stock of groccr- bo contained In flvo or six high priced books. RE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- Into ono of very moderate price. It is six C. E. SMITH, ASON, Imm county. Safest, cheapest, best. For Horatio Pratt, a former .judge of pro­ A pa.sser-by noticed smoke Issuing tion at Chicago, June 2, will be held at Never'iotin cold run. Toko it ln
