1 of timo and 'diiinagii whioh all will be ''it' equally fertile aihd valuable. ' tNeorlyall these swamps wore fonned' •qr caused I byibeavei's. The timo was - Thtirndgyjil'ebrnary. 12,il88Q.;, when thei'o wore no swamps;' Tho land LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST how covered by them was bottom-land, bearing a groAvtlni of. iswamp oiik, elm, soft nmpio, eto.,.with u brook running "'llioi^iibllioii or the iVrnincd through.: -Tho beavers came and built I.nndKor Iiiirliniii Coiiniy"—A Paper their dams, jond raised tho water o'C'er Itcniiniljrare'tHe MiMon rnrinerM* In the roots ot the • timber deep enough to NtltiiUs'Jniu 20, by I-I>. WooiltaouHc, kill it j, and in time the dead timber Connty UrulnCoiiiiulNiilonvr. fell and the poiid illled up Avltli vegeta­ ble matter until a soil was finally jn-o-" VOL. XXII.-NO. 8. Mil. PjlKSinENT, JjAUIES' and'Gen- duced for the present swamp growth. SHOFFMAN'S MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1880.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. WHOLE NO. 1102. 'I'tEJtEN :—It is .only I have a This is proved by finding the dams, flim^lielief'thht' thoro is li mine of aud by Unding in tho bottom of every It Will Pay Mason Business Diroctory. farm, two and one-half miles west of this city, public lecturer in tho United Kingdom of poll list. He didn't explain why ho opened The H. in. W. So. Clirar, '' i! wealHiuiideyelOp^^^^ swamp, no mutter what is its present to a Jlr. Freer ofAVashtoniiw county, aud will growth on the surface, the kinds of England, Bcotland und Ireland. Tho nation­ nil the boxes when tho poll-list could bo In Is tho delight of every, smoker—clour Havana j i; of tiiis.county, and tliat discussion and JKWKI.KIIN. Imvo ail auction sale next AVcdiiesday. al movement taking place, Iioontorodtlie po­ but one box. Tho witnesses for tlic defense fliled, at William's drug-store. ~ . ; ! \ 'iiivestigatibh ijy, .siieli bodies (if men as timber I have named buried deep—in lelialiod Tylor and Laura L. Footo wci-e litical arena, and became one of tho most sworo that tho poll list was In Iho state box fact at the bottom of tho muck. This Puui.tHiiKn Evniiv 'I'liiritsnAV Akteu- IAAH OUr.VEU, dealer In wntcheH, clocks, Wanted. ^ I; compose this ;ihstitiito must lead to a All who expect to want any­ _Jowelry, sllycrwiiro,^otn. UopiilrlUKjilono. married at the homo of the brido's parents In poworail advocates ofthe rights of the people. Olid that the city nnd ward boxes wero not is .almost Hlwnys the ciiso. You will KOON IIV E Money for Boots nnd Shoos. Webb has tho I i bettiir understanding, of wliat stop,s are thing in Alaiedon, Feb. 15, by Rev. Goo, D, Lee. Also In this country ho has met with distinguish­ opened until night, unless Edwnrds oponod {j necessary and Ijost adaptcjd to bring Hud the hard timber at the bottom, OTIS FULLER. C. HEUBV, Jeweler, and dealer in watehos, latter and wonts tho former. i though you may find, and frequently J. clocks,Jewelry, sllvcrwiiro, und musical attliesamo time and pluco, Peter 0. Footeiind ed success lis a lecturer, and the leeturo ho is thorn while gone to dinner. Edwnrds didn't M those lands under cultivation, tliat,,! instrumontJi. RepalrluK ii spoclnll.v. Call I Abba M. Gnnn.botli of Alaiedon. to deliver liero Is pronouniied by many tho know which bo.x contained tho poll list. I.oatt ; hivve con.'ierited to coiiib. before you and do, several generations of swamp tim­ ber above it. These swani]! landa-were flnest over put ou tho Amorican platform. It Such, In brief. Is tho most Important ovl Good hoolth, by running around with cold tiy to'give" wh'at aid .T can', by on 11 ing On ynr, tl.SO; tlx monthi, 75 csnli; thrae URlTOniNTN. Leslie longs for a gri.stmiil, and Loml almost entirely useless lor any iigricul- is Intensely Intorostiug, and abounds with dciice brought out, nnd If "well grounded sus­ foot whon you can buy a nice worm Overshoe attention to such iTuitters asiiavcconio monlhi, 40 ccnta—in advanoe. thinks tho business men of Ihnt vliiiigocan wit and humor. tural puT]>ose, and the little tliat could Domestic M. WILLIAMS, druKClstand apothocniT. iillbrd to put up a big bonus for the erection of picions of ballot-box stufllng" lainnot bo based so ohcop at AVobb's. I I to my notice; iirid'giving'cxprc.ssion to ADVERTISING RATES. • H. PrnscrlptloMs carefully coinpouiiilod. upon such ovidence. The News Is nojudge of 1)0 realized from their timber or pastur­ ono In pliu;e ofthe mill recently destroyed by Lumber Wnnted. I certain opinions I have formed upon age or (in the case of open marehes) Our advortlRlng rates are SKHI per column W. IIAIjSTEAD, dealer in drills, medl- tho English language, por year. Uuslnoss enrils tl u Ilue per yoar. clues, perfumery, fiiney KOods, notions. tire, provided it cannot be had witliout. "Mackrcll Potiit" Vindicated. UockElm.IUack Hickory, AVhItowood,BnsH- 1 j tho subject; and I taaist that your great the wild hay tiiat might-be cut uptui O Tho trial, which lasted two days, was In f liuslnosH loeals llvo eoiits per Hue eiieli and The exeeutivo commlttco of llic Ingiiam wood, nnd Oak, In exchange forblncksmllhlng, interest in tho,matter.may render you tliem, furnished but a' poor return for every Insertion. Dan Edwards wits a statesman, and many respects a farcical sido-sliow. Dan. »it«>(;EnN. County Agricultural sooloty Is iu session to­ carriage or cutter work. i lilind to all faults,- in,,the inanner in the capital locked up in tlieir purcbaao MarrlaRo, hlrtli, and dontli uotiecs ri'cc. Put on more airs than folks could stand; Edwards tonguo would wag In spite of the Dry Goods Obituary uotlcos, resolutions or respect, UNNING it HOWAUD,dealers In grocei- day at tho count-.v clerk's ofllco, and It will So Otis hold him to Uio light, and the taxes annually .paid, uj-on cards of tlmuks, cle., llvu ecnts a Hue. _jeB, crocUcry,jind provlslonSj^AHludreet. probablycontlmiotomorrow. .-Vrrangements protestations of tho court and tlio attorneys mt. B. F. Gniifriif. wliicli it iS;prcsentcd. , them. D Aud all tho pooplo saw his plight. on bcitli sides. Sanford dropped In frequent ; Thecounty oflJnghani is con'ipo.scd R. B. \V. IIAESTED & CO.^dealers Iu Bro- are being porfectcd for the next county fair. Thon Dau was mad aud called his dun Too Bnd! Burned Out! No InHnranoo ! suggestions In the hearing of thojury, whon Avoid this misfortune by insuring your i, ofsix'tueii townshiii.s, coiitaiuilig ' eovered, as they were, a considerable Anytliiio during tlio Kext Tlirco Moullis lo JOB PRINTING! D corles, dnpts, sowlni; maehln(!.s, etc., etc. In (•ompllnnce wiUi a general order. Lieu­ To help him squelch that Ma.son man. ii-'A,- common decency would hove suggested to property at onco AVithJ.C.Squlers. 80tf j ; -27,. acres, according lo the IJiiitcd portion of the year with water und de­ tenant A. AV. Mohan has Issued orders for tiio Now Otis on a farm was brod, iiinkotliclr I'lirelinses this Slontli. Stcnm Power, Now Presses, and Now Typo II04»TS ASil> NII«»EN. any other man the propriety of keeping still. FrnltTrecN. .St-atca survey. • Of these, ns hear as I caying vegetable siibstanccs, they were ouulJlo us to do .Tol) PrlntlUB on short members of Company K lo report at tho Ar­ And ho could tell a cabbage-head; Mr. NIohoIs urged a conviction on tho un­ You can getrellnblo fruit troos at wholesale fertile sources of malaria that would notlee, at low jirlecs, and In tlio of.AU & EUr.IvEU, dealers liri)W)Ts,"shocs mory on Monday, Fob. 23, at ono o'clock, He know tlie graceful pumpkin vino, : oaiidetcrinlnei about ouo-seventh, or iiilUinqry,and faney^KOods. Main street heard of plea that " the republlcnn party prices, b.v sending with my second annual load the ntino.sphere with tlic germs of P sharp, tojoiii In a public parade Iu fill 1 uni­ And boasts ot'gonus aslnlno. in the Uoigliborhood of. tilty thousand BEST POSSliJLE MANNER! would chip In and help pay the flne," and tho club order. Make out your list ou postal cord, sucli diseases us fever and ague, chill O. HUNTINGTON, e.xeliislvo dealer ii form, to honor the mciuory of George AVash- And from the sequel It appears acres, wiiH originally swamp land, or C. Iiool.s and shoes. Hcpalrlnn done cheap disorderly rabble of confederate sympathizers send to me, and I will give you prices and land wliic!i,in a state of nature,wiw too fever, and others of a IclndrotI nature ; ]tii8iiics8 Cards. Ington. Ho always know them by their oars. gothorod in from Mnckrell point nnd tho ICE I1U08, manufaeture and repiilr boots terms. I have on my fruit farm a quontlty ol I wet i'or cultivation, and reriuirod somo and scattered ns they were all over the It Impponcd onco that Dan resolved. " copper regions" contiguous to the " WIzord's county, few would eacapti their influ­ THET ARE SURE TO BE A'rT«»KNKYN. R and slioo.i. .Shop in express hiilUlliiij; .loliii R. Clark delivered his popular locturo As he round MookroU Point revolved, evergreens from one to four loot high, twlco I artilieiai drainage to render it siiitalile onlltlc/l, "Tonnd Fro lii Loudon," to a largo den," clieorod tho prosocutlon repeatedly, transplanted, for salo at" let llvo" prices. Al- , ' to raise.tliq various crops wliicli arc cul- ence.
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